var autocomplete_data_static = {}; function autocomplete_get_hidden_field(obj){ var hidden_id = obj.attr("data-field-id").replace(/(:|\.|\[|\])/g,'\\$1');; return $('#'+hidden_id); } function autocomplete_query(obj){ obj.typeahead({ source: function (q, process) { obj = this.$element; rows = []; var name = obj.attr('name'); autocomplete_data_static[name] = {"map":[], "values": []}; // load data from remote server $.getJSON( obj.attr('data-source-query'), {q: q}, function( data ) { $.each(data, function (i, row) { autocomplete_data_static[name]["values"].push(row[1]); autocomplete_data_static[name]["map"][row[1]]=row[0]; }); process(autocomplete_data_static[name]["values"]); } );// get json }//source , updater: function (item) { obj = this.$element; // save the id value the hidden field var obj_id = autocomplete_get_hidden_field(obj); if (obj_id) { var name = obj.attr('name'); obj_id.val(autocomplete_data_static[name]["map"][item]); } return item; } , items: obj.attr('data-items') , minLength: obj.attr('data-min-length') , afterSelect: function(item){ var name = obj.attr('data-afterSelect') || ''; if (name!='') { var fn = window[name]; if (typeof(fn) == "function") fn(item); } } }).on('change', function (e) { var obj = $(this); var current = obj.typeahead("getActive"); // hidden field for id var obj_id = autocomplete_get_hidden_field(obj); if (obj_id) { if (current) { // Some item from your model is active! if (current == obj.val()) { // This means the exact match is found. Use toLowerCase() if you want case insensitive match. // the value is already set after select } else { // This means it is only a partial match, you can either add a new item // or take the active if you don't want new items if (obj_id) obj_id.val(''); } } else { // Nothing is active so it is a new value (or maybe empty value) if (obj_id) obj_id.val(''); } } });// typeahead } $(document).ready(function() { // local array $( 'input[data-provide="typeahead"][data-source-array]' ).each(function() { obj = $(this); var arr = JSON.parse(obj.attr('data-source-array').replace(/"/g, '"')); obj.typeahead({ source: arr , items: obj.attr('data-items') , minLength: obj.attr('data-min-length') });//typeahead }); // static data from server $( 'input[data-provide="typeahead"][data-source]' ).each(function() { obj = $(this); var name = obj.attr('id'); autocomplete_data_static[name] = {"map":[], "values": []}; $.get(obj.attr('data-source'), function(data){ $.each(data, function (i, row) { autocomplete_data_static[name]["values"].push(row[1]); autocomplete_data_static[name]["map"][row[1]]=row[0]; }); obj.typeahead({ source: autocomplete_data_static[name]["values"] , updater: function (item) { // save the id value the hidden field obj_id = $('#'+obj.attr("data-field-id")); if (obj_id) obj_id.val(autocomplete_data_static[name]["map"][item]); return item; } , items: obj.attr('data-items') , minLength: obj.attr('data-min-length') });//typeahead }, 'json' );//get }); // query data from server $('input[data-provide="typeahead"][data-source-query]').each(function() { autocomplete_query($(this)); });// each });