/* eslint-disable */ /* * Part of Speedcurve's LUX script, which allows us to run real user metrics on * pages using the public layout template. * * See docs/real-user-metrics.md for more information. */ LUX = (function () { var a = "undefined" !== typeof LUX && "undefined" !== typeof LUX.gaMarks ? LUX.gaMarks : []; var d = "undefined" !== typeof LUX && "undefined" !== typeof LUX.gaMeasures ? LUX.gaMeasures : []; var j = "LUX_start"; var k = window.performance; var l = "undefined" !== typeof LUX && LUX.ns ? LUX.ns : Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); if (k && k.timing && k.timing.navigationStart) { l = k.timing.navigationStart; } function f() { if (k && k.now) { return k.now(); } var o = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); return o - l; } function b(n) { if (k) { if (k.mark) { return k.mark(n); } else { if (k.webkitMark) { return k.webkitMark(n); } } } a.push({ name: n, entryType: "mark", startTime: f(), duration: 0 }); return; } function m(p, t, n) { if ("undefined" === typeof t && h(j)) { t = j; } if (k) { if (k.measure) { if (t) { if (n) { return k.measure(p, t, n); } else { return k.measure(p, t); } } else { return k.measure(p); } } else { if (k.webkitMeasure) { return k.webkitMeasure(p, t, n); } } } var r = 0, o = f(); if (t) { var s = h(t); if (s) { r = s.startTime; } else { if (k && k.timing && k.timing[t]) { r = k.timing[t] - k.timing.navigationStart; } else { return; } } } if (n) { var q = h(n); if (q) { o = q.startTime; } else { if (k && k.timing && k.timing[n]) { o = k.timing[n] - k.timing.navigationStart; } else { return; } } } d.push({ name: p, entryType: "measure", startTime: r, duration: o - r }); return; } function h(n) { return c(n, g()); } function c(p, o) { for (i = o.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var n = o[i]; if (p === n.name) { return n; } } return undefined; } function g() { if (k) { if (k.getEntriesByType) { return k.getEntriesByType("mark"); } else { if (k.webkitGetEntriesByType) { return k.webkitGetEntriesByType("mark"); } } } return a; } return { mark: b, measure: m, gaMarks: a, gaMeasures: d }; })(); LUX.ns = Date.now ? Date.now() : +new Date(); LUX.ac = []; LUX.cmd = function (a) { LUX.ac.push(a); }; LUX.init = function () { LUX.cmd(["init"]); }; LUX.send = function () { LUX.cmd(["send"]); }; LUX.addData = function (a, b) { LUX.cmd(["addData", a, b]); }; LUX_ae = []; window.addEventListener("error", function (a) { LUX_ae.push(a); }); LUX_al = []; if ( "function" === typeof PerformanceObserver && "function" === typeof PerformanceLongTaskTiming ) { var LongTaskObserver = new PerformanceObserver(function (c) { var b = c.getEntries(); for (var a = 0; a < b.length; a++) { var d = b[a]; LUX_al.push(d); } }); try { LongTaskObserver.observe({ type: ["longtask"] }); } catch (e) {} } // As per RFC 147[1], this adds in monitoring of the type of HTTP protocol that // is used when a browser loads a page. // // The User Timing API (aka window.performance) is used to record the data - to // avoid the use of this from breaking the JavaScript for the small number of // browsers that don't support it, it's been wrapped in a try/catch block plus a // couple of checks to prevent "is not defined" errors. // // Because the `nextHopProtocol` isn't immediately available - it seems to need // a request to be made before it's populated - we need to wait for the // `DOMContentReady` event before we can see what the HTTP version is. // // [1]: https://github.com/alphagov/govuk-rfcs/pull/148 var measureHTTPProtocol = function () { var getEntriesByType = performance.getEntriesByType('navigation') if (getEntriesByType.length > 0) { var httpProtocol = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(performance.getEntriesByType('navigation')[0].nextHopProtocol)) LUX.addData("http-protocol", httpProtocol) } } try { if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof performance.getEntriesByType !== 'undefined') { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { measureHTTPProtocol() } else { window.addEventListener('load', function() { measureHTTPProtocol() }) } } } catch (e) { console.error('Error in LUX reporting the HTTP protocol (' + window.location + '):', e) }