(() => {
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __defProps = Object.defineProperties;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropDescs = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a4, b3) => {
for (var prop in b3 || (b3 = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b3, prop))
__defNormalProp(a4, prop, b3[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b3)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b3, prop))
__defNormalProp(a4, prop, b3[prop]);
return a4;
var __spreadProps = (a4, b3) => __defProps(a4, __getOwnPropDescs(b3));
var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x3) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x3, {
get: (a4, b3) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a4)[b3]
}) : x3)(function(x3) {
if (typeof require !== "undefined")
return require.apply(this, arguments);
throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + x3 + '" is not supported');
var __esm = (fn3, res) => function __init() {
return fn3 && (res = (0, fn3[__getOwnPropNames(fn3)[0]])(fn3 = 0)), res;
var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require2() {
return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
__defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
return value;
var __async = (__this, __arguments, generator) => {
return new Promise((resolve3, reject) => {
var fulfilled = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e4) {
var rejected = (value) => {
try {
} catch (e4) {
var step = (x3) => x3.done ? resolve3(x3.value) : Promise.resolve(x3.value).then(fulfilled, rejected);
step((generator = generator.apply(__this, __arguments)).next());
// node_modules/core-js/internals/global.js
var require_global = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/global.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var check = function(it2) {
return it2 && it2.Math === Math && it2;
module2.exports = check(typeof globalThis == "object" && globalThis) || check(typeof window == "object" && window) || check(typeof self == "object" && self) || check(typeof global == "object" && global) || check(typeof exports2 == "object" && exports2) || function() {
return this;
}() || Function("return this")();
// node_modules/core-js/internals/fails.js
var require_fails = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/fails.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(exec) {
try {
return !!exec();
} catch (error2) {
return true;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/descriptors.js
var require_descriptors = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/descriptors.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
return Object.defineProperty({}, 1, { get: function() {
return 7;
} })[1] !== 7;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind-native.js
var require_function_bind_native = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind-native.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
var test = function() {
return typeof test != "function" || test.hasOwnProperty("prototype");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-call.js
var require_function_call = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-call.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_BIND = require_function_bind_native();
var call = Function.prototype.call;
module2.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(call) : function() {
return call.apply(call, arguments);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-property-is-enumerable.js
var require_object_property_is_enumerable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-property-is-enumerable.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var $propertyIsEnumerable = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var NASHORN_BUG = getOwnPropertyDescriptor && !$propertyIsEnumerable.call({ 1: 2 }, 1);
exports2.f = NASHORN_BUG ? function propertyIsEnumerable(V2) {
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, V2);
return !!descriptor && descriptor.enumerable;
} : $propertyIsEnumerable;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/create-property-descriptor.js
var require_create_property_descriptor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/create-property-descriptor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(bitmap, value) {
return {
enumerable: !(bitmap & 1),
configurable: !(bitmap & 2),
writable: !(bitmap & 4),
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this.js
var require_function_uncurry_this = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_BIND = require_function_bind_native();
var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
var call = FunctionPrototype.call;
var uncurryThisWithBind = NATIVE_BIND && FunctionPrototype.bind.bind(call, call);
module2.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? uncurryThisWithBind : function(fn3) {
return function() {
return call.apply(fn3, arguments);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/classof-raw.js
var require_classof_raw = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/classof-raw.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = uncurryThis({}.toString);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return stringSlice(toString(it2), 8, -1);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/indexed-object.js
var require_indexed_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/indexed-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var $Object = Object;
var split = uncurryThis("".split);
module2.exports = fails(function() {
return !$Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0);
}) ? function(it2) {
return classof(it2) === "String" ? split(it2, "") : $Object(it2);
} : $Object;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-null-or-undefined.js
var require_is_null_or_undefined = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-null-or-undefined.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return it2 === null || it2 === void 0;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/require-object-coercible.js
var require_require_object_coercible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/require-object-coercible.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
if (isNullOrUndefined(it2))
throw new $TypeError("Can't call method on " + it2);
return it2;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-indexed-object.js
var require_to_indexed_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-indexed-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return IndexedObject(requireObjectCoercible(it2));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-callable.js
var require_is_callable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-callable.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var documentAll = typeof document == "object" && document.all;
module2.exports = typeof documentAll == "undefined" && documentAll !== void 0 ? function(argument) {
return typeof argument == "function" || argument === documentAll;
} : function(argument) {
return typeof argument == "function";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-object.js
var require_is_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return typeof it2 == "object" ? it2 !== null : isCallable(it2);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-built-in.js
var require_get_built_in = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-built-in.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var aFunction = function(argument) {
return isCallable(argument) ? argument : void 0;
module2.exports = function(namespace, method) {
return arguments.length < 2 ? aFunction(global2[namespace]) : global2[namespace] && global2[namespace][method];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-is-prototype-of.js
var require_object_is_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-is-prototype-of.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
module2.exports = uncurryThis({}.isPrototypeOf);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-user-agent.js
var require_engine_user_agent = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-user-agent.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = typeof navigator != "undefined" && String(navigator.userAgent) || "";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-v8-version.js
var require_engine_v8_version = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-v8-version.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
var process2 = global2.process;
var Deno2 = global2.Deno;
var versions = process2 && process2.versions || Deno2 && Deno2.version;
var v8 = versions && versions.v8;
var match3;
var version3;
if (v8) {
match3 = v8.split(".");
version3 = match3[0] > 0 && match3[0] < 4 ? 1 : +(match3[0] + match3[1]);
if (!version3 && userAgent) {
match3 = userAgent.match(/Edge\/(\d+)/);
if (!match3 || match3[1] >= 74) {
match3 = userAgent.match(/Chrome\/(\d+)/);
if (match3)
version3 = +match3[1];
module2.exports = version3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-constructor-detection.js
var require_symbol_constructor_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-constructor-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var V8_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var fails = require_fails();
var global2 = require_global();
var $String = global2.String;
module2.exports = !!Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && !fails(function() {
var symbol = Symbol("symbol detection");
return !$String(symbol) || !(Object(symbol) instanceof Symbol) || !Symbol.sham && V8_VERSION && V8_VERSION < 41;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/use-symbol-as-uid.js
var require_use_symbol_as_uid = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/use-symbol-as-uid.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
module2.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !Symbol.sham && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-symbol.js
var require_is_symbol = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-symbol.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require_use_symbol_as_uid();
var $Object = Object;
module2.exports = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? function(it2) {
return typeof it2 == "symbol";
} : function(it2) {
var $Symbol = getBuiltIn("Symbol");
return isCallable($Symbol) && isPrototypeOf($Symbol.prototype, $Object(it2));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/try-to-string.js
var require_try_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/try-to-string.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $String = String;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
try {
return $String(argument);
} catch (error2) {
return "Object";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/a-callable.js
var require_a_callable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/a-callable.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
if (isCallable(argument))
return argument;
throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + " is not a function");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-method.js
var require_get_method = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-method.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
module2.exports = function(V2, P3) {
var func = V2[P3];
return isNullOrUndefined(func) ? void 0 : aCallable(func);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/ordinary-to-primitive.js
var require_ordinary_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/ordinary-to-primitive.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(input, pref) {
var fn3, val;
if (pref === "string" && isCallable(fn3 = input.toString) && !isObject3(val = call(fn3, input)))
return val;
if (isCallable(fn3 = input.valueOf) && !isObject3(val = call(fn3, input)))
return val;
if (pref !== "string" && isCallable(fn3 = input.toString) && !isObject3(val = call(fn3, input)))
return val;
throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-pure.js
var require_is_pure = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-pure.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = false;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/define-global-property.js
var require_define_global_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/define-global-property.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
module2.exports = function(key, value) {
try {
defineProperty(global2, key, { value, configurable: true, writable: true });
} catch (error2) {
global2[key] = value;
return value;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/shared-store.js
var require_shared_store = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/shared-store.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var defineGlobalProperty = require_define_global_property();
var SHARED = "__core-js_shared__";
var store = global2[SHARED] || defineGlobalProperty(SHARED, {});
module2.exports = store;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/shared.js
var require_shared = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/shared.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var store = require_shared_store();
(module2.exports = function(key, value) {
return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== void 0 ? value : {});
})("versions", []).push({
version: "3.35.1",
mode: IS_PURE ? "pure" : "global",
copyright: "\xA9 2014-2024 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)",
license: "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/blob/v3.35.1/LICENSE",
source: "https://github.com/zloirock/core-js"
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-object.js
var require_to_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var $Object = Object;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
return $Object(requireObjectCoercible(argument));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/has-own-property.js
var require_has_own_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/has-own-property.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var hasOwnProperty3 = uncurryThis({}.hasOwnProperty);
module2.exports = Object.hasOwn || function hasOwn(it2, key) {
return hasOwnProperty3(toObject(it2), key);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/uid.js
var require_uid = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/uid.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var id = 0;
var postfix = Math.random();
var toString = uncurryThis(1 .toString);
module2.exports = function(key) {
return "Symbol(" + (key === void 0 ? "" : key) + ")_" + toString(++id + postfix, 36);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol.js
var require_well_known_symbol = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var shared = require_shared();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
var USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID = require_use_symbol_as_uid();
var Symbol2 = global2.Symbol;
var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared("wks");
var createWellKnownSymbol = USE_SYMBOL_AS_UID ? Symbol2["for"] || Symbol2 : Symbol2 && Symbol2.withoutSetter || uid2;
module2.exports = function(name) {
if (!hasOwn(WellKnownSymbolsStore, name)) {
WellKnownSymbolsStore[name] = NATIVE_SYMBOL && hasOwn(Symbol2, name) ? Symbol2[name] : createWellKnownSymbol("Symbol." + name);
return WellKnownSymbolsStore[name];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-primitive.js
var require_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-primitive.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var ordinaryToPrimitive = require_ordinary_to_primitive();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol("toPrimitive");
module2.exports = function(input, pref) {
if (!isObject3(input) || isSymbol(input))
return input;
var exoticToPrim = getMethod(input, TO_PRIMITIVE);
var result;
if (exoticToPrim) {
if (pref === void 0)
pref = "default";
result = call(exoticToPrim, input, pref);
if (!isObject3(result) || isSymbol(result))
return result;
throw new $TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value");
if (pref === void 0)
pref = "number";
return ordinaryToPrimitive(input, pref);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-property-key.js
var require_to_property_key = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-property-key.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toPrimitive = require_to_primitive();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
module2.exports = function(argument) {
var key = toPrimitive(argument, "string");
return isSymbol(key) ? key : key + "";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/document-create-element.js
var require_document_create_element = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/document-create-element.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var document2 = global2.document;
var EXISTS = isObject3(document2) && isObject3(document2.createElement);
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return EXISTS ? document2.createElement(it2) : {};
// node_modules/core-js/internals/ie8-dom-define.js
var require_ie8_dom_define = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/ie8-dom-define.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var fails = require_fails();
var createElement2 = require_document_create_element();
module2.exports = !DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(createElement2("div"), "a", {
get: function() {
return 7;
}).a !== 7;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor.js
var require_object_get_own_property_descriptor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-descriptor.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var call = require_function_call();
var propertyIsEnumerableModule = require_object_property_is_enumerable();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require_ie8_dom_define();
var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
exports2.f = DESCRIPTORS ? $getOwnPropertyDescriptor : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, P3) {
O3 = toIndexedObject(O3);
P3 = toPropertyKey(P3);
try {
return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, P3);
} catch (error2) {
if (hasOwn(O3, P3))
return createPropertyDescriptor(!call(propertyIsEnumerableModule.f, O3, P3), O3[P3]);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/v8-prototype-define-bug.js
var require_v8_prototype_define_bug = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/v8-prototype-define-bug.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(function() {
}, "prototype", {
value: 42,
writable: false
}).prototype !== 42;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/an-object.js
var require_an_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/an-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var $String = String;
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
if (isObject3(argument))
return argument;
throw new $TypeError($String(argument) + " is not an object");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-define-property.js
var require_object_define_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-define-property.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = require_ie8_dom_define();
var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = require_v8_prototype_define_bug();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var $defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var ENUMERABLE = "enumerable";
var CONFIGURABLE = "configurable";
var WRITABLE = "writable";
exports2.f = DESCRIPTORS ? V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? function defineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes) {
P3 = toPropertyKey(P3);
if (typeof O3 === "function" && P3 === "prototype" && "value" in Attributes && WRITABLE in Attributes && !Attributes[WRITABLE]) {
var current = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, P3);
if (current && current[WRITABLE]) {
O3[P3] = Attributes.value;
Attributes = {
configurable: CONFIGURABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[CONFIGURABLE] : current[CONFIGURABLE],
enumerable: ENUMERABLE in Attributes ? Attributes[ENUMERABLE] : current[ENUMERABLE],
writable: false
return $defineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes);
} : $defineProperty : function defineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes) {
P3 = toPropertyKey(P3);
try {
return $defineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes);
} catch (error2) {
if ("get" in Attributes || "set" in Attributes)
throw new $TypeError("Accessors not supported");
if ("value" in Attributes)
O3[P3] = Attributes.value;
return O3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/create-non-enumerable-property.js
var require_create_non_enumerable_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/create-non-enumerable-property.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
module2.exports = DESCRIPTORS ? function(object, key, value) {
return definePropertyModule.f(object, key, createPropertyDescriptor(1, value));
} : function(object, key, value) {
object[key] = value;
return object;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-name.js
var require_function_name = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-name.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
var getDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var EXISTS = hasOwn(FunctionPrototype, "name");
var PROPER = EXISTS && function something() {
}.name === "something";
var CONFIGURABLE = EXISTS && (!DESCRIPTORS || DESCRIPTORS && getDescriptor(FunctionPrototype, "name").configurable);
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/inspect-source.js
var require_inspect_source = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/inspect-source.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var store = require_shared_store();
var functionToString = uncurryThis(Function.toString);
if (!isCallable(store.inspectSource)) {
store.inspectSource = function(it2) {
return functionToString(it2);
module2.exports = store.inspectSource;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/weak-map-basic-detection.js
var require_weak_map_basic_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/weak-map-basic-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var WeakMap2 = global2.WeakMap;
module2.exports = isCallable(WeakMap2) && /native code/.test(String(WeakMap2));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/shared-key.js
var require_shared_key = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/shared-key.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var shared = require_shared();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var keys = shared("keys");
module2.exports = function(key) {
return keys[key] || (keys[key] = uid2(key));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/hidden-keys.js
var require_hidden_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/hidden-keys.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {};
// node_modules/core-js/internals/internal-state.js
var require_internal_state = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/internal-state.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = require_weak_map_basic_detection();
var global2 = require_global();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var shared = require_shared_store();
var sharedKey = require_shared_key();
var hiddenKeys = require_hidden_keys();
var OBJECT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED = "Object already initialized";
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var WeakMap2 = global2.WeakMap;
var set2;
var get;
var has;
var enforce = function(it2) {
return has(it2) ? get(it2) : set2(it2, {});
var getterFor = function(TYPE) {
return function(it2) {
var state;
if (!isObject3(it2) || (state = get(it2)).type !== TYPE) {
throw new TypeError2("Incompatible receiver, " + TYPE + " required");
return state;
if (NATIVE_WEAK_MAP || shared.state) {
store = shared.state || (shared.state = new WeakMap2());
store.get = store.get;
store.has = store.has;
store.set = store.set;
set2 = function(it2, metadata) {
if (store.has(it2))
metadata.facade = it2;
store.set(it2, metadata);
return metadata;
get = function(it2) {
return store.get(it2) || {};
has = function(it2) {
return store.has(it2);
} else {
STATE = sharedKey("state");
hiddenKeys[STATE] = true;
set2 = function(it2, metadata) {
if (hasOwn(it2, STATE))
metadata.facade = it2;
createNonEnumerableProperty(it2, STATE, metadata);
return metadata;
get = function(it2) {
return hasOwn(it2, STATE) ? it2[STATE] : {};
has = function(it2) {
return hasOwn(it2, STATE);
var store;
var STATE;
module2.exports = {
set: set2,
// node_modules/core-js/internals/make-built-in.js
var require_make_built_in = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/make-built-in.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var inspectSource = require_inspect_source();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get;
var $String = String;
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var CONFIGURABLE_LENGTH = DESCRIPTORS && !fails(function() {
return defineProperty(function() {
}, "length", { value: 8 }).length !== 8;
var TEMPLATE = String(String).split("String");
var makeBuiltIn = module2.exports = function(value, name, options) {
if (stringSlice($String(name), 0, 7) === "Symbol(") {
name = "[" + replace($String(name), /^Symbol\(([^)]*)\).*$/, "$1") + "]";
if (options && options.getter)
name = "get " + name;
if (options && options.setter)
name = "set " + name;
if (!hasOwn(value, "name") || CONFIGURABLE_FUNCTION_NAME && value.name !== name) {
defineProperty(value, "name", { value: name, configurable: true });
value.name = name;
if (CONFIGURABLE_LENGTH && options && hasOwn(options, "arity") && value.length !== options.arity) {
defineProperty(value, "length", { value: options.arity });
try {
if (options && hasOwn(options, "constructor") && options.constructor) {
defineProperty(value, "prototype", { writable: false });
} else if (value.prototype)
value.prototype = void 0;
} catch (error2) {
var state = enforceInternalState(value);
if (!hasOwn(state, "source")) {
state.source = join(TEMPLATE, typeof name == "string" ? name : "");
return value;
Function.prototype.toString = makeBuiltIn(function toString() {
return isCallable(this) && getInternalState(this).source || inspectSource(this);
}, "toString");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-in.js
var require_define_built_in = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-in.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var makeBuiltIn = require_make_built_in();
var defineGlobalProperty = require_define_global_property();
module2.exports = function(O3, key, value, options) {
if (!options)
options = {};
var simple2 = options.enumerable;
var name = options.name !== void 0 ? options.name : key;
if (isCallable(value))
makeBuiltIn(value, name, options);
if (options.global) {
if (simple2)
O3[key] = value;
defineGlobalProperty(key, value);
} else {
try {
if (!options.unsafe)
delete O3[key];
else if (O3[key])
simple2 = true;
} catch (error2) {
if (simple2)
O3[key] = value;
definePropertyModule.f(O3, key, {
enumerable: false,
configurable: !options.nonConfigurable,
writable: !options.nonWritable
return O3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-trunc.js
var require_math_trunc = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-trunc.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var floor = Math.floor;
module2.exports = Math.trunc || function trunc(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return (n6 > 0 ? floor : ceil)(n6);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-integer-or-infinity.js
var require_to_integer_or_infinity = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-integer-or-infinity.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var trunc = require_math_trunc();
module2.exports = function(argument) {
var number = +argument;
return number !== number || number === 0 ? 0 : trunc(number);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-absolute-index.js
var require_to_absolute_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-absolute-index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var max2 = Math.max;
var min2 = Math.min;
module2.exports = function(index2, length) {
var integer = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
return integer < 0 ? max2(integer + length, 0) : min2(integer, length);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-length.js
var require_to_length = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-length.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var min2 = Math.min;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
var len = toIntegerOrInfinity(argument);
return len > 0 ? min2(len, 9007199254740991) : 0;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/length-of-array-like.js
var require_length_of_array_like = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/length-of-array-like.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toLength = require_to_length();
module2.exports = function(obj) {
return toLength(obj.length);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-includes.js
var require_array_includes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-includes.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var createMethod = function(IS_INCLUDES) {
return function($this, el, fromIndex) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject($this);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var index2 = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length);
var value;
if (IS_INCLUDES && el !== el)
while (length > index2) {
value = O3[index2++];
if (value !== value)
return true;
for (; length > index2; index2++) {
if ((IS_INCLUDES || index2 in O3) && O3[index2] === el)
return IS_INCLUDES || index2 || 0;
return !IS_INCLUDES && -1;
module2.exports = {
includes: createMethod(true),
indexOf: createMethod(false)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-keys-internal.js
var require_object_keys_internal = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-keys-internal.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var indexOf2 = require_array_includes().indexOf;
var hiddenKeys = require_hidden_keys();
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
module2.exports = function(object, names2) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject(object);
var i4 = 0;
var result = [];
var key;
for (key in O3)
!hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key) && hasOwn(O3, key) && push(result, key);
while (names2.length > i4)
if (hasOwn(O3, key = names2[i4++])) {
~indexOf2(result, key) || push(result, key);
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/enum-bug-keys.js
var require_enum_bug_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/enum-bug-keys.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = [
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-names.js
var require_object_get_own_property_names = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-names.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var internalObjectKeys = require_object_keys_internal();
var enumBugKeys = require_enum_bug_keys();
var hiddenKeys = enumBugKeys.concat("length", "prototype");
exports2.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O3) {
return internalObjectKeys(O3, hiddenKeys);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-symbols.js
var require_object_get_own_property_symbols = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-symbols.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
exports2.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/own-keys.js
var require_own_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/own-keys.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require_object_get_own_property_names();
var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require_object_get_own_property_symbols();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var concat = uncurryThis([].concat);
module2.exports = getBuiltIn("Reflect", "ownKeys") || function ownKeys25(it2) {
var keys = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f(anObject(it2));
var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f;
return getOwnPropertySymbols ? concat(keys, getOwnPropertySymbols(it2)) : keys;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/copy-constructor-properties.js
var require_copy_constructor_properties = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/copy-constructor-properties.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var ownKeys25 = require_own_keys();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
module2.exports = function(target, source, exceptions) {
var keys = ownKeys25(source);
var defineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) {
var key = keys[i4];
if (!hasOwn(target, key) && !(exceptions && hasOwn(exceptions, key))) {
defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-forced.js
var require_is_forced = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-forced.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var replacement = /#|\.prototype\./;
var isForced = function(feature, detection) {
var value = data[normalize(feature)];
return value === POLYFILL ? true : value === NATIVE ? false : isCallable(detection) ? fails(detection) : !!detection;
var normalize = isForced.normalize = function(string) {
return String(string).replace(replacement, ".").toLowerCase();
var data = isForced.data = {};
var NATIVE = isForced.NATIVE = "N";
var POLYFILL = isForced.POLYFILL = "P";
module2.exports = isForced;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/export.js
var require_export = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/export.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineGlobalProperty = require_define_global_property();
var copyConstructorProperties = require_copy_constructor_properties();
var isForced = require_is_forced();
module2.exports = function(options, source) {
var TARGET = options.target;
var GLOBAL = options.global;
var STATIC = options.stat;
var FORCED, target, key, targetProperty, sourceProperty, descriptor;
if (GLOBAL) {
target = global2;
} else if (STATIC) {
target = global2[TARGET] || defineGlobalProperty(TARGET, {});
} else {
target = global2[TARGET] && global2[TARGET].prototype;
if (target)
for (key in source) {
sourceProperty = source[key];
if (options.dontCallGetSet) {
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
targetProperty = descriptor && descriptor.value;
} else
targetProperty = target[key];
FORCED = isForced(GLOBAL ? key : TARGET + (STATIC ? "." : "#") + key, options.forced);
if (!FORCED && targetProperty !== void 0) {
if (typeof sourceProperty == typeof targetProperty)
copyConstructorProperties(sourceProperty, targetProperty);
if (options.sham || targetProperty && targetProperty.sham) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(sourceProperty, "sham", true);
defineBuiltIn(target, key, sourceProperty, options);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-string-tag-support.js
var require_to_string_tag_support = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-string-tag-support.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol("toStringTag");
var test = {};
test[TO_STRING_TAG] = "z";
module2.exports = String(test) === "[object z]";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/classof.js
var require_classof = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/classof.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require_to_string_tag_support();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var classofRaw = require_classof_raw();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol("toStringTag");
var $Object = Object;
var CORRECT_ARGUMENTS = classofRaw(function() {
return arguments;
}()) === "Arguments";
var tryGet = function(it2, key) {
try {
return it2[key];
} catch (error2) {
module2.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? classofRaw : function(it2) {
var O3, tag, result;
return it2 === void 0 ? "Undefined" : it2 === null ? "Null" : typeof (tag = tryGet(O3 = $Object(it2), TO_STRING_TAG)) == "string" ? tag : CORRECT_ARGUMENTS ? classofRaw(O3) : (result = classofRaw(O3)) === "Object" && isCallable(O3.callee) ? "Arguments" : result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-string.js
var require_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-string.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classof = require_classof();
var $String = String;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
if (classof(argument) === "Symbol")
throw new TypeError("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a string");
return $String(argument);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-keys.js
var require_object_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-keys.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var internalObjectKeys = require_object_keys_internal();
var enumBugKeys = require_enum_bug_keys();
module2.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O3) {
return internalObjectKeys(O3, enumBugKeys);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-define-properties.js
var require_object_define_properties = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-define-properties.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG = require_v8_prototype_define_bug();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var objectKeys = require_object_keys();
exports2.f = DESCRIPTORS && !V8_PROTOTYPE_DEFINE_BUG ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O3, Properties) {
var props = toIndexedObject(Properties);
var keys = objectKeys(Properties);
var length = keys.length;
var index2 = 0;
var key;
while (length > index2)
definePropertyModule.f(O3, key = keys[index2++], props[key]);
return O3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/html.js
var require_html = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/html.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
module2.exports = getBuiltIn("document", "documentElement");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-create.js
var require_object_create = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-create.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
var definePropertiesModule = require_object_define_properties();
var enumBugKeys = require_enum_bug_keys();
var hiddenKeys = require_hidden_keys();
var html = require_html();
var documentCreateElement = require_document_create_element();
var sharedKey = require_shared_key();
var GT = ">";
var LT = "<";
var PROTOTYPE = "prototype";
var SCRIPT = "script";
var IE_PROTO = sharedKey("IE_PROTO");
var EmptyConstructor = function() {
var scriptTag = function(content) {
return LT + SCRIPT + GT + content + LT + "/" + SCRIPT + GT;
var NullProtoObjectViaActiveX = function(activeXDocument2) {
var temp = activeXDocument2.parentWindow.Object;
activeXDocument2 = null;
return temp;
var NullProtoObjectViaIFrame = function() {
var iframe = documentCreateElement("iframe");
var JS = "java" + SCRIPT + ":";
var iframeDocument;
iframe.style.display = "none";
iframe.src = String(JS);
iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document;
return iframeDocument.F;
var activeXDocument;
var NullProtoObject = function() {
try {
activeXDocument = new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
} catch (error2) {
NullProtoObject = typeof document != "undefined" ? document.domain && activeXDocument ? NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument) : NullProtoObjectViaIFrame() : NullProtoObjectViaActiveX(activeXDocument);
var length = enumBugKeys.length;
while (length--)
delete NullProtoObject[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[length]];
return NullProtoObject();
hiddenKeys[IE_PROTO] = true;
module2.exports = Object.create || function create(O3, Properties) {
var result;
if (O3 !== null) {
EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O3);
result = new EmptyConstructor();
EmptyConstructor[PROTOTYPE] = null;
result[IE_PROTO] = O3;
} else
result = NullProtoObject();
return Properties === void 0 ? result : definePropertiesModule.f(result, Properties);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-slice.js
var require_array_slice = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-slice.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
module2.exports = uncurryThis([].slice);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-names-external.js
var require_object_get_own_property_names_external = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-own-property-names-external.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var $getOwnPropertyNames = require_object_get_own_property_names().f;
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var windowNames = typeof window == "object" && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [];
var getWindowNames = function(it2) {
try {
return $getOwnPropertyNames(it2);
} catch (error2) {
return arraySlice(windowNames);
module2.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it2) {
return windowNames && classof(it2) === "Window" ? getWindowNames(it2) : $getOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(it2));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-in-accessor.js
var require_define_built_in_accessor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-in-accessor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var makeBuiltIn = require_make_built_in();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property();
module2.exports = function(target, name, descriptor) {
if (descriptor.get)
makeBuiltIn(descriptor.get, name, { getter: true });
if (descriptor.set)
makeBuiltIn(descriptor.set, name, { setter: true });
return defineProperty.f(target, name, descriptor);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped.js
var require_well_known_symbol_wrapped = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol-wrapped.js"(exports2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
exports2.f = wellKnownSymbol;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/path.js
var require_path = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/path.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
module2.exports = global2;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol-define.js
var require_well_known_symbol_define = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/well-known-symbol-define.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var path = require_path();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = require_well_known_symbol_wrapped();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
module2.exports = function(NAME) {
var Symbol2 = path.Symbol || (path.Symbol = {});
if (!hasOwn(Symbol2, NAME))
defineProperty(Symbol2, NAME, {
value: wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f(NAME)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-define-to-primitive.js
var require_symbol_define_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-define-to-primitive.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
module2.exports = function() {
var Symbol2 = getBuiltIn("Symbol");
var SymbolPrototype = Symbol2 && Symbol2.prototype;
var valueOf = SymbolPrototype && SymbolPrototype.valueOf;
var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol("toPrimitive");
if (SymbolPrototype && !SymbolPrototype[TO_PRIMITIVE]) {
defineBuiltIn(SymbolPrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE, function(hint) {
return call(valueOf, this);
}, { arity: 1 });
// node_modules/core-js/internals/set-to-string-tag.js
var require_set_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/set-to-string-tag.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol("toStringTag");
module2.exports = function(target, TAG, STATIC) {
if (target && !STATIC)
target = target.prototype;
if (target && !hasOwn(target, TO_STRING_TAG)) {
defineProperty(target, TO_STRING_TAG, { configurable: true, value: TAG });
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this-clause.js
var require_function_uncurry_this_clause = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this-clause.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classofRaw = require_classof_raw();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
module2.exports = function(fn3) {
if (classofRaw(fn3) === "Function")
return uncurryThis(fn3);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind-context.js
var require_function_bind_context = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind-context.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var NATIVE_BIND = require_function_bind_native();
var bind2 = uncurryThis(uncurryThis.bind);
module2.exports = function(fn3, that) {
return that === void 0 ? fn3 : NATIVE_BIND ? bind2(fn3, that) : function() {
return fn3.apply(that, arguments);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-array.js
var require_is_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-array.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classof = require_classof_raw();
module2.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray2(argument) {
return classof(argument) === "Array";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-constructor.js
var require_is_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var classof = require_classof();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var inspectSource = require_inspect_source();
var noop5 = function() {
var construct = getBuiltIn("Reflect", "construct");
var constructorRegExp = /^\s*(?:class|function)\b/;
var exec = uncurryThis(constructorRegExp.exec);
var INCORRECT_TO_STRING = !constructorRegExp.test(noop5);
var isConstructorModern = function isConstructor(argument) {
if (!isCallable(argument))
return false;
try {
construct(noop5, [], argument);
return true;
} catch (error2) {
return false;
var isConstructorLegacy = function isConstructor(argument) {
if (!isCallable(argument))
return false;
switch (classof(argument)) {
case "AsyncFunction":
case "GeneratorFunction":
case "AsyncGeneratorFunction":
return false;
try {
return INCORRECT_TO_STRING || !!exec(constructorRegExp, inspectSource(argument));
} catch (error2) {
return true;
isConstructorLegacy.sham = true;
module2.exports = !construct || fails(function() {
var called;
return isConstructorModern(isConstructorModern.call) || !isConstructorModern(Object) || !isConstructorModern(function() {
called = true;
}) || called;
}) ? isConstructorLegacy : isConstructorModern;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-species-constructor.js
var require_array_species_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-species-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
var $Array = Array;
module2.exports = function(originalArray) {
var C3;
if (isArray2(originalArray)) {
C3 = originalArray.constructor;
if (isConstructor(C3) && (C3 === $Array || isArray2(C3.prototype)))
C3 = void 0;
else if (isObject3(C3)) {
if (C3 === null)
C3 = void 0;
return C3 === void 0 ? $Array : C3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-species-create.js
var require_array_species_create = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-species-create.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var arraySpeciesConstructor = require_array_species_constructor();
module2.exports = function(originalArray, length) {
return new (arraySpeciesConstructor(originalArray))(length === 0 ? 0 : length);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-iteration.js
var require_array_iteration = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-iteration.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var arraySpeciesCreate = require_array_species_create();
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var createMethod = function(TYPE) {
var IS_MAP = TYPE === 1;
var IS_FILTER = TYPE === 2;
var IS_SOME = TYPE === 3;
var IS_EVERY = TYPE === 4;
var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE === 6;
return function($this, callbackfn, that, specificCreate) {
var O3 = toObject($this);
var self2 = IndexedObject(O3);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(self2);
var boundFunction = bind2(callbackfn, that);
var index2 = 0;
var create = specificCreate || arraySpeciesCreate;
var target = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER || IS_FILTER_REJECT ? create($this, 0) : void 0;
var value, result;
for (; length > index2; index2++)
if (NO_HOLES || index2 in self2) {
value = self2[index2];
result = boundFunction(value, index2, O3);
if (TYPE) {
if (IS_MAP)
target[index2] = result;
else if (result)
switch (TYPE) {
case 3:
return true;
case 5:
return value;
case 6:
return index2;
case 2:
push(target, value);
switch (TYPE) {
case 4:
return false;
case 7:
push(target, value);
return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : target;
module2.exports = {
forEach: createMethod(0),
map: createMethod(1),
filter: createMethod(2),
some: createMethod(3),
every: createMethod(4),
find: createMethod(5),
findIndex: createMethod(6),
filterReject: createMethod(7)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.constructor.js
var require_es_symbol_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
var fails = require_fails();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var $toString = require_to_string();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var nativeObjectCreate = require_object_create();
var objectKeys = require_object_keys();
var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require_object_get_own_property_names();
var getOwnPropertyNamesExternal = require_object_get_own_property_names_external();
var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require_object_get_own_property_symbols();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var definePropertiesModule = require_object_define_properties();
var propertyIsEnumerableModule = require_object_property_is_enumerable();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var shared = require_shared();
var sharedKey = require_shared_key();
var hiddenKeys = require_hidden_keys();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule = require_well_known_symbol_wrapped();
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
var defineSymbolToPrimitive = require_symbol_define_to_primitive();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var $forEach = require_array_iteration().forEach;
var HIDDEN = sharedKey("hidden");
var SYMBOL = "Symbol";
var PROTOTYPE = "prototype";
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(SYMBOL);
var ObjectPrototype = Object[PROTOTYPE];
var $Symbol = global2.Symbol;
var SymbolPrototype = $Symbol && $Symbol[PROTOTYPE];
var RangeError2 = global2.RangeError;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var QObject = global2.QObject;
var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;
var nativeDefineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;
var nativeGetOwnPropertyNames = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f;
var nativePropertyIsEnumerable = propertyIsEnumerableModule.f;
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var AllSymbols = shared("symbols");
var ObjectPrototypeSymbols = shared("op-symbols");
var WellKnownSymbolsStore = shared("wks");
var USE_SETTER = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild;
var fallbackDefineProperty = function(O3, P3, Attributes) {
var ObjectPrototypeDescriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, P3);
if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor)
delete ObjectPrototype[P3];
nativeDefineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes);
if (ObjectPrototypeDescriptor && O3 !== ObjectPrototype) {
nativeDefineProperty(ObjectPrototype, P3, ObjectPrototypeDescriptor);
var setSymbolDescriptor = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function() {
return nativeObjectCreate(nativeDefineProperty({}, "a", {
get: function() {
return nativeDefineProperty(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a;
})).a !== 7;
}) ? fallbackDefineProperty : nativeDefineProperty;
var wrap = function(tag, description) {
var symbol = AllSymbols[tag] = nativeObjectCreate(SymbolPrototype);
setInternalState(symbol, {
type: SYMBOL,
symbol.description = description;
return symbol;
var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(O3, P3, Attributes) {
if (O3 === ObjectPrototype)
$defineProperty(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P3, Attributes);
var key = toPropertyKey(P3);
if (hasOwn(AllSymbols, key)) {
if (!Attributes.enumerable) {
if (!hasOwn(O3, HIDDEN))
nativeDefineProperty(O3, HIDDEN, createPropertyDescriptor(1, nativeObjectCreate(null)));
O3[HIDDEN][key] = true;
} else {
if (hasOwn(O3, HIDDEN) && O3[HIDDEN][key])
O3[HIDDEN][key] = false;
Attributes = nativeObjectCreate(Attributes, { enumerable: createPropertyDescriptor(0, false) });
return setSymbolDescriptor(O3, key, Attributes);
return nativeDefineProperty(O3, key, Attributes);
var $defineProperties = function defineProperties(O3, Properties) {
var properties = toIndexedObject(Properties);
var keys = objectKeys(properties).concat($getOwnPropertySymbols(properties));
$forEach(keys, function(key) {
if (!DESCRIPTORS || call($propertyIsEnumerable, properties, key))
$defineProperty(O3, key, properties[key]);
return O3;
var $create = function create(O3, Properties) {
return Properties === void 0 ? nativeObjectCreate(O3) : $defineProperties(nativeObjectCreate(O3), Properties);
var $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(V2) {
var P3 = toPropertyKey(V2);
var enumerable2 = call(nativePropertyIsEnumerable, this, P3);
if (this === ObjectPrototype && hasOwn(AllSymbols, P3) && !hasOwn(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, P3))
return false;
return enumerable2 || !hasOwn(this, P3) || !hasOwn(AllSymbols, P3) || hasOwn(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][P3] ? enumerable2 : true;
var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, P3) {
var it2 = toIndexedObject(O3);
var key = toPropertyKey(P3);
if (it2 === ObjectPrototype && hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !hasOwn(ObjectPrototypeSymbols, key))
var descriptor = nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(it2, key);
if (descriptor && hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !(hasOwn(it2, HIDDEN) && it2[HIDDEN][key])) {
descriptor.enumerable = true;
return descriptor;
var $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(O3) {
var names2 = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(toIndexedObject(O3));
var result = [];
$forEach(names2, function(key) {
if (!hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && !hasOwn(hiddenKeys, key))
push(result, key);
return result;
var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function(O3) {
var IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE = O3 === ObjectPrototype;
var names2 = nativeGetOwnPropertyNames(IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE ? ObjectPrototypeSymbols : toIndexedObject(O3));
var result = [];
$forEach(names2, function(key) {
if (hasOwn(AllSymbols, key) && (!IS_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE || hasOwn(ObjectPrototype, key))) {
push(result, AllSymbols[key]);
return result;
$Symbol = function Symbol2() {
if (isPrototypeOf(SymbolPrototype, this))
throw new TypeError2("Symbol is not a constructor");
var description = !arguments.length || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : $toString(arguments[0]);
var tag = uid2(description);
var setter = function(value) {
var $this = this === void 0 ? global2 : this;
if ($this === ObjectPrototype)
call(setter, ObjectPrototypeSymbols, value);
if (hasOwn($this, HIDDEN) && hasOwn($this[HIDDEN], tag))
$this[HIDDEN][tag] = false;
var descriptor = createPropertyDescriptor(1, value);
try {
setSymbolDescriptor($this, tag, descriptor);
} catch (error2) {
if (!(error2 instanceof RangeError2))
throw error2;
fallbackDefineProperty($this, tag, descriptor);
setSymbolDescriptor(ObjectPrototype, tag, { configurable: true, set: setter });
return wrap(tag, description);
SymbolPrototype = $Symbol[PROTOTYPE];
defineBuiltIn(SymbolPrototype, "toString", function toString() {
return getInternalState(this).tag;
defineBuiltIn($Symbol, "withoutSetter", function(description) {
return wrap(uid2(description), description);
propertyIsEnumerableModule.f = $propertyIsEnumerable;
definePropertyModule.f = $defineProperty;
definePropertiesModule.f = $defineProperties;
getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f = getOwnPropertyNamesExternal.f = $getOwnPropertyNames;
getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols;
wrappedWellKnownSymbolModule.f = function(name) {
return wrap(wellKnownSymbol(name), name);
defineBuiltInAccessor(SymbolPrototype, "description", {
configurable: true,
get: function description() {
return getInternalState(this).description;
if (!IS_PURE) {
defineBuiltIn(ObjectPrototype, "propertyIsEnumerable", $propertyIsEnumerable, { unsafe: true });
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, wrap: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {
Symbol: $Symbol
$forEach(objectKeys(WellKnownSymbolsStore), function(name) {
$2({ target: SYMBOL, stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {
useSetter: function() {
USE_SETTER = true;
useSimple: function() {
USE_SETTER = false;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
create: $create,
defineProperty: $defineProperty,
defineProperties: $defineProperties,
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL }, {
getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames
setToStringTag($Symbol, SYMBOL);
hiddenKeys[HIDDEN] = true;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-registry-detection.js
var require_symbol_registry_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/symbol-registry-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
module2.exports = NATIVE_SYMBOL && !!Symbol["for"] && !!Symbol.keyFor;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.for.js
var require_es_symbol_for = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.for.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var toString = require_to_string();
var shared = require_shared();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = require_symbol_registry_detection();
var StringToSymbolRegistry = shared("string-to-symbol-registry");
var SymbolToStringRegistry = shared("symbol-to-string-registry");
$2({ target: "Symbol", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, {
"for": function(key) {
var string = toString(key);
if (hasOwn(StringToSymbolRegistry, string))
return StringToSymbolRegistry[string];
var symbol = getBuiltIn("Symbol")(string);
StringToSymbolRegistry[string] = symbol;
SymbolToStringRegistry[symbol] = string;
return symbol;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.key-for.js
var require_es_symbol_key_for = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.key-for.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var shared = require_shared();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY = require_symbol_registry_detection();
var SymbolToStringRegistry = shared("symbol-to-string-registry");
$2({ target: "Symbol", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_SYMBOL_REGISTRY }, {
keyFor: function keyFor(sym) {
if (!isSymbol(sym))
throw new TypeError(tryToString(sym) + " is not a symbol");
if (hasOwn(SymbolToStringRegistry, sym))
return SymbolToStringRegistry[sym];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-apply.js
var require_function_apply = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-apply.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_BIND = require_function_bind_native();
var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
var apply = FunctionPrototype.apply;
var call = FunctionPrototype.call;
module2.exports = typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.apply || (NATIVE_BIND ? call.bind(apply) : function() {
return call.apply(apply, arguments);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-json-replacer-function.js
var require_get_json_replacer_function = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-json-replacer-function.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var toString = require_to_string();
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
module2.exports = function(replacer) {
if (isCallable(replacer))
return replacer;
if (!isArray2(replacer))
var rawLength = replacer.length;
var keys = [];
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < rawLength; i4++) {
var element = replacer[i4];
if (typeof element == "string")
push(keys, element);
else if (typeof element == "number" || classof(element) === "Number" || classof(element) === "String")
push(keys, toString(element));
var keysLength = keys.length;
var root = true;
return function(key, value) {
if (root) {
root = false;
return value;
if (isArray2(this))
return value;
for (var j3 = 0; j3 < keysLength; j3++)
if (keys[j3] === key)
return value;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.json.stringify.js
var require_es_json_stringify = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.json.stringify.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var getReplacerFunction = require_get_json_replacer_function();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
var $String = String;
var $stringify = getBuiltIn("JSON", "stringify");
var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var numberToString = uncurryThis(1 .toString);
var tester = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/g;
var low = /^[\uD800-\uDBFF]$/;
var hi2 = /^[\uDC00-\uDFFF]$/;
var symbol = getBuiltIn("Symbol")("stringify detection");
return $stringify([symbol]) !== "[null]" || $stringify({ a: symbol }) !== "{}" || $stringify(Object(symbol)) !== "{}";
var ILL_FORMED_UNICODE = fails(function() {
return $stringify("\uDF06\uD834") !== '"\\udf06\\ud834"' || $stringify("\uDEAD") !== '"\\udead"';
var stringifyWithSymbolsFix = function(it2, replacer) {
var args = arraySlice(arguments);
var $replacer = getReplacerFunction(replacer);
if (!isCallable($replacer) && (it2 === void 0 || isSymbol(it2)))
args[1] = function(key, value) {
if (isCallable($replacer))
value = call($replacer, this, $String(key), value);
if (!isSymbol(value))
return value;
return apply($stringify, null, args);
var fixIllFormed = function(match3, offset3, string) {
var prev = charAt(string, offset3 - 1);
var next = charAt(string, offset3 + 1);
if (exec(low, match3) && !exec(hi2, next) || exec(hi2, match3) && !exec(low, prev)) {
return "\\u" + numberToString(charCodeAt(match3, 0), 16);
return match3;
if ($stringify) {
$2({ target: "JSON", stat: true, arity: 3, forced: WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION || ILL_FORMED_UNICODE }, {
stringify: function stringify(it2, replacer, space) {
var args = arraySlice(arguments);
var result = apply(WRONG_SYMBOLS_CONVERSION ? stringifyWithSymbolsFix : $stringify, null, args);
return ILL_FORMED_UNICODE && typeof result == "string" ? replace(result, tester, fixIllFormed) : result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-symbols.js
var require_es_object_get_own_property_symbols = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-symbols.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var NATIVE_SYMBOL = require_symbol_constructor_detection();
var fails = require_fails();
var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require_object_get_own_property_symbols();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var FORCED = !NATIVE_SYMBOL || fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
getOwnPropertySymbols: function getOwnPropertySymbols(it2) {
var $getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f;
return $getOwnPropertySymbols ? $getOwnPropertySymbols(toObject(it2)) : [];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.js
var require_es_symbol = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js
var require_es_symbol_description = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.description.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var toString = require_to_string();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var copyConstructorProperties = require_copy_constructor_properties();
var NativeSymbol = global2.Symbol;
var SymbolPrototype = NativeSymbol && NativeSymbol.prototype;
if (DESCRIPTORS && isCallable(NativeSymbol) && (!("description" in SymbolPrototype) || NativeSymbol().description !== void 0)) {
EmptyStringDescriptionStore = {};
SymbolWrapper = function Symbol2() {
var description = arguments.length < 1 || arguments[0] === void 0 ? void 0 : toString(arguments[0]);
var result = isPrototypeOf(SymbolPrototype, this) ? new NativeSymbol(description) : description === void 0 ? NativeSymbol() : NativeSymbol(description);
if (description === "")
EmptyStringDescriptionStore[result] = true;
return result;
copyConstructorProperties(SymbolWrapper, NativeSymbol);
SymbolWrapper.prototype = SymbolPrototype;
SymbolPrototype.constructor = SymbolWrapper;
NATIVE_SYMBOL = String(NativeSymbol("description detection")) === "Symbol(description detection)";
thisSymbolValue = uncurryThis(SymbolPrototype.valueOf);
symbolDescriptiveString = uncurryThis(SymbolPrototype.toString);
regexp = /^Symbol\((.*)\)[^)]+$/;
replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
defineBuiltInAccessor(SymbolPrototype, "description", {
configurable: true,
get: function description() {
var symbol = thisSymbolValue(this);
if (hasOwn(EmptyStringDescriptionStore, symbol))
return "";
var string = symbolDescriptiveString(symbol);
var desc = NATIVE_SYMBOL ? stringSlice(string, 7, -1) : replace(string, regexp, "$1");
return desc === "" ? void 0 : desc;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: true }, {
Symbol: SymbolWrapper
var EmptyStringDescriptionStore;
var SymbolWrapper;
var thisSymbolValue;
var symbolDescriptiveString;
var regexp;
var replace;
var stringSlice;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.async-iterator.js
var require_es_symbol_async_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.async-iterator.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.has-instance.js
var require_es_symbol_has_instance = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.has-instance.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.is-concat-spreadable.js
var require_es_symbol_is_concat_spreadable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.is-concat-spreadable.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js
var require_es_symbol_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.iterator.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.match.js
var require_es_symbol_match = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.match.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.match-all.js
var require_es_symbol_match_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.match-all.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.replace.js
var require_es_symbol_replace = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.replace.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.search.js
var require_es_symbol_search = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.search.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.species.js
var require_es_symbol_species = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.species.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.split.js
var require_es_symbol_split = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.split.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.to-primitive.js
var require_es_symbol_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.to-primitive.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
var defineSymbolToPrimitive = require_symbol_define_to_primitive();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.to-string-tag.js
var require_es_symbol_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.to-string-tag.js"() {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
setToStringTag(getBuiltIn("Symbol"), "Symbol");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.unscopables.js
var require_es_symbol_unscopables = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.symbol.unscopables.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineWellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol_define();
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this-accessor.js
var require_function_uncurry_this_accessor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-uncurry-this-accessor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
module2.exports = function(object, key, method) {
try {
return uncurryThis(aCallable(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, key)[method]));
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-possible-prototype.js
var require_is_possible_prototype = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-possible-prototype.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
module2.exports = function(argument) {
return isObject3(argument) || argument === null;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/a-possible-prototype.js
var require_a_possible_prototype = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/a-possible-prototype.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isPossiblePrototype = require_is_possible_prototype();
var $String = String;
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
if (isPossiblePrototype(argument))
return argument;
throw new $TypeError("Can't set " + $String(argument) + " as a prototype");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-set-prototype-of.js
var require_object_set_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-set-prototype-of.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThisAccessor = require_function_uncurry_this_accessor();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var aPossiblePrototype = require_a_possible_prototype();
module2.exports = Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? function() {
var CORRECT_SETTER = false;
var test = {};
var setter;
try {
setter = uncurryThisAccessor(Object.prototype, "__proto__", "set");
setter(test, []);
CORRECT_SETTER = test instanceof Array;
} catch (error2) {
return function setPrototypeOf(O3, proto) {
setter(O3, proto);
O3.__proto__ = proto;
return O3;
}() : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/proxy-accessor.js
var require_proxy_accessor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/proxy-accessor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
module2.exports = function(Target, Source, key) {
key in Target || defineProperty(Target, key, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return Source[key];
set: function(it2) {
Source[key] = it2;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/inherit-if-required.js
var require_inherit_if_required = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/inherit-if-required.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
module2.exports = function($this, dummy, Wrapper) {
var NewTarget, NewTargetPrototype;
if (setPrototypeOf && isCallable(NewTarget = dummy.constructor) && NewTarget !== Wrapper && isObject3(NewTargetPrototype = NewTarget.prototype) && NewTargetPrototype !== Wrapper.prototype)
setPrototypeOf($this, NewTargetPrototype);
return $this;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/normalize-string-argument.js
var require_normalize_string_argument = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/normalize-string-argument.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toString = require_to_string();
module2.exports = function(argument, $default) {
return argument === void 0 ? arguments.length < 2 ? "" : $default : toString(argument);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/install-error-cause.js
var require_install_error_cause = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/install-error-cause.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
module2.exports = function(O3, options) {
if (isObject3(options) && "cause" in options) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(O3, "cause", options.cause);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-clear.js
var require_error_stack_clear = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-clear.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var $Error = Error;
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var TEST = function(arg) {
return String(new $Error(arg).stack);
var V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK_ENTRY = /\n\s*at [^:]*:[^\n]*/;
module2.exports = function(stack, dropEntries) {
if (IS_V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK && typeof stack == "string" && !$Error.prepareStackTrace) {
while (dropEntries--)
stack = replace(stack, V8_OR_CHAKRA_STACK_ENTRY, "");
return stack;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-installable.js
var require_error_stack_installable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-installable.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
var error2 = new Error("a");
if (!("stack" in error2))
return true;
Object.defineProperty(error2, "stack", createPropertyDescriptor(1, 7));
return error2.stack !== 7;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-install.js
var require_error_stack_install = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/error-stack-install.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var clearErrorStack = require_error_stack_clear();
var ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE = require_error_stack_installable();
var captureStackTrace = Error.captureStackTrace;
module2.exports = function(error2, C3, stack, dropEntries) {
if (captureStackTrace)
captureStackTrace(error2, C3);
createNonEnumerableProperty(error2, "stack", clearErrorStack(stack, dropEntries));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/wrap-error-constructor-with-cause.js
var require_wrap_error_constructor_with_cause = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/wrap-error-constructor-with-cause.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var copyConstructorProperties = require_copy_constructor_properties();
var proxyAccessor = require_proxy_accessor();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var normalizeStringArgument = require_normalize_string_argument();
var installErrorCause = require_install_error_cause();
var installErrorStack = require_error_stack_install();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
module2.exports = function(FULL_NAME, wrapper, FORCED, IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR) {
var STACK_TRACE_LIMIT = "stackTraceLimit";
var path = FULL_NAME.split(".");
var ERROR_NAME = path[path.length - 1];
var OriginalError = getBuiltIn.apply(null, path);
if (!OriginalError)
var OriginalErrorPrototype = OriginalError.prototype;
if (!IS_PURE && hasOwn(OriginalErrorPrototype, "cause"))
delete OriginalErrorPrototype.cause;
if (!FORCED)
return OriginalError;
var BaseError = getBuiltIn("Error");
var WrappedError = wrapper(function(a4, b3) {
var message = normalizeStringArgument(IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR ? b3 : a4, void 0);
var result = IS_AGGREGATE_ERROR ? new OriginalError(a4) : new OriginalError();
if (message !== void 0)
createNonEnumerableProperty(result, "message", message);
installErrorStack(result, WrappedError, result.stack, 2);
if (this && isPrototypeOf(OriginalErrorPrototype, this))
inheritIfRequired(result, this, WrappedError);
if (arguments.length > OPTIONS_POSITION)
installErrorCause(result, arguments[OPTIONS_POSITION]);
return result;
WrappedError.prototype = OriginalErrorPrototype;
if (ERROR_NAME !== "Error") {
if (setPrototypeOf)
setPrototypeOf(WrappedError, BaseError);
copyConstructorProperties(WrappedError, BaseError, { name: true });
} else if (DESCRIPTORS && STACK_TRACE_LIMIT in OriginalError) {
proxyAccessor(WrappedError, OriginalError, STACK_TRACE_LIMIT);
proxyAccessor(WrappedError, OriginalError, "prepareStackTrace");
copyConstructorProperties(WrappedError, OriginalError);
if (!IS_PURE)
try {
if (OriginalErrorPrototype.name !== ERROR_NAME) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(OriginalErrorPrototype, "name", ERROR_NAME);
OriginalErrorPrototype.constructor = WrappedError;
} catch (error2) {
return WrappedError;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.error.cause.js
var require_es_error_cause = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.error.cause.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var wrapErrorConstructorWithCause = require_wrap_error_constructor_with_cause();
var WEB_ASSEMBLY = "WebAssembly";
var WebAssembly = global2[WEB_ASSEMBLY];
var FORCED = new Error("e", { cause: 7 }).cause !== 7;
var exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper = function(ERROR_NAME, wrapper) {
var O3 = {};
O3[ERROR_NAME] = wrapErrorConstructorWithCause(ERROR_NAME, wrapper, FORCED);
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, O3);
var exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper = function(ERROR_NAME, wrapper) {
if (WebAssembly && WebAssembly[ERROR_NAME]) {
var O3 = {};
O3[ERROR_NAME] = wrapErrorConstructorWithCause(WEB_ASSEMBLY + "." + ERROR_NAME, wrapper, FORCED);
$2({ target: WEB_ASSEMBLY, stat: true, constructor: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, O3);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("Error", function(init2) {
return function Error2(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("EvalError", function(init2) {
return function EvalError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("RangeError", function(init2) {
return function RangeError2(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("ReferenceError", function(init2) {
return function ReferenceError2(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("SyntaxError", function(init2) {
return function SyntaxError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("TypeError", function(init2) {
return function TypeError2(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportGlobalErrorCauseWrapper("URIError", function(init2) {
return function URIError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper("CompileError", function(init2) {
return function CompileError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper("LinkError", function(init2) {
return function LinkError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
exportWebAssemblyErrorCauseWrapper("RuntimeError", function(init2) {
return function RuntimeError(message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/error-to-string.js
var require_error_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/error-to-string.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var fails = require_fails();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var normalizeStringArgument = require_normalize_string_argument();
var nativeErrorToString = Error.prototype.toString;
var INCORRECT_TO_STRING = fails(function() {
var object = Object.create(Object.defineProperty({}, "name", { get: function() {
return this === object;
} }));
if (nativeErrorToString.call(object) !== "true")
return true;
return nativeErrorToString.call({ message: 1, name: 2 }) !== "2: 1" || nativeErrorToString.call({}) !== "Error";
module2.exports = INCORRECT_TO_STRING ? function toString() {
var O3 = anObject(this);
var name = normalizeStringArgument(O3.name, "Error");
var message = normalizeStringArgument(O3.message);
return !name ? message : !message ? name : name + ": " + message;
} : nativeErrorToString;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.error.to-string.js
var require_es_error_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.error.to-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var errorToString = require_error_to_string();
var ErrorPrototype = Error.prototype;
if (ErrorPrototype.toString !== errorToString) {
defineBuiltIn(ErrorPrototype, "toString", errorToString);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/correct-prototype-getter.js
var require_correct_prototype_getter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/correct-prototype-getter.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
function F2() {
F2.prototype.constructor = null;
return Object.getPrototypeOf(new F2()) !== F2.prototype;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-prototype-of.js
var require_object_get_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-get-prototype-of.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var sharedKey = require_shared_key();
var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require_correct_prototype_getter();
var IE_PROTO = sharedKey("IE_PROTO");
var $Object = Object;
var ObjectPrototype = $Object.prototype;
module2.exports = CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER ? $Object.getPrototypeOf : function(O3) {
var object = toObject(O3);
if (hasOwn(object, IE_PROTO))
return object[IE_PROTO];
var constructor = object.constructor;
if (isCallable(constructor) && object instanceof constructor) {
return constructor.prototype;
return object instanceof $Object ? ObjectPrototype : null;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterators.js
var require_iterators = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterators.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {};
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-array-iterator-method.js
var require_is_array_iterator_method = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-array-iterator-method.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var Iterators = require_iterators();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
return it2 !== void 0 && (Iterators.Array === it2 || ArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === it2);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-iterator-method.js
var require_get_iterator_method = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-iterator-method.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classof = require_classof();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var Iterators = require_iterators();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
module2.exports = function(it2) {
if (!isNullOrUndefined(it2))
return getMethod(it2, ITERATOR) || getMethod(it2, "@@iterator") || Iterators[classof(it2)];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-iterator.js
var require_get_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-iterator.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var getIteratorMethod = require_get_iterator_method();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument, usingIterator) {
var iteratorMethod = arguments.length < 2 ? getIteratorMethod(argument) : usingIterator;
if (aCallable(iteratorMethod))
return anObject(call(iteratorMethod, argument));
throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + " is not iterable");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-close.js
var require_iterator_close = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-close.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
module2.exports = function(iterator, kind, value) {
var innerResult, innerError;
try {
innerResult = getMethod(iterator, "return");
if (!innerResult) {
if (kind === "throw")
throw value;
return value;
innerResult = call(innerResult, iterator);
} catch (error2) {
innerError = true;
innerResult = error2;
if (kind === "throw")
throw value;
if (innerError)
throw innerResult;
return value;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterate.js
var require_iterate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterate.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var call = require_function_call();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var isArrayIteratorMethod = require_is_array_iterator_method();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var getIterator = require_get_iterator();
var getIteratorMethod = require_get_iterator_method();
var iteratorClose = require_iterator_close();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var Result = function(stopped, result) {
this.stopped = stopped;
this.result = result;
var ResultPrototype = Result.prototype;
module2.exports = function(iterable, unboundFunction, options) {
var that = options && options.that;
var AS_ENTRIES = !!(options && options.AS_ENTRIES);
var IS_RECORD = !!(options && options.IS_RECORD);
var IS_ITERATOR = !!(options && options.IS_ITERATOR);
var INTERRUPTED = !!(options && options.INTERRUPTED);
var fn3 = bind2(unboundFunction, that);
var iterator, iterFn, index2, length, result, next, step;
var stop = function(condition) {
if (iterator)
iteratorClose(iterator, "normal", condition);
return new Result(true, condition);
var callFn = function(value) {
return INTERRUPTED ? fn3(value[0], value[1], stop) : fn3(value[0], value[1]);
return INTERRUPTED ? fn3(value, stop) : fn3(value);
if (IS_RECORD) {
iterator = iterable.iterator;
} else if (IS_ITERATOR) {
iterator = iterable;
} else {
iterFn = getIteratorMethod(iterable);
if (!iterFn)
throw new $TypeError(tryToString(iterable) + " is not iterable");
if (isArrayIteratorMethod(iterFn)) {
for (index2 = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(iterable); length > index2; index2++) {
result = callFn(iterable[index2]);
if (result && isPrototypeOf(ResultPrototype, result))
return result;
return new Result(false);
iterator = getIterator(iterable, iterFn);
next = IS_RECORD ? iterable.next : iterator.next;
while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) {
try {
result = callFn(step.value);
} catch (error2) {
iteratorClose(iterator, "throw", error2);
if (typeof result == "object" && result && isPrototypeOf(ResultPrototype, result))
return result;
return new Result(false);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.constructor.js
var require_es_aggregate_error_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var copyConstructorProperties = require_copy_constructor_properties();
var create = require_object_create();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var installErrorCause = require_install_error_cause();
var installErrorStack = require_error_stack_install();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var normalizeStringArgument = require_normalize_string_argument();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol("toStringTag");
var $Error = Error;
var push = [].push;
var $AggregateError = function AggregateError(errors, message) {
var isInstance = isPrototypeOf(AggregateErrorPrototype, this);
var that;
if (setPrototypeOf) {
that = setPrototypeOf(new $Error(), isInstance ? getPrototypeOf(this) : AggregateErrorPrototype);
} else {
that = isInstance ? this : create(AggregateErrorPrototype);
createNonEnumerableProperty(that, TO_STRING_TAG, "Error");
if (message !== void 0)
createNonEnumerableProperty(that, "message", normalizeStringArgument(message));
installErrorStack(that, $AggregateError, that.stack, 1);
if (arguments.length > 2)
installErrorCause(that, arguments[2]);
var errorsArray = [];
iterate(errors, push, { that: errorsArray });
createNonEnumerableProperty(that, "errors", errorsArray);
return that;
if (setPrototypeOf)
setPrototypeOf($AggregateError, $Error);
copyConstructorProperties($AggregateError, $Error, { name: true });
var AggregateErrorPrototype = $AggregateError.prototype = create($Error.prototype, {
constructor: createPropertyDescriptor(1, $AggregateError),
message: createPropertyDescriptor(1, ""),
name: createPropertyDescriptor(1, "AggregateError")
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, arity: 2 }, {
AggregateError: $AggregateError
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.js
var require_es_aggregate_error = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.cause.js
var require_es_aggregate_error_cause = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.aggregate-error.cause.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var fails = require_fails();
var wrapErrorConstructorWithCause = require_wrap_error_constructor_with_cause();
var AGGREGATE_ERROR = "AggregateError";
var $AggregateError = getBuiltIn(AGGREGATE_ERROR);
var FORCED = !fails(function() {
return $AggregateError([1]).errors[0] !== 1;
}) && fails(function() {
return $AggregateError([1], AGGREGATE_ERROR, { cause: 7 }).cause !== 7;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, arity: 2, forced: FORCED }, {
AggregateError: wrapErrorConstructorWithCause(AGGREGATE_ERROR, function(init2) {
return function AggregateError(errors, message) {
return apply(init2, this, arguments);
}, FORCED, true)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/add-to-unscopables.js
var require_add_to_unscopables = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/add-to-unscopables.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var create = require_object_create();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var UNSCOPABLES = wellKnownSymbol("unscopables");
var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
if (ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES] === void 0) {
defineProperty(ArrayPrototype, UNSCOPABLES, {
configurable: true,
value: create(null)
module2.exports = function(key) {
ArrayPrototype[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.at.js
var require_es_array_at = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.at.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
at: function at2(index2) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
var k3 = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
return k3 < 0 || k3 >= len ? void 0 : O3[k3];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/does-not-exceed-safe-integer.js
var require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/does-not-exceed-safe-integer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
throw $TypeError("Maximum allowed index exceeded");
return it2;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/create-property.js
var require_create_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/create-property.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
module2.exports = function(object, key, value) {
var propertyKey = toPropertyKey(key);
if (propertyKey in object)
definePropertyModule.f(object, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, value));
object[propertyKey] = value;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-method-has-species-support.js
var require_array_method_has_species_support = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-method-has-species-support.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var V8_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
module2.exports = function(METHOD_NAME) {
return V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function() {
var array = [];
var constructor = array.constructor = {};
constructor[SPECIES] = function() {
return { foo: 1 };
return array[METHOD_NAME](Boolean).foo !== 1;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.concat.js
var require_es_array_concat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.concat.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var arraySpeciesCreate = require_array_species_create();
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require_array_method_has_species_support();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var V8_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE = wellKnownSymbol("isConcatSpreadable");
var IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT = V8_VERSION >= 51 || !fails(function() {
var array = [];
array[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE] = false;
return array.concat()[0] !== array;
var isConcatSpreadable = function(O3) {
if (!isObject3(O3))
return false;
var spreadable = O3[IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE];
return spreadable !== void 0 ? !!spreadable : isArray2(O3);
var FORCED = !IS_CONCAT_SPREADABLE_SUPPORT || !arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport("concat");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, {
concat: function concat(arg) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var A3 = arraySpeciesCreate(O3, 0);
var n6 = 0;
var i4, k3, length, len, E2;
for (i4 = -1, length = arguments.length; i4 < length; i4++) {
E2 = i4 === -1 ? O3 : arguments[i4];
if (isConcatSpreadable(E2)) {
len = lengthOfArrayLike(E2);
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n6 + len);
for (k3 = 0; k3 < len; k3++, n6++)
if (k3 in E2)
createProperty(A3, n6, E2[k3]);
} else {
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(n6 + 1);
createProperty(A3, n6++, E2);
A3.length = n6;
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/delete-property-or-throw.js
var require_delete_property_or_throw = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/delete-property-or-throw.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(O3, P3) {
if (!delete O3[P3])
throw new $TypeError("Cannot delete property " + tryToString(P3) + " of " + tryToString(O3));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-copy-within.js
var require_array_copy_within = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-copy-within.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var deletePropertyOrThrow = require_delete_property_or_throw();
var min2 = Math.min;
module2.exports = [].copyWithin || function copyWithin(target, start3) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var to = toAbsoluteIndex(target, len);
var from = toAbsoluteIndex(start3, len);
var end2 = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
var count = min2((end2 === void 0 ? len : toAbsoluteIndex(end2, len)) - from, len - to);
var inc = 1;
if (from < to && to < from + count) {
inc = -1;
from += count - 1;
to += count - 1;
while (count-- > 0) {
if (from in O3)
O3[to] = O3[from];
deletePropertyOrThrow(O3, to);
to += inc;
from += inc;
return O3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.copy-within.js
var require_es_array_copy_within = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.copy-within.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var copyWithin = require_array_copy_within();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-method-is-strict.js
var require_array_method_is_strict = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-method-is-strict.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = function(METHOD_NAME, argument) {
var method = [][METHOD_NAME];
return !!method && fails(function() {
method.call(null, argument || function() {
return 1;
}, 1);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.every.js
var require_es_array_every = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.every.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $every = require_array_iteration().every;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict("every");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !STRICT_METHOD }, {
every: function every(callbackfn) {
return $every(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-fill.js
var require_array_fill = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-fill.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
module2.exports = function fill(value) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var index2 = toAbsoluteIndex(argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, length);
var end2 = argumentsLength > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0;
var endPos = end2 === void 0 ? length : toAbsoluteIndex(end2, length);
while (endPos > index2)
O3[index2++] = value;
return O3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.fill.js
var require_es_array_fill = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.fill.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fill = require_array_fill();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.filter.js
var require_es_array_filter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.filter.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $filter = require_array_iteration().filter;
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require_array_method_has_species_support();
var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport("filter");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {
filter: function filter2(callbackfn) {
return $filter(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find.js
var require_es_array_find = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $find = require_array_iteration().find;
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var FIND = "find";
var SKIPS_HOLES = true;
if (FIND in [])
Array(1)[FIND](function() {
SKIPS_HOLES = false;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: SKIPS_HOLES }, {
find: function find(callbackfn) {
return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-index.js
var require_es_array_find_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-index.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $findIndex = require_array_iteration().findIndex;
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var FIND_INDEX = "findIndex";
var SKIPS_HOLES = true;
if (FIND_INDEX in [])
Array(1)[FIND_INDEX](function() {
SKIPS_HOLES = false;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: SKIPS_HOLES }, {
findIndex: function findIndex2(callbackfn) {
return $findIndex(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-iteration-from-last.js
var require_array_iteration_from_last = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-iteration-from-last.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var createMethod = function(TYPE) {
return function($this, callbackfn, that) {
var O3 = toObject($this);
var self2 = IndexedObject(O3);
var index2 = lengthOfArrayLike(self2);
var boundFunction = bind2(callbackfn, that);
var value, result;
while (index2-- > 0) {
value = self2[index2];
result = boundFunction(value, index2, O3);
if (result)
switch (TYPE) {
case 0:
return value;
case 1:
return index2;
return IS_FIND_LAST_INDEX ? -1 : void 0;
module2.exports = {
findLast: createMethod(0),
findLastIndex: createMethod(1)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-last.js
var require_es_array_find_last = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-last.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $findLast = require_array_iteration_from_last().findLast;
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
findLast: function findLast(callbackfn) {
return $findLast(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-last-index.js
var require_es_array_find_last_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.find-last-index.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $findLastIndex = require_array_iteration_from_last().findLastIndex;
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
findLastIndex: function findLastIndex(callbackfn) {
return $findLastIndex(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/flatten-into-array.js
var require_flatten_into_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/flatten-into-array.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var flattenIntoArray = function(target, original, source, sourceLen, start3, depth, mapper, thisArg) {
var targetIndex = start3;
var sourceIndex = 0;
var mapFn = mapper ? bind2(mapper, thisArg) : false;
var element, elementLen;
while (sourceIndex < sourceLen) {
if (sourceIndex in source) {
element = mapFn ? mapFn(source[sourceIndex], sourceIndex, original) : source[sourceIndex];
if (depth > 0 && isArray2(element)) {
elementLen = lengthOfArrayLike(element);
targetIndex = flattenIntoArray(target, original, element, elementLen, targetIndex, depth - 1) - 1;
} else {
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(targetIndex + 1);
target[targetIndex] = element;
return targetIndex;
module2.exports = flattenIntoArray;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.flat.js
var require_es_array_flat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.flat.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var flattenIntoArray = require_flatten_into_array();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var arraySpeciesCreate = require_array_species_create();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
flat: function flat() {
var depthArg = arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0;
var O3 = toObject(this);
var sourceLen = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var A3 = arraySpeciesCreate(O3, 0);
A3.length = flattenIntoArray(A3, O3, O3, sourceLen, 0, depthArg === void 0 ? 1 : toIntegerOrInfinity(depthArg));
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.flat-map.js
var require_es_array_flat_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.flat-map.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var flattenIntoArray = require_flatten_into_array();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var arraySpeciesCreate = require_array_species_create();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
flatMap: function flatMap(callbackfn) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var sourceLen = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var A3;
A3 = arraySpeciesCreate(O3, 0);
A3.length = flattenIntoArray(A3, O3, O3, sourceLen, 0, 1, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-for-each.js
var require_array_for_each = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-for-each.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $forEach = require_array_iteration().forEach;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict("forEach");
module2.exports = !STRICT_METHOD ? function forEach(callbackfn) {
return $forEach(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
} : [].forEach;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.for-each.js
var require_es_array_for_each = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.for-each.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var forEach = require_array_for_each();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: [].forEach !== forEach }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing.js
var require_call_with_safe_iteration_closing = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/call-with-safe-iteration-closing.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
var iteratorClose = require_iterator_close();
module2.exports = function(iterator, fn3, value, ENTRIES) {
try {
return ENTRIES ? fn3(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn3(value);
} catch (error2) {
iteratorClose(iterator, "throw", error2);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-from.js
var require_array_from = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-from.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var call = require_function_call();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var callWithSafeIterationClosing = require_call_with_safe_iteration_closing();
var isArrayIteratorMethod = require_is_array_iterator_method();
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var getIterator = require_get_iterator();
var getIteratorMethod = require_get_iterator_method();
var $Array = Array;
module2.exports = function from(arrayLike) {
var O3 = toObject(arrayLike);
var IS_CONSTRUCTOR = isConstructor(this);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var mapfn = argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
var mapping = mapfn !== void 0;
if (mapping)
mapfn = bind2(mapfn, argumentsLength > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(O3);
var index2 = 0;
var length, result, step, iterator, next, value;
if (iteratorMethod && !(this === $Array && isArrayIteratorMethod(iteratorMethod))) {
iterator = getIterator(O3, iteratorMethod);
next = iterator.next;
result = IS_CONSTRUCTOR ? new this() : [];
for (; !(step = call(next, iterator)).done; index2++) {
value = mapping ? callWithSafeIterationClosing(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index2], true) : step.value;
createProperty(result, index2, value);
} else {
length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
result = IS_CONSTRUCTOR ? new this(length) : $Array(length);
for (; length > index2; index2++) {
value = mapping ? mapfn(O3[index2], index2) : O3[index2];
createProperty(result, index2, value);
result.length = index2;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/check-correctness-of-iteration.js
var require_check_correctness_of_iteration = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/check-correctness-of-iteration.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var SAFE_CLOSING = false;
try {
called = 0;
iteratorWithReturn = {
next: function() {
return { done: !!called++ };
"return": function() {
iteratorWithReturn[ITERATOR] = function() {
return this;
Array.from(iteratorWithReturn, function() {
throw 2;
} catch (error2) {
var called;
var iteratorWithReturn;
module2.exports = function(exec, SKIP_CLOSING) {
try {
return false;
} catch (error2) {
return false;
try {
var object = {};
object[ITERATOR] = function() {
return {
next: function() {
return { done: ITERATION_SUPPORT = true };
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.from.js
var require_es_array_from = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.from.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var from = require_array_from();
var checkCorrectnessOfIteration = require_check_correctness_of_iteration();
var INCORRECT_ITERATION = !checkCorrectnessOfIteration(function(iterable) {
$2({ target: "Array", stat: true, forced: INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.includes.js
var require_es_array_includes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.includes.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $includes = require_array_includes().includes;
var fails = require_fails();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var BROKEN_ON_SPARSE = fails(function() {
return !Array(1).includes();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: BROKEN_ON_SPARSE }, {
includes: function includes(el) {
return $includes(this, el, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.index-of.js
var require_es_array_index_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.index-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var $indexOf = require_array_includes().indexOf;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var nativeIndexOf = uncurryThis([].indexOf);
var NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!nativeIndexOf && 1 / nativeIndexOf([1], 1, -0) < 0;
var FORCED = NEGATIVE_ZERO || !arrayMethodIsStrict("indexOf");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
indexOf: function indexOf2(searchElement) {
var fromIndex = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
return NEGATIVE_ZERO ? nativeIndexOf(this, searchElement, fromIndex) || 0 : $indexOf(this, searchElement, fromIndex);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.is-array.js
var require_es_array_is_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.is-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
$2({ target: "Array", stat: true }, {
isArray: isArray2
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterators-core.js
var require_iterators_core = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterators-core.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var create = require_object_create();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var IteratorPrototype;
var PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype;
var arrayIterator;
if ([].keys) {
arrayIterator = [].keys();
if (!("next" in arrayIterator))
else {
PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(getPrototypeOf(arrayIterator));
if (PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype)
IteratorPrototype = PrototypeOfArrayIteratorPrototype;
var NEW_ITERATOR_PROTOTYPE = !isObject3(IteratorPrototype) || fails(function() {
var test = {};
return IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR].call(test) !== test;
IteratorPrototype = {};
else if (IS_PURE)
IteratorPrototype = create(IteratorPrototype);
if (!isCallable(IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) {
defineBuiltIn(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, function() {
return this;
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-create-constructor.js
var require_iterator_create_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-create-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IteratorPrototype = require_iterators_core().IteratorPrototype;
var create = require_object_create();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var Iterators = require_iterators();
var returnThis = function() {
return this;
module2.exports = function(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next, ENUMERABLE_NEXT) {
var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + " Iterator";
IteratorConstructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: createPropertyDescriptor(+!ENUMERABLE_NEXT, next) });
setToStringTag(IteratorConstructor, TO_STRING_TAG, false, true);
Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis;
return IteratorConstructor;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-define.js
var require_iterator_define = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterator-define.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var FunctionName = require_function_name();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var createIteratorConstructor = require_iterator_create_constructor();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var Iterators = require_iterators();
var IteratorsCore = require_iterators_core();
var IteratorPrototype = IteratorsCore.IteratorPrototype;
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var KEYS = "keys";
var VALUES = "values";
var ENTRIES = "entries";
var returnThis = function() {
return this;
module2.exports = function(Iterable, NAME, IteratorConstructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) {
createIteratorConstructor(IteratorConstructor, NAME, next);
var getIterationMethod = function(KIND) {
if (KIND === DEFAULT && defaultIterator)
return defaultIterator;
if (!BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && KIND && KIND in IterablePrototype)
return IterablePrototype[KIND];
switch (KIND) {
case KEYS:
return function keys() {
return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND);
case VALUES:
return function values() {
return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND);
return function entries() {
return new IteratorConstructor(this, KIND);
return function() {
return new IteratorConstructor(this);
var TO_STRING_TAG = NAME + " Iterator";
var IterablePrototype = Iterable.prototype;
var nativeIterator = IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] || IterablePrototype["@@iterator"] || DEFAULT && IterablePrototype[DEFAULT];
var defaultIterator = !BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS && nativeIterator || getIterationMethod(DEFAULT);
var anyNativeIterator = NAME === "Array" ? IterablePrototype.entries || nativeIterator : nativeIterator;
var CurrentIteratorPrototype, methods, KEY;
if (anyNativeIterator) {
CurrentIteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf(anyNativeIterator.call(new Iterable()));
if (CurrentIteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && CurrentIteratorPrototype.next) {
if (!IS_PURE && getPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype) !== IteratorPrototype) {
if (setPrototypeOf) {
setPrototypeOf(CurrentIteratorPrototype, IteratorPrototype);
} else if (!isCallable(CurrentIteratorPrototype[ITERATOR])) {
defineBuiltIn(CurrentIteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis);
setToStringTag(CurrentIteratorPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, true, true);
if (IS_PURE)
Iterators[TO_STRING_TAG] = returnThis;
if (PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME && DEFAULT === VALUES && nativeIterator && nativeIterator.name !== VALUES) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(IterablePrototype, "name", VALUES);
} else {
defaultIterator = function values() {
return call(nativeIterator, this);
if (DEFAULT) {
methods = {
values: getIterationMethod(VALUES),
keys: IS_SET ? defaultIterator : getIterationMethod(KEYS),
entries: getIterationMethod(ENTRIES)
for (KEY in methods) {
defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, KEY, methods[KEY]);
$2({ target: NAME, proto: true, forced: BUGGY_SAFARI_ITERATORS || INCORRECT_VALUES_NAME }, methods);
if ((!IS_PURE || FORCED) && IterablePrototype[ITERATOR] !== defaultIterator) {
defineBuiltIn(IterablePrototype, ITERATOR, defaultIterator, { name: DEFAULT });
Iterators[NAME] = defaultIterator;
return methods;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/create-iter-result-object.js
var require_create_iter_result_object = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/create-iter-result-object.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(value, done) {
return { value, done };
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js
var require_es_array_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.iterator.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var Iterators = require_iterators();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var defineIterator = require_iterator_define();
var createIterResultObject = require_create_iter_result_object();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var ARRAY_ITERATOR = "Array Iterator";
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(ARRAY_ITERATOR);
module2.exports = defineIterator(Array, "Array", function(iterated, kind) {
setInternalState(this, {
target: toIndexedObject(iterated),
index: 0,
}, function() {
var state = getInternalState(this);
var target = state.target;
var index2 = state.index++;
if (!target || index2 >= target.length) {
state.target = void 0;
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
switch (state.kind) {
case "keys":
return createIterResultObject(index2, false);
case "values":
return createIterResultObject(target[index2], false);
return createIterResultObject([index2, target[index2]], false);
}, "values");
var values = Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array;
if (!IS_PURE && DESCRIPTORS && values.name !== "values")
try {
defineProperty(values, "name", { value: "values" });
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.join.js
var require_es_array_join = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.join.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var nativeJoin = uncurryThis([].join);
var ES3_STRINGS = IndexedObject !== Object;
var FORCED = ES3_STRINGS || !arrayMethodIsStrict("join", ",");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
join: function join(separator) {
return nativeJoin(toIndexedObject(this), separator === void 0 ? "," : separator);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-last-index-of.js
var require_array_last_index_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-last-index-of.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var apply = require_function_apply();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var min2 = Math.min;
var $lastIndexOf = [].lastIndexOf;
var NEGATIVE_ZERO = !!$lastIndexOf && 1 / [1].lastIndexOf(1, -0) < 0;
var STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict("lastIndexOf");
module2.exports = FORCED ? function lastIndexOf(searchElement) {
return apply($lastIndexOf, this, arguments) || 0;
var O3 = toIndexedObject(this);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var index2 = length - 1;
if (arguments.length > 1)
index2 = min2(index2, toIntegerOrInfinity(arguments[1]));
if (index2 < 0)
index2 = length + index2;
for (; index2 >= 0; index2--)
if (index2 in O3 && O3[index2] === searchElement)
return index2 || 0;
return -1;
} : $lastIndexOf;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.last-index-of.js
var require_es_array_last_index_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.last-index-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var lastIndexOf = require_array_last_index_of();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: lastIndexOf !== [].lastIndexOf }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.map.js
var require_es_array_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.map.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $map = require_array_iteration().map;
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require_array_method_has_species_support();
var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport("map");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {
map: function map3(callbackfn) {
return $map(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.of.js
var require_es_array_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var $Array = Array;
var ISNT_GENERIC = fails(function() {
function F2() {
return !($Array.of.call(F2) instanceof F2);
$2({ target: "Array", stat: true, forced: ISNT_GENERIC }, {
of: function of() {
var index2 = 0;
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var result = new (isConstructor(this) ? this : $Array)(argumentsLength);
while (argumentsLength > index2)
createProperty(result, index2, arguments[index2++]);
result.length = argumentsLength;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-set-length.js
var require_array_set_length = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-set-length.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
if (this !== void 0)
return true;
try {
Object.defineProperty([], "length", { writable: false }).length = 1;
} catch (error2) {
return error2 instanceof TypeError;
module2.exports = SILENT_ON_NON_WRITABLE_LENGTH_SET ? function(O3, length) {
if (isArray2(O3) && !getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, "length").writable) {
throw new $TypeError("Cannot set read only .length");
return O3.length = length;
} : function(O3, length) {
return O3.length = length;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.push.js
var require_es_array_push = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.push.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var setArrayLength = require_array_set_length();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var fails = require_fails();
var INCORRECT_TO_LENGTH = fails(function() {
return [].push.call({ length: 4294967296 }, 1) !== 4294967297;
var properErrorOnNonWritableLength = function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty([], "length", { writable: false }).push();
} catch (error2) {
return error2 instanceof TypeError;
var FORCED = INCORRECT_TO_LENGTH || !properErrorOnNonWritableLength();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, {
push: function push(item) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var argCount = arguments.length;
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + argCount);
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < argCount; i4++) {
O3[len] = arguments[i4];
setArrayLength(O3, len);
return len;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-reduce.js
var require_array_reduce = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-reduce.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var createMethod = function(IS_RIGHT) {
return function(that, callbackfn, argumentsLength, memo) {
var O3 = toObject(that);
var self2 = IndexedObject(O3);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var index2 = IS_RIGHT ? length - 1 : 0;
var i4 = IS_RIGHT ? -1 : 1;
if (argumentsLength < 2)
while (true) {
if (index2 in self2) {
memo = self2[index2];
index2 += i4;
index2 += i4;
if (IS_RIGHT ? index2 < 0 : length <= index2) {
throw new $TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");
for (; IS_RIGHT ? index2 >= 0 : length > index2; index2 += i4)
if (index2 in self2) {
memo = callbackfn(memo, self2[index2], index2, O3);
return memo;
module2.exports = {
left: createMethod(false),
right: createMethod(true)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-node.js
var require_engine_is_node = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-node.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
module2.exports = classof(global2.process) === "process";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reduce.js
var require_es_array_reduce = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reduce.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $reduce = require_array_reduce().left;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var CHROME_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var FORCED = CHROME_BUG || !arrayMethodIsStrict("reduce");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
reduce: function reduce(callbackfn) {
var length = arguments.length;
return $reduce(this, callbackfn, length, length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reduce-right.js
var require_es_array_reduce_right = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reduce-right.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $reduceRight = require_array_reduce().right;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var CHROME_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var FORCED = CHROME_BUG || !arrayMethodIsStrict("reduceRight");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
reduceRight: function reduceRight(callbackfn) {
return $reduceRight(this, callbackfn, arguments.length, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reverse.js
var require_es_array_reverse = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.reverse.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var nativeReverse = uncurryThis([].reverse);
var test = [1, 2];
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: String(test) === String(test.reverse()) }, {
reverse: function reverse() {
if (isArray2(this))
this.length = this.length;
return nativeReverse(this);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.slice.js
var require_es_array_slice = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.slice.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isArray2 = require_is_array();
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require_array_method_has_species_support();
var nativeSlice = require_array_slice();
var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport("slice");
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
var $Array = Array;
var max2 = Math.max;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {
slice: function slice(start3, end2) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject(this);
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var k3 = toAbsoluteIndex(start3, length);
var fin = toAbsoluteIndex(end2 === void 0 ? length : end2, length);
var Constructor, result, n6;
if (isArray2(O3)) {
Constructor = O3.constructor;
if (isConstructor(Constructor) && (Constructor === $Array || isArray2(Constructor.prototype))) {
Constructor = void 0;
} else if (isObject3(Constructor)) {
Constructor = Constructor[SPECIES];
if (Constructor === null)
Constructor = void 0;
if (Constructor === $Array || Constructor === void 0) {
return nativeSlice(O3, k3, fin);
result = new (Constructor === void 0 ? $Array : Constructor)(max2(fin - k3, 0));
for (n6 = 0; k3 < fin; k3++, n6++)
if (k3 in O3)
createProperty(result, n6, O3[k3]);
result.length = n6;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.some.js
var require_es_array_some = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.some.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $some = require_array_iteration().some;
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict("some");
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !STRICT_METHOD }, {
some: function some(callbackfn) {
return $some(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-sort.js
var require_array_sort = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-sort.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var floor = Math.floor;
var sort = function(array, comparefn) {
var length = array.length;
if (length < 8) {
var i4 = 1;
var element, j3;
while (i4 < length) {
j3 = i4;
element = array[i4];
while (j3 && comparefn(array[j3 - 1], element) > 0) {
array[j3] = array[--j3];
if (j3 !== i4++)
array[j3] = element;
} else {
var middle = floor(length / 2);
var left2 = sort(arraySlice(array, 0, middle), comparefn);
var right2 = sort(arraySlice(array, middle), comparefn);
var llength = left2.length;
var rlength = right2.length;
var lindex = 0;
var rindex = 0;
while (lindex < llength || rindex < rlength) {
array[lindex + rindex] = lindex < llength && rindex < rlength ? comparefn(left2[lindex], right2[rindex]) <= 0 ? left2[lindex++] : right2[rindex++] : lindex < llength ? left2[lindex++] : right2[rindex++];
return array;
module2.exports = sort;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-ff-version.js
var require_engine_ff_version = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-ff-version.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
var firefox = userAgent.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/i);
module2.exports = !!firefox && +firefox[1];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ie-or-edge.js
var require_engine_is_ie_or_edge = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ie-or-edge.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var UA = require_engine_user_agent();
module2.exports = /MSIE|Trident/.test(UA);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-webkit-version.js
var require_engine_webkit_version = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-webkit-version.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
var webkit = userAgent.match(/AppleWebKit\/(\d+)\./);
module2.exports = !!webkit && +webkit[1];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.sort.js
var require_es_array_sort = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.sort.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var deletePropertyOrThrow = require_delete_property_or_throw();
var toString = require_to_string();
var fails = require_fails();
var internalSort = require_array_sort();
var arrayMethodIsStrict = require_array_method_is_strict();
var FF = require_engine_ff_version();
var IE_OR_EDGE = require_engine_is_ie_or_edge();
var V8 = require_engine_v8_version();
var WEBKIT = require_engine_webkit_version();
var test = [];
var nativeSort = uncurryThis(test.sort);
var push = uncurryThis(test.push);
var FAILS_ON_UNDEFINED = fails(function() {
test.sort(void 0);
var FAILS_ON_NULL = fails(function() {
var STRICT_METHOD = arrayMethodIsStrict("sort");
var STABLE_SORT = !fails(function() {
if (V8)
return V8 < 70;
if (FF && FF > 3)
return true;
return WEBKIT < 603;
var result = "";
var code3, chr, value, index2;
for (code3 = 65; code3 < 76; code3++) {
chr = String.fromCharCode(code3);
switch (code3) {
case 66:
case 69:
case 70:
case 72:
value = 3;
case 68:
case 71:
value = 4;
value = 2;
for (index2 = 0; index2 < 47; index2++) {
test.push({ k: chr + index2, v: value });
test.sort(function(a4, b3) {
return b3.v - a4.v;
for (index2 = 0; index2 < test.length; index2++) {
chr = test[index2].k.charAt(0);
if (result.charAt(result.length - 1) !== chr)
result += chr;
return result !== "DGBEFHACIJK";
var getSortCompare = function(comparefn) {
return function(x3, y3) {
if (y3 === void 0)
return -1;
if (x3 === void 0)
return 1;
if (comparefn !== void 0)
return +comparefn(x3, y3) || 0;
return toString(x3) > toString(y3) ? 1 : -1;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
sort: function sort(comparefn) {
if (comparefn !== void 0)
var array = toObject(this);
return comparefn === void 0 ? nativeSort(array) : nativeSort(array, comparefn);
var items = [];
var arrayLength = lengthOfArrayLike(array);
var itemsLength, index2;
for (index2 = 0; index2 < arrayLength; index2++) {
if (index2 in array)
push(items, array[index2]);
internalSort(items, getSortCompare(comparefn));
itemsLength = lengthOfArrayLike(items);
index2 = 0;
while (index2 < itemsLength)
array[index2] = items[index2++];
while (index2 < arrayLength)
deletePropertyOrThrow(array, index2++);
return array;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/set-species.js
var require_set_species = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/set-species.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
module2.exports = function(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) {
var Constructor = getBuiltIn(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
if (DESCRIPTORS && Constructor && !Constructor[SPECIES]) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(Constructor, SPECIES, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return this;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.species.js
var require_es_array_species = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.species.js"() {
"use strict";
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.splice.js
var require_es_array_splice = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.splice.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var setArrayLength = require_array_set_length();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var arraySpeciesCreate = require_array_species_create();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var deletePropertyOrThrow = require_delete_property_or_throw();
var arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport = require_array_method_has_species_support();
var HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT = arrayMethodHasSpeciesSupport("splice");
var max2 = Math.max;
var min2 = Math.min;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, forced: !HAS_SPECIES_SUPPORT }, {
splice: function splice(start3, deleteCount) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var actualStart = toAbsoluteIndex(start3, len);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var insertCount, actualDeleteCount, A3, k3, from, to;
if (argumentsLength === 0) {
insertCount = actualDeleteCount = 0;
} else if (argumentsLength === 1) {
insertCount = 0;
actualDeleteCount = len - actualStart;
} else {
insertCount = argumentsLength - 2;
actualDeleteCount = min2(max2(toIntegerOrInfinity(deleteCount), 0), len - actualStart);
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount);
A3 = arraySpeciesCreate(O3, actualDeleteCount);
for (k3 = 0; k3 < actualDeleteCount; k3++) {
from = actualStart + k3;
if (from in O3)
createProperty(A3, k3, O3[from]);
A3.length = actualDeleteCount;
if (insertCount < actualDeleteCount) {
for (k3 = actualStart; k3 < len - actualDeleteCount; k3++) {
from = k3 + actualDeleteCount;
to = k3 + insertCount;
if (from in O3)
O3[to] = O3[from];
deletePropertyOrThrow(O3, to);
for (k3 = len; k3 > len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount; k3--)
deletePropertyOrThrow(O3, k3 - 1);
} else if (insertCount > actualDeleteCount) {
for (k3 = len - actualDeleteCount; k3 > actualStart; k3--) {
from = k3 + actualDeleteCount - 1;
to = k3 + insertCount - 1;
if (from in O3)
O3[to] = O3[from];
deletePropertyOrThrow(O3, to);
for (k3 = 0; k3 < insertCount; k3++) {
O3[k3 + actualStart] = arguments[k3 + 2];
setArrayLength(O3, len - actualDeleteCount + insertCount);
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-to-reversed.js
var require_array_to_reversed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-to-reversed.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
module2.exports = function(O3, C3) {
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var A3 = new C3(len);
var k3 = 0;
for (; k3 < len; k3++)
A3[k3] = O3[len - k3 - 1];
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-reversed.js
var require_es_array_to_reversed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-reversed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var arrayToReversed = require_array_to_reversed();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var $Array = Array;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
toReversed: function toReversed() {
return arrayToReversed(toIndexedObject(this), $Array);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-from-constructor-and-list.js
var require_array_from_constructor_and_list = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-from-constructor-and-list.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
module2.exports = function(Constructor, list, $length) {
var index2 = 0;
var length = arguments.length > 2 ? $length : lengthOfArrayLike(list);
var result = new Constructor(length);
while (length > index2)
result[index2] = list[index2++];
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-built-in-prototype-method.js
var require_get_built_in_prototype_method = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-built-in-prototype-method.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
module2.exports = function(CONSTRUCTOR, METHOD) {
var Constructor = global2[CONSTRUCTOR];
var Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype;
return Prototype && Prototype[METHOD];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-sorted.js
var require_es_array_to_sorted = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-sorted.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var arrayFromConstructorAndList = require_array_from_constructor_and_list();
var getBuiltInPrototypeMethod = require_get_built_in_prototype_method();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var $Array = Array;
var sort = uncurryThis(getBuiltInPrototypeMethod("Array", "sort"));
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
toSorted: function toSorted(compareFn) {
if (compareFn !== void 0)
var O3 = toIndexedObject(this);
var A3 = arrayFromConstructorAndList($Array, O3);
return sort(A3, compareFn);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-spliced.js
var require_es_array_to_spliced = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.to-spliced.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var $Array = Array;
var max2 = Math.max;
var min2 = Math.min;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
toSpliced: function toSpliced(start3, deleteCount) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var actualStart = toAbsoluteIndex(start3, len);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var k3 = 0;
var insertCount, actualDeleteCount, newLen, A3;
if (argumentsLength === 0) {
insertCount = actualDeleteCount = 0;
} else if (argumentsLength === 1) {
insertCount = 0;
actualDeleteCount = len - actualStart;
} else {
insertCount = argumentsLength - 2;
actualDeleteCount = min2(max2(toIntegerOrInfinity(deleteCount), 0), len - actualStart);
newLen = doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + insertCount - actualDeleteCount);
A3 = $Array(newLen);
for (; k3 < actualStart; k3++)
A3[k3] = O3[k3];
for (; k3 < actualStart + insertCount; k3++)
A3[k3] = arguments[k3 - actualStart + 2];
for (; k3 < newLen; k3++)
A3[k3] = O3[k3 + actualDeleteCount - insertCount];
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unscopables.flat.js
var require_es_array_unscopables_flat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unscopables.flat.js"() {
"use strict";
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unscopables.flat-map.js
var require_es_array_unscopables_flat_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unscopables.flat-map.js"() {
"use strict";
var addToUnscopables = require_add_to_unscopables();
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unshift.js
var require_es_array_unshift = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.unshift.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var setArrayLength = require_array_set_length();
var deletePropertyOrThrow = require_delete_property_or_throw();
var doesNotExceedSafeInteger = require_does_not_exceed_safe_integer();
var INCORRECT_RESULT = [].unshift(0) !== 1;
var properErrorOnNonWritableLength = function() {
try {
Object.defineProperty([], "length", { writable: false }).unshift();
} catch (error2) {
return error2 instanceof TypeError;
var FORCED = INCORRECT_RESULT || !properErrorOnNonWritableLength();
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, {
unshift: function unshift(item) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var argCount = arguments.length;
if (argCount) {
doesNotExceedSafeInteger(len + argCount);
var k3 = len;
while (k3--) {
var to = k3 + argCount;
if (k3 in O3)
O3[to] = O3[k3];
deletePropertyOrThrow(O3, to);
for (var j3 = 0; j3 < argCount; j3++) {
O3[j3] = arguments[j3];
return setArrayLength(O3, len + argCount);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-with.js
var require_array_with = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-with.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
module2.exports = function(O3, C3, index2, value) {
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
var actualIndex = relativeIndex < 0 ? len + relativeIndex : relativeIndex;
if (actualIndex >= len || actualIndex < 0)
throw new $RangeError("Incorrect index");
var A3 = new C3(len);
var k3 = 0;
for (; k3 < len; k3++)
A3[k3] = k3 === actualIndex ? value : O3[k3];
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.with.js
var require_es_array_with = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.with.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var arrayWith = require_array_with();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var $Array = Array;
$2({ target: "Array", proto: true }, {
"with": function(index2, value) {
return arrayWith(toIndexedObject(this), $Array, index2, value);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-basic-detection.js
var require_array_buffer_basic_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-basic-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = typeof ArrayBuffer != "undefined" && typeof DataView != "undefined";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-ins.js
var require_define_built_ins = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/define-built-ins.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
module2.exports = function(target, src, options) {
for (var key in src)
defineBuiltIn(target, key, src[key], options);
return target;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/an-instance.js
var require_an_instance = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/an-instance.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(it2, Prototype) {
if (isPrototypeOf(Prototype, it2))
return it2;
throw new $TypeError("Incorrect invocation");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-index.js
var require_to_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
if (it2 === void 0)
return 0;
var number = toIntegerOrInfinity(it2);
var length = toLength(number);
if (number !== length)
throw new $RangeError("Wrong length or index");
return length;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-sign.js
var require_math_sign = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-sign.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Math.sign || function sign2(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return n6 === 0 || n6 !== n6 ? n6 : n6 < 0 ? -1 : 1;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-float-round.js
var require_math_float_round = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-float-round.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var sign2 = require_math_sign();
var abs = Math.abs;
var EPSILON2 = 2220446049250313e-31;
var roundTiesToEven = function(n6) {
module2.exports = function(x3, FLOAT_EPSILON, FLOAT_MAX_VALUE, FLOAT_MIN_VALUE) {
var n6 = +x3;
var absolute = abs(n6);
var s5 = sign2(n6);
if (absolute < FLOAT_MIN_VALUE)
return s5 * roundTiesToEven(absolute / FLOAT_MIN_VALUE / FLOAT_EPSILON) * FLOAT_MIN_VALUE * FLOAT_EPSILON;
var a4 = (1 + FLOAT_EPSILON / EPSILON2) * absolute;
var result = a4 - (a4 - absolute);
if (result > FLOAT_MAX_VALUE || result !== result)
return s5 * Infinity;
return s5 * result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-fround.js
var require_math_fround = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-fround.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var floatRound = require_math_float_round();
var FLOAT32_EPSILON = 11920928955078125e-23;
var FLOAT32_MAX_VALUE = 34028234663852886e22;
var FLOAT32_MIN_VALUE = 11754943508222875e-54;
module2.exports = Math.fround || function fround(x3) {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/ieee754.js
var require_ieee754 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/ieee754.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $Array = Array;
var abs = Math.abs;
var pow = Math.pow;
var floor = Math.floor;
var log = Math.log;
var LN2 = Math.LN2;
var pack = function(number, mantissaLength, bytes) {
var buffer = $Array(bytes);
var exponentLength = bytes * 8 - mantissaLength - 1;
var eMax = (1 << exponentLength) - 1;
var eBias = eMax >> 1;
var rt2 = mantissaLength === 23 ? pow(2, -24) - pow(2, -77) : 0;
var sign2 = number < 0 || number === 0 && 1 / number < 0 ? 1 : 0;
var index2 = 0;
var exponent, mantissa, c3;
number = abs(number);
if (number !== number || number === Infinity) {
mantissa = number !== number ? 1 : 0;
exponent = eMax;
} else {
exponent = floor(log(number) / LN2);
c3 = pow(2, -exponent);
if (number * c3 < 1) {
c3 *= 2;
if (exponent + eBias >= 1) {
number += rt2 / c3;
} else {
number += rt2 * pow(2, 1 - eBias);
if (number * c3 >= 2) {
c3 /= 2;
if (exponent + eBias >= eMax) {
mantissa = 0;
exponent = eMax;
} else if (exponent + eBias >= 1) {
mantissa = (number * c3 - 1) * pow(2, mantissaLength);
exponent += eBias;
} else {
mantissa = number * pow(2, eBias - 1) * pow(2, mantissaLength);
exponent = 0;
while (mantissaLength >= 8) {
buffer[index2++] = mantissa & 255;
mantissa /= 256;
mantissaLength -= 8;
exponent = exponent << mantissaLength | mantissa;
exponentLength += mantissaLength;
while (exponentLength > 0) {
buffer[index2++] = exponent & 255;
exponent /= 256;
exponentLength -= 8;
buffer[--index2] |= sign2 * 128;
return buffer;
var unpack2 = function(buffer, mantissaLength) {
var bytes = buffer.length;
var exponentLength = bytes * 8 - mantissaLength - 1;
var eMax = (1 << exponentLength) - 1;
var eBias = eMax >> 1;
var nBits = exponentLength - 7;
var index2 = bytes - 1;
var sign2 = buffer[index2--];
var exponent = sign2 & 127;
var mantissa;
sign2 >>= 7;
while (nBits > 0) {
exponent = exponent * 256 + buffer[index2--];
nBits -= 8;
mantissa = exponent & (1 << -nBits) - 1;
exponent >>= -nBits;
nBits += mantissaLength;
while (nBits > 0) {
mantissa = mantissa * 256 + buffer[index2--];
nBits -= 8;
if (exponent === 0) {
exponent = 1 - eBias;
} else if (exponent === eMax) {
return mantissa ? NaN : sign2 ? -Infinity : Infinity;
} else {
mantissa += pow(2, mantissaLength);
exponent -= eBias;
return (sign2 ? -1 : 1) * mantissa * pow(2, exponent - mantissaLength);
module2.exports = {
unpack: unpack2
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer.js
var require_array_buffer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER = require_array_buffer_basic_detection();
var FunctionName = require_function_name();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var defineBuiltIns = require_define_built_ins();
var fails = require_fails();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toIndex = require_to_index();
var fround = require_math_fround();
var IEEE754 = require_ieee754();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var arrayFill = require_array_fill();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var copyConstructorProperties = require_copy_constructor_properties();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var ARRAY_BUFFER = "ArrayBuffer";
var DATA_VIEW = "DataView";
var PROTOTYPE = "prototype";
var WRONG_LENGTH = "Wrong length";
var WRONG_INDEX = "Wrong index";
var getInternalArrayBufferState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(ARRAY_BUFFER);
var getInternalDataViewState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(DATA_VIEW);
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var NativeArrayBuffer = global2[ARRAY_BUFFER];
var $ArrayBuffer = NativeArrayBuffer;
var ArrayBufferPrototype = $ArrayBuffer && $ArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE];
var $DataView = global2[DATA_VIEW];
var DataViewPrototype = $DataView && $DataView[PROTOTYPE];
var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;
var Array2 = global2.Array;
var RangeError2 = global2.RangeError;
var fill = uncurryThis(arrayFill);
var reverse = uncurryThis([].reverse);
var packIEEE754 = IEEE754.pack;
var unpackIEEE754 = IEEE754.unpack;
var packInt8 = function(number) {
return [number & 255];
var packInt16 = function(number) {
return [number & 255, number >> 8 & 255];
var packInt32 = function(number) {
return [number & 255, number >> 8 & 255, number >> 16 & 255, number >> 24 & 255];
var unpackInt32 = function(buffer) {
return buffer[3] << 24 | buffer[2] << 16 | buffer[1] << 8 | buffer[0];
var packFloat32 = function(number) {
return packIEEE754(fround(number), 23, 4);
var packFloat64 = function(number) {
return packIEEE754(number, 52, 8);
var addGetter = function(Constructor, key, getInternalState) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(Constructor[PROTOTYPE], key, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return getInternalState(this)[key];
var get = function(view, count, index2, isLittleEndian) {
var store = getInternalDataViewState(view);
var intIndex = toIndex(index2);
var boolIsLittleEndian = !!isLittleEndian;
if (intIndex + count > store.byteLength)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_INDEX);
var bytes = store.bytes;
var start3 = intIndex + store.byteOffset;
var pack = arraySlice(bytes, start3, start3 + count);
return boolIsLittleEndian ? pack : reverse(pack);
var set2 = function(view, count, index2, conversion, value, isLittleEndian) {
var store = getInternalDataViewState(view);
var intIndex = toIndex(index2);
var pack = conversion(+value);
var boolIsLittleEndian = !!isLittleEndian;
if (intIndex + count > store.byteLength)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_INDEX);
var bytes = store.bytes;
var start3 = intIndex + store.byteOffset;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < count; i4++)
bytes[start3 + i4] = pack[boolIsLittleEndian ? i4 : count - i4 - 1];
$ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer2(length) {
anInstance(this, ArrayBufferPrototype);
var byteLength = toIndex(length);
setInternalState(this, {
bytes: fill(Array2(byteLength), 0),
this.byteLength = byteLength;
this.detached = false;
ArrayBufferPrototype = $ArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE];
$DataView = function DataView2(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength) {
anInstance(this, DataViewPrototype);
anInstance(buffer, ArrayBufferPrototype);
var bufferState = getInternalArrayBufferState(buffer);
var bufferLength = bufferState.byteLength;
var offset3 = toIntegerOrInfinity(byteOffset);
if (offset3 < 0 || offset3 > bufferLength)
throw new RangeError2("Wrong offset");
byteLength = byteLength === void 0 ? bufferLength - offset3 : toLength(byteLength);
if (offset3 + byteLength > bufferLength)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_LENGTH);
setInternalState(this, {
type: DATA_VIEW,
byteOffset: offset3,
bytes: bufferState.bytes
this.buffer = buffer;
this.byteLength = byteLength;
this.byteOffset = offset3;
DataViewPrototype = $DataView[PROTOTYPE];
addGetter($ArrayBuffer, "byteLength", getInternalArrayBufferState);
addGetter($DataView, "buffer", getInternalDataViewState);
addGetter($DataView, "byteLength", getInternalDataViewState);
addGetter($DataView, "byteOffset", getInternalDataViewState);
defineBuiltIns(DataViewPrototype, {
getInt8: function getInt8(byteOffset) {
return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0] << 24 >> 24;
getUint8: function getUint8(byteOffset) {
return get(this, 1, byteOffset)[0];
getInt16: function getInt16(byteOffset) {
var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false);
return (bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0]) << 16 >> 16;
getUint16: function getUint16(byteOffset) {
var bytes = get(this, 2, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false);
return bytes[1] << 8 | bytes[0];
getInt32: function getInt32(byteOffset) {
return unpackInt32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false));
getUint32: function getUint32(byteOffset) {
return unpackInt32(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false)) >>> 0;
getFloat32: function getFloat32(byteOffset) {
return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 4, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false), 23);
getFloat64: function getFloat64(byteOffset) {
return unpackIEEE754(get(this, 8, byteOffset, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : false), 52);
setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 1, byteOffset, packInt8, value);
setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 1, byteOffset, packInt8, value);
setInt16: function setInt16(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 2, byteOffset, packInt16, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
setUint16: function setUint16(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 2, byteOffset, packInt16, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
setInt32: function setInt32(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 4, byteOffset, packInt32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
setUint32: function setUint32(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 4, byteOffset, packInt32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
setFloat32: function setFloat32(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 4, byteOffset, packFloat32, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
setFloat64: function setFloat64(byteOffset, value) {
set2(this, 8, byteOffset, packFloat64, value, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : false);
} else {
if (!fails(function() {
}) || !fails(function() {
new NativeArrayBuffer(-1);
}) || fails(function() {
new NativeArrayBuffer();
new NativeArrayBuffer(1.5);
new NativeArrayBuffer(NaN);
})) {
$ArrayBuffer = function ArrayBuffer2(length) {
anInstance(this, ArrayBufferPrototype);
return inheritIfRequired(new NativeArrayBuffer(toIndex(length)), this, $ArrayBuffer);
$ArrayBuffer[PROTOTYPE] = ArrayBufferPrototype;
ArrayBufferPrototype.constructor = $ArrayBuffer;
copyConstructorProperties($ArrayBuffer, NativeArrayBuffer);
createNonEnumerableProperty(NativeArrayBuffer, "name", ARRAY_BUFFER);
if (setPrototypeOf && getPrototypeOf(DataViewPrototype) !== ObjectPrototype) {
setPrototypeOf(DataViewPrototype, ObjectPrototype);
testView = new $DataView(new $ArrayBuffer(2));
$setInt8 = uncurryThis(DataViewPrototype.setInt8);
testView.setInt8(0, 2147483648);
testView.setInt8(1, 2147483649);
if (testView.getInt8(0) || !testView.getInt8(1))
defineBuiltIns(DataViewPrototype, {
setInt8: function setInt8(byteOffset, value) {
$setInt8(this, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24);
setUint8: function setUint8(byteOffset, value) {
$setInt8(this, byteOffset, value << 24 >> 24);
}, { unsafe: true });
var testView;
var $setInt8;
setToStringTag($ArrayBuffer, ARRAY_BUFFER);
setToStringTag($DataView, DATA_VIEW);
module2.exports = {
ArrayBuffer: $ArrayBuffer,
DataView: $DataView
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.constructor.js
var require_es_array_buffer_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var arrayBufferModule = require_array_buffer();
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
