module Anubis module Etc ## # Definitions of field options for table column or new (edit) form field. class Field # @!attribute [rw] # Defines field title. # @return [String] field's title class_attribute :title, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] # Defines field type # # Possible values of field's type are 'string', 'integer', 'float', 'listbox', 'checkbox', 'longlistbox' # and 'datetime' # @return [String] field's type. class_attribute :type, default: '' # Defines date format for field type 'datetime' # Possible values of field's format are 'date', 'full', 'datetime', 'month', 'year'. # @return [String] field's type. class_attribute :format, default: '' # Defines precision for field type 'number' # Possible values of this field is integer numbers between 0 and 6. If precision is 0 then number is integer. # @return [String] field's type. class_attribute :precision, default: 0 # @!attribute [rw] # Defines field order options. # @return [FieldOrder] field's order options class_attribute :order, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] # Defines field's visibility for table representation data # @return [Boolean] field's visibility class_attribute :visible, default: true # @!attribute [rw] # Field's identifier # @return [String] field's identifier class_attribute :key, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] field # Field's name is used for access field value in model # @return [String] field's name class_attribute :field, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] table_field # Field's name is used for operation with table data (like 'where', 'order' and etc.) # @return [String] field's name in the table class_attribute :table_field, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] error_text # Text is shown when system can't access to data with presented {#field} name # @return [String] field's error_text class_attribute :error_text, default: '' # @!attribute [rw] # Describes additional field's options for type 'checkbox', 'listbox'. # @return [FieldOptions] field's options. class_attribute :options, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] # Describes if this field could return data for {Anubis::Data::Actions#autocomplete autocomplete} action. # @return [Boolean] possibility for return data on autocomplete action. # # Options: # - :limit (Integer) -- maximum number of elements (defaults to: 10) # - :count (Integer) -- Minimum symbols count for output (defaults to: 3) # @return [Hash] autocomplete definitions for field class_attribute :autocomplete, default: false # @!attribute [rw] # Defines model's description for complex field # # Options: # - :model (ActiveRecord) -- model class # - :title (Symbol) -- field name is used for receive options titles (defaults to: :title) # - :order (Symbol) -- field name is used for order options (defaults to: :title option) # - :where (Hash) -- where parameters for select data from model (defaults to: {}) # @return [Model] model's description for complex field class_attribute :model, default: nil # @!attribute [rw] editable # Defines if key of this field can be edited # @return [String] returns path for edit field options class_attribute :editable, default: nil ## # Sets default parameters for field # @param key [Symbol] field's identifier # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize(key, model, options = {}) #puts key #puts options self.field = nil self.key = key.to_s self.format = '' self.precision = 0 self.title = options[:title] if options.key? :title self.type = if options.key? :type then options[:type] else 'string' end self.visible = if options.key? :visible then options[:visible] else true end self.options = if options.key? :options then[:options]) else nil end if options.key? :order if options[:order].class == Hash options[:order][:field] = Kernel.format('%s.%s', model.table_name, self.key.to_s) if !options[:order].key? :field end self.order = if options.key? :order then[:order]) else nil end end self.model = if options.key? :model then[:model]) else nil end self.editable = if options.key? :editable then options[:editable] else nil end self.autocomplete = if options.key? :autocomplete then options[:autocomplete] else nil end self.error_text = if options.key? :error_text then options[:error_text] else I18n.t('errors.field_error') end self.send Kernel.format('initialize_%s', self.type), options if !options.key? :table_field if !options.key? :field if self.order options[:table_field] = self.order.field if self.order.field end end end if !self.field self.field = if options.key? :field then options[:field] else self.key end end self.table_field = if options.key?(:table_field) then options[:table_field] else Kernel.format('%s.%s', model.table_name, self.field) end if self.autocomplete self.autocomplete[:limit] = 10 if !autocomplete.key? :limit self.autocomplete[:count] = 3 if !autocomplete.key? :count self.autocomplete[:where] = [] end #puts self.to_h end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'string' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_string (options) end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'boolean' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_boolean (options) end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'number' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_number (options) if options.key? :error_text self.error_text = options[:error_text] else self.error_text = '' end self.precision = options[:precision].to_s.to_i if options.key? :precision self.precision = 0 if self.precision < 0 self.precision = 16 if self.precision > 16 end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'text' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_text (options) end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'html' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_html (options) end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'datetime' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_datetime (options) options[:format] = 'datetime' if !options.key? :format options[:format] = 'datetime' if !%w[date datetime full year month].include? options[:format] self.format = options[:format] end ## # Setups additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'listbox' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_listbox (options) self.options = if !self.options if !self.options.list if self.model if !(%w[update create].include?