module Swagger module V2 # A Swagger Schema Object, which is subset of JSON-Schema that's constrainted to be more deterministic. # @see Schema Object # @see JSON-Schema module DeterministicJSONSchema # FIXME: yard group doesn't seem to work below # @!group Deterministic JSON Schema # @!attribute [rw] $ref # JSON-Schema field $ref. # @return String # @!attribute [rw] format # JSON-Schema field format. # @return String # @!attribute [rw] title # JSON-Schema field title. # @return String # @!attribute [rw] description # JSON-Schema field description. # @return String # @!attribute [rw] default # JSON-Schema field default. # @return Object # @!attribute [rw] multipleOf # JSON-Schema field multipleOf. # @return Object # @!attribute [rw] maximum # JSON-Schema field maximum. # @return Numeric # @!attribute [rw] exclusiveMaximum # JSON-Schema field exclusiveMaximum. # @return boolean # @!attribute [rw] minimum # JSON-Schema field minimum. # @return Numeric # @!attribute [rw] exclusiveMinimum # JSON-Schema field exclusiveMinimum. # @return boolean # @!attribute [rw] minLength # JSON-Schema field minLength. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] maxLength # JSON-Schema field maxLength. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] pattern # JSON-Schema field pattern. # @return Regexp # @!attribute [rw] minItems # JSON-Schema field minItems. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] maxItems # JSON-Schema field maxItems. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] uniqueItems # JSON-Schema field uniqueItems. # @return boolean # @!attribute [rw] maxProperties # JSON-Schema field maxProperties. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] minProperties # JSON-Schema field minProperties. # @return Integer # @!attribute [rw] required # JSON-Schema field required. # @return boolean # @!attribute [rw] enum # JSON-Schema field enum. # @return Array[Object] # @!attribute [rw] type # JSON-Schema field type. # @return Object # @!endgroup # @!group Swagger specific extensions # @!attribute [rw] discriminator # Swagger Schema field discriminator. # @return String # @!attribute [rw] readOnly # Swagger Schema field readOnly. # @return boolean # @!attribute [rw] xml # Swagger Schema field xml. # @return Object # @!attribute [rw] externalDocs # Swagger Schema field externalDocs. # @return ExternalDocumentation # @!attribute [rw] example # Swagger Schema field example. # @return Object # @!endgroup def self.included(base) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength # Subset of standard JSON schema base.field :$ref, String base.field :format, String base.field :title, String base.field :description, String base.field :default, Object base.field :multipleOf, Numeric base.field :maximum, Numeric base.field :exclusiveMaximum, Swagger::Boolean base.send(:alias_method, :exclusiveMaximum?, :exclusiveMaximum) base.field :minimum, Numeric base.field :exclusiveMinimum, Swagger::Boolean base.send(:alias_method, :exclusiveMinimum?, :exclusiveMinimum) base.field :maxLength, Integer base.field :minLength, Integer base.field :pattern, String base.field :maxItems, Integer base.field :minItems, Integer base.field :uniqueItems, Swagger::Boolean base.send(:alias_method, :uniqueItems?, :uniqueItems) base.field :maxProperties, Integer base.field :minProperties, Integer base.field :required, Swagger::Boolean base.send(:alias_method, :required?, :required) base.field :enum, Array[Object] base.field :type, Object # Swagger extensions to JSON schema :\ base.field :discriminator, String base.field :readOnly, Swagger::Boolean base.field :xml, Object # TODO: Swagger XML object / XML support base.field :externalDocs, Object # TODO: ExternalDocumentation class base.field :example, Object end end end end