# Fact: operatingsystemmajrelease # # Purpose: Returns the major release of the operating system. # # Resolution: # Uses the release['major'] entry of the os structured fact, which itself # attempts to use its own release['full'] entry to determine the major release value. # In RedHat osfamily derivatives and Debian, splits down the release string for a decimal point # and uses the first non-decimal character. # In Solaris, uses the first non-decimal character of the release string. # In Ubuntu, uses the characters before and after the first decimal point, as in '14.04'. # In Windows, uses the full release string in the case of server releases, such as '2012 R2', # and uses the first non-decimal character in the cases of releases such as '8.1'. # # This should be the same as lsbmajdistrelease, but on minimal systems there # are too many dependencies to use LSB # # List of operatingsystems at time of writing: # "Alpine" "Amazon" "Archlinux" "Ascendos" "Bluewhite64" "CentOS" "CloudLinux" # "Debian" "Fedora" "Gentoo" "Mandrake" "Mandriva" "MeeGo" "OEL" "OpenSuSE" # "OracleLinux" "OVS" "PSBM" "RedHat" "Scientific" "Slackware" "Slamd64" "SLC" # "SLED" "SLES" "Solaris" "SuSE" "Ubuntu" "VMWareESX" # Facter.add(:operatingsystemmajrelease) do confine do !Facter.value("os")["release"]["major"].nil? end setcode { Facter.value("os")["release"]["major"].to_s } end