// Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available. // // Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip. // // Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except // in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed // under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. #define RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_VERBOSE 0 #include "unittest.h" #include "rapidjson/schema.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" #include "rapidjson/error/error.h" #include "rapidjson/error/en.h" #ifdef __clang__ RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(variadic-macros) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) RAPIDJSON_DIAG_PUSH RAPIDJSON_DIAG_OFF(4822) // local class member function does not have a body #endif using namespace rapidjson; #define TEST_HASHER(json1, json2, expected) \ {\ Document d1, d2;\ d1.Parse(json1);\ ASSERT_FALSE(d1.HasParseError());\ d2.Parse(json2);\ ASSERT_FALSE(d2.HasParseError());\ internal::Hasher h1, h2;\ d1.Accept(h1);\ d2.Accept(h2);\ ASSERT_TRUE(h1.IsValid());\ ASSERT_TRUE(h2.IsValid());\ /*printf("%s: 0x%016llx\n%s: 0x%016llx\n\n", json1, h1.GetHashCode(), json2, h2.GetHashCode());*/\ EXPECT_TRUE(expected == (h1.GetHashCode() == h2.GetHashCode()));\ } TEST(SchemaValidator, Hasher) { TEST_HASHER("null", "null", true); TEST_HASHER("true", "true", true); TEST_HASHER("false", "false", true); TEST_HASHER("true", "false", false); TEST_HASHER("false", "true", false); TEST_HASHER("true", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("false", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("1", "1", true); TEST_HASHER("2147483648", "2147483648", true); // 2^31 can only be fit in unsigned TEST_HASHER("-2147483649", "-2147483649", true); // -2^31 - 1 can only be fit in int64_t TEST_HASHER("2147483648", "2147483648", true); // 2^31 can only be fit in unsigned TEST_HASHER("4294967296", "4294967296", true); // 2^32 can only be fit in int64_t TEST_HASHER("9223372036854775808", "9223372036854775808", true); // 2^63 can only be fit in uint64_t TEST_HASHER("1.5", "1.5", true); TEST_HASHER("1", "1.0", true); TEST_HASHER("1", "-1", false); TEST_HASHER("0.0", "-0.0", false); TEST_HASHER("1", "true", false); TEST_HASHER("0", "false", false); TEST_HASHER("0", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("\"\"", "\"\"", true); TEST_HASHER("\"\"", "\"\\u0000\"", false); TEST_HASHER("\"Hello\"", "\"Hello\"", true); TEST_HASHER("\"Hello\"", "\"World\"", false); TEST_HASHER("\"Hello\"", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("\"Hello\\u0000\"", "\"Hello\"", false); TEST_HASHER("\"\"", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("\"\"", "true", false); TEST_HASHER("\"\"", "false", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "[ ]", true); TEST_HASHER("[1, true, false]", "[1, true, false]", true); TEST_HASHER("[1, true, false]", "[1, true]", false); TEST_HASHER("[1, 2]", "[2, 1]", false); TEST_HASHER("[[1], 2]", "[[1, 2]]", false); TEST_HASHER("[1, 2]", "[1, [2]]", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "true", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "false", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "0", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "0.0", false); TEST_HASHER("[]", "\"\"", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "{ }", true); TEST_HASHER("{\"a\":1}", "{\"a\":1}", true); TEST_HASHER("{\"a\":1}", "{\"b\":1}", false); TEST_HASHER("{\"a\":1}", "{\"a\":2}", false); TEST_HASHER("{\"a\":1, \"b\":2}", "{\"b\":2, \"a\":1}", true); // Member order insensitive TEST_HASHER("{}", "null", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "false", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "true", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "0", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "0.0", false); TEST_HASHER("{}", "\"\"", false); } // Test cases following http://spacetelescope.github.io/understanding-json-schema #define VALIDATE(schema, json, expected) \ {\ SchemaValidator validator(schema);\ Document d;\ /*printf("\n%s\n", json);*/\ d.Parse(json);\ EXPECT_FALSE(d.HasParseError());\ EXPECT_TRUE(expected == d.Accept(validator));\ EXPECT_TRUE(expected == validator.IsValid());\ ValidateErrorCode code = validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode();\ if (expected) {\ EXPECT_TRUE(code == kValidateErrorNone);\ EXPECT_TRUE(validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() == 0);\ }\ if ((expected) && !validator.IsValid()) {\ StringBuffer sb;\ validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb);\ printf("Invalid schema: %s\n", sb.GetString());\ printf("Invalid keyword: %s\n", validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword());\ printf("Invalid code: %d\n", code);\ printf("Invalid message: %s\n", GetValidateError_En(code));\ sb.Clear();\ validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb);\ printf("Invalid document: %s\n", sb.GetString());\ sb.Clear();\ Writer w(sb);\ validator.GetError().Accept(w);\ printf("Validation error: %s\n", sb.GetString());\ }\ } #define INVALIDATE(schema, json, invalidSchemaPointer, invalidSchemaKeyword, invalidDocumentPointer, error) \ {\ INVALIDATE_(schema, json, invalidSchemaPointer, invalidSchemaKeyword, invalidDocumentPointer, error, kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidator, Pointer) \ } #define INVALIDATE_(schema, json, invalidSchemaPointer, invalidSchemaKeyword, invalidDocumentPointer, error, \ flags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType) \ {\ SchemaValidatorType validator(schema);\ validator.SetValidateFlags(flags);\ Document d;\ /*printf("\n%s\n", json);*/\ d.Parse(json);\ EXPECT_FALSE(d.HasParseError());\ d.Accept(validator);\ EXPECT_FALSE(validator.IsValid());\ ValidateErrorCode code = validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode();\ ASSERT_TRUE(code != kValidateErrorNone);\ ASSERT_TRUE(strcmp(GetValidateError_En(code), "Unknown error.") != 0);\ if (validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer() != PointerType(invalidSchemaPointer)) {\ StringBuffer sb;\ validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer().Stringify(sb);\ printf("GetInvalidSchemaPointer() Expected: %s Actual: %s\n", invalidSchemaPointer, sb.GetString());\ ADD_FAILURE();\ }\ ASSERT_TRUE(validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() != 0);\ if (strcmp(validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword(), invalidSchemaKeyword) != 0) {\ printf("GetInvalidSchemaKeyword() Expected: %s Actual %s\n", invalidSchemaKeyword, validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword());\ ADD_FAILURE();\ }\ if (validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer() != PointerType(invalidDocumentPointer)) {\ StringBuffer sb;\ validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer().Stringify(sb);\ printf("GetInvalidDocumentPointer() Expected: %s Actual: %s\n", invalidDocumentPointer, sb.GetString());\ ADD_FAILURE();\ }\ Document e;\ e.Parse(error);\ if (validator.GetError() != e) {\ StringBuffer sb;\ Writer w(sb);\ validator.GetError().Accept(w);\ printf("GetError() Expected: %s Actual: %s\n", error, sb.GetString());\ ADD_FAILURE();\ }\ } TEST(SchemaValidator, Typeless) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"I'm a string\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"an\": [ \"arbitrarily\", \"nested\" ], \"data\": \"structure\" }", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, MultiType) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"type\": [\"number\", \"string\"] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"Life, the universe, and everything\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[\"Life\", \"the universe\", \"and everything\"]", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\", \"number\"], \"actual\": \"array\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Enum_Typed) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"type\": \"string\", \"enum\" : [\"red\", \"amber\", \"green\"] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"red\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"blue\"", "", "enum", "", "{ \"enum\": { \"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\" }}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Enum_Typless) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"enum\": [\"red\", \"amber\", \"green\", null, 42] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"red\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "null", true); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); INVALIDATE(s, "0", "", "enum", "", "{ \"enum\": { \"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\" }}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Enum_InvalidType) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"type\": \"string\", \"enum\": [\"red\", \"amber\", \"green\", null] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"red\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "null", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"null\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, AllOf) { { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"allOf\": [{ \"type\": \"string\" }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"maxLength\": 5 }]}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"ok\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"too long\"", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {}," " {\"maxLength\": {\"errorCode\": 6, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/1\", \"expected\": 5, \"actual\": \"too long\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" "}}"); } { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"allOf\": [{ \"type\": \"string\" }, { \"type\": \"number\" } ] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"No way\"", false); INVALIDATE(s, "-1", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {\"type\": { \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/0\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"}}," " {}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" "}}"); } } TEST(SchemaValidator, AnyOf) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"anyOf\": [{ \"type\": \"string\" }, { \"type\": \"number\" } ] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"Yes\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"Not a\": \"string or number\" }", "", "anyOf", "", "{ \"anyOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 24," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\", " " \"errors\": [" " { \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/anyOf/0\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"object\"" " }}," " { \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/anyOf/1\"," " \"expected\": [\"number\"], \"actual\": \"object\"" " }}" " ]" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, OneOf) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"oneOf\": [{ \"type\": \"number\", \"multipleOf\": 5 }, { \"type\": \"number\", \"multipleOf\": 3 } ] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "10", true); VALIDATE(s, "9", true); INVALIDATE(s, "2", "", "oneOf", "", "{ \"oneOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 21," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"errors\": [" " { \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/oneOf/0\"," " \"expected\": 5, \"actual\": 2" " }}," " { \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/oneOf/1\"," " \"expected\": 3, \"actual\": 2" " }}" " ]" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "15", "", "oneOf", "", "{ \"oneOf\": { \"errorCode\": 22, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\", \"errors\": [{}, {}]}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Not) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"not\":{ \"type\": \"string\"}}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"key\": \"value\" }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"I am a string\"", "", "not", "", "{ \"not\": { \"errorCode\": 25, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\" }}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\"," "" " \"definitions\": {" " \"address\": {" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"street_address\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"city\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"state\": { \"type\": \"string\" }" " }," " \"required\": [\"street_address\", \"city\", \"state\"]" " }" " }," " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"billing_address\": { \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/address\" }," " \"shipping_address\": { \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/address\" }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"shipping_address\": {\"street_address\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW\", \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\"}, \"billing_address\": {\"street_address\": \"1st Street SE\", \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\"} }", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_AllOf) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"$schema\": \"http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#\"," "" " \"definitions\": {" " \"address\": {" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"street_address\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"city\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"state\": { \"type\": \"string\" }" " }," " \"required\": [\"street_address\", \"city\", \"state\"]" " }" " }," " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"billing_address\": { \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/address\" }," " \"shipping_address\": {" " \"allOf\": [" " { \"$ref\": \"#/definitions/address\" }," " { \"properties\":" " { \"type\": { \"enum\": [ \"residential\", \"business\" ] } }," " \"required\": [\"type\"]" " }" " ]" " }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "{\"shipping_address\": {\"street_address\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW\", \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\"} }", "/properties/shipping_address", "allOf", "/shipping_address", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {}," " {\"required\": {\"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#/shipping_address\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/shipping_address/allOf/1\", \"missing\": [\"type\"]}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\":23,\"instanceRef\":\"#/shipping_address\",\"schemaRef\":\"#/properties/shipping_address\"" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "{\"shipping_address\": {\"street_address\": \"1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW\", \"city\": \"Washington\", \"state\": \"DC\", \"type\": \"business\"} }", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, String) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"I'm a string\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "42", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "2147483648", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); // 2^31 can only be fit in unsigned INVALIDATE(s, "-2147483649", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); // -2^31 - 1 can only be fit in int64_t INVALIDATE(s, "4294967296", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); // 2^32 can only be fit in int64_t INVALIDATE(s, "3.1415926", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"number\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, String_LengthRange) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\",\"minLength\":2,\"maxLength\":3}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "\"A\"", "", "minLength", "", "{ \"minLength\": {" " \"errorCode\": 7," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 2, \"actual\": \"A\"" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "\"AB\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"ABC\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"ABCD\"", "", "maxLength", "", "{ \"maxLength\": {" " \"errorCode\": 6," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 3, \"actual\": \"ABCD\"" "}}"); } #if RAPIDJSON_SCHEMA_HAS_REGEX TEST(SchemaValidator, String_Pattern) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\",\"pattern\":\"^(\\\\([0-9]{3}\\\\))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"555-1212\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"(888)555-1212\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"(888)555-1212 ext. 532\"", "", "pattern", "", "{ \"pattern\": {" " \"errorCode\": 8," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"actual\": \"(888)555-1212 ext. 532\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"(800)FLOWERS\"", "", "pattern", "", "{ \"pattern\": {" " \"errorCode\": 8," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"actual\": \"(800)FLOWERS\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, String_Pattern_Invalid) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\",\"pattern\":\"a{0}\"}"); // TODO: report regex is invalid somehow SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"a\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"aa\"", true); } #endif TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); VALIDATE(s, "-1", true); VALIDATE(s, "2147483648", true); // 2^31 can only be fit in unsigned VALIDATE(s, "-2147483649", true); // -2^31 - 1 can only be fit in int64_t VALIDATE(s, "2147483648", true); // 2^31 can only be fit in unsigned VALIDATE(s, "4294967296", true); // 2^32 can only be fit in int64_t INVALIDATE(s, "3.1415926", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"number\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"42\"", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_Range) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"minimum\":0,\"maximum\":100,\"exclusiveMaximum\":true}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "-1", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 0, \"actual\": -1" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "0", true); VALIDATE(s, "10", true); VALIDATE(s, "99", true); INVALIDATE(s, "100", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 3," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 100, \"exclusiveMaximum\": true, \"actual\": 100" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "101", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 3," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 100, \"exclusiveMaximum\": true, \"actual\": 101" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_Range64Boundary) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"minimum\":-9223372036854775807,\"maximum\":9223372036854775806}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "-9223372036854775808", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": -9223372036854775807, \"actual\": -9223372036854775808" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "-9223372036854775807", true); VALIDATE(s, "-2147483648", true); // int min VALIDATE(s, "0", true); VALIDATE(s, "2147483647", true); // int max VALIDATE(s, "2147483648", true); // unsigned first VALIDATE(s, "4294967295", true); // unsigned max VALIDATE(s, "9223372036854775806", true); INVALIDATE(s, "9223372036854775807", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 2," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775806, \"actual\": 9223372036854775807" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551615", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 2," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775806, \"actual\": 18446744073709551615" "}}"); // uint64_t max } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_RangeU64Boundary) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"minimum\":9223372036854775808,\"maximum\":18446744073709551614}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "-9223372036854775808", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": -9223372036854775808" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "9223372036854775807", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": 9223372036854775807" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "-2147483648", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": -2147483648" "}}"); // int min INVALIDATE(s, "0", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": 0" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "2147483647", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": 2147483647" "}}"); // int max INVALIDATE(s, "2147483648", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": 2147483648" "}}"); // unsigned first INVALIDATE(s, "4294967295", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 9223372036854775808, \"actual\": 4294967295" "}}"); // unsigned max VALIDATE(s, "9223372036854775808", true); VALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551614", true); INVALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551615", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 2," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 18446744073709551614, \"actual\": 18446744073709551615" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_Range64BoundaryExclusive) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"minimum\":-9223372036854775808,\"maximum\":18446744073709551615,\"exclusiveMinimum\":true,\"exclusiveMaximum\":true}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "-9223372036854775808", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 5," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": -9223372036854775808, \"exclusiveMinimum\": true, " " \"actual\": -9223372036854775808" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "-9223372036854775807", true); VALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551614", true); INVALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551615", "", "maximum", "", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 3," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 18446744073709551615, \"exclusiveMaximum\": true, " " \"actual\": 18446744073709551615" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_MultipleOf) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"multipleOf\":10}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "0", true); VALIDATE(s, "10", true); VALIDATE(s, "-10", true); VALIDATE(s, "20", true); INVALIDATE(s, "23", "", "multipleOf", "", "{ \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 10, \"actual\": 23" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "-23", "", "multipleOf", "", "{ \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 10, \"actual\": -23" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Integer_MultipleOf64Boundary) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"integer\",\"multipleOf\":18446744073709551615}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "0", true); VALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551615", true); INVALIDATE(s, "18446744073709551614", "", "multipleOf", "", "{ \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 18446744073709551615, \"actual\": 18446744073709551614" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Number_Range) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"number\",\"minimum\":0,\"maximum\":100,\"exclusiveMaximum\":true}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "-1", "", "minimum", "", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 0, \"actual\": -1" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "0", true); 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} TEST(SchemaValidator, Object_PatternProperties_ErrorConflict) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"patternProperties\": {" " \"^I_\": { \"multipleOf\": 5 }," " \"30$\": { \"multipleOf\": 6 }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_30\": 30 }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_30\": 7 }", "", "patternProperties", "/I_30", "{ \"multipleOf\": [" " {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/I_30\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/patternProperties/%5EI_\"," " \"expected\": 5, \"actual\": 7" " }, {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/I_30\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/patternProperties/30%24\"," " \"expected\": 6, \"actual\": 7" " }" "]}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Object_Properties_PatternProperties) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"I_42\": { \"type\": \"integer\", \"minimum\": 73 }" " }," " \"patternProperties\": {" " \"^I_\": { \"type\": \"integer\", \"multipleOf\": 6 }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_6\": 6 }", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_42\": 78 }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_42\": 42 }", "", "patternProperties", "/I_42", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/I_42\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/I_42\"," " \"expected\": 73, \"actual\": 42" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_42\": 7 }", "", "patternProperties", "/I_42", "{ \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 4," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/I_42\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/I_42\"," " \"expected\": 73, \"actual\": 7" " }," " \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/I_42\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/patternProperties/%5EI_\"," " \"expected\": 6, \"actual\": 7" " }" "}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Object_PatternProperties_AdditionalPropertiesObject) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"builtin\": { \"type\": \"number\" }" " }," " \"patternProperties\": {" " \"^S_\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"^I_\": { \"type\": \"integer\" }" " }," " \"additionalProperties\": { \"type\": \"string\" }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"builtin\": 