var ARRAY_BUFFER = "ArrayBuffer";
var ArrayBuffer2 = arrayBufferModule[ARRAY_BUFFER];
var NativeArrayBuffer = global2[ARRAY_BUFFER];
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: NativeArrayBuffer !== ArrayBuffer2 }, {
ArrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer2
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-view-core.js
var require_array_buffer_view_core = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-view-core.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER = require_array_buffer_basic_detection();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var global2 = require_global();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var classof = require_classof();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get;
var Int8Array2 = global2.Int8Array;
var Int8ArrayPrototype = Int8Array2 && Int8Array2.prototype;
var Uint8ClampedArray2 = global2.Uint8ClampedArray;
var Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype = Uint8ClampedArray2 && Uint8ClampedArray2.prototype;
var TypedArray = Int8Array2 && getPrototypeOf(Int8Array2);
var TypedArrayPrototype = Int8ArrayPrototype && getPrototypeOf(Int8ArrayPrototype);
var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var TO_STRING_TAG = wellKnownSymbol("toStringTag");
var TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR = "TypedArrayConstructor";
var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS = NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER && !!setPrototypeOf && classof(global2.opera) !== "Opera";
var NAME;
var Constructor;
var Prototype;
var TypedArrayConstructorsList = {
Int8Array: 1,
Uint8Array: 1,
Uint8ClampedArray: 1,
Int16Array: 2,
Uint16Array: 2,
Int32Array: 4,
Uint32Array: 4,
Float32Array: 4,
Float64Array: 8
var BigIntArrayConstructorsList = {
BigInt64Array: 8,
BigUint64Array: 8
var isView = function isView2(it2) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return false;
var klass = classof(it2);
return klass === "DataView" || hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructorsList, klass) || hasOwn(BigIntArrayConstructorsList, klass);
var getTypedArrayConstructor = function(it2) {
var proto = getPrototypeOf(it2);
if (!isObject3(proto))
var state = getInternalState(proto);
return state && hasOwn(state, TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR) ? state[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] : getTypedArrayConstructor(proto);
var isTypedArray = function(it2) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return false;
var klass = classof(it2);
return hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructorsList, klass) || hasOwn(BigIntArrayConstructorsList, klass);
var aTypedArray = function(it2) {
if (isTypedArray(it2))
return it2;
throw new TypeError2("Target is not a typed array");
var aTypedArrayConstructor = function(C3) {
if (isCallable(C3) && (!setPrototypeOf || isPrototypeOf(TypedArray, C3)))
return C3;
throw new TypeError2(tryToString(C3) + " is not a typed array constructor");
var exportTypedArrayMethod = function(KEY, property, forced, options) {
if (forced)
for (var ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
var TypedArrayConstructor = global2[ARRAY];
if (TypedArrayConstructor && hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructor.prototype, KEY))
try {
delete TypedArrayConstructor.prototype[KEY];
} catch (error2) {
try {
TypedArrayConstructor.prototype[KEY] = property;
} catch (error22) {
if (!TypedArrayPrototype[KEY] || forced) {
defineBuiltIn(TypedArrayPrototype, KEY, forced ? property : NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && Int8ArrayPrototype[KEY] || property, options);
var exportTypedArrayStaticMethod = function(KEY, property, forced) {
var ARRAY, TypedArrayConstructor;
if (setPrototypeOf) {
if (forced)
for (ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
TypedArrayConstructor = global2[ARRAY];
if (TypedArrayConstructor && hasOwn(TypedArrayConstructor, KEY))
try {
delete TypedArrayConstructor[KEY];
} catch (error2) {
if (!TypedArray[KEY] || forced) {
try {
return defineBuiltIn(TypedArray, KEY, forced ? property : NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && TypedArray[KEY] || property);
} catch (error2) {
} else
for (ARRAY in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
TypedArrayConstructor = global2[ARRAY];
if (TypedArrayConstructor && (!TypedArrayConstructor[KEY] || forced)) {
defineBuiltIn(TypedArrayConstructor, KEY, property);
for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
Constructor = global2[NAME];
Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype;
if (Prototype)
enforceInternalState(Prototype)[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] = Constructor;
for (NAME in BigIntArrayConstructorsList) {
Constructor = global2[NAME];
Prototype = Constructor && Constructor.prototype;
if (Prototype)
enforceInternalState(Prototype)[TYPED_ARRAY_CONSTRUCTOR] = Constructor;
if (!NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS || !isCallable(TypedArray) || TypedArray === Function.prototype) {
TypedArray = function TypedArray2() {
throw new TypeError2("Incorrect invocation");
for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
if (global2[NAME])
setPrototypeOf(global2[NAME], TypedArray);
if (!NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS || !TypedArrayPrototype || TypedArrayPrototype === ObjectPrototype) {
TypedArrayPrototype = TypedArray.prototype;
for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList) {
if (global2[NAME])
setPrototypeOf(global2[NAME].prototype, TypedArrayPrototype);
if (NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS && getPrototypeOf(Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype) !== TypedArrayPrototype) {
setPrototypeOf(Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype, TypedArrayPrototype);
if (DESCRIPTORS && !hasOwn(TypedArrayPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG)) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(TypedArrayPrototype, TO_STRING_TAG, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return isObject3(this) ? this[TYPED_ARRAY_TAG] : void 0;
for (NAME in TypedArrayConstructorsList)
if (global2[NAME]) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(global2[NAME], TYPED_ARRAY_TAG, NAME);
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.is-view.js
var require_es_array_buffer_is_view = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.is-view.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
$2({ target: "ArrayBuffer", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS }, {
isView: ArrayBufferViewCore.isView
// node_modules/core-js/internals/a-constructor.js
var require_a_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/a-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var tryToString = require_try_to_string();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
if (isConstructor(argument))
return argument;
throw new $TypeError(tryToString(argument) + " is not a constructor");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/species-constructor.js
var require_species_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/species-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
var aConstructor = require_a_constructor();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
module2.exports = function(O3, defaultConstructor) {
var C3 = anObject(O3).constructor;
var S3;
return C3 === void 0 || isNullOrUndefined(S3 = anObject(C3)[SPECIES]) ? defaultConstructor : aConstructor(S3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.slice.js
var require_es_array_buffer_slice = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array-buffer.slice.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var fails = require_fails();
var ArrayBufferModule = require_array_buffer();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var ArrayBuffer2 = ArrayBufferModule.ArrayBuffer;
var DataView2 = ArrayBufferModule.DataView;
var DataViewPrototype = DataView2.prototype;
var nativeArrayBufferSlice = uncurryThis(ArrayBuffer2.prototype.slice);
var getUint8 = uncurryThis(DataViewPrototype.getUint8);
var setUint8 = uncurryThis(DataViewPrototype.setUint8);
var INCORRECT_SLICE = fails(function() {
return !new ArrayBuffer2(2).slice(1, void 0).byteLength;
$2({ target: "ArrayBuffer", proto: true, unsafe: true, forced: INCORRECT_SLICE }, {
slice: function slice(start3, end2) {
if (nativeArrayBufferSlice && end2 === void 0) {
return nativeArrayBufferSlice(anObject(this), start3);
var length = anObject(this).byteLength;
var first2 = toAbsoluteIndex(start3, length);
var fin = toAbsoluteIndex(end2 === void 0 ? length : end2, length);
var result = new (speciesConstructor(this, ArrayBuffer2))(toLength(fin - first2));
var viewSource = new DataView2(this);
var viewTarget = new DataView2(result);
var index2 = 0;
while (first2 < fin) {
setUint8(viewTarget, index2++, getUint8(viewSource, first2++));
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.data-view.constructor.js
var require_es_data_view_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.data-view.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var ArrayBufferModule = require_array_buffer();
var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER = require_array_buffer_basic_detection();
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: !NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER }, {
DataView: ArrayBufferModule.DataView
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.data-view.js
var require_es_data_view = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.data-view.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.get-year.js
var require_es_date_get_year = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.get-year.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return new Date(16e11).getYear() !== 120;
var getFullYear = uncurryThis(Date.prototype.getFullYear);
$2({ target: "Date", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
getYear: function getYear() {
return getFullYear(this) - 1900;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.now.js
var require_es_date_now = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.now.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var $Date = Date;
var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis($Date.prototype.getTime);
$2({ target: "Date", stat: true }, {
now: function now3() {
return thisTimeValue(new $Date());
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.set-year.js
var require_es_date_set_year = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.set-year.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var DatePrototype = Date.prototype;
var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getTime);
var setFullYear = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.setFullYear);
$2({ target: "Date", proto: true }, {
setYear: function setYear(year) {
var yi2 = toIntegerOrInfinity(year);
var yyyy = yi2 >= 0 && yi2 <= 99 ? yi2 + 1900 : yi2;
return setFullYear(this, yyyy);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-gmt-string.js
var require_es_date_to_gmt_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-gmt-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Date", proto: true }, {
toGMTString: Date.prototype.toUTCString
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-repeat.js
var require_string_repeat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-repeat.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toString = require_to_string();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
module2.exports = function repeat(count) {
var str = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var result = "";
var n6 = toIntegerOrInfinity(count);
if (n6 < 0 || n6 === Infinity)
throw new $RangeError("Wrong number of repetitions");
for (; n6 > 0; (n6 >>>= 1) && (str += str))
if (n6 & 1)
result += str;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-pad.js
var require_string_pad = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-pad.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var $repeat = require_string_repeat();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var repeat = uncurryThis($repeat);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var createMethod = function(IS_END) {
return function($this, maxLength, fillString) {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible($this));
var intMaxLength = toLength(maxLength);
var stringLength = S3.length;
var fillStr = fillString === void 0 ? " " : toString(fillString);
var fillLen, stringFiller;
if (intMaxLength <= stringLength || fillStr === "")
return S3;
fillLen = intMaxLength - stringLength;
stringFiller = repeat(fillStr, ceil(fillLen / fillStr.length));
if (stringFiller.length > fillLen)
stringFiller = stringSlice(stringFiller, 0, fillLen);
return IS_END ? S3 + stringFiller : stringFiller + S3;
module2.exports = {
start: createMethod(false),
end: createMethod(true)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/date-to-iso-string.js
var require_date_to_iso_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/date-to-iso-string.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var padStart2 = require_string_pad().start;
var $RangeError = RangeError;
var $isFinite = isFinite;
var abs = Math.abs;
var DatePrototype = Date.prototype;
var nativeDateToISOString = DatePrototype.toISOString;
var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getTime);
var getUTCDate = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCDate);
var getUTCFullYear = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCFullYear);
var getUTCHours = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCHours);
var getUTCMilliseconds = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCMilliseconds);
var getUTCMinutes = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCMinutes);
var getUTCMonth = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCMonth);
var getUTCSeconds = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getUTCSeconds);
module2.exports = fails(function() {
return nativeDateToISOString.call(new Date(-5e13 - 1)) !== "0385-07-25T07:06:39.999Z";
}) || !fails(function() {
nativeDateToISOString.call(new Date(NaN));
}) ? function toISOString() {
if (!$isFinite(thisTimeValue(this)))
throw new $RangeError("Invalid time value");
var date = this;
var year = getUTCFullYear(date);
var milliseconds = getUTCMilliseconds(date);
var sign2 = year < 0 ? "-" : year > 9999 ? "+" : "";
return sign2 + padStart2(abs(year), sign2 ? 6 : 4, 0) + "-" + padStart2(getUTCMonth(date) + 1, 2, 0) + "-" + padStart2(getUTCDate(date), 2, 0) + "T" + padStart2(getUTCHours(date), 2, 0) + ":" + padStart2(getUTCMinutes(date), 2, 0) + ":" + padStart2(getUTCSeconds(date), 2, 0) + "." + padStart2(milliseconds, 3, 0) + "Z";
} : nativeDateToISOString;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-iso-string.js
var require_es_date_to_iso_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-iso-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toISOString = require_date_to_iso_string();
$2({ target: "Date", proto: true, forced: Date.prototype.toISOString !== toISOString }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-json.js
var require_es_date_to_json = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-json.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toPrimitive = require_to_primitive();
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return new Date(NaN).toJSON() !== null || Date.prototype.toJSON.call({ toISOString: function() {
return 1;
} }) !== 1;
$2({ target: "Date", proto: true, arity: 1, forced: FORCED }, {
toJSON: function toJSON(key) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var pv = toPrimitive(O3, "number");
return typeof pv == "number" && !isFinite(pv) ? null : O3.toISOString();
// node_modules/core-js/internals/date-to-primitive.js
var require_date_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/date-to-primitive.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
var ordinaryToPrimitive = require_ordinary_to_primitive();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(hint) {
if (hint === "string" || hint === "default")
hint = "string";
else if (hint !== "number")
throw new $TypeError("Incorrect hint");
return ordinaryToPrimitive(this, hint);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-primitive.js
var require_es_date_to_primitive = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-primitive.js"() {
"use strict";
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var dateToPrimitive = require_date_to_primitive();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var TO_PRIMITIVE = wellKnownSymbol("toPrimitive");
var DatePrototype = Date.prototype;
if (!hasOwn(DatePrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE)) {
defineBuiltIn(DatePrototype, TO_PRIMITIVE, dateToPrimitive);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-string.js
var require_es_date_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.date.to-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var DatePrototype = Date.prototype;
var INVALID_DATE = "Invalid Date";
var TO_STRING = "toString";
var nativeDateToString = uncurryThis(DatePrototype[TO_STRING]);
var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(DatePrototype.getTime);
if (String(new Date(NaN)) !== INVALID_DATE) {
defineBuiltIn(DatePrototype, TO_STRING, function toString() {
var value = thisTimeValue(this);
return value === value ? nativeDateToString(this) : INVALID_DATE;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.escape.js
var require_es_escape = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.escape.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);
var numberToString = uncurryThis(1 .toString);
var toUpperCase = uncurryThis("".toUpperCase);
var raw = /[\w*+\-./@]/;
var hex2 = function(code3, length) {
var result = numberToString(code3, 16);
while (result.length < length)
result = "0" + result;
return result;
$2({ global: true }, {
escape: function escape2(string) {
var str = toString(string);
var result = "";
var length = str.length;
var index2 = 0;
var chr, code3;
while (index2 < length) {
chr = charAt(str, index2++);
if (exec(raw, chr)) {
result += chr;
} else {
code3 = charCodeAt(chr, 0);
if (code3 < 256) {
result += "%" + hex2(code3, 2);
} else {
result += "%u" + toUpperCase(hex2(code3, 4));
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind.js
var require_function_bind = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/function-bind.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var NATIVE_BIND = require_function_bind_native();
var $Function = Function;
var concat = uncurryThis([].concat);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var factories = {};
var construct = function(C3, argsLength, args) {
if (!hasOwn(factories, argsLength)) {
var list = [];
var i4 = 0;
for (; i4 < argsLength; i4++)
list[i4] = "a[" + i4 + "]";
factories[argsLength] = $Function("C,a", "return new C(" + join(list, ",") + ")");
return factories[argsLength](C3, args);
module2.exports = NATIVE_BIND ? $Function.bind : function bind2(that) {
var F2 = aCallable(this);
var Prototype = F2.prototype;
var partArgs = arraySlice(arguments, 1);
var boundFunction = function bound() {
var args = concat(partArgs, arraySlice(arguments));
return this instanceof boundFunction ? construct(F2, args.length, args) : F2.apply(that, args);
if (isObject3(Prototype))
boundFunction.prototype = Prototype;
return boundFunction;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.bind.js
var require_es_function_bind = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.bind.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var bind2 = require_function_bind();
$2({ target: "Function", proto: true, forced: Function.bind !== bind2 }, {
bind: bind2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.has-instance.js
var require_es_function_has_instance = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.has-instance.js"() {
"use strict";
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var makeBuiltIn = require_make_built_in();
var HAS_INSTANCE = wellKnownSymbol("hasInstance");
var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
if (!(HAS_INSTANCE in FunctionPrototype)) {
definePropertyModule.f(FunctionPrototype, HAS_INSTANCE, { value: makeBuiltIn(function(O3) {
if (!isCallable(this) || !isObject3(O3))
return false;
var P3 = this.prototype;
return isObject3(P3) ? isPrototypeOf(P3, O3) : O3 instanceof this;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.name.js
var require_es_function_name = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.function.name.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FUNCTION_NAME_EXISTS = require_function_name().EXISTS;
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
var functionToString = uncurryThis(FunctionPrototype.toString);
var nameRE = /function\b(?:\s|\/\*[\S\s]*?\*\/|\/\/[^\n\r]*[\n\r]+)*([^\s(/]*)/;
var regExpExec = uncurryThis(nameRE.exec);
var NAME = "name";
defineBuiltInAccessor(FunctionPrototype, NAME, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
try {
return regExpExec(nameRE, functionToString(this))[1];
} catch (error2) {
return "";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.global-this.js
var require_es_global_this = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.global-this.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
$2({ global: true, forced: global2.globalThis !== global2 }, {
globalThis: global2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.json.to-string-tag.js
var require_es_json_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.json.to-string-tag.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
setToStringTag(global2.JSON, "JSON", true);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-non-extensible.js
var require_array_buffer_non_extensible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/array-buffer-non-extensible.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = fails(function() {
if (typeof ArrayBuffer == "function") {
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
if (Object.isExtensible(buffer))
Object.defineProperty(buffer, "a", { value: 8 });
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-is-extensible.js
var require_object_is_extensible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-is-extensible.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE = require_array_buffer_non_extensible();
var $isExtensible = Object.isExtensible;
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
module2.exports = FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES || ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE ? function isExtensible(it2) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return false;
if (ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE && classof(it2) === "ArrayBuffer")
return false;
return $isExtensible ? $isExtensible(it2) : true;
} : $isExtensible;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/freezing.js
var require_freezing = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/freezing.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
return Object.isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({}));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/internal-metadata.js
var require_internal_metadata = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/internal-metadata.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var hiddenKeys = require_hidden_keys();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var getOwnPropertyNamesModule = require_object_get_own_property_names();
var getOwnPropertyNamesExternalModule = require_object_get_own_property_names_external();
var isExtensible = require_object_is_extensible();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
var REQUIRED = false;
var METADATA = uid2("meta");
var id = 0;
var setMetadata = function(it2) {
defineProperty(it2, METADATA, { value: {
objectID: "O" + id++,
weakData: {}
} });
var fastKey = function(it2, create) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return typeof it2 == "symbol" ? it2 : (typeof it2 == "string" ? "S" : "P") + it2;
if (!hasOwn(it2, METADATA)) {
if (!isExtensible(it2))
return "F";
if (!create)
return "E";
return it2[METADATA].objectID;
var getWeakData = function(it2, create) {
if (!hasOwn(it2, METADATA)) {
if (!isExtensible(it2))
return true;
if (!create)
return false;
return it2[METADATA].weakData;
var onFreeze = function(it2) {
if (FREEZING && REQUIRED && isExtensible(it2) && !hasOwn(it2, METADATA))
return it2;
var enable = function() {
meta.enable = function() {
REQUIRED = true;
var getOwnPropertyNames = getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f;
var splice = uncurryThis([].splice);
var test = {};
test[METADATA] = 1;
if (getOwnPropertyNames(test).length) {
getOwnPropertyNamesModule.f = function(it2) {
var result = getOwnPropertyNames(it2);
for (var i4 = 0, length = result.length; i4 < length; i4++) {
if (result[i4] === METADATA) {
splice(result, i4, 1);
return result;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: true }, {
getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNamesExternalModule.f
var meta = module2.exports = {
hiddenKeys[METADATA] = true;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/collection.js
var require_collection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/collection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isForced = require_is_forced();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var InternalMetadataModule = require_internal_metadata();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var fails = require_fails();
var checkCorrectnessOfIteration = require_check_correctness_of_iteration();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
module2.exports = function(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, wrapper, common) {
var IS_MAP = CONSTRUCTOR_NAME.indexOf("Map") !== -1;
var IS_WEAK = CONSTRUCTOR_NAME.indexOf("Weak") !== -1;
var ADDER = IS_MAP ? "set" : "add";
var NativeConstructor = global2[CONSTRUCTOR_NAME];
var NativePrototype = NativeConstructor && NativeConstructor.prototype;
var Constructor = NativeConstructor;
var exported = {};
var fixMethod = function(KEY) {
var uncurriedNativeMethod = uncurryThis(NativePrototype[KEY]);
KEY === "add" ? function add2(value) {
uncurriedNativeMethod(this, value === 0 ? 0 : value);
return this;
} : KEY === "delete" ? function(key) {
return IS_WEAK && !isObject3(key) ? false : uncurriedNativeMethod(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key);
} : KEY === "get" ? function get(key) {
return IS_WEAK && !isObject3(key) ? void 0 : uncurriedNativeMethod(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key);
} : KEY === "has" ? function has(key) {
return IS_WEAK && !isObject3(key) ? false : uncurriedNativeMethod(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key);
} : function set2(key, value) {
uncurriedNativeMethod(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key, value);
return this;
var REPLACE = isForced(
!isCallable(NativeConstructor) || !(IS_WEAK || NativePrototype.forEach && !fails(function() {
new NativeConstructor().entries().next();
if (REPLACE) {
Constructor = common.getConstructor(wrapper, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER);
} else if (isForced(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, true)) {
var instance = new Constructor();
var HASNT_CHAINING = instance[ADDER](IS_WEAK ? {} : -0, 1) !== instance;
var THROWS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
var ACCEPT_ITERABLES = checkCorrectnessOfIteration(function(iterable) {
new NativeConstructor(iterable);
var BUGGY_ZERO = !IS_WEAK && fails(function() {
var $instance = new NativeConstructor();
var index2 = 5;
while (index2--)
$instance[ADDER](index2, index2);
return !$instance.has(-0);
Constructor = wrapper(function(dummy, iterable) {
anInstance(dummy, NativePrototype);
var that = inheritIfRequired(new NativeConstructor(), dummy, Constructor);
if (!isNullOrUndefined(iterable))
iterate(iterable, that[ADDER], { that, AS_ENTRIES: IS_MAP });
return that;
Constructor.prototype = NativePrototype;
NativePrototype.constructor = Constructor;
IS_MAP && fixMethod("get");
if (IS_WEAK && NativePrototype.clear)
delete NativePrototype.clear;
exported[CONSTRUCTOR_NAME] = Constructor;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: Constructor !== NativeConstructor }, exported);
setToStringTag(Constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
if (!IS_WEAK)
common.setStrong(Constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP);
return Constructor;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/collection-strong.js
var require_collection_strong = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/collection-strong.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var create = require_object_create();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var defineBuiltIns = require_define_built_ins();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var defineIterator = require_iterator_define();
var createIterResultObject = require_create_iter_result_object();
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var fastKey = require_internal_metadata().fastKey;
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var internalStateGetterFor = InternalStateModule.getterFor;
module2.exports = {
getConstructor: function(wrapper, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) {
var Constructor = wrapper(function(that, iterable) {
anInstance(that, Prototype);
setInternalState(that, {
index: create(null),
first: void 0,
last: void 0,
size: 0
that.size = 0;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(iterable))
iterate(iterable, that[ADDER], { that, AS_ENTRIES: IS_MAP });
var Prototype = Constructor.prototype;
var getInternalState = internalStateGetterFor(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
var define2 = function(that, key, value) {
var state = getInternalState(that);
var entry = getEntry(that, key);
var previous, index2;
if (entry) {
entry.value = value;
} else {
state.last = entry = {
index: index2 = fastKey(key, true),
previous: previous = state.last,
next: void 0,
removed: false
if (!state.first)
state.first = entry;
if (previous)
previous.next = entry;
if (index2 !== "F")
state.index[index2] = entry;
return that;
var getEntry = function(that, key) {
var state = getInternalState(that);
var index2 = fastKey(key);
var entry;
if (index2 !== "F")
return state.index[index2];
for (entry = state.first; entry; entry = entry.next) {
if (entry.key === key)
return entry;
defineBuiltIns(Prototype, {
clear: function clear() {
var that = this;
var state = getInternalState(that);
var entry = state.first;
while (entry) {
entry.removed = true;
if (entry.previous)
entry.previous = entry.previous.next = void 0;
entry = entry.next;
state.first = state.last = void 0;
state.index = create(null);
state.size = 0;
that.size = 0;
"delete": function(key) {
var that = this;
var state = getInternalState(that);
var entry = getEntry(that, key);
if (entry) {
var next = entry.next;
var prev = entry.previous;
delete state.index[entry.index];
entry.removed = true;
if (prev)
prev.next = next;
if (next)
next.previous = prev;
if (state.first === entry)
state.first = next;
if (state.last === entry)
state.last = prev;
return !!entry;
forEach: function forEach(callbackfn) {
var state = getInternalState(this);
var boundFunction = bind2(callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
var entry;
while (entry = entry ? entry.next : state.first) {
boundFunction(entry.value, entry.key, this);
while (entry && entry.removed)
entry = entry.previous;
has: function has(key) {
return !!getEntry(this, key);
defineBuiltIns(Prototype, IS_MAP ? {
get: function get(key) {
var entry = getEntry(this, key);
return entry && entry.value;
set: function set2(key, value) {
return define2(this, key === 0 ? 0 : key, value);
} : {
add: function add2(value) {
return define2(this, value = value === 0 ? 0 : value, value);
defineBuiltInAccessor(Prototype, "size", {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return getInternalState(this).size;
return Constructor;
setStrong: function(Constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP) {
var getInternalCollectionState = internalStateGetterFor(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
var getInternalIteratorState = internalStateGetterFor(ITERATOR_NAME);
defineIterator(Constructor, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, function(iterated, kind) {
setInternalState(this, {
target: iterated,
state: getInternalCollectionState(iterated),
last: void 0
}, function() {
var state = getInternalIteratorState(this);
var kind = state.kind;
var entry = state.last;
while (entry && entry.removed)
entry = entry.previous;
if (!state.target || !(state.last = entry = entry ? entry.next : state.state.first)) {
state.target = void 0;
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
if (kind === "keys")
return createIterResultObject(entry.key, false);
if (kind === "values")
return createIterResultObject(entry.value, false);
return createIterResultObject([entry.key, entry.value], false);
}, IS_MAP ? "entries" : "values", !IS_MAP, true);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.constructor.js
var require_es_map_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var collection = require_collection();
var collectionStrong = require_collection_strong();
collection("Map", function(init2) {
return function Map2() {
return init2(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
}, collectionStrong);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.js
var require_es_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/map-helpers.js
var require_map_helpers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/map-helpers.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var MapPrototype = Map.prototype;
module2.exports = {
set: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.set),
get: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.get),
has: uncurryThis(MapPrototype.has),
remove: uncurryThis(MapPrototype["delete"]),
proto: MapPrototype
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.group-by.js
var require_es_map_group_by = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.map.group-by.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var MapHelpers = require_map_helpers();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var Map2 = MapHelpers.Map;
var has = MapHelpers.has;
var get = MapHelpers.get;
var set2 = MapHelpers.set;
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
$2({ target: "Map", stat: true, forced: IS_PURE }, {
groupBy: function groupBy(items, callbackfn) {
var map3 = new Map2();
var k3 = 0;
iterate(items, function(value) {
var key = callbackfn(value, k3++);
if (!has(map3, key))
set2(map3, key, [value]);
push(get(map3, key), value);
return map3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-log1p.js
var require_math_log1p = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-log1p.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var log = Math.log;
module2.exports = Math.log1p || function log1p(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return n6 > -1e-8 && n6 < 1e-8 ? n6 - n6 * n6 / 2 : log(1 + n6);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.acosh.js
var require_es_math_acosh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.acosh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var log1p = require_math_log1p();
var $acosh = Math.acosh;
var log = Math.log;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var LN2 = Math.LN2;
var FORCED = !$acosh || Math.floor($acosh(Number.MAX_VALUE)) !== 710 || $acosh(Infinity) !== Infinity;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
acosh: function acosh(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return n6 < 1 ? NaN : n6 > 9490626562425156e-8 ? log(n6) + LN2 : log1p(n6 - 1 + sqrt(n6 - 1) * sqrt(n6 + 1));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.asinh.js
var require_es_math_asinh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.asinh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $asinh = Math.asinh;
var log = Math.log;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
function asinh(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return !isFinite(n6) || n6 === 0 ? n6 : n6 < 0 ? -asinh(-n6) : log(n6 + sqrt(n6 * n6 + 1));
var FORCED = !($asinh && 1 / $asinh(0) > 0);
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.atanh.js
var require_es_math_atanh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.atanh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $atanh = Math.atanh;
var log = Math.log;
var FORCED = !($atanh && 1 / $atanh(-0) < 0);
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
atanh: function atanh(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return n6 === 0 ? n6 : log((1 + n6) / (1 - n6)) / 2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.cbrt.js
var require_es_math_cbrt = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.cbrt.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var sign2 = require_math_sign();
var abs = Math.abs;
var pow = Math.pow;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
cbrt: function cbrt(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return sign2(n6) * pow(abs(n6), 1 / 3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.clz32.js
var require_es_math_clz32 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.clz32.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var floor = Math.floor;
var log = Math.log;
var LOG2E = Math.LOG2E;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
clz32: function clz32(x3) {
var n6 = x3 >>> 0;
return n6 ? 31 - floor(log(n6 + 0.5) * LOG2E) : 32;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-expm1.js
var require_math_expm1 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-expm1.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $expm1 = Math.expm1;
var exp = Math.exp;
module2.exports = !$expm1 || $expm1(10) > 22025.465794806718 || $expm1(10) < 22025.465794806718 || $expm1(-2e-17) !== -2e-17 ? function expm1(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return n6 === 0 ? n6 : n6 > -1e-6 && n6 < 1e-6 ? n6 + n6 * n6 / 2 : exp(n6) - 1;
} : $expm1;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.cosh.js
var require_es_math_cosh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.cosh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var expm1 = require_math_expm1();
var $cosh = Math.cosh;
var abs = Math.abs;
var E2 = Math.E;
var FORCED = !$cosh || $cosh(710) === Infinity;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
cosh: function cosh(x3) {
var t4 = expm1(abs(x3) - 1) + 1;
return (t4 + 1 / (t4 * E2 * E2)) * (E2 / 2);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.expm1.js
var require_es_math_expm1 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.expm1.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var expm1 = require_math_expm1();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: expm1 !== Math.expm1 }, { expm1 });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.fround.js
var require_es_math_fround = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.fround.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fround = require_math_fround();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, { fround });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.hypot.js
var require_es_math_hypot = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.hypot.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $hypot = Math.hypot;
var abs = Math.abs;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var FORCED = !!$hypot && $hypot(Infinity, NaN) !== Infinity;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, arity: 2, forced: FORCED }, {
hypot: function hypot(value1, value2) {
var sum = 0;
var i4 = 0;
var aLen = arguments.length;
var larg = 0;
var arg, div2;
while (i4 < aLen) {
arg = abs(arguments[i4++]);
if (larg < arg) {
div2 = larg / arg;
sum = sum * div2 * div2 + 1;
larg = arg;
} else if (arg > 0) {
div2 = arg / larg;
sum += div2 * div2;
} else
sum += arg;
return larg === Infinity ? Infinity : larg * sqrt(sum);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.imul.js
var require_es_math_imul = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.imul.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var $imul = Math.imul;
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return $imul(4294967295, 5) !== -5 || $imul.length !== 2;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
imul: function imul(x3, y3) {
var UINT16 = 65535;
var xn2 = +x3;
var yn2 = +y3;
var xl = UINT16 & xn2;
var yl = UINT16 & yn2;
return 0 | xl * yl + ((UINT16 & xn2 >>> 16) * yl + xl * (UINT16 & yn2 >>> 16) << 16 >>> 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/math-log10.js
var require_math_log10 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/math-log10.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var log = Math.log;
var LOG10E = Math.LOG10E;
module2.exports = Math.log10 || function log102(x3) {
return log(x3) * LOG10E;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log10.js
var require_es_math_log10 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log10.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var log102 = require_math_log10();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
log10: log102
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log1p.js
var require_es_math_log1p = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log1p.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var log1p = require_math_log1p();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, { log1p });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log2.js
var require_es_math_log2 = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.log2.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var log = Math.log;
var LN2 = Math.LN2;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
log2: function log2(x3) {
return log(x3) / LN2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.sign.js
var require_es_math_sign = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.sign.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var sign2 = require_math_sign();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
sign: sign2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.sinh.js
var require_es_math_sinh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.sinh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var expm1 = require_math_expm1();
var abs = Math.abs;
var exp = Math.exp;
var E2 = Math.E;
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return Math.sinh(-2e-17) !== -2e-17;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
sinh: function sinh(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
return abs(n6) < 1 ? (expm1(n6) - expm1(-n6)) / 2 : (exp(n6 - 1) - exp(-n6 - 1)) * (E2 / 2);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.tanh.js
var require_es_math_tanh = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.tanh.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var expm1 = require_math_expm1();
var exp = Math.exp;
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
tanh: function tanh(x3) {
var n6 = +x3;
var a4 = expm1(n6);
var b3 = expm1(-n6);
return a4 === Infinity ? 1 : b3 === Infinity ? -1 : (a4 - b3) / (exp(n6) + exp(-n6));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.to-string-tag.js
var require_es_math_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.to-string-tag.js"() {
"use strict";
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
setToStringTag(Math, "Math", true);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.trunc.js
var require_es_math_trunc = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.math.trunc.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var trunc = require_math_trunc();
$2({ target: "Math", stat: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/this-number-value.js
var require_this_number_value = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/this-number-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
module2.exports = uncurryThis(1 .valueOf);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/whitespaces.js
var require_whitespaces = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/whitespaces.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = " \n\v\f\r \xA0\u1680\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\u2028\u2029\uFEFF";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim.js
var require_string_trim = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toString = require_to_string();
var whitespaces = require_whitespaces();
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var ltrim = RegExp("^[" + whitespaces + "]+");
var rtrim = RegExp("(^|[^" + whitespaces + "])[" + whitespaces + "]+$");
var createMethod = function(TYPE) {
return function($this) {
var string = toString(requireObjectCoercible($this));
if (TYPE & 1)
string = replace(string, ltrim, "");
if (TYPE & 2)
string = replace(string, rtrim, "$1");
return string;
module2.exports = {
start: createMethod(1),
end: createMethod(2),
trim: createMethod(3)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.constructor.js
var require_es_number_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var global2 = require_global();
var path = require_path();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isForced = require_is_forced();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var toPrimitive = require_to_primitive();
var fails = require_fails();
var getOwnPropertyNames = require_object_get_own_property_names().f;
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var thisNumberValue = require_this_number_value();
var trim = require_string_trim().trim;
var NUMBER = "Number";
var NativeNumber = global2[NUMBER];
var PureNumberNamespace = path[NUMBER];
var NumberPrototype = NativeNumber.prototype;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var toNumeric = function(value) {
var primValue = toPrimitive(value, "number");
return typeof primValue == "bigint" ? primValue : toNumber(primValue);
var toNumber = function(argument) {
var it2 = toPrimitive(argument, "number");
var first2, third, radix, maxCode, digits, length, index2, code3;
if (isSymbol(it2))
throw new TypeError2("Cannot convert a Symbol value to a number");
if (typeof it2 == "string" && it2.length > 2) {
it2 = trim(it2);
first2 = charCodeAt(it2, 0);
if (first2 === 43 || first2 === 45) {
third = charCodeAt(it2, 2);
if (third === 88 || third === 120)
return NaN;
} else if (first2 === 48) {
switch (charCodeAt(it2, 1)) {
case 66:
case 98:
radix = 2;
maxCode = 49;
case 79:
case 111:
radix = 8;
maxCode = 55;
return +it2;
digits = stringSlice(it2, 2);
length = digits.length;
for (index2 = 0; index2 < length; index2++) {
code3 = charCodeAt(digits, index2);
if (code3 < 48 || code3 > maxCode)
return NaN;
return parseInt(digits, radix);
return +it2;
var FORCED = isForced(NUMBER, !NativeNumber(" 0o1") || !NativeNumber("0b1") || NativeNumber("+0x1"));
var calledWithNew = function(dummy) {
return isPrototypeOf(NumberPrototype, dummy) && fails(function() {
var NumberWrapper = function Number2(value) {
var n6 = arguments.length < 1 ? 0 : NativeNumber(toNumeric(value));
return calledWithNew(this) ? inheritIfRequired(Object(n6), this, NumberWrapper) : n6;
NumberWrapper.prototype = NumberPrototype;
NumberPrototype.constructor = NumberWrapper;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, wrap: true, forced: FORCED }, {
Number: NumberWrapper
var copyConstructorProperties = function(target, source) {
for (var keys = DESCRIPTORS ? getOwnPropertyNames(source) : "MAX_VALUE,MIN_VALUE,NaN,NEGATIVE_INFINITY,POSITIVE_INFINITY,EPSILON,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MIN_SAFE_INTEGER,isFinite,isInteger,isNaN,isSafeInteger,parseFloat,parseInt,fromString,range".split(","), j3 = 0, key; keys.length > j3; j3++) {
if (hasOwn(source, key = keys[j3]) && !hasOwn(target, key)) {
defineProperty(target, key, getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key));
if (IS_PURE && PureNumberNamespace)
copyConstructorProperties(path[NUMBER], PureNumberNamespace);
copyConstructorProperties(path[NUMBER], NativeNumber);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.epsilon.js
var require_es_number_epsilon = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.epsilon.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true, nonConfigurable: true, nonWritable: true }, {
EPSILON: Math.pow(2, -52)
// node_modules/core-js/internals/number-is-finite.js
var require_number_is_finite = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/number-is-finite.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var globalIsFinite = global2.isFinite;
module2.exports = Number.isFinite || function isFinite2(it2) {
return typeof it2 == "number" && globalIsFinite(it2);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-finite.js
var require_es_number_is_finite = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-finite.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var numberIsFinite = require_number_is_finite();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true }, { isFinite: numberIsFinite });
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-integral-number.js
var require_is_integral_number = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-integral-number.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var floor = Math.floor;
module2.exports = Number.isInteger || function isInteger2(it2) {
return !isObject3(it2) && isFinite(it2) && floor(it2) === it2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-integer.js
var require_es_number_is_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-integer.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isIntegralNumber = require_is_integral_number();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true }, {
isInteger: isIntegralNumber
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-nan.js
var require_es_number_is_nan = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-nan.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true }, {
isNaN: function isNaN2(number) {
return number !== number;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-safe-integer.js
var require_es_number_is_safe_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.is-safe-integer.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isIntegralNumber = require_is_integral_number();
var abs = Math.abs;
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true }, {
isSafeInteger: function isSafeInteger(number) {
return isIntegralNumber(number) && abs(number) <= 9007199254740991;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.max-safe-integer.js
var require_es_number_max_safe_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.max-safe-integer.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true, nonConfigurable: true, nonWritable: true }, {
MAX_SAFE_INTEGER: 9007199254740991
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.min-safe-integer.js
var require_es_number_min_safe_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.min-safe-integer.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true, nonConfigurable: true, nonWritable: true }, {
MIN_SAFE_INTEGER: -9007199254740991
// node_modules/core-js/internals/number-parse-float.js
var require_number_parse_float = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/number-parse-float.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var trim = require_string_trim().trim;
var whitespaces = require_whitespaces();
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var $parseFloat = global2.parseFloat;
var Symbol2 = global2.Symbol;
var ITERATOR = Symbol2 && Symbol2.iterator;
var FORCED = 1 / $parseFloat(whitespaces + "-0") !== -Infinity || ITERATOR && !fails(function() {
module2.exports = FORCED ? function parseFloat2(string) {
var trimmedString = trim(toString(string));
var result = $parseFloat(trimmedString);
return result === 0 && charAt(trimmedString, 0) === "-" ? -0 : result;
} : $parseFloat;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.parse-float.js
var require_es_number_parse_float = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.parse-float.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var parseFloat2 = require_number_parse_float();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true, forced: Number.parseFloat !== parseFloat2 }, {
parseFloat: parseFloat2
// node_modules/core-js/internals/number-parse-int.js
var require_number_parse_int = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/number-parse-int.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var trim = require_string_trim().trim;
var whitespaces = require_whitespaces();
var $parseInt = global2.parseInt;
var Symbol2 = global2.Symbol;
var ITERATOR = Symbol2 && Symbol2.iterator;
var hex2 = /^[+-]?0x/i;
var exec = uncurryThis(hex2.exec);
var FORCED = $parseInt(whitespaces + "08") !== 8 || $parseInt(whitespaces + "0x16") !== 22 || ITERATOR && !fails(function() {
module2.exports = FORCED ? function parseInt2(string, radix) {
var S3 = trim(toString(string));
return $parseInt(S3, radix >>> 0 || (exec(hex2, S3) ? 16 : 10));
} : $parseInt;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.parse-int.js
var require_es_number_parse_int = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.parse-int.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var parseInt2 = require_number_parse_int();
$2({ target: "Number", stat: true, forced: Number.parseInt !== parseInt2 }, {
parseInt: parseInt2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-exponential.js
var require_es_number_to_exponential = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-exponential.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var thisNumberValue = require_this_number_value();
var $repeat = require_string_repeat();
var log102 = require_math_log10();
var fails = require_fails();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
var $String = String;
var $isFinite = isFinite;
var abs = Math.abs;
var floor = Math.floor;
var pow = Math.pow;
var round3 = Math.round;
var nativeToExponential = uncurryThis(1 .toExponential);
var repeat = uncurryThis($repeat);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var ROUNDS_PROPERLY = nativeToExponential(-69e-12, 4) === "-6.9000e-11" && nativeToExponential(1.255, 2) === "1.25e+0" && nativeToExponential(12345, 3) === "1.235e+4" && nativeToExponential(25, 0) === "3e+1";
var throwsOnInfinityFraction = function() {
return fails(function() {
nativeToExponential(1, Infinity);
}) && fails(function() {
nativeToExponential(1, -Infinity);
var properNonFiniteThisCheck = function() {
return !fails(function() {
nativeToExponential(Infinity, Infinity);
nativeToExponential(NaN, Infinity);
var FORCED = !ROUNDS_PROPERLY || !throwsOnInfinityFraction() || !properNonFiniteThisCheck();
$2({ target: "Number", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
toExponential: function toExponential(fractionDigits) {
var x3 = thisNumberValue(this);
if (fractionDigits === void 0)
return nativeToExponential(x3);
var f3 = toIntegerOrInfinity(fractionDigits);
if (!$isFinite(x3))
return String(x3);
if (f3 < 0 || f3 > 20)
throw new $RangeError("Incorrect fraction digits");
return nativeToExponential(x3, f3);
var s5 = "";
var m3 = "";
var e4 = 0;
var c3 = "";
var d3 = "";
if (x3 < 0) {
s5 = "-";
x3 = -x3;
if (x3 === 0) {
e4 = 0;
m3 = repeat("0", f3 + 1);
} else {
var l5 = log102(x3);
e4 = floor(l5);
var n6 = 0;
var w3 = pow(10, e4 - f3);
n6 = round3(x3 / w3);
if (2 * x3 >= (2 * n6 + 1) * w3) {
n6 += 1;
if (n6 >= pow(10, f3 + 1)) {
n6 /= 10;
e4 += 1;
m3 = $String(n6);
if (f3 !== 0) {
m3 = stringSlice(m3, 0, 1) + "." + stringSlice(m3, 1);
if (e4 === 0) {
c3 = "+";
d3 = "0";
} else {
c3 = e4 > 0 ? "+" : "-";
d3 = $String(abs(e4));
m3 += "e" + c3 + d3;
return s5 + m3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-fixed.js
var require_es_number_to_fixed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-fixed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var thisNumberValue = require_this_number_value();
var $repeat = require_string_repeat();
var fails = require_fails();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
var $String = String;
var floor = Math.floor;
var repeat = uncurryThis($repeat);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var nativeToFixed = uncurryThis(1 .toFixed);
var pow = function(x3, n6, acc) {
return n6 === 0 ? acc : n6 % 2 === 1 ? pow(x3, n6 - 1, acc * x3) : pow(x3 * x3, n6 / 2, acc);
var log = function(x3) {
var n6 = 0;
var x22 = x3;
while (x22 >= 4096) {
n6 += 12;
x22 /= 4096;
while (x22 >= 2) {
n6 += 1;
x22 /= 2;
return n6;
var multiply = function(data, n6, c3) {
var index2 = -1;
var c22 = c3;
while (++index2 < 6) {
c22 += n6 * data[index2];
data[index2] = c22 % 1e7;
c22 = floor(c22 / 1e7);
var divide = function(data, n6) {
var index2 = 6;
var c3 = 0;
while (--index2 >= 0) {
c3 += data[index2];
data[index2] = floor(c3 / n6);
c3 = c3 % n6 * 1e7;
var dataToString = function(data) {
var index2 = 6;
var s5 = "";
while (--index2 >= 0) {
if (s5 !== "" || index2 === 0 || data[index2] !== 0) {
var t4 = $String(data[index2]);
s5 = s5 === "" ? t4 : s5 + repeat("0", 7 - t4.length) + t4;
return s5;
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return nativeToFixed(8e-5, 3) !== "0.000" || nativeToFixed(0.9, 0) !== "1" || nativeToFixed(1.255, 2) !== "1.25" || nativeToFixed(1000000000000000100, 0) !== "1000000000000000128";
}) || !fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Number", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
toFixed: function toFixed(fractionDigits) {
var number = thisNumberValue(this);
var fractDigits = toIntegerOrInfinity(fractionDigits);
var data = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var sign2 = "";
var result = "0";
var e4, z3, j3, k3;
if (fractDigits < 0 || fractDigits > 20)
throw new $RangeError("Incorrect fraction digits");
if (number !== number)
return "NaN";
if (number <= -1e21 || number >= 1e21)
return $String(number);
if (number < 0) {
sign2 = "-";
number = -number;
if (number > 1e-21) {
e4 = log(number * pow(2, 69, 1)) - 69;
z3 = e4 < 0 ? number * pow(2, -e4, 1) : number / pow(2, e4, 1);
z3 *= 4503599627370496;
e4 = 52 - e4;
if (e4 > 0) {
multiply(data, 0, z3);
j3 = fractDigits;
while (j3 >= 7) {
multiply(data, 1e7, 0);
j3 -= 7;
multiply(data, pow(10, j3, 1), 0);
j3 = e4 - 1;
while (j3 >= 23) {
divide(data, 1 << 23);
j3 -= 23;
divide(data, 1 << j3);
multiply(data, 1, 1);
divide(data, 2);
result = dataToString(data);
} else {
multiply(data, 0, z3);
multiply(data, 1 << -e4, 0);
result = dataToString(data) + repeat("0", fractDigits);
if (fractDigits > 0) {
k3 = result.length;
result = sign2 + (k3 <= fractDigits ? "0." + repeat("0", fractDigits - k3) + result : stringSlice(result, 0, k3 - fractDigits) + "." + stringSlice(result, k3 - fractDigits));
} else {
result = sign2 + result;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-precision.js
var require_es_number_to_precision = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.number.to-precision.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var thisNumberValue = require_this_number_value();
var nativeToPrecision = uncurryThis(1 .toPrecision);
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return nativeToPrecision(1, void 0) !== "1";
}) || !fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Number", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
toPrecision: function toPrecision(precision) {
return precision === void 0 ? nativeToPrecision(thisNumberValue(this)) : nativeToPrecision(thisNumberValue(this), precision);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-assign.js
var require_object_assign = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-assign.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var call = require_function_call();
var fails = require_fails();
var objectKeys = require_object_keys();
var getOwnPropertySymbolsModule = require_object_get_own_property_symbols();
var propertyIsEnumerableModule = require_object_property_is_enumerable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var IndexedObject = require_indexed_object();
var $assign = Object.assign;
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var concat = uncurryThis([].concat);
module2.exports = !$assign || fails(function() {
if (DESCRIPTORS && $assign({ b: 1 }, $assign(defineProperty({}, "a", {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
defineProperty(this, "b", {
value: 3,
enumerable: false
}), { b: 2 })).b !== 1)
return true;
var A3 = {};
var B2 = {};
var symbol = Symbol("assign detection");
var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrst";
A3[symbol] = 7;
alphabet.split("").forEach(function(chr) {
B2[chr] = chr;
return $assign({}, A3)[symbol] !== 7 || objectKeys($assign({}, B2)).join("") !== alphabet;
}) ? function assign3(target, source) {
var T3 = toObject(target);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var index2 = 1;
var getOwnPropertySymbols = getOwnPropertySymbolsModule.f;
var propertyIsEnumerable = propertyIsEnumerableModule.f;
while (argumentsLength > index2) {
var S3 = IndexedObject(arguments[index2++]);
var keys = getOwnPropertySymbols ? concat(objectKeys(S3), getOwnPropertySymbols(S3)) : objectKeys(S3);
var length = keys.length;
var j3 = 0;
var key;
while (length > j3) {
key = keys[j3++];
if (!DESCRIPTORS || call(propertyIsEnumerable, S3, key))
T3[key] = S3[key];
return T3;
} : $assign;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.assign.js
var require_es_object_assign = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.assign.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var assign3 = require_object_assign();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, arity: 2, forced: Object.assign !== assign3 }, {
assign: assign3
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.create.js
var require_es_object_create = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.create.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var create = require_object_create();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-prototype-accessors-forced.js
var require_object_prototype_accessors_forced = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-prototype-accessors-forced.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var WEBKIT = require_engine_webkit_version();
module2.exports = IS_PURE || !fails(function() {
if (WEBKIT && WEBKIT < 535)
var key = Math.random();
__defineSetter__.call(null, key, function() {
delete global2[key];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-getter.js
var require_es_object_define_getter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-getter.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FORCED = require_object_prototype_accessors_forced();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
$2({ target: "Object", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
__defineGetter__: function __defineGetter__(P3, getter) {
definePropertyModule.f(toObject(this), P3, { get: aCallable(getter), enumerable: true, configurable: true });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-properties.js
var require_es_object_define_properties = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-properties.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var defineProperties = require_object_define_properties().f;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.defineProperties !== defineProperties, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-property.js
var require_es_object_define_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-property.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.defineProperty !== defineProperty, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-setter.js
var require_es_object_define_setter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-setter.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FORCED = require_object_prototype_accessors_forced();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
$2({ target: "Object", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
__defineSetter__: function __defineSetter__2(P3, setter) {
definePropertyModule.f(toObject(this), P3, { set: aCallable(setter), enumerable: true, configurable: true });
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-to-array.js
var require_object_to_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-to-array.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var fails = require_fails();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var objectGetPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var objectKeys = require_object_keys();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var $propertyIsEnumerable = require_object_property_is_enumerable().f;
var propertyIsEnumerable = uncurryThis($propertyIsEnumerable);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var IE_BUG = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function() {
var O3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
O3[2] = 2;
return !propertyIsEnumerable(O3, 2);
var createMethod = function(TO_ENTRIES) {
return function(it2) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject(it2);
var keys = objectKeys(O3);
var IE_WORKAROUND = IE_BUG && objectGetPrototypeOf(O3) === null;
var length = keys.length;
var i4 = 0;
var result = [];
var key;
while (length > i4) {
key = keys[i4++];
if (!DESCRIPTORS || (IE_WORKAROUND ? key in O3 : propertyIsEnumerable(O3, key))) {
push(result, TO_ENTRIES ? [key, O3[key]] : O3[key]);
return result;
module2.exports = {
entries: createMethod(true),
values: createMethod(false)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.entries.js
var require_es_object_entries = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.entries.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $entries = require_object_to_array().entries;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
entries: function entries(O3) {
return $entries(O3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.freeze.js
var require_es_object_freeze = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.freeze.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
var fails = require_fails();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var onFreeze = require_internal_metadata().onFreeze;
var $freeze = Object.freeze;
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !FREEZING }, {
freeze: function freeze(it2) {
return $freeze && isObject3(it2) ? $freeze(onFreeze(it2)) : it2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.from-entries.js
var require_es_object_from_entries = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.from-entries.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
fromEntries: function fromEntries(iterable) {
var obj = {};
iterate(iterable, function(k3, v3) {
createProperty(obj, k3, v3);
}, { AS_ENTRIES: true });
return obj;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-descriptor.js
var require_es_object_get_own_property_descriptor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-descriptor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FORCED = !DESCRIPTORS || fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FORCED, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it2, key) {
return nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(toIndexedObject(it2), key);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-descriptors.js
var require_es_object_get_own_property_descriptors = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-descriptors.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var ownKeys25 = require_own_keys();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object) {
var O3 = toIndexedObject(object);
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;
var keys = ownKeys25(O3);
var result = {};
var index2 = 0;
var key, descriptor;
while (keys.length > index2) {
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, key = keys[index2++]);
if (descriptor !== void 0)
createProperty(result, key, descriptor);
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-names.js
var require_es_object_get_own_property_names = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-own-property-names.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var getOwnPropertyNames = require_object_get_own_property_names_external().f;
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
return !Object.getOwnPropertyNames(1);
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js
var require_es_object_get_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.get-prototype-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var nativeGetPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require_correct_prototype_getter();
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER }, {
getPrototypeOf: function getPrototypeOf(it2) {
return nativeGetPrototypeOf(toObject(it2));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.group-by.js
var require_es_object_group_by = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.group-by.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var create = getBuiltIn("Object", "create");
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
groupBy: function groupBy(items, callbackfn) {
var obj = create(null);
var k3 = 0;
iterate(items, function(value) {
var key = toPropertyKey(callbackfn(value, k3++));
if (key in obj)
push(obj[key], value);
obj[key] = [value];
return obj;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.has-own.js
var require_es_object_has_own = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.has-own.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/same-value.js
var require_same_value = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/same-value.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = Object.is || function is(x3, y3) {
return x3 === y3 ? x3 !== 0 || 1 / x3 === 1 / y3 : x3 !== x3 && y3 !== y3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is.js
var require_es_object_is = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var is = require_same_value();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-extensible.js
var require_es_object_is_extensible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-extensible.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $isExtensible = require_object_is_extensible();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: Object.isExtensible !== $isExtensible }, {
isExtensible: $isExtensible
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-frozen.js
var require_es_object_is_frozen = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-frozen.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE = require_array_buffer_non_extensible();
var $isFrozen = Object.isFrozen;
var FORCED = ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE || fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
isFrozen: function isFrozen(it2) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return true;
if (ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE && classof(it2) === "ArrayBuffer")
return true;
return $isFrozen ? $isFrozen(it2) : false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-sealed.js
var require_es_object_is_sealed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.is-sealed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var fails = require_fails();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE = require_array_buffer_non_extensible();
var $isSealed = Object.isSealed;
var FORCED = ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE || fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FORCED }, {
isSealed: function isSealed(it2) {
if (!isObject3(it2))
return true;
if (ARRAY_BUFFER_NON_EXTENSIBLE && classof(it2) === "ArrayBuffer")
return true;
return $isSealed ? $isSealed(it2) : false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.keys.js
var require_es_object_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.keys.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var nativeKeys = require_object_keys();
var fails = require_fails();
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES }, {
keys: function keys(it2) {
return nativeKeys(toObject(it2));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.lookup-getter.js
var require_es_object_lookup_getter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.lookup-getter.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FORCED = require_object_prototype_accessors_forced();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
$2({ target: "Object", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
__lookupGetter__: function __lookupGetter__(P3) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var key = toPropertyKey(P3);
var desc;
do {
if (desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, key))
return desc.get;
} while (O3 = getPrototypeOf(O3));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.lookup-setter.js
var require_es_object_lookup_setter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.lookup-setter.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var FORCED = require_object_prototype_accessors_forced();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
$2({ target: "Object", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
__lookupSetter__: function __lookupSetter__(P3) {
var O3 = toObject(this);
var key = toPropertyKey(P3);
var desc;
do {
if (desc = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O3, key))
return desc.set;
} while (O3 = getPrototypeOf(O3));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.prevent-extensions.js
var require_es_object_prevent_extensions = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.prevent-extensions.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var onFreeze = require_internal_metadata().onFreeze;
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
var fails = require_fails();
var $preventExtensions = Object.preventExtensions;
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !FREEZING }, {
preventExtensions: function preventExtensions(it2) {
return $preventExtensions && isObject3(it2) ? $preventExtensions(onFreeze(it2)) : it2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.proto.js
var require_es_object_proto = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.proto.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var isPossiblePrototype = require_is_possible_prototype();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var getPrototypeOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf;
var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;
var PROTO = "__proto__";
if (DESCRIPTORS && getPrototypeOf && setPrototypeOf && !(PROTO in ObjectPrototype))
try {
defineBuiltInAccessor(ObjectPrototype, PROTO, {
configurable: true,
get: function __proto__() {
return getPrototypeOf(toObject(this));
set: function __proto__(proto) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
if (isPossiblePrototype(proto) && isObject3(O3)) {
setPrototypeOf(O3, proto);
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.seal.js
var require_es_object_seal = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.seal.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var onFreeze = require_internal_metadata().onFreeze;
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
var fails = require_fails();
var $seal = Object.seal;
var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = fails(function() {
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, sham: !FREEZING }, {
seal: function seal(it2) {
return $seal && isObject3(it2) ? $seal(onFreeze(it2)) : it2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js
var require_es_object_set_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.set-prototype-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/object-to-string.js
var require_object_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/object-to-string.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require_to_string_tag_support();
var classof = require_classof();
module2.exports = TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT ? {}.toString : function toString() {
return "[object " + classof(this) + "]";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.to-string.js
var require_es_object_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.to-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var TO_STRING_TAG_SUPPORT = require_to_string_tag_support();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var toString = require_object_to_string();
defineBuiltIn(Object.prototype, "toString", toString, { unsafe: true });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.values.js
var require_es_object_values = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.values.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $values = require_object_to_array().values;
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true }, {
values: function values(O3) {
return $values(O3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.parse-float.js
var require_es_parse_float = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.parse-float.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $parseFloat = require_number_parse_float();
$2({ global: true, forced: parseFloat !== $parseFloat }, {
parseFloat: $parseFloat
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.parse-int.js
var require_es_parse_int = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.parse-int.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $parseInt = require_number_parse_int();
$2({ global: true, forced: parseInt !== $parseInt }, {
parseInt: $parseInt
// node_modules/core-js/internals/validate-arguments-length.js
var require_validate_arguments_length = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/validate-arguments-length.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(passed, required) {
if (passed < required)
throw new $TypeError("Not enough arguments");
return passed;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ios.js
var require_engine_is_ios = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ios.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
module2.exports = /(?:ipad|iphone|ipod).*applewebkit/i.test(userAgent);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/task.js
var require_task = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/task.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var fails = require_fails();
var html = require_html();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var createElement2 = require_document_create_element();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var IS_IOS = require_engine_is_ios();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var set2 = global2.setImmediate;
var clear = global2.clearImmediate;
var process2 = global2.process;
var Dispatch = global2.Dispatch;
var Function2 = global2.Function;
var MessageChannel2 = global2.MessageChannel;
var String2 = global2.String;
var counter = 0;
var queue = {};
var ONREADYSTATECHANGE = "onreadystatechange";
var $location;
var defer;
var channel;
var port;
fails(function() {
$location = global2.location;
var run = function(id) {
if (hasOwn(queue, id)) {
var fn3 = queue[id];
delete queue[id];
var runner = function(id) {
return function() {
var eventListener = function(event) {
var globalPostMessageDefer = function(id) {
global2.postMessage(String2(id), $location.protocol + "//" + $location.host);
if (!set2 || !clear) {
set2 = function setImmediate(handler) {
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var fn3 = isCallable(handler) ? handler : Function2(handler);
var args = arraySlice(arguments, 1);
queue[++counter] = function() {
apply(fn3, void 0, args);
return counter;
clear = function clearImmediate(id) {
delete queue[id];
if (IS_NODE) {
defer = function(id) {
} else if (Dispatch && Dispatch.now) {
defer = function(id) {
} else if (MessageChannel2 && !IS_IOS) {
channel = new MessageChannel2();
port = channel.port2;
channel.port1.onmessage = eventListener;
defer = bind2(port.postMessage, port);
} else if (global2.addEventListener && isCallable(global2.postMessage) && !global2.importScripts && $location && $location.protocol !== "file:" && !fails(globalPostMessageDefer)) {
defer = globalPostMessageDefer;
global2.addEventListener("message", eventListener, false);
} else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in createElement2("script")) {
defer = function(id) {
html.appendChild(createElement2("script"))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function() {
} else {
defer = function(id) {
setTimeout(runner(id), 0);
module2.exports = {
set: set2,
// node_modules/core-js/internals/safe-get-built-in.js
var require_safe_get_built_in = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/safe-get-built-in.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
module2.exports = function(name) {
return global2[name];
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global2, name);
return descriptor && descriptor.value;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/queue.js
var require_queue = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/queue.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var Queue = function() {
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
Queue.prototype = {
add: function(item) {
var entry = { item, next: null };
var tail = this.tail;
if (tail)
tail.next = entry;
this.head = entry;
this.tail = entry;
get: function() {
var entry = this.head;
if (entry) {
var next = this.head = entry.next;
if (next === null)
this.tail = null;
return entry.item;
module2.exports = Queue;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ios-pebble.js
var require_engine_is_ios_pebble = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-ios-pebble.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
module2.exports = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test(userAgent) && typeof Pebble != "undefined";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-webos-webkit.js
var require_engine_is_webos_webkit = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-webos-webkit.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
module2.exports = /web0s(?!.*chrome)/i.test(userAgent);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/microtask.js
var require_microtask = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/microtask.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var safeGetBuiltIn = require_safe_get_built_in();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var macrotask = require_task().set;
var Queue = require_queue();
var IS_IOS = require_engine_is_ios();
var IS_IOS_PEBBLE = require_engine_is_ios_pebble();
var IS_WEBOS_WEBKIT = require_engine_is_webos_webkit();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var MutationObserver2 = global2.MutationObserver || global2.WebKitMutationObserver;
var document2 = global2.document;
var process2 = global2.process;
var Promise2 = global2.Promise;
var microtask = safeGetBuiltIn("queueMicrotask");
var notify;
var toggle2;
var node;
var promise;
var then;
if (!microtask) {
queue = new Queue();
flush = function() {
var parent, fn3;
if (IS_NODE && (parent = process2.domain))
while (fn3 = queue.get())
try {
} catch (error2) {
if (queue.head)
throw error2;
if (parent)
if (!IS_IOS && !IS_NODE && !IS_WEBOS_WEBKIT && MutationObserver2 && document2) {
toggle2 = true;
node = document2.createTextNode("");
new MutationObserver2(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true });
notify = function() {
node.data = toggle2 = !toggle2;
} else if (!IS_IOS_PEBBLE && Promise2 && Promise2.resolve) {
promise = Promise2.resolve(void 0);
promise.constructor = Promise2;
then = bind2(promise.then, promise);
notify = function() {
} else if (IS_NODE) {
notify = function() {
} else {
macrotask = bind2(macrotask, global2);
notify = function() {
microtask = function(fn3) {
if (!queue.head)
var queue;
var flush;
module2.exports = microtask;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/host-report-errors.js
var require_host_report_errors = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/host-report-errors.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(a4, b3) {
try {
arguments.length === 1 ? console.error(a4) : console.error(a4, b3);
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/perform.js
var require_perform = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/perform.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = function(exec) {
try {
return { error: false, value: exec() };
} catch (error2) {
return { error: true, value: error2 };
// node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-native-constructor.js
var require_promise_native_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-native-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
module2.exports = global2.Promise;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-deno.js
var require_engine_is_deno = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-deno.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = typeof Deno == "object" && Deno && typeof Deno.version == "object";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-browser.js
var require_engine_is_browser = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-browser.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IS_DENO = require_engine_is_deno();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
module2.exports = !IS_DENO && !IS_NODE && typeof window == "object" && typeof document == "object";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-constructor-detection.js
var require_promise_constructor_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-constructor-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isForced = require_is_forced();
var inspectSource = require_inspect_source();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var IS_BROWSER = require_engine_is_browser();
var IS_DENO = require_engine_is_deno();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var V8_VERSION = require_engine_v8_version();
var NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
var SUBCLASSING = false;
var NATIVE_PROMISE_REJECTION_EVENT = isCallable(global2.PromiseRejectionEvent);
var FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = isForced("Promise", function() {
var PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR_SOURCE = inspectSource(NativePromiseConstructor);
return true;
if (IS_PURE && !(NativePromisePrototype["catch"] && NativePromisePrototype["finally"]))
return true;
if (!V8_VERSION || V8_VERSION < 51 || !/native code/.test(PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR_SOURCE)) {
var promise = new NativePromiseConstructor(function(resolve3) {
var FakePromise = function(exec) {
exec(function() {
}, function() {
var constructor = promise.constructor = {};
constructor[SPECIES] = FakePromise;
SUBCLASSING = promise.then(function() {
}) instanceof FakePromise;
return true;
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/new-promise-capability.js
var require_new_promise_capability = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/new-promise-capability.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var PromiseCapability = function(C3) {
var resolve3, reject;
this.promise = new C3(function($$resolve, $$reject) {
if (resolve3 !== void 0 || reject !== void 0)
throw new $TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");
resolve3 = $$resolve;
reject = $$reject;
this.resolve = aCallable(resolve3);
this.reject = aCallable(reject);
module2.exports.f = function(C3) {
return new PromiseCapability(C3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.constructor.js
var require_es_promise_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var global2 = require_global();
var call = require_function_call();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var task = require_task().set;
var microtask = require_microtask();
var hostReportErrors = require_host_report_errors();
var perform = require_perform();
var Queue = require_queue();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var PromiseConstructorDetection = require_promise_constructor_detection();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var PROMISE = "Promise";
var getInternalPromiseState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(PROMISE);
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;
var PromiseConstructor = NativePromiseConstructor;
var PromisePrototype = NativePromisePrototype;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var document2 = global2.document;
var process2 = global2.process;
var newPromiseCapability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f;
var newGenericPromiseCapability = newPromiseCapability;
var DISPATCH_EVENT = !!(document2 && document2.createEvent && global2.dispatchEvent);
var UNHANDLED_REJECTION = "unhandledrejection";
var REJECTION_HANDLED = "rejectionhandled";
var PENDING = 0;
var FULFILLED = 1;
var REJECTED = 2;
var HANDLED = 1;
var UNHANDLED = 2;
var Internal;
var OwnPromiseCapability;
var PromiseWrapper;
var nativeThen;
var isThenable = function(it2) {
var then;
return isObject3(it2) && isCallable(then = it2.then) ? then : false;
var callReaction = function(reaction, state) {
var value = state.value;
var ok = state.state === FULFILLED;
var handler = ok ? reaction.ok : reaction.fail;
var resolve3 = reaction.resolve;
var reject = reaction.reject;
var domain = reaction.domain;
var result, then, exited;
try {
if (handler) {
if (!ok) {
if (state.rejection === UNHANDLED)
state.rejection = HANDLED;
if (handler === true)
result = value;
else {
if (domain)
result = handler(value);
if (domain) {
exited = true;
if (result === reaction.promise) {
reject(new TypeError2("Promise-chain cycle"));
} else if (then = isThenable(result)) {
call(then, result, resolve3, reject);
} else
} else
} catch (error2) {
if (domain && !exited)
var notify = function(state, isReject) {
if (state.notified)
state.notified = true;
microtask(function() {
var reactions = state.reactions;
var reaction;
while (reaction = reactions.get()) {
callReaction(reaction, state);
state.notified = false;
if (isReject && !state.rejection)
var dispatchEvent2 = function(name, promise, reason) {
var event, handler;
event = document2.createEvent("Event");
event.promise = promise;
event.reason = reason;
event.initEvent(name, false, true);
} else
event = { promise, reason };
if (!NATIVE_PROMISE_REJECTION_EVENT && (handler = global2["on" + name]))
else if (name === UNHANDLED_REJECTION)
hostReportErrors("Unhandled promise rejection", reason);
var onUnhandled = function(state) {
call(task, global2, function() {
var promise = state.facade;
var value = state.value;
var IS_UNHANDLED = isUnhandled(state);
var result;
result = perform(function() {
if (IS_NODE) {
process2.emit("unhandledRejection", value, promise);
} else
dispatchEvent2(UNHANDLED_REJECTION, promise, value);
state.rejection = IS_NODE || isUnhandled(state) ? UNHANDLED : HANDLED;
if (result.error)
throw result.value;
var isUnhandled = function(state) {
return state.rejection !== HANDLED && !state.parent;
var onHandleUnhandled = function(state) {
call(task, global2, function() {
var promise = state.facade;
if (IS_NODE) {
process2.emit("rejectionHandled", promise);
} else
dispatchEvent2(REJECTION_HANDLED, promise, state.value);
var bind2 = function(fn3, state, unwrap) {
return function(value) {
fn3(state, value, unwrap);
var internalReject = function(state, value, unwrap) {
if (state.done)
state.done = true;
if (unwrap)
state = unwrap;
state.value = value;
state.state = REJECTED;
notify(state, true);
var internalResolve = function(state, value, unwrap) {
if (state.done)
state.done = true;
if (unwrap)
state = unwrap;
try {
if (state.facade === value)
throw new TypeError2("Promise can't be resolved itself");
var then = isThenable(value);
if (then) {
microtask(function() {
var wrapper = { done: false };
try {
bind2(internalResolve, wrapper, state),
bind2(internalReject, wrapper, state)
} catch (error2) {
internalReject(wrapper, error2, state);
} else {
state.value = value;
state.state = FULFILLED;
notify(state, false);
} catch (error2) {
internalReject({ done: false }, error2, state);
PromiseConstructor = function Promise2(executor) {
anInstance(this, PromisePrototype);
call(Internal, this);
var state = getInternalPromiseState(this);
try {
executor(bind2(internalResolve, state), bind2(internalReject, state));
} catch (error2) {
internalReject(state, error2);
PromisePrototype = PromiseConstructor.prototype;
Internal = function Promise2(executor) {
setInternalState(this, {
type: PROMISE,
done: false,
notified: false,
parent: false,
reactions: new Queue(),
rejection: false,
state: PENDING,
value: void 0
Internal.prototype = defineBuiltIn(PromisePrototype, "then", function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
var state = getInternalPromiseState(this);
var reaction = newPromiseCapability(speciesConstructor(this, PromiseConstructor));
state.parent = true;
reaction.ok = isCallable(onFulfilled) ? onFulfilled : true;
reaction.fail = isCallable(onRejected) && onRejected;
reaction.domain = IS_NODE ? process2.domain : void 0;
if (state.state === PENDING)
microtask(function() {
callReaction(reaction, state);
return reaction.promise;
OwnPromiseCapability = function() {
var promise = new Internal();
var state = getInternalPromiseState(promise);
this.promise = promise;
this.resolve = bind2(internalResolve, state);
this.reject = bind2(internalReject, state);
newPromiseCapabilityModule.f = newPromiseCapability = function(C3) {
return C3 === PromiseConstructor || C3 === PromiseWrapper ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C3) : newGenericPromiseCapability(C3);
if (!IS_PURE && isCallable(NativePromiseConstructor) && NativePromisePrototype !== Object.prototype) {
nativeThen = NativePromisePrototype.then;
defineBuiltIn(NativePromisePrototype, "then", function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
var that = this;
return new PromiseConstructor(function(resolve3, reject) {
call(nativeThen, that, resolve3, reject);
}).then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
}, { unsafe: true });
try {
delete NativePromisePrototype.constructor;
} catch (error2) {
if (setPrototypeOf) {
setPrototypeOf(NativePromisePrototype, PromisePrototype);
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, wrap: true, forced: FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR }, {
Promise: PromiseConstructor
setToStringTag(PromiseConstructor, PROMISE, false, true);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-statics-incorrect-iteration.js
var require_promise_statics_incorrect_iteration = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-statics-incorrect-iteration.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var checkCorrectnessOfIteration = require_check_correctness_of_iteration();
var FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require_promise_constructor_detection().CONSTRUCTOR;
module2.exports = FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR || !checkCorrectnessOfIteration(function(iterable) {
NativePromiseConstructor.all(iterable).then(void 0, function() {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.all.js
var require_es_promise_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.all.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var perform = require_perform();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION = require_promise_statics_incorrect_iteration();
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {
all: function all(iterable) {
var C3 = this;
var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(C3);
var resolve3 = capability.resolve;
var reject = capability.reject;
var result = perform(function() {
var $promiseResolve = aCallable(C3.resolve);
var values = [];
var counter = 0;
var remaining = 1;
iterate(iterable, function(promise) {
var index2 = counter++;
var alreadyCalled = false;
call($promiseResolve, C3, promise).then(function(value) {
if (alreadyCalled)
alreadyCalled = true;
values[index2] = value;
--remaining || resolve3(values);
}, reject);
--remaining || resolve3(values);
if (result.error)
return capability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.catch.js
var require_es_promise_catch = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.catch.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require_promise_constructor_detection().CONSTRUCTOR;
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;
$2({ target: "Promise", proto: true, forced: FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR, real: true }, {
"catch": function(onRejected) {
return this.then(void 0, onRejected);
if (!IS_PURE && isCallable(NativePromiseConstructor)) {
method = getBuiltIn("Promise").prototype["catch"];
if (NativePromisePrototype["catch"] !== method) {
defineBuiltIn(NativePromisePrototype, "catch", method, { unsafe: true });
var method;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.race.js
var require_es_promise_race = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.race.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var perform = require_perform();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION = require_promise_statics_incorrect_iteration();
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {
race: function race(iterable) {
var C3 = this;
var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(C3);
var reject = capability.reject;
var result = perform(function() {
var $promiseResolve = aCallable(C3.resolve);
iterate(iterable, function(promise) {
call($promiseResolve, C3, promise).then(capability.resolve, reject);
if (result.error)
return capability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.reject.js
var require_es_promise_reject = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.reject.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require_promise_constructor_detection().CONSTRUCTOR;
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR }, {
reject: function reject(r4) {
var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(this);
var capabilityReject = capability.reject;
return capability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-resolve.js
var require_promise_resolve = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/promise-resolve.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var newPromiseCapability = require_new_promise_capability();
module2.exports = function(C3, x3) {
if (isObject3(x3) && x3.constructor === C3)
return x3;
var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapability.f(C3);
var resolve3 = promiseCapability.resolve;
return promiseCapability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.resolve.js
var require_es_promise_resolve = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.resolve.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR = require_promise_constructor_detection().CONSTRUCTOR;
var promiseResolve = require_promise_resolve();
var PromiseConstructorWrapper = getBuiltIn("Promise");
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: IS_PURE || FORCED_PROMISE_CONSTRUCTOR }, {
resolve: function resolve3(x3) {
return promiseResolve(CHECK_WRAPPER && this === PromiseConstructorWrapper ? NativePromiseConstructor : this, x3);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.js
var require_es_promise = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.all-settled.js
var require_es_promise_all_settled = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.all-settled.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var perform = require_perform();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION = require_promise_statics_incorrect_iteration();
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {
allSettled: function allSettled(iterable) {
var C3 = this;
var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(C3);
var resolve3 = capability.resolve;
var reject = capability.reject;
var result = perform(function() {
var promiseResolve = aCallable(C3.resolve);
var values = [];
var counter = 0;
var remaining = 1;
iterate(iterable, function(promise) {
var index2 = counter++;
var alreadyCalled = false;
call(promiseResolve, C3, promise).then(function(value) {
if (alreadyCalled)
alreadyCalled = true;
values[index2] = { status: "fulfilled", value };
--remaining || resolve3(values);
}, function(error2) {
if (alreadyCalled)
alreadyCalled = true;
values[index2] = { status: "rejected", reason: error2 };
--remaining || resolve3(values);
--remaining || resolve3(values);
if (result.error)
return capability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.any.js
var require_es_promise_any = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.any.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
var perform = require_perform();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION = require_promise_statics_incorrect_iteration();
var PROMISE_ANY_ERROR = "No one promise resolved";
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true, forced: PROMISE_STATICS_INCORRECT_ITERATION }, {
any: function any(iterable) {
var C3 = this;
var AggregateError = getBuiltIn("AggregateError");
var capability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(C3);
var resolve3 = capability.resolve;
var reject = capability.reject;
var result = perform(function() {
var promiseResolve = aCallable(C3.resolve);
var errors = [];
var counter = 0;
var remaining = 1;
var alreadyResolved = false;
iterate(iterable, function(promise) {
var index2 = counter++;
var alreadyRejected = false;
call(promiseResolve, C3, promise).then(function(value) {
if (alreadyRejected || alreadyResolved)
alreadyResolved = true;
}, function(error2) {
if (alreadyRejected || alreadyResolved)
alreadyRejected = true;
errors[index2] = error2;
--remaining || reject(new AggregateError(errors, PROMISE_ANY_ERROR));
--remaining || reject(new AggregateError(errors, PROMISE_ANY_ERROR));
if (result.error)
return capability.promise;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.finally.js
var require_es_promise_finally = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.finally.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var NativePromiseConstructor = require_promise_native_constructor();
var fails = require_fails();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var promiseResolve = require_promise_resolve();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var NativePromisePrototype = NativePromiseConstructor && NativePromiseConstructor.prototype;
var NON_GENERIC = !!NativePromiseConstructor && fails(function() {
NativePromisePrototype["finally"].call({ then: function() {
} }, function() {
$2({ target: "Promise", proto: true, real: true, forced: NON_GENERIC }, {
"finally": function(onFinally) {
var C3 = speciesConstructor(this, getBuiltIn("Promise"));
var isFunction2 = isCallable(onFinally);
return this.then(
isFunction2 ? function(x3) {
return promiseResolve(C3, onFinally()).then(function() {
return x3;
} : onFinally,
isFunction2 ? function(e4) {
return promiseResolve(C3, onFinally()).then(function() {
throw e4;
} : onFinally
if (!IS_PURE && isCallable(NativePromiseConstructor)) {
method = getBuiltIn("Promise").prototype["finally"];
if (NativePromisePrototype["finally"] !== method) {
defineBuiltIn(NativePromisePrototype, "finally", method, { unsafe: true });
var method;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.with-resolvers.js
var require_es_promise_with_resolvers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.promise.with-resolvers.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var newPromiseCapabilityModule = require_new_promise_capability();
$2({ target: "Promise", stat: true }, {
withResolvers: function withResolvers() {
var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f(this);
return {
promise: promiseCapability.promise,
resolve: promiseCapability.resolve,
reject: promiseCapability.reject
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.apply.js
var require_es_reflect_apply = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.apply.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var functionApply = require_function_apply();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var fails = require_fails();
var OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS_LIST = !fails(function() {
Reflect.apply(function() {
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, forced: OPTIONAL_ARGUMENTS_LIST }, {
apply: function apply(target, thisArgument, argumentsList) {
return functionApply(aCallable(target), thisArgument, anObject(argumentsList));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js
var require_es_reflect_construct = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.construct.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var bind2 = require_function_bind();
var aConstructor = require_a_constructor();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var create = require_object_create();
var fails = require_fails();
var nativeConstruct = getBuiltIn("Reflect", "construct");
var ObjectPrototype = Object.prototype;
var push = [].push;
var NEW_TARGET_BUG = fails(function() {
function F2() {
return !(nativeConstruct(function() {
}, [], F2) instanceof F2);
var ARGS_BUG = !fails(function() {
nativeConstruct(function() {
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, forced: FORCED, sham: FORCED }, {
construct: function construct(Target, args) {
var newTarget = arguments.length < 3 ? Target : aConstructor(arguments[2]);
return nativeConstruct(Target, args, newTarget);
if (Target === newTarget) {
switch (args.length) {
case 0:
return new Target();
case 1:
return new Target(args[0]);
case 2:
return new Target(args[0], args[1]);
case 3:
return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
case 4:
return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
var $args = [null];
apply(push, $args, args);
return new (apply(bind2, Target, $args))();
var proto = newTarget.prototype;
var instance = create(isObject3(proto) ? proto : ObjectPrototype);
var result = apply(Target, instance, args);
return isObject3(result) ? result : instance;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.define-property.js
var require_es_reflect_define_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.define-property.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var fails = require_fails();
var ERROR_INSTEAD_OF_FALSE = fails(function() {
Reflect.defineProperty(definePropertyModule.f({}, 1, { value: 1 }), 1, { value: 2 });
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, forced: ERROR_INSTEAD_OF_FALSE, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
defineProperty: function defineProperty(target, propertyKey, attributes) {
var key = toPropertyKey(propertyKey);
try {
definePropertyModule.f(target, key, attributes);
return true;
} catch (error2) {
return false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.delete-property.js
var require_es_reflect_delete_property = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.delete-property.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
deleteProperty: function deleteProperty(target, propertyKey) {
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(anObject(target), propertyKey);
return descriptor && !descriptor.configurable ? false : delete target[propertyKey];
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-data-descriptor.js
var require_is_data_descriptor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-data-descriptor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
module2.exports = function(descriptor) {
return descriptor !== void 0 && (hasOwn(descriptor, "value") || hasOwn(descriptor, "writable"));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get.js
var require_es_reflect_get = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isDataDescriptor = require_is_data_descriptor();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
function get(target, propertyKey) {
var receiver = arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2];
var descriptor, prototype;
if (anObject(target) === receiver)
return target[propertyKey];
descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f(target, propertyKey);
if (descriptor)
return isDataDescriptor(descriptor) ? descriptor.value : descriptor.get === void 0 ? void 0 : call(descriptor.get, receiver);
if (isObject3(prototype = getPrototypeOf(target)))
return get(prototype, propertyKey, receiver);
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get-own-property-descriptor.js
var require_es_reflect_get_own_property_descriptor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get-own-property-descriptor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, propertyKey) {
return getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f(anObject(target), propertyKey);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get-prototype-of.js
var require_es_reflect_get_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.get-prototype-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var objectGetPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER = require_correct_prototype_getter();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, sham: !CORRECT_PROTOTYPE_GETTER }, {
getPrototypeOf: function getPrototypeOf(target) {
return objectGetPrototypeOf(anObject(target));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.has.js
var require_es_reflect_has = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.has.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
has: function has(target, propertyKey) {
return propertyKey in target;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.is-extensible.js
var require_es_reflect_is_extensible = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.is-extensible.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var $isExtensible = require_object_is_extensible();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
isExtensible: function isExtensible(target) {
return $isExtensible(target);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.own-keys.js
var require_es_reflect_own_keys = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.own-keys.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var ownKeys25 = require_own_keys();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
ownKeys: ownKeys25
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.prevent-extensions.js
var require_es_reflect_prevent_extensions = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.prevent-extensions.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, sham: !FREEZING }, {
preventExtensions: function preventExtensions(target) {
try {
var objectPreventExtensions = getBuiltIn("Object", "preventExtensions");
if (objectPreventExtensions)
return true;
} catch (error2) {
return false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.set.js
var require_es_reflect_set = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.set.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var isDataDescriptor = require_is_data_descriptor();
var fails = require_fails();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var getPrototypeOf = require_object_get_prototype_of();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
function set2(target, propertyKey, V2) {
var receiver = arguments.length < 4 ? target : arguments[3];
var ownDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f(anObject(target), propertyKey);
var existingDescriptor, prototype, setter;
if (!ownDescriptor) {
if (isObject3(prototype = getPrototypeOf(target))) {
return set2(prototype, propertyKey, V2, receiver);
ownDescriptor = createPropertyDescriptor(0);
if (isDataDescriptor(ownDescriptor)) {
if (ownDescriptor.writable === false || !isObject3(receiver))
return false;
if (existingDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f(receiver, propertyKey)) {
if (existingDescriptor.get || existingDescriptor.set || existingDescriptor.writable === false)
return false;
existingDescriptor.value = V2;
definePropertyModule.f(receiver, propertyKey, existingDescriptor);
} else
definePropertyModule.f(receiver, propertyKey, createPropertyDescriptor(0, V2));
} else {
setter = ownDescriptor.set;
if (setter === void 0)
return false;
call(setter, receiver, V2);
return true;
var MS_EDGE_BUG = fails(function() {
var Constructor = function() {
var object = definePropertyModule.f(new Constructor(), "a", { configurable: true });
return Reflect.set(Constructor.prototype, "a", 1, object) !== false;
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true, forced: MS_EDGE_BUG }, {
set: set2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.set-prototype-of.js
var require_es_reflect_set_prototype_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.set-prototype-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var aPossiblePrototype = require_a_possible_prototype();
var objectSetPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
if (objectSetPrototypeOf)
$2({ target: "Reflect", stat: true }, {
setPrototypeOf: function setPrototypeOf(target, proto) {
try {
objectSetPrototypeOf(target, proto);
return true;
} catch (error2) {
return false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.to-string-tag.js
var require_es_reflect_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.reflect.to-string-tag.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
$2({ global: true }, { Reflect: {} });
setToStringTag(global2.Reflect, "Reflect", true);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-regexp.js
var require_is_regexp = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-regexp.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var MATCH = wellKnownSymbol("match");
module2.exports = function(it2) {
var isRegExp;
return isObject3(it2) && ((isRegExp = it2[MATCH]) !== void 0 ? !!isRegExp : classof(it2) === "RegExp");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-flags.js
var require_regexp_flags = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-flags.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var anObject = require_an_object();
module2.exports = function() {
var that = anObject(this);
var result = "";
if (that.hasIndices)
result += "d";
if (that.global)
result += "g";
if (that.ignoreCase)
result += "i";
if (that.multiline)
result += "m";
if (that.dotAll)
result += "s";
if (that.unicode)
result += "u";
if (that.unicodeSets)
result += "v";
if (that.sticky)
result += "y";
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-get-flags.js
var require_regexp_get_flags = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-get-flags.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var regExpFlags = require_regexp_flags();
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
module2.exports = function(R2) {
var flags = R2.flags;
return flags === void 0 && !("flags" in RegExpPrototype) && !hasOwn(R2, "flags") && isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, R2) ? call(regExpFlags, R2) : flags;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-sticky-helpers.js
var require_regexp_sticky_helpers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-sticky-helpers.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var global2 = require_global();
var $RegExp = global2.RegExp;
var UNSUPPORTED_Y = fails(function() {
var re2 = $RegExp("a", "y");
re2.lastIndex = 2;
return re2.exec("abcd") !== null;
var MISSED_STICKY = UNSUPPORTED_Y || fails(function() {
return !$RegExp("a", "y").sticky;
var BROKEN_CARET = UNSUPPORTED_Y || fails(function() {
var re2 = $RegExp("^r", "gy");
re2.lastIndex = 2;
return re2.exec("str") !== null;
module2.exports = {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-unsupported-dot-all.js
var require_regexp_unsupported_dot_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-unsupported-dot-all.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var global2 = require_global();
var $RegExp = global2.RegExp;
module2.exports = fails(function() {
var re2 = $RegExp(".", "s");
return !(re2.dotAll && re2.test("\n") && re2.flags === "s");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-unsupported-ncg.js
var require_regexp_unsupported_ncg = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-unsupported-ncg.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var global2 = require_global();
var $RegExp = global2.RegExp;
module2.exports = fails(function() {
var re2 = $RegExp("(?b)", "g");
return re2.exec("b").groups.a !== "b" || "b".replace(re2, "$c") !== "bc";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.constructor.js
var require_es_regexp_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var isForced = require_is_forced();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var create = require_object_create();
var getOwnPropertyNames = require_object_get_own_property_names().f;
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var isRegExp = require_is_regexp();
var toString = require_to_string();
var getRegExpFlags = require_regexp_get_flags();
var stickyHelpers = require_regexp_sticky_helpers();
var proxyAccessor = require_proxy_accessor();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var fails = require_fails();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var enforceInternalState = require_internal_state().enforce;
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL = require_regexp_unsupported_dot_all();
var UNSUPPORTED_NCG = require_regexp_unsupported_ncg();
var MATCH = wellKnownSymbol("match");
var NativeRegExp = global2.RegExp;
var RegExpPrototype = NativeRegExp.prototype;
var SyntaxError = global2.SyntaxError;
var exec = uncurryThis(RegExpPrototype.exec);
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var stringIndexOf = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var IS_NCG = /^\?<[^\s\d!#%&*+<=>@^][^\s!#%&*+<=>@^]*>/;
var re1 = /a/g;
var re2 = /a/g;
var CORRECT_NEW = new NativeRegExp(re1) !== re1;
re2[MATCH] = false;
return NativeRegExp(re1) !== re1 || NativeRegExp(re2) === re2 || String(NativeRegExp(re1, "i")) !== "/a/i";
var handleDotAll = function(string) {
var length = string.length;
var index3 = 0;
var result = "";
var brackets = false;
var chr;
for (; index3 <= length; index3++) {
chr = charAt(string, index3);
if (chr === "\\") {
result += chr + charAt(string, ++index3);
if (!brackets && chr === ".") {
result += "[\\s\\S]";
} else {
if (chr === "[") {
brackets = true;
} else if (chr === "]") {
brackets = false;
result += chr;
return result;
var handleNCG = function(string) {
var length = string.length;
var index3 = 0;
var result = "";
var named = [];
var names2 = create(null);
var brackets = false;
var ncg = false;
var groupid = 0;
var groupname = "";
var chr;
for (; index3 <= length; index3++) {
chr = charAt(string, index3);
if (chr === "\\") {
chr += charAt(string, ++index3);
} else if (chr === "]") {
brackets = false;
} else if (!brackets)
switch (true) {
case chr === "[":
brackets = true;
case chr === "(":
if (exec(IS_NCG, stringSlice(string, index3 + 1))) {
index3 += 2;
ncg = true;
result += chr;
case (chr === ">" && ncg):
if (groupname === "" || hasOwn(names2, groupname)) {
throw new SyntaxError("Invalid capture group name");
names2[groupname] = true;
named[named.length] = [groupname, groupid];
ncg = false;
groupname = "";
if (ncg)
groupname += chr;
result += chr;
return [result, named];
if (isForced("RegExp", BASE_FORCED)) {
RegExpWrapper = function RegExp2(pattern, flags) {
var thisIsRegExp = isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, this);
var patternIsRegExp = isRegExp(pattern);
var flagsAreUndefined = flags === void 0;
var groups = [];
var rawPattern = pattern;
var rawFlags, dotAll, sticky, handled, result, state;
if (!thisIsRegExp && patternIsRegExp && flagsAreUndefined && pattern.constructor === RegExpWrapper) {
return pattern;
if (patternIsRegExp || isPrototypeOf(RegExpPrototype, pattern)) {
pattern = pattern.source;
if (flagsAreUndefined)
flags = getRegExpFlags(rawPattern);
pattern = pattern === void 0 ? "" : toString(pattern);
flags = flags === void 0 ? "" : toString(flags);
rawPattern = pattern;
if (UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL && "dotAll" in re1) {
dotAll = !!flags && stringIndexOf(flags, "s") > -1;
if (dotAll)
flags = replace(flags, /s/g, "");
rawFlags = flags;
if (MISSED_STICKY && "sticky" in re1) {
sticky = !!flags && stringIndexOf(flags, "y") > -1;
if (sticky && UNSUPPORTED_Y)
flags = replace(flags, /y/g, "");
handled = handleNCG(pattern);
pattern = handled[0];
groups = handled[1];
result = inheritIfRequired(NativeRegExp(pattern, flags), thisIsRegExp ? this : RegExpPrototype, RegExpWrapper);
if (dotAll || sticky || groups.length) {
state = enforceInternalState(result);
if (dotAll) {
state.dotAll = true;
state.raw = RegExpWrapper(handleDotAll(pattern), rawFlags);
if (sticky)
state.sticky = true;
if (groups.length)
state.groups = groups;
if (pattern !== rawPattern)
try {
createNonEnumerableProperty(result, "source", rawPattern === "" ? "(?:)" : rawPattern);
} catch (error2) {
return result;
for (keys = getOwnPropertyNames(NativeRegExp), index2 = 0; keys.length > index2; ) {
proxyAccessor(RegExpWrapper, NativeRegExp, keys[index2++]);
RegExpPrototype.constructor = RegExpWrapper;
RegExpWrapper.prototype = RegExpPrototype;
defineBuiltIn(global2, "RegExp", RegExpWrapper, { constructor: true });
var RegExpWrapper;
var keys;
var index2;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.dot-all.js
var require_es_regexp_dot_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.dot-all.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL = require_regexp_unsupported_dot_all();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var getInternalState = require_internal_state().get;
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
var $TypeError = TypeError;
defineBuiltInAccessor(RegExpPrototype, "dotAll", {
configurable: true,
get: function dotAll() {
if (this === RegExpPrototype)
if (classof(this) === "RegExp") {
return !!getInternalState(this).dotAll;
throw new $TypeError("Incompatible receiver, RegExp required");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-exec.js
var require_regexp_exec = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-exec.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var regexpFlags = require_regexp_flags();
var stickyHelpers = require_regexp_sticky_helpers();
var shared = require_shared();
var create = require_object_create();
var getInternalState = require_internal_state().get;
var UNSUPPORTED_DOT_ALL = require_regexp_unsupported_dot_all();
var UNSUPPORTED_NCG = require_regexp_unsupported_ncg();
var nativeReplace = shared("native-string-replace", String.prototype.replace);
var nativeExec = RegExp.prototype.exec;
var patchedExec = nativeExec;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var indexOf2 = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG = function() {
var re1 = /a/;
var re2 = /b*/g;
call(nativeExec, re1, "a");
call(nativeExec, re2, "a");
return re1.lastIndex !== 0 || re2.lastIndex !== 0;
var NPCG_INCLUDED = /()??/.exec("")[1] !== void 0;
if (PATCH) {
patchedExec = function exec(string) {
var re2 = this;
var state = getInternalState(re2);
var str = toString(string);
var raw = state.raw;
var result, reCopy, lastIndex, match3, i4, object, group;
if (raw) {
raw.lastIndex = re2.lastIndex;
result = call(patchedExec, raw, str);
re2.lastIndex = raw.lastIndex;
return result;
var groups = state.groups;
var sticky = UNSUPPORTED_Y && re2.sticky;
var flags = call(regexpFlags, re2);
var source = re2.source;
var charsAdded = 0;
var strCopy = str;
if (sticky) {
flags = replace(flags, "y", "");
if (indexOf2(flags, "g") === -1) {
flags += "g";
strCopy = stringSlice(str, re2.lastIndex);
if (re2.lastIndex > 0 && (!re2.multiline || re2.multiline && charAt(str, re2.lastIndex - 1) !== "\n")) {
source = "(?: " + source + ")";
strCopy = " " + strCopy;
reCopy = new RegExp("^(?:" + source + ")", flags);
reCopy = new RegExp("^" + source + "$(?!\\s)", flags);
lastIndex = re2.lastIndex;
match3 = call(nativeExec, sticky ? reCopy : re2, strCopy);
if (sticky) {
if (match3) {
match3.input = stringSlice(match3.input, charsAdded);
match3[0] = stringSlice(match3[0], charsAdded);
match3.index = re2.lastIndex;
re2.lastIndex += match3[0].length;
} else
re2.lastIndex = 0;
} else if (UPDATES_LAST_INDEX_WRONG && match3) {
re2.lastIndex = re2.global ? match3.index + match3[0].length : lastIndex;
if (NPCG_INCLUDED && match3 && match3.length > 1) {
call(nativeReplace, match3[0], reCopy, function() {
for (i4 = 1; i4 < arguments.length - 2; i4++) {
if (arguments[i4] === void 0)
match3[i4] = void 0;
if (match3 && groups) {
match3.groups = object = create(null);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < groups.length; i4++) {
group = groups[i4];
object[group[0]] = match3[group[1]];
return match3;
module2.exports = patchedExec;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.exec.js
var require_es_regexp_exec = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.exec.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var exec = require_regexp_exec();
$2({ target: "RegExp", proto: true, forced: /./.exec !== exec }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.flags.js
var require_es_regexp_flags = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.flags.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var regExpFlags = require_regexp_flags();
var fails = require_fails();
var RegExp2 = global2.RegExp;
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp2.prototype;
var FORCED = DESCRIPTORS && fails(function() {
try {
RegExp2(".", "d");
} catch (error2) {
var O3 = {};
var calls = "";
var expected = INDICES_SUPPORT ? "dgimsy" : "gimsy";
var addGetter = function(key2, chr) {
Object.defineProperty(O3, key2, { get: function() {
calls += chr;
return true;
} });
var pairs = {
dotAll: "s",
global: "g",
ignoreCase: "i",
multiline: "m",
sticky: "y"
pairs.hasIndices = "d";
for (var key in pairs)
addGetter(key, pairs[key]);
var result = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(RegExpPrototype, "flags").get.call(O3);
return result !== expected || calls !== expected;
defineBuiltInAccessor(RegExpPrototype, "flags", {
configurable: true,
get: regExpFlags
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.sticky.js
var require_es_regexp_sticky = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.sticky.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var MISSED_STICKY = require_regexp_sticky_helpers().MISSED_STICKY;
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var getInternalState = require_internal_state().get;
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
var $TypeError = TypeError;
defineBuiltInAccessor(RegExpPrototype, "sticky", {
configurable: true,
get: function sticky() {
if (this === RegExpPrototype)
if (classof(this) === "RegExp") {
return !!getInternalState(this).sticky;
throw new $TypeError("Incompatible receiver, RegExp required");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.test.js
var require_es_regexp_test = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.test.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var toString = require_to_string();
var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = function() {
var execCalled = false;
var re2 = /[ac]/;
re2.exec = function() {
execCalled = true;
return /./.exec.apply(this, arguments);
return re2.test("abc") === true && execCalled;
var nativeTest = /./.test;
$2({ target: "RegExp", proto: true, forced: !DELEGATES_TO_EXEC }, {
test: function(S3) {
var R2 = anObject(this);
var string = toString(S3);
var exec = R2.exec;
if (!isCallable(exec))
return call(nativeTest, R2, string);
var result = call(exec, R2, string);
if (result === null)
return false;
return true;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.to-string.js
var require_es_regexp_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.regexp.to-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME = require_function_name().PROPER;
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var $toString = require_to_string();
var fails = require_fails();
var getRegExpFlags = require_regexp_get_flags();
var TO_STRING = "toString";
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
var nativeToString = RegExpPrototype[TO_STRING];
var NOT_GENERIC = fails(function() {
return nativeToString.call({ source: "a", flags: "b" }) !== "/a/b";
defineBuiltIn(RegExpPrototype, TO_STRING, function toString() {
var R2 = anObject(this);
var pattern = $toString(R2.source);
var flags = $toString(getRegExpFlags(R2));
return "/" + pattern + "/" + flags;
}, { unsafe: true });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.set.constructor.js
var require_es_set_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.set.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var collection = require_collection();
var collectionStrong = require_collection_strong();
collection("Set", function(init2) {
return function Set2() {
return init2(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
}, collectionStrong);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.set.js
var require_es_set = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.set.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.at-alternative.js
var require_es_string_at_alternative = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.at-alternative.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toString = require_to_string();
var fails = require_fails();
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return "\u{20BB7}".at(-2) !== "\uD842";
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
at: function at2(index2) {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var len = S3.length;
var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
var k3 = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
return k3 < 0 || k3 >= len ? void 0 : charAt(S3, k3);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-multibyte.js
var require_string_multibyte = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-multibyte.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toString = require_to_string();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var createMethod = function(CONVERT_TO_STRING) {
return function($this, pos) {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible($this));
var position = toIntegerOrInfinity(pos);
var size = S3.length;
var first2, second;
if (position < 0 || position >= size)
return CONVERT_TO_STRING ? "" : void 0;
first2 = charCodeAt(S3, position);
return first2 < 55296 || first2 > 56319 || position + 1 === size || (second = charCodeAt(S3, position + 1)) < 56320 || second > 57343 ? CONVERT_TO_STRING ? charAt(S3, position) : first2 : CONVERT_TO_STRING ? stringSlice(S3, position, position + 2) : (first2 - 55296 << 10) + (second - 56320) + 65536;
module2.exports = {
codeAt: createMethod(false),
charAt: createMethod(true)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.code-point-at.js
var require_es_string_code_point_at = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.code-point-at.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var codeAt = require_string_multibyte().codeAt;
$2({ target: "String", proto: true }, {
codePointAt: function codePointAt(pos) {
return codeAt(this, pos);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/not-a-regexp.js
var require_not_a_regexp = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/not-a-regexp.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var isRegExp = require_is_regexp();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
if (isRegExp(it2)) {
throw new $TypeError("The method doesn't accept regular expressions");
return it2;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/correct-is-regexp-logic.js
var require_correct_is_regexp_logic = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/correct-is-regexp-logic.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var MATCH = wellKnownSymbol("match");
module2.exports = function(METHOD_NAME) {
var regexp = /./;
try {
} catch (error1) {
try {
regexp[MATCH] = false;
return "/./"[METHOD_NAME](regexp);
} catch (error2) {
return false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.ends-with.js
var require_es_string_ends_with = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.ends-with.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var notARegExp = require_not_a_regexp();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var correctIsRegExpLogic = require_correct_is_regexp_logic();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var slice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var min2 = Math.min;
var CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC = correctIsRegExpLogic("endsWith");
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "endsWith");
return descriptor && !descriptor.writable;
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: !MDN_POLYFILL_BUG && !CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC }, {
endsWith: function endsWith(searchString) {
var that = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var endPosition = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
var len = that.length;
var end2 = endPosition === void 0 ? len : min2(toLength(endPosition), len);
var search = toString(searchString);
return slice(that, end2 - search.length, end2) === search;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.from-code-point.js
var require_es_string_from_code_point = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.from-code-point.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var $fromCodePoint = String.fromCodePoint;
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var INCORRECT_LENGTH = !!$fromCodePoint && $fromCodePoint.length !== 1;
$2({ target: "String", stat: true, arity: 1, forced: INCORRECT_LENGTH }, {
fromCodePoint: function fromCodePoint(x3) {
var elements2 = [];
var length = arguments.length;
var i4 = 0;
var code3;
while (length > i4) {
code3 = +arguments[i4++];
if (toAbsoluteIndex(code3, 1114111) !== code3)
throw new $RangeError(code3 + " is not a valid code point");
elements2[i4] = code3 < 65536 ? fromCharCode(code3) : fromCharCode(((code3 -= 65536) >> 10) + 55296, code3 % 1024 + 56320);
return join(elements2, "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.includes.js
var require_es_string_includes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.includes.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var notARegExp = require_not_a_regexp();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toString = require_to_string();
var correctIsRegExpLogic = require_correct_is_regexp_logic();
var stringIndexOf = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: !correctIsRegExpLogic("includes") }, {
includes: function includes(searchString) {
return !!~stringIndexOf(
arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.is-well-formed.js
var require_es_string_is_well_formed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.is-well-formed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toString = require_to_string();
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
$2({ target: "String", proto: true }, {
isWellFormed: function isWellFormed() {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var length = S3.length;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4++) {
var charCode = charCodeAt(S3, i4);
if ((charCode & 63488) !== 55296)
if (charCode >= 56320 || ++i4 >= length || (charCodeAt(S3, i4) & 64512) !== 56320)
return false;
return true;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js
var require_es_string_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.iterator.js"() {
"use strict";
var charAt = require_string_multibyte().charAt;
var toString = require_to_string();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var defineIterator = require_iterator_define();
var createIterResultObject = require_create_iter_result_object();
var STRING_ITERATOR = "String Iterator";
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(STRING_ITERATOR);
defineIterator(String, "String", function(iterated) {
setInternalState(this, {
string: toString(iterated),
index: 0
}, function next() {
var state = getInternalState(this);
var string = state.string;
var index2 = state.index;
var point;
if (index2 >= string.length)
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
point = charAt(string, index2);
state.index += point.length;
return createIterResultObject(point, false);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic.js
var require_fix_regexp_well_known_symbol_logic = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var regexpExec = require_regexp_exec();
var fails = require_fails();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol("species");
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
module2.exports = function(KEY, exec, FORCED, SHAM) {
var SYMBOL = wellKnownSymbol(KEY);
var DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL = !fails(function() {
var O3 = {};
O3[SYMBOL] = function() {
return 7;
return ""[KEY](O3) !== 7;
var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !fails(function() {
var execCalled = false;
var re2 = /a/;
if (KEY === "split") {
re2 = {};
re2.constructor = {};
re2.constructor[SPECIES] = function() {
return re2;
re2.flags = "";
re2[SYMBOL] = /./[SYMBOL];
re2.exec = function() {
execCalled = true;
return null;
return !execCalled;
var nativeRegExpMethod = /./[SYMBOL];
var methods = exec(SYMBOL, ""[KEY], function(nativeMethod, regexp, str, arg2, forceStringMethod) {
var $exec = regexp.exec;
if ($exec === regexpExec || $exec === RegExpPrototype.exec) {
if (DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !forceStringMethod) {
return { done: true, value: call(nativeRegExpMethod, regexp, str, arg2) };
return { done: true, value: call(nativeMethod, str, regexp, arg2) };
return { done: false };
defineBuiltIn(String.prototype, KEY, methods[0]);
defineBuiltIn(RegExpPrototype, SYMBOL, methods[1]);
if (SHAM)
createNonEnumerableProperty(RegExpPrototype[SYMBOL], "sham", true);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/advance-string-index.js
var require_advance_string_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/advance-string-index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var charAt = require_string_multibyte().charAt;
module2.exports = function(S3, index2, unicode) {
return index2 + (unicode ? charAt(S3, index2).length : 1);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-exec-abstract.js
var require_regexp_exec_abstract = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/regexp-exec-abstract.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var regexpExec = require_regexp_exec();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(R2, S3) {
var exec = R2.exec;
if (isCallable(exec)) {
var result = call(exec, R2, S3);
if (result !== null)
return result;
if (classof(R2) === "RegExp")
return call(regexpExec, R2, S3);
throw new $TypeError("RegExp#exec called on incompatible receiver");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.match.js
var require_es_string_match = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.match.js"() {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require_fix_regexp_well_known_symbol_logic();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var advanceStringIndex = require_advance_string_index();
var regExpExec = require_regexp_exec_abstract();
fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic("match", function(MATCH, nativeMatch, maybeCallNative) {
return [
function match3(regexp) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var matcher = isNullOrUndefined(regexp) ? void 0 : getMethod(regexp, MATCH);
return matcher ? call(matcher, regexp, O3) : new RegExp(regexp)[MATCH](toString(O3));
function(string) {
var rx = anObject(this);
var S3 = toString(string);
var res = maybeCallNative(nativeMatch, rx, S3);
if (res.done)
return res.value;
if (!rx.global)
return regExpExec(rx, S3);
var fullUnicode = rx.unicode;
rx.lastIndex = 0;
var A3 = [];
var n6 = 0;
var result;
while ((result = regExpExec(rx, S3)) !== null) {
var matchStr = toString(result[0]);
A3[n6] = matchStr;
if (matchStr === "")
rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S3, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);
return n6 === 0 ? null : A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.match-all.js
var require_es_string_match_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.match-all.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var createIteratorConstructor = require_iterator_create_constructor();
var createIterResultObject = require_create_iter_result_object();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var classof = require_classof_raw();
var isRegExp = require_is_regexp();
var getRegExpFlags = require_regexp_get_flags();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var fails = require_fails();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var advanceStringIndex = require_advance_string_index();
var regExpExec = require_regexp_exec_abstract();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var MATCH_ALL = wellKnownSymbol("matchAll");
var REGEXP_STRING = "RegExp String";
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(REGEXP_STRING_ITERATOR);
var RegExpPrototype = RegExp.prototype;
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var stringIndexOf = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
var nativeMatchAll = uncurryThis("".matchAll);
var WORKS_WITH_NON_GLOBAL_REGEX = !!nativeMatchAll && !fails(function() {
nativeMatchAll("a", /./);
var $RegExpStringIterator = createIteratorConstructor(function RegExpStringIterator(regexp, string, $global, fullUnicode) {
setInternalState(this, {
global: $global,
unicode: fullUnicode,
done: false
}, REGEXP_STRING, function next() {
var state = getInternalState(this);
if (state.done)
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
var R2 = state.regexp;
var S3 = state.string;
var match3 = regExpExec(R2, S3);
if (match3 === null) {
state.done = true;
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
if (state.global) {
if (toString(match3[0]) === "")
R2.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S3, toLength(R2.lastIndex), state.unicode);
return createIterResultObject(match3, false);
state.done = true;
return createIterResultObject(match3, false);
var $matchAll = function(string) {
var R2 = anObject(this);
var S3 = toString(string);
var C3 = speciesConstructor(R2, RegExp);
var flags = toString(getRegExpFlags(R2));
var matcher, $global, fullUnicode;
matcher = new C3(C3 === RegExp ? R2.source : R2, flags);
$global = !!~stringIndexOf(flags, "g");
fullUnicode = !!~stringIndexOf(flags, "u");
matcher.lastIndex = toLength(R2.lastIndex);
return new $RegExpStringIterator(matcher, S3, $global, fullUnicode);
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: WORKS_WITH_NON_GLOBAL_REGEX }, {
matchAll: function matchAll(regexp) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var flags, S3, matcher, rx;
if (!isNullOrUndefined(regexp)) {
if (isRegExp(regexp)) {
flags = toString(requireObjectCoercible(getRegExpFlags(regexp)));
if (!~stringIndexOf(flags, "g"))
throw new $TypeError("`.matchAll` does not allow non-global regexes");
return nativeMatchAll(O3, regexp);
matcher = getMethod(regexp, MATCH_ALL);
if (matcher === void 0 && IS_PURE && classof(regexp) === "RegExp")
matcher = $matchAll;
if (matcher)
return call(matcher, regexp, O3);
return nativeMatchAll(O3, regexp);
S3 = toString(O3);
rx = new RegExp(regexp, "g");
return IS_PURE ? call($matchAll, rx, S3) : rx[MATCH_ALL](S3);
IS_PURE || MATCH_ALL in RegExpPrototype || defineBuiltIn(RegExpPrototype, MATCH_ALL, $matchAll);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-pad-webkit-bug.js
var require_string_pad_webkit_bug = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-pad-webkit-bug.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var userAgent = require_engine_user_agent();
module2.exports = /Version\/10(?:\.\d+){1,2}(?: [\w./]+)?(?: Mobile\/\w+)? Safari\//.test(userAgent);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.pad-end.js
var require_es_string_pad_end = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.pad-end.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $padEnd = require_string_pad().end;
var WEBKIT_BUG = require_string_pad_webkit_bug();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: WEBKIT_BUG }, {
padEnd: function padEnd(maxLength) {
return $padEnd(this, maxLength, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.pad-start.js
var require_es_string_pad_start = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.pad-start.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $padStart = require_string_pad().start;
var WEBKIT_BUG = require_string_pad_webkit_bug();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: WEBKIT_BUG }, {
padStart: function padStart2(maxLength) {
return $padStart(this, maxLength, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.raw.js
var require_es_string_raw = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.raw.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_indexed_object();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var toString = require_to_string();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
$2({ target: "String", stat: true }, {
raw: function raw(template) {
var rawTemplate = toIndexedObject(toObject(template).raw);
var literalSegments = lengthOfArrayLike(rawTemplate);
if (!literalSegments)
return "";
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var elements2 = [];
var i4 = 0;
while (true) {
push(elements2, toString(rawTemplate[i4++]));
if (i4 === literalSegments)
return join(elements2, "");
if (i4 < argumentsLength)
push(elements2, toString(arguments[i4]));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.repeat.js
var require_es_string_repeat = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.repeat.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var repeat = require_string_repeat();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/get-substitution.js
var require_get_substitution = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/get-substitution.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var floor = Math.floor;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2}|<[^>]*>)/g;
var SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED = /\$([$&'`]|\d{1,2})/g;
module2.exports = function(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) {
var tailPos = position + matched.length;
var m3 = captures.length;
if (namedCaptures !== void 0) {
namedCaptures = toObject(namedCaptures);
return replace(replacement, symbols, function(match3, ch) {
var capture;
switch (charAt(ch, 0)) {
case "$":
return "$";
case "&":
return matched;
case "`":
return stringSlice(str, 0, position);
case "'":
return stringSlice(str, tailPos);
case "<":
capture = namedCaptures[stringSlice(ch, 1, -1)];
var n6 = +ch;
if (n6 === 0)
return match3;
if (n6 > m3) {
var f3 = floor(n6 / 10);
if (f3 === 0)
return match3;
if (f3 <= m3)
return captures[f3 - 1] === void 0 ? charAt(ch, 1) : captures[f3 - 1] + charAt(ch, 1);
return match3;
capture = captures[n6 - 1];
return capture === void 0 ? "" : capture;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.replace.js
var require_es_string_replace = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.replace.js"() {
"use strict";
var apply = require_function_apply();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require_fix_regexp_well_known_symbol_logic();
var fails = require_fails();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var advanceStringIndex = require_advance_string_index();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var getSubstitution = require_get_substitution();
var regExpExec = require_regexp_exec_abstract();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var REPLACE = wellKnownSymbol("replace");
var max2 = Math.max;
var min2 = Math.min;
var concat = uncurryThis([].concat);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var stringIndexOf = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var maybeToString = function(it2) {
return it2 === void 0 ? it2 : String(it2);
var REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = function() {
return "a".replace(/./, "$0") === "$0";
if (/./[REPLACE]) {
return /./[REPLACE]("a", "$0") === "";
return false;
var REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS = !fails(function() {
var re2 = /./;
re2.exec = function() {
var result = [];
result.groups = { a: "7" };
return result;
return "".replace(re2, "$") !== "7";
fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic("replace", function(_2, nativeReplace, maybeCallNative) {
return [
function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var replacer = isNullOrUndefined(searchValue) ? void 0 : getMethod(searchValue, REPLACE);
return replacer ? call(replacer, searchValue, O3, replaceValue) : call(nativeReplace, toString(O3), searchValue, replaceValue);
function(string, replaceValue) {
var rx = anObject(this);
var S3 = toString(string);
if (typeof replaceValue == "string" && stringIndexOf(replaceValue, UNSAFE_SUBSTITUTE) === -1 && stringIndexOf(replaceValue, "$<") === -1) {
var res = maybeCallNative(nativeReplace, rx, S3, replaceValue);
if (res.done)
return res.value;
var functionalReplace = isCallable(replaceValue);
if (!functionalReplace)
replaceValue = toString(replaceValue);
var global2 = rx.global;
var fullUnicode;
if (global2) {
fullUnicode = rx.unicode;
rx.lastIndex = 0;
var results = [];
var result;
while (true) {
result = regExpExec(rx, S3);
if (result === null)
push(results, result);
if (!global2)
var matchStr = toString(result[0]);
if (matchStr === "")
rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S3, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);
var accumulatedResult = "";
var nextSourcePosition = 0;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < results.length; i4++) {
result = results[i4];
var matched = toString(result[0]);
var position = max2(min2(toIntegerOrInfinity(result.index), S3.length), 0);
var captures = [];
var replacement;
for (var j3 = 1; j3 < result.length; j3++)
push(captures, maybeToString(result[j3]));
var namedCaptures = result.groups;
if (functionalReplace) {
var replacerArgs = concat([matched], captures, position, S3);
if (namedCaptures !== void 0)
push(replacerArgs, namedCaptures);
replacement = toString(apply(replaceValue, void 0, replacerArgs));
} else {
replacement = getSubstitution(matched, S3, position, captures, namedCaptures, replaceValue);
if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {
accumulatedResult += stringSlice(S3, nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement;
nextSourcePosition = position + matched.length;
return accumulatedResult + stringSlice(S3, nextSourcePosition);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.replace-all.js
var require_es_string_replace_all = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.replace-all.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var isRegExp = require_is_regexp();
var toString = require_to_string();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var getRegExpFlags = require_regexp_get_flags();
var getSubstitution = require_get_substitution();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var REPLACE = wellKnownSymbol("replace");
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var indexOf2 = uncurryThis("".indexOf);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var max2 = Math.max;
$2({ target: "String", proto: true }, {
