# CfnGuardian CfnGuardian is a AWS monitoring tool with a few capabilities: - creates cloudwatch alarms through cloudformation based upon resources defined in a YAML config - alerting through SNS using 4 levels of severity [ Critical, Warning, Task, Informational ] - has a standard set of default alarms across many AWS resources - creates cloudwatch log metric filters with default alarms - creates custom metrics for external checks through lambda functions such as - http endpoint availability - http status code matching - http body regex matching - domain expiry - ssl expiry - sql query - nrpe - sftp availability - sftp file download - tls version checking **Supported AWS Resources** - AmazonMq - ApiGateway - Application Targetgroups - Network TargetGroups - AutoScalingGroups - CloudFront Distributions - DynamoDB Tables - EC2 Instances - ECS Clusters - ECS Services - EFS - Classic LoadBalancers - Lambda Functions - RDS Clusters - RDS Instances - Redshift Cluster - SQS Queues - LogGroup Metric Filters ## Installation ```ruby gem install cfn-guardian ``` ## Commands **compile** Generates CloudFormation templates from the alarm configuration and output to the out/ directory. ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian compile c, --config=CONFIG Options: c, --config=CONFIG # yaml config file [--validate], [--no-validate] # validate cfn templates # Default: true [--bucket=BUCKET] # provide custom bucket name, will create a default bucket if not provided r, [--region=REGION] # set the AWS region [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` **deploy** Generates CloudFormation templates from the alarm configuration and output to the out/ directory. Then copies the files to the s3 bucket and deploys the Cloudformation. ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian deploy c, --config=CONFIG Options: c, --config=CONFIG # yaml config file [--bucket=BUCKET] # provide custom bucket name, will create a default bucket if not provided r, [--region=REGION] # set the AWS region s, [--stack-name=STACK_NAME] # set the Cloudformation stack name. Defaults to `guardian` [--sns-critical=SNS_CRITICAL] # sns topic arn for the critical alamrs [--sns-warning=SNS_WARNING] # sns topic arn for the warning alamrs [--sns-task=SNS_TASK] # sns topic arn for the task alamrs [--sns-informational=SNS_INFORMATIONAL] # sns topic arn for the informational alamrs [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` **show-alarms** Displays the configured settings for each alarm. Can be filtered by resource group and alarm name. Defaults to show all configured alarms. ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian show-alarms c, --config=CONFIG Options: c, --config=CONFIG # yaml config file g, [--group=GROUP] # resource group a, [--alarm=ALARM] # alarm name [--id=ID] # resource id [--compare], [--no-compare] # compare config to deployed alarms [--defaults], [--no-defaults] # show default alarm and properites [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` **show-history** Displays the alarm state or config history for the last 7 days. Alarms can be described in 2 different ways: 1. Using the config to describe the alarms and filter via the group, alarm and resource id. 2. Supplying a list of alarm names with the `--alarm-names` option. *NOTE: Options 2 may find alarms not in the guardian stack.* ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian show-history Options: c, [--config=CONFIG] # yaml config file g, [--group=GROUP] # resource group a, [--alarm=ALARM] # alarm name [--alarm-names=one two three] # CloudWatch alarm name if not providing config [--id=ID] # resource id t, [--type=TYPE] # filter by alarm state # Default: state # Possible values: state, config [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` **show-state** Displays the current CloudWatch alarm state. Alarms can be described in 3 different ways: 1. Using the config to describe the alarms and filter via the group, alarm and resource id. 2. Supplying a list of alarm names with the `--alarm-names` option. 3. Supplying the alarm name prefix using the `--alarm-prefix` option. For example `--alarm-prefix ECS` will find all the ECSCluster related alarms. *NOTE: Options 2 and 3 may find alarms not in the guardian stack.* ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian show-state Options: c, [--config=CONFIG] # yaml config file g, [--group=GROUP] # resource group a, [--alarm=ALARM] # alarm name [--id=ID] # resource id s, [--state=STATE] # filter by alarm state # Possible values: OK, ALARM, INSUFFICIENT_DATA [--alarm-names=one two three] # CloudWatch alarm name if not providing config [--alarm-prefix=ALARM_PREFIX] # CloudWatch alarm name prefix if not providing config [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` **show-drift** Displays any Cloudformation drift detection in the CloudWatch alarms from the deployed stacks. ```bash Usage: cfn-guardian show-drift Options: s, [--stack-name=STACK_NAME] # set the Cloudformation stack name # Default: guardian [--debug], [--no-debug] # enable debug logging ``` ## Alarm Notifications There are 4 default notification levels used by Guardian Critical, Warning, Task, Informational. If you wish to recieve notifications for each of these you need to supply an sns topic arn in the alarms.yaml ```yaml Topics: Critical: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Critical Warning: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Warning Task: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Task Informational: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Informational ``` Each alarm has a default notification level but can be overriden in the config using the `AlarmAction` property at either the alarm group or alarm level. See the [Overriding Defaults](#overriding-defaults) section on how to do that. You can add your own notification topics to the topics section and combine them with the existing topics. `AlarmAction` property will accept both a string and array of notication topics. ```yaml Topics: Critical: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Critical Warning: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Warning Task: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Task Informational: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Informational CustomTopic: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:123456789012:Custom Template: Ec2Instance: GroupOverrides: AlarmActions: - Critical - Custom ``` ### SNS Topics Create the topics before launching the guardian stack ```bash aws sns create-topic --name Guardian-Critical aws sns create-topic --name Guardian-Warning aws sns create-topic --name Guardian-Task aws sns create-topic --name Guardian-Informational ``` SNS topics can be defined in the YAML config or during the `deploy` command using the sns switches. The full ARN must be used. ```yaml Topics: Critical: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:111111111111:Guardian-Critical Warning: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:111111111111:Guardian-Warning Task: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:111111111111:Guardian-Task Informational: arn:aws:sns:ap-southeast-2:111111111111:Guardian-Informational ``` ## Configuration Config is stored in a standard YAML file which will default to `alarms.yaml`. This can be overridden by supplying the `--config` switch. ### AWS Resources The resources key is where the resources are defined. ```yaml Resources: # resource group Ec2Instance: # Array of resources defining the resource id with the Id: key - Id: i-1a2b3c4d5e ``` There are some resources that require more that the resource id to generate the alarm, for these cases addition key:values are required. ```yaml Resources: ApplicationTargetGroup: - Id: target-group-id # Target group requires the loadbalancer id for the alarm Loadbalancer: app/application-loadbalancer-id ``` | Resource Group | Require Keys | | --------------------------- | ---------------- | | ApiGateway | Id | | AmazonMQBroker | Id | | AutoScalingGroup | Id | | DynamoDBTable | Id | | ElastiCacheReplicationGroup | Id | | ElasticFileSystem | Id | | Ec2Instance | Id | | EcsCluster | Id | | EcsService | Id, Cluster | | NetworkTargetGroup | Id, LoadBalancer | | ApplicationTargetGroup | Id, LoadBalancer | | ElasticLoadBalancer | Id | | RDSInstance | Id | | RDSClusterInstance | Id | | RedshiftCluster | Id | | Lambda | Id | | CloudFrontDistribution | Id | | SQSQueue | Id | ### Alarm Defaults To list the default alarms use the `show-alarms` command with the `--defaults` switch. The list can be filtered using the `--group ApplicationTargetGroup` and `--alarm TargetResponseTime` optional switches ```sh cfn-guardian show-alarms --defaults --group ApplicationTargetGroup --alarm TargetResponseTime +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | ApplicationTargetGroup::TargetResponseTime | | guardian-ApplicationTargetGroup-Default-TargetResponseTime | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Config | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ | ResourceId | Default | | ResourceHash | 7a1920d61156abc05a60135aefe8bc67 | | Enabled | true | | MetricName | TargetResponseTime | | Dimensions | | | Threshold | 5 | | Period | 60 | | EvaluationPeriods | 5 | | ComparisonOperator | GreaterThanThreshold | | Statistic | Maximum | | ActionsEnabled | true | | AlarmAction | Critical | | TreatMissingData | notBreaching | +-------------------------+----------------------------------+ ``` ### Friendly Resource Names You can set a friendly name which will replace the resource id in the alarm name. The resource id will still be available in the alarm description. ```yaml Resources: ApplicationTargetGroup: - Id: target-group-id Loadbalancer: app/application-loadbalancer-id