import moment from 'moment' type FpTypes = { setDate: (arg0: any, arg1: boolean) => void, config: { [key: string]: string }, clear: (arg0: boolean, arg1: boolean) => void, close: () => void, calendarContainer?: { classList: { add: (arg0: string) => void }; prepend: (arg0: HTMLDivElement) => void; append: (arg0: HTMLDivElement) => void; }, loadedPlugins: string[], }; type pluginDataType = { ranges: { [key: string]: Date[] }, rangesNav: HTMLUListElement, rangesButtons: [] | any, } const quickPickPlugin = () => { return function (fp: FpTypes & any): any { let activeLabel = "" // variable that holds the ranges available const ranges = { 'Today': [new Date(), new Date()], 'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(), moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate()], 'This week': [moment().startOf('week').toDate(), moment().endOf('week').toDate()], 'This month': [moment().startOf('month').toDate(), new Date()], 'This quarter': [moment().startOf('quarter').toDate(), new Date()], 'This year': [moment().startOf('year').toDate(), new Date()], 'Last week': [ moment().subtract(1, 'week').startOf('week').toDate(), moment().subtract(1, 'week').endOf('week').toDate() ], 'Last month': [ moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month').toDate(), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month').toDate() ], 'Last quarter': [ moment().subtract(1, 'quarter').startOf('quarter').toDate(), moment().subtract(1, 'quarter').endOf('quarter').toDate() ], 'Last year': [ moment().subtract(1, 'year').startOf('year').toDate(), moment().subtract(1, 'year').endOf('year').toDate() ] } //creating the ul element for the nav dropdown and giving it classnames const rangesNav = document.createElement('ul'); // creating the pluginData object that will hold the properties of this plugin const pluginData: pluginDataType = { ranges: ranges, rangesNav: rangesNav, rangesButtons: [], }; /** * @param {string} label * @returns HTML Element */ //function for creating the range buttons in the nav const addRangeButton = (label: string) => { // creating new elements to mimick selectable card component const div2 = document.createElement('div'); div2.className = "nav-item-link" div2.innerHTML = label; pluginData.rangesButtons[label] = div2; // create li elements inside the dropdown const item = document.createElement('li'); item.className = "nav-item"; // append those nav items to the li items item.appendChild(pluginData.rangesButtons[label]); // append the li item to the ul rangeNav prop pluginData.rangesNav.appendChild(item); // return the ranges buton prop return pluginData.rangesButtons[label]; }; const selectActiveRangeButton = (selectedDates: Array) => { const current = pluginData.rangesNav.querySelector('.active'); if (current) { current.classList.remove('active'); } /** conditional statment to extract start and end dates from selectedDates, * then loop through ranges prop in pluginData * and check if chosen dates equal to a date in the ranges prop * if they are equal, add the active class */ if (selectedDates.length > 0 && activeLabel) { // const selected = pluginData.rangesNav.querySelectorAll(".nav-item-link") // selected.forEach(el => { // if (el.innerHTML === activeLabel) // el.classList.add('active') // return // }) pluginData.rangesButtons[activeLabel].classList.add('active'); } } return { // onReady is a hook from flatpickr that runs when calender is in a ready state onReady(selectedDates: Array) { // loop through the ranges and create an anchor tag for each range and add an event listener to set the date when user clicks on a date range for (const [label, range] of Object.entries(pluginData.ranges)) { addRangeButton(label).addEventListener('click', function () { const start = moment(range[0]).toDate(); const end = moment(range[1]).toDate(); if (!start) { fp.clear(); } else { activeLabel = label fp.setDate([start, end], true); fp.close(); } }); } // conditional to check if there is a dropdown to add it to the calendar container and get it the classes it needs if (pluginData.rangesNav.children.length > 0) { fp.calendarContainer.prepend(pluginData.rangesNav); pluginData.rangesNav.classList.add('quick-pick-ul') fp.calendarContainer.classList.add('quick-pick-drop-down'); /** * * @param {Array} selectedDates */ // function to give the active button the active class debugger selectActiveRangeButton(selectedDates); } }, onValueUpdate(selectedDates: Array) { debugger selectActiveRangeButton(selectedDates); }, onClose(selectedDates: Array) { // set the input value to the selected dates when the dropdown is closed if (selectedDates.length < 2 && selectedDates.length > 0) { fp.input.placeholder = fp.formatDate(this.selectedDates[0], fp.config.dateFormat); } } }; }; } export default quickPickPlugin;