42 }", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"keyword\": \"value\" }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"keyword\": 42 }", "/additionalProperties", "type", "/keyword", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/keyword\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/additionalProperties\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); } // Replaces test Issue285 and tests failure as well as success TEST(SchemaValidator, Object_PatternProperties_AdditionalPropertiesBoolean) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"patternProperties\": {" " \"^S_\": { \"type\": \"string\" }," " \"^I_\": { \"type\": \"integer\" }" " }," " \"additionalProperties\": false" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"S_25\": \"This is a string\" }", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"I_0\": 42 }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"keyword\": \"value\" }", "", "additionalProperties", "/keyword", "{ \"additionalProperties\": {" " \"errorCode\": 16," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"disallowed\": \"keyword\"" "}}"); } #endif TEST(SchemaValidator, Array) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"array\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", true); VALIDATE(s, "[3, \"different\", { \"types\" : \"of values\" }]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{\"Not\": \"an array\"}", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"array\"], \"actual\": \"object\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Array_ItemsList) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"array\"," " \"items\" : {" " \"type\": \"number\"" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, \"3\", 4, 5]", "/items", "type", "/2", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/2\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items\"," " \"expected\": [\"number\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "[]", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Array_ItemsTuple) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"array\"," " \"items\": [" " {" " \"type\": \"number\"" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"enum\": [\"Street\", \"Avenue\", \"Boulevard\"]" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"enum\": [\"NW\", \"NE\", \"SW\", \"SE\"]" " }" " ]" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[1600, \"Pennsylvania\", \"Avenue\", \"NW\"]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[24, \"Sussex\", \"Drive\"]", "/items/2", "enum", "/2", "{ \"enum\": { \"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#/2\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items/2\" }}"); INVALIDATE(s, "[\"Palais de l'Elysee\"]", "/items/0", "type", "/0", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/0\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items/0\"," " \"expected\": [\"number\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "[\"Twenty-four\", \"Sussex\", \"Drive\"]", "/items/0", "type", "/0", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/0\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items/0\"," " \"expected\": [\"number\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); // fail fast VALIDATE(s, "[10, \"Downing\", \"Street\"]", true); VALIDATE(s, "[1600, \"Pennsylvania\", \"Avenue\", \"NW\", \"Washington\"]", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Array_AdditionalItems) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"array\"," " \"items\": [" " {" " \"type\": \"number\"" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"enum\": [\"Street\", \"Avenue\", \"Boulevard\"]" " }," " {" " \"type\": \"string\"," " \"enum\": [\"NW\", \"NE\", \"SW\", \"SE\"]" " }" " ]," " \"additionalItems\": false" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[1600, \"Pennsylvania\", \"Avenue\", \"NW\"]", true); VALIDATE(s, "[1600, \"Pennsylvania\", \"Avenue\"]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[1600, \"Pennsylvania\", \"Avenue\", \"NW\", \"Washington\"]", "", "additionalItems", "/4", "{ \"additionalItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 12," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"disallowed\": 4" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Array_ItemsRange) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"array\",\"minItems\": 2,\"maxItems\" : 3}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "[]", "", "minItems", "", "{ \"minItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 10," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 2, \"actual\": 0" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "[1]", "", "minItems", "", "{ \"minItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 10," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 2, \"actual\": 1" "}}"); VALIDATE(s, "[1, 2]", true); VALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 4]", "", "maxItems", "", "{ \"maxItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 9," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 3, \"actual\": 4" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Array_UniqueItems) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\": \"array\", \"uniqueItems\": true}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 3, 4]", "", "uniqueItems", "/3", "{ \"uniqueItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 11," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"duplicates\": [2, 3]" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "[1, 2, 3, 3, 3]", "", "uniqueItems", "/3", "{ \"uniqueItems\": {" " \"errorCode\": 11," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"duplicates\": [2, 3]" "}}"); // fail fast VALIDATE(s, "[]", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Boolean) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"boolean\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "true", true); VALIDATE(s, "false", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"true\"", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"boolean\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "0", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"boolean\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Null) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"null\"}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "null", true); INVALIDATE(s, "false", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"null\"], \"actual\": \"boolean\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "0", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"null\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"\"", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"null\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); } // Additional tests TEST(SchemaValidator, ObjectInArray) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"array\", \"items\": { \"type\":\"string\" }}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "[\"a\"]", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[1]", "/items", "type", "/0", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/0\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "[{}]", "/items", "type", "/0", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/0\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/items\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"object\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, MultiTypeInObject) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\":\"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"tel\" : {" " \"type\":[\"integer\", \"string\"]" " }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"tel\": 999 }", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"tel\": \"123-456\" }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"tel\": true }", "/properties/tel", "type", "/tel", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/tel\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/tel\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\", \"integer\"], \"actual\": \"boolean\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, MultiTypeWithObject) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": [\"object\",\"string\"]," " \"properties\": {" " \"tel\" : {" " \"type\": \"integer\"" " }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"Hello\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "{ \"tel\": 999 }", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{ \"tel\": \"fail\" }", "/properties/tel", "type", "/tel", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/tel\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/tel\"," " \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"string\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, AllOf_Nested) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"allOf\": [" " { \"type\": \"string\", \"minLength\": 2 }," " { \"type\": \"string\", \"maxLength\": 5 }," " { \"allOf\": [ { \"enum\" : [\"ok\", \"okay\", \"OK\", \"o\"] }, { \"enum\" : [\"ok\", \"OK\", \"o\"]} ] }" " ]" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"ok\"", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"OK\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "\"okay\"", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {},{}," " { \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {}," " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/1\" }}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2\"" " }}]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"o\"", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " { \"minLength\": {\"actual\": \"o\", \"expected\": 2, \"errorCode\": 7, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/0\" }}," " {},{}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"n\"", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " { \"minLength\": {\"actual\": \"n\", \"expected\": 2, \"errorCode\": 7, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/0\" }}," " {}," " { \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19 ,\"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/0\"}}," " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/1\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2\"" " }}" " ]," " \"errorCode\":23,\"instanceRef\":\"#\",\"schemaRef\":\"#\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "\"too long\"", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {}," " { \"maxLength\": {\"actual\": \"too long\", \"expected\": 5, \"errorCode\": 6, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/1\" }}," " { \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19 ,\"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/0\"}}," " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/1\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2\"" " }}" " ]," " \"errorCode\":23,\"instanceRef\":\"#\",\"schemaRef\":\"#\"" "}}"); INVALIDATE(s, "123", "", "allOf", "", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {\"type\": {\"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/0\"}}," " {\"type\": {\"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/1\"}}," " { \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19 ,\"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/0\"}}," " { \"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2/allOf/1\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/allOf/2\"" " }}" " ]," " \"errorCode\":23,\"instanceRef\":\"#\",\"schemaRef\":\"#\"" "}}"); } TEST(SchemaValidator, EscapedPointer) { Document sd; sd.Parse( "{" " \"type\": \"object\"," " \"properties\": {" " \"~/\": { \"type\": \"number\" }" " }" "}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE(s, "{\"~/\":true}", "/properties/~0~1", "type", "/~0~1", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#/~0~1\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/~0~1\"," " \"expected\": [\"number\"], \"actual\": \"boolean\"" "}}"); } template static char* ReadFile(const char* filename, Allocator& allocator) { const char *paths[] = { "", "bin/", "../bin/", "../../bin/", "../../../bin/" }; char buffer[1024]; FILE *fp = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(paths) / sizeof(paths[0]); i++) { sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", paths[i], filename); fp = fopen(buffer, "rb"); if (fp) break; } if (!fp) return 0; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); size_t length = static_cast(ftell(fp)); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); char* json = reinterpret_cast(allocator.Malloc(length + 1)); size_t readLength = fread(json, 1, length, fp); json[readLength] = '\0'; fclose(fp); return json; } TEST(SchemaValidator, ValidateMetaSchema) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* json = ReadFile("draft-04/schema", allocator); Document d; d.Parse(json); ASSERT_FALSE(d.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument sd(d); SchemaValidator validator(sd); d.Accept(validator); if (!validator.IsValid()) { StringBuffer sb; validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); printf("Invalid schema: %s\n", sb.GetString()); printf("Invalid keyword: %s\n", validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword()); printf("Invalid code: %d\n", validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode()); printf("Invalid message: %s\n", GetValidateError_En(validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode())); sb.Clear(); validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); printf("Invalid document: %s\n", sb.GetString()); sb.Clear(); Writer w(sb); validator.GetError().Accept(w); printf("Validation error: %s\n", sb.GetString()); ADD_FAILURE(); } CrtAllocator::Free(json); } TEST(SchemaValidator, ValidateMetaSchema_UTF16) { typedef GenericDocument > D; typedef GenericSchemaDocument SD; typedef GenericSchemaValidator SV; CrtAllocator allocator; char* json = ReadFile("draft-04/schema", allocator); D d; StringStream ss(json); d.ParseStream<0, UTF8<> >(ss); ASSERT_FALSE(d.HasParseError()); SD sd(d); SV validator(sd); d.Accept(validator); if (!validator.IsValid()) { GenericStringBuffer > sb; validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); wprintf(L"Invalid schema: %ls\n", sb.GetString()); wprintf(L"Invalid keyword: %ls\n", validator.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword()); sb.Clear(); validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer().StringifyUriFragment(sb); wprintf(L"Invalid document: %ls\n", sb.GetString()); sb.Clear(); Writer >, UTF16<> > w(sb); validator.GetError().Accept(w); printf("Validation error: %ls\n", sb.GetString()); ADD_FAILURE(); } CrtAllocator::Free(json); } template class RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider : public IGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider { public: RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider() : documentAllocator_(documentBuffer_, sizeof(documentBuffer_)), schemaAllocator_(schemaBuffer_, sizeof(schemaBuffer_)) { const char* filenames[kCount] = { "jsonschema/remotes/integer.json", "jsonschema/remotes/subSchemas.json", "jsonschema/remotes/folder/folderInteger.json", "draft-04/schema", "unittestschema/address.json" }; const char* uris[kCount] = { "http://localhost:1234/integer.json", "http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json", "http://localhost:1234/folder/folderInteger.json", "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema", "http://localhost:1234/address.json" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; i++) { sd_[i] = 0; char jsonBuffer[8192]; MemoryPoolAllocator<> jsonAllocator(jsonBuffer, sizeof(jsonBuffer)); char* json = ReadFile(filenames[i], jsonAllocator); if (!json) { printf("json remote file %s not found", filenames[i]); ADD_FAILURE(); } else { char stackBuffer[4096]; MemoryPoolAllocator<> stackAllocator(stackBuffer, sizeof(stackBuffer)); DocumentType d(&documentAllocator_, 1024, &stackAllocator); d.Parse(json); sd_[i] = new SchemaDocumentType(d, uris[i], static_cast(strlen(uris[i])), 0, &schemaAllocator_); MemoryPoolAllocator<>::Free(json); } }; } ~RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider() { for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; i++) delete sd_[i]; } virtual const SchemaDocumentType* GetRemoteDocument(const char* uri, SizeType length) { for (size_t i = 0; i < kCount; i++) if (typename SchemaDocumentType::URIType(uri, length) == sd_[i]->GetURI()) return sd_[i]; return 0; } private: typedef GenericDocument, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > DocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider(const RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider&); RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider& operator=(const RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider&); static const size_t kCount = 5; SchemaDocumentType* sd_[kCount]; typename DocumentType::AllocatorType documentAllocator_; typename SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType schemaAllocator_; char documentBuffer_[16384]; char schemaBuffer_[128u * 1024]; }; TEST(SchemaValidator, TestSuite) { const