require 'test_helper' class Docusigner::AccountTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context "an account" do setup do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "accountIdGuid" => "1234-asdf", "accountName" => "My Account Name", "billingPeriodEndDate" => "2013-03-21T07:00:00.0000000Z", "billingPeriodEnvelopesAllowed" => "", "billingPeriodEnvelopesSent" => "", "billingPeriodStartDate" => "2013-02-21T08:00:00.0000000Z", "connectPermission" => "full", "currencyCode" => "USD", "currentPlanId" => "36eb5ca8-ebc0-446b-930c-ee010eb59179", "distributorCode" => "DocuSign", "docuSignLandingUrl" => "", "planName" => "DocuSign Demo Plan", "planStartDate" => "2013-02-21T14:28:35.0000000Z", "suspensionStatus" => "" }.to_json) @account = Docusigner::Account.find("1234-asdf") assert_requested(:get, "") end should "be findable by id" do assert_equal("1234-asdf", end should "be able to fetch its brands" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "brands" => [{ "brandCompany" => "String content", "brandId" => "1", "brandName" => "String content", }, { "brandCompany" => "String content", "brandId" => "2", "brandName" => "String content", }], "recipientBrandIdDefault" => "1", "senderBrandIdDefault" => "1", }.to_json) brands = @account.brands assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(2, brands.length) brands.each do |brand| assert_equal("1234-asdf", brand.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch a list of custom fields" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "listCustomFields" => [{ "name" => "String", "required" => "String", "show" => "String", "listItems" => ["String","String"] }, { "name" => "String", "required" => "String", "show" => "String", "listItems" => ["String","String"] }], "textCustomFields" => [{ "name" => "String", "required" => "String", "show" => "String", }, { "name" => "String", "required" => "String", "show" => "String", }] }.to_json) custom_fields = @account.custom_fields assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(4, custom_fields.length) custom_fields.each do |custom_field| assert_equal("1234-asdf", custom_field.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch envelopes from a given date" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "envelopes" => [{ "certificateUri" => "String content", "customFieldsUri" => "String content", "documentsCombinedUri" => "String content", "documentsUri" => "String content", "envelopeId" => "envelope1", "envelopeUri" => "String content", "notificationUri" => "String content", "recipientsUri" => "String content", "status" => "created", "statusChangedDateTime" => "String content" }, { "certificateUri" => "String content", "customFieldsUri" => "String content", "documentsCombinedUri" => "String content", "documentsUri" => "String content", "envelopeId" => "envelope2", "envelopeUri" => "String content", "notificationUri" => "String content", "recipientsUri" => "String content", "status" => "sent", "statusChangedDateTime" => "String content" }], "resultSetSize" => "String content" }.to_json) envelopes = @account.envelopes("2013-01-01") assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(2, envelopes.length) envelopes.each do |envelope| assert_equal("1234-asdf", envelope.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch folders" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "folders" => [{ "folderId" => "String content", "name" => "String content", "ownerEmail" => "String content", "ownerUserName" => "String content", "type" => "String content", "uri" => "String content" }, { "folderId" => "String content", "name" => "String content", "ownerEmail" => "String content", "ownerUserName" => "String content", "type" => "String content", "uri" => "String content" }, { "folderId" => "String content", "folders" => [{ "folderId" => "String content", "name" => "String content", "ownerEmail" => "String content", "ownerUserName" => "String content", "parentFolderId" => "String content", "parentFolderUri" => "String content", "type" => "String content", "uri" => "String content" }], }], }.to_json) folders = @account.folders assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(3, folders.length) folders.each do |folder| assert_equal("1234-asdf", folder.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch groups" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "groups" => [{ "groupId" => "String content", "groupName" => "String content", "groupType" => "String content", "permissionsProfileId" => "String content" }] }.to_json) groups = @account.groups assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(1, groups.length) groups.each do |group| assert_equal("1234-asdf", group.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch settings" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "accountSettings" => [ { "name" => "allowInPerson", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "allowSignerReassign", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "attachCompletedEnvelope", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "autoNavRule", "value" => "required_fields" }, { "name" => "canSelfBrandSend", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "canSelfBrandSign", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableAutoNav", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableCalculatedFields", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableDSPro", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableEnvelopeStampingByAccountAdmin", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enablePaymentProcessing", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enablePowerForm", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableReservedDomain", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableSendToAgent", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSendToIntermediary", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableSendToManage", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSequentialSigningAPI", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSequentialSigningUI", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSignerAttachments", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSignOnPaper", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "enableSignOnPaperOverride", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableTransactionPoint", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "enableVaulting", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "envelopeIntegrationAllowed", "value" => "full" }, { "name" => "envelopeIntegrationEnabled", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "envelopeStampingDefaultValue", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "idCheckExpire", "value" => "always" }, { "name" => "idCheckExpireDays", "value" => "0" }, { "name" => "idCheckRequired", "value" => "never" }, { "name" => "pkiSignDownloadedPDFDocs", "value" => "yes_sign" }, { "name" => "signDateFormat", "value" => "M/d/yyyy" }, { "name" => "signerAttachCertificateToEnvelopePDF", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "signerCanCreateAccount", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "signerCanSignOnMobile", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "signerInSessionUseEnvelopeCompleteEmail", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "signerMustHaveAccount", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "signerMustLoginToSign", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "signerShowSecureFieldInitialValues", "value" => "false" }, { "name" => "sessionTimeout", "value" => "120" }, { "name" => "useAccountLevelEmail", "value" => "true" }, { "name" => "usesAPI", "value" => "false" } ] }.to_json) settings = @account.settings assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal("false", settings["usesAPI"]) assert_equal("1234-asdf", settings.account_id) end should "be able to fetch templates" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "envelopeTemplates" => [{ "description" => "String content", "folderName" => "String content", "folderUri" => "String content", "lastModified" => "String content", "name" => "String content", "pageCount" => 2147483647, "password" => "String content", "shared" => "String content", "templateId" => "String content", "uri" => "String content" }] }.to_json) templates = @account.templates assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(1, templates.length) templates.each do |template| assert_equal("1234-asdf", template.account_id) end end should "be able to fetch users" do stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(:body => { "users" => [{ "uri" => "String content", "userId" => "String content", "userName" => "String content", "userStatus" => "String content", "userType" => "String content" }] }.to_json) users = @account.users assert_requested(:get, "") assert_equal(1, users.length) users.each do |user| assert_equal("1234-asdf", user.account_id) end end end end