require 'slop' require 'shhh' require 'colored2' require 'yaml' require 'forwardable' require 'openssl' require 'shhh/application' require 'shhh/errors' require 'shhh/app/commands' require 'shhh/app/keychain' require 'shhh/app/private_key/handler' require 'shhh/app/nlp/constants' require 'highline' require_relative 'output/file' require_relative 'output/file' require_relative 'output/stdout' module Shhh module App # This is the main interface class for the CLI application. # It is responsible for parsing user's input, providing help, examples, # coordination of various sub-systems (such as PrivateKey detection), etc. # # Besides holding the majority of the application state, it contains # two primary public methods: +#new+ and +#run+. # # The constructor is responsible for parsing the flags and determining # the the application is about to do. It sets up input/output, but doesn't # really execute any encryption or decryption. This happens in the +#run+ # method called immediately after +#new+. # # {{Shh::App::CLI}} module effectively performs the translation of # the +opts+ object (of type {Slop::Result}) and interpretation of # users intentions. It holds on to +opts+ for the duration of the program. # # == Responsibility Delegated # # The responsibility of determining the private key from various # options provided is performed by the {Shhh::App::PrivateKey::Handler} # instance. See there for more details. # # Subsequently, +#run+ method handles the finding of the appropriate # {Shhh::App::Commands::Command} subclass to respond to user's request. # Command registry, sorting, command dependencies, and finding them is # done by the {Shhh::App::Coommands} module. # # User input is handled by the {Shhh::App::Input::Handler} instance, while # the output is provided by the procs in the {Shhh::App::Output} classes. # # Finally, the Mac OS-X -specific usage of the KeyChain, is encapsulated # in a cross-platform way inside the {Shhh::App::Keychain} module. class CLI extend Forwardable def_delegators :@application, :command attr_accessor :opts, :application, :outputs, :output_proc def initialize(argv) begin argv_copy = argv.dup dict = false if argv_copy.include?('--dictionary') dict = true argv_copy.delete('--dictionary') end self.opts = parse(argv_copy) if dict options = opts.parser.unused_options + opts.parser.used_options puts{|o| o.to_s.gsub(/.*(--[\w-]+).*/, '\1') }.sort.join(' ') exit 0 end rescue StandardError => e error exception: e return end configure_color(argv) self.application = select_output_stream end def execute return Shhh::App.exit_code if Shhh::App.exit_code != 0 result = application.execute if result.is_a?(Hash) self.output_proc ={}).output_class error(result) else end end private def error(hash) Shhh::App.error(hash.merge(config: (opts ? opts.to_hash : {}))) end def select_output_stream output_klass = application.args.output_class unless output_klass && output_klass.is_a?(Class) raise "Can not determine output class from arguments #{opts.to_hash}" end self.output_proc = end def configure_color(argv) if opts[:no_color] Colored2.disable! # reparse options without the colors to create new help msg self.opts = parse(argv.dup) end end def parse(arguments) Slop.parse(arguments) do |o| o.banner = "Shhh (#{Shhh::VERSION}) – encrypt/decrypt data with a private key\n".bold.white o.separator 'Usage:'.yellow o.separator ' # Generate a new key:'.dark o.separator ' shhh -g '.green.bold + '[ -c ] [ -p ] [ -x keychain ] [ -o keyfile | -q | ] '.green o.separator '' o.separator ' # Encrypt/Decrypt '.dark o.separator ' shhh [ -d | -e ] '.green.bold + '[ -f | -s ] '.green o.separator ' [ -k key | -K keyfile | -x keychain | -i ] '.green o.separator ' [ -o ] '.green o.separator ' ' o.separator ' # Edit an encrypted file in $EDITOR '.dark o.separator ' shhh -t -f [ -b ]'.green.bold + '[ -k key | -K keyfile | -x keychain | -i ] '.green o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Modes:'.yellow o.bool '-e', '--encrypt', ' encrypt mode' o.bool '-d', '--decrypt', ' decrypt mode' o.bool '-t', '--edit', ' decrypt, open an encr. file in an $EDITOR' o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Create a private key:'.yellow o.bool '-g', '--generate', ' generate a new private key' o.bool '-p', '--password', ' encrypt the key with a password' o.bool '-c', '--copy', ' copy the new key to the clipboard' if Shhh::App.is_osx? o.string '-x', '--keychain', '[key-name] '.blue + 'add to (or read from) the OS-X Keychain' end o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Provide a private key:'.yellow o.bool '-i', '--interactive', ' Paste or type the key interactively' o.string '-k', '--private-key', '[key] '.blue + ' private key as a string' o.string '-K', '--keyfile', '[key-file]'.blue + ' private key from a file' o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Data:'.yellow o.string '-s', '--string', '[string]'.blue + ' specify a string to encrypt/decrypt' o.string '-f', '--file', '[file] '.blue + ' filename to read from' o.string '-o', '--output', '[file] '.blue + ' filename to write to' o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Flags:'.yellow if Shhh::App.is_osx? o.string '--keychain-del', '[key-name] '.blue + 'delete keychain entry with that name' end o.bool '-b', '--backup', ' create a backup file in the edit mode' o.bool '-v', '--verbose', ' show additional information' o.bool '-T', '--trace', ' print a backtrace of any errors' o.bool '-q', '--quiet', ' silence all output' o.bool '-V', '--version', ' print library version' o.bool '-N', '--no-color', ' disable color output' o.separator ' ' o.separator 'Help & Examples:'.yellow o.bool '-E', '--examples', ' show several examples' o.bool '-L', '--language', ' natural language examples' o.bool '-h', '--help', ' show help' end end end end end