master() {
normal=$(tput sgr0); # Select normal mode bold=`tput bold`; # Select bold mode nonbold=`tput sgr0` # Select non-bold mode underline=`tput smul`; # Select underline mode nonunderline=`tput rmul`; # Select non-underline mode echo "${bold}Would you like to install the RPS gem and what is needed for it?${nonbold}"; processes() { process() { sudo xcode-select --install; } process1() { /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"; \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby; osascript -e " tell application \"Terminal\" do script \"gem install PlayRockPaperScissorsGame; $1\" end tell"; echo 'Finished!'; } } processes; confirmations() { confirm() { echo "${bold}Press Y to install, or press N to cancel${nonbold}"; while read -r -n 1 -s answer; do if [[ $answer = [YyNn] ]]; then [[ $answer = [Yy] ]] && retval=0; [[ $answer = [Nn] ]] && retval=1; break; fi; done; return $retval; } confirm1() { echo "${bold}PLEASE WAIT UNTIL XCODE COMMAND LINE TOOLS ARE DONE INSTALLING!"; echo "If you get an error that says you already installed it, then please continue."; echo "Press C to continue...${nonbold}" while read -r -n 1 -s answer; do if [[ $answer = [Cc] ]]; then [[ $answer = [Cc] ]] && retval=0; break; fi; done; return $retval; } } confirmations; initFunctions() { init() { if confirm; then process; else exit; fi; } init; init1() { if confirm1; then process1; else exit; fi; } init1 } initFunctions;
} master;