require 'zip' # This is a simple example which uses rubyzip to # recursively generate a zip file from the contents of # a specified directory. The directory itself is not # included in the archive, rather just its contents. # # Usage: # directoryToZip = "/tmp/input" # outputFile = "/tmp/" # zf =, outputFile) # zf.write() class ZipFileGenerator # Initialize with the directory to zip and the location of the output archive. def initialize(inputDir, outputFile) @inputDir = inputDir @outputFile = outputFile end # Zip the input directory. def write() entries = Dir.entries(@inputDir); entries.delete("."); entries.delete("..") io =, Zip::File::CREATE); writeEntries(entries, "", io) io.close(); end # A helper method to make the recursion work. private def writeEntries(entries, path, io) entries.each { |e| zipFilePath = path == "" ? e : File.join(path, e) diskFilePath = File.join(@inputDir, zipFilePath) puts "Deflating " + diskFilePath if io.mkdir(zipFilePath) subdir =Dir.entries(diskFilePath); subdir.delete("."); subdir.delete("..") writeEntries(subdir, zipFilePath, io) else io.get_output_stream(zipFilePath) { |f| f.puts(, "rb").read())} end } end end