[0.000][INFO]: ChromeDriver 19.0.1068.0 /usr/bin/chromedriver [0.336][FINE]: Initializing session with capabilities { "browserName": "chrome", "chrome.detach": true, "chrome.extensions": [ ], "chrome.profile": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAKBer0AA7XUdJAAAACoAAAATAAAARGVmYXVsdC9QcmVmZXJlbmNlc6tWSskvz8vJT0xRsqpWKijKzy0oiU/LL...", "chromeOptions": { "detach": true, "extensions": [ ], "profile": "UEsDBBQAAAAIAKBer0AA7XUdJAAAACoAAAATAAAARGVmYXVsdC9QcmVmZXJlbmNlc6tWSskvz8vJT0xRsqpWKijKzy0oiU/LL..." }, "cssSelectorsEnabled": true, "javascriptEnabled": true, "nativeEvents": false, "platform": "ANY", "rotatable": false, "takesScreenshot": false, "version": "" } [0.339][INFO]: Using named testing interface [2.013][INFO]: Connected to Chrome successfully. Version: 18.0.1025.168 [2.016][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b) [2.016][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { "acceptSslCerts": false, "applicationCacheEnabled": false, "browserConnectionEnabled": false, "browserName": "chrome", "chrome.chromedriverVersion": "19.0.1068.0", "chrome.nativeEvents": false, "cssSelectorsEnabled": true, "databaseEnabled": false, "handlesAlerts": true, "javascriptEnabled": true, "locationContextEnabled": false, "nativeEvents": true, "platform": "mac", "rotatable": false, "takesScreenshot": true, "version": "18.0.1025.168", "webStorageEnabled": false } } [2.018][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with params { "url": "http://localhost:3000/users/sign_out" } [2.018][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [2.020][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.368][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.406][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.406][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { } } [3.408][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) [3.408][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.440][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.474][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.509][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.509][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "http://localhost:3000/" } [3.510][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with params { "using": "tag name", "value": "body" } [3.510][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.541][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.590][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.607][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.607][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { "ELEMENT": ":wdc:1337079184326" } } [3.609][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184326/text) [3.609][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.641][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.716][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.726][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.726][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184326/text) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "If you want to use this website, to comply with EU legislation, you need to grant us the right to..." } [3.727][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/frame) with params { "id": null } [3.727][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.742][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.742][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.759][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.759][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/frame) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { } } [3.760][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with params { "using": "xpath", "value": ".//button[@name='grant'] | .//input[@name='grant' and (@type='button' or @type='reset' or @type='..." } [3.760][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.774][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.810][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.810][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.810][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { "ELEMENT": ":wdc:1337079184327" } } [3.811][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/name) [3.811][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.811][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.840][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.841][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.841][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/name) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "input" } [3.842][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/attribute/type) [3.842][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.842][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.848][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.848][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.848][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/attribute/type) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "button" } [3.849][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/name) [3.849][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.849][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.851][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.851][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.851][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/name) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "input" } [3.852][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/enabled) [3.852][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.852][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.857][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.857][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.857][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/enabled) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": true } [3.858][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/click) with params { } [3.858][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.858][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.888][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.889][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [3.889][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079184327/click) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { } } [3.889][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with params { "url": "http://localhost:3000/group-b-read/sub-group-b-read/xx/test" } [3.889][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [3.893][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.143][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.237][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.237][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { } } [4.238][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) [4.238][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.300][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.379][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.410][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.410][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/url) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "http://localhost:3000/group-b-read/sub-group-b-read/xx/test" } [4.411][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with params { "using": "tag name", "value": "body" } [4.411][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.455][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.521][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.554][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.554][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": { "ELEMENT": ":wdc:1337079185234" } } [4.555][FINE]: Command received (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079185234/text) [4.555][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.587][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.654][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [4.655][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [4.655][FINE]: Command finished (/session/ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b/element/:wdc:1337079185234/text) with response { "sessionId": "ad3eacaf8565a9a5c813ef9c214fc24b", "status": 0, "value": "Request: GET /group-b-read/sub-group-b-read/xx/test\nController: pages\nAction: show\nParameters: ur..." }