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Default is `'false'` return ruby objects. - `hashify`: Set as `'true'` or `'false'`. Default is `'false'` return a hashed version of the json response if `return_json` is set to 'true'. - `access_timeout`: Set as a number. Default to `'10'`. - `access_debug_output`: Set as a string `'true'` or '`false`'. Default is '`false`'. When '`true`' it will write out the raw request response from the httparty call. #### Config via Environment Variables You can set config settings by creating environment variables called: `ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN']`, `ENV['ACCESS_ENVIRONMENT']`, `ENV['ACCESS_RETURN_JSON']`, `ENV['ACCESS_HASHIFY']`, `ENV['ACCESS_TIMEOUT']`. `ENV['ACCESS_DEBUG_OUTPUT']` #### Config via Initializer You can also create an initializer file to set up a config ```ruby Access.configure do |config| config.access_token = ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN'] end ``` You can also set them one at a time `Access.config.access_token = ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN']` ### Config via Params `api_environment` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `api_environment` to the end of any call that accepts options. `access_timeout` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `access_timeout` to the end of any call that accepts options. `access_token` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `access_token` to the end of any call that accepts options. `return_json` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `return_json` to the end of any call that accepts options. `hashify` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `hashify` to the end of any call that accepts options. `access_debug_output` can be overwritten by passing in by passing the param `access_debug_output` to the end of any call that accepts options. ###Making Calls ####Offer ```ruby Access::Offer.search options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Offer.find **offer_key**, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Store ```ruby Access::Store.search options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Store.find **store_key**, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Store.national options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Location ```ruby Access::Location.search options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Location.find **location_key**, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Category ```ruby Access::Category.search options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Category.find **category_key**, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Autocomplete ```ruby Access::Autocomplete.search options ``` ```ruby Access::Autocomplete.search_stores options ``` ```ruby Access::Autocomplete.search_categories options ``` ```ruby Access::Autocomplete.search_offers options ``` ```ruby Access::Autocomplete.search_locations options ``` ####Redeem ```ruby Access::Redeem.redeem_offer **key**, nil, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ```ruby Access::Redeem.redeem_offer **offer_key**, **redeem_type**, options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Member ####City Savings ```ruby Access::CitySavings.search_city_savings options, member_key: **your-member-key** ``` ####Channel ```ruby Access::Channel.search options ``` ```ruby Access::Channel.find **channel_key**, options ``` ####Campaign ```ruby Access::Campaign.search options ``` ```ruby Access::Campaign.find **campaign_key**, options ``` ###Spot ```ruby Access::Spot.search_by_channel **channel_key**, options ``` ```ruby Access::Spot.search_by_campaign **campaign_key**, options ``` ```ruby Access::Spot.find **spot_key**, options ``` ###Internal Admin only Calls ###Filter ```ruby Access::Filter.search options ``` ```ruby Access::Filter.find **filter_key**, options ``` ####Report ```ruby Access::Report.all_usage options ``` ```ruby Access::Report.usage options ``` ```ruby Access::Report.usage_other **token**, options ``` ####Token ```ruby Access::Token.search options ``` ```ruby Access::Token.find **token**, options ``` ####Oauth Application ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.search options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.find **application_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.search_tokens **application_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.find_token **application_id**, **token_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.create_token **application_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.create **application_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.update **application_id**, options ``` ```ruby Access::OauthApplication.delete **application_id**, options ``` ####Verify ```ruby Access::Verify.token options ``` ```ruby Access::Verify.filter options ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/access-development/api-ruby/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request ### Running the Tests `ACCESS_TOKEN=**your-access-token** rake` `ACCESS_TOKEN=*your-access-token** guard` or add your environment variables to a `.env` file and run the test simply with `rake` or `guard` ### Running the Gem in Console `ACCESS_TOKEN=*your-access-token** ruby bin/console` or add your environment variables to a `.env` file and run `ruby bin/console`