replaceAll: function replaceAll(searchValue, replaceValue) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var IS_REG_EXP, flags, replacer, string, searchString, functionalReplace, searchLength, advanceBy, replacement;
var position = 0;
var endOfLastMatch = 0;
var result = "";
if (!isNullOrUndefined(searchValue)) {
IS_REG_EXP = isRegExp(searchValue);
if (IS_REG_EXP) {
flags = toString(requireObjectCoercible(getRegExpFlags(searchValue)));
if (!~indexOf2(flags, "g"))
throw new $TypeError("`.replaceAll` does not allow non-global regexes");
replacer = getMethod(searchValue, REPLACE);
if (replacer) {
return call(replacer, searchValue, O3, replaceValue);
} else if (IS_PURE && IS_REG_EXP) {
return replace(toString(O3), searchValue, replaceValue);
string = toString(O3);
searchString = toString(searchValue);
functionalReplace = isCallable(replaceValue);
if (!functionalReplace)
replaceValue = toString(replaceValue);
searchLength = searchString.length;
advanceBy = max2(1, searchLength);
position = indexOf2(string, searchString);
while (position !== -1) {
replacement = functionalReplace ? toString(replaceValue(searchString, position, string)) : getSubstitution(searchString, string, position, [], void 0, replaceValue);
result += stringSlice(string, endOfLastMatch, position) + replacement;
endOfLastMatch = position + searchLength;
position = position + advanceBy > string.length ? -1 : indexOf2(string, searchString, position + advanceBy);
if (endOfLastMatch < string.length) {
result += stringSlice(string, endOfLastMatch);
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.search.js
var require_es_string_search = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.search.js"() {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require_fix_regexp_well_known_symbol_logic();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var sameValue = require_same_value();
var toString = require_to_string();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var regExpExec = require_regexp_exec_abstract();
fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic("search", function(SEARCH, nativeSearch, maybeCallNative) {
return [
function search(regexp) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var searcher = isNullOrUndefined(regexp) ? void 0 : getMethod(regexp, SEARCH);
return searcher ? call(searcher, regexp, O3) : new RegExp(regexp)[SEARCH](toString(O3));
function(string) {
var rx = anObject(this);
var S3 = toString(string);
var res = maybeCallNative(nativeSearch, rx, S3);
if (res.done)
return res.value;
var previousLastIndex = rx.lastIndex;
if (!sameValue(previousLastIndex, 0))
rx.lastIndex = 0;
var result = regExpExec(rx, S3);
if (!sameValue(rx.lastIndex, previousLastIndex))
rx.lastIndex = previousLastIndex;
return result === null ? -1 : result.index;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.split.js
var require_es_string_split = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.split.js"() {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require_fix_regexp_well_known_symbol_logic();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var advanceStringIndex = require_advance_string_index();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var getMethod = require_get_method();
var regExpExec = require_regexp_exec_abstract();
var stickyHelpers = require_regexp_sticky_helpers();
var fails = require_fails();
var MAX_UINT32 = 4294967295;
var min2 = Math.min;
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC = !fails(function() {
var re2 = /(?:)/;
var originalExec = re2.exec;
re2.exec = function() {
return originalExec.apply(this, arguments);
var result = "ab".split(re2);
return result.length !== 2 || result[0] !== "a" || result[1] !== "b";
var BUGGY = "abbc".split(/(b)*/)[1] === "c" || "test".split(/(?:)/, -1).length !== 4 || "ab".split(/(?:ab)*/).length !== 2 || ".".split(/(.?)(.?)/).length !== 4 || ".".split(/()()/).length > 1 || "".split(/.?/).length;
fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic("split", function(SPLIT, nativeSplit, maybeCallNative) {
var internalSplit = "0".split(void 0, 0).length ? function(separator, limit) {
return separator === void 0 && limit === 0 ? [] : call(nativeSplit, this, separator, limit);
} : nativeSplit;
return [
function split(separator, limit) {
var O3 = requireObjectCoercible(this);
var splitter = isNullOrUndefined(separator) ? void 0 : getMethod(separator, SPLIT);
return splitter ? call(splitter, separator, O3, limit) : call(internalSplit, toString(O3), separator, limit);
function(string, limit) {
var rx = anObject(this);
var S3 = toString(string);
if (!BUGGY) {
var res = maybeCallNative(internalSplit, rx, S3, limit, internalSplit !== nativeSplit);
if (res.done)
return res.value;
var C3 = speciesConstructor(rx, RegExp);
var unicodeMatching = rx.unicode;
var flags = (rx.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (rx.multiline ? "m" : "") + (rx.unicode ? "u" : "") + (UNSUPPORTED_Y ? "g" : "y");
var splitter = new C3(UNSUPPORTED_Y ? "^(?:" + rx.source + ")" : rx, flags);
var lim2 = limit === void 0 ? MAX_UINT32 : limit >>> 0;
if (lim2 === 0)
return [];
if (S3.length === 0)
return regExpExec(splitter, S3) === null ? [S3] : [];
var p3 = 0;
var q3 = 0;
var A3 = [];
while (q3 < S3.length) {
splitter.lastIndex = UNSUPPORTED_Y ? 0 : q3;
var z3 = regExpExec(splitter, UNSUPPORTED_Y ? stringSlice(S3, q3) : S3);
var e4;
if (z3 === null || (e4 = min2(toLength(splitter.lastIndex + (UNSUPPORTED_Y ? q3 : 0)), S3.length)) === p3) {
q3 = advanceStringIndex(S3, q3, unicodeMatching);
} else {
push(A3, stringSlice(S3, p3, q3));
if (A3.length === lim2)
return A3;
for (var i4 = 1; i4 <= z3.length - 1; i4++) {
push(A3, z3[i4]);
if (A3.length === lim2)
return A3;
q3 = p3 = e4;
push(A3, stringSlice(S3, p3));
return A3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.starts-with.js
var require_es_string_starts_with = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.starts-with.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor().f;
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var notARegExp = require_not_a_regexp();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var correctIsRegExpLogic = require_correct_is_regexp_logic();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var min2 = Math.min;
var CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC = correctIsRegExpLogic("startsWith");
var descriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptor(String.prototype, "startsWith");
return descriptor && !descriptor.writable;
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: !MDN_POLYFILL_BUG && !CORRECT_IS_REGEXP_LOGIC }, {
startsWith: function startsWith(searchString) {
var that = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var index2 = toLength(min2(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, that.length));
var search = toString(searchString);
return stringSlice(that, index2, index2 + search.length) === search;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.substr.js
var require_es_string_substr = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.substr.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toString = require_to_string();
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var max2 = Math.max;
var min2 = Math.min;
var FORCED = !"".substr || "ab".substr(-1) !== "b";
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: FORCED }, {
substr: function substr(start3, length) {
var that = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
var size = that.length;
var intStart = toIntegerOrInfinity(start3);
var intLength, intEnd;
if (intStart === Infinity)
intStart = 0;
if (intStart < 0)
intStart = max2(size + intStart, 0);
intLength = length === void 0 ? size : toIntegerOrInfinity(length);
if (intLength <= 0 || intLength === Infinity)
return "";
intEnd = min2(intStart + intLength, size);
return intStart >= intEnd ? "" : stringSlice(that, intStart, intEnd);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.to-well-formed.js
var require_es_string_to_well_formed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.to-well-formed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toString = require_to_string();
var fails = require_fails();
var $Array = Array;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var $toWellFormed = "".toWellFormed;
var TO_STRING_CONVERSION_BUG = $toWellFormed && fails(function() {
return call($toWellFormed, 1) !== "1";
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: TO_STRING_CONVERSION_BUG }, {
toWellFormed: function toWellFormed() {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible(this));
return call($toWellFormed, S3);
var length = S3.length;
var result = $Array(length);
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4++) {
var charCode = charCodeAt(S3, i4);
if ((charCode & 63488) !== 55296)
result[i4] = charAt(S3, i4);
else if (charCode >= 56320 || i4 + 1 >= length || (charCodeAt(S3, i4 + 1) & 64512) !== 56320)
else {
result[i4] = charAt(S3, i4);
result[++i4] = charAt(S3, i4);
return join(result, "");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-forced.js
var require_string_trim_forced = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-forced.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME = require_function_name().PROPER;
var fails = require_fails();
var whitespaces = require_whitespaces();
var non = "\u200B\x85\u180E";
module2.exports = function(METHOD_NAME) {
return fails(function() {
return !!whitespaces[METHOD_NAME]() || non[METHOD_NAME]() !== non || PROPER_FUNCTION_NAME && whitespaces[METHOD_NAME].name !== METHOD_NAME;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim.js
var require_es_string_trim = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var $trim = require_string_trim().trim;
var forcedStringTrimMethod = require_string_trim_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringTrimMethod("trim") }, {
trim: function trim() {
return $trim(this);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-end.js
var require_string_trim_end = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-end.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $trimEnd = require_string_trim().end;
var forcedStringTrimMethod = require_string_trim_forced();
module2.exports = forcedStringTrimMethod("trimEnd") ? function trimEnd() {
return $trimEnd(this);
} : "".trimEnd;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-right.js
var require_es_string_trim_right = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-right.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var trimEnd = require_string_trim_end();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, name: "trimEnd", forced: "".trimRight !== trimEnd }, {
trimRight: trimEnd
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-end.js
var require_es_string_trim_end = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-end.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var trimEnd = require_string_trim_end();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, name: "trimEnd", forced: "".trimEnd !== trimEnd }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-start.js
var require_string_trim_start = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-trim-start.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $trimStart = require_string_trim().start;
var forcedStringTrimMethod = require_string_trim_forced();
module2.exports = forcedStringTrimMethod("trimStart") ? function trimStart() {
return $trimStart(this);
} : "".trimStart;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-left.js
var require_es_string_trim_left = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-left.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var trimStart = require_string_trim_start();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, name: "trimStart", forced: "".trimLeft !== trimStart }, {
trimLeft: trimStart
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-start.js
var require_es_string_trim_start = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.trim-start.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var trimStart = require_string_trim_start();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, name: "trimStart", forced: "".trimStart !== trimStart }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/create-html.js
var require_create_html = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/create-html.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var requireObjectCoercible = require_require_object_coercible();
var toString = require_to_string();
var quot = /"/g;
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
module2.exports = function(string, tag, attribute, value) {
var S3 = toString(requireObjectCoercible(string));
var p1 = "<" + tag;
if (attribute !== "")
p1 += " " + attribute + '="' + replace(toString(value), quot, """) + '"';
return p1 + ">" + S3 + "" + tag + ">";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-html-forced.js
var require_string_html_forced = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-html-forced.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
module2.exports = function(METHOD_NAME) {
return fails(function() {
var test = ""[METHOD_NAME]('"');
return test !== test.toLowerCase() || test.split('"').length > 3;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.anchor.js
var require_es_string_anchor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.anchor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("anchor") }, {
anchor: function anchor(name) {
return createHTML(this, "a", "name", name);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.big.js
var require_es_string_big = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.big.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("big") }, {
big: function big() {
return createHTML(this, "big", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.blink.js
var require_es_string_blink = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.blink.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("blink") }, {
blink: function blink() {
return createHTML(this, "blink", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.bold.js
var require_es_string_bold = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.bold.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("bold") }, {
bold: function bold() {
return createHTML(this, "b", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fixed.js
var require_es_string_fixed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fixed.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("fixed") }, {
fixed: function fixed() {
return createHTML(this, "tt", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fontcolor.js
var require_es_string_fontcolor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fontcolor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("fontcolor") }, {
fontcolor: function fontcolor(color2) {
return createHTML(this, "font", "color", color2);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fontsize.js
var require_es_string_fontsize = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.fontsize.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("fontsize") }, {
fontsize: function fontsize(size) {
return createHTML(this, "font", "size", size);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.italics.js
var require_es_string_italics = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.italics.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("italics") }, {
italics: function italics() {
return createHTML(this, "i", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.link.js
var require_es_string_link = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.link.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("link") }, {
link: function link(url) {
return createHTML(this, "a", "href", url);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.small.js
var require_es_string_small = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.small.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("small") }, {
small: function small() {
return createHTML(this, "small", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.strike.js
var require_es_string_strike = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.strike.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("strike") }, {
strike: function strike() {
return createHTML(this, "strike", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.sub.js
var require_es_string_sub = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.sub.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("sub") }, {
sub: function sub() {
return createHTML(this, "sub", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.sup.js
var require_es_string_sup = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.string.sup.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var createHTML = require_create_html();
var forcedStringHTMLMethod = require_string_html_forced();
$2({ target: "String", proto: true, forced: forcedStringHTMLMethod("sup") }, {
sup: function sup() {
return createHTML(this, "sup", "", "");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-constructors-require-wrappers.js
var require_typed_array_constructors_require_wrappers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-constructors-require-wrappers.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var checkCorrectnessOfIteration = require_check_correctness_of_iteration();
var NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS = require_array_buffer_view_core().NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS;
var ArrayBuffer2 = global2.ArrayBuffer;
var Int8Array2 = global2.Int8Array;
module2.exports = !NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS || !fails(function() {
}) || !fails(function() {
new Int8Array2(-1);
}) || !checkCorrectnessOfIteration(function(iterable) {
new Int8Array2();
new Int8Array2(null);
new Int8Array2(1.5);
new Int8Array2(iterable);
}, true) || fails(function() {
return new Int8Array2(new ArrayBuffer2(2), 1, void 0).length !== 1;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-positive-integer.js
var require_to_positive_integer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-positive-integer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
var result = toIntegerOrInfinity(it2);
if (result < 0)
throw new $RangeError("The argument can't be less than 0");
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-offset.js
var require_to_offset = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-offset.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toPositiveInteger = require_to_positive_integer();
var $RangeError = RangeError;
module2.exports = function(it2, BYTES) {
var offset3 = toPositiveInteger(it2);
if (offset3 % BYTES)
throw new $RangeError("Wrong offset");
return offset3;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-uint8-clamped.js
var require_to_uint8_clamped = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-uint8-clamped.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var round3 = Math.round;
module2.exports = function(it2) {
var value = round3(it2);
return value < 0 ? 0 : value > 255 ? 255 : value & 255;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/is-big-int-array.js
var require_is_big_int_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/is-big-int-array.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var classof = require_classof();
module2.exports = function(it2) {
var klass = classof(it2);
return klass === "BigInt64Array" || klass === "BigUint64Array";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/to-big-int.js
var require_to_big_int = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/to-big-int.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var toPrimitive = require_to_primitive();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
module2.exports = function(argument) {
var prim = toPrimitive(argument, "number");
if (typeof prim == "number")
throw new $TypeError("Can't convert number to bigint");
return BigInt(prim);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-from.js
var require_typed_array_from = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-from.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var call = require_function_call();
var aConstructor = require_a_constructor();
var toObject = require_to_object();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var getIterator = require_get_iterator();
var getIteratorMethod = require_get_iterator_method();
var isArrayIteratorMethod = require_is_array_iterator_method();
var isBigIntArray = require_is_big_int_array();
var aTypedArrayConstructor = require_array_buffer_view_core().aTypedArrayConstructor;
var toBigInt = require_to_big_int();
module2.exports = function from(source) {
var C3 = aConstructor(this);
var O3 = toObject(source);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var mapfn = argumentsLength > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
var mapping = mapfn !== void 0;
var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(O3);
var i4, length, result, thisIsBigIntArray, value, step, iterator, next;
if (iteratorMethod && !isArrayIteratorMethod(iteratorMethod)) {
iterator = getIterator(O3, iteratorMethod);
next = iterator.next;
O3 = [];
while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) {
if (mapping && argumentsLength > 2) {
mapfn = bind2(mapfn, arguments[2]);
length = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
result = new (aTypedArrayConstructor(C3))(length);
thisIsBigIntArray = isBigIntArray(result);
for (i4 = 0; length > i4; i4++) {
value = mapping ? mapfn(O3[i4], i4) : O3[i4];
result[i4] = thisIsBigIntArray ? toBigInt(value) : +value;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-constructor.js
var require_typed_array_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var call = require_function_call();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var TYPED_ARRAYS_CONSTRUCTORS_REQUIRES_WRAPPERS = require_typed_array_constructors_require_wrappers();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var ArrayBufferModule = require_array_buffer();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var isIntegralNumber = require_is_integral_number();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toIndex = require_to_index();
var toOffset = require_to_offset();
var toUint8Clamped = require_to_uint8_clamped();
var toPropertyKey = require_to_property_key();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var classof = require_classof();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var create = require_object_create();
var isPrototypeOf = require_object_is_prototype_of();
var setPrototypeOf = require_object_set_prototype_of();
var getOwnPropertyNames = require_object_get_own_property_names().f;
var typedArrayFrom = require_typed_array_from();
var forEach = require_array_iteration().forEach;
var setSpecies = require_set_species();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var definePropertyModule = require_object_define_property();
var getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule = require_object_get_own_property_descriptor();
var arrayFromConstructorAndList = require_array_from_constructor_and_list();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.get;
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var enforceInternalState = InternalStateModule.enforce;
var nativeDefineProperty = definePropertyModule.f;
var nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f;
var RangeError2 = global2.RangeError;
var ArrayBuffer2 = ArrayBufferModule.ArrayBuffer;
var ArrayBufferPrototype = ArrayBuffer2.prototype;
var DataView2 = ArrayBufferModule.DataView;
var TypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.TypedArray;
var TypedArrayPrototype = ArrayBufferViewCore.TypedArrayPrototype;
var isTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.isTypedArray;
var WRONG_LENGTH = "Wrong length";
var addGetter = function(it2, key) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(it2, key, {
configurable: true,
get: function() {
return getInternalState(this)[key];
var isArrayBuffer = function(it2) {
var klass;
return isPrototypeOf(ArrayBufferPrototype, it2) || (klass = classof(it2)) === "ArrayBuffer" || klass === "SharedArrayBuffer";
var isTypedArrayIndex = function(target, key) {
return isTypedArray(target) && !isSymbol(key) && key in target && isIntegralNumber(+key) && key >= 0;
var wrappedGetOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) {
key = toPropertyKey(key);
return isTypedArrayIndex(target, key) ? createPropertyDescriptor(2, target[key]) : nativeGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
var wrappedDefineProperty = function defineProperty(target, key, descriptor) {
key = toPropertyKey(key);
if (isTypedArrayIndex(target, key) && isObject3(descriptor) && hasOwn(descriptor, "value") && !hasOwn(descriptor, "get") && !hasOwn(descriptor, "set") && !descriptor.configurable && (!hasOwn(descriptor, "writable") || descriptor.writable) && (!hasOwn(descriptor, "enumerable") || descriptor.enumerable)) {
target[key] = descriptor.value;
return target;
return nativeDefineProperty(target, key, descriptor);
getOwnPropertyDescriptorModule.f = wrappedGetOwnPropertyDescriptor;
definePropertyModule.f = wrappedDefineProperty;
addGetter(TypedArrayPrototype, "buffer");
addGetter(TypedArrayPrototype, "byteOffset");
addGetter(TypedArrayPrototype, "byteLength");
addGetter(TypedArrayPrototype, "length");
$2({ target: "Object", stat: true, forced: !NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS }, {
getOwnPropertyDescriptor: wrappedGetOwnPropertyDescriptor,
defineProperty: wrappedDefineProperty
module2.exports = function(TYPE, wrapper, CLAMPED) {
var BYTES = TYPE.match(/\d+/)[0] / 8;
var CONSTRUCTOR_NAME = TYPE + (CLAMPED ? "Clamped" : "") + "Array";
var GETTER = "get" + TYPE;
var SETTER = "set" + TYPE;
var NativeTypedArrayConstructor = global2[CONSTRUCTOR_NAME];
var TypedArrayConstructor = NativeTypedArrayConstructor;
var TypedArrayConstructorPrototype = TypedArrayConstructor && TypedArrayConstructor.prototype;
var exported = {};
var getter = function(that, index2) {
var data = getInternalState(that);
return data.view[GETTER](index2 * BYTES + data.byteOffset, true);
var setter = function(that, index2, value) {
var data = getInternalState(that);
data.view[SETTER](index2 * BYTES + data.byteOffset, CLAMPED ? toUint8Clamped(value) : value, true);
var addElement = function(that, index2) {
nativeDefineProperty(that, index2, {
get: function() {
return getter(this, index2);
set: function(value) {
return setter(this, index2, value);
enumerable: true
TypedArrayConstructor = wrapper(function(that, data, offset3, $length) {
anInstance(that, TypedArrayConstructorPrototype);
var index2 = 0;
var byteOffset = 0;
var buffer, byteLength, length;
if (!isObject3(data)) {
length = toIndex(data);
byteLength = length * BYTES;
buffer = new ArrayBuffer2(byteLength);
} else if (isArrayBuffer(data)) {
buffer = data;
byteOffset = toOffset(offset3, BYTES);
var $len = data.byteLength;
if ($length === void 0) {
if ($len % BYTES)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_LENGTH);
byteLength = $len - byteOffset;
if (byteLength < 0)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_LENGTH);
} else {
byteLength = toLength($length) * BYTES;
if (byteLength + byteOffset > $len)
throw new RangeError2(WRONG_LENGTH);
length = byteLength / BYTES;
} else if (isTypedArray(data)) {
return arrayFromConstructorAndList(TypedArrayConstructor, data);
} else {
return call(typedArrayFrom, TypedArrayConstructor, data);
setInternalState(that, {
view: new DataView2(buffer)
while (index2 < length)
addElement(that, index2++);
if (setPrototypeOf)
setPrototypeOf(TypedArrayConstructor, TypedArray);
TypedArrayConstructorPrototype = TypedArrayConstructor.prototype = create(TypedArrayPrototype);
TypedArrayConstructor = wrapper(function(dummy, data, typedArrayOffset, $length) {
anInstance(dummy, TypedArrayConstructorPrototype);
return inheritIfRequired(function() {
if (!isObject3(data))
return new NativeTypedArrayConstructor(toIndex(data));
if (isArrayBuffer(data))
return $length !== void 0 ? new NativeTypedArrayConstructor(data, toOffset(typedArrayOffset, BYTES), $length) : typedArrayOffset !== void 0 ? new NativeTypedArrayConstructor(data, toOffset(typedArrayOffset, BYTES)) : new NativeTypedArrayConstructor(data);
if (isTypedArray(data))
return arrayFromConstructorAndList(TypedArrayConstructor, data);
return call(typedArrayFrom, TypedArrayConstructor, data);
}(), dummy, TypedArrayConstructor);
if (setPrototypeOf)
setPrototypeOf(TypedArrayConstructor, TypedArray);
forEach(getOwnPropertyNames(NativeTypedArrayConstructor), function(key) {
if (!(key in TypedArrayConstructor)) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(TypedArrayConstructor, key, NativeTypedArrayConstructor[key]);
TypedArrayConstructor.prototype = TypedArrayConstructorPrototype;
if (TypedArrayConstructorPrototype.constructor !== TypedArrayConstructor) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(TypedArrayConstructorPrototype, "constructor", TypedArrayConstructor);
enforceInternalState(TypedArrayConstructorPrototype).TypedArrayConstructor = TypedArrayConstructor;
createNonEnumerableProperty(TypedArrayConstructorPrototype, TYPED_ARRAY_TAG, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
var FORCED = TypedArrayConstructor !== NativeTypedArrayConstructor;
exported[CONSTRUCTOR_NAME] = TypedArrayConstructor;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: FORCED, sham: !NATIVE_ARRAY_BUFFER_VIEWS }, exported);
if (!(BYTES_PER_ELEMENT in TypedArrayConstructor)) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(TypedArrayConstructor, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, BYTES);
if (!(BYTES_PER_ELEMENT in TypedArrayConstructorPrototype)) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(TypedArrayConstructorPrototype, BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, BYTES);
} else
module2.exports = function() {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.float32-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_float32_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.float32-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Float32", function(init2) {
return function Float32Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.float64-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_float64_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.float64-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Float64", function(init2) {
return function Float64Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int8-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_int8_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int8-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Int8", function(init2) {
return function Int8Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int16-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_int16_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int16-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Int16", function(init2) {
return function Int16Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int32-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_int32_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.int32-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Int32", function(init2) {
return function Int32Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint8-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_uint8_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint8-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Uint8", function(init2) {
return function Uint8Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint8-clamped-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_uint8_clamped_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint8-clamped-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Uint8", function(init2) {
return function Uint8ClampedArray2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
}, true);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint16-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_uint16_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint16-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Uint16", function(init2) {
return function Uint16Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint32-array.js
var require_es_typed_array_uint32_array = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.uint32-array.js"() {
"use strict";
var createTypedArrayConstructor = require_typed_array_constructor();
createTypedArrayConstructor("Uint32", function(init2) {
return function Uint32Array2(data, byteOffset, length) {
return init2(this, data, byteOffset, length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.at.js
var require_es_typed_array_at = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.at.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("at", function at2(index2) {
var O3 = aTypedArray(this);
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(O3);
var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
var k3 = relativeIndex >= 0 ? relativeIndex : len + relativeIndex;
return k3 < 0 || k3 >= len ? void 0 : O3[k3];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.copy-within.js
var require_es_typed_array_copy_within = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.copy-within.js"() {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $ArrayCopyWithin = require_array_copy_within();
var u$ArrayCopyWithin = uncurryThis($ArrayCopyWithin);
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("copyWithin", function copyWithin(target, start3) {
return u$ArrayCopyWithin(aTypedArray(this), target, start3, arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.every.js
var require_es_typed_array_every = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.every.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $every = require_array_iteration().every;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("every", function every(callbackfn) {
return $every(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.fill.js
var require_es_typed_array_fill = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.fill.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $fill = require_array_fill();
var toBigInt = require_to_big_int();
var classof = require_classof();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var slice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var CONVERSION_BUG = fails(function() {
var count = 0;
new Int8Array(2).fill({ valueOf: function() {
return count++;
} });
return count !== 1;
exportTypedArrayMethod("fill", function fill(value) {
var length = arguments.length;
var actualValue = slice(classof(this), 0, 3) === "Big" ? toBigInt(value) : +value;
return call($fill, this, actualValue, length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-species-constructor.js
var require_typed_array_species_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-species-constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var speciesConstructor = require_species_constructor();
var aTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArrayConstructor;
var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor;
module2.exports = function(originalArray) {
return aTypedArrayConstructor(speciesConstructor(originalArray, getTypedArrayConstructor(originalArray)));
// node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-from-species-and-list.js
var require_typed_array_from_species_and_list = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/typed-array-from-species-and-list.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var arrayFromConstructorAndList = require_array_from_constructor_and_list();
var typedArraySpeciesConstructor = require_typed_array_species_constructor();
module2.exports = function(instance, list) {
return arrayFromConstructorAndList(typedArraySpeciesConstructor(instance), list);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.filter.js
var require_es_typed_array_filter = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.filter.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $filter = require_array_iteration().filter;
var fromSpeciesAndList = require_typed_array_from_species_and_list();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("filter", function filter2(callbackfn) {
var list = $filter(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
return fromSpeciesAndList(this, list);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find.js
var require_es_typed_array_find = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $find = require_array_iteration().find;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("find", function find(predicate) {
return $find(aTypedArray(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-index.js
var require_es_typed_array_find_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-index.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $findIndex = require_array_iteration().findIndex;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("findIndex", function findIndex2(predicate) {
return $findIndex(aTypedArray(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-last.js
var require_es_typed_array_find_last = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-last.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $findLast = require_array_iteration_from_last().findLast;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("findLast", function findLast(predicate) {
return $findLast(aTypedArray(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-last-index.js
var require_es_typed_array_find_last_index = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.find-last-index.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $findLastIndex = require_array_iteration_from_last().findLastIndex;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("findLastIndex", function findLastIndex(predicate) {
return $findLastIndex(aTypedArray(this), predicate, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.for-each.js
var require_es_typed_array_for_each = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.for-each.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $forEach = require_array_iteration().forEach;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("forEach", function forEach(callbackfn) {
$forEach(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.from.js
var require_es_typed_array_from = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.from.js"() {
"use strict";
var TYPED_ARRAYS_CONSTRUCTORS_REQUIRES_WRAPPERS = require_typed_array_constructors_require_wrappers();
var exportTypedArrayStaticMethod = require_array_buffer_view_core().exportTypedArrayStaticMethod;
var typedArrayFrom = require_typed_array_from();
exportTypedArrayStaticMethod("from", typedArrayFrom, TYPED_ARRAYS_CONSTRUCTORS_REQUIRES_WRAPPERS);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.includes.js
var require_es_typed_array_includes = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.includes.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $includes = require_array_includes().includes;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("includes", function includes(searchElement) {
return $includes(aTypedArray(this), searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.index-of.js
var require_es_typed_array_index_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.index-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $indexOf = require_array_includes().indexOf;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("indexOf", function indexOf2(searchElement) {
return $indexOf(aTypedArray(this), searchElement, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.iterator.js
var require_es_typed_array_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.iterator.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var ArrayIterators = require_es_array_iterator();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var Uint8Array2 = global2.Uint8Array;
var arrayValues = uncurryThis(ArrayIterators.values);
var arrayKeys = uncurryThis(ArrayIterators.keys);
var arrayEntries = uncurryThis(ArrayIterators.entries);
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var TypedArrayPrototype = Uint8Array2 && Uint8Array2.prototype;
var GENERIC = !fails(function() {
var ITERATOR_IS_VALUES = !!TypedArrayPrototype && TypedArrayPrototype.values && TypedArrayPrototype[ITERATOR] === TypedArrayPrototype.values && TypedArrayPrototype.values.name === "values";
var typedArrayValues = function values() {
return arrayValues(aTypedArray(this));
exportTypedArrayMethod("entries", function entries() {
return arrayEntries(aTypedArray(this));
exportTypedArrayMethod("keys", function keys() {
return arrayKeys(aTypedArray(this));
exportTypedArrayMethod("values", typedArrayValues, GENERIC || !ITERATOR_IS_VALUES, { name: "values" });
exportTypedArrayMethod(ITERATOR, typedArrayValues, GENERIC || !ITERATOR_IS_VALUES, { name: "values" });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.join.js
var require_es_typed_array_join = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.join.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var $join = uncurryThis([].join);
exportTypedArrayMethod("join", function join(separator) {
return $join(aTypedArray(this), separator);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.last-index-of.js
var require_es_typed_array_last_index_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.last-index-of.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var $lastIndexOf = require_array_last_index_of();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("lastIndexOf", function lastIndexOf(searchElement) {
var length = arguments.length;
return apply($lastIndexOf, aTypedArray(this), length > 1 ? [searchElement, arguments[1]] : [searchElement]);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.map.js
var require_es_typed_array_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.map.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $map = require_array_iteration().map;
var typedArraySpeciesConstructor = require_typed_array_species_constructor();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("map", function map3(mapfn) {
return $map(aTypedArray(this), mapfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, function(O3, length) {
return new (typedArraySpeciesConstructor(O3))(length);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.of.js
var require_es_typed_array_of = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.of.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var TYPED_ARRAYS_CONSTRUCTORS_REQUIRES_WRAPPERS = require_typed_array_constructors_require_wrappers();
var aTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArrayConstructor;
var exportTypedArrayStaticMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayStaticMethod;
exportTypedArrayStaticMethod("of", function of() {
var index2 = 0;
var length = arguments.length;
var result = new (aTypedArrayConstructor(this))(length);
while (length > index2)
result[index2] = arguments[index2++];
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reduce.js
var require_es_typed_array_reduce = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reduce.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $reduce = require_array_reduce().left;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("reduce", function reduce(callbackfn) {
var length = arguments.length;
return $reduce(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, length, length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reduce-right.js
var require_es_typed_array_reduce_right = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reduce-right.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $reduceRight = require_array_reduce().right;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("reduceRight", function reduceRight(callbackfn) {
var length = arguments.length;
return $reduceRight(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, length, length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reverse.js
var require_es_typed_array_reverse = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.reverse.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var floor = Math.floor;
exportTypedArrayMethod("reverse", function reverse() {
var that = this;
var length = aTypedArray(that).length;
var middle = floor(length / 2);
var index2 = 0;
var value;
while (index2 < middle) {
value = that[index2];
that[index2++] = that[--length];
that[length] = value;
return that;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.set.js
var require_es_typed_array_set = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.set.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var call = require_function_call();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var toOffset = require_to_offset();
var toIndexedObject = require_to_object();
var fails = require_fails();
var RangeError2 = global2.RangeError;
var Int8Array2 = global2.Int8Array;
var Int8ArrayPrototype = Int8Array2 && Int8Array2.prototype;
var $set = Int8ArrayPrototype && Int8ArrayPrototype.set;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var array = new Uint8ClampedArray(2);
call($set, array, { length: 1, 0: 3 }, 1);
return array[1] !== 3;
var array = new Int8Array2(2);
array.set("2", 1);
return array[0] !== 0 || array[1] !== 2;
exportTypedArrayMethod("set", function set2(arrayLike) {
var offset3 = toOffset(arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, 1);
var src = toIndexedObject(arrayLike);
return call($set, this, src, offset3);
var length = this.length;
var len = lengthOfArrayLike(src);
var index2 = 0;
if (len + offset3 > length)
throw new RangeError2("Wrong length");
while (index2 < len)
this[offset3 + index2] = src[index2++];
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.slice.js
var require_es_typed_array_slice = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.slice.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var typedArraySpeciesConstructor = require_typed_array_species_constructor();
var fails = require_fails();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var FORCED = fails(function() {
new Int8Array(1).slice();
exportTypedArrayMethod("slice", function slice(start3, end2) {
var list = arraySlice(aTypedArray(this), start3, end2);
var C3 = typedArraySpeciesConstructor(this);
var index2 = 0;
var length = list.length;
var result = new C3(length);
while (length > index2)
result[index2] = list[index2++];
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.some.js
var require_es_typed_array_some = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.some.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var $some = require_array_iteration().some;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("some", function some(callbackfn) {
return $some(aTypedArray(this), callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.sort.js
var require_es_typed_array_sort = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.sort.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this_clause();
var fails = require_fails();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var internalSort = require_array_sort();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var FF = require_engine_ff_version();
var IE_OR_EDGE = require_engine_is_ie_or_edge();
var V8 = require_engine_v8_version();
var WEBKIT = require_engine_webkit_version();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var Uint16Array2 = global2.Uint16Array;
var nativeSort = Uint16Array2 && uncurryThis(Uint16Array2.prototype.sort);
var ACCEPT_INCORRECT_ARGUMENTS = !!nativeSort && !(fails(function() {
nativeSort(new Uint16Array2(2), null);
}) && fails(function() {
nativeSort(new Uint16Array2(2), {});
var STABLE_SORT = !!nativeSort && !fails(function() {
if (V8)
return V8 < 74;
if (FF)
return FF < 67;
return true;
return WEBKIT < 602;
var array = new Uint16Array2(516);
var expected = Array(516);
var index2, mod;
for (index2 = 0; index2 < 516; index2++) {
mod = index2 % 4;
array[index2] = 515 - index2;
expected[index2] = index2 - 2 * mod + 3;
nativeSort(array, function(a4, b3) {
return (a4 / 4 | 0) - (b3 / 4 | 0);
for (index2 = 0; index2 < 516; index2++) {
if (array[index2] !== expected[index2])
return true;
var getSortCompare = function(comparefn) {
return function(x3, y3) {
if (comparefn !== void 0)
return +comparefn(x3, y3) || 0;
if (y3 !== y3)
return -1;
if (x3 !== x3)
return 1;
if (x3 === 0 && y3 === 0)
return 1 / x3 > 0 && 1 / y3 < 0 ? 1 : -1;
return x3 > y3;
exportTypedArrayMethod("sort", function sort(comparefn) {
if (comparefn !== void 0)
return nativeSort(this, comparefn);
return internalSort(aTypedArray(this), getSortCompare(comparefn));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.subarray.js
var require_es_typed_array_subarray = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.subarray.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var toLength = require_to_length();
var toAbsoluteIndex = require_to_absolute_index();
var typedArraySpeciesConstructor = require_typed_array_species_constructor();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
exportTypedArrayMethod("subarray", function subarray(begin, end2) {
var O3 = aTypedArray(this);
var length = O3.length;
var beginIndex = toAbsoluteIndex(begin, length);
var C3 = typedArraySpeciesConstructor(O3);
return new C3(
O3.byteOffset + beginIndex * O3.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
toLength((end2 === void 0 ? length : toAbsoluteIndex(end2, length)) - beginIndex)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-locale-string.js
var require_es_typed_array_to_locale_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-locale-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var fails = require_fails();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var Int8Array2 = global2.Int8Array;
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var $toLocaleString = [].toLocaleString;
var TO_LOCALE_STRING_BUG = !!Int8Array2 && fails(function() {
$toLocaleString.call(new Int8Array2(1));
var FORCED = fails(function() {
return [1, 2].toLocaleString() !== new Int8Array2([1, 2]).toLocaleString();
}) || !fails(function() {
Int8Array2.prototype.toLocaleString.call([1, 2]);
exportTypedArrayMethod("toLocaleString", function toLocaleString() {
return apply(
TO_LOCALE_STRING_BUG ? arraySlice(aTypedArray(this)) : aTypedArray(this),
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-reversed.js
var require_es_typed_array_to_reversed = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-reversed.js"() {
"use strict";
var arrayToReversed = require_array_to_reversed();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor;
exportTypedArrayMethod("toReversed", function toReversed() {
return arrayToReversed(aTypedArray(this), getTypedArrayConstructor(this));
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-sorted.js
var require_es_typed_array_to_sorted = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-sorted.js"() {
"use strict";
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var arrayFromConstructorAndList = require_array_from_constructor_and_list();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var sort = uncurryThis(ArrayBufferViewCore.TypedArrayPrototype.sort);
exportTypedArrayMethod("toSorted", function toSorted(compareFn) {
if (compareFn !== void 0)
var O3 = aTypedArray(this);
var A3 = arrayFromConstructorAndList(getTypedArrayConstructor(O3), O3);
return sort(A3, compareFn);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-string.js
var require_es_typed_array_to_string = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.to-string.js"() {
"use strict";
var exportTypedArrayMethod = require_array_buffer_view_core().exportTypedArrayMethod;
var fails = require_fails();
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var Uint8Array2 = global2.Uint8Array;
var Uint8ArrayPrototype = Uint8Array2 && Uint8Array2.prototype || {};
var arrayToString = [].toString;
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
if (fails(function() {
})) {
arrayToString = function toString() {
return join(this);
var IS_NOT_ARRAY_METHOD = Uint8ArrayPrototype.toString !== arrayToString;
exportTypedArrayMethod("toString", arrayToString, IS_NOT_ARRAY_METHOD);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.with.js
var require_es_typed_array_with = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.typed-array.with.js"() {
"use strict";
var arrayWith = require_array_with();
var ArrayBufferViewCore = require_array_buffer_view_core();
var isBigIntArray = require_is_big_int_array();
var toIntegerOrInfinity = require_to_integer_or_infinity();
var toBigInt = require_to_big_int();
var aTypedArray = ArrayBufferViewCore.aTypedArray;
var getTypedArrayConstructor = ArrayBufferViewCore.getTypedArrayConstructor;
var exportTypedArrayMethod = ArrayBufferViewCore.exportTypedArrayMethod;
var PROPER_ORDER = !!function() {
try {
new Int8Array(1)["with"](2, { valueOf: function() {
throw 8;
} });
} catch (error2) {
return error2 === 8;
exportTypedArrayMethod("with", { "with": function(index2, value) {
var O3 = aTypedArray(this);
var relativeIndex = toIntegerOrInfinity(index2);
var actualValue = isBigIntArray(O3) ? toBigInt(value) : +value;
return arrayWith(O3, getTypedArrayConstructor(O3), relativeIndex, actualValue);
} }["with"], !PROPER_ORDER);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.unescape.js
var require_es_unescape = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.unescape.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var hex2 = /^[\da-f]{2}$/i;
var hex4 = /^[\da-f]{4}$/i;
$2({ global: true }, {
unescape: function unescape3(string) {
var str = toString(string);
var result = "";
var length = str.length;
var index2 = 0;
var chr, part;
while (index2 < length) {
chr = charAt(str, index2++);
if (chr === "%") {
if (charAt(str, index2) === "u") {
part = stringSlice(str, index2 + 1, index2 + 5);
if (exec(hex4, part)) {
result += fromCharCode(parseInt(part, 16));
index2 += 5;
} else {
part = stringSlice(str, index2, index2 + 2);
if (exec(hex2, part)) {
result += fromCharCode(parseInt(part, 16));
index2 += 2;
result += chr;
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/collection-weak.js
var require_collection_weak = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/collection-weak.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltIns = require_define_built_ins();
var getWeakData = require_internal_metadata().getWeakData;
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var ArrayIterationModule = require_array_iteration();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var internalStateGetterFor = InternalStateModule.getterFor;
var find = ArrayIterationModule.find;
var findIndex2 = ArrayIterationModule.findIndex;
var splice = uncurryThis([].splice);
var id = 0;
var uncaughtFrozenStore = function(state) {
return state.frozen || (state.frozen = new UncaughtFrozenStore());
var UncaughtFrozenStore = function() {
this.entries = [];
var findUncaughtFrozen = function(store, key) {
return find(store.entries, function(it2) {
return it2[0] === key;
UncaughtFrozenStore.prototype = {
get: function(key) {
var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);
if (entry)
return entry[1];
has: function(key) {
return !!findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);
set: function(key, value) {
var entry = findUncaughtFrozen(this, key);
if (entry)
entry[1] = value;
this.entries.push([key, value]);
"delete": function(key) {
var index2 = findIndex2(this.entries, function(it2) {
return it2[0] === key;
if (~index2)
splice(this.entries, index2, 1);
return !!~index2;
module2.exports = {
getConstructor: function(wrapper, CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, IS_MAP, ADDER) {
var Constructor = wrapper(function(that, iterable) {
anInstance(that, Prototype);
setInternalState(that, {
id: id++,
frozen: void 0
if (!isNullOrUndefined(iterable))
iterate(iterable, that[ADDER], { that, AS_ENTRIES: IS_MAP });
var Prototype = Constructor.prototype;
var getInternalState = internalStateGetterFor(CONSTRUCTOR_NAME);
var define2 = function(that, key, value) {
var state = getInternalState(that);
var data = getWeakData(anObject(key), true);
if (data === true)
uncaughtFrozenStore(state).set(key, value);
data[state.id] = value;
return that;
defineBuiltIns(Prototype, {
"delete": function(key) {
var state = getInternalState(this);
if (!isObject3(key))
return false;
var data = getWeakData(key);
if (data === true)
return uncaughtFrozenStore(state)["delete"](key);
return data && hasOwn(data, state.id) && delete data[state.id];
has: function has(key) {
var state = getInternalState(this);
if (!isObject3(key))
return false;
var data = getWeakData(key);
if (data === true)
return uncaughtFrozenStore(state).has(key);
return data && hasOwn(data, state.id);
defineBuiltIns(Prototype, IS_MAP ? {
get: function get(key) {
var state = getInternalState(this);
if (isObject3(key)) {
var data = getWeakData(key);
if (data === true)
return uncaughtFrozenStore(state).get(key);
return data ? data[state.id] : void 0;
set: function set2(key, value) {
return define2(this, key, value);
} : {
add: function add2(value) {
return define2(this, value, true);
return Constructor;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-map.constructor.js
var require_es_weak_map_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-map.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var FREEZING = require_freezing();
var global2 = require_global();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltIns = require_define_built_ins();
var InternalMetadataModule = require_internal_metadata();
var collection = require_collection();
var collectionWeak = require_collection_weak();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var enforceInternalState = require_internal_state().enforce;
var fails = require_fails();
var NATIVE_WEAK_MAP = require_weak_map_basic_detection();
var $Object = Object;
var isArray2 = Array.isArray;
var isExtensible = $Object.isExtensible;
var isFrozen = $Object.isFrozen;
var isSealed = $Object.isSealed;
var freeze = $Object.freeze;
var seal = $Object.seal;
var IS_IE11 = !global2.ActiveXObject && "ActiveXObject" in global2;
var InternalWeakMap;
var wrapper = function(init2) {
return function WeakMap2() {
return init2(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
var $WeakMap = collection("WeakMap", wrapper, collectionWeak);
var WeakMapPrototype = $WeakMap.prototype;
var nativeSet = uncurryThis(WeakMapPrototype.set);
var hasMSEdgeFreezingBug = function() {
return FREEZING && fails(function() {
var frozenArray = freeze([]);
nativeSet(new $WeakMap(), frozenArray, 1);
return !isFrozen(frozenArray);
if (IS_IE11) {
InternalWeakMap = collectionWeak.getConstructor(wrapper, "WeakMap", true);
nativeDelete = uncurryThis(WeakMapPrototype["delete"]);
nativeHas = uncurryThis(WeakMapPrototype.has);
nativeGet = uncurryThis(WeakMapPrototype.get);
defineBuiltIns(WeakMapPrototype, {
"delete": function(key) {
if (isObject3(key) && !isExtensible(key)) {
var state = enforceInternalState(this);
if (!state.frozen)
state.frozen = new InternalWeakMap();
return nativeDelete(this, key) || state.frozen["delete"](key);
return nativeDelete(this, key);
has: function has(key) {
if (isObject3(key) && !isExtensible(key)) {
var state = enforceInternalState(this);
if (!state.frozen)
state.frozen = new InternalWeakMap();
return nativeHas(this, key) || state.frozen.has(key);
return nativeHas(this, key);
get: function get(key) {
if (isObject3(key) && !isExtensible(key)) {
var state = enforceInternalState(this);
if (!state.frozen)
state.frozen = new InternalWeakMap();
return nativeHas(this, key) ? nativeGet(this, key) : state.frozen.get(key);
return nativeGet(this, key);
set: function set2(key, value) {
if (isObject3(key) && !isExtensible(key)) {
var state = enforceInternalState(this);
if (!state.frozen)
state.frozen = new InternalWeakMap();
nativeHas(this, key) ? nativeSet(this, key, value) : state.frozen.set(key, value);
} else
nativeSet(this, key, value);
return this;
} else if (hasMSEdgeFreezingBug()) {
defineBuiltIns(WeakMapPrototype, {
set: function set2(key, value) {
var arrayIntegrityLevel;
if (isArray2(key)) {
if (isFrozen(key))
arrayIntegrityLevel = freeze;
else if (isSealed(key))
arrayIntegrityLevel = seal;
nativeSet(this, key, value);
if (arrayIntegrityLevel)
return this;
var nativeDelete;
var nativeHas;
var nativeGet;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-map.js
var require_es_weak_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-map.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-set.constructor.js
var require_es_weak_set_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-set.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var collection = require_collection();
var collectionWeak = require_collection_weak();
collection("WeakSet", function(init2) {
return function WeakSet2() {
return init2(this, arguments.length ? arguments[0] : void 0);
}, collectionWeak);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-set.js
var require_es_weak_set = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/es.weak-set.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/base64-map.js
var require_base64_map = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/base64-map.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var commonAlphabet = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
var base64Alphabet = commonAlphabet + "+/";
var base64UrlAlphabet = commonAlphabet + "-_";
var inverse = function(characters) {
var result = {};
var index2 = 0;
for (; index2 < 64; index2++)
result[characters.charAt(index2)] = index2;
return result;
module2.exports = {
i2c: base64Alphabet,
c2i: inverse(base64Alphabet),
i2cUrl: base64UrlAlphabet,
c2iUrl: inverse(base64UrlAlphabet)
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.atob.js
var require_web_atob = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.atob.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var call = require_function_call();
var fails = require_fails();
var toString = require_to_string();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var c2i = require_base64_map().c2i;
var disallowed = /[^\d+/a-z]/i;
var whitespaces = /[\t\n\f\r ]+/g;
var finalEq = /[=]{1,2}$/;
var $atob = getBuiltIn("atob");
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var exec = uncurryThis(disallowed.exec);
var BASIC = !!$atob && !fails(function() {
return $atob("aGk=") !== "hi";
var NO_SPACES_IGNORE = BASIC && fails(function() {
return $atob(" ") !== "";
var NO_ENCODING_CHECK = BASIC && !fails(function() {
var NO_ARG_RECEIVING_CHECK = BASIC && !fails(function() {
var WRONG_ARITY = BASIC && $atob.length !== 1;
$2({ global: true, bind: true, enumerable: true, forced: FORCED }, {
atob: function atob2(data) {
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
return call($atob, global2, data);
var string = replace(toString(data), whitespaces, "");
var output = "";
var position = 0;
var bc = 0;
var length, chr, bs;
if (string.length % 4 === 0) {
string = replace(string, finalEq, "");
length = string.length;
if (length % 4 === 1 || exec(disallowed, string)) {
throw new (getBuiltIn("DOMException"))("The string is not correctly encoded", "InvalidCharacterError");
while (position < length) {
chr = charAt(string, position++);
bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + c2i[chr] : c2i[chr];
if (bc++ % 4)
output += fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6));
return output;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.btoa.js
var require_web_btoa = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.btoa.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var call = require_function_call();
var fails = require_fails();
var toString = require_to_string();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var i2c = require_base64_map().i2c;
var $btoa = getBuiltIn("btoa");
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var BASIC = !!$btoa && !fails(function() {
return $btoa("hi") !== "aGk=";
var NO_ARG_RECEIVING_CHECK = BASIC && !fails(function() {
var WRONG_ARG_CONVERSION = BASIC && fails(function() {
return $btoa(null) !== "bnVsbA==";
var WRONG_ARITY = BASIC && $btoa.length !== 1;
$2({ global: true, bind: true, enumerable: true, forced: !BASIC || NO_ARG_RECEIVING_CHECK || WRONG_ARG_CONVERSION || WRONG_ARITY }, {
btoa: function btoa2(data) {
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
if (BASIC)
return call($btoa, global2, toString(data));
var string = toString(data);
var output = "";
var position = 0;
var map3 = i2c;
var block, charCode;
while (charAt(string, position) || (map3 = "=", position % 1)) {
charCode = charCodeAt(string, position += 3 / 4);
if (charCode > 255) {
throw new (getBuiltIn("DOMException"))("The string contains characters outside of the Latin1 range", "InvalidCharacterError");
block = block << 8 | charCode;
output += charAt(map3, 63 & block >> 8 - position % 1 * 8);
return output;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-iterables.js
var require_dom_iterables = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-iterables.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {
CSSRuleList: 0,
CSSStyleDeclaration: 0,
CSSValueList: 0,
ClientRectList: 0,
DOMRectList: 0,
DOMStringList: 0,
DOMTokenList: 1,
DataTransferItemList: 0,
FileList: 0,
HTMLAllCollection: 0,
HTMLCollection: 0,
HTMLFormElement: 0,
HTMLSelectElement: 0,
MediaList: 0,
MimeTypeArray: 0,
NamedNodeMap: 0,
NodeList: 1,
PaintRequestList: 0,
Plugin: 0,
PluginArray: 0,
SVGLengthList: 0,
SVGNumberList: 0,
SVGPathSegList: 0,
SVGPointList: 0,
SVGStringList: 0,
SVGTransformList: 0,
SourceBufferList: 0,
StyleSheetList: 0,
TextTrackCueList: 0,
TextTrackList: 0,
TouchList: 0
// node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-token-list-prototype.js
var require_dom_token_list_prototype = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-token-list-prototype.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var documentCreateElement = require_document_create_element();
var classList = documentCreateElement("span").classList;
var DOMTokenListPrototype = classList && classList.constructor && classList.constructor.prototype;
module2.exports = DOMTokenListPrototype === Object.prototype ? void 0 : DOMTokenListPrototype;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.for-each.js
var require_web_dom_collections_for_each = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.for-each.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var DOMIterables = require_dom_iterables();
var DOMTokenListPrototype = require_dom_token_list_prototype();
var forEach = require_array_for_each();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var handlePrototype = function(CollectionPrototype) {
if (CollectionPrototype && CollectionPrototype.forEach !== forEach)
try {
createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, "forEach", forEach);
} catch (error2) {
CollectionPrototype.forEach = forEach;
for (COLLECTION_NAME in DOMIterables) {
if (DOMIterables[COLLECTION_NAME]) {
handlePrototype(global2[COLLECTION_NAME] && global2[COLLECTION_NAME].prototype);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js
var require_web_dom_collections_iterator = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-collections.iterator.js"() {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var DOMIterables = require_dom_iterables();
var DOMTokenListPrototype = require_dom_token_list_prototype();
var ArrayIteratorMethods = require_es_array_iterator();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var ArrayValues = ArrayIteratorMethods.values;
var handlePrototype = function(CollectionPrototype, COLLECTION_NAME2) {
if (CollectionPrototype) {
if (CollectionPrototype[ITERATOR] !== ArrayValues)
try {
createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, ITERATOR, ArrayValues);
} catch (error2) {
CollectionPrototype[ITERATOR] = ArrayValues;
setToStringTag(CollectionPrototype, COLLECTION_NAME2, true);
for (var METHOD_NAME in ArrayIteratorMethods) {
if (CollectionPrototype[METHOD_NAME] !== ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME])
try {
createNonEnumerableProperty(CollectionPrototype, METHOD_NAME, ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME]);
} catch (error2) {
CollectionPrototype[METHOD_NAME] = ArrayIteratorMethods[METHOD_NAME];
for (COLLECTION_NAME in DOMIterables) {
handlePrototype(global2[COLLECTION_NAME] && global2[COLLECTION_NAME].prototype, COLLECTION_NAME);
handlePrototype(DOMTokenListPrototype, "DOMTokenList");
// node_modules/core-js/internals/try-node-require.js
var require_try_node_require = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/try-node-require.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
module2.exports = function(name) {
try {
if (IS_NODE)
return Function('return require("' + name + '")')();
} catch (error2) {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-exception-constants.js
var require_dom_exception_constants = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/dom-exception-constants.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = {
IndexSizeError: { s: "INDEX_SIZE_ERR", c: 1, m: 1 },
DOMStringSizeError: { s: "DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR", c: 2, m: 0 },
HierarchyRequestError: { s: "HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR", c: 3, m: 1 },
WrongDocumentError: { s: "WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR", c: 4, m: 1 },
InvalidCharacterError: { s: "INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR", c: 5, m: 1 },
NoDataAllowedError: { s: "NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR", c: 6, m: 0 },
NoModificationAllowedError: { s: "NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR", c: 7, m: 1 },
NotFoundError: { s: "NOT_FOUND_ERR", c: 8, m: 1 },
NotSupportedError: { s: "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR", c: 9, m: 1 },
InUseAttributeError: { s: "INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR", c: 10, m: 1 },
InvalidStateError: { s: "INVALID_STATE_ERR", c: 11, m: 1 },
SyntaxError: { s: "SYNTAX_ERR", c: 12, m: 1 },
InvalidModificationError: { s: "INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR", c: 13, m: 1 },
NamespaceError: { s: "NAMESPACE_ERR", c: 14, m: 1 },
InvalidAccessError: { s: "INVALID_ACCESS_ERR", c: 15, m: 1 },
ValidationError: { s: "VALIDATION_ERR", c: 16, m: 0 },
TypeMismatchError: { s: "TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR", c: 17, m: 1 },
SecurityError: { s: "SECURITY_ERR", c: 18, m: 1 },
NetworkError: { s: "NETWORK_ERR", c: 19, m: 1 },
AbortError: { s: "ABORT_ERR", c: 20, m: 1 },
URLMismatchError: { s: "URL_MISMATCH_ERR", c: 21, m: 1 },
QuotaExceededError: { s: "QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR", c: 22, m: 1 },
TimeoutError: { s: "TIMEOUT_ERR", c: 23, m: 1 },
InvalidNodeTypeError: { s: "INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR", c: 24, m: 1 },
DataCloneError: { s: "DATA_CLONE_ERR", c: 25, m: 1 }
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.constructor.js
var require_web_dom_exception_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var tryNodeRequire = require_try_node_require();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var fails = require_fails();
var create = require_object_create();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var errorToString = require_error_to_string();
var normalizeStringArgument = require_normalize_string_argument();
var DOMExceptionConstants = require_dom_exception_constants();
var clearErrorStack = require_error_stack_clear();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var DOM_EXCEPTION = "DOMException";
var Error2 = getBuiltIn("Error");
var NativeDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION) || function() {
try {
var MessageChannel2 = getBuiltIn("MessageChannel") || tryNodeRequire("worker_threads").MessageChannel;
new MessageChannel2().port1.postMessage(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap());
} catch (error2) {
if (error2.name === DATA_CLONE_ERR && error2.code === 25)
return error2.constructor;
var NativeDOMExceptionPrototype = NativeDOMException && NativeDOMException.prototype;
var ErrorPrototype = Error2.prototype;
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var HAS_STACK = "stack" in new Error2(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var codeFor = function(name) {
return hasOwn(DOMExceptionConstants, name) && DOMExceptionConstants[name].m ? DOMExceptionConstants[name].c : 0;
var $DOMException = function DOMException2() {
anInstance(this, DOMExceptionPrototype);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var message = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 1 ? void 0 : arguments[0]);
var name = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1], "Error");
var code3 = codeFor(name);
setInternalState(this, {
code: code3
this.name = name;
this.message = message;
this.code = code3;
if (HAS_STACK) {
var error2 = new Error2(message);
error2.name = DOM_EXCEPTION;
defineProperty(this, "stack", createPropertyDescriptor(1, clearErrorStack(error2.stack, 1)));
var DOMExceptionPrototype = $DOMException.prototype = create(ErrorPrototype);
var createGetterDescriptor = function(get) {
return { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get };
var getterFor = function(key2) {
return createGetterDescriptor(function() {
return getInternalState(this)[key2];
defineBuiltInAccessor(DOMExceptionPrototype, "code", getterFor("code"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(DOMExceptionPrototype, "message", getterFor("message"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(DOMExceptionPrototype, "name", getterFor("name"));
defineProperty(DOMExceptionPrototype, "constructor", createPropertyDescriptor(1, $DOMException));
var INCORRECT_CONSTRUCTOR = fails(function() {
return !(new NativeDOMException() instanceof Error2);
return ErrorPrototype.toString !== errorToString || String(new NativeDOMException(1, 2)) !== "2: 1";
return new NativeDOMException(1, "DataCloneError").code !== 25;
var MISSED_CONSTANTS = INCORRECT_CONSTRUCTOR || NativeDOMException[DATA_CLONE_ERR] !== 25 || NativeDOMExceptionPrototype[DATA_CLONE_ERR] !== 25;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR }, {
DOMException: FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR ? $DOMException : NativeDOMException
var PolyfilledDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype = PolyfilledDOMException.prototype;
if (INCORRECT_TO_STRING && (IS_PURE || NativeDOMException === PolyfilledDOMException)) {
defineBuiltIn(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, "toString", errorToString);
if (INCORRECT_CODE && DESCRIPTORS && NativeDOMException === PolyfilledDOMException) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, "code", createGetterDescriptor(function() {
return codeFor(anObject(this).name);
for (key in DOMExceptionConstants)
if (hasOwn(DOMExceptionConstants, key)) {
constant = DOMExceptionConstants[key];
constantName = constant.s;
descriptor = createPropertyDescriptor(6, constant.c);
if (!hasOwn(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName)) {
defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName, descriptor);
if (!hasOwn(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, constantName)) {
defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, constantName, descriptor);
var constant;
var constantName;
var descriptor;
var key;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.stack.js
var require_web_dom_exception_stack = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.stack.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var defineProperty = require_object_define_property().f;
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var inheritIfRequired = require_inherit_if_required();
var normalizeStringArgument = require_normalize_string_argument();
var DOMExceptionConstants = require_dom_exception_constants();
var clearErrorStack = require_error_stack_clear();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var DOM_EXCEPTION = "DOMException";
var Error2 = getBuiltIn("Error");
var NativeDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var $DOMException = function DOMException2() {
anInstance(this, DOMExceptionPrototype);
var argumentsLength = arguments.length;
var message = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 1 ? void 0 : arguments[0]);
var name = normalizeStringArgument(argumentsLength < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1], "Error");
var that = new NativeDOMException(message, name);
var error2 = new Error2(message);
error2.name = DOM_EXCEPTION;
defineProperty(that, "stack", createPropertyDescriptor(1, clearErrorStack(error2.stack, 1)));
inheritIfRequired(that, this, $DOMException);
return that;
var DOMExceptionPrototype = $DOMException.prototype = NativeDOMException.prototype;
var ERROR_HAS_STACK = "stack" in new Error2(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var DOM_EXCEPTION_HAS_STACK = "stack" in new NativeDOMException(1, 2);
var descriptor = NativeDOMException && DESCRIPTORS && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global2, DOM_EXCEPTION);
var BUGGY_DESCRIPTOR = !!descriptor && !(descriptor.writable && descriptor.configurable);
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: IS_PURE || FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR }, {
DOMException: FORCED_CONSTRUCTOR ? $DOMException : NativeDOMException
var PolyfilledDOMException = getBuiltIn(DOM_EXCEPTION);
var PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype = PolyfilledDOMException.prototype;
if (PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype.constructor !== PolyfilledDOMException) {
if (!IS_PURE) {
defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMExceptionPrototype, "constructor", createPropertyDescriptor(1, PolyfilledDOMException));
for (key in DOMExceptionConstants)
if (hasOwn(DOMExceptionConstants, key)) {
constant = DOMExceptionConstants[key];
constantName = constant.s;
if (!hasOwn(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName)) {
defineProperty(PolyfilledDOMException, constantName, createPropertyDescriptor(6, constant.c));
var constant;
var constantName;
var key;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.to-string-tag.js
var require_web_dom_exception_to_string_tag = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.dom-exception.to-string-tag.js"() {
"use strict";
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var DOM_EXCEPTION = "DOMException";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.clear-immediate.js
var require_web_clear_immediate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.clear-immediate.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var clearImmediate = require_task().clear;
$2({ global: true, bind: true, enumerable: true, forced: global2.clearImmediate !== clearImmediate }, {
// node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-bun.js
var require_engine_is_bun = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/engine-is-bun.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = typeof Bun == "function" && Bun && typeof Bun.version == "string";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/schedulers-fix.js
var require_schedulers_fix = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/schedulers-fix.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var apply = require_function_apply();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var ENGINE_IS_BUN = require_engine_is_bun();
var USER_AGENT = require_engine_user_agent();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var Function2 = global2.Function;
var WRAP = /MSIE .\./.test(USER_AGENT) || ENGINE_IS_BUN && function() {
var version3 = global2.Bun.version.split(".");
return version3.length < 3 || version3[0] === "0" && (version3[1] < 3 || version3[1] === "3" && version3[2] === "0");
module2.exports = function(scheduler, hasTimeArg) {
var firstParamIndex = hasTimeArg ? 2 : 1;
return WRAP ? function(handler, timeout) {
var boundArgs = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1) > firstParamIndex;
var fn3 = isCallable(handler) ? handler : Function2(handler);
var params = boundArgs ? arraySlice(arguments, firstParamIndex) : [];
var callback2 = boundArgs ? function() {
apply(fn3, this, params);
} : fn3;
return hasTimeArg ? scheduler(callback2, timeout) : scheduler(callback2);
} : scheduler;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-immediate.js
var require_web_set_immediate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-immediate.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var setTask = require_task().set;
var schedulersFix = require_schedulers_fix();
var setImmediate = global2.setImmediate ? schedulersFix(setTask, false) : setTask;
$2({ global: true, bind: true, enumerable: true, forced: global2.setImmediate !== setImmediate }, {
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.immediate.js
var require_web_immediate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.immediate.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.queue-microtask.js
var require_web_queue_microtask = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.queue-microtask.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var microtask = require_microtask();
var aCallable = require_a_callable();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
$2({ global: true, enumerable: true, dontCallGetSet: true }, {
queueMicrotask: function queueMicrotask(fn3) {
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.self.js
var require_web_self = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.self.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var $TypeError = TypeError;
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty;
var INCORRECT_VALUE = global2.self !== global2;
try {
descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(global2, "self");
if (INCORRECT_VALUE || !descriptor || !descriptor.get || !descriptor.enumerable) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(global2, "self", {
get: function self2() {
return global2;
set: function self2(value) {
if (this !== global2)
throw new $TypeError("Illegal invocation");
defineProperty(global2, "self", {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
} else
$2({ global: true, simple: true, forced: INCORRECT_VALUE }, {
self: global2
} catch (error2) {
var descriptor;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/set-helpers.js
var require_set_helpers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/set-helpers.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var SetPrototype = Set.prototype;
module2.exports = {
add: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.add),
has: uncurryThis(SetPrototype.has),
remove: uncurryThis(SetPrototype["delete"]),
proto: SetPrototype
// node_modules/core-js/internals/iterate-simple.js
var require_iterate_simple = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/iterate-simple.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var call = require_function_call();
module2.exports = function(record, fn3, ITERATOR_INSTEAD_OF_RECORD) {
var iterator = ITERATOR_INSTEAD_OF_RECORD ? record : record.iterator;
var next = record.next;
var step, result;
while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) {
result = fn3(step.value);
if (result !== void 0)
return result;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/set-iterate.js
var require_set_iterate = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/set-iterate.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var iterateSimple = require_iterate_simple();
var SetHelpers = require_set_helpers();
var Set2 = SetHelpers.Set;
var SetPrototype = SetHelpers.proto;
var forEach = uncurryThis(SetPrototype.forEach);
var keys = uncurryThis(SetPrototype.keys);
var next = keys(new Set2()).next;
module2.exports = function(set2, fn3, interruptible) {
return interruptible ? iterateSimple({ iterator: keys(set2), next }, fn3) : forEach(set2, fn3);
// node_modules/core-js/internals/structured-clone-proper-transfer.js
var require_structured_clone_proper_transfer = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/structured-clone-proper-transfer.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var fails = require_fails();
var V8 = require_engine_v8_version();
var IS_BROWSER = require_engine_is_browser();
var IS_DENO = require_engine_is_deno();
var IS_NODE = require_engine_is_node();
var structuredClone = global2.structuredClone;
module2.exports = !!structuredClone && !fails(function() {
if (IS_DENO && V8 > 92 || IS_NODE && V8 > 94 || IS_BROWSER && V8 > 97)
return false;
var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8);
var clone4 = structuredClone(buffer, { transfer: [buffer] });
return buffer.byteLength !== 0 || clone4.byteLength !== 8;
// node_modules/core-js/internals/detach-transferable.js
var require_detach_transferable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/detach-transferable.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var global2 = require_global();
var tryNodeRequire = require_try_node_require();
var PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER = require_structured_clone_proper_transfer();
var structuredClone = global2.structuredClone;
var $ArrayBuffer = global2.ArrayBuffer;
var $MessageChannel = global2.MessageChannel;
var detach = false;
var WorkerThreads;
var channel;
var buffer;
var $detach;
detach = function(transferable) {
structuredClone(transferable, { transfer: [transferable] });
} else if ($ArrayBuffer)
try {
if (!$MessageChannel) {
WorkerThreads = tryNodeRequire("worker_threads");
if (WorkerThreads)
$MessageChannel = WorkerThreads.MessageChannel;
if ($MessageChannel) {
channel = new $MessageChannel();
buffer = new $ArrayBuffer(2);
$detach = function(transferable) {
channel.port1.postMessage(null, [transferable]);
if (buffer.byteLength === 2) {
if (buffer.byteLength === 0)
detach = $detach;
} catch (error2) {
module2.exports = detach;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.structured-clone.js
var require_web_structured_clone = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.structured-clone.js"() {
"use strict";
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var fails = require_fails();
var uid2 = require_uid();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var isConstructor = require_is_constructor();
var isNullOrUndefined = require_is_null_or_undefined();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var isSymbol = require_is_symbol();
var iterate = require_iterate();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var classof = require_classof();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var createProperty = require_create_property();
var createNonEnumerableProperty = require_create_non_enumerable_property();
var lengthOfArrayLike = require_length_of_array_like();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var getRegExpFlags = require_regexp_get_flags();
var MapHelpers = require_map_helpers();
var SetHelpers = require_set_helpers();
var setIterate = require_set_iterate();
var detachTransferable = require_detach_transferable();
var ERROR_STACK_INSTALLABLE = require_error_stack_installable();
var PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER = require_structured_clone_proper_transfer();
var Object2 = global2.Object;
var Array2 = global2.Array;
var Date2 = global2.Date;
var Error2 = global2.Error;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var PerformanceMark = global2.PerformanceMark;
var DOMException2 = getBuiltIn("DOMException");
var Map2 = MapHelpers.Map;
var mapHas = MapHelpers.has;
var mapGet = MapHelpers.get;
var mapSet = MapHelpers.set;
var Set2 = SetHelpers.Set;
var setAdd = SetHelpers.add;
var setHas = SetHelpers.has;
var objectKeys = getBuiltIn("Object", "keys");
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var thisBooleanValue = uncurryThis(true.valueOf);
var thisNumberValue = uncurryThis(1 .valueOf);
var thisStringValue = uncurryThis("".valueOf);
var thisTimeValue = uncurryThis(Date2.prototype.getTime);
var PERFORMANCE_MARK = uid2("structuredClone");
var DATA_CLONE_ERROR = "DataCloneError";
var TRANSFERRING = "Transferring";
var checkBasicSemantic = function(structuredCloneImplementation) {
return !fails(function() {
var set1 = new global2.Set([7]);
var set2 = structuredCloneImplementation(set1);
var number = structuredCloneImplementation(Object2(7));
return set2 === set1 || !set2.has(7) || !isObject3(number) || +number !== 7;
}) && structuredCloneImplementation;
var checkErrorsCloning = function(structuredCloneImplementation, $Error) {
return !fails(function() {
var error2 = new $Error();
var test = structuredCloneImplementation({ a: error2, b: error2 });
return !(test && test.a === test.b && test.a instanceof $Error && test.a.stack === error2.stack);
var checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic = function(structuredCloneImplementation) {
return !fails(function() {
var test = structuredCloneImplementation(new global2.AggregateError([1], PERFORMANCE_MARK, { cause: 3 }));
return test.name !== "AggregateError" || test.errors[0] !== 1 || test.message !== PERFORMANCE_MARK || test.cause !== 3;
var nativeStructuredClone = global2.structuredClone;
var FORCED_REPLACEMENT = IS_PURE || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, Error2) || !checkErrorsCloning(nativeStructuredClone, DOMException2) || !checkNewErrorsCloningSemantic(nativeStructuredClone);
var structuredCloneFromMark = !nativeStructuredClone && checkBasicSemantic(function(value) {
return new PerformanceMark(PERFORMANCE_MARK, { detail: value }).detail;
var nativeRestrictedStructuredClone = checkBasicSemantic(nativeStructuredClone) || structuredCloneFromMark;
var throwUncloneable = function(type) {
throw new DOMException2("Uncloneable type: " + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR);
var throwUnpolyfillable = function(type, action) {
throw new DOMException2((action || "Cloning") + " of " + type + " cannot be properly polyfilled in this engine", DATA_CLONE_ERROR);
var tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone = function(value, type) {
if (!nativeRestrictedStructuredClone)
return nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);
var createDataTransfer = function() {
var dataTransfer;
try {
dataTransfer = new global2.DataTransfer();
} catch (error2) {
try {
dataTransfer = new global2.ClipboardEvent("").clipboardData;
} catch (error22) {
return dataTransfer && dataTransfer.items && dataTransfer.files ? dataTransfer : null;
var cloneBuffer = function(value, map3, $type) {
if (mapHas(map3, value))
return mapGet(map3, value);
var type = $type || classof(value);
var clone4, length, options, source, target, i4;
if (type === "SharedArrayBuffer") {
if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone)
clone4 = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);
clone4 = value;
} else {
var DataView2 = global2.DataView;
if (!DataView2 && !isCallable(value.slice))
try {
if (isCallable(value.slice) && !value.resizable) {
clone4 = value.slice(0);
} else {
length = value.byteLength;
options = "maxByteLength" in value ? { maxByteLength: value.maxByteLength } : void 0;
clone4 = new ArrayBuffer(length, options);
source = new DataView2(value);
target = new DataView2(clone4);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4++) {
target.setUint8(i4, source.getUint8(i4));
} catch (error2) {
throw new DOMException2("ArrayBuffer is detached", DATA_CLONE_ERROR);
mapSet(map3, value, clone4);
return clone4;
var cloneView = function(value, type, offset3, length, map3) {
var C3 = global2[type];
if (!isObject3(C3))
return new C3(cloneBuffer(value.buffer, map3), offset3, length);
var structuredCloneInternal = function(value, map3) {
if (isSymbol(value))
if (!isObject3(value))
return value;
if (map3) {
if (mapHas(map3, value))
return mapGet(map3, value);
} else
map3 = new Map2();
var type = classof(value);
var C3, name, cloned, dataTransfer, i4, length, keys, key;
switch (type) {
case "Array":
cloned = Array2(lengthOfArrayLike(value));
case "Object":
cloned = {};
case "Map":
cloned = new Map2();
case "Set":
cloned = new Set2();
case "RegExp":
cloned = new RegExp(value.source, getRegExpFlags(value));
case "Error":
name = value.name;
switch (name) {
case "AggregateError":
cloned = new (getBuiltIn(name))([]);
case "EvalError":
case "RangeError":
case "ReferenceError":
case "SuppressedError":
case "SyntaxError":
case "TypeError":
case "URIError":
cloned = new (getBuiltIn(name))();
case "CompileError":
case "LinkError":
case "RuntimeError":
cloned = new (getBuiltIn("WebAssembly", name))();
cloned = new Error2();
case "DOMException":
cloned = new DOMException2(value.message, value.name);
case "ArrayBuffer":
case "SharedArrayBuffer":
cloned = cloneBuffer(value, map3, type);
case "DataView":
case "Int8Array":
case "Uint8Array":
case "Uint8ClampedArray":
case "Int16Array":
case "Uint16Array":
case "Int32Array":
case "Uint32Array":
case "Float16Array":
case "Float32Array":
case "Float64Array":
case "BigInt64Array":
case "BigUint64Array":
length = type === "DataView" ? value.byteLength : value.length;
cloned = cloneView(value, type, value.byteOffset, length, map3);
case "DOMQuad":
try {
cloned = new DOMQuad(
structuredCloneInternal(value.p1, map3),
structuredCloneInternal(value.p2, map3),
structuredCloneInternal(value.p3, map3),
structuredCloneInternal(value.p4, map3)
} catch (error2) {
cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);
case "File":
if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone)
try {
cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);
if (classof(cloned) !== type)
cloned = void 0;
} catch (error2) {
if (!cloned)
try {
cloned = new File([value], value.name, value);
} catch (error2) {
if (!cloned)
case "FileList":
dataTransfer = createDataTransfer();
if (dataTransfer) {
for (i4 = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(value); i4 < length; i4++) {
dataTransfer.items.add(structuredCloneInternal(value[i4], map3));
cloned = dataTransfer.files;
} else
cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);
case "ImageData":
try {
cloned = new ImageData(
structuredCloneInternal(value.data, map3),
{ colorSpace: value.colorSpace }
} catch (error2) {
cloned = tryNativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value, type);
if (nativeRestrictedStructuredClone) {
cloned = nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(value);
} else
switch (type) {
case "BigInt":
cloned = Object2(value.valueOf());
case "Boolean":
cloned = Object2(thisBooleanValue(value));
case "Number":
cloned = Object2(thisNumberValue(value));
case "String":
cloned = Object2(thisStringValue(value));
case "Date":
cloned = new Date2(thisTimeValue(value));
case "Blob":
try {
cloned = value.slice(0, value.size, value.type);
} catch (error2) {
case "DOMPoint":
case "DOMPointReadOnly":
C3 = global2[type];
try {
cloned = C3.fromPoint ? C3.fromPoint(value) : new C3(value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w);
} catch (error2) {
case "DOMRect":
case "DOMRectReadOnly":
C3 = global2[type];
try {
cloned = C3.fromRect ? C3.fromRect(value) : new C3(value.x, value.y, value.width, value.height);
} catch (error2) {
case "DOMMatrix":
case "DOMMatrixReadOnly":
C3 = global2[type];
try {
cloned = C3.fromMatrix ? C3.fromMatrix(value) : new C3(value);
} catch (error2) {
case "AudioData":
case "VideoFrame":
if (!isCallable(value.clone))
try {
cloned = value.clone();
} catch (error2) {
case "CropTarget":
case "CryptoKey":
case "FileSystemDirectoryHandle":
case "FileSystemFileHandle":
case "FileSystemHandle":
case "GPUCompilationInfo":
case "GPUCompilationMessage":
case "ImageBitmap":
case "RTCCertificate":
case "WebAssembly.Module":
mapSet(map3, value, cloned);
switch (type) {
case "Array":
case "Object":
keys = objectKeys(value);
for (i4 = 0, length = lengthOfArrayLike(keys); i4 < length; i4++) {
key = keys[i4];
createProperty(cloned, key, structuredCloneInternal(value[key], map3));
case "Map":
value.forEach(function(v3, k3) {
mapSet(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(k3, map3), structuredCloneInternal(v3, map3));
case "Set":
value.forEach(function(v3) {
setAdd(cloned, structuredCloneInternal(v3, map3));
case "Error":
createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, "message", structuredCloneInternal(value.message, map3));
if (hasOwn(value, "cause")) {
createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, "cause", structuredCloneInternal(value.cause, map3));
if (name === "AggregateError") {
cloned.errors = structuredCloneInternal(value.errors, map3);
} else if (name === "SuppressedError") {
cloned.error = structuredCloneInternal(value.error, map3);
cloned.suppressed = structuredCloneInternal(value.suppressed, map3);
case "DOMException":
createNonEnumerableProperty(cloned, "stack", structuredCloneInternal(value.stack, map3));
return cloned;
var tryToTransfer = function(rawTransfer, map3) {
if (!isObject3(rawTransfer))
throw new TypeError2("Transfer option cannot be converted to a sequence");
var transfer = [];
iterate(rawTransfer, function(value2) {
push(transfer, anObject(value2));
var i4 = 0;
var length = lengthOfArrayLike(transfer);
var buffers = new Set2();
var value, type, C3, transferred, canvas, context;
while (i4 < length) {
value = transfer[i4++];
type = classof(value);
if (type === "ArrayBuffer" ? setHas(buffers, value) : mapHas(map3, value)) {
throw new DOMException2("Duplicate transferable", DATA_CLONE_ERROR);
if (type === "ArrayBuffer") {
setAdd(buffers, value);
transferred = nativeStructuredClone(value, { transfer: [value] });
} else
switch (type) {
case "ImageBitmap":
C3 = global2.OffscreenCanvas;
if (!isConstructor(C3))
throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);
try {
canvas = new C3(value.width, value.height);
context = canvas.getContext("bitmaprenderer");
transferred = canvas.transferToImageBitmap();
} catch (error2) {
case "AudioData":
case "VideoFrame":
if (!isCallable(value.clone) || !isCallable(value.close))
throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);
try {
transferred = value.clone();
} catch (error2) {
case "MediaSourceHandle":
case "MessagePort":
case "OffscreenCanvas":
case "ReadableStream":
case "TransformStream":
case "WritableStream":
throwUnpolyfillable(type, TRANSFERRING);
if (transferred === void 0)
throw new DOMException2("This object cannot be transferred: " + type, DATA_CLONE_ERROR);
mapSet(map3, value, transferred);
return buffers;
var detachBuffers = function(buffers) {
setIterate(buffers, function(buffer) {
nativeRestrictedStructuredClone(buffer, { transfer: [buffer] });
} else if (isCallable(buffer.transfer)) {
} else if (detachTransferable) {
} else {
throwUnpolyfillable("ArrayBuffer", TRANSFERRING);
$2({ global: true, enumerable: true, sham: !PROPER_STRUCTURED_CLONE_TRANSFER, forced: FORCED_REPLACEMENT }, {
structuredClone: function structuredClone(value) {
var options = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1) > 1 && !isNullOrUndefined(arguments[1]) ? anObject(arguments[1]) : void 0;
var transfer = options ? options.transfer : void 0;
var map3, buffers;
if (transfer !== void 0) {
map3 = new Map2();
buffers = tryToTransfer(transfer, map3);
var clone4 = structuredCloneInternal(value, map3);
if (buffers)
return clone4;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-interval.js
var require_web_set_interval = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-interval.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var schedulersFix = require_schedulers_fix();
var setInterval2 = schedulersFix(global2.setInterval, true);
$2({ global: true, bind: true, forced: global2.setInterval !== setInterval2 }, {
setInterval: setInterval2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-timeout.js
var require_web_set_timeout = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.set-timeout.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var schedulersFix = require_schedulers_fix();
var setTimeout2 = schedulersFix(global2.setTimeout, true);
$2({ global: true, bind: true, forced: global2.setTimeout !== setTimeout2 }, {
setTimeout: setTimeout2
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.timers.js
var require_web_timers = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.timers.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/url-constructor-detection.js
var require_url_constructor_detection = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/url-constructor-detection.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var fails = require_fails();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var IS_PURE = require_is_pure();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
module2.exports = !fails(function() {
var url = new URL("b?a=1&b=2&c=3", "http://a");
var params = url.searchParams;
var params2 = new URLSearchParams("a=1&a=2&b=3");
var result = "";
url.pathname = "c%20d";
params.forEach(function(value, key) {
result += key + value;
params2["delete"]("a", 2);
params2["delete"]("b", void 0);
return IS_PURE && (!url.toJSON || !params2.has("a", 1) || params2.has("a", 2) || !params2.has("a", void 0) || params2.has("b")) || !params.size && (IS_PURE || !DESCRIPTORS) || !params.sort || url.href !== "http://a/c%20d?a=1&c=3" || params.get("c") !== "3" || String(new URLSearchParams("?a=1")) !== "a=1" || !params[ITERATOR] || new URL("https://a@b").username !== "a" || new URLSearchParams(new URLSearchParams("a=b")).get("a") !== "b" || new URL("http://\u0442\u0435\u0441\u0442").host !== "xn--e1aybc" || new URL("http://a#\u0431").hash !== "#%D0%B1" || result !== "a1c3" || new URL("http://x", void 0).host !== "x";
// node_modules/core-js/internals/string-punycode-to-ascii.js
var require_string_punycode_to_ascii = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/internals/string-punycode-to-ascii.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var maxInt = 2147483647;
var base = 36;
var tMin = 1;
var tMax = 26;
var skew = 38;
var damp = 700;
var initialBias = 72;
var initialN = 128;
var delimiter = "-";
var regexNonASCII = /[^\0-\u007E]/;
var regexSeparators = /[.\u3002\uFF0E\uFF61]/g;
var OVERFLOW_ERROR = "Overflow: input needs wider integers to process";
var baseMinusTMin = base - tMin;
var $RangeError = RangeError;
var exec = uncurryThis(regexSeparators.exec);
var floor = Math.floor;
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
var charCodeAt = uncurryThis("".charCodeAt);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var split = uncurryThis("".split);
var toLowerCase = uncurryThis("".toLowerCase);
var ucs2decode = function(string) {
var output = [];
var counter = 0;
var length = string.length;
while (counter < length) {
var value = charCodeAt(string, counter++);
if (value >= 55296 && value <= 56319 && counter < length) {
var extra = charCodeAt(string, counter++);
if ((extra & 64512) === 56320) {
push(output, ((value & 1023) << 10) + (extra & 1023) + 65536);
} else {
push(output, value);
} else {
push(output, value);
return output;
var digitToBasic = function(digit) {
return digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26);
var adapt = function(delta, numPoints, firstTime) {
var k3 = 0;
delta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1;
delta += floor(delta / numPoints);
while (delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1) {
delta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin);
k3 += base;
return floor(k3 + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew));
var encode = function(input) {
var output = [];
input = ucs2decode(input);
var inputLength = input.length;
var n6 = initialN;
var delta = 0;
var bias = initialBias;
var i4, currentValue;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < input.length; i4++) {
currentValue = input[i4];
if (currentValue < 128) {
push(output, fromCharCode(currentValue));
var basicLength = output.length;
var handledCPCount = basicLength;
if (basicLength) {
push(output, delimiter);
while (handledCPCount < inputLength) {
var m3 = maxInt;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < input.length; i4++) {
currentValue = input[i4];
if (currentValue >= n6 && currentValue < m3) {
m3 = currentValue;
var handledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1;
if (m3 - n6 > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) {
throw new $RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR);
delta += (m3 - n6) * handledCPCountPlusOne;
n6 = m3;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < input.length; i4++) {
currentValue = input[i4];
if (currentValue < n6 && ++delta > maxInt) {
throw new $RangeError(OVERFLOW_ERROR);
if (currentValue === n6) {
var q3 = delta;
var k3 = base;
while (true) {
var t4 = k3 <= bias ? tMin : k3 >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k3 - bias;
if (q3 < t4)
var qMinusT = q3 - t4;
var baseMinusT = base - t4;
push(output, fromCharCode(digitToBasic(t4 + qMinusT % baseMinusT)));
q3 = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT);
k3 += base;
push(output, fromCharCode(digitToBasic(q3)));
bias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount === basicLength);
delta = 0;
return join(output, "");
module2.exports = function(input) {
var encoded = [];
var labels = split(replace(toLowerCase(input), regexSeparators, "."), ".");
var i4, label;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < labels.length; i4++) {
label = labels[i4];
push(encoded, exec(regexNonASCII, label) ? "xn--" + encode(label) : label);
return join(encoded, ".");
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.constructor.js
var require_web_url_search_params_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.constructor.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var global2 = require_global();
var safeGetBuiltIn = require_safe_get_built_in();
var call = require_function_call();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var USE_NATIVE_URL = require_url_constructor_detection();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var defineBuiltIns = require_define_built_ins();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var createIteratorConstructor = require_iterator_create_constructor();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var isCallable = require_is_callable();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var classof = require_classof();
var anObject = require_an_object();
var isObject3 = require_is_object();
var $toString = require_to_string();
var create = require_object_create();
var createPropertyDescriptor = require_create_property_descriptor();
var getIterator = require_get_iterator();
var getIteratorMethod = require_get_iterator_method();
var createIterResultObject = require_create_iter_result_object();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var wellKnownSymbol = require_well_known_symbol();
var arraySort = require_array_sort();
var ITERATOR = wellKnownSymbol("iterator");
var URL_SEARCH_PARAMS = "URLSearchParams";
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalParamsState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(URL_SEARCH_PARAMS);
var getInternalIteratorState = InternalStateModule.getterFor(URL_SEARCH_PARAMS_ITERATOR);
var nativeFetch = safeGetBuiltIn("fetch");
var NativeRequest = safeGetBuiltIn("Request");
var Headers = safeGetBuiltIn("Headers");
var RequestPrototype = NativeRequest && NativeRequest.prototype;
var HeadersPrototype = Headers && Headers.prototype;
var RegExp2 = global2.RegExp;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var decodeURIComponent2 = global2.decodeURIComponent;
var encodeURIComponent2 = global2.encodeURIComponent;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var shift = uncurryThis([].shift);
var splice = uncurryThis([].splice);
var split = uncurryThis("".split);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var plus = /\+/g;
var sequences = Array(4);
var percentSequence = function(bytes) {
return sequences[bytes - 1] || (sequences[bytes - 1] = RegExp2("((?:%[\\da-f]{2}){" + bytes + "})", "gi"));
var percentDecode = function(sequence) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent2(sequence);
} catch (error2) {
return sequence;
var deserialize = function(it2) {
var result = replace(it2, plus, " ");
var bytes = 4;
try {
return decodeURIComponent2(result);
} catch (error2) {
while (bytes) {
result = replace(result, percentSequence(bytes--), percentDecode);
return result;
var find = /[!'()~]|%20/g;
var replacements = {
"!": "%21",
"'": "%27",
"(": "%28",
")": "%29",
"~": "%7E",
"%20": "+"
var replacer = function(match3) {
return replacements[match3];
var serialize = function(it2) {
return replace(encodeURIComponent2(it2), find, replacer);
var URLSearchParamsIterator = createIteratorConstructor(function Iterator(params, kind) {
setInternalState(this, {
target: getInternalParamsState(params).entries,
index: 0,
}, URL_SEARCH_PARAMS, function next() {
var state = getInternalIteratorState(this);
var target = state.target;
var index2 = state.index++;
if (!target || index2 >= target.length) {
state.target = void 0;
return createIterResultObject(void 0, true);
var entry = target[index2];
switch (state.kind) {
case "keys":
return createIterResultObject(entry.key, false);
case "values":
return createIterResultObject(entry.value, false);
return createIterResultObject([entry.key, entry.value], false);
}, true);
var URLSearchParamsState = function(init2) {
this.entries = [];
this.url = null;
if (init2 !== void 0) {
if (isObject3(init2))
this.parseQuery(typeof init2 == "string" ? charAt(init2, 0) === "?" ? stringSlice(init2, 1) : init2 : $toString(init2));
URLSearchParamsState.prototype = {
bindURL: function(url) {
this.url = url;
parseObject: function(object) {
var entries = this.entries;
var iteratorMethod = getIteratorMethod(object);
var iterator, next, step, entryIterator, entryNext, first2, second;
if (iteratorMethod) {
iterator = getIterator(object, iteratorMethod);
next = iterator.next;
while (!(step = call(next, iterator)).done) {
entryIterator = getIterator(anObject(step.value));
entryNext = entryIterator.next;
if ((first2 = call(entryNext, entryIterator)).done || (second = call(entryNext, entryIterator)).done || !call(entryNext, entryIterator).done)
throw new TypeError2("Expected sequence with length 2");
push(entries, { key: $toString(first2.value), value: $toString(second.value) });
} else
for (var key in object)
if (hasOwn(object, key)) {
push(entries, { key, value: $toString(object[key]) });
parseQuery: function(query) {
if (query) {
var entries = this.entries;
var attributes = split(query, "&");
var index2 = 0;
var attribute, entry;
while (index2 < attributes.length) {
attribute = attributes[index2++];
if (attribute.length) {
entry = split(attribute, "=");
push(entries, {
key: deserialize(shift(entry)),
value: deserialize(join(entry, "="))
serialize: function() {
var entries = this.entries;
var result = [];
var index2 = 0;
var entry;
while (index2 < entries.length) {
entry = entries[index2++];
push(result, serialize(entry.key) + "=" + serialize(entry.value));
return join(result, "&");
update: function() {
this.entries.length = 0;
updateURL: function() {
if (this.url)
var URLSearchParamsConstructor = function URLSearchParams2() {
anInstance(this, URLSearchParamsPrototype);
var init2 = arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0;
var state = setInternalState(this, new URLSearchParamsState(init2));
this.size = state.entries.length;
var URLSearchParamsPrototype = URLSearchParamsConstructor.prototype;
defineBuiltIns(URLSearchParamsPrototype, {
append: function append(name, value) {
var state = getInternalParamsState(this);
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 2);
push(state.entries, { key: $toString(name), value: $toString(value) });
"delete": function(name) {
var state = getInternalParamsState(this);
var length = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var entries = state.entries;
var key = $toString(name);
var $value = length < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1];
var value = $value === void 0 ? $value : $toString($value);
var index2 = 0;
while (index2 < entries.length) {
var entry = entries[index2];
if (entry.key === key && (value === void 0 || entry.value === value)) {
splice(entries, index2, 1);
if (value !== void 0)
} else
this.size = entries.length;
get: function get(name) {
var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries;
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var key = $toString(name);
var index2 = 0;
for (; index2 < entries.length; index2++) {
if (entries[index2].key === key)
return entries[index2].value;
return null;
getAll: function getAll(name) {
var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries;
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var key = $toString(name);
var result = [];
var index2 = 0;
for (; index2 < entries.length; index2++) {
if (entries[index2].key === key)
push(result, entries[index2].value);
return result;
has: function has(name) {
var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries;
var length = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var key = $toString(name);
var $value = length < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1];
var value = $value === void 0 ? $value : $toString($value);
var index2 = 0;
while (index2 < entries.length) {
var entry = entries[index2++];
if (entry.key === key && (value === void 0 || entry.value === value))
return true;
return false;
set: function set2(name, value) {
var state = getInternalParamsState(this);
validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var entries = state.entries;
var found = false;
var key = $toString(name);
var val = $toString(value);
var index2 = 0;
var entry;
for (; index2 < entries.length; index2++) {
entry = entries[index2];
if (entry.key === key) {
if (found)
splice(entries, index2--, 1);
else {
found = true;
entry.value = val;
if (!found)
push(entries, { key, value: val });
this.size = entries.length;
sort: function sort() {
var state = getInternalParamsState(this);
arraySort(state.entries, function(a4, b3) {
return a4.key > b3.key ? 1 : -1;
forEach: function forEach(callback2) {
var entries = getInternalParamsState(this).entries;
var boundFunction = bind2(callback2, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0);
var index2 = 0;
var entry;
while (index2 < entries.length) {
entry = entries[index2++];
boundFunction(entry.value, entry.key, this);
keys: function keys() {
return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, "keys");
values: function values() {
return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, "values");
entries: function entries() {
return new URLSearchParamsIterator(this, "entries");
}, { enumerable: true });
defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, ITERATOR, URLSearchParamsPrototype.entries, { name: "entries" });
defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, "toString", function toString() {
return getInternalParamsState(this).serialize();
}, { enumerable: true });
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLSearchParamsPrototype, "size", {
get: function size() {
return getInternalParamsState(this).entries.length;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
setToStringTag(URLSearchParamsConstructor, URL_SEARCH_PARAMS);
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: !USE_NATIVE_URL }, {
URLSearchParams: URLSearchParamsConstructor
if (!USE_NATIVE_URL && isCallable(Headers)) {
headersHas = uncurryThis(HeadersPrototype.has);
headersSet = uncurryThis(HeadersPrototype.set);
wrapRequestOptions = function(init2) {
if (isObject3(init2)) {
var body = init2.body;
var headers;
if (classof(body) === URL_SEARCH_PARAMS) {
headers = init2.headers ? new Headers(init2.headers) : new Headers();
if (!headersHas(headers, "content-type")) {
headersSet(headers, "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8");
return create(init2, {
body: createPropertyDescriptor(0, $toString(body)),
headers: createPropertyDescriptor(0, headers)
return init2;
if (isCallable(nativeFetch)) {
$2({ global: true, enumerable: true, dontCallGetSet: true, forced: true }, {
fetch: function fetch3(input) {
return nativeFetch(input, arguments.length > 1 ? wrapRequestOptions(arguments[1]) : {});
if (isCallable(NativeRequest)) {
RequestConstructor = function Request(input) {
anInstance(this, RequestPrototype);
return new NativeRequest(input, arguments.length > 1 ? wrapRequestOptions(arguments[1]) : {});
RequestPrototype.constructor = RequestConstructor;
RequestConstructor.prototype = RequestPrototype;
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, dontCallGetSet: true, forced: true }, {
Request: RequestConstructor
var headersHas;
var headersSet;
var wrapRequestOptions;
var RequestConstructor;
module2.exports = {
URLSearchParams: URLSearchParamsConstructor,
getState: getInternalParamsState
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.constructor.js
var require_web_url_constructor = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.constructor.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var USE_NATIVE_URL = require_url_constructor_detection();
var global2 = require_global();
var bind2 = require_function_bind_context();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var anInstance = require_an_instance();
var hasOwn = require_has_own_property();
var assign3 = require_object_assign();
var arrayFrom2 = require_array_from();
var arraySlice = require_array_slice();
var codeAt = require_string_multibyte().codeAt;
var toASCII = require_string_punycode_to_ascii();
var $toString = require_to_string();
var setToStringTag = require_set_to_string_tag();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var URLSearchParamsModule = require_web_url_search_params_constructor();
var InternalStateModule = require_internal_state();
var setInternalState = InternalStateModule.set;
var getInternalURLState = InternalStateModule.getterFor("URL");
var URLSearchParams2 = URLSearchParamsModule.URLSearchParams;
var getInternalSearchParamsState = URLSearchParamsModule.getState;
var NativeURL = global2.URL;
var TypeError2 = global2.TypeError;
var parseInt2 = global2.parseInt;
var floor = Math.floor;
var pow = Math.pow;
var charAt = uncurryThis("".charAt);
var exec = uncurryThis(/./.exec);
var join = uncurryThis([].join);
var numberToString = uncurryThis(1 .toString);
var pop = uncurryThis([].pop);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var replace = uncurryThis("".replace);
var shift = uncurryThis([].shift);
var split = uncurryThis("".split);
var stringSlice = uncurryThis("".slice);
var toLowerCase = uncurryThis("".toLowerCase);
var unshift = uncurryThis([].unshift);
var INVALID_AUTHORITY = "Invalid authority";
var INVALID_SCHEME = "Invalid scheme";
var INVALID_HOST = "Invalid host";
var INVALID_PORT = "Invalid port";
var ALPHA = /[a-z]/i;
var ALPHANUMERIC = /[\d+-.a-z]/i;
var DIGIT = /\d/;
var HEX_START = /^0x/i;
var OCT = /^[0-7]+$/;
var DEC = /^\d+$/;
var HEX = /^[\da-f]+$/i;
var FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT = /[\0\t\n\r #%/:<>?@[\\\]^|]/;
var FORBIDDEN_HOST_CODE_POINT_EXCLUDING_PERCENT = /[\0\t\n\r #/:<>?@[\\\]^|]/;
var LEADING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE = /^[\u0000-\u0020]+/;
var TRAILING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE = /(^|[^\u0000-\u0020])[\u0000-\u0020]+$/;
var TAB_AND_NEW_LINE = /[\t\n\r]/g;
var EOF;
var parseIPv4 = function(input) {
var parts = split(input, ".");
var partsLength, numbers2, index2, part, radix, number, ipv4;
if (parts.length && parts[parts.length - 1] === "") {
partsLength = parts.length;
if (partsLength > 4)
return input;
numbers2 = [];
for (index2 = 0; index2 < partsLength; index2++) {
part = parts[index2];
if (part === "")
return input;
radix = 10;
if (part.length > 1 && charAt(part, 0) === "0") {
radix = exec(HEX_START, part) ? 16 : 8;
part = stringSlice(part, radix === 8 ? 1 : 2);
if (part === "") {
number = 0;
} else {
if (!exec(radix === 10 ? DEC : radix === 8 ? OCT : HEX, part))
return input;
number = parseInt2(part, radix);
push(numbers2, number);
for (index2 = 0; index2 < partsLength; index2++) {
number = numbers2[index2];
if (index2 === partsLength - 1) {
if (number >= pow(256, 5 - partsLength))
return null;
} else if (number > 255)
return null;
ipv4 = pop(numbers2);
for (index2 = 0; index2 < numbers2.length; index2++) {
ipv4 += numbers2[index2] * pow(256, 3 - index2);
return ipv4;
var parseIPv6 = function(input) {
var address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
var pieceIndex = 0;
var compress = null;
var pointer = 0;
var value, length, numbersSeen, ipv4Piece, number, swaps, swap2;
var chr = function() {
return charAt(input, pointer);
if (chr() === ":") {
if (charAt(input, 1) !== ":")
pointer += 2;
compress = pieceIndex;
while (chr()) {
if (pieceIndex === 8)
if (chr() === ":") {
if (compress !== null)
compress = pieceIndex;
value = length = 0;
while (length < 4 && exec(HEX, chr())) {
value = value * 16 + parseInt2(chr(), 16);
if (chr() === ".") {
if (length === 0)
pointer -= length;
if (pieceIndex > 6)
numbersSeen = 0;
while (chr()) {
ipv4Piece = null;
if (numbersSeen > 0) {
if (chr() === "." && numbersSeen < 4)
if (!exec(DIGIT, chr()))
while (exec(DIGIT, chr())) {
number = parseInt2(chr(), 10);
if (ipv4Piece === null)
ipv4Piece = number;
else if (ipv4Piece === 0)
ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number;
if (ipv4Piece > 255)
address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 256 + ipv4Piece;
if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4)
if (numbersSeen !== 4)
} else if (chr() === ":") {
if (!chr())
} else if (chr())
address[pieceIndex++] = value;
if (compress !== null) {
swaps = pieceIndex - compress;
pieceIndex = 7;
while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) {
swap2 = address[pieceIndex];
address[pieceIndex--] = address[compress + swaps - 1];
address[compress + --swaps] = swap2;
} else if (pieceIndex !== 8)
return address;
var findLongestZeroSequence = function(ipv6) {
var maxIndex = null;
var maxLength = 1;
var currStart = null;
var currLength = 0;
var index2 = 0;
for (; index2 < 8; index2++) {
if (ipv6[index2] !== 0) {
if (currLength > maxLength) {
maxIndex = currStart;
maxLength = currLength;
currStart = null;
currLength = 0;
} else {
if (currStart === null)
currStart = index2;
if (currLength > maxLength) {
maxIndex = currStart;
maxLength = currLength;
return maxIndex;
var serializeHost = function(host) {
var result, index2, compress, ignore0;
if (typeof host == "number") {
result = [];
for (index2 = 0; index2 < 4; index2++) {
unshift(result, host % 256);
host = floor(host / 256);
return join(result, ".");
} else if (typeof host == "object") {
result = "";
compress = findLongestZeroSequence(host);
for (index2 = 0; index2 < 8; index2++) {
if (ignore0 && host[index2] === 0)
if (ignore0)
ignore0 = false;
if (compress === index2) {
result += index2 ? ":" : "::";
ignore0 = true;
} else {
result += numberToString(host[index2], 16);
if (index2 < 7)
result += ":";
return "[" + result + "]";
return host;
var C0ControlPercentEncodeSet = {};
var fragmentPercentEncodeSet = assign3({}, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet, {
" ": 1,
'"': 1,
"<": 1,
">": 1,
"`": 1
var pathPercentEncodeSet = assign3({}, fragmentPercentEncodeSet, {
"#": 1,
"?": 1,
"{": 1,
"}": 1
var userinfoPercentEncodeSet = assign3({}, pathPercentEncodeSet, {
"/": 1,
":": 1,
";": 1,
"=": 1,
"@": 1,
"[": 1,
"\\": 1,
"]": 1,
"^": 1,
"|": 1
var percentEncode = function(chr, set2) {
var code3 = codeAt(chr, 0);
return code3 > 32 && code3 < 127 && !hasOwn(set2, chr) ? chr : encodeURIComponent(chr);
var specialSchemes = {
ftp: 21,
file: null,
http: 80,
https: 443,
ws: 80,
wss: 443
var isWindowsDriveLetter = function(string, normalized) {
var second;
return string.length === 2 && exec(ALPHA, charAt(string, 0)) && ((second = charAt(string, 1)) === ":" || !normalized && second === "|");
var startsWithWindowsDriveLetter = function(string) {
var third;
return string.length > 1 && isWindowsDriveLetter(stringSlice(string, 0, 2)) && (string.length === 2 || ((third = charAt(string, 2)) === "/" || third === "\\" || third === "?" || third === "#"));
var isSingleDot = function(segment) {
return segment === "." || toLowerCase(segment) === "%2e";
var isDoubleDot = function(segment) {
segment = toLowerCase(segment);
return segment === ".." || segment === "%2e." || segment === ".%2e" || segment === "%2e%2e";
var SCHEME_START = {};
var SCHEME = {};
var NO_SCHEME = {};
var RELATIVE = {};
var AUTHORITY = {};
var HOST = {};
var HOSTNAME = {};
var PORT = {};
var FILE = {};
var FILE_SLASH = {};
var FILE_HOST = {};
var PATH_START = {};
var PATH = {};
var QUERY = {};
var FRAGMENT = {};
var URLState = function(url, isBase, base) {
var urlString = $toString(url);
var baseState, failure, searchParams;
if (isBase) {
failure = this.parse(urlString);
if (failure)
throw new TypeError2(failure);
this.searchParams = null;
} else {
if (base !== void 0)
baseState = new URLState(base, true);
failure = this.parse(urlString, null, baseState);
if (failure)
throw new TypeError2(failure);
searchParams = getInternalSearchParamsState(new URLSearchParams2());
this.searchParams = searchParams;
URLState.prototype = {
type: "URL",
parse: function(input, stateOverride, base) {
var url = this;
var state = stateOverride || SCHEME_START;
var pointer = 0;
var buffer = "";
var seenAt = false;
var seenBracket = false;
var seenPasswordToken = false;
var codePoints, chr, bufferCodePoints, failure;
input = $toString(input);
if (!stateOverride) {
url.scheme = "";
url.username = "";
url.password = "";
url.host = null;
url.port = null;
url.path = [];
url.query = null;
url.fragment = null;
url.cannotBeABaseURL = false;
input = replace(input, LEADING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE, "");
input = replace(input, TRAILING_C0_CONTROL_OR_SPACE, "$1");
input = replace(input, TAB_AND_NEW_LINE, "");
codePoints = arrayFrom2(input);
while (pointer <= codePoints.length) {
chr = codePoints[pointer];
switch (state) {
if (chr && exec(ALPHA, chr)) {
buffer += toLowerCase(chr);
state = SCHEME;
} else if (!stateOverride) {
state = NO_SCHEME;
} else
case SCHEME:
if (chr && (exec(ALPHANUMERIC, chr) || chr === "+" || chr === "-" || chr === ".")) {
buffer += toLowerCase(chr);
} else if (chr === ":") {
if (stateOverride && (url.isSpecial() !== hasOwn(specialSchemes, buffer) || buffer === "file" && (url.includesCredentials() || url.port !== null) || url.scheme === "file" && !url.host))
url.scheme = buffer;
if (stateOverride) {
if (url.isSpecial() && specialSchemes[url.scheme] === url.port)
url.port = null;
buffer = "";
if (url.scheme === "file") {
state = FILE;
} else if (url.isSpecial() && base && base.scheme === url.scheme) {
} else if (url.isSpecial()) {
} else if (codePoints[pointer + 1] === "/") {
} else {
url.cannotBeABaseURL = true;
push(url.path, "");
} else if (!stateOverride) {
buffer = "";
state = NO_SCHEME;
pointer = 0;
} else
if (!base || base.cannotBeABaseURL && chr !== "#")
if (base.cannotBeABaseURL && chr === "#") {
url.scheme = base.scheme;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = base.query;
url.fragment = "";
url.cannotBeABaseURL = true;
state = FRAGMENT;
state = base.scheme === "file" ? FILE : RELATIVE;
if (chr === "/" && codePoints[pointer + 1] === "/") {
} else {
state = RELATIVE;
if (chr === "/") {
state = AUTHORITY;
} else {
state = PATH;
url.scheme = base.scheme;
if (chr === EOF) {
url.username = base.username;
url.password = base.password;
url.host = base.host;
url.port = base.port;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = base.query;
} else if (chr === "/" || chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial()) {
} else if (chr === "?") {
url.username = base.username;
url.password = base.password;
url.host = base.host;
url.port = base.port;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = "";
state = QUERY;
} else if (chr === "#") {
url.username = base.username;
url.password = base.password;
url.host = base.host;
url.port = base.port;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = base.query;
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
} else {
url.username = base.username;
url.password = base.password;
url.host = base.host;
url.port = base.port;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
state = PATH;
if (url.isSpecial() && (chr === "/" || chr === "\\")) {
} else if (chr === "/") {
state = AUTHORITY;
} else {
url.username = base.username;
url.password = base.password;
url.host = base.host;
url.port = base.port;
state = PATH;
if (chr !== "/" || charAt(buffer, pointer + 1) !== "/")
if (chr !== "/" && chr !== "\\") {
state = AUTHORITY;
if (chr === "@") {
if (seenAt)
buffer = "%40" + buffer;
seenAt = true;
bufferCodePoints = arrayFrom2(buffer);
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < bufferCodePoints.length; i4++) {
var codePoint = bufferCodePoints[i4];
if (codePoint === ":" && !seenPasswordToken) {
seenPasswordToken = true;
var encodedCodePoints = percentEncode(codePoint, userinfoPercentEncodeSet);
if (seenPasswordToken)
url.password += encodedCodePoints;
url.username += encodedCodePoints;
buffer = "";
} else if (chr === EOF || chr === "/" || chr === "?" || chr === "#" || chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial()) {
if (seenAt && buffer === "")
pointer -= arrayFrom2(buffer).length + 1;
buffer = "";
state = HOST;
} else
buffer += chr;
case HOST:
if (stateOverride && url.scheme === "file") {
state = FILE_HOST;
} else if (chr === ":" && !seenBracket) {
if (buffer === "")
failure = url.parseHost(buffer);
if (failure)
return failure;
buffer = "";
state = PORT;
if (stateOverride === HOSTNAME)
} else if (chr === EOF || chr === "/" || chr === "?" || chr === "#" || chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial()) {
if (url.isSpecial() && buffer === "")
if (stateOverride && buffer === "" && (url.includesCredentials() || url.port !== null))
failure = url.parseHost(buffer);
if (failure)
return failure;
buffer = "";
state = PATH_START;
if (stateOverride)
} else {
if (chr === "[")
seenBracket = true;
else if (chr === "]")
seenBracket = false;
buffer += chr;
case PORT:
if (exec(DIGIT, chr)) {
buffer += chr;
} else if (chr === EOF || chr === "/" || chr === "?" || chr === "#" || chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial() || stateOverride) {
if (buffer !== "") {
var port = parseInt2(buffer, 10);
if (port > 65535)
url.port = url.isSpecial() && port === specialSchemes[url.scheme] ? null : port;
buffer = "";
if (stateOverride)
state = PATH_START;
} else
case FILE:
url.scheme = "file";
if (chr === "/" || chr === "\\")
state = FILE_SLASH;
else if (base && base.scheme === "file") {
switch (chr) {
case EOF:
url.host = base.host;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = base.query;
case "?":
url.host = base.host;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = "";
state = QUERY;
case "#":
url.host = base.host;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
url.query = base.query;
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
if (!startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(join(arraySlice(codePoints, pointer), ""))) {
url.host = base.host;
url.path = arraySlice(base.path);
state = PATH;
} else {
state = PATH;
if (chr === "/" || chr === "\\") {
state = FILE_HOST;
if (base && base.scheme === "file" && !startsWithWindowsDriveLetter(join(arraySlice(codePoints, pointer), ""))) {
if (isWindowsDriveLetter(base.path[0], true))
push(url.path, base.path[0]);
url.host = base.host;
state = PATH;
if (chr === EOF || chr === "/" || chr === "\\" || chr === "?" || chr === "#") {
if (!stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetter(buffer)) {
state = PATH;
} else if (buffer === "") {
url.host = "";
if (stateOverride)
state = PATH_START;
} else {
failure = url.parseHost(buffer);
if (failure)
return failure;
if (url.host === "localhost")
url.host = "";
if (stateOverride)
buffer = "";
state = PATH_START;
} else
buffer += chr;
if (url.isSpecial()) {
state = PATH;
if (chr !== "/" && chr !== "\\")
} else if (!stateOverride && chr === "?") {
url.query = "";
state = QUERY;
} else if (!stateOverride && chr === "#") {
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
} else if (chr !== EOF) {
state = PATH;
if (chr !== "/")
case PATH:
if (chr === EOF || chr === "/" || chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial() || !stateOverride && (chr === "?" || chr === "#")) {
if (isDoubleDot(buffer)) {
if (chr !== "/" && !(chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial())) {
push(url.path, "");
} else if (isSingleDot(buffer)) {
if (chr !== "/" && !(chr === "\\" && url.isSpecial())) {
push(url.path, "");
} else {
if (url.scheme === "file" && !url.path.length && isWindowsDriveLetter(buffer)) {
if (url.host)
url.host = "";
buffer = charAt(buffer, 0) + ":";
push(url.path, buffer);
buffer = "";
if (url.scheme === "file" && (chr === EOF || chr === "?" || chr === "#")) {
while (url.path.length > 1 && url.path[0] === "") {
if (chr === "?") {
url.query = "";
state = QUERY;
} else if (chr === "#") {
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
} else {
buffer += percentEncode(chr, pathPercentEncodeSet);
if (chr === "?") {
url.query = "";
state = QUERY;
} else if (chr === "#") {
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
} else if (chr !== EOF) {
url.path[0] += percentEncode(chr, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet);
case QUERY:
if (!stateOverride && chr === "#") {
url.fragment = "";
state = FRAGMENT;
} else if (chr !== EOF) {
if (chr === "'" && url.isSpecial())
url.query += "%27";
else if (chr === "#")
url.query += "%23";
url.query += percentEncode(chr, C0ControlPercentEncodeSet);
if (chr !== EOF)
url.fragment += percentEncode(chr, fragmentPercentEncodeSet);
parseHost: function(input) {
var result, codePoints, index2;
if (charAt(input, 0) === "[") {
if (charAt(input, input.length - 1) !== "]")
result = parseIPv6(stringSlice(input, 1, -1));
if (!result)
this.host = result;
} else if (!this.isSpecial()) {
result = "";
codePoints = arrayFrom2(input);
for (index2 = 0; index2 < codePoints.length; index2++) {
result += percentEncode(codePoints[index2], C0ControlPercentEncodeSet);
this.host = result;
} else {
input = toASCII(input);
result = parseIPv4(input);
if (result === null)
this.host = result;
cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort: function() {
return !this.host || this.cannotBeABaseURL || this.scheme === "file";
includesCredentials: function() {
return this.username !== "" || this.password !== "";
isSpecial: function() {
return hasOwn(specialSchemes, this.scheme);
shortenPath: function() {
var path = this.path;
var pathSize = path.length;
if (pathSize && (this.scheme !== "file" || pathSize !== 1 || !isWindowsDriveLetter(path[0], true))) {
serialize: function() {
var url = this;
var scheme = url.scheme;
var username = url.username;
var password = url.password;
var host = url.host;
var port = url.port;
var path = url.path;
var query = url.query;
var fragment = url.fragment;
var output = scheme + ":";
if (host !== null) {
output += "//";
if (url.includesCredentials()) {
output += username + (password ? ":" + password : "") + "@";
output += serializeHost(host);
if (port !== null)
output += ":" + port;
} else if (scheme === "file")
output += "//";
output += url.cannotBeABaseURL ? path[0] : path.length ? "/" + join(path, "/") : "";
if (query !== null)
output += "?" + query;
if (fragment !== null)
output += "#" + fragment;
return output;
setHref: function(href) {
var failure = this.parse(href);
if (failure)
throw new TypeError2(failure);
getOrigin: function() {
var scheme = this.scheme;
var port = this.port;
if (scheme === "blob")
try {
return new URLConstructor(scheme.path[0]).origin;
} catch (error2) {
return "null";
if (scheme === "file" || !this.isSpecial())
return "null";
return scheme + "://" + serializeHost(this.host) + (port !== null ? ":" + port : "");
getProtocol: function() {
return this.scheme + ":";
setProtocol: function(protocol) {
this.parse($toString(protocol) + ":", SCHEME_START);
getUsername: function() {
return this.username;
setUsername: function(username) {
var codePoints = arrayFrom2($toString(username));
if (this.cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort())
this.username = "";
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < codePoints.length; i4++) {
this.username += percentEncode(codePoints[i4], userinfoPercentEncodeSet);
getPassword: function() {
return this.password;
setPassword: function(password) {
var codePoints = arrayFrom2($toString(password));
if (this.cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort())
this.password = "";
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < codePoints.length; i4++) {
this.password += percentEncode(codePoints[i4], userinfoPercentEncodeSet);
getHost: function() {
var host = this.host;
var port = this.port;
return host === null ? "" : port === null ? serializeHost(host) : serializeHost(host) + ":" + port;
setHost: function(host) {
if (this.cannotBeABaseURL)
this.parse(host, HOST);
getHostname: function() {
var host = this.host;
return host === null ? "" : serializeHost(host);
setHostname: function(hostname) {
if (this.cannotBeABaseURL)
this.parse(hostname, HOSTNAME);
getPort: function() {
var port = this.port;
return port === null ? "" : $toString(port);
setPort: function(port) {
if (this.cannotHaveUsernamePasswordPort())
port = $toString(port);
if (port === "")
this.port = null;
this.parse(port, PORT);
getPathname: function() {
var path = this.path;
return this.cannotBeABaseURL ? path[0] : path.length ? "/" + join(path, "/") : "";
setPathname: function(pathname) {
if (this.cannotBeABaseURL)
this.path = [];
this.parse(pathname, PATH_START);
getSearch: function() {
var query = this.query;
return query ? "?" + query : "";
setSearch: function(search) {
search = $toString(search);
if (search === "") {
this.query = null;
} else {
if (charAt(search, 0) === "?")
search = stringSlice(search, 1);
this.query = "";
this.parse(search, QUERY);
getSearchParams: function() {
return this.searchParams.facade;
getHash: function() {
var fragment = this.fragment;
return fragment ? "#" + fragment : "";
setHash: function(hash3) {
hash3 = $toString(hash3);
if (hash3 === "") {
this.fragment = null;
if (charAt(hash3, 0) === "#")
hash3 = stringSlice(hash3, 1);
this.fragment = "";
this.parse(hash3, FRAGMENT);
update: function() {
this.query = this.searchParams.serialize() || null;
var URLConstructor = function URL2(url) {
var that = anInstance(this, URLPrototype);
var base = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1) > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0;
var state = setInternalState(that, new URLState(url, false, base));
that.href = state.serialize();
that.origin = state.getOrigin();
that.protocol = state.getProtocol();
that.username = state.getUsername();
that.password = state.getPassword();
that.host = state.getHost();
that.hostname = state.getHostname();
that.port = state.getPort();
that.pathname = state.getPathname();
that.search = state.getSearch();
that.searchParams = state.getSearchParams();
that.hash = state.getHash();
var URLPrototype = URLConstructor.prototype;
var accessorDescriptor = function(getter, setter) {
return {
get: function() {
return getInternalURLState(this)[getter]();
set: setter && function(value) {
return getInternalURLState(this)[setter](value);
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "href", accessorDescriptor("serialize", "setHref"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "origin", accessorDescriptor("getOrigin"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "protocol", accessorDescriptor("getProtocol", "setProtocol"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "username", accessorDescriptor("getUsername", "setUsername"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "password", accessorDescriptor("getPassword", "setPassword"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "host", accessorDescriptor("getHost", "setHost"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "hostname", accessorDescriptor("getHostname", "setHostname"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "port", accessorDescriptor("getPort", "setPort"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "pathname", accessorDescriptor("getPathname", "setPathname"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "search", accessorDescriptor("getSearch", "setSearch"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "searchParams", accessorDescriptor("getSearchParams"));
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLPrototype, "hash", accessorDescriptor("getHash", "setHash"));
defineBuiltIn(URLPrototype, "toJSON", function toJSON() {
return getInternalURLState(this).serialize();
}, { enumerable: true });
defineBuiltIn(URLPrototype, "toString", function toString() {
return getInternalURLState(this).serialize();
}, { enumerable: true });
if (NativeURL) {
nativeCreateObjectURL = NativeURL.createObjectURL;
nativeRevokeObjectURL = NativeURL.revokeObjectURL;
if (nativeCreateObjectURL)
defineBuiltIn(URLConstructor, "createObjectURL", bind2(nativeCreateObjectURL, NativeURL));
if (nativeRevokeObjectURL)
defineBuiltIn(URLConstructor, "revokeObjectURL", bind2(nativeRevokeObjectURL, NativeURL));
var nativeCreateObjectURL;
var nativeRevokeObjectURL;
setToStringTag(URLConstructor, "URL");
$2({ global: true, constructor: true, forced: !USE_NATIVE_URL, sham: !DESCRIPTORS }, {
URL: URLConstructor
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.js
var require_web_url = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.can-parse.js
var require_web_url_can_parse = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.can-parse.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var getBuiltIn = require_get_built_in();
var fails = require_fails();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var toString = require_to_string();
var USE_NATIVE_URL = require_url_constructor_detection();
var URL2 = getBuiltIn("URL");
$2({ target: "URL", stat: true, forced: !THROWS_WITHOUT_ARGUMENTS }, {
canParse: function canParse(url) {
var length = validateArgumentsLength(arguments.length, 1);
var urlString = toString(url);
var base = length < 2 || arguments[1] === void 0 ? void 0 : toString(arguments[1]);
try {
return !!new URL2(urlString, base);
} catch (error2) {
return false;
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.to-json.js
var require_web_url_to_json = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url.to-json.js"() {
"use strict";
var $2 = require_export();
var call = require_function_call();
$2({ target: "URL", proto: true, enumerable: true }, {
toJSON: function toJSON() {
return call(URL.prototype.toString, this);
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.js
var require_web_url_search_params = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.js"() {
"use strict";
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.delete.js
var require_web_url_search_params_delete = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.delete.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var $URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams;
var URLSearchParamsPrototype = $URLSearchParams.prototype;
var append = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.append);
var $delete = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype["delete"]);
var forEach = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.forEach);
var push = uncurryThis([].push);
var params = new $URLSearchParams("a=1&a=2&b=3");
params["delete"]("a", 1);
params["delete"]("b", void 0);
if (params + "" !== "a=2") {
defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, "delete", function(name) {
var length = arguments.length;
var $value = length < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1];
if (length && $value === void 0)
return $delete(this, name);
var entries = [];
forEach(this, function(v3, k3) {
push(entries, { key: k3, value: v3 });
validateArgumentsLength(length, 1);
var key = toString(name);
var value = toString($value);
var index2 = 0;
var dindex = 0;
var found = false;
var entriesLength = entries.length;
var entry;
while (index2 < entriesLength) {
entry = entries[index2++];
if (found || entry.key === key) {
found = true;
$delete(this, entry.key);
} else
while (dindex < entriesLength) {
entry = entries[dindex++];
if (!(entry.key === key && entry.value === value))
append(this, entry.key, entry.value);
}, { enumerable: true, unsafe: true });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.has.js
var require_web_url_search_params_has = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.has.js"() {
"use strict";
var defineBuiltIn = require_define_built_in();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var toString = require_to_string();
var validateArgumentsLength = require_validate_arguments_length();
var $URLSearchParams = URLSearchParams;
var URLSearchParamsPrototype = $URLSearchParams.prototype;
var getAll = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.getAll);
var $has = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.has);
var params = new $URLSearchParams("a=1");
if (params.has("a", 2) || !params.has("a", void 0)) {
defineBuiltIn(URLSearchParamsPrototype, "has", function has(name) {
var length = arguments.length;
var $value = length < 2 ? void 0 : arguments[1];
if (length && $value === void 0)
return $has(this, name);
var values = getAll(this, name);
validateArgumentsLength(length, 1);
var value = toString($value);
var index2 = 0;
while (index2 < values.length) {
if (values[index2++] === value)
return true;
return false;
}, { enumerable: true, unsafe: true });
// node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.size.js
var require_web_url_search_params_size = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/modules/web.url-search-params.size.js"() {
"use strict";
var DESCRIPTORS = require_descriptors();
var uncurryThis = require_function_uncurry_this();
var defineBuiltInAccessor = require_define_built_in_accessor();
var URLSearchParamsPrototype = URLSearchParams.prototype;
var forEach = uncurryThis(URLSearchParamsPrototype.forEach);
if (DESCRIPTORS && !("size" in URLSearchParamsPrototype)) {
defineBuiltInAccessor(URLSearchParamsPrototype, "size", {
get: function size() {
var count = 0;
forEach(this, function() {
return count;
configurable: true,
enumerable: true
// node_modules/core-js/stable/index.js
var require_stable = __commonJS({
"node_modules/core-js/stable/index.js"(exports2, module2) {
"use strict";
module2.exports = require_path();
// node_modules/chartkick/dist/chartkick.js
var require_chartkick = __commonJS({
"node_modules/chartkick/dist/chartkick.js"(exports2, module2) {
(function(global2, factory) {
typeof exports2 === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? module2.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global2 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global2 || self, global2.Chartkick = factory());
})(exports2, function() {
"use strict";
function isArray2(variable) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable) === "[object Array]";
function isFunction2(variable) {
return variable instanceof Function;
function isPlainObject3(variable) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(variable) === "[object Object]" && !isFunction2(variable) && variable instanceof Object;
function extend3(target, source) {
var key;
for (key in source) {
if (key === "__proto__") {
if (isPlainObject3(source[key]) || isArray2(source[key])) {
if (isPlainObject3(source[key]) && !isPlainObject3(target[key])) {
target[key] = {};
if (isArray2(source[key]) && !isArray2(target[key])) {
target[key] = [];
extend3(target[key], source[key]);
} else if (source[key] !== void 0) {
target[key] = source[key];
function merge3(obj1, obj2) {
var target = {};
extend3(target, obj1);
extend3(target, obj2);
return target;
var DATE_PATTERN = /^(\d\d\d\d)(-)?(\d\d)(-)?(\d\d)$/i;
function negativeValues(series) {
var i4, j3, data;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
data = series[i4].data;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < data.length; j3++) {
if (data[j3][1] < 0) {
return true;
return false;
function toStr(n6) {
return "" + n6;
function toFloat(n6) {
return parseFloat(n6);
function toDate2(n6) {
var matches, year, month, day;
if (typeof n6 !== "object") {
if (typeof n6 === "number") {
n6 = new Date(n6 * 1e3);
} else {
n6 = toStr(n6);
if (matches = n6.match(DATE_PATTERN)) {
year = parseInt(matches[1], 10);
month = parseInt(matches[3], 10) - 1;
day = parseInt(matches[5], 10);
return new Date(year, month, day);
} else {
var str = n6.replace(/ /, "T").replace(" ", "").replace("UTC", "Z");
n6 = new Date(Date.parse(str) || n6);
return n6;
function toArr(n6) {
if (!isArray2(n6)) {
var arr = [], i4;
for (i4 in n6) {
if (n6.hasOwnProperty(i4)) {
arr.push([i4, n6[i4]]);
n6 = arr;
return n6;
function jsOptionsFunc(defaultOptions3, hideLegend2, setTitle2, setMin2, setMax2, setStacked2, setXtitle2, setYtitle2) {
return function(chart, opts, chartOptions) {
var series = chart.data;
var options = merge3({}, defaultOptions3);
options = merge3(options, chartOptions || {});
if (chart.singleSeriesFormat || "legend" in opts) {
hideLegend2(options, opts.legend, chart.singleSeriesFormat);
if (opts.title) {
setTitle2(options, opts.title);
if ("min" in opts) {
setMin2(options, opts.min);
} else if (!negativeValues(series)) {
setMin2(options, 0);
if (opts.max) {
setMax2(options, opts.max);
if ("stacked" in opts) {
setStacked2(options, opts.stacked);
if (opts.colors) {
options.colors = opts.colors;
if (opts.xtitle) {
setXtitle2(options, opts.xtitle);
if (opts.ytitle) {
setYtitle2(options, opts.ytitle);
options = merge3(options, opts.library || {});
return options;
function sortByTime(a4, b3) {
return a4[0].getTime() - b3[0].getTime();
function sortByNumberSeries(a4, b3) {
return a4[0] - b3[0];
function sortByNumber(a4, b3) {
return a4 - b3;
function isMinute(d3) {
return d3.getMilliseconds() === 0 && d3.getSeconds() === 0;
function isHour(d3) {
return isMinute(d3) && d3.getMinutes() === 0;
function isDay(d3) {
return isHour(d3) && d3.getHours() === 0;
function isWeek(d3, dayOfWeek2) {
return isDay(d3) && d3.getDay() === dayOfWeek2;
function isMonth(d3) {
return isDay(d3) && d3.getDate() === 1;
function isYear(d3) {
return isMonth(d3) && d3.getMonth() === 0;
function isDate3(obj) {
return !isNaN(toDate2(obj)) && toStr(obj).length >= 6;
function isNumber3(obj) {
return typeof obj === "number";
var byteSuffixes = ["bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"];
function formatValue(pre, value, options, axis) {
pre = pre || "";
if (options.prefix) {
if (value < 0) {
value = value * -1;
pre += "-";
pre += options.prefix;
var suffix = options.suffix || "";
var precision = options.precision;
var round3 = options.round;
if (options.byteScale) {
var suffixIdx;
var baseValue = axis ? options.byteScale : value;
if (baseValue >= 1152921504606847e3) {
value /= 1152921504606847e3;
suffixIdx = 6;
} else if (baseValue >= 1125899906842624) {
value /= 1125899906842624;
suffixIdx = 5;
} else if (baseValue >= 1099511627776) {
value /= 1099511627776;
suffixIdx = 4;
} else if (baseValue >= 1073741824) {
value /= 1073741824;
suffixIdx = 3;
} else if (baseValue >= 1048576) {
value /= 1048576;
suffixIdx = 2;
} else if (baseValue >= 1024) {
value /= 1024;
suffixIdx = 1;
} else {
suffixIdx = 0;
if (precision === void 0 && round3 === void 0) {
if (value >= 1023.5) {
if (suffixIdx < byteSuffixes.length - 1) {
value = 1;
suffixIdx += 1;
precision = value >= 1e3 ? 4 : 3;
suffix = " " + byteSuffixes[suffixIdx];
if (precision !== void 0 && round3 !== void 0) {
throw Error("Use either round or precision, not both");
if (!axis) {
if (precision !== void 0) {
value = value.toPrecision(precision);
if (!options.zeros) {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (round3 !== void 0) {
