b0VIM 8.1L&^"+joshJoshs-Mac-mini.local~josh/Projects/fastlane/fastlane/match/lib/match/commands_generator.rb 3210#"! UtpiUjad,i{bH-w]>=* I  J  ~   M ? > v j ` _ 7  =<=M)O@ wbTSNMZ$# Match::ChangePassword.update(params: params) params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = 'Re-encrypt all files with a different password' c.syntax = 'fastlane match change_password' command :change_password do |c| end end Match::Setup.new.run(path, is_swift_fastfile: is_swift_fastfile) end return 0 FastlaneCore::UI.user_error!("You already have a Matchfile in this directory (#{path})") if File.exist?(path) end path = File.join(containing, "Matchfile") else path = File.join(containing, "Matchfile.swift") if is_swift_fastfile is_swift_fastfile = args.include?("swift") containing = FastlaneCore::Helper.fastlane_enabled_folder_path c.action do |args, options| c.description = 'Create the Matchfile for you' c.syntax = 'fastlane match init' command :init do |c| end end end Match::Runner.new.run(params) params[:type] = type.to_s params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") # this has to be done *before* overwriting the value params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = "Run match for a #{type} provisioning profile" c.syntax = "fastlane match #{type}" command type do |c| Match.environments.each do |type| end end Match::Runner.new.run(params) params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) end FastlaneCore::UI.user_error!("Please run `fastlane match [type]`, allowed values: development, adhoc, enterprise or appstore") if args.count > 0 c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = Match::DESCRIPTION c.syntax = 'fastlane match' command :run do |c| global_option('--env STRING[,STRING2]', String, 'Add environment(s) to use with `dotenv`') global_option('--verbose') { FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose = true } program :help_formatter, :compact program :help, 'Documentation', 'https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/match/' program :help, 'Website', 'https://fastlane.tools' program :help, 'Author', 'Felix Krause ' program :description, Match::DESCRIPTION program :version, Fastlane::VERSION program :name, 'match' def run end self.new.run def self.start include Commander::Methods class CommandsGeneratormodule MatchHighLine.track_eof = falserequire_relative 'module'require_relative 'encryption'require_relative 'storage'require_relative 'importer'require_relative 'migrate'require_relative 'options'require_relative 'runner'require_relative 'setup'require_relative 'change_password'require_relative 'nuke'require 'fastlane_core/configuration/configuration'require 'commander'adbUZNDC%CB ~ } ?  v i N M  c  g f   s  u+*maWV:D [OED,+2tlfbaend end end run! default_command(:run) end end end Match::Nuke.new.run(params, type: type.to_s) params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = "Delete all certificates and provisioning profiles from the Apple Dev Portal of the type #{type}" c.syntax = "fastlane match nuke #{type}" command "nuke #{type}" do |c| ["development", "distribution", "enterprise"].each do |type| end end FastlaneCore::UI.user_error!("Please run `fastlane match nuke [type], allowed values: development, distribution and enterprise. For the 'adhoc' type, please use 'distribution' instead.") c.action do |args, options| c.description = "Delete all certificates and provisioning profiles from the Apple Dev Portal" c.syntax = "fastlane match nuke" # We have this empty command here, since otherwise the normal `match` command will be executed command "nuke" do |c| end end Match::Migrate.new.migrate(args, options) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = "Migrate from one storage backend to another one" c.syntax = "fastlane match migrate" command :migrate do |c| end end Match::Importer.new.import_cert(params) params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") # this has to be done *before* overwriting the value params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = "Imports certificates and profiles into the encrypted repository" c.syntax = "fastlane match import" command :import do |c| end end UI.success("Repo is at: '#{storage.working_directory}'") encryption.decrypt_files if encryption }) working_directory: storage.working_directory git_url: params[:git_url], encryption = Encryption.for_storage_mode(params[:storage_mode], { storage.download }) clone_branch_directly: params[:clone_branch_directly] git_branch: params[:git_branch], shallow_clone: params[:shallow_clone], git_url: params[:git_url], storage = Storage.for_mode(params[:storage_mode], { params.load_configuration_file("Matchfile") params = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(Match::Options.available_options, options.__hash__) c.action do |args, options| FastlaneCore::CommanderGenerator.new.generate(Match::Options.available_options, command: c) c.description = "Decrypts the repository and keeps it on the filesystem" c.syntax = "fastlane match decrypt" command :decrypt do |c| end end UI.success("Successfully changed the password. Make sure to update the password on all your clients and servers by running `fastlane match [environment]`")