require 'bmp' require 'core_ext/array/extract_options.rb' unless Array.method_defined?(:extract_options!) require 'bit-struct' unless Object.const_defined?(:BitStruct) require 'chunky_png' unless Object.const_defined?(:ChunkyPNG) require 'ico/version' require 'ico/utils' require 'ico/icon_dir' require 'ico/icon_dir_entry' require 'ico/icon_image' # # @see # module ICO # make all methods class-methods extend self # create ICO object # # @param filename_array [String, Array] filename, or array of filenames # @return [BitStruct] # def new(filename_array) raise ArgumentError unless (filename_array.is_a?(Array) || filename_array.is_a?(String)) # ensure non-nested array fn_array = [filename_array].flatten # ensure .png extensions raise "more than PNG format files in #{filename_array.inspect}" if ICO::Utils.contains_other_than_ext?(fn_array, :png) fn_array_length = fn_array.length icon_dir = icon_dir.image_count = fn_array.length offset = ICO::IconDir::LENGTH_IN_BYTES + (fn_array_length * ICO::IconDirEntry::LENGTH_IN_BYTES) entries = {} images = {} # reorder by image size images_array = ICO::Utils.sizes_hash(fn_array, true, true).values images_array.each_with_index do |fn,i| img = ChunkyPNG::Image.from_file(fn) #img_hash = BMP::Utils.parse_image(img, ICO::IconImage::HEADER_SIZE_IN_BYTES) img_hash = BMP::Utils.parse_image(img) file_size = img_hash[:image_size] + ICO::IconImage::HEADER_SIZE_IN_BYTES entry = entries[i] image = images[i] entry.width = img_hash[:image_width] entry.height = img_hash[:image_height] #entry.bytes_in_res = img_hash[:file_size] entry.bytes_in_res = file_size entry.image_offset = offset image.width = img_hash[:image_width] image.height = (img_hash[:image_height] * 2) image.size_image = img_hash[:image_size] = img_hash[:pixel_array] #offset += img_hash[:file_size] offset += file_size end # IconDirEntry + IconImage section as binary data string = entries.join + images.join icon_dir end # PNG to ICO # # @param input_filename [Array,String] "/path/to/example.png" OR ["/path/to/example.png", ...] # @param output_filename [String] "/path/to/example_generated.ico" # @return [String] filename of generated ico # def png_to_ico(filename_array, output_filename, overwrite=false) ico = unless overwrite raise "File exists: #{output_filename}" if File.exist?(output_filename) end IO.write(output_filename, ico) end # PNG to ICO force overwrite output_filename # def png_to_ico!(filename_array, output_filename) png_to_ico(filename_array, output_filename, true) end # PNG to resized PNGs to ICO # # @param input_filename [String] "/path/to/example.png" # @param sizes_array [Array>, Array] # rectangles use Array with XY: `[x,y]` # squares use single Integer `N` # mixed indices is valid # example: `[24, [24,24], [480,270], 888] # a[0] => 24x24; a[1] => 24x24; a[2] => 480x270; a[3] => 888x888` # @param output_filename [String] "/path/to/example.ico" # @return [String] filename of generated ico # def png_resize_to_ico(input_filename, sizes_array, output_filename) output_dir = ICO::Utils.png_to_sizes(input_filename, sizes_array) filename_array = Dir.glob(File.join(output_dir, '**/*')) png_to_ico(filename_array, output_filename) end end