if (round3 < 0) {
var num = Math.pow(10, -1 * round3);
value = parseInt((1 * value / num).toFixed(0)) * num;
} else {
value = value.toFixed(round3);
if (!options.zeros) {
value = parseFloat(value);
if (options.thousands || options.decimal) {
value = toStr(value);
var parts = value.split(".");
value = parts[0];
if (options.thousands) {
value = value.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, options.thousands);
if (parts.length > 1) {
value += (options.decimal || ".") + parts[1];
return pre + value + suffix;
function seriesOption(chart, series, option) {
if (option in series) {
return series[option];
} else if (option in chart.options) {
return chart.options[option];
return null;
function allZeros(data) {
var i4, j3, d3;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < data.length; i4++) {
d3 = data[i4].data;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < d3.length; j3++) {
if (d3[j3][1] != 0) {
return false;
return true;
var baseOptions = {
maintainAspectRatio: false,
animation: false,
plugins: {
legend: {},
tooltip: {
displayColors: false,
callbacks: {}
title: {
font: {
size: 20
color: "#333"
interaction: {}
var defaultOptions$2 = {
scales: {
y: {
ticks: {
maxTicksLimit: 4
title: {
font: {
size: 16
color: "#333"
grid: {}
x: {
grid: {
drawOnChartArea: false
title: {
font: {
size: 16
color: "#333"
time: {},
ticks: {}
var defaultColors = [
var hideLegend$2 = function(options, legend, hideLegend2) {
if (legend !== void 0) {
options.plugins.legend.display = !!legend;
if (legend && legend !== true) {
options.plugins.legend.position = legend;
} else if (hideLegend2) {
options.plugins.legend.display = false;
var setTitle$2 = function(options, title) {
options.plugins.title.display = true;
options.plugins.title.text = title;
var setMin$2 = function(options, min2) {
if (min2 !== null) {
options.scales.y.min = toFloat(min2);
var setMax$2 = function(options, max2) {
options.scales.y.max = toFloat(max2);
var setBarMin$1 = function(options, min2) {
if (min2 !== null) {
options.scales.x.min = toFloat(min2);
var setBarMax$1 = function(options, max2) {
options.scales.x.max = toFloat(max2);
var setStacked$2 = function(options, stacked) {
options.scales.x.stacked = !!stacked;
options.scales.y.stacked = !!stacked;
var setXtitle$2 = function(options, title) {
options.scales.x.title.display = true;
options.scales.x.title.text = title;
var setYtitle$2 = function(options, title) {
options.scales.y.title.display = true;
options.scales.y.title.text = title;
var addOpacity = function(hex2, opacity) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex2);
return result ? "rgba(" + parseInt(result[1], 16) + ", " + parseInt(result[2], 16) + ", " + parseInt(result[3], 16) + ", " + opacity + ")" : hex2;
var notnull = function(x3) {
return x3 != null;
var setLabelSize = function(chart, data, options) {
var maxLabelSize = Math.ceil(chart.element.offsetWidth / 4 / data.labels.length);
if (maxLabelSize > 25) {
maxLabelSize = 25;
} else if (maxLabelSize < 10) {
maxLabelSize = 10;
if (!options.scales.x.ticks.callback) {
options.scales.x.ticks.callback = function(value) {
value = toStr(this.getLabelForValue(value));
if (value.length > maxLabelSize) {
return value.substring(0, maxLabelSize - 2) + "...";
} else {
return value;
var setFormatOptions$1 = function(chart, options, chartType) {
var formatOptions = {
prefix: chart.options.prefix,
suffix: chart.options.suffix,
thousands: chart.options.thousands,
decimal: chart.options.decimal,
precision: chart.options.precision,
round: chart.options.round,
zeros: chart.options.zeros
if (chart.options.bytes) {
var series = chart.data;
if (chartType === "pie") {
series = [{ data: series }];
var max2 = 0;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
var s5 = series[i4];
for (var j3 = 0; j3 < s5.data.length; j3++) {
if (s5.data[j3][1] > max2) {
max2 = s5.data[j3][1];
var scale = 1;
while (max2 >= 1024) {
scale *= 1024;
max2 /= 1024;
formatOptions.byteScale = scale;
if (chartType !== "pie") {
var axis = options.scales.y;
if (chartType === "bar") {
axis = options.scales.x;
if (formatOptions.byteScale) {
if (!axis.ticks.stepSize) {
axis.ticks.stepSize = formatOptions.byteScale / 2;
if (!axis.ticks.maxTicksLimit) {
axis.ticks.maxTicksLimit = 4;
if (!axis.ticks.callback) {
axis.ticks.callback = function(value) {
return formatValue("", value, formatOptions, true);
if (!options.plugins.tooltip.callbacks.label) {
if (chartType === "scatter") {
options.plugins.tooltip.callbacks.label = function(context) {
var label = context.dataset.label || "";
if (label) {
label += ": ";
return label + "(" + context.label + ", " + context.formattedValue + ")";
} else if (chartType === "bubble") {
options.plugins.tooltip.callbacks.label = function(context) {
var label = context.dataset.label || "";
if (label) {
label += ": ";
var dataPoint = context.raw;
return label + "(" + dataPoint.x + ", " + dataPoint.y + ", " + dataPoint.v + ")";
} else if (chartType === "pie") {
options.plugins.tooltip.callbacks.label = function(context) {
var dataLabel = context.label;
var value = ": ";
if (isArray2(dataLabel)) {
dataLabel = dataLabel.slice();
dataLabel[0] += value;
} else {
dataLabel += value;
return formatValue(dataLabel, context.parsed, formatOptions);
} else {
var valueLabel = chartType === "bar" ? "x" : "y";
options.plugins.tooltip.callbacks.label = function(context) {
if (context.parsed[valueLabel] === null) {
var label = context.dataset.label || "";
if (label) {
label += ": ";
return formatValue(label, context.parsed[valueLabel], formatOptions);
var jsOptions$2 = jsOptionsFunc(merge3(baseOptions, defaultOptions$2), hideLegend$2, setTitle$2, setMin$2, setMax$2, setStacked$2, setXtitle$2, setYtitle$2);
var createDataTable = function(chart, options, chartType) {
var datasets = [];
var labels = [];
var colors2 = chart.options.colors || defaultColors;
var day = true;
var week = true;
var dayOfWeek2;
var month = true;
var year = true;
var hour = true;
var minute = true;
var series = chart.data;
var max2 = 0;
if (chartType === "bubble") {
for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < series.length; i$1++) {
var s$1 = series[i$1];
for (var j$1 = 0; j$1 < s$1.data.length; j$1++) {
if (s$1.data[j$1][2] > max2) {
max2 = s$1.data[j$1][2];
var i4, j3, s5, d3, key, rows = [], rows2 = [];
if (chartType === "bar" || chartType === "column" || chart.xtype !== "number" && chart.xtype !== "bubble") {
var sortedLabels = [];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
s5 = series[i4];
for (j3 = 0; j3 < s5.data.length; j3++) {
d3 = s5.data[j3];
key = chart.xtype == "datetime" ? d3[0].getTime() : d3[0];
if (!rows[key]) {
rows[key] = new Array(series.length);
rows[key][i4] = toFloat(d3[1]);
if (sortedLabels.indexOf(key) === -1) {
if (chart.xtype === "datetime" || chart.xtype === "number") {
for (j3 = 0; j3 < series.length; j3++) {
var value;
var k3;
for (k3 = 0; k3 < sortedLabels.length; k3++) {
i4 = sortedLabels[k3];
if (chart.xtype === "datetime") {
value = new Date(toFloat(i4));
day = day && isDay(value);
if (!dayOfWeek2) {
dayOfWeek2 = value.getDay();
week = week && isWeek(value, dayOfWeek2);
month = month && isMonth(value);
year = year && isYear(value);
hour = hour && isHour(value);
minute = minute && isMinute(value);
} else {
value = i4;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < series.length; j3++) {
rows2[j3].push(rows[i4][j3] === void 0 ? null : rows[i4][j3]);
} else {
for (var i$2 = 0; i$2 < series.length; i$2++) {
var s$2 = series[i$2];
var d$1 = [];
for (var j$2 = 0; j$2 < s$2.data.length; j$2++) {
var point = {
x: toFloat(s$2.data[j$2][0]),
y: toFloat(s$2.data[j$2][1])
if (chartType === "bubble") {
point.r = toFloat(s$2.data[j$2][2]) * 20 / max2;
point.v = s$2.data[j$2][2];
var color2;
var backgroundColor;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
s5 = series[i4];
if (chart.options.colors && chart.singleSeriesFormat && (chartType === "bar" || chartType === "column") && !s5.color && isArray2(chart.options.colors) && !isArray2(chart.options.colors[0])) {
color2 = colors2;
backgroundColor = [];
for (var j$3 = 0; j$3 < colors2.length; j$3++) {
backgroundColor[j$3] = addOpacity(color2[j$3], 0.5);
} else {
color2 = s5.color || colors2[i4];
backgroundColor = chartType !== "line" ? addOpacity(color2, 0.5) : color2;
var dataset = {
label: s5.name || "",
data: rows2[i4],
fill: chartType === "area",
borderColor: color2,
borderWidth: 2
var pointChart = chartType === "line" || chartType === "area" || chartType === "scatter" || chartType === "bubble";
if (pointChart) {
dataset.pointBackgroundColor = color2;
dataset.pointHoverBackgroundColor = color2;
dataset.pointHitRadius = 50;
if (chartType === "bubble") {
dataset.pointBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
dataset.pointHoverBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
dataset.pointHoverBorderWidth = 2;
if (s5.stack) {
dataset.stack = s5.stack;
var curve = seriesOption(chart, s5, "curve");
if (curve === false) {
dataset.tension = 0;
} else if (pointChart) {
dataset.tension = 0.4;
var points = seriesOption(chart, s5, "points");
if (points === false) {
dataset.pointRadius = 0;
dataset.pointHoverRadius = 0;
dataset = merge3(dataset, chart.options.dataset || {});
dataset = merge3(dataset, s5.library || {});
dataset = merge3(dataset, s5.dataset || {});
var xmin = chart.options.xmin;
var xmax = chart.options.xmax;
if (chart.xtype === "datetime") {
if (notnull(xmin)) {
options.scales.x.min = toDate2(xmin).getTime();
if (notnull(xmax)) {
options.scales.x.max = toDate2(xmax).getTime();
} else if (chart.xtype === "number") {
if (notnull(xmin)) {
options.scales.x.min = xmin;
if (notnull(xmax)) {
options.scales.x.max = xmax;
if (chart.xtype === "datetime" && labels.length === 0) {
if (notnull(xmin)) {
if (notnull(xmax)) {
day = false;
week = false;
month = false;
year = false;
hour = false;
minute = false;
if (chart.xtype === "datetime" && labels.length > 0) {
var minTime2 = (notnull(xmin) ? toDate2(xmin) : labels[0]).getTime();
var maxTime2 = (notnull(xmax) ? toDate2(xmax) : labels[0]).getTime();
for (i4 = 1; i4 < labels.length; i4++) {
var value$1 = labels[i4].getTime();
if (value$1 < minTime2) {
minTime2 = value$1;
if (value$1 > maxTime2) {
maxTime2 = value$1;
var timeDiff = (maxTime2 - minTime2) / (86400 * 1e3);
if (!options.scales.x.time.unit) {
var step;
if (year || timeDiff > 365 * 10) {
options.scales.x.time.unit = "year";
step = 365;
} else if (month || timeDiff > 30 * 10) {
options.scales.x.time.unit = "month";
step = 30;
} else if (day || timeDiff > 10) {
options.scales.x.time.unit = "day";
step = 1;
} else if (hour || timeDiff > 0.5) {
options.scales.x.time.displayFormats = { hour: "MMM d, h a" };
options.scales.x.time.unit = "hour";
step = 1 / 24;
} else if (minute) {
options.scales.x.time.displayFormats = { minute: "h:mm a" };
options.scales.x.time.unit = "minute";
step = 1 / 24 / 60;
if (step && timeDiff > 0) {
var width = chart.element.offsetWidth;
if (width > 0) {
var unitStepSize = Math.ceil(timeDiff / step / (width / 100));
if (week && step === 1) {
unitStepSize = Math.ceil(unitStepSize / 7) * 7;
options.scales.x.time.stepSize = unitStepSize;
if (!options.scales.x.time.tooltipFormat) {
if (day) {
options.scales.x.time.tooltipFormat = "PP";
} else if (hour) {
options.scales.x.time.tooltipFormat = "MMM d, h a";
} else if (minute) {
options.scales.x.time.tooltipFormat = "h:mm a";
var data = {
return data;
var defaultExport$2 = function defaultExport2(library) {
this.name = "chartjs";
this.library = library;
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderLineChart = function renderLineChart(chart, chartType) {
var chartOptions = {};
if (!chart.options.max && allZeros(chart.data)) {
chartOptions.max = 1;
var options = jsOptions$2(chart, merge3(chartOptions, chart.options));
setFormatOptions$1(chart, options, chartType);
var data = createDataTable(chart, options, chartType || "line");
if (chart.xtype === "number") {
options.scales.x.type = options.scales.x.type || "linear";
options.scales.x.position = options.scales.x.position || "bottom";
} else {
options.scales.x.type = chart.xtype === "string" ? "category" : "time";
this.drawChart(chart, "line", data, options);
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderPieChart = function renderPieChart(chart) {
var options = merge3({}, baseOptions);
if (chart.options.donut) {
options.cutout = "50%";
if ("legend" in chart.options) {
hideLegend$2(options, chart.options.legend);
if (chart.options.title) {
setTitle$2(options, chart.options.title);
options = merge3(options, chart.options.library || {});
setFormatOptions$1(chart, options, "pie");
var labels = [];
var values = [];
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < chart.data.length; i4++) {
var point = chart.data[i4];
var dataset = {
data: values,
backgroundColor: chart.options.colors || defaultColors
dataset = merge3(dataset, chart.options.dataset || {});
var data = {
datasets: [dataset]
this.drawChart(chart, "pie", data, options);
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderColumnChart = function renderColumnChart(chart, chartType) {
var options;
if (chartType === "bar") {
var barOptions = merge3(baseOptions, defaultOptions$2);
barOptions.indexAxis = "y";
barOptions.scales.x.grid.drawOnChartArea = true;
barOptions.scales.y.grid.drawOnChartArea = false;
delete barOptions.scales.y.ticks.maxTicksLimit;
options = jsOptionsFunc(barOptions, hideLegend$2, setTitle$2, setBarMin$1, setBarMax$1, setStacked$2, setXtitle$2, setYtitle$2)(chart, chart.options);
} else {
options = jsOptions$2(chart, chart.options);
setFormatOptions$1(chart, options, chartType);
var data = createDataTable(chart, options, "column");
if (chartType !== "bar") {
setLabelSize(chart, data, options);
this.drawChart(chart, "bar", data, options);
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderAreaChart = function renderAreaChart(chart) {
this.renderLineChart(chart, "area");
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderBarChart = function renderBarChart(chart) {
this.renderColumnChart(chart, "bar");
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderScatterChart = function renderScatterChart(chart, chartType) {
chartType = chartType || "scatter";
var options = jsOptions$2(chart, chart.options);
setFormatOptions$1(chart, options, chartType);
if (!("showLine" in options)) {
options.showLine = false;
var data = createDataTable(chart, options, chartType);
options.scales.x.type = options.scales.x.type || "linear";
options.scales.x.position = options.scales.x.position || "bottom";
if (!("mode" in options.interaction)) {
options.interaction.mode = "nearest";
this.drawChart(chart, chartType, data, options);
defaultExport$2.prototype.renderBubbleChart = function renderBubbleChart(chart) {
this.renderScatterChart(chart, "bubble");
defaultExport$2.prototype.destroy = function destroy(chart) {
if (chart.chart) {
defaultExport$2.prototype.drawChart = function drawChart(chart, type, data, options) {
if (chart.destroyed) {
var chartOptions = {
if (chart.options.code) {
window.console.log("new Chart(ctx, " + JSON.stringify(chartOptions) + ");");
chart.element.innerHTML = "";
var ctx = chart.element.getElementsByTagName("CANVAS")[0];
chart.chart = new this.library(ctx, chartOptions);
var defaultOptions$1 = {
chart: {},
xAxis: {
title: {
text: null
labels: {
style: {
fontSize: "12px"
yAxis: {
title: {
text: null
labels: {
style: {
fontSize: "12px"
title: {
text: null
credits: {
enabled: false
legend: {
borderWidth: 0
tooltip: {
style: {
fontSize: "12px"
plotOptions: {
areaspline: {},
area: {},
series: {
marker: {}
time: {
useUTC: false
var hideLegend$1 = function(options, legend, hideLegend2) {
if (legend !== void 0) {
options.legend.enabled = !!legend;
if (legend && legend !== true) {
if (legend === "top" || legend === "bottom") {
options.legend.verticalAlign = legend;
} else {
options.legend.layout = "vertical";
options.legend.verticalAlign = "middle";
options.legend.align = legend;
} else if (hideLegend2) {
options.legend.enabled = false;
var setTitle$1 = function(options, title) {
options.title.text = title;
var setMin$1 = function(options, min2) {
options.yAxis.min = min2;
var setMax$1 = function(options, max2) {
options.yAxis.max = max2;
var setStacked$1 = function(options, stacked) {
var stackedValue = stacked ? stacked === true ? "normal" : stacked : null;
options.plotOptions.series.stacking = stackedValue;
options.plotOptions.area.stacking = stackedValue;
options.plotOptions.areaspline.stacking = stackedValue;
var setXtitle$1 = function(options, title) {
options.xAxis.title.text = title;
var setYtitle$1 = function(options, title) {
options.yAxis.title.text = title;
var jsOptions$1 = jsOptionsFunc(defaultOptions$1, hideLegend$1, setTitle$1, setMin$1, setMax$1, setStacked$1, setXtitle$1, setYtitle$1);
var setFormatOptions = function(chart, options, chartType) {
var formatOptions = {
prefix: chart.options.prefix,
suffix: chart.options.suffix,
thousands: chart.options.thousands,
decimal: chart.options.decimal,
precision: chart.options.precision,
round: chart.options.round,
zeros: chart.options.zeros
if (chartType !== "pie" && !isArray2(options.yAxis) && !options.yAxis.labels.formatter) {
options.yAxis.labels.formatter = function() {
return formatValue("", this.value, formatOptions);
if (!options.tooltip.pointFormatter && !options.tooltip.pointFormat) {
options.tooltip.pointFormatter = function() {
return '\u25CF ' + formatValue(this.series.name + ": ", this.y, formatOptions) + "
var defaultExport$1 = function defaultExport2(library) {
this.name = "highcharts";
this.library = library;
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderLineChart = function renderLineChart(chart, chartType) {
chartType = chartType || "spline";
var chartOptions = {};
if (chartType === "areaspline") {
chartOptions = {
plotOptions: {
areaspline: {
stacking: "normal"
area: {
stacking: "normal"
series: {
marker: {
enabled: false
if (chart.options.curve === false) {
if (chartType === "areaspline") {
chartType = "area";
} else if (chartType === "spline") {
chartType = "line";
var options = jsOptions$1(chart, chart.options, chartOptions), data, i4, j3;
if (chart.xtype === "number") {
options.xAxis.type = options.xAxis.type || "linear";
} else {
options.xAxis.type = chart.xtype === "string" ? "category" : "datetime";
if (!options.chart.type) {
options.chart.type = chartType;
setFormatOptions(chart, options, chartType);
var series = chart.data;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
series[i4].name = series[i4].name || "Value";
data = series[i4].data;
if (chart.xtype === "datetime") {
for (j3 = 0; j3 < data.length; j3++) {
data[j3][0] = data[j3][0].getTime();
series[i4].marker = { symbol: "circle" };
if (chart.options.points === false) {
series[i4].marker.enabled = false;
this.drawChart(chart, series, options);
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderScatterChart = function renderScatterChart(chart) {
var options = jsOptions$1(chart, chart.options, {});
options.chart.type = "scatter";
this.drawChart(chart, chart.data, options);
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderPieChart = function renderPieChart(chart) {
var chartOptions = merge3(defaultOptions$1, {});
if (chart.options.colors) {
chartOptions.colors = chart.options.colors;
if (chart.options.donut) {
chartOptions.plotOptions = { pie: { innerSize: "50%" } };
if ("legend" in chart.options) {
hideLegend$1(chartOptions, chart.options.legend);
if (chart.options.title) {
setTitle$1(chartOptions, chart.options.title);
var options = merge3(chartOptions, chart.options.library || {});
setFormatOptions(chart, options, "pie");
var series = [{
type: "pie",
name: chart.options.label || "Value",
data: chart.data
this.drawChart(chart, series, options);
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderColumnChart = function renderColumnChart(chart, chartType) {
chartType = chartType || "column";
var series = chart.data;
var options = jsOptions$1(chart, chart.options), i4, j3, s5, d3, rows = [], categories = [];
options.chart.type = chartType;
setFormatOptions(chart, options, chartType);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
s5 = series[i4];
for (j3 = 0; j3 < s5.data.length; j3++) {
d3 = s5.data[j3];
if (!rows[d3[0]]) {
rows[d3[0]] = new Array(series.length);
rows[d3[0]][i4] = d3[1];
if (chart.xtype === "number") {
options.xAxis.categories = categories;
var newSeries = [], d22;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
d3 = [];
for (j3 = 0; j3 < categories.length; j3++) {
d3.push(rows[categories[j3]][i4] || 0);
d22 = {
name: series[i4].name || "Value",
data: d3
if (series[i4].stack) {
d22.stack = series[i4].stack;
this.drawChart(chart, newSeries, options);
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderBarChart = function renderBarChart(chart) {
this.renderColumnChart(chart, "bar");
defaultExport$1.prototype.renderAreaChart = function renderAreaChart(chart) {
this.renderLineChart(chart, "areaspline");
defaultExport$1.prototype.destroy = function destroy(chart) {
if (chart.chart) {
defaultExport$1.prototype.drawChart = function drawChart(chart, data, options) {
if (chart.destroyed) {
options.chart.renderTo = chart.element.id;
options.series = data;
if (chart.options.code) {
window.console.log("new Highcharts.Chart(" + JSON.stringify(options) + ");");
chart.chart = new this.library.Chart(options);
var loaded = {};
var callbacks = [];
var defaultOptions2 = {
chartArea: {},
fontName: "'Lucida Grande', 'Lucida Sans Unicode', Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif",
pointSize: 6,
legend: {
textStyle: {
fontSize: 12,
color: "#444"
alignment: "center",
position: "right"
curveType: "function",
hAxis: {
textStyle: {
color: "#666",
fontSize: 12
titleTextStyle: {},
gridlines: {
color: "transparent"
baselineColor: "#ccc",
viewWindow: {}
vAxis: {
textStyle: {
color: "#666",
fontSize: 12
titleTextStyle: {},
baselineColor: "#ccc",
viewWindow: {}
tooltip: {
textStyle: {
color: "#666",
fontSize: 12
var hideLegend = function(options, legend, hideLegend2) {
if (legend !== void 0) {
var position;
if (!legend) {
position = "none";
} else if (legend === true) {
position = "right";
} else {
position = legend;
options.legend.position = position;
} else if (hideLegend2) {
options.legend.position = "none";
var setTitle = function(options, title) {
options.title = title;
options.titleTextStyle = { color: "#333", fontSize: "20px" };
var setMin = function(options, min2) {
options.vAxis.viewWindow.min = min2;
var setMax = function(options, max2) {
options.vAxis.viewWindow.max = max2;
var setBarMin = function(options, min2) {
options.hAxis.viewWindow.min = min2;
var setBarMax = function(options, max2) {
options.hAxis.viewWindow.max = max2;
var setStacked = function(options, stacked) {
options.isStacked = stacked ? stacked : false;
var setXtitle = function(options, title) {
options.hAxis.title = title;
options.hAxis.titleTextStyle.italic = false;
var setYtitle = function(options, title) {
options.vAxis.title = title;
options.vAxis.titleTextStyle.italic = false;
var jsOptions = jsOptionsFunc(defaultOptions2, hideLegend, setTitle, setMin, setMax, setStacked, setXtitle, setYtitle);
var resize = function(callback2) {
if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent("onresize", callback2);
} else if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener("resize", callback2, true);
var defaultExport = function defaultExport2(library) {
this.name = "google";
this.library = library;
defaultExport.prototype.renderLineChart = function renderLineChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var chartOptions = {};
if (chart.options.curve === false) {
chartOptions.curveType = "none";
if (chart.options.points === false) {
chartOptions.pointSize = 0;
var options = jsOptions(chart, chart.options, chartOptions);
var data = this$1$1.createDataTable(chart.data, chart.xtype);
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "LineChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderPieChart = function renderPieChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var chartOptions = {
chartArea: {
top: "10%",
height: "80%"
legend: {}
if (chart.options.colors) {
chartOptions.colors = chart.options.colors;
if (chart.options.donut) {
chartOptions.pieHole = 0.5;
if ("legend" in chart.options) {
hideLegend(chartOptions, chart.options.legend);
if (chart.options.title) {
setTitle(chartOptions, chart.options.title);
var options = merge3(merge3(defaultOptions2, chartOptions), chart.options.library || {});
var data = new this$1$1.library.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn("string", "");
data.addColumn("number", "Value");
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "PieChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderColumnChart = function renderColumnChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var options = jsOptions(chart, chart.options);
var data = this$1$1.createDataTable(chart.data, chart.xtype);
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "ColumnChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderBarChart = function renderBarChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var chartOptions = {
hAxis: {
gridlines: {
color: "#ccc"
var options = jsOptionsFunc(defaultOptions2, hideLegend, setTitle, setBarMin, setBarMax, setStacked, setXtitle, setYtitle)(chart, chart.options, chartOptions);
var data = this$1$1.createDataTable(chart.data, chart.xtype);
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "BarChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderAreaChart = function renderAreaChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var chartOptions = {
isStacked: true,
pointSize: 0,
areaOpacity: 0.5
var options = jsOptions(chart, chart.options, chartOptions);
var data = this$1$1.createDataTable(chart.data, chart.xtype);
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "AreaChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderGeoChart = function renderGeoChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, "geochart", function() {
var chartOptions = {
legend: "none",
colorAxis: {
colors: chart.options.colors || ["#f6c7b6", "#ce502d"]
var options = merge3(merge3(defaultOptions2, chartOptions), chart.options.library || {});
var data = new this$1$1.library.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn("string", "");
data.addColumn("number", chart.options.label || "Value");
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "GeoChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderScatterChart = function renderScatterChart(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, function() {
var chartOptions = {};
var options = jsOptions(chart, chart.options, chartOptions);
var series = chart.data, rows2 = [], i4, j3, data, d3;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
series[i4].name = series[i4].name || "Value";
d3 = series[i4].data;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < d3.length; j3++) {
var row = new Array(series.length + 1);
row[0] = d3[j3][0];
row[i4 + 1] = d3[j3][1];
data = new this$1$1.library.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn("number", "");
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
data.addColumn("number", series[i4].name);
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "ScatterChart", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.renderTimeline = function renderTimeline(chart) {
var this$1$1 = this;
this.waitForLoaded(chart, "timeline", function() {
var chartOptions = {
legend: "none"
if (chart.options.colors) {
chartOptions.colors = chart.options.colors;
var options = merge3(merge3(defaultOptions2, chartOptions), chart.options.library || {});
var data = new this$1$1.library.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn({ type: "string", id: "Name" });
data.addColumn({ type: "date", id: "Start" });
data.addColumn({ type: "date", id: "End" });
chart.element.style.lineHeight = "normal";
this$1$1.drawChart(chart, "Timeline", data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.destroy = function destroy(chart) {
if (chart.chart) {
defaultExport.prototype.drawChart = function drawChart(chart, type, data, options) {
if (chart.destroyed) {
if (chart.options.code) {
window.console.log("var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(" + data.toJSON() + ");\nvar chart = new google.visualization." + type + "(element);\nchart.draw(data, " + JSON.stringify(options) + ");");
chart.chart = new this.library.visualization[type](chart.element);
resize(function() {
chart.chart.draw(data, options);
defaultExport.prototype.waitForLoaded = function waitForLoaded(chart, pack, callback2) {
var this$1$1 = this;
if (!callback2) {
callback2 = pack;
pack = "corechart";
callbacks.push({ pack, callback: callback2 });
if (loaded[pack]) {
} else {
loaded[pack] = true;
var loadOptions = {
packages: [pack],
callback: function() {
var config2 = chart.__config();
if (config2.language) {
loadOptions.language = config2.language;
if (pack === "geochart" && config2.mapsApiKey) {
loadOptions.mapsApiKey = config2.mapsApiKey;
this.library.charts.load("current", loadOptions);
defaultExport.prototype.runCallbacks = function runCallbacks() {
var cb, call;
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < callbacks.length; i4++) {
cb = callbacks[i4];
call = this.library.visualization && (cb.pack === "corechart" && this.library.visualization.LineChart || cb.pack === "timeline" && this.library.visualization.Timeline || cb.pack === "geochart" && this.library.visualization.GeoChart);
if (call) {
callbacks.splice(i4, 1);
defaultExport.prototype.createDataTable = function createDataTable2(series, columnType) {
var i4, j3, s5, d3, key, rows = [], sortedLabels = [];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
s5 = series[i4];
series[i4].name = series[i4].name || "Value";
for (j3 = 0; j3 < s5.data.length; j3++) {
d3 = s5.data[j3];
key = columnType === "datetime" ? d3[0].getTime() : d3[0];
if (!rows[key]) {
rows[key] = new Array(series.length);
rows[key][i4] = toFloat(d3[1]);
var rows2 = [];
var day = true;
var value;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < sortedLabels.length; j3++) {
i4 = sortedLabels[j3];
if (columnType === "datetime") {
value = new Date(toFloat(i4));
day = day && isDay(value);
} else if (columnType === "number") {
value = toFloat(i4);
} else {
value = i4;
if (columnType === "datetime") {
} else if (columnType === "number") {
for (i4 = 0; i4 < rows2.length; i4++) {
rows2[i4][0] = toStr(rows2[i4][0]);
columnType = "string";
var data = new this.library.visualization.DataTable();
columnType = columnType === "datetime" && day ? "date" : columnType;
data.addColumn(columnType, "");
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
data.addColumn("number", series[i4].name);
return data;
function formatSeriesData(data, keyType) {
var r4 = [], j3, keyFunc;
if (keyType === "number") {
keyFunc = toFloat;
} else if (keyType === "datetime") {
keyFunc = toDate2;
} else {
keyFunc = toStr;
if (keyType === "bubble") {
for (j3 = 0; j3 < data.length; j3++) {
r4.push([toFloat(data[j3][0]), toFloat(data[j3][1]), toFloat(data[j3][2])]);
} else {
for (j3 = 0; j3 < data.length; j3++) {
r4.push([keyFunc(data[j3][0]), toFloat(data[j3][1])]);
if (keyType === "datetime") {
} else if (keyType === "number") {
return r4;
function detectXType(series, noDatetime, options) {
if (dataEmpty(series)) {
if ((options.xmin || options.xmax) && (!options.xmin || isDate3(options.xmin)) && (!options.xmax || isDate3(options.xmax))) {
return "datetime";
} else {
return "number";
} else if (detectXTypeWithFunction(series, isNumber3)) {
return "number";
} else if (!noDatetime && detectXTypeWithFunction(series, isDate3)) {
return "datetime";
} else {
return "string";
function detectXTypeWithFunction(series, func) {
var i4, j3, data;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
data = toArr(series[i4].data);
for (j3 = 0; j3 < data.length; j3++) {
if (!func(data[j3][0])) {
return false;
return true;
function copySeries(series) {
var newSeries = [], i4, j3;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
var copy = {};
for (j3 in series[i4]) {
if (series[i4].hasOwnProperty(j3)) {
copy[j3] = series[i4][j3];
return newSeries;
function processSeries(chart, keyType, noDatetime) {
var i4;
var opts = chart.options;
var series = chart.rawData;
chart.singleSeriesFormat = !isArray2(series) || typeof series[0] !== "object" || isArray2(series[0]);
if (chart.singleSeriesFormat) {
series = [{ name: opts.label, data: series }];
series = copySeries(series);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
series[i4].data = toArr(series[i4].data);
chart.xtype = keyType ? keyType : opts.discrete ? "string" : detectXType(series, noDatetime, opts);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < series.length; i4++) {
series[i4].data = formatSeriesData(series[i4].data, chart.xtype);
return series;
function processSimple(chart) {
var perfectData = toArr(chart.rawData), i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < perfectData.length; i4++) {
perfectData[i4] = [toStr(perfectData[i4][0]), toFloat(perfectData[i4][1])];
return perfectData;
function dataEmpty(data, chartType) {
if (chartType === "PieChart" || chartType === "GeoChart" || chartType === "Timeline") {
return data.length === 0;
} else {
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data.length; i4++) {
if (data[i4].data.length > 0) {
return false;
return true;
function addDownloadButton(chart) {
var element = chart.element;
var link = document.createElement("a");
var download = chart.options.download;
if (download === true) {
download = {};
} else if (typeof download === "string") {
download = { filename: download };
link.download = download.filename || "chart.png";
link.style.position = "absolute";
link.style.top = "20px";
link.style.right = "20px";
link.style.zIndex = 1e3;
link.style.lineHeight = "20px";
link.target = "_blank";
var image = document.createElement("img");
image.alt = "Download";
image.style.border = "none";
image.src = "";
element.style.position = "relative";
chart.__downloadAttached = true;
chart.__enterEvent = addEvent2(element, "mouseover", function(e4) {
var related = e4.relatedTarget;
if ((!related || related !== this && !childOf(this, related)) && chart.options.download) {
link.href = chart.toImage(download);
chart.__leaveEvent = addEvent2(element, "mouseout", function(e4) {
var related = e4.relatedTarget;
if (!related || related !== this && !childOf(this, related)) {
if (link.parentNode) {
function addEvent2(elem, event, fn3) {
if (elem.addEventListener) {
elem.addEventListener(event, fn3, false);
return fn3;
} else {
var fn22 = function() {
return fn3.call(elem, window.event);
elem.attachEvent("on" + event, fn22);
return fn22;
function removeEvent(elem, event, fn3) {
if (elem.removeEventListener) {
elem.removeEventListener(event, fn3, false);
} else {
elem.detachEvent("on" + event, fn3);
function childOf(p3, c3) {
if (p3 === c3) {
return false;
while (c3 && c3 !== p3) {
c3 = c3.parentNode;
return c3 === p3;
var pendingRequests = [], runningRequests = 0, maxRequests = 4;
function pushRequest(url, success, error2) {
pendingRequests.push([url, success, error2]);
function runNext() {
if (runningRequests < maxRequests) {
var request = pendingRequests.shift();
if (request) {
getJSON(request[0], request[1], request[2]);
function requestComplete() {
function getJSON(url, success, error2) {
ajaxCall(url, success, function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
var message = typeof errorThrown === "string" ? errorThrown : errorThrown.message;
function ajaxCall(url, success, error2) {
var $2 = window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window.$;
if ($2 && $2.ajax) {
dataType: "json",
error: error2,
complete: requestComplete
} else {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
success(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), xhr.statusText, xhr);
} else {
error2(xhr, "error", xhr.statusText);
var config = {};
var adapters2 = [];
function setText(element, text) {
if (document.body.innerText) {
element.innerText = text;
} else {
element.textContent = text;
function chartError(element, message, noPrefix) {
if (!noPrefix) {
message = "Error Loading Chart: " + message;
setText(element, message);
element.style.color = "#ff0000";
function errorCatcher(chart) {
try {
} catch (err) {
chartError(chart.element, err.message);
throw err;
function fetchDataSource(chart, dataSource, showLoading) {
if (showLoading && chart.options.loading && (typeof dataSource === "string" || typeof dataSource === "function")) {
setText(chart.element, chart.options.loading);
if (typeof dataSource === "string") {
pushRequest(dataSource, function(data) {
chart.rawData = data;
}, function(message) {
chartError(chart.element, message);
} else if (typeof dataSource === "function") {
try {
dataSource(function(data) {
chart.rawData = data;
}, function(message) {
chartError(chart.element, message, true);
} catch (err) {
chartError(chart.element, err, true);
} else {
chart.rawData = dataSource;
function getAdapterType(library) {
if (library) {
if (library.product === "Highcharts") {
return defaultExport$1;
} else if (library.charts) {
return defaultExport;
} else if (isFunction2(library)) {
return defaultExport$2;
throw new Error("Unknown adapter");
function addAdapter(library) {
var adapterType = getAdapterType(library);
var adapter = new adapterType(library);
if (adapters2.indexOf(adapter) === -1) {
function loadAdapters() {
if ("Chart" in window) {
if ("Highcharts" in window) {
if (window.google && window.google.charts) {
function renderChart(chartType, chart) {
if (dataEmpty(chart.data, chartType)) {
var message = chart.options.empty || chart.options.messages && chart.options.messages.empty || "No data";
setText(chart.element, message);
} else {
callAdapter(chartType, chart);
if (chart.options.download && !chart.__downloadAttached && chart.adapter === "chartjs") {
function callAdapter(chartType, chart) {
var i4, adapter, fnName, adapterName;
fnName = "render" + chartType;
adapterName = chart.options.adapter;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < adapters2.length; i4++) {
adapter = adapters2[i4];
if ((!adapterName || adapterName === adapter.name) && isFunction2(adapter[fnName])) {
chart.adapter = adapter.name;
chart.__adapterObject = adapter;
return adapter[fnName](chart);
if (adapters2.length > 0) {
throw new Error("No charting library found for " + chartType);
} else {
throw new Error("No charting libraries found - be sure to include one before your charts");
var Chart2 = function Chart3(element, dataSource, options) {
var elementId;
if (typeof element === "string") {
elementId = element;
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (!element) {
throw new Error("No element with id " + elementId);
this.element = element;
this.options = merge3(Chartkick2.options, options || {});
this.dataSource = dataSource;
Chartkick2.charts[element.id] = this;
fetchDataSource(this, dataSource, true);
if (this.options.refresh) {
Chart2.prototype.getElement = function getElement() {
return this.element;
Chart2.prototype.getDataSource = function getDataSource() {
return this.dataSource;
Chart2.prototype.getData = function getData() {
return this.data;
Chart2.prototype.getOptions = function getOptions2() {
return this.options;
Chart2.prototype.getChartObject = function getChartObject() {
return this.chart;
Chart2.prototype.getAdapter = function getAdapter() {
return this.adapter;
Chart2.prototype.updateData = function updateData(dataSource, options) {
this.dataSource = dataSource;
if (options) {
fetchDataSource(this, dataSource, true);
Chart2.prototype.setOptions = function setOptions(options) {
Chart2.prototype.redraw = function redraw() {
fetchDataSource(this, this.rawData);
Chart2.prototype.refreshData = function refreshData() {
if (typeof this.dataSource === "string") {
var sep = this.dataSource.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";
var url = this.dataSource + sep + "_=" + new Date().getTime();
fetchDataSource(this, url);
} else if (typeof this.dataSource === "function") {
fetchDataSource(this, this.dataSource);
Chart2.prototype.startRefresh = function startRefresh() {
var this$1$1 = this;
var refresh = this.options.refresh;
if (refresh && typeof this.dataSource !== "string" && typeof this.dataSource !== "function") {
throw new Error("Data source must be a URL or callback for refresh");
if (!this.intervalId) {
if (refresh) {
this.intervalId = setInterval(function() {
}, refresh * 1e3);
} else {
throw new Error("No refresh interval");
Chart2.prototype.stopRefresh = function stopRefresh() {
if (this.intervalId) {
this.intervalId = null;
Chart2.prototype.toImage = function toImage(download) {
if (this.adapter === "chartjs") {
if (download && download.background && download.background !== "transparent") {
var canvas = this.chart.canvas;
var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
var tmpCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d");
tmpCanvas.width = ctx.canvas.width;
tmpCanvas.height = ctx.canvas.height;
tmpCtx.fillStyle = download.background;
tmpCtx.fillRect(0, 0, tmpCanvas.width, tmpCanvas.height);
tmpCtx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
return tmpCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
} else {
return this.chart.toBase64Image();
} else {
throw new Error("Feature only available for Chart.js");
Chart2.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
this.destroyed = true;
if (this.__adapterObject) {
if (this.__enterEvent) {
removeEvent(this.element, "mouseover", this.__enterEvent);
if (this.__leaveEvent) {
removeEvent(this.element, "mouseout", this.__leaveEvent);
Chart2.prototype.__updateOptions = function __updateOptions(options) {
var updateRefresh = options.refresh && options.refresh !== this.options.refresh;
this.options = merge3(Chartkick2.options, options);
if (updateRefresh) {
Chart2.prototype.__render = function __render() {
this.data = this.__processData();
renderChart(this.__chartName(), this);
Chart2.prototype.__config = function __config() {
return config;
var LineChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function LineChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
LineChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
LineChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
LineChart2.prototype.constructor = LineChart2;
LineChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this);
LineChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "LineChart";
return LineChart2;
var PieChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function PieChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
PieChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
PieChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
PieChart2.prototype.constructor = PieChart2;
PieChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSimple(this);
PieChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "PieChart";
return PieChart2;
var ColumnChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function ColumnChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
ColumnChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
ColumnChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
ColumnChart2.prototype.constructor = ColumnChart2;
ColumnChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this, null, true);
ColumnChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "ColumnChart";
return ColumnChart2;
var BarChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function BarChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
BarChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
BarChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
BarChart2.prototype.constructor = BarChart2;
BarChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this, null, true);
BarChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "BarChart";
return BarChart2;
var AreaChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function AreaChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
AreaChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
AreaChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
AreaChart2.prototype.constructor = AreaChart2;
AreaChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this);
AreaChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "AreaChart";
return AreaChart2;
var GeoChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function GeoChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
GeoChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
GeoChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
GeoChart2.prototype.constructor = GeoChart2;
GeoChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSimple(this);
GeoChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "GeoChart";
return GeoChart2;
var ScatterChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function ScatterChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
ScatterChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
ScatterChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
ScatterChart2.prototype.constructor = ScatterChart2;
ScatterChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this, "number");
ScatterChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "ScatterChart";
return ScatterChart2;
var BubbleChart = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function BubbleChart2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
BubbleChart2.__proto__ = Chart3;
BubbleChart2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
BubbleChart2.prototype.constructor = BubbleChart2;
BubbleChart2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
return processSeries(this, "bubble");
BubbleChart2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "BubbleChart";
return BubbleChart2;
var Timeline = /* @__PURE__ */ function(Chart3) {
function Timeline2() {
Chart3.apply(this, arguments);
if (Chart3)
Timeline2.__proto__ = Chart3;
Timeline2.prototype = Object.create(Chart3 && Chart3.prototype);
Timeline2.prototype.constructor = Timeline2;
Timeline2.prototype.__processData = function __processData() {
var i4, data = this.rawData;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < data.length; i4++) {
data[i4][1] = toDate2(data[i4][1]);
data[i4][2] = toDate2(data[i4][2]);
return data;
Timeline2.prototype.__chartName = function __chartName() {
return "Timeline";
return Timeline2;
var Chartkick2 = {
charts: {},
configure: function(options) {
for (var key in options) {
if (options.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
config[key] = options[key];
setDefaultOptions: function(opts) {
Chartkick2.options = opts;
eachChart: function(callback2) {
for (var chartId in Chartkick2.charts) {
if (Chartkick2.charts.hasOwnProperty(chartId)) {
destroyAll: function() {
for (var chartId in Chartkick2.charts) {
if (Chartkick2.charts.hasOwnProperty(chartId)) {
delete Chartkick2.charts[chartId];
options: {},
adapters: adapters2,
use: function(adapter) {
return Chartkick2;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && !window.Chartkick) {
window.Chartkick = Chartkick2;
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:before-render", function() {
if (config.autoDestroy !== false) {
document.addEventListener("turbo:before-render", function() {
if (config.autoDestroy !== false) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("chartkick:load"));
}, 0);
Chartkick2.default = Chartkick2;
return Chartkick2;
// node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chunks/helpers.segment.js
function throttled(fn3, thisArg, updateFn) {
const updateArgs = updateFn || ((args2) => Array.prototype.slice.call(args2));
let ticking = false;
let args = [];
return function(...rest) {
args = updateArgs(rest);
if (!ticking) {
ticking = true;
requestAnimFrame.call(window, () => {
ticking = false;
fn3.apply(thisArg, args);
function debounce(fn3, delay) {
let timeout;
return function(...args) {
if (delay) {
timeout = setTimeout(fn3, delay, args);
} else {
fn3.apply(this, args);
return delay;
function noop() {
function isNullOrUndef(value) {
return value === null || typeof value === "undefined";
function isArray(value) {
if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(value)) {
return true;
const type = Object.prototype.toString.call(value);
if (type.substr(0, 7) === "[object" && type.substr(-6) === "Array]") {
return true;
return false;
function isObject(value) {
return value !== null && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object Object]";
function finiteOrDefault(value, defaultValue) {
return isNumberFinite(value) ? value : defaultValue;
function valueOrDefault(value, defaultValue) {
return typeof value === "undefined" ? defaultValue : value;
function callback(fn3, args, thisArg) {
if (fn3 && typeof fn3.call === "function") {
return fn3.apply(thisArg, args);
function each(loopable, fn3, thisArg, reverse) {
let i4, len, keys;
if (isArray(loopable)) {
len = loopable.length;
if (reverse) {
for (i4 = len - 1; i4 >= 0; i4--) {
fn3.call(thisArg, loopable[i4], i4);
} else {
for (i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4++) {
fn3.call(thisArg, loopable[i4], i4);
} else if (isObject(loopable)) {
keys = Object.keys(loopable);
len = keys.length;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < len; i4++) {
fn3.call(thisArg, loopable[keys[i4]], keys[i4]);
function _elementsEqual(a0, a1) {
let i4, ilen, v0, v1;
if (!a0 || !a1 || a0.length !== a1.length) {
return false;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = a0.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
v0 = a0[i4];
v1 = a1[i4];
if (v0.datasetIndex !== v1.datasetIndex || v0.index !== v1.index) {
return false;
return true;
function clone$1(source) {
if (isArray(source)) {
return source.map(clone$1);
if (isObject(source)) {
const target = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const keys = Object.keys(source);
const klen = keys.length;
let k3 = 0;
for (; k3 < klen; ++k3) {
target[keys[k3]] = clone$1(source[keys[k3]]);
return target;
return source;
function isValidKey(key) {
return ["__proto__", "prototype", "constructor"].indexOf(key) === -1;
function _merger(key, target, source, options) {
if (!isValidKey(key)) {
const tval = target[key];
const sval = source[key];
if (isObject(tval) && isObject(sval)) {
merge(tval, sval, options);
} else {
target[key] = clone$1(sval);
function merge(target, source, options) {
const sources = isArray(source) ? source : [source];
const ilen = sources.length;
if (!isObject(target)) {
return target;
options = options || {};
const merger = options.merger || _merger;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
source = sources[i4];
if (!isObject(source)) {
const keys = Object.keys(source);
for (let k3 = 0, klen = keys.length; k3 < klen; ++k3) {
merger(keys[k3], target, source, options);
return target;
function mergeIf(target, source) {
return merge(target, source, { merger: _mergerIf });
function _mergerIf(key, target, source) {
if (!isValidKey(key)) {
const tval = target[key];
const sval = source[key];
if (isObject(tval) && isObject(sval)) {
mergeIf(tval, sval);
} else if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key)) {
target[key] = clone$1(sval);
function indexOfDotOrLength(key, start3) {
const idx = key.indexOf(dot, start3);
return idx === -1 ? key.length : idx;
function resolveObjectKey(obj, key) {
if (key === emptyString) {
return obj;
let pos = 0;
let idx = indexOfDotOrLength(key, pos);
while (obj && idx > pos) {
obj = obj[key.substr(pos, idx - pos)];
pos = idx + 1;
idx = indexOfDotOrLength(key, pos);
return obj;
function _capitalize(str) {
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
function _isClickEvent(e4) {
return e4.type === "mouseup" || e4.type === "click" || e4.type === "contextmenu";
function niceNum(range2) {
const roundedRange = Math.round(range2);
range2 = almostEquals(range2, roundedRange, range2 / 1e3) ? roundedRange : range2;
const niceRange = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(range2)));
const fraction = range2 / niceRange;
const niceFraction = fraction <= 1 ? 1 : fraction <= 2 ? 2 : fraction <= 5 ? 5 : 10;
return niceFraction * niceRange;
function _factorize(value) {
const result = [];
const sqrt = Math.sqrt(value);
let i4;
for (i4 = 1; i4 < sqrt; i4++) {
if (value % i4 === 0) {
result.push(value / i4);
if (sqrt === (sqrt | 0)) {
result.sort((a4, b3) => a4 - b3).pop();
return result;
function isNumber(n6) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n6)) && isFinite(n6);
function almostEquals(x3, y3, epsilon) {
return Math.abs(x3 - y3) < epsilon;
function almostWhole(x3, epsilon) {
const rounded = Math.round(x3);
return rounded - epsilon <= x3 && rounded + epsilon >= x3;
function _setMinAndMaxByKey(array, target, property) {
let i4, ilen, value;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = array.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
value = array[i4][property];
if (!isNaN(value)) {
target.min = Math.min(target.min, value);
target.max = Math.max(target.max, value);
function toRadians(degrees) {
return degrees * (PI / 180);
function toDegrees(radians) {
return radians * (180 / PI);
function _decimalPlaces(x3) {
if (!isNumberFinite(x3)) {
let e4 = 1;
let p3 = 0;
while (Math.round(x3 * e4) / e4 !== x3) {
e4 *= 10;
return p3;
function getAngleFromPoint(centrePoint, anglePoint) {
const distanceFromXCenter = anglePoint.x - centrePoint.x;
const distanceFromYCenter = anglePoint.y - centrePoint.y;
const radialDistanceFromCenter = Math.sqrt(distanceFromXCenter * distanceFromXCenter + distanceFromYCenter * distanceFromYCenter);
let angle = Math.atan2(distanceFromYCenter, distanceFromXCenter);
if (angle < -0.5 * PI) {
angle += TAU;
return {
distance: radialDistanceFromCenter
function distanceBetweenPoints(pt1, pt2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(pt2.x - pt1.x, 2) + Math.pow(pt2.y - pt1.y, 2));
function _angleDiff(a4, b3) {
return (a4 - b3 + PITAU) % TAU - PI;
function _normalizeAngle(a4) {
return (a4 % TAU + TAU) % TAU;
function _angleBetween(angle, start3, end2, sameAngleIsFullCircle) {
const a4 = _normalizeAngle(angle);
const s5 = _normalizeAngle(start3);
const e4 = _normalizeAngle(end2);
const angleToStart = _normalizeAngle(s5 - a4);
const angleToEnd = _normalizeAngle(e4 - a4);
const startToAngle = _normalizeAngle(a4 - s5);
const endToAngle = _normalizeAngle(a4 - e4);
return a4 === s5 || a4 === e4 || sameAngleIsFullCircle && s5 === e4 || angleToStart > angleToEnd && startToAngle < endToAngle;
function _limitValue(value, min2, max2) {
return Math.max(min2, Math.min(max2, value));
function _int16Range(value) {
return _limitValue(value, -32768, 32767);
function _isBetween(value, start3, end2, epsilon = 1e-6) {
return value >= Math.min(start3, end2) - epsilon && value <= Math.max(start3, end2) + epsilon;
function isShort(v3) {
return eq(v3.r) && eq(v3.g) && eq(v3.b) && eq(v3.a);
function hexParse(str) {
var len = str.length;
var ret;
if (str[0] === "#") {
if (len === 4 || len === 5) {
ret = {
r: 255 & map[str[1]] * 17,
g: 255 & map[str[2]] * 17,
b: 255 & map[str[3]] * 17,
a: len === 5 ? map[str[4]] * 17 : 255
} else if (len === 7 || len === 9) {
ret = {
r: map[str[1]] << 4 | map[str[2]],
g: map[str[3]] << 4 | map[str[4]],
b: map[str[5]] << 4 | map[str[6]],
a: len === 9 ? map[str[7]] << 4 | map[str[8]] : 255
return ret;
function hexString(v3) {
var f3 = isShort(v3) ? h1 : h2;
return v3 ? "#" + f3(v3.r) + f3(v3.g) + f3(v3.b) + (v3.a < 255 ? f3(v3.a) : "") : v3;
function round(v3) {
return v3 + 0.5 | 0;
function p2b(v3) {
return lim(round(v3 * 2.55), 0, 255);
function n2b(v3) {
return lim(round(v3 * 255), 0, 255);
function b2n(v3) {
return lim(round(v3 / 2.55) / 100, 0, 1);
function n2p(v3) {
return lim(round(v3 * 100), 0, 100);
function rgbParse(str) {
const m3 = RGB_RE.exec(str);
let a4 = 255;
let r4, g3, b3;
if (!m3) {
if (m3[7] !== r4) {
const v3 = +m3[7];
a4 = 255 & (m3[8] ? p2b(v3) : v3 * 255);
r4 = +m3[1];
g3 = +m3[3];
b3 = +m3[5];
r4 = 255 & (m3[2] ? p2b(r4) : r4);
g3 = 255 & (m3[4] ? p2b(g3) : g3);
b3 = 255 & (m3[6] ? p2b(b3) : b3);
return {
r: r4,
g: g3,
b: b3,
a: a4
function rgbString(v3) {
return v3 && (v3.a < 255 ? `rgba(${v3.r}, ${v3.g}, ${v3.b}, ${b2n(v3.a)})` : `rgb(${v3.r}, ${v3.g}, ${v3.b})`);
function hsl2rgbn(h5, s5, l5) {
const a4 = s5 * Math.min(l5, 1 - l5);
const f3 = (n6, k3 = (n6 + h5 / 30) % 12) => l5 - a4 * Math.max(Math.min(k3 - 3, 9 - k3, 1), -1);
return [f3(0), f3(8), f3(4)];
function hsv2rgbn(h5, s5, v3) {
const f3 = (n6, k3 = (n6 + h5 / 60) % 6) => v3 - v3 * s5 * Math.max(Math.min(k3, 4 - k3, 1), 0);
return [f3(5), f3(3), f3(1)];
function hwb2rgbn(h5, w3, b3) {
const rgb = hsl2rgbn(h5, 1, 0.5);
let i4;
if (w3 + b3 > 1) {
i4 = 1 / (w3 + b3);
w3 *= i4;
b3 *= i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 3; i4++) {
rgb[i4] *= 1 - w3 - b3;
rgb[i4] += w3;
return rgb;
function rgb2hsl(v3) {
const range2 = 255;
const r4 = v3.r / range2;
const g3 = v3.g / range2;
const b3 = v3.b / range2;
const max2 = Math.max(r4, g3, b3);
const min2 = Math.min(r4, g3, b3);
const l5 = (max2 + min2) / 2;
let h5, s5, d3;
if (max2 !== min2) {
d3 = max2 - min2;
s5 = l5 > 0.5 ? d3 / (2 - max2 - min2) : d3 / (max2 + min2);
h5 = max2 === r4 ? (g3 - b3) / d3 + (g3 < b3 ? 6 : 0) : max2 === g3 ? (b3 - r4) / d3 + 2 : (r4 - g3) / d3 + 4;
h5 = h5 * 60 + 0.5;
return [h5 | 0, s5 || 0, l5];
function calln(f3, a4, b3, c3) {
return (Array.isArray(a4) ? f3(a4[0], a4[1], a4[2]) : f3(a4, b3, c3)).map(n2b);
function hsl2rgb(h5, s5, l5) {
return calln(hsl2rgbn, h5, s5, l5);
function hwb2rgb(h5, w3, b3) {
return calln(hwb2rgbn, h5, w3, b3);
function hsv2rgb(h5, s5, v3) {
return calln(hsv2rgbn, h5, s5, v3);
function hue(h5) {
return (h5 % 360 + 360) % 360;
function hueParse(str) {
const m3 = HUE_RE.exec(str);
let a4 = 255;
let v3;
if (!m3) {
if (m3[5] !== v3) {
a4 = m3[6] ? p2b(+m3[5]) : n2b(+m3[5]);
const h5 = hue(+m3[2]);
const p1 = +m3[3] / 100;
const p22 = +m3[4] / 100;
if (m3[1] === "hwb") {
v3 = hwb2rgb(h5, p1, p22);
} else if (m3[1] === "hsv") {
v3 = hsv2rgb(h5, p1, p22);
} else {
v3 = hsl2rgb(h5, p1, p22);
return {
r: v3[0],
g: v3[1],
b: v3[2],
a: a4
function rotate(v3, deg) {
var h5 = rgb2hsl(v3);
h5[0] = hue(h5[0] + deg);
h5 = hsl2rgb(h5);
v3.r = h5[0];
v3.g = h5[1];
v3.b = h5[2];
function hslString(v3) {
if (!v3) {
const a4 = rgb2hsl(v3);
const h5 = a4[0];
const s5 = n2p(a4[1]);
const l5 = n2p(a4[2]);
return v3.a < 255 ? `hsla(${h5}, ${s5}%, ${l5}%, ${b2n(v3.a)})` : `hsl(${h5}, ${s5}%, ${l5}%)`;
function unpack() {
const unpacked = {};
const keys = Object.keys(names);
const tkeys = Object.keys(map$1);
let i4, j3, k3, ok, nk;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) {
ok = nk = keys[i4];
for (j3 = 0; j3 < tkeys.length; j3++) {
k3 = tkeys[j3];
nk = nk.replace(k3, map$1[k3]);
k3 = parseInt(names[ok], 16);
unpacked[nk] = [k3 >> 16 & 255, k3 >> 8 & 255, k3 & 255];
return unpacked;
function nameParse(str) {
if (!names$1) {
names$1 = unpack();
names$1.transparent = [0, 0, 0, 0];
const a4 = names$1[str.toLowerCase()];
return a4 && {
r: a4[0],
g: a4[1],
b: a4[2],
a: a4.length === 4 ? a4[3] : 255
function modHSL(v3, i4, ratio) {
if (v3) {
let tmp = rgb2hsl(v3);
tmp[i4] = Math.max(0, Math.min(tmp[i4] + tmp[i4] * ratio, i4 === 0 ? 360 : 1));
tmp = hsl2rgb(tmp);
v3.r = tmp[0];
v3.g = tmp[1];
v3.b = tmp[2];
function clone(v3, proto) {
return v3 ? Object.assign(proto || {}, v3) : v3;
function fromObject(input) {
var v3 = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 };
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
if (input.length >= 3) {
v3 = { r: input[0], g: input[1], b: input[2], a: 255 };
if (input.length > 3) {
v3.a = n2b(input[3]);
} else {
v3 = clone(input, { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 });
v3.a = n2b(v3.a);
return v3;
function functionParse(str) {
if (str.charAt(0) === "r") {
return rgbParse(str);
return hueParse(str);
function index_esm(input) {
return new Color(input);
function color(value) {
return isPatternOrGradient(value) ? value : index_esm(value);
function getHoverColor(value) {
return isPatternOrGradient(value) ? value : index_esm(value).saturate(0.5).darken(0.1).hexString();
function getScope$1(node, key) {
if (!key) {
return node;
const keys = key.split(".");
for (let i4 = 0, n6 = keys.length; i4 < n6; ++i4) {
const k3 = keys[i4];
node = node[k3] || (node[k3] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null));
return node;
function set(root, scope, values) {
if (typeof scope === "string") {
return merge(getScope$1(root, scope), values);
return merge(getScope$1(root, ""), scope);
function toFontString(font) {
if (!font || isNullOrUndef(font.size) || isNullOrUndef(font.family)) {
return null;
return (font.style ? font.style + " " : "") + (font.weight ? font.weight + " " : "") + font.size + "px " + font.family;
function _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, string) {
let textWidth = data[string];
if (!textWidth) {
textWidth = data[string] = ctx.measureText(string).width;
if (textWidth > longest) {
longest = textWidth;
return longest;
function _longestText(ctx, font, arrayOfThings, cache2) {
cache2 = cache2 || {};
let data = cache2.data = cache2.data || {};
let gc = cache2.garbageCollect = cache2.garbageCollect || [];
if (cache2.font !== font) {
data = cache2.data = {};
gc = cache2.garbageCollect = [];
cache2.font = font;
ctx.font = font;
let longest = 0;
const ilen = arrayOfThings.length;
let i4, j3, jlen, thing, nestedThing;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
thing = arrayOfThings[i4];
if (thing !== void 0 && thing !== null && isArray(thing) !== true) {
longest = _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, thing);
} else if (isArray(thing)) {
for (j3 = 0, jlen = thing.length; j3 < jlen; j3++) {
nestedThing = thing[j3];
if (nestedThing !== void 0 && nestedThing !== null && !isArray(nestedThing)) {
longest = _measureText(ctx, data, gc, longest, nestedThing);
const gcLen = gc.length / 2;
if (gcLen > arrayOfThings.length) {
for (i4 = 0; i4 < gcLen; i4++) {
delete data[gc[i4]];
gc.splice(0, gcLen);
return longest;
function _alignPixel(chart, pixel, width) {
const devicePixelRatio = chart.currentDevicePixelRatio;
const halfWidth = width !== 0 ? Math.max(width / 2, 0.5) : 0;
return Math.round((pixel - halfWidth) * devicePixelRatio) / devicePixelRatio + halfWidth;
function clearCanvas(canvas, ctx) {
ctx = ctx || canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function drawPoint(ctx, options, x3, y3) {
let type, xOffset, yOffset, size, cornerRadius;
const style = options.pointStyle;
const rotation = options.rotation;
const radius = options.radius;
let rad = (rotation || 0) * RAD_PER_DEG;
if (style && typeof style === "object") {
type = style.toString();
if (type === "[object HTMLImageElement]" || type === "[object HTMLCanvasElement]") {
ctx.translate(x3, y3);
ctx.drawImage(style, -style.width / 2, -style.height / 2, style.width, style.height);
if (isNaN(radius) || radius <= 0) {
switch (style) {
ctx.arc(x3, y3, radius, 0, TAU);
case "triangle":
ctx.moveTo(x3 + Math.sin(rad) * radius, y3 - Math.cos(rad) * radius);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + Math.sin(rad) * radius, y3 - Math.cos(rad) * radius);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + Math.sin(rad) * radius, y3 - Math.cos(rad) * radius);
case "rectRounded":
cornerRadius = radius * 0.516;
size = radius - cornerRadius;
xOffset = Math.cos(rad + QUARTER_PI) * size;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad + QUARTER_PI) * size;
ctx.arc(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset, cornerRadius, rad - PI, rad - HALF_PI);
ctx.arc(x3 + yOffset, y3 - xOffset, cornerRadius, rad - HALF_PI, rad);
ctx.arc(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset, cornerRadius, rad, rad + HALF_PI);
ctx.arc(x3 - yOffset, y3 + xOffset, cornerRadius, rad + HALF_PI, rad + PI);
case "rect":
if (!rotation) {
size = Math.SQRT1_2 * radius;
ctx.rect(x3 - size, y3 - size, 2 * size, 2 * size);
rad += QUARTER_PI;
case "rectRot":
xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius;
ctx.moveTo(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + yOffset, y3 - xOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 - yOffset, y3 + xOffset);
case "crossRot":
rad += QUARTER_PI;
case "cross":
xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius;
ctx.moveTo(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset);
ctx.moveTo(x3 + yOffset, y3 - xOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 - yOffset, y3 + xOffset);
case "star":
xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius;
ctx.moveTo(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset);
ctx.moveTo(x3 + yOffset, y3 - xOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 - yOffset, y3 + xOffset);
rad += QUARTER_PI;
xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius;
ctx.moveTo(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset);
ctx.moveTo(x3 + yOffset, y3 - xOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 - yOffset, y3 + xOffset);
case "line":
xOffset = Math.cos(rad) * radius;
yOffset = Math.sin(rad) * radius;
ctx.moveTo(x3 - xOffset, y3 - yOffset);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + xOffset, y3 + yOffset);
case "dash":
ctx.moveTo(x3, y3);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + Math.cos(rad) * radius, y3 + Math.sin(rad) * radius);
if (options.borderWidth > 0) {
function _isPointInArea(point, area, margin) {
margin = margin || 0.5;
return !area || point && point.x > area.left - margin && point.x < area.right + margin && point.y > area.top - margin && point.y < area.bottom + margin;
function clipArea(ctx, area) {
ctx.rect(area.left, area.top, area.right - area.left, area.bottom - area.top);
function unclipArea(ctx) {
function _steppedLineTo(ctx, previous, target, flip2, mode) {
if (!previous) {
return ctx.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
if (mode === "middle") {
const midpoint = (previous.x + target.x) / 2;
ctx.lineTo(midpoint, previous.y);
ctx.lineTo(midpoint, target.y);
} else if (mode === "after" !== !!flip2) {
ctx.lineTo(previous.x, target.y);
} else {
ctx.lineTo(target.x, previous.y);
ctx.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
function _bezierCurveTo(ctx, previous, target, flip2) {
if (!previous) {
return ctx.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
flip2 ? previous.cp1x : previous.cp2x,
flip2 ? previous.cp1y : previous.cp2y,
flip2 ? target.cp2x : target.cp1x,
flip2 ? target.cp2y : target.cp1y,
function renderText(ctx, text, x3, y3, font, opts = {}) {
const lines = isArray(text) ? text : [text];
const stroke = opts.strokeWidth > 0 && opts.strokeColor !== "";
let i4, line;
ctx.font = font.string;
setRenderOpts(ctx, opts);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < lines.length; ++i4) {
line = lines[i4];
if (stroke) {
if (opts.strokeColor) {
ctx.strokeStyle = opts.strokeColor;
if (!isNullOrUndef(opts.strokeWidth)) {
ctx.lineWidth = opts.strokeWidth;
ctx.strokeText(line, x3, y3, opts.maxWidth);
ctx.fillText(line, x3, y3, opts.maxWidth);
decorateText(ctx, x3, y3, line, opts);
y3 += font.lineHeight;
function setRenderOpts(ctx, opts) {
if (opts.translation) {
ctx.translate(opts.translation[0], opts.translation[1]);
if (!isNullOrUndef(opts.rotation)) {
if (opts.color) {
ctx.fillStyle = opts.color;
if (opts.textAlign) {
ctx.textAlign = opts.textAlign;
if (opts.textBaseline) {
ctx.textBaseline = opts.textBaseline;
function decorateText(ctx, x3, y3, line, opts) {
if (opts.strikethrough || opts.underline) {
const metrics = ctx.measureText(line);
const left2 = x3 - metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft;
const right2 = x3 + metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight;
const top2 = y3 - metrics.actualBoundingBoxAscent;
const bottom2 = y3 + metrics.actualBoundingBoxDescent;
const yDecoration = opts.strikethrough ? (top2 + bottom2) / 2 : bottom2;
ctx.strokeStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
ctx.lineWidth = opts.decorationWidth || 2;
ctx.moveTo(left2, yDecoration);
ctx.lineTo(right2, yDecoration);
function addRoundedRectPath(ctx, rect) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, w: w3, h: h5, radius } = rect;
ctx.arc(x3 + radius.topLeft, y3 + radius.topLeft, radius.topLeft, -HALF_PI, PI, true);
ctx.lineTo(x3, y3 + h5 - radius.bottomLeft);
ctx.arc(x3 + radius.bottomLeft, y3 + h5 - radius.bottomLeft, radius.bottomLeft, PI, HALF_PI, true);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + w3 - radius.bottomRight, y3 + h5);
ctx.arc(x3 + w3 - radius.bottomRight, y3 + h5 - radius.bottomRight, radius.bottomRight, HALF_PI, 0, true);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + w3, y3 + radius.topRight);
ctx.arc(x3 + w3 - radius.topRight, y3 + radius.topRight, radius.topRight, 0, -HALF_PI, true);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + radius.topLeft, y3);
function toLineHeight(value, size) {
const matches = ("" + value).match(LINE_HEIGHT);
if (!matches || matches[1] === "normal") {
return size * 1.2;
value = +matches[2];
switch (matches[3]) {
case "px":
return value;
case "%":
value /= 100;
return size * value;
function _readValueToProps(value, props) {
const ret = {};
const objProps = isObject(props);
const keys = objProps ? Object.keys(props) : props;
const read2 = isObject(value) ? objProps ? (prop) => valueOrDefault(value[prop], value[props[prop]]) : (prop) => value[prop] : () => value;
for (const prop of keys) {
ret[prop] = numberOrZero(read2(prop));
return ret;
function toTRBL(value) {
return _readValueToProps(value, { top: "y", right: "x", bottom: "y", left: "x" });
function toTRBLCorners(value) {
return _readValueToProps(value, ["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight"]);
function toPadding(value) {
const obj = toTRBL(value);
obj.width = obj.left + obj.right;
obj.height = obj.top + obj.bottom;
return obj;
function toFont(options, fallback) {
options = options || {};
fallback = fallback || defaults.font;
let size = valueOrDefault(options.size, fallback.size);
if (typeof size === "string") {
size = parseInt(size, 10);
let style = valueOrDefault(options.style, fallback.style);
if (style && !("" + style).match(FONT_STYLE)) {
console.warn('Invalid font style specified: "' + style + '"');
style = "";
const font = {
family: valueOrDefault(options.family, fallback.family),
lineHeight: toLineHeight(valueOrDefault(options.lineHeight, fallback.lineHeight), size),
weight: valueOrDefault(options.weight, fallback.weight),
string: ""
font.string = toFontString(font);
return font;
function resolve(inputs, context, index2, info) {
let cacheable = true;
let i4, ilen, value;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = inputs.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
value = inputs[i4];
if (value === void 0) {
if (context !== void 0 && typeof value === "function") {
value = value(context);
cacheable = false;
if (index2 !== void 0 && isArray(value)) {
value = value[index2 % value.length];
cacheable = false;
if (value !== void 0) {
if (info && !cacheable) {
info.cacheable = false;
return value;
function _addGrace(minmax, grace, beginAtZero) {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = minmax;
const change = toDimension(grace, (max2 - min2) / 2);
const keepZero = (value, add2) => beginAtZero && value === 0 ? 0 : value + add2;
return {
min: keepZero(min2, -Math.abs(change)),
max: keepZero(max2, change)
function createContext(parentContext, context) {
return Object.assign(Object.create(parentContext), context);
function _lookup(table, value, cmp) {
cmp = cmp || ((index2) => table[index2] < value);
let hi2 = table.length - 1;
let lo = 0;
let mid;
while (hi2 - lo > 1) {
mid = lo + hi2 >> 1;
if (cmp(mid)) {
lo = mid;
} else {
hi2 = mid;
return { lo, hi: hi2 };
function _filterBetween(values, min2, max2) {
let start3 = 0;
let end2 = values.length;
while (start3 < end2 && values[start3] < min2) {
while (end2 > start3 && values[end2 - 1] > max2) {
return start3 > 0 || end2 < values.length ? values.slice(start3, end2) : values;
function listenArrayEvents(array, listener) {
if (array._chartjs) {
Object.defineProperty(array, "_chartjs", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value: {
listeners: [listener]
arrayEvents.forEach((key) => {
const method = "_onData" + _capitalize(key);
const base = array[key];
Object.defineProperty(array, key, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: false,
value(...args) {
const res = base.apply(this, args);
array._chartjs.listeners.forEach((object) => {
if (typeof object[method] === "function") {
return res;
function unlistenArrayEvents(array, listener) {
const stub = array._chartjs;
if (!stub) {
const listeners = stub.listeners;
const index2 = listeners.indexOf(listener);
if (index2 !== -1) {
listeners.splice(index2, 1);
if (listeners.length > 0) {
arrayEvents.forEach((key) => {
delete array[key];
delete array._chartjs;
function _arrayUnique(items) {
const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = items.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (set2.size === ilen) {
return items;
return Array.from(set2);
function _createResolver(scopes, prefixes = [""], rootScopes = scopes, fallback, getTarget2 = () => scopes[0]) {
if (!defined(fallback)) {
fallback = _resolve("_fallback", scopes);
const cache2 = {
[Symbol.toStringTag]: "Object",
_cacheable: true,
_scopes: scopes,
_rootScopes: rootScopes,
_fallback: fallback,
_getTarget: getTarget2,
override: (scope) => _createResolver([scope, ...scopes], prefixes, rootScopes, fallback)
return new Proxy(cache2, {
deleteProperty(target, prop) {
delete target[prop];
delete target._keys;
delete scopes[0][prop];
return true;
get(target, prop) {
return _cached(
() => _resolveWithPrefixes(prop, prefixes, scopes, target)
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
return Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target._scopes[0], prop);
getPrototypeOf() {
return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(scopes[0]);
has(target, prop) {
return getKeysFromAllScopes(target).includes(prop);
ownKeys(target) {
return getKeysFromAllScopes(target);
set(target, prop, value) {
const storage2 = target._storage || (target._storage = getTarget2());
target[prop] = storage2[prop] = value;
delete target._keys;
return true;
function _attachContext(proxy, context, subProxy, descriptorDefaults) {
const cache2 = {
_cacheable: false,
_proxy: proxy,
_context: context,
_subProxy: subProxy,
_stack: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(),
_descriptors: _descriptors(proxy, descriptorDefaults),
setContext: (ctx) => _attachContext(proxy, ctx, subProxy, descriptorDefaults),
override: (scope) => _attachContext(proxy.override(scope), context, subProxy, descriptorDefaults)
return new Proxy(cache2, {
deleteProperty(target, prop) {
delete target[prop];
delete proxy[prop];
return true;
get(target, prop, receiver) {
return _cached(
() => _resolveWithContext(target, prop, receiver)
getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, prop) {
return target._descriptors.allKeys ? Reflect.has(proxy, prop) ? { enumerable: true, configurable: true } : void 0 : Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proxy, prop);
getPrototypeOf() {
return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(proxy);
has(target, prop) {
return Reflect.has(proxy, prop);
ownKeys() {
return Reflect.ownKeys(proxy);
set(target, prop, value) {
proxy[prop] = value;
delete target[prop];
return true;
function _descriptors(proxy, defaults3 = { scriptable: true, indexable: true }) {
const { _scriptable = defaults3.scriptable, _indexable = defaults3.indexable, _allKeys = defaults3.allKeys } = proxy;
return {
allKeys: _allKeys,
scriptable: _scriptable,
indexable: _indexable,
isScriptable: isFunction(_scriptable) ? _scriptable : () => _scriptable,
isIndexable: isFunction(_indexable) ? _indexable : () => _indexable
function _cached(target, prop, resolve3) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, prop)) {
return target[prop];
const value = resolve3();
target[prop] = value;
return value;
function _resolveWithContext(target, prop, receiver) {
const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _descriptors: descriptors2 } = target;
let value = _proxy[prop];
if (isFunction(value) && descriptors2.isScriptable(prop)) {
value = _resolveScriptable(prop, value, target, receiver);
if (isArray(value) && value.length) {
value = _resolveArray(prop, value, target, descriptors2.isIndexable);
if (needsSubResolver(prop, value)) {
value = _attachContext(value, _context, _subProxy && _subProxy[prop], descriptors2);
return value;
function _resolveScriptable(prop, value, target, receiver) {
const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _stack } = target;
if (_stack.has(prop)) {
throw new Error("Recursion detected: " + Array.from(_stack).join("->") + "->" + prop);
value = value(_context, _subProxy || receiver);
if (needsSubResolver(prop, value)) {
value = createSubResolver(_proxy._scopes, _proxy, prop, value);
return value;
function _resolveArray(prop, value, target, isIndexable) {
const { _proxy, _context, _subProxy, _descriptors: descriptors2 } = target;
if (defined(_context.index) && isIndexable(prop)) {
value = value[_context.index % value.length];
} else if (isObject(value[0])) {
const arr = value;
const scopes = _proxy._scopes.filter((s5) => s5 !== arr);
value = [];
for (const item of arr) {
const resolver = createSubResolver(scopes, _proxy, prop, item);
value.push(_attachContext(resolver, _context, _subProxy && _subProxy[prop], descriptors2));
return value;
function resolveFallback(fallback, prop, value) {
return isFunction(fallback) ? fallback(prop, value) : fallback;
function addScopes(set2, parentScopes, key, parentFallback, value) {
for (const parent of parentScopes) {
const scope = getScope(key, parent);
if (scope) {
const fallback = resolveFallback(scope._fallback, key, value);
if (defined(fallback) && fallback !== key && fallback !== parentFallback) {
return fallback;
} else if (scope === false && defined(parentFallback) && key !== parentFallback) {
return null;
return false;
function createSubResolver(parentScopes, resolver, prop, value) {
const rootScopes = resolver._rootScopes;
const fallback = resolveFallback(resolver._fallback, prop, value);
const allScopes = [...parentScopes, ...rootScopes];
const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
let key = addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, prop, fallback || prop, value);
if (key === null) {
return false;
if (defined(fallback) && fallback !== prop) {
key = addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, fallback, key, value);
if (key === null) {
return false;
return _createResolver(
() => subGetTarget(resolver, prop, value)
function addScopesFromKey(set2, allScopes, key, fallback, item) {
while (key) {
key = addScopes(set2, allScopes, key, fallback, item);
return key;
function subGetTarget(resolver, prop, value) {
const parent = resolver._getTarget();
if (!(prop in parent)) {
parent[prop] = {};
const target = parent[prop];
if (isArray(target) && isObject(value)) {
return value;
return target;
function _resolveWithPrefixes(prop, prefixes, scopes, proxy) {
let value;
for (const prefix of prefixes) {
value = _resolve(readKey(prefix, prop), scopes);
if (defined(value)) {
return needsSubResolver(prop, value) ? createSubResolver(scopes, proxy, prop, value) : value;
function _resolve(key, scopes) {
for (const scope of scopes) {
if (!scope) {
const value = scope[key];
if (defined(value)) {
return value;
function getKeysFromAllScopes(target) {
let keys = target._keys;
if (!keys) {
keys = target._keys = resolveKeysFromAllScopes(target._scopes);
return keys;
function resolveKeysFromAllScopes(scopes) {
const set2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
for (const scope of scopes) {
for (const key of Object.keys(scope).filter((k3) => !k3.startsWith("_"))) {
return Array.from(set2);
function splineCurve(firstPoint, middlePoint, afterPoint, t4) {
const previous = firstPoint.skip ? middlePoint : firstPoint;
const current = middlePoint;
const next = afterPoint.skip ? middlePoint : afterPoint;
const d01 = distanceBetweenPoints(current, previous);
const d12 = distanceBetweenPoints(next, current);
let s01 = d01 / (d01 + d12);
let s12 = d12 / (d01 + d12);
s01 = isNaN(s01) ? 0 : s01;
s12 = isNaN(s12) ? 0 : s12;
const fa = t4 * s01;
const fb = t4 * s12;
return {
previous: {
x: current.x - fa * (next.x - previous.x),
y: current.y - fa * (next.y - previous.y)
next: {
x: current.x + fb * (next.x - previous.x),
y: current.y + fb * (next.y - previous.y)
function monotoneAdjust(points, deltaK, mK) {
const pointsLen = points.length;
let alphaK, betaK, tauK, squaredMagnitude, pointCurrent;
let pointAfter = getPoint(points, 0);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < pointsLen - 1; ++i4) {
pointCurrent = pointAfter;
pointAfter = getPoint(points, i4 + 1);
if (!pointCurrent || !pointAfter) {
if (almostEquals(deltaK[i4], 0, EPSILON)) {
mK[i4] = mK[i4 + 1] = 0;
alphaK = mK[i4] / deltaK[i4];
betaK = mK[i4 + 1] / deltaK[i4];
squaredMagnitude = Math.pow(alphaK, 2) + Math.pow(betaK, 2);
if (squaredMagnitude <= 9) {
tauK = 3 / Math.sqrt(squaredMagnitude);
mK[i4] = alphaK * tauK * deltaK[i4];
mK[i4 + 1] = betaK * tauK * deltaK[i4];
function monotoneCompute(points, mK, indexAxis = "x") {
const valueAxis = getValueAxis(indexAxis);
const pointsLen = points.length;
let delta, pointBefore, pointCurrent;
let pointAfter = getPoint(points, 0);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < pointsLen; ++i4) {
pointBefore = pointCurrent;
pointCurrent = pointAfter;
pointAfter = getPoint(points, i4 + 1);
if (!pointCurrent) {
const iPixel = pointCurrent[indexAxis];
const vPixel = pointCurrent[valueAxis];
if (pointBefore) {
delta = (iPixel - pointBefore[indexAxis]) / 3;
pointCurrent[`cp1${indexAxis}`] = iPixel - delta;
pointCurrent[`cp1${valueAxis}`] = vPixel - delta * mK[i4];
if (pointAfter) {
delta = (pointAfter[indexAxis] - iPixel) / 3;
pointCurrent[`cp2${indexAxis}`] = iPixel + delta;
pointCurrent[`cp2${valueAxis}`] = vPixel + delta * mK[i4];
function splineCurveMonotone(points, indexAxis = "x") {
const valueAxis = getValueAxis(indexAxis);
const pointsLen = points.length;
const deltaK = Array(pointsLen).fill(0);
const mK = Array(pointsLen);
let i4, pointBefore, pointCurrent;
let pointAfter = getPoint(points, 0);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < pointsLen; ++i4) {
pointBefore = pointCurrent;
pointCurrent = pointAfter;
pointAfter = getPoint(points, i4 + 1);
if (!pointCurrent) {
if (pointAfter) {
const slopeDelta = pointAfter[indexAxis] - pointCurrent[indexAxis];
deltaK[i4] = slopeDelta !== 0 ? (pointAfter[valueAxis] - pointCurrent[valueAxis]) / slopeDelta : 0;
mK[i4] = !pointBefore ? deltaK[i4] : !pointAfter ? deltaK[i4 - 1] : sign(deltaK[i4 - 1]) !== sign(deltaK[i4]) ? 0 : (deltaK[i4 - 1] + deltaK[i4]) / 2;
monotoneAdjust(points, deltaK, mK);
monotoneCompute(points, mK, indexAxis);
function capControlPoint(pt2, min2, max2) {
return Math.max(Math.min(pt2, max2), min2);
function capBezierPoints(points, area) {
let i4, ilen, point, inArea, inAreaPrev;
let inAreaNext = _isPointInArea(points[0], area);
for (i4 = 0, ilen = points.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
inAreaPrev = inArea;
inArea = inAreaNext;
inAreaNext = i4 < ilen - 1 && _isPointInArea(points[i4 + 1], area);
if (!inArea) {
point = points[i4];
if (inAreaPrev) {
point.cp1x = capControlPoint(point.cp1x, area.left, area.right);
point.cp1y = capControlPoint(point.cp1y, area.top, area.bottom);
if (inAreaNext) {
point.cp2x = capControlPoint(point.cp2x, area.left, area.right);
point.cp2y = capControlPoint(point.cp2y, area.top, area.bottom);
function _updateBezierControlPoints(points, options, area, loop, indexAxis) {
let i4, ilen, point, controlPoints;
if (options.spanGaps) {
points = points.filter((pt2) => !pt2.skip);
if (options.cubicInterpolationMode === "monotone") {
splineCurveMonotone(points, indexAxis);
} else {
let prev = loop ? points[points.length - 1] : points[0];
for (i4 = 0, ilen = points.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
point = points[i4];
controlPoints = splineCurve(
points[Math.min(i4 + 1, ilen - (loop ? 0 : 1)) % ilen],
point.cp1x = controlPoints.previous.x;
point.cp1y = controlPoints.previous.y;
point.cp2x = controlPoints.next.x;
point.cp2y = controlPoints.next.y;
prev = point;
if (options.capBezierPoints) {
capBezierPoints(points, area);
function _isDomSupported() {
return typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof document !== "undefined";
function _getParentNode(domNode) {
let parent = domNode.parentNode;
if (parent && parent.toString() === "[object ShadowRoot]") {
parent = parent.host;
return parent;
function parseMaxStyle(styleValue, node, parentProperty) {
let valueInPixels;
if (typeof styleValue === "string") {
valueInPixels = parseInt(styleValue, 10);
if (styleValue.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
valueInPixels = valueInPixels / 100 * node.parentNode[parentProperty];
} else {
valueInPixels = styleValue;
return valueInPixels;
function getStyle(el, property) {
return getComputedStyle2(el).getPropertyValue(property);
function getPositionedStyle(styles, style, suffix) {
const result = {};
suffix = suffix ? "-" + suffix : "";
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < 4; i4++) {
const pos = positions[i4];
result[pos] = parseFloat(styles[style + "-" + pos + suffix]) || 0;
result.width = result.left + result.right;
result.height = result.top + result.bottom;
return result;
function getCanvasPosition(evt, canvas) {
const e4 = evt.native || evt;
const touches = e4.touches;
const source = touches && touches.length ? touches[0] : e4;
const { offsetX, offsetY } = source;
let box = false;
let x3, y3;
if (useOffsetPos(offsetX, offsetY, e4.target)) {
x3 = offsetX;
y3 = offsetY;
} else {
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
x3 = source.clientX - rect.left;
y3 = source.clientY - rect.top;
box = true;
return { x: x3, y: y3, box };
function getRelativePosition(evt, chart) {
const { canvas, currentDevicePixelRatio } = chart;
const style = getComputedStyle2(canvas);
const borderBox = style.boxSizing === "border-box";
const paddings = getPositionedStyle(style, "padding");
const borders = getPositionedStyle(style, "border", "width");
const { x: x3, y: y3, box } = getCanvasPosition(evt, canvas);
const xOffset = paddings.left + (box && borders.left);
const yOffset = paddings.top + (box && borders.top);
let { width, height } = chart;
if (borderBox) {
width -= paddings.width + borders.width;
height -= paddings.height + borders.height;
return {
x: Math.round((x3 - xOffset) / width * canvas.width / currentDevicePixelRatio),
y: Math.round((y3 - yOffset) / height * canvas.height / currentDevicePixelRatio)
function getContainerSize(canvas, width, height) {
let maxWidth, maxHeight;
if (width === void 0 || height === void 0) {
const container = _getParentNode(canvas);
if (!container) {
width = canvas.clientWidth;
height = canvas.clientHeight;
} else {
const rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
const containerStyle = getComputedStyle2(container);
const containerBorder = getPositionedStyle(containerStyle, "border", "width");
const containerPadding = getPositionedStyle(containerStyle, "padding");
width = rect.width - containerPadding.width - containerBorder.width;
height = rect.height - containerPadding.height - containerBorder.height;
maxWidth = parseMaxStyle(containerStyle.maxWidth, container, "clientWidth");
maxHeight = parseMaxStyle(containerStyle.maxHeight, container, "clientHeight");
return {
maxWidth: maxWidth || INFINITY,
maxHeight: maxHeight || INFINITY
function getMaximumSize(canvas, bbWidth, bbHeight, aspectRatio) {
const style = getComputedStyle2(canvas);
const margins = getPositionedStyle(style, "margin");
const maxWidth = parseMaxStyle(style.maxWidth, canvas, "clientWidth") || INFINITY;
const maxHeight = parseMaxStyle(style.maxHeight, canvas, "clientHeight") || INFINITY;
const containerSize = getContainerSize(canvas, bbWidth, bbHeight);
let { width, height } = containerSize;
if (style.boxSizing === "content-box") {
const borders = getPositionedStyle(style, "border", "width");
const paddings = getPositionedStyle(style, "padding");
width -= paddings.width + borders.width;
height -= paddings.height + borders.height;
width = Math.max(0, width - margins.width);
height = Math.max(0, aspectRatio ? Math.floor(width / aspectRatio) : height - margins.height);
width = round1(Math.min(width, maxWidth, containerSize.maxWidth));
height = round1(Math.min(height, maxHeight, containerSize.maxHeight));
if (width && !height) {
height = round1(width / 2);
return {
function retinaScale(chart, forceRatio, forceStyle) {
const pixelRatio = forceRatio || 1;
const deviceHeight = Math.floor(chart.height * pixelRatio);
const deviceWidth = Math.floor(chart.width * pixelRatio);
chart.height = deviceHeight / pixelRatio;
chart.width = deviceWidth / pixelRatio;
const canvas = chart.canvas;
if (canvas.style && (forceStyle || !canvas.style.height && !canvas.style.width)) {
canvas.style.height = `${chart.height}px`;
canvas.style.width = `${chart.width}px`;
if (chart.currentDevicePixelRatio !== pixelRatio || canvas.height !== deviceHeight || canvas.width !== deviceWidth) {
chart.currentDevicePixelRatio = pixelRatio;
canvas.height = deviceHeight;
canvas.width = deviceWidth;
chart.ctx.setTransform(pixelRatio, 0, 0, pixelRatio, 0, 0);
return true;
return false;
function readUsedSize(element, property) {
const value = getStyle(element, property);
const matches = value && value.match(/^(\d+)(\.\d+)?px$/);
return matches ? +matches[1] : void 0;
function _pointInLine(p1, p22, t4, mode) {
return {
x: p1.x + t4 * (p22.x - p1.x),
y: p1.y + t4 * (p22.y - p1.y)
function _steppedInterpolation(p1, p22, t4, mode) {
return {
x: p1.x + t4 * (p22.x - p1.x),
y: mode === "middle" ? t4 < 0.5 ? p1.y : p22.y : mode === "after" ? t4 < 1 ? p1.y : p22.y : t4 > 0 ? p22.y : p1.y
function _bezierInterpolation(p1, p22, t4, mode) {
const cp1 = { x: p1.cp2x, y: p1.cp2y };
const cp2 = { x: p22.cp1x, y: p22.cp1y };
const a4 = _pointInLine(p1, cp1, t4);
const b3 = _pointInLine(cp1, cp2, t4);
const c3 = _pointInLine(cp2, p22, t4);
const d3 = _pointInLine(a4, b3, t4);
const e4 = _pointInLine(b3, c3, t4);
return _pointInLine(d3, e4, t4);
function getNumberFormat(locale2, options) {
options = options || {};
const cacheKey = locale2 + JSON.stringify(options);
let formatter = intlCache.get(cacheKey);
if (!formatter) {
formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale2, options);
intlCache.set(cacheKey, formatter);
return formatter;
function formatNumber(num, locale2, options) {
return getNumberFormat(locale2, options).format(num);
function getRtlAdapter(rtl, rectX, width) {
return rtl ? getRightToLeftAdapter(rectX, width) : getLeftToRightAdapter();
function overrideTextDirection(ctx, direction) {
let style, original;
if (direction === "ltr" || direction === "rtl") {
style = ctx.canvas.style;
original = [
style.setProperty("direction", direction, "important");
ctx.prevTextDirection = original;
function restoreTextDirection(ctx, original) {
if (original !== void 0) {
delete ctx.prevTextDirection;
ctx.canvas.style.setProperty("direction", original[0], original[1]);
function propertyFn(property) {
if (property === "angle") {
return {
between: _angleBetween,
compare: _angleDiff,
normalize: _normalizeAngle
return {
between: _isBetween,
compare: (a4, b3) => a4 - b3,
normalize: (x3) => x3
function normalizeSegment({ start: start3, end: end2, count, loop, style }) {
return {
start: start3 % count,
end: end2 % count,
loop: loop && (end2 - start3 + 1) % count === 0,
function getSegment(segment, points, bounds) {
const { property, start: startBound, end: endBound } = bounds;
const { between, normalize } = propertyFn(property);
const count = points.length;
let { start: start3, end: end2, loop } = segment;
let i4, ilen;
if (loop) {
start3 += count;
end2 += count;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (!between(normalize(points[start3 % count][property]), startBound, endBound)) {
start3 %= count;
end2 %= count;
if (end2 < start3) {
end2 += count;
return { start: start3, end: end2, loop, style: segment.style };
function _boundSegment(segment, points, bounds) {
if (!bounds) {
return [segment];
const { property, start: startBound, end: endBound } = bounds;
const count = points.length;
const { compare, between, normalize } = propertyFn(property);
const { start: start3, end: end2, loop, style } = getSegment(segment, points, bounds);
const result = [];
let inside = false;
let subStart = null;
let value, point, prevValue;
const startIsBefore = () => between(startBound, prevValue, value) && compare(startBound, prevValue) !== 0;
const endIsBefore = () => compare(endBound, value) === 0 || between(endBound, prevValue, value);
const shouldStart = () => inside || startIsBefore();
const shouldStop = () => !inside || endIsBefore();
for (let i4 = start3, prev = start3; i4 <= end2; ++i4) {
point = points[i4 % count];
if (point.skip) {
value = normalize(point[property]);
if (value === prevValue) {
inside = between(value, startBound, endBound);
if (subStart === null && shouldStart()) {
subStart = compare(value, startBound) === 0 ? i4 : prev;
if (subStart !== null && shouldStop()) {
result.push(normalizeSegment({ start: subStart, end: i4, loop, count, style }));
subStart = null;
prev = i4;
prevValue = value;
if (subStart !== null) {
result.push(normalizeSegment({ start: subStart, end: end2, loop, count, style }));
return result;
function _boundSegments(line, bounds) {
const result = [];
const segments = line.segments;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < segments.length; i4++) {
const sub = _boundSegment(segments[i4], line.points, bounds);
if (sub.length) {
return result;
function findStartAndEnd(points, count, loop, spanGaps) {
let start3 = 0;
let end2 = count - 1;
if (loop && !spanGaps) {
while (start3 < count && !points[start3].skip) {
while (start3 < count && points[start3].skip) {
start3 %= count;
if (loop) {
end2 += start3;
while (end2 > start3 && points[end2 % count].skip) {
end2 %= count;
return { start: start3, end: end2 };
function solidSegments(points, start3, max2, loop) {
const count = points.length;
const result = [];
let last = start3;
let prev = points[start3];
let end2;
for (end2 = start3 + 1; end2 <= max2; ++end2) {
const cur = points[end2 % count];
if (cur.skip || cur.stop) {
if (!prev.skip) {
loop = false;
result.push({ start: start3 % count, end: (end2 - 1) % count, loop });
start3 = last = cur.stop ? end2 : null;
} else {
last = end2;
if (prev.skip) {
start3 = end2;
prev = cur;
if (last !== null) {
result.push({ start: start3 % count, end: last % count, loop });
return result;
function _computeSegments(line, segmentOptions) {
const points = line.points;
const spanGaps = line.options.spanGaps;
const count = points.length;
if (!count) {
return [];
const loop = !!line._loop;
const { start: start3, end: end2 } = findStartAndEnd(points, count, loop, spanGaps);
if (spanGaps === true) {
return splitByStyles(line, [{ start: start3, end: end2, loop }], points, segmentOptions);
const max2 = end2 < start3 ? end2 + count : end2;
const completeLoop = !!line._fullLoop && start3 === 0 && end2 === count - 1;
return splitByStyles(line, solidSegments(points, start3, max2, completeLoop), points, segmentOptions);
function splitByStyles(line, segments, points, segmentOptions) {
if (!segmentOptions || !segmentOptions.setContext || !points) {
return segments;
return doSplitByStyles(line, segments, points, segmentOptions);
function doSplitByStyles(line, segments, points, segmentOptions) {
const chartContext = line._chart.getContext();
const baseStyle = readStyle(line.options);
const { _datasetIndex: datasetIndex, options: { spanGaps } } = line;
const count = points.length;
const result = [];
let prevStyle = baseStyle;
let start3 = segments[0].start;
let i4 = start3;
function addStyle(s5, e4, l5, st2) {
const dir = spanGaps ? -1 : 1;
if (s5 === e4) {
s5 += count;
while (points[s5 % count].skip) {
s5 -= dir;
while (points[e4 % count].skip) {
e4 += dir;
if (s5 % count !== e4 % count) {
result.push({ start: s5 % count, end: e4 % count, loop: l5, style: st2 });
prevStyle = st2;
start3 = e4 % count;
for (const segment of segments) {
start3 = spanGaps ? start3 : segment.start;
let prev = points[start3 % count];
let style;
for (i4 = start3 + 1; i4 <= segment.end; i4++) {
const pt2 = points[i4 % count];
style = readStyle(segmentOptions.setContext(createContext(chartContext, {
type: "segment",
p0: prev,
p1: pt2,
p0DataIndex: (i4 - 1) % count,
p1DataIndex: i4 % count,
if (styleChanged(style, prevStyle)) {
addStyle(start3, i4 - 1, segment.loop, prevStyle);
prev = pt2;
prevStyle = style;
if (start3 < i4 - 1) {
addStyle(start3, i4 - 1, segment.loop, prevStyle);
return result;
function readStyle(options) {
return {
backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor,
borderCapStyle: options.borderCapStyle,
borderDash: options.borderDash,
borderDashOffset: options.borderDashOffset,
borderJoinStyle: options.borderJoinStyle,
borderWidth: options.borderWidth,
borderColor: options.borderColor
function styleChanged(style, prevStyle) {
return prevStyle && JSON.stringify(style) !== JSON.stringify(prevStyle);
var requestAnimFrame, _toLeftRightCenter, _alignStartEnd, _textX, uid, isNumberFinite, toPercentage, toDimension, emptyString, dot, defined, isFunction, setsEqual, PI, TAU, PITAU, INFINITY, RAD_PER_DEG, HALF_PI, QUARTER_PI, TWO_THIRDS_PI, log10, sign, atEdge, elasticIn, elasticOut, effects, map, hex, h1, h2, eq, lim, RGB_RE, HUE_RE, map$1, names, names$1, Color, isPatternOrGradient, overrides, descriptors, Defaults, defaults, LINE_HEIGHT, FONT_STYLE, numberOrZero, _lookupByKey, _rlookupByKey, arrayEvents, readKey, needsSubResolver, getScope, EPSILON, getPoint, getValueAxis, getComputedStyle2, positions, useOffsetPos, round1, supportsEventListenerOptions, intlCache, getRightToLeftAdapter, getLeftToRightAdapter;
var init_helpers_segment = __esm({
"node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chunks/helpers.segment.js"() {
requestAnimFrame = function() {
if (typeof window === "undefined") {
return function(callback2) {
return callback2();
return window.requestAnimationFrame;
_toLeftRightCenter = (align) => align === "start" ? "left" : align === "end" ? "right" : "center";
_alignStartEnd = (align, start3, end2) => align === "start" ? start3 : align === "end" ? end2 : (start3 + end2) / 2;
_textX = (align, left2, right2, rtl) => {
const check = rtl ? "left" : "right";
return align === check ? right2 : align === "center" ? (left2 + right2) / 2 : left2;
uid = function() {
let id = 0;
return function() {
return id++;
isNumberFinite = (value) => (typeof value === "number" || value instanceof Number) && isFinite(+value);
toPercentage = (value, dimension) => typeof value === "string" && value.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(value) / 100 : value / dimension;
toDimension = (value, dimension) => typeof value === "string" && value.endsWith("%") ? parseFloat(value) / 100 * dimension : +value;
emptyString = "";
dot = ".";
defined = (value) => typeof value !== "undefined";
isFunction = (value) => typeof value === "function";
setsEqual = (a4, b3) => {
if (a4.size !== b3.size) {
return false;
for (const item of a4) {
if (!b3.has(item)) {
return false;
return true;
PI = Math.PI;
TAU = 2 * PI;
RAD_PER_DEG = PI / 180;
HALF_PI = PI / 2;
TWO_THIRDS_PI = PI * 2 / 3;
log10 = Math.log10;
sign = Math.sign;
atEdge = (t4) => t4 === 0 || t4 === 1;
elasticIn = (t4, s5, p3) => -(Math.pow(2, 10 * (t4 -= 1)) * Math.sin((t4 - s5) * TAU / p3));
elasticOut = (t4, s5, p3) => Math.pow(2, -10 * t4) * Math.sin((t4 - s5) * TAU / p3) + 1;
effects = {
linear: (t4) => t4,
easeInQuad: (t4) => t4 * t4,
easeOutQuad: (t4) => -t4 * (t4 - 2),
easeInOutQuad: (t4) => (t4 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t4 * t4 : -0.5 * (--t4 * (t4 - 2) - 1),
easeInCubic: (t4) => t4 * t4 * t4,
easeOutCubic: (t4) => (t4 -= 1) * t4 * t4 + 1,
easeInOutCubic: (t4) => (t4 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t4 * t4 * t4 : 0.5 * ((t4 -= 2) * t4 * t4 + 2),
easeInQuart: (t4) => t4 * t4 * t4 * t4,
easeOutQuart: (t4) => -((t4 -= 1) * t4 * t4 * t4 - 1),
easeInOutQuart: (t4) => (t4 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 : -0.5 * ((t4 -= 2) * t4 * t4 * t4 - 2),
easeInQuint: (t4) => t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4,
easeOutQuint: (t4) => (t4 -= 1) * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 + 1,
easeInOutQuint: (t4) => (t4 /= 0.5) < 1 ? 0.5 * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 : 0.5 * ((t4 -= 2) * t4 * t4 * t4 * t4 + 2),
easeInSine: (t4) => -Math.cos(t4 * HALF_PI) + 1,
easeOutSine: (t4) => Math.sin(t4 * HALF_PI),
easeInOutSine: (t4) => -0.5 * (Math.cos(PI * t4) - 1),
easeInExpo: (t4) => t4 === 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t4 - 1)),
easeOutExpo: (t4) => t4 === 1 ? 1 : -Math.pow(2, -10 * t4) + 1,
easeInOutExpo: (t4) => atEdge(t4) ? t4 : t4 < 0.5 ? 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t4 * 2 - 1)) : 0.5 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (t4 * 2 - 1)) + 2),
easeInCirc: (t4) => t4 >= 1 ? t4 : -(Math.sqrt(1 - t4 * t4) - 1),
easeOutCirc: (t4) => Math.sqrt(1 - (t4 -= 1) * t4),
easeInOutCirc: (t4) => (t4 /= 0.5) < 1 ? -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t4 * t4) - 1) : 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t4 -= 2) * t4) + 1),
easeInElastic: (t4) => atEdge(t4) ? t4 : elasticIn(t4, 0.075, 0.3),
easeOutElastic: (t4) => atEdge(t4) ? t4 : elasticOut(t4, 0.075, 0.3),
easeInOutElastic(t4) {
const s5 = 0.1125;
const p3 = 0.45;
return atEdge(t4) ? t4 : t4 < 0.5 ? 0.5 * elasticIn(t4 * 2, s5, p3) : 0.5 + 0.5 * elasticOut(t4 * 2 - 1, s5, p3);
easeInBack(t4) {
const s5 = 1.70158;
return t4 * t4 * ((s5 + 1) * t4 - s5);
easeOutBack(t4) {
const s5 = 1.70158;
return (t4 -= 1) * t4 * ((s5 + 1) * t4 + s5) + 1;
easeInOutBack(t4) {
let s5 = 1.70158;
if ((t4 /= 0.5) < 1) {
return 0.5 * (t4 * t4 * (((s5 *= 1.525) + 1) * t4 - s5));
return 0.5 * ((t4 -= 2) * t4 * (((s5 *= 1.525) + 1) * t4 + s5) + 2);
easeInBounce: (t4) => 1 - effects.easeOutBounce(1 - t4),
easeOutBounce(t4) {
const m3 = 7.5625;
const d3 = 2.75;
if (t4 < 1 / d3) {
return m3 * t4 * t4;
if (t4 < 2 / d3) {
return m3 * (t4 -= 1.5 / d3) * t4 + 0.75;
if (t4 < 2.5 / d3) {
return m3 * (t4 -= 2.25 / d3) * t4 + 0.9375;
return m3 * (t4 -= 2.625 / d3) * t4 + 0.984375;
easeInOutBounce: (t4) => t4 < 0.5 ? effects.easeInBounce(t4 * 2) * 0.5 : effects.easeOutBounce(t4 * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5
map = { 0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, A: 10, B: 11, C: 12, D: 13, E: 14, F: 15, a: 10, b: 11, c: 12, d: 13, e: 14, f: 15 };
hex = "0123456789ABCDEF";
h1 = (b3) => hex[b3 & 15];
h2 = (b3) => hex[(b3 & 240) >> 4] + hex[b3 & 15];
eq = (b3) => (b3 & 240) >> 4 === (b3 & 15);
lim = (v3, l5, h5) => Math.max(Math.min(v3, h5), l5);
RGB_RE = /^rgba?\(\s*([-+.\d]+)(%)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?(?:[\s,/]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?)?\s*\)$/;
HUE_RE = /^(hsla?|hwb|hsv)\(\s*([-+.e\d]+)(?:deg)?[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)%(?:[\s,]+([-+.e\d]+)(%)?)?\s*\)$/;
map$1 = {
x: "dark",
Z: "light",
Y: "re",
X: "blu",
W: "gr",
V: "medium",
U: "slate",
A: "ee",
T: "ol",
S: "or",
B: "ra",
C: "lateg",
D: "ights",
R: "in",
Q: "turquois",
E: "hi",
P: "ro",
O: "al",
N: "le",
M: "de",
L: "yello",
F: "en",
K: "ch",
G: "arks",
H: "ea",
I: "ightg",
J: "wh"
names = {
OiceXe: "f0f8ff",
antiquewEte: "faebd7",
aqua: "ffff",
aquamarRe: "7fffd4",
azuY: "f0ffff",
beige: "f5f5dc",
bisque: "ffe4c4",
black: "0",
blanKedOmond: "ffebcd",
Xe: "ff",
XeviTet: "8a2be2",
bPwn: "a52a2a",
burlywood: "deb887",
caMtXe: "5f9ea0",
KartYuse: "7fff00",
KocTate: "d2691e",
cSO: "ff7f50",
cSnflowerXe: "6495ed",
cSnsilk: "fff8dc",
crimson: "dc143c",
cyan: "ffff",
xXe: "8b",
xcyan: "8b8b",
xgTMnPd: "b8860b",
xWay: "a9a9a9",
xgYF: "6400",
xgYy: "a9a9a9",
xkhaki: "bdb76b",
xmagFta: "8b008b",
xTivegYF: "556b2f",
xSange: "ff8c00",
xScEd: "9932cc",
xYd: "8b0000",
xsOmon: "e9967a",
xsHgYF: "8fbc8f",
xUXe: "483d8b",
xUWay: "2f4f4f",
xUgYy: "2f4f4f",
xQe: "ced1",
xviTet: "9400d3",
dAppRk: "ff1493",
dApskyXe: "bfff",
dimWay: "696969",
dimgYy: "696969",
dodgerXe: "1e90ff",
fiYbrick: "b22222",
flSOwEte: "fffaf0",
foYstWAn: "228b22",
fuKsia: "ff00ff",
gaRsbSo: "dcdcdc",
ghostwEte: "f8f8ff",
gTd: "ffd700",
gTMnPd: "daa520",
Way: "808080",
gYF: "8000",
gYFLw: "adff2f",
gYy: "808080",
honeyMw: "f0fff0",
hotpRk: "ff69b4",
RdianYd: "cd5c5c",
Rdigo: "4b0082",
ivSy: "fffff0",
khaki: "f0e68c",
lavFMr: "e6e6fa",
lavFMrXsh: "fff0f5",
lawngYF: "7cfc00",
NmoncEffon: "fffacd",
ZXe: "add8e6",
ZcSO: "f08080",
Zcyan: "e0ffff",
ZgTMnPdLw: "fafad2",
ZWay: "d3d3d3",
ZgYF: "90ee90",
ZgYy: "d3d3d3",
ZpRk: "ffb6c1",
ZsOmon: "ffa07a",
ZsHgYF: "20b2aa",
ZskyXe: "87cefa",
ZUWay: "778899",
ZUgYy: "778899",
ZstAlXe: "b0c4de",
ZLw: "ffffe0",
lime: "ff00",
limegYF: "32cd32",
lRF: "faf0e6",
magFta: "ff00ff",
maPon: "800000",
VaquamarRe: "66cdaa",
VXe: "cd",
VScEd: "ba55d3",
VpurpN: "9370db",
VsHgYF: "3cb371",
VUXe: "7b68ee",
VsprRggYF: "fa9a",
VQe: "48d1cc",
VviTetYd: "c71585",
midnightXe: "191970",
mRtcYam: "f5fffa",
mistyPse: "ffe4e1",
moccasR: "ffe4b5",
navajowEte: "ffdead",
navy: "80",
Tdlace: "fdf5e6",
Tive: "808000",
TivedBb: "6b8e23",
Sange: "ffa500",
SangeYd: "ff4500",
ScEd: "da70d6",
pOegTMnPd: "eee8aa",
pOegYF: "98fb98",
pOeQe: "afeeee",
pOeviTetYd: "db7093",
papayawEp: "ffefd5",
pHKpuff: "ffdab9",
peru: "cd853f",
pRk: "ffc0cb",
plum: "dda0dd",
powMrXe: "b0e0e6",
purpN: "800080",
YbeccapurpN: "663399",
Yd: "ff0000",
Psybrown: "bc8f8f",
PyOXe: "4169e1",
saddNbPwn: "8b4513",
sOmon: "fa8072",
sandybPwn: "f4a460",
sHgYF: "2e8b57",
sHshell: "fff5ee",
siFna: "a0522d",
silver: "c0c0c0",
skyXe: "87ceeb",
UXe: "6a5acd",
UWay: "708090",
UgYy: "708090",
snow: "fffafa",
sprRggYF: "ff7f",
stAlXe: "4682b4",
tan: "d2b48c",
teO: "8080",
tEstN: "d8bfd8",
tomato: "ff6347",
Qe: "40e0d0",
viTet: "ee82ee",
JHt: "f5deb3",
wEte: "ffffff",
wEtesmoke: "f5f5f5",
Lw: "ffff00",
LwgYF: "9acd32"
Color = class {
constructor(input) {
if (input instanceof Color) {
return input;
const type = typeof input;
let v3;
if (type === "object") {
v3 = fromObject(input);
} else if (type === "string") {
v3 = hexParse(input) || nameParse(input) || functionParse(input);
this._rgb = v3;
this._valid = !!v3;
get valid() {
return this._valid;
get rgb() {
var v3 = clone(this._rgb);
if (v3) {
v3.a = b2n(v3.a);
return v3;
set rgb(obj) {
this._rgb = fromObject(obj);
rgbString() {
return this._valid ? rgbString(this._rgb) : this._rgb;
hexString() {
return this._valid ? hexString(this._rgb) : this._rgb;
hslString() {
return this._valid ? hslString(this._rgb) : this._rgb;
mix(color2, weight) {
const me2 = this;
if (color2) {
const c1 = me2.rgb;
const c22 = color2.rgb;
let w22;
const p3 = weight === w22 ? 0.5 : weight;
const w3 = 2 * p3 - 1;
const a4 = c1.a - c22.a;
const w1 = ((w3 * a4 === -1 ? w3 : (w3 + a4) / (1 + w3 * a4)) + 1) / 2;
w22 = 1 - w1;
c1.r = 255 & w1 * c1.r + w22 * c22.r + 0.5;
c1.g = 255 & w1 * c1.g + w22 * c22.g + 0.5;
c1.b = 255 & w1 * c1.b + w22 * c22.b + 0.5;
c1.a = p3 * c1.a + (1 - p3) * c22.a;
me2.rgb = c1;
return me2;
clone() {
return new Color(this.rgb);
alpha(a4) {
this._rgb.a = n2b(a4);
return this;
clearer(ratio) {
const rgb = this._rgb;
rgb.a *= 1 - ratio;
return this;
greyscale() {
const rgb = this._rgb;
const val = round(rgb.r * 0.3 + rgb.g * 0.59 + rgb.b * 0.11);
rgb.r = rgb.g = rgb.b = val;
return this;
opaquer(ratio) {
const rgb = this._rgb;
rgb.a *= 1 + ratio;
return this;
negate() {
const v3 = this._rgb;
v3.r = 255 - v3.r;
v3.g = 255 - v3.g;
v3.b = 255 - v3.b;
return this;
lighten(ratio) {
modHSL(this._rgb, 2, ratio);
return this;
darken(ratio) {
modHSL(this._rgb, 2, -ratio);
return this;
saturate(ratio) {
modHSL(this._rgb, 1, ratio);
return this;
desaturate(ratio) {
modHSL(this._rgb, 1, -ratio);
return this;
rotate(deg) {
rotate(this._rgb, deg);
return this;
isPatternOrGradient = (value) => value instanceof CanvasGradient || value instanceof CanvasPattern;
overrides = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
descriptors = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
Defaults = class {
constructor(_descriptors2) {
this.animation = void 0;
this.backgroundColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
this.borderColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)";
this.color = "#666";
this.datasets = {};
this.devicePixelRatio = (context) => context.chart.platform.getDevicePixelRatio();
this.elements = {};
this.events = [
this.font = {
family: "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif",
size: 12,
style: "normal",
lineHeight: 1.2,
weight: null
this.hover = {};
this.hoverBackgroundColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.backgroundColor);
this.hoverBorderColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.borderColor);
this.hoverColor = (ctx, options) => getHoverColor(options.color);
this.indexAxis = "x";
this.interaction = {
mode: "nearest",
intersect: true
this.maintainAspectRatio = true;
this.onHover = null;
this.onClick = null;
this.parsing = true;
this.plugins = {};
this.responsive = true;
this.scale = void 0;
this.scales = {};
this.showLine = true;
this.drawActiveElementsOnTop = true;
set(scope, values) {
return set(this, scope, values);
get(scope) {
return getScope$1(this, scope);
describe(scope, values) {
return set(descriptors, scope, values);
override(scope, values) {
return set(overrides, scope, values);
route(scope, name, targetScope, targetName) {
const scopeObject = getScope$1(this, scope);
const targetScopeObject = getScope$1(this, targetScope);
const privateName = "_" + name;
Object.defineProperties(scopeObject, {
[privateName]: {
value: scopeObject[name],
writable: true
[name]: {
enumerable: true,
get() {
const local = this[privateName];
const target = targetScopeObject[targetName];
if (isObject(local)) {
return Object.assign({}, target, local);
return valueOrDefault(local, target);
set(value) {
this[privateName] = value;
defaults = new Defaults({
_scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("on"),
_indexable: (name) => name !== "events",
hover: {
_fallback: "interaction"
interaction: {
_scriptable: false,
_indexable: false
LINE_HEIGHT = new RegExp(/^(normal|(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(px|em|%)?)$/);
FONT_STYLE = new RegExp(/^(normal|italic|initial|inherit|unset|(oblique( -?[0-9]?[0-9]deg)?))$/);
numberOrZero = (v3) => +v3 || 0;
_lookupByKey = (table, key, value) => _lookup(table, value, (index2) => table[index2][key] < value);
_rlookupByKey = (table, key, value) => _lookup(table, value, (index2) => table[index2][key] >= value);
arrayEvents = ["push", "pop", "shift", "splice", "unshift"];
readKey = (prefix, name) => prefix ? prefix + _capitalize(name) : name;
needsSubResolver = (prop, value) => isObject(value) && prop !== "adapters" && (Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === null || value.constructor === Object);
getScope = (key, parent) => key === true ? parent : typeof key === "string" ? resolveObjectKey(parent, key) : void 0;
EPSILON = Number.EPSILON || 1e-14;
getPoint = (points, i4) => i4 < points.length && !points[i4].skip && points[i4];
getValueAxis = (indexAxis) => indexAxis === "x" ? "y" : "x";
getComputedStyle2 = (element) => window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
positions = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"];
useOffsetPos = (x3, y3, target) => (x3 > 0 || y3 > 0) && (!target || !target.shadowRoot);
round1 = (v3) => Math.round(v3 * 10) / 10;
supportsEventListenerOptions = function() {
let passiveSupported = false;
try {
const options = {
get passive() {
passiveSupported = true;
return false;
window.addEventListener("test", null, options);
window.removeEventListener("test", null, options);
} catch (e4) {
return passiveSupported;
intlCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
getRightToLeftAdapter = function(rectX, width) {
return {
x(x3) {
return rectX + rectX + width - x3;
setWidth(w3) {
width = w3;
textAlign(align) {
if (align === "center") {
return align;
return align === "right" ? "left" : "right";
xPlus(x3, value) {
return x3 - value;
leftForLtr(x3, itemWidth) {
return x3 - itemWidth;
getLeftToRightAdapter = function() {
return {
x(x3) {
return x3;
setWidth(w3) {
textAlign(align) {
return align;
xPlus(x3, value) {
return x3 + value;
leftForLtr(x3, _itemWidth) {
return x3;
// node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.esm.js
function awaitAll(animations, properties) {
const running = [];
const keys = Object.keys(properties);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) {
const anim = animations[keys[i4]];
if (anim && anim.active()) {
return Promise.all(running);
function resolveTargetOptions(target, newOptions) {
if (!newOptions) {
let options = target.options;
if (!options) {
target.options = newOptions;
if (options.$shared) {
target.options = options = Object.assign({}, options, { $shared: false, $animations: {} });
return options;
function scaleClip(scale, allowedOverflow) {
const opts = scale && scale.options || {};
const reverse = opts.reverse;
const min2 = opts.min === void 0 ? allowedOverflow : 0;
const max2 = opts.max === void 0 ? allowedOverflow : 0;
return {
start: reverse ? max2 : min2,
end: reverse ? min2 : max2
function defaultClip(xScale, yScale, allowedOverflow) {
if (allowedOverflow === false) {
return false;
const x3 = scaleClip(xScale, allowedOverflow);
const y3 = scaleClip(yScale, allowedOverflow);
return {
top: y3.end,
right: x3.end,
bottom: y3.start,
left: x3.start
function toClip(value) {
let t4, r4, b3, l5;
if (isObject(value)) {
t4 = value.top;
r4 = value.right;
b3 = value.bottom;
l5 = value.left;
} else {
t4 = r4 = b3 = l5 = value;
return {
top: t4,
right: r4,
bottom: b3,
left: l5,
disabled: value === false
function getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, filterVisible) {
const keys = [];
const metasets = chart._getSortedDatasetMetas(filterVisible);
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
return keys;
function applyStack(stack, value, dsIndex, options = {}) {
const keys = stack.keys;
const singleMode = options.mode === "single";
let i4, ilen, datasetIndex, otherValue;
if (value === null) {
for (i4 = 0, ilen = keys.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
datasetIndex = +keys[i4];
if (datasetIndex === dsIndex) {
if (options.all) {
otherValue = stack.values[datasetIndex];
if (isNumberFinite(otherValue) && (singleMode || (value === 0 || sign(value) === sign(otherValue)))) {
value += otherValue;
return value;
function convertObjectDataToArray(data) {
const keys = Object.keys(data);
const adata = new Array(keys.length);
let i4, ilen, key;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = keys.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
key = keys[i4];
adata[i4] = {
x: key,
y: data[key]
return adata;
function isStacked(scale, meta) {
const stacked = scale && scale.options.stacked;
return stacked || stacked === void 0 && meta.stack !== void 0;
function getStackKey(indexScale, valueScale, meta) {
return `${indexScale.id}.${valueScale.id}.${meta.stack || meta.type}`;
function getUserBounds(scale) {
const { min: min2, max: max2, minDefined, maxDefined } = scale.getUserBounds();
return {
min: minDefined ? min2 : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY,
max: maxDefined ? max2 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
function getOrCreateStack(stacks, stackKey, indexValue) {
const subStack = stacks[stackKey] || (stacks[stackKey] = {});
return subStack[indexValue] || (subStack[indexValue] = {});
function getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, positive, type) {
for (const meta of vScale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(type).reverse()) {
const value = stack[meta.index];
if (positive && value > 0 || !positive && value < 0) {
return meta.index;
return null;
function updateStacks(controller, parsed) {
const { chart, _cachedMeta: meta } = controller;
const stacks = chart._stacks || (chart._stacks = {});
const { iScale, vScale, index: datasetIndex } = meta;
const iAxis = iScale.axis;
const vAxis = vScale.axis;
const key = getStackKey(iScale, vScale, meta);
const ilen = parsed.length;
let stack;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const item = parsed[i4];
const { [iAxis]: index2, [vAxis]: value } = item;
const itemStacks = item._stacks || (item._stacks = {});
stack = itemStacks[vAxis] = getOrCreateStack(stacks, key, index2);
stack[datasetIndex] = value;
stack._top = getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, true, meta.type);
stack._bottom = getLastIndexInStack(stack, vScale, false, meta.type);
function getFirstScaleId(chart, axis) {
const scales2 = chart.scales;
return Object.keys(scales2).filter((key) => scales2[key].axis === axis).shift();
function createDatasetContext(parent, index2) {
return createContext(
active: false,
dataset: void 0,
datasetIndex: index2,
index: index2,
mode: "default",
type: "dataset"
function createDataContext(parent, index2, element) {
return createContext(parent, {
active: false,
dataIndex: index2,
parsed: void 0,
raw: void 0,
index: index2,
mode: "default",
type: "data"
function clearStacks(meta, items) {
const datasetIndex = meta.controller.index;
const axis = meta.vScale && meta.vScale.axis;
if (!axis) {
items = items || meta._parsed;
for (const parsed of items) {
const stacks = parsed._stacks;
if (!stacks || stacks[axis] === void 0 || stacks[axis][datasetIndex] === void 0) {
delete stacks[axis][datasetIndex];
function getAllScaleValues(scale, type) {
if (!scale._cache.$bar) {
const visibleMetas = scale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(type);
let values = [];
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = visibleMetas.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
values = values.concat(visibleMetas[i4].controller.getAllParsedValues(scale));
scale._cache.$bar = _arrayUnique(values.sort((a4, b3) => a4 - b3));
return scale._cache.$bar;
function computeMinSampleSize(meta) {
const scale = meta.iScale;
const values = getAllScaleValues(scale, meta.type);
let min2 = scale._length;
let i4, ilen, curr, prev;
const updateMinAndPrev = () => {
if (curr === 32767 || curr === -32768) {
if (defined(prev)) {
min2 = Math.min(min2, Math.abs(curr - prev) || min2);
prev = curr;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = values.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
curr = scale.getPixelForValue(values[i4]);
prev = void 0;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = scale.ticks.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
curr = scale.getPixelForTick(i4);
return min2;
function computeFitCategoryTraits(index2, ruler, options, stackCount) {
const thickness = options.barThickness;
let size, ratio;
if (isNullOrUndef(thickness)) {
size = ruler.min * options.categoryPercentage;
ratio = options.barPercentage;
} else {
size = thickness * stackCount;
ratio = 1;
return {
chunk: size / stackCount,
start: ruler.pixels[index2] - size / 2
function computeFlexCategoryTraits(index2, ruler, options, stackCount) {
const pixels = ruler.pixels;
const curr = pixels[index2];
let prev = index2 > 0 ? pixels[index2 - 1] : null;
let next = index2 < pixels.length - 1 ? pixels[index2 + 1] : null;
const percent = options.categoryPercentage;
if (prev === null) {
prev = curr - (next === null ? ruler.end - ruler.start : next - curr);
if (next === null) {
next = curr + curr - prev;
const start3 = curr - (curr - Math.min(prev, next)) / 2 * percent;
const size = Math.abs(next - prev) / 2 * percent;
return {
chunk: size / stackCount,
ratio: options.barPercentage,
start: start3
function parseFloatBar(entry, item, vScale, i4) {
const startValue = vScale.parse(entry[0], i4);
const endValue = vScale.parse(entry[1], i4);
const min2 = Math.min(startValue, endValue);
const max2 = Math.max(startValue, endValue);
let barStart = min2;
let barEnd = max2;
if (Math.abs(min2) > Math.abs(max2)) {
barStart = max2;
barEnd = min2;
item[vScale.axis] = barEnd;
item._custom = {
start: startValue,
end: endValue,
min: min2,
max: max2
function parseValue(entry, item, vScale, i4) {
if (isArray(entry)) {
parseFloatBar(entry, item, vScale, i4);
} else {
item[vScale.axis] = vScale.parse(entry, i4);
return item;
function parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start3, count) {
const iScale = meta.iScale;
const vScale = meta.vScale;
const labels = iScale.getLabels();
const singleScale = iScale === vScale;
const parsed = [];
let i4, ilen, item, entry;
for (i4 = start3, ilen = start3 + count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
entry = data[i4];
item = {};
item[iScale.axis] = singleScale || iScale.parse(labels[i4], i4);
parsed.push(parseValue(entry, item, vScale, i4));
return parsed;
function isFloatBar(custom) {
return custom && custom.barStart !== void 0 && custom.barEnd !== void 0;
function barSign(size, vScale, actualBase) {
if (size !== 0) {
return sign(size);
return (vScale.isHorizontal() ? 1 : -1) * (vScale.min >= actualBase ? 1 : -1);
function borderProps(properties) {
let reverse, start3, end2, top2, bottom2;
if (properties.horizontal) {
reverse = properties.base > properties.x;
start3 = "left";
end2 = "right";
} else {
reverse = properties.base < properties.y;
start3 = "bottom";
end2 = "top";
if (reverse) {
top2 = "end";
bottom2 = "start";
} else {
top2 = "start";
bottom2 = "end";
return { start: start3, end: end2, reverse, top: top2, bottom: bottom2 };
function setBorderSkipped(properties, options, stack, index2) {
let edge = options.borderSkipped;
const res = {};
if (!edge) {
properties.borderSkipped = res;
const { start: start3, end: end2, reverse, top: top2, bottom: bottom2 } = borderProps(properties);
if (edge === "middle" && stack) {
properties.enableBorderRadius = true;
if ((stack._top || 0) === index2) {
edge = top2;
} else if ((stack._bottom || 0) === index2) {
edge = bottom2;
} else {
res[parseEdge(bottom2, start3, end2, reverse)] = true;
edge = top2;
res[parseEdge(edge, start3, end2, reverse)] = true;
properties.borderSkipped = res;
function parseEdge(edge, a4, b3, reverse) {
if (reverse) {
edge = swap(edge, a4, b3);
edge = startEnd(edge, b3, a4);
} else {
edge = startEnd(edge, a4, b3);
return edge;
function swap(orig, v1, v22) {
return orig === v1 ? v22 : orig === v22 ? v1 : orig;
function startEnd(v3, start3, end2) {
return v3 === "start" ? start3 : v3 === "end" ? end2 : v3;
function setInflateAmount(properties, { inflateAmount }, ratio) {
properties.inflateAmount = inflateAmount === "auto" ? ratio === 1 ? 0.33 : 0 : inflateAmount;
function getRatioAndOffset(rotation, circumference, cutout) {
let ratioX = 1;
let ratioY = 1;
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
if (circumference < TAU) {
const startAngle = rotation;
const endAngle = startAngle + circumference;
const startX = Math.cos(startAngle);
const startY = Math.sin(startAngle);
const endX = Math.cos(endAngle);
const endY = Math.sin(endAngle);
const calcMax = (angle, a4, b3) => _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle, true) ? 1 : Math.max(a4, a4 * cutout, b3, b3 * cutout);
const calcMin = (angle, a4, b3) => _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle, true) ? -1 : Math.min(a4, a4 * cutout, b3, b3 * cutout);
const maxX = calcMax(0, startX, endX);
const maxY = calcMax(HALF_PI, startY, endY);
const minX = calcMin(PI, startX, endX);
const minY = calcMin(PI + HALF_PI, startY, endY);
ratioX = (maxX - minX) / 2;
ratioY = (maxY - minY) / 2;
offsetX = -(maxX + minX) / 2;
offsetY = -(maxY + minY) / 2;
return { ratioX, ratioY, offsetX, offsetY };
function getStartAndCountOfVisiblePoints(meta, points, animationsDisabled) {
const pointCount = points.length;
let start3 = 0;
let count = pointCount;
if (meta._sorted) {
const { iScale, _parsed } = meta;
const axis = iScale.axis;
const { min: min2, max: max2, minDefined, maxDefined } = iScale.getUserBounds();
if (minDefined) {
start3 = _limitValue(
_lookupByKey(_parsed, iScale.axis, min2).lo,
animationsDisabled ? pointCount : _lookupByKey(points, axis, iScale.getPixelForValue(min2)).lo
pointCount - 1
if (maxDefined) {
count = _limitValue(
_lookupByKey(_parsed, iScale.axis, max2).hi + 1,
animationsDisabled ? 0 : _lookupByKey(points, axis, iScale.getPixelForValue(max2)).hi + 1
) - start3;
} else {
count = pointCount - start3;
return { start: start3, count };
function scaleRangesChanged(meta) {
const { xScale, yScale, _scaleRanges } = meta;
const newRanges = {
xmin: xScale.min,
xmax: xScale.max,
ymin: yScale.min,
ymax: yScale.max
if (!_scaleRanges) {
meta._scaleRanges = newRanges;
return true;
const changed = _scaleRanges.xmin !== xScale.min || _scaleRanges.xmax !== xScale.max || _scaleRanges.ymin !== yScale.min || _scaleRanges.ymax !== yScale.max;
Object.assign(_scaleRanges, newRanges);
return changed;
function abstract() {
throw new Error("This method is not implemented: Check that a complete date adapter is provided.");
function getRelativePosition2(e4, chart) {
if ("native" in e4) {
return {
x: e4.x,
y: e4.y
return getRelativePosition(e4, chart);
function evaluateAllVisibleItems(chart, handler) {
const metasets = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
let index2, data, element;
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
({ index: index2, data } = metasets[i4]);
for (let j3 = 0, jlen = data.length; j3 < jlen; ++j3) {
element = data[j3];
if (!element.skip) {
handler(element, index2, j3);
function binarySearch(metaset, axis, value, intersect) {
const { controller, data, _sorted } = metaset;
const iScale = controller._cachedMeta.iScale;
if (iScale && axis === iScale.axis && axis !== "r" && _sorted && data.length) {
const lookupMethod = iScale._reversePixels ? _rlookupByKey : _lookupByKey;
if (!intersect) {
return lookupMethod(data, axis, value);
} else if (controller._sharedOptions) {
const el = data[0];
const range2 = typeof el.getRange === "function" && el.getRange(axis);
if (range2) {
const start3 = lookupMethod(data, axis, value - range2);
const end2 = lookupMethod(data, axis, value + range2);
return { lo: start3.lo, hi: end2.hi };
return { lo: 0, hi: data.length - 1 };
function optimizedEvaluateItems(chart, axis, position, handler, intersect) {
const metasets = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
const value = position[axis];
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const { index: index2, data } = metasets[i4];
const { lo, hi: hi2 } = binarySearch(metasets[i4], axis, value, intersect);
for (let j3 = lo; j3 <= hi2; ++j3) {
const element = data[j3];
if (!element.skip) {
handler(element, index2, j3);
function getDistanceMetricForAxis(axis) {
const useX = axis.indexOf("x") !== -1;
const useY = axis.indexOf("y") !== -1;
return function(pt1, pt2) {
const deltaX = useX ? Math.abs(pt1.x - pt2.x) : 0;
const deltaY = useY ? Math.abs(pt1.y - pt2.y) : 0;
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaY, 2));
function getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) {
const items = [];
if (!_isPointInArea(position, chart.chartArea, chart._minPadding)) {
return items;
const evaluationFunc = function(element, datasetIndex, index2) {
if (element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition)) {
items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index: index2 });
optimizedEvaluateItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc, true);
return items;
function getNearestRadialItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) {
let items = [];
function evaluationFunc(element, datasetIndex, index2) {
const { startAngle, endAngle } = element.getProps(["startAngle", "endAngle"], useFinalPosition);
const { angle } = getAngleFromPoint(element, { x: position.x, y: position.y });
if (_angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle)) {
items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index: index2 });
optimizedEvaluateItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc);
return items;
function getNearestCartesianItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition) {
let items = [];
const distanceMetric = getDistanceMetricForAxis(axis);
let minDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
function evaluationFunc(element, datasetIndex, index2) {
const inRange2 = element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition);
if (intersect && !inRange2) {
const center = element.getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition);
const pointInArea = _isPointInArea(center, chart.chartArea, chart._minPadding);
if (!pointInArea && !inRange2) {
const distance = distanceMetric(position, center);
if (distance < minDistance) {
items = [{ element, datasetIndex, index: index2 }];
minDistance = distance;
} else if (distance === minDistance) {
items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index: index2 });
optimizedEvaluateItems(chart, axis, position, evaluationFunc);
return items;
function getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition) {
if (!_isPointInArea(position, chart.chartArea, chart._minPadding)) {
return [];
return axis === "r" && !intersect ? getNearestRadialItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) : getNearestCartesianItems(chart, position, axis, intersect, useFinalPosition);
function getAxisItems(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
const position = getRelativePosition2(e4, chart);
const items = [];
const axis = options.axis;
const rangeMethod = axis === "x" ? "inXRange" : "inYRange";
let intersectsItem = false;
evaluateAllVisibleItems(chart, (element, datasetIndex, index2) => {
if (element[rangeMethod](position[axis], useFinalPosition)) {
items.push({ element, datasetIndex, index: index2 });
if (element.inRange(position.x, position.y, useFinalPosition)) {
intersectsItem = true;
if (options.intersect && !intersectsItem) {
return [];
return items;
function filterByPosition(array, position) {
return array.filter((v3) => v3.pos === position);
function filterDynamicPositionByAxis(array, axis) {
return array.filter((v3) => STATIC_POSITIONS.indexOf(v3.pos) === -1 && v3.box.axis === axis);
function sortByWeight(array, reverse) {
return array.sort((a4, b3) => {
const v0 = reverse ? b3 : a4;
const v1 = reverse ? a4 : b3;
return v0.weight === v1.weight ? v0.index - v1.index : v0.weight - v1.weight;
function wrapBoxes(boxes) {
const layoutBoxes = [];
let i4, ilen, box, pos, stack, stackWeight;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = (boxes || []).length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
box = boxes[i4];
({ position: pos, options: { stack, stackWeight = 1 } } = box);
index: i4,
horizontal: box.isHorizontal(),
weight: box.weight,
stack: stack && pos + stack,
return layoutBoxes;
function buildStacks(layouts2) {
const stacks = {};
for (const wrap of layouts2) {
const { stack, pos, stackWeight } = wrap;
if (!stack || !STATIC_POSITIONS.includes(pos)) {
const _stack = stacks[stack] || (stacks[stack] = { count: 0, placed: 0, weight: 0, size: 0 });
_stack.weight += stackWeight;
return stacks;
function setLayoutDims(layouts2, params) {
const stacks = buildStacks(layouts2);
const { vBoxMaxWidth, hBoxMaxHeight } = params;
let i4, ilen, layout;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = layouts2.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
layout = layouts2[i4];
const { fullSize } = layout.box;
const stack = stacks[layout.stack];
const factor = stack && layout.stackWeight / stack.weight;
if (layout.horizontal) {
layout.width = factor ? factor * vBoxMaxWidth : fullSize && params.availableWidth;
layout.height = hBoxMaxHeight;
} else {
layout.width = vBoxMaxWidth;
layout.height = factor ? factor * hBoxMaxHeight : fullSize && params.availableHeight;
return stacks;
function buildLayoutBoxes(boxes) {
const layoutBoxes = wrapBoxes(boxes);
const fullSize = sortByWeight(layoutBoxes.filter((wrap) => wrap.box.fullSize), true);
const left2 = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "left"), true);
const right2 = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "right"));
const top2 = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "top"), true);
const bottom2 = sortByWeight(filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "bottom"));
const centerHorizontal = filterDynamicPositionByAxis(layoutBoxes, "x");
const centerVertical = filterDynamicPositionByAxis(layoutBoxes, "y");
return {
leftAndTop: left2.concat(top2),
rightAndBottom: right2.concat(centerVertical).concat(bottom2).concat(centerHorizontal),
chartArea: filterByPosition(layoutBoxes, "chartArea"),
vertical: left2.concat(right2).concat(centerVertical),
horizontal: top2.concat(bottom2).concat(centerHorizontal)
function getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, a4, b3) {
return Math.max(maxPadding[a4], chartArea[a4]) + Math.max(maxPadding[b3], chartArea[b3]);
function updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, boxPadding) {
maxPadding.top = Math.max(maxPadding.top, boxPadding.top);
maxPadding.left = Math.max(maxPadding.left, boxPadding.left);
maxPadding.bottom = Math.max(maxPadding.bottom, boxPadding.bottom);
maxPadding.right = Math.max(maxPadding.right, boxPadding.right);
function updateDims(chartArea, params, layout, stacks) {
const { pos, box } = layout;
const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding;
if (!isObject(pos)) {
if (layout.size) {
chartArea[pos] -= layout.size;
const stack = stacks[layout.stack] || { size: 0, count: 1 };
stack.size = Math.max(stack.size, layout.horizontal ? box.height : box.width);
layout.size = stack.size / stack.count;
chartArea[pos] += layout.size;
if (box.getPadding) {
updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, box.getPadding());
const newWidth = Math.max(0, params.outerWidth - getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, "left", "right"));
const newHeight = Math.max(0, params.outerHeight - getCombinedMax(maxPadding, chartArea, "top", "bottom"));
const widthChanged = newWidth !== chartArea.w;
const heightChanged = newHeight !== chartArea.h;
chartArea.w = newWidth;
chartArea.h = newHeight;
return layout.horizontal ? { same: widthChanged, other: heightChanged } : { same: heightChanged, other: widthChanged };
function handleMaxPadding(chartArea) {
const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding;
function updatePos(pos) {
const change = Math.max(maxPadding[pos] - chartArea[pos], 0);
chartArea[pos] += change;
return change;
chartArea.y += updatePos("top");
chartArea.x += updatePos("left");
function getMargins(horizontal, chartArea) {
const maxPadding = chartArea.maxPadding;
function marginForPositions(positions2) {
const margin = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
positions2.forEach((pos) => {
margin[pos] = Math.max(chartArea[pos], maxPadding[pos]);
return margin;
return horizontal ? marginForPositions(["left", "right"]) : marginForPositions(["top", "bottom"]);
function fitBoxes(boxes, chartArea, params, stacks) {
const refitBoxes = [];
let i4, ilen, layout, box, refit, changed;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = boxes.length, refit = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
layout = boxes[i4];
box = layout.box;
layout.width || chartArea.w,
layout.height || chartArea.h,
getMargins(layout.horizontal, chartArea)
const { same, other } = updateDims(chartArea, params, layout, stacks);
refit |= same && refitBoxes.length;
changed = changed || other;
if (!box.fullSize) {
return refit && fitBoxes(refitBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks) || changed;
function setBoxDims(box, left2, top2, width, height) {
box.top = top2;
box.left = left2;
box.right = left2 + width;
box.bottom = top2 + height;
box.width = width;
box.height = height;
function placeBoxes(boxes, chartArea, params, stacks) {
const userPadding = params.padding;
let { x: x3, y: y3 } = chartArea;
for (const layout of boxes) {
const box = layout.box;
const stack = stacks[layout.stack] || { count: 1, placed: 0, weight: 1 };
const weight = layout.stackWeight / stack.weight || 1;
if (layout.horizontal) {
const width = chartArea.w * weight;
const height = stack.size || box.height;
if (defined(stack.start)) {
y3 = stack.start;
if (box.fullSize) {
setBoxDims(box, userPadding.left, y3, params.outerWidth - userPadding.right - userPadding.left, height);
} else {
setBoxDims(box, chartArea.left + stack.placed, y3, width, height);
stack.start = y3;
stack.placed += width;
y3 = box.bottom;
} else {
const height = chartArea.h * weight;
const width = stack.size || box.width;
if (defined(stack.start)) {
x3 = stack.start;
if (box.fullSize) {
setBoxDims(box, x3, userPadding.top, width, params.outerHeight - userPadding.bottom - userPadding.top);
} else {
setBoxDims(box, x3, chartArea.top + stack.placed, width, height);
stack.start = x3;
stack.placed += height;
x3 = box.right;
chartArea.x = x3;
chartArea.y = y3;
function initCanvas(canvas, aspectRatio) {
const style = canvas.style;
const renderHeight = canvas.getAttribute("height");
const renderWidth = canvas.getAttribute("width");
canvas[EXPANDO_KEY] = {
initial: {
height: renderHeight,
width: renderWidth,
style: {
display: style.display,
height: style.height,
width: style.width
style.display = style.display || "block";
style.boxSizing = style.boxSizing || "border-box";
if (isNullOrEmpty(renderWidth)) {
const displayWidth = readUsedSize(canvas, "width");
if (displayWidth !== void 0) {
canvas.width = displayWidth;
if (isNullOrEmpty(renderHeight)) {
if (canvas.style.height === "") {
canvas.height = canvas.width / (aspectRatio || 2);
} else {
const displayHeight = readUsedSize(canvas, "height");
if (displayHeight !== void 0) {
canvas.height = displayHeight;
return canvas;
function addListener(node, type, listener) {
node.addEventListener(type, listener, eventListenerOptions);
function removeListener(chart, type, listener) {
chart.canvas.removeEventListener(type, listener, eventListenerOptions);
function fromNativeEvent(event, chart) {
const type = EVENT_TYPES[event.type] || event.type;
const { x: x3, y: y3 } = getRelativePosition(event, chart);
return {
native: event,
x: x3 !== void 0 ? x3 : null,
y: y3 !== void 0 ? y3 : null
function nodeListContains(nodeList, canvas) {
for (const node of nodeList) {
if (node === canvas || node.contains(canvas)) {
return true;
function createAttachObserver(chart, type, listener) {
const canvas = chart.canvas;
const observer = new MutationObserver((entries) => {
let trigger = false;
for (const entry of entries) {
trigger = trigger || nodeListContains(entry.addedNodes, canvas);
trigger = trigger && !nodeListContains(entry.removedNodes, canvas);
if (trigger) {
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
return observer;
function createDetachObserver(chart, type, listener) {
const canvas = chart.canvas;
const observer = new MutationObserver((entries) => {
let trigger = false;
for (const entry of entries) {
trigger = trigger || nodeListContains(entry.removedNodes, canvas);
trigger = trigger && !nodeListContains(entry.addedNodes, canvas);
if (trigger) {
observer.observe(document, { childList: true, subtree: true });
return observer;
function onWindowResize() {
const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio;
if (dpr === oldDevicePixelRatio) {
oldDevicePixelRatio = dpr;
drpListeningCharts.forEach((resize, chart) => {
if (chart.currentDevicePixelRatio !== dpr) {
function listenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart, resize) {
if (!drpListeningCharts.size) {
window.addEventListener("resize", onWindowResize);
drpListeningCharts.set(chart, resize);
function unlistenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart) {
if (!drpListeningCharts.size) {
window.removeEventListener("resize", onWindowResize);
function createResizeObserver(chart, type, listener) {
const canvas = chart.canvas;
const container = canvas && _getParentNode(canvas);
if (!container) {
const resize = throttled((width, height) => {
const w3 = container.clientWidth;
listener(width, height);
if (w3 < container.clientWidth) {
}, window);
const observer = new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
const entry = entries[0];
const width = entry.contentRect.width;
const height = entry.contentRect.height;
if (width === 0 && height === 0) {
resize(width, height);
listenDevicePixelRatioChanges(chart, resize);
return observer;
function releaseObserver(chart, type, observer) {
if (observer) {
if (type === "resize") {
function createProxyAndListen(chart, type, listener) {
const canvas = chart.canvas;
const proxy = throttled((event) => {
if (chart.ctx !== null) {
listener(fromNativeEvent(event, chart));
}, chart, (args) => {
const event = args[0];
return [event, event.offsetX, event.offsetY];
addListener(canvas, type, proxy);
return proxy;
function _detectPlatform(canvas) {
if (!_isDomSupported() || typeof OffscreenCanvas !== "undefined" && canvas instanceof OffscreenCanvas) {
return BasicPlatform;
return DomPlatform;
function calculateDelta(tickValue, ticks) {
let delta = ticks.length > 3 ? ticks[2].value - ticks[1].value : ticks[1].value - ticks[0].value;
if (Math.abs(delta) >= 1 && tickValue !== Math.floor(tickValue)) {
delta = tickValue - Math.floor(tickValue);
return delta;
function autoSkip(scale, ticks) {
const tickOpts = scale.options.ticks;
const ticksLimit = tickOpts.maxTicksLimit || determineMaxTicks(scale);
const majorIndices = tickOpts.major.enabled ? getMajorIndices(ticks) : [];
const numMajorIndices = majorIndices.length;
const first2 = majorIndices[0];
const last = majorIndices[numMajorIndices - 1];
const newTicks = [];
if (numMajorIndices > ticksLimit) {
skipMajors(ticks, newTicks, majorIndices, numMajorIndices / ticksLimit);
return newTicks;
const spacing = calculateSpacing(majorIndices, ticks, ticksLimit);
if (numMajorIndices > 0) {
let i4, ilen;
const avgMajorSpacing = numMajorIndices > 1 ? Math.round((last - first2) / (numMajorIndices - 1)) : null;
skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, isNullOrUndef(avgMajorSpacing) ? 0 : first2 - avgMajorSpacing, first2);
for (i4 = 0, ilen = numMajorIndices - 1; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, majorIndices[i4], majorIndices[i4 + 1]);
skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, last, isNullOrUndef(avgMajorSpacing) ? ticks.length : last + avgMajorSpacing);
return newTicks;
skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing);
return newTicks;
function determineMaxTicks(scale) {
const offset3 = scale.options.offset;
const tickLength = scale._tickSize();
const maxScale = scale._length / tickLength + (offset3 ? 0 : 1);
const maxChart = scale._maxLength / tickLength;
return Math.floor(Math.min(maxScale, maxChart));
function calculateSpacing(majorIndices, ticks, ticksLimit) {
const evenMajorSpacing = getEvenSpacing(majorIndices);
const spacing = ticks.length / ticksLimit;
if (!evenMajorSpacing) {
return Math.max(spacing, 1);
const factors = _factorize(evenMajorSpacing);
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = factors.length - 1; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
const factor = factors[i4];
if (factor > spacing) {
return factor;
return Math.max(spacing, 1);
function getMajorIndices(ticks) {
const result = [];
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
if (ticks[i4].major) {
return result;
function skipMajors(ticks, newTicks, majorIndices, spacing) {
let count = 0;
let next = majorIndices[0];
let i4;
spacing = Math.ceil(spacing);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ticks.length; i4++) {
if (i4 === next) {
next = majorIndices[count * spacing];
function skip(ticks, newTicks, spacing, majorStart, majorEnd) {
const start3 = valueOrDefault(majorStart, 0);
const end2 = Math.min(valueOrDefault(majorEnd, ticks.length), ticks.length);
let count = 0;
let length, i4, next;
spacing = Math.ceil(spacing);
if (majorEnd) {
length = majorEnd - majorStart;
spacing = length / Math.floor(length / spacing);
next = start3;
while (next < 0) {
next = Math.round(start3 + count * spacing);
for (i4 = Math.max(start3, 0); i4 < end2; i4++) {
if (i4 === next) {
next = Math.round(start3 + count * spacing);
function getEvenSpacing(arr) {
const len = arr.length;
let i4, diff;
if (len < 2) {
return false;
for (diff = arr[0], i4 = 1; i4 < len; ++i4) {
if (arr[i4] - arr[i4 - 1] !== diff) {
return false;
return diff;
function sample(arr, numItems) {
const result = [];
const increment = arr.length / numItems;
const len = arr.length;
let i4 = 0;
for (; i4 < len; i4 += increment) {
return result;
function getPixelForGridLine(scale, index2, offsetGridLines) {
const length = scale.ticks.length;
const validIndex2 = Math.min(index2, length - 1);
const start3 = scale._startPixel;
const end2 = scale._endPixel;
const epsilon = 1e-6;
let lineValue = scale.getPixelForTick(validIndex2);
let offset3;
if (offsetGridLines) {
if (length === 1) {
offset3 = Math.max(lineValue - start3, end2 - lineValue);
} else if (index2 === 0) {
offset3 = (scale.getPixelForTick(1) - lineValue) / 2;
} else {
offset3 = (lineValue - scale.getPixelForTick(validIndex2 - 1)) / 2;
lineValue += validIndex2 < index2 ? offset3 : -offset3;
if (lineValue < start3 - epsilon || lineValue > end2 + epsilon) {
return lineValue;
function garbageCollect(caches, length) {
each(caches, (cache2) => {
const gc = cache2.gc;
const gcLen = gc.length / 2;
let i4;
if (gcLen > length) {
for (i4 = 0; i4 < gcLen; ++i4) {
delete cache2.data[gc[i4]];
gc.splice(0, gcLen);
function getTickMarkLength(options) {
return options.drawTicks ? options.tickLength : 0;
function getTitleHeight(options, fallback) {
if (!options.display) {
return 0;
const font = toFont(options.font, fallback);
const padding = toPadding(options.padding);
const lines = isArray(options.text) ? options.text.length : 1;
return lines * font.lineHeight + padding.height;
function createScaleContext(parent, scale) {
return createContext(parent, {
type: "scale"
function createTickContext(parent, index2, tick) {
return createContext(parent, {
index: index2,
type: "tick"
function titleAlign(align, position, reverse) {
let ret = _toLeftRightCenter(align);
if (reverse && position !== "right" || !reverse && position === "right") {
ret = reverseAlign(ret);
return ret;
function titleArgs(scale, offset3, position, align) {
const { top: top2, left: left2, bottom: bottom2, right: right2, chart } = scale;
const { chartArea, scales: scales2 } = chart;
let rotation = 0;
let maxWidth, titleX, titleY;
const height = bottom2 - top2;
const width = right2 - left2;
if (scale.isHorizontal()) {
titleX = _alignStartEnd(align, left2, right2);
if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
titleY = scales2[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) + height - offset3;
} else if (position === "center") {
titleY = (chartArea.bottom + chartArea.top) / 2 + height - offset3;
} else {
titleY = offsetFromEdge(scale, position, offset3);
maxWidth = right2 - left2;
} else {
if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
titleX = scales2[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) - width + offset3;
} else if (position === "center") {
titleX = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2 - width + offset3;
} else {
titleX = offsetFromEdge(scale, position, offset3);
titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, bottom2, top2);
rotation = position === "left" ? -HALF_PI : HALF_PI;
return { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation };
function registerDefaults(item, scope, parentScope) {
const itemDefaults = merge(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), [
parentScope ? defaults.get(parentScope) : {},
defaults.set(scope, itemDefaults);
if (item.defaultRoutes) {
routeDefaults(scope, item.defaultRoutes);
if (item.descriptors) {
defaults.describe(scope, item.descriptors);
function routeDefaults(scope, routes) {
Object.keys(routes).forEach((property) => {
const propertyParts = property.split(".");
const sourceName = propertyParts.pop();
const sourceScope = [scope].concat(propertyParts).join(".");
const parts = routes[property].split(".");
const targetName = parts.pop();
const targetScope = parts.join(".");
defaults.route(sourceScope, sourceName, targetScope, targetName);
function isIChartComponent(proto) {
return "id" in proto && "defaults" in proto;
function allPlugins(config) {
const plugins2 = [];
const keys = Object.keys(registry.plugins.items);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < keys.length; i4++) {
const local = config.plugins || [];
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < local.length; i4++) {
const plugin = local[i4];
if (plugins2.indexOf(plugin) === -1) {
return plugins2;
function getOpts(options, all) {
if (!all && options === false) {
return null;
if (options === true) {
return {};
return options;
function createDescriptors(chart, plugins2, options, all) {
const result = [];
const context = chart.getContext();
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < plugins2.length; i4++) {
const plugin = plugins2[i4];
const id = plugin.id;
const opts = getOpts(options[id], all);
if (opts === null) {
options: pluginOpts(chart.config, plugin, opts, context)
return result;
function pluginOpts(config, plugin, opts, context) {
const keys = config.pluginScopeKeys(plugin);
const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(opts, keys);
return config.createResolver(scopes, context, [""], { scriptable: false, indexable: false, allKeys: true });
function getIndexAxis(type, options) {
const datasetDefaults = defaults.datasets[type] || {};
const datasetOptions = (options.datasets || {})[type] || {};
return datasetOptions.indexAxis || options.indexAxis || datasetDefaults.indexAxis || "x";
function getAxisFromDefaultScaleID(id, indexAxis) {
let axis = id;
if (id === "_index_") {
axis = indexAxis;
} else if (id === "_value_") {
axis = indexAxis === "x" ? "y" : "x";
return axis;
function getDefaultScaleIDFromAxis(axis, indexAxis) {
return axis === indexAxis ? "_index_" : "_value_";
function axisFromPosition(position) {
if (position === "top" || position === "bottom") {
return "x";
if (position === "left" || position === "right") {
return "y";
function determineAxis(id, scaleOptions) {
if (id === "x" || id === "y") {
return id;
return scaleOptions.axis || axisFromPosition(scaleOptions.position) || id.charAt(0).toLowerCase();
function mergeScaleConfig(config, options) {
const chartDefaults = overrides[config.type] || { scales: {} };
const configScales = options.scales || {};
const chartIndexAxis = getIndexAxis(config.type, options);
const firstIDs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
const scales2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
Object.keys(configScales).forEach((id) => {
const scaleConf = configScales[id];
if (!isObject(scaleConf)) {
return console.error(`Invalid scale configuration for scale: ${id}`);
if (scaleConf._proxy) {
return console.warn(`Ignoring resolver passed as options for scale: ${id}`);
const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleConf);
const defaultId = getDefaultScaleIDFromAxis(axis, chartIndexAxis);
const defaultScaleOptions = chartDefaults.scales || {};
firstIDs[axis] = firstIDs[axis] || id;
scales2[id] = mergeIf(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), [{ axis }, scaleConf, defaultScaleOptions[axis], defaultScaleOptions[defaultId]]);
config.data.datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
const type = dataset.type || config.type;
const indexAxis = dataset.indexAxis || getIndexAxis(type, options);
const datasetDefaults = overrides[type] || {};
const defaultScaleOptions = datasetDefaults.scales || {};
Object.keys(defaultScaleOptions).forEach((defaultID) => {
const axis = getAxisFromDefaultScaleID(defaultID, indexAxis);
const id = dataset[axis + "AxisID"] || firstIDs[axis] || axis;
scales2[id] = scales2[id] || /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
mergeIf(scales2[id], [{ axis }, configScales[id], defaultScaleOptions[defaultID]]);
Object.keys(scales2).forEach((key) => {
const scale = scales2[key];
mergeIf(scale, [defaults.scales[scale.type], defaults.scale]);
return scales2;
function initOptions(config) {
const options = config.options || (config.options = {});
