# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'spec_helper' include TwitterCldr::Collation describe 'Unicode collation tailoring' do # Test data is taken from http://unicode.org/cldr/trac/browser/tags/release-2-0-1/test/ # Test files format: # - comments, // - pending tests. # it 'passes tailoring test for each supported locale', :slow => true do TwitterCldr.supported_locales.each do |locale| tailor_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tailoring_tests', "#{locale}.txt") if File.exist?(tailor_file) collator = Collator.new(locale) print "#{locale}\t-\t" lines = File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'tailoring_tests', "#{locale}.txt")) do |file| file.each_line.map(&:strip) end active_tests = lines.count(&method(:tailoring_test?)) pending_tests = lines.count(&method(:pending_tailoring_test?)) print "tests: %-4d active, %5.1f%% %5s pending\t-\t" % [active_tests, (100.0 * pending_tests / (pending_tests + active_tests)), "(#{pending_tests})"] last_number = last = nil failures = lines.each_with_index.inject([]) do |memo, (current, number)| if tailoring_test?(current) memo << [last_number + 1, last, current] if tailoring_test?(last) && collator.compare(last, current) == 1 last = current last_number = number elsif pending_tailoring_test?(current) last_number = last = nil end memo end if failures.empty? puts "OK" else failures_info = "#{failures.size} failures: #{failures.inspect}" puts failures_info failures.should(be_empty, "#{locale} - #{failures_info}") end end end end def pending_tailoring_test?(line) !!(line =~ %r{^//}) end def tailoring_test?(line) !!(line && line !~ %r{^(//|#|\s*$)}) end # helper method for commenting test cases that are failing # # test_path - path to the test .txt file # failures - list of failures from the spec output # def mark_failures_as_pending(test_path, failures) line_numbers = failures.map { |failure| failure.first - 1 } lines = File.open(test_path, 'r:utf-8') do |file| file.map.each_with_index do |line, number| line_numbers.include?(number) ? "// #{line.chomp}" : line.chomp end end File.open(test_path, 'w:utf-8') { |file| file.write(lines.join("\n")) } end end