(options[:action])) = 'update' if self.options.line self.options.list = self.options.line else self.options.list = {} end do |dat| self.options.list[] = dat.send(self.model.title) if dat.respond_to? :updated_at if self.model.updated_at < dat.updated_at.to_time.utc.to_i self.model.updated_at = dat.updated_at.to_time.utc.to_i end end end end end end options[:format] = 'single' unless options.key? :format options[:format] = 'single' unless %w[single multiple].include? options[:format] self.format = options[:format] end ## # Initialize additional parameters for {Anubis::Etc::Field#type 'key' field type} for controller actions. # @param options [Hash] field's initial options def initialize_key (options) if self.model self.error_text = '' if options[:action] == 'new' self.field = Kernel.format('%s.%s', self.key, self.model.title) if !options.key? :field self.table_field = Kernel.format('%s.%s', self.model.model.table_name, self.model.title) if !self.table_field self.autocomplete = {} if !options.key? :autocomplete end end ## # Return field properties for frontend application # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties (model, action) if %w[new edit].include? action return self.properties_forms model, action end self.properties_index model, action end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for action 'index' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_index (model, action) result = { id: self.key, type: self.type, sortable: self.order != nil } if self.title result[:title] = self.title else result[:title] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) end result[:editable] = self.editable if self.editable != nil result[:editable] = false if self.type == 'key' result[:format] = self.format if self.type == 'datetime' result[:precision] = self.precision if self.type == 'number' result[:options] = self.hash_to_json(self.options.list) if self.options result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms (model, action) mod = result = { id: self.key, title: model.human_attribute_name(self.key), type: self.type } result.merge!(self.send(Kernel.format('properties_forms_%s', self.type), model, action, mod)) result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'string' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_string (model, action, mod) result = {} errors = {} res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator) } if res if res.options.key? :minimum result[:min] = res.options[:minimum] errors[:min] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :too_short, { count: result[:min] }) end if res.options.key? :maximum result[:max] = res.options[:maximum] errors[:max] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :too_long, { count: result[:max] }) end end res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) } if res result[:required] = true errors[:required] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :blank) end result[:errors] = errors if errors.length > 0 result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'number' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_number (model, action, mod) result = {} errors = {} res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::NumericalityValidator) } if res if res.options.key? :greater_than_or_equal_to result[:min] = res.options[:greater_than_or_equal_to] errors[:min] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :greater_than_or_equal_to, { count: result[:min] }) end if res.options.key? :maximum result[:max] = res.options[:maximum] errors[:max] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :too_long, { count: result[:max] }) end end res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) } if res result[:required] = true errors[:required] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :blank) end result[:errors] = errors if errors.length > 0 result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'text'. # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_text (model, action, mod) self.properties_forms_string model, action, mod end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'html'. # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_html (model, action, mod) self.properties_forms_text model, action, mod end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'listbox' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_listbox (model, action, mod) result = {} result[:format] = self.format if self.format == 'multiple' result[:options] = self.hash_to_json(self.options.list) if self.options result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'key' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_key (model, action, mod) result = { type: 'string', autocomplete: true, editable: self.editable } errors = {} result[:field] = self.model.title if self.editable res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) } if res result[:required] = true errors[:required] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :blank) end result[:errors] = errors if errors.length > 0 result end ## # Return field properties for frontend application for actions 'edit', 'new' and type 'datetime' # @param model [ActiveRecord] field's model # @param action [Srting] current field action # @param mod [ActiveRecord] initialized new model element # @return [Hash] field's properties for defined action def properties_forms_datetime (model, action, mod) result = {} errors = {} res = model.validators_on(self.key.to_sym).detect { |v| v.is_a?(ActiveModel::Validations::PresenceValidator) } if res result[:required] = true errors[:required] = model.human_attribute_name(self.key) + ' ' + mod.errors.generate_message(self.key.to_sym, :blank) end result[:format] = self.format result[:errors] = errors if errors.length > 0 result end ## # Generates hash representation of all class parameters, # @return [Hash] hash representation of all data def to_h result = { key: self.key, type: self.type, visible: self.visible, field: self.field, table_field: self.table_field, error_text: self.error_text, autocomplete: self.autocomplete } result[:format] = self.format if self.type == 'datetime' if self.editable result[:editable] = self.editable result[:field] = self.model.title if self.model else result[:editable] = self.editable if self.editable != nil end if self.model result[:model] = self.model.to_h end if self.options result[:options] = self.options.to_h end if self.order result[:order] = self.order.to_h end result end ## # Convert hash to array json output # @param hash [Hash] hash representation # @return [Array] array representation def hash_to_json(hash) result = [] hash.each_key do |key| result.push({ key: key.to_s, value: hash[key] }) end result end public :format end end end