options.plugins = valueOrDefault(options.plugins, {});
options.scales = mergeScaleConfig(config, options);
function initData(data) {
data = data || {};
data.datasets = data.datasets || [];
data.labels = data.labels || [];
return data;
function initConfig(config) {
config = config || {};
config.data = initData(config.data);
return config;
function cachedKeys(cacheKey, generate) {
let keys = keyCache.get(cacheKey);
if (!keys) {
keys = generate();
keyCache.set(cacheKey, keys);
return keys;
function getResolver(resolverCache, scopes, prefixes) {
let cache2 = resolverCache.get(scopes);
if (!cache2) {
cache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
resolverCache.set(scopes, cache2);
const cacheKey = prefixes.join();
let cached = cache2.get(cacheKey);
if (!cached) {
const resolver = _createResolver(scopes, prefixes);
cached = {
subPrefixes: prefixes.filter((p3) => !p3.toLowerCase().includes("hover"))
cache2.set(cacheKey, cached);
return cached;
function needContext(proxy, names2) {
const { isScriptable, isIndexable } = _descriptors(proxy);
for (const prop of names2) {
const scriptable = isScriptable(prop);
const indexable = isIndexable(prop);
const value = (indexable || scriptable) && proxy[prop];
if (scriptable && (isFunction(value) || hasFunction(value)) || indexable && isArray(value)) {
return true;
return false;
function positionIsHorizontal(position, axis) {
return position === "top" || position === "bottom" || KNOWN_POSITIONS.indexOf(position) === -1 && axis === "x";
function compare2Level(l1, l22) {
return function(a4, b3) {
return a4[l1] === b3[l1] ? a4[l22] - b3[l22] : a4[l1] - b3[l1];
function onAnimationsComplete(context) {
const chart = context.chart;
const animationOptions2 = chart.options.animation;
callback(animationOptions2 && animationOptions2.onComplete, [context], chart);
function onAnimationProgress(context) {
const chart = context.chart;
const animationOptions2 = chart.options.animation;
callback(animationOptions2 && animationOptions2.onProgress, [context], chart);
function getCanvas(item) {
if (_isDomSupported() && typeof item === "string") {
item = document.getElementById(item);
} else if (item && item.length) {
item = item[0];
if (item && item.canvas) {
item = item.canvas;
return item;
function moveNumericKeys(obj, start3, move) {
const keys = Object.keys(obj);
for (const key of keys) {
const intKey = +key;
if (intKey >= start3) {
const value = obj[key];
delete obj[key];
if (move > 0 || intKey > start3) {
obj[intKey + move] = value;
function determineLastEvent(e4, lastEvent, inChartArea, isClick) {
if (!inChartArea || e4.type === "mouseout") {
return null;
if (isClick) {
return lastEvent;
return e4;
function clipArc(ctx, element, endAngle) {
const { startAngle, pixelMargin, x: x3, y: y3, outerRadius, innerRadius } = element;
let angleMargin = pixelMargin / outerRadius;
ctx.arc(x3, y3, outerRadius, startAngle - angleMargin, endAngle + angleMargin);
if (innerRadius > pixelMargin) {
angleMargin = pixelMargin / innerRadius;
ctx.arc(x3, y3, innerRadius, endAngle + angleMargin, startAngle - angleMargin, true);
} else {
ctx.arc(x3, y3, pixelMargin, endAngle + HALF_PI, startAngle - HALF_PI);
function toRadiusCorners(value) {
return _readValueToProps(value, ["outerStart", "outerEnd", "innerStart", "innerEnd"]);
function parseBorderRadius$1(arc, innerRadius, outerRadius, angleDelta) {
const o4 = toRadiusCorners(arc.options.borderRadius);
const halfThickness = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / 2;
const innerLimit = Math.min(halfThickness, angleDelta * innerRadius / 2);
const computeOuterLimit = (val) => {
const outerArcLimit = (outerRadius - Math.min(halfThickness, val)) * angleDelta / 2;
return _limitValue(val, 0, Math.min(halfThickness, outerArcLimit));
return {
outerStart: computeOuterLimit(o4.outerStart),
outerEnd: computeOuterLimit(o4.outerEnd),
innerStart: _limitValue(o4.innerStart, 0, innerLimit),
innerEnd: _limitValue(o4.innerEnd, 0, innerLimit)
function rThetaToXY(r4, theta, x3, y3) {
return {
x: x3 + r4 * Math.cos(theta),
y: y3 + r4 * Math.sin(theta)
function pathArc(ctx, element, offset3, spacing, end2) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, startAngle: start3, pixelMargin, innerRadius: innerR } = element;
const outerRadius = Math.max(element.outerRadius + spacing + offset3 - pixelMargin, 0);
const innerRadius = innerR > 0 ? innerR + spacing + offset3 + pixelMargin : 0;
let spacingOffset = 0;
const alpha = end2 - start3;
if (spacing) {
const noSpacingInnerRadius = innerR > 0 ? innerR - spacing : 0;
const noSpacingOuterRadius = outerRadius > 0 ? outerRadius - spacing : 0;
const avNogSpacingRadius = (noSpacingInnerRadius + noSpacingOuterRadius) / 2;
const adjustedAngle = avNogSpacingRadius !== 0 ? alpha * avNogSpacingRadius / (avNogSpacingRadius + spacing) : alpha;
spacingOffset = (alpha - adjustedAngle) / 2;
const beta = Math.max(1e-3, alpha * outerRadius - offset3 / PI) / outerRadius;
const angleOffset = (alpha - beta) / 2;
const startAngle = start3 + angleOffset + spacingOffset;
const endAngle = end2 - angleOffset - spacingOffset;
const { outerStart, outerEnd, innerStart, innerEnd } = parseBorderRadius$1(element, innerRadius, outerRadius, endAngle - startAngle);
const outerStartAdjustedRadius = outerRadius - outerStart;
const outerEndAdjustedRadius = outerRadius - outerEnd;
const outerStartAdjustedAngle = startAngle + outerStart / outerStartAdjustedRadius;
const outerEndAdjustedAngle = endAngle - outerEnd / outerEndAdjustedRadius;
const innerStartAdjustedRadius = innerRadius + innerStart;
const innerEndAdjustedRadius = innerRadius + innerEnd;
const innerStartAdjustedAngle = startAngle + innerStart / innerStartAdjustedRadius;
const innerEndAdjustedAngle = endAngle - innerEnd / innerEndAdjustedRadius;
ctx.arc(x3, y3, outerRadius, outerStartAdjustedAngle, outerEndAdjustedAngle);
if (outerEnd > 0) {
const pCenter = rThetaToXY(outerEndAdjustedRadius, outerEndAdjustedAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, outerEnd, outerEndAdjustedAngle, endAngle + HALF_PI);
const p4 = rThetaToXY(innerEndAdjustedRadius, endAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.lineTo(p4.x, p4.y);
if (innerEnd > 0) {
const pCenter = rThetaToXY(innerEndAdjustedRadius, innerEndAdjustedAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, innerEnd, endAngle + HALF_PI, innerEndAdjustedAngle + Math.PI);
ctx.arc(x3, y3, innerRadius, endAngle - innerEnd / innerRadius, startAngle + innerStart / innerRadius, true);
if (innerStart > 0) {
const pCenter = rThetaToXY(innerStartAdjustedRadius, innerStartAdjustedAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, innerStart, innerStartAdjustedAngle + Math.PI, startAngle - HALF_PI);
const p8 = rThetaToXY(outerStartAdjustedRadius, startAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.lineTo(p8.x, p8.y);
if (outerStart > 0) {
const pCenter = rThetaToXY(outerStartAdjustedRadius, outerStartAdjustedAngle, x3, y3);
ctx.arc(pCenter.x, pCenter.y, outerStart, startAngle - HALF_PI, outerStartAdjustedAngle);
function drawArc(ctx, element, offset3, spacing) {
const { fullCircles, startAngle, circumference } = element;
let endAngle = element.endAngle;
if (fullCircles) {
pathArc(ctx, element, offset3, spacing, startAngle + TAU);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < fullCircles; ++i4) {
if (!isNaN(circumference)) {
endAngle = startAngle + circumference % TAU;
if (circumference % TAU === 0) {
endAngle += TAU;
pathArc(ctx, element, offset3, spacing, endAngle);
return endAngle;
function drawFullCircleBorders(ctx, element, inner) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, startAngle, pixelMargin, fullCircles } = element;
const outerRadius = Math.max(element.outerRadius - pixelMargin, 0);
const innerRadius = element.innerRadius + pixelMargin;
let i4;
if (inner) {
clipArc(ctx, element, startAngle + TAU);
ctx.arc(x3, y3, innerRadius, startAngle + TAU, startAngle, true);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < fullCircles; ++i4) {
ctx.arc(x3, y3, outerRadius, startAngle, startAngle + TAU);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < fullCircles; ++i4) {
function drawBorder(ctx, element, offset3, spacing, endAngle) {
const { options } = element;
const { borderWidth, borderJoinStyle } = options;
const inner = options.borderAlign === "inner";
if (!borderWidth) {
if (inner) {
ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth * 2;
ctx.lineJoin = borderJoinStyle || "round";
} else {
ctx.lineWidth = borderWidth;
ctx.lineJoin = borderJoinStyle || "bevel";
if (element.fullCircles) {
drawFullCircleBorders(ctx, element, inner);
if (inner) {
clipArc(ctx, element, endAngle);
pathArc(ctx, element, offset3, spacing, endAngle);
function setStyle(ctx, options, style = options) {
ctx.lineCap = valueOrDefault(style.borderCapStyle, options.borderCapStyle);
ctx.setLineDash(valueOrDefault(style.borderDash, options.borderDash));
ctx.lineDashOffset = valueOrDefault(style.borderDashOffset, options.borderDashOffset);
ctx.lineJoin = valueOrDefault(style.borderJoinStyle, options.borderJoinStyle);
ctx.lineWidth = valueOrDefault(style.borderWidth, options.borderWidth);
ctx.strokeStyle = valueOrDefault(style.borderColor, options.borderColor);
function lineTo(ctx, previous, target) {
ctx.lineTo(target.x, target.y);
function getLineMethod(options) {
if (options.stepped) {
return _steppedLineTo;
if (options.tension || options.cubicInterpolationMode === "monotone") {
return _bezierCurveTo;
return lineTo;
function pathVars(points, segment, params = {}) {
const count = points.length;
const { start: paramsStart = 0, end: paramsEnd = count - 1 } = params;
const { start: segmentStart, end: segmentEnd } = segment;
const start3 = Math.max(paramsStart, segmentStart);
const end2 = Math.min(paramsEnd, segmentEnd);
const outside = paramsStart < segmentStart && paramsEnd < segmentStart || paramsStart > segmentEnd && paramsEnd > segmentEnd;
return {
start: start3,
loop: segment.loop,
ilen: end2 < start3 && !outside ? count + end2 - start3 : end2 - start3
function pathSegment(ctx, line, segment, params) {
const { points, options } = line;
const { count, start: start3, loop, ilen } = pathVars(points, segment, params);
const lineMethod = getLineMethod(options);
let { move = true, reverse } = params || {};
let i4, point, prev;
for (i4 = 0; i4 <= ilen; ++i4) {
point = points[(start3 + (reverse ? ilen - i4 : i4)) % count];
if (point.skip) {
} else if (move) {
ctx.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
move = false;
} else {
lineMethod(ctx, prev, point, reverse, options.stepped);
prev = point;
if (loop) {
point = points[(start3 + (reverse ? ilen : 0)) % count];
lineMethod(ctx, prev, point, reverse, options.stepped);
return !!loop;
function fastPathSegment(ctx, line, segment, params) {
const points = line.points;
const { count, start: start3, ilen } = pathVars(points, segment, params);
const { move = true, reverse } = params || {};
let avgX = 0;
let countX = 0;
let i4, point, prevX, minY, maxY, lastY;
const pointIndex = (index2) => (start3 + (reverse ? ilen - index2 : index2)) % count;
const drawX = () => {
if (minY !== maxY) {
ctx.lineTo(avgX, maxY);
ctx.lineTo(avgX, minY);
ctx.lineTo(avgX, lastY);
if (move) {
point = points[pointIndex(0)];
ctx.moveTo(point.x, point.y);
for (i4 = 0; i4 <= ilen; ++i4) {
point = points[pointIndex(i4)];
if (point.skip) {
const x3 = point.x;
const y3 = point.y;
const truncX = x3 | 0;
if (truncX === prevX) {
if (y3 < minY) {
minY = y3;
} else if (y3 > maxY) {
maxY = y3;
avgX = (countX * avgX + x3) / ++countX;
} else {
ctx.lineTo(x3, y3);
prevX = truncX;
countX = 0;
minY = maxY = y3;
lastY = y3;
function _getSegmentMethod(line) {
const opts = line.options;
const borderDash = opts.borderDash && opts.borderDash.length;
const useFastPath = !line._decimated && !line._loop && !opts.tension && opts.cubicInterpolationMode !== "monotone" && !opts.stepped && !borderDash;
return useFastPath ? fastPathSegment : pathSegment;
function _getInterpolationMethod(options) {
if (options.stepped) {
return _steppedInterpolation;
if (options.tension || options.cubicInterpolationMode === "monotone") {
return _bezierInterpolation;
return _pointInLine;
function strokePathWithCache(ctx, line, start3, count) {
let path = line._path;
if (!path) {
path = line._path = new Path2D();
if (line.path(path, start3, count)) {
setStyle(ctx, line.options);
function strokePathDirect(ctx, line, start3, count) {
const { segments, options } = line;
const segmentMethod = _getSegmentMethod(line);
for (const segment of segments) {
setStyle(ctx, options, segment.style);
if (segmentMethod(ctx, line, segment, { start: start3, end: start3 + count - 1 })) {
function draw(ctx, line, start3, count) {
if (usePath2D && !line.options.segment) {
strokePathWithCache(ctx, line, start3, count);
} else {
strokePathDirect(ctx, line, start3, count);
function inRange$1(el, pos, axis, useFinalPosition) {
const options = el.options;
const { [axis]: value } = el.getProps([axis], useFinalPosition);
return Math.abs(pos - value) < options.radius + options.hitRadius;
function getBarBounds(bar, useFinalPosition) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, base, width, height } = bar.getProps(["x", "y", "base", "width", "height"], useFinalPosition);
let left2, right2, top2, bottom2, half;
if (bar.horizontal) {
half = height / 2;
left2 = Math.min(x3, base);
right2 = Math.max(x3, base);
top2 = y3 - half;
bottom2 = y3 + half;
} else {
half = width / 2;
left2 = x3 - half;
right2 = x3 + half;
top2 = Math.min(y3, base);
bottom2 = Math.max(y3, base);
return { left: left2, top: top2, right: right2, bottom: bottom2 };
function skipOrLimit(skip2, value, min2, max2) {
return skip2 ? 0 : _limitValue(value, min2, max2);
function parseBorderWidth(bar, maxW, maxH) {
const value = bar.options.borderWidth;
const skip2 = bar.borderSkipped;
const o4 = toTRBL(value);
return {
t: skipOrLimit(skip2.top, o4.top, 0, maxH),
r: skipOrLimit(skip2.right, o4.right, 0, maxW),
b: skipOrLimit(skip2.bottom, o4.bottom, 0, maxH),
l: skipOrLimit(skip2.left, o4.left, 0, maxW)
function parseBorderRadius(bar, maxW, maxH) {
const { enableBorderRadius } = bar.getProps(["enableBorderRadius"]);
const value = bar.options.borderRadius;
const o4 = toTRBLCorners(value);
const maxR = Math.min(maxW, maxH);
const skip2 = bar.borderSkipped;
const enableBorder = enableBorderRadius || isObject(value);
return {
topLeft: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.top || skip2.left, o4.topLeft, 0, maxR),
topRight: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.top || skip2.right, o4.topRight, 0, maxR),
bottomLeft: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.bottom || skip2.left, o4.bottomLeft, 0, maxR),
bottomRight: skipOrLimit(!enableBorder || skip2.bottom || skip2.right, o4.bottomRight, 0, maxR)
function boundingRects(bar) {
const bounds = getBarBounds(bar);
const width = bounds.right - bounds.left;
const height = bounds.bottom - bounds.top;
const border = parseBorderWidth(bar, width / 2, height / 2);
const radius = parseBorderRadius(bar, width / 2, height / 2);
return {
outer: {
x: bounds.left,
y: bounds.top,
w: width,
h: height,
inner: {
x: bounds.left + border.l,
y: bounds.top + border.t,
w: width - border.l - border.r,
h: height - border.t - border.b,
radius: {
topLeft: Math.max(0, radius.topLeft - Math.max(border.t, border.l)),
topRight: Math.max(0, radius.topRight - Math.max(border.t, border.r)),
bottomLeft: Math.max(0, radius.bottomLeft - Math.max(border.b, border.l)),
bottomRight: Math.max(0, radius.bottomRight - Math.max(border.b, border.r))
function inRange(bar, x3, y3, useFinalPosition) {
const skipX = x3 === null;
const skipY = y3 === null;
const skipBoth = skipX && skipY;
const bounds = bar && !skipBoth && getBarBounds(bar, useFinalPosition);
return bounds && (skipX || _isBetween(x3, bounds.left, bounds.right)) && (skipY || _isBetween(y3, bounds.top, bounds.bottom));
function hasRadius(radius) {
return radius.topLeft || radius.topRight || radius.bottomLeft || radius.bottomRight;
function addNormalRectPath(ctx, rect) {
ctx.rect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
function inflateRect(rect, amount, refRect = {}) {
const x3 = rect.x !== refRect.x ? -amount : 0;
const y3 = rect.y !== refRect.y ? -amount : 0;
const w3 = (rect.x + rect.w !== refRect.x + refRect.w ? amount : 0) - x3;
const h5 = (rect.y + rect.h !== refRect.y + refRect.h ? amount : 0) - y3;
return {
x: rect.x + x3,
y: rect.y + y3,
w: rect.w + w3,
h: rect.h + h5,
radius: rect.radius
function lttbDecimation(data, start3, count, availableWidth, options) {
const samples = options.samples || availableWidth;
if (samples >= count) {
return data.slice(start3, start3 + count);
const decimated = [];
const bucketWidth = (count - 2) / (samples - 2);
let sampledIndex = 0;
const endIndex = start3 + count - 1;
let a4 = start3;
let i4, maxAreaPoint, maxArea, area, nextA;
decimated[sampledIndex++] = data[a4];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < samples - 2; i4++) {
let avgX = 0;
let avgY = 0;
let j3;
const avgRangeStart = Math.floor((i4 + 1) * bucketWidth) + 1 + start3;
const avgRangeEnd = Math.min(Math.floor((i4 + 2) * bucketWidth) + 1, count) + start3;
const avgRangeLength = avgRangeEnd - avgRangeStart;
for (j3 = avgRangeStart; j3 < avgRangeEnd; j3++) {
avgX += data[j3].x;
avgY += data[j3].y;
avgX /= avgRangeLength;
avgY /= avgRangeLength;
const rangeOffs = Math.floor(i4 * bucketWidth) + 1 + start3;
const rangeTo = Math.min(Math.floor((i4 + 1) * bucketWidth) + 1, count) + start3;
const { x: pointAx, y: pointAy } = data[a4];
maxArea = area = -1;
for (j3 = rangeOffs; j3 < rangeTo; j3++) {
area = 0.5 * Math.abs(
(pointAx - avgX) * (data[j3].y - pointAy) - (pointAx - data[j3].x) * (avgY - pointAy)
if (area > maxArea) {
maxArea = area;
maxAreaPoint = data[j3];
nextA = j3;
decimated[sampledIndex++] = maxAreaPoint;
a4 = nextA;
decimated[sampledIndex++] = data[endIndex];
return decimated;
function minMaxDecimation(data, start3, count, availableWidth) {
let avgX = 0;
let countX = 0;
let i4, point, x3, y3, prevX, minIndex, maxIndex, startIndex, minY, maxY;
const decimated = [];
const endIndex = start3 + count - 1;
const xMin = data[start3].x;
const xMax = data[endIndex].x;
const dx = xMax - xMin;
for (i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; ++i4) {
point = data[i4];
x3 = (point.x - xMin) / dx * availableWidth;
y3 = point.y;
const truncX = x3 | 0;
if (truncX === prevX) {
if (y3 < minY) {
minY = y3;
minIndex = i4;
} else if (y3 > maxY) {
maxY = y3;
maxIndex = i4;
avgX = (countX * avgX + point.x) / ++countX;
} else {
const lastIndex = i4 - 1;
if (!isNullOrUndef(minIndex) && !isNullOrUndef(maxIndex)) {
const intermediateIndex1 = Math.min(minIndex, maxIndex);
const intermediateIndex2 = Math.max(minIndex, maxIndex);
if (intermediateIndex1 !== startIndex && intermediateIndex1 !== lastIndex) {
x: avgX
if (intermediateIndex2 !== startIndex && intermediateIndex2 !== lastIndex) {
x: avgX
if (i4 > 0 && lastIndex !== startIndex) {
prevX = truncX;
countX = 0;
minY = maxY = y3;
minIndex = maxIndex = startIndex = i4;
return decimated;
function cleanDecimatedDataset(dataset) {
if (dataset._decimated) {
const data = dataset._data;
delete dataset._decimated;
delete dataset._data;
Object.defineProperty(dataset, "data", { value: data });
function cleanDecimatedData(chart) {
chart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset) => {
function getStartAndCountOfVisiblePointsSimplified(meta, points) {
const pointCount = points.length;
let start3 = 0;
let count;
const { iScale } = meta;
const { min: min2, max: max2, minDefined, maxDefined } = iScale.getUserBounds();
if (minDefined) {
start3 = _limitValue(_lookupByKey(points, iScale.axis, min2).lo, 0, pointCount - 1);
if (maxDefined) {
count = _limitValue(_lookupByKey(points, iScale.axis, max2).hi + 1, start3, pointCount) - start3;
} else {
count = pointCount - start3;
return { start: start3, count };
function getLineByIndex(chart, index2) {
const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(index2);
const visible = meta && chart.isDatasetVisible(index2);
return visible ? meta.dataset : null;
function parseFillOption(line) {
const options = line.options;
const fillOption = options.fill;
let fill = valueOrDefault(fillOption && fillOption.target, fillOption);
if (fill === void 0) {
fill = !!options.backgroundColor;
if (fill === false || fill === null) {
return false;
if (fill === true) {
return "origin";
return fill;
function decodeFill(line, index2, count) {
const fill = parseFillOption(line);
if (isObject(fill)) {
return isNaN(fill.value) ? false : fill;
let target = parseFloat(fill);
if (isNumberFinite(target) && Math.floor(target) === target) {
if (fill[0] === "-" || fill[0] === "+") {
target = index2 + target;
if (target === index2 || target < 0 || target >= count) {
return false;
return target;
return ["origin", "start", "end", "stack", "shape"].indexOf(fill) >= 0 && fill;
function computeLinearBoundary(source) {
const { scale = {}, fill } = source;
let target = null;
let horizontal;
if (fill === "start") {
target = scale.bottom;
} else if (fill === "end") {
target = scale.top;
} else if (isObject(fill)) {
target = scale.getPixelForValue(fill.value);
} else if (scale.getBasePixel) {
target = scale.getBasePixel();
if (isNumberFinite(target)) {
horizontal = scale.isHorizontal();
return {
x: horizontal ? target : null,
y: horizontal ? null : target
return null;
function computeCircularBoundary(source) {
const { scale, fill } = source;
const options = scale.options;
const length = scale.getLabels().length;
const target = [];
const start3 = options.reverse ? scale.max : scale.min;
const end2 = options.reverse ? scale.min : scale.max;
let i4, center, value;
if (fill === "start") {
value = start3;
} else if (fill === "end") {
value = end2;
} else if (isObject(fill)) {
value = fill.value;
} else {
value = scale.getBaseValue();
if (options.grid.circular) {
center = scale.getPointPositionForValue(0, start3);
return new simpleArc({
x: center.x,
y: center.y,
radius: scale.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value)
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; ++i4) {
target.push(scale.getPointPositionForValue(i4, value));
return target;
function computeBoundary(source) {
const scale = source.scale || {};
if (scale.getPointPositionForValue) {
return computeCircularBoundary(source);
return computeLinearBoundary(source);
function findSegmentEnd(start3, end2, points) {
for (; end2 > start3; end2--) {
const point = points[end2];
if (!isNaN(point.x) && !isNaN(point.y)) {
return end2;
function pointsFromSegments(boundary, line) {
const { x: x3 = null, y: y3 = null } = boundary || {};
const linePoints = line.points;
const points = [];
line.segments.forEach(({ start: start3, end: end2 }) => {
end2 = findSegmentEnd(start3, end2, linePoints);
const first2 = linePoints[start3];
const last = linePoints[end2];
if (y3 !== null) {
points.push({ x: first2.x, y: y3 });
points.push({ x: last.x, y: y3 });
} else if (x3 !== null) {
points.push({ x: x3, y: first2.y });
points.push({ x: x3, y: last.y });
return points;
function buildStackLine(source) {
const { scale, index: index2, line } = source;
const points = [];
const segments = line.segments;
const sourcePoints = line.points;
const linesBelow = getLinesBelow(scale, index2);
linesBelow.push(createBoundaryLine({ x: null, y: scale.bottom }, line));
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < segments.length; i4++) {
const segment = segments[i4];
for (let j3 = segment.start; j3 <= segment.end; j3++) {
addPointsBelow(points, sourcePoints[j3], linesBelow);
return new LineElement({ points, options: {} });
function getLinesBelow(scale, index2) {
const below = [];
const metas = scale.getMatchingVisibleMetas("line");
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < metas.length; i4++) {
const meta = metas[i4];
if (meta.index === index2) {
if (!meta.hidden) {
return below;
function addPointsBelow(points, sourcePoint, linesBelow) {
const postponed = [];
for (let j3 = 0; j3 < linesBelow.length; j3++) {
const line = linesBelow[j3];
const { first: first2, last, point } = findPoint(line, sourcePoint, "x");
if (!point || first2 && last) {
if (first2) {
} else {
if (!last) {
function findPoint(line, sourcePoint, property) {
const point = line.interpolate(sourcePoint, property);
if (!point) {
return {};
const pointValue = point[property];
const segments = line.segments;
const linePoints = line.points;
let first2 = false;
let last = false;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < segments.length; i4++) {
const segment = segments[i4];
const firstValue = linePoints[segment.start][property];
const lastValue = linePoints[segment.end][property];
if (_isBetween(pointValue, firstValue, lastValue)) {
first2 = pointValue === firstValue;
last = pointValue === lastValue;
return { first: first2, last, point };
function getTarget(source) {
const { chart, fill, line } = source;
if (isNumberFinite(fill)) {
return getLineByIndex(chart, fill);
if (fill === "stack") {
return buildStackLine(source);
if (fill === "shape") {
return true;
const boundary = computeBoundary(source);
if (boundary instanceof simpleArc) {
return boundary;
return createBoundaryLine(boundary, line);
function createBoundaryLine(boundary, line) {
let points = [];
let _loop = false;
if (isArray(boundary)) {
_loop = true;
points = boundary;
} else {
points = pointsFromSegments(boundary, line);
return points.length ? new LineElement({
options: { tension: 0 },
_fullLoop: _loop
}) : null;
function resolveTarget(sources, index2, propagate) {
const source = sources[index2];
let fill = source.fill;
const visited = [index2];
let target;
if (!propagate) {
return fill;
while (fill !== false && visited.indexOf(fill) === -1) {
if (!isNumberFinite(fill)) {
return fill;
target = sources[fill];
if (!target) {
return false;
if (target.visible) {
return fill;
fill = target.fill;
return false;
function _clip(ctx, target, clipY) {
ctx.lineTo(target.last().x, clipY);
ctx.lineTo(target.first().x, clipY);
function getBounds(property, first2, last, loop) {
if (loop) {
let start3 = first2[property];
let end2 = last[property];
if (property === "angle") {
start3 = _normalizeAngle(start3);
end2 = _normalizeAngle(end2);
return { property, start: start3, end: end2 };
function _getEdge(a4, b3, prop, fn3) {
if (a4 && b3) {
return fn3(a4[prop], b3[prop]);
return a4 ? a4[prop] : b3 ? b3[prop] : 0;
function _segments(line, target, property) {
const segments = line.segments;
const points = line.points;
const tpoints = target.points;
const parts = [];
for (const segment of segments) {
let { start: start3, end: end2 } = segment;
end2 = findSegmentEnd(start3, end2, points);
const bounds = getBounds(property, points[start3], points[end2], segment.loop);
if (!target.segments) {
source: segment,
target: bounds,
start: points[start3],
end: points[end2]
const targetSegments = _boundSegments(target, bounds);
for (const tgt of targetSegments) {
const subBounds = getBounds(property, tpoints[tgt.start], tpoints[tgt.end], tgt.loop);
const fillSources = _boundSegment(segment, points, subBounds);
for (const fillSource of fillSources) {
source: fillSource,
target: tgt,
start: {
[property]: _getEdge(bounds, subBounds, "start", Math.max)
end: {
[property]: _getEdge(bounds, subBounds, "end", Math.min)
return parts;
function clipBounds(ctx, scale, bounds) {
const { top: top2, bottom: bottom2 } = scale.chart.chartArea;
const { property, start: start3, end: end2 } = bounds || {};
if (property === "x") {
ctx.rect(start3, top2, end2 - start3, bottom2 - top2);
function interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, point, property) {
const interpolatedPoint = target.interpolate(point, property);
if (interpolatedPoint) {
ctx.lineTo(interpolatedPoint.x, interpolatedPoint.y);
function _fill(ctx, cfg) {
const { line, target, property, color: color2, scale } = cfg;
const segments = _segments(line, target, property);
for (const { source: src, target: tgt, start: start3, end: end2 } of segments) {
const { style: { backgroundColor = color2 } = {} } = src;
const notShape = target !== true;
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
clipBounds(ctx, scale, notShape && getBounds(property, start3, end2));
const lineLoop = !!line.pathSegment(ctx, src);
let loop;
if (notShape) {
if (lineLoop) {
} else {
interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, end2, property);
const targetLoop = !!target.pathSegment(ctx, tgt, { move: lineLoop, reverse: true });
loop = lineLoop && targetLoop;
if (!loop) {
interpolatedLineTo(ctx, target, start3, property);
ctx.fill(loop ? "evenodd" : "nonzero");
function doFill(ctx, cfg) {
const { line, target, above, below, area, scale } = cfg;
const property = line._loop ? "angle" : cfg.axis;
if (property === "x" && below !== above) {
_clip(ctx, target, area.top);
_fill(ctx, { line, target, color: above, scale, property });
_clip(ctx, target, area.bottom);
_fill(ctx, { line, target, color: below, scale, property });
function drawfill(ctx, source, area) {
const target = getTarget(source);
const { line, scale, axis } = source;
const lineOpts = line.options;
const fillOption = lineOpts.fill;
const color2 = lineOpts.backgroundColor;
const { above = color2, below = color2 } = fillOption || {};
if (target && line.points.length) {
clipArea(ctx, area);
doFill(ctx, { line, target, above, below, area, scale, axis });
function isListened(type, opts) {
if (type === "mousemove" && (opts.onHover || opts.onLeave)) {
return true;
if (opts.onClick && (type === "click" || type === "mouseup")) {
return true;
return false;
function createTitle(chart, titleOpts) {
const title = new Title({
ctx: chart.ctx,
options: titleOpts,
layouts.configure(chart, title, titleOpts);
layouts.addBox(chart, title);
chart.titleBlock = title;
function pushOrConcat(base, toPush) {
if (toPush) {
if (isArray(toPush)) {
Array.prototype.push.apply(base, toPush);
} else {
return base;
function splitNewlines(str) {
if ((typeof str === "string" || str instanceof String) && str.indexOf("\n") > -1) {
return str.split("\n");
return str;
function createTooltipItem(chart, item) {
const { element, datasetIndex, index: index2 } = item;
const controller = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).controller;
const { label, value } = controller.getLabelAndValue(index2);
return {
parsed: controller.getParsed(index2),
raw: chart.data.datasets[datasetIndex].data[index2],
formattedValue: value,
dataset: controller.getDataset(),
dataIndex: index2,
function getTooltipSize(tooltip, options) {
const ctx = tooltip.chart.ctx;
const { body, footer, title } = tooltip;
const { boxWidth, boxHeight } = options;
const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont);
const titleFont = toFont(options.titleFont);
const footerFont = toFont(options.footerFont);
const titleLineCount = title.length;
const footerLineCount = footer.length;
const bodyLineItemCount = body.length;
const padding = toPadding(options.padding);
let height = padding.height;
let width = 0;
let combinedBodyLength = body.reduce((count, bodyItem) => count + bodyItem.before.length + bodyItem.lines.length + bodyItem.after.length, 0);
combinedBodyLength += tooltip.beforeBody.length + tooltip.afterBody.length;
if (titleLineCount) {
height += titleLineCount * titleFont.lineHeight + (titleLineCount - 1) * options.titleSpacing + options.titleMarginBottom;
if (combinedBodyLength) {
const bodyLineHeight = options.displayColors ? Math.max(boxHeight, bodyFont.lineHeight) : bodyFont.lineHeight;
height += bodyLineItemCount * bodyLineHeight + (combinedBodyLength - bodyLineItemCount) * bodyFont.lineHeight + (combinedBodyLength - 1) * options.bodySpacing;
if (footerLineCount) {
height += options.footerMarginTop + footerLineCount * footerFont.lineHeight + (footerLineCount - 1) * options.footerSpacing;
let widthPadding = 0;
const maxLineWidth = function(line) {
width = Math.max(width, ctx.measureText(line).width + widthPadding);
ctx.font = titleFont.string;
each(tooltip.title, maxLineWidth);
ctx.font = bodyFont.string;
each(tooltip.beforeBody.concat(tooltip.afterBody), maxLineWidth);
widthPadding = options.displayColors ? boxWidth + 2 + options.boxPadding : 0;
each(body, (bodyItem) => {
each(bodyItem.before, maxLineWidth);
each(bodyItem.lines, maxLineWidth);
each(bodyItem.after, maxLineWidth);
widthPadding = 0;
ctx.font = footerFont.string;
each(tooltip.footer, maxLineWidth);
width += padding.width;
return { width, height };
function determineYAlign(chart, size) {
const { y: y3, height } = size;
if (y3 < height / 2) {
return "top";
} else if (y3 > chart.height - height / 2) {
return "bottom";
return "center";
function doesNotFitWithAlign(xAlign, chart, options, size) {
const { x: x3, width } = size;
const caret = options.caretSize + options.caretPadding;
if (xAlign === "left" && x3 + width + caret > chart.width) {
return true;
if (xAlign === "right" && x3 - width - caret < 0) {
return true;
function determineXAlign(chart, options, size, yAlign) {
const { x: x3, width } = size;
const { width: chartWidth, chartArea: { left: left2, right: right2 } } = chart;
let xAlign = "center";
if (yAlign === "center") {
xAlign = x3 <= (left2 + right2) / 2 ? "left" : "right";
} else if (x3 <= width / 2) {
xAlign = "left";
} else if (x3 >= chartWidth - width / 2) {
xAlign = "right";
if (doesNotFitWithAlign(xAlign, chart, options, size)) {
xAlign = "center";
return xAlign;
function determineAlignment(chart, options, size) {
const yAlign = size.yAlign || options.yAlign || determineYAlign(chart, size);
return {
xAlign: size.xAlign || options.xAlign || determineXAlign(chart, options, size, yAlign),
function alignX(size, xAlign) {
let { x: x3, width } = size;
if (xAlign === "right") {
x3 -= width;
} else if (xAlign === "center") {
x3 -= width / 2;
return x3;
function alignY(size, yAlign, paddingAndSize) {
let { y: y3, height } = size;
if (yAlign === "top") {
y3 += paddingAndSize;
} else if (yAlign === "bottom") {
y3 -= height + paddingAndSize;
} else {
y3 -= height / 2;
return y3;
function getBackgroundPoint(options, size, alignment, chart) {
const { caretSize, caretPadding, cornerRadius } = options;
const { xAlign, yAlign } = alignment;
const paddingAndSize = caretSize + caretPadding;
const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(cornerRadius);
let x3 = alignX(size, xAlign);
const y3 = alignY(size, yAlign, paddingAndSize);
if (yAlign === "center") {
if (xAlign === "left") {
x3 += paddingAndSize;
} else if (xAlign === "right") {
x3 -= paddingAndSize;
} else if (xAlign === "left") {
x3 -= Math.max(topLeft, bottomLeft) + caretSize;
} else if (xAlign === "right") {
x3 += Math.max(topRight, bottomRight) + caretSize;
return {
x: _limitValue(x3, 0, chart.width - size.width),
y: _limitValue(y3, 0, chart.height - size.height)
function getAlignedX(tooltip, align, options) {
const padding = toPadding(options.padding);
return align === "center" ? tooltip.x + tooltip.width / 2 : align === "right" ? tooltip.x + tooltip.width - padding.right : tooltip.x + padding.left;
function getBeforeAfterBodyLines(callback2) {
return pushOrConcat([], splitNewlines(callback2));
function createTooltipContext(parent, tooltip, tooltipItems) {
return createContext(parent, {
type: "tooltip"
function overrideCallbacks(callbacks, context) {
const override = context && context.dataset && context.dataset.tooltip && context.dataset.tooltip.callbacks;
return override ? callbacks.override(override) : callbacks;
function findOrAddLabel(labels, raw, index2, addedLabels) {
const first2 = labels.indexOf(raw);
if (first2 === -1) {
return addIfString(labels, raw, index2, addedLabels);
const last = labels.lastIndexOf(raw);
return first2 !== last ? index2 : first2;
function generateTicks$1(generationOptions, dataRange) {
const ticks = [];
const MIN_SPACING = 1e-14;
const { bounds, step, min: min2, max: max2, precision, count, maxTicks, maxDigits, includeBounds } = generationOptions;
const unit = step || 1;
const maxSpaces = maxTicks - 1;
const { min: rmin, max: rmax } = dataRange;
const minDefined = !isNullOrUndef(min2);
const maxDefined = !isNullOrUndef(max2);
const countDefined = !isNullOrUndef(count);
const minSpacing = (rmax - rmin) / (maxDigits + 1);
let spacing = niceNum((rmax - rmin) / maxSpaces / unit) * unit;
let factor, niceMin, niceMax, numSpaces;
if (spacing < MIN_SPACING && !minDefined && !maxDefined) {
return [{ value: rmin }, { value: rmax }];
numSpaces = Math.ceil(rmax / spacing) - Math.floor(rmin / spacing);
if (numSpaces > maxSpaces) {
spacing = niceNum(numSpaces * spacing / maxSpaces / unit) * unit;
if (!isNullOrUndef(precision)) {
factor = Math.pow(10, precision);
spacing = Math.ceil(spacing * factor) / factor;
if (bounds === "ticks") {
niceMin = Math.floor(rmin / spacing) * spacing;
niceMax = Math.ceil(rmax / spacing) * spacing;
} else {
niceMin = rmin;
niceMax = rmax;
if (minDefined && maxDefined && step && almostWhole((max2 - min2) / step, spacing / 1e3)) {
numSpaces = Math.round(Math.min((max2 - min2) / spacing, maxTicks));
spacing = (max2 - min2) / numSpaces;
niceMin = min2;
niceMax = max2;
} else if (countDefined) {
niceMin = minDefined ? min2 : niceMin;
niceMax = maxDefined ? max2 : niceMax;
numSpaces = count - 1;
spacing = (niceMax - niceMin) / numSpaces;
} else {
numSpaces = (niceMax - niceMin) / spacing;
if (almostEquals(numSpaces, Math.round(numSpaces), spacing / 1e3)) {
numSpaces = Math.round(numSpaces);
} else {
numSpaces = Math.ceil(numSpaces);
const decimalPlaces = Math.max(
factor = Math.pow(10, isNullOrUndef(precision) ? decimalPlaces : precision);
niceMin = Math.round(niceMin * factor) / factor;
niceMax = Math.round(niceMax * factor) / factor;
let j3 = 0;
if (minDefined) {
if (includeBounds && niceMin !== min2) {
ticks.push({ value: min2 });
if (niceMin < min2) {
if (almostEquals(Math.round((niceMin + j3 * spacing) * factor) / factor, min2, relativeLabelSize(min2, minSpacing, generationOptions))) {
} else if (niceMin < min2) {
for (; j3 < numSpaces; ++j3) {
ticks.push({ value: Math.round((niceMin + j3 * spacing) * factor) / factor });
if (maxDefined && includeBounds && niceMax !== max2) {
if (ticks.length && almostEquals(ticks[ticks.length - 1].value, max2, relativeLabelSize(max2, minSpacing, generationOptions))) {
ticks[ticks.length - 1].value = max2;
} else {
ticks.push({ value: max2 });
} else if (!maxDefined || niceMax === max2) {
ticks.push({ value: niceMax });
return ticks;
function relativeLabelSize(value, minSpacing, { horizontal, minRotation }) {
const rad = toRadians(minRotation);
const ratio = (horizontal ? Math.sin(rad) : Math.cos(rad)) || 1e-3;
const length = 0.75 * minSpacing * ("" + value).length;
return Math.min(minSpacing / ratio, length);
function isMajor(tickVal) {
const remain = tickVal / Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(tickVal)));
return remain === 1;
function generateTicks(generationOptions, dataRange) {
const endExp = Math.floor(log10(dataRange.max));
const endSignificand = Math.ceil(dataRange.max / Math.pow(10, endExp));
const ticks = [];
let tickVal = finiteOrDefault(generationOptions.min, Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(dataRange.min))));
let exp = Math.floor(log10(tickVal));
let significand = Math.floor(tickVal / Math.pow(10, exp));
let precision = exp < 0 ? Math.pow(10, Math.abs(exp)) : 1;
do {
ticks.push({ value: tickVal, major: isMajor(tickVal) });
if (significand === 10) {
significand = 1;
precision = exp >= 0 ? 1 : precision;
tickVal = Math.round(significand * Math.pow(10, exp) * precision) / precision;
} while (exp < endExp || exp === endExp && significand < endSignificand);
const lastTick = finiteOrDefault(generationOptions.max, tickVal);
ticks.push({ value: lastTick, major: isMajor(tickVal) });
return ticks;
function getTickBackdropHeight(opts) {
const tickOpts = opts.ticks;
if (tickOpts.display && opts.display) {
const padding = toPadding(tickOpts.backdropPadding);
return valueOrDefault(tickOpts.font && tickOpts.font.size, defaults.font.size) + padding.height;
return 0;
function measureLabelSize(ctx, font, label) {
label = isArray(label) ? label : [label];
return {
w: _longestText(ctx, font.string, label),
h: label.length * font.lineHeight
function determineLimits(angle, pos, size, min2, max2) {
if (angle === min2 || angle === max2) {
return {
start: pos - size / 2,
end: pos + size / 2
} else if (angle < min2 || angle > max2) {
return {
start: pos - size,
end: pos
return {
start: pos,
end: pos + size
function fitWithPointLabels(scale) {
const orig = {
l: scale.left + scale._padding.left,
r: scale.right - scale._padding.right,
t: scale.top + scale._padding.top,
b: scale.bottom - scale._padding.bottom
const limits = Object.assign({}, orig);
const labelSizes = [];
const padding = [];
const valueCount = scale._pointLabels.length;
const pointLabelOpts = scale.options.pointLabels;
const additionalAngle = pointLabelOpts.centerPointLabels ? PI / valueCount : 0;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < valueCount; i4++) {
const opts = pointLabelOpts.setContext(scale.getPointLabelContext(i4));
padding[i4] = opts.padding;
const pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i4, scale.drawingArea + padding[i4], additionalAngle);
const plFont = toFont(opts.font);
const textSize = measureLabelSize(scale.ctx, plFont, scale._pointLabels[i4]);
labelSizes[i4] = textSize;
const angleRadians = _normalizeAngle(scale.getIndexAngle(i4) + additionalAngle);
const angle = Math.round(toDegrees(angleRadians));
const hLimits = determineLimits(angle, pointPosition.x, textSize.w, 0, 180);
const vLimits = determineLimits(angle, pointPosition.y, textSize.h, 90, 270);
updateLimits(limits, orig, angleRadians, hLimits, vLimits);
orig.l - limits.l,
limits.r - orig.r,
orig.t - limits.t,
limits.b - orig.b
scale._pointLabelItems = buildPointLabelItems(scale, labelSizes, padding);
function updateLimits(limits, orig, angle, hLimits, vLimits) {
const sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(angle));
const cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(angle));
let x3 = 0;
let y3 = 0;
if (hLimits.start < orig.l) {
x3 = (orig.l - hLimits.start) / sin;
limits.l = Math.min(limits.l, orig.l - x3);
} else if (hLimits.end > orig.r) {
x3 = (hLimits.end - orig.r) / sin;
limits.r = Math.max(limits.r, orig.r + x3);
if (vLimits.start < orig.t) {
y3 = (orig.t - vLimits.start) / cos;
limits.t = Math.min(limits.t, orig.t - y3);
} else if (vLimits.end > orig.b) {
y3 = (vLimits.end - orig.b) / cos;
limits.b = Math.max(limits.b, orig.b + y3);
function buildPointLabelItems(scale, labelSizes, padding) {
const items = [];
const valueCount = scale._pointLabels.length;
const opts = scale.options;
const extra = getTickBackdropHeight(opts) / 2;
const outerDistance = scale.drawingArea;
const additionalAngle = opts.pointLabels.centerPointLabels ? PI / valueCount : 0;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < valueCount; i4++) {
const pointLabelPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i4, outerDistance + extra + padding[i4], additionalAngle);
const angle = Math.round(toDegrees(_normalizeAngle(pointLabelPosition.angle + HALF_PI)));
const size = labelSizes[i4];
const y3 = yForAngle(pointLabelPosition.y, size.h, angle);
const textAlign = getTextAlignForAngle(angle);
const left2 = leftForTextAlign(pointLabelPosition.x, size.w, textAlign);
x: pointLabelPosition.x,
y: y3,
left: left2,
top: y3,
right: left2 + size.w,
bottom: y3 + size.h
return items;
function getTextAlignForAngle(angle) {
if (angle === 0 || angle === 180) {
return "center";
} else if (angle < 180) {
return "left";
return "right";
function leftForTextAlign(x3, w3, align) {
if (align === "right") {
x3 -= w3;
} else if (align === "center") {
x3 -= w3 / 2;
return x3;
function yForAngle(y3, h5, angle) {
if (angle === 90 || angle === 270) {
y3 -= h5 / 2;
} else if (angle > 270 || angle < 90) {
y3 -= h5;
return y3;
function drawPointLabels(scale, labelCount) {
const { ctx, options: { pointLabels } } = scale;
for (let i4 = labelCount - 1; i4 >= 0; i4--) {
const optsAtIndex = pointLabels.setContext(scale.getPointLabelContext(i4));
const plFont = toFont(optsAtIndex.font);
const { x: x3, y: y3, textAlign, left: left2, top: top2, right: right2, bottom: bottom2 } = scale._pointLabelItems[i4];
const { backdropColor } = optsAtIndex;
if (!isNullOrUndef(backdropColor)) {
const padding = toPadding(optsAtIndex.backdropPadding);
ctx.fillStyle = backdropColor;
ctx.fillRect(left2 - padding.left, top2 - padding.top, right2 - left2 + padding.width, bottom2 - top2 + padding.height);
y3 + plFont.lineHeight / 2,
color: optsAtIndex.color,
textBaseline: "middle"
function pathRadiusLine(scale, radius, circular, labelCount) {
const { ctx } = scale;
if (circular) {
ctx.arc(scale.xCenter, scale.yCenter, radius, 0, TAU);
} else {
let pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(0, radius);
ctx.moveTo(pointPosition.x, pointPosition.y);
for (let i4 = 1; i4 < labelCount; i4++) {
pointPosition = scale.getPointPosition(i4, radius);
ctx.lineTo(pointPosition.x, pointPosition.y);
function drawRadiusLine(scale, gridLineOpts, radius, labelCount) {
const ctx = scale.ctx;
const circular = gridLineOpts.circular;
const { color: color2, lineWidth } = gridLineOpts;
if (!circular && !labelCount || !color2 || !lineWidth || radius < 0) {
ctx.strokeStyle = color2;
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.lineDashOffset = gridLineOpts.borderDashOffset;
pathRadiusLine(scale, radius, circular, labelCount);
function createPointLabelContext(parent, index2, label) {
return createContext(parent, {
index: index2,
type: "pointLabel"
function sorter(a4, b3) {
return a4 - b3;
function parse(scale, input) {
if (isNullOrUndef(input)) {
return null;
const adapter = scale._adapter;
const { parser, round: round3, isoWeekday } = scale._parseOpts;
let value = input;
if (typeof parser === "function") {
value = parser(value);
if (!isNumberFinite(value)) {
value = typeof parser === "string" ? adapter.parse(value, parser) : adapter.parse(value);
if (value === null) {
return null;
if (round3) {
value = round3 === "week" && (isNumber(isoWeekday) || isoWeekday === true) ? adapter.startOf(value, "isoWeek", isoWeekday) : adapter.startOf(value, round3);
return +value;
function determineUnitForAutoTicks(minUnit, min2, max2, capacity) {
const ilen = UNITS.length;
for (let i4 = UNITS.indexOf(minUnit); i4 < ilen - 1; ++i4) {
const interval = INTERVALS[UNITS[i4]];
const factor = interval.steps ? interval.steps : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
if (interval.common && Math.ceil((max2 - min2) / (factor * interval.size)) <= capacity) {
return UNITS[i4];
return UNITS[ilen - 1];
function determineUnitForFormatting(scale, numTicks, minUnit, min2, max2) {
for (let i4 = UNITS.length - 1; i4 >= UNITS.indexOf(minUnit); i4--) {
const unit = UNITS[i4];
if (INTERVALS[unit].common && scale._adapter.diff(max2, min2, unit) >= numTicks - 1) {
return unit;
return UNITS[minUnit ? UNITS.indexOf(minUnit) : 0];
function determineMajorUnit(unit) {
for (let i4 = UNITS.indexOf(unit) + 1, ilen = UNITS.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (INTERVALS[UNITS[i4]].common) {
return UNITS[i4];
function addTick(ticks, time, timestamps) {
if (!timestamps) {
ticks[time] = true;
} else if (timestamps.length) {
const { lo, hi: hi2 } = _lookup(timestamps, time);
const timestamp = timestamps[lo] >= time ? timestamps[lo] : timestamps[hi2];
ticks[timestamp] = true;
function setMajorTicks(scale, ticks, map3, majorUnit) {
const adapter = scale._adapter;
const first2 = +adapter.startOf(ticks[0].value, majorUnit);
const last = ticks[ticks.length - 1].value;
let major, index2;
for (major = first2; major <= last; major = +adapter.add(major, 1, majorUnit)) {
index2 = map3[major];
if (index2 >= 0) {
ticks[index2].major = true;
return ticks;
function ticksFromTimestamps(scale, values, majorUnit) {
const ticks = [];
const map3 = {};
const ilen = values.length;
let i4, value;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
value = values[i4];
map3[value] = i4;
major: false
return ilen === 0 || !majorUnit ? ticks : setMajorTicks(scale, ticks, map3, majorUnit);
function interpolate(table, val, reverse) {
let lo = 0;
let hi2 = table.length - 1;
let prevSource, nextSource, prevTarget, nextTarget;
if (reverse) {
if (val >= table[lo].pos && val <= table[hi2].pos) {
({ lo, hi: hi2 } = _lookupByKey(table, "pos", val));
({ pos: prevSource, time: prevTarget } = table[lo]);
({ pos: nextSource, time: nextTarget } = table[hi2]);
} else {
if (val >= table[lo].time && val <= table[hi2].time) {
({ lo, hi: hi2 } = _lookupByKey(table, "time", val));
({ time: prevSource, pos: prevTarget } = table[lo]);
({ time: nextSource, pos: nextTarget } = table[hi2]);
const span = nextSource - prevSource;
return span ? prevTarget + (nextTarget - prevTarget) * (val - prevSource) / span : prevTarget;
var Animator, animator, transparent, interpolators, Animation, numbers, colors, animationOptions, Animations, isDirectUpdateMode, cloneIfNotShared, createStack, DatasetController, BarController, BubbleController, DoughnutController, LineController, PolarAreaController, PieController, RadarController, ScatterController, controllers, DateAdapter, adapters, Interaction, STATIC_POSITIONS, layouts, BasePlatform, BasicPlatform, EXPANDO_KEY, EVENT_TYPES, isNullOrEmpty, eventListenerOptions, drpListeningCharts, oldDevicePixelRatio, DomPlatform, Element2, formatters, Ticks, reverseAlign, offsetFromEdge, Scale, TypedRegistry, Registry, registry, PluginService, keyCache, keysCached, addIfFound, Config, hasFunction, version, KNOWN_POSITIONS, instances, getChart, Chart, invalidatePlugins, enumerable, ArcElement, usePath2D, LineElement, PointElement, BarElement, elements, plugin_decimation, simpleArc, plugin_filler, getBoxSize, itemsEqual, Legend, plugin_legend, Title, plugin_title, map2, plugin_subtitle, positioners, Tooltip, plugin_tooltip, plugins, addIfString, validIndex, CategoryScale, LinearScaleBase, LinearScale, LogarithmicScale, RadialLinearScale, INTERVALS, UNITS, TimeScale, TimeSeriesScale, scales, registerables;
var init_chart_esm = __esm({
"node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/dist/chart.esm.js"() {
Animator = class {
constructor() {
this._request = null;
this._charts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this._running = false;
this._lastDate = void 0;
_notify(chart, anims, date, type) {
const callbacks = anims.listeners[type];
const numSteps = anims.duration;
callbacks.forEach((fn3) => fn3({
initial: anims.initial,
currentStep: Math.min(date - anims.start, numSteps)
_refresh() {
if (this._request) {
this._running = true;
this._request = requestAnimFrame.call(window, () => {
this._request = null;
if (this._running) {
_update(date = Date.now()) {
let remaining = 0;
this._charts.forEach((anims, chart) => {
if (!anims.running || !anims.items.length) {
const items = anims.items;
let i4 = items.length - 1;
let draw2 = false;
let item;
for (; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
item = items[i4];
if (item._active) {
if (item._total > anims.duration) {
anims.duration = item._total;
draw2 = true;
} else {
items[i4] = items[items.length - 1];
if (draw2) {
this._notify(chart, anims, date, "progress");
if (!items.length) {
anims.running = false;
this._notify(chart, anims, date, "complete");
anims.initial = false;
remaining += items.length;
this._lastDate = date;
if (remaining === 0) {
this._running = false;
_getAnims(chart) {
const charts = this._charts;
let anims = charts.get(chart);
if (!anims) {
anims = {
running: false,
initial: true,
items: [],
listeners: {
complete: [],
progress: []
charts.set(chart, anims);
return anims;
listen(chart, event, cb) {
add(chart, items) {
if (!items || !items.length) {
has(chart) {
return this._getAnims(chart).items.length > 0;
start(chart) {
const anims = this._charts.get(chart);
if (!anims) {
anims.running = true;
anims.start = Date.now();
anims.duration = anims.items.reduce((acc, cur) => Math.max(acc, cur._duration), 0);
running(chart) {
if (!this._running) {
return false;
const anims = this._charts.get(chart);
if (!anims || !anims.running || !anims.items.length) {
return false;
return true;
stop(chart) {
const anims = this._charts.get(chart);
if (!anims || !anims.items.length) {
const items = anims.items;
let i4 = items.length - 1;
for (; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
anims.items = [];
this._notify(chart, anims, Date.now(), "complete");
remove(chart) {
return this._charts.delete(chart);
animator = new Animator();
transparent = "transparent";
interpolators = {
boolean(from, to, factor) {
return factor > 0.5 ? to : from;
color(from, to, factor) {
const c0 = color(from || transparent);
const c1 = c0.valid && color(to || transparent);
return c1 && c1.valid ? c1.mix(c0, factor).hexString() : to;
number(from, to, factor) {
return from + (to - from) * factor;
Animation = class {
constructor(cfg, target, prop, to) {
const currentValue = target[prop];
to = resolve([cfg.to, to, currentValue, cfg.from]);
const from = resolve([cfg.from, currentValue, to]);
this._active = true;
this._fn = cfg.fn || interpolators[cfg.type || typeof from];
this._easing = effects[cfg.easing] || effects.linear;
this._start = Math.floor(Date.now() + (cfg.delay || 0));
this._duration = this._total = Math.floor(cfg.duration);
this._loop = !!cfg.loop;
this._target = target;
this._prop = prop;
this._from = from;
this._to = to;
this._promises = void 0;
active() {
return this._active;
update(cfg, to, date) {
if (this._active) {
const currentValue = this._target[this._prop];
const elapsed = date - this._start;
const remain = this._duration - elapsed;
this._start = date;
this._duration = Math.floor(Math.max(remain, cfg.duration));
this._total += elapsed;
this._loop = !!cfg.loop;
this._to = resolve([cfg.to, to, currentValue, cfg.from]);
this._from = resolve([cfg.from, currentValue, to]);
cancel() {
if (this._active) {
this._active = false;
tick(date) {
const elapsed = date - this._start;
const duration2 = this._duration;
const prop = this._prop;
const from = this._from;
const loop = this._loop;
const to = this._to;
let factor;
this._active = from !== to && (loop || elapsed < duration2);
if (!this._active) {
this._target[prop] = to;
if (elapsed < 0) {
this._target[prop] = from;
factor = elapsed / duration2 % 2;
factor = loop && factor > 1 ? 2 - factor : factor;
factor = this._easing(Math.min(1, Math.max(0, factor)));
this._target[prop] = this._fn(from, to, factor);
wait() {
const promises = this._promises || (this._promises = []);
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
promises.push({ res, rej });
_notify(resolved) {
const method = resolved ? "res" : "rej";
const promises = this._promises || [];
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < promises.length; i4++) {
numbers = ["x", "y", "borderWidth", "radius", "tension"];
colors = ["color", "borderColor", "backgroundColor"];
defaults.set("animation", {
delay: void 0,
duration: 1e3,
easing: "easeOutQuart",
fn: void 0,
from: void 0,
loop: void 0,
to: void 0,
type: void 0
animationOptions = Object.keys(defaults.animation);
defaults.describe("animation", {
_fallback: false,
_indexable: false,
_scriptable: (name) => name !== "onProgress" && name !== "onComplete" && name !== "fn"
defaults.set("animations", {
colors: {
type: "color",
properties: colors
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: numbers
defaults.describe("animations", {
_fallback: "animation"
defaults.set("transitions", {
active: {
animation: {
duration: 400
resize: {
animation: {
duration: 0
show: {
animations: {
colors: {
from: "transparent"
visible: {
type: "boolean",
duration: 0
hide: {
animations: {
colors: {
to: "transparent"
visible: {
type: "boolean",
easing: "linear",
fn: (v3) => v3 | 0
Animations = class {
constructor(chart, config) {
this._chart = chart;
this._properties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
configure(config) {
if (!isObject(config)) {
const animatedProps = this._properties;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(config).forEach((key) => {
const cfg = config[key];
if (!isObject(cfg)) {
const resolved = {};
for (const option of animationOptions) {
resolved[option] = cfg[option];
(isArray(cfg.properties) && cfg.properties || [key]).forEach((prop) => {
if (prop === key || !animatedProps.has(prop)) {
animatedProps.set(prop, resolved);
_animateOptions(target, values) {
const newOptions = values.options;
const options = resolveTargetOptions(target, newOptions);
if (!options) {
return [];
const animations = this._createAnimations(options, newOptions);
if (newOptions.$shared) {
awaitAll(target.options.$animations, newOptions).then(() => {
target.options = newOptions;
}, () => {
return animations;
_createAnimations(target, values) {
const animatedProps = this._properties;
const animations = [];
const running = target.$animations || (target.$animations = {});
const props = Object.keys(values);
const date = Date.now();
let i4;
for (i4 = props.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
const prop = props[i4];
if (prop.charAt(0) === "$") {
if (prop === "options") {
animations.push(...this._animateOptions(target, values));
const value = values[prop];
let animation = running[prop];
const cfg = animatedProps.get(prop);
if (animation) {
if (cfg && animation.active()) {
animation.update(cfg, value, date);
} else {
if (!cfg || !cfg.duration) {
target[prop] = value;
running[prop] = animation = new Animation(cfg, target, prop, value);
return animations;
update(target, values) {
if (this._properties.size === 0) {
Object.assign(target, values);
const animations = this._createAnimations(target, values);
if (animations.length) {
animator.add(this._chart, animations);
return true;
isDirectUpdateMode = (mode) => mode === "reset" || mode === "none";
cloneIfNotShared = (cached, shared) => shared ? cached : Object.assign({}, cached);
createStack = (canStack, meta, chart) => canStack && !meta.hidden && meta._stacked && { keys: getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, true), values: null };
DatasetController = class {
constructor(chart, datasetIndex) {
this.chart = chart;
this._ctx = chart.ctx;
this.index = datasetIndex;
this._cachedDataOpts = {};
this._cachedMeta = this.getMeta();
this._type = this._cachedMeta.type;
this.options = void 0;
this._parsing = false;
this._data = void 0;
this._objectData = void 0;
this._sharedOptions = void 0;
this._drawStart = void 0;
this._drawCount = void 0;
this.enableOptionSharing = false;
this.$context = void 0;
this._syncList = [];
initialize() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
meta._stacked = isStacked(meta.vScale, meta);
updateIndex(datasetIndex) {
if (this.index !== datasetIndex) {
this.index = datasetIndex;
linkScales() {
const chart = this.chart;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const dataset = this.getDataset();
const chooseId = (axis, x3, y3, r4) => axis === "x" ? x3 : axis === "r" ? r4 : y3;
const xid = meta.xAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.xAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "x"));
const yid = meta.yAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.yAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "y"));
const rid = meta.rAxisID = valueOrDefault(dataset.rAxisID, getFirstScaleId(chart, "r"));
const indexAxis = meta.indexAxis;
const iid = meta.iAxisID = chooseId(indexAxis, xid, yid, rid);
const vid = meta.vAxisID = chooseId(indexAxis, yid, xid, rid);
meta.xScale = this.getScaleForId(xid);
meta.yScale = this.getScaleForId(yid);
meta.rScale = this.getScaleForId(rid);
meta.iScale = this.getScaleForId(iid);
meta.vScale = this.getScaleForId(vid);
getDataset() {
return this.chart.data.datasets[this.index];
getMeta() {
return this.chart.getDatasetMeta(this.index);
getScaleForId(scaleID) {
return this.chart.scales[scaleID];
_getOtherScale(scale) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
return scale === meta.iScale ? meta.vScale : meta.iScale;
reset() {
_destroy() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
if (this._data) {
unlistenArrayEvents(this._data, this);
if (meta._stacked) {
_dataCheck() {
const dataset = this.getDataset();
const data = dataset.data || (dataset.data = []);
const _data = this._data;
if (isObject(data)) {
this._data = convertObjectDataToArray(data);
} else if (_data !== data) {
if (_data) {
unlistenArrayEvents(_data, this);
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
meta._parsed = [];
if (data && Object.isExtensible(data)) {
listenArrayEvents(data, this);
this._syncList = [];
this._data = data;
addElements() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
if (this.datasetElementType) {
meta.dataset = new this.datasetElementType();
buildOrUpdateElements(resetNewElements) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const dataset = this.getDataset();
let stackChanged = false;
const oldStacked = meta._stacked;
meta._stacked = isStacked(meta.vScale, meta);
if (meta.stack !== dataset.stack) {
stackChanged = true;
meta.stack = dataset.stack;
if (stackChanged || oldStacked !== meta._stacked) {
updateStacks(this, meta._parsed);
configure() {
const config = this.chart.config;
const scopeKeys = config.datasetScopeKeys(this._type);
const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys, true);
this.options = config.createResolver(scopes, this.getContext());
this._parsing = this.options.parsing;
this._cachedDataOpts = {};
parse(start3, count) {
const { _cachedMeta: meta, _data: data } = this;
const { iScale, _stacked } = meta;
const iAxis = iScale.axis;
let sorted = start3 === 0 && count === data.length ? true : meta._sorted;
let prev = start3 > 0 && meta._parsed[start3 - 1];
let i4, cur, parsed;
if (this._parsing === false) {
meta._parsed = data;
meta._sorted = true;
parsed = data;
} else {
if (isArray(data[start3])) {
parsed = this.parseArrayData(meta, data, start3, count);
} else if (isObject(data[start3])) {
parsed = this.parseObjectData(meta, data, start3, count);
} else {
parsed = this.parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start3, count);
const isNotInOrderComparedToPrev = () => cur[iAxis] === null || prev && cur[iAxis] < prev[iAxis];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < count; ++i4) {
meta._parsed[i4 + start3] = cur = parsed[i4];
if (sorted) {
if (isNotInOrderComparedToPrev()) {
sorted = false;
prev = cur;
meta._sorted = sorted;
if (_stacked) {
updateStacks(this, parsed);
parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const { iScale, vScale } = meta;
const iAxis = iScale.axis;
const vAxis = vScale.axis;
const labels = iScale.getLabels();
const singleScale = iScale === vScale;
const parsed = new Array(count);
let i4, ilen, index2;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
index2 = i4 + start3;
parsed[i4] = {
[iAxis]: singleScale || iScale.parse(labels[index2], index2),
[vAxis]: vScale.parse(data[index2], index2)
return parsed;
parseArrayData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const { xScale, yScale } = meta;
const parsed = new Array(count);
let i4, ilen, index2, item;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
index2 = i4 + start3;
item = data[index2];
parsed[i4] = {
x: xScale.parse(item[0], index2),
y: yScale.parse(item[1], index2)
return parsed;
parseObjectData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const { xScale, yScale } = meta;
const { xAxisKey = "x", yAxisKey = "y" } = this._parsing;
const parsed = new Array(count);
let i4, ilen, index2, item;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
index2 = i4 + start3;
item = data[index2];
parsed[i4] = {
x: xScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(item, xAxisKey), index2),
y: yScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(item, yAxisKey), index2)
return parsed;
getParsed(index2) {
return this._cachedMeta._parsed[index2];
getDataElement(index2) {
return this._cachedMeta.data[index2];
applyStack(scale, parsed, mode) {
const chart = this.chart;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const value = parsed[scale.axis];
const stack = {
keys: getSortedDatasetIndices(chart, true),
values: parsed._stacks[scale.axis]
return applyStack(stack, value, meta.index, { mode });
updateRangeFromParsed(range2, scale, parsed, stack) {
const parsedValue = parsed[scale.axis];
let value = parsedValue === null ? NaN : parsedValue;
const values = stack && parsed._stacks[scale.axis];
if (stack && values) {
stack.values = values;
value = applyStack(stack, parsedValue, this._cachedMeta.index);
range2.min = Math.min(range2.min, value);
range2.max = Math.max(range2.max, value);
getMinMax(scale, canStack) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const _parsed = meta._parsed;
const sorted = meta._sorted && scale === meta.iScale;
const ilen = _parsed.length;
const otherScale = this._getOtherScale(scale);
const stack = createStack(canStack, meta, this.chart);
const range2 = { min: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max: Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };
const { min: otherMin, max: otherMax } = getUserBounds(otherScale);
let i4, parsed;
function _skip() {
parsed = _parsed[i4];
const otherValue = parsed[otherScale.axis];
return !isNumberFinite(parsed[scale.axis]) || otherMin > otherValue || otherMax < otherValue;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (_skip()) {
this.updateRangeFromParsed(range2, scale, parsed, stack);
if (sorted) {
if (sorted) {
for (i4 = ilen - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
if (_skip()) {
this.updateRangeFromParsed(range2, scale, parsed, stack);
return range2;
getAllParsedValues(scale) {
const parsed = this._cachedMeta._parsed;
const values = [];
let i4, ilen, value;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = parsed.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
value = parsed[i4][scale.axis];
if (isNumberFinite(value)) {
return values;
getMaxOverflow() {
return false;
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const iScale = meta.iScale;
const vScale = meta.vScale;
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
return {
label: iScale ? "" + iScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[iScale.axis]) : "",
value: vScale ? "" + vScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[vScale.axis]) : ""
_update(mode) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
this.update(mode || "default");
meta._clip = toClip(valueOrDefault(this.options.clip, defaultClip(meta.xScale, meta.yScale, this.getMaxOverflow())));
update(mode) {
draw() {
const ctx = this._ctx;
const chart = this.chart;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const elements2 = meta.data || [];
const area = chart.chartArea;
const active = [];
const start3 = this._drawStart || 0;
const count = this._drawCount || elements2.length - start3;
const drawActiveElementsOnTop = this.options.drawActiveElementsOnTop;
let i4;
if (meta.dataset) {
meta.dataset.draw(ctx, area, start3, count);
for (i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; ++i4) {
const element = elements2[i4];
if (element.hidden) {
if (element.active && drawActiveElementsOnTop) {
} else {
element.draw(ctx, area);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < active.length; ++i4) {
active[i4].draw(ctx, area);
getStyle(index2, active) {
const mode = active ? "active" : "default";
return index2 === void 0 && this._cachedMeta.dataset ? this.resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode) : this.resolveDataElementOptions(index2 || 0, mode);
getContext(index2, active, mode) {
const dataset = this.getDataset();
let context;
if (index2 >= 0 && index2 < this._cachedMeta.data.length) {
const element = this._cachedMeta.data[index2];
context = element.$context || (element.$context = createDataContext(this.getContext(), index2, element));
context.parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
context.raw = dataset.data[index2];
context.index = context.dataIndex = index2;
} else {
context = this.$context || (this.$context = createDatasetContext(this.chart.getContext(), this.index));
context.dataset = dataset;
context.index = context.datasetIndex = this.index;
context.active = !!active;
context.mode = mode;
return context;
resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode) {
return this._resolveElementOptions(this.datasetElementType.id, mode);
resolveDataElementOptions(index2, mode) {
return this._resolveElementOptions(this.dataElementType.id, mode, index2);
_resolveElementOptions(elementType2, mode = "default", index2) {
const active = mode === "active";
const cache2 = this._cachedDataOpts;
const cacheKey = elementType2 + "-" + mode;
const cached = cache2[cacheKey];
const sharing = this.enableOptionSharing && defined(index2);
if (cached) {
return cloneIfNotShared(cached, sharing);
const config = this.chart.config;
const scopeKeys = config.datasetElementScopeKeys(this._type, elementType2);
const prefixes = active ? [`${elementType2}Hover`, "hover", elementType2, ""] : [elementType2, ""];
const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys);
const names2 = Object.keys(defaults.elements[elementType2]);
const context = () => this.getContext(index2, active);
const values = config.resolveNamedOptions(scopes, names2, context, prefixes);
if (values.$shared) {
values.$shared = sharing;
cache2[cacheKey] = Object.freeze(cloneIfNotShared(values, sharing));
return values;
_resolveAnimations(index2, transition2, active) {
const chart = this.chart;
const cache2 = this._cachedDataOpts;
const cacheKey = `animation-${transition2}`;
const cached = cache2[cacheKey];
if (cached) {
return cached;
let options;
if (chart.options.animation !== false) {
const config = this.chart.config;
const scopeKeys = config.datasetAnimationScopeKeys(this._type, transition2);
const scopes = config.getOptionScopes(this.getDataset(), scopeKeys);
options = config.createResolver(scopes, this.getContext(index2, active, transition2));
const animations = new Animations(chart, options && options.animations);
if (options && options._cacheable) {
cache2[cacheKey] = Object.freeze(animations);
return animations;
getSharedOptions(options) {
if (!options.$shared) {
return this._sharedOptions || (this._sharedOptions = Object.assign({}, options));
includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions) {
return !sharedOptions || isDirectUpdateMode(mode) || this.chart._animationsDisabled;
updateElement(element, index2, properties, mode) {
if (isDirectUpdateMode(mode)) {
Object.assign(element, properties);
} else {
this._resolveAnimations(index2, mode).update(element, properties);
updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, newOptions) {
if (sharedOptions && !isDirectUpdateMode(mode)) {
this._resolveAnimations(void 0, mode).update(sharedOptions, newOptions);
_setStyle(element, index2, mode, active) {
element.active = active;
const options = this.getStyle(index2, active);
this._resolveAnimations(index2, mode, active).update(element, {
options: !active && this.getSharedOptions(options) || options
removeHoverStyle(element, datasetIndex, index2) {
this._setStyle(element, index2, "active", false);
setHoverStyle(element, datasetIndex, index2) {
this._setStyle(element, index2, "active", true);
_removeDatasetHoverStyle() {
const element = this._cachedMeta.dataset;
if (element) {
this._setStyle(element, void 0, "active", false);
_setDatasetHoverStyle() {
const element = this._cachedMeta.dataset;
if (element) {
this._setStyle(element, void 0, "active", true);
_resyncElements(resetNewElements) {
const data = this._data;
const elements2 = this._cachedMeta.data;
for (const [method, arg1, arg2] of this._syncList) {
this[method](arg1, arg2);
this._syncList = [];
const numMeta = elements2.length;
const numData = data.length;
const count = Math.min(numData, numMeta);
if (count) {
this.parse(0, count);
if (numData > numMeta) {
this._insertElements(numMeta, numData - numMeta, resetNewElements);
} else if (numData < numMeta) {
this._removeElements(numData, numMeta - numData);
_insertElements(start3, count, resetNewElements = true) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const data = meta.data;
const end2 = start3 + count;
let i4;
const move = (arr) => {
arr.length += count;
for (i4 = arr.length - 1; i4 >= end2; i4--) {
arr[i4] = arr[i4 - count];
for (i4 = start3; i4 < end2; ++i4) {
data[i4] = new this.dataElementType();
if (this._parsing) {
this.parse(start3, count);
if (resetNewElements) {
this.updateElements(data, start3, count, "reset");
updateElements(element, start3, count, mode) {
_removeElements(start3, count) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
if (this._parsing) {
const removed = meta._parsed.splice(start3, count);
if (meta._stacked) {
clearStacks(meta, removed);
meta.data.splice(start3, count);
_sync(args) {
if (this._parsing) {
} else {
const [method, arg1, arg2] = args;
this[method](arg1, arg2);
this.chart._dataChanges.push([this.index, ...args]);
_onDataPush() {
const count = arguments.length;
this._sync(["_insertElements", this.getDataset().data.length - count, count]);
_onDataPop() {
this._sync(["_removeElements", this._cachedMeta.data.length - 1, 1]);
_onDataShift() {
this._sync(["_removeElements", 0, 1]);
_onDataSplice(start3, count) {
if (count) {
this._sync(["_removeElements", start3, count]);
const newCount = arguments.length - 2;
if (newCount) {
this._sync(["_insertElements", start3, newCount]);
_onDataUnshift() {
this._sync(["_insertElements", 0, arguments.length]);
DatasetController.defaults = {};
DatasetController.prototype.datasetElementType = null;
DatasetController.prototype.dataElementType = null;
BarController = class extends DatasetController {
parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start3, count) {
return parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start3, count);
parseArrayData(meta, data, start3, count) {
return parseArrayOrPrimitive(meta, data, start3, count);
parseObjectData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const { iScale, vScale } = meta;
const { xAxisKey = "x", yAxisKey = "y" } = this._parsing;
const iAxisKey = iScale.axis === "x" ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey;
const vAxisKey = vScale.axis === "x" ? xAxisKey : yAxisKey;
const parsed = [];
let i4, ilen, item, obj;
for (i4 = start3, ilen = start3 + count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
obj = data[i4];
item = {};
item[iScale.axis] = iScale.parse(resolveObjectKey(obj, iAxisKey), i4);
parsed.push(parseValue(resolveObjectKey(obj, vAxisKey), item, vScale, i4));
return parsed;
updateRangeFromParsed(range2, scale, parsed, stack) {
super.updateRangeFromParsed(range2, scale, parsed, stack);
const custom = parsed._custom;
if (custom && scale === this._cachedMeta.vScale) {
range2.min = Math.min(range2.min, custom.min);
range2.max = Math.max(range2.max, custom.max);
getMaxOverflow() {
return 0;
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const { iScale, vScale } = meta;
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
const custom = parsed._custom;
const value = isFloatBar(custom) ? "[" + custom.start + ", " + custom.end + "]" : "" + vScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[vScale.axis]);
return {
label: "" + iScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[iScale.axis]),
initialize() {
this.enableOptionSharing = true;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
meta.stack = this.getDataset().stack;
update(mode) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
this.updateElements(meta.data, 0, meta.data.length, mode);
updateElements(bars, start3, count, mode) {
const reset = mode === "reset";
const { index: index2, _cachedMeta: { vScale } } = this;
const base = vScale.getBasePixel();
const horizontal = vScale.isHorizontal();
const ruler = this._getRuler();
const firstOpts = this.resolveDataElementOptions(start3, mode);
const sharedOptions = this.getSharedOptions(firstOpts);
const includeOptions = this.includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions);
this.updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, firstOpts);
for (let i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; i4++) {
const parsed = this.getParsed(i4);
const vpixels = reset || isNullOrUndef(parsed[vScale.axis]) ? { base, head: base } : this._calculateBarValuePixels(i4);
const ipixels = this._calculateBarIndexPixels(i4, ruler);
const stack = (parsed._stacks || {})[vScale.axis];
const properties = {
base: vpixels.base,
enableBorderRadius: !stack || isFloatBar(parsed._custom) || (index2 === stack._top || index2 === stack._bottom),
x: horizontal ? vpixels.head : ipixels.center,
y: horizontal ? ipixels.center : vpixels.head,
height: horizontal ? ipixels.size : Math.abs(vpixels.size),
width: horizontal ? Math.abs(vpixels.size) : ipixels.size
if (includeOptions) {
properties.options = sharedOptions || this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, bars[i4].active ? "active" : mode);
const options = properties.options || bars[i4].options;
setBorderSkipped(properties, options, stack, index2);
setInflateAmount(properties, options, ruler.ratio);
this.updateElement(bars[i4], i4, properties, mode);
_getStacks(last, dataIndex) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const iScale = meta.iScale;
const metasets = iScale.getMatchingVisibleMetas(this._type);
const stacked = iScale.options.stacked;
const ilen = metasets.length;
const stacks = [];
let i4, item;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
item = metasets[i4];
if (!item.controller.options.grouped) {
if (typeof dataIndex !== "undefined") {
const val = item.controller.getParsed(dataIndex)[item.controller._cachedMeta.vScale.axis];
if (isNullOrUndef(val) || isNaN(val)) {
if (stacked === false || stacks.indexOf(item.stack) === -1 || stacked === void 0 && item.stack === void 0) {
if (item.index === last) {
if (!stacks.length) {
stacks.push(void 0);
return stacks;
_getStackCount(index2) {
return this._getStacks(void 0, index2).length;
_getStackIndex(datasetIndex, name, dataIndex) {
const stacks = this._getStacks(datasetIndex, dataIndex);
const index2 = name !== void 0 ? stacks.indexOf(name) : -1;
return index2 === -1 ? stacks.length - 1 : index2;
_getRuler() {
const opts = this.options;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const iScale = meta.iScale;
const pixels = [];
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = meta.data.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
pixels.push(iScale.getPixelForValue(this.getParsed(i4)[iScale.axis], i4));
const barThickness = opts.barThickness;
const min2 = barThickness || computeMinSampleSize(meta);
return {
min: min2,
start: iScale._startPixel,
end: iScale._endPixel,
stackCount: this._getStackCount(),
scale: iScale,
grouped: opts.grouped,
ratio: barThickness ? 1 : opts.categoryPercentage * opts.barPercentage
_calculateBarValuePixels(index2) {
const { _cachedMeta: { vScale, _stacked }, options: { base: baseValue, minBarLength } } = this;
const actualBase = baseValue || 0;
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
const custom = parsed._custom;
const floating = isFloatBar(custom);
let value = parsed[vScale.axis];
let start3 = 0;
let length = _stacked ? this.applyStack(vScale, parsed, _stacked) : value;
let head, size;
if (length !== value) {
start3 = length - value;
length = value;
if (floating) {
value = custom.barStart;
length = custom.barEnd - custom.barStart;
if (value !== 0 && sign(value) !== sign(custom.barEnd)) {
start3 = 0;
start3 += value;
const startValue = !isNullOrUndef(baseValue) && !floating ? baseValue : start3;
let base = vScale.getPixelForValue(startValue);
if (this.chart.getDataVisibility(index2)) {
head = vScale.getPixelForValue(start3 + length);
} else {
head = base;
size = head - base;
if (Math.abs(size) < minBarLength) {
size = barSign(size, vScale, actualBase) * minBarLength;
if (value === actualBase) {
base -= size / 2;
head = base + size;
if (base === vScale.getPixelForValue(actualBase)) {
const halfGrid = sign(size) * vScale.getLineWidthForValue(actualBase) / 2;
base += halfGrid;
size -= halfGrid;
return {
center: head + size / 2
_calculateBarIndexPixels(index2, ruler) {
const scale = ruler.scale;
const options = this.options;
const skipNull = options.skipNull;
const maxBarThickness = valueOrDefault(options.maxBarThickness, Infinity);
let center, size;
if (ruler.grouped) {
const stackCount = skipNull ? this._getStackCount(index2) : ruler.stackCount;
const range2 = options.barThickness === "flex" ? computeFlexCategoryTraits(index2, ruler, options, stackCount) : computeFitCategoryTraits(index2, ruler, options, stackCount);
const stackIndex = this._getStackIndex(this.index, this._cachedMeta.stack, skipNull ? index2 : void 0);
center = range2.start + range2.chunk * stackIndex + range2.chunk / 2;
size = Math.min(maxBarThickness, range2.chunk * range2.ratio);
} else {
center = scale.getPixelForValue(this.getParsed(index2)[scale.axis], index2);
size = Math.min(maxBarThickness, ruler.min * ruler.ratio);
return {
base: center - size / 2,
head: center + size / 2,
draw() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const vScale = meta.vScale;
const rects = meta.data;
const ilen = rects.length;
let i4 = 0;
for (; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (this.getParsed(i4)[vScale.axis] !== null) {
BarController.id = "bar";
BarController.defaults = {
datasetElementType: false,
dataElementType: "bar",
categoryPercentage: 0.8,
barPercentage: 0.9,
grouped: true,
animations: {
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: ["x", "y", "base", "width", "height"]
BarController.overrides = {
scales: {
_index_: {
type: "category",
offset: true,
grid: {
offset: true
_value_: {
type: "linear",
beginAtZero: true
BubbleController = class extends DatasetController {
initialize() {
this.enableOptionSharing = true;
parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const parsed = super.parsePrimitiveData(meta, data, start3, count);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < parsed.length; i4++) {
parsed[i4]._custom = this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4 + start3).radius;
return parsed;
parseArrayData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const parsed = super.parseArrayData(meta, data, start3, count);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < parsed.length; i4++) {
const item = data[start3 + i4];
parsed[i4]._custom = valueOrDefault(item[2], this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4 + start3).radius);
return parsed;
parseObjectData(meta, data, start3, count) {
const parsed = super.parseObjectData(meta, data, start3, count);
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < parsed.length; i4++) {
const item = data[start3 + i4];
parsed[i4]._custom = valueOrDefault(item && item.r && +item.r, this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4 + start3).radius);
return parsed;
getMaxOverflow() {
const data = this._cachedMeta.data;
let max2 = 0;
for (let i4 = data.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
max2 = Math.max(max2, data[i4].size(this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4)) / 2);
return max2 > 0 && max2;
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const { xScale, yScale } = meta;
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
const x3 = xScale.getLabelForValue(parsed.x);
const y3 = yScale.getLabelForValue(parsed.y);
const r4 = parsed._custom;
return {
label: meta.label,
value: "(" + x3 + ", " + y3 + (r4 ? ", " + r4 : "") + ")"
update(mode) {
const points = this._cachedMeta.data;
this.updateElements(points, 0, points.length, mode);
updateElements(points, start3, count, mode) {
const reset = mode === "reset";
const { iScale, vScale } = this._cachedMeta;
const firstOpts = this.resolveDataElementOptions(start3, mode);
const sharedOptions = this.getSharedOptions(firstOpts);
const includeOptions = this.includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions);
const iAxis = iScale.axis;
const vAxis = vScale.axis;
for (let i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; i4++) {
const point = points[i4];
const parsed = !reset && this.getParsed(i4);
const properties = {};
const iPixel = properties[iAxis] = reset ? iScale.getPixelForDecimal(0.5) : iScale.getPixelForValue(parsed[iAxis]);
const vPixel = properties[vAxis] = reset ? vScale.getBasePixel() : vScale.getPixelForValue(parsed[vAxis]);
properties.skip = isNaN(iPixel) || isNaN(vPixel);
if (includeOptions) {
properties.options = this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, point.active ? "active" : mode);
if (reset) {
properties.options.radius = 0;
this.updateElement(point, i4, properties, mode);
this.updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, firstOpts);
resolveDataElementOptions(index2, mode) {
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
let values = super.resolveDataElementOptions(index2, mode);
if (values.$shared) {
values = Object.assign({}, values, { $shared: false });
const radius = values.radius;
if (mode !== "active") {
values.radius = 0;
values.radius += valueOrDefault(parsed && parsed._custom, radius);
return values;
BubbleController.id = "bubble";
BubbleController.defaults = {
datasetElementType: false,
dataElementType: "point",
animations: {
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: ["x", "y", "borderWidth", "radius"]
BubbleController.overrides = {
scales: {
x: {
type: "linear"
y: {
type: "linear"
plugins: {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
title() {
return "";
DoughnutController = class extends DatasetController {
constructor(chart, datasetIndex) {
super(chart, datasetIndex);
this.enableOptionSharing = true;
this.innerRadius = void 0;
this.outerRadius = void 0;
this.offsetX = void 0;
this.offsetY = void 0;
linkScales() {
parse(start3, count) {
const data = this.getDataset().data;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
if (this._parsing === false) {
meta._parsed = data;
} else {
let getter = (i5) => +data[i5];
if (isObject(data[start3])) {
const { key = "value" } = this._parsing;
getter = (i5) => +resolveObjectKey(data[i5], key);
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = start3, ilen = start3 + count; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
meta._parsed[i4] = getter(i4);
_getRotation() {
return toRadians(this.options.rotation - 90);
_getCircumference() {
return toRadians(this.options.circumference);
_getRotationExtents() {
let min2 = TAU;
let max2 = -TAU;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this.chart.data.datasets.length; ++i4) {
if (this.chart.isDatasetVisible(i4)) {
const controller = this.chart.getDatasetMeta(i4).controller;
const rotation = controller._getRotation();
const circumference = controller._getCircumference();
min2 = Math.min(min2, rotation);
max2 = Math.max(max2, rotation + circumference);
return {
rotation: min2,
circumference: max2 - min2
update(mode) {
const chart = this.chart;
const { chartArea } = chart;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const arcs = meta.data;
const spacing = this.getMaxBorderWidth() + this.getMaxOffset(arcs) + this.options.spacing;
const maxSize = Math.max((Math.min(chartArea.width, chartArea.height) - spacing) / 2, 0);
const cutout = Math.min(toPercentage(this.options.cutout, maxSize), 1);
const chartWeight = this._getRingWeight(this.index);
const { circumference, rotation } = this._getRotationExtents();
const { ratioX, ratioY, offsetX, offsetY } = getRatioAndOffset(rotation, circumference, cutout);
const maxWidth = (chartArea.width - spacing) / ratioX;
const maxHeight = (chartArea.height - spacing) / ratioY;
const maxRadius = Math.max(Math.min(maxWidth, maxHeight) / 2, 0);
const outerRadius = toDimension(this.options.radius, maxRadius);
const innerRadius = Math.max(outerRadius * cutout, 0);
const radiusLength = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / this._getVisibleDatasetWeightTotal();
this.offsetX = offsetX * outerRadius;
this.offsetY = offsetY * outerRadius;
meta.total = this.calculateTotal();
this.outerRadius = outerRadius - radiusLength * this._getRingWeightOffset(this.index);
this.innerRadius = Math.max(this.outerRadius - radiusLength * chartWeight, 0);
this.updateElements(arcs, 0, arcs.length, mode);
_circumference(i4, reset) {
const opts = this.options;
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const circumference = this._getCircumference();
if (reset && opts.animation.animateRotate || !this.chart.getDataVisibility(i4) || meta._parsed[i4] === null || meta.data[i4].hidden) {
return 0;
return this.calculateCircumference(meta._parsed[i4] * circumference / TAU);
updateElements(arcs, start3, count, mode) {
const reset = mode === "reset";
const chart = this.chart;
const chartArea = chart.chartArea;
const opts = chart.options;
const animationOpts = opts.animation;
const centerX = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2;
const centerY = (chartArea.top + chartArea.bottom) / 2;
const animateScale = reset && animationOpts.animateScale;
const innerRadius = animateScale ? 0 : this.innerRadius;
const outerRadius = animateScale ? 0 : this.outerRadius;
const firstOpts = this.resolveDataElementOptions(start3, mode);
const sharedOptions = this.getSharedOptions(firstOpts);
const includeOptions = this.includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions);
let startAngle = this._getRotation();
let i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < start3; ++i4) {
startAngle += this._circumference(i4, reset);
for (i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; ++i4) {
const circumference = this._circumference(i4, reset);
const arc = arcs[i4];
const properties = {
x: centerX + this.offsetX,
y: centerY + this.offsetY,
endAngle: startAngle + circumference,
if (includeOptions) {
properties.options = sharedOptions || this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, arc.active ? "active" : mode);
startAngle += circumference;
this.updateElement(arc, i4, properties, mode);
this.updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, firstOpts);
calculateTotal() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const metaData = meta.data;
let total = 0;
let i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < metaData.length; i4++) {
const value = meta._parsed[i4];
if (value !== null && !isNaN(value) && this.chart.getDataVisibility(i4) && !metaData[i4].hidden) {
total += Math.abs(value);
return total;
calculateCircumference(value) {
const total = this._cachedMeta.total;
if (total > 0 && !isNaN(value)) {
return TAU * (Math.abs(value) / total);
return 0;
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const chart = this.chart;
const labels = chart.data.labels || [];
const value = formatNumber(meta._parsed[index2], chart.options.locale);
return {
label: labels[index2] || "",
getMaxBorderWidth(arcs) {
let max2 = 0;
const chart = this.chart;
let i4, ilen, meta, controller, options;
if (!arcs) {
for (i4 = 0, ilen = chart.data.datasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
if (chart.isDatasetVisible(i4)) {
meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(i4);
arcs = meta.data;
controller = meta.controller;
if (!arcs) {
return 0;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = arcs.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
options = controller.resolveDataElementOptions(i4);
if (options.borderAlign !== "inner") {
max2 = Math.max(max2, options.borderWidth || 0, options.hoverBorderWidth || 0);
return max2;
getMaxOffset(arcs) {
let max2 = 0;
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = arcs.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const options = this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4);
max2 = Math.max(max2, options.offset || 0, options.hoverOffset || 0);
return max2;
_getRingWeightOffset(datasetIndex) {
let ringWeightOffset = 0;
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < datasetIndex; ++i4) {
if (this.chart.isDatasetVisible(i4)) {
ringWeightOffset += this._getRingWeight(i4);
return ringWeightOffset;
_getRingWeight(datasetIndex) {
return Math.max(valueOrDefault(this.chart.data.datasets[datasetIndex].weight, 1), 0);
_getVisibleDatasetWeightTotal() {
return this._getRingWeightOffset(this.chart.data.datasets.length) || 1;
DoughnutController.id = "doughnut";
DoughnutController.defaults = {
datasetElementType: false,
dataElementType: "arc",
animation: {
animateRotate: true,
animateScale: false
animations: {
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: ["circumference", "endAngle", "innerRadius", "outerRadius", "startAngle", "x", "y", "offset", "borderWidth", "spacing"]
cutout: "50%",
rotation: 0,
circumference: 360,
radius: "100%",
spacing: 0,
indexAxis: "r"
DoughnutController.descriptors = {
_scriptable: (name) => name !== "spacing",
_indexable: (name) => name !== "spacing"
DoughnutController.overrides = {
aspectRatio: 1,
plugins: {
legend: {
labels: {
generateLabels(chart) {
const data = chart.data;
if (data.labels.length && data.datasets.length) {
const { labels: { pointStyle } } = chart.legend.options;
return data.labels.map((label, i4) => {
const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(0);
const style = meta.controller.getStyle(i4);
return {
text: label,
fillStyle: style.backgroundColor,
strokeStyle: style.borderColor,
lineWidth: style.borderWidth,
hidden: !chart.getDataVisibility(i4),
index: i4
return [];
onClick(e4, legendItem, legend) {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
title() {
return "";
label(tooltipItem) {
let dataLabel = tooltipItem.label;
const value = ": " + tooltipItem.formattedValue;
if (isArray(dataLabel)) {
dataLabel = dataLabel.slice();
dataLabel[0] += value;
} else {
dataLabel += value;
return dataLabel;
LineController = class extends DatasetController {
initialize() {
this.enableOptionSharing = true;
update(mode) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const { dataset: line, data: points = [], _dataset } = meta;
const animationsDisabled = this.chart._animationsDisabled;
let { start: start3, count } = getStartAndCountOfVisiblePoints(meta, points, animationsDisabled);
this._drawStart = start3;
this._drawCount = count;
if (scaleRangesChanged(meta)) {
start3 = 0;
count = points.length;
line._chart = this.chart;
line._datasetIndex = this.index;
line._decimated = !!_dataset._decimated;
line.points = points;
const options = this.resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode);
if (!this.options.showLine) {
options.borderWidth = 0;
options.segment = this.options.segment;
this.updateElement(line, void 0, {
animated: !animationsDisabled,
}, mode);
this.updateElements(points, start3, count, mode);
updateElements(points, start3, count, mode) {
const reset = mode === "reset";
const { iScale, vScale, _stacked, _dataset } = this._cachedMeta;
const firstOpts = this.resolveDataElementOptions(start3, mode);
const sharedOptions = this.getSharedOptions(firstOpts);
const includeOptions = this.includeOptions(mode, sharedOptions);
const iAxis = iScale.axis;
const vAxis = vScale.axis;
const { spanGaps, segment } = this.options;
const maxGapLength = isNumber(spanGaps) ? spanGaps : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
const directUpdate = this.chart._animationsDisabled || reset || mode === "none";
let prevParsed = start3 > 0 && this.getParsed(start3 - 1);
for (let i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; ++i4) {
const point = points[i4];
const parsed = this.getParsed(i4);
const properties = directUpdate ? point : {};
const nullData = isNullOrUndef(parsed[vAxis]);
const iPixel = properties[iAxis] = iScale.getPixelForValue(parsed[iAxis], i4);
const vPixel = properties[vAxis] = reset || nullData ? vScale.getBasePixel() : vScale.getPixelForValue(_stacked ? this.applyStack(vScale, parsed, _stacked) : parsed[vAxis], i4);
properties.skip = isNaN(iPixel) || isNaN(vPixel) || nullData;
properties.stop = i4 > 0 && parsed[iAxis] - prevParsed[iAxis] > maxGapLength;
if (segment) {
properties.parsed = parsed;
properties.raw = _dataset.data[i4];
if (includeOptions) {
properties.options = sharedOptions || this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, point.active ? "active" : mode);
if (!directUpdate) {
this.updateElement(point, i4, properties, mode);
prevParsed = parsed;
this.updateSharedOptions(sharedOptions, mode, firstOpts);
getMaxOverflow() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const dataset = meta.dataset;
const border = dataset.options && dataset.options.borderWidth || 0;
const data = meta.data || [];
if (!data.length) {
return border;
const firstPoint = data[0].size(this.resolveDataElementOptions(0));
const lastPoint = data[data.length - 1].size(this.resolveDataElementOptions(data.length - 1));
return Math.max(border, firstPoint, lastPoint) / 2;
draw() {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
meta.dataset.updateControlPoints(this.chart.chartArea, meta.iScale.axis);
LineController.id = "line";
LineController.defaults = {
datasetElementType: "line",
dataElementType: "point",
showLine: true,
spanGaps: false
LineController.overrides = {
scales: {
_index_: {
type: "category"
_value_: {
type: "linear"
PolarAreaController = class extends DatasetController {
constructor(chart, datasetIndex) {
super(chart, datasetIndex);
this.innerRadius = void 0;
this.outerRadius = void 0;
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const chart = this.chart;
const labels = chart.data.labels || [];
const value = formatNumber(meta._parsed[index2].r, chart.options.locale);
return {
label: labels[index2] || "",
update(mode) {
const arcs = this._cachedMeta.data;
this.updateElements(arcs, 0, arcs.length, mode);
_updateRadius() {
const chart = this.chart;
const chartArea = chart.chartArea;
const opts = chart.options;
const minSize = Math.min(chartArea.right - chartArea.left, chartArea.bottom - chartArea.top);
const outerRadius = Math.max(minSize / 2, 0);
const innerRadius = Math.max(opts.cutoutPercentage ? outerRadius / 100 * opts.cutoutPercentage : 1, 0);
const radiusLength = (outerRadius - innerRadius) / chart.getVisibleDatasetCount();
this.outerRadius = outerRadius - radiusLength * this.index;
this.innerRadius = this.outerRadius - radiusLength;
updateElements(arcs, start3, count, mode) {
const reset = mode === "reset";
const chart = this.chart;
const dataset = this.getDataset();
const opts = chart.options;
const animationOpts = opts.animation;
const scale = this._cachedMeta.rScale;
const centerX = scale.xCenter;
const centerY = scale.yCenter;
const datasetStartAngle = scale.getIndexAngle(0) - 0.5 * PI;
let angle = datasetStartAngle;
let i4;
const defaultAngle = 360 / this.countVisibleElements();
for (i4 = 0; i4 < start3; ++i4) {
angle += this._computeAngle(i4, mode, defaultAngle);
for (i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; i4++) {
const arc = arcs[i4];
let startAngle = angle;
let endAngle = angle + this._computeAngle(i4, mode, defaultAngle);
let outerRadius = chart.getDataVisibility(i4) ? scale.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(dataset.data[i4]) : 0;
angle = endAngle;
if (reset) {
if (animationOpts.animateScale) {
outerRadius = 0;
if (animationOpts.animateRotate) {
startAngle = endAngle = datasetStartAngle;
const properties = {
x: centerX,
y: centerY,
innerRadius: 0,
options: this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, arc.active ? "active" : mode)
this.updateElement(arc, i4, properties, mode);
countVisibleElements() {
const dataset = this.getDataset();
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
let count = 0;
meta.data.forEach((element, index2) => {
if (!isNaN(dataset.data[index2]) && this.chart.getDataVisibility(index2)) {
return count;
_computeAngle(index2, mode, defaultAngle) {
return this.chart.getDataVisibility(index2) ? toRadians(this.resolveDataElementOptions(index2, mode).angle || defaultAngle) : 0;
PolarAreaController.id = "polarArea";
PolarAreaController.defaults = {
dataElementType: "arc",
animation: {
animateRotate: true,
animateScale: true
animations: {
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: ["x", "y", "startAngle", "endAngle", "innerRadius", "outerRadius"]
indexAxis: "r",
startAngle: 0
PolarAreaController.overrides = {
aspectRatio: 1,
plugins: {
legend: {
labels: {
generateLabels(chart) {
const data = chart.data;
if (data.labels.length && data.datasets.length) {
const { labels: { pointStyle } } = chart.legend.options;
return data.labels.map((label, i4) => {
const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(0);
const style = meta.controller.getStyle(i4);
return {
text: label,
fillStyle: style.backgroundColor,
strokeStyle: style.borderColor,
lineWidth: style.borderWidth,
hidden: !chart.getDataVisibility(i4),
index: i4
return [];
onClick(e4, legendItem, legend) {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
title() {
return "";
label(context) {
return context.chart.data.labels[context.dataIndex] + ": " + context.formattedValue;
scales: {
r: {
type: "radialLinear",
angleLines: {
display: false
beginAtZero: true,
grid: {
circular: true
pointLabels: {
display: false
startAngle: 0
PieController = class extends DoughnutController {
PieController.id = "pie";
PieController.defaults = {
cutout: 0,
rotation: 0,
circumference: 360,
radius: "100%"
RadarController = class extends DatasetController {
getLabelAndValue(index2) {
const vScale = this._cachedMeta.vScale;
const parsed = this.getParsed(index2);
return {
label: vScale.getLabels()[index2],
value: "" + vScale.getLabelForValue(parsed[vScale.axis])
update(mode) {
const meta = this._cachedMeta;
const line = meta.dataset;
const points = meta.data || [];
const labels = meta.iScale.getLabels();
line.points = points;
if (mode !== "resize") {
const options = this.resolveDatasetElementOptions(mode);
if (!this.options.showLine) {
options.borderWidth = 0;
const properties = {
_loop: true,
_fullLoop: labels.length === points.length,
this.updateElement(line, void 0, properties, mode);
this.updateElements(points, 0, points.length, mode);
updateElements(points, start3, count, mode) {
const dataset = this.getDataset();
const scale = this._cachedMeta.rScale;
const reset = mode === "reset";
for (let i4 = start3; i4 < start3 + count; i4++) {
const point = points[i4];
const options = this.resolveDataElementOptions(i4, point.active ? "active" : mode);
const pointPosition = scale.getPointPositionForValue(i4, dataset.data[i4]);
const x3 = reset ? scale.xCenter : pointPosition.x;
const y3 = reset ? scale.yCenter : pointPosition.y;
const properties = {
x: x3,
y: y3,
angle: pointPosition.angle,
skip: isNaN(x3) || isNaN(y3),
this.updateElement(point, i4, properties, mode);
RadarController.id = "radar";
RadarController.defaults = {
datasetElementType: "line",
dataElementType: "point",
indexAxis: "r",
showLine: true,
elements: {
line: {
fill: "start"
RadarController.overrides = {
aspectRatio: 1,
scales: {
r: {
type: "radialLinear"
ScatterController = class extends LineController {
ScatterController.id = "scatter";
ScatterController.defaults = {
showLine: false,
fill: false
ScatterController.overrides = {
interaction: {
mode: "point"
plugins: {
tooltip: {
callbacks: {
title() {
return "";
label(item) {
return "(" + item.label + ", " + item.formattedValue + ")";
scales: {
x: {
type: "linear"
y: {
type: "linear"
controllers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
DateAdapter = class {
constructor(options) {
this.options = options || {};
formats() {
return abstract();
parse(value, format2) {
return abstract();
format(timestamp, format2) {
return abstract();
add(timestamp, amount, unit) {
return abstract();
diff(a4, b3, unit) {
return abstract();
startOf(timestamp, unit, weekday) {
return abstract();
endOf(timestamp, unit) {
return abstract();
DateAdapter.override = function(members) {
Object.assign(DateAdapter.prototype, members);
adapters = {
_date: DateAdapter
Interaction = {
modes: {
index(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
const position = getRelativePosition2(e4, chart);
const axis = options.axis || "x";
const items = options.intersect ? getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) : getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, false, useFinalPosition);
const elements2 = [];
if (!items.length) {
return [];
chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas().forEach((meta) => {
const index2 = items[0].index;
const element = meta.data[index2];
if (element && !element.skip) {
elements2.push({ element, datasetIndex: meta.index, index: index2 });
return elements2;
dataset(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
const position = getRelativePosition2(e4, chart);
const axis = options.axis || "xy";
let items = options.intersect ? getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition) : getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, false, useFinalPosition);
if (items.length > 0) {
const datasetIndex = items[0].datasetIndex;
const data = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex).data;
items = [];
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < data.length; ++i4) {
items.push({ element: data[i4], datasetIndex, index: i4 });
return items;
point(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
const position = getRelativePosition2(e4, chart);
const axis = options.axis || "xy";
return getIntersectItems(chart, position, axis, useFinalPosition);
nearest(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
const position = getRelativePosition2(e4, chart);
const axis = options.axis || "xy";
return getNearestItems(chart, position, axis, options.intersect, useFinalPosition);
x(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
return getAxisItems(chart, e4, { axis: "x", intersect: options.intersect }, useFinalPosition);
y(chart, e4, options, useFinalPosition) {
return getAxisItems(chart, e4, { axis: "y", intersect: options.intersect }, useFinalPosition);
STATIC_POSITIONS = ["left", "top", "right", "bottom"];
defaults.set("layout", {
autoPadding: true,
padding: {
top: 0,
right: 0,
bottom: 0,
left: 0
layouts = {
addBox(chart, item) {
if (!chart.boxes) {
chart.boxes = [];
item.fullSize = item.fullSize || false;
item.position = item.position || "top";
item.weight = item.weight || 0;
item._layers = item._layers || function() {
return [{
z: 0,
draw(chartArea) {
removeBox(chart, layoutItem) {
const index2 = chart.boxes ? chart.boxes.indexOf(layoutItem) : -1;
if (index2 !== -1) {
chart.boxes.splice(index2, 1);
configure(chart, item, options) {
item.fullSize = options.fullSize;
item.position = options.position;
item.weight = options.weight;
update(chart, width, height, minPadding) {
if (!chart) {
const padding = toPadding(chart.options.layout.padding);
const availableWidth = Math.max(width - padding.width, 0);
const availableHeight = Math.max(height - padding.height, 0);
const boxes = buildLayoutBoxes(chart.boxes);
const verticalBoxes = boxes.vertical;
const horizontalBoxes = boxes.horizontal;
each(chart.boxes, (box) => {
if (typeof box.beforeLayout === "function") {
const visibleVerticalBoxCount = verticalBoxes.reduce((total, wrap) => wrap.box.options && wrap.box.options.display === false ? total : total + 1, 0) || 1;
const params = Object.freeze({
outerWidth: width,
outerHeight: height,
vBoxMaxWidth: availableWidth / 2 / visibleVerticalBoxCount,
hBoxMaxHeight: availableHeight / 2
const maxPadding = Object.assign({}, padding);
updateMaxPadding(maxPadding, toPadding(minPadding));
const chartArea = Object.assign({
w: availableWidth,
h: availableHeight,
x: padding.left,
y: padding.top
}, padding);
const stacks = setLayoutDims(verticalBoxes.concat(horizontalBoxes), params);
fitBoxes(boxes.fullSize, chartArea, params, stacks);
fitBoxes(verticalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks);
if (fitBoxes(horizontalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks)) {
fitBoxes(verticalBoxes, chartArea, params, stacks);
placeBoxes(boxes.leftAndTop, chartArea, params, stacks);
chartArea.x += chartArea.w;
chartArea.y += chartArea.h;
placeBoxes(boxes.rightAndBottom, chartArea, params, stacks);
chart.chartArea = {
left: chartArea.left,
top: chartArea.top,
right: chartArea.left + chartArea.w,
bottom: chartArea.top + chartArea.h,
height: chartArea.h,
width: chartArea.w
each(boxes.chartArea, (layout) => {
const box = layout.box;
Object.assign(box, chart.chartArea);
box.update(chartArea.w, chartArea.h, { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 });
BasePlatform = class {
acquireContext(canvas, aspectRatio) {
releaseContext(context) {
return false;
addEventListener(chart, type, listener) {
removeEventListener(chart, type, listener) {
getDevicePixelRatio() {
return 1;
getMaximumSize(element, width, height, aspectRatio) {
width = Math.max(0, width || element.width);
height = height || element.height;
return {
height: Math.max(0, aspectRatio ? Math.floor(width / aspectRatio) : height)
isAttached(canvas) {
return true;
updateConfig(config) {
BasicPlatform = class extends BasePlatform {
acquireContext(item) {
return item && item.getContext && item.getContext("2d") || null;
updateConfig(config) {
config.options.animation = false;
EXPANDO_KEY = "$chartjs";
touchstart: "mousedown",
touchmove: "mousemove",
touchend: "mouseup",
pointerenter: "mouseenter",
pointerdown: "mousedown",
pointermove: "mousemove",
pointerup: "mouseup",
pointerleave: "mouseout",
pointerout: "mouseout"
isNullOrEmpty = (value) => value === null || value === "";
eventListenerOptions = supportsEventListenerOptions ? { passive: true } : false;
drpListeningCharts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
oldDevicePixelRatio = 0;
DomPlatform = class extends BasePlatform {
acquireContext(canvas, aspectRatio) {
const context = canvas && canvas.getContext && canvas.getContext("2d");
if (context && context.canvas === canvas) {
initCanvas(canvas, aspectRatio);
return context;
return null;
releaseContext(context) {
const canvas = context.canvas;
if (!canvas[EXPANDO_KEY]) {
return false;
const initial = canvas[EXPANDO_KEY].initial;
["height", "width"].forEach((prop) => {
const value = initial[prop];
if (isNullOrUndef(value)) {
} else {
canvas.setAttribute(prop, value);
const style = initial.style || {};
Object.keys(style).forEach((key) => {
canvas.style[key] = style[key];
canvas.width = canvas.width;
delete canvas[EXPANDO_KEY];
return true;
addEventListener(chart, type, listener) {
this.removeEventListener(chart, type);
const proxies = chart.$proxies || (chart.$proxies = {});
const handlers = {
attach: createAttachObserver,
detach: createDetachObserver,
resize: createResizeObserver
const handler = handlers[type] || createProxyAndListen;
proxies[type] = handler(chart, type, listener);
removeEventListener(chart, type) {
const proxies = chart.$proxies || (chart.$proxies = {});
const proxy = proxies[type];
if (!proxy) {
const handlers = {
attach: releaseObserver,
detach: releaseObserver,
resize: releaseObserver
const handler = handlers[type] || removeListener;
handler(chart, type, proxy);
proxies[type] = void 0;
getDevicePixelRatio() {
return window.devicePixelRatio;
getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio) {
return getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio);
isAttached(canvas) {
const container = _getParentNode(canvas);
return !!(container && container.isConnected);
Element2 = class {
constructor() {
this.x = void 0;
this.y = void 0;
this.active = false;
this.options = void 0;
this.$animations = void 0;
tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition) {
const { x: x3, y: y3 } = this.getProps(["x", "y"], useFinalPosition);
return { x: x3, y: y3 };
hasValue() {
return isNumber(this.x) && isNumber(this.y);
getProps(props, final) {
const anims = this.$animations;
if (!final || !anims) {
return this;
const ret = {};
props.forEach((prop) => {
ret[prop] = anims[prop] && anims[prop].active() ? anims[prop]._to : this[prop];
return ret;
Element2.defaults = {};
Element2.defaultRoutes = void 0;
formatters = {
values(value) {
return isArray(value) ? value : "" + value;
numeric(tickValue, index2, ticks) {
if (tickValue === 0) {
return "0";
const locale2 = this.chart.options.locale;
let notation;
let delta = tickValue;
if (ticks.length > 1) {
const maxTick = Math.max(Math.abs(ticks[0].value), Math.abs(ticks[ticks.length - 1].value));
if (maxTick < 1e-4 || maxTick > 1e15) {
notation = "scientific";
delta = calculateDelta(tickValue, ticks);
const logDelta = log10(Math.abs(delta));
const numDecimal = Math.max(Math.min(-1 * Math.floor(logDelta), 20), 0);
const options = { notation, minimumFractionDigits: numDecimal, maximumFractionDigits: numDecimal };
Object.assign(options, this.options.ticks.format);
return formatNumber(tickValue, locale2, options);
logarithmic(tickValue, index2, ticks) {
if (tickValue === 0) {
return "0";
const remain = tickValue / Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(tickValue)));
if (remain === 1 || remain === 2 || remain === 5) {
return formatters.numeric.call(this, tickValue, index2, ticks);
return "";
Ticks = { formatters };
defaults.set("scale", {
display: true,
offset: false,
reverse: false,
beginAtZero: false,
bounds: "ticks",
grace: 0,
grid: {
display: true,
lineWidth: 1,
drawBorder: true,
drawOnChartArea: true,
drawTicks: true,
tickLength: 8,
tickWidth: (_ctx, options) => options.lineWidth,
tickColor: (_ctx, options) => options.color,
offset: false,
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0,
borderWidth: 1
title: {
display: false,
text: "",
padding: {
top: 4,
bottom: 4
ticks: {
minRotation: 0,
maxRotation: 50,
mirror: false,
textStrokeWidth: 0,
textStrokeColor: "",
padding: 3,
display: true,
autoSkip: true,
autoSkipPadding: 3,
labelOffset: 0,
callback: Ticks.formatters.values,
minor: {},
major: {},
align: "center",
crossAlign: "near",
showLabelBackdrop: false,
backdropColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75)",
backdropPadding: 2
defaults.route("scale.ticks", "color", "", "color");
defaults.route("scale.grid", "color", "", "borderColor");
defaults.route("scale.grid", "borderColor", "", "borderColor");
defaults.route("scale.title", "color", "", "color");
defaults.describe("scale", {
_fallback: false,
_scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("before") && !name.startsWith("after") && name !== "callback" && name !== "parser",
_indexable: (name) => name !== "borderDash" && name !== "tickBorderDash"
defaults.describe("scales", {
_fallback: "scale"
defaults.describe("scale.ticks", {
_scriptable: (name) => name !== "backdropPadding" && name !== "callback",
_indexable: (name) => name !== "backdropPadding"
reverseAlign = (align) => align === "left" ? "right" : align === "right" ? "left" : align;
offsetFromEdge = (scale, edge, offset3) => edge === "top" || edge === "left" ? scale[edge] + offset3 : scale[edge] - offset3;
Scale = class extends Element2 {
constructor(cfg) {
this.id = cfg.id;
this.type = cfg.type;
this.options = void 0;
this.ctx = cfg.ctx;
this.chart = cfg.chart;
this.top = void 0;
this.bottom = void 0;
this.left = void 0;
this.right = void 0;
this.width = void 0;
this.height = void 0;
this._margins = {
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
this.maxWidth = void 0;
this.maxHeight = void 0;
this.paddingTop = void 0;
this.paddingBottom = void 0;
this.paddingLeft = void 0;
this.paddingRight = void 0;
this.axis = void 0;
this.labelRotation = void 0;
this.min = void 0;
this.max = void 0;
this._range = void 0;
this.ticks = [];
this._gridLineItems = null;
this._labelItems = null;
this._labelSizes = null;
this._length = 0;
this._maxLength = 0;
this._longestTextCache = {};
this._startPixel = void 0;
this._endPixel = void 0;
this._reversePixels = false;
this._userMax = void 0;
this._userMin = void 0;
this._suggestedMax = void 0;
this._suggestedMin = void 0;
this._ticksLength = 0;
this._borderValue = 0;
this._cache = {};
this._dataLimitsCached = false;
this.$context = void 0;
init(options) {
this.options = options.setContext(this.getContext());
this.axis = options.axis;
this._userMin = this.parse(options.min);
this._userMax = this.parse(options.max);
this._suggestedMin = this.parse(options.suggestedMin);
this._suggestedMax = this.parse(options.suggestedMax);
parse(raw, index2) {
return raw;
getUserBounds() {
let { _userMin, _userMax, _suggestedMin, _suggestedMax } = this;
_userMin = finiteOrDefault(_userMin, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
_userMax = finiteOrDefault(_userMax, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
_suggestedMin = finiteOrDefault(_suggestedMin, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
_suggestedMax = finiteOrDefault(_suggestedMax, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
return {
min: finiteOrDefault(_userMin, _suggestedMin),
max: finiteOrDefault(_userMax, _suggestedMax),
minDefined: isNumberFinite(_userMin),
maxDefined: isNumberFinite(_userMax)
getMinMax(canStack) {
let { min: min2, max: max2, minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds();
let range2;
if (minDefined && maxDefined) {
return { min: min2, max: max2 };
const metas = this.getMatchingVisibleMetas();
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = metas.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
range2 = metas[i4].controller.getMinMax(this, canStack);
if (!minDefined) {
min2 = Math.min(min2, range2.min);
if (!maxDefined) {
max2 = Math.max(max2, range2.max);
min2 = maxDefined && min2 > max2 ? max2 : min2;
max2 = minDefined && min2 > max2 ? min2 : max2;
return {
min: finiteOrDefault(min2, finiteOrDefault(max2, min2)),
max: finiteOrDefault(max2, finiteOrDefault(min2, max2))
getPadding() {
return {
left: this.paddingLeft || 0,
top: this.paddingTop || 0,
right: this.paddingRight || 0,
bottom: this.paddingBottom || 0
getTicks() {
return this.ticks;
getLabels() {
const data = this.chart.data;
return this.options.labels || (this.isHorizontal() ? data.xLabels : data.yLabels) || data.labels || [];
beforeLayout() {
this._cache = {};
this._dataLimitsCached = false;
beforeUpdate() {
callback(this.options.beforeUpdate, [this]);
update(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) {
const { beginAtZero, grace, ticks: tickOpts } = this.options;
const sampleSize = tickOpts.sampleSize;
this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this._margins = margins = Object.assign({
left: 0,
right: 0,
top: 0,
bottom: 0
}, margins);
this.ticks = null;
this._labelSizes = null;
this._gridLineItems = null;
this._labelItems = null;
this._maxLength = this.isHorizontal() ? this.width + margins.left + margins.right : this.height + margins.top + margins.bottom;
if (!this._dataLimitsCached) {
this._range = _addGrace(this, grace, beginAtZero);
this._dataLimitsCached = true;
this.ticks = this.buildTicks() || [];
const samplingEnabled = sampleSize < this.ticks.length;
this._convertTicksToLabels(samplingEnabled ? sample(this.ticks, sampleSize) : this.ticks);
if (tickOpts.display && (tickOpts.autoSkip || tickOpts.source === "auto")) {
this.ticks = autoSkip(this, this.ticks);
this._labelSizes = null;
if (samplingEnabled) {
configure() {
let reversePixels = this.options.reverse;
let startPixel, endPixel;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
startPixel = this.left;
endPixel = this.right;
} else {
startPixel = this.top;
endPixel = this.bottom;
reversePixels = !reversePixels;
this._startPixel = startPixel;
this._endPixel = endPixel;
this._reversePixels = reversePixels;
this._length = endPixel - startPixel;
this._alignToPixels = this.options.alignToPixels;
afterUpdate() {
callback(this.options.afterUpdate, [this]);
beforeSetDimensions() {
callback(this.options.beforeSetDimensions, [this]);
setDimensions() {
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
this.width = this.maxWidth;
this.left = 0;
this.right = this.width;
} else {
this.height = this.maxHeight;
this.top = 0;
this.bottom = this.height;
this.paddingLeft = 0;
this.paddingTop = 0;
this.paddingRight = 0;
this.paddingBottom = 0;
afterSetDimensions() {
callback(this.options.afterSetDimensions, [this]);
_callHooks(name) {
this.chart.notifyPlugins(name, this.getContext());
callback(this.options[name], [this]);
beforeDataLimits() {
determineDataLimits() {
afterDataLimits() {
beforeBuildTicks() {
buildTicks() {
return [];
afterBuildTicks() {
beforeTickToLabelConversion() {
callback(this.options.beforeTickToLabelConversion, [this]);
generateTickLabels(ticks) {
const tickOpts = this.options.ticks;
let i4, ilen, tick;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
tick = ticks[i4];
tick.label = callback(tickOpts.callback, [tick.value, i4, ticks], this);
afterTickToLabelConversion() {
callback(this.options.afterTickToLabelConversion, [this]);
beforeCalculateLabelRotation() {
callback(this.options.beforeCalculateLabelRotation, [this]);
calculateLabelRotation() {
const options = this.options;
const tickOpts = options.ticks;
const numTicks = this.ticks.length;
const minRotation = tickOpts.minRotation || 0;
const maxRotation = tickOpts.maxRotation;
let labelRotation = minRotation;
let tickWidth, maxHeight, maxLabelDiagonal;
if (!this._isVisible() || !tickOpts.display || minRotation >= maxRotation || numTicks <= 1 || !this.isHorizontal()) {
this.labelRotation = minRotation;
const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes();
const maxLabelWidth = labelSizes.widest.width;
const maxLabelHeight = labelSizes.highest.height;
const maxWidth = _limitValue(this.chart.width - maxLabelWidth, 0, this.maxWidth);
tickWidth = options.offset ? this.maxWidth / numTicks : maxWidth / (numTicks - 1);
if (maxLabelWidth + 6 > tickWidth) {
tickWidth = maxWidth / (numTicks - (options.offset ? 0.5 : 1));
maxHeight = this.maxHeight - getTickMarkLength(options.grid) - tickOpts.padding - getTitleHeight(options.title, this.chart.options.font);
maxLabelDiagonal = Math.sqrt(maxLabelWidth * maxLabelWidth + maxLabelHeight * maxLabelHeight);
labelRotation = toDegrees(Math.min(
Math.asin(_limitValue((labelSizes.highest.height + 6) / tickWidth, -1, 1)),
Math.asin(_limitValue(maxHeight / maxLabelDiagonal, -1, 1)) - Math.asin(_limitValue(maxLabelHeight / maxLabelDiagonal, -1, 1))
labelRotation = Math.max(minRotation, Math.min(maxRotation, labelRotation));
this.labelRotation = labelRotation;
afterCalculateLabelRotation() {
callback(this.options.afterCalculateLabelRotation, [this]);
beforeFit() {
callback(this.options.beforeFit, [this]);
fit() {
const minSize = {
width: 0,
height: 0
const { chart, options: { ticks: tickOpts, title: titleOpts, grid: gridOpts } } = this;
const display = this._isVisible();
const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal();
if (display) {
const titleHeight = getTitleHeight(titleOpts, chart.options.font);
if (isHorizontal) {
minSize.width = this.maxWidth;
minSize.height = getTickMarkLength(gridOpts) + titleHeight;
} else {
minSize.height = this.maxHeight;
minSize.width = getTickMarkLength(gridOpts) + titleHeight;
if (tickOpts.display && this.ticks.length) {
const { first: first2, last, widest, highest } = this._getLabelSizes();
const tickPadding = tickOpts.padding * 2;
const angleRadians = toRadians(this.labelRotation);
const cos = Math.cos(angleRadians);
const sin = Math.sin(angleRadians);
if (isHorizontal) {
const labelHeight = tickOpts.mirror ? 0 : sin * widest.width + cos * highest.height;
minSize.height = Math.min(this.maxHeight, minSize.height + labelHeight + tickPadding);
} else {
const labelWidth = tickOpts.mirror ? 0 : cos * widest.width + sin * highest.height;
minSize.width = Math.min(this.maxWidth, minSize.width + labelWidth + tickPadding);
this._calculatePadding(first2, last, sin, cos);
if (isHorizontal) {
this.width = this._length = chart.width - this._margins.left - this._margins.right;
this.height = minSize.height;
} else {
this.width = minSize.width;
this.height = this._length = chart.height - this._margins.top - this._margins.bottom;
_calculatePadding(first2, last, sin, cos) {
const { ticks: { align, padding }, position } = this.options;
const isRotated = this.labelRotation !== 0;
const labelsBelowTicks = position !== "top" && this.axis === "x";
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
const offsetLeft = this.getPixelForTick(0) - this.left;
const offsetRight = this.right - this.getPixelForTick(this.ticks.length - 1);
let paddingLeft = 0;
let paddingRight = 0;
if (isRotated) {
if (labelsBelowTicks) {
paddingLeft = cos * first2.width;
paddingRight = sin * last.height;
} else {
paddingLeft = sin * first2.height;
paddingRight = cos * last.width;
} else if (align === "start") {
paddingRight = last.width;
} else if (align === "end") {
paddingLeft = first2.width;
} else {
paddingLeft = first2.width / 2;
paddingRight = last.width / 2;
this.paddingLeft = Math.max((paddingLeft - offsetLeft + padding) * this.width / (this.width - offsetLeft), 0);
this.paddingRight = Math.max((paddingRight - offsetRight + padding) * this.width / (this.width - offsetRight), 0);
} else {
let paddingTop = last.height / 2;
let paddingBottom = first2.height / 2;
if (align === "start") {
paddingTop = 0;
paddingBottom = first2.height;
} else if (align === "end") {
paddingTop = last.height;
paddingBottom = 0;
this.paddingTop = paddingTop + padding;
this.paddingBottom = paddingBottom + padding;
_handleMargins() {
if (this._margins) {
this._margins.left = Math.max(this.paddingLeft, this._margins.left);
this._margins.top = Math.max(this.paddingTop, this._margins.top);
this._margins.right = Math.max(this.paddingRight, this._margins.right);
this._margins.bottom = Math.max(this.paddingBottom, this._margins.bottom);
afterFit() {
callback(this.options.afterFit, [this]);
isHorizontal() {
const { axis, position } = this.options;
return position === "top" || position === "bottom" || axis === "x";
isFullSize() {
return this.options.fullSize;
_convertTicksToLabels(ticks) {
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
if (isNullOrUndef(ticks[i4].label)) {
ticks.splice(i4, 1);
_getLabelSizes() {
let labelSizes = this._labelSizes;
if (!labelSizes) {
const sampleSize = this.options.ticks.sampleSize;
let ticks = this.ticks;
if (sampleSize < ticks.length) {
ticks = sample(ticks, sampleSize);
this._labelSizes = labelSizes = this._computeLabelSizes(ticks, ticks.length);
return labelSizes;
_computeLabelSizes(ticks, length) {
const { ctx, _longestTextCache: caches } = this;
const widths = [];
const heights = [];
let widestLabelSize = 0;
let highestLabelSize = 0;
let i4, j3, jlen, label, tickFont, fontString, cache2, lineHeight, width, height, nestedLabel;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; ++i4) {
label = ticks[i4].label;
tickFont = this._resolveTickFontOptions(i4);
ctx.font = fontString = tickFont.string;
cache2 = caches[fontString] = caches[fontString] || { data: {}, gc: [] };
lineHeight = tickFont.lineHeight;
width = height = 0;
if (!isNullOrUndef(label) && !isArray(label)) {
width = _measureText(ctx, cache2.data, cache2.gc, width, label);
height = lineHeight;
} else if (isArray(label)) {
for (j3 = 0, jlen = label.length; j3 < jlen; ++j3) {
nestedLabel = label[j3];
if (!isNullOrUndef(nestedLabel) && !isArray(nestedLabel)) {
width = _measureText(ctx, cache2.data, cache2.gc, width, nestedLabel);
height += lineHeight;
widestLabelSize = Math.max(width, widestLabelSize);
highestLabelSize = Math.max(height, highestLabelSize);
garbageCollect(caches, length);
const widest = widths.indexOf(widestLabelSize);
const highest = heights.indexOf(highestLabelSize);
const valueAt = (idx) => ({ width: widths[idx] || 0, height: heights[idx] || 0 });
return {
first: valueAt(0),
last: valueAt(length - 1),
widest: valueAt(widest),
highest: valueAt(highest),
getLabelForValue(value) {
return value;
getPixelForValue(value, index2) {
return NaN;
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
getPixelForTick(index2) {
const ticks = this.ticks;
if (index2 < 0 || index2 > ticks.length - 1) {
return null;
return this.getPixelForValue(ticks[index2].value);
getPixelForDecimal(decimal) {
if (this._reversePixels) {
decimal = 1 - decimal;
const pixel = this._startPixel + decimal * this._length;
return _int16Range(this._alignToPixels ? _alignPixel(this.chart, pixel, 0) : pixel);
getDecimalForPixel(pixel) {
const decimal = (pixel - this._startPixel) / this._length;
return this._reversePixels ? 1 - decimal : decimal;
getBasePixel() {
return this.getPixelForValue(this.getBaseValue());
getBaseValue() {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = this;
return min2 < 0 && max2 < 0 ? max2 : min2 > 0 && max2 > 0 ? min2 : 0;
getContext(index2) {
const ticks = this.ticks || [];
if (index2 >= 0 && index2 < ticks.length) {
const tick = ticks[index2];
return tick.$context || (tick.$context = createTickContext(this.getContext(), index2, tick));
return this.$context || (this.$context = createScaleContext(this.chart.getContext(), this));
_tickSize() {
const optionTicks = this.options.ticks;
const rot = toRadians(this.labelRotation);
const cos = Math.abs(Math.cos(rot));
const sin = Math.abs(Math.sin(rot));
const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes();
const padding = optionTicks.autoSkipPadding || 0;
const w3 = labelSizes ? labelSizes.widest.width + padding : 0;
const h5 = labelSizes ? labelSizes.highest.height + padding : 0;
return this.isHorizontal() ? h5 * cos > w3 * sin ? w3 / cos : h5 / sin : h5 * sin < w3 * cos ? h5 / cos : w3 / sin;
_isVisible() {
const display = this.options.display;
if (display !== "auto") {
return !!display;
return this.getMatchingVisibleMetas().length > 0;
_computeGridLineItems(chartArea) {
const axis = this.axis;
const chart = this.chart;
const options = this.options;
const { grid, position } = options;
const offset3 = grid.offset;
const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal();
const ticks = this.ticks;
const ticksLength = ticks.length + (offset3 ? 1 : 0);
const tl = getTickMarkLength(grid);
const items = [];
const borderOpts = grid.setContext(this.getContext());
const axisWidth = borderOpts.drawBorder ? borderOpts.borderWidth : 0;
const axisHalfWidth = axisWidth / 2;
const alignBorderValue = function(pixel) {
return _alignPixel(chart, pixel, axisWidth);
let borderValue, i4, lineValue, alignedLineValue;
let tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2, x1, y1, x22, y22;
if (position === "top") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.bottom);
ty1 = this.bottom - tl;
ty2 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth;
y1 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.top) + axisHalfWidth;
y22 = chartArea.bottom;
} else if (position === "bottom") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.top);
y1 = chartArea.top;
y22 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.bottom) - axisHalfWidth;
ty1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth;
ty2 = this.top + tl;
} else if (position === "left") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.right);
tx1 = this.right - tl;
tx2 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth;
x1 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.left) + axisHalfWidth;
x22 = chartArea.right;
} else if (position === "right") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.left);
x1 = chartArea.left;
x22 = alignBorderValue(chartArea.right) - axisHalfWidth;
tx1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth;
tx2 = this.left + tl;
} else if (axis === "x") {
if (position === "center") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue((chartArea.top + chartArea.bottom) / 2 + 0.5);
} else if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value));
y1 = chartArea.top;
y22 = chartArea.bottom;
ty1 = borderValue + axisHalfWidth;
ty2 = ty1 + tl;
} else if (axis === "y") {
if (position === "center") {
borderValue = alignBorderValue((chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2);
} else if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
borderValue = alignBorderValue(this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value));
tx1 = borderValue - axisHalfWidth;
tx2 = tx1 - tl;
x1 = chartArea.left;
x22 = chartArea.right;
const limit = valueOrDefault(options.ticks.maxTicksLimit, ticksLength);
const step = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(ticksLength / limit));
for (i4 = 0; i4 < ticksLength; i4 += step) {
const optsAtIndex = grid.setContext(this.getContext(i4));
const lineWidth = optsAtIndex.lineWidth;
const lineColor = optsAtIndex.color;
const borderDash = grid.borderDash || [];
const borderDashOffset = optsAtIndex.borderDashOffset;
const tickWidth = optsAtIndex.tickWidth;
const tickColor = optsAtIndex.tickColor;
const tickBorderDash = optsAtIndex.tickBorderDash || [];
const tickBorderDashOffset = optsAtIndex.tickBorderDashOffset;
lineValue = getPixelForGridLine(this, i4, offset3);
if (lineValue === void 0) {
alignedLineValue = _alignPixel(chart, lineValue, lineWidth);
if (isHorizontal) {
tx1 = tx2 = x1 = x22 = alignedLineValue;
} else {
ty1 = ty2 = y1 = y22 = alignedLineValue;
x2: x22,
y2: y22,
width: lineWidth,
color: lineColor,
this._ticksLength = ticksLength;
this._borderValue = borderValue;
return items;
_computeLabelItems(chartArea) {
const axis = this.axis;
const options = this.options;
const { position, ticks: optionTicks } = options;
const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal();
const ticks = this.ticks;
const { align, crossAlign, padding, mirror } = optionTicks;
const tl = getTickMarkLength(options.grid);
const tickAndPadding = tl + padding;
const hTickAndPadding = mirror ? -padding : tickAndPadding;
const rotation = -toRadians(this.labelRotation);
const items = [];
let i4, ilen, tick, label, x3, y3, textAlign, pixel, font, lineHeight, lineCount, textOffset;
let textBaseline = "middle";
if (position === "top") {
y3 = this.bottom - hTickAndPadding;
textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment();
} else if (position === "bottom") {
y3 = this.top + hTickAndPadding;
textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment();
} else if (position === "left") {
const ret = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl);
textAlign = ret.textAlign;
x3 = ret.x;
} else if (position === "right") {
const ret = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl);
textAlign = ret.textAlign;
x3 = ret.x;
} else if (axis === "x") {
if (position === "center") {
y3 = (chartArea.top + chartArea.bottom) / 2 + tickAndPadding;
} else if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
y3 = this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value) + tickAndPadding;
textAlign = this._getXAxisLabelAlignment();
} else if (axis === "y") {
if (position === "center") {
x3 = (chartArea.left + chartArea.right) / 2 - tickAndPadding;
} else if (isObject(position)) {
const positionAxisID = Object.keys(position)[0];
const value = position[positionAxisID];
x3 = this.chart.scales[positionAxisID].getPixelForValue(value);
textAlign = this._getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl).textAlign;
if (axis === "y") {
if (align === "start") {
textBaseline = "top";
} else if (align === "end") {
textBaseline = "bottom";
const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes();
for (i4 = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
tick = ticks[i4];
label = tick.label;
const optsAtIndex = optionTicks.setContext(this.getContext(i4));
pixel = this.getPixelForTick(i4) + optionTicks.labelOffset;
font = this._resolveTickFontOptions(i4);
lineHeight = font.lineHeight;
lineCount = isArray(label) ? label.length : 1;
const halfCount = lineCount / 2;
const color2 = optsAtIndex.color;
const strokeColor = optsAtIndex.textStrokeColor;
const strokeWidth = optsAtIndex.textStrokeWidth;
if (isHorizontal) {
x3 = pixel;
if (position === "top") {
if (crossAlign === "near" || rotation !== 0) {
textOffset = -lineCount * lineHeight + lineHeight / 2;
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textOffset = -labelSizes.highest.height / 2 - halfCount * lineHeight + lineHeight;
} else {
textOffset = -labelSizes.highest.height + lineHeight / 2;
} else {
if (crossAlign === "near" || rotation !== 0) {
textOffset = lineHeight / 2;
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textOffset = labelSizes.highest.height / 2 - halfCount * lineHeight;
} else {
textOffset = labelSizes.highest.height - lineCount * lineHeight;
if (mirror) {
textOffset *= -1;
} else {
y3 = pixel;
textOffset = (1 - lineCount) * lineHeight / 2;
let backdrop;
if (optsAtIndex.showLabelBackdrop) {
const labelPadding = toPadding(optsAtIndex.backdropPadding);
const height = labelSizes.heights[i4];
const width = labelSizes.widths[i4];
let top2 = y3 + textOffset - labelPadding.top;
let left2 = x3 - labelPadding.left;
switch (textBaseline) {
case "middle":
top2 -= height / 2;
case "bottom":
top2 -= height;
switch (textAlign) {
case "center":
left2 -= width / 2;
case "right":
left2 -= width;
backdrop = {
left: left2,
top: top2,
width: width + labelPadding.width,
height: height + labelPadding.height,
color: optsAtIndex.backdropColor
color: color2,
translation: [x3, y3],
return items;
_getXAxisLabelAlignment() {
const { position, ticks } = this.options;
const rotation = -toRadians(this.labelRotation);
if (rotation) {
return position === "top" ? "left" : "right";
let align = "center";
if (ticks.align === "start") {
align = "left";
} else if (ticks.align === "end") {
align = "right";
return align;
_getYAxisLabelAlignment(tl) {
const { position, ticks: { crossAlign, mirror, padding } } = this.options;
const labelSizes = this._getLabelSizes();
const tickAndPadding = tl + padding;
const widest = labelSizes.widest.width;
let textAlign;
let x3;
if (position === "left") {
if (mirror) {
x3 = this.right + padding;
if (crossAlign === "near") {
textAlign = "left";
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textAlign = "center";
x3 += widest / 2;
} else {
textAlign = "right";
x3 += widest;
} else {
x3 = this.right - tickAndPadding;
if (crossAlign === "near") {
textAlign = "right";
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textAlign = "center";
x3 -= widest / 2;
} else {
textAlign = "left";
x3 = this.left;
} else if (position === "right") {
if (mirror) {
x3 = this.left + padding;
if (crossAlign === "near") {
textAlign = "right";
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textAlign = "center";
x3 -= widest / 2;
} else {
textAlign = "left";
x3 -= widest;
} else {
x3 = this.left + tickAndPadding;
if (crossAlign === "near") {
textAlign = "left";
} else if (crossAlign === "center") {
textAlign = "center";
x3 += widest / 2;
} else {
textAlign = "right";
x3 = this.right;
} else {
textAlign = "right";
return { textAlign, x: x3 };
_computeLabelArea() {
if (this.options.ticks.mirror) {
const chart = this.chart;
const position = this.options.position;
if (position === "left" || position === "right") {
return { top: 0, left: this.left, bottom: chart.height, right: this.right };
if (position === "top" || position === "bottom") {
return { top: this.top, left: 0, bottom: this.bottom, right: chart.width };
drawBackground() {
const { ctx, options: { backgroundColor }, left: left2, top: top2, width, height } = this;
if (backgroundColor) {
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(left2, top2, width, height);
getLineWidthForValue(value) {
const grid = this.options.grid;
if (!this._isVisible() || !grid.display) {
return 0;
const ticks = this.ticks;
const index2 = ticks.findIndex((t4) => t4.value === value);
if (index2 >= 0) {
const opts = grid.setContext(this.getContext(index2));
return opts.lineWidth;
return 0;
drawGrid(chartArea) {
const grid = this.options.grid;
const ctx = this.ctx;
const items = this._gridLineItems || (this._gridLineItems = this._computeGridLineItems(chartArea));
let i4, ilen;
const drawLine = (p1, p22, style) => {
if (!style.width || !style.color) {
ctx.lineWidth = style.width;
ctx.strokeStyle = style.color;
ctx.setLineDash(style.borderDash || []);
ctx.lineDashOffset = style.borderDashOffset;
ctx.moveTo(p1.x, p1.y);
ctx.lineTo(p22.x, p22.y);
if (grid.display) {
for (i4 = 0, ilen = items.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const item = items[i4];
if (grid.drawOnChartArea) {
{ x: item.x1, y: item.y1 },
{ x: item.x2, y: item.y2 },
if (grid.drawTicks) {
{ x: item.tx1, y: item.ty1 },
{ x: item.tx2, y: item.ty2 },
color: item.tickColor,
width: item.tickWidth,
borderDash: item.tickBorderDash,
borderDashOffset: item.tickBorderDashOffset
drawBorder() {
const { chart, ctx, options: { grid } } = this;
const borderOpts = grid.setContext(this.getContext());
const axisWidth = grid.drawBorder ? borderOpts.borderWidth : 0;
if (!axisWidth) {
const lastLineWidth = grid.setContext(this.getContext(0)).lineWidth;
const borderValue = this._borderValue;
let x1, x22, y1, y22;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
x1 = _alignPixel(chart, this.left, axisWidth) - axisWidth / 2;
x22 = _alignPixel(chart, this.right, lastLineWidth) + lastLineWidth / 2;
y1 = y22 = borderValue;
} else {
y1 = _alignPixel(chart, this.top, axisWidth) - axisWidth / 2;
y22 = _alignPixel(chart, this.bottom, lastLineWidth) + lastLineWidth / 2;
x1 = x22 = borderValue;
ctx.lineWidth = borderOpts.borderWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = borderOpts.borderColor;
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.lineTo(x22, y22);
drawLabels(chartArea) {
const optionTicks = this.options.ticks;
if (!optionTicks.display) {
const ctx = this.ctx;
const area = this._computeLabelArea();
if (area) {
clipArea(ctx, area);
const items = this._labelItems || (this._labelItems = this._computeLabelItems(chartArea));
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = items.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const item = items[i4];
const tickFont = item.font;
const label = item.label;
if (item.backdrop) {
ctx.fillStyle = item.backdrop.color;
ctx.fillRect(item.backdrop.left, item.backdrop.top, item.backdrop.width, item.backdrop.height);
let y3 = item.textOffset;
renderText(ctx, label, 0, y3, tickFont, item);
if (area) {
drawTitle() {
const { ctx, options: { position, title, reverse } } = this;
if (!title.display) {
const font = toFont(title.font);
const padding = toPadding(title.padding);
const align = title.align;
let offset3 = font.lineHeight / 2;
if (position === "bottom" || position === "center" || isObject(position)) {
offset3 += padding.bottom;
if (isArray(title.text)) {
offset3 += font.lineHeight * (title.text.length - 1);
} else {
offset3 += padding.top;
const { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation } = titleArgs(this, offset3, position, align);
renderText(ctx, title.text, 0, 0, font, {
color: title.color,
textAlign: titleAlign(align, position, reverse),
textBaseline: "middle",
translation: [titleX, titleY]
draw(chartArea) {
if (!this._isVisible()) {
_layers() {
const opts = this.options;
const tz = opts.ticks && opts.ticks.z || 0;
const gz = valueOrDefault(opts.grid && opts.grid.z, -1);
if (!this._isVisible() || this.draw !== Scale.prototype.draw) {
return [{
z: tz,
draw: (chartArea) => {
return [{
z: gz,
draw: (chartArea) => {
}, {
z: gz + 1,
draw: () => {
}, {
z: tz,
draw: (chartArea) => {
getMatchingVisibleMetas(type) {
const metas = this.chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
const axisID = this.axis + "AxisID";
const result = [];
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = metas.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const meta = metas[i4];
if (meta[axisID] === this.id && (!type || meta.type === type)) {
return result;
_resolveTickFontOptions(index2) {
const opts = this.options.ticks.setContext(this.getContext(index2));
return toFont(opts.font);
_maxDigits() {
const fontSize = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0).lineHeight;
return (this.isHorizontal() ? this.width : this.height) / fontSize;
TypedRegistry = class {
constructor(type, scope, override) {
this.type = type;
this.scope = scope;
this.override = override;
this.items = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
isForType(type) {
return Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf.call(this.type.prototype, type.prototype);
register(item) {
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(item);
let parentScope;
if (isIChartComponent(proto)) {
parentScope = this.register(proto);
const items = this.items;
const id = item.id;
const scope = this.scope + "." + id;
if (!id) {
throw new Error("class does not have id: " + item);
if (id in items) {
return scope;
items[id] = item;
registerDefaults(item, scope, parentScope);
if (this.override) {
defaults.override(item.id, item.overrides);
return scope;
get(id) {
return this.items[id];
unregister(item) {
const items = this.items;
const id = item.id;
const scope = this.scope;
if (id in items) {
delete items[id];
if (scope && id in defaults[scope]) {
delete defaults[scope][id];
if (this.override) {
delete overrides[id];
Registry = class {
constructor() {
this.controllers = new TypedRegistry(DatasetController, "datasets", true);
this.elements = new TypedRegistry(Element2, "elements");
this.plugins = new TypedRegistry(Object, "plugins");
this.scales = new TypedRegistry(Scale, "scales");
this._typedRegistries = [this.controllers, this.scales, this.elements];
add(...args) {
this._each("register", args);
remove(...args) {
this._each("unregister", args);
addControllers(...args) {
this._each("register", args, this.controllers);
addElements(...args) {
this._each("register", args, this.elements);
addPlugins(...args) {
this._each("register", args, this.plugins);
addScales(...args) {
this._each("register", args, this.scales);
getController(id) {
return this._get(id, this.controllers, "controller");
getElement(id) {
return this._get(id, this.elements, "element");
getPlugin(id) {
return this._get(id, this.plugins, "plugin");
getScale(id) {
return this._get(id, this.scales, "scale");
removeControllers(...args) {
this._each("unregister", args, this.controllers);
removeElements(...args) {
this._each("unregister", args, this.elements);
removePlugins(...args) {
this._each("unregister", args, this.plugins);
removeScales(...args) {
this._each("unregister", args, this.scales);
_each(method, args, typedRegistry) {
[...args].forEach((arg) => {
const reg = typedRegistry || this._getRegistryForType(arg);
if (typedRegistry || reg.isForType(arg) || reg === this.plugins && arg.id) {
this._exec(method, reg, arg);
} else {
each(arg, (item) => {
const itemReg = typedRegistry || this._getRegistryForType(item);
this._exec(method, itemReg, item);
_exec(method, registry2, component) {
const camelMethod = _capitalize(method);
callback(component["before" + camelMethod], [], component);
callback(component["after" + camelMethod], [], component);
_getRegistryForType(type) {
for (let i4 = 0; i4 < this._typedRegistries.length; i4++) {
const reg = this._typedRegistries[i4];
if (reg.isForType(type)) {
return reg;
return this.plugins;
_get(id, typedRegistry, type) {
const item = typedRegistry.get(id);
if (item === void 0) {
throw new Error('"' + id + '" is not a registered ' + type + ".");
return item;
registry = new Registry();
PluginService = class {
constructor() {
this._init = [];
notify(chart, hook, args, filter2) {
if (hook === "beforeInit") {
this._init = this._createDescriptors(chart, true);
this._notify(this._init, chart, "install");
const descriptors2 = filter2 ? this._descriptors(chart).filter(filter2) : this._descriptors(chart);
const result = this._notify(descriptors2, chart, hook, args);
if (hook === "afterDestroy") {
this._notify(descriptors2, chart, "stop");
this._notify(this._init, chart, "uninstall");
return result;
_notify(descriptors2, chart, hook, args) {
args = args || {};
for (const descriptor of descriptors2) {
const plugin = descriptor.plugin;
const method = plugin[hook];
const params = [chart, args, descriptor.options];
if (callback(method, params, plugin) === false && args.cancelable) {
return false;
return true;
invalidate() {
if (!isNullOrUndef(this._cache)) {
this._oldCache = this._cache;
this._cache = void 0;
_descriptors(chart) {
if (this._cache) {
return this._cache;
const descriptors2 = this._cache = this._createDescriptors(chart);
return descriptors2;
_createDescriptors(chart, all) {
const config = chart && chart.config;
const options = valueOrDefault(config.options && config.options.plugins, {});
const plugins2 = allPlugins(config);
return options === false && !all ? [] : createDescriptors(chart, plugins2, options, all);
_notifyStateChanges(chart) {
const previousDescriptors = this._oldCache || [];
const descriptors2 = this._cache;
const diff = (a4, b3) => a4.filter((x3) => !b3.some((y3) => x3.plugin.id === y3.plugin.id));
this._notify(diff(previousDescriptors, descriptors2), chart, "stop");
this._notify(diff(descriptors2, previousDescriptors), chart, "start");
keyCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
keysCached = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
addIfFound = (set2, obj, key) => {
const opts = resolveObjectKey(obj, key);
if (opts !== void 0) {
Config = class {
constructor(config) {
this._config = initConfig(config);
this._scopeCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this._resolverCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
get platform() {
return this._config.platform;
get type() {
return this._config.type;
set type(type) {
this._config.type = type;
get data() {
return this._config.data;
set data(data) {
this._config.data = initData(data);
get options() {
return this._config.options;
set options(options) {
this._config.options = options;
get plugins() {
return this._config.plugins;
update() {
const config = this._config;
clearCache() {
datasetScopeKeys(datasetType) {
return cachedKeys(
() => [[
datasetAnimationScopeKeys(datasetType, transition2) {
return cachedKeys(
() => [
datasetElementScopeKeys(datasetType, elementType2) {
return cachedKeys(
() => [[
pluginScopeKeys(plugin) {
const id = plugin.id;
const type = this.type;
return cachedKeys(
() => [[
...plugin.additionalOptionScopes || []
_cachedScopes(mainScope, resetCache) {
const _scopeCache = this._scopeCache;
let cache2 = _scopeCache.get(mainScope);
if (!cache2 || resetCache) {
cache2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
_scopeCache.set(mainScope, cache2);
return cache2;
getOptionScopes(mainScope, keyLists, resetCache) {
const { options, type } = this;
const cache2 = this._cachedScopes(mainScope, resetCache);
const cached = cache2.get(keyLists);
if (cached) {
return cached;
const scopes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
keyLists.forEach((keys) => {
if (mainScope) {
keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, mainScope, key));
keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, options, key));
keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, overrides[type] || {}, key));
keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, defaults, key));
keys.forEach((key) => addIfFound(scopes, descriptors, key));
const array = Array.from(scopes);
if (array.length === 0) {
array.push(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null));
if (keysCached.has(keyLists)) {
cache2.set(keyLists, array);
return array;
chartOptionScopes() {
const { options, type } = this;
return [
overrides[type] || {},
defaults.datasets[type] || {},
{ type },
resolveNamedOptions(scopes, names2, context, prefixes = [""]) {
const result = { $shared: true };
const { resolver, subPrefixes } = getResolver(this._resolverCache, scopes, prefixes);
let options = resolver;
if (needContext(resolver, names2)) {
result.$shared = false;
context = isFunction(context) ? context() : context;
const subResolver = this.createResolver(scopes, context, subPrefixes);
options = _attachContext(resolver, context, subResolver);
for (const prop of names2) {
result[prop] = options[prop];
return result;
createResolver(scopes, context, prefixes = [""], descriptorDefaults) {
const { resolver } = getResolver(this._resolverCache, scopes, prefixes);
return isObject(context) ? _attachContext(resolver, context, void 0, descriptorDefaults) : resolver;
hasFunction = (value) => isObject(value) && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(value).reduce((acc, key) => acc || isFunction(value[key]), false);
version = "3.7.0";
KNOWN_POSITIONS = ["top", "bottom", "left", "right", "chartArea"];
instances = {};
getChart = (key) => {
const canvas = getCanvas(key);
return Object.values(instances).filter((c3) => c3.canvas === canvas).pop();
Chart = class {
constructor(item, userConfig) {
const config = this.config = new Config(userConfig);
const initialCanvas = getCanvas(item);
const existingChart = getChart(initialCanvas);
if (existingChart) {
throw new Error(
"Canvas is already in use. Chart with ID '" + existingChart.id + "' must be destroyed before the canvas can be reused."
