require File.expand_path("../../lib/plexus.rb", __FILE__) require 'plexus' include Plexus module AncestryHelper # "Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs", Martin Charles # Golumbic, 1980, Academic Press, page 38, Figure 2.6 def assign_dfsnumber_ancestry(graph, dfsnumber, father, start) i = 0 dfsnumber.clear father.clear ev = {|v| dfsnumber[v] = (i+=1) } te = {|e| father[] = e.source } graph.dfs({:enter_vertex => ev, :tree_edge => te, :start => start}) end # "Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs", Martin Charles # Golumbic, 1980, Academic Press, page 40, Figure 2.7 def assign_bfsnumber_ancestry(graph, bfsnum, level, father, start) i = 0 bfsnum.clear level.clear father.clear rt = {|v| level[v] = 0 } ev = {|v| bfsnum[v]=(i+=1);level[v]=(level[father[v]]+1) if father[v]} te = {|e| father[] = e.source } graph.dfs({:enter_vertex => ev, :tree_edge => te, :root_vertex => rt, :start => start}) end # Is v an ancestor of u? def ancestor?(father, u, v) i = 1 while v return i if father[v] == u v = father[v] i += 1 end; nil end # Is there any relationship? def related?(father,u,v) ancestor?(father,u,v) or ancestor?(father,v,u) end end RSpec.configure do |config| config.include AncestryHelper # Remove this line if you don't want RSpec's should and should_not # methods or matchers require 'rspec/expectations' config.include RSpec::Matchers # == Mock Framework config.mock_with :rspec end