# These are the methods considered "base". # A method is deemed base if it is obvious, # simple, unobtrusive and widely useful. # # This list is still being refined. # # NOTE # # The #cmp methods are simply aliases for #<=>, they # are here b/c String.succ is not compataible # with it's own #<=> method. The #cmp method proves # an effective way of dealing with when needs be. # # You can add methods to be automatiaclly loaded with # these by appending their path to the nano/extra # configuration file. (Remember though, other's will # not have your same choices!) # Internal Use require 'nano/kernel/require_facet' # (to be deprecated) # Elementary require 'nano/comparable/cmp' require 'nano/string/cmp' require 'nano/nilclass/to_f' require 'nano/nilclass/to_h' require 'nano/binding/eval' require 'nano/binding/self' require 'nano/binding/caller' require 'nano/module/basename' require 'nano/proc/to_method' require 'nano/kernel/constant' require 'nano/kernel/called' # better name? require 'nano/symbol/to_proc' # Elementary (Know Thyself) require 'nano/hash/to_h' require 'nano/range/to_r' require 'nano/regexp/to_re' require 'nano/time/to_time' # "Minis" (Shorthands) require 'nano/module/is' require 'nano/kernel/fn' require 'nano/kernel/here' require 'nano/kernel/own' # better name? # Convenience require 'nano/array/to_h' require 'nano/enumerable/to_h' require 'nano/enumerable/collect_with_index' require 'nano/enumerable/each_slice' require 'nano/file/self/read_list' require 'nano/float/round_to' require 'nano/float/round_at' require 'nano/hash/slice' require 'nano/matchdata/match' require 'nano/matchdata/matchtree' require 'nano/string/blank' require 'nano/string/to_re' # New Features require 'nano/symbol/not' require 'nano/kernel/as' # extras require 'rbconfig' confdir = Config::CONFIG['sysconfdir'] extra_facets = File.join( confdir, 'facets', 'extra' ) if File.file?( extra_facets ) extra_facets = File.read_list( extra_facets ) extra_facets.each { |f| require f } end