const options = config.createResolver(config.chartOptionScopes(), this.getContext());
this.platform = new (config.platform || _detectPlatform(initialCanvas))();
const context = this.platform.acquireContext(initialCanvas, options.aspectRatio);
const canvas = context && context.canvas;
const height = canvas && canvas.height;
const width = canvas && canvas.width;
this.id = uid();
this.ctx = context;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this._options = options;
this._aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio;
this._layers = [];
this._metasets = [];
this._stacks = void 0;
this.boxes = [];
this.currentDevicePixelRatio = void 0;
this.chartArea = void 0;
this._active = [];
this._lastEvent = void 0;
this._listeners = {};
this._responsiveListeners = void 0;
this._sortedMetasets = [];
this.scales = {};
this._plugins = new PluginService();
this.$proxies = {};
this._hiddenIndices = {};
this.attached = false;
this._animationsDisabled = void 0;
this.$context = void 0;
this._doResize = debounce((mode) => this.update(mode), options.resizeDelay || 0);
this._dataChanges = [];
instances[this.id] = this;
if (!context || !canvas) {
console.error("Failed to create chart: can't acquire context from the given item");
animator.listen(this, "complete", onAnimationsComplete);
animator.listen(this, "progress", onAnimationProgress);
if (this.attached) {
get aspectRatio() {
const { options: { aspectRatio, maintainAspectRatio }, width, height, _aspectRatio } = this;
if (!isNullOrUndef(aspectRatio)) {
return aspectRatio;
if (maintainAspectRatio && _aspectRatio) {
return _aspectRatio;
return height ? width / height : null;
get data() {
return this.config.data;
set data(data) {
this.config.data = data;
get options() {
return this._options;
set options(options) {
this.config.options = options;
_initialize() {
if (this.options.responsive) {
} else {
retinaScale(this, this.options.devicePixelRatio);
return this;
clear() {
clearCanvas(this.canvas, this.ctx);
return this;
stop() {
return this;
resize(width, height) {
if (!animator.running(this)) {
this._resize(width, height);
} else {
this._resizeBeforeDraw = { width, height };
_resize(width, height) {
const options = this.options;
const canvas = this.canvas;
const aspectRatio = options.maintainAspectRatio && this.aspectRatio;
const newSize = this.platform.getMaximumSize(canvas, width, height, aspectRatio);
const newRatio = options.devicePixelRatio || this.platform.getDevicePixelRatio();
const mode = this.width ? "resize" : "attach";
this.width = newSize.width;
this.height = newSize.height;
this._aspectRatio = this.aspectRatio;
if (!retinaScale(this, newRatio, true)) {
this.notifyPlugins("resize", { size: newSize });
callback(options.onResize, [this, newSize], this);
if (this.attached) {
if (this._doResize(mode)) {
ensureScalesHaveIDs() {
const options = this.options;
const scalesOptions = options.scales || {};
each(scalesOptions, (axisOptions, axisID) => {
axisOptions.id = axisID;
buildOrUpdateScales() {
const options = this.options;
const scaleOpts = options.scales;
const scales2 = this.scales;
const updated = Object.keys(scales2).reduce((obj, id) => {
obj[id] = false;
return obj;
}, {});
let items = [];
if (scaleOpts) {
items = items.concat(
Object.keys(scaleOpts).map((id) => {
const scaleOptions = scaleOpts[id];
const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleOptions);
const isRadial = axis === "r";
const isHorizontal = axis === "x";
return {
options: scaleOptions,
dposition: isRadial ? "chartArea" : isHorizontal ? "bottom" : "left",
dtype: isRadial ? "radialLinear" : isHorizontal ? "category" : "linear"
each(items, (item) => {
const scaleOptions = item.options;
const id = scaleOptions.id;
const axis = determineAxis(id, scaleOptions);
const scaleType = valueOrDefault(scaleOptions.type, item.dtype);
if (scaleOptions.position === void 0 || positionIsHorizontal(scaleOptions.position, axis) !== positionIsHorizontal(item.dposition)) {
scaleOptions.position = item.dposition;
updated[id] = true;
let scale = null;
if (id in scales2 && scales2[id].type === scaleType) {
scale = scales2[id];
} else {
const scaleClass = registry.getScale(scaleType);
scale = new scaleClass({
type: scaleType,
ctx: this.ctx,
chart: this
scales2[scale.id] = scale;
scale.init(scaleOptions, options);
each(updated, (hasUpdated, id) => {
if (!hasUpdated) {
delete scales2[id];
each(scales2, (scale) => {
layouts.configure(this, scale, scale.options);
layouts.addBox(this, scale);
_updateMetasets() {
const metasets = this._metasets;
const numData = this.data.datasets.length;
const numMeta = metasets.length;
metasets.sort((a4, b3) => a4.index - b3.index);
if (numMeta > numData) {
for (let i4 = numData; i4 < numMeta; ++i4) {
metasets.splice(numData, numMeta - numData);
this._sortedMetasets = metasets.slice(0).sort(compare2Level("order", "index"));
_removeUnreferencedMetasets() {
const { _metasets: metasets, data: { datasets } } = this;
if (metasets.length > datasets.length) {
delete this._stacks;
metasets.forEach((meta, index2) => {
if (datasets.filter((x3) => x3 === meta._dataset).length === 0) {
buildOrUpdateControllers() {
const newControllers = [];
const datasets = this.data.datasets;
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = datasets.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
const dataset = datasets[i4];
let meta = this.getDatasetMeta(i4);
const type = dataset.type || this.config.type;
if (meta.type && meta.type !== type) {
meta = this.getDatasetMeta(i4);
meta.type = type;
meta.indexAxis = dataset.indexAxis || getIndexAxis(type, this.options);
meta.order = dataset.order || 0;
meta.index = i4;
meta.label = "" + dataset.label;
meta.visible = this.isDatasetVisible(i4);
if (meta.controller) {
} else {
const ControllerClass = registry.getController(type);
const { datasetElementType, dataElementType } = defaults.datasets[type];
Object.assign(ControllerClass.prototype, {
dataElementType: registry.getElement(dataElementType),
datasetElementType: datasetElementType && registry.getElement(datasetElementType)
meta.controller = new ControllerClass(this, i4);
return newControllers;
_resetElements() {
each(this.data.datasets, (dataset, datasetIndex) => {
}, this);
reset() {
update(mode) {
const config = this.config;
const options = this._options = config.createResolver(config.chartOptionScopes(), this.getContext());
const animsDisabled = this._animationsDisabled = !options.animation;
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeUpdate", { mode, cancelable: true }) === false) {
const newControllers = this.buildOrUpdateControllers();
let minPadding = 0;
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = this.data.datasets.length; i4 < ilen; i4++) {
const { controller } = this.getDatasetMeta(i4);
const reset = !animsDisabled && newControllers.indexOf(controller) === -1;
minPadding = Math.max(+controller.getMaxOverflow(), minPadding);
minPadding = this._minPadding = options.layout.autoPadding ? minPadding : 0;
if (!animsDisabled) {
each(newControllers, (controller) => {
this.notifyPlugins("afterUpdate", { mode });
this._layers.sort(compare2Level("z", "_idx"));
const { _active, _lastEvent } = this;
if (_lastEvent) {
this._eventHandler(_lastEvent, true);
} else if (_active.length) {
this._updateHoverStyles(_active, _active, true);
_updateScales() {
each(this.scales, (scale) => {
layouts.removeBox(this, scale);
_checkEventBindings() {
const options = this.options;
const existingEvents = new Set(Object.keys(this._listeners));
const newEvents = new Set(options.events);
if (!setsEqual(existingEvents, newEvents) || !!this._responsiveListeners !== options.responsive) {
_updateHiddenIndices() {
const { _hiddenIndices } = this;
const changes = this._getUniformDataChanges() || [];
for (const { method, start: start3, count } of changes) {
const move = method === "_removeElements" ? -count : count;
moveNumericKeys(_hiddenIndices, start3, move);
_getUniformDataChanges() {
const _dataChanges = this._dataChanges;
if (!_dataChanges || !_dataChanges.length) {
this._dataChanges = [];
const datasetCount = this.data.datasets.length;
const makeSet = (idx) => new Set(
_dataChanges.filter((c3) => c3[0] === idx).map((c3, i4) => i4 + "," + c3.splice(1).join(","))
const changeSet = makeSet(0);
for (let i4 = 1; i4 < datasetCount; i4++) {
if (!setsEqual(changeSet, makeSet(i4))) {
return Array.from(changeSet).map((c3) => c3.split(",")).map((a4) => ({ method: a4[1], start: +a4[2], count: +a4[3] }));
_updateLayout(minPadding) {
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeLayout", { cancelable: true }) === false) {
layouts.update(this, this.width, this.height, minPadding);
const area = this.chartArea;
const noArea = area.width <= 0 || area.height <= 0;
this._layers = [];
each(this.boxes, (box) => {
if (noArea && box.position === "chartArea") {
if (box.configure) {
}, this);
this._layers.forEach((item, index2) => {
item._idx = index2;
_updateDatasets(mode) {
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetsUpdate", { mode, cancelable: true }) === false) {
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = this.data.datasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
for (let i4 = 0, ilen = this.data.datasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
this._updateDataset(i4, isFunction(mode) ? mode({ datasetIndex: i4 }) : mode);
this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetsUpdate", { mode });
_updateDataset(index2, mode) {
const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(index2);
const args = { meta, index: index2, mode, cancelable: true };
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetUpdate", args) === false) {
args.cancelable = false;
this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetUpdate", args);
render() {
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeRender", { cancelable: true }) === false) {
if (animator.has(this)) {
if (this.attached && !animator.running(this)) {
} else {
onAnimationsComplete({ chart: this });
draw() {
let i4;
if (this._resizeBeforeDraw) {
const { width, height } = this._resizeBeforeDraw;
this._resize(width, height);
this._resizeBeforeDraw = null;
if (this.width <= 0 || this.height <= 0) {
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDraw", { cancelable: true }) === false) {
const layers = this._layers;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < layers.length && layers[i4].z <= 0; ++i4) {
for (; i4 < layers.length; ++i4) {
_getSortedDatasetMetas(filterVisible) {
const metasets = this._sortedMetasets;
const result = [];
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = metasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const meta = metasets[i4];
if (!filterVisible || meta.visible) {
return result;
getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas() {
return this._getSortedDatasetMetas(true);
_drawDatasets() {
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetsDraw", { cancelable: true }) === false) {
const metasets = this.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
for (let i4 = metasets.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
_drawDataset(meta) {
const ctx = this.ctx;
const clip = meta._clip;
const useClip = !clip.disabled;
const area = this.chartArea;
const args = {
index: meta.index,
cancelable: true
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeDatasetDraw", args) === false) {
if (useClip) {
clipArea(ctx, {
left: clip.left === false ? 0 : area.left - clip.left,
right: clip.right === false ? this.width : area.right + clip.right,
top: clip.top === false ? 0 : area.top - clip.top,
bottom: clip.bottom === false ? this.height : area.bottom + clip.bottom
if (useClip) {
args.cancelable = false;
this.notifyPlugins("afterDatasetDraw", args);
getElementsAtEventForMode(e4, mode, options, useFinalPosition) {
const method = Interaction.modes[mode];
if (typeof method === "function") {
return method(this, e4, options, useFinalPosition);
return [];
getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex) {
const dataset = this.data.datasets[datasetIndex];
const metasets = this._metasets;
let meta = metasets.filter((x3) => x3 && x3._dataset === dataset).pop();
if (!meta) {
meta = {
type: null,
data: [],
dataset: null,
controller: null,
hidden: null,
xAxisID: null,
yAxisID: null,
order: dataset && dataset.order || 0,
index: datasetIndex,
_dataset: dataset,
_parsed: [],
_sorted: false
return meta;
getContext() {
return this.$context || (this.$context = createContext(null, { chart: this, type: "chart" }));
getVisibleDatasetCount() {
return this.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas().length;
isDatasetVisible(datasetIndex) {
const dataset = this.data.datasets[datasetIndex];
if (!dataset) {
return false;
const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
return typeof meta.hidden === "boolean" ? !meta.hidden : !dataset.hidden;
setDatasetVisibility(datasetIndex, visible) {
const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
meta.hidden = !visible;
toggleDataVisibility(index2) {
this._hiddenIndices[index2] = !this._hiddenIndices[index2];
getDataVisibility(index2) {
return !this._hiddenIndices[index2];
_updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, visible) {
const mode = visible ? "show" : "hide";
const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
const anims = meta.controller._resolveAnimations(void 0, mode);
if (defined(dataIndex)) {
meta.data[dataIndex].hidden = !visible;
} else {
this.setDatasetVisibility(datasetIndex, visible);
anims.update(meta, { visible });
this.update((ctx) => ctx.datasetIndex === datasetIndex ? mode : void 0);
hide(datasetIndex, dataIndex) {
this._updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, false);
show(datasetIndex, dataIndex) {
this._updateVisibility(datasetIndex, dataIndex, true);
_destroyDatasetMeta(datasetIndex) {
const meta = this._metasets[datasetIndex];
if (meta && meta.controller) {
delete this._metasets[datasetIndex];
_stop() {
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = this.data.datasets.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
destroy() {
const { canvas, ctx } = this;
if (canvas) {
clearCanvas(canvas, ctx);
this.canvas = null;
this.ctx = null;
delete instances[this.id];
toBase64Image(...args) {
return this.canvas.toDataURL(...args);
bindEvents() {
if (this.options.responsive) {
} else {
this.attached = true;
bindUserEvents() {
const listeners = this._listeners;
const platform = this.platform;
const _add = (type, listener2) => {
platform.addEventListener(this, type, listener2);
listeners[type] = listener2;
const listener = (e4, x3, y3) => {
e4.offsetX = x3;
e4.offsetY = y3;
each(this.options.events, (type) => _add(type, listener));
bindResponsiveEvents() {
if (!this._responsiveListeners) {
this._responsiveListeners = {};
const listeners = this._responsiveListeners;
const platform = this.platform;
const _add = (type, listener2) => {
platform.addEventListener(this, type, listener2);
listeners[type] = listener2;
const _remove = (type, listener2) => {
if (listeners[type]) {
platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener2);
delete listeners[type];
const listener = (width, height) => {
if (this.canvas) {
this.resize(width, height);
let detached;
const attached = () => {
_remove("attach", attached);
this.attached = true;
_add("resize", listener);
_add("detach", detached);
detached = () => {
this.attached = false;
_remove("resize", listener);
this._resize(0, 0);
_add("attach", attached);
if (platform.isAttached(this.canvas)) {
} else {
unbindEvents() {
each(this._listeners, (listener, type) => {
this.platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener);
this._listeners = {};
each(this._responsiveListeners, (listener, type) => {
this.platform.removeEventListener(this, type, listener);
this._responsiveListeners = void 0;
updateHoverStyle(items, mode, enabled) {
const prefix = enabled ? "set" : "remove";
let meta, item, i4, ilen;
if (mode === "dataset") {
meta = this.getDatasetMeta(items[0].datasetIndex);
meta.controller["_" + prefix + "DatasetHoverStyle"]();
for (i4 = 0, ilen = items.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
item = items[i4];
const controller = item && this.getDatasetMeta(item.datasetIndex).controller;
if (controller) {
controller[prefix + "HoverStyle"](item.element, item.datasetIndex, item.index);
getActiveElements() {
return this._active || [];
setActiveElements(activeElements) {
const lastActive = this._active || [];
const active = activeElements.map(({ datasetIndex, index: index2 }) => {
const meta = this.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
if (!meta) {
throw new Error("No dataset found at index " + datasetIndex);
return {
element: meta.data[index2],
index: index2
const changed = !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive);
if (changed) {
this._active = active;
this._lastEvent = null;
this._updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive);
notifyPlugins(hook, args, filter2) {
return this._plugins.notify(this, hook, args, filter2);
_updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive, replay) {
const hoverOptions = this.options.hover;
const diff = (a4, b3) => a4.filter((x3) => !b3.some((y3) => x3.datasetIndex === y3.datasetIndex && x3.index === y3.index));
const deactivated = diff(lastActive, active);
const activated = replay ? active : diff(active, lastActive);
if (deactivated.length) {
this.updateHoverStyle(deactivated, hoverOptions.mode, false);
if (activated.length && hoverOptions.mode) {
this.updateHoverStyle(activated, hoverOptions.mode, true);
_eventHandler(e4, replay) {
const args = {
event: e4,
cancelable: true,
inChartArea: _isPointInArea(e4, this.chartArea, this._minPadding)
const eventFilter = (plugin) => (plugin.options.events || this.options.events).includes(e4.native.type);
if (this.notifyPlugins("beforeEvent", args, eventFilter) === false) {
const changed = this._handleEvent(e4, replay, args.inChartArea);
args.cancelable = false;
this.notifyPlugins("afterEvent", args, eventFilter);
if (changed || args.changed) {
return this;
_handleEvent(e4, replay, inChartArea) {
const { _active: lastActive = [], options } = this;
const useFinalPosition = replay;
const active = this._getActiveElements(e4, lastActive, inChartArea, useFinalPosition);
const isClick = _isClickEvent(e4);
const lastEvent = determineLastEvent(e4, this._lastEvent, inChartArea, isClick);
if (inChartArea) {
this._lastEvent = null;
callback(options.onHover, [e4, active, this], this);
if (isClick) {
callback(options.onClick, [e4, active, this], this);
const changed = !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive);
if (changed || replay) {
this._active = active;
this._updateHoverStyles(active, lastActive, replay);
this._lastEvent = lastEvent;
return changed;
_getActiveElements(e4, lastActive, inChartArea, useFinalPosition) {
if (e4.type === "mouseout") {
return [];
if (!inChartArea) {
return lastActive;
const hoverOptions = this.options.hover;
return this.getElementsAtEventForMode(e4, hoverOptions.mode, hoverOptions, useFinalPosition);
invalidatePlugins = () => each(Chart.instances, (chart) => chart._plugins.invalidate());
enumerable = true;
Object.defineProperties(Chart, {
defaults: {
value: defaults
instances: {
value: instances
overrides: {
value: overrides
registry: {
value: registry
version: {
value: version
getChart: {
value: getChart
register: {
value: (...items) => {
unregister: {
value: (...items) => {
ArcElement = class extends Element2 {
constructor(cfg) {
this.options = void 0;
this.circumference = void 0;
this.startAngle = void 0;
this.endAngle = void 0;
this.innerRadius = void 0;
this.outerRadius = void 0;
this.pixelMargin = 0;
this.fullCircles = 0;
if (cfg) {
Object.assign(this, cfg);
inRange(chartX, chartY, useFinalPosition) {
const point = this.getProps(["x", "y"], useFinalPosition);
const { angle, distance } = getAngleFromPoint(point, { x: chartX, y: chartY });
const { startAngle, endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius, circumference } = this.getProps([
], useFinalPosition);
const rAdjust = this.options.spacing / 2;
const _circumference = valueOrDefault(circumference, endAngle - startAngle);
const betweenAngles = _circumference >= TAU || _angleBetween(angle, startAngle, endAngle);
const withinRadius = _isBetween(distance, innerRadius + rAdjust, outerRadius + rAdjust);
return betweenAngles && withinRadius;
getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, startAngle, endAngle, innerRadius, outerRadius } = this.getProps([
], useFinalPosition);
const { offset: offset3, spacing } = this.options;
const halfAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2;
const halfRadius = (innerRadius + outerRadius + spacing + offset3) / 2;
return {
x: x3 + Math.cos(halfAngle) * halfRadius,
y: y3 + Math.sin(halfAngle) * halfRadius
tooltipPosition(useFinalPosition) {
return this.getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition);
draw(ctx) {
const { options, circumference } = this;
const offset3 = (options.offset || 0) / 2;
const spacing = (options.spacing || 0) / 2;
this.pixelMargin = options.borderAlign === "inner" ? 0.33 : 0;
this.fullCircles = circumference > TAU ? Math.floor(circumference / TAU) : 0;
if (circumference === 0 || this.innerRadius < 0 || this.outerRadius < 0) {
let radiusOffset = 0;
if (offset3) {
radiusOffset = offset3 / 2;
const halfAngle = (this.startAngle + this.endAngle) / 2;
ctx.translate(Math.cos(halfAngle) * radiusOffset, Math.sin(halfAngle) * radiusOffset);
if (this.circumference >= PI) {
radiusOffset = offset3;
ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = options.borderColor;
const endAngle = drawArc(ctx, this, radiusOffset, spacing);
drawBorder(ctx, this, radiusOffset, spacing, endAngle);
ArcElement.id = "arc";
ArcElement.defaults = {
borderAlign: "center",
borderColor: "#fff",
borderJoinStyle: void 0,
borderRadius: 0,
borderWidth: 2,
offset: 0,
spacing: 0,
angle: void 0
ArcElement.defaultRoutes = {
backgroundColor: "backgroundColor"
usePath2D = typeof Path2D === "function";
LineElement = class extends Element2 {
constructor(cfg) {
this.animated = true;
this.options = void 0;
this._chart = void 0;
this._loop = void 0;
this._fullLoop = void 0;
this._path = void 0;
this._points = void 0;
this._segments = void 0;
this._decimated = false;
this._pointsUpdated = false;
this._datasetIndex = void 0;
if (cfg) {
Object.assign(this, cfg);
updateControlPoints(chartArea, indexAxis) {
const options = this.options;
if ((options.tension || options.cubicInterpolationMode === "monotone") && !options.stepped && !this._pointsUpdated) {
const loop = options.spanGaps ? this._loop : this._fullLoop;
_updateBezierControlPoints(this._points, options, chartArea, loop, indexAxis);
this._pointsUpdated = true;
set points(points) {
this._points = points;
delete this._segments;
delete this._path;
this._pointsUpdated = false;
get points() {
return this._points;
get segments() {
return this._segments || (this._segments = _computeSegments(this, this.options.segment));
first() {
const segments = this.segments;
const points = this.points;
return segments.length && points[segments[0].start];
last() {
const segments = this.segments;
const points = this.points;
const count = segments.length;
return count && points[segments[count - 1].end];
interpolate(point, property) {
const options = this.options;
const value = point[property];
const points = this.points;
const segments = _boundSegments(this, { property, start: value, end: value });
if (!segments.length) {
const result = [];
const _interpolate = _getInterpolationMethod(options);
let i4, ilen;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = segments.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
const { start: start3, end: end2 } = segments[i4];
const p1 = points[start3];
const p22 = points[end2];
if (p1 === p22) {
const t4 = Math.abs((value - p1[property]) / (p22[property] - p1[property]));
const interpolated = _interpolate(p1, p22, t4, options.stepped);
interpolated[property] = point[property];
return result.length === 1 ? result[0] : result;
pathSegment(ctx, segment, params) {
const segmentMethod = _getSegmentMethod(this);
return segmentMethod(ctx, this, segment, params);
path(ctx, start3, count) {
const segments = this.segments;
const segmentMethod = _getSegmentMethod(this);
let loop = this._loop;
start3 = start3 || 0;
count = count || this.points.length - start3;
for (const segment of segments) {
loop &= segmentMethod(ctx, this, segment, { start: start3, end: start3 + count - 1 });
return !!loop;
draw(ctx, chartArea, start3, count) {
const options = this.options || {};
const points = this.points || [];
if (points.length && options.borderWidth) {
draw(ctx, this, start3, count);
if (this.animated) {
this._pointsUpdated = false;
this._path = void 0;
LineElement.id = "line";
LineElement.defaults = {
borderCapStyle: "butt",
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0,
borderJoinStyle: "miter",
borderWidth: 3,
capBezierPoints: true,
cubicInterpolationMode: "default",
fill: false,
spanGaps: false,
stepped: false,
tension: 0
LineElement.defaultRoutes = {
backgroundColor: "backgroundColor",
borderColor: "borderColor"
LineElement.descriptors = {
_scriptable: true,
_indexable: (name) => name !== "borderDash" && name !== "fill"
PointElement = class extends Element2 {
constructor(cfg) {
this.options = void 0;
this.parsed = void 0;
this.skip = void 0;
this.stop = void 0;
if (cfg) {
Object.assign(this, cfg);
inRange(mouseX, mouseY, useFinalPosition) {
const options = this.options;
const { x: x3, y: y3 } = this.getProps(["x", "y"], useFinalPosition);
return Math.pow(mouseX - x3, 2) + Math.pow(mouseY - y3, 2) < Math.pow(options.hitRadius + options.radius, 2);
inXRange(mouseX, useFinalPosition) {
return inRange$1(this, mouseX, "x", useFinalPosition);
inYRange(mouseY, useFinalPosition) {
return inRange$1(this, mouseY, "y", useFinalPosition);
getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition) {
const { x: x3, y: y3 } = this.getProps(["x", "y"], useFinalPosition);
return { x: x3, y: y3 };
size(options) {
options = options || this.options || {};
let radius = options.radius || 0;
radius = Math.max(radius, radius && options.hoverRadius || 0);
const borderWidth = radius && options.borderWidth || 0;
return (radius + borderWidth) * 2;
draw(ctx, area) {
const options = this.options;
if (this.skip || options.radius < 0.1 || !_isPointInArea(this, area, this.size(options) / 2)) {
ctx.strokeStyle = options.borderColor;
ctx.lineWidth = options.borderWidth;
ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor;
drawPoint(ctx, options, this.x, this.y);
getRange() {
const options = this.options || {};
return options.radius + options.hitRadius;
PointElement.id = "point";
PointElement.defaults = {
borderWidth: 1,
hitRadius: 1,
hoverBorderWidth: 1,
hoverRadius: 4,
pointStyle: "circle",
radius: 3,
rotation: 0
PointElement.defaultRoutes = {
backgroundColor: "backgroundColor",
borderColor: "borderColor"
BarElement = class extends Element2 {
constructor(cfg) {
this.options = void 0;
this.horizontal = void 0;
this.base = void 0;
this.width = void 0;
this.height = void 0;
this.inflateAmount = void 0;
if (cfg) {
Object.assign(this, cfg);
draw(ctx) {
const { inflateAmount, options: { borderColor, backgroundColor } } = this;
const { inner, outer } = boundingRects(this);
const addRectPath = hasRadius(outer.radius) ? addRoundedRectPath : addNormalRectPath;
if (outer.w !== inner.w || outer.h !== inner.h) {
addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(outer, inflateAmount, inner));
addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(inner, -inflateAmount, outer));
ctx.fillStyle = borderColor;
addRectPath(ctx, inflateRect(inner, inflateAmount));
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
inRange(mouseX, mouseY, useFinalPosition) {
return inRange(this, mouseX, mouseY, useFinalPosition);
inXRange(mouseX, useFinalPosition) {
return inRange(this, mouseX, null, useFinalPosition);
inYRange(mouseY, useFinalPosition) {
return inRange(this, null, mouseY, useFinalPosition);
getCenterPoint(useFinalPosition) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, base, horizontal } = this.getProps(["x", "y", "base", "horizontal"], useFinalPosition);
return {
x: horizontal ? (x3 + base) / 2 : x3,
y: horizontal ? y3 : (y3 + base) / 2
getRange(axis) {
return axis === "x" ? this.width / 2 : this.height / 2;
BarElement.id = "bar";
BarElement.defaults = {
borderSkipped: "start",
borderWidth: 0,
borderRadius: 0,
inflateAmount: "auto",
pointStyle: void 0
BarElement.defaultRoutes = {
backgroundColor: "backgroundColor",
borderColor: "borderColor"
elements = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
plugin_decimation = {
id: "decimation",
defaults: {
algorithm: "min-max",
enabled: false
beforeElementsUpdate: (chart, args, options) => {
if (!options.enabled) {
const availableWidth = chart.width;
chart.data.datasets.forEach((dataset, datasetIndex) => {
const { _data, indexAxis } = dataset;
const meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
const data = _data || dataset.data;
if (resolve([indexAxis, chart.options.indexAxis]) === "y") {
if (meta.type !== "line") {
const xAxis = chart.scales[meta.xAxisID];
if (xAxis.type !== "linear" && xAxis.type !== "time") {
if (chart.options.parsing) {
let { start: start3, count } = getStartAndCountOfVisiblePointsSimplified(meta, data);
const threshold = options.threshold || 4 * availableWidth;
if (count <= threshold) {
if (isNullOrUndef(_data)) {
dataset._data = data;
delete dataset.data;
Object.defineProperty(dataset, "data", {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return this._decimated;
set: function(d3) {
this._data = d3;
let decimated;
switch (options.algorithm) {
case "lttb":
decimated = lttbDecimation(data, start3, count, availableWidth, options);
case "min-max":
decimated = minMaxDecimation(data, start3, count, availableWidth);
throw new Error(`Unsupported decimation algorithm '${options.algorithm}'`);
dataset._decimated = decimated;
destroy(chart) {
simpleArc = class {
constructor(opts) {
this.x = opts.x;
this.y = opts.y;
this.radius = opts.radius;
pathSegment(ctx, bounds, opts) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, radius } = this;
bounds = bounds || { start: 0, end: TAU };
ctx.arc(x3, y3, radius, bounds.end, bounds.start, true);
return !opts.bounds;
interpolate(point) {
const { x: x3, y: y3, radius } = this;
const angle = point.angle;
return {
x: x3 + Math.cos(angle) * radius,
y: y3 + Math.sin(angle) * radius,
plugin_filler = {
id: "filler",
afterDatasetsUpdate(chart, _args, options) {
const count = (chart.data.datasets || []).length;
const sources = [];
let meta, i4, line, source;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < count; ++i4) {
meta = chart.getDatasetMeta(i4);
line = meta.dataset;
source = null;
if (line && line.options && line instanceof LineElement) {
source = {
visible: chart.isDatasetVisible(i4),
index: i4,
fill: decodeFill(line, i4, count),
axis: meta.controller.options.indexAxis,
scale: meta.vScale,
meta.$filler = source;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < count; ++i4) {
source = sources[i4];
if (!source || source.fill === false) {
source.fill = resolveTarget(sources, i4, options.propagate);
beforeDraw(chart, _args, options) {
const draw2 = options.drawTime === "beforeDraw";
const metasets = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
const area = chart.chartArea;
for (let i4 = metasets.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
const source = metasets[i4].$filler;
if (!source) {
source.line.updateControlPoints(area, source.axis);
if (draw2) {
drawfill(chart.ctx, source, area);
beforeDatasetsDraw(chart, _args, options) {
if (options.drawTime !== "beforeDatasetsDraw") {
const metasets = chart.getSortedVisibleDatasetMetas();
for (let i4 = metasets.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
const source = metasets[i4].$filler;
if (source) {
drawfill(chart.ctx, source, chart.chartArea);
beforeDatasetDraw(chart, args, options) {
const source = args.meta.$filler;
if (!source || source.fill === false || options.drawTime !== "beforeDatasetDraw") {
drawfill(chart.ctx, source, chart.chartArea);
defaults: {
propagate: true,
drawTime: "beforeDatasetDraw"
getBoxSize = (labelOpts, fontSize) => {
let { boxHeight = fontSize, boxWidth = fontSize } = labelOpts;
if (labelOpts.usePointStyle) {
boxHeight = Math.min(boxHeight, fontSize);
boxWidth = Math.min(boxWidth, fontSize);
return {
itemHeight: Math.max(fontSize, boxHeight)
itemsEqual = (a4, b3) => a4 !== null && b3 !== null && a4.datasetIndex === b3.datasetIndex && a4.index === b3.index;
Legend = class extends Element2 {
constructor(config) {
this._added = false;
this.legendHitBoxes = [];
this._hoveredItem = null;
this.doughnutMode = false;
this.chart = config.chart;
this.options = config.options;
this.ctx = config.ctx;
this.legendItems = void 0;
this.columnSizes = void 0;
this.lineWidths = void 0;
this.maxHeight = void 0;
this.maxWidth = void 0;
this.top = void 0;
this.bottom = void 0;
this.left = void 0;
this.right = void 0;
this.height = void 0;
this.width = void 0;
this._margins = void 0;
this.position = void 0;
this.weight = void 0;
this.fullSize = void 0;
update(maxWidth, maxHeight, margins) {
this.maxWidth = maxWidth;
this.maxHeight = maxHeight;
this._margins = margins;
setDimensions() {
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
this.width = this.maxWidth;
this.left = this._margins.left;
this.right = this.width;
} else {
this.height = this.maxHeight;
this.top = this._margins.top;
this.bottom = this.height;
buildLabels() {
const labelOpts = this.options.labels || {};
let legendItems = callback(labelOpts.generateLabels, [this.chart], this) || [];
if (labelOpts.filter) {
legendItems = legendItems.filter((item) => labelOpts.filter(item, this.chart.data));
if (labelOpts.sort) {
legendItems = legendItems.sort((a4, b3) => labelOpts.sort(a4, b3, this.chart.data));
if (this.options.reverse) {
this.legendItems = legendItems;
fit() {
const { options, ctx } = this;
if (!options.display) {
this.width = this.height = 0;
const labelOpts = options.labels;
const labelFont = toFont(labelOpts.font);
const fontSize = labelFont.size;
const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight();
const { boxWidth, itemHeight } = getBoxSize(labelOpts, fontSize);
let width, height;
ctx.font = labelFont.string;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
width = this.maxWidth;
height = this._fitRows(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) + 10;
} else {
height = this.maxHeight;
width = this._fitCols(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) + 10;
this.width = Math.min(width, options.maxWidth || this.maxWidth);
this.height = Math.min(height, options.maxHeight || this.maxHeight);
_fitRows(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) {
const { ctx, maxWidth, options: { labels: { padding } } } = this;
const hitboxes = this.legendHitBoxes = [];
const lineWidths = this.lineWidths = [0];
const lineHeight = itemHeight + padding;
let totalHeight = titleHeight;
ctx.textAlign = "left";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
let row = -1;
let top2 = -lineHeight;
this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i4) => {
const itemWidth = boxWidth + fontSize / 2 + ctx.measureText(legendItem.text).width;
if (i4 === 0 || lineWidths[lineWidths.length - 1] + itemWidth + 2 * padding > maxWidth) {
totalHeight += lineHeight;
lineWidths[lineWidths.length - (i4 > 0 ? 0 : 1)] = 0;
top2 += lineHeight;
hitboxes[i4] = { left: 0, top: top2, row, width: itemWidth, height: itemHeight };
lineWidths[lineWidths.length - 1] += itemWidth + padding;
return totalHeight;
_fitCols(titleHeight, fontSize, boxWidth, itemHeight) {
const { ctx, maxHeight, options: { labels: { padding } } } = this;
const hitboxes = this.legendHitBoxes = [];
const columnSizes = this.columnSizes = [];
const heightLimit = maxHeight - titleHeight;
let totalWidth = padding;
let currentColWidth = 0;
let currentColHeight = 0;
let left2 = 0;
let col = 0;
this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i4) => {
const itemWidth = boxWidth + fontSize / 2 + ctx.measureText(legendItem.text).width;
if (i4 > 0 && currentColHeight + itemHeight + 2 * padding > heightLimit) {
totalWidth += currentColWidth + padding;
columnSizes.push({ width: currentColWidth, height: currentColHeight });
left2 += currentColWidth + padding;
currentColWidth = currentColHeight = 0;
hitboxes[i4] = { left: left2, top: currentColHeight, col, width: itemWidth, height: itemHeight };
currentColWidth = Math.max(currentColWidth, itemWidth);
currentColHeight += itemHeight + padding;
totalWidth += currentColWidth;
columnSizes.push({ width: currentColWidth, height: currentColHeight });
return totalWidth;
adjustHitBoxes() {
if (!this.options.display) {
const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight();
const { legendHitBoxes: hitboxes, options: { align, labels: { padding }, rtl } } = this;
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(rtl, this.left, this.width);
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
let row = 0;
let left2 = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - this.lineWidths[row]);
for (const hitbox of hitboxes) {
if (row !== hitbox.row) {
row = hitbox.row;
left2 = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - this.lineWidths[row]);
hitbox.top += this.top + titleHeight + padding;
hitbox.left = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.x(left2), hitbox.width);
left2 += hitbox.width + padding;
} else {
let col = 0;
let top2 = _alignStartEnd(align, this.top + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - this.columnSizes[col].height);
for (const hitbox of hitboxes) {
if (hitbox.col !== col) {
col = hitbox.col;
top2 = _alignStartEnd(align, this.top + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - this.columnSizes[col].height);
hitbox.top = top2;
hitbox.left += this.left + padding;
hitbox.left = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.x(hitbox.left), hitbox.width);
top2 += hitbox.height + padding;
isHorizontal() {
return this.options.position === "top" || this.options.position === "bottom";
draw() {
if (this.options.display) {
const ctx = this.ctx;
clipArea(ctx, this);
_draw() {
const { options: opts, columnSizes, lineWidths, ctx } = this;
const { align, labels: labelOpts } = opts;
const defaultColor = defaults.color;
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(opts.rtl, this.left, this.width);
const labelFont = toFont(labelOpts.font);
const { color: fontColor, padding } = labelOpts;
const fontSize = labelFont.size;
const halfFontSize = fontSize / 2;
let cursor;
ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign("left");
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.lineWidth = 0.5;
ctx.font = labelFont.string;
const { boxWidth, boxHeight, itemHeight } = getBoxSize(labelOpts, fontSize);
const drawLegendBox = function(x3, y3, legendItem) {
if (isNaN(boxWidth) || boxWidth <= 0 || isNaN(boxHeight) || boxHeight < 0) {
const lineWidth = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineWidth, 1);
ctx.fillStyle = valueOrDefault(legendItem.fillStyle, defaultColor);
ctx.lineCap = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineCap, "butt");
ctx.lineDashOffset = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineDashOffset, 0);
ctx.lineJoin = valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineJoin, "miter");
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = valueOrDefault(legendItem.strokeStyle, defaultColor);
ctx.setLineDash(valueOrDefault(legendItem.lineDash, []));
if (labelOpts.usePointStyle) {
const drawOptions = {
radius: boxWidth * Math.SQRT2 / 2,
pointStyle: legendItem.pointStyle,
rotation: legendItem.rotation,
borderWidth: lineWidth
const centerX = rtlHelper.xPlus(x3, boxWidth / 2);
const centerY = y3 + halfFontSize;
drawPoint(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY);
} else {
const yBoxTop = y3 + Math.max((fontSize - boxHeight) / 2, 0);
const xBoxLeft = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(x3, boxWidth);
const borderRadius = toTRBLCorners(legendItem.borderRadius);
if (Object.values(borderRadius).some((v3) => v3 !== 0)) {
addRoundedRectPath(ctx, {
x: xBoxLeft,
y: yBoxTop,
w: boxWidth,
h: boxHeight,
radius: borderRadius
} else {
ctx.rect(xBoxLeft, yBoxTop, boxWidth, boxHeight);
if (lineWidth !== 0) {
const fillText = function(x3, y3, legendItem) {
renderText(ctx, legendItem.text, x3, y3 + itemHeight / 2, labelFont, {
strikethrough: legendItem.hidden,
textAlign: rtlHelper.textAlign(legendItem.textAlign)
const isHorizontal = this.isHorizontal();
const titleHeight = this._computeTitleHeight();
if (isHorizontal) {
cursor = {
x: _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - lineWidths[0]),
y: this.top + padding + titleHeight,
line: 0
} else {
cursor = {
x: this.left + padding,
y: _alignStartEnd(align, this.top + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - columnSizes[0].height),
line: 0
overrideTextDirection(this.ctx, opts.textDirection);
const lineHeight = itemHeight + padding;
this.legendItems.forEach((legendItem, i4) => {
ctx.strokeStyle = legendItem.fontColor || fontColor;
ctx.fillStyle = legendItem.fontColor || fontColor;
const textWidth = ctx.measureText(legendItem.text).width;
const textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(legendItem.textAlign || (legendItem.textAlign = labelOpts.textAlign));
const width = boxWidth + halfFontSize + textWidth;
let x3 = cursor.x;
let y3 = cursor.y;
if (isHorizontal) {
if (i4 > 0 && x3 + width + padding > this.right) {
y3 = cursor.y += lineHeight;
x3 = cursor.x = _alignStartEnd(align, this.left + padding, this.right - lineWidths[cursor.line]);
} else if (i4 > 0 && y3 + lineHeight > this.bottom) {
x3 = cursor.x = x3 + columnSizes[cursor.line].width + padding;
y3 = cursor.y = _alignStartEnd(align, this.top + titleHeight + padding, this.bottom - columnSizes[cursor.line].height);
const realX = rtlHelper.x(x3);
drawLegendBox(realX, y3, legendItem);
x3 = _textX(textAlign, x3 + boxWidth + halfFontSize, isHorizontal ? x3 + width : this.right, opts.rtl);
fillText(rtlHelper.x(x3), y3, legendItem);
if (isHorizontal) {
cursor.x += width + padding;
} else {
cursor.y += lineHeight;
restoreTextDirection(this.ctx, opts.textDirection);
drawTitle() {
const opts = this.options;
const titleOpts = opts.title;
const titleFont = toFont(titleOpts.font);
const titlePadding = toPadding(titleOpts.padding);
if (!titleOpts.display) {
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(opts.rtl, this.left, this.width);
const ctx = this.ctx;
const position = titleOpts.position;
const halfFontSize = titleFont.size / 2;
const topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize = titlePadding.top + halfFontSize;
let y3;
let left2 = this.left;
let maxWidth = this.width;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
maxWidth = Math.max(...this.lineWidths);
y3 = this.top + topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize;
left2 = _alignStartEnd(opts.align, left2, this.right - maxWidth);
} else {
const maxHeight = this.columnSizes.reduce((acc, size) => Math.max(acc, size.height), 0);
y3 = topPaddingPlusHalfFontSize + _alignStartEnd(opts.align, this.top, this.bottom - maxHeight - opts.labels.padding - this._computeTitleHeight());
const x3 = _alignStartEnd(position, left2, left2 + maxWidth);
ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(_toLeftRightCenter(position));
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.strokeStyle = titleOpts.color;
ctx.fillStyle = titleOpts.color;
ctx.font = titleFont.string;
renderText(ctx, titleOpts.text, x3, y3, titleFont);
_computeTitleHeight() {
const titleOpts = this.options.title;
const titleFont = toFont(titleOpts.font);
const titlePadding = toPadding(titleOpts.padding);
return titleOpts.display ? titleFont.lineHeight + titlePadding.height : 0;
_getLegendItemAt(x3, y3) {
let i4, hitBox, lh;
if (_isBetween(x3, this.left, this.right) && _isBetween(y3, this.top, this.bottom)) {
lh = this.legendHitBoxes;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < lh.length; ++i4) {
hitBox = lh[i4];
if (_isBetween(x3, hitBox.left, hitBox.left + hitBox.width) && _isBetween(y3, hitBox.top, hitBox.top + hitBox.height)) {
return this.legendItems[i4];
return null;
handleEvent(e4) {
const opts = this.options;
if (!isListened(e4.type, opts)) {
const hoveredItem = this._getLegendItemAt(e4.x, e4.y);
if (e4.type === "mousemove") {
const previous = this._hoveredItem;
const sameItem = itemsEqual(previous, hoveredItem);
if (previous && !sameItem) {
callback(opts.onLeave, [e4, previous, this], this);
this._hoveredItem = hoveredItem;
if (hoveredItem && !sameItem) {
callback(opts.onHover, [e4, hoveredItem, this], this);
} else if (hoveredItem) {
callback(opts.onClick, [e4, hoveredItem, this], this);
plugin_legend = {
id: "legend",
_element: Legend,
start(chart, _args, options) {
const legend = chart.legend = new Legend({ ctx: chart.ctx, options, chart });
layouts.configure(chart, legend, options);
layouts.addBox(chart, legend);
stop(chart) {
layouts.removeBox(chart, chart.legend);
delete chart.legend;
beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) {
const legend = chart.legend;
layouts.configure(chart, legend, options);
legend.options = options;
afterUpdate(chart) {
const legend = chart.legend;
afterEvent(chart, args) {
if (!args.replay) {
defaults: {
display: true,
position: "top",
align: "center",
fullSize: true,
reverse: false,
weight: 1e3,
onClick(e4, legendItem, legend) {
const index2 = legendItem.datasetIndex;
const ci2 = legend.chart;
if (ci2.isDatasetVisible(index2)) {
legendItem.hidden = true;
} else {
legendItem.hidden = false;
onHover: null,
onLeave: null,
labels: {
color: (ctx) => ctx.chart.options.color,
boxWidth: 40,
padding: 10,
generateLabels(chart) {
const datasets = chart.data.datasets;
const { labels: { usePointStyle, pointStyle, textAlign, color: color2 } } = chart.legend.options;
return chart._getSortedDatasetMetas().map((meta) => {
const style = meta.controller.getStyle(usePointStyle ? 0 : void 0);
const borderWidth = toPadding(style.borderWidth);
return {
text: datasets[meta.index].label,
fillStyle: style.backgroundColor,
fontColor: color2,
hidden: !meta.visible,
lineCap: style.borderCapStyle,
lineDash: style.borderDash,
lineDashOffset: style.borderDashOffset,
lineJoin: style.borderJoinStyle,
lineWidth: (borderWidth.width + borderWidth.height) / 4,
strokeStyle: style.borderColor,
pointStyle: pointStyle || style.pointStyle,
rotation: style.rotation,
textAlign: textAlign || style.textAlign,
borderRadius: 0,
datasetIndex: meta.index
}, this);
title: {
color: (ctx) => ctx.chart.options.color,
display: false,
position: "center",
text: ""
descriptors: {
_scriptable: (name) => !name.startsWith("on"),
labels: {
_scriptable: (name) => !["generateLabels", "filter", "sort"].includes(name)
Title = class extends Element2 {
constructor(config) {
this.chart = config.chart;
this.options = config.options;
this.ctx = config.ctx;
this._padding = void 0;
this.top = void 0;
this.bottom = void 0;
this.left = void 0;
this.right = void 0;
this.width = void 0;
this.height = void 0;
this.position = void 0;
this.weight = void 0;
this.fullSize = void 0;
update(maxWidth, maxHeight) {
const opts = this.options;
this.left = 0;
this.top = 0;
if (!opts.display) {
this.width = this.height = this.right = this.bottom = 0;
this.width = this.right = maxWidth;
this.height = this.bottom = maxHeight;
const lineCount = isArray(opts.text) ? opts.text.length : 1;
this._padding = toPadding(opts.padding);
const textSize = lineCount * toFont(opts.font).lineHeight + this._padding.height;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
this.height = textSize;
} else {
this.width = textSize;
isHorizontal() {
const pos = this.options.position;
return pos === "top" || pos === "bottom";
_drawArgs(offset3) {
const { top: top2, left: left2, bottom: bottom2, right: right2, options } = this;
const align = options.align;
let rotation = 0;
let maxWidth, titleX, titleY;
if (this.isHorizontal()) {
titleX = _alignStartEnd(align, left2, right2);
titleY = top2 + offset3;
maxWidth = right2 - left2;
} else {
if (options.position === "left") {
titleX = left2 + offset3;
titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, bottom2, top2);
rotation = PI * -0.5;
} else {
titleX = right2 - offset3;
titleY = _alignStartEnd(align, top2, bottom2);
rotation = PI * 0.5;
maxWidth = bottom2 - top2;
return { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation };
draw() {
const ctx = this.ctx;
const opts = this.options;
if (!opts.display) {
const fontOpts = toFont(opts.font);
const lineHeight = fontOpts.lineHeight;
const offset3 = lineHeight / 2 + this._padding.top;
const { titleX, titleY, maxWidth, rotation } = this._drawArgs(offset3);
renderText(ctx, opts.text, 0, 0, fontOpts, {
color: opts.color,
textAlign: _toLeftRightCenter(opts.align),
textBaseline: "middle",
translation: [titleX, titleY]
plugin_title = {
id: "title",
_element: Title,
start(chart, _args, options) {
createTitle(chart, options);
stop(chart) {
const titleBlock = chart.titleBlock;
layouts.removeBox(chart, titleBlock);
delete chart.titleBlock;
beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) {
const title = chart.titleBlock;
layouts.configure(chart, title, options);
title.options = options;
defaults: {
align: "center",
display: false,
font: {
weight: "bold"
fullSize: true,
padding: 10,
position: "top",
text: "",
weight: 2e3
defaultRoutes: {
color: "color"
descriptors: {
_scriptable: true,
_indexable: false
map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
plugin_subtitle = {
id: "subtitle",
start(chart, _args, options) {
const title = new Title({
ctx: chart.ctx,
layouts.configure(chart, title, options);
layouts.addBox(chart, title);
map2.set(chart, title);
stop(chart) {
layouts.removeBox(chart, map2.get(chart));
beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) {
const title = map2.get(chart);
layouts.configure(chart, title, options);
title.options = options;
defaults: {
align: "center",
display: false,
font: {
weight: "normal"
fullSize: true,
padding: 0,
position: "top",
text: "",
weight: 1500
defaultRoutes: {
color: "color"
descriptors: {
_scriptable: true,
_indexable: false
positioners = {
average(items) {
if (!items.length) {
return false;
let i4, len;
let x3 = 0;
let y3 = 0;
let count = 0;
for (i4 = 0, len = items.length; i4 < len; ++i4) {
const el = items[i4].element;
if (el && el.hasValue()) {
const pos = el.tooltipPosition();
x3 += pos.x;
y3 += pos.y;
return {
x: x3 / count,
y: y3 / count
nearest(items, eventPosition) {
if (!items.length) {
return false;
let x3 = eventPosition.x;
let y3 = eventPosition.y;
let minDistance = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
let i4, len, nearestElement;
for (i4 = 0, len = items.length; i4 < len; ++i4) {
const el = items[i4].element;
if (el && el.hasValue()) {
const center = el.getCenterPoint();
const d3 = distanceBetweenPoints(eventPosition, center);
if (d3 < minDistance) {
minDistance = d3;
nearestElement = el;
if (nearestElement) {
const tp = nearestElement.tooltipPosition();
x3 = tp.x;
y3 = tp.y;
return {
x: x3,
y: y3
Tooltip = class extends Element2 {
constructor(config) {
this.opacity = 0;
this._active = [];
this._eventPosition = void 0;
this._size = void 0;
this._cachedAnimations = void 0;
this._tooltipItems = [];
this.$animations = void 0;
this.$context = void 0;
this.chart = config.chart || config._chart;
this._chart = this.chart;
this.options = config.options;
this.dataPoints = void 0;
this.title = void 0;
this.beforeBody = void 0;
this.body = void 0;
this.afterBody = void 0;
this.footer = void 0;
this.xAlign = void 0;
this.yAlign = void 0;
this.x = void 0;
this.y = void 0;
this.height = void 0;
this.width = void 0;
this.caretX = void 0;
this.caretY = void 0;
this.labelColors = void 0;
this.labelPointStyles = void 0;
this.labelTextColors = void 0;
initialize(options) {
this.options = options;
this._cachedAnimations = void 0;
this.$context = void 0;
_resolveAnimations() {
const cached = this._cachedAnimations;
if (cached) {
return cached;
const chart = this.chart;
const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext());
const opts = options.enabled && chart.options.animation && options.animations;
const animations = new Animations(this.chart, opts);
if (opts._cacheable) {
this._cachedAnimations = Object.freeze(animations);
return animations;
getContext() {
return this.$context || (this.$context = createTooltipContext(this.chart.getContext(), this, this._tooltipItems));
getTitle(context, options) {
const { callbacks } = options;
const beforeTitle = callbacks.beforeTitle.apply(this, [context]);
const title = callbacks.title.apply(this, [context]);
const afterTitle = callbacks.afterTitle.apply(this, [context]);
let lines = [];
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(beforeTitle));
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(title));
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(afterTitle));
return lines;
getBeforeBody(tooltipItems, options) {
return getBeforeAfterBodyLines(options.callbacks.beforeBody.apply(this, [tooltipItems]));
getBody(tooltipItems, options) {
const { callbacks } = options;
const bodyItems = [];
each(tooltipItems, (context) => {
const bodyItem = {
before: [],
lines: [],
after: []
const scoped = overrideCallbacks(callbacks, context);
pushOrConcat(bodyItem.before, splitNewlines(scoped.beforeLabel.call(this, context)));
pushOrConcat(bodyItem.lines, scoped.label.call(this, context));
pushOrConcat(bodyItem.after, splitNewlines(scoped.afterLabel.call(this, context)));
return bodyItems;
getAfterBody(tooltipItems, options) {
return getBeforeAfterBodyLines(options.callbacks.afterBody.apply(this, [tooltipItems]));
getFooter(tooltipItems, options) {
const { callbacks } = options;
const beforeFooter = callbacks.beforeFooter.apply(this, [tooltipItems]);
const footer = callbacks.footer.apply(this, [tooltipItems]);
const afterFooter = callbacks.afterFooter.apply(this, [tooltipItems]);
let lines = [];
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(beforeFooter));
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(footer));
lines = pushOrConcat(lines, splitNewlines(afterFooter));
return lines;
_createItems(options) {
const active = this._active;
const data = this.chart.data;
const labelColors = [];
const labelPointStyles = [];
const labelTextColors = [];
let tooltipItems = [];
let i4, len;
for (i4 = 0, len = active.length; i4 < len; ++i4) {
tooltipItems.push(createTooltipItem(this.chart, active[i4]));
if (options.filter) {
tooltipItems = tooltipItems.filter((element, index2, array) => options.filter(element, index2, array, data));
if (options.itemSort) {
tooltipItems = tooltipItems.sort((a4, b3) => options.itemSort(a4, b3, data));
each(tooltipItems, (context) => {
const scoped = overrideCallbacks(options.callbacks, context);
labelColors.push(scoped.labelColor.call(this, context));
labelPointStyles.push(scoped.labelPointStyle.call(this, context));
labelTextColors.push(scoped.labelTextColor.call(this, context));
this.labelColors = labelColors;
this.labelPointStyles = labelPointStyles;
this.labelTextColors = labelTextColors;
this.dataPoints = tooltipItems;
return tooltipItems;
update(changed, replay) {
const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext());
const active = this._active;
let properties;
let tooltipItems = [];
if (!active.length) {
if (this.opacity !== 0) {
properties = {
opacity: 0
} else {
const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, active, this._eventPosition);
tooltipItems = this._createItems(options);
this.title = this.getTitle(tooltipItems, options);
this.beforeBody = this.getBeforeBody(tooltipItems, options);
this.body = this.getBody(tooltipItems, options);
this.afterBody = this.getAfterBody(tooltipItems, options);
this.footer = this.getFooter(tooltipItems, options);
const size = this._size = getTooltipSize(this, options);
const positionAndSize = Object.assign({}, position, size);
const alignment = determineAlignment(this.chart, options, positionAndSize);
const backgroundPoint = getBackgroundPoint(options, positionAndSize, alignment, this.chart);
this.xAlign = alignment.xAlign;
this.yAlign = alignment.yAlign;
properties = {
opacity: 1,
x: backgroundPoint.x,
y: backgroundPoint.y,
width: size.width,
height: size.height,
caretX: position.x,
caretY: position.y
this._tooltipItems = tooltipItems;
this.$context = void 0;
if (properties) {
this._resolveAnimations().update(this, properties);
if (changed && options.external) {
options.external.call(this, { chart: this.chart, tooltip: this, replay });
drawCaret(tooltipPoint, ctx, size, options) {
const caretPosition = this.getCaretPosition(tooltipPoint, size, options);
ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x1, caretPosition.y1);
ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x2, caretPosition.y2);
ctx.lineTo(caretPosition.x3, caretPosition.y3);
getCaretPosition(tooltipPoint, size, options) {
const { xAlign, yAlign } = this;
const { caretSize, cornerRadius } = options;
const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(cornerRadius);
const { x: ptX, y: ptY } = tooltipPoint;
const { width, height } = size;
let x1, x22, x3, y1, y22, y3;
if (yAlign === "center") {
y22 = ptY + height / 2;
if (xAlign === "left") {
x1 = ptX;
x22 = x1 - caretSize;
y1 = y22 + caretSize;
y3 = y22 - caretSize;
} else {
x1 = ptX + width;
x22 = x1 + caretSize;
y1 = y22 - caretSize;
y3 = y22 + caretSize;
x3 = x1;
} else {
if (xAlign === "left") {
x22 = ptX + Math.max(topLeft, bottomLeft) + caretSize;
} else if (xAlign === "right") {
x22 = ptX + width - Math.max(topRight, bottomRight) - caretSize;
} else {
x22 = this.caretX;
if (yAlign === "top") {
y1 = ptY;
y22 = y1 - caretSize;
x1 = x22 - caretSize;
x3 = x22 + caretSize;
} else {
y1 = ptY + height;
y22 = y1 + caretSize;
x1 = x22 + caretSize;
x3 = x22 - caretSize;
y3 = y1;
return { x1, x2: x22, x3, y1, y2: y22, y3 };
drawTitle(pt2, ctx, options) {
const title = this.title;
const length = title.length;
let titleFont, titleSpacing, i4;
if (length) {
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width);
pt2.x = getAlignedX(this, options.titleAlign, options);
ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(options.titleAlign);
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
titleFont = toFont(options.titleFont);
titleSpacing = options.titleSpacing;
ctx.fillStyle = options.titleColor;
ctx.font = titleFont.string;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; ++i4) {
ctx.fillText(title[i4], rtlHelper.x(pt2.x), pt2.y + titleFont.lineHeight / 2);
pt2.y += titleFont.lineHeight + titleSpacing;
if (i4 + 1 === length) {
pt2.y += options.titleMarginBottom - titleSpacing;
_drawColorBox(ctx, pt2, i4, rtlHelper, options) {
const labelColors = this.labelColors[i4];
const labelPointStyle = this.labelPointStyles[i4];
const { boxHeight, boxWidth, boxPadding } = options;
const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont);
const colorX = getAlignedX(this, "left", options);
const rtlColorX = rtlHelper.x(colorX);
const yOffSet = boxHeight < bodyFont.lineHeight ? (bodyFont.lineHeight - boxHeight) / 2 : 0;
const colorY = pt2.y + yOffSet;
if (options.usePointStyle) {
const drawOptions = {
radius: Math.min(boxWidth, boxHeight) / 2,
pointStyle: labelPointStyle.pointStyle,
rotation: labelPointStyle.rotation,
borderWidth: 1
const centerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlColorX, boxWidth) + boxWidth / 2;
const centerY = colorY + boxHeight / 2;
ctx.strokeStyle = options.multiKeyBackground;
ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground;
drawPoint(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY);
ctx.strokeStyle = labelColors.borderColor;
ctx.fillStyle = labelColors.backgroundColor;
drawPoint(ctx, drawOptions, centerX, centerY);
} else {
ctx.lineWidth = labelColors.borderWidth || 1;
ctx.strokeStyle = labelColors.borderColor;
ctx.setLineDash(labelColors.borderDash || []);
ctx.lineDashOffset = labelColors.borderDashOffset || 0;
const outerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlColorX, boxWidth - boxPadding);
const innerX = rtlHelper.leftForLtr(rtlHelper.xPlus(rtlColorX, 1), boxWidth - boxPadding - 2);
const borderRadius = toTRBLCorners(labelColors.borderRadius);
if (Object.values(borderRadius).some((v3) => v3 !== 0)) {
ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground;
addRoundedRectPath(ctx, {
x: outerX,
y: colorY,
w: boxWidth,
h: boxHeight,
radius: borderRadius
ctx.fillStyle = labelColors.backgroundColor;
addRoundedRectPath(ctx, {
x: innerX,
y: colorY + 1,
w: boxWidth - 2,
h: boxHeight - 2,
radius: borderRadius
} else {
ctx.fillStyle = options.multiKeyBackground;
ctx.fillRect(outerX, colorY, boxWidth, boxHeight);
ctx.strokeRect(outerX, colorY, boxWidth, boxHeight);
ctx.fillStyle = labelColors.backgroundColor;
ctx.fillRect(innerX, colorY + 1, boxWidth - 2, boxHeight - 2);
ctx.fillStyle = this.labelTextColors[i4];
drawBody(pt2, ctx, options) {
const { body } = this;
const { bodySpacing, bodyAlign, displayColors, boxHeight, boxWidth, boxPadding } = options;
const bodyFont = toFont(options.bodyFont);
let bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight;
let xLinePadding = 0;
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width);
const fillLineOfText = function(line) {
ctx.fillText(line, rtlHelper.x(pt2.x + xLinePadding), pt2.y + bodyLineHeight / 2);
pt2.y += bodyLineHeight + bodySpacing;
const bodyAlignForCalculation = rtlHelper.textAlign(bodyAlign);
let bodyItem, textColor, lines, i4, j3, ilen, jlen;
ctx.textAlign = bodyAlign;
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.font = bodyFont.string;
pt2.x = getAlignedX(this, bodyAlignForCalculation, options);
ctx.fillStyle = options.bodyColor;
each(this.beforeBody, fillLineOfText);
xLinePadding = displayColors && bodyAlignForCalculation !== "right" ? bodyAlign === "center" ? boxWidth / 2 + boxPadding : boxWidth + 2 + boxPadding : 0;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = body.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
bodyItem = body[i4];
textColor = this.labelTextColors[i4];
ctx.fillStyle = textColor;
each(bodyItem.before, fillLineOfText);
lines = bodyItem.lines;
if (displayColors && lines.length) {
this._drawColorBox(ctx, pt2, i4, rtlHelper, options);
bodyLineHeight = Math.max(bodyFont.lineHeight, boxHeight);
for (j3 = 0, jlen = lines.length; j3 < jlen; ++j3) {
bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight;
each(bodyItem.after, fillLineOfText);
xLinePadding = 0;
bodyLineHeight = bodyFont.lineHeight;
each(this.afterBody, fillLineOfText);
pt2.y -= bodySpacing;
drawFooter(pt2, ctx, options) {
const footer = this.footer;
const length = footer.length;
let footerFont, i4;
if (length) {
const rtlHelper = getRtlAdapter(options.rtl, this.x, this.width);
pt2.x = getAlignedX(this, options.footerAlign, options);
pt2.y += options.footerMarginTop;
ctx.textAlign = rtlHelper.textAlign(options.footerAlign);
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
footerFont = toFont(options.footerFont);
ctx.fillStyle = options.footerColor;
ctx.font = footerFont.string;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; ++i4) {
ctx.fillText(footer[i4], rtlHelper.x(pt2.x), pt2.y + footerFont.lineHeight / 2);
pt2.y += footerFont.lineHeight + options.footerSpacing;
drawBackground(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options) {
const { xAlign, yAlign } = this;
const { x: x3, y: y3 } = pt2;
const { width, height } = tooltipSize;
const { topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight } = toTRBLCorners(options.cornerRadius);
ctx.fillStyle = options.backgroundColor;
ctx.strokeStyle = options.borderColor;
ctx.lineWidth = options.borderWidth;
ctx.moveTo(x3 + topLeft, y3);
if (yAlign === "top") {
this.drawCaret(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + width - topRight, y3);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3 + width, y3, x3 + width, y3 + topRight);
if (yAlign === "center" && xAlign === "right") {
this.drawCaret(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + width, y3 + height - bottomRight);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3 + width, y3 + height, x3 + width - bottomRight, y3 + height);
if (yAlign === "bottom") {
this.drawCaret(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options);
ctx.lineTo(x3 + bottomLeft, y3 + height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3, y3 + height, x3, y3 + height - bottomLeft);
if (yAlign === "center" && xAlign === "left") {
this.drawCaret(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options);
ctx.lineTo(x3, y3 + topLeft);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3, y3, x3 + topLeft, y3);
if (options.borderWidth > 0) {
_updateAnimationTarget(options) {
const chart = this.chart;
const anims = this.$animations;
const animX = anims && anims.x;
const animY = anims && anims.y;
if (animX || animY) {
const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, this._active, this._eventPosition);
if (!position) {
const size = this._size = getTooltipSize(this, options);
const positionAndSize = Object.assign({}, position, this._size);
const alignment = determineAlignment(chart, options, positionAndSize);
const point = getBackgroundPoint(options, positionAndSize, alignment, chart);
if (animX._to !== point.x || animY._to !== point.y) {
this.xAlign = alignment.xAlign;
this.yAlign = alignment.yAlign;
this.width = size.width;
this.height = size.height;
this.caretX = position.x;
this.caretY = position.y;
this._resolveAnimations().update(this, point);
draw(ctx) {
const options = this.options.setContext(this.getContext());
let opacity = this.opacity;
if (!opacity) {
const tooltipSize = {
width: this.width,
height: this.height
const pt2 = {
x: this.x,
y: this.y
opacity = Math.abs(opacity) < 1e-3 ? 0 : opacity;
const padding = toPadding(options.padding);
const hasTooltipContent = this.title.length || this.beforeBody.length || this.body.length || this.afterBody.length || this.footer.length;
if (options.enabled && hasTooltipContent) {
ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;
this.drawBackground(pt2, ctx, tooltipSize, options);
overrideTextDirection(ctx, options.textDirection);
pt2.y += padding.top;
this.drawTitle(pt2, ctx, options);
this.drawBody(pt2, ctx, options);
this.drawFooter(pt2, ctx, options);
restoreTextDirection(ctx, options.textDirection);
getActiveElements() {
return this._active || [];
setActiveElements(activeElements, eventPosition) {
const lastActive = this._active;
const active = activeElements.map(({ datasetIndex, index: index2 }) => {
const meta = this.chart.getDatasetMeta(datasetIndex);
if (!meta) {
throw new Error("Cannot find a dataset at index " + datasetIndex);
return {
element: meta.data[index2],
index: index2
const changed = !_elementsEqual(lastActive, active);
const positionChanged = this._positionChanged(active, eventPosition);
if (changed || positionChanged) {
this._active = active;
this._eventPosition = eventPosition;
this._ignoreReplayEvents = true;
handleEvent(e4, replay, inChartArea = true) {
if (replay && this._ignoreReplayEvents) {
return false;
this._ignoreReplayEvents = false;
const options = this.options;
const lastActive = this._active || [];
const active = this._getActiveElements(e4, lastActive, replay, inChartArea);
const positionChanged = this._positionChanged(active, e4);
const changed = replay || !_elementsEqual(active, lastActive) || positionChanged;
if (changed) {
this._active = active;
if (options.enabled || options.external) {
this._eventPosition = {
x: e4.x,
y: e4.y
this.update(true, replay);
return changed;
_getActiveElements(e4, lastActive, replay, inChartArea) {
const options = this.options;
if (e4.type === "mouseout") {
return [];
if (!inChartArea) {
return lastActive;
const active = this.chart.getElementsAtEventForMode(e4, options.mode, options, replay);
if (options.reverse) {
return active;
_positionChanged(active, e4) {
const { caretX, caretY, options } = this;
const position = positioners[options.position].call(this, active, e4);
return position !== false && (caretX !== position.x || caretY !== position.y);
Tooltip.positioners = positioners;
plugin_tooltip = {
id: "tooltip",
_element: Tooltip,
afterInit(chart, _args, options) {
if (options) {
chart.tooltip = new Tooltip({ chart, options });
beforeUpdate(chart, _args, options) {
if (chart.tooltip) {
reset(chart, _args, options) {
if (chart.tooltip) {
afterDraw(chart) {
const tooltip = chart.tooltip;
const args = {
if (chart.notifyPlugins("beforeTooltipDraw", args) === false) {
if (tooltip) {
chart.notifyPlugins("afterTooltipDraw", args);
afterEvent(chart, args) {
if (chart.tooltip) {
const useFinalPosition = args.replay;
if (chart.tooltip.handleEvent(args.event, useFinalPosition, args.inChartArea)) {
args.changed = true;
defaults: {
enabled: true,
external: null,
position: "average",
backgroundColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.8)",
titleColor: "#fff",
titleFont: {
weight: "bold"
titleSpacing: 2,
titleMarginBottom: 6,
titleAlign: "left",
bodyColor: "#fff",
bodySpacing: 2,
bodyFont: {},
bodyAlign: "left",
footerColor: "#fff",
footerSpacing: 2,
footerMarginTop: 6,
footerFont: {
weight: "bold"
footerAlign: "left",
padding: 6,
caretPadding: 2,
caretSize: 5,
cornerRadius: 6,
boxHeight: (ctx, opts) => opts.bodyFont.size,
boxWidth: (ctx, opts) => opts.bodyFont.size,
multiKeyBackground: "#fff",
displayColors: true,
boxPadding: 0,
borderColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)",
borderWidth: 0,
animation: {
duration: 400,
easing: "easeOutQuart"
animations: {
numbers: {
type: "number",
properties: ["x", "y", "width", "height", "caretX", "caretY"]
opacity: {
easing: "linear",
duration: 200
callbacks: {
beforeTitle: noop,
title(tooltipItems) {
if (tooltipItems.length > 0) {
const item = tooltipItems[0];
const labels = item.chart.data.labels;
const labelCount = labels ? labels.length : 0;
if (this && this.options && this.options.mode === "dataset") {
return item.dataset.label || "";
} else if (item.label) {
return item.label;
} else if (labelCount > 0 && item.dataIndex < labelCount) {
return labels[item.dataIndex];
return "";
afterTitle: noop,
beforeBody: noop,
beforeLabel: noop,
label(tooltipItem) {
if (this && this.options && this.options.mode === "dataset") {
return tooltipItem.label + ": " + tooltipItem.formattedValue || tooltipItem.formattedValue;
let label = tooltipItem.dataset.label || "";
if (label) {
label += ": ";
const value = tooltipItem.formattedValue;
if (!isNullOrUndef(value)) {
label += value;
return label;
labelColor(tooltipItem) {
const meta = tooltipItem.chart.getDatasetMeta(tooltipItem.datasetIndex);
const options = meta.controller.getStyle(tooltipItem.dataIndex);
return {
borderColor: options.borderColor,
backgroundColor: options.backgroundColor,
borderWidth: options.borderWidth,
borderDash: options.borderDash,
borderDashOffset: options.borderDashOffset,
borderRadius: 0
labelTextColor() {
return this.options.bodyColor;
labelPointStyle(tooltipItem) {
const meta = tooltipItem.chart.getDatasetMeta(tooltipItem.datasetIndex);
const options = meta.controller.getStyle(tooltipItem.dataIndex);
return {
pointStyle: options.pointStyle,
rotation: options.rotation
afterLabel: noop,
afterBody: noop,
beforeFooter: noop,
footer: noop,
afterFooter: noop
defaultRoutes: {
bodyFont: "font",
footerFont: "font",
titleFont: "font"
descriptors: {
_scriptable: (name) => name !== "filter" && name !== "itemSort" && name !== "external",
_indexable: false,
callbacks: {
_scriptable: false,
_indexable: false
animation: {
_fallback: false
animations: {
_fallback: "animation"
additionalOptionScopes: ["interaction"]
plugins = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
Decimation: plugin_decimation,
Filler: plugin_filler,
Legend: plugin_legend,
SubTitle: plugin_subtitle,
Title: plugin_title,
Tooltip: plugin_tooltip
addIfString = (labels, raw, index2, addedLabels) => {
if (typeof raw === "string") {
index2 = labels.push(raw) - 1;
addedLabels.unshift({ index: index2, label: raw });
} else if (isNaN(raw)) {
index2 = null;
return index2;
validIndex = (index2, max2) => index2 === null ? null : _limitValue(Math.round(index2), 0, max2);
CategoryScale = class extends Scale {
constructor(cfg) {
this._startValue = void 0;
this._valueRange = 0;
this._addedLabels = [];
init(scaleOptions) {
const added = this._addedLabels;
if (added.length) {
const labels = this.getLabels();
for (const { index: index2, label } of added) {
if (labels[index2] === label) {
labels.splice(index2, 1);
this._addedLabels = [];
parse(raw, index2) {
if (isNullOrUndef(raw)) {
return null;
const labels = this.getLabels();
index2 = isFinite(index2) && labels[index2] === raw ? index2 : findOrAddLabel(labels, raw, valueOrDefault(index2, raw), this._addedLabels);
return validIndex(index2, labels.length - 1);
determineDataLimits() {
const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds();
let { min: min2, max: max2 } = this.getMinMax(true);
if (this.options.bounds === "ticks") {
if (!minDefined) {
min2 = 0;
if (!maxDefined) {
max2 = this.getLabels().length - 1;
this.min = min2;
this.max = max2;
buildTicks() {
const min2 = this.min;
const max2 = this.max;
const offset3 = this.options.offset;
const ticks = [];
let labels = this.getLabels();
labels = min2 === 0 && max2 === labels.length - 1 ? labels : labels.slice(min2, max2 + 1);
this._valueRange = Math.max(labels.length - (offset3 ? 0 : 1), 1);
this._startValue = this.min - (offset3 ? 0.5 : 0);
for (let value = min2; value <= max2; value++) {
ticks.push({ value });
return ticks;
getLabelForValue(value) {
const labels = this.getLabels();
if (value >= 0 && value < labels.length) {
return labels[value];
return value;
configure() {
if (!this.isHorizontal()) {
this._reversePixels = !this._reversePixels;
getPixelForValue(value) {
if (typeof value !== "number") {
value = this.parse(value);
return value === null ? NaN : this.getPixelForDecimal((value - this._startValue) / this._valueRange);
getPixelForTick(index2) {
const ticks = this.ticks;
if (index2 < 0 || index2 > ticks.length - 1) {
return null;
return this.getPixelForValue(ticks[index2].value);
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
return Math.round(this._startValue + this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) * this._valueRange);
getBasePixel() {
return this.bottom;
CategoryScale.id = "category";
CategoryScale.defaults = {
ticks: {
callback: CategoryScale.prototype.getLabelForValue
LinearScaleBase = class extends Scale {
constructor(cfg) {
this.start = void 0;
this.end = void 0;
this._startValue = void 0;
this._endValue = void 0;
this._valueRange = 0;
parse(raw, index2) {
if (isNullOrUndef(raw)) {
return null;
if ((typeof raw === "number" || raw instanceof Number) && !isFinite(+raw)) {
return null;
return +raw;
handleTickRangeOptions() {
const { beginAtZero } = this.options;
const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds();
let { min: min2, max: max2 } = this;
const setMin = (v3) => min2 = minDefined ? min2 : v3;
const setMax = (v3) => max2 = maxDefined ? max2 : v3;
if (beginAtZero) {
const minSign = sign(min2);
const maxSign = sign(max2);
if (minSign < 0 && maxSign < 0) {
} else if (minSign > 0 && maxSign > 0) {
if (min2 === max2) {
let offset3 = 1;
if (max2 >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || min2 <= Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER) {
offset3 = Math.abs(max2 * 0.05);
setMax(max2 + offset3);
if (!beginAtZero) {
setMin(min2 - offset3);
this.min = min2;
this.max = max2;
getTickLimit() {
const tickOpts = this.options.ticks;
let { maxTicksLimit, stepSize } = tickOpts;
let maxTicks;
if (stepSize) {
maxTicks = Math.ceil(this.max / stepSize) - Math.floor(this.min / stepSize) + 1;
if (maxTicks > 1e3) {
console.warn(`scales.${this.id}.ticks.stepSize: ${stepSize} would result generating up to ${maxTicks} ticks. Limiting to 1000.`);
maxTicks = 1e3;
} else {
maxTicks = this.computeTickLimit();
maxTicksLimit = maxTicksLimit || 11;
if (maxTicksLimit) {
maxTicks = Math.min(maxTicksLimit, maxTicks);
return maxTicks;
computeTickLimit() {
buildTicks() {
const opts = this.options;
const tickOpts = opts.ticks;
let maxTicks = this.getTickLimit();
maxTicks = Math.max(2, maxTicks);
const numericGeneratorOptions = {
bounds: opts.bounds,
min: opts.min,
max: opts.max,
precision: tickOpts.precision,
step: tickOpts.stepSize,
count: tickOpts.count,
maxDigits: this._maxDigits(),
horizontal: this.isHorizontal(),
minRotation: tickOpts.minRotation || 0,
includeBounds: tickOpts.includeBounds !== false
const dataRange = this._range || this;
const ticks = generateTicks$1(numericGeneratorOptions, dataRange);
if (opts.bounds === "ticks") {
_setMinAndMaxByKey(ticks, this, "value");
if (opts.reverse) {
this.start = this.max;
this.end = this.min;
} else {
this.start = this.min;
this.end = this.max;
return ticks;
configure() {
const ticks = this.ticks;
let start3 = this.min;
let end2 = this.max;
if (this.options.offset && ticks.length) {
const offset3 = (end2 - start3) / Math.max(ticks.length - 1, 1) / 2;
start3 -= offset3;
end2 += offset3;
this._startValue = start3;
this._endValue = end2;
this._valueRange = end2 - start3;
getLabelForValue(value) {
return formatNumber(value, this.chart.options.locale, this.options.ticks.format);
LinearScale = class extends LinearScaleBase {
determineDataLimits() {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = this.getMinMax(true);
this.min = isNumberFinite(min2) ? min2 : 0;
this.max = isNumberFinite(max2) ? max2 : 1;
computeTickLimit() {
const horizontal = this.isHorizontal();
const length = horizontal ? this.width : this.height;
const minRotation = toRadians(this.options.ticks.minRotation);
const ratio = (horizontal ? Math.sin(minRotation) : Math.cos(minRotation)) || 1e-3;
const tickFont = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0);
return Math.ceil(length / Math.min(40, tickFont.lineHeight / ratio));
getPixelForValue(value) {
return value === null ? NaN : this.getPixelForDecimal((value - this._startValue) / this._valueRange);
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
return this._startValue + this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) * this._valueRange;
LinearScale.id = "linear";
LinearScale.defaults = {
ticks: {
callback: Ticks.formatters.numeric
LogarithmicScale = class extends Scale {
constructor(cfg) {
this.start = void 0;
this.end = void 0;
this._startValue = void 0;
this._valueRange = 0;
parse(raw, index2) {
const value = LinearScaleBase.prototype.parse.apply(this, [raw, index2]);
if (value === 0) {
this._zero = true;
return void 0;
return isNumberFinite(value) && value > 0 ? value : null;
determineDataLimits() {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = this.getMinMax(true);
this.min = isNumberFinite(min2) ? Math.max(0, min2) : null;
this.max = isNumberFinite(max2) ? Math.max(0, max2) : null;
if (this.options.beginAtZero) {
this._zero = true;
handleTickRangeOptions() {
const { minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds();
let min2 = this.min;
let max2 = this.max;
const setMin = (v3) => min2 = minDefined ? min2 : v3;
const setMax = (v3) => max2 = maxDefined ? max2 : v3;
const exp = (v3, m3) => Math.pow(10, Math.floor(log10(v3)) + m3);
if (min2 === max2) {
if (min2 <= 0) {
} else {
setMin(exp(min2, -1));
setMax(exp(max2, 1));
if (min2 <= 0) {
setMin(exp(max2, -1));
if (max2 <= 0) {
setMax(exp(min2, 1));
if (this._zero && this.min !== this._suggestedMin && min2 === exp(this.min, 0)) {
setMin(exp(min2, -1));
this.min = min2;
this.max = max2;
buildTicks() {
const opts = this.options;
const generationOptions = {
min: this._userMin,
max: this._userMax
const ticks = generateTicks(generationOptions, this);
if (opts.bounds === "ticks") {
_setMinAndMaxByKey(ticks, this, "value");
if (opts.reverse) {
this.start = this.max;
this.end = this.min;
} else {
this.start = this.min;
this.end = this.max;
return ticks;
getLabelForValue(value) {
return value === void 0 ? "0" : formatNumber(value, this.chart.options.locale, this.options.ticks.format);
configure() {
const start3 = this.min;
this._startValue = log10(start3);
this._valueRange = log10(this.max) - log10(start3);
getPixelForValue(value) {
if (value === void 0 || value === 0) {
value = this.min;
if (value === null || isNaN(value)) {
return NaN;
return this.getPixelForDecimal(value === this.min ? 0 : (log10(value) - this._startValue) / this._valueRange);
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
const decimal = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel);
return Math.pow(10, this._startValue + decimal * this._valueRange);
LogarithmicScale.id = "logarithmic";
LogarithmicScale.defaults = {
ticks: {
callback: Ticks.formatters.logarithmic,
major: {
enabled: true
RadialLinearScale = class extends LinearScaleBase {
constructor(cfg) {
this.xCenter = void 0;
this.yCenter = void 0;
this.drawingArea = void 0;
this._pointLabels = [];
this._pointLabelItems = [];
setDimensions() {
const padding = this._padding = toPadding(getTickBackdropHeight(this.options) / 2);
const w3 = this.width = this.maxWidth - padding.width;
const h5 = this.height = this.maxHeight - padding.height;
this.xCenter = Math.floor(this.left + w3 / 2 + padding.left);
this.yCenter = Math.floor(this.top + h5 / 2 + padding.top);
this.drawingArea = Math.floor(Math.min(w3, h5) / 2);
determineDataLimits() {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = this.getMinMax(false);
this.min = isNumberFinite(min2) && !isNaN(min2) ? min2 : 0;
this.max = isNumberFinite(max2) && !isNaN(max2) ? max2 : 0;
computeTickLimit() {
return Math.ceil(this.drawingArea / getTickBackdropHeight(this.options));
generateTickLabels(ticks) {
LinearScaleBase.prototype.generateTickLabels.call(this, ticks);
this._pointLabels = this.getLabels().map((value, index2) => {
const label = callback(this.options.pointLabels.callback, [value, index2], this);
return label || label === 0 ? label : "";
}).filter((v3, i4) => this.chart.getDataVisibility(i4));
fit() {
const opts = this.options;
if (opts.display && opts.pointLabels.display) {
} else {
this.setCenterPoint(0, 0, 0, 0);
setCenterPoint(leftMovement, rightMovement, topMovement, bottomMovement) {
this.xCenter += Math.floor((leftMovement - rightMovement) / 2);
this.yCenter += Math.floor((topMovement - bottomMovement) / 2);
this.drawingArea -= Math.min(this.drawingArea / 2, Math.max(leftMovement, rightMovement, topMovement, bottomMovement));
getIndexAngle(index2) {
const angleMultiplier = TAU / (this._pointLabels.length || 1);
const startAngle = this.options.startAngle || 0;
return _normalizeAngle(index2 * angleMultiplier + toRadians(startAngle));
getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value) {
if (isNullOrUndef(value)) {
return NaN;
const scalingFactor = this.drawingArea / (this.max - this.min);
if (this.options.reverse) {
return (this.max - value) * scalingFactor;
return (value - this.min) * scalingFactor;
getValueForDistanceFromCenter(distance) {
if (isNullOrUndef(distance)) {
return NaN;
const scaledDistance = distance / (this.drawingArea / (this.max - this.min));
return this.options.reverse ? this.max - scaledDistance : this.min + scaledDistance;
getPointLabelContext(index2) {
const pointLabels = this._pointLabels || [];
if (index2 >= 0 && index2 < pointLabels.length) {
const pointLabel = pointLabels[index2];
return createPointLabelContext(this.getContext(), index2, pointLabel);
getPointPosition(index2, distanceFromCenter, additionalAngle = 0) {
const angle = this.getIndexAngle(index2) - HALF_PI + additionalAngle;
return {
x: Math.cos(angle) * distanceFromCenter + this.xCenter,
y: Math.sin(angle) * distanceFromCenter + this.yCenter,
getPointPositionForValue(index2, value) {
return this.getPointPosition(index2, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(value));
getBasePosition(index2) {
return this.getPointPositionForValue(index2 || 0, this.getBaseValue());
getPointLabelPosition(index2) {
const { left: left2, top: top2, right: right2, bottom: bottom2 } = this._pointLabelItems[index2];
return {
left: left2,
top: top2,
right: right2,
bottom: bottom2
drawBackground() {
const { backgroundColor, grid: { circular } } = this.options;
if (backgroundColor) {
const ctx = this.ctx;
pathRadiusLine(this, this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(this._endValue), circular, this._pointLabels.length);
ctx.fillStyle = backgroundColor;
drawGrid() {
const ctx = this.ctx;
const opts = this.options;
const { angleLines, grid } = opts;
const labelCount = this._pointLabels.length;
let i4, offset3, position;
if (opts.pointLabels.display) {
drawPointLabels(this, labelCount);
if (grid.display) {
this.ticks.forEach((tick, index2) => {
if (index2 !== 0) {
offset3 = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(tick.value);
const optsAtIndex = grid.setContext(this.getContext(index2 - 1));
drawRadiusLine(this, optsAtIndex, offset3, labelCount);
if (angleLines.display) {
for (i4 = labelCount - 1; i4 >= 0; i4--) {
const optsAtIndex = angleLines.setContext(this.getPointLabelContext(i4));
const { color: color2, lineWidth } = optsAtIndex;
if (!lineWidth || !color2) {
ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
ctx.strokeStyle = color2;
ctx.lineDashOffset = optsAtIndex.borderDashOffset;
offset3 = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(opts.ticks.reverse ? this.min : this.max);
position = this.getPointPosition(i4, offset3);
ctx.moveTo(this.xCenter, this.yCenter);
ctx.lineTo(position.x, position.y);
drawBorder() {
drawLabels() {
const ctx = this.ctx;
const opts = this.options;
const tickOpts = opts.ticks;
if (!tickOpts.display) {
const startAngle = this.getIndexAngle(0);
let offset3, width;
ctx.translate(this.xCenter, this.yCenter);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
this.ticks.forEach((tick, index2) => {
if (index2 === 0 && !opts.reverse) {
const optsAtIndex = tickOpts.setContext(this.getContext(index2));
const tickFont = toFont(optsAtIndex.font);
offset3 = this.getDistanceFromCenterForValue(this.ticks[index2].value);
if (optsAtIndex.showLabelBackdrop) {
ctx.font = tickFont.string;
width = ctx.measureText(tick.label).width;
ctx.fillStyle = optsAtIndex.backdropColor;
const padding = toPadding(optsAtIndex.backdropPadding);
-width / 2 - padding.left,
-offset3 - tickFont.size / 2 - padding.top,
width + padding.width,
tickFont.size + padding.height
renderText(ctx, tick.label, 0, -offset3, tickFont, {
color: optsAtIndex.color
drawTitle() {
RadialLinearScale.id = "radialLinear";
RadialLinearScale.defaults = {
display: true,
animate: true,
position: "chartArea",
angleLines: {
display: true,
lineWidth: 1,
borderDash: [],
borderDashOffset: 0
grid: {
circular: false
startAngle: 0,
ticks: {
showLabelBackdrop: true,
callback: Ticks.formatters.numeric
pointLabels: {
backdropColor: void 0,
backdropPadding: 2,
display: true,
font: {
size: 10
callback(label) {
return label;
padding: 5,
centerPointLabels: false
RadialLinearScale.defaultRoutes = {
"angleLines.color": "borderColor",
"pointLabels.color": "color",
"ticks.color": "color"
RadialLinearScale.descriptors = {
angleLines: {
_fallback: "grid"
millisecond: { common: true, size: 1, steps: 1e3 },
second: { common: true, size: 1e3, steps: 60 },
minute: { common: true, size: 6e4, steps: 60 },
hour: { common: true, size: 36e5, steps: 24 },
day: { common: true, size: 864e5, steps: 30 },
week: { common: false, size: 6048e5, steps: 4 },
month: { common: true, size: 2628e6, steps: 12 },
quarter: { common: false, size: 7884e6, steps: 4 },
year: { common: true, size: 3154e7 }
UNITS = Object.keys(INTERVALS);
TimeScale = class extends Scale {
constructor(props) {
this._cache = {
data: [],
labels: [],
all: []
this._unit = "day";
this._majorUnit = void 0;
this._offsets = {};
this._normalized = false;
this._parseOpts = void 0;
init(scaleOpts, opts) {
const time = scaleOpts.time || (scaleOpts.time = {});
const adapter = this._adapter = new adapters._date(scaleOpts.adapters.date);
mergeIf(time.displayFormats, adapter.formats());
this._parseOpts = {
parser: time.parser,
round: time.round,
isoWeekday: time.isoWeekday
this._normalized = opts.normalized;
parse(raw, index2) {
if (raw === void 0) {
return null;
return parse(this, raw);
beforeLayout() {
this._cache = {
data: [],
labels: [],
all: []
determineDataLimits() {
const options = this.options;
const adapter = this._adapter;
const unit = options.time.unit || "day";
let { min: min2, max: max2, minDefined, maxDefined } = this.getUserBounds();
function _applyBounds(bounds) {
if (!minDefined && !isNaN(bounds.min)) {
min2 = Math.min(min2, bounds.min);
if (!maxDefined && !isNaN(bounds.max)) {
max2 = Math.max(max2, bounds.max);
if (!minDefined || !maxDefined) {
if (options.bounds !== "ticks" || options.ticks.source !== "labels") {
min2 = isNumberFinite(min2) && !isNaN(min2) ? min2 : +adapter.startOf(Date.now(), unit);
max2 = isNumberFinite(max2) && !isNaN(max2) ? max2 : +adapter.endOf(Date.now(), unit) + 1;
this.min = Math.min(min2, max2 - 1);
this.max = Math.max(min2 + 1, max2);
_getLabelBounds() {
const arr = this.getLabelTimestamps();
let min2 = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
let max2 = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
if (arr.length) {
min2 = arr[0];
max2 = arr[arr.length - 1];
return { min: min2, max: max2 };
buildTicks() {
const options = this.options;
const timeOpts = options.time;
const tickOpts = options.ticks;
const timestamps = tickOpts.source === "labels" ? this.getLabelTimestamps() : this._generate();
if (options.bounds === "ticks" && timestamps.length) {
this.min = this._userMin || timestamps[0];
this.max = this._userMax || timestamps[timestamps.length - 1];
const min2 = this.min;
const max2 = this.max;
const ticks = _filterBetween(timestamps, min2, max2);
this._unit = timeOpts.unit || (tickOpts.autoSkip ? determineUnitForAutoTicks(timeOpts.minUnit, this.min, this.max, this._getLabelCapacity(min2)) : determineUnitForFormatting(this, ticks.length, timeOpts.minUnit, this.min, this.max));
this._majorUnit = !tickOpts.major.enabled || this._unit === "year" ? void 0 : determineMajorUnit(this._unit);
if (options.reverse) {
return ticksFromTimestamps(this, ticks, this._majorUnit);
initOffsets(timestamps) {
let start3 = 0;
let end2 = 0;
let first2, last;
if (this.options.offset && timestamps.length) {
first2 = this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[0]);
if (timestamps.length === 1) {
start3 = 1 - first2;
} else {
start3 = (this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[1]) - first2) / 2;
last = this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[timestamps.length - 1]);
if (timestamps.length === 1) {
end2 = last;
} else {
end2 = (last - this.getDecimalForValue(timestamps[timestamps.length - 2])) / 2;
const limit = timestamps.length < 3 ? 0.5 : 0.25;
start3 = _limitValue(start3, 0, limit);
end2 = _limitValue(end2, 0, limit);
this._offsets = { start: start3, end: end2, factor: 1 / (start3 + 1 + end2) };
_generate() {
const adapter = this._adapter;
const min2 = this.min;
const max2 = this.max;
const options = this.options;
const timeOpts = options.time;
const minor = timeOpts.unit || determineUnitForAutoTicks(timeOpts.minUnit, min2, max2, this._getLabelCapacity(min2));
const stepSize = valueOrDefault(timeOpts.stepSize, 1);
const weekday = minor === "week" ? timeOpts.isoWeekday : false;
const hasWeekday = isNumber(weekday) || weekday === true;
const ticks = {};
let first2 = min2;
let time, count;
if (hasWeekday) {
first2 = +adapter.startOf(first2, "isoWeek", weekday);
first2 = +adapter.startOf(first2, hasWeekday ? "day" : minor);
if (adapter.diff(max2, min2, minor) > 1e5 * stepSize) {
throw new Error(min2 + " and " + max2 + " are too far apart with stepSize of " + stepSize + " " + minor);
const timestamps = options.ticks.source === "data" && this.getDataTimestamps();
for (time = first2, count = 0; time < max2; time = +adapter.add(time, stepSize, minor), count++) {
addTick(ticks, time, timestamps);
if (time === max2 || options.bounds === "ticks" || count === 1) {
addTick(ticks, time, timestamps);
return Object.keys(ticks).sort((a4, b3) => a4 - b3).map((x3) => +x3);
getLabelForValue(value) {
const adapter = this._adapter;
const timeOpts = this.options.time;
if (timeOpts.tooltipFormat) {
return adapter.format(value, timeOpts.tooltipFormat);
return adapter.format(value, timeOpts.displayFormats.datetime);
_tickFormatFunction(time, index2, ticks, format2) {
const options = this.options;
const formats2 = options.time.displayFormats;
const unit = this._unit;
const majorUnit = this._majorUnit;
const minorFormat = unit && formats2[unit];
const majorFormat = majorUnit && formats2[majorUnit];
const tick = ticks[index2];
const major = majorUnit && majorFormat && tick && tick.major;
const label = this._adapter.format(time, format2 || (major ? majorFormat : minorFormat));
const formatter = options.ticks.callback;
return formatter ? callback(formatter, [label, index2, ticks], this) : label;
generateTickLabels(ticks) {
let i4, ilen, tick;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = ticks.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
tick = ticks[i4];
tick.label = this._tickFormatFunction(tick.value, i4, ticks);
getDecimalForValue(value) {
return value === null ? NaN : (value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min);
getPixelForValue(value) {
const offsets = this._offsets;
const pos = this.getDecimalForValue(value);
return this.getPixelForDecimal((offsets.start + pos) * offsets.factor);
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
const offsets = this._offsets;
const pos = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) / offsets.factor - offsets.end;
return this.min + pos * (this.max - this.min);
_getLabelSize(label) {
const ticksOpts = this.options.ticks;
const tickLabelWidth = this.ctx.measureText(label).width;
const angle = toRadians(this.isHorizontal() ? ticksOpts.maxRotation : ticksOpts.minRotation);
const cosRotation = Math.cos(angle);
const sinRotation = Math.sin(angle);
const tickFontSize = this._resolveTickFontOptions(0).size;
return {
w: tickLabelWidth * cosRotation + tickFontSize * sinRotation,
h: tickLabelWidth * sinRotation + tickFontSize * cosRotation
_getLabelCapacity(exampleTime) {
const timeOpts = this.options.time;
const displayFormats = timeOpts.displayFormats;
const format2 = displayFormats[timeOpts.unit] || displayFormats.millisecond;
const exampleLabel = this._tickFormatFunction(exampleTime, 0, ticksFromTimestamps(this, [exampleTime], this._majorUnit), format2);
const size = this._getLabelSize(exampleLabel);
const capacity = Math.floor(this.isHorizontal() ? this.width / size.w : this.height / size.h) - 1;
return capacity > 0 ? capacity : 1;
getDataTimestamps() {
let timestamps = this._cache.data || [];
let i4, ilen;
if (timestamps.length) {
return timestamps;
const metas = this.getMatchingVisibleMetas();
if (this._normalized && metas.length) {
return this._cache.data = metas[0].controller.getAllParsedValues(this);
for (i4 = 0, ilen = metas.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
timestamps = timestamps.concat(metas[i4].controller.getAllParsedValues(this));
return this._cache.data = this.normalize(timestamps);
getLabelTimestamps() {
const timestamps = this._cache.labels || [];
let i4, ilen;
if (timestamps.length) {
return timestamps;
const labels = this.getLabels();
for (i4 = 0, ilen = labels.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
timestamps.push(parse(this, labels[i4]));
return this._cache.labels = this._normalized ? timestamps : this.normalize(timestamps);
normalize(values) {
return _arrayUnique(values.sort(sorter));
TimeScale.id = "time";
TimeScale.defaults = {
bounds: "data",
adapters: {},
time: {
parser: false,
unit: false,
round: false,
isoWeekday: false,
minUnit: "millisecond",
displayFormats: {}
ticks: {
source: "auto",
major: {
enabled: false
TimeSeriesScale = class extends TimeScale {
constructor(props) {
this._table = [];
this._minPos = void 0;
this._tableRange = void 0;
initOffsets() {
const timestamps = this._getTimestampsForTable();
const table = this._table = this.buildLookupTable(timestamps);
this._minPos = interpolate(table, this.min);
this._tableRange = interpolate(table, this.max) - this._minPos;
buildLookupTable(timestamps) {
const { min: min2, max: max2 } = this;
const items = [];
const table = [];
let i4, ilen, prev, curr, next;
for (i4 = 0, ilen = timestamps.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
curr = timestamps[i4];
if (curr >= min2 && curr <= max2) {
if (items.length < 2) {
return [
{ time: min2, pos: 0 },
{ time: max2, pos: 1 }
for (i4 = 0, ilen = items.length; i4 < ilen; ++i4) {
next = items[i4 + 1];
prev = items[i4 - 1];
curr = items[i4];
if (Math.round((next + prev) / 2) !== curr) {
table.push({ time: curr, pos: i4 / (ilen - 1) });
return table;
_getTimestampsForTable() {
let timestamps = this._cache.all || [];
if (timestamps.length) {
return timestamps;
const data = this.getDataTimestamps();
const label = this.getLabelTimestamps();
if (data.length && label.length) {
timestamps = this.normalize(data.concat(label));
} else {
timestamps = data.length ? data : label;
timestamps = this._cache.all = timestamps;
return timestamps;
getDecimalForValue(value) {
return (interpolate(this._table, value) - this._minPos) / this._tableRange;
getValueForPixel(pixel) {
const offsets = this._offsets;
const decimal = this.getDecimalForPixel(pixel) / offsets.factor - offsets.end;
return interpolate(this._table, decimal * this._tableRange + this._minPos, true);
TimeSeriesScale.id = "timeseries";
TimeSeriesScale.defaults = TimeScale.defaults;
scales = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
registerables = [
// node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/auto/auto.esm.js
var auto_esm_default;
var init_auto_esm = __esm({
"node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chart.js/auto/auto.esm.js"() {
auto_esm_default = Chart;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/toInteger/index.js
function toInteger(dirtyNumber) {
if (dirtyNumber === null || dirtyNumber === true || dirtyNumber === false) {
return NaN;
var number = Number(dirtyNumber);
if (isNaN(number)) {
return number;
return number < 0 ? Math.ceil(number) : Math.floor(number);
var init_toInteger = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/toInteger/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/requiredArgs/index.js
function requiredArgs(required, args) {
if (args.length < required) {
throw new TypeError(required + " argument" + (required > 1 ? "s" : "") + " required, but only " + args.length + " present");
var init_requiredArgs = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/requiredArgs/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/toDate/index.js
function toDate(argument) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var argStr = Object.prototype.toString.call(argument);
if (argument instanceof Date || typeof argument === "object" && argStr === "[object Date]") {
return new Date(argument.getTime());
} else if (typeof argument === "number" || argStr === "[object Number]") {
return new Date(argument);
} else {
if ((typeof argument === "string" || argStr === "[object String]") && typeof console !== "undefined") {
console.warn("Starting with v2.0.0-beta.1 date-fns doesn't accept strings as date arguments. Please use `parseISO` to parse strings. See: https://git.io/fjule");
console.warn(new Error().stack);
return new Date(NaN);
var init_toDate = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/toDate/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addDays/index.js
function addDays(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return new Date(NaN);
if (!amount) {
return date;
date.setDate(date.getDate() + amount);
return date;
var init_addDays = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addDays/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMonths/index.js
function addMonths(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
if (isNaN(amount)) {
return new Date(NaN);
if (!amount) {
return date;
var dayOfMonth = date.getDate();
var endOfDesiredMonth = new Date(date.getTime());
endOfDesiredMonth.setMonth(date.getMonth() + amount + 1, 0);
var daysInMonth2 = endOfDesiredMonth.getDate();
if (dayOfMonth >= daysInMonth2) {
return endOfDesiredMonth;
} else {
date.setFullYear(endOfDesiredMonth.getFullYear(), endOfDesiredMonth.getMonth(), dayOfMonth);
return date;
var init_addMonths = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMonths/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMilliseconds/index.js
function addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var timestamp = toDate(dirtyDate).getTime();
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return new Date(timestamp + amount);
var init_addMilliseconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMilliseconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addHours/index.js
function addHours(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, amount * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR);
var init_addHours = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addHours/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfWeek/index.js
function startOfWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var day = date.getDay();
var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn;
date.setDate(date.getDate() - diff);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds/index.js
function getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date) {
var utcDate = new Date(Date.UTC(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), date.getHours(), date.getMinutes(), date.getSeconds(), date.getMilliseconds()));
return date.getTime() - utcDate.getTime();
var init_getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfDay/index.js
function startOfDay(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfDay = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfDay/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarDays/index.js
function differenceInCalendarDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var startOfDayLeft = startOfDay(dirtyDateLeft);
var startOfDayRight = startOfDay(dirtyDateRight);
var timestampLeft = startOfDayLeft.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayLeft);
var timestampRight = startOfDayRight.getTime() - getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(startOfDayRight);
return Math.round((timestampLeft - timestampRight) / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY);
var init_differenceInCalendarDays = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarDays/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMinutes/index.js
function addMinutes(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, amount * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE);
var init_addMinutes = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addMinutes/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addQuarters/index.js
function addQuarters(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
var months2 = amount * 3;
return addMonths(dirtyDate, months2);
var init_addQuarters = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addQuarters/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addSeconds/index.js
function addSeconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, amount * 1e3);
var init_addSeconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addSeconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addWeeks/index.js
function addWeeks(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
var days = amount * 7;
return addDays(dirtyDate, days);
var init_addWeeks = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addWeeks/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/addYears/index.js
function addYears(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMonths(dirtyDate, amount * 12);
var init_addYears = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/addYears/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/compareAsc/index.js
function compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
var diff = dateLeft.getTime() - dateRight.getTime();
if (diff < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (diff > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return diff;
var init_compareAsc = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/compareAsc/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/constants/index.js
var maxTime, millisecondsInMinute, millisecondsInHour, minTime;
var init_constants = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/constants/index.js"() {
maxTime = Math.pow(10, 8) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1e3;
millisecondsInMinute = 6e4;
millisecondsInHour = 36e5;
minTime = -maxTime;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/isDate/index.js
function isDate(value) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
return value instanceof Date || typeof value === "object" && Object.prototype.toString.call(value) === "[object Date]";
var init_isDate = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/isDate/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/isValid/index.js
function isValid(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
if (!isDate(dirtyDate) && typeof dirtyDate !== "number") {
return false;
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
return !isNaN(Number(date));
var init_isValid = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/isValid/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarMonths/index.js
function differenceInCalendarMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
var yearDiff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear();
var monthDiff = dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth();
return yearDiff * 12 + monthDiff;
var init_differenceInCalendarMonths = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarMonths/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarYears/index.js
function differenceInCalendarYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
return dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear();
var init_differenceInCalendarYears = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInCalendarYears/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInDays/index.js
function compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) {
var diff = dateLeft.getFullYear() - dateRight.getFullYear() || dateLeft.getMonth() - dateRight.getMonth() || dateLeft.getDate() - dateRight.getDate() || dateLeft.getHours() - dateRight.getHours() || dateLeft.getMinutes() - dateRight.getMinutes() || dateLeft.getSeconds() - dateRight.getSeconds() || dateLeft.getMilliseconds() - dateRight.getMilliseconds();
if (diff < 0) {
return -1;
} else if (diff > 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return diff;
function differenceInDays(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
var sign2 = compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight);
var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarDays(dateLeft, dateRight));
dateLeft.setDate(dateLeft.getDate() - sign2 * difference);
var isLastDayNotFull = Number(compareLocalAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign2);
var result = sign2 * (difference - isLastDayNotFull);
return result === 0 ? 0 : result;
var init_differenceInDays = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInDays/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMilliseconds/index.js
function differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
return toDate(dateLeft).getTime() - toDate(dateRight).getTime();
var init_differenceInMilliseconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMilliseconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/roundingMethods/index.js
function getRoundingMethod(method) {
return method ? roundingMap[method] : roundingMap[defaultRoundingMethod];
var roundingMap, defaultRoundingMethod;
var init_roundingMethods = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/roundingMethods/index.js"() {
roundingMap = {
ceil: Math.ceil,
round: Math.round,
floor: Math.floor,
trunc: function(value) {
return value < 0 ? Math.ceil(value) : Math.floor(value);
defaultRoundingMethod = "trunc";
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInHours/index.js
function differenceInHours(dateLeft, dateRight, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInHour;
return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff);
var init_differenceInHours = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInHours/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMinutes/index.js
function differenceInMinutes(dateLeft, dateRight, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / millisecondsInMinute;
return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff);
var init_differenceInMinutes = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMinutes/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfDay/index.js
function endOfDay(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfDay = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfDay/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMonth/index.js
function endOfMonth(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var month = date.getMonth();
date.setFullYear(date.getFullYear(), month + 1, 0);
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfMonth = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMonth/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/isLastDayOfMonth/index.js
function isLastDayOfMonth(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
return endOfDay(date).getTime() === endOfMonth(date).getTime();
var init_isLastDayOfMonth = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/isLastDayOfMonth/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMonths/index.js
function differenceInMonths(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
var sign2 = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight);
var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarMonths(dateLeft, dateRight));
var result;
if (difference < 1) {
result = 0;
} else {
if (dateLeft.getMonth() === 1 && dateLeft.getDate() > 27) {
dateLeft.setMonth(dateLeft.getMonth() - sign2 * difference);
var isLastMonthNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign2;
if (isLastDayOfMonth(toDate(dirtyDateLeft)) && difference === 1 && compareAsc(dirtyDateLeft, dateRight) === 1) {
isLastMonthNotFull = false;
result = sign2 * (difference - Number(isLastMonthNotFull));
return result === 0 ? 0 : result;
var init_differenceInMonths = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInMonths/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInQuarters/index.js
function differenceInQuarters(dateLeft, dateRight, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var diff = differenceInMonths(dateLeft, dateRight) / 3;
return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff);
var init_differenceInQuarters = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInQuarters/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInSeconds/index.js
function differenceInSeconds(dateLeft, dateRight, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var diff = differenceInMilliseconds(dateLeft, dateRight) / 1e3;
return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff);
var init_differenceInSeconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInSeconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInWeeks/index.js
function differenceInWeeks(dateLeft, dateRight, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var diff = differenceInDays(dateLeft, dateRight) / 7;
return getRoundingMethod(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.roundingMethod)(diff);
var init_differenceInWeeks = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInWeeks/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInYears/index.js
function differenceInYears(dirtyDateLeft, dirtyDateRight) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var dateLeft = toDate(dirtyDateLeft);
var dateRight = toDate(dirtyDateRight);
var sign2 = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight);
var difference = Math.abs(differenceInCalendarYears(dateLeft, dateRight));
var isLastYearNotFull = compareAsc(dateLeft, dateRight) === -sign2;
var result = sign2 * (difference - Number(isLastYearNotFull));
return result === 0 ? 0 : result;
var init_differenceInYears = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/differenceInYears/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfMinute/index.js
function startOfMinute(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setSeconds(0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfMinute = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfMinute/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfQuarter/index.js
function startOfQuarter(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var currentMonth = date.getMonth();
var month = currentMonth - currentMonth % 3;
date.setMonth(month, 1);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfQuarter = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfQuarter/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfMonth/index.js
function startOfMonth(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfMonth = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfMonth/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfYear/index.js
function startOfYear(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var cleanDate = toDate(dirtyDate);
var date = new Date(0);
date.setFullYear(cleanDate.getFullYear(), 0, 1);
date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfYear/index.js
function endOfYear(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var year = date.getFullYear();
date.setFullYear(year + 1, 0, 0);
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfHour/index.js
function endOfHour(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setMinutes(59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfHour = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfHour/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfWeek/index.js
function endOfWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var day = date.getDay();
var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? -7 : 0) + 6 - (day - weekStartsOn);
date.setDate(date.getDate() + diff);
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMinute/index.js
function endOfMinute(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setSeconds(59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfMinute = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfMinute/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfQuarter/index.js
function endOfQuarter(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var currentMonth = date.getMonth();
var month = currentMonth - currentMonth % 3 + 3;
date.setMonth(month, 0);
date.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
return date;
var init_endOfQuarter = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfQuarter/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfSecond/index.js
function endOfSecond(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
return date;
var init_endOfSecond = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/endOfSecond/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatDistance/index.js
var formatDistanceLocale, formatDistance, formatDistance_default;
var init_formatDistance = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatDistance/index.js"() {
formatDistanceLocale = {
lessThanXSeconds: {
one: "less than a second",
other: "less than {{count}} seconds"
xSeconds: {
one: "1 second",
other: "{{count}} seconds"
halfAMinute: "half a minute",
lessThanXMinutes: {
one: "less than a minute",
other: "less than {{count}} minutes"
xMinutes: {
one: "1 minute",
other: "{{count}} minutes"
aboutXHours: {
one: "about 1 hour",
other: "about {{count}} hours"
xHours: {
one: "1 hour",
other: "{{count}} hours"
xDays: {
one: "1 day",
other: "{{count}} days"
aboutXWeeks: {
one: "about 1 week",
other: "about {{count}} weeks"
xWeeks: {
one: "1 week",
other: "{{count}} weeks"
aboutXMonths: {
one: "about 1 month",
other: "about {{count}} months"
xMonths: {
one: "1 month",
other: "{{count}} months"
aboutXYears: {
one: "about 1 year",
other: "about {{count}} years"
xYears: {
one: "1 year",
other: "{{count}} years"
overXYears: {
one: "over 1 year",
other: "over {{count}} years"
almostXYears: {
one: "almost 1 year",
other: "almost {{count}} years"
formatDistance = function(token, count, options) {
var result;
var tokenValue = formatDistanceLocale[token];
if (typeof tokenValue === "string") {
result = tokenValue;
} else if (count === 1) {
result = tokenValue.one;
} else {
result = tokenValue.other.replace("{{count}}", count.toString());
if (options !== null && options !== void 0 && options.addSuffix) {
if (options.comparison && options.comparison > 0) {
return "in " + result;
} else {
return result + " ago";
return result;
formatDistance_default = formatDistance;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildFormatLongFn/index.js
function buildFormatLongFn(args) {
return function() {
var options = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth;
var format2 = args.formats[width] || args.formats[args.defaultWidth];
return format2;
var init_buildFormatLongFn = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildFormatLongFn/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatLong/index.js
var dateFormats, timeFormats, dateTimeFormats, formatLong, formatLong_default;
var init_formatLong = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatLong/index.js"() {
dateFormats = {
full: "EEEE, MMMM do, y",
long: "MMMM do, y",
medium: "MMM d, y",
short: "MM/dd/yyyy"
timeFormats = {
full: "h:mm:ss a zzzz",
long: "h:mm:ss a z",
medium: "h:mm:ss a",
short: "h:mm a"
dateTimeFormats = {
full: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}",
long: "{{date}} 'at' {{time}}",
medium: "{{date}}, {{time}}",
short: "{{date}}, {{time}}"
formatLong = {
date: buildFormatLongFn({
formats: dateFormats,
defaultWidth: "full"
time: buildFormatLongFn({
formats: timeFormats,
defaultWidth: "full"
dateTime: buildFormatLongFn({
formats: dateTimeFormats,
defaultWidth: "full"
formatLong_default = formatLong;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatRelative/index.js
var formatRelativeLocale, formatRelative, formatRelative_default;
var init_formatRelative = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/formatRelative/index.js"() {
formatRelativeLocale = {
lastWeek: "'last' eeee 'at' p",
yesterday: "'yesterday at' p",
today: "'today at' p",
tomorrow: "'tomorrow at' p",
nextWeek: "eeee 'at' p",
other: "P"
formatRelative = function(token, _date, _baseDate, _options) {
return formatRelativeLocale[token];
formatRelative_default = formatRelative;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildLocalizeFn/index.js
function buildLocalizeFn(args) {
return function(dirtyIndex, dirtyOptions) {
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var context = options.context ? String(options.context) : "standalone";
var valuesArray;
if (context === "formatting" && args.formattingValues) {
var defaultWidth = args.defaultFormattingWidth || args.defaultWidth;
var width = options.width ? String(options.width) : defaultWidth;
valuesArray = args.formattingValues[width] || args.formattingValues[defaultWidth];
} else {
var _defaultWidth = args.defaultWidth;
var _width = options.width ? String(options.width) : args.defaultWidth;
valuesArray = args.values[_width] || args.values[_defaultWidth];
var index2 = args.argumentCallback ? args.argumentCallback(dirtyIndex) : dirtyIndex;
return valuesArray[index2];
var init_buildLocalizeFn = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildLocalizeFn/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/localize/index.js
var eraValues, quarterValues, monthValues, dayValues, dayPeriodValues, formattingDayPeriodValues, ordinalNumber, localize, localize_default;
var init_localize = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/localize/index.js"() {
eraValues = {
narrow: ["B", "A"],
abbreviated: ["BC", "AD"],
wide: ["Before Christ", "Anno Domini"]
quarterValues = {
narrow: ["1", "2", "3", "4"],
abbreviated: ["Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4"],
wide: ["1st quarter", "2nd quarter", "3rd quarter", "4th quarter"]
monthValues = {
narrow: ["J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D"],
abbreviated: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
wide: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]
dayValues = {
narrow: ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"],
short: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
abbreviated: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
wide: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
dayPeriodValues = {
narrow: {
am: "a",
pm: "p",
midnight: "mi",
noon: "n",
morning: "morning",
afternoon: "afternoon",
evening: "evening",
night: "night"
abbreviated: {
am: "AM",
pm: "PM",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "morning",
afternoon: "afternoon",
evening: "evening",
night: "night"
wide: {
am: "a.m.",
pm: "p.m.",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "morning",
afternoon: "afternoon",
evening: "evening",
night: "night"
formattingDayPeriodValues = {
narrow: {
am: "a",
pm: "p",
midnight: "mi",
noon: "n",
morning: "in the morning",
afternoon: "in the afternoon",
evening: "in the evening",
night: "at night"
abbreviated: {
am: "AM",
pm: "PM",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "in the morning",
afternoon: "in the afternoon",
evening: "in the evening",
night: "at night"
wide: {
am: "a.m.",
pm: "p.m.",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "in the morning",
afternoon: "in the afternoon",
evening: "in the evening",
night: "at night"
ordinalNumber = function(dirtyNumber, _options) {
var number = Number(dirtyNumber);
var rem100 = number % 100;
if (rem100 > 20 || rem100 < 10) {
switch (rem100 % 10) {
case 1:
return number + "st";
case 2:
return number + "nd";
case 3:
return number + "rd";
return number + "th";
localize = {
era: buildLocalizeFn({
values: eraValues,
defaultWidth: "wide"
quarter: buildLocalizeFn({
values: quarterValues,
defaultWidth: "wide",
argumentCallback: function(quarter) {
return quarter - 1;
month: buildLocalizeFn({
values: monthValues,
defaultWidth: "wide"
day: buildLocalizeFn({
values: dayValues,
defaultWidth: "wide"
dayPeriod: buildLocalizeFn({
values: dayPeriodValues,
defaultWidth: "wide",
formattingValues: formattingDayPeriodValues,
defaultFormattingWidth: "wide"
localize_default = localize;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchFn/index.js
function buildMatchFn(args) {
return function(string) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
var width = options.width;
var matchPattern = width && args.matchPatterns[width] || args.matchPatterns[args.defaultMatchWidth];
var matchResult = string.match(matchPattern);
if (!matchResult) {
return null;
var matchedString = matchResult[0];
var parsePatterns = width && args.parsePatterns[width] || args.parsePatterns[args.defaultParseWidth];
var key = Array.isArray(parsePatterns) ? findIndex(parsePatterns, function(pattern) {
return pattern.test(matchedString);
}) : findKey(parsePatterns, function(pattern) {
return pattern.test(matchedString);
var value;
value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(key) : key;
value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value;
var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length);
return {
function findKey(object, predicate) {
for (var key in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key) && predicate(object[key])) {
return key;
return void 0;
function findIndex(array, predicate) {
for (var key = 0; key < array.length; key++) {
if (predicate(array[key])) {
return key;
return void 0;
var init_buildMatchFn = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchFn/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchPatternFn/index.js
function buildMatchPatternFn(args) {
return function(string) {
var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
var matchResult = string.match(args.matchPattern);
if (!matchResult)
return null;
var matchedString = matchResult[0];
var parseResult = string.match(args.parsePattern);
if (!parseResult)
return null;
var value = args.valueCallback ? args.valueCallback(parseResult[0]) : parseResult[0];
value = options.valueCallback ? options.valueCallback(value) : value;
var rest = string.slice(matchedString.length);
return {
var init_buildMatchPatternFn = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/_lib/buildMatchPatternFn/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/match/index.js
var matchOrdinalNumberPattern, parseOrdinalNumberPattern, matchEraPatterns, parseEraPatterns, matchQuarterPatterns, parseQuarterPatterns, matchMonthPatterns, parseMonthPatterns, matchDayPatterns, parseDayPatterns, matchDayPeriodPatterns, parseDayPeriodPatterns, match, match_default;
var init_match = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/_lib/match/index.js"() {
matchOrdinalNumberPattern = /^(\d+)(th|st|nd|rd)?/i;
parseOrdinalNumberPattern = /\d+/i;
matchEraPatterns = {
narrow: /^(b|a)/i,
abbreviated: /^(b\.?\s?c\.?|b\.?\s?c\.?\s?e\.?|a\.?\s?d\.?|c\.?\s?e\.?)/i,
wide: /^(before christ|before common era|anno domini|common era)/i
parseEraPatterns = {
any: [/^b/i, /^(a|c)/i]
matchQuarterPatterns = {
narrow: /^[1234]/i,
abbreviated: /^q[1234]/i,
wide: /^[1234](th|st|nd|rd)? quarter/i
parseQuarterPatterns = {
any: [/1/i, /2/i, /3/i, /4/i]
matchMonthPatterns = {
narrow: /^[jfmasond]/i,
abbreviated: /^(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec)/i,
wide: /^(january|february|march|april|may|june|july|august|september|october|november|december)/i
parseMonthPatterns = {
narrow: [/^j/i, /^f/i, /^m/i, /^a/i, /^m/i, /^j/i, /^j/i, /^a/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i],
any: [/^ja/i, /^f/i, /^mar/i, /^ap/i, /^may/i, /^jun/i, /^jul/i, /^au/i, /^s/i, /^o/i, /^n/i, /^d/i]
matchDayPatterns = {
narrow: /^[smtwf]/i,
short: /^(su|mo|tu|we|th|fr|sa)/i,
abbreviated: /^(sun|mon|tue|wed|thu|fri|sat)/i,
wide: /^(sunday|monday|tuesday|wednesday|thursday|friday|saturday)/i
parseDayPatterns = {
narrow: [/^s/i, /^m/i, /^t/i, /^w/i, /^t/i, /^f/i, /^s/i],
any: [/^su/i, /^m/i, /^tu/i, /^w/i, /^th/i, /^f/i, /^sa/i]
matchDayPeriodPatterns = {
narrow: /^(a|p|mi|n|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i,
any: /^([ap]\.?\s?m\.?|midnight|noon|(in the|at) (morning|afternoon|evening|night))/i
parseDayPeriodPatterns = {
any: {
am: /^a/i,
pm: /^p/i,
midnight: /^mi/i,
noon: /^no/i,
morning: /morning/i,
afternoon: /afternoon/i,
evening: /evening/i,
night: /night/i
match = {
ordinalNumber: buildMatchPatternFn({
matchPattern: matchOrdinalNumberPattern,
parsePattern: parseOrdinalNumberPattern,
valueCallback: function(value) {
return parseInt(value, 10);
era: buildMatchFn({
matchPatterns: matchEraPatterns,
defaultMatchWidth: "wide",
parsePatterns: parseEraPatterns,
defaultParseWidth: "any"
quarter: buildMatchFn({
matchPatterns: matchQuarterPatterns,
defaultMatchWidth: "wide",
parsePatterns: parseQuarterPatterns,
defaultParseWidth: "any",
valueCallback: function(index2) {
return index2 + 1;
month: buildMatchFn({
matchPatterns: matchMonthPatterns,
defaultMatchWidth: "wide",
parsePatterns: parseMonthPatterns,
defaultParseWidth: "any"
day: buildMatchFn({
matchPatterns: matchDayPatterns,
defaultMatchWidth: "wide",
parsePatterns: parseDayPatterns,
defaultParseWidth: "any"
dayPeriod: buildMatchFn({
matchPatterns: matchDayPeriodPatterns,
defaultMatchWidth: "any",
parsePatterns: parseDayPeriodPatterns,
defaultParseWidth: "any"
match_default = match;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/index.js
var locale, en_US_default;
var init_en_US = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/locale/en-US/index.js"() {
locale = {
code: "en-US",
formatDistance: formatDistance_default,
formatLong: formatLong_default,
formatRelative: formatRelative_default,
localize: localize_default,
match: match_default,
options: {
weekStartsOn: 0,
firstWeekContainsDate: 1
en_US_default = locale;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/subMilliseconds/index.js
function subMilliseconds(dirtyDate, dirtyAmount) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var amount = toInteger(dirtyAmount);
return addMilliseconds(dirtyDate, -amount);
var init_subMilliseconds = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/subMilliseconds/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCDayOfYear/index.js
function getUTCDayOfYear(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var timestamp = date.getTime();
date.setUTCMonth(0, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var startOfYearTimestamp = date.getTime();
var difference = timestamp - startOfYearTimestamp;
return Math.floor(difference / MILLISECONDS_IN_DAY2) + 1;
var init_getUTCDayOfYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCDayOfYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js
function startOfUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var weekStartsOn = 1;
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var day = date.getUTCDay();
var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfUTCISOWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js
function getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear = new Date(0);
fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, 4);
fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfNextYear);
var fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear = new Date(0);
fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4);
fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuaryOfThisYear);
if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) {
return year + 1;
} else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) {
return year;
} else {
return year - 1;
var init_getUTCISOWeekYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeekYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeekYear/index.js
function startOfUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var year = getUTCISOWeekYear(dirtyDate);
var fourthOfJanuary = new Date(0);
fourthOfJanuary.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 4);
fourthOfJanuary.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var date = startOfUTCISOWeek(fourthOfJanuary);
return date;
var init_startOfUTCISOWeekYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCISOWeekYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeek/index.js
function getUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var diff = startOfUTCISOWeek(date).getTime() - startOfUTCISOWeekYear(date).getTime();
return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK) + 1;
var init_getUTCISOWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCISOWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeek/index.js
function startOfUTCWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var day = date.getUTCDay();
var diff = (day < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - weekStartsOn;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfUTCWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeekYear/index.js
function getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeFirstWeekContainsDate = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.firstWeekContainsDate;
var defaultFirstWeekContainsDate = localeFirstWeekContainsDate == null ? 1 : toInteger(localeFirstWeekContainsDate);
var firstWeekContainsDate = options.firstWeekContainsDate == null ? defaultFirstWeekContainsDate : toInteger(options.firstWeekContainsDate);
if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) {
throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively");
var firstWeekOfNextYear = new Date(0);
firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCFullYear(year + 1, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);
firstWeekOfNextYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var startOfNextYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfNextYear, dirtyOptions);
var firstWeekOfThisYear = new Date(0);
firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);
firstWeekOfThisYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var startOfThisYear = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeekOfThisYear, dirtyOptions);
if (date.getTime() >= startOfNextYear.getTime()) {
return year + 1;
} else if (date.getTime() >= startOfThisYear.getTime()) {
return year;
} else {
return year - 1;
var init_getUTCWeekYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeekYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeekYear/index.js
function startOfUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeFirstWeekContainsDate = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.firstWeekContainsDate;
var defaultFirstWeekContainsDate = localeFirstWeekContainsDate == null ? 1 : toInteger(localeFirstWeekContainsDate);
var firstWeekContainsDate = options.firstWeekContainsDate == null ? defaultFirstWeekContainsDate : toInteger(options.firstWeekContainsDate);
var year = getUTCWeekYear(dirtyDate, dirtyOptions);
var firstWeek = new Date(0);
firstWeek.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, firstWeekContainsDate);
firstWeek.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var date = startOfUTCWeek(firstWeek, dirtyOptions);
return date;
var init_startOfUTCWeekYear = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/startOfUTCWeekYear/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeek/index.js
function getUTCWeek(dirtyDate, options) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var diff = startOfUTCWeek(date, options).getTime() - startOfUTCWeekYear(date, options).getTime();
return Math.round(diff / MILLISECONDS_IN_WEEK2) + 1;
var init_getUTCWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/getUTCWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js
function addLeadingZeros(number, targetLength) {
var sign2 = number < 0 ? "-" : "";
var output = Math.abs(number).toString();
while (output.length < targetLength) {
output = "0" + output;
return sign2 + output;
var init_addLeadingZeros = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/addLeadingZeros/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/lightFormatters/index.js
var formatters2, lightFormatters_default;
var init_lightFormatters = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/lightFormatters/index.js"() {
formatters2 = {
y: function(date, token) {
var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear;
return addLeadingZeros(token === "yy" ? year % 100 : year, token.length);
M: function(date, token) {
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
return token === "M" ? String(month + 1) : addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2);
d: function(date, token) {
return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCDate(), token.length);
a: function(date, token) {
var dayPeriodEnumValue = date.getUTCHours() / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am";
switch (token) {
case "a":
case "aa":
return dayPeriodEnumValue.toUpperCase();
case "aaa":
return dayPeriodEnumValue;
case "aaaaa":
return dayPeriodEnumValue[0];
case "aaaa":
return dayPeriodEnumValue === "am" ? "a.m." : "p.m.";
h: function(date, token) {
return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, token.length);
H: function(date, token) {
return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCHours(), token.length);
