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Trending repositories

Find what repositories the GitHub community is most excited about this week.

  1. Homebrew / homebrew

    :beer: The missing package manager for OS X.

    Ruby • 166 stars this week • Built by @BrewTestBot @jacknagel @adamv @mikemcquaid @asparagui

  2. shakacode / react_on_rails

    Integration of React + Webpack + Rails to build Universal (Isomorphic) Apps

    Ruby • 197 stars this week • Built by @justin808 @robwise @dylangrafmyre @yorzi @josiasds

  3. rails / rails

    Ruby on Rails

    Ruby • 144 stars this week • Built by @tenderlove @rafaelfranca @dhh @jeremy @josevalim

  4. jekyll / jekyll

    :globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby

    Ruby • 136 stars this week • Built by @parkr @mattr- @mojombo @envygeeks @maul-esel

  5. powerpak / tqdm-ruby

    Add a progress bar to your loops in a second. (A port of Python's tqdm.)

    Ruby • 149 stars this week • Built by @powerpak @chadmetcalf @jtarchie

  6. fastlane / fastlane

    Connect all iOS deployment tools into one streamlined workflow

    Ruby • 117 stars this week • Built by @KrauseFx @lmirosevic @czechboy0 @JaniJegoroff @Liquidsoul

  7. codekitchen / dinghy

    faster, friendlier Docker on OS X

    Ruby • 116 stars this week • Built by @codekitchen @davedevelopment @miquella @ilkka @yenif

  8. discourse / discourse

    A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.

    Ruby • 98 stars this week • Built by @SamSaffron @eviltrout @ZogStriP @nlalonde @coding-horror

  9. jondot / awesome-react-native

    An "awesome" type curated list of React Native components, news, tools, and learning material

    Ruby • 97 stars this week • Built by @jondot @alexandregz @morenoh149 @jhabdas @browniefed

  10. hanami / hanami

    The web, with simplicity.

    Ruby • 96 stars this week • Built by @jodosha @joneslee85 @Linuus @AlfonsoUceda @davydovanton

  11. kciter / simple-slack-bot

    You can easily make Slack Bot!! :star:

    Ruby • 95 stars this week • Built by @kciter

  12. zverok / worldize

    Simple coloured countries drawing

    Ruby • 95 stars this week • Built by @zverok

  13. mitchellh / vagrant

    Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.

    Ruby • 80 stars this week • Built by @mitchellh @sethvargo @gildegoma @fgrehm @johnbender

  14. Thibaut / devdocs

    API Documentation Browser

    Ruby • 82 stars this week • Built by @Thibaut @TrangPham @romeovs @dhenson02 @ShaneQful

  15. plataformatec / devise

    Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.

    Ruby • 69 stars this week • Built by @josevalim @carlosantoniodasilva @lucasmazza @nashby @rafaelfranca

  16. caskroom / homebrew-cask

    A CLI workflow for the administration of Mac applications distributed as binaries

    Ruby • 54 stars this week • Built by @rolandwalker @vitorgalvao @victorpopkov @ndr-qef @nanoxd

  17. gitlabhq / gitlabhq

    GitLab is version control for your server

    Ruby • 60 stars this week • Built by @randx @DouweM @tsigo @maxlazio @dosire

  18. ruby / ruby

    The Ruby Programming Language

    Ruby • 58 stars this week • Built by @nobu @akr @nurse @unak @ko1

  19. jeremyevans / sequel

    Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby

    Ruby • 67 stars this week • Built by @jeremyevans @ciconia @wayneeseguin @tmm1 @lancecarlson

  20. schneems / derailed_benchmarks

    Go faster, off the Rails - Benchmarks for your whole Rails app

    Ruby • 63 stars this week • Built by @schneems @larrylv @ashrestha91 @JuanitoFatas @derekprior

  21. thoughtbot / scenic

    Versioned database views for Rails

    Ruby • 62 stars this week • Built by @derekprior @calebthompson @DamirSvrtan @geoffharcourt @devonestes

  22. cantino / huginn

    Build agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!

    Ruby • 57 stars this week • Built by @cantino @knu @dsander @CloCkWeRX @albertsun

  23. sass / sass

    Sass makes CSS fun again.

    Ruby • 53 stars this week • Built by @nex3 @chriseppstein @thedarkone @mislav @tenderlove

  24. kilimchoi / engineering-blogs

    A curated list of engineering blogs

    Ruby • 53 stars this week • Built by @kilimchoi @kaizensoze @meisyal @griffio @ssundarraj

  25. thoughtbot / administrate

    A Rails engine that helps you put together a super-flexible admin dashboard.

    Ruby • 48 stars this week • Built by @graysonwright @tysongach @danbee @jayroh @5minpause


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