# encoding: utf-8 require "support/policies" # for #valid_policy and #invalid_policy definitions describe Attestor::Validations do let(:validators_class) { Attestor::Validations::Validators } let(:validator_class) { Attestor::Validations::Validator } let(:delegator_class) { Attestor::Validations::Delegator } let(:item_class) { Attestor::Validations::Item } let(:message_class) { Attestor::Validations::Message } let(:invalid_error) { Attestor::InvalidError } let(:test_class) { Class.new.send(:include, described_class) } before { Test = test_class } after { Object.send :remove_const, :Test } subject { test_class.new } describe ".validators" do it "returns Validators" do expect(test_class.validators).to be_kind_of validators_class end it "is empty by default" do expect(test_class.validators.to_a).to be_empty end end # describe .validators describe ".validate" do context "with a name" do before { test_class.validate :foo } it "registers a validator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item).to be_kind_of validator_class expect(item).not_to be_kind_of delegator_class end it "assigns the name to the validator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item.name).to eq :foo end end # context context "with a block" do let(:block) { proc { foo } } before { test_class.validate(&block) } it "registers a validator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item).to be_kind_of validator_class expect(item).not_to be_kind_of delegator_class end it "assigns the block to the validator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item.block).to eq block end end # context context "with options" do before { test_class.validate :foo, only: %w(bar baz), except: "bar" } it "uses options" do expect(test_class.validators.map(&:name)).to eq [:foo] expect(test_class.validators.set(:baz).map(&:name)).to eq [:foo] expect(test_class.validators.set(:bar).map(&:name)).to eq [] end end # context end # describe .validate describe ".validates" do context "with a name" do before { test_class.validates :foo } it "registers a delegator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item).to be_kind_of delegator_class end it "assigns the name to the delegator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item.name).to eq :foo end end # context context "with a block" do let(:block) { proc { foo } } before { test_class.validates(&block) } it "registers a delegator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item).to be_kind_of delegator_class end it "assigns the block to the delegator" do item = test_class.validators.first expect(item.block).to eq block end end # context context "with options" do before { test_class.validates :foo, only: %w(bar baz), except: "bar" } it "uses options" do expect(test_class.validators.map(&:name)).to eq [:foo] expect(test_class.validators.set(:baz).map(&:name)).to eq [:foo] expect(test_class.validators.set(:bar).map(&:name)).to eq [] end end # context end # describe .validates describe "#invalid" do shared_examples "raising an error" do |name, options = {}| let(:message) { double } before do allow(message_class) .to receive(:new) .with(name, subject, options) .and_return message end it "raises an InvalidError" do expect { invalid }.to raise_error invalid_error end it "assings itself to the exception" do begin invalid rescue => error expect(error.object).to eq subject expect(error.messages).to contain_exactly message end end end # shared examples context "without options" do let(:invalid) { subject.invalid :foo } it_behaves_like "raising an error", :foo end context "with options" do let(:invalid) { subject.invalid :foo, bar: :baz } it_behaves_like "raising an error", :foo, bar: :baz end end # invalid describe "#validate!" do before do test_class.validate :foo test_class.validate :bar, only: :all test_class.validates :baz, only: :foo allow(subject).to receive(:foo) allow(subject).to receive(:bar) allow(subject).to receive(:baz) { valid_policy } end context "without an argument" do it "calls validators for :all context" do expect(subject).to receive(:foo) expect(subject).to receive(:bar) expect(subject).not_to receive(:baz) subject.validate! end end # context context ":foo" do it "calls validators for :foo context" do expect(subject).to receive(:foo) expect(subject).to receive(:baz) expect(subject).not_to receive(:bar) subject.validate! :foo end end # context end # describe #validate! describe "#validate" do before do test_class.validate :foo test_class.validate :bar, only: :all test_class.validates :baz, only: :foo allow(subject).to receive(:foo) allow(subject).to receive(:bar) allow(subject).to receive(:baz) { valid_policy } end context "without an argument" do it "calls validators for :all context" do expect(subject).to receive(:foo) expect(subject).to receive(:bar) expect(subject).not_to receive(:baz) subject.validate end end # context context ":foo" do it "calls validators for :foo context" do expect(subject).to receive(:foo) expect(subject).to receive(:baz) expect(subject).not_to receive(:bar) subject.validate :foo end end # context end # describe #validate! end # describe Attestor::Validations