Name: webapp ``` ### Log Group Metric Filters Metric filters creates the metric filter and a corresponding alarm. Cloudwatch NameSpace: `MetricFilters` AWS [documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html) of pattern syntax ```yaml Resources: LogGroup: # Log group name - Id: /aws/lambda/myfuntion # List of metric filters MetricFilters: # Name of the cloud watch metric - MetricName: MyFunctionErrors # search pattern, see aws docs for syntax Pattern: error # metric to push to cloudwatch. Optional as it defaults to 1 MetricValue: 1 Templates: LogGroup: # use the MetricName name to override the alarm defaults MyFunctionErrors: Threshold: 10 ``` ### Custom Metric Resources These are also defined under the resources key but more detail is required and differs per group. #### Http Cloudwatch NameSpace: `HttpCheck` ```yaml Resources: Http: # Array of resources defining the http endpoint with the Id: key - Id: https://api.example.com # enables the status code check StatusCode: 200 # enables the SSL check Ssl: true # boolean tp request a compressed response Compressed: true - Id: https://www.example.com StatusCode: 301 - Id: https://example.com StatusCode: 200 Ssl: true # enables the body regex check BodyRegex: 'helloworld' - Id: http://www.example.com/images/cat.jpg StatusCode: 200 # md5 hash of the image BodyRegex: ae49b4246a89efcb5c639f00a013e812 - Id: https://api.example.com/user StatusCode: 201 # default method is get but can be overridden to support post/put/head etc Method: post # specify headers using "key=value key=value" Headers: content-type=application/json # pass in custom payload for the request Payload: '{"name": "john"}' ``` #### InternalHttp Cloudwatch NameSpace: `InternalHttpCheck` ```yaml Resources: InternalHttp: # Array of host groups with the uniq identifier of Environment. # This will create a nrpe lambda per group attach to the defined vpc and subnets - Environment: Prod # VPC id for the vpc the EC2 hosts are running in VpcId: vpc-1234 # Array of subnets to attach to the lambda function. Supply multiple if you want to be multi AZ. # Multiple subnets from the same AZ cannot be used! Subnets: - subnet-abcd Hosts: # Array of resources defining the http endpoint with the Id: key # All the same options as Http including ssl check on the internal endpoint - Id: http://api.example.com ``` #### Port Cloudwatch NameSpace: `PortCheck` ```yaml Resources: Port: # Array of resources defining the endpoint with the Id: key and Port: Int - Id: api.example.com Port: 443 # can override the default timeout of 120 seconds Timeout: 60 ``` #### InternalPort Cloudwatch NameSpace: `InternalPortCheck` ```yaml Resources: InternalPort: # Array of host groups with the uniq identifier of Environment. # This will create a nrpe lambda per group attach to the defined vpc and subnets - Environment: Prod # VPC id for the vpc the EC2 hosts are running in VpcId: vpc-1234 # Array of subnets to attach to the lambda function. Supply multiple if you want to be multi AZ. # Multiple subnets from the same AZ cannot be used! Subnets: - subnet-abcd Hosts: # Array of resources defining the endpoint with the Id: key and Port: Int # All the same options as Port - Id: api.example.com Port: 8080 ``` #### DomainExpiry Cloudwatch NameSpace: `DNS` ```yaml Resources: DomainExpiry: # Array of resources defining the domain with the Id: key - Id: example.com ``` #### Nrpe Cloudwatch NameSpace: `NRPE` *Note: This requires the nrpe agent running and configured on your EC2 Host* ```yaml Resources: Nrpe: # Array of host groups with the uniq identifier of Environment. # This will create a nrpe lambda per group attach to the defined vpc and subnets - Environment: Prod # VPC id for the vpc the EC2 hosts are running in VpcId: vpc-1234 # Array of subnets to attach to the lambda function. Supply multiple if you want to be multi AZ. # Multiple subnets from the same AZ cannot be used! Subnets: - subnet-abcd Hosts: # Array of hosts with the Id: key defining the host private ip address - Id: # Array of nrpe commands to run against the host. # A custom metric and alarm is created for each command Commands: - check_disk - Id: Commands: - check_disk ``` #### Sql Cloudwatch NameSpace: `SQL` ```yaml Resources: Sql: # Array of host groups with the uniq identifier of Environment. # This will create a sql lambda per group attach to the defined vpc and subnets - Environment: Prod # VPC id for the vpc the EC2 hosts are running in VpcId: vpc-1234 # Array of subnets to attach to the lambda function. Supply multiple if you want to be multi AZ. # Multiple subnets from the same AZ cannot be used! Subnets: - subnet-1234 Hosts: # Array of hosts with the Id: key defining the host private ip address - Id: my-rds-instance.example.com # Secret manager secret where the sql:// connection string key:value is defined # { "connectionString": "sql://username:password@mydb:3306/information_schema"} SecretId: