require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'uri' require 'json' #require "agent/server/instrument/am_instrumenter" module ManageEngine class APMConnector def initialize @obj = ManageEngine::APMObjectHolder.instance @pretry =0 @gretry =0 end def post uri,data @pretry = @pretry +1 begin u = url uri "[connector] [ POST] START" @obj.log.debug "[connector] [ POST] : \n\n#{u}\n\n#{data}\n\n" con = connection(u) req =,initheader = {'Content-Type' =>'application/json'}) req.body=data.to_json resp = con.request(req) @obj.log.debug "[connector] [POST ] \n Response : #{resp} \nResponse Code : #{resp.code}\nMessage : #{resp.message}\nBody : #{resp.body}" rdata = responseParser resp @pretry = 0 "[connector] [ POST] END" return rdata rescue Exception=>e @obj.log.logException "[connector] Exception while connecting server- Data not sent \n",e if @pretry >=@obj.config.connection_retry #@obj.shutdown= true return nil else "[connector] Exception found in Post request - Retrying - Count - #{@pretry}" return post uri,data end end @pretry = 0 end def get uri @gretry = @gretry +1 begin u = url uri "[connector] [ GET ] START" @obj.log.debug "[connector] [ GET] : \n#{u}\n" req = resp = con.request(req) "[connector] [ GET ] END" rescue Exception=>e @obj.log.logException "[connector] [ GET] Exception while connecting server - Data not sent ",e if @pretry >=@obj.config.connection_retry #@obj.shutdown= true else "[connector] Exception found in Get request - Retrying - Count - #{@gretry}" return get uri end end @gretry = 0 end def url(uri) ru=nil p="https" if(!@obj.config.is_secured) p="http" end if(@obj.config.license_key != nil) if(!@obj.config.license_key.empty?) if(@obj.config.apmhost != nil && !@obj.config.apmhost.empty?) u = @obj.config.apmhost+uri else u = @obj.config.site24x7url+uri end else #empty license key - print error "license key is present, but empty" end else "license key is null" u = p+"://"+@obj.config.apmhost+":#{@obj.config.apmport}/"+uri end begin ru = URI.parse(u) rescue raise URI::InvalidURIError, "Invalid url '#{ru}'" end if (ru.class != URI::HTTP && ru.class != URI::HTTPS) raise URI::InvalidURIError, "Invalid url '#{u}'" end ru end def connection(url) if (@obj.config.proxyneeded) @obj.log.debug "[connect] Through Proxy" con = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@obj.config.proxy_host, @obj.config.proxy_port,@obj.config.proxy_user,@obj.config.proxy_pass).new(, url.port) else "Proxy Not Needed #{} #{url.port}" con =, url.port) #con.use_ssl=true #con.verify_mode=OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE "connection = #{con}" end con=getScheme(con) con.open_timeout = @obj.constants.connection_open_timeout con.read_timeout = @obj.constants.connection_read_timeout con end def getScheme(con) if(@obj.config.license_key != nil || @obj.config.is_secured) "[connect] Secured" #con = Net::HTTP::Proxy(@obj.config.proxy_host, @obj.config.proxy_port,@obj.config.proxy_user,@obj.config.proxy_pass).new(, url.port) con.use_ssl=true con.verify_mode=OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end con end def responseParser resp if resp == Net::HTTPSuccess || Net::HTTPOK rawData = resp.body if rawData.length>=2 rBody = JSON.parse(rawData) result = rBody["result"] data = rBody["data"] if !@obj.util.getBooleanValue result if data!=nil if data.has_key?("exception") raise"Exception from server - "+data["exception"]) end end end if data!=nil if data.has_key?(@obj.constants.response_code) srCode = data[@obj.constants.response_code] response_action srCode end if data.has_key?(@obj.constants.custom_config_info) config_info = data[@obj.constants.custom_config_info] if data.has_key?(@obj.constants.agent_specific_info) config_info = config_info.merge(data[@obj.constants.agent_specific_info]) end update_config config_info end end return data end return rawData else raise"Http Connection Response Error #{resp.to_s}") end end def response_action rCode case rCode when @obj.constants.licence_expired then "License Expired. Going to shutdown" raise"License Expired. Going to shutdown") when @obj.constants.licence_exceeds then "License Exceeds. Going to shutdown" raise"License Exceeds. Going to shutdown") when @obj.constants.delete_agent then "Action from Server - Delete the Agent. Going to shutdown and remove the Agent" deleteAgent raise"Action from Server - Delete the Agent. Going to shutdown and remove the Agent") when @obj.constants.unmanage_agent then "Action from Server - Unmanage the Agent. Going to Stop the DC - Disabling the Agent" unManage when @obj.constants.manage_agent then "Action from Server - Manage the Agent. Going to Sart the DC - Enabling the Agent" manage end end def update_config configInfo existingConfigInfo = @obj.config.getAgentConfigData sendUpdate = "false" existingConfigInfo.each do|key,value| if key != "last.modified.time" newValue = configInfo[key] if key == "sql.capture.enabled" || key == "transaction.trace.enabled" || key == "transaction.trace.sql.parametrize" if newValue newValue = 1 else newValue = 0 end end if value != newValue sendUpdate = "true" end end end if sendUpdate == "true" "Action from Server - Agent configuration updated from UI. Going to update the same in apminsight.conf file" "config info = #{configInfo}" @obj.config.update_config configInfo end end def unManage uManage = uManage[""]=@obj.config.instance_id uManage["agent.enabled"]=false @obj.config.updateAgentInfoFile uManage end def manage uManage = uManage[""]=@obj.config.instance_id uManage["agent.enabled"]=true @obj.config.updateAgentInfoFile uManage end def deleteAgent uManage = uManage[""]=@obj.config.instance_id uManage["agent.enabled"]=false @obj.config.updateAgentInfoFile uManage begin File.delete(@obj.constants.agent_conf) rescue Exceptione=>e @obj.log.logException "#{e.message}",e end end end#c end#m