require "spec/spec_helper" require "lib/stowaway/file" require "lib/stowaway/sweeper" require "lib/stowaway/matcher" describe Stowaway::Sweeper do Stowaway::Output.class_eval do def print str;end end let(:sweeper) {, @ignore) } before(:each) do @ignore = [/^\.|\.rb$/] end it "should remove files when a reference to the file is found in source" do files = ["/fake/path1/button.jpg")] sweeper.sweep("spec/data", files) files.should be_empty end it "should return an OpenStruct with the result of the sweeping" do result = sweeper.sweep("spec/data", []) result.files.should be_an_instance_of Array result.name_only_matches.should be_an_instance_of Array end it "should not sweep through ignored file types" do @ignore << /\.txt$/ files = ["/fake/path1/button.jpg")] sweeper.sweep("spec/data", files) files.length.should == 1 end it "should output a message when sweeping through a file" do @ignore << /testfile2/ sweeper.should_receive(:clr_print).once.with(" => /testfile1.txt") sweeper.sweep("spec/data", []) end it "should flush the output after sweeping through a file" do @ignore << /testfile2/ sweeper.should_receive(:flush).once sweeper.sweep("spec/data", []) end it "should files of the same name but with different paths as last resort" do files = ["/fake/path1/button.jpg"),"/fake/path2/button.jpg")] sweeper.sweep("spec/data", files) files.should be_empty end it "should add a file to an array of partially matched files when matched on name only" do files = ["/missing/button.jpg")] sweeper.sweep("spec/data", files).should have(1).name_only_matches end it "should not remove files that were not found" do files = ["/a/stowaway.txt")] sweeper.sweep("spec/data", files) files.should_not be_empty files.first.fullpath.should == "/a/stowaway.txt" end end