m: function(date, token) {
return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCMinutes(), token.length);
s: function(date, token) {
return addLeadingZeros(date.getUTCSeconds(), token.length);
S: function(date, token) {
var numberOfDigits = token.length;
var milliseconds = date.getUTCMilliseconds();
var fractionalSeconds = Math.floor(milliseconds * Math.pow(10, numberOfDigits - 3));
return addLeadingZeros(fractionalSeconds, token.length);
lightFormatters_default = formatters2;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/formatters/index.js
function formatTimezoneShort(offset3, dirtyDelimiter) {
var sign2 = offset3 > 0 ? "-" : "+";
var absOffset = Math.abs(offset3);
var hours = Math.floor(absOffset / 60);
var minutes = absOffset % 60;
if (minutes === 0) {
return sign2 + String(hours);
var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || "";
return sign2 + String(hours) + delimiter + addLeadingZeros(minutes, 2);
function formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(offset3, dirtyDelimiter) {
if (offset3 % 60 === 0) {
var sign2 = offset3 > 0 ? "-" : "+";
return sign2 + addLeadingZeros(Math.abs(offset3) / 60, 2);
return formatTimezone(offset3, dirtyDelimiter);
function formatTimezone(offset3, dirtyDelimiter) {
var delimiter = dirtyDelimiter || "";
var sign2 = offset3 > 0 ? "-" : "+";
var absOffset = Math.abs(offset3);
var hours = addLeadingZeros(Math.floor(absOffset / 60), 2);
var minutes = addLeadingZeros(absOffset % 60, 2);
return sign2 + hours + delimiter + minutes;
var dayPeriodEnum, formatters3, formatters_default;
var init_formatters = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/formatters/index.js"() {
dayPeriodEnum = {
am: "am",
pm: "pm",
midnight: "midnight",
noon: "noon",
morning: "morning",
afternoon: "afternoon",
evening: "evening",
night: "night"
formatters3 = {
G: function(date, token, localize2) {
var era = date.getUTCFullYear() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
switch (token) {
case "G":
case "GG":
case "GGG":
return localize2.era(era, {
width: "abbreviated"
case "GGGGG":
return localize2.era(era, {
width: "narrow"
case "GGGG":
return localize2.era(era, {
width: "wide"
y: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "yo") {
var signedYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
var year = signedYear > 0 ? signedYear : 1 - signedYear;
return localize2.ordinalNumber(year, {
unit: "year"
return lightFormatters_default.y(date, token);
Y: function(date, token, localize2, options) {
var signedWeekYear = getUTCWeekYear(date, options);
var weekYear = signedWeekYear > 0 ? signedWeekYear : 1 - signedWeekYear;
if (token === "YY") {
var twoDigitYear = weekYear % 100;
return addLeadingZeros(twoDigitYear, 2);
if (token === "Yo") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(weekYear, {
unit: "year"
return addLeadingZeros(weekYear, token.length);
R: function(date, token) {
var isoWeekYear = getUTCISOWeekYear(date);
return addLeadingZeros(isoWeekYear, token.length);
u: function(date, token) {
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
return addLeadingZeros(year, token.length);
Q: function(date, token, localize2) {
var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3);
switch (token) {
case "Q":
return String(quarter);
case "QQ":
return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2);
case "Qo":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, {
unit: "quarter"
case "QQQ":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "QQQQQ":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "QQQQ":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
q: function(date, token, localize2) {
var quarter = Math.ceil((date.getUTCMonth() + 1) / 3);
switch (token) {
case "q":
return String(quarter);
case "qq":
return addLeadingZeros(quarter, 2);
case "qo":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(quarter, {
unit: "quarter"
case "qqq":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
case "qqqqq":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "qqqq":
return localize2.quarter(quarter, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
M: function(date, token, localize2) {
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
switch (token) {
case "M":
case "MM":
return lightFormatters_default.M(date, token);
case "Mo":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, {
unit: "month"
case "MMM":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "MMMMM":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "MMMM":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
L: function(date, token, localize2) {
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
switch (token) {
case "L":
return String(month + 1);
case "LL":
return addLeadingZeros(month + 1, 2);
case "Lo":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(month + 1, {
unit: "month"
case "LLL":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
case "LLLLL":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "LLLL":
return localize2.month(month, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
w: function(date, token, localize2, options) {
var week = getUTCWeek(date, options);
if (token === "wo") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(week, {
unit: "week"
return addLeadingZeros(week, token.length);
I: function(date, token, localize2) {
var isoWeek = getUTCISOWeek(date);
if (token === "Io") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoWeek, {
unit: "week"
return addLeadingZeros(isoWeek, token.length);
d: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "do") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCDate(), {
unit: "date"
return lightFormatters_default.d(date, token);
D: function(date, token, localize2) {
var dayOfYear = getUTCDayOfYear(date);
if (token === "Do") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(dayOfYear, {
unit: "dayOfYear"
return addLeadingZeros(dayOfYear, token.length);
E: function(date, token, localize2) {
var dayOfWeek2 = date.getUTCDay();
switch (token) {
case "E":
case "EE":
case "EEE":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEEE":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEEEE":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEE":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
e: function(date, token, localize2, options) {
var dayOfWeek2 = date.getUTCDay();
var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek2 - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;
switch (token) {
case "e":
return String(localDayOfWeek);
case "ee":
return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, 2);
case "eo":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, {
unit: "day"
case "eee":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "eeeee":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "eeeeee":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
case "eeee":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
c: function(date, token, localize2, options) {
var dayOfWeek2 = date.getUTCDay();
var localDayOfWeek = (dayOfWeek2 - options.weekStartsOn + 8) % 7 || 7;
switch (token) {
case "c":
return String(localDayOfWeek);
case "cc":
return addLeadingZeros(localDayOfWeek, token.length);
case "co":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(localDayOfWeek, {
unit: "day"
case "ccc":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
case "ccccc":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "cccccc":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "short",
context: "standalone"
case "cccc":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
i: function(date, token, localize2) {
var dayOfWeek2 = date.getUTCDay();
var isoDayOfWeek = dayOfWeek2 === 0 ? 7 : dayOfWeek2;
switch (token) {
case "i":
return String(isoDayOfWeek);
case "ii":
return addLeadingZeros(isoDayOfWeek, token.length);
case "io":
return localize2.ordinalNumber(isoDayOfWeek, {
unit: "day"
case "iii":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "iiiii":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "iiiiii":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
case "iiii":
return localize2.day(dayOfWeek2, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
a: function(date, token, localize2) {
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
var dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am";
switch (token) {
case "a":
case "aa":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "aaa":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "aaaaa":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "aaaa":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
b: function(date, token, localize2) {
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
var dayPeriodEnumValue;
if (hours === 12) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.noon;
} else if (hours === 0) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.midnight;
} else {
dayPeriodEnumValue = hours / 12 >= 1 ? "pm" : "am";
switch (token) {
case "b":
case "bb":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "bbb":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "bbbbb":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "bbbb":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
B: function(date, token, localize2) {
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
var dayPeriodEnumValue;
if (hours >= 17) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.evening;
} else if (hours >= 12) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.afternoon;
} else if (hours >= 4) {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.morning;
} else {
dayPeriodEnumValue = dayPeriodEnum.night;
switch (token) {
case "B":
case "BB":
case "BBB":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
case "BBBBB":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "BBBB":
return localize2.dayPeriod(dayPeriodEnumValue, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
h: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "ho") {
var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12;
if (hours === 0)
hours = 12;
return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, {
unit: "hour"
return lightFormatters_default.h(date, token);
H: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "Ho") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCHours(), {
unit: "hour"
return lightFormatters_default.H(date, token);
K: function(date, token, localize2) {
var hours = date.getUTCHours() % 12;
if (token === "Ko") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, {
unit: "hour"
return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length);
k: function(date, token, localize2) {
var hours = date.getUTCHours();
if (hours === 0)
hours = 24;
if (token === "ko") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(hours, {
unit: "hour"
return addLeadingZeros(hours, token.length);
m: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "mo") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCMinutes(), {
unit: "minute"
return lightFormatters_default.m(date, token);
s: function(date, token, localize2) {
if (token === "so") {
return localize2.ordinalNumber(date.getUTCSeconds(), {
unit: "second"
return lightFormatters_default.s(date, token);
S: function(date, token) {
return lightFormatters_default.S(date, token);
X: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();
if (timezoneOffset === 0) {
return "Z";
switch (token) {
case "X":
return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);
case "XXXX":
case "XX":
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);
case "XXXXX":
case "XXX":
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
x: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
case "x":
return formatTimezoneWithOptionalMinutes(timezoneOffset);
case "xxxx":
case "xx":
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset);
case "xxxxx":
case "xxx":
return formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
O: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
case "O":
case "OO":
case "OOO":
return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":");
case "OOOO":
return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
z: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timezoneOffset = originalDate.getTimezoneOffset();
switch (token) {
case "z":
case "zz":
case "zzz":
return "GMT" + formatTimezoneShort(timezoneOffset, ":");
case "zzzz":
return "GMT" + formatTimezone(timezoneOffset, ":");
t: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timestamp = Math.floor(originalDate.getTime() / 1e3);
return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length);
T: function(date, token, _localize, options) {
var originalDate = options._originalDate || date;
var timestamp = originalDate.getTime();
return addLeadingZeros(timestamp, token.length);
formatters_default = formatters3;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/longFormatters/index.js
function dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2) {
switch (pattern) {
case "P":
return formatLong2.date({
width: "short"
case "PP":
return formatLong2.date({
width: "medium"
case "PPP":
return formatLong2.date({
width: "long"
case "PPPP":
return formatLong2.date({
width: "full"
function timeLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2) {
switch (pattern) {
case "p":
return formatLong2.time({
width: "short"
case "pp":
return formatLong2.time({
width: "medium"
case "ppp":
return formatLong2.time({
width: "long"
case "pppp":
return formatLong2.time({
width: "full"
function dateTimeLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2) {
var matchResult = pattern.match(/(P+)(p+)?/) || [];
var datePattern = matchResult[1];
var timePattern = matchResult[2];
if (!timePattern) {
return dateLongFormatter(pattern, formatLong2);
var dateTimeFormat;
switch (datePattern) {
case "P":
dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({
width: "short"
case "PP":
dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({
width: "medium"
case "PPP":
dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({
width: "long"
case "PPPP":
dateTimeFormat = formatLong2.dateTime({
width: "full"
return dateTimeFormat.replace("{{date}}", dateLongFormatter(datePattern, formatLong2)).replace("{{time}}", timeLongFormatter(timePattern, formatLong2));
var longFormatters, longFormatters_default;
var init_longFormatters = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/format/longFormatters/index.js"() {
longFormatters = {
p: timeLongFormatter,
P: dateTimeLongFormatter
longFormatters_default = longFormatters;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/protectedTokens/index.js
function isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token) {
return protectedDayOfYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1;
function isProtectedWeekYearToken(token) {
return protectedWeekYearTokens.indexOf(token) !== -1;
function throwProtectedError(token, format2, input) {
if (token === "YYYY") {
throw new RangeError("Use `yyyy` instead of `YYYY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://git.io/fxCyr"));
} else if (token === "YY") {
throw new RangeError("Use `yy` instead of `YY` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting years to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://git.io/fxCyr"));
} else if (token === "D") {
throw new RangeError("Use `d` instead of `D` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://git.io/fxCyr"));
} else if (token === "DD") {
throw new RangeError("Use `dd` instead of `DD` (in `".concat(format2, "`) for formatting days of the month to the input `").concat(input, "`; see: https://git.io/fxCyr"));
var protectedDayOfYearTokens, protectedWeekYearTokens;
var init_protectedTokens = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/protectedTokens/index.js"() {
protectedDayOfYearTokens = ["D", "DD"];
protectedWeekYearTokens = ["YY", "YYYY"];
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/format/index.js
function format(dirtyDate, dirtyFormatStr, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var formatStr = String(dirtyFormatStr);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale || en_US_default;
var localeFirstWeekContainsDate = locale2.options && locale2.options.firstWeekContainsDate;
var defaultFirstWeekContainsDate = localeFirstWeekContainsDate == null ? 1 : toInteger(localeFirstWeekContainsDate);
var firstWeekContainsDate = options.firstWeekContainsDate == null ? defaultFirstWeekContainsDate : toInteger(options.firstWeekContainsDate);
if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) {
throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively");
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
if (!locale2.localize) {
throw new RangeError("locale must contain localize property");
if (!locale2.formatLong) {
throw new RangeError("locale must contain formatLong property");
var originalDate = toDate(dirtyDate);
if (!isValid(originalDate)) {
throw new RangeError("Invalid time value");
var timezoneOffset = getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(originalDate);
var utcDate = subMilliseconds(originalDate, timezoneOffset);
var formatterOptions = {
locale: locale2,
_originalDate: originalDate
var result = formatStr.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) {
var firstCharacter = substring[0];
if (firstCharacter === "p" || firstCharacter === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters_default[firstCharacter];
return longFormatter(substring, locale2.formatLong, formatterOptions);
return substring;
}).join("").match(formattingTokensRegExp).map(function(substring) {
if (substring === "''") {
return "'";
var firstCharacter = substring[0];
if (firstCharacter === "'") {
return cleanEscapedString(substring);
var formatter = formatters_default[firstCharacter];
if (formatter) {
if (!options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens && isProtectedWeekYearToken(substring)) {
throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, dirtyDate);
if (!options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(substring)) {
throwProtectedError(substring, dirtyFormatStr, dirtyDate);
return formatter(utcDate, substring, locale2.localize, formatterOptions);
if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp)) {
throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`");
return substring;
return result;
function cleanEscapedString(input) {
return input.match(escapedStringRegExp)[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp, "'");
var formattingTokensRegExp, longFormattingTokensRegExp, escapedStringRegExp, doubleQuoteRegExp, unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp;
var init_format = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/format/index.js"() {
formattingTokensRegExp = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
longFormattingTokensRegExp = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
escapedStringRegExp = /^'([^]*?)'?$/;
doubleQuoteRegExp = /''/g;
unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp = /[a-zA-Z]/;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/assign/index.js
function assign(target, dirtyObject) {
if (target == null) {
throw new TypeError("assign requires that input parameter not be null or undefined");
dirtyObject = dirtyObject || {};
for (var property in dirtyObject) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(dirtyObject, property)) {
target[property] = dirtyObject[property];
return target;
var init_assign = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/assign/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCDay/index.js
function setUTCDay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale;
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2 && locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var day = toInteger(dirtyDay);
var currentDay = date.getUTCDay();
var remainder = day % 7;
var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7;
var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff);
return date;
var init_setUTCDay = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCDay/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCISODay/index.js
function setUTCISODay(dirtyDate, dirtyDay) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var day = toInteger(dirtyDay);
if (day % 7 === 0) {
day = day - 7;
var weekStartsOn = 1;
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var currentDay = date.getUTCDay();
var remainder = day % 7;
var dayIndex = (remainder + 7) % 7;
var diff = (dayIndex < weekStartsOn ? 7 : 0) + day - currentDay;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff);
return date;
var init_setUTCISODay = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCISODay/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCISOWeek/index.js
function setUTCISOWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyISOWeek) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var isoWeek = toInteger(dirtyISOWeek);
var diff = getUTCISOWeek(date) - isoWeek;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7);
return date;
var init_setUTCISOWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCISOWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCWeek/index.js
function setUTCWeek(dirtyDate, dirtyWeek, options) {
requiredArgs(2, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
var week = toInteger(dirtyWeek);
var diff = getUTCWeek(date, options) - week;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() - diff * 7);
return date;
var init_setUTCWeek = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/_lib/setUTCWeek/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/parse/_lib/parsers/index.js
function parseNumericPattern(pattern, string, valueCallback) {
var matchResult = string.match(pattern);
if (!matchResult) {
return null;
var value = parseInt(matchResult[0], 10);
return {
value: valueCallback ? valueCallback(value) : value,
rest: string.slice(matchResult[0].length)
function parseTimezonePattern(pattern, string) {
var matchResult = string.match(pattern);
if (!matchResult) {
return null;
if (matchResult[0] === "Z") {
return {
value: 0,
rest: string.slice(1)
var sign2 = matchResult[1] === "+" ? 1 : -1;
var hours = matchResult[2] ? parseInt(matchResult[2], 10) : 0;
var minutes = matchResult[3] ? parseInt(matchResult[3], 10) : 0;
var seconds = matchResult[5] ? parseInt(matchResult[5], 10) : 0;
return {
value: sign2 * (hours * MILLISECONDS_IN_HOUR2 + minutes * MILLISECONDS_IN_MINUTE2 + seconds * MILLISECONDS_IN_SECOND),
rest: string.slice(matchResult[0].length)
function parseAnyDigitsSigned(string, valueCallback) {
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.anyDigitsSigned, string, valueCallback);
function parseNDigits(n6, string, valueCallback) {
switch (n6) {
case 1:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigit, string, valueCallback);
case 2:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigits, string, valueCallback);
case 3:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigits, string, valueCallback);
case 4:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigits, string, valueCallback);
return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^\\d{1," + n6 + "}"), string, valueCallback);
function parseNDigitsSigned(n6, string, valueCallback) {
switch (n6) {
case 1:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.singleDigitSigned, string, valueCallback);
case 2:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.twoDigitsSigned, string, valueCallback);
case 3:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.threeDigitsSigned, string, valueCallback);
case 4:
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.fourDigitsSigned, string, valueCallback);
return parseNumericPattern(new RegExp("^-?\\d{1," + n6 + "}"), string, valueCallback);
function dayPeriodEnumToHours(enumValue) {
switch (enumValue) {
case "morning":
return 4;
case "evening":
return 17;
case "pm":
case "noon":
case "afternoon":
return 12;
case "am":
case "midnight":
case "night":
return 0;
function normalizeTwoDigitYear(twoDigitYear, currentYear) {
var isCommonEra = currentYear > 0;
var absCurrentYear = isCommonEra ? currentYear : 1 - currentYear;
var result;
if (absCurrentYear <= 50) {
result = twoDigitYear || 100;
} else {
var rangeEnd = absCurrentYear + 50;
var rangeEndCentury = Math.floor(rangeEnd / 100) * 100;
var isPreviousCentury = twoDigitYear >= rangeEnd % 100;
result = twoDigitYear + rangeEndCentury - (isPreviousCentury ? 100 : 0);
return isCommonEra ? result : 1 - result;
function isLeapYearIndex(year) {
return year % 400 === 0 || year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0;
var init_parsers = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/parse/_lib/parsers/index.js"() {
numericPatterns = {
month: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/,
date: /^(3[0-1]|[0-2]?\d)/,
dayOfYear: /^(36[0-6]|3[0-5]\d|[0-2]?\d?\d)/,
week: /^(5[0-3]|[0-4]?\d)/,
hour23h: /^(2[0-3]|[0-1]?\d)/,
hour24h: /^(2[0-4]|[0-1]?\d)/,
hour11h: /^(1[0-1]|0?\d)/,
hour12h: /^(1[0-2]|0?\d)/,
minute: /^[0-5]?\d/,
second: /^[0-5]?\d/,
singleDigit: /^\d/,
twoDigits: /^\d{1,2}/,
threeDigits: /^\d{1,3}/,
fourDigits: /^\d{1,4}/,
anyDigitsSigned: /^-?\d+/,
singleDigitSigned: /^-?\d/,
twoDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,2}/,
threeDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,3}/,
fourDigitsSigned: /^-?\d{1,4}/
timezonePatterns = {
basicOptionalMinutes: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})?|Z/,
basic: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})|Z/,
basicOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2})(\d{2})((\d{2}))?|Z/,
extended: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})|Z/,
extendedOptionalSeconds: /^([+-])(\d{2}):(\d{2})(:(\d{2}))?|Z/
DAYS_IN_MONTH = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
parsers = {
G: {
priority: 140,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "G":
case "GG":
case "GGG":
return match3.era(string, {
width: "abbreviated"
}) || match3.era(string, {
width: "narrow"
case "GGGGG":
return match3.era(string, {
width: "narrow"
case "GGGG":
return match3.era(string, {
width: "wide"
}) || match3.era(string, {
width: "abbreviated"
}) || match3.era(string, {
width: "narrow"
set: function(date, flags, value, _options) {
flags.era = value;
date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["R", "u", "t", "T"]
y: {
priority: 130,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(year) {
return {
isTwoDigitYear: token === "yy"
switch (token) {
case "y":
return parseNDigits(4, string, valueCallback);
case "yo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "year",
return parseNDigits(token.length, string, valueCallback);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0;
set: function(date, flags, value, _options) {
var currentYear = date.getUTCFullYear();
if (value.isTwoDigitYear) {
var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear);
date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year;
date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "u", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
Y: {
priority: 130,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(year) {
return {
isTwoDigitYear: token === "YY"
switch (token) {
case "Y":
return parseNDigits(4, string, valueCallback);
case "Yo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "year",
return parseNDigits(token.length, string, valueCallback);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value.isTwoDigitYear || value.year > 0;
set: function(date, flags, value, options) {
var currentYear = getUTCWeekYear(date, options);
if (value.isTwoDigitYear) {
var normalizedTwoDigitYear = normalizeTwoDigitYear(value.year, currentYear);
date.setUTCFullYear(normalizedTwoDigitYear, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return startOfUTCWeek(date, options);
var year = !("era" in flags) || flags.era === 1 ? value.year : 1 - value.year;
date.setUTCFullYear(year, 0, options.firstWeekContainsDate);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return startOfUTCWeek(date, options);
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "R", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]
R: {
priority: 130,
parse: function(string, token, _match, _options) {
if (token === "R") {
return parseNDigitsSigned(4, string);
return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, string);
set: function(_date, _flags, value, _options) {
var firstWeekOfYear = new Date(0);
firstWeekOfYear.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 4);
firstWeekOfYear.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return startOfUTCISOWeek(firstWeekOfYear);
incompatibleTokens: ["G", "y", "Y", "u", "Q", "q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
u: {
priority: 130,
parse: function(string, token, _match, _options) {
if (token === "u") {
return parseNDigitsSigned(4, string);
return parseNDigitsSigned(token.length, string);
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCFullYear(value, 0, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["G", "y", "Y", "R", "w", "I", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
Q: {
priority: 120,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "Q":
case "QQ":
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
case "Qo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "quarter"
case "QQQ":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "QQQQQ":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "QQQQ":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 4;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
q: {
priority: 120,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "q":
case "qq":
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
case "qo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "quarter"
case "qqq":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "qqqqq":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "qqqq":
return match3.quarter(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.quarter(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 4;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMonth((value - 1) * 3, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
M: {
priority: 110,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
return value - 1;
switch (token) {
case "M":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, string, valueCallback);
case "MM":
return parseNDigits(2, string, valueCallback);
case "Mo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "month",
case "MMM":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "MMMMM":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "MMMM":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 11;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMonth(value, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "L", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
L: {
priority: 110,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
return value - 1;
switch (token) {
case "L":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.month, string, valueCallback);
case "LL":
return parseNDigits(2, string, valueCallback);
case "Lo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "month",
case "LLL":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "LLLLL":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "LLLL":
return match3.month(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.month(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 11;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMonth(value, 1);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
w: {
priority: 100,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "w":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, string);
case "wo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "week"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 53;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
return startOfUTCWeek(setUTCWeek(date, value, options), options);
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "i", "t", "T"]
I: {
priority: 100,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "I":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.week, string);
case "Io":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "week"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 53;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
return startOfUTCISOWeek(setUTCISOWeek(date, value, options), options);
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
d: {
priority: 90,
subPriority: 1,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "d":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.date, string);
case "do":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "date"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(date, value, _options) {
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var isLeapYear2 = isLeapYearIndex(year);
var month = date.getUTCMonth();
if (isLeapYear2) {
return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH_LEAP_YEAR[month];
} else {
return value >= 1 && value <= DAYS_IN_MONTH[month];
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "w", "I", "D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
D: {
priority: 90,
subPriority: 1,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "D":
case "DD":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.dayOfYear, string);
case "Do":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "date"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(date, value, _options) {
var year = date.getUTCFullYear();
var isLeapYear2 = isLeapYearIndex(year);
if (isLeapYear2) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 366;
} else {
return value >= 1 && value <= 365;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMonth(0, value);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["Y", "R", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "I", "d", "E", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
E: {
priority: 90,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "E":
case "EE":
case "EEE":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEEE":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEEEE":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "EEEE":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 6;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
date = setUTCDay(date, value, options);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["D", "i", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
e: {
priority: 90,
parse: function(string, token, match3, options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7;
return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays;
switch (token) {
case "e":
case "ee":
return parseNDigits(token.length, string, valueCallback);
case "eo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "day",
case "eee":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "eeeee":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "eeeeee":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "eeee":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 6;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
date = setUTCDay(date, value, options);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "c", "t", "T"]
c: {
priority: 90,
parse: function(string, token, match3, options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
var wholeWeekDays = Math.floor((value - 1) / 7) * 7;
return (value + options.weekStartsOn + 6) % 7 + wholeWeekDays;
switch (token) {
case "c":
case "cc":
return parseNDigits(token.length, string, valueCallback);
case "co":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "day",
case "ccc":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "ccccc":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "cccccc":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
case "cccc":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "standalone"
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "standalone"
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 6;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
date = setUTCDay(date, value, options);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "R", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "I", "d", "D", "E", "i", "e", "t", "T"]
i: {
priority: 90,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
if (value === 0) {
return 7;
return value;
switch (token) {
case "i":
case "ii":
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
case "io":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "day"
case "iii":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "iiiii":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "iiiiii":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
case "iiii":
return match3.day(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "short",
context: "formatting",
}) || match3.day(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting",
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 7;
set: function(date, _flags, value, options) {
date = setUTCISODay(date, value, options);
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["y", "Y", "u", "q", "Q", "M", "L", "w", "d", "D", "E", "e", "c", "t", "T"]
a: {
priority: 80,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "a":
case "aa":
case "aaa":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "aaaaa":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "aaaa":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["b", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]
b: {
priority: 80,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "b":
case "bb":
case "bbb":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "bbbbb":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "bbbb":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["a", "B", "H", "k", "t", "T"]
B: {
priority: 80,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "B":
case "BB":
case "BBB":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "BBBBB":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
case "BBBB":
return match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "wide",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "abbreviated",
context: "formatting"
}) || match3.dayPeriod(string, {
width: "narrow",
context: "formatting"
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCHours(dayPeriodEnumToHours(value), 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["a", "b", "t", "T"]
h: {
priority: 70,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "h":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour12h, string);
case "ho":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "hour"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 12;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12;
if (isPM && value < 12) {
date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0);
} else if (!isPM && value === 12) {
date.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["H", "K", "k", "t", "T"]
H: {
priority: 70,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "H":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour23h, string);
case "Ho":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "hour"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 23;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["a", "b", "h", "K", "k", "t", "T"]
K: {
priority: 70,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "K":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour11h, string);
case "Ko":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "hour"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 11;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
var isPM = date.getUTCHours() >= 12;
if (isPM && value < 12) {
date.setUTCHours(value + 12, 0, 0, 0);
} else {
date.setUTCHours(value, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["h", "H", "k", "t", "T"]
k: {
priority: 70,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "k":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.hour24h, string);
case "ko":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "hour"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 1 && value <= 24;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
var hours = value <= 24 ? value % 24 : value;
date.setUTCHours(hours, 0, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["a", "b", "h", "H", "K", "t", "T"]
m: {
priority: 60,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "m":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.minute, string);
case "mo":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "minute"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 59;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCMinutes(value, 0, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["t", "T"]
s: {
priority: 50,
parse: function(string, token, match3, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "s":
return parseNumericPattern(numericPatterns.second, string);
case "so":
return match3.ordinalNumber(string, {
unit: "second"
return parseNDigits(token.length, string);
validate: function(_date, value, _options) {
return value >= 0 && value <= 59;
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
date.setUTCSeconds(value, 0);
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["t", "T"]
S: {
priority: 30,
parse: function(string, token, _match, _options) {
var valueCallback = function(value) {
return Math.floor(value * Math.pow(10, -token.length + 3));
return parseNDigits(token.length, string, valueCallback);
set: function(date, _flags, value, _options) {
return date;
incompatibleTokens: ["t", "T"]
X: {
priority: 10,
parse: function(string, token, _match, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "X":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, string);
case "XX":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, string);
case "XXXX":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, string);
case "XXXXX":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, string);
case "XXX":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, string);
set: function(date, flags, value, _options) {
if (flags.timestampIsSet) {
return date;
return new Date(date.getTime() - value);
incompatibleTokens: ["t", "T", "x"]
x: {
priority: 10,
parse: function(string, token, _match, _options) {
switch (token) {
case "x":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalMinutes, string);
case "xx":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basic, string);
case "xxxx":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.basicOptionalSeconds, string);
case "xxxxx":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extendedOptionalSeconds, string);
case "xxx":
return parseTimezonePattern(timezonePatterns.extended, string);
set: function(date, flags, value, _options) {
if (flags.timestampIsSet) {
return date;
return new Date(date.getTime() - value);
incompatibleTokens: ["t", "T", "X"]
t: {
priority: 40,
parse: function(string, _token, _match, _options) {
return parseAnyDigitsSigned(string);
set: function(_date, _flags, value, _options) {
return [new Date(value * 1e3), {
timestampIsSet: true
incompatibleTokens: "*"
T: {
priority: 20,
parse: function(string, _token, _match, _options) {
return parseAnyDigitsSigned(string);
set: function(_date, _flags, value, _options) {
return [new Date(value), {
timestampIsSet: true
incompatibleTokens: "*"
parsers_default = parsers;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/parse/index.js
function parse2(dirtyDateString, dirtyFormatString, dirtyReferenceDate, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(3, arguments);
var dateString = String(dirtyDateString);
var formatString = String(dirtyFormatString);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var locale2 = options.locale || en_US_default;
if (!locale2.match) {
throw new RangeError("locale must contain match property");
var localeFirstWeekContainsDate = locale2.options && locale2.options.firstWeekContainsDate;
var defaultFirstWeekContainsDate = localeFirstWeekContainsDate == null ? 1 : toInteger(localeFirstWeekContainsDate);
var firstWeekContainsDate = options.firstWeekContainsDate == null ? defaultFirstWeekContainsDate : toInteger(options.firstWeekContainsDate);
if (!(firstWeekContainsDate >= 1 && firstWeekContainsDate <= 7)) {
throw new RangeError("firstWeekContainsDate must be between 1 and 7 inclusively");
var localeWeekStartsOn = locale2.options && locale2.options.weekStartsOn;
var defaultWeekStartsOn = localeWeekStartsOn == null ? 0 : toInteger(localeWeekStartsOn);
var weekStartsOn = options.weekStartsOn == null ? defaultWeekStartsOn : toInteger(options.weekStartsOn);
if (!(weekStartsOn >= 0 && weekStartsOn <= 6)) {
throw new RangeError("weekStartsOn must be between 0 and 6 inclusively");
if (formatString === "") {
if (dateString === "") {
return toDate(dirtyReferenceDate);
} else {
return new Date(NaN);
var subFnOptions = {
locale: locale2
var setters = [{
subPriority: -1,
set: dateToSystemTimezone,
index: 0
var i4;
var tokens = formatString.match(longFormattingTokensRegExp2).map(function(substring) {
var firstCharacter2 = substring[0];
if (firstCharacter2 === "p" || firstCharacter2 === "P") {
var longFormatter = longFormatters_default[firstCharacter2];
return longFormatter(substring, locale2.formatLong, subFnOptions);
return substring;
var usedTokens = [];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < tokens.length; i4++) {
var token = tokens[i4];
if (!options.useAdditionalWeekYearTokens && isProtectedWeekYearToken(token)) {
throwProtectedError(token, formatString, dirtyDateString);
if (!options.useAdditionalDayOfYearTokens && isProtectedDayOfYearToken(token)) {
throwProtectedError(token, formatString, dirtyDateString);
var firstCharacter = token[0];
var parser = parsers_default[firstCharacter];
if (parser) {
var incompatibleTokens = parser.incompatibleTokens;
if (Array.isArray(incompatibleTokens)) {
var incompatibleToken = void 0;
for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 < usedTokens.length; _i2++) {
var usedToken = usedTokens[_i2].token;
if (incompatibleTokens.indexOf(usedToken) !== -1 || usedToken === firstCharacter) {
incompatibleToken = usedTokens[_i2];
if (incompatibleToken) {
throw new RangeError("The format string mustn't contain `".concat(incompatibleToken.fullToken, "` and `").concat(token, "` at the same time"));
} else if (parser.incompatibleTokens === "*" && usedTokens.length) {
throw new RangeError("The format string mustn't contain `".concat(token, "` and any other token at the same time"));
token: firstCharacter,
fullToken: token
var parseResult = parser.parse(dateString, token, locale2.match, subFnOptions);
if (!parseResult) {
return new Date(NaN);
priority: parser.priority,
subPriority: parser.subPriority || 0,
set: parser.set,
validate: parser.validate,
value: parseResult.value,
index: setters.length
dateString = parseResult.rest;
} else {
if (firstCharacter.match(unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp2)) {
throw new RangeError("Format string contains an unescaped latin alphabet character `" + firstCharacter + "`");
if (token === "''") {
token = "'";
} else if (firstCharacter === "'") {
token = cleanEscapedString2(token);
if (dateString.indexOf(token) === 0) {
dateString = dateString.slice(token.length);
} else {
return new Date(NaN);
if (dateString.length > 0 && notWhitespaceRegExp.test(dateString)) {
return new Date(NaN);
var uniquePrioritySetters = setters.map(function(setter2) {
return setter2.priority;
}).sort(function(a4, b3) {
return b3 - a4;
}).filter(function(priority, index2, array) {
return array.indexOf(priority) === index2;
}).map(function(priority) {
return setters.filter(function(setter2) {
return setter2.priority === priority;
}).sort(function(a4, b3) {
return b3.subPriority - a4.subPriority;
}).map(function(setterArray) {
return setterArray[0];
var date = toDate(dirtyReferenceDate);
if (isNaN(date)) {
return new Date(NaN);
var utcDate = subMilliseconds(date, getTimezoneOffsetInMilliseconds(date));
var flags = {};
for (i4 = 0; i4 < uniquePrioritySetters.length; i4++) {
var setter = uniquePrioritySetters[i4];
if (setter.validate && !setter.validate(utcDate, setter.value, subFnOptions)) {
return new Date(NaN);
var result = setter.set(utcDate, flags, setter.value, subFnOptions);
if (result[0]) {
utcDate = result[0];
assign(flags, result[1]);
} else {
utcDate = result;
return utcDate;
function dateToSystemTimezone(date, flags) {
if (flags.timestampIsSet) {
return date;
var convertedDate = new Date(0);
convertedDate.setFullYear(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate());
convertedDate.setHours(date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds());
return convertedDate;
function cleanEscapedString2(input) {
return input.match(escapedStringRegExp2)[1].replace(doubleQuoteRegExp2, "'");
var TIMEZONE_UNIT_PRIORITY, formattingTokensRegExp2, longFormattingTokensRegExp2, escapedStringRegExp2, doubleQuoteRegExp2, notWhitespaceRegExp, unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp2;
var init_parse = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/parse/index.js"() {
formattingTokensRegExp2 = /[yYQqMLwIdDecihHKkms]o|(\w)\1*|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
longFormattingTokensRegExp2 = /P+p+|P+|p+|''|'(''|[^'])+('|$)|./g;
escapedStringRegExp2 = /^'([^]*?)'?$/;
doubleQuoteRegExp2 = /''/g;
notWhitespaceRegExp = /\S/;
unescapedLatinCharacterRegExp2 = /[a-zA-Z]/;
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfHour/index.js
function startOfHour(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
date.setMinutes(0, 0, 0);
return date;
var init_startOfHour = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfHour/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfSecond/index.js
function startOfSecond(dirtyDate) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var date = toDate(dirtyDate);
return date;
var init_startOfSecond = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/startOfSecond/index.js"() {
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/parseISO/index.js
function parseISO(argument, dirtyOptions) {
requiredArgs(1, arguments);
var options = dirtyOptions || {};
var additionalDigits = options.additionalDigits == null ? 2 : toInteger(options.additionalDigits);
if (additionalDigits !== 2 && additionalDigits !== 1 && additionalDigits !== 0) {
throw new RangeError("additionalDigits must be 0, 1 or 2");
if (!(typeof argument === "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(argument) === "[object String]")) {
return new Date(NaN);
var dateStrings = splitDateString(argument);
var date;
if (dateStrings.date) {
var parseYearResult = parseYear(dateStrings.date, additionalDigits);
date = parseDate(parseYearResult.restDateString, parseYearResult.year);
if (!date || isNaN(date.getTime())) {
return new Date(NaN);
var timestamp = date.getTime();
var time = 0;
var offset3;
if (dateStrings.time) {
time = parseTime(dateStrings.time);
if (isNaN(time)) {
return new Date(NaN);
if (dateStrings.timezone) {
offset3 = parseTimezone(dateStrings.timezone);
if (isNaN(offset3)) {
return new Date(NaN);
} else {
var dirtyDate = new Date(timestamp + time);
var result = new Date(0);
result.setFullYear(dirtyDate.getUTCFullYear(), dirtyDate.getUTCMonth(), dirtyDate.getUTCDate());
result.setHours(dirtyDate.getUTCHours(), dirtyDate.getUTCMinutes(), dirtyDate.getUTCSeconds(), dirtyDate.getUTCMilliseconds());
return result;
return new Date(timestamp + time + offset3);
function splitDateString(dateString) {
var dateStrings = {};
var array = dateString.split(patterns.dateTimeDelimiter);
var timeString;
if (array.length > 2) {
return dateStrings;
if (/:/.test(array[0])) {
timeString = array[0];
} else {
dateStrings.date = array[0];
timeString = array[1];
if (patterns.timeZoneDelimiter.test(dateStrings.date)) {
dateStrings.date = dateString.split(patterns.timeZoneDelimiter)[0];
timeString = dateString.substr(dateStrings.date.length, dateString.length);
if (timeString) {
var token = patterns.timezone.exec(timeString);
if (token) {
dateStrings.time = timeString.replace(token[1], "");
dateStrings.timezone = token[1];
} else {
dateStrings.time = timeString;
return dateStrings;
function parseYear(dateString, additionalDigits) {
var regex2 = new RegExp("^(?:(\\d{4}|[+-]\\d{" + (4 + additionalDigits) + "})|(\\d{2}|[+-]\\d{" + (2 + additionalDigits) + "})$)");
var captures = dateString.match(regex2);
if (!captures)
return {
year: NaN,
restDateString: ""
var year = captures[1] ? parseInt(captures[1]) : null;
var century = captures[2] ? parseInt(captures[2]) : null;
return {
year: century === null ? year : century * 100,
restDateString: dateString.slice((captures[1] || captures[2]).length)
function parseDate(dateString, year) {
if (year === null)
return new Date(NaN);
var captures = dateString.match(dateRegex);
if (!captures)
return new Date(NaN);
var isWeekDate = !!captures[4];
var dayOfYear = parseDateUnit(captures[1]);
var month = parseDateUnit(captures[2]) - 1;
var day = parseDateUnit(captures[3]);
var week = parseDateUnit(captures[4]);
var dayOfWeek2 = parseDateUnit(captures[5]) - 1;
if (isWeekDate) {
if (!validateWeekDate(year, week, dayOfWeek2)) {
return new Date(NaN);
return dayOfISOWeekYear(year, week, dayOfWeek2);
} else {
var date = new Date(0);
if (!validateDate(year, month, day) || !validateDayOfYearDate(year, dayOfYear)) {
return new Date(NaN);
date.setUTCFullYear(year, month, Math.max(dayOfYear, day));
return date;
function parseDateUnit(value) {
return value ? parseInt(value) : 1;
function parseTime(timeString) {
var captures = timeString.match(timeRegex);
if (!captures)
return NaN;
var hours = parseTimeUnit(captures[1]);
var minutes = parseTimeUnit(captures[2]);
var seconds = parseTimeUnit(captures[3]);
if (!validateTime(hours, minutes, seconds)) {
return NaN;
return hours * millisecondsInHour + minutes * millisecondsInMinute + seconds * 1e3;
function parseTimeUnit(value) {
return value && parseFloat(value.replace(",", ".")) || 0;
function parseTimezone(timezoneString) {
if (timezoneString === "Z")
return 0;
var captures = timezoneString.match(timezoneRegex);
if (!captures)
return 0;
var sign2 = captures[1] === "+" ? -1 : 1;
var hours = parseInt(captures[2]);
var minutes = captures[3] && parseInt(captures[3]) || 0;
if (!validateTimezone(hours, minutes)) {
return NaN;
return sign2 * (hours * millisecondsInHour + minutes * millisecondsInMinute);
function dayOfISOWeekYear(isoWeekYear, week, day) {
var date = new Date(0);
date.setUTCFullYear(isoWeekYear, 0, 4);
var fourthOfJanuaryDay = date.getUTCDay() || 7;
var diff = (week - 1) * 7 + day + 1 - fourthOfJanuaryDay;
date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + diff);
return date;
function isLeapYearIndex2(year) {
return year % 400 === 0 || year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0;
function validateDate(year, month, date) {
return month >= 0 && month <= 11 && date >= 1 && date <= (daysInMonths[month] || (isLeapYearIndex2(year) ? 29 : 28));
function validateDayOfYearDate(year, dayOfYear) {
return dayOfYear >= 1 && dayOfYear <= (isLeapYearIndex2(year) ? 366 : 365);
function validateWeekDate(_year, week, day) {
return week >= 1 && week <= 53 && day >= 0 && day <= 6;
function validateTime(hours, minutes, seconds) {
if (hours === 24) {
return minutes === 0 && seconds === 0;
return seconds >= 0 && seconds < 60 && minutes >= 0 && minutes < 60 && hours >= 0 && hours < 25;
function validateTimezone(_hours, minutes) {
return minutes >= 0 && minutes <= 59;
var patterns, dateRegex, timeRegex, timezoneRegex, daysInMonths;
var init_parseISO = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/parseISO/index.js"() {
patterns = {
dateTimeDelimiter: /[T ]/,
timeZoneDelimiter: /[Z ]/i,
timezone: /([Z+-].*)$/
dateRegex = /^-?(?:(\d{3})|(\d{2})(?:-?(\d{2}))?|W(\d{2})(?:-?(\d{1}))?|)$/;
timeRegex = /^(\d{2}(?:[.,]\d*)?)(?::?(\d{2}(?:[.,]\d*)?))?(?::?(\d{2}(?:[.,]\d*)?))?$/;
timezoneRegex = /^([+-])(\d{2})(?::?(\d{2}))?$/;
daysInMonths = [31, null, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
// node_modules/date-fns/esm/index.js
var init_esm = __esm({
"node_modules/date-fns/esm/index.js"() {
// node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chartjs-adapter-date-fns/dist/chartjs-adapter-date-fns.esm.js
var init_chartjs_adapter_date_fns_esm = __esm({
"node_modules/chartkick/node_modules/chartjs-adapter-date-fns/dist/chartjs-adapter-date-fns.esm.js"() {
datetime: "MMM d, yyyy, h:mm:ss aaaa",
millisecond: "h:mm:ss.SSS aaaa",
second: "h:mm:ss aaaa",
minute: "h:mm aaaa",
hour: "ha",
day: "MMM d",
week: "PP",
month: "MMM yyyy",
quarter: "qqq - yyyy",
year: "yyyy"
_id: "date-fns",
formats: function() {
return FORMATS;
parse: function(value, fmt) {
if (value === null || typeof value === "undefined") {
return null;
const type = typeof value;
if (type === "number" || value instanceof Date) {
value = toDate(value);
} else if (type === "string") {
if (typeof fmt === "string") {
value = parse2(value, fmt, new Date(), this.options);
} else {
value = parseISO(value, this.options);
return isValid(value) ? value.getTime() : null;
format: function(time, fmt) {
return format(time, fmt, this.options);
add: function(time, amount, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "millisecond":
return addMilliseconds(time, amount);
case "second":
return addSeconds(time, amount);
case "minute":
return addMinutes(time, amount);
case "hour":
return addHours(time, amount);
case "day":
return addDays(time, amount);
case "week":
return addWeeks(time, amount);
case "month":
return addMonths(time, amount);
case "quarter":
return addQuarters(time, amount);
case "year":
return addYears(time, amount);
return time;
diff: function(max2, min2, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "millisecond":
return differenceInMilliseconds(max2, min2);
case "second":
return differenceInSeconds(max2, min2);
case "minute":
return differenceInMinutes(max2, min2);
case "hour":
return differenceInHours(max2, min2);
case "day":
return differenceInDays(max2, min2);
case "week":
return differenceInWeeks(max2, min2);
case "month":
return differenceInMonths(max2, min2);
case "quarter":
return differenceInQuarters(max2, min2);
case "year":
return differenceInYears(max2, min2);
return 0;
startOf: function(time, unit, weekday) {
switch (unit) {
case "second":
return startOfSecond(time);
case "minute":
return startOfMinute(time);
case "hour":
return startOfHour(time);
case "day":
return startOfDay(time);
case "week":
return startOfWeek(time);
case "isoWeek":
return startOfWeek(time, { weekStartsOn: +weekday });
case "month":
return startOfMonth(time);
case "quarter":
return startOfQuarter(time);
case "year":
return startOfYear(time);
return time;
endOf: function(time, unit) {
switch (unit) {
case "second":
return endOfSecond(time);
case "minute":
return endOfMinute(time);
case "hour":
return endOfHour(time);
case "day":
return endOfDay(time);
case "week":
return endOfWeek(time);
case "month":
return endOfMonth(time);
case "quarter":
return endOfQuarter(time);
case "year":
return endOfYear(time);
return time;
// node_modules/chartkick/chart.js/chart.esm.js
var import_chartkick;
var init_chart_esm2 = __esm({
"node_modules/chartkick/chart.js/chart.esm.js"() {
import_chartkick = __toESM(require_chartkick());
// node_modules/mapkick/dist/mapkick.bundle.js
var init_mapkick_bundle = __esm({
"node_modules/mapkick/dist/mapkick.bundle.js"() {
(function(global2, factory) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global2 = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global2 || self, global2.Mapkick = factory());
})(void 0, function() {
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.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib-inner,.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact .mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib-button{display:block}.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact-show .mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib-button{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.05)}.mapboxgl-ctrl-bottom-right>.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact:after{bottom:0;right:0}.mapboxgl-ctrl-top-right>.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact:after{top:0;right:0}.mapboxgl-ctrl-top-left>.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact:after{top:0;left:0}.mapboxgl-ctrl-bottom-left>.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact:after{bottom:0;left:0}}@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast:active){.mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib.mapboxgl-compact:after{background-image:url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 20 20' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill-rule='evenodd' fill='%23fff'%3E%3Cpath d='M4 10a6 6 0 1012 0 6 6 0 10-12 0m5-3a1 1 0 102 0 1 1 0 10-2 0m0 3a1 1 0 112 0v3a1 1 0 11-2 0'/%3E%3C/svg%3E")}}@media screen and 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.mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:flex-start;align-self:flex-start;border-top:none;border-left:none;border-bottom-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-top-right .mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;align-self:flex-end;border-top:none;border-right:none;border-bottom-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom .mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:center;align-self:center;border-bottom:none;border-top-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom-left .mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:flex-start;align-self:flex-start;border-bottom:none;border-left:none;border-top-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-bottom-right .mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:flex-end;align-self:flex-end;border-bottom:none;border-right:none;border-top-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-left .mapboxgl-popup-tip{-webkit-align-self:center;align-self:center;border-left:none;border-right-color:#fff}.mapboxgl-popup-anchor-right 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mapboxgl-user-location-dot-pulse{0%{-ms-transform:scale(1);opacity:1}70%{-ms-transform:scale(3);opacity:0}to{-ms-transform:scale(1);opacity:0}}@keyframes mapboxgl-user-location-dot-pulse{0%{transform:scale(1);opacity:1}70%{transform:scale(3);opacity:0}to{transform:scale(1);opacity:0}}.mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale{background-color:#aaa}.mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale:after{display:none}.mapboxgl-user-location-accuracy-circle{background-color:rgba(29,161,242,.2);width:1px;height:1px;border-radius:100%}.mapboxgl-crosshair,.mapboxgl-crosshair .mapboxgl-interactive,.mapboxgl-crosshair .mapboxgl-interactive:active{cursor:crosshair}.mapboxgl-boxzoom{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;background:#fff;border:2px dotted #202020;opacity:.5}@media print{.mapbox-improve-map{display:none}}`;
var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : {};
var mapboxGlExports = {};
var mapboxGl = {
get exports() {
return mapboxGlExports;
set exports(v3) {
mapboxGlExports = v3;
(function(module2, exports2) {
(function(global2, factory) {
module2.exports = factory();
})(commonjsGlobal, function() {
var shared, worker, mapboxgl2;
function define2(_2, chunk2) {
if (!shared) {
shared = chunk2;
} else if (!worker) {
worker = chunk2;
} else {
var workerBundleString = "var sharedChunk = {}; (" + shared + ")(sharedChunk); (" + worker + ")(sharedChunk);";
var sharedChunk = {};
mapboxgl2 = chunk2(sharedChunk);
if (typeof window !== "undefined") {
mapboxgl2.workerUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([workerBundleString], { type: "text/javascript" }));
define2(["exports"], function(t4) {
function e4(t5, e5) {
return t5(e5 = { exports: {} }, e5.exports), e5.exports;
var r4 = n6;
function n6(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.cx = 3 * t5, this.bx = 3 * (r5 - t5) - this.cx, this.ax = 1 - this.cx - this.bx, this.cy = 3 * e5, this.by = 3 * (n7 - e5) - this.cy, this.ay = 1 - this.cy - this.by, this.p1x = t5, this.p1y = n7, this.p2x = r5, this.p2y = n7;
n6.prototype.sampleCurveX = function(t5) {
return ((this.ax * t5 + this.bx) * t5 + this.cx) * t5;
}, n6.prototype.sampleCurveY = function(t5) {
return ((this.ay * t5 + this.by) * t5 + this.cy) * t5;
}, n6.prototype.sampleCurveDerivativeX = function(t5) {
return (3 * this.ax * t5 + 2 * this.bx) * t5 + this.cx;
}, n6.prototype.solveCurveX = function(t5, e5) {
var r5, n7, i5, a5, o5;
for (void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 1e-6), i5 = t5, o5 = 0; o5 < 8; o5++) {
if (a5 = this.sampleCurveX(i5) - t5, Math.abs(a5) < e5) {
return i5;
var s6 = this.sampleCurveDerivativeX(i5);
if (Math.abs(s6) < 1e-6) {
i5 -= a5 / s6;
if ((i5 = t5) < (r5 = 0)) {
return r5;
if (i5 > (n7 = 1)) {
return n7;
for (; r5 < n7; ) {
if (a5 = this.sampleCurveX(i5), Math.abs(a5 - t5) < e5) {
return i5;
t5 > a5 ? r5 = i5 : n7 = i5, i5 = 0.5 * (n7 - r5) + r5;
return i5;
}, n6.prototype.solve = function(t5, e5) {
return this.sampleCurveY(this.solveCurveX(t5, e5));
var i4 = a4;
function a4(t5, e5) {
this.x = t5, this.y = e5;
a4.prototype = { clone: function() {
return new a4(this.x, this.y);
}, add: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._add(t5);
}, sub: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._sub(t5);
}, multByPoint: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._multByPoint(t5);
}, divByPoint: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._divByPoint(t5);
}, mult: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._mult(t5);
}, div: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._div(t5);
}, rotate: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._rotate(t5);
}, rotateAround: function(t5, e5) {
return this.clone()._rotateAround(t5, e5);
}, matMult: function(t5) {
return this.clone()._matMult(t5);
}, unit: function() {
return this.clone()._unit();
}, perp: function() {
return this.clone()._perp();
}, round: function() {
return this.clone()._round();
}, mag: function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
}, equals: function(t5) {
return this.x === t5.x && this.y === t5.y;
}, dist: function(t5) {
return Math.sqrt(this.distSqr(t5));
}, distSqr: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.x - this.x, r5 = t5.y - this.y;
return e5 * e5 + r5 * r5;
}, angle: function() {
return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);
}, angleTo: function(t5) {
return Math.atan2(this.y - t5.y, this.x - t5.x);
}, angleWith: function(t5) {
return this.angleWithSep(t5.x, t5.y);
}, angleWithSep: function(t5, e5) {
return Math.atan2(this.x * e5 - this.y * t5, this.x * t5 + this.y * e5);
}, _matMult: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5[2] * this.x + t5[3] * this.y;
return this.x = t5[0] * this.x + t5[1] * this.y, this.y = e5, this;
}, _add: function(t5) {
return this.x += t5.x, this.y += t5.y, this;
}, _sub: function(t5) {
return this.x -= t5.x, this.y -= t5.y, this;
}, _mult: function(t5) {
return this.x *= t5, this.y *= t5, this;
}, _div: function(t5) {
return this.x /= t5, this.y /= t5, this;
}, _multByPoint: function(t5) {
return this.x *= t5.x, this.y *= t5.y, this;
}, _divByPoint: function(t5) {
return this.x /= t5.x, this.y /= t5.y, this;
}, _unit: function() {
return this._div(this.mag()), this;
}, _perp: function() {
var t5 = this.y;
return this.y = this.x, this.x = -t5, this;
}, _rotate: function(t5) {
var e5 = Math.cos(t5), r5 = Math.sin(t5), n7 = r5 * this.x + e5 * this.y;
return this.x = e5 * this.x - r5 * this.y, this.y = n7, this;
}, _rotateAround: function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = Math.cos(t5), n7 = Math.sin(t5), i5 = e5.y + n7 * (this.x - e5.x) + r5 * (this.y - e5.y);
return this.x = e5.x + r5 * (this.x - e5.x) - n7 * (this.y - e5.y), this.y = i5, this;
}, _round: function() {
return this.x = Math.round(this.x), this.y = Math.round(this.y), this;
} }, a4.convert = function(t5) {
return t5 instanceof a4 ? t5 : Array.isArray(t5) ? new a4(t5[0], t5[1]) : t5;
var o4 = "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}, s5 = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
function u3(t5, e5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = new r4(t5, e5, n7, i5);
return function(t6) {
return a5.solve(t6);
var l5 = u3(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1);
function p3(t5, e5, r5) {
return Math.min(r5, Math.max(e5, t5));
function c3(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = r5 - e5, i5 = ((t5 - e5) % n7 + n7) % n7 + e5;
return i5 === e5 ? r5 : i5;
function h5(t5) {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
for (var e5 = [], r5 = arguments.length - 1; r5-- > 0; ) {
e5[r5] = arguments$1[r5 + 1];
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
for (var o5 in a5) {
t5[o5] = a5[o5];
return t5;
var f3 = 1;
function y3() {
return f3++;
function d3() {
return function t5(e5) {
return e5 ? (e5 ^ 16 * Math.random() >> e5 / 4).toString(16) : ([1e7] + -[1e3] + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, t5);
function m3(t5) {
return !!t5 && /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i.test(t5);
function v3(t5, e5) {
t5.forEach(function(t6) {
e5[t6] && (e5[t6] = e5[t6].bind(e5));
function g3(t5, e5) {
return -1 !== t5.indexOf(e5, t5.length - e5.length);
function x3(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = {};
for (var i5 in t5) {
n7[i5] = e5.call(r5 || this, t5[i5], i5, t5);
return n7;
function b3(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = {};
for (var i5 in t5) {
e5.call(r5 || this, t5[i5], i5, t5) && (n7[i5] = t5[i5]);
return n7;
function w3(t5) {
return Array.isArray(t5) ? t5.map(w3) : "object" == typeof t5 && t5 ? x3(t5, w3) : t5;
var _2 = {};
function A3(t5) {
_2[t5] || ("undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(t5), _2[t5] = true);
function S3(t5, e5, r5) {
return (r5.y - t5.y) * (e5.x - t5.x) > (e5.y - t5.y) * (r5.x - t5.x);
function k3(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = 0, n7 = t5.length, i5 = n7 - 1, a5 = void 0, o5 = void 0; r5 < n7; i5 = r5++) {
e5 += ((o5 = t5[i5]).x - (a5 = t5[r5]).x) * (a5.y + o5.y);
return e5;
function I3() {
return "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && "undefined" != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope;
function z3(t5) {
var e5 = {};
if (t5.replace(/(?:^|(?:\s*\,\s*))([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)(?:\=(?:([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)|(?:\"((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)\")))?/g, function(t6, r6, n7, i5) {
var a5 = n7 || i5;
return e5[r6] = !a5 || a5.toLowerCase(), "";
}), e5["max-age"]) {
var r5 = parseInt(e5["max-age"], 10);
isNaN(r5) ? delete e5["max-age"] : e5["max-age"] = r5;
return e5;
var C3 = null;
function E2(t5) {
if (null == C3) {
var e5 = t5.navigator ? t5.navigator.userAgent : null;
C3 = !!t5.safari || !(!e5 || !(/\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\b/.test(e5) || e5.match("Safari") && !e5.match("Chrome")));
return C3;
function P3(t5) {
try {
var e5 = o4[t5];
return e5.setItem("_mapbox_test_", 1), e5.removeItem("_mapbox_test_"), true;
} catch (t$1) {
return false;
var M3, B2, T3, V2, F2 = o4.performance && o4.performance.now ? o4.performance.now.bind(o4.performance) : Date.now.bind(Date), D3 = o4.requestAnimationFrame || o4.mozRequestAnimationFrame || o4.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || o4.msRequestAnimationFrame, L3 = o4.cancelAnimationFrame || o4.mozCancelAnimationFrame || o4.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || o4.msCancelAnimationFrame, O3 = { now: F2, frame: function(t5) {
var e5 = D3(t5);
return { cancel: function() {
return L3(e5);
} };
}, getImageData: function(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 0);
var r5 = o4.document.createElement("canvas"), n7 = r5.getContext("2d");
if (!n7) {
throw new Error("failed to create canvas 2d context");
return r5.width = t5.width, r5.height = t5.height, n7.drawImage(t5, 0, 0, t5.width, t5.height), n7.getImageData(-e5, -e5, t5.width + 2 * e5, t5.height + 2 * e5);
}, resolveURL: function(t5) {
return M3 || (M3 = o4.document.createElement("a")), M3.href = t5, M3.href;
}, hardwareConcurrency: o4.navigator && o4.navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 4, get devicePixelRatio() {
return o4.devicePixelRatio;
}, get prefersReducedMotion() {
return !!o4.matchMedia && (null == B2 && (B2 = o4.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)")), B2.matches);
} }, R2 = { API_URL: "https://api.mapbox.com", get EVENTS_URL() {
return this.API_URL ? 0 === this.API_URL.indexOf("https://api.mapbox.cn") ? "https://events.mapbox.cn/events/v2" : 0 === this.API_URL.indexOf("https://api.mapbox.com") ? "https://events.mapbox.com/events/v2" : null : null;
}, FEEDBACK_URL: "https://apps.mapbox.com/feedback", REQUIRE_ACCESS_TOKEN: true, ACCESS_TOKEN: null, MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS: 16 }, U2 = { supported: false, testSupport: function(t5) {
!j3 && V2 && (q3 ? N3(t5) : T3 = t5);
} }, j3 = false, q3 = false;
function N3(t5) {
var e5 = t5.createTexture();
t5.bindTexture(t5.TEXTURE_2D, e5);
try {
if (t5.texImage2D(t5.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t5.RGBA, t5.RGBA, t5.UNSIGNED_BYTE, V2), t5.isContextLost()) {
U2.supported = true;
} catch (t$1) {
t5.deleteTexture(e5), j3 = true;
o4.document && ((V2 = o4.document.createElement("img")).onload = function() {
T3 && N3(T3), T3 = null, q3 = true;
}, V2.onerror = function() {
j3 = true, T3 = null;
}, V2.src = "");
var K2 = "01", G2 = function(t5, e5) {
this._transformRequestFn = t5, this._customAccessToken = e5, this._createSkuToken();
function Z2(t5) {
return 0 === t5.indexOf("mapbox:");
G2.prototype._createSkuToken = function() {
var t5 = function() {
for (var t6 = "", e5 = 0; e5 < 10; e5++) {
t6 += "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[Math.floor(62 * Math.random())];
return { token: ["1", K2, t6].join(""), tokenExpiresAt: Date.now() + 432e5 };
this._skuToken = t5.token, this._skuTokenExpiresAt = t5.tokenExpiresAt;
}, G2.prototype._isSkuTokenExpired = function() {
return Date.now() > this._skuTokenExpiresAt;
}, G2.prototype.transformRequest = function(t5, e5) {
return this._transformRequestFn && this._transformRequestFn(t5, e5) || { url: t5 };
}, G2.prototype.normalizeStyleURL = function(t5, e5) {
if (!Z2(t5)) {
return t5;
var r5 = Y2(t5);
return r5.path = "/styles/v1" + r5.path, this._makeAPIURL(r5, this._customAccessToken || e5);
}, G2.prototype.normalizeGlyphsURL = function(t5, e5) {
if (!Z2(t5)) {
return t5;
var r5 = Y2(t5);
return r5.path = "/fonts/v1" + r5.path, this._makeAPIURL(r5, this._customAccessToken || e5);
}, G2.prototype.normalizeSourceURL = function(t5, e5) {
if (!Z2(t5)) {
return t5;
var r5 = Y2(t5);
return r5.path = "/v4/" + r5.authority + ".json", r5.params.push("secure"), this._makeAPIURL(r5, this._customAccessToken || e5);
}, G2.prototype.normalizeSpriteURL = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = Y2(t5);
return Z2(t5) ? (i5.path = "/styles/v1" + i5.path + "/sprite" + e5 + r5, this._makeAPIURL(i5, this._customAccessToken || n7)) : (i5.path += "" + e5 + r5, $2(i5));
}, G2.prototype.normalizeTileURL = function(t5, e5) {
if (this._isSkuTokenExpired() && this._createSkuToken(), t5 && !Z2(t5)) {
return t5;
var r5 = Y2(t5);
r5.path = r5.path.replace(/(\.(png|jpg)\d*)(?=$)/, (O3.devicePixelRatio >= 2 || 512 === e5 ? "@2x" : "") + (U2.supported ? ".webp" : "$1")), r5.path = r5.path.replace(/^.+\/v4\//, "/"), r5.path = "/v4" + r5.path;
var n7 = this._customAccessToken || function(t6) {
for (var e6 = 0, r6 = t6; e6 < r6.length; e6 += 1) {
var n8 = r6[e6].match(/^access_token=(.*)$/);
if (n8) {
return n8[1];
return null;
}(r5.params) || R2.ACCESS_TOKEN;
return R2.REQUIRE_ACCESS_TOKEN && n7 && this._skuToken && r5.params.push("sku=" + this._skuToken), this._makeAPIURL(r5, n7);
}, G2.prototype.canonicalizeTileURL = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = Y2(t5);
if (!r5.path.match(/(^\/v4\/)/) || !r5.path.match(/\.[\w]+$/)) {
return t5;
var n7 = "mapbox://tiles/";
n7 += r5.path.replace("/v4/", "");
var i5 = r5.params;
return e5 && (i5 = i5.filter(function(t6) {
return !t6.match(/^access_token=/);
})), i5.length && (n7 += "?" + i5.join("&")), n7;
}, G2.prototype.canonicalizeTileset = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = !!e5 && Z2(e5), n7 = [], i5 = 0, a5 = t5.tiles || []; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
J2(o5) ? n7.push(this.canonicalizeTileURL(o5, r5)) : n7.push(o5);
return n7;
}, G2.prototype._makeAPIURL = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = "See https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/#access-tokens-and-token-scopes", n7 = Y2(R2.API_URL);
if (t5.protocol = n7.protocol, t5.authority = n7.authority, "http" === t5.protocol) {
var i5 = t5.params.indexOf("secure");
i5 >= 0 && t5.params.splice(i5, 1);
if ("/" !== n7.path && (t5.path = "" + n7.path + t5.path), !R2.REQUIRE_ACCESS_TOKEN) {
return $2(t5);
if (!(e5 = e5 || R2.ACCESS_TOKEN)) {
throw new Error("An API access token is required to use Mapbox GL. " + r5);
if ("s" === e5[0]) {
throw new Error("Use a public access token (pk.*) with Mapbox GL, not a secret access token (sk.*). " + r5);
return t5.params = t5.params.filter(function(t6) {
return -1 === t6.indexOf("access_token");
}), t5.params.push("access_token=" + e5), $2(t5);
var X2 = /^((https?:)?\/\/)?([^\/]+\.)?mapbox\.c(n|om)(\/|\?|$)/i;
function J2(t5) {
return X2.test(t5);
var H3 = /^(\w+):\/\/([^/?]*)(\/[^?]+)?\??(.+)?/;
function Y2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.match(H3);
if (!e5) {
throw new Error("Unable to parse URL object");
return { protocol: e5[1], authority: e5[2], path: e5[3] || "/", params: e5[4] ? e5[4].split("&") : [] };
function $2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.params.length ? "?" + t5.params.join("&") : "";
return t5.protocol + "://" + t5.authority + t5.path + e5;
function W2(t5) {
if (!t5) {
return null;
var e5 = t5.split(".");
if (!e5 || 3 !== e5.length) {
return null;
try {
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(o4.atob(e5[1]).split("").map(function(t6) {
return "%" + ("00" + t6.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2);
} catch (t$1) {
return null;
var Q2 = function(t5) {
this.type = t5, this.anonId = null, this.eventData = {}, this.queue = [], this.pendingRequest = null;
Q2.prototype.getStorageKey = function(t5) {
var e5, r5 = W2(R2.ACCESS_TOKEN);
return e5 = r5 && r5.u ? o4.btoa(encodeURIComponent(r5.u).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(t6, e6) {
return String.fromCharCode(Number("0x" + e6));
})) : R2.ACCESS_TOKEN || "", t5 ? "mapbox.eventData." + t5 + ":" + e5 : "mapbox.eventData:" + e5;
}, Q2.prototype.fetchEventData = function() {
var t5 = P3("localStorage"), e5 = this.getStorageKey(), r5 = this.getStorageKey("uuid");
if (t5) {
try {
var n7 = o4.localStorage.getItem(e5);
n7 && (this.eventData = JSON.parse(n7));
var i5 = o4.localStorage.getItem(r5);
i5 && (this.anonId = i5);
} catch (t$1) {
A3("Unable to read from LocalStorage");
}, Q2.prototype.saveEventData = function() {
var t5 = P3("localStorage"), e5 = this.getStorageKey(), r5 = this.getStorageKey("uuid");
if (t5) {
try {
o4.localStorage.setItem(r5, this.anonId), Object.keys(this.eventData).length >= 1 && o4.localStorage.setItem(e5, JSON.stringify(this.eventData));
} catch (t$1) {
A3("Unable to write to LocalStorage");
}, Q2.prototype.processRequests = function(t5) {
}, Q2.prototype.postEvent = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this;
if (R2.EVENTS_URL) {
var a5 = Y2(R2.EVENTS_URL);
a5.params.push("access_token=" + (n7 || R2.ACCESS_TOKEN || ""));
var o5 = { event: this.type, created: new Date(t5).toISOString(), sdkIdentifier: "mapbox-gl-js", sdkVersion: "1.13.3", skuId: K2, userId: this.anonId }, s6 = e5 ? h5(o5, e5) : o5, u4 = { url: $2(a5), headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }, body: JSON.stringify([s6]) };
this.pendingRequest = wt2(u4, function(t6) {
i5.pendingRequest = null, r5(t6), i5.saveEventData(), i5.processRequests(n7);
}, Q2.prototype.queueRequest = function(t5, e5) {
this.queue.push(t5), this.processRequests(e5);
var tt2, et2, rt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.call(this, "map.load"), this.success = {}, this.skuToken = "";
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.postMapLoadEvent = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
this.skuToken = r5;
var i5 = !(!n7 && !R2.ACCESS_TOKEN), a5 = Array.isArray(t6) && t6.some(function(t7) {
return Z2(t7) || J2(t7);
R2.EVENTS_URL && i5 && a5 && this.queueRequest({ id: e6, timestamp: Date.now() }, n7);
}, e5.prototype.processRequests = function(t6) {
var e6 = this;
if (!this.pendingRequest && 0 !== this.queue.length) {
var r5 = this.queue.shift(), n7 = r5.id, i5 = r5.timestamp;
n7 && this.success[n7] || (this.anonId || this.fetchEventData(), m3(this.anonId) || (this.anonId = d3()), this.postEvent(i5, { skuToken: this.skuToken }, function(t7) {
t7 || n7 && (e6.success[n7] = true);
}, t6));
}, e5;
}(Q2), nt2 = new (function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, "appUserTurnstile"), this._customAccessToken = e6;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.postTurnstileEvent = function(t6, e6) {
R2.EVENTS_URL && R2.ACCESS_TOKEN && Array.isArray(t6) && t6.some(function(t7) {
return Z2(t7) || J2(t7);
}) && this.queueRequest(Date.now(), e6);
}, e5.prototype.processRequests = function(t6) {
var e6 = this;
if (!this.pendingRequest && 0 !== this.queue.length) {
this.anonId && this.eventData.lastSuccess && this.eventData.tokenU || this.fetchEventData();
var r5 = W2(R2.ACCESS_TOKEN), n7 = r5 ? r5.u : R2.ACCESS_TOKEN, i5 = n7 !== this.eventData.tokenU;
m3(this.anonId) || (this.anonId = d3(), i5 = true);
var a5 = this.queue.shift();
if (this.eventData.lastSuccess) {
var o5 = new Date(this.eventData.lastSuccess), s6 = new Date(a5), u4 = (a5 - this.eventData.lastSuccess) / 864e5;
i5 = i5 || u4 >= 1 || u4 < -1 || o5.getDate() !== s6.getDate();
} else {
i5 = true;
if (!i5) {
return this.processRequests();
this.postEvent(a5, { "enabled.telemetry": false }, function(t7) {
t7 || (e6.eventData.lastSuccess = a5, e6.eventData.tokenU = n7);
}, t6);
}, e5;
}(Q2))(), it2 = nt2.postTurnstileEvent.bind(nt2), at2 = new rt2(), ot2 = at2.postMapLoadEvent.bind(at2), st2 = 500, ut2 = 50;
function lt2() {
o4.caches && !tt2 && (tt2 = o4.caches.open("mapbox-tiles"));
function pt2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.indexOf("?");
return e5 < 0 ? t5 : t5.slice(0, e5);
var ct2, ht2 = 1 / 0;
function ft2() {
return null == ct2 && (ct2 = o4.OffscreenCanvas && new o4.OffscreenCanvas(1, 1).getContext("2d") && "function" == typeof o4.createImageBitmap), ct2;
var yt2 = { Unknown: "Unknown", Style: "Style", Source: "Source", Tile: "Tile", Glyphs: "Glyphs", SpriteImage: "SpriteImage", SpriteJSON: "SpriteJSON", Image: "Image" };
"function" == typeof Object.freeze && Object.freeze(yt2);
var dt2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5, n7) {
401 === r5 && J2(n7) && (e6 += ": you may have provided an invalid Mapbox access token. See https://www.mapbox.com/api-documentation/#access-tokens-and-token-scopes"), t5.call(this, e6), this.status = r5, this.url = n7, this.name = this.constructor.name, this.message = e6;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.name + ": " + this.message + " (" + this.status + "): " + this.url;
}, e5;
}(Error), mt2 = I3() ? function() {
return self.worker && self.worker.referrer;
} : function() {
return ("blob:" === o4.location.protocol ? o4.parent : o4).location.href;
var vt2, gt2, xt2 = function(t5, e5) {
if (!(/^file:/.test(r5 = t5.url) || /^file:/.test(mt2()) && !/^\w+:/.test(r5))) {
if (o4.fetch && o4.Request && o4.AbortController && o4.Request.prototype.hasOwnProperty("signal")) {
return function(t6, e6) {
var r6, n7 = new o4.AbortController(), i5 = new o4.Request(t6.url, { method: t6.method || "GET", body: t6.body, credentials: t6.credentials, headers: t6.headers, referrer: mt2(), signal: n7.signal }), a5 = false, s6 = false, u4 = (r6 = i5.url).indexOf("sku=") > 0 && J2(r6);
"json" === t6.type && i5.headers.set("Accept", "application/json");
var l6 = function(r7, n8, a6) {
if (!s6) {
if (r7 && "SecurityError" !== r7.message && A3(r7), n8 && a6) {
return p4(n8);
var l7 = Date.now();
o4.fetch(i5).then(function(r8) {
if (r8.ok) {
var n9 = u4 ? r8.clone() : null;
return p4(r8, n9, l7);
return e6(new dt2(r8.statusText, r8.status, t6.url));
}).catch(function(t7) {
20 !== t7.code && e6(new Error(t7.message));
}, p4 = function(r7, n8, u5) {
("arrayBuffer" === t6.type ? r7.arrayBuffer() : "json" === t6.type ? r7.json() : r7.text()).then(function(t7) {
s6 || (n8 && u5 && function(t8, e7, r8) {
if (lt2(), tt2) {
var n9 = { status: e7.status, statusText: e7.statusText, headers: new o4.Headers() };
e7.headers.forEach(function(t9, e8) {
return n9.headers.set(e8, t9);
var i6 = z3(e7.headers.get("Cache-Control") || "");
i6["no-store"] || (i6["max-age"] && n9.headers.set("Expires", new Date(r8 + 1e3 * i6["max-age"]).toUTCString()), new Date(n9.headers.get("Expires")).getTime() - r8 < 42e4 || function(t9, e8) {
if (void 0 === et2) {
try {
new Response(new ReadableStream()), et2 = true;
} catch (t$1) {
et2 = false;
et2 ? e8(t9.body) : t9.blob().then(e8);
}(e7, function(e8) {
var r9 = new o4.Response(e8, n9);
lt2(), tt2 && tt2.then(function(e9) {
return e9.put(pt2(t8.url), r9);
}).catch(function(t9) {
return A3(t9.message);
}(i5, n8, u5), a5 = true, e6(null, t7, r7.headers.get("Cache-Control"), r7.headers.get("Expires")));
}).catch(function(t7) {
s6 || e6(new Error(t7.message));
return u4 ? function(t7, e7) {
if (lt2(), !tt2) {
return e7(null);
var r7 = pt2(t7.url);
tt2.then(function(t8) {
t8.match(r7).then(function(n8) {
var i6 = function(t9) {
if (!t9) {
return false;
var e8 = new Date(t9.headers.get("Expires") || 0), r8 = z3(t9.headers.get("Cache-Control") || "");
return e8 > Date.now() && !r8["no-cache"];
t8.delete(r7), i6 && t8.put(r7, n8.clone()), e7(null, n8, i6);
}(i5, l6) : l6(null, null), { cancel: function() {
s6 = true, a5 || n7.abort();
} };
}(t5, e5);
if (I3() && self.worker && self.worker.actor) {
return self.worker.actor.send("getResource", t5, e5, void 0, true);
var r5;
return function(t6, e6) {
var r6 = new o4.XMLHttpRequest();
for (var n7 in r6.open(t6.method || "GET", t6.url, true), "arrayBuffer" === t6.type && (r6.responseType = "arraybuffer"), t6.headers) {
r6.setRequestHeader(n7, t6.headers[n7]);
return "json" === t6.type && (r6.responseType = "text", r6.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json")), r6.withCredentials = "include" === t6.credentials, r6.onerror = function() {
e6(new Error(r6.statusText));
}, r6.onload = function() {
if ((r6.status >= 200 && r6.status < 300 || 0 === r6.status) && null !== r6.response) {
var n8 = r6.response;
if ("json" === t6.type) {
try {
n8 = JSON.parse(r6.response);
} catch (t$1) {
return e6(t$1);
e6(null, n8, r6.getResponseHeader("Cache-Control"), r6.getResponseHeader("Expires"));
} else {
e6(new dt2(r6.statusText, r6.status, t6.url));
}, r6.send(t6.body), { cancel: function() {
return r6.abort();
} };
}(t5, e5);
}, bt2 = function(t5, e5) {
return xt2(h5(t5, { type: "arrayBuffer" }), e5);
}, wt2 = function(t5, e5) {
return xt2(h5(t5, { method: "POST" }), e5);
vt2 = [], gt2 = 0;
var At2 = function(t5, e5) {
if (U2.supported && (t5.headers || (t5.headers = {}), t5.headers.accept = "image/webp,*/*"), gt2 >= R2.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS) {
var r5 = { requestParameters: t5, callback: e5, cancelled: false, cancel: function() {
this.cancelled = true;
} };
return vt2.push(r5), r5;
var n7 = false, i5 = function() {
if (!n7) {
for (n7 = true, gt2--; vt2.length && gt2 < R2.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; ) {
var t6 = vt2.shift();
t6.cancelled || (t6.cancel = At2(t6.requestParameters, t6.callback).cancel);
}, a5 = bt2(t5, function(t6, r6, n8, a6) {
i5(), t6 ? e5(t6) : r6 && (ft2() ? function(t7, e6) {
var r7 = new o4.Blob([new Uint8Array(t7)], { type: "image/png" });
o4.createImageBitmap(r7).then(function(t8) {
e6(null, t8);
}).catch(function(t8) {
e6(new Error("Could not load image because of " + t8.message + ". Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported."));
}(r6, e5) : function(t7, e6, r7, n9) {
var i6 = new o4.Image(), a7 = o4.URL;
i6.onload = function() {
e6(null, i6), a7.revokeObjectURL(i6.src), i6.onload = null, o4.requestAnimationFrame(function() {
i6.src = _t2;
}, i6.onerror = function() {
return e6(new Error("Could not load image. Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported."));
var s6 = new o4.Blob([new Uint8Array(t7)], { type: "image/png" });
i6.cacheControl = r7, i6.expires = n9, i6.src = t7.byteLength ? a7.createObjectURL(s6) : _t2;
}(r6, e5, n8, a6));
return { cancel: function() {
a5.cancel(), i5();
} };
function St2(t5, e5, r5) {
r5[t5] && -1 !== r5[t5].indexOf(e5) || (r5[t5] = r5[t5] || [], r5[t5].push(e5));
function kt2(t5, e5, r5) {
if (r5 && r5[t5]) {
var n7 = r5[t5].indexOf(e5);
-1 !== n7 && r5[t5].splice(n7, 1);
var It2 = function(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = {}), h5(this, e5), this.type = t5;
}, zt2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), t5.call(this, "error", h5({ error: e6 }, r5));
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
}(It2), Ct2 = function() {
Ct2.prototype.on = function(t5, e5) {
return this._listeners = this._listeners || {}, St2(t5, e5, this._listeners), this;
}, Ct2.prototype.off = function(t5, e5) {
return kt2(t5, e5, this._listeners), kt2(t5, e5, this._oneTimeListeners), this;
}, Ct2.prototype.once = function(t5, e5) {
return this._oneTimeListeners = this._oneTimeListeners || {}, St2(t5, e5, this._oneTimeListeners), this;
}, Ct2.prototype.fire = function(t5, e5) {
"string" == typeof t5 && (t5 = new It2(t5, e5 || {}));
var r5 = t5.type;
if (this.listens(r5)) {
t5.target = this;
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = this._listeners && this._listeners[r5] ? this._listeners[r5].slice() : []; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
i5[n7].call(this, t5);
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = this._oneTimeListeners && this._oneTimeListeners[r5] ? this._oneTimeListeners[r5].slice() : []; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5];
kt2(r5, s6, this._oneTimeListeners), s6.call(this, t5);
var u4 = this._eventedParent;
u4 && (h5(t5, "function" == typeof this._eventedParentData ? this._eventedParentData() : this._eventedParentData), u4.fire(t5));
} else {
t5 instanceof zt2 && console.error(t5.error);
return this;
}, Ct2.prototype.listens = function(t5) {
return this._listeners && this._listeners[t5] && this._listeners[t5].length > 0 || this._oneTimeListeners && this._oneTimeListeners[t5] && this._oneTimeListeners[t5].length > 0 || this._eventedParent && this._eventedParent.listens(t5);
}, Ct2.prototype.setEventedParent = function(t5, e5) {
return this._eventedParent = t5, this._eventedParentData = e5, this;
var Et2 = { $version: 8, $root: { version: { required: true, type: "enum", values: [8] }, name: { type: "string" }, metadata: { type: "*" }, center: { type: "array", value: "number" }, zoom: { type: "number" }, bearing: { type: "number", default: 0, period: 360, units: "degrees" }, pitch: { type: "number", default: 0, units: "degrees" }, light: { type: "light" }, sources: { required: true, type: "sources" }, sprite: { type: "string" }, glyphs: { type: "string" }, transition: { type: "transition" }, layers: { required: true, type: "array", value: "layer" } }, sources: { "*": { type: "source" } }, source: ["source_vector", "source_raster", "source_raster_dem", "source_geojson", "source_video", "source_image"], source_vector: { type: { required: true, type: "enum", values: { vector: {} } }, url: { type: "string" }, tiles: { type: "array", value: "string" }, bounds: { type: "array", value: "number", length: 4, default: [-180, -85.051129, 180, 85.051129] }, scheme: { type: "enum", values: { 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generateId: { type: "boolean", default: false }, promoteId: { type: "promoteId" } }, source_video: { type: { required: true, type: "enum", values: { video: {} } }, urls: { required: true, type: "array", value: "string" }, coordinates: { required: true, type: "array", length: 4, value: { type: "array", length: 2, value: "number" } } }, source_image: { type: { required: true, type: "enum", values: { image: {} } }, url: { required: true, type: "string" }, coordinates: { required: true, type: "array", length: 4, value: { type: "array", length: 2, value: "number" } } }, layer: { id: { type: "string", required: true }, type: { type: "enum", values: { fill: {}, line: {}, symbol: {}, circle: {}, heatmap: {}, "fill-extrusion": {}, raster: {}, hillshade: {}, background: {} }, required: true }, metadata: { type: "*" }, source: { type: "string" }, "source-layer": { type: "string" }, minzoom: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 24 }, maxzoom: { type: "number", minimum: 0, maximum: 24 }, filter: { type: "filter" }, layout: { type: "layout" }, paint: { type: "paint" } }, layout: ["layout_fill", "layout_line", "layout_circle", "layout_heatmap", "layout_fill-extrusion", "layout_symbol", "layout_raster", "layout_hillshade", "layout_background"], layout_background: { visibility: { type: "enum", values: { visible: {}, none: {} }, default: "visible", "property-type": "constant" } }, layout_fill: { "fill-sort-key": { type: "number", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom", "feature"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, visibility: { type: "enum", values: { visible: {}, none: {} }, default: "visible", "property-type": "constant" } }, layout_circle: { "circle-sort-key": { type: "number", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom", "feature"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, visibility: { type: "enum", values: { visible: {}, none: {} }, default: "visible", "property-type": "constant" } }, layout_heatmap: { visibility: { type: "enum", values: { visible: {}, 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"cross-faded-data-driven" }, "fill-extrusion-height": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, units: "meters", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "fill-extrusion-base": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, units: "meters", transition: true, requires: ["fill-extrusion-height"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient": { type: "boolean", default: true, transition: false, expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, paint_line: { "line-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "line-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, requires: [{ "!": "line-pattern" }], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "line-translate": { type: "array", value: "number", length: 2, default: [0, 0], transition: true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "line-translate-anchor": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "map", requires: ["line-translate"], expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "line-width": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "line-gap-width": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, 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true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "circle-translate-anchor": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "map", requires: ["circle-translate"], expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "circle-pitch-scale": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "map", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "circle-pitch-alignment": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "viewport", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "circle-stroke-width": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "circle-stroke-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "circle-stroke-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" } }, paint_heatmap: { "heatmap-radius": { type: "number", default: 30, minimum: 1, transition: true, units: "pixels", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "heatmap-weight": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, transition: false, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "heatmap-intensity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "heatmap-color": { type: "color", default: ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["heatmap-density"], 0, "rgba(0, 0, 255, 0)", 0.1, "royalblue", 0.3, "cyan", 0.5, "lime", 0.7, "yellow", 1, "red"], transition: false, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["heatmap-density"] }, "property-type": "color-ramp" }, "heatmap-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, paint_symbol: { "icon-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "icon-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "icon-halo-color": { type: "color", default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", transition: true, requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "icon-halo-width": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "icon-halo-blur": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "icon-translate": { type: "array", value: "number", length: 2, default: [0, 0], transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["icon-image"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "icon-translate-anchor": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "map", requires: ["icon-image", "icon-translate"], expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "text-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "text-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, overridable: true, requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "text-halo-color": { type: "color", default: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)", transition: true, requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "text-halo-width": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "text-halo-blur": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"] }, "property-type": "data-driven" }, "text-translate": { type: "array", value: "number", length: 2, default: [0, 0], transition: true, units: "pixels", requires: ["text-field"], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "text-translate-anchor": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "map", requires: ["text-field", "text-translate"], expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, paint_raster: { "raster-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-hue-rotate": { type: "number", default: 0, period: 360, transition: true, units: "degrees", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-brightness-min": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-brightness-max": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-saturation": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: -1, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-contrast": { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: -1, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-resampling": { type: "enum", values: { linear: {}, nearest: {} }, default: "linear", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "raster-fade-duration": { type: "number", default: 300, minimum: 0, transition: false, units: "milliseconds", expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, paint_hillshade: { "hillshade-illumination-direction": { type: "number", default: 335, minimum: 0, maximum: 359, transition: false, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "hillshade-illumination-anchor": { type: "enum", values: { map: {}, viewport: {} }, default: "viewport", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "hillshade-exaggeration": { type: "number", default: 0.5, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "hillshade-shadow-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "hillshade-highlight-color": { type: "color", default: "#FFFFFF", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "hillshade-accent-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, paint_background: { "background-color": { type: "color", default: "#000000", transition: true, requires: [{ "!": "background-pattern" }], expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" }, "background-pattern": { type: "resolvedImage", transition: true, expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "cross-faded" }, "background-opacity": { type: "number", default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1, transition: true, expression: { interpolated: true, parameters: ["zoom"] }, "property-type": "data-constant" } }, transition: { duration: { type: "number", default: 300, minimum: 0, units: "milliseconds" }, delay: { type: "number", default: 0, minimum: 0, units: "milliseconds" } }, "property-type": { "data-driven": { type: "property-type" }, "cross-faded": { type: "property-type" }, "cross-faded-data-driven": { type: "property-type" }, "color-ramp": { type: "property-type" }, "data-constant": { type: "property-type" }, constant: { type: "property-type" } }, promoteId: { "*": { type: "string" } } }, Pt2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.message = (t5 ? t5 + ": " : "") + r5, n7 && (this.identifier = n7), null != e5 && e5.__line__ && (this.line = e5.__line__);
function Mt2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value;
return e5 ? [new Pt2(t5.key, e5, "constants have been deprecated as of v8")] : [];
function Bt2(t5) {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
for (var e5 = [], r5 = arguments.length - 1; r5-- > 0; ) {
e5[r5] = arguments$1[r5 + 1];
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
for (var o5 in a5) {
t5[o5] = a5[o5];
return t5;
function Tt2(t5) {
return t5 instanceof Number || t5 instanceof String || t5 instanceof Boolean ? t5.valueOf() : t5;
function Vt2(t5) {
if (Array.isArray(t5)) {
return t5.map(Vt2);
if (t5 instanceof Object && !(t5 instanceof Number || t5 instanceof String || t5 instanceof Boolean)) {
var e5 = {};
for (var r5 in t5) {
e5[r5] = Vt2(t5[r5]);
return e5;
return Tt2(t5);
var Ft2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, r5), this.message = r5, this.key = e6;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
}(Error), Dt2 = function(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = []), this.parent = t5, this.bindings = {};
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = e5; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
var i5 = n7[r5];
this.bindings[i5[0]] = i5[1];
Dt2.prototype.concat = function(t5) {
return new Dt2(this, t5);
}, Dt2.prototype.get = function(t5) {
if (this.bindings[t5]) {
return this.bindings[t5];
if (this.parent) {
return this.parent.get(t5);
throw new Error(t5 + " not found in scope.");
}, Dt2.prototype.has = function(t5) {
return !!this.bindings[t5] || !!this.parent && this.parent.has(t5);
var Lt2 = { kind: "null" }, Ot2 = { kind: "number" }, Rt2 = { kind: "string" }, Ut2 = { kind: "boolean" }, jt2 = { kind: "color" }, qt2 = { kind: "object" }, Nt2 = { kind: "value" }, Kt2 = { kind: "collator" }, Gt2 = { kind: "formatted" }, Zt2 = { kind: "resolvedImage" };
function Xt2(t5, e5) {
return { kind: "array", itemType: t5, N: e5 };
function Jt2(t5) {
if ("array" === t5.kind) {
var e5 = Jt2(t5.itemType);
return "number" == typeof t5.N ? "array<" + e5 + ", " + t5.N + ">" : "value" === t5.itemType.kind ? "array" : "array<" + e5 + ">";
return t5.kind;
var Ht2 = [Lt2, Ot2, Rt2, Ut2, jt2, Gt2, qt2, Xt2(Nt2), Zt2];
function Yt2(t5, e5) {
if ("error" === e5.kind) {
return null;
if ("array" === t5.kind) {
if ("array" === e5.kind && (0 === e5.N && "value" === e5.itemType.kind || !Yt2(t5.itemType, e5.itemType)) && ("number" != typeof t5.N || t5.N === e5.N)) {
return null;
} else {
if (t5.kind === e5.kind) {
return null;
if ("value" === t5.kind) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = Ht2; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
if (!Yt2(n7[r5], e5)) {
return null;
return "Expected " + Jt2(t5) + " but found " + Jt2(e5) + " instead.";
function $t2(t5, e5) {
return e5.some(function(e6) {
return e6.kind === t5.kind;
function Wt2(t5, e5) {
return e5.some(function(e6) {
return "null" === e6 ? null === t5 : "array" === e6 ? Array.isArray(t5) : "object" === e6 ? t5 && !Array.isArray(t5) && "object" == typeof t5 : e6 === typeof t5;
var Qt2 = e4(function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = { transparent: [0, 0, 0, 0], aliceblue: [240, 248, 255, 1], antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215, 1], aqua: [0, 255, 255, 1], aquamarine: [127, 255, 212, 1], azure: [240, 255, 255, 1], beige: [245, 245, 220, 1], bisque: [255, 228, 196, 1], black: [0, 0, 0, 1], blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205, 1], blue: [0, 0, 255, 1], blueviolet: [138, 43, 226, 1], brown: [165, 42, 42, 1], burlywood: [222, 184, 135, 1], cadetblue: [95, 158, 160, 1], chartreuse: [127, 255, 0, 1], chocolate: [210, 105, 30, 1], coral: [255, 127, 80, 1], cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237, 1], cornsilk: [255, 248, 220, 1], crimson: [220, 20, 60, 1], cyan: [0, 255, 255, 1], darkblue: [0, 0, 139, 1], darkcyan: [0, 139, 139, 1], darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11, 1], darkgray: [169, 169, 169, 1], darkgreen: [0, 100, 0, 1], darkgrey: [169, 169, 169, 1], darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107, 1], darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139, 1], darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47, 1], darkorange: [255, 140, 0, 1], darkorchid: [153, 50, 204, 1], darkred: [139, 0, 0, 1], darksalmon: [233, 150, 122, 1], darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143, 1], darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139, 1], darkslategray: [47, 79, 79, 1], darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79, 1], darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209, 1], darkviolet: [148, 0, 211, 1], deeppink: [255, 20, 147, 1], deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255, 1], dimgray: [105, 105, 105, 1], dimgrey: [105, 105, 105, 1], dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255, 1], firebrick: [178, 34, 34, 1], floralwhite: [255, 250, 240, 1], forestgreen: [34, 139, 34, 1], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255, 1], gainsboro: [220, 220, 220, 1], ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255, 1], gold: [255, 215, 0, 1], goldenrod: [218, 165, 32, 1], gray: [128, 128, 128, 1], green: [0, 128, 0, 1], greenyellow: [173, 255, 47, 1], grey: [128, 128, 128, 1], honeydew: [240, 255, 240, 1], hotpink: [255, 105, 180, 1], indianred: [205, 92, 92, 1], indigo: [75, 0, 130, 1], ivory: [255, 255, 240, 1], khaki: [240, 230, 140, 1], lavender: [230, 230, 250, 1], lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245, 1], lawngreen: [124, 252, 0, 1], lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205, 1], lightblue: [173, 216, 230, 1], lightcoral: [240, 128, 128, 1], lightcyan: [224, 255, 255, 1], lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210, 1], lightgray: [211, 211, 211, 1], lightgreen: [144, 238, 144, 1], lightgrey: [211, 211, 211, 1], lightpink: [255, 182, 193, 1], lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122, 1], lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170, 1], lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250, 1], lightslategray: [119, 136, 153, 1], lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153, 1], lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222, 1], lightyellow: [255, 255, 224, 1], lime: [0, 255, 0, 1], limegreen: [50, 205, 50, 1], linen: [250, 240, 230, 1], magenta: [255, 0, 255, 1], maroon: [128, 0, 0, 1], mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170, 1], mediumblue: [0, 0, 205, 1], mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211, 1], mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219, 1], mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113, 1], mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238, 1], mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154, 1], mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204, 1], mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133, 1], midnightblue: [25, 25, 112, 1], mintcream: [245, 255, 250, 1], mistyrose: [255, 228, 225, 1], moccasin: [255, 228, 181, 1], navajowhite: [255, 222, 173, 1], navy: [0, 0, 128, 1], oldlace: [253, 245, 230, 1], olive: [128, 128, 0, 1], olivedrab: [107, 142, 35, 1], orange: [255, 165, 0, 1], orangered: [255, 69, 0, 1], orchid: [218, 112, 214, 1], palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170, 1], palegreen: [152, 251, 152, 1], paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238, 1], palevioletred: [219, 112, 147, 1], papayawhip: [255, 239, 213, 1], peachpuff: [255, 218, 185, 1], peru: [205, 133, 63, 1], pink: [255, 192, 203, 1], plum: [221, 160, 221, 1], powderblue: [176, 224, 230, 1], purple: [128, 0, 128, 1], rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153, 1], red: [255, 0, 0, 1], rosybrown: [188, 143, 143, 1], royalblue: [65, 105, 225, 1], saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19, 1], salmon: [250, 128, 114, 1], sandybrown: [244, 164, 96, 1], seagreen: [46, 139, 87, 1], seashell: [255, 245, 238, 1], sienna: [160, 82, 45, 1], silver: [192, 192, 192, 1], skyblue: [135, 206, 235, 1], slateblue: [106, 90, 205, 1], slategray: [112, 128, 144, 1], slategrey: [112, 128, 144, 1], snow: [255, 250, 250, 1], springgreen: [0, 255, 127, 1], steelblue: [70, 130, 180, 1], tan: [210, 180, 140, 1], teal: [0, 128, 128, 1], thistle: [216, 191, 216, 1], tomato: [255, 99, 71, 1], turquoise: [64, 224, 208, 1], violet: [238, 130, 238, 1], wheat: [245, 222, 179, 1], white: [255, 255, 255, 1], whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245, 1], yellow: [255, 255, 0, 1], yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50, 1] };
function n7(t6) {
return (t6 = Math.round(t6)) < 0 ? 0 : t6 > 255 ? 255 : t6;
function i5(t6) {
return n7("%" === t6[t6.length - 1] ? parseFloat(t6) / 100 * 255 : parseInt(t6));
function a5(t6) {
return (e6 = "%" === t6[t6.length - 1] ? parseFloat(t6) / 100 : parseFloat(t6)) < 0 ? 0 : e6 > 1 ? 1 : e6;
var e6;
function o5(t6, e6, r6) {
return r6 < 0 ? r6 += 1 : r6 > 1 && (r6 -= 1), 6 * r6 < 1 ? t6 + (e6 - t6) * r6 * 6 : 2 * r6 < 1 ? e6 : 3 * r6 < 2 ? t6 + (e6 - t6) * (2 / 3 - r6) * 6 : t6;
try {
e5.parseCSSColor = function(t6) {
var e6, s6 = t6.replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase();
if (s6 in r5) {
return r5[s6].slice();
if ("#" === s6[0]) {
return 4 === s6.length ? (e6 = parseInt(s6.substr(1), 16)) >= 0 && e6 <= 4095 ? [(3840 & e6) >> 4 | (3840 & e6) >> 8, 240 & e6 | (240 & e6) >> 4, 15 & e6 | (15 & e6) << 4, 1] : null : 7 === s6.length && (e6 = parseInt(s6.substr(1), 16)) >= 0 && e6 <= 16777215 ? [(16711680 & e6) >> 16, (65280 & e6) >> 8, 255 & e6, 1] : null;
var u4 = s6.indexOf("("), l6 = s6.indexOf(")");
if (-1 !== u4 && l6 + 1 === s6.length) {
var p4 = s6.substr(0, u4), c4 = s6.substr(u4 + 1, l6 - (u4 + 1)).split(","), h6 = 1;
switch (p4) {
case "rgba":
if (4 !== c4.length) {
return null;
h6 = a5(c4.pop());
case "rgb":
return 3 !== c4.length ? null : [i5(c4[0]), i5(c4[1]), i5(c4[2]), h6];
case "hsla":
if (4 !== c4.length) {
return null;
h6 = a5(c4.pop());
case "hsl":
if (3 !== c4.length) {
return null;
var f4 = (parseFloat(c4[0]) % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360, y4 = a5(c4[1]), d4 = a5(c4[2]), m4 = d4 <= 0.5 ? d4 * (y4 + 1) : d4 + y4 - d4 * y4, v4 = 2 * d4 - m4;
return [n7(255 * o5(v4, m4, f4 + 1 / 3)), n7(255 * o5(v4, m4, f4)), n7(255 * o5(v4, m4, f4 - 1 / 3)), h6];
return null;
return null;
} catch (t$1) {
}).parseCSSColor, te2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
void 0 === n7 && (n7 = 1), this.r = t5, this.g = e5, this.b = r5, this.a = n7;
te2.parse = function(t5) {
if (t5) {
if (t5 instanceof te2) {
return t5;
if ("string" == typeof t5) {
var e5 = Qt2(t5);
if (e5) {
return new te2(e5[0] / 255 * e5[3], e5[1] / 255 * e5[3], e5[2] / 255 * e5[3], e5[3]);
}, te2.prototype.toString = function() {
var t5 = this.toArray(), e5 = t5[1], r5 = t5[2], n7 = t5[3];
return "rgba(" + Math.round(t5[0]) + "," + Math.round(e5) + "," + Math.round(r5) + "," + n7 + ")";
}, te2.prototype.toArray = function() {
var t5 = this.a;
return 0 === t5 ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [255 * this.r / t5, 255 * this.g / t5, 255 * this.b / t5, t5];
}, te2.black = new te2(0, 0, 0, 1), te2.white = new te2(1, 1, 1, 1), te2.transparent = new te2(0, 0, 0, 0), te2.red = new te2(1, 0, 0, 1);
var ee2 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.sensitivity = t5 ? e5 ? "variant" : "case" : e5 ? "accent" : "base", this.locale = r5, this.collator = new Intl.Collator(this.locale ? this.locale : [], { sensitivity: this.sensitivity, usage: "search" });
ee2.prototype.compare = function(t5, e5) {
return this.collator.compare(t5, e5);
}, ee2.prototype.resolvedLocale = function() {
return new Intl.Collator(this.locale ? this.locale : []).resolvedOptions().locale;
var re2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.text = t5, this.image = e5, this.scale = r5, this.fontStack = n7, this.textColor = i5;
}, ne2 = function(t5) {
this.sections = t5;
ne2.fromString = function(t5) {
return new ne2([new re2(t5, null, null, null, null)]);
}, ne2.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.sections.length || !this.sections.some(function(t5) {
return 0 !== t5.text.length || t5.image && 0 !== t5.image.name.length;
}, ne2.factory = function(t5) {
return t5 instanceof ne2 ? t5 : ne2.fromString(t5);
}, ne2.prototype.toString = function() {
return 0 === this.sections.length ? "" : this.sections.map(function(t5) {
return t5.text;
}, ne2.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = ["format"], e5 = 0, r5 = this.sections; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
if (n7.image) {
t5.push(["image", n7.image.name]);
} else {
var i5 = {};
n7.fontStack && (i5["text-font"] = ["literal", n7.fontStack.split(",")]), n7.scale && (i5["font-scale"] = n7.scale), n7.textColor && (i5["text-color"] = ["rgba"].concat(n7.textColor.toArray())), t5.push(i5);
return t5;
var ie2 = function(t5) {
this.name = t5.name, this.available = t5.available;
function ae2(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return "number" == typeof t5 && t5 >= 0 && t5 <= 255 && "number" == typeof e5 && e5 >= 0 && e5 <= 255 && "number" == typeof r5 && r5 >= 0 && r5 <= 255 ? void 0 === n7 || "number" == typeof n7 && n7 >= 0 && n7 <= 1 ? null : "Invalid rgba value [" + [t5, e5, r5, n7].join(", ") + "]: 'a' must be between 0 and 1." : "Invalid rgba value [" + ("number" == typeof n7 ? [t5, e5, r5, n7] : [t5, e5, r5]).join(", ") + "]: 'r', 'g', and 'b' must be between 0 and 255.";
function oe2(t5) {
if (null === t5) {
return true;
if ("string" == typeof t5) {
return true;
if ("boolean" == typeof t5) {
return true;
if ("number" == typeof t5) {
return true;
if (t5 instanceof te2) {
return true;
if (t5 instanceof ee2) {
return true;
if (t5 instanceof ne2) {
return true;
if (t5 instanceof ie2) {
return true;
if (Array.isArray(t5)) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = t5; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
if (!oe2(r5[e5])) {
return false;
return true;
if ("object" == typeof t5) {
for (var n7 in t5) {
if (!oe2(t5[n7])) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
function se2(t5) {
if (null === t5) {
return Lt2;
if ("string" == typeof t5) {
return Rt2;
if ("boolean" == typeof t5) {
return Ut2;
if ("number" == typeof t5) {
return Ot2;
if (t5 instanceof te2) {
return jt2;
if (t5 instanceof ee2) {
return Kt2;
if (t5 instanceof ne2) {
return Gt2;
if (t5 instanceof ie2) {
return Zt2;
if (Array.isArray(t5)) {
for (var e5, r5 = t5.length, n7 = 0, i5 = t5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = se2(i5[n7]);
if (e5) {
if (e5 === a5) {
e5 = Nt2;
e5 = a5;
return Xt2(e5 || Nt2, r5);
return qt2;
function ue2(t5) {
var e5 = typeof t5;
return null === t5 ? "" : "string" === e5 || "number" === e5 || "boolean" === e5 ? String(t5) : t5 instanceof te2 || t5 instanceof ne2 || t5 instanceof ie2 ? t5.toString() : JSON.stringify(t5);
ie2.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.name;
}, ie2.fromString = function(t5) {
return t5 ? new ie2({ name: t5, available: false }) : null;
}, ie2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["image", this.name];
var le2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = t5, this.value = e5;
le2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("'literal' expression requires exactly one argument, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
if (!oe2(t5[1])) {
return e5.error("invalid value");
var r5 = t5[1], n7 = se2(r5), i5 = e5.expectedType;
return "array" !== n7.kind || 0 !== n7.N || !i5 || "array" !== i5.kind || "number" == typeof i5.N && 0 !== i5.N || (n7 = i5), new le2(n7, r5);
}, le2.prototype.evaluate = function() {
return this.value;
}, le2.prototype.eachChild = function() {
}, le2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return true;
}, le2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return "array" === this.type.kind || "object" === this.type.kind ? ["literal", this.value] : this.value instanceof te2 ? ["rgba"].concat(this.value.toArray()) : this.value instanceof ne2 ? this.value.serialize() : this.value;
var pe2 = function(t5) {
this.name = "ExpressionEvaluationError", this.message = t5;
pe2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.message;
var ce2 = { string: Rt2, number: Ot2, boolean: Ut2, object: qt2 }, he2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = t5, this.args = e5;
he2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 2) {
return e5.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r5, n7 = 1, i5 = t5[0];
if ("array" === i5) {
var a5, o5;
if (t5.length > 2) {
var s6 = t5[1];
if ("string" != typeof s6 || !(s6 in ce2) || "object" === s6) {
return e5.error('The item type argument of "array" must be one of string, number, boolean', 1);
a5 = ce2[s6], n7++;
} else {
a5 = Nt2;
if (t5.length > 3) {
if (null !== t5[2] && ("number" != typeof t5[2] || t5[2] < 0 || t5[2] !== Math.floor(t5[2]))) {
return e5.error('The length argument to "array" must be a positive integer literal', 2);
o5 = t5[2], n7++;
r5 = Xt2(a5, o5);
} else {
r5 = ce2[i5];
for (var u4 = []; n7 < t5.length; n7++) {
var l6 = e5.parse(t5[n7], n7, Nt2);
if (!l6) {
return null;
return new he2(r5, u4);
}, he2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0; e5 < this.args.length; e5++) {
var r5 = this.args[e5].evaluate(t5);
if (!Yt2(this.type, se2(r5))) {
return r5;
if (e5 === this.args.length - 1) {
throw new pe2("Expected value to be of type " + Jt2(this.type) + ", but found " + Jt2(se2(r5)) + " instead.");
return null;
}, he2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, he2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}, he2.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = this.type, e5 = [t5.kind];
if ("array" === t5.kind) {
var r5 = t5.itemType;
if ("string" === r5.kind || "number" === r5.kind || "boolean" === r5.kind) {
var n7 = t5.N;
("number" == typeof n7 || this.args.length > 1) && e5.push(n7);
return e5.concat(this.args.map(function(t6) {
return t6.serialize();
var fe2 = function(t5) {
this.type = Gt2, this.sections = t5;
fe2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 2) {
return e5.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r5 = t5[1];
if (!Array.isArray(r5) && "object" == typeof r5) {
return e5.error("First argument must be an image or text section.");
for (var n7 = [], i5 = false, a5 = 1; a5 <= t5.length - 1; ++a5) {
var o5 = t5[a5];
if (i5 && "object" == typeof o5 && !Array.isArray(o5)) {
i5 = false;
var s6 = null;
if (o5["font-scale"] && !(s6 = e5.parse(o5["font-scale"], 1, Ot2))) {
return null;
var u4 = null;
if (o5["text-font"] && !(u4 = e5.parse(o5["text-font"], 1, Xt2(Rt2)))) {
return null;
var l6 = null;
if (o5["text-color"] && !(l6 = e5.parse(o5["text-color"], 1, jt2))) {
return null;
var p4 = n7[n7.length - 1];
p4.scale = s6, p4.font = u4, p4.textColor = l6;
} else {
var c4 = e5.parse(t5[a5], 1, Nt2);
if (!c4) {
return null;
var h6 = c4.type.kind;
if ("string" !== h6 && "value" !== h6 && "null" !== h6 && "resolvedImage" !== h6) {
return e5.error("Formatted text type must be 'string', 'value', 'image' or 'null'.");
i5 = true, n7.push({ content: c4, scale: null, font: null, textColor: null });
return new fe2(n7);
}, fe2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return new ne2(this.sections.map(function(e5) {
var r5 = e5.content.evaluate(t5);
return se2(r5) === Zt2 ? new re2("", r5, null, null, null) : new re2(ue2(r5), null, e5.scale ? e5.scale.evaluate(t5) : null, e5.font ? e5.font.evaluate(t5).join(",") : null, e5.textColor ? e5.textColor.evaluate(t5) : null);
}, fe2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.sections; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
t5(n7.content), n7.scale && t5(n7.scale), n7.font && t5(n7.font), n7.textColor && t5(n7.textColor);
}, fe2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, fe2.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = ["format"], e5 = 0, r5 = this.sections; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
var i5 = {};
n7.scale && (i5["font-scale"] = n7.scale.serialize()), n7.font && (i5["text-font"] = n7.font.serialize()), n7.textColor && (i5["text-color"] = n7.textColor.serialize()), t5.push(i5);
return t5;
var ye2 = function(t5) {
this.type = Zt2, this.input = t5;
ye2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected two arguments.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Rt2);
return r5 ? new ye2(r5) : e5.error("No image name provided.");
}, ye2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.input.evaluate(t5), r5 = ie2.fromString(e5);
return r5 && t5.availableImages && (r5.available = t5.availableImages.indexOf(e5) > -1), r5;
}, ye2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, ye2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, ye2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["image", this.input.serialize()];
var de2 = { "to-boolean": Ut2, "to-color": jt2, "to-number": Ot2, "to-string": Rt2 }, me2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = t5, this.args = e5;
me2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 2) {
return e5.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r5 = t5[0];
if (("to-boolean" === r5 || "to-string" === r5) && 2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected one argument.");
for (var n7 = de2[r5], i5 = [], a5 = 1; a5 < t5.length; a5++) {
var o5 = e5.parse(t5[a5], a5, Nt2);
if (!o5) {
return null;
return new me2(n7, i5);
}, me2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
if ("boolean" === this.type.kind) {
return Boolean(this.args[0].evaluate(t5));
if ("color" === this.type.kind) {
for (var e5, r5, n7 = 0, i5 = this.args; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
if (r5 = null, (e5 = i5[n7].evaluate(t5)) instanceof te2) {
return e5;
if ("string" == typeof e5) {
var a5 = t5.parseColor(e5);
if (a5) {
return a5;
} else if (Array.isArray(e5) && !(r5 = e5.length < 3 || e5.length > 4 ? "Invalid rbga value " + JSON.stringify(e5) + ": expected an array containing either three or four numeric values." : ae2(e5[0], e5[1], e5[2], e5[3]))) {
return new te2(e5[0] / 255, e5[1] / 255, e5[2] / 255, e5[3]);
throw new pe2(r5 || "Could not parse color from value '" + ("string" == typeof e5 ? e5 : String(JSON.stringify(e5))) + "'");
if ("number" === this.type.kind) {
for (var o5 = null, s6 = 0, u4 = this.args; s6 < u4.length; s6 += 1) {
if (null === (o5 = u4[s6].evaluate(t5))) {
return 0;
var l6 = Number(o5);
if (!isNaN(l6)) {
return l6;
throw new pe2("Could not convert " + JSON.stringify(o5) + " to number.");
return "formatted" === this.type.kind ? ne2.fromString(ue2(this.args[0].evaluate(t5))) : "resolvedImage" === this.type.kind ? ie2.fromString(ue2(this.args[0].evaluate(t5))) : ue2(this.args[0].evaluate(t5));
}, me2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, me2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}, me2.prototype.serialize = function() {
if ("formatted" === this.type.kind) {
return new fe2([{ content: this.args[0], scale: null, font: null, textColor: null }]).serialize();
if ("resolvedImage" === this.type.kind) {
return new ye2(this.args[0]).serialize();
var t5 = ["to-" + this.type.kind];
return this.eachChild(function(e5) {
}), t5;
var ve2 = ["Unknown", "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"], ge2 = function() {
this.globals = null, this.feature = null, this.featureState = null, this.formattedSection = null, this._parseColorCache = {}, this.availableImages = null, this.canonical = null;
ge2.prototype.id = function() {
return this.feature && "id" in this.feature ? this.feature.id : null;
}, ge2.prototype.geometryType = function() {
return this.feature ? "number" == typeof this.feature.type ? ve2[this.feature.type] : this.feature.type : null;
}, ge2.prototype.geometry = function() {
return this.feature && "geometry" in this.feature ? this.feature.geometry : null;
}, ge2.prototype.canonicalID = function() {
return this.canonical;
}, ge2.prototype.properties = function() {
return this.feature && this.feature.properties || {};
}, ge2.prototype.parseColor = function(t5) {
var e5 = this._parseColorCache[t5];
return e5 || (e5 = this._parseColorCache[t5] = te2.parse(t5)), e5;
var xe2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.name = t5, this.type = e5, this._evaluate = r5, this.args = n7;
xe2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return this._evaluate(t5, this.args);
}, xe2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, xe2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, xe2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return [this.name].concat(this.args.map(function(t5) {
return t5.serialize();
}, xe2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
var r5, n7 = t5[0], i5 = xe2.definitions[n7];
if (!i5) {
return e5.error('Unknown expression "' + n7 + '". If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0);
for (var a5 = Array.isArray(i5) ? i5[0] : i5.type, o5 = Array.isArray(i5) ? [[i5[1], i5[2]]] : i5.overloads, s6 = o5.filter(function(e6) {
var r6 = e6[0];
return !Array.isArray(r6) || r6.length === t5.length - 1;
}), u4 = null, l6 = 0, p4 = s6; l6 < p4.length; l6 += 1) {
var c4 = p4[l6], h6 = c4[0], f4 = c4[1];
u4 = new je2(e5.registry, e5.path, null, e5.scope);
for (var y4 = [], d4 = false, m4 = 1; m4 < t5.length; m4++) {
var v4 = t5[m4], g4 = Array.isArray(h6) ? h6[m4 - 1] : h6.type, x4 = u4.parse(v4, 1 + y4.length, g4);
if (!x4) {
d4 = true;
if (!d4) {
if (Array.isArray(h6) && h6.length !== y4.length) {
u4.error("Expected " + h6.length + " arguments, but found " + y4.length + " instead.");
} else {
for (var b4 = 0; b4 < y4.length; b4++) {
var w4 = Array.isArray(h6) ? h6[b4] : h6.type, _3 = y4[b4];
u4.concat(b4 + 1).checkSubtype(w4, _3.type);
if (0 === u4.errors.length) {
return new xe2(n7, a5, f4, y4);
if (1 === s6.length) {
(r5 = e5.errors).push.apply(r5, u4.errors);
} else {
for (var A4 = (s6.length ? s6 : o5).map(function(t6) {
var e6;
return e6 = t6[0], Array.isArray(e6) ? "(" + e6.map(Jt2).join(", ") + ")" : "(" + Jt2(e6.type) + "...)";
}).join(" | "), S4 = [], k4 = 1; k4 < t5.length; k4++) {
var I4 = e5.parse(t5[k4], 1 + S4.length);
if (!I4) {
return null;
e5.error("Expected arguments of type " + A4 + ", but found (" + S4.join(", ") + ") instead.");
return null;
}, xe2.register = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 in xe2.definitions = e5, e5) {
t5[r5] = xe2;
var be2 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.type = Kt2, this.locale = r5, this.caseSensitive = t5, this.diacriticSensitive = e5;
function we2(t5, e5) {
t5[0] = Math.min(t5[0], e5[0]), t5[1] = Math.min(t5[1], e5[1]), t5[2] = Math.max(t5[2], e5[0]), t5[3] = Math.max(t5[3], e5[1]);
function _e2(t5, e5) {
return !(t5[0] <= e5[0] || t5[2] >= e5[2] || t5[1] <= e5[1] || t5[3] >= e5[3]);
function Ae2(t5, e5) {
var r5 = (180 + t5[0]) / 360, n7 = (180 - 180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + t5[1] * Math.PI / 360))) / 360, i5 = Math.pow(2, e5.z);
return [Math.round(r5 * i5 * 8192), Math.round(n7 * i5 * 8192)];
function Se2(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5[1] > t5[1] != r5[1] > t5[1] && t5[0] < (r5[0] - e5[0]) * (t5[1] - e5[1]) / (r5[1] - e5[1]) + e5[0];
function ke2(t5, e5) {
for (var r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6 = false, p4 = 0, c4 = e5.length; p4 < c4; p4++) {
for (var h6 = e5[p4], f4 = 0, y4 = h6.length; f4 < y4 - 1; f4++) {
if ((a5 = (r5 = t5)[0] - (n7 = h6[f4])[0]) * (u4 = r5[1] - (i5 = h6[f4 + 1])[1]) - (s6 = r5[0] - i5[0]) * (o5 = r5[1] - n7[1]) == 0 && a5 * s6 <= 0 && o5 * u4 <= 0) {
return false;
Se2(t5, h6[f4], h6[f4 + 1]) && (l6 = !l6);
return l6;
function Ie2(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < e5.length; r5++) {
if (ke2(t5, e5[r5])) {
return true;
return false;
function ze2(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = n7[0] - r5[0], a5 = n7[1] - r5[1], o5 = (t5[0] - r5[0]) * a5 - i5 * (t5[1] - r5[1]), s6 = (e5[0] - r5[0]) * a5 - i5 * (e5[1] - r5[1]);
return o5 > 0 && s6 < 0 || o5 < 0 && s6 > 0;
function Ce2(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = r5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
for (var a5 = i5[n7], o5 = 0; o5 < a5.length - 1; ++o5) {
if (0 != (c4 = [(p4 = a5[o5 + 1])[0] - (l6 = a5[o5])[0], p4[1] - l6[1]])[0] * (h6 = [(u4 = e5)[0] - (s6 = t5)[0], u4[1] - s6[1]])[1] - c4[1] * h6[0] && ze2(s6, u4, l6, p4) && ze2(l6, p4, s6, u4)) {
return true;
var s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6;
return false;
function Ee2(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; ++r5) {
if (!ke2(t5[r5], e5)) {
return false;
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < t5.length - 1; ++n7) {
if (Ce2(t5[n7], t5[n7 + 1], e5)) {
return false;
return true;
function Pe2(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < e5.length; r5++) {
if (Ee2(t5, e5[r5])) {
return true;
return false;
function Me2(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
for (var a5 = [], o5 = 0; o5 < t5[i5].length; o5++) {
var s6 = Ae2(t5[i5][o5], r5);
we2(e5, s6), a5.push(s6);
return n7;
function Be2(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
var a5 = Me2(t5[i5], e5, r5);
return n7;
function Te2(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
if (t5[0] < r5[0] || t5[0] > r5[2]) {
var i5 = 0.5 * n7, a5 = t5[0] - r5[0] > i5 ? -n7 : r5[0] - t5[0] > i5 ? n7 : 0;
0 === a5 && (a5 = t5[0] - r5[2] > i5 ? -n7 : r5[2] - t5[0] > i5 ? n7 : 0), t5[0] += a5;
we2(e5, t5);
function Ve2(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = 8192 * Math.pow(2, n7.z), a5 = [8192 * n7.x, 8192 * n7.y], o5 = [], s6 = 0, u4 = t5; s6 < u4.length; s6 += 1) {
for (var l6 = 0, p4 = u4[s6]; l6 < p4.length; l6 += 1) {
var c4 = p4[l6], h6 = [c4.x + a5[0], c4.y + a5[1]];
Te2(h6, e5, r5, i5), o5.push(h6);
return o5;
function Fe2(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5, a5 = 8192 * Math.pow(2, n7.z), o5 = [8192 * n7.x, 8192 * n7.y], s6 = [], u4 = 0, l6 = t5; u4 < l6.length; u4 += 1) {
for (var p4 = [], c4 = 0, h6 = l6[u4]; c4 < h6.length; c4 += 1) {
var f4 = h6[c4], y4 = [f4.x + o5[0], f4.y + o5[1]];
we2(e5, y4), p4.push(y4);
if (e5[2] - e5[0] <= a5 / 2) {
(i5 = e5)[0] = i5[1] = 1 / 0, i5[2] = i5[3] = -1 / 0;
for (var d4 = 0, m4 = s6; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
for (var v4 = 0, g4 = m4[d4]; v4 < g4.length; v4 += 1) {
Te2(g4[v4], e5, r5, a5);
return s6;
be2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected one argument.");
var r5 = t5[1];
if ("object" != typeof r5 || Array.isArray(r5)) {
return e5.error("Collator options argument must be an object.");
var n7 = e5.parse(void 0 !== r5["case-sensitive"] && r5["case-sensitive"], 1, Ut2);
if (!n7) {
return null;
var i5 = e5.parse(void 0 !== r5["diacritic-sensitive"] && r5["diacritic-sensitive"], 1, Ut2);
if (!i5) {
return null;
var a5 = null;
return r5.locale && !(a5 = e5.parse(r5.locale, 1, Rt2)) ? null : new be2(n7, i5, a5);
}, be2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return new ee2(this.caseSensitive.evaluate(t5), this.diacriticSensitive.evaluate(t5), this.locale ? this.locale.evaluate(t5) : null);
}, be2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.caseSensitive), t5(this.diacriticSensitive), this.locale && t5(this.locale);
}, be2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, be2.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = {};
return t5["case-sensitive"] = this.caseSensitive.serialize(), t5["diacritic-sensitive"] = this.diacriticSensitive.serialize(), this.locale && (t5.locale = this.locale.serialize()), ["collator", t5];
var De2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = Ut2, this.geojson = t5, this.geometries = e5;
function Le2(t5) {
if (t5 instanceof xe2) {
if ("get" === t5.name && 1 === t5.args.length) {
return false;
if ("feature-state" === t5.name) {
return false;
if ("has" === t5.name && 1 === t5.args.length) {
return false;
if ("properties" === t5.name || "geometry-type" === t5.name || "id" === t5.name) {
return false;
if (/^filter-/.test(t5.name)) {
return false;
if (t5 instanceof De2) {
return false;
var e5 = true;
return t5.eachChild(function(t6) {
e5 && !Le2(t6) && (e5 = false);
}), e5;
function Oe2(t5) {
if (t5 instanceof xe2 && "feature-state" === t5.name) {
return false;
var e5 = true;
return t5.eachChild(function(t6) {
e5 && !Oe2(t6) && (e5 = false);
}), e5;
function Re2(t5, e5) {
if (t5 instanceof xe2 && e5.indexOf(t5.name) >= 0) {
return false;
var r5 = true;
return t5.eachChild(function(t6) {
r5 && !Re2(t6, e5) && (r5 = false);
}), r5;
De2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("'within' expression requires exactly one argument, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
if (oe2(t5[1])) {
var r5 = t5[1];
if ("FeatureCollection" === r5.type) {
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < r5.features.length; ++n7) {
var i5 = r5.features[n7].geometry.type;
if ("Polygon" === i5 || "MultiPolygon" === i5) {
return new De2(r5, r5.features[n7].geometry);
} else if ("Feature" === r5.type) {
var a5 = r5.geometry.type;
if ("Polygon" === a5 || "MultiPolygon" === a5) {
return new De2(r5, r5.geometry);
} else if ("Polygon" === r5.type || "MultiPolygon" === r5.type) {
return new De2(r5, r5);
return e5.error("'within' expression requires valid geojson object that contains polygon geometry type.");
}, De2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
if (null != t5.geometry() && null != t5.canonicalID()) {
if ("Point" === t5.geometryType()) {
return function(t6, e5) {
var r5 = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0], n7 = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0], i5 = t6.canonicalID();
if ("Polygon" === e5.type) {
var a5 = Me2(e5.coordinates, n7, i5), o5 = Ve2(t6.geometry(), r5, n7, i5);
if (!_e2(r5, n7)) {
return false;
for (var s6 = 0, u4 = o5; s6 < u4.length; s6 += 1) {
if (!ke2(u4[s6], a5)) {
return false;
if ("MultiPolygon" === e5.type) {
var l6 = Be2(e5.coordinates, n7, i5), p4 = Ve2(t6.geometry(), r5, n7, i5);
if (!_e2(r5, n7)) {
return false;
