open Core.Std open OUnit2 open Dominoes let print_dominoe (d1, d2) = sprintf "(%d,%d)" d1 d2 let option_printer = function | None -> "None" | Some xs -> "Some [" ^ String.concat ~sep:";" ( xs ~f:print_dominoe) ^ "]" let drop_1_right xs = List.rev xs |> List.tl_exn |> List.rev let check_chain (chained: dominoe list) = let assert_dominoes_match d1 d2 = if snd d1 <> fst d2 then failwith @@ sprintf "%s and %s cannot be chained together" (print_dominoe d1) (print_dominoe d2) else () in let consecutives = List.zip_exn (drop_1_right chained) (List.tl_exn chained) in List.iter consecutives ~f:(fun (d1, d2) -> assert_dominoes_match d1 d2) let assert_empty c = if List.is_empty c then () else failwith "Expected 0 length chain" let assert_valid_chain input _ctxt = match chain input with | None -> failwith "Expecting a chain" | Some(c) -> (if List.is_empty input then assert_empty else check_chain) c let assert_no_chain input _ctxt = assert_equal None (chain input) ~printer:option_printer let assert_chain input hasChain = if hasChain then assert_valid_chain input else assert_no_chain input let tests = [ "empty input = empty output" >:: assert_chain [] true; "singleton input = singleton output" >:: assert_chain [(1,1)] true; "singleton that can't be chained" >:: assert_chain [(1,2)] false; "three elements" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (3,1); (2,3)] true; "can reverse dominoes" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (1,3); (2,3)] true; "can't be chained" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (4,1); (2,3)] false; "disconnected - simple" >:: assert_chain [(1,1); (2,2)] false; "disconnected - double loop" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (2,1); (3,4); (4,3)] false; "disconnected - single isolated" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (2,3); (3,1); (4,4)] false; "need backtrack" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (2,3); (3,1); (2,4); (2,4)] true; "separate loops" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (2,3); (3,1); (1,1); (2,2); (3,3)] true; "ten elements" >:: assert_chain [(1,2); (5,3); (3,1); (1,2); (2,4); (1,6); (2,3); (3,4); (5,6)] true; ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("dominoes tests" >::: tests)