require 'test_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'fileutils' include FileUtils class HtmlRendererTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir end def teardown remove_entry @tempdir end def renderer(options={}) options = => { basedir: @tempdir }.merge(options)) end test_that "block_code can read a file URL and guess ruby" do Given a_file_with_extension(".rb") When render_file_url_code_block Then { assert_equal %{
},@html } end test_that "block_code can read a file URL and guess ruby from Gemfile" do Given a_file_named("Gemfile") When render_file_url_code_block Then { assert_equal %{
},@html } end test_that "block_code can read a file URL and be OK if it cannot guess" do Given a_file_with_extension(".blah") When render_file_url_code_block Then { assert_equal %{
},@html } end test_that "we can tell the renderer about other languages and extensions" do Given a_file_with_extension(".blah") When render_file_url_code_block(languages: { '.blah' => 'blahscript' }) Then { assert_equal %{
},@html } end test_that "block_code can read a file URL and guess scala" do Given a_file_with_extension(".scala") When render_file_url_code_block Then { assert_equal %{
},@html } end test_that "it HTML-escapes" do Given a_file_with_extension_and_contents('.html',%{


& Goodbye

}) When render_file_url_code_block Then { assert_equal %{
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h2>&amp; Goodbye</h2>
},@html } end test_that "a git url without a SHA1 or tag raises" do Given a_git_repo_with_file("foo.rb") When { @code = -> { renderer.block_code(@file_git_url,nil) } } Then { assert_raises RuntimeError,&@code } end test_that "a git url with a SHA1 gets that version" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_verions_of_file("foo.rb") When { @parsed_versions = Hash[ { |sha1,_| [sha1, renderer.block_code(@file_git_url + "##{sha1}",nil)] }] } Then { @parsed_versions.each do |sha1,code| assert_equal %{
},code,"For SHA: #{sha1}" end } end test_that "a git url with a tag gets that version" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb") When { @parsed_versions = Hash[ { |tagname,_| [tagname, renderer.block_code(@file_git_url + "##{tagname}",nil)] }] } Then { @parsed_versions.each do |tagname,code| assert_equal %{
},code,"For Tag: #{tagname}" end } end test_that "a git url with a diff spec shows the diff instead" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb") When { url = @file_git_url + "#" + @versions.keys[0] + ".." + @versions.keys[1] @html = renderer.block_code(url,nil) } Then { assert_match /
diff --git/,@html
      assert_match /a\/foo.rb b\/foo.rb/,@html
      assert_match /index [a-z0-9]+..[a-z0-9]+ 100644/,@html
      assert_match /\-\-\- a\/foo.rb/,@html
      assert_match /\+\+\+ b\/foo.rb/,@html

  test_that "a git url with a compact diff spec shows the diff, too" do
    Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb")
    When {
      url = @file_git_url + "#.." + @versions.keys[1]
      @html = renderer.block_code(url,nil)
    Then {
      assert_match /
diff --git/,@html
      assert_match /a\/foo.rb b\/foo.rb/,@html
      assert_match /index [a-z0-9]+..[a-z0-9]+ 100644/,@html
      assert_match /\-\-\- a\/foo.rb/,@html
      assert_match /\+\+\+ b\/foo.rb/,@html

