# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Connectivity aspect of a transition. # class YPetri::Transition # Names of upstream places. # def domain_pp; domain.map { |p| p.name || p.object_id } end alias :upstream_pp :domain_pp # Names of downstream places. # def codomain_pp; codomain.map { |p| p.name || p.object_id } end alias :downstream_pp :codomain_pp # Union of action arcs and test arcs. # def arcs; domain | codomain end # Returns names of the (places connected to) the transition's arcs. # def aa; arcs.map { |p| p.name || p.object_id } end # Marking of the domain places. # def domain_marking; domain.map &:marking end # Marking of the codomain places. # def codomain_marking; codomain.map &:marking end # Recursive firing of the upstream net portion (honors #cocked?). # def fire_upstream_recursively return false unless cocked? uncock upstream_places.each &:fire_upstream_recursively fire! return true end # Recursive firing of the downstream net portion (honors #cocked?). # def fire_downstream_recursively return false unless cocked? uncock fire! downstream_places.each &:fire_downstream_recursively return true end end # class YPetri::Transition