![Zombies on a train](http://www.motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/1002/zombies-on-a-train-zombies-oh-shi-demotivational-poster-1265174018.jpg) Guaranteed zombie passengers death. - no longer in passenger-status ? - high CPU load over long period (Optional) ? strace of killed zombies is printed, so debugging is easier. (god/bluepill are not suited to monitor passenger apps because of ever-changing pids) Add passenger-status to `/etc/sudoers` or run with sudo. Install ======= sudo gem install zombie_passenger_killer Usage ===== zombie_passenger_killer [options] Options: -m, --max [SIZE] Max high CPU entries in history before killing --history [SIZE] History size -c, --cpu [PERCENT] Mark as high CPU when above PERCENT -g, --grace [SECONDS] Wait SECONDS before hard-killing (-9) a process -i, --interval [SECONDS] Check every SECONDS -p, --pattern [PATTERN] Find processes with this pattern -h, --help Show this. -v, --version Show Version Author ====== ###Contributors - [mindreframer](https://github.com/mindreframer) [Michael Grosser](http://grosser.it)
Hereby placed under public domain, do what you want, just do not hold me accountable...