require 'helper' class TestTransforming < Coupler::Test::IntegrationTest def self.startup super Connection.delete each_adapter do |adapter, config| data = { [Forgery(:name).first_name, Forgery(:name).last_name] } conn = new_connection(adapter, :name => "#{adapter} connection").save! conn.database do |db| db.create_table!(:test_data) do primary_key :id String :first_name String :last_name end db[:test_data].import([:first_name, :last_name], data) end end end def setup super @project = Project.create(:name => "Test project") end def adapter_setup(adapter) @connection = new_connection(adapter, :name => "#{adapter} connection").save! @resource = Resource.create(:name => "Test resource", :table_name => 'test_data', :project => @project, :connection => @connection) @transformer = Transformer.create(:name => "downcaser", :allowed_types => %w{string}, :code => 'value.downcase', :result_type => 'same') end each_adapter do |adapter, _| adapter_test(adapter, "single transformation") do adapter_setup(adapter) transformation = Transformation.create({ :resource => @resource, :transformer => @transformer, :source_field => @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] }) @resource.transform! assert @resource.transformed_at assert_equal "#{}", @resource.transformed_with assert_equal "ok", @resource.status @connection.database do |source_db| @project.local_database do |local_db| table_name = :"resource_#{}" assert_equal :string, local_db.schema(table_name).assoc(:first_name)[1][:type] local_ds = local_db[table_name] source_db[:test_data].each do |source_row| local_row = local_ds[:id => source_row[:id]] assert_equal source_row[:first_name].downcase, local_row[:first_name] end end end end adapter_test(adapter, "transform goes in order of position") do adapter_setup(adapter) first_name = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] foo_transformer = Transformer.create(:name => "foo", :allowed_types => %w{string}, :code => '"FOO"', :result_type => 'same') xformation_1 = Transformation.create(:resource => @resource, :transformer => @transformer, :source_field => first_name) xformation_2 = Transformation.create(:resource => @resource, :transformer => foo_transformer, :source_field => first_name) xformation_1.update(:position => 2) xformation_2.update(:position => 1) @resource.transform! @resource.local_dataset do |ds| ds.each { |r| assert_equal "foo", r[:first_name] } end end adapter_test(adapter, "transform into new result field") do adapter_setup(adapter) transformation = Transformation.create({ :resource => @resource, :transformer => @transformer, :source_field => @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'], :result_field_attributes => { :name => 'downcased_first_name' } }) @resource.transform! @resource.local_dataset do |ds| ds.each { |r| assert_equal r[:first_name].downcase, r[:downcased_first_name] } end end adapter_test(adapter, "transforming only gets specified columns") do adapter_setup(adapter) @resource.fields_dataset.filter(["name IN ?", %w{last_name}]).update(:is_selected => false) transformation = Transformation.create({ :resource => @resource, :transformer => @transformer, :source_field => @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] }) @resource.transform! @project.local_database do |db| schema = db.schema(:"resource_#{}") assert_equal [:id, :first_name], schema.collect(&:first) end end adapter_test(adapter, "preview inplace transformation") do adapter_setup(adapter) strlen = Transformer.create(:name => "strlen", :code => 'value.length', :allowed_types => %w{string}, :result_type => 'integer') square = Transformer.create(:name => 'square', :code => "value ** 2", :allowed_types => %w{integer}, :result_type => 'integer') first_name = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] transformation_1 = Transformation.create({ :resource => @resource, :transformer => strlen, :source_field => first_name }) transformation_2 ={ :resource => @resource, :transformer => square, :source_field => first_name, :result_field => first_name }) arr = @resource.preview_transformation(transformation_2) assert_equal [:id, :first_name, :last_name], arr[:fields] assert_equal 50, arr[:data].length @resource.source_dataset do |ds| ds.limit(50).each_with_index do |row, i| before = row.merge(:first_name => row[:first_name].length) after = before.merge(:first_name => before[:first_name] ** 2) result = arr[:data].find { |r| r[:before][:id] == row[:id] } assert_equal before, result[:before], "Before didn't match" assert_equal after, result[:after], "After didn't match" end end end adapter_test(adapter, "preview transformation with invalid transformer") do adapter_setup(adapter) first_name = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] transformation ={ :resource => @resource, :source_field => first_name, :result_field => first_name, :transformer => nil, :transformer_attributes => { :name => "foo", :code => "HAY", :allowed_types => %w{string}, :result_type => "string" } }) result = @resource.preview_transformation(transformation) assert_kind_of Exception, result end adapter_test(adapter, "transform with progress callback") do adapter_setup(adapter) first_name = @resource.fields_dataset[:name => 'first_name'] transformation = Transformation.create({ :resource => @resource, :source_field => first_name, :result_field => first_name, :transformer => @transformer }) count = 0 @resource.transform! do |n| count += 1 end assert count > 0 end end end