"use strict"; const HTMLElementImpl = require("./HTMLElement-impl").implementation; const notImplemented = require("../../browser/not-implemented"); const idlUtils = require("../generated/utils"); const Canvas = require("../../utils").Canvas; class HTMLCanvasElementImpl extends HTMLElementImpl { _attrModified(name, value) { if (this._canvas && (name === "width" || name === "height")) { this._canvas[name] = parseInt(value); } return super._attrModified.apply(this, arguments); } _getCanvas() { if (Canvas && !this._canvas) { this._canvas = new Canvas(this.width, this.height); } return this._canvas; } getContext(contextId) { const canvas = this._getCanvas(); if (canvas) { if (!this._context) { this._context = canvas.getContext(contextId) || null; if (this._context) { // Override the native canvas reference with our wrapper. This is the // reason why we need to locally cache _context, since each call to // canvas.getContext(contextId) would replace this reference again. // Perhaps in the longer term, a better solution would be to create a // full wrapper for the Context object as well. this._context.canvas = idlUtils.wrapperForImpl(this); wrapNodeCanvasMethod(this._context, "createPattern"); wrapNodeCanvasMethod(this._context, "drawImage"); } } return this._context; } notImplemented("HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext (without installing the canvas npm package)", this._ownerDocument._defaultView); return null; } probablySupportsContext(contextId) { const canvas = this._getCanvas(); return canvas ? contextId === "2d" : false; } setContext() { notImplemented("HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.setContext"); } toDataURL() { const canvas = this._getCanvas(); if (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL.apply(this._canvas, arguments); } notImplemented("HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL (without installing the canvas npm package)", this._ownerDocument._defaultView); return null; } toBlob(callback, type, qualityArgument) { const window = this._ownerDocument._defaultView; const canvas = this._getCanvas(); if (canvas) { let stream; switch (type) { case "image/jpg": case "image/jpeg": stream = canvas.createJPEGStream({ quality: Math.min(0, Math.max(1, qualityArgument)) * 100 }); break; default: // TODO: Patch node-canvas to receive qualityArgument for PNG stream type = "image/png"; stream = canvas.createPNGStream(); } const buffers = []; stream.on("data", chunk => { buffers.push(chunk); }); stream.on("end", () => { callback(new window.Blob(buffers, { type })); }); } else { notImplemented("HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob (without installing the canvas npm package)", window); } } get width() { const parsed = parseInt(this.getAttribute("width")); return isNaN(parsed) || parsed < 0 || parsed > 2147483647 ? 300 : parsed; } set width(v) { v = v > 2147483647 ? 300 : v; this.setAttribute("width", String(v)); } get height() { const parsed = parseInt(this.getAttribute("height")); return isNaN(parsed) || parsed < 0 || parsed > 2147483647 ? 150 : parsed; } set height(v) { v = v > 2147483647 ? 150 : v; this.setAttribute("height", String(v)); } } // We need to wrap the methods that receive an image or canvas object // (luckily, always as the first argument), so that these objects can be // unwrapped an the expected types passed. function wrapNodeCanvasMethod(ctx, name) { const prev = ctx[name]; ctx[name] = function (image) { const impl = idlUtils.implForWrapper(image); if (impl) { arguments[0] = impl._image || impl._canvas; } return prev.apply(ctx, arguments); }; } module.exports = { implementation: HTMLCanvasElementImpl };