module Neo4j module Core module Index module ClassMethods # The indexer which we are delegating to attr_reader :_indexer # TODO YARD # Sets which indexer should be used for the given node class. # You can share an indexer between several different classes. # # @example Using custom index # # class MyIndex # extend Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods # include Neo4j::Core::Index # # node_indexer do # index_names :exact => 'myindex_exact', :fulltext => 'myindex_fulltext' # trigger_on :ntype => 'foo', :name => ['bar', 'foobar'] # # prefix_index_name do # return "" unless Neo4j.running? # return "" unless @indexer_for.respond_to?(:ref_node_for_class) # ref_node = @indexer_for.ref_node_for_class.wrapper # prefix = ref_node.send(:_index_prefix) if ref_node.respond_to?(:_index_prefix) # prefix ||= ref_node[:name] # To maintain backward compatiblity # prefix.blank? ? "" : prefix + "_" # end # # # numeric do # type = decl_props && decl_props[field.to_sym] && decl_props[field.to_sym][:type] # type && !type.is_a?(String) # end # end # end # # @example Using Neo4j::NodeMixin # # class Contact # include Neo4j::NodeMixin # index :name # has_one :phone # end # # class Phone # include Neo4j::NodeMixin # property :phone # node_indexer Contact # put index on the Contact class instead # index :phone # end # # # Find an contact with a phone number, this works since they share the same index # Contact.find('phone: 12345').first #=> a phone object ! # # @return [Neo4j::Core::Index::Indexer] The indexer that should be used to index the given class # @see Neo4j::Core::Index::IndexConfig for possible configuration values in the +config_dsl+ block # @yield evaluated in the a Neo4j::Core::Index::IndexConfig object to configure it. def node_indexer(&config_dsl) # TODO reuse an existing index config config = config.instance_eval(&config_dsl) indexer(config) end # Sets which indexer should be used for the given relationship class # Same as #node_indexer except that it indexes relationships instead of nodes. # # @see #node_indexer # @return [Neo4j::Core::Index::Indexer] The indexer that should be used to index the given class def rel_indexer(clazz) indexer(clazz, :rel) end def indexer(index_config) @_indexer ||= IndexerRegistry.instance.register( end class << self private # @macro [attach] index.delegate # @method $1(*args, &block) # Delegates the `$1` message to @_indexer instance with the supplied parameters. # @see Neo4j::Core::Index::Indexer#$1 def delegate(method_name) class_eval(<<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__) def #{method_name}(*args, &block) _indexer.send(:#{method_name}, *args, &block) end EOM end end delegate :index delegate :find delegate :index? delegate :has_index_type? delegate :rm_index_type delegate :rm_index_config delegate :add_index delegate :rm_index delegate :index_type delegate :index_name_for_type end end end end