require_relative "container" require_relative "config" require_relative "../junk_drawer" require_relative "app" require "sequel" require "semantic_logger" require "i18n" require "zeitwerk" # Represents the Brut framework and its behavior for the app that requires it. # Essentially, this handles all default configuration and default setup behavior. class Brut::Framework::MCP def initialize(app_klass:) @config = @booted = false @loader = @app_klass = app_klass self.configure! end def configure! @config.configure! project_root = Brut.container.project_root project_env = Brut.container.project_env SemanticLogger.default_level = Brut.container.log_level semantic_logger_appenders = Brut.container.semantic_logger_appenders if semantic_logger_appenders.kind_of?(Hash) semantic_logger_appenders = [ semantic_logger_appenders ] end if semantic_logger_appenders.length == 0 raise "No loggers are set up - something is wrong" end semantic_logger_appenders.each do |appender| SemanticLogger.add_appender(**appender) end SemanticLogger["Brut"].info("Logging set up") i18n_locales_path = Brut.container.config_dir / "i18n" locales = Dir[i18n_locales_path / "*"].map { |_| Pathname(_).basename } ::I18n.load_path += Dir[i18n_locales_path / "**/*.rb"] ::I18n.available_locales = "zeitwerk_loader", @loader.class, "Zeitwerk Loader configured for this app", @loader ) Dir[Brut.container.front_end_src_dir / "*"].each do |dir| if Pathname(dir).directory? @loader.push_dir(dir) end end Dir[Brut.container.back_end_src_dir / "*"].each do |dir| if Pathname(dir).directory? @loader.push_dir(dir) end end @loader.ignore(Brut.container.migrations_dir) @loader.inflector.inflect( "db" => "DB" ) if Brut.container.auto_reload_classes? SemanticLogger["Brut"].info("Auto-reloaded configured") @loader.enable_reloading else SemanticLogger["Brut"].info("Classes will not be auto-reloaded") end @loader.setup @app = end # Starts up the internals of Brut and that app so that it can receive requests from # the web server. This *can* make network connections to establish connectivity # to external resources. def boot! if @booted raise "already booted!" end if Brut.container.debug_zeitwerk? @loader.log! end Kernel.at_exit do begin Brut.container.sequel_db_handle.disconnect rescue Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError SemanticLogger["Sequel::Database"].info "Not connected to database, so not disconnecting" end end Sequel::Database.extension :pg_array Sequel::Database.extension :brut_instrumentation sequel_db = Brut.container.sequel_db_handle Sequel::Model.db = sequel_db Sequel::Model.plugin :find_bang Sequel::Model.plugin :created_at if !Brut.container.external_id_prefix.nil? Sequel::Model.plugin :external_id, global_prefix: Brut.container.external_id_prefix end if Brut.container.eager_load_classes? SemanticLogger["Brut"].info("Eagerly loading app's classes") @loader.eager_load else SemanticLogger["Brut"].info("Lazily loading app's classes") end Brut.container.instrumentation.subscribe do |event:,start:,stop:,exception:| SemanticLogger["Instrumentation"].info("#{event.category}/#{event.subcategory}/#{}: #{start}/#{stop} = #{stop-start}: #{exception&.message} (#{event.details})") end @app.boot! require "sinatra/base" @sinatra_app = @sinatra_app.include(Brut::SinatraHelpers) default_middlewares = [ [ Rack::Protection::AuthenticityToken, [ { allow_if: ->(env) { env["PATH_INFO"] =~ /^\/__brut\// } } ] ], ] if Brut.container.auto_reload_classes? default_middlewares << Brut::FrontEnd::Middlewares::ReloadApp end middlewares = default_middlewares + @app.class.middleware middlewares.each do |(middleware,args,block)| @sinatra_app.use(middleware,*args,&block) end befores = [ Brut::FrontEnd::RouteHooks::SetupRequestContext, Brut::FrontEnd::RouteHooks::LocaleDetection, ] + @app.class.before afters = [ Brut::FrontEnd::RouteHooks::AgeFlash, Brut.container.csp_class, Brut.container.csp_reporting_class, ].compact + @app.class.after [ [ befores, :before ], [ afters, :after ], ].each do |hooks,method| hooks.each do |klass_name| klass = klass_name.to_s.split(/::/).reduce(Module) { |mod,part| mod.const_get(part) } hook_method = klass.instance_method(method) @sinatra_app.send(method) do args = {} hook_method.parameters.each do |(type,name)| if name.to_s == "**" || name.to_s == "*" raise ArgumentError,"#{method.class}##{} accepts '#{name}' and not keyword args. Define it in your class to accept the keyword arguments your method needs" end if ![ :key,:keyreq ].include?(type) raise ArgumentError,"#{name} is not a keyword arg, but is a #{type}" end if name == :request_context args[name] = Thread.current.thread_variable_get(:request_context) elsif name == :app_session args[name] = session) elsif name == :request args[name] = request elsif name == :response args[name] = response elsif name == :env args[name] = env elsif type == :keyreq raise ArgumentError,"#{method} argument '#{name}' is required, but it's not available in a #{method} hook" else # this keyword arg has a default value which will be used end end hook = result = hook.send(method,**args) case result in URI => uri redirect to(uri.to_s) in Brut::FrontEnd::HttpStatus => http_status halt http_status.to_i in FalseClass halt 500 in NilClass nil in TrueClass nil else raise NoMatchingPatternError, "Result from #{method} hook #{klass}'s #{method} method was a #{result.class} (#{result.to_s} as a string), which cannot be used to understand the response to generate. Return nil or true if processing should proceed" end end end end @app.class.routes.each do |route_block| @sinatra_app.instance_eval(&route_block) end @booted = true end def sinatra_app = @sinatra_app def app = @app end