char* filenames[] = { "additionalItems.json", "additionalProperties.json", "allOf.json", "anyOf.json", "default.json", "definitions.json", "dependencies.json", "enum.json", "items.json", "maximum.json", "maxItems.json", "maxLength.json", "maxProperties.json", "minimum.json", "minItems.json", "minLength.json", "minProperties.json", "multipleOf.json", "not.json", "oneOf.json", "pattern.json", "patternProperties.json", "properties.json", "ref.json", "refRemote.json", "required.json", "type.json", "uniqueItems.json" }; const char* onlyRunDescription = 0; //const char* onlyRunDescription = "a string is a string"; unsigned testCount = 0; unsigned passCount = 0; typedef GenericSchemaDocument > SchemaDocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider provider; char jsonBuffer[65536]; char documentBuffer[65536]; char documentStackBuffer[65536]; char schemaBuffer[65536]; char validatorBuffer[65536]; MemoryPoolAllocator<> jsonAllocator(jsonBuffer, sizeof(jsonBuffer)); MemoryPoolAllocator<> documentAllocator(documentBuffer, sizeof(documentBuffer)); MemoryPoolAllocator<> documentStackAllocator(documentStackBuffer, sizeof(documentStackBuffer)); MemoryPoolAllocator<> schemaAllocator(schemaBuffer, sizeof(schemaBuffer)); MemoryPoolAllocator<> validatorAllocator(validatorBuffer, sizeof(validatorBuffer)); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(filenames) / sizeof(filenames[0]); i++) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX]; sprintf(filename, "jsonschema/tests/draft4/%s", filenames[i]); char* json = ReadFile(filename, jsonAllocator); if (!json) { printf("json test suite file %s not found", filename); ADD_FAILURE(); } else { //printf("json test suite file %s parsed ok\n", filename); GenericDocument, MemoryPoolAllocator<>, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > d(&documentAllocator, 1024, &documentStackAllocator); d.Parse(json); if (d.HasParseError()) { printf("json test suite file %s has parse error", filename); ADD_FAILURE(); } else { for (Value::ConstValueIterator schemaItr = d.Begin(); schemaItr != d.End(); ++schemaItr) { { SchemaDocumentType schema((*schemaItr)["schema"], filenames[i], static_cast(strlen(filenames[i])), &provider, &schemaAllocator); GenericSchemaValidator >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > validator(schema, &validatorAllocator); const char* description1 = (*schemaItr)["description"].GetString(); const Value& tests = (*schemaItr)["tests"]; for (Value::ConstValueIterator testItr = tests.Begin(); testItr != tests.End(); ++testItr) { const char* description2 = (*testItr)["description"].GetString(); if (!onlyRunDescription || strcmp(description2, onlyRunDescription) == 0) { const Value& data = (*testItr)["data"]; bool expected = (*testItr)["valid"].GetBool(); testCount++; validator.Reset(); data.Accept(validator); bool actual = validator.IsValid(); if (expected != actual) printf("Fail: %30s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", filename, description1, description2); else { //printf("Passed: %30s \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", filename, description1, description2); passCount++; } } } //printf("%zu %zu %zu\n", documentAllocator.Size(), schemaAllocator.Size(), validatorAllocator.Size()); } schemaAllocator.Clear(); validatorAllocator.Clear(); } } } documentAllocator.Clear(); MemoryPoolAllocator<>::Free(json); jsonAllocator.Clear(); } printf("%d / %d passed (%2d%%)\n", passCount, testCount, passCount * 100 / testCount); // if (passCount != testCount) // ADD_FAILURE(); } TEST(SchemaValidatingReader, Simple) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"type\": \"string\", \"enum\" : [\"red\", \"amber\", \"green\"] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); Document d; StringStream ss("\"red\""); SchemaValidatingReader > reader(ss, s); d.Populate(reader); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.GetParseResult()); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.IsValid()); EXPECT_TRUE(d.IsString()); EXPECT_STREQ("red", d.GetString()); } TEST(SchemaValidatingReader, Invalid) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\",\"minLength\":2,\"maxLength\":3}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); Document d; StringStream ss("\"ABCD\""); SchemaValidatingReader > reader(ss, s); d.Populate(reader); EXPECT_FALSE(reader.GetParseResult()); EXPECT_FALSE(reader.IsValid()); EXPECT_EQ(kParseErrorTermination, reader.GetParseResult().Code()); EXPECT_STREQ("maxLength", reader.GetInvalidSchemaKeyword()); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.GetInvalidSchemaCode() == kValidateErrorMaxLength); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.GetInvalidSchemaPointer() == SchemaDocument::PointerType("")); EXPECT_TRUE(reader.GetInvalidDocumentPointer() == SchemaDocument::PointerType("")); EXPECT_TRUE(d.IsNull()); Document e; e.Parse( "{ \"maxLength\": {" " \"errorCode\": 6," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 3, \"actual\": \"ABCD\"" "}}"); if (e != reader.GetError()) { ADD_FAILURE(); } } TEST(SchemaValidatingWriter, Simple) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\",\"minLength\":2,\"maxLength\":3}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); Document d; StringBuffer sb; Writer writer(sb); GenericSchemaValidator > validator(s, writer); d.Parse("\"red\""); EXPECT_TRUE(d.Accept(validator)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.IsValid()); EXPECT_STREQ("\"red\"", sb.GetString()); sb.Clear(); validator.Reset(); d.Parse("\"ABCD\""); EXPECT_FALSE(d.Accept(validator)); EXPECT_FALSE(validator.IsValid()); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.GetInvalidSchemaPointer() == SchemaDocument::PointerType("")); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.GetInvalidDocumentPointer() == SchemaDocument::PointerType("")); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.GetInvalidSchemaCode() == kValidateErrorMaxLength); Document e; e.Parse( "{ \"maxLength\": {" " \"errorCode\": 6," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": 3, \"actual\": \"ABCD\"" "}}"); EXPECT_EQ(e, validator.GetError()); } TEST(Schema, Issue848) { rapidjson::Document d; rapidjson::SchemaDocument s(d); rapidjson::GenericSchemaValidator v(s); } #if RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS static SchemaDocument ReturnSchemaDocument() { Document sd; sd.Parse("{ \"type\": [\"number\", \"string\"] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); return s; } TEST(Schema, Issue552) { SchemaDocument s = ReturnSchemaDocument(); VALIDATE(s, "42", true); VALIDATE(s, "\"Life, the universe, and everything\"", true); INVALIDATE(s, "[\"Life\", \"the universe\", \"and everything\"]", "", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"expected\": [\"string\", \"number\"], \"actual\": \"array\"" "}}"); } #endif // RAPIDJSON_HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFS TEST(SchemaValidator, Issue608) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"required\": [\"a\", \"b\"] }"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"a\" : null, \"b\": null}", true); INVALIDATE(s, "{\"a\" : null, \"a\" : null}", "", "required", "", "{ \"required\": {" " \"errorCode\": 15," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"," " \"missing\": [\"b\"]" "}}"); } // Fail to resolve $ref in allOf causes crash in SchemaValidator::StartObject() TEST(SchemaValidator, Issue728_AllOfRef) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"allOf\": [{\"$ref\": \"#/abc\"}]}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"key1\": \"abc\", \"key2\": \"def\"}", true); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Issue1017_allOfHandler) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"allOf\": [{\"type\": \"object\",\"properties\": {\"cyanArray2\": {\"type\": \"array\",\"items\": { \"type\": \"string\" }}}},{\"type\": \"object\",\"properties\": {\"blackArray\": {\"type\": \"array\",\"items\": { \"type\": \"string\" }}},\"required\": [ \"blackArray\" ]}]}"); SchemaDocument s(sd); StringBuffer sb; Writer writer(sb); GenericSchemaValidator > validator(s, writer); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.StartObject()); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.Key("cyanArray2", 10, false)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.StartArray()); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.EndArray(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.Key("blackArray", 10, false)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.StartArray()); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.EndArray(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.EndObject(0)); EXPECT_TRUE(validator.IsValid()); EXPECT_STREQ("{\"cyanArray2\":[],\"blackArray\":[]}", sb.GetString()); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote) { typedef