MyTestDatabaseSecret # Database engine. supports mysql | postgres | mssql Engine: mysql Queries: # Array of SQL queries # MetricName used to create the custom metric and alarm - MetricName: LongRunningTransactions # SQL Query to execute Query: >- SELECT pl.host,trx_id,trx_started,trx_query FROM information_schema.INNODB_TRX it INNER JOIN information_schema.PROCESSLIST pl ON pl.Id=it.trx_mysql_thread_id WHERE it.trx_started < (NOW() - INTERVAL 4 HOUR); ``` Create secretmanager secret: ```bash aws secretsmanager create-secret --name MyTestDatabaseSecret \ --description "My test database secret for use with guardian sql check" \ --secret-string '{"connectionString":"sql://username:password@mydb:3306/information_schema"}' ``` #### SFTP CloudWatch Namespace: `SftpCheck` ```yaml Resources: SFTP: # sftp endpoint, can accept both ip address or dns endpoint - Id: example.com # sftp user to test connection with User: user # optionally set port, defaults to port 22 Port: 22 # for added security you can use allowed hosts when creating a # connection to the sftp by supplying the public key of the sftp server. # this removes the security risk for man in the middle attacks. ServerKey: public-server-key # ssm parameter path for the password for the SFTP user. Password: /ssm/path/password # ssm parameter path for the private key for the SFTP user PrivateKey: /ssm/path/privatekey # ssm parameter path for the password for the private key PrivateKeyPass: /ssm/path/privatekey/password # optionally set a file to check its existence and test the time it takes to get the file File: file.txt # optionally check for a regex match pattern in the body of the file FileBodyMatch: ok ``` #### InternalSFTP CloudWatch Namespace: `InternalSftpCheck` ```yaml Resources: InternalSFTP: # Array of host groups with the uniq identifier of Environment. # This will create a sql lambda per group attach to the defined vpc and subnets - Environment: Prod # VPC id for the vpc the EC2 hosts are running in VpcId: vpc-1234 # Array of subnets to attach to the lambda function. Supply multiple if you want to be multi AZ. # Multiple subnets from the same AZ cannot be used! Subnets: - subnet-1234 Hosts: # Array of sftp hosts with the Id: key defining the host private ip address - Id: example.com User: user Port: 22 ServerKey: public-server-key Password: /ssm/path/password PrivateKey: /ssm/path/privatekey PrivateKeyPass: /ssm/path/privatekey/password File: file.txt FileBodyMatch: ok ``` #### TLS CloudWatch Namespace: `TLSVersionCheck` ```yaml Resources: TLS: # endpoint - Id: example.com # port to check, defaults to 443 Port: 443 # list of tls versions to validate against # there is a metric for each version with a 0 being no supported and 1 for supported # alarm thresholds will have to be adjusted to suit your checking requirements # defaults to all versions shown below Versions: - SSLv2 - SSLv3 - TLSv1 - TLSv1.1 - TLSv1.2 # checks and reports the max tls version supported as an int # ['SSLv2 => 1', 'SSLv3 => 2', 'TLSv1 => 3','TLSv1.1 => 4', 'TLSv1.2 => 5'] MaxSupported: '1' ``` ## Alarm Templates Each resource group has a set of default alarm templates which defines all the cloudwatch alarm options such as Threshold, Statistic, EvaluationPeriods etc. These can be manipulated in a few ways to change the values or create new alarms. Custom alarm templates are defined within the same YAML config file un the `Templates` key. ### Overriding Defaults Alarm properties such as `Threshold`, `AlarmAction`, etc can be overriden at the alarm level or at the alarm group level. **Alarm Group Overrides** Alarm group level overrides apply to all alarms within the alarm group. ```yaml Templates: # define the resource group Ec2Instance: # GroupOverrides key denotes the group level overrides GroupOverrides: # supply the key value of the alarm property you want to override AlarmAction: Informational ``` **Alarm Overrides** Alarm overrides apply only to the alarm the property is applied to. This will override any alarm group level overrides. ```yaml Templates: # define the resource group Ec2Instance: # define the Alarm name you want to override CPUUtilizationHigh: # supply the key value of the alarm property you want to override Threshold: 80 ``` ### Creating A New Alarm From A Default You can create a default alarm from a default alarm using the `Inherit:` key. This will inherit all properites from the default alarm which can then be overridden. ```yaml Templates: # define the resource group Ec2Instance: # define the Alarm name you want to override CPUUtilizationWarning: # Inherit the CPUUtilizationHigh alarm Inherit: CPUUtilizationHigh # supply the key value of the alarm property you want to override Threshold: 75 EvaluationPeriods: 60 AlarmAction: Warning ``` ### Creating A New Alarm With No Defaults You can create a new alarm with out inheriting an existing one. This will the inherit