initializeDataTables = -> $('table.effective-datatable:not(.initialized)').each -> datatable = $(this) options ='options') || {} buttons_export_columns = options['buttons_export_columns'] || ':not(.col-actions)' simple = ('' +'simple') == 'true') if options['buttons'] == false options['buttons'] = [] init_options = ajax: { url:'source'), type: 'POST' } autoWidth: false buttons: [ { extend: 'colvis', text: 'Show / Hide', postfixButtons: [ { extend: 'colvisGroup', text: 'Show all', show: ':hidden'}, { extend: 'colvisRestore', text: 'Show default'} ] }, { extend: 'copy', exportOptions: format: header: (str) -> $("
").children('span').first().text() columns: buttons_export_columns }, { extend: 'csv', exportOptions: format: header: (str) -> $("
").children('span').first().text() columns: buttons_export_columns }, { extend: 'print', footer: true, exportOptions: format: header: (str) -> $("
").children('span').first().text() columns: ':visible:not(.col-actions)' }, ] columns:'columns') deferLoading: ['display-records'),'total-records')] deferRender: true displayStart:'display-start') dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 dataTables_buttons'B>><'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>><'row'<'col-sm-6 dataTables_entries'il><'col-sm-6'p>>" iDisplayLength:'display-length') language: { 'lengthMenu': ' with _MENU_ per page'} lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 9999999], ['5', '10', '25', '50', '100', '250', '500', 'All']] order:'display-order') processing: true responsive: true serverParams: (params) -> api = this.api() api.columns().flatten().each (index) => params['columns'][index]['visible'] = api.column(index).visible() $table = $(api.table().node()) $form = $(".effective-datatables-filters[aria-controls='#{$table.attr('id')}']").first() params['cookie'] = $'cookie') if $form.length > 0 params['scope'] = $form.find("input[name='filters[scope]']:checked").val() || '' params['filter'] = {} $form.find("select,textarea,input:not([type=submit]):not([name='filters[scope]'])").each -> $input = $(this) if $input.attr('id') params['filter'][$input.attr('id').substring(8, $input.attr('id').length)] = $input.val() serverSide: true scrollCollapse: true pagingType: 'simple_numbers' initComplete: (settings) -> initializeButtons(this.api()) initializeSearch(this.api()) drawCallback: (settings) -> $table = $(this.api().table().node()) if settings['json'] if settings['json']['effective_datatables_error'] alert("DataTable error: #{settings['json']['effective_datatables_error']}\n\nPlease refresh the page and try again") return if settings['json']['aggregates'] drawAggregates($table, settings['json']['aggregates']) if settings['json']['charts'] drawCharts($table, settings['json']['charts']) # Copies the bulk actions html, stored in a data attribute on the table, into the buttons area initializeButtons = (api) -> $table = $(api.table().node()) $buttons = $table.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').children().first().find('.dt-buttons') if $'reset') $buttons.prepend($'reset')) if $'bulk-actions') $buttons.prepend($'bulk-actions')) drawAggregates = ($table, aggregates) -> $tfoot = $table.find('tfoot').first() $.each aggregates, (row, values) => $row = $tfoot.children().eq(row) if $row $.each values, (col, value) => $row.children().eq(col).html(value) drawCharts = ($table, charts) -> if typeof(google) != 'undefined' && typeof(google.visualization) != 'undefined' $.each charts, (name, data) => $(".effective-datatables-chart[data-name='#{name}']").each (_, obj) => chart = new google.visualization[data['type']](obj) chart.draw(google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data['data']), data['options']) # Appends the search html, stored in the column definitions, into each column header initializeSearch = (api) -> api.columns().flatten().each (index) => $th = $(api.column(index).header()) settings = api.settings()[0].aoColumns[index] # column specific settings if != null # Assign preselected values api.settings()[0].aoPreSearchCols[index].sSearch = if settings.searchHtml # Append the search html and initialize input events $th.append(settings.searchHtml) initializeSearchEvents($th) # Sets up the proper events for each input initializeSearchEvents = ($th) -> $th.find('input,select').each (_, input) -> $input = $(input) return true if $input.attr('type') == 'hidden' || $input.attr('type') == 'checkbox' $input.parent().on 'click', (event) -> false # Dont order columns when you click inside the input $input.parent().on 'mousedown', (event) -> event.stopPropagation() # Dont order columns when you click inside the input if $'select') $input.on 'change', (event) -> dataTableSearch($(event.currentTarget)) else if $'input') $input.delayedChange ($input) -> dataTableSearch($input) # Do the actual search dataTableSearch = ($input) -> # This is the function called by a select or input to run the search return if $':invalid') table = $input.closest('table.dataTable') table.DataTable().column("#{$'column-name')}:name").search($input.val()).draw() if simple init_options['dom'] = "<'row'<'col-sm-12'tr>>" # Just show the table datatable.addClass('simple') # Let's actually initialize the table now table = datatable.dataTable(jQuery.extend(init_options, options)) # Apply EffectiveFormInputs to the Show x per page dropdown try table.closest('.dataTables_wrapper').find('.dataTables_length select').removeAttr('name').select2(minimumResultsForSearch: 100) table.addClass('initialized') destroyDataTables = -> $('.effective-datatables-inline-expanded').removeClass('effective-datatables-inline-expanded') $('table.effective-datatable').each -> $(this).DataTable().turboDestroy() $ -> initializeDataTables() $(document).on 'page:change', -> initializeDataTables() $(document).on 'turbolinks:load', -> initializeDataTables() $(document).on 'turbolinks:render', -> initializeDataTables() $(document).on 'turbolinks:before-cache', -> destroyDataTables()