# Copyright 2010 Sean Cribbs, Sonian Inc., and Basho Technologies, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'riak' require 'tempfile' require 'expect' require 'open3' require 'riak/util/tcp_socket_extensions' module Riak class TestServer APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS = { :riak_core => { :web_ip => "", :web_port => 9000, :handoff_port => 9001, :ring_creation_size => 64 }, :riak_kv => { :storage_backend => :riak_kv_test_backend, :pb_ip => "", :pb_port => 9002, :js_vm_count => 8, :js_max_vm_mem => 8, :js_thread_stack => 16, :riak_kv_stat => true }, :luwak => { :enabled => false } } VM_ARGS_DEFAULTS = { "-name" => "riaktest#{rand(1000000).to_s}@", "-setcookie" => "#{rand(1000000).to_s}_#{rand(1000000).to_s}", "+K" => true, "+A" => 64, "-smp" => "enable", "-env ERL_MAX_PORTS" => 4096, "-env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER" => 10, "-pa" => File.expand_path("../../../erl_src", __FILE__) } DEFAULTS = { :app_config => APP_CONFIG_DEFAULTS, :vm_args => VM_ARGS_DEFAULTS, :temp_dir => File.join(Dir.tmpdir,'riaktest'), } attr_accessor :temp_dir, :app_config, :vm_args, :cin, :cout, :cerr, :cpid def initialize(options={}) options = deep_merge(DEFAULTS.dup, options) @temp_dir = File.expand_path(options[:temp_dir]) @bin_dir = File.expand_path(options[:bin_dir]) options[:app_config][:riak_core][:ring_state_dir] ||= File.join(@temp_dir, "data", "ring") @app_config = options[:app_config] @vm_args = options[:vm_args] # For synchronizing start/stop/recycle @mutex = Mutex.new end # Sets up the proper scripts, configuration and directories for # the test server. Call at the top of your test suite (not in a # setup method). def prepare! unless @prepared create_temp_directories @riak_script = File.join(@temp_bin, 'riak') write_riak_script write_vm_args write_app_config @prepared = true end end # Starts the test server if it is not already running, and waits # for it to respond to pings. def start if @prepared && !@started @mutex.synchronize do @cin, @cout, @cerr, @cpid = Open3.popen3("#{@riak_script} console") @cin.puts @cin.flush wait_for_erlang_prompt @started = true end end end # Stops the test server if it is running. def stop if @started @mutex.synchronize do begin @cin.puts "init:stop()." @cin.flush rescue Errno::EPIPE ensure register_stop end end true end end # Whether the server has been started. def started? @started end # Causes the entire contents of the Riak in-memory backends to be # dumped by performing a soft restart. def recycle if @started @mutex.synchronize do begin if @app_config[:riak_kv][:storage_backend] == :riak_kv_test_backend @cin.puts "riak_kv_test_backend:reset()." @cin.flush wait_for_erlang_prompt else @cin.puts "init:restart()." @cin.flush wait_for_erlang_prompt wait_for_startup end rescue Errno::EPIPE warn "Broken pipe when recycling, is Riak alive?" register_stop return false end end true else start end end # Cleans up any files and directories generated by the test # server. def cleanup stop if @started FileUtils.rm_rf(@temp_dir) @prepared = false end private def create_temp_directories %w{bin etc log data pipe}.each do |dir| instance_variable_set("@temp_#{dir}", File.expand_path(File.join(@temp_dir, dir))) FileUtils.mkdir_p(instance_variable_get("@temp_#{dir}")) end end def write_riak_script File.open(@riak_script, 'wb') do |f| File.readlines(File.join(@bin_dir, 'riak')).each do |line| line.sub!(/(RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR=)(.*)/, '\1' + @temp_bin) line.sub!(/(RUNNER_ETC_DIR=)(.*)/, '\1' + @temp_etc) line.sub!(/(RUNNER_USER=)(.*)/, '\1') line.sub!(/(RUNNER_LOG_DIR=)(.*)/, '\1' + @temp_log) line.sub!(/(PIPE_DIR=)(.*)/, '\1' + @temp_pipe) if line.strip == "RUNNER_BASE_DIR=${RUNNER_SCRIPT_DIR%/*}" line = "RUNNER_BASE_DIR=#{File.expand_path("..",@bin_dir)}\n" end f.write line end end FileUtils.chmod(0755,@riak_script) end def write_vm_args File.open(File.join(@temp_etc, 'vm.args'), 'wb') do |f| f.write @vm_args.map {|k,v| "#{k} #{v}" }.join("\n") end end def write_app_config File.open(File.join(@temp_etc, 'app.config'), 'wb') do |f| f.write to_erlang_config(@app_config) + '.' end end def deep_merge(source, target) source.merge(target) do |key, old_val, new_val| if Hash === old_val && Hash === new_val deep_merge(old_val, new_val) else new_val end end end def to_erlang_config(hash, depth = 1) padding = ' ' * depth parent_padding = ' ' * (depth-1) values = hash.map do |k,v| printable = case v when Hash to_erlang_config(v, depth+1) when String "\"#{v}\"" else v.to_s end "{#{k}, #{printable}}" end.join(",\n#{padding}") "[\n#{padding}#{values}\n#{parent_padding}]" end def wait_for_startup TCPSocket.wait_for_service_with_timeout(:host => @app_config[:riak_core][:web_ip], :port => @app_config[:riak_core][:web_port], :timeout => 10) end def wait_for_erlang_prompt @cout.expect(/\(#{Regexp.escape(vm_args["-name"])}\)\d+>/) end def register_stop %w{@cin @cout @cerr}.each {|io| if instance_variable_get(io); instance_variable_get(io).close; instance_variable_set(io, nil) end } _cpid = @cpid; @cpid = nil at_exit { _cpid.join if _cpid && _cpid.alive? } @started = false end end end