# encoding: utf-8 require "kuaidi100_rails/version" require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' require 'json' require 'faraday' module Kuaidi100Rails API_URL = 'http://api.kuaidi100.com/api' SUBSCRIBE_URL = 'http://www.kuaidi100.com/poll' EXPRESS_KEYWORDS = {yuantong: '圆通', shunfeng: '顺丰', bjemstckj: '北京EMS', ems: 'ems', shentong: '申通', yunda: '韵达', zhongtong: '中通', huitongkuaidi: '汇通', debangwuliu: '德邦', zhaijisong: '宅急送', tiantian: '天天', guotongkuaidi: '国通', zengyisudi: '增益', suer: '速尔', ztky: '中铁物流', zhongtiewuliu: '中铁快运', ganzhongnengda: '能达', youshuwuliu: '优速', quanfengkuaidi: '全峰', jd: '京东'} class << self attr_accessor :API_KEY attr_accessor :POLL_KEY attr_accessor :POLL_CALLBACK_URL end module_function def crawl(com, nu) begin url = URI.parse(API_URL) params = {:id => Kuaidi100Rails.API_KEY, :com => com, :nu => nu, :show => 0, :muti => 1, :order => 'desc'} url.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) p url res = Net::HTTP.get(url) hash = SHash.new(JSON.parse(res)) p hash rescue Exception => e puts "error #{e}" end end #cn_name to en_code def company_code(cn_name) EXPRESS_KEYWORDS.select { |k, v| cn_name.to_s.downcase.include?(v.to_s.downcase) }.keys[0].to_s end #en_code to cn_name def company_name(code_str) EXPRESS_KEYWORDS[code_str.to_s.to_sym] end #subscribe express #===Parameters== #+com+ company code #+nu+ express number #+from+ start from address #+to+ destination address #+salt+ random signature string #+mobiletelephone+ user phone #+seller+ seller's name #+commodity+ product's name def subscribe(com, nu, from, to, salt=nil, mobiletelephone=nil, seller=nil, commodity=nil) begin body = { company: com, number: nu, from: from, to: to, key: Kuaidi100Rails.POLL_KEY, parameters: { callbackurl: Kuaidi100Rails.POLL_CALLBACK_URL, salt: salt, resultv2: '1', mobiletelephone: mobiletelephone, seller: seller, commodity: commodity } } p body response = Faraday.new(:url => SUBSCRIBE_URL).post do |req| req.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' # req.params[:schema] = 'json' # req.params[:param] = body.to_json req.body={ schema: 'json', param: body.to_json } end hash = SHash.new(JSON.parse(response.body)) p hash return hash[:returnCode].to_i rescue Exception => e puts "error #{e}" end 0 end class SHash < Hash def initialize(json_object=nil) json_object && json_object.inject(self) { |memo, (key, v)| if v.instance_of?(Hash) memo[key.to_sym]= SHash.new(v) elsif v.instance_of?(Array) s_array = ->(value) { value.inject([]) { |m, i| if i.instance_of?(Hash) m<< SHash.new(i) elsif i.instance_of?(Array) m<< s_array.call(i) else m<