GenericSchemaDocument > SchemaDocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider provider; Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"$ref\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\"}"); SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider); typedef GenericSchemaValidator >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType; typedef GenericPointer > PointerType; INVALIDATE_(s, "null", "/integer", "type", "", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20," " \"instanceRef\": \"#\"," " \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/subSchemas.json#/integer\"," " \"expected\": [\"integer\"], \"actual\": \"null\"" "}}", kValidateDefaultFlags, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Ref_remote_issue1210) { class SchemaDocumentProvider : public IRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider { SchemaDocument** collection; // Dummy private copy constructor & assignment operator. // Function bodies added so that they compile in MSVC 2019. SchemaDocumentProvider(const SchemaDocumentProvider&) : collection(NULL) { } SchemaDocumentProvider& operator=(const SchemaDocumentProvider&) { return *this; } public: SchemaDocumentProvider(SchemaDocument** collection) : collection(collection) { } virtual const SchemaDocument* GetRemoteDocument(const char* uri, SizeType length) { int i = 0; while (collection[i] && SchemaDocument::URIType(uri, length) != collection[i]->GetURI()) ++i; return collection[i]; } }; SchemaDocument* collection[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; SchemaDocumentProvider provider(collection); Document x, y, z; x.Parse("{\"properties\":{\"country\":{\"$ref\":\"y.json#/definitions/country_remote\"}},\"type\":\"object\"}"); y.Parse("{\"definitions\":{\"country_remote\":{\"$ref\":\"z.json#/definitions/country_list\"}}}"); z.Parse("{\"definitions\":{\"country_list\":{\"enum\":[\"US\"]}}}"); SchemaDocument sz(z, "z.json", 6, &provider); collection[0] = &sz; SchemaDocument sy(y, "y.json", 6, &provider); collection[1] = &sy; SchemaDocument sx(x, "x.json", 6, &provider); VALIDATE(sx, "{\"country\":\"UK\"}", false); VALIDATE(sx, "{\"country\":\"US\"}", true); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, all errors are reported. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"version\": 1.0, \"address\": {\"number\": 24, \"street1\": \"The Woodlands\", \"street3\": \"Ham\", \"city\": \"Romsey\", \"area\": \"Kent\", \"country\": \"UK\", \"postcode\": \"SO51 0GP\"}, \"phones\": [\"0111-222333\", \"0777-666888\"], \"names\": [\"Fred\", \"Bloggs\"]}", true); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"version\": 1.01, \"address\": {\"number\": 0, \"street2\": false, \"street3\": \"Ham\", \"city\": \"RomseyTownFC\", \"area\": \"BC\", \"country\": \"USA\", \"postcode\": \"999ABC\"}, \"phones\": [], \"planet\": \"Earth\", \"extra\": {\"S_xxx\": 123}}", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1, \"instanceRef\": \"#/version\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/decimal_type\", \"expected\": 1.0, \"actual\": 1.01" " }," " \"minimum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 5, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/number\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/positiveInt_type\", \"expected\": 0, \"actual\": 0, \"exclusiveMinimum\": true" " }," " \"type\": [" " {\"expected\": [\"null\", \"string\"], \"actual\": \"boolean\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/street2\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/street2\"}," " {\"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/extra/S_xxx\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/extra/patternProperties/%5ES_\"}" " ]," " \"maxLength\": {" " \"actual\": \"RomseyTownFC\", \"expected\": 10, \"errorCode\": 6, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/city\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/city\"" " }," " \"anyOf\": {" " \"errors\":[" " {\"pattern\": {\"actual\": \"999ABC\", \"errorCode\": 8, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/postcode\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/postcode/anyOf/0\"}}," " {\"pattern\": {\"actual\": \"999ABC\", \"errorCode\": 8, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/postcode\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/postcode/anyOf/1\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 24, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/postcode\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/postcode\"" " }," " \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\":[" " {\"enum\":{\"errorCode\":19,\"instanceRef\":\"#/address/country\",\"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/country_type\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\":23,\"instanceRef\":\"#/address/country\",\"schemaRef\":\"#/definitions/address_type/properties/country\"" " }," " \"minItems\": {" " \"actual\": 0, \"expected\": 1, \"errorCode\": 10, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"" " }," " \"additionalProperties\": {" " \"disallowed\": \"planet\", \"errorCode\": 16, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }," " \"required\": {" " \"missing\": [\"street1\"], \"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"address\": {\"number\": 200, \"street1\": {}, \"street3\": null, \"city\": \"Rom\", \"area\": \"Dorset\", \"postcode\": \"SO51 0GP\"}, \"phones\": [\"0111-222333\", \"0777-666888\", \"0777-666888\"], \"names\": [\"Fred\", \"S\", \"M\", \"Bloggs\"]}", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"maximum\": {" " \"errorCode\": 3, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/number\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/positiveInt_type\", \"expected\": 100, \"actual\": 200, \"exclusiveMaximum\": true" " }," " \"type\": {" " \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"object\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/street1\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/street1\"" " }," " \"not\": {" " \"errorCode\": 25, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/street3\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/street3\"" " }," " \"minLength\": {" " \"actual\": \"Rom\", \"expected\": 4, \"errorCode\": 7, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/city\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/city\"" " }," " \"maxItems\": {" " \"actual\": 3, \"expected\": 2, \"errorCode\": 9, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"" " }," " \"uniqueItems\": {" " \"duplicates\": [1, 2], \"errorCode\": 11, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"" " }," " \"minProperties\": {\"actual\": 6, \"expected\": 7, \"errorCode\": 14, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type\"" " }," " \"additionalItems\": [" " {\"disallowed\": 2, \"errorCode\": 12, \"instanceRef\": \"#/names\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/names\"}," " {\"disallowed\": 3, \"errorCode\": 12, \"instanceRef\": \"#/names\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/names\"}" " ]," " \"dependencies\": {" " \"errors\": {" " \"address\": {\"required\": {\"missing\": [\"version\"], \"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/dependencies/address\"}}," " \"names\": {\"required\": {\"missing\": [\"version\"], \"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/dependencies/names\"}}" " }," " \"errorCode\": 18, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }," " \"oneOf\": {" " \"errors\": [" " {\"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/area\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/county_type\"}}," " {\"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/area\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/province_type\"}}" " ]," " \"errorCode\": 21, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address/area\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type/properties/area\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, it is not propagated to oneOf sub-validator so we only get the first error. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_OneOf) { typedef GenericSchemaDocument > SchemaDocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider provider; CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/oneOf_address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider); typedef GenericSchemaValidator >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType; typedef GenericPointer > PointerType; INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"version\": 1.01, \"address\": {\"number\": 0, \"street2\": false, \"street3\": \"Ham\", \"city\": \"RomseyTownFC\", \"area\": \"BC\", \"country\": \"USA\", \"postcode\": \"999ABC\"}, \"phones\": [], \"planet\": \"Earth\", \"extra\": {\"S_xxx\": 123}}", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"oneOf\": {" " \"errors\": [{" " \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1, \"instanceRef\": \"#/version\", \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/address.json#/definitions/decimal_type\", \"expected\": 1.0, \"actual\": 1.01" " }" " }]," " \"errorCode\": 21, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, it is not propagated to allOf sub-validator so we only get the first error. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_AllOf) { typedef GenericSchemaDocument > SchemaDocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider provider; CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/allOf_address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider); typedef GenericSchemaValidator >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType; typedef GenericPointer > PointerType; INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"version\": 1.01, \"address\": {\"number\": 0, \"street2\": false, \"street3\": \"Ham\", \"city\": \"RomseyTownFC\", \"area\": \"BC\", \"country\": \"USA\", \"postcode\": \"999ABC\"}, \"phones\": [], \"planet\": \"Earth\", \"extra\": {\"S_xxx\": 123}}", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"allOf\": {" " \"errors\": [{" " \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1, \"instanceRef\": \"#/version\", \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/address.json#/definitions/decimal_type\", \"expected\": 1.0, \"actual\": 1.01" " }" " }]," " \"errorCode\": 23, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, it is not propagated to anyOf sub-validator so we only get the first error. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_AnyOf) { typedef GenericSchemaDocument > SchemaDocumentType; RemoteSchemaDocumentProvider provider; CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/anyOf_address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocumentType s(sd, 0, 0, &provider); typedef GenericSchemaValidator >, MemoryPoolAllocator<> > SchemaValidatorType; typedef GenericPointer > PointerType; INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"version\": 1.01, \"address\": {\"number\": 0, \"street2\": false, \"street3\": \"Ham\", \"city\": \"RomseyTownFC\", \"area\": \"BC\", \"country\": \"USA\", \"postcode\": \"999ABC\"}, \"phones\": [], \"planet\": \"Earth\", \"extra\": {\"S_xxx\": 123}}", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"anyOf\": {" " \"errors\": [{" " \"multipleOf\": {" " \"errorCode\": 1, \"instanceRef\": \"#/version\", \"schemaRef\": \"http://localhost:1234/address.json#/definitions/decimal_type\", \"expected\": 1.0, \"actual\": 1.01" " }" " }]," " \"errorCode\": 24, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidatorType, PointerType); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, arrays with uniqueItems:true are correctly processed when an item is invalid. // This tests that we don't blow up if a hasher does not get created. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_UniqueItems) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"phones\":[\"12-34\",\"56-78\"]}", true); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"phones\":[\"12-34\",\"12-34\"]}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"uniqueItems\": {\"duplicates\": [0,1], \"errorCode\": 11, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"phones\":[\"ab-34\",\"cd-78\"]}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"pattern\": [" " {\"actual\": \"ab-34\", \"errorCode\": 8, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones/0\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/phone_type\"}," " {\"actual\": \"cd-78\", \"errorCode\": 8, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones/1\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/phone_type\"}" "]}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, an enum field is correctly processed when it has an invalid value. // This tests that we don't blow up if a hasher does not get created. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_Enum) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "{\"gender\":\"M\"}", true); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"gender\":\"X\"}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"enum\": {\"errorCode\": 19, \"instanceRef\": \"#/gender\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/gender\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"gender\":1}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"type\": {\"expected\":[\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/gender\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/gender\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, an array appearing for an object property is handled // This tests that we don't blow up when there is a type mismatch. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_RogueArray) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"address\":[{\"number\": 0}]}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"type\": {\"expected\":[\"object\"], \"actual\": \"array\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type\"}," " \"dependencies\": {" " \"errors\": {" " \"address\": {\"required\": {\"missing\": [\"version\"], \"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/dependencies/address\"}}" " },\"errorCode\": 18, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, an object appearing for an array property is handled // This tests that we don't blow up when there is a type mismatch. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_RogueObject) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"phones\":{\"number\": 0}}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"type\": {\"expected\":[\"array\"], \"actual\": \"object\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, a string appearing for an array or object property is handled // This tests that we don't blow up when there is a type mismatch. TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_RogueString) { CrtAllocator allocator; char* schema = ReadFile("unittestschema/address.json", allocator); Document sd; sd.Parse(schema); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"address\":\"number\"}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"type\": {\"expected\":[\"object\"], \"actual\": \"string\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/address\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/definitions/address_type\"}," " \"dependencies\": {" " \"errors\": {" " \"address\": {\"required\": {\"missing\": [\"version\"], \"errorCode\": 15, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/dependencies/address\"}}" " },\"errorCode\": 18, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); INVALIDATE_(s, "{\"phones\":\"number\"}", "#", "errors", "#", "{\"type\": {\"expected\":[\"array\"], \"actual\": \"string\", \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#/phones\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/properties/phones\"}}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); CrtAllocator::Free(schema); } // Test that when kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag is set, an incorrect simple type with a sub-schema is handled correctly. // This tests that we don't blow up when there is a type mismatch but there is a sub-schema present TEST(SchemaValidator, ContinueOnErrors_Issue2) { Document sd; sd.Parse("{\"type\":\"string\", \"anyOf\":[{\"maxLength\":2}]}"); ASSERT_FALSE(sd.HasParseError()); SchemaDocument s(sd); VALIDATE(s, "\"AB\"", true); INVALIDATE_(s, "\"ABC\"", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"anyOf\": {" " \"errors\": [{" " \"maxLength\": {" " \"errorCode\": 6, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#/anyOf/0\", \"expected\": 2, \"actual\": \"ABC\"" " }" " }]," " \"errorCode\": 24, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); // Invalid type INVALIDATE_(s, "333", "#", "errors", "#", "{ \"type\": {" " \"errorCode\": 20, \"instanceRef\": \"#\", \"schemaRef\": \"#\", \"expected\": [\"string\"], \"actual\": \"integer\"" " }" "}", kValidateDefaultFlags | kValidateContinueOnErrorFlag, SchemaValidator, Pointer); } TEST(SchemaValidator, Schema_UnknownError) { ASSERT_TRUE(SchemaValidator::SchemaType::GetValidateErrorKeyword(kValidateErrors).GetString() == std::string("null")); } #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__clang__) RAPIDJSON_DIAG_POP #endif