the default properties for the resource group. ```yaml Templates: # define the resource group Ec2Instance: # define the Alarm name you want to override CPUUtilizationWarning: # metric name must be provided MetricName: CPUUtilization # supply the key value of the alarm property you want to override Statistic: Minimum Threshold: 75 EvaluationPeriods: 60 AlarmAction: Warning ``` ### Disabling An Alarm You can disable an alarm by setting the alarm to `false` ```yaml Templates: # define the resource group Ec2Instance: # define the Alarm and set the value to false CPUUtilizationHigh: false ``` ### Creating A New Resource Group You can create a new resource group based upon an existing resource group. For example if you had 2 target groups and wanted to disable an alarm for one but not the other you can create a new resource group which will inherit all the ApplicationTargetGroup alarms and the disabled the select alarm. ```yaml Resources: # the default resource group ApplicationTargetGroup: - Id: ApiTG LoadBalancer: MyPublicLB - Id: WebTG LoadBalancer: MyPublicLB - Id: ServiceTG LoadBalancer: MyPublicLB # my new custom resource group RedirectTargetGroup: - Id: RedirectTG LoadBalancer: MyPublicLB Templates: # create the new resource group RedirectTargetGroup: # inherit the ApplicationTargetGroup resource group Inherit: ApplicationTargetGroup # disable the selected alarm TargetResponseTime: false ``` ## M Out Of N Metric Data Points This can be good to alert on groups of spikes with in a certain time frame without getting alerts for individual spikes. It works by setting the `EvaluationPeriods` as N value and `DatapointsToAlarm` as the M value. The following example will trigger the alarm if 6 out of 10 data points crossed the threshold of 90% CPU utilisation in a 10 minute period. ```yaml Templates: Ec2Instance: CPUUtilizationHigh: Threshold: 90 Period: 60 EvaluationPeriods: 10 DatapointsToAlarm: 6 ``` ## Composite Alarms Composite alarms take into account a combination of alarm states and only alarm when all conditions in the rule are met. See AWS (documentation)[https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/APIReference/API_PutCompositeAlarm.html] for rule syntax. Using the `Composites:` top level key, create the alarm using the following syntax. **NOTE:** Each composite alarm cost $0.50/month ```yaml Composites: # the key is used as the alarm name AlarmName: # Set the notification SNS topic, defaults to no notifications Action: Informational # Set a meaningful alarm description Description: test # Set the alarm rule by providing the alarm names. See above for rule syntax. # Use the show-state command to get a list of the alarm names. Rule: >- ALARM(guardian-alarm-1) AND ALARM(guardian-alarm-2) ``` ## Maintenance Mode CloudWatch alarms can be enabled and disabled to allow maintenance periods without getting alert notifications. Alarms can be provided to the function the following ways **Alarm Names** Alarm names be provided by a space delimited list using the `--alarms` switch. ```bash cfn-guardian disable-alarms --group alarm-1 alarm-2 cfn-guardian enable-alarms --group alarm-1 alarm-2 ``` **Alarm Name Prefix** Alarm name prefix will find the alarms in the account and region that start with the provided string. This can be useful if required to disable all guardian alarms, disable all alarm for a resource group or for a specific resource. Alarm names are created using the following convention. `guardian` - `ResourceGroupName` - `ResourceId` or `FriendlyName` - `AlarmName` The following example would disable/enable all alarms for all ECS Services ```bash cfn-guardian disable-alarms --alarm-prefix guardian-ECSService cfn-guardian enable-alarms --alarm-prefix guardian-ECSService ``` The following example would disable/enable all alarms for the ECS Service app ```bash cfn-guardian disable-alarms --alarm-prefix guardian-ECSService-app cfn-guardian enable-alarms --alarm-prefix guardian-ECSService-app ``` **Maintenance Groups** Maintenance groups are defined in the `alarms.yaml` config and creates a logical mapping between alarms. ```yaml Resources: ApplicationTargetGroup: - Id: app-tg LoadBalancer: public-lb AutoScalingGroup: - Id: ecs-asg ECSCluster: - Id: prod ECSService: - Id: app Cluster: prod Http: - Id: https://myapp.com StatusCode: 200 # Define the top level key MaintenaceGroups: # Define the group name AppUpdate: # Define the resource group ECSService: # define the alarms in the resource group UnhealthyTaskCritical: # define the resource id's - Id: app # or the friendly name - Name: app Http: EndpointAvailable: - Id: https://myapp.com EndpointStatusCodeMatch: - Id: https://myapp.com ``` ```bash cfn-guardian disable-alarms --group AppUpdate cfn-guardian enable-alarms --group AppUpdate ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/base2services/cfn-guardian. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).