require 'strscan' module Chronic class Numerizer DIRECT_NUMS = [ ['eleven', '11'], ['twelve', '12'], ['thirteen', '13'], ['fourteen', '14'], ['fifteen', '15'], ['sixteen', '16'], ['seventeen', '17'], ['eighteen', '18'], ['nineteen', '19'], ['ninteen', '19'], # Common mis-spelling ['zero', '0'], ['one', '1'], ['two', '2'], ['three', '3'], ['four(\W|$)', '4\1'], # The weird regex is so that it matches four but not fourty ['five', '5'], ['six(\W|$)', '6\1'], ['seven(\W|$)', '7\1'], ['eight(\W|$)', '8\1'], ['nine(\W|$)', '9\1'], ['ten', '10'], ['\ba[\b^$]', '1'] # doesn't make sense for an 'a' at the end to be a 1 ] ORDINALS = [ ['first', '1'], ['third', '3'], ['fourth', '4'], ['fifth', '5'], ['sixth', '6'], ['seventh', '7'], ['eighth', '8'], ['ninth', '9'], ['tenth', '10'] ] TEN_PREFIXES = [ ['twenty', 20], ['thirty', 30], ['forty', 40], ['fourty', 40], # Common mis-spelling ['fifty', 50], ['sixty', 60], ['seventy', 70], ['eighty', 80], ['ninety', 90] ] BIG_PREFIXES = [ ['hundred', 100], ['thousand', 1000], ['million', 1_000_000], ['billion', 1_000_000_000], ['trillion', 1_000_000_000_000], ] def self.numerize(string) string = string.dup # preprocess string.gsub!(/ +|([^\d])-([^\d])/, '\1 \2') # will mutilate hyphenated-words but shouldn't matter for date extraction string.gsub!(/a half/, 'haAlf') # take the 'a' out so it doesn't turn into a 1, save the half for the end # easy/direct replacements DIRECT_NUMS.each do |dn| string.gsub!(/#{dn[0]}/i, '' + dn[1]) end ORDINALS.each do |on| string.gsub!(/#{on[0]}/i, '' + on[1] + on[0][-2, 2]) end # ten, twenty, etc. TEN_PREFIXES.each do |tp| string.gsub!(/(?:#{tp[0]}) *(\d(?=[^\d]|$))*/i) { '' + (tp[1] + $1.to_i).to_s } end TEN_PREFIXES.each do |tp| string.gsub!(/#{tp[0]}/i) { '' + tp[1].to_s } end # hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. BIG_PREFIXES.each do |bp| string.gsub!(/(?:)?(\d*) *#{bp[0]}/i) { '' + (bp[1] * $1.to_i).to_s} andition(string) end # fractional addition # I'm not combining this with the previous block as using float addition complicates the strings # (with extraneous .0's and such ) string.gsub!(/(\d+)(?: | and |-)*haAlf/i) { ($1.to_f + 0.5).to_s } string.gsub(//, '') end class << self private def andition(string) sc = while sc.scan_until(/(\d+)( | and )(\d+)(?=[^\w]|$)/i) if sc[2] =~ /and/ || sc[1].size > sc[3].size string[(sc.pos - sc.matched_size)..(sc.pos-1)] = '' + (sc[1].to_i + sc[3].to_i).to_s sc.reset end end end end end end