require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe Highrise::Company do before(:each) do = '' @company = => 1) returning @tags = [] do @tags << {'id' => "414578", 'name' => "cliente"} @tags << {'id' => "414580", 'name' => "ged"} @tags << {'id' => "414579", 'name' => "iepc"} end end it "should be instance of Highrise::Base" do @company.kind_of?(Highrise::Base).should be_true end describe ".find_all_across_pages_since" do it "should delegate to find_all_across_pages with correct params" do time = Time.parse("Wed Jan 14 15:43:11 -0200 2009") Highrise::Company.should_receive(:find_all_across_pages).with({:params=>{:since=>"20090114174311"}}).and_return("result") Highrise::Company.find_all_across_pages_since(time).should == "result" end end describe "people" do it "should delegate to Highrise::Person.find with correct params" do Highrise::Person.should_receive(:find).with(:all, {:from=>"/companies/1/people.xml"}).and_return("people") @company.people.should == "people" end end describe ".tags" do it "should return an array of all tags for that company." do @company.should_receive(:get).with(:tags).and_return(@tags) @company.tags.should == @tags end end describe "tag!(tag_name)" do it "should create a tag for this company." do @company.should_receive(:post).with(:tags, :name => "client" ).and_return(true) @company.tag!("client").should be_true end end describe "untag!(tag_name)" do it "should delete a tag for this company." do @company.should_receive(:get).with(:tags).and_return(@tags) @company.should_receive(:delete).with("tags/414578").and_return(true) @company.untag!("cliente").should be_true end end describe ".label" do it "should return 'Party' for label" do @company.label.should == 'Party' end end describe ".add_note" do it "should delegate to Highrise::Note.create with correct params" do Highrise::Note.should_receive(:create).with({:body=>"body", :subject_id=>1, :subject_type=>'Party'}).and_return(mock('note')) @company.add_note :body=>'body' end end end