module ThreeScaleToolbox module Command def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def subcommands @subcommands ||= [] end def add_subcommand(command) subcommands << command end ## # Override to command # def command raise Exception, 'base command has no command definition' end ## # Iterate recursively over command tree # def build_command subcommands.each_with_object(command) do |subcommand, root_command| root_command.add_command(subcommand.build_command) end end end def config @config ||= end def config_file options[:'config-file'] end def remotes @remotes ||= end ## # Input param can be endpoint url or remote name # def threescale_client(str) ThreeScaleClientFactory.get(remotes, str, verify_ssl) end def verify_ssl # this is flag. It is either true or false. Cannot be nil !options[:insecure] end def exit_with_message(message) raise ThreeScaleToolbox::Error, message end def fetch_required_option(key) options.fetch(key) { exit_with_message "error: Missing argument #{key}" } end end end