module Octopress module Docs class Commands < Octopress::Command def self.init_with_program(p) p.command(:docs) do |c| c.syntax 'octopress docs' c.description "Launch local server with docs for Octopress v#{Octopress::VERSION} and Octopress plugins." c.option 'port', '-P', '--port [PORT]', 'Port to listen on' c.option 'host', '-H', '--host [HOST]', 'Host to bind to' if ENV['OCTODEV'] c.option 'watch', '--watch', 'Watch docs site for changes and rebuild. (For docs development)' end c.option 'jekyll', '--jekyll', "Launch local server with docs for Jekyll v#{Jekyll::VERSION}" c.action do |args, options| serve_docs(options) end end end def self.serve_docs(options) Octopress::Docs.docs_mode = true if options['jekyll'] options = init_jekyll_docs(options) else options = init_octopress_docs(options) end options["serving"] = true options = Jekyll.configuration Jekyll::Utils.symbolize_hash_keys(options) Jekyll::Commands::Build.process(options) Jekyll::Commands::Serve.process(options) end def self.init_octopress_docs(options) Octopress.config({ 'config-file' => File.join(site_dir, '_octopress.yml'), 'override' => { 'docs_mode' => true } }) require_plugins options['source'] = site_dir options['destination'] = File.join(site_dir, '_site') options end def self.init_jekyll_docs(options) options.delete('jekyll') # Find local Jekyll gem path # spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name("jekyll") gem_path = spec.gem_dir options['source'] = "#{gem_path}/site", options['destination'] = "#{gem_path}/site/_site" options end def self.site_dir Docs.gem_dir('docs') end def self.require_plugins config = Octopress::Configuration.jekyll_config if config['gems'].is_a?(Array) config['gems'].each {|g| require g } end unless config['safe'] plugins_path.each do |plugins| Dir[File.join(plugins, "**", "*.rb")].sort.each do |f| require f end end end end # Returns an Array of plugin search paths def self.plugins_path config = Octopress::Configuration.jekyll_config plugins = config['plugins'] if (plugins == Jekyll::Configuration::DEFAULTS['plugins']) [Jekyll.sanitized_path(config['source'], plugins)] else Array(plugins).map { |d| File.expand_path(d) } end end end end end