# frozen_string_literal: true require 'bundler/inline' gemfile do source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'u-struct', path: '..' gem 'kind' end RGBNumber = Micro::Struct.with(:readonly).new(:value) do Input = Kind.object(name: 'Integer(>= 0 and <= 255)') do |value| value.is_a?(::Integer) && value >= 0 && value <= 255 end def self.new(value, label:) __new__(value: Input[value, label: label]) end def to_s value.to_s(16) end end RGBColor = Micro::Struct.with(:readonly, :to_ary).new(:red, :green, :blue) do def self.new(r:, g:, b:) __new__( red: RGBNumber.new(r, label: 'r'), green: RGBNumber.new(g, label: 'g'), blue: RGBNumber.new(b, label: 'b') ) end def to_a [red.value, green.value, blue.value] end def to_hex "##{red}#{green}#{blue}" end end rgb_color = RGBColor.new(r: 1, g: 1, b: 255) p rgb_color puts puts format('to_hex: %p', rgb_color.to_hex) puts format('to_a: %p', rgb_color.to_a) puts r, g, b = rgb_color puts format('red: %p', r) puts format('green: %p', g) puts format('blue: %p', b) RGB::Color.new(r: 1, g: -1, b: 255) # Kind::Error (g: -1 expected to be a kind of Integer(>= 0 and <= 255))