require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') # ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => "sqlite3", :database => ":memory:") ActiveRecord::Schema.define(:version => 1) do create_table :posts do |t| end create_table :comments do |t| t.integer :post_id end end class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base end describe "model_loader" do include RSpec::Rails::ControllerExampleGroup controller do before_filter do |controller| if params[:post_id] controller.re_load_model :post, :param_id => :post_id if params[:validate] controller.re_load_model :comment, :parents => [:post], :validate => params[:validate] elsif params[:redirect_path] controller.re_load_model :comment, :parents => [:post], :redirect_path => params[:redirect_path] else controller.re_load_model :comment, :parents => [:post] end elsif params[:find_by] controller.re_load_model :post, :find_by => params[:find_by] elsif params[:param_id] controller.re_load_model :post, :param_id => params[:param_id] elsif params[:redirect_path] controller.re_load_model :post, :redirect_path => params[:redirect_path] else controller.re_load_model :post end end def index render :inline => "re_load_model" end def posts_path '/posts' end def comments_path "/comments" end def mock_redirect_path(args = []) "/mock_redirect_path/#{'/')}" end end before(:each) do @post = Post.create @comment = Comment.create(:post_id => end describe "loading a valid model" do it "should find the model" do Post.should_receive(:send).with(:find, get :index, :id => end it "should set the instance variable '@model'" do get :index, :id => assigns(:post).should == @post end end describe "loading an invalid model" do it "should set the inastance variable '@model' to nil" do get :index, :id => "unknown" assigns(:post).should == nil end it "should set the error message" do get :index, :id => "unknown" flash[:error].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the index path of the model" do get :index, :id => "unknown" response.should redirect_to('/posts') end it "should set the javascript redirect to the index path of the model" do xhr :get, :index, :id => "unknown" response.body.should == "window.location.href = '\/posts';" end end describe "the model is a child of the direct parent" do before(:each) do Comment.stub!(:send).with(:find, end it "should confirm that this model is a child of the direct parent" do @comment.should_receive(:post_id).and_return( get :index, :id =>, :post_id => assigns(:post).should == @post assigns(:comment).should == @comment end describe "the :validate option" do it "should be a valid child if the :validate is true" do @comment.should_receive(:validate_method).and_return(true) get :index, :id =>, :post_id =>, :validate => "validate_method" assigns(:post).should == @post assigns(:comment).should == @comment end it "should be a invalid child if the :validate is false" do @comment.should_receive(:validate_method).and_return(false) get :index, :id =>, :post_id =>, :validate => "validate_method" assigns(:post).should == @post assigns(:comment).should == nil response.should redirect_to('/comments') end end end describe "the model is not a child of the direct parent" do before(:each) do Comment.stub!(:send).with(:find, @comment.stub!(:post_id).and_return(-1) end it "should set the inastance variable '@model' to nil" do @comment.should_receive(:post_id).and_return(-1) get :index, :id =>, :post_id => assigns(:post).should == @post assigns(:comment).should == nil end it "should set the error message" do get :index, :id =>, :post_id => flash[:error].should_not be_blank end it "should redirect to the index path of the parent" do get :index, :id =>, :post_id => response.should redirect_to('/comments') end it "should set the javascript redirect to the path of the parent" do xhr :get, :index, :id =>, :post_id => response.body.should == "window.location.href = '\/comments';" end end describe "finding a model" do it "should call find when the parameter :find is not set" do Post.should_receive(:send).with(:find, get :index, :id => end it "should use the parameter :find when set" do Post.should_receive(:send).with(:find_by_mock, get :index, :id =>, :find_by => :find_by_mock end it "should use the parameter :param_id when set" do Post.should_receive(:send).with(:find, get :index, :test_post_id =>, :param_id => :test_post_id end it "should capture RecordNotFound exceptions and return nil" do Post.should_receive(:send).with(:find, lambda { get :index, :id => }.should_not raise_error response.should redirect_to('/posts') end end describe "redirecting on failure" do it "should call the model's index path the parameter :redirect_path is not set" do get :index, :id => 'unknown' response.should redirect_to('/posts') end it "should use the :redirect_path when set" do get :index, :id => 'unknown', :redirect_path => :mock_redirect_path response.should redirect_to('/mock_redirect_path/') end it "should pass an array of parent models when the :parents set and :redirect_path set" do get :index, :id => 'unknown', :post_id =>, :redirect_path => :mock_redirect_path response.should redirect_to("/mock_redirect_path/#{}") end end end