module Neo4j module Rails module HaConsole # Include this in your config/application.rb in order to run a rails console # It avoids the Neo4j limitation of only having one process accessing the database by using HA clustering/neo4j-enterprise class Railtie < Object::Rails::Railtie config.before_configuration do server_id = ((defined? IRB) || (defined? Pry)) ? 2 : 1 config.neo4j['enable_ha'] = true config.neo4j['ha.server_id'] = server_id config.neo4j['ha.server'] = "localhost:600#{server_id}" config.neo4j['ha.pull_interval'] = '500ms' config.neo4j['ha.discovery.enabled'] = false config.neo4j['ha.initial_hosts'] = [1,2,3].map{|id| "localhost:500#{id}"}.join(',') config.neo4j['ha.cluster_server'] = "localhost:500#{server_id}" config.neo4j.storage_path = File.expand_path("db/ha_neo_#{server_id}", Object::Rails.root) puts "Config HA cluster, ha.server_id: #{config.neo4j['ha.server_id']}, db: #{config.neo4j.storage_path}" end end end end end