#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = StatusSheetReport.rb -- The TaskJuggler III Project Management Software # # Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 # by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'taskjuggler/reports/ReportBase' class TaskJuggler class ManagerStatusRecord attr_reader :resource, :responsibilities def initialize(resource) # The Resource record of the manager @resource = resource # A list of Task objects with their JournalEntry records. Stored as # Array of ManagerResponsibilities objects. @responsibilities = [] end def sort!(taskList) @responsibilities.sort! do |r1, r2| taskList.itemIndex(r1.task) <=> taskList.itemIndex(r2.task) end @responsibilities.each { |r| r.sort!(taskList) } end end class ManagerResponsibilities attr_reader :task, :journalEntries def initialize(task, journalEntries) @task = task @journalEntries = journalEntries.dup end def sort!(taskList) @journalEntries.sort! do |e1, e2| taskList.itemIndex(e1.property) <=> taskList.itemIndex(e2.property) end end end # This specialization of ReportBase implements a template generator for # status sheets. The status sheet is structured using the TJP file syntax. class StatusSheetReport < ReportBase # Create a new object and set some default values. def initialize(report) super(report) # A list of ManagerStatusRecord objects, one for each manager. @managers = [] end # In the future we might want to generate other output than TJP synatx. So # we generate an abstract version of the status sheet first. def generateIntermediateFormat super # Prepare the resource list. resourceList = PropertyList.new(@project.resources) resourceList.setSorting(@report.get('sortResources')) resourceList = filterResourceList(resourceList, nil, @report.get('hideResource'), @report.get('rollupResource'), @report.get('openNodes')) # Prepare a template for the Query we will use to get all the data. scenarioIdx = a('scenarios')[0] queryAttrs = { 'project' => @project, 'scopeProperty' => nil, 'scenarioIdx' => scenarioIdx, 'loadUnit' => :days, 'numberFormat' => RealFormat.new([ '-', '', '', '.', 1]), 'timeFormat' => "%Y-%m-%d", 'currencyFormat' => a('currencyFormat'), 'start' => a('start'), 'end' => a('end'), 'hideJournalEntry' => a('hideJournalEntry'), 'journalMode' => a('journalMode'), 'journalAttributes' => a('journalAttributes'), 'sortJournalEntries' => a('sortJournalEntries'), 'costAccount' => a('costaccount'), 'revenueAccount' => a('revenueaccount') } resourceList.query = Query.new(queryAttrs) resourceList.sort! # Prepare the task list. taskList = PropertyList.new(@project.tasks) taskList.setSorting(@report.get('sortTasks')) taskList = filterTaskList(taskList, nil, @report.get('hideTask'), @report.get('rollupTask'), @report.get('openNodes')) taskList.sort! resourceList.each do |resource| # Status sheets only make sense for leaf resources. next unless resource.leaf? # Collect a list of tasks that the Resource is responsible for and # don't have a parent task that the Resource is responsible for. topLevelTasks = [] taskList.each do |task| if task['responsible', scenarioIdx].include?(resource) && (task.parent.nil? || !task.parent['responsible', scenarioIdx].include?(resource)) topLevelTasks << task end end next if topLevelTasks.empty? # Store the list of top-level responsibilities. @managers << (manager = ManagerStatusRecord.new(resource)) topLevelTasks.each do |task| # Get a list of all the current Journal entries for this task and # all it's sub tasks. entries = @project['journal']. currentEntriesR(a('end'), task, 0, a('start') + 1, resourceList.query) next if entries.empty? manager.responsibilities << ManagerResponsibilities.new(task, entries) end # Sort the responsibilities list according to the original taskList. manager.sort!(taskList) end end # Generate a time sheet in TJP syntax format. def to_tjp # This String will hold the result. @file = '' # Iterate over all the ManagerStatusRecord objects. @managers.each do |manager| resource = manager.resource @file << "# --------8<--------8<--------\n" # Generate the time sheet header @file << "statussheet #{resource.fullId} " + "#{a('start')} - #{a('end')} {\n\n" if manager.responsibilities.empty? # If there were no assignments, just write a comment. @file << " # This resource is not responsible for any task.\n\n" else manager.responsibilities.each do |responsibility| task = responsibility.task @file << " # Task: #{task.name}\n" responsibility.journalEntries.each do |entry| task = entry.property @file << " task #{task.fullId} {\n" alertLevel = @project['alertLevels'][entry.alertLevel].id @file << " # status #{alertLevel} \"#{entry.headline}\" {\n" @file << " # # Date: #{entry.date}\n" if (tsRecord = entry.timeSheetRecord) @file << " # # " @file << "Work: #{tsRecord.actualWorkPercent.to_i}% " if tsRecord.actualWorkPercent != tsRecord.planWorkPercent @file << "(#{tsRecord.planWorkPercent.to_i}%) " end if tsRecord.remaining @file << " Remaining: #{tsRecord.actualRemaining}d " if tsRecord.actualRemaining != tsRecord.planRemaining @file << "(#{tsRecord.planRemaining}d) " end else @file << " End: " + "#{tsRecord.actualEnd.to_s(a('timeFormat'))} " if tsRecord.actualEnd != tsRecord.planEnd @file << "(#{tsRecord.planEnd.to_s(a('timeFormat'))}) " end end @file << "\n" end @file << " # author #{entry.author.fullId}\n" if entry.author unless entry.flags.empty? @file << " # flags #{entry.flags.join(', ')}\n" end if entry.summary @file << " # summary -8<-\n" + indentBlock(4, entry.summary.richText.inputText) + " # ->8-\n" end if entry.details @file << " # details -8<-\n" + indentBlock(4, entry.details.richText.inputText) + " # ->8-\n" end @file << " # }\n }\n\n" end end end @file << "}\n# -------->8-------->8--------\n\n" end @file end private def indentBlock(indent, text) indentation = ' ' * indent + '# ' buffer = indentation out = '' text.each_utf8_char do |c| unless buffer.empty? out += buffer buffer = '' end out << c buffer = indentation if c == "\n" end # Make sure we always have a trailing line break out += "\n" unless out[-1] == "\n" out end end end