module Relaton module Render class Parse def host(doc) doc.relation.detect { |r| r.type == "includedIn" }&.bibitem end # TODO : first is naive choice def title(doc) return nil if doc.nil? || doc.title.empty? t = { |x| x.title.language&.include? @lang } t.empty? and t = doc.title t1 = { |x| x.type == "main" } t1.empty? and t1 = t t1.first&.title&.content end def medium(doc, host) x = doc.medium || host&.medium or return nil %w(content genre form carrier size scale).each_with_object({}) do |i, m| m[i] = x.send i end.compact end def size(doc) x = doc.size or return nil x.size.each_with_object({}) do |v, m| m[v.type] ||= [] m[v.type] << v.value end end def edition(doc, host) doc.edition || host&.edition end def place(doc, host) x = x.empty? && host and x = x.empty? and return x end def publisher(doc, host) x = pick_contributor(doc, "publisher") host and x ||= pick_contributor(host, "publisher") x.nil? and return nil { |c| extractname(c) } end def distributor(doc, host) x = pick_contributor(doc, "distributor") host and x ||= pick_contributor(host, "distributor") x.nil? and return nil { |c| extractname(c) } end def series(doc) doc.series.detect { |s| s.type == "main" } || doc.series.detect { |s| s.type.nil? } || doc.series.first end def series_title(series, _doc) return nil if series.nil? series.title.respond_to?(:titles) and return series.title.titles.first.title.content series.title&.title&.content || series.formattedref&.content end def series_formatted(series, _doc) series.formattedref&.content end def series_abbr(series, _doc) series.abbreviation&.content end def series_num(series, _doc) series.number end def series_partnumber(series, _doc) series.partnumber end def series_run(series, _doc) end def standardidentifier(doc) doc.docidentifier.each_with_object([]) do |id, ret| ret << unless standardidentifier_exclude.include? id.type end end def standardidentifier_exclude %w(metanorma metanorma-ordinal) end def uri(doc) uri = nil %i(doi uri src).each do |t| uri = { |u| u.type == t } and break end uri ||= return nil unless uri uri.content.to_s end def access_location(doc, host) x = doc.accesslocation || host&.accesslocation or return nil x.first end def included(type) ["article", "inbook", "incollection", "inproceedings"].include? type end def type(doc) type = doc.type and return type doc.relation.any? { |r| r.type == "includedIn" } and return "inbook" "book" end def extent1(localities) localities.each_with_object({}) do |l, ret| ret[(l.type || "page").to_sym] = { from: localized_string_or_text(l.reference_from), to: localized_string_or_text(l.reference_to), } end end def extent(doc) doc.extent.each_with_object([]) do |e, acc| case e when RelatonBib::LocalityStack acc << extent1(e.locality) when RelatonBib::Locality acc << extent1(Array(e)) end end end def draft(doc, host) dr = doc.status&.stage&.value || host&.status&.stage&.value { iteration: iter_ordinal(doc) || iter_ordinal(host), status: dr } end def iter_ordinal(doc) return nil unless iter = doc&.status&.iteration iter end def status(doc) doc.status&.stage&.value end private def blank?(text) text.nil? || text.empty? end def pick_contributor(doc, role) ret = do |c| c.role.any? { |r| r.type == role } end ret.empty? ? nil : ret end def localized_string_or_text(str) case str when RelatonBib::LocalizedString str.content when String str end end end end end