  test_that "a git url with a shell command runs that command on that version of the repo" do
    Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb")
    When {
      @version = @versions.keys[0]
      git_url = @file_git_url.gsub(/\/foo.rb/,'/')
      @html = renderer.block_code("#{git_url}##{@version}!cat foo.rb",nil)
    Then {
      assert_equal %{
> cat foo.rb\n#{@versions[@version]}\n
},@html } end test_that "a git url with a shell command that exits nonzero raises an error" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb") When { @version = @versions.keys[0] git_url = @file_git_url.gsub(/\/foo.rb/,'/') @executable = -> { renderer.block_code("#{git_url}##{@version}!cat blah.rb",nil) } } Then { assert_raise Bookingit::UnexpectedShellCommandExit,&@executable } end test_that "a git url with a shell command that exits nonzero doesn't raise an error if we indicate as such" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb") When { @version = @versions.keys[0] git_url = @file_git_url.gsub(/\/foo.rb/,'/') @html = renderer.block_code("#{git_url}##{@version}!cat blah.rb!nonzero",nil) } Then { refute_nil @html } end test_that "an sh url will run the given command and put the contents into the output" do Given { chdir @tempdir do mkdir "play" chdir "play" do system "touch blah" system "touch bar" system "touch quux" end end } When { @html = renderer.block_code("sh://play#ls -1",nil) } Then { assert_equal %{
> ls -1
},@html } end test_that "an sh url that exits nonzero will raise" do Given { chdir @tempdir do mkdir "play" chdir "play" do system "touch blah" system "touch bar" system "touch quux" end end } When { @executable = -> { renderer.block_code("sh://play#cat bleorgh",nil) } } Then { assert_raise Bookingit::UnexpectedShellCommandExit, &@executable } end test_that "an sh url that exits nonzero but we expect it to will not raise" do Given { chdir @tempdir do mkdir "play" chdir "play" do system "touch blah" system "touch bar" system "touch quux" end end } When { @html = renderer.block_code("sh://play#cat bleorgh!nonzero",nil) } Then { refute_nil @html } end test_that "we pass through inline code blocks" do When { @html = renderer.block_code("class Foo", 'coffeescript') } Then { assert_equal %{
class Foo
},@html } end test_that "we omit the language class if it's not provided in inline code" do When { @html = renderer.block_code("class Foo", nil) } Then { assert_equal %{
class Foo
},@html } end test_that "we can cache results between calls" do Given a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file("foo.rb") And { @cachedir = File.join(@tempdir,'cache') @renderer = renderer(cache: @cachedir) @version = @versions.keys[0] @url = "#{@file_git_url.gsub(/\/foo.rb/,'/')}##{@version}!cat foo.rb" @html = @renderer.block_code(@url,nil) } When { @html2 = @renderer.block_code(@url,nil) } Then { assert_equal %{
> cat foo.rb\n#{@versions[@version]}\n
},@html assert_equal @html,@html2 } end private def create_and_commit_file(file,contents),'w') do |file| file.puts contents end system "git add . #{devnull}" system "git commit -m \"new file\" #{devnull}" `git rev-parse HEAD`.chomp end def a_git_repo_with_two_verions_of_file(file) -> { @versions = {} git_repo_in_tempdir do code = %{class Foo def initialize end end} 2.times { @versions[create_and_commit_file(file,code)] = code code = %{class Foo def initialize @added = true end end} } create_and_commit_file(file,code) # make sure test doesn't get the HEAD version end @file_git_url = "git://git_repo.git/#{file}" } end def a_git_repo_with_two_tagged_verions_of_file(file) -> { @versions = {} git_repo_in_tempdir do code = %{class Foo def initialize end end} 2.times { |index| create_and_commit_file(file,code) tag = "tag-#{index}" system "git tag #{tag} #{devnull}" @versions[tag] = code code = %{class Foo def initialize @added = true end end} } create_and_commit_file(file,code) # make sure test doesn't get the HEAD version end @file_git_url = "git://git_repo.git/#{file}" } end def git_repo_in_tempdir(&block) chdir @tempdir do mkdir 'git_repo' chdir 'git_repo' do system "git init #{devnull}" system "git add . #{devnull}" system "git commit -m \"initial commit\" #{devnull}" block.() end end end def a_git_repo_with_file(file) -> { git_repo_in_tempdir do @code = %{class Foo def initialize end end} create_and_commit_file(file,@code) end @file_git_url = "git://git_repo.git/#{file}" } end def render_file_url_code_block(options={}) -> { @html = renderer(options).block_code("file://#{@path.gsub(/#{Regexp.escape(@tempdir)}\/?/,'')}",nil) } end def a_file_named(filename) -> { @code = %{#{any_string} } @path = File.join(@tempdir,filename),'w') do |file| file.puts @code end } end def a_file_with_extension_and_contents(extension,contents) -> { file =['foo',extension]) @path = file.path @relative_path = @path.gsub(Regexp.escape(@tempdir),'') @code = contents,'w') do |file| file.puts @code end } end def a_file_with_extension(extension) a_file_with_extension_and_contents(extension,%{class SomeCode def initialize(ohyeah) @oh yeah = ohyeah end end }) end def devnull return "" if ENV['DEBUG'] " 2>&1 > /dev/null" end end