# frozen_string_literal: true presenter = document_presenter(document) xml.entry do xml.title presenter.heading # updated is required, for now we'll just set it to now, sorry xml.updated Time.current.iso8601 Deprecation.silence(Blacklight::UrlHelperBehavior) do xml.link "rel" => "alternate", "type" => "text/html", "href" => polymorphic_url(url_for_document(document)) # add other doc-specific formats, atom only lets us have one per # content type, so the first one in the list wins. xml << presenter.link_rel_alternates(unique: true) xml.id polymorphic_url(url_for_document(document)) end if document.to_semantic_values.key? :author xml.author { xml.name(document.to_semantic_values[:author].first) } end with_format(:html) do xml.summary "type" => "html" do xml.text! render_document_partials(document, blacklight_config.view_config(:atom).summary_partials, document_counter: document_counter) end end #If they asked for a format, give it to them. if (params["content_format"] && document.export_formats[params["content_format"].to_sym]) type = document.export_formats[params["content_format"].to_sym][:content_type] xml.content type: type do |content_element| data = document.export_as(params["content_format"]) # encode properly. See: # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287#section- type = type.downcase if (type.downcase =~ %r{\+|/xml$}) # xml, just put it right in content_element << data elsif (type.downcase =~ %r{text/}) # text, escape content_element.text! data else #something else, base64 encode it content_element << Base64.encode64(data) end end end end