for (var c4 = 0, h6 = p4; c4 < h6.length; c4 += 1) {
if (!Ie2(h6[c4], l6)) {
return false;
return true;
}(t5, this.geometries);
if ("LineString" === t5.geometryType()) {
return function(t6, e5) {
var r5 = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0], n7 = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0], i5 = t6.canonicalID();
if ("Polygon" === e5.type) {
var a5 = Me2(e5.coordinates, n7, i5), o5 = Fe2(t6.geometry(), r5, n7, i5);
if (!_e2(r5, n7)) {
return false;
for (var s6 = 0, u4 = o5; s6 < u4.length; s6 += 1) {
if (!Ee2(u4[s6], a5)) {
return false;
if ("MultiPolygon" === e5.type) {
var l6 = Be2(e5.coordinates, n7, i5), p4 = Fe2(t6.geometry(), r5, n7, i5);
if (!_e2(r5, n7)) {
return false;
for (var c4 = 0, h6 = p4; c4 < h6.length; c4 += 1) {
if (!Pe2(h6[c4], l6)) {
return false;
return true;
}(t5, this.geometries);
return false;
}, De2.prototype.eachChild = function() {
}, De2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return true;
}, De2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["within", this.geojson];
var Ue2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = e5.type, this.name = t5, this.boundExpression = e5;
Ue2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length || "string" != typeof t5[1]) {
return e5.error("'var' expression requires exactly one string literal argument.");
var r5 = t5[1];
return e5.scope.has(r5) ? new Ue2(r5, e5.scope.get(r5)) : e5.error('Unknown variable "' + r5 + '". Make sure "' + r5 + '" has been bound in an enclosing "let" expression before using it.', 1);
}, Ue2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return this.boundExpression.evaluate(t5);
}, Ue2.prototype.eachChild = function() {
}, Ue2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, Ue2.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["var", this.name];
var je2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = []), void 0 === n7 && (n7 = new Dt2()), void 0 === i5 && (i5 = []), this.registry = t5, this.path = e5, this.key = e5.map(function(t6) {
return "[" + t6 + "]";
}).join(""), this.scope = n7, this.errors = i5, this.expectedType = r5;
function qe2(t5, e5) {
for (var r5, n7 = t5.length - 1, i5 = 0, a5 = n7, o5 = 0; i5 <= a5; ) {
if ((r5 = t5[o5 = Math.floor((i5 + a5) / 2)]) <= e5) {
if (o5 === n7 || e5 < t5[o5 + 1]) {
return o5;
i5 = o5 + 1;
} else {
if (!(r5 > e5)) {
throw new pe2("Input is not a number.");
a5 = o5 - 1;
return 0;
je2.prototype.parse = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
return void 0 === i5 && (i5 = {}), e5 ? this.concat(e5, r5, n7)._parse(t5, i5) : this._parse(t5, i5);
}, je2.prototype._parse = function(t5, e5) {
function r5(t6, e6, r6) {
return "assert" === r6 ? new he2(e6, [t6]) : "coerce" === r6 ? new me2(e6, [t6]) : t6;
if (null !== t5 && "string" != typeof t5 && "boolean" != typeof t5 && "number" != typeof t5 || (t5 = ["literal", t5]), Array.isArray(t5)) {
if (0 === t5.length) {
return this.error('Expected an array with at least one element. If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", []].');
var n7 = t5[0];
if ("string" != typeof n7) {
return this.error("Expression name must be a string, but found " + typeof n7 + ' instead. If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0), null;
var i5 = this.registry[n7];
if (i5) {
var a5 = i5.parse(t5, this);
if (!a5) {
return null;
if (this.expectedType) {
var o5 = this.expectedType, s6 = a5.type;
if ("string" !== o5.kind && "number" !== o5.kind && "boolean" !== o5.kind && "object" !== o5.kind && "array" !== o5.kind || "value" !== s6.kind) {
if ("color" !== o5.kind && "formatted" !== o5.kind && "resolvedImage" !== o5.kind || "value" !== s6.kind && "string" !== s6.kind) {
if (this.checkSubtype(o5, s6)) {
return null;
} else {
a5 = r5(a5, o5, e5.typeAnnotation || "coerce");
} else {
a5 = r5(a5, o5, e5.typeAnnotation || "assert");
if (!(a5 instanceof le2) && "resolvedImage" !== a5.type.kind && function t6(e6) {
if (e6 instanceof Ue2) {
return t6(e6.boundExpression);
if (e6 instanceof xe2 && "error" === e6.name) {
return false;
if (e6 instanceof be2) {
return false;
if (e6 instanceof De2) {
return false;
var r6 = e6 instanceof me2 || e6 instanceof he2, n8 = true;
return e6.eachChild(function(e7) {
n8 = r6 ? n8 && t6(e7) : n8 && e7 instanceof le2;
}), !!n8 && Le2(e6) && Re2(e6, ["zoom", "heatmap-density", "line-progress", "accumulated", "is-supported-script"]);
}(a5)) {
var u4 = new ge2();
try {
a5 = new le2(a5.type, a5.evaluate(u4));
} catch (t$1) {
return this.error(t$1.message), null;
return a5;
return this.error('Unknown expression "' + n7 + '". If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0);
return this.error(void 0 === t5 ? "'undefined' value invalid. Use null instead." : "object" == typeof t5 ? 'Bare objects invalid. Use ["literal", {...}] instead.' : "Expected an array, but found " + typeof t5 + " instead.");
}, je2.prototype.concat = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = "number" == typeof t5 ? this.path.concat(t5) : this.path, i5 = r5 ? this.scope.concat(r5) : this.scope;
return new je2(this.registry, n7, e5 || null, i5, this.errors);
}, je2.prototype.error = function(t5) {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
for (var e5 = [], r5 = arguments.length - 1; r5-- > 0; ) {
e5[r5] = arguments$1[r5 + 1];
var n7 = "" + this.key + e5.map(function(t6) {
return "[" + t6 + "]";
this.errors.push(new Ft2(n7, t5));
}, je2.prototype.checkSubtype = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = Yt2(t5, e5);
return r5 && this.error(r5), r5;
var Ne2 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.type = t5, this.input = e5, this.labels = [], this.outputs = [];
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = r5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7], o5 = a5[1];
this.labels.push(a5[0]), this.outputs.push(o5);
function Ke2(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5 * (1 - r5) + e5 * r5;
Ne2.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length - 1 < 4) {
return e5.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t5.length - 1) + ".");
if ((t5.length - 1) % 2 != 0) {
return e5.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Ot2);
if (!r5) {
return null;
var n7 = [], i5 = null;
e5.expectedType && "value" !== e5.expectedType.kind && (i5 = e5.expectedType);
for (var a5 = 1; a5 < t5.length; a5 += 2) {
var o5 = 1 === a5 ? -1 / 0 : t5[a5], s6 = t5[a5 + 1], u4 = a5, l6 = a5 + 1;
if ("number" != typeof o5) {
return e5.error('Input/output pairs for "step" expressions must be defined using literal numeric values (not computed expressions) for the input values.', u4);
if (n7.length && n7[n7.length - 1][0] >= o5) {
return e5.error('Input/output pairs for "step" expressions must be arranged with input values in strictly ascending order.', u4);
var p4 = e5.parse(s6, l6, i5);
if (!p4) {
return null;
i5 = i5 || p4.type, n7.push([o5, p4]);
return new Ne2(i5, r5, n7);
}, Ne2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.labels, r5 = this.outputs;
if (1 === e5.length) {
return r5[0].evaluate(t5);
var n7 = this.input.evaluate(t5);
if (n7 <= e5[0]) {
return r5[0].evaluate(t5);
var i5 = e5.length;
return n7 >= e5[i5 - 1] ? r5[i5 - 1].evaluate(t5) : r5[qe2(e5, n7)].evaluate(t5);
}, Ne2.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.outputs; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
}, Ne2.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}, Ne2.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = ["step", this.input.serialize()], e5 = 0; e5 < this.labels.length; e5++) {
e5 > 0 && t5.push(this.labels[e5]), t5.push(this.outputs[e5].serialize());
return t5;
var Ge2 = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, number: Ke2, color: function(t5, e5, r5) {
return new te2(Ke2(t5.r, e5.r, r5), Ke2(t5.g, e5.g, r5), Ke2(t5.b, e5.b, r5), Ke2(t5.a, e5.a, r5));
}, array: function(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5.map(function(t6, n7) {
return Ke2(t6, e5[n7], r5);
} }), Ze2 = 6 / 29 * 3 * (6 / 29), Xe2 = Math.PI / 180, Je2 = 180 / Math.PI;
function He2(t5) {
return t5 > 0.008856451679035631 ? Math.pow(t5, 1 / 3) : t5 / Ze2 + 4 / 29;
function Ye2(t5) {
return t5 > 6 / 29 ? t5 * t5 * t5 : Ze2 * (t5 - 4 / 29);
function $e2(t5) {
return 255 * (t5 <= 31308e-7 ? 12.92 * t5 : 1.055 * Math.pow(t5, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
function We2(t5) {
return (t5 /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? t5 / 12.92 : Math.pow((t5 + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
function Qe2(t5) {
var e5 = We2(t5.r), r5 = We2(t5.g), n7 = We2(t5.b), i5 = He2((0.4124564 * e5 + 0.3575761 * r5 + 0.1804375 * n7) / 0.95047), a5 = He2((0.2126729 * e5 + 0.7151522 * r5 + 0.072175 * n7) / 1);
return { l: 116 * a5 - 16, a: 500 * (i5 - a5), b: 200 * (a5 - He2((0.0193339 * e5 + 0.119192 * r5 + 0.9503041 * n7) / 1.08883)), alpha: t5.a };
function tr(t5) {
var e5 = (t5.l + 16) / 116, r5 = isNaN(t5.a) ? e5 : e5 + t5.a / 500, n7 = isNaN(t5.b) ? e5 : e5 - t5.b / 200;
return e5 = 1 * Ye2(e5), r5 = 0.95047 * Ye2(r5), n7 = 1.08883 * Ye2(n7), new te2($e2(3.2404542 * r5 - 1.5371385 * e5 - 0.4985314 * n7), $e2(-0.969266 * r5 + 1.8760108 * e5 + 0.041556 * n7), $e2(0.0556434 * r5 - 0.2040259 * e5 + 1.0572252 * n7), t5.alpha);
function er(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5 - t5;
return t5 + r5 * (n7 > 180 || n7 < -180 ? n7 - 360 * Math.round(n7 / 360) : n7);
var rr = { forward: Qe2, reverse: tr, interpolate: function(t5, e5, r5) {
return { l: Ke2(t5.l, e5.l, r5), a: Ke2(t5.a, e5.a, r5), b: Ke2(t5.b, e5.b, r5), alpha: Ke2(t5.alpha, e5.alpha, r5) };
} }, nr = { forward: function(t5) {
var e5 = Qe2(t5), r5 = e5.l, n7 = e5.a, i5 = e5.b, a5 = Math.atan2(i5, n7) * Je2;
return { h: a5 < 0 ? a5 + 360 : a5, c: Math.sqrt(n7 * n7 + i5 * i5), l: r5, alpha: t5.a };
}, reverse: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.h * Xe2, r5 = t5.c;
return tr({ l: t5.l, a: Math.cos(e5) * r5, b: Math.sin(e5) * r5, alpha: t5.alpha });
}, interpolate: function(t5, e5, r5) {
return { h: er(t5.h, e5.h, r5), c: Ke2(t5.c, e5.c, r5), l: Ke2(t5.l, e5.l, r5), alpha: Ke2(t5.alpha, e5.alpha, r5) };
} }, ir = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, lab: rr, hcl: nr }), ar = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.type = t5, this.operator = e5, this.interpolation = r5, this.input = n7, this.labels = [], this.outputs = [];
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = i5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5], u4 = s6[1];
this.labels.push(s6[0]), this.outputs.push(u4);
function or(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = n7 - r5, a5 = t5 - r5;
return 0 === i5 ? 0 : 1 === e5 ? a5 / i5 : (Math.pow(e5, a5) - 1) / (Math.pow(e5, i5) - 1);
ar.interpolationFactor = function(t5, e5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = 0;
if ("exponential" === t5.name) {
a5 = or(e5, t5.base, n7, i5);
} else if ("linear" === t5.name) {
a5 = or(e5, 1, n7, i5);
} else if ("cubic-bezier" === t5.name) {
var o5 = t5.controlPoints;
a5 = new r4(o5[0], o5[1], o5[2], o5[3]).solve(or(e5, 1, n7, i5));
return a5;
}, ar.parse = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5[0], n7 = t5[1], i5 = t5[2], a5 = t5.slice(3);
if (!Array.isArray(n7) || 0 === n7.length) {
return e5.error("Expected an interpolation type expression.", 1);
if ("linear" === n7[0]) {
n7 = { name: "linear" };
} else if ("exponential" === n7[0]) {
var o5 = n7[1];
if ("number" != typeof o5) {
return e5.error("Exponential interpolation requires a numeric base.", 1, 1);
n7 = { name: "exponential", base: o5 };
} else {
if ("cubic-bezier" !== n7[0]) {
return e5.error("Unknown interpolation type " + String(n7[0]), 1, 0);
var s6 = n7.slice(1);
if (4 !== s6.length || s6.some(function(t6) {
return "number" != typeof t6 || t6 < 0 || t6 > 1;
})) {
return e5.error("Cubic bezier interpolation requires four numeric arguments with values between 0 and 1.", 1);
n7 = { name: "cubic-bezier", controlPoints: s6 };
if (t5.length - 1 < 4) {
return e5.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t5.length - 1) + ".");
if ((t5.length - 1) % 2 != 0) {
return e5.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
if (!(i5 = e5.parse(i5, 2, Ot2))) {
return null;
var u4 = [], l6 = null;
"interpolate-hcl" === r5 || "interpolate-lab" === r5 ? l6 = jt2 : e5.expectedType && "value" !== e5.expectedType.kind && (l6 = e5.expectedType);
for (var p4 = 0; p4 < a5.length; p4 += 2) {
var c4 = a5[p4], h6 = a5[p4 + 1], f4 = p4 + 3, y4 = p4 + 4;
if ("number" != typeof c4) {
return e5.error('Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be defined using literal numeric values (not computed expressions) for the input values.', f4);
if (u4.length && u4[u4.length - 1][0] >= c4) {
return e5.error('Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be arranged with input values in strictly ascending order.', f4);
var d4 = e5.parse(h6, y4, l6);
if (!d4) {
return null;
l6 = l6 || d4.type, u4.push([c4, d4]);
return "number" === l6.kind || "color" === l6.kind || "array" === l6.kind && "number" === l6.itemType.kind && "number" == typeof l6.N ? new ar(l6, r5, n7, i5, u4) : e5.error("Type " + Jt2(l6) + " is not interpolatable.");
}, ar.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.labels, r5 = this.outputs;
if (1 === e5.length) {
return r5[0].evaluate(t5);
var n7 = this.input.evaluate(t5);
if (n7 <= e5[0]) {
return r5[0].evaluate(t5);
var i5 = e5.length;
if (n7 >= e5[i5 - 1]) {
return r5[i5 - 1].evaluate(t5);
var a5 = qe2(e5, n7), o5 = ar.interpolationFactor(this.interpolation, n7, e5[a5], e5[a5 + 1]), s6 = r5[a5].evaluate(t5), u4 = r5[a5 + 1].evaluate(t5);
return "interpolate" === this.operator ? Ge2[this.type.kind.toLowerCase()](s6, u4, o5) : "interpolate-hcl" === this.operator ? nr.reverse(nr.interpolate(nr.forward(s6), nr.forward(u4), o5)) : rr.reverse(rr.interpolate(rr.forward(s6), rr.forward(u4), o5));
}, ar.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.outputs; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
}, ar.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}, ar.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5;
t5 = "linear" === this.interpolation.name ? ["linear"] : "exponential" === this.interpolation.name ? 1 === this.interpolation.base ? ["linear"] : ["exponential", this.interpolation.base] : ["cubic-bezier"].concat(this.interpolation.controlPoints);
for (var e5 = [this.operator, t5, this.input.serialize()], r5 = 0; r5 < this.labels.length; r5++) {
e5.push(this.labels[r5], this.outputs[r5].serialize());
return e5;
var sr = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = t5, this.args = e5;
sr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 2) {
return e5.error("Expectected at least one argument.");
var r5 = null, n7 = e5.expectedType;
n7 && "value" !== n7.kind && (r5 = n7);
for (var i5 = [], a5 = 0, o5 = t5.slice(1); a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = e5.parse(o5[a5], 1 + i5.length, r5, void 0, { typeAnnotation: "omit" });
if (!s6) {
return null;
r5 = r5 || s6.type, i5.push(s6);
var u4 = n7 && i5.some(function(t6) {
return Yt2(n7, t6.type);
return new sr(u4 ? Nt2 : r5, i5);
}, sr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
for (var e5, r5 = null, n7 = 0, i5 = 0, a5 = this.args; i5 < a5.length && (n7++, (r5 = a5[i5].evaluate(t5)) && r5 instanceof ie2 && !r5.available && (e5 || (e5 = r5.name), r5 = null, n7 === this.args.length && (r5 = e5)), null === r5); i5 += 1) {
return r5;
}, sr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, sr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}, sr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = ["coalesce"];
return this.eachChild(function(e5) {
}), t5;
var ur = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = e5.type, this.bindings = [].concat(t5), this.result = e5;
ur.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return this.result.evaluate(t5);
}, ur.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.bindings; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
}, ur.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 4) {
return e5.error("Expected at least 3 arguments, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
for (var r5 = [], n7 = 1; n7 < t5.length - 1; n7 += 2) {
var i5 = t5[n7];
if ("string" != typeof i5) {
return e5.error("Expected string, but found " + typeof i5 + " instead.", n7);
if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(i5)) {
return e5.error("Variable names must contain only alphanumeric characters or '_'.", n7);
var a5 = e5.parse(t5[n7 + 1], n7 + 1);
if (!a5) {
return null;
r5.push([i5, a5]);
var o5 = e5.parse(t5[t5.length - 1], t5.length - 1, e5.expectedType, r5);
return o5 ? new ur(r5, o5) : null;
}, ur.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.result.outputDefined();
}, ur.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = ["let"], e5 = 0, r5 = this.bindings; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
t5.push(n7[0], n7[1].serialize());
return t5.push(this.result.serialize()), t5;
var lr = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.type = t5, this.index = e5, this.input = r5;
lr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (3 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected 2 arguments, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Ot2), n7 = e5.parse(t5[2], 2, Xt2(e5.expectedType || Nt2));
return r5 && n7 ? new lr(n7.type.itemType, r5, n7) : null;
}, lr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.index.evaluate(t5), r5 = this.input.evaluate(t5);
if (e5 < 0) {
throw new pe2("Array index out of bounds: " + e5 + " < 0.");
if (e5 >= r5.length) {
throw new pe2("Array index out of bounds: " + e5 + " > " + (r5.length - 1) + ".");
if (e5 !== Math.floor(e5)) {
throw new pe2("Array index must be an integer, but found " + e5 + " instead.");
return r5[e5];
}, lr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.index), t5(this.input);
}, lr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, lr.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["at", this.index.serialize(), this.input.serialize()];
var pr = function(t5, e5) {
this.type = Ut2, this.needle = t5, this.haystack = e5;
pr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (3 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected 2 arguments, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Nt2), n7 = e5.parse(t5[2], 2, Nt2);
return r5 && n7 ? $t2(r5.type, [Ut2, Rt2, Ot2, Lt2, Nt2]) ? new pr(r5, n7) : e5.error("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Jt2(r5.type) + " instead") : null;
}, pr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.needle.evaluate(t5), r5 = this.haystack.evaluate(t5);
if (!r5) {
return false;
if (!Wt2(e5, ["boolean", "string", "number", "null"])) {
throw new pe2("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Jt2(se2(e5)) + " instead.");
if (!Wt2(r5, ["string", "array"])) {
throw new pe2("Expected second argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Jt2(se2(r5)) + " instead.");
return r5.indexOf(e5) >= 0;
}, pr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.needle), t5(this.haystack);
}, pr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return true;
}, pr.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["in", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize()];
var cr = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.type = Ot2, this.needle = t5, this.haystack = e5, this.fromIndex = r5;
cr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length <= 2 || t5.length >= 5) {
return e5.error("Expected 3 or 4 arguments, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Nt2), n7 = e5.parse(t5[2], 2, Nt2);
if (!r5 || !n7) {
return null;
if (!$t2(r5.type, [Ut2, Rt2, Ot2, Lt2, Nt2])) {
return e5.error("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Jt2(r5.type) + " instead");
if (4 === t5.length) {
var i5 = e5.parse(t5[3], 3, Ot2);
return i5 ? new cr(r5, n7, i5) : null;
return new cr(r5, n7);
}, cr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.needle.evaluate(t5), r5 = this.haystack.evaluate(t5);
if (!Wt2(e5, ["boolean", "string", "number", "null"])) {
throw new pe2("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Jt2(se2(e5)) + " instead.");
if (!Wt2(r5, ["string", "array"])) {
throw new pe2("Expected second argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Jt2(se2(r5)) + " instead.");
if (this.fromIndex) {
var n7 = this.fromIndex.evaluate(t5);
return r5.indexOf(e5, n7);
return r5.indexOf(e5);
}, cr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.needle), t5(this.haystack), this.fromIndex && t5(this.fromIndex);
}, cr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, cr.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (null != this.fromIndex && void 0 !== this.fromIndex) {
var t5 = this.fromIndex.serialize();
return ["index-of", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize(), t5];
return ["index-of", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize()];
var hr = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
this.inputType = t5, this.type = e5, this.input = r5, this.cases = n7, this.outputs = i5, this.otherwise = a5;
hr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 5) {
return e5.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t5.length - 1) + ".");
if (t5.length % 2 != 1) {
return e5.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
var r5, n7;
e5.expectedType && "value" !== e5.expectedType.kind && (n7 = e5.expectedType);
for (var i5 = {}, a5 = [], o5 = 2; o5 < t5.length - 1; o5 += 2) {
var s6 = t5[o5], u4 = t5[o5 + 1];
Array.isArray(s6) || (s6 = [s6]);
var l6 = e5.concat(o5);
if (0 === s6.length) {
return l6.error("Expected at least one branch label.");
for (var p4 = 0, c4 = s6; p4 < c4.length; p4 += 1) {
var h6 = c4[p4];
if ("number" != typeof h6 && "string" != typeof h6) {
return l6.error("Branch labels must be numbers or strings.");
if ("number" == typeof h6 && Math.abs(h6) > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) {
return l6.error("Branch labels must be integers no larger than " + Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + ".");
if ("number" == typeof h6 && Math.floor(h6) !== h6) {
return l6.error("Numeric branch labels must be integer values.");
if (r5) {
if (l6.checkSubtype(r5, se2(h6))) {
return null;
} else {
r5 = se2(h6);
if (void 0 !== i5[String(h6)]) {
return l6.error("Branch labels must be unique.");
i5[String(h6)] = a5.length;
var f4 = e5.parse(u4, o5, n7);
if (!f4) {
return null;
n7 = n7 || f4.type, a5.push(f4);
var y4 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Nt2);
if (!y4) {
return null;
var d4 = e5.parse(t5[t5.length - 1], t5.length - 1, n7);
return d4 ? "value" !== y4.type.kind && e5.concat(1).checkSubtype(r5, y4.type) ? null : new hr(r5, n7, y4, i5, a5, d4) : null;
}, hr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.input.evaluate(t5);
return (se2(e5) === this.inputType && this.outputs[this.cases[e5]] || this.otherwise).evaluate(t5);
}, hr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.input), this.outputs.forEach(t5), t5(this.otherwise);
}, hr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every(function(t5) {
return t5.outputDefined();
}) && this.otherwise.outputDefined();
}, hr.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = this, e5 = ["match", this.input.serialize()], r5 = [], n7 = {}, i5 = 0, a5 = Object.keys(this.cases).sort(); i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
void 0 === (c4 = n7[this.cases[o5]]) ? (n7[this.cases[o5]] = r5.length, r5.push([this.cases[o5], [o5]])) : r5[c4][1].push(o5);
for (var s6 = function(e6) {
return "number" === t5.inputType.kind ? Number(e6) : e6;
}, u4 = 0, l6 = r5; u4 < l6.length; u4 += 1) {
var p4 = l6[u4], c4 = p4[0], h6 = p4[1];
e5.push(1 === h6.length ? s6(h6[0]) : h6.map(s6)), e5.push(this.outputs[outputIndex$1].serialize());
return e5.push(this.otherwise.serialize()), e5;
var fr = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.type = t5, this.branches = e5, this.otherwise = r5;
fr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length < 4) {
return e5.error("Expected at least 3 arguments, but found only " + (t5.length - 1) + ".");
if (t5.length % 2 != 0) {
return e5.error("Expected an odd number of arguments.");
var r5;
e5.expectedType && "value" !== e5.expectedType.kind && (r5 = e5.expectedType);
for (var n7 = [], i5 = 1; i5 < t5.length - 1; i5 += 2) {
var a5 = e5.parse(t5[i5], i5, Ut2);
if (!a5) {
return null;
var o5 = e5.parse(t5[i5 + 1], i5 + 1, r5);
if (!o5) {
return null;
n7.push([a5, o5]), r5 = r5 || o5.type;
var s6 = e5.parse(t5[t5.length - 1], t5.length - 1, r5);
return s6 ? new fr(r5, n7, s6) : null;
}, fr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.branches; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5], i5 = n7[1];
if (n7[0].evaluate(t5)) {
return i5.evaluate(t5);
return this.otherwise.evaluate(t5);
}, fr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.branches; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5], i5 = n7[1];
t5(n7[0]), t5(i5);
}, fr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.branches.every(function(t5) {
return t5[1].outputDefined();
}) && this.otherwise.outputDefined();
}, fr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = ["case"];
return this.eachChild(function(e5) {
}), t5;
var yr = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.type = t5, this.input = e5, this.beginIndex = r5, this.endIndex = n7;
function dr(t5, e5) {
return "==" === t5 || "!=" === t5 ? "boolean" === e5.kind || "string" === e5.kind || "number" === e5.kind || "null" === e5.kind || "value" === e5.kind : "string" === e5.kind || "number" === e5.kind || "value" === e5.kind;
function mr(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return 0 === n7.compare(e5, r5);
function vr(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = "==" !== t5 && "!=" !== t5;
return function() {
function i5(t6, e6, r6) {
this.type = Ut2, this.lhs = t6, this.rhs = e6, this.collator = r6, this.hasUntypedArgument = "value" === t6.type.kind || "value" === e6.type.kind;
return i5.parse = function(t6, e6) {
if (3 !== t6.length && 4 !== t6.length) {
return e6.error("Expected two or three arguments.");
var r6 = t6[0], a5 = e6.parse(t6[1], 1, Nt2);
if (!a5) {
return null;
if (!dr(r6, a5.type)) {
return e6.concat(1).error('"' + r6 + `" comparisons are not supported for type '` + Jt2(a5.type) + "'.");
var o5 = e6.parse(t6[2], 2, Nt2);
if (!o5) {
return null;
if (!dr(r6, o5.type)) {
return e6.concat(2).error('"' + r6 + `" comparisons are not supported for type '` + Jt2(o5.type) + "'.");
if (a5.type.kind !== o5.type.kind && "value" !== a5.type.kind && "value" !== o5.type.kind) {
return e6.error("Cannot compare types '" + Jt2(a5.type) + "' and '" + Jt2(o5.type) + "'.");
n7 && ("value" === a5.type.kind && "value" !== o5.type.kind ? a5 = new he2(o5.type, [a5]) : "value" !== a5.type.kind && "value" === o5.type.kind && (o5 = new he2(a5.type, [o5])));
var s6 = null;
if (4 === t6.length) {
if ("string" !== a5.type.kind && "string" !== o5.type.kind && "value" !== a5.type.kind && "value" !== o5.type.kind) {
return e6.error("Cannot use collator to compare non-string types.");
if (!(s6 = e6.parse(t6[3], 3, Kt2))) {
return null;
return new i5(a5, o5, s6);
}, i5.prototype.evaluate = function(i6) {
var a5 = this.lhs.evaluate(i6), o5 = this.rhs.evaluate(i6);
if (n7 && this.hasUntypedArgument) {
var s6 = se2(a5), u4 = se2(o5);
if (s6.kind !== u4.kind || "string" !== s6.kind && "number" !== s6.kind) {
throw new pe2('Expected arguments for "' + t5 + '" to be (string, string) or (number, number), but found (' + s6.kind + ", " + u4.kind + ") instead.");
if (this.collator && !n7 && this.hasUntypedArgument) {
var l6 = se2(a5), p4 = se2(o5);
if ("string" !== l6.kind || "string" !== p4.kind) {
return e5(i6, a5, o5);
return this.collator ? r5(i6, a5, o5, this.collator.evaluate(i6)) : e5(i6, a5, o5);
}, i5.prototype.eachChild = function(t6) {
t6(this.lhs), t6(this.rhs), this.collator && t6(this.collator);
}, i5.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return true;
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e6 = [t5];
return this.eachChild(function(t6) {
}), e6;
}, i5;
yr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5.length <= 2 || t5.length >= 5) {
return e5.error("Expected 3 or 4 arguments, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Nt2), n7 = e5.parse(t5[2], 2, Ot2);
if (!r5 || !n7) {
return null;
if (!$t2(r5.type, [Xt2(Nt2), Rt2, Nt2])) {
return e5.error("Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Jt2(r5.type) + " instead");
if (4 === t5.length) {
var i5 = e5.parse(t5[3], 3, Ot2);
return i5 ? new yr(r5.type, r5, n7, i5) : null;
return new yr(r5.type, r5, n7);
}, yr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.input.evaluate(t5), r5 = this.beginIndex.evaluate(t5);
if (!Wt2(e5, ["string", "array"])) {
throw new pe2("Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Jt2(se2(e5)) + " instead.");
if (this.endIndex) {
var n7 = this.endIndex.evaluate(t5);
return e5.slice(r5, n7);
return e5.slice(r5);
}, yr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.input), t5(this.beginIndex), this.endIndex && t5(this.endIndex);
}, yr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, yr.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (null != this.endIndex && void 0 !== this.endIndex) {
var t5 = this.endIndex.serialize();
return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize(), t5];
return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize()];
var gr = vr("==", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 === r5;
}, mr), xr = vr("!=", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 !== r5;
}, function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return !mr(0, e5, r5, n7);
}), br = vr("<", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 < r5;
}, function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return n7.compare(e5, r5) < 0;
}), wr = vr(">", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 > r5;
}, function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return n7.compare(e5, r5) > 0;
}), _r = vr("<=", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 <= r5;
}, function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return n7.compare(e5, r5) <= 0;
}), Ar = vr(">=", function(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5 >= r5;
}, function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return n7.compare(e5, r5) >= 0;
}), Sr = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.type = Rt2, this.number = t5, this.locale = e5, this.currency = r5, this.minFractionDigits = n7, this.maxFractionDigits = i5;
Sr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (3 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected two arguments.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1, Ot2);
if (!r5) {
return null;
var n7 = t5[2];
if ("object" != typeof n7 || Array.isArray(n7)) {
return e5.error("NumberFormat options argument must be an object.");
var i5 = null;
if (n7.locale && !(i5 = e5.parse(n7.locale, 1, Rt2))) {
return null;
var a5 = null;
if (n7.currency && !(a5 = e5.parse(n7.currency, 1, Rt2))) {
return null;
var o5 = null;
if (n7["min-fraction-digits"] && !(o5 = e5.parse(n7["min-fraction-digits"], 1, Ot2))) {
return null;
var s6 = null;
return n7["max-fraction-digits"] && !(s6 = e5.parse(n7["max-fraction-digits"], 1, Ot2)) ? null : new Sr(r5, i5, a5, o5, s6);
}, Sr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat(this.locale ? this.locale.evaluate(t5) : [], { style: this.currency ? "currency" : "decimal", currency: this.currency ? this.currency.evaluate(t5) : void 0, minimumFractionDigits: this.minFractionDigits ? this.minFractionDigits.evaluate(t5) : void 0, maximumFractionDigits: this.maxFractionDigits ? this.maxFractionDigits.evaluate(t5) : void 0 }).format(this.number.evaluate(t5));
}, Sr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
t5(this.number), this.locale && t5(this.locale), this.currency && t5(this.currency), this.minFractionDigits && t5(this.minFractionDigits), this.maxFractionDigits && t5(this.maxFractionDigits);
}, Sr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, Sr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = {};
return this.locale && (t5.locale = this.locale.serialize()), this.currency && (t5.currency = this.currency.serialize()), this.minFractionDigits && (t5["min-fraction-digits"] = this.minFractionDigits.serialize()), this.maxFractionDigits && (t5["max-fraction-digits"] = this.maxFractionDigits.serialize()), ["number-format", this.number.serialize(), t5];
var kr = function(t5) {
this.type = Ot2, this.input = t5;
kr.parse = function(t5, e5) {
if (2 !== t5.length) {
return e5.error("Expected 1 argument, but found " + (t5.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r5 = e5.parse(t5[1], 1);
return r5 ? "array" !== r5.type.kind && "string" !== r5.type.kind && "value" !== r5.type.kind ? e5.error("Expected argument of type string or array, but found " + Jt2(r5.type) + " instead.") : new kr(r5) : null;
}, kr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.input.evaluate(t5);
if ("string" == typeof e5) {
return e5.length;
if (Array.isArray(e5)) {
return e5.length;
throw new pe2("Expected value to be of type string or array, but found " + Jt2(se2(e5)) + " instead.");
}, kr.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
}, kr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, kr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t5 = ["length"];
return this.eachChild(function(e5) {
}), t5;
var Ir = { "==": gr, "!=": xr, ">": wr, "<": br, ">=": Ar, "<=": _r, array: he2, at: lr, boolean: he2, case: fr, coalesce: sr, collator: be2, format: fe2, image: ye2, in: pr, "index-of": cr, interpolate: ar, "interpolate-hcl": ar, "interpolate-lab": ar, length: kr, let: ur, literal: le2, match: hr, number: he2, "number-format": Sr, object: he2, slice: yr, step: Ne2, string: he2, "to-boolean": me2, "to-color": me2, "to-number": me2, "to-string": me2, var: Ue2, within: De2 };
function zr(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = e5[2], a5 = e5[3];
r5 = r5.evaluate(t5), n7 = n7.evaluate(t5), i5 = i5.evaluate(t5);
var o5 = a5 ? a5.evaluate(t5) : 1, s6 = ae2(r5, n7, i5, o5);
if (s6) {
throw new pe2(s6);
return new te2(r5 / 255 * o5, n7 / 255 * o5, i5 / 255 * o5, o5);
function Cr(t5, e5) {
return t5 in e5;
function Er(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[t5];
return void 0 === r5 ? null : r5;
function Pr(t5) {
return { type: t5 };
function Mr(t5) {
return { result: "success", value: t5 };
function Br(t5) {
return { result: "error", value: t5 };
function Tr(t5) {
return "data-driven" === t5["property-type"] || "cross-faded-data-driven" === t5["property-type"];
function Vr(t5) {
return !!t5.expression && t5.expression.parameters.indexOf("zoom") > -1;
function Fr(t5) {
return !!t5.expression && t5.expression.interpolated;
function Dr(t5) {
return t5 instanceof Number ? "number" : t5 instanceof String ? "string" : t5 instanceof Boolean ? "boolean" : Array.isArray(t5) ? "array" : null === t5 ? "null" : typeof t5;
function Lr(t5) {
return "object" == typeof t5 && null !== t5 && !Array.isArray(t5);
function Or(t5) {
return t5;
function Rr(t5, e5, r5) {
return void 0 !== t5 ? t5 : void 0 !== e5 ? e5 : void 0 !== r5 ? r5 : void 0;
function Ur(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
return Rr(typeof r5 === i5 ? n7[r5] : void 0, t5.default, e5.default);
function jr(t5, e5, r5) {
if ("number" !== Dr(r5)) {
return Rr(t5.default, e5.default);
var n7 = t5.stops.length;
if (1 === n7) {
return t5.stops[0][1];
if (r5 <= t5.stops[0][0]) {
return t5.stops[0][1];
if (r5 >= t5.stops[n7 - 1][0]) {
return t5.stops[n7 - 1][1];
var i5 = qe2(t5.stops.map(function(t6) {
return t6[0];
}), r5);
return t5.stops[i5][1];
function qr(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = void 0 !== t5.base ? t5.base : 1;
if ("number" !== Dr(r5)) {
return Rr(t5.default, e5.default);
var i5 = t5.stops.length;
if (1 === i5) {
return t5.stops[0][1];
if (r5 <= t5.stops[0][0]) {
return t5.stops[0][1];
if (r5 >= t5.stops[i5 - 1][0]) {
return t5.stops[i5 - 1][1];
var a5 = qe2(t5.stops.map(function(t6) {
return t6[0];
}), r5), o5 = function(t6, e6, r6, n8) {
var i6 = n8 - r6, a6 = t6 - r6;
return 0 === i6 ? 0 : 1 === e6 ? a6 / i6 : (Math.pow(e6, a6) - 1) / (Math.pow(e6, i6) - 1);
}(r5, n7, t5.stops[a5][0], t5.stops[a5 + 1][0]), s6 = t5.stops[a5][1], u4 = t5.stops[a5 + 1][1], l6 = Ge2[e5.type] || Or;
if (t5.colorSpace && "rgb" !== t5.colorSpace) {
var p4 = ir[t5.colorSpace];
l6 = function(t6, e6) {
return p4.reverse(p4.interpolate(p4.forward(t6), p4.forward(e6), o5));
return "function" == typeof s6.evaluate ? { evaluate: function() {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
for (var t6 = [], e6 = arguments.length; e6--; ) {
t6[e6] = arguments$1[e6];
var r6 = s6.evaluate.apply(void 0, t6), n8 = u4.evaluate.apply(void 0, t6);
if (void 0 !== r6 && void 0 !== n8) {
return l6(r6, n8, o5);
} } : l6(s6, u4, o5);
function Nr(t5, e5, r5) {
return "color" === e5.type ? r5 = te2.parse(r5) : "formatted" === e5.type ? r5 = ne2.fromString(r5.toString()) : "resolvedImage" === e5.type ? r5 = ie2.fromString(r5.toString()) : Dr(r5) === e5.type || "enum" === e5.type && e5.values[r5] || (r5 = void 0), Rr(r5, t5.default, e5.default);
xe2.register(Ir, { error: [{ kind: "error" }, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
throw new pe2(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], typeof: [Rt2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
return Jt2(se2(e5[0].evaluate(t5)));
}], "to-rgba": [Xt2(Ot2, 4), [jt2], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].evaluate(t5).toArray();
}], rgb: [jt2, [Ot2, Ot2, Ot2], zr], rgba: [jt2, [Ot2, Ot2, Ot2, Ot2], zr], has: { type: Ut2, overloads: [[[Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
return Cr(e5[0].evaluate(t5), t5.properties());
}], [[Rt2, qt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return Cr(e5[0].evaluate(t5), r5.evaluate(t5));
}]] }, get: { type: Nt2, overloads: [[[Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
return Er(e5[0].evaluate(t5), t5.properties());
}], [[Rt2, qt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return Er(e5[0].evaluate(t5), r5.evaluate(t5));
}]] }, "feature-state": [Nt2, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
return Er(e5[0].evaluate(t5), t5.featureState || {});
}], properties: [qt2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.properties();
}], "geometry-type": [Rt2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.geometryType();
}], id: [Nt2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.id();
}], zoom: [Ot2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.globals.zoom;
}], "heatmap-density": [Ot2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.globals.heatmapDensity || 0;
}], "line-progress": [Ot2, [], function(t5) {
return t5.globals.lineProgress || 0;
}], accumulated: [Nt2, [], function(t5) {
return void 0 === t5.globals.accumulated ? null : t5.globals.accumulated;
}], "+": [Ot2, Pr(Ot2), function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
r5 += i5[n7].evaluate(t5);
return r5;
}], "*": [Ot2, Pr(Ot2), function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 1, n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
r5 *= i5[n7].evaluate(t5);
return r5;
}], "-": { type: Ot2, overloads: [[[Ot2, Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return e5[0].evaluate(t5) - r5.evaluate(t5);
}], [[Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return -e5[0].evaluate(t5);
}]] }, "/": [Ot2, [Ot2, Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return e5[0].evaluate(t5) / r5.evaluate(t5);
}], "%": [Ot2, [Ot2, Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return e5[0].evaluate(t5) % r5.evaluate(t5);
}], ln2: [Ot2, [], function() {
return Math.LN2;
}], pi: [Ot2, [], function() {
return Math.PI;
}], e: [Ot2, [], function() {
return Math.E;
}], "^": [Ot2, [Ot2, Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return Math.pow(e5[0].evaluate(t5), r5.evaluate(t5));
}], sqrt: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.sqrt(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], log10: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.log(e5[0].evaluate(t5)) / Math.LN10;
}], ln: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.log(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], log2: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.log(e5[0].evaluate(t5)) / Math.LN2;
}], sin: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.sin(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], cos: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.cos(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], tan: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.tan(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], asin: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.asin(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], acos: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.acos(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], atan: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.atan(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], min: [Ot2, Pr(Ot2), function(t5, e5) {
return Math.min.apply(Math, e5.map(function(e6) {
return e6.evaluate(t5);
}], max: [Ot2, Pr(Ot2), function(t5, e5) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, e5.map(function(e6) {
return e6.evaluate(t5);
}], abs: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.abs(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], round: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0].evaluate(t5);
return r5 < 0 ? -Math.round(-r5) : Math.round(r5);
}], floor: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.floor(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], ceil: [Ot2, [Ot2], function(t5, e5) {
return Math.ceil(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], "filter-==": [Ut2, [Rt2, Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1];
return t5.properties()[r5.value] === n7.value;
}], "filter-id-==": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0];
return t5.id() === r5.value;
}], "filter-type-==": [Ut2, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0];
return t5.geometryType() === r5.value;
}], "filter-<": [Ut2, [Rt2, Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = t5.properties()[r5.value], a5 = n7.value;
return typeof i5 == typeof a5 && i5 < a5;
}], "filter-id-<": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = t5.id(), i5 = r5.value;
return typeof n7 == typeof i5 && n7 < i5;
}], "filter->": [Ut2, [Rt2, Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = t5.properties()[r5.value], a5 = n7.value;
return typeof i5 == typeof a5 && i5 > a5;
}], "filter-id->": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = t5.id(), i5 = r5.value;
return typeof n7 == typeof i5 && n7 > i5;
}], "filter-<=": [Ut2, [Rt2, Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = t5.properties()[r5.value], a5 = n7.value;
return typeof i5 == typeof a5 && i5 <= a5;
}], "filter-id-<=": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = t5.id(), i5 = r5.value;
return typeof n7 == typeof i5 && n7 <= i5;
}], "filter->=": [Ut2, [Rt2, Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = t5.properties()[r5.value], a5 = n7.value;
return typeof i5 == typeof a5 && i5 >= a5;
}], "filter-id->=": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = t5.id(), i5 = r5.value;
return typeof n7 == typeof i5 && n7 >= i5;
}], "filter-has": [Ut2, [Nt2], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].value in t5.properties();
}], "filter-has-id": [Ut2, [], function(t5) {
return null !== t5.id() && void 0 !== t5.id();
}], "filter-type-in": [Ut2, [Xt2(Rt2)], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].value.indexOf(t5.geometryType()) >= 0;
}], "filter-id-in": [Ut2, [Xt2(Nt2)], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].value.indexOf(t5.id()) >= 0;
}], "filter-in-small": [Ut2, [Rt2, Xt2(Nt2)], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0];
return e5[1].value.indexOf(t5.properties()[r5.value]) >= 0;
}], "filter-in-large": [Ut2, [Rt2, Xt2(Nt2)], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1];
return function(t6, e6, r6, n8) {
for (; r6 <= n8; ) {
var i5 = r6 + n8 >> 1;
if (e6[i5] === t6) {
return true;
e6[i5] > t6 ? n8 = i5 - 1 : r6 = i5 + 1;
return false;
}(t5.properties()[r5.value], n7.value, 0, n7.value.length - 1);
}], all: { type: Ut2, overloads: [[[Ut2, Ut2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return e5[0].evaluate(t5) && r5.evaluate(t5);
}], [Pr(Ut2), function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = e5; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
if (!n7[r5].evaluate(t5)) {
return false;
return true;
}]] }, any: { type: Ut2, overloads: [[[Ut2, Ut2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[1];
return e5[0].evaluate(t5) || r5.evaluate(t5);
}], [Pr(Ut2), function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = e5; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
if (n7[r5].evaluate(t5)) {
return true;
return false;
}]] }, "!": [Ut2, [Ut2], function(t5, e5) {
return !e5[0].evaluate(t5);
}], "is-supported-script": [Ut2, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5.globals && t5.globals.isSupportedScript;
return !r5 || r5(e5[0].evaluate(t5));
}], upcase: [Rt2, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].evaluate(t5).toUpperCase();
}], downcase: [Rt2, [Rt2], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].evaluate(t5).toLowerCase();
}], concat: [Rt2, Pr(Nt2), function(t5, e5) {
return e5.map(function(e6) {
return ue2(e6.evaluate(t5));
}], "resolved-locale": [Rt2, [Kt2], function(t5, e5) {
return e5[0].evaluate(t5).resolvedLocale();
}] });
var Kr = function(t5, e5) {
this.expression = t5, this._warningHistory = {}, this._evaluator = new ge2(), this._defaultValue = e5 ? function(t6) {
return "color" === t6.type && Lr(t6.default) ? new te2(0, 0, 0, 0) : "color" === t6.type ? te2.parse(t6.default) || null : void 0 === t6.default ? null : t6.default;
}(e5) : null, this._enumValues = e5 && "enum" === e5.type ? e5.values : null;
function Gr(t5) {
return Array.isArray(t5) && t5.length > 0 && "string" == typeof t5[0] && t5[0] in Ir;
function Zr(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new je2(Ir, [], e5 ? function(t6) {
var e6 = { color: jt2, string: Rt2, number: Ot2, enum: Rt2, boolean: Ut2, formatted: Gt2, resolvedImage: Zt2 };
return "array" === t6.type ? Xt2(e6[t6.value] || Nt2, t6.length) : e6[t6.type];
}(e5) : void 0), n7 = r5.parse(t5, void 0, void 0, void 0, e5 && "string" === e5.type ? { typeAnnotation: "coerce" } : void 0);
return n7 ? Mr(new Kr(n7, e5)) : Br(r5.errors);
Kr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return this._evaluator.globals = t5, this._evaluator.feature = e5, this._evaluator.featureState = r5, this._evaluator.canonical = n7, this._evaluator.availableImages = i5 || null, this._evaluator.formattedSection = a5, this.expression.evaluate(this._evaluator);
}, Kr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
this._evaluator.globals = t5, this._evaluator.feature = e5 || null, this._evaluator.featureState = r5 || null, this._evaluator.canonical = n7, this._evaluator.availableImages = i5 || null, this._evaluator.formattedSection = a5 || null;
try {
var o5 = this.expression.evaluate(this._evaluator);
if (null == o5 || "number" == typeof o5 && o5 != o5) {
return this._defaultValue;
if (this._enumValues && !(o5 in this._enumValues)) {
throw new pe2("Expected value to be one of " + Object.keys(this._enumValues).map(function(t6) {
return JSON.stringify(t6);
}).join(", ") + ", but found " + JSON.stringify(o5) + " instead.");
return o5;
} catch (t$1) {
return this._warningHistory[t$1.message] || (this._warningHistory[t$1.message] = true, "undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(t$1.message)), this._defaultValue;
var Xr = function(t5, e5) {
this.kind = t5, this._styleExpression = e5, this.isStateDependent = "constant" !== t5 && !Oe2(e5.expression);
Xr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, Xr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluate(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
var Jr = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.kind = t5, this.zoomStops = r5, this._styleExpression = e5, this.isStateDependent = "camera" !== t5 && !Oe2(e5.expression), this.interpolationType = n7;
function Hr(t5, e5) {
if ("error" === (t5 = Zr(t5, e5)).result) {
return t5;
var r5 = t5.value.expression, n7 = Le2(r5);
if (!n7 && !Tr(e5)) {
return Br([new Ft2("", "data expressions not supported")]);
var i5 = Re2(r5, ["zoom"]);
if (!i5 && !Vr(e5)) {
return Br([new Ft2("", "zoom expressions not supported")]);
var a5 = function t6(e6) {
var r6 = null;
if (e6 instanceof ur) {
r6 = t6(e6.result);
} else if (e6 instanceof sr) {
for (var n8 = 0, i6 = e6.args; n8 < i6.length && !(r6 = t6(i6[n8])); n8 += 1) {
} else {
(e6 instanceof Ne2 || e6 instanceof ar) && e6.input instanceof xe2 && "zoom" === e6.input.name && (r6 = e6);
return r6 instanceof Ft2 || e6.eachChild(function(e7) {
var n9 = t6(e7);
n9 instanceof Ft2 ? r6 = n9 : !r6 && n9 ? r6 = new Ft2("", '"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.') : r6 && n9 && r6 !== n9 && (r6 = new Ft2("", 'Only one zoom-based "step" or "interpolate" subexpression may be used in an expression.'));
}), r6;
return a5 || i5 ? a5 instanceof Ft2 ? Br([a5]) : a5 instanceof ar && !Fr(e5) ? Br([new Ft2("", '"interpolate" expressions cannot be used with this property')]) : Mr(a5 ? new Jr(n7 ? "camera" : "composite", t5.value, a5.labels, a5 instanceof ar ? a5.interpolation : void 0) : new Xr(n7 ? "constant" : "source", t5.value)) : Br([new Ft2("", '"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.')]);
Jr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, Jr.prototype.evaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluate(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, Jr.prototype.interpolationFactor = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return this.interpolationType ? ar.interpolationFactor(this.interpolationType, t5, e5, r5) : 0;
var Yr = function(t5, e5) {
this._parameters = t5, this._specification = e5, Bt2(this, function t6(e6, r5) {
var n7, i5, a5, o5 = "color" === r5.type, s6 = e6.stops && "object" == typeof e6.stops[0][0], u4 = s6 || !(s6 || void 0 !== e6.property), l6 = e6.type || (Fr(r5) ? "exponential" : "interval");
if (o5 && ((e6 = Bt2({}, e6)).stops && (e6.stops = e6.stops.map(function(t7) {
return [t7[0], te2.parse(t7[1])];
})), e6.default = te2.parse(e6.default ? e6.default : r5.default)), e6.colorSpace && "rgb" !== e6.colorSpace && !ir[e6.colorSpace]) {
throw new Error("Unknown color space: " + e6.colorSpace);
if ("exponential" === l6) {
n7 = qr;
} else if ("interval" === l6) {
n7 = jr;
} else if ("categorical" === l6) {
n7 = Ur, i5 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (var p4 = 0, c4 = e6.stops; p4 < c4.length; p4 += 1) {
var h6 = c4[p4];
i5[h6[0]] = h6[1];
a5 = typeof e6.stops[0][0];
} else {
if ("identity" !== l6) {
throw new Error('Unknown function type "' + l6 + '"');
n7 = Nr;
if (s6) {
for (var f4 = {}, y4 = [], d4 = 0; d4 < e6.stops.length; d4++) {
var m4 = e6.stops[d4], v4 = m4[0].zoom;
void 0 === f4[v4] && (f4[v4] = { zoom: v4, type: e6.type, property: e6.property, default: e6.default, stops: [] }, y4.push(v4)), f4[v4].stops.push([m4[0].value, m4[1]]);
for (var g4 = [], x4 = 0, b4 = y4; x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
var w4 = b4[x4];
g4.push([f4[w4].zoom, t6(f4[w4], r5)]);
var _3 = { name: "linear" };
return { kind: "composite", interpolationType: _3, interpolationFactor: ar.interpolationFactor.bind(void 0, _3), zoomStops: g4.map(function(t7) {
return t7[0];
}), evaluate: function(t7, n8) {
var i6 = t7.zoom;
return qr({ stops: g4, base: e6.base }, r5, i6).evaluate(i6, n8);
} };
if (u4) {
var A4 = "exponential" === l6 ? { name: "exponential", base: void 0 !== e6.base ? e6.base : 1 } : null;
return { kind: "camera", interpolationType: A4, interpolationFactor: ar.interpolationFactor.bind(void 0, A4), zoomStops: e6.stops.map(function(t7) {
return t7[0];
}), evaluate: function(t7) {
return n7(e6, r5, t7.zoom, i5, a5);
} };
return { kind: "source", evaluate: function(t7, o6) {
var s7 = o6 && o6.properties ? o6.properties[e6.property] : void 0;
return void 0 === s7 ? Rr(e6.default, r5.default) : n7(e6, r5, s7, i5, a5);
} };
}(this._parameters, this._specification));
function $r(t5) {
var e5 = t5.key, r5 = t5.value, n7 = t5.valueSpec || {}, i5 = t5.objectElementValidators || {}, a5 = t5.style, o5 = t5.styleSpec, s6 = [], u4 = Dr(r5);
if ("object" !== u4) {
return [new Pt2(e5, r5, "object expected, " + u4 + " found")];
for (var l6 in r5) {
var p4 = l6.split(".")[0], c4 = n7[p4] || n7["*"], h6 = void 0;
if (i5[p4]) {
h6 = i5[p4];
} else if (n7[p4]) {
h6 = An2;
} else if (i5["*"]) {
h6 = i5["*"];
} else {
if (!n7["*"]) {
s6.push(new Pt2(e5, r5[l6], 'unknown property "' + l6 + '"'));
h6 = An2;
s6 = s6.concat(h6({ key: (e5 ? e5 + "." : e5) + l6, value: r5[l6], valueSpec: c4, style: a5, styleSpec: o5, object: r5, objectKey: l6 }, r5));
for (var f4 in n7) {
i5[f4] || n7[f4].required && void 0 === n7[f4].default && void 0 === r5[f4] && s6.push(new Pt2(e5, r5, 'missing required property "' + f4 + '"'));
return s6;
function Wr(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.valueSpec, n7 = t5.style, i5 = t5.styleSpec, a5 = t5.key, o5 = t5.arrayElementValidator || An2;
if ("array" !== Dr(e5)) {
return [new Pt2(a5, e5, "array expected, " + Dr(e5) + " found")];
if (r5.length && e5.length !== r5.length) {
return [new Pt2(a5, e5, "array length " + r5.length + " expected, length " + e5.length + " found")];
if (r5["min-length"] && e5.length < r5["min-length"]) {
return [new Pt2(a5, e5, "array length at least " + r5["min-length"] + " expected, length " + e5.length + " found")];
var s6 = { type: r5.value, values: r5.values };
i5.$version < 7 && (s6.function = r5.function), "object" === Dr(r5.value) && (s6 = r5.value);
for (var u4 = [], l6 = 0; l6 < e5.length; l6++) {
u4 = u4.concat(o5({ array: e5, arrayIndex: l6, value: e5[l6], valueSpec: s6, style: n7, styleSpec: i5, key: a5 + "[" + l6 + "]" }));
return u4;
function Qr(t5) {
var e5 = t5.key, r5 = t5.value, n7 = t5.valueSpec, i5 = Dr(r5);
return "number" === i5 && r5 != r5 && (i5 = "NaN"), "number" !== i5 ? [new Pt2(e5, r5, "number expected, " + i5 + " found")] : "minimum" in n7 && r5 < n7.minimum ? [new Pt2(e5, r5, r5 + " is less than the minimum value " + n7.minimum)] : "maximum" in n7 && r5 > n7.maximum ? [new Pt2(e5, r5, r5 + " is greater than the maximum value " + n7.maximum)] : [];
function tn2(t5) {
var e5, r5, n7, i5 = t5.valueSpec, a5 = Tt2(t5.value.type), o5 = {}, s6 = "categorical" !== a5 && void 0 === t5.value.property, u4 = !s6, l6 = "array" === Dr(t5.value.stops) && "array" === Dr(t5.value.stops[0]) && "object" === Dr(t5.value.stops[0][0]), p4 = $r({ key: t5.key, value: t5.value, valueSpec: t5.styleSpec.function, style: t5.style, styleSpec: t5.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { stops: function(t6) {
if ("identity" === a5) {
return [new Pt2(t6.key, t6.value, 'identity function may not have a "stops" property')];
var e6 = [], r6 = t6.value;
return e6 = e6.concat(Wr({ key: t6.key, value: r6, valueSpec: t6.valueSpec, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec, arrayElementValidator: c4 })), "array" === Dr(r6) && 0 === r6.length && e6.push(new Pt2(t6.key, r6, "array must have at least one stop")), e6;
}, default: function(t6) {
return An2({ key: t6.key, value: t6.value, valueSpec: i5, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec });
} } });
return "identity" === a5 && s6 && p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, 'missing required property "property"')), "identity" === a5 || t5.value.stops || p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, 'missing required property "stops"')), "exponential" === a5 && t5.valueSpec.expression && !Fr(t5.valueSpec) && p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, "exponential functions not supported")), t5.styleSpec.$version >= 8 && (u4 && !Tr(t5.valueSpec) ? p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, "property functions not supported")) : s6 && !Vr(t5.valueSpec) && p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, "zoom functions not supported"))), "categorical" !== a5 && !l6 || void 0 !== t5.value.property || p4.push(new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, '"property" property is required')), p4;
function c4(t6) {
var e6 = [], a6 = t6.value, s7 = t6.key;
if ("array" !== Dr(a6)) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6, "array expected, " + Dr(a6) + " found")];
if (2 !== a6.length) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6, "array length 2 expected, length " + a6.length + " found")];
if (l6) {
if ("object" !== Dr(a6[0])) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6, "object expected, " + Dr(a6[0]) + " found")];
if (void 0 === a6[0].zoom) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6, "object stop key must have zoom")];
if (void 0 === a6[0].value) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6, "object stop key must have value")];
if (n7 && n7 > Tt2(a6[0].zoom)) {
return [new Pt2(s7, a6[0].zoom, "stop zoom values must appear in ascending order")];
Tt2(a6[0].zoom) !== n7 && (n7 = Tt2(a6[0].zoom), r5 = void 0, o5 = {}), e6 = e6.concat($r({ key: s7 + "[0]", value: a6[0], valueSpec: { zoom: {} }, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { zoom: Qr, value: h6 } }));
} else {
e6 = e6.concat(h6({ key: s7 + "[0]", value: a6[0], valueSpec: {}, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec }, a6));
return Gr(Vt2(a6[1])) ? e6.concat([new Pt2(s7 + "[1]", a6[1], "expressions are not allowed in function stops.")]) : e6.concat(An2({ key: s7 + "[1]", value: a6[1], valueSpec: i5, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec }));
function h6(t6, n8) {
var s7 = Dr(t6.value), u5 = Tt2(t6.value), l7 = null !== t6.value ? t6.value : n8;
if (e5) {
if (s7 !== e5) {
return [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, s7 + " stop domain type must match previous stop domain type " + e5)];
} else {
e5 = s7;
if ("number" !== s7 && "string" !== s7 && "boolean" !== s7) {
return [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, "stop domain value must be a number, string, or boolean")];
if ("number" !== s7 && "categorical" !== a5) {
var p5 = "number expected, " + s7 + " found";
return Tr(i5) && void 0 === a5 && (p5 += '\nIf you intended to use a categorical function, specify `"type": "categorical"`.'), [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, p5)];
return "categorical" !== a5 || "number" !== s7 || isFinite(u5) && Math.floor(u5) === u5 ? "categorical" !== a5 && "number" === s7 && void 0 !== r5 && u5 < r5 ? [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, "stop domain values must appear in ascending order")] : (r5 = u5, "categorical" === a5 && u5 in o5 ? [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, "stop domain values must be unique")] : (o5[u5] = true, [])) : [new Pt2(t6.key, l7, "integer expected, found " + u5)];
function en2(t5) {
var e5 = ("property" === t5.expressionContext ? Hr : Zr)(Vt2(t5.value), t5.valueSpec);
if ("error" === e5.result) {
return e5.value.map(function(e6) {
return new Pt2("" + t5.key + e6.key, t5.value, e6.message);
var r5 = e5.value.expression || e5.value._styleExpression.expression;
if ("property" === t5.expressionContext && "text-font" === t5.propertyKey && !r5.outputDefined()) {
return [new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, 'Invalid data expression for "' + t5.propertyKey + '". Output values must be contained as literals within the expression.')];
if ("property" === t5.expressionContext && "layout" === t5.propertyType && !Oe2(r5)) {
return [new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, '"feature-state" data expressions are not supported with layout properties.')];
if ("filter" === t5.expressionContext && !Oe2(r5)) {
return [new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, '"feature-state" data expressions are not supported with filters.')];
if (t5.expressionContext && 0 === t5.expressionContext.indexOf("cluster")) {
if (!Re2(r5, ["zoom", "feature-state"])) {
return [new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, '"zoom" and "feature-state" expressions are not supported with cluster properties.')];
if ("cluster-initial" === t5.expressionContext && !Le2(r5)) {
return [new Pt2(t5.key, t5.value, "Feature data expressions are not supported with initial expression part of cluster properties.")];
return [];
function rn2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.key, r5 = t5.value, n7 = t5.valueSpec, i5 = [];
return Array.isArray(n7.values) ? -1 === n7.values.indexOf(Tt2(r5)) && i5.push(new Pt2(e5, r5, "expected one of [" + n7.values.join(", ") + "], " + JSON.stringify(r5) + " found")) : -1 === Object.keys(n7.values).indexOf(Tt2(r5)) && i5.push(new Pt2(e5, r5, "expected one of [" + Object.keys(n7.values).join(", ") + "], " + JSON.stringify(r5) + " found")), i5;
function nn2(t5) {
if (true === t5 || false === t5) {
return true;
if (!Array.isArray(t5) || 0 === t5.length) {
return false;
switch (t5[0]) {
case "has":
return t5.length >= 2 && "$id" !== t5[1] && "$type" !== t5[1];
case "in":
return t5.length >= 3 && ("string" != typeof t5[1] || Array.isArray(t5[2]));
case "!in":
case "!has":
case "none":
return false;
case "==":
case "!=":
case ">":
case ">=":
case "<":
case "<=":
return 3 !== t5.length || Array.isArray(t5[1]) || Array.isArray(t5[2]);
case "any":
case "all":
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = t5.slice(1); e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
if (!nn2(n7) && "boolean" != typeof n7) {
return false;
return true;
return true;
Yr.deserialize = function(t5) {
return new Yr(t5._parameters, t5._specification);
}, Yr.serialize = function(t5) {
return { _parameters: t5._parameters, _specification: t5._specification };
var an2 = { type: "boolean", default: false, transition: false, "property-type": "data-driven", expression: { interpolated: false, parameters: ["zoom", "feature"] } };
function on2(t5) {
if (null == t5) {
return { filter: function() {
return true;
}, needGeometry: false };
nn2(t5) || (t5 = un2(t5));
var e5 = Zr(t5, an2);
if ("error" === e5.result) {
throw new Error(e5.value.map(function(t6) {
return t6.key + ": " + t6.message;
}).join(", "));
return { filter: function(t6, r5, n7) {
return e5.value.evaluate(t6, r5, {}, n7);
}, needGeometry: function t6(e6) {
if (!Array.isArray(e6)) {
return false;
if ("within" === e6[0]) {
return true;
for (var r5 = 1; r5 < e6.length; r5++) {
if (t6(e6[r5])) {
return true;
return false;
}(t5) };
function sn2(t5, e5) {
return t5 < e5 ? -1 : t5 > e5 ? 1 : 0;
function un2(t5) {
if (!t5) {
return true;
var e5, r5 = t5[0];
return t5.length <= 1 ? "any" !== r5 : "==" === r5 ? ln2(t5[1], t5[2], "==") : "!=" === r5 ? hn2(ln2(t5[1], t5[2], "==")) : "<" === r5 || ">" === r5 || "<=" === r5 || ">=" === r5 ? ln2(t5[1], t5[2], r5) : "any" === r5 ? (e5 = t5.slice(1), ["any"].concat(e5.map(un2))) : "all" === r5 ? ["all"].concat(t5.slice(1).map(un2)) : "none" === r5 ? ["all"].concat(t5.slice(1).map(un2).map(hn2)) : "in" === r5 ? pn2(t5[1], t5.slice(2)) : "!in" === r5 ? hn2(pn2(t5[1], t5.slice(2))) : "has" === r5 ? cn2(t5[1]) : "!has" === r5 ? hn2(cn2(t5[1])) : "within" !== r5 || t5;
function ln2(t5, e5, r5) {
switch (t5) {
case "$type":
return ["filter-type-" + r5, e5];
case "$id":
return ["filter-id-" + r5, e5];
return ["filter-" + r5, t5, e5];
function pn2(t5, e5) {
if (0 === e5.length) {
return false;
switch (t5) {
case "$type":
return ["filter-type-in", ["literal", e5]];
case "$id":
return ["filter-id-in", ["literal", e5]];
return e5.length > 200 && !e5.some(function(t6) {
return typeof t6 != typeof e5[0];
}) ? ["filter-in-large", t5, ["literal", e5.sort(sn2)]] : ["filter-in-small", t5, ["literal", e5]];
function cn2(t5) {
switch (t5) {
case "$type":
return true;
case "$id":
return ["filter-has-id"];
return ["filter-has", t5];
function hn2(t5) {
return ["!", t5];
function fn3(t5) {
return nn2(Vt2(t5.value)) ? en2(Bt2({}, t5, { expressionContext: "filter", valueSpec: { value: "boolean" } })) : function t6(e5) {
var r5 = e5.value, n7 = e5.key;
if ("array" !== Dr(r5)) {
return [new Pt2(n7, r5, "array expected, " + Dr(r5) + " found")];
var i5, a5 = e5.styleSpec, o5 = [];
if (r5.length < 1) {
return [new Pt2(n7, r5, "filter array must have at least 1 element")];
switch (o5 = o5.concat(rn2({ key: n7 + "[0]", value: r5[0], valueSpec: a5.filter_operator, style: e5.style, styleSpec: e5.styleSpec })), Tt2(r5[0])) {
case "<":
case "<=":
case ">":
case ">=":
r5.length >= 2 && "$type" === Tt2(r5[1]) && o5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, '"$type" cannot be use with operator "' + r5[0] + '"'));
case "==":
case "!=":
3 !== r5.length && o5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'filter array for operator "' + r5[0] + '" must have 3 elements'));
case "in":
case "!in":
r5.length >= 2 && "string" !== (i5 = Dr(r5[1])) && o5.push(new Pt2(n7 + "[1]", r5[1], "string expected, " + i5 + " found"));
for (var s6 = 2; s6 < r5.length; s6++) {
i5 = Dr(r5[s6]), "$type" === Tt2(r5[1]) ? o5 = o5.concat(rn2({ key: n7 + "[" + s6 + "]", value: r5[s6], valueSpec: a5.geometry_type, style: e5.style, styleSpec: e5.styleSpec })) : "string" !== i5 && "number" !== i5 && "boolean" !== i5 && o5.push(new Pt2(n7 + "[" + s6 + "]", r5[s6], "string, number, or boolean expected, " + i5 + " found"));
case "any":
case "all":
case "none":
for (var u4 = 1; u4 < r5.length; u4++) {
o5 = o5.concat(t6({ key: n7 + "[" + u4 + "]", value: r5[u4], style: e5.style, styleSpec: e5.styleSpec }));
case "has":
case "!has":
i5 = Dr(r5[1]), 2 !== r5.length ? o5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'filter array for "' + r5[0] + '" operator must have 2 elements')) : "string" !== i5 && o5.push(new Pt2(n7 + "[1]", r5[1], "string expected, " + i5 + " found"));
case "within":
i5 = Dr(r5[1]), 2 !== r5.length ? o5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'filter array for "' + r5[0] + '" operator must have 2 elements')) : "object" !== i5 && o5.push(new Pt2(n7 + "[1]", r5[1], "object expected, " + i5 + " found"));
return o5;
function yn2(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5.key, n7 = t5.style, i5 = t5.styleSpec, a5 = t5.value, o5 = t5.objectKey, s6 = i5[e5 + "_" + t5.layerType];
if (!s6) {
return [];
var u4 = o5.match(/^(.*)-transition$/);
if ("paint" === e5 && u4 && s6[u4[1]] && s6[u4[1]].transition) {
return An2({ key: r5, value: a5, valueSpec: i5.transition, style: n7, styleSpec: i5 });
var l6, p4 = t5.valueSpec || s6[o5];
if (!p4) {
return [new Pt2(r5, a5, 'unknown property "' + o5 + '"')];
if ("string" === Dr(a5) && Tr(p4) && !p4.tokens && (l6 = /^{([^}]+)}$/.exec(a5))) {
return [new Pt2(r5, a5, '"' + o5 + '" does not support interpolation syntax\nUse an identity property function instead: `{ "type": "identity", "property": ' + JSON.stringify(l6[1]) + " }`.")];
var c4 = [];
return "symbol" === t5.layerType && ("text-field" === o5 && n7 && !n7.glyphs && c4.push(new Pt2(r5, a5, 'use of "text-field" requires a style "glyphs" property')), "text-font" === o5 && Lr(Vt2(a5)) && "identity" === Tt2(a5.type) && c4.push(new Pt2(r5, a5, '"text-font" does not support identity functions'))), c4.concat(An2({ key: t5.key, value: a5, valueSpec: p4, style: n7, styleSpec: i5, expressionContext: "property", propertyType: e5, propertyKey: o5 }));
function dn2(t5) {
return yn2(t5, "paint");
function mn2(t5) {
return yn2(t5, "layout");
function vn2(t5) {
var e5 = [], r5 = t5.value, n7 = t5.key, i5 = t5.style, a5 = t5.styleSpec;
r5.type || r5.ref || e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'either "type" or "ref" is required'));
var o5, s6 = Tt2(r5.type), u4 = Tt2(r5.ref);
if (r5.id) {
for (var l6 = Tt2(r5.id), p4 = 0; p4 < t5.arrayIndex; p4++) {
var c4 = i5.layers[p4];
Tt2(c4.id) === l6 && e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.id, 'duplicate layer id "' + r5.id + '", previously used at line ' + c4.id.__line__));
if ("ref" in r5) {
["type", "source", "source-layer", "filter", "layout"].forEach(function(t6) {
t6 in r5 && e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5[t6], '"' + t6 + '" is prohibited for ref layers'));
}), i5.layers.forEach(function(t6) {
Tt2(t6.id) === u4 && (o5 = t6);
}), o5 ? o5.ref ? e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.ref, "ref cannot reference another ref layer")) : s6 = Tt2(o5.type) : e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.ref, 'ref layer "' + u4 + '" not found'));
} else if ("background" !== s6) {
if (r5.source) {
var h6 = i5.sources && i5.sources[r5.source], f4 = h6 && Tt2(h6.type);
h6 ? "vector" === f4 && "raster" === s6 ? e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.source, 'layer "' + r5.id + '" requires a raster source')) : "raster" === f4 && "raster" !== s6 ? e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.source, 'layer "' + r5.id + '" requires a vector source')) : "vector" !== f4 || r5["source-layer"] ? "raster-dem" === f4 && "hillshade" !== s6 ? e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.source, "raster-dem source can only be used with layer type 'hillshade'.")) : "line" !== s6 || !r5.paint || !r5.paint["line-gradient"] || "geojson" === f4 && h6.lineMetrics || e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'layer "' + r5.id + '" specifies a line-gradient, which requires a GeoJSON source with `lineMetrics` enabled.')) : e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'layer "' + r5.id + '" must specify a "source-layer"')) : e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5.source, 'source "' + r5.source + '" not found'));
} else {
e5.push(new Pt2(n7, r5, 'missing required property "source"'));
return e5 = e5.concat($r({ key: n7, value: r5, valueSpec: a5.layer, style: t5.style, styleSpec: t5.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { "*": function() {
return [];
}, type: function() {
return An2({ key: n7 + ".type", value: r5.type, valueSpec: a5.layer.type, style: t5.style, styleSpec: t5.styleSpec, object: r5, objectKey: "type" });
}, filter: fn3, layout: function(t6) {
return $r({ layer: r5, key: t6.key, value: t6.value, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { "*": function(t7) {
return mn2(Bt2({ layerType: s6 }, t7));
} } });
}, paint: function(t6) {
return $r({ layer: r5, key: t6.key, value: t6.value, style: t6.style, styleSpec: t6.styleSpec, objectElementValidators: { "*": function(t7) {
return dn2(Bt2({ layerType: s6 }, t7));
} } });
} } }));
function gn2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.key, n7 = Dr(e5);
return "string" !== n7 ? [new Pt2(r5, e5, "string expected, " + n7 + " found")] : [];
var xn2 = { promoteId: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.key, r5 = t5.value;
if ("string" === Dr(r5)) {
return gn2({ key: e5, value: r5 });
var n7 = [];
for (var i5 in r5) {
n7.push.apply(n7, gn2({ key: e5 + "." + i5, value: r5[i5] }));
return n7;
} };
function bn2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.key, n7 = t5.styleSpec, i5 = t5.style;
if (!e5.type) {
return [new Pt2(r5, e5, '"type" is required')];
var a5, o5 = Tt2(e5.type);
switch (o5) {
case "vector":
case "raster":
case "raster-dem":
return $r({ key: r5, value: e5, valueSpec: n7["source_" + o5.replace("-", "_")], style: t5.style, styleSpec: n7, objectElementValidators: xn2 });
case "geojson":
if (a5 = $r({ key: r5, value: e5, valueSpec: n7.source_geojson, style: i5, styleSpec: n7, objectElementValidators: xn2 }), e5.cluster) {
for (var s6 in e5.clusterProperties) {
var u4 = e5.clusterProperties[s6], l6 = u4[0], p4 = "string" == typeof l6 ? [l6, ["accumulated"], ["get", s6]] : l6;
a5.push.apply(a5, en2({ key: r5 + "." + s6 + ".map", value: u4[1], expressionContext: "cluster-map" })), a5.push.apply(a5, en2({ key: r5 + "." + s6 + ".reduce", value: p4, expressionContext: "cluster-reduce" }));
return a5;
case "video":
return $r({ key: r5, value: e5, valueSpec: n7.source_video, style: i5, styleSpec: n7 });
case "image":
return $r({ key: r5, value: e5, valueSpec: n7.source_image, style: i5, styleSpec: n7 });
case "canvas":
return [new Pt2(r5, null, "Please use runtime APIs to add canvas sources, rather than including them in stylesheets.", "source.canvas")];
return rn2({ key: r5 + ".type", value: e5.type, valueSpec: { values: ["vector", "raster", "raster-dem", "geojson", "video", "image"] }, style: i5, styleSpec: n7 });
function wn2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.styleSpec, n7 = r5.light, i5 = t5.style, a5 = [], o5 = Dr(e5);
if (void 0 === e5) {
return a5;
if ("object" !== o5) {
return a5.concat([new Pt2("light", e5, "object expected, " + o5 + " found")]);
for (var s6 in e5) {
var u4 = s6.match(/^(.*)-transition$/);
a5 = a5.concat(u4 && n7[u4[1]] && n7[u4[1]].transition ? An2({ key: s6, value: e5[s6], valueSpec: r5.transition, style: i5, styleSpec: r5 }) : n7[s6] ? An2({ key: s6, value: e5[s6], valueSpec: n7[s6], style: i5, styleSpec: r5 }) : [new Pt2(s6, e5[s6], 'unknown property "' + s6 + '"')]);
return a5;
var _n = { "*": function() {
return [];
}, array: Wr, boolean: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.key, n7 = Dr(e5);
return "boolean" !== n7 ? [new Pt2(r5, e5, "boolean expected, " + n7 + " found")] : [];
}, number: Qr, color: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.key, r5 = t5.value, n7 = Dr(r5);
return "string" !== n7 ? [new Pt2(e5, r5, "color expected, " + n7 + " found")] : null === Qt2(r5) ? [new Pt2(e5, r5, 'color expected, "' + r5 + '" found')] : [];
}, constants: Mt2, enum: rn2, filter: fn3, function: tn2, layer: vn2, object: $r, source: bn2, light: wn2, string: gn2, formatted: function(t5) {
return 0 === gn2(t5).length ? [] : en2(t5);
}, resolvedImage: function(t5) {
return 0 === gn2(t5).length ? [] : en2(t5);
} };
function An2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.valueSpec, n7 = t5.styleSpec;
return r5.expression && Lr(Tt2(e5)) ? tn2(t5) : r5.expression && Gr(Vt2(e5)) ? en2(t5) : r5.type && _n[r5.type] ? _n[r5.type](t5) : $r(Bt2({}, t5, { valueSpec: r5.type ? n7[r5.type] : r5 }));
function Sn2(t5) {
var e5 = t5.value, r5 = t5.key, n7 = gn2(t5);
return n7.length || (-1 === e5.indexOf("{fontstack}") && n7.push(new Pt2(r5, e5, '"glyphs" url must include a "{fontstack}" token')), -1 === e5.indexOf("{range}") && n7.push(new Pt2(r5, e5, '"glyphs" url must include a "{range}" token'))), n7;
function kn2(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = Et2);
var r5 = [];
return r5 = r5.concat(An2({ key: "", value: t5, valueSpec: e5.$root, styleSpec: e5, style: t5, objectElementValidators: { glyphs: Sn2, "*": function() {
return [];
} } })), t5.constants && (r5 = r5.concat(Mt2({ key: "constants", value: t5.constants, style: t5, styleSpec: e5 }))), In2(r5);
function In2(t5) {
return [].concat(t5).sort(function(t6, e5) {
return t6.line - e5.line;
function zn(t5) {
return function() {
var arguments$1 = arguments;
for (var e5 = [], r5 = arguments.length; r5--; ) {
e5[r5] = arguments$1[r5];
return In2(t5.apply(this, e5));
kn2.source = zn(bn2), kn2.light = zn(wn2), kn2.layer = zn(vn2), kn2.filter = zn(fn3), kn2.paintProperty = zn(dn2), kn2.layoutProperty = zn(mn2);
var Cn2 = kn2, En2 = Cn2.light, Pn2 = Cn2.paintProperty, Mn = Cn2.layoutProperty;
function Bn2(t5, e5) {
var r5 = false;
if (e5 && e5.length) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
t5.fire(new zt2(new Error(i5[n7].message))), r5 = true;
return r5;
var Tn2 = Vn;
function Vn(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = this.cells = [];
if (t5 instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
this.arrayBuffer = t5;
var i5 = new Int32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
t5 = i5[0], this.d = (e5 = i5[1]) + 2 * (r5 = i5[2]);
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < this.d * this.d; a5++) {
var o5 = i5[3 + a5], s6 = i5[3 + a5 + 1];
n7.push(o5 === s6 ? null : i5.subarray(o5, s6));
var u4 = i5[3 + n7.length + 1];
this.keys = i5.subarray(i5[3 + n7.length], u4), this.bboxes = i5.subarray(u4), this.insert = this._insertReadonly;
} else {
this.d = e5 + 2 * r5;
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < this.d * this.d; l6++) {
this.keys = [], this.bboxes = [];
this.n = e5, this.extent = t5, this.padding = r5, this.scale = e5 / t5, this.uid = 0;
var p4 = r5 / e5 * t5;
this.min = -p4, this.max = t5 + p4;
Vn.prototype.insert = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this._forEachCell(e5, r5, n7, i5, this._insertCell, this.uid++), this.keys.push(t5), this.bboxes.push(e5), this.bboxes.push(r5), this.bboxes.push(n7), this.bboxes.push(i5);
}, Vn.prototype._insertReadonly = function() {
throw "Cannot insert into a GridIndex created from an ArrayBuffer.";
}, Vn.prototype._insertCell = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
}, Vn.prototype.query = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this.min, o5 = this.max;
if (t5 <= a5 && e5 <= a5 && o5 <= r5 && o5 <= n7 && !i5) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(this.keys);
var s6 = [];
return this._forEachCell(t5, e5, r5, n7, this._queryCell, s6, {}, i5), s6;
}, Vn.prototype._queryCell = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
var u4 = this.cells[i5];
if (null !== u4) {
for (var l6 = this.keys, p4 = this.bboxes, c4 = 0; c4 < u4.length; c4++) {
var h6 = u4[c4];
if (void 0 === o5[h6]) {
var f4 = 4 * h6;
(s6 ? s6(p4[f4 + 0], p4[f4 + 1], p4[f4 + 2], p4[f4 + 3]) : t5 <= p4[f4 + 2] && e5 <= p4[f4 + 3] && r5 >= p4[f4 + 0] && n7 >= p4[f4 + 1]) ? (o5[h6] = true, a5.push(l6[h6])) : o5[h6] = false;
}, Vn.prototype._forEachCell = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
for (var u4 = this._convertToCellCoord(t5), l6 = this._convertToCellCoord(e5), p4 = this._convertToCellCoord(r5), c4 = this._convertToCellCoord(n7), h6 = u4; h6 <= p4; h6++) {
for (var f4 = l6; f4 <= c4; f4++) {
var y4 = this.d * f4 + h6;
if ((!s6 || s6(this._convertFromCellCoord(h6), this._convertFromCellCoord(f4), this._convertFromCellCoord(h6 + 1), this._convertFromCellCoord(f4 + 1))) && i5.call(this, t5, e5, r5, n7, y4, a5, o5, s6)) {
}, Vn.prototype._convertFromCellCoord = function(t5) {
return (t5 - this.padding) / this.scale;
}, Vn.prototype._convertToCellCoord = function(t5) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.d - 1, Math.floor(t5 * this.scale) + this.padding));
}, Vn.prototype.toArrayBuffer = function() {
if (this.arrayBuffer) {
return this.arrayBuffer;
for (var t5 = this.cells, e5 = 3 + this.cells.length + 1 + 1, r5 = 0, n7 = 0; n7 < this.cells.length; n7++) {
r5 += this.cells[n7].length;
var i5 = new Int32Array(e5 + r5 + this.keys.length + this.bboxes.length);
i5[0] = this.extent, i5[1] = this.n, i5[2] = this.padding;
for (var a5 = e5, o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length; o5++) {
var s6 = t5[o5];
i5[3 + o5] = a5, i5.set(s6, a5), a5 += s6.length;
return i5[3 + t5.length] = a5, i5.set(this.keys, a5), i5[3 + t5.length + 1] = a5 += this.keys.length, i5.set(this.bboxes, a5), a5 += this.bboxes.length, i5.buffer;
var Fn2 = o4.ImageData, Dn2 = o4.ImageBitmap, Ln2 = {};
function On(t5, e5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), Object.defineProperty(e5, "_classRegistryKey", { value: t5, writeable: false }), Ln2[t5] = { klass: e5, omit: r5.omit || [], shallow: r5.shallow || [] };
for (var Rn2 in On("Object", Object), Tn2.serialize = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5.toArrayBuffer();
return e5 && e5.push(r5), { buffer: r5 };
}, Tn2.deserialize = function(t5) {
return new Tn2(t5.buffer);
}, On("Grid", Tn2), On("Color", te2), On("Error", Error), On("ResolvedImage", ie2), On("StylePropertyFunction", Yr), On("StyleExpression", Kr, { omit: ["_evaluator"] }), On("ZoomDependentExpression", Jr), On("ZoomConstantExpression", Xr), On("CompoundExpression", xe2, { omit: ["_evaluate"] }), Ir) {
Ir[Rn2]._classRegistryKey || On("Expression_" + Rn2, Ir[Rn2]);
function Un(t5) {
return t5 && "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && (t5 instanceof ArrayBuffer || t5.constructor && "ArrayBuffer" === t5.constructor.name);
function jn(t5) {
return Dn2 && t5 instanceof Dn2;
function qn(t5, e5) {
if (null == t5 || "boolean" == typeof t5 || "number" == typeof t5 || "string" == typeof t5 || t5 instanceof Boolean || t5 instanceof Number || t5 instanceof String || t5 instanceof Date || t5 instanceof RegExp) {
return t5;
if (Un(t5) || jn(t5)) {
return e5 && e5.push(t5), t5;
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t5)) {
var r5 = t5;
return e5 && e5.push(r5.buffer), r5;
if (t5 instanceof Fn2) {
return e5 && e5.push(t5.data.buffer), t5;
if (Array.isArray(t5)) {
for (var n7 = [], i5 = 0, a5 = t5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
n7.push(qn(a5[i5], e5));
return n7;
if ("object" == typeof t5) {
var o5 = t5.constructor, s6 = o5._classRegistryKey;
if (!s6) {
throw new Error("can't serialize object of unregistered class");
var u4 = o5.serialize ? o5.serialize(t5, e5) : {};
if (!o5.serialize) {
for (var l6 in t5) {
if (t5.hasOwnProperty(l6) && !(Ln2[s6].omit.indexOf(l6) >= 0)) {
var p4 = t5[l6];
u4[l6] = Ln2[s6].shallow.indexOf(l6) >= 0 ? p4 : qn(p4, e5);
t5 instanceof Error && (u4.message = t5.message);
if (u4.$name) {
throw new Error("$name property is reserved for worker serialization logic.");
return "Object" !== s6 && (u4.$name = s6), u4;
throw new Error("can't serialize object of type " + typeof t5);
function Nn2(t5) {
if (null == t5 || "boolean" == typeof t5 || "number" == typeof t5 || "string" == typeof t5 || t5 instanceof Boolean || t5 instanceof Number || t5 instanceof String || t5 instanceof Date || t5 instanceof RegExp || Un(t5) || jn(t5) || ArrayBuffer.isView(t5) || t5 instanceof Fn2) {
return t5;
if (Array.isArray(t5)) {
return t5.map(Nn2);
if ("object" == typeof t5) {
var e5 = t5.$name || "Object", r5 = Ln2[e5].klass;
if (!r5) {
throw new Error("can't deserialize unregistered class " + e5);
if (r5.deserialize) {
return r5.deserialize(t5);
for (var n7 = Object.create(r5.prototype), i5 = 0, a5 = Object.keys(t5); i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
if ("$name" !== o5) {
var s6 = t5[o5];
n7[o5] = Ln2[e5].shallow.indexOf(o5) >= 0 ? s6 : Nn2(s6);
return n7;
throw new Error("can't deserialize object of type " + typeof t5);
var Kn = function() {
this.first = true;
Kn.prototype.update = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = Math.floor(t5);
return this.first ? (this.first = false, this.lastIntegerZoom = r5, this.lastIntegerZoomTime = 0, this.lastZoom = t5, this.lastFloorZoom = r5, true) : (this.lastFloorZoom > r5 ? (this.lastIntegerZoom = r5 + 1, this.lastIntegerZoomTime = e5) : this.lastFloorZoom < r5 && (this.lastIntegerZoom = r5, this.lastIntegerZoomTime = e5), t5 !== this.lastZoom && (this.lastZoom = t5, this.lastFloorZoom = r5, true));
var Gn = { "Latin-1 Supplement": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 128 && t5 <= 255;
}, Arabic: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 1536 && t5 <= 1791;
}, "Arabic Supplement": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 1872 && t5 <= 1919;
}, "Arabic Extended-A": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 2208 && t5 <= 2303;
}, "Hangul Jamo": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 4352 && t5 <= 4607;
}, "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 5120 && t5 <= 5759;
}, Khmer: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 6016 && t5 <= 6143;
}, "Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 6320 && t5 <= 6399;
}, "General Punctuation": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 8192 && t5 <= 8303;
}, "Letterlike Symbols": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 8448 && t5 <= 8527;
}, "Number Forms": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 8528 && t5 <= 8591;
}, "Miscellaneous Technical": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 8960 && t5 <= 9215;
}, "Control Pictures": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 9216 && t5 <= 9279;
}, "Optical Character Recognition": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 9280 && t5 <= 9311;
}, "Enclosed Alphanumerics": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 9312 && t5 <= 9471;
}, "Geometric Shapes": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 9632 && t5 <= 9727;
}, "Miscellaneous Symbols": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 9728 && t5 <= 9983;
}, "Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 11008 && t5 <= 11263;
}, "CJK Radicals Supplement": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 11904 && t5 <= 12031;
}, "Kangxi Radicals": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12032 && t5 <= 12255;
}, "Ideographic Description Characters": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12272 && t5 <= 12287;
}, "CJK Symbols and Punctuation": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12288 && t5 <= 12351;
}, Hiragana: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12352 && t5 <= 12447;
}, Katakana: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12448 && t5 <= 12543;
}, Bopomofo: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12544 && t5 <= 12591;
}, "Hangul Compatibility Jamo": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12592 && t5 <= 12687;
}, Kanbun: function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12688 && t5 <= 12703;
}, "Bopomofo Extended": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12704 && t5 <= 12735;
}, "CJK Strokes": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12736 && t5 <= 12783;
}, "Katakana Phonetic Extensions": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12784 && t5 <= 12799;
}, "Enclosed CJK Letters and Months": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 12800 && t5 <= 13055;
}, "CJK Compatibility": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 13056 && t5 <= 13311;
}, "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 13312 && t5 <= 19903;
}, "Yijing Hexagram Symbols": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 19904 && t5 <= 19967;
}, "CJK Unified Ideographs": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 19968 && t5 <= 40959;
}, "Yi Syllables": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 40960 && t5 <= 42127;
}, "Yi Radicals": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 42128 && t5 <= 42191;
}, "Hangul Jamo Extended-A": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 43360 && t5 <= 43391;
}, "Hangul Syllables": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 44032 && t5 <= 55215;
}, "Hangul Jamo Extended-B": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 55216 && t5 <= 55295;
}, "Private Use Area": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 57344 && t5 <= 63743;
}, "CJK Compatibility Ideographs": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 63744 && t5 <= 64255;
}, "Arabic Presentation Forms-A": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 64336 && t5 <= 65023;
}, "Vertical Forms": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 65040 && t5 <= 65055;
}, "CJK Compatibility Forms": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 65072 && t5 <= 65103;
}, "Small Form Variants": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 65104 && t5 <= 65135;
}, "Arabic Presentation Forms-B": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 65136 && t5 <= 65279;
}, "Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms": function(t5) {
return t5 >= 65280 && t5 <= 65519;
} };
function Zn(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = t5; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
if (Xn(r5[e5].charCodeAt(0))) {
return true;
return false;
function Xn(t5) {
return !(746 !== t5 && 747 !== t5 && (t5 < 4352 || !(Gn["Bopomofo Extended"](t5) || Gn.Bopomofo(t5) || Gn["CJK Compatibility Forms"](t5) && !(t5 >= 65097 && t5 <= 65103) || Gn["CJK Compatibility Ideographs"](t5) || Gn["CJK Compatibility"](t5) || Gn["CJK Radicals Supplement"](t5) || Gn["CJK Strokes"](t5) || !(!Gn["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](t5) || t5 >= 12296 && t5 <= 12305 || t5 >= 12308 && t5 <= 12319 || 12336 === t5) || Gn["CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A"](t5) || Gn["CJK Unified Ideographs"](t5) || Gn["Enclosed CJK Letters and Months"](t5) || Gn["Hangul Compatibility Jamo"](t5) || Gn["Hangul Jamo Extended-A"](t5) || Gn["Hangul Jamo Extended-B"](t5) || Gn["Hangul Jamo"](t5) || Gn["Hangul Syllables"](t5) || Gn.Hiragana(t5) || Gn["Ideographic Description Characters"](t5) || Gn.Kanbun(t5) || Gn["Kangxi Radicals"](t5) || Gn["Katakana Phonetic Extensions"](t5) || Gn.Katakana(t5) && 12540 !== t5 || !(!Gn["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](t5) || 65288 === t5 || 65289 === t5 || 65293 === t5 || t5 >= 65306 && t5 <= 65310 || 65339 === t5 || 65341 === t5 || 65343 === t5 || t5 >= 65371 && t5 <= 65503 || 65507 === t5 || t5 >= 65512 && t5 <= 65519) || !(!Gn["Small Form Variants"](t5) || t5 >= 65112 && t5 <= 65118 || t5 >= 65123 && t5 <= 65126) || Gn["Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics"](t5) || Gn["Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended"](t5) || Gn["Vertical Forms"](t5) || Gn["Yijing Hexagram Symbols"](t5) || Gn["Yi Syllables"](t5) || Gn["Yi Radicals"](t5))));
function Jn(t5) {
return !(Xn(t5) || function(t6) {
return !!(Gn["Latin-1 Supplement"](t6) && (167 === t6 || 169 === t6 || 174 === t6 || 177 === t6 || 188 === t6 || 189 === t6 || 190 === t6 || 215 === t6 || 247 === t6) || Gn["General Punctuation"](t6) && (8214 === t6 || 8224 === t6 || 8225 === t6 || 8240 === t6 || 8241 === t6 || 8251 === t6 || 8252 === t6 || 8258 === t6 || 8263 === t6 || 8264 === t6 || 8265 === t6 || 8273 === t6) || Gn["Letterlike Symbols"](t6) || Gn["Number Forms"](t6) || Gn["Miscellaneous Technical"](t6) && (t6 >= 8960 && t6 <= 8967 || t6 >= 8972 && t6 <= 8991 || t6 >= 8996 && t6 <= 9e3 || 9003 === t6 || t6 >= 9085 && t6 <= 9114 || t6 >= 9150 && t6 <= 9165 || 9167 === t6 || t6 >= 9169 && t6 <= 9179 || t6 >= 9186 && t6 <= 9215) || Gn["Control Pictures"](t6) && 9251 !== t6 || Gn["Optical Character Recognition"](t6) || Gn["Enclosed Alphanumerics"](t6) || Gn["Geometric Shapes"](t6) || Gn["Miscellaneous Symbols"](t6) && !(t6 >= 9754 && t6 <= 9759) || Gn["Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows"](t6) && (t6 >= 11026 && t6 <= 11055 || t6 >= 11088 && t6 <= 11097 || t6 >= 11192 && t6 <= 11243) || Gn["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](t6) || Gn.Katakana(t6) || Gn["Private Use Area"](t6) || Gn["CJK Compatibility Forms"](t6) || Gn["Small Form Variants"](t6) || Gn["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](t6) || 8734 === t6 || 8756 === t6 || 8757 === t6 || t6 >= 9984 && t6 <= 10087 || t6 >= 10102 && t6 <= 10131 || 65532 === t6 || 65533 === t6);
function Hn(t5) {
return t5 >= 1424 && t5 <= 2303 || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-A"](t5) || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-B"](t5);
function Yn(t5, e5) {
return !(!e5 && Hn(t5) || t5 >= 2304 && t5 <= 3583 || t5 >= 3840 && t5 <= 4255 || Gn.Khmer(t5));
function $n(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = t5; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
if (Hn(r5[e5].charCodeAt(0))) {
return true;
return false;
var Wn = null, Qn = "unavailable", ti2 = null, ei2 = function(t5) {
t5 && "string" == typeof t5 && t5.indexOf("NetworkError") > -1 && (Qn = "error"), Wn && Wn(t5);
function ri2() {
ni2.fire(new It2("pluginStateChange", { pluginStatus: Qn, pluginURL: ti2 }));
var ni2 = new Ct2(), ii2 = function() {
return Qn;
}, ai2 = function() {
if ("deferred" !== Qn || !ti2) {
throw new Error("rtl-text-plugin cannot be downloaded unless a pluginURL is specified");
Qn = "loading", ri2(), ti2 && bt2({ url: ti2 }, function(t5) {
t5 ? ei2(t5) : (Qn = "loaded", ri2());
}, oi2 = { applyArabicShaping: null, processBidirectionalText: null, processStyledBidirectionalText: null, isLoaded: function() {
return "loaded" === Qn || null != oi2.applyArabicShaping;
}, isLoading: function() {
return "loading" === Qn;
}, setState: function(t5) {
Qn = t5.pluginStatus, ti2 = t5.pluginURL;
}, isParsed: function() {
return null != oi2.applyArabicShaping && null != oi2.processBidirectionalText && null != oi2.processStyledBidirectionalText;
}, getPluginURL: function() {
return ti2;
} }, si2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.zoom = t5, e5 ? (this.now = e5.now, this.fadeDuration = e5.fadeDuration, this.zoomHistory = e5.zoomHistory, this.transition = e5.transition) : (this.now = 0, this.fadeDuration = 0, this.zoomHistory = new Kn(), this.transition = {});
si2.prototype.isSupportedScript = function(t5) {
return function(t6, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = t6; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
if (!Yn(n7[r5].charCodeAt(0), e5)) {
return false;
return true;
}(t5, oi2.isLoaded());
}, si2.prototype.crossFadingFactor = function() {
return 0 === this.fadeDuration ? 1 : Math.min((this.now - this.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoomTime) / this.fadeDuration, 1);
}, si2.prototype.getCrossfadeParameters = function() {
var t5 = this.zoom, e5 = t5 - Math.floor(t5), r5 = this.crossFadingFactor();
return t5 > this.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? { fromScale: 2, toScale: 1, t: e5 + (1 - e5) * r5 } : { fromScale: 0.5, toScale: 1, t: 1 - (1 - r5) * e5 };
var ui2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.property = t5, this.value = e5, this.expression = function(t6, e6) {
if (Lr(t6)) {
return new Yr(t6, e6);
if (Gr(t6)) {
var r5 = Hr(t6, e6);
if ("error" === r5.result) {
throw new Error(r5.value.map(function(t7) {
return t7.key + ": " + t7.message;
}).join(", "));
return r5.value;
var n7 = t6;
return "string" == typeof t6 && "color" === e6.type && (n7 = te2.parse(t6)), { kind: "constant", evaluate: function() {
return n7;
} };
}(void 0 === e5 ? t5.specification.default : e5, t5.specification);
ui2.prototype.isDataDriven = function() {
return "source" === this.expression.kind || "composite" === this.expression.kind;
}, ui2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return this.property.possiblyEvaluate(this, t5, e5, r5);
var li2 = function(t5) {
this.property = t5, this.value = new ui2(t5, void 0);
li2.prototype.transitioned = function(t5, e5) {
return new ci2(this.property, this.value, e5, h5({}, t5.transition, this.transition), t5.now);
}, li2.prototype.untransitioned = function() {
return new ci2(this.property, this.value, null, {}, 0);
var pi2 = function(t5) {
this._properties = t5, this._values = Object.create(t5.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues);
pi2.prototype.getValue = function(t5) {
return w3(this._values[t5].value.value);
}, pi2.prototype.setValue = function(t5, e5) {
this._values.hasOwnProperty(t5) || (this._values[t5] = new li2(this._values[t5].property)), this._values[t5].value = new ui2(this._values[t5].property, null === e5 ? void 0 : w3(e5));
}, pi2.prototype.getTransition = function(t5) {
return w3(this._values[t5].transition);
}, pi2.prototype.setTransition = function(t5, e5) {
this._values.hasOwnProperty(t5) || (this._values[t5] = new li2(this._values[t5].property)), this._values[t5].transition = w3(e5) || void 0;
}, pi2.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = {}, e5 = 0, r5 = Object.keys(this._values); e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5], i5 = this.getValue(n7);
void 0 !== i5 && (t5[n7] = i5);
var a5 = this.getTransition(n7);
void 0 !== a5 && (t5[n7 + "-transition"] = a5);
return t5;
}, pi2.prototype.transitioned = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = new hi2(this._properties), n7 = 0, i5 = Object.keys(this._values); n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
r5._values[a5] = this._values[a5].transitioned(t5, e5._values[a5]);
return r5;
}, pi2.prototype.untransitioned = function() {
for (var t5 = new hi2(this._properties), e5 = 0, r5 = Object.keys(this._values); e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5];
t5._values[n7] = this._values[n7].untransitioned();
return t5;
var ci2 = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.property = t5, this.value = e5, this.begin = i5 + n7.delay || 0, this.end = this.begin + n7.duration || 0, t5.specification.transition && (n7.delay || n7.duration) && (this.prior = r5);
ci2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = t5.now || 0, i5 = this.value.possiblyEvaluate(t5, e5, r5), a5 = this.prior;
if (a5) {
if (n7 > this.end) {
return this.prior = null, i5;
if (this.value.isDataDriven()) {
return this.prior = null, i5;
if (n7 < this.begin) {
return a5.possiblyEvaluate(t5, e5, r5);
var o5 = (n7 - this.begin) / (this.end - this.begin);
return this.property.interpolate(a5.possiblyEvaluate(t5, e5, r5), i5, function(t6) {
if (t6 <= 0) {
return 0;
if (t6 >= 1) {
return 1;
var e6 = t6 * t6, r6 = e6 * t6;
return 4 * (t6 < 0.5 ? r6 : 3 * (t6 - e6) + r6 - 0.75);
return i5;
var hi2 = function(t5) {
this._properties = t5, this._values = Object.create(t5.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues);
hi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = new di2(this._properties), i5 = 0, a5 = Object.keys(this._values); i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
n7._values[o5] = this._values[o5].possiblyEvaluate(t5, e5, r5);
return n7;
}, hi2.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
for (var t5 = 0, e5 = Object.keys(this._values); t5 < e5.length; t5 += 1) {
if (this._values[e5[t5]].prior) {
return true;
return false;
var fi2 = function(t5) {
this._properties = t5, this._values = Object.create(t5.defaultPropertyValues);
fi2.prototype.getValue = function(t5) {
return w3(this._values[t5].value);
}, fi2.prototype.setValue = function(t5, e5) {
this._values[t5] = new ui2(this._values[t5].property, null === e5 ? void 0 : w3(e5));
}, fi2.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t5 = {}, e5 = 0, r5 = Object.keys(this._values); e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[e5], i5 = this.getValue(n7);
void 0 !== i5 && (t5[n7] = i5);
return t5;
}, fi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = new di2(this._properties), i5 = 0, a5 = Object.keys(this._values); i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
n7._values[o5] = this._values[o5].possiblyEvaluate(t5, e5, r5);
return n7;
var yi2 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.property = t5, this.value = e5, this.parameters = r5;
yi2.prototype.isConstant = function() {
return "constant" === this.value.kind;
}, yi2.prototype.constantOr = function(t5) {
return "constant" === this.value.kind ? this.value.value : t5;
}, yi2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return this.property.evaluate(this.value, this.parameters, t5, e5, r5, n7);
var di2 = function(t5) {
this._properties = t5, this._values = Object.create(t5.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues);
di2.prototype.get = function(t5) {
return this._values[t5];
var mi2 = function(t5) {
this.specification = t5;
mi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5) {
return t5.expression.evaluate(e5);
}, mi2.prototype.interpolate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = Ge2[this.specification.type];
return n7 ? n7(t5, e5, r5) : t5;
var vi2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.specification = t5, this.overrides = e5;
vi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return new yi2(this, "constant" === t5.expression.kind || "camera" === t5.expression.kind ? { kind: "constant", value: t5.expression.evaluate(e5, null, {}, r5, n7) } : t5.expression, e5);
}, vi2.prototype.interpolate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if ("constant" !== t5.value.kind || "constant" !== e5.value.kind) {
return t5;
if (void 0 === t5.value.value || void 0 === e5.value.value) {
return new yi2(this, { kind: "constant", value: void 0 }, t5.parameters);
var n7 = Ge2[this.specification.type];
return n7 ? new yi2(this, { kind: "constant", value: n7(t5.value.value, e5.value.value, r5) }, t5.parameters) : t5;
}, vi2.prototype.evaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return "constant" === t5.kind ? t5.value : t5.evaluate(e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
var gi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
if (void 0 === t6.value) {
return new yi2(this, { kind: "constant", value: void 0 }, e6);
if ("constant" === t6.expression.kind) {
var i5 = t6.expression.evaluate(e6, null, {}, r5, n7), a5 = "resolvedImage" === t6.property.specification.type && "string" != typeof i5 ? i5.name : i5, o5 = this._calculate(a5, a5, a5, e6);
return new yi2(this, { kind: "constant", value: o5 }, e6);
if ("camera" === t6.expression.kind) {
var s6 = this._calculate(t6.expression.evaluate({ zoom: e6.zoom - 1 }), t6.expression.evaluate({ zoom: e6.zoom }), t6.expression.evaluate({ zoom: e6.zoom + 1 }), e6);
return new yi2(this, { kind: "constant", value: s6 }, e6);
return new yi2(this, t6.expression, e6);
}, e5.prototype.evaluate = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
if ("source" === t6.kind) {
var o5 = t6.evaluate(e6, r5, n7, i5, a5);
return this._calculate(o5, o5, o5, e6);
return "composite" === t6.kind ? this._calculate(t6.evaluate({ zoom: Math.floor(e6.zoom) - 1 }, r5, n7), t6.evaluate({ zoom: Math.floor(e6.zoom) }, r5, n7), t6.evaluate({ zoom: Math.floor(e6.zoom) + 1 }, r5, n7), e6) : t6.value;
}, e5.prototype._calculate = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
return n7.zoom > n7.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? { from: t6, to: e6 } : { from: r5, to: e6 };
}, e5.prototype.interpolate = function(t6) {
return t6;
}, e5;
}(vi2), xi2 = function(t5) {
this.specification = t5;
xi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
if (void 0 !== t5.value) {
if ("constant" === t5.expression.kind) {
var i5 = t5.expression.evaluate(e5, null, {}, r5, n7);
return this._calculate(i5, i5, i5, e5);
return this._calculate(t5.expression.evaluate(new si2(Math.floor(e5.zoom - 1), e5)), t5.expression.evaluate(new si2(Math.floor(e5.zoom), e5)), t5.expression.evaluate(new si2(Math.floor(e5.zoom + 1), e5)), e5);
}, xi2.prototype._calculate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return n7.zoom > n7.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? { from: t5, to: e5 } : { from: r5, to: e5 };
}, xi2.prototype.interpolate = function(t5) {
return t5;
var bi2 = function(t5) {
this.specification = t5;
bi2.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return !!t5.expression.evaluate(e5, null, {}, r5, n7);
}, bi2.prototype.interpolate = function() {
return false;
var wi2 = function(t5) {
for (var e5 in this.properties = t5, this.defaultPropertyValues = {}, this.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues = {}, this.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues = {}, this.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues = {}, this.overridableProperties = [], t5) {
var r5 = t5[e5];
r5.specification.overridable && this.overridableProperties.push(e5);
var n7 = this.defaultPropertyValues[e5] = new ui2(r5, void 0), i5 = this.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues[e5] = new li2(r5);
this.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues[e5] = i5.untransitioned(), this.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues[e5] = n7.possiblyEvaluate({});
On("DataDrivenProperty", vi2), On("DataConstantProperty", mi2), On("CrossFadedDataDrivenProperty", gi2), On("CrossFadedProperty", xi2), On("ColorRampProperty", bi2);
var _i2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
if (t5.call(this), this.id = e6.id, this.type = e6.type, this._featureFilter = { filter: function() {
return true;
}, needGeometry: false }, "custom" !== e6.type && (this.metadata = (e6 = e6).metadata, this.minzoom = e6.minzoom, this.maxzoom = e6.maxzoom, "background" !== e6.type && (this.source = e6.source, this.sourceLayer = e6["source-layer"], this.filter = e6.filter), r5.layout && (this._unevaluatedLayout = new fi2(r5.layout)), r5.paint)) {
for (var n7 in this._transitionablePaint = new pi2(r5.paint), e6.paint) {
this.setPaintProperty(n7, e6.paint[n7], { validate: false });
for (var i5 in e6.layout) {
this.setLayoutProperty(i5, e6.layout[i5], { validate: false });
this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.untransitioned(), this.paint = new di2(r5.paint);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getCrossfadeParameters = function() {
return this._crossfadeParameters;
}, e5.prototype.getLayoutProperty = function(t6) {
return "visibility" === t6 ? this.visibility : this._unevaluatedLayout.getValue(t6);
}, e5.prototype.setLayoutProperty = function(t6, e6, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), null != e6 && this._validate(Mn, "layers." + this.id + ".layout." + t6, t6, e6, r5) || ("visibility" !== t6 ? this._unevaluatedLayout.setValue(t6, e6) : this.visibility = e6);
}, e5.prototype.getPaintProperty = function(t6) {
return g3(t6, "-transition") ? this._transitionablePaint.getTransition(t6.slice(0, -"-transition".length)) : this._transitionablePaint.getValue(t6);
}, e5.prototype.setPaintProperty = function(t6, e6, r5) {
if (void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), null != e6 && this._validate(Pn2, "layers." + this.id + ".paint." + t6, t6, e6, r5)) {
return false;
if (g3(t6, "-transition")) {
return this._transitionablePaint.setTransition(t6.slice(0, -"-transition".length), e6 || void 0), false;
var n7 = this._transitionablePaint._values[t6], i5 = "cross-faded-data-driven" === n7.property.specification["property-type"], a5 = n7.value.isDataDriven(), o5 = n7.value;
this._transitionablePaint.setValue(t6, e6), this._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate(t6);
var s6 = this._transitionablePaint._values[t6].value;
return s6.isDataDriven() || a5 || i5 || this._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate(t6, o5, s6);
}, e5.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t6) {
}, e5.prototype._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate = function(t6, e6, r5) {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.isHidden = function(t6) {
return !!(this.minzoom && t6 < this.minzoom) || !!(this.maxzoom && t6 >= this.maxzoom) || "none" === this.visibility;
}, e5.prototype.updateTransitions = function(t6) {
this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.transitioned(t6, this._transitioningPaint);
}, e5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return this._transitioningPaint.hasTransition();
}, e5.prototype.recalculate = function(t6, e6) {
t6.getCrossfadeParameters && (this._crossfadeParameters = t6.getCrossfadeParameters()), this._unevaluatedLayout && (this.layout = this._unevaluatedLayout.possiblyEvaluate(t6, void 0, e6)), this.paint = this._transitioningPaint.possiblyEvaluate(t6, void 0, e6);
}, e5.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t6 = { id: this.id, type: this.type, source: this.source, "source-layer": this.sourceLayer, metadata: this.metadata, minzoom: this.minzoom, maxzoom: this.maxzoom, filter: this.filter, layout: this._unevaluatedLayout && this._unevaluatedLayout.serialize(), paint: this._transitionablePaint && this._transitionablePaint.serialize() };
return this.visibility && (t6.layout = t6.layout || {}, t6.layout.visibility = this.visibility), b3(t6, function(t7, e6) {
return !(void 0 === t7 || "layout" === e6 && !Object.keys(t7).length || "paint" === e6 && !Object.keys(t7).length);
}, e5.prototype._validate = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5) {
return void 0 === i5 && (i5 = {}), (!i5 || false !== i5.validate) && Bn2(this, t6.call(Cn2, { key: e6, layerType: this.type, objectKey: r5, value: n7, styleSpec: Et2, style: { glyphs: true, sprite: true } }));
}, e5.prototype.is3D = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.resize = function() {
}, e5.prototype.isStateDependent = function() {
for (var t6 in this.paint._values) {
var e6 = this.paint.get(t6);
if (e6 instanceof yi2 && Tr(e6.property.specification) && ("source" === e6.value.kind || "composite" === e6.value.kind) && e6.value.isStateDependent) {
return true;
return false;
}, e5;
}(Ct2), Ai2 = { Int8: Int8Array, Uint8: Uint8Array, Int16: Int16Array, Uint16: Uint16Array, Int32: Int32Array, Uint32: Uint32Array, Float32: Float32Array }, Si2 = function(t5, e5) {
this._structArray = t5, this._pos1 = e5 * this.size, this._pos2 = this._pos1 / 2, this._pos4 = this._pos1 / 4, this._pos8 = this._pos1 / 8;
}, ki2 = function() {
this.isTransferred = false, this.capacity = -1, this.resize(0);
function Ii2(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 1);
var r5 = 0, n7 = 0;
return { members: t5.map(function(t6) {
var i5 = Ai2[t6.type].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, a5 = r5 = zi2(r5, Math.max(e5, i5)), o5 = t6.components || 1;
return n7 = Math.max(n7, i5), r5 += i5 * o5, { name: t6.name, type: t6.type, components: o5, offset: a5 };
}), size: zi2(r5, Math.max(n7, e5)), alignment: e5 };
function zi2(t5, e5) {
return Math.ceil(t5 / e5) * e5;
ki2.serialize = function(t5, e5) {
return t5._trim(), e5 && (t5.isTransferred = true, e5.push(t5.arrayBuffer)), { length: t5.length, arrayBuffer: t5.arrayBuffer };
}, ki2.deserialize = function(t5) {
var e5 = Object.create(this.prototype);
return e5.arrayBuffer = t5.arrayBuffer, e5.length = t5.length, e5.capacity = t5.arrayBuffer.byteLength / e5.bytesPerElement, e5._refreshViews(), e5;
}, ki2.prototype._trim = function() {
this.length !== this.capacity && (this.capacity = this.length, this.arrayBuffer = this.arrayBuffer.slice(0, this.length * this.bytesPerElement), this._refreshViews());
}, ki2.prototype.clear = function() {
this.length = 0;
}, ki2.prototype.resize = function(t5) {
this.reserve(t5), this.length = t5;
}, ki2.prototype.reserve = function(t5) {
if (t5 > this.capacity) {
this.capacity = Math.max(t5, Math.floor(5 * this.capacity), 128), this.arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.capacity * this.bytesPerElement);
var e5 = this.uint8;
this._refreshViews(), e5 && this.uint8.set(e5);
}, ki2.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
throw new Error("_refreshViews() must be implemented by each concrete StructArray layout");
var Ci2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = this.length;
return this.resize(r5 + 1), this.emplace(r5, t6, e6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = 2 * t6;
return this.int16[n7 + 0] = e6, this.int16[n7 + 1] = r5, t6;
}, e5;
Ci2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4, On("StructArrayLayout2i4", Ci2);
var Ei2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.length;
return this.resize(i5 + 1), this.emplace(i5, t6, e6, r5, n7);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = 4 * t6;
return this.int16[a5 + 0] = e6, this.int16[a5 + 1] = r5, this.int16[a5 + 2] = n7, this.int16[a5 + 3] = i5, t6;
}, e5;
Ei2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8, On("StructArrayLayout4i8", Ei2);
var Pi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = this.length;
return this.resize(o5 + 1), this.emplace(o5, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
var s6 = 6 * t6;
return this.int16[s6 + 0] = e6, this.int16[s6 + 1] = r5, this.int16[s6 + 2] = n7, this.int16[s6 + 3] = i5, this.int16[s6 + 4] = a5, this.int16[s6 + 5] = o5, t6;
}, e5;
Pi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12, On("StructArrayLayout2i4i12", Pi2);
var Mi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = this.length;
return this.resize(o5 + 1), this.emplace(o5, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
var s6 = 4 * t6, u4 = 8 * t6;
return this.int16[s6 + 0] = e6, this.int16[s6 + 1] = r5, this.uint8[u4 + 4] = n7, this.uint8[u4 + 5] = i5, this.uint8[u4 + 6] = a5, this.uint8[u4 + 7] = o5, t6;
}, e5;
Mi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8, On("StructArrayLayout2i4ub8", Mi2);
var Bi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = this.length;
return this.resize(r5 + 1), this.emplace(r5, t6, e6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = 2 * t6;
return this.float32[n7 + 0] = e6, this.float32[n7 + 1] = r5, t6;
}, e5;
Bi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8, On("StructArrayLayout2f8", Bi2);
var Ti2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6) {
var p4 = this.length;
return this.resize(p4 + 1), this.emplace(p4, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4) {
var c4 = 10 * t6;
return this.uint16[c4 + 0] = e6, this.uint16[c4 + 1] = r5, this.uint16[c4 + 2] = n7, this.uint16[c4 + 3] = i5, this.uint16[c4 + 4] = a5, this.uint16[c4 + 5] = o5, this.uint16[c4 + 6] = s6, this.uint16[c4 + 7] = u4, this.uint16[c4 + 8] = l6, this.uint16[c4 + 9] = p4, t6;
}, e5;
Ti2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 20, On("StructArrayLayout10ui20", Ti2);
var Vi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4) {
var h6 = this.length;
return this.resize(h6 + 1), this.emplace(h6, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6) {
var f4 = 12 * t6;
return this.int16[f4 + 0] = e6, this.int16[f4 + 1] = r5, this.int16[f4 + 2] = n7, this.int16[f4 + 3] = i5, this.uint16[f4 + 4] = a5, this.uint16[f4 + 5] = o5, this.uint16[f4 + 6] = s6, this.uint16[f4 + 7] = u4, this.int16[f4 + 8] = l6, this.int16[f4 + 9] = p4, this.int16[f4 + 10] = c4, this.int16[f4 + 11] = h6, t6;
}, e5;
Vi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 24, On("StructArrayLayout4i4ui4i24", Vi2);
var Fi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = this.length;
return this.resize(n7 + 1), this.emplace(n7, t6, e6, r5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = 3 * t6;
return this.float32[i5 + 0] = e6, this.float32[i5 + 1] = r5, this.float32[i5 + 2] = n7, t6;
}, e5;
Fi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12, On("StructArrayLayout3f12", Fi2);
var Di2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.length;
return this.resize(e6 + 1), this.emplace(e6, t6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6) {
return this.uint32[1 * t6 + 0] = e6, t6;
}, e5;
Di2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4, On("StructArrayLayout1ul4", Di2);
var Li2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4) {
var l6 = this.length;
return this.resize(l6 + 1), this.emplace(l6, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6) {
var p4 = 10 * t6, c4 = 5 * t6;
return this.int16[p4 + 0] = e6, this.int16[p4 + 1] = r5, this.int16[p4 + 2] = n7, this.int16[p4 + 3] = i5, this.int16[p4 + 4] = a5, this.int16[p4 + 5] = o5, this.uint32[c4 + 3] = s6, this.uint16[p4 + 8] = u4, this.uint16[p4 + 9] = l6, t6;
}, e5;
Li2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 20, On("StructArrayLayout6i1ul2ui20", Li2);
var Oi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = this.length;
return this.resize(o5 + 1), this.emplace(o5, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
var s6 = 6 * t6;
return this.int16[s6 + 0] = e6, this.int16[s6 + 1] = r5, this.int16[s6 + 2] = n7, this.int16[s6 + 3] = i5, this.int16[s6 + 4] = a5, this.int16[s6 + 5] = o5, t6;
}, e5;
Oi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12, On("StructArrayLayout2i2i2i12", Oi2);
var Ri2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this.length;
return this.resize(a5 + 1), this.emplace(a5, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = 4 * t6, s6 = 8 * t6;
return this.float32[o5 + 0] = e6, this.float32[o5 + 1] = r5, this.float32[o5 + 2] = n7, this.int16[s6 + 6] = i5, this.int16[s6 + 7] = a5, t6;
}, e5;
Ri2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 16, On("StructArrayLayout2f1f2i16", Ri2);
var Ui2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.length;
return this.resize(i5 + 1), this.emplace(i5, t6, e6, r5, n7);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = 12 * t6, o5 = 3 * t6;
return this.uint8[a5 + 0] = e6, this.uint8[a5 + 1] = r5, this.float32[o5 + 1] = n7, this.float32[o5 + 2] = i5, t6;
}, e5;
Ui2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12, On("StructArrayLayout2ub2f12", Ui2);
var ji2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = this.length;
return this.resize(n7 + 1), this.emplace(n7, t6, e6, r5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = 3 * t6;
return this.uint16[i5 + 0] = e6, this.uint16[i5 + 1] = r5, this.uint16[i5 + 2] = n7, t6;
}, e5;
ji2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 6, On("StructArrayLayout3ui6", ji2);
var qi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4) {
var v4 = this.length;
return this.resize(v4 + 1), this.emplace(v4, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4, v4) {
var g4 = 24 * t6, x4 = 12 * t6, b4 = 48 * t6;
return this.int16[g4 + 0] = e6, this.int16[g4 + 1] = r5, this.uint16[g4 + 2] = n7, this.uint16[g4 + 3] = i5, this.uint32[x4 + 2] = a5, this.uint32[x4 + 3] = o5, this.uint32[x4 + 4] = s6, this.uint16[g4 + 10] = u4, this.uint16[g4 + 11] = l6, this.uint16[g4 + 12] = p4, this.float32[x4 + 7] = c4, this.float32[x4 + 8] = h6, this.uint8[b4 + 36] = f4, this.uint8[b4 + 37] = y4, this.uint8[b4 + 38] = d4, this.uint32[x4 + 10] = m4, this.int16[g4 + 22] = v4, t6;
}, e5;
qi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 48, On("StructArrayLayout2i2ui3ul3ui2f3ub1ul1i48", qi2);
var Ni2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4, v4, g4, x4, b4, w4, _3, A4, S4, k4, I4, z4) {
var C4 = this.length;
return this.resize(C4 + 1), this.emplace(C4, t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4, v4, g4, x4, b4, w4, _3, A4, S4, k4, I4, z4);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4, m4, v4, g4, x4, b4, w4, _3, A4, S4, k4, I4, z4, C4) {
var E3 = 34 * t6, P4 = 17 * t6;
return this.int16[E3 + 0] = e6, this.int16[E3 + 1] = r5, this.int16[E3 + 2] = n7, this.int16[E3 + 3] = i5, this.int16[E3 + 4] = a5, this.int16[E3 + 5] = o5, this.int16[E3 + 6] = s6, this.int16[E3 + 7] = u4, this.uint16[E3 + 8] = l6, this.uint16[E3 + 9] = p4, this.uint16[E3 + 10] = c4, this.uint16[E3 + 11] = h6, this.uint16[E3 + 12] = f4, this.uint16[E3 + 13] = y4, this.uint16[E3 + 14] = d4, this.uint16[E3 + 15] = m4, this.uint16[E3 + 16] = v4, this.uint16[E3 + 17] = g4, this.uint16[E3 + 18] = x4, this.uint16[E3 + 19] = b4, this.uint16[E3 + 20] = w4, this.uint16[E3 + 21] = _3, this.uint16[E3 + 22] = A4, this.uint32[P4 + 12] = S4, this.float32[P4 + 13] = k4, this.float32[P4 + 14] = I4, this.float32[P4 + 15] = z4, this.float32[P4 + 16] = C4, t6;
}, e5;
Ni2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 68, On("StructArrayLayout8i15ui1ul4f68", Ni2);
var Ki2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.length;
return this.resize(e6 + 1), this.emplace(e6, t6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6) {
return this.float32[1 * t6 + 0] = e6, t6;
}, e5;
Ki2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4, On("StructArrayLayout1f4", Ki2);
var Gi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = this.length;
return this.resize(n7 + 1), this.emplace(n7, t6, e6, r5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = 3 * t6;
return this.int16[i5 + 0] = e6, this.int16[i5 + 1] = r5, this.int16[i5 + 2] = n7, t6;
}, e5;
Gi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 6, On("StructArrayLayout3i6", Gi2);
var Zi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = this.length;
return this.resize(n7 + 1), this.emplace(n7, t6, e6, r5);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = 4 * t6;
return this.uint32[2 * t6 + 0] = e6, this.uint16[i5 + 2] = r5, this.uint16[i5 + 3] = n7, t6;
}, e5;
Zi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8, On("StructArrayLayout1ul2ui8", Zi2);
var Xi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = this.length;
return this.resize(r5 + 1), this.emplace(r5, t6, e6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = 2 * t6;
return this.uint16[n7 + 0] = e6, this.uint16[n7 + 1] = r5, t6;
}, e5;
Xi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4, On("StructArrayLayout2ui4", Xi2);
var Ji2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.length;
return this.resize(e6 + 1), this.emplace(e6, t6);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6) {
return this.uint16[1 * t6 + 0] = e6, t6;
}, e5;
Ji2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 2, On("StructArrayLayout1ui2", Ji2);
var Hi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer), this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
}, e5.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.length;
return this.resize(i5 + 1), this.emplace(i5, t6, e6, r5, n7);
}, e5.prototype.emplace = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = 4 * t6;
return this.float32[a5 + 0] = e6, this.float32[a5 + 1] = r5, this.float32[a5 + 2] = n7, this.float32[a5 + 3] = i5, t6;
}, e5;
Hi2.prototype.bytesPerElement = 16, On("StructArrayLayout4f16", Hi2);
var Yi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5;
var r5 = { anchorPointX: { configurable: true }, anchorPointY: { configurable: true }, x1: { configurable: true }, y1: { configurable: true }, x2: { configurable: true }, y2: { configurable: true }, featureIndex: { configurable: true }, sourceLayerIndex: { configurable: true }, bucketIndex: { configurable: true }, anchorPoint: { configurable: true } };
return r5.anchorPointX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0];
}, r5.anchorPointY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1];
}, r5.x1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 2];
}, r5.y1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 3];
}, r5.x2.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 4];
}, r5.y2.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 5];
}, r5.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 3];
}, r5.sourceLayerIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 8];
}, r5.bucketIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 9];
}, r5.anchorPoint.get = function() {
return new i4(this.anchorPointX, this.anchorPointY);
}, Object.defineProperties(e5.prototype, r5), e5;
Yi2.prototype.size = 20;
var $i2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.get = function(t6) {
return new Yi2(this, t6);
}, e5;
On("CollisionBoxArray", $i2);
var Wi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5;
var r5 = { anchorX: { configurable: true }, anchorY: { configurable: true }, glyphStartIndex: { configurable: true }, numGlyphs: { configurable: true }, vertexStartIndex: { configurable: true }, lineStartIndex: { configurable: true }, lineLength: { configurable: true }, segment: { configurable: true }, lowerSize: { configurable: true }, upperSize: { configurable: true }, lineOffsetX: { configurable: true }, lineOffsetY: { configurable: true }, writingMode: { configurable: true }, placedOrientation: { configurable: true }, hidden: { configurable: true }, crossTileID: { configurable: true }, associatedIconIndex: { configurable: true } };
return r5.anchorX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0];
}, r5.anchorY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1];
}, r5.glyphStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 2];
}, r5.numGlyphs.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 3];
}, r5.vertexStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 2];
}, r5.lineStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 3];
}, r5.lineLength.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 4];
}, r5.segment.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 10];
}, r5.lowerSize.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 11];
}, r5.upperSize.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 12];
}, r5.lineOffsetX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 7];
}, r5.lineOffsetY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 8];
}, r5.writingMode.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 36];
}, r5.placedOrientation.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 37];
}, r5.placedOrientation.set = function(t6) {
this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 37] = t6;
}, r5.hidden.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 38];
}, r5.hidden.set = function(t6) {
this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 38] = t6;
}, r5.crossTileID.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 10];
}, r5.crossTileID.set = function(t6) {
this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 10] = t6;
}, r5.associatedIconIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 22];
}, Object.defineProperties(e5.prototype, r5), e5;
Wi2.prototype.size = 48;
var Qi2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.get = function(t6) {
return new Wi2(this, t6);
}, e5;
On("PlacedSymbolArray", Qi2);
var ta = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5;
var r5 = { anchorX: { configurable: true }, anchorY: { configurable: true }, rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, placedIconSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex: { configurable: true }, key: { configurable: true }, textBoxStartIndex: { configurable: true }, textBoxEndIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalTextBoxStartIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalTextBoxEndIndex: { configurable: true }, iconBoxStartIndex: { configurable: true }, iconBoxEndIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalIconBoxStartIndex: { configurable: true }, verticalIconBoxEndIndex: { configurable: true }, featureIndex: { configurable: true }, numHorizontalGlyphVertices: { configurable: true }, numVerticalGlyphVertices: { configurable: true }, numIconVertices: { configurable: true }, numVerticalIconVertices: { configurable: true }, useRuntimeCollisionCircles: { configurable: true }, crossTileID: { configurable: true }, textBoxScale: { configurable: true }, textOffset0: { configurable: true }, textOffset1: { configurable: true }, collisionCircleDiameter: { configurable: true } };
return r5.anchorX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0];
}, r5.anchorY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1];
}, r5.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 2];
}, r5.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 3];
}, r5.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 4];
}, r5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 5];
}, r5.placedIconSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 6];
}, r5.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 7];
}, r5.key.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 8];
}, r5.textBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 9];
}, r5.textBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 10];
}, r5.verticalTextBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 11];
}, r5.verticalTextBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 12];
}, r5.iconBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 13];
}, r5.iconBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 14];
}, r5.verticalIconBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 15];
}, r5.verticalIconBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 16];
}, r5.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 17];
}, r5.numHorizontalGlyphVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 18];
}, r5.numVerticalGlyphVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 19];
}, r5.numIconVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 20];
}, r5.numVerticalIconVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 21];
}, r5.useRuntimeCollisionCircles.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 22];
}, r5.crossTileID.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 12];
}, r5.crossTileID.set = function(t6) {
this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 12] = t6;
}, r5.textBoxScale.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 13];
}, r5.textOffset0.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 14];
}, r5.textOffset1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 15];
}, r5.collisionCircleDiameter.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 16];
}, Object.defineProperties(e5.prototype, r5), e5;
ta.prototype.size = 68;
var ea = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.get = function(t6) {
return new ta(this, t6);
}, e5;
On("SymbolInstanceArray", ea);
var ra = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getoffsetX = function(t6) {
return this.float32[1 * t6 + 0];
}, e5;
On("GlyphOffsetArray", ra);
var na = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getx = function(t6) {
return this.int16[3 * t6 + 0];
}, e5.prototype.gety = function(t6) {
return this.int16[3 * t6 + 1];
}, e5.prototype.gettileUnitDistanceFromAnchor = function(t6) {
return this.int16[3 * t6 + 2];
}, e5;
On("SymbolLineVertexArray", na);
var ia = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5;
var r5 = { featureIndex: { configurable: true }, sourceLayerIndex: { configurable: true }, bucketIndex: { configurable: true } };
return r5.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 0];
}, r5.sourceLayerIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 2];
}, r5.bucketIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 3];
}, Object.defineProperties(e5.prototype, r5), e5;
ia.prototype.size = 8;
var aa = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.get = function(t6) {
return new ia(this, t6);
}, e5;
On("FeatureIndexArray", aa);
var oa = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos", components: 2, type: "Int16" }], 4).members, sa = function(t5) {
void 0 === t5 && (t5 = []), this.segments = t5;
function ua(t5, e5) {
return 256 * (t5 = p3(Math.floor(t5), 0, 255)) + p3(Math.floor(e5), 0, 255);
sa.prototype.prepareSegment = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1];
return t5 > sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && A3("Max vertices per segment is " + sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH + ": bucket requested " + t5), (!i5 || i5.vertexLength + t5 > sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH || i5.sortKey !== n7) && (i5 = { vertexOffset: e5.length, primitiveOffset: r5.length, vertexLength: 0, primitiveLength: 0 }, void 0 !== n7 && (i5.sortKey = n7), this.segments.push(i5)), i5;
}, sa.prototype.get = function() {
return this.segments;
}, sa.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t5 = 0, e5 = this.segments; t5 < e5.length; t5 += 1) {
var r5 = e5[t5];
for (var n7 in r5.vaos) {
}, sa.simpleSegment = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return new sa([{ vertexOffset: t5, primitiveOffset: e5, vertexLength: r5, primitiveLength: n7, vaos: {}, sortKey: 0 }]);
}, sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH = Math.pow(2, 16) - 1, On("SegmentVector", sa);
var la = Ii2([{ name: "a_pattern_from", components: 4, type: "Uint16" }, { name: "a_pattern_to", components: 4, type: "Uint16" }, { name: "a_pixel_ratio_from", components: 1, type: "Uint16" }, { name: "a_pixel_ratio_to", components: 1, type: "Uint16" }]), pa = e4(function(t5) {
t5.exports = function(t6, e5) {
var r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6;
for (n7 = t6.length - (r5 = 3 & t6.length), i5 = e5, o5 = 3432918353, s6 = 461845907, l6 = 0; l6 < n7; ) {
u4 = 255 & t6.charCodeAt(l6) | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++l6)) << 8 | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++l6)) << 16 | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++l6)) << 24, ++l6, i5 = 27492 + (65535 & (a5 = 5 * (65535 & (i5 = (i5 ^= u4 = (65535 & (u4 = (u4 = (65535 & u4) * o5 + (((u4 >>> 16) * o5 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 15 | u4 >>> 17)) * s6 + (((u4 >>> 16) * s6 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 13 | i5 >>> 19)) + ((5 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295)) + ((58964 + (a5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16);
switch (u4 = 0, r5) {
case 3:
u4 ^= (255 & t6.charCodeAt(l6 + 2)) << 16;
case 2:
u4 ^= (255 & t6.charCodeAt(l6 + 1)) << 8;
case 1:
i5 ^= u4 = (65535 & (u4 = (u4 = (65535 & (u4 ^= 255 & t6.charCodeAt(l6))) * o5 + (((u4 >>> 16) * o5 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 15 | u4 >>> 17)) * s6 + (((u4 >>> 16) * s6 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295;
return i5 ^= t6.length, i5 = 2246822507 * (65535 & (i5 ^= i5 >>> 16)) + ((2246822507 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i5 = 3266489909 * (65535 & (i5 ^= i5 >>> 13)) + ((3266489909 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, (i5 ^= i5 >>> 16) >>> 0;
}), ca = e4(function(t5) {
t5.exports = function(t6, e5) {
for (var r5, n7 = t6.length, i5 = e5 ^ n7, a5 = 0; n7 >= 4; ) {
r5 = 1540483477 * (65535 & (r5 = 255 & t6.charCodeAt(a5) | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++a5)) << 8 | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++a5)) << 16 | (255 & t6.charCodeAt(++a5)) << 24)) + ((1540483477 * (r5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16), i5 = 1540483477 * (65535 & i5) + ((1540483477 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) ^ (r5 = 1540483477 * (65535 & (r5 ^= r5 >>> 24)) + ((1540483477 * (r5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16)), n7 -= 4, ++a5;
switch (n7) {
case 3:
i5 ^= (255 & t6.charCodeAt(a5 + 2)) << 16;
case 2:
i5 ^= (255 & t6.charCodeAt(a5 + 1)) << 8;
case 1:
i5 = 1540483477 * (65535 & (i5 ^= 255 & t6.charCodeAt(a5))) + ((1540483477 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16);
return i5 = 1540483477 * (65535 & (i5 ^= i5 >>> 13)) + ((1540483477 * (i5 >>> 16) & 65535) << 16), (i5 ^= i5 >>> 15) >>> 0;
}), ha = pa, fa = ca;
ha.murmur3 = pa, ha.murmur2 = fa;
var ya = function() {
this.ids = [], this.positions = [], this.indexed = false;
ya.prototype.add = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.ids.push(ma(t5)), this.positions.push(e5, r5, n7);
}, ya.prototype.getPositions = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = ma(t5), r5 = 0, n7 = this.ids.length - 1; r5 < n7; ) {
var i5 = r5 + n7 >> 1;
this.ids[i5] >= e5 ? n7 = i5 : r5 = i5 + 1;
for (var a5 = []; this.ids[r5] === e5; ) {
a5.push({ index: this.positions[3 * r5], start: this.positions[3 * r5 + 1], end: this.positions[3 * r5 + 2] }), r5++;
return a5;
}, ya.serialize = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new Float64Array(t5.ids), n7 = new Uint32Array(t5.positions);
return function t6(e6, r6, n8, i5) {
for (; n8 < i5; ) {
for (var a5 = e6[n8 + i5 >> 1], o5 = n8 - 1, s6 = i5 + 1; ; ) {
do {
} while (e6[o5] < a5);
do {
} while (e6[s6] > a5);
if (o5 >= s6) {
va(e6, o5, s6), va(r6, 3 * o5, 3 * s6), va(r6, 3 * o5 + 1, 3 * s6 + 1), va(r6, 3 * o5 + 2, 3 * s6 + 2);
s6 - n8 < i5 - s6 ? (t6(e6, r6, n8, s6), n8 = s6 + 1) : (t6(e6, r6, s6 + 1, i5), i5 = s6);
}(r5, n7, 0, r5.length - 1), e5 && e5.push(r5.buffer, n7.buffer), { ids: r5, positions: n7 };
}, ya.deserialize = function(t5) {
var e5 = new ya();
return e5.ids = t5.ids, e5.positions = t5.positions, e5.indexed = true, e5;
var da = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
function ma(t5) {
var e5 = +t5;
return !isNaN(e5) && e5 <= da ? e5 : ha(String(t5));
function va(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = t5[e5];
t5[e5] = t5[r5], t5[r5] = n7;
On("FeaturePositionMap", ya);
var ga = function(t5, e5) {
this.gl = t5.gl, this.location = e5;
}, xa = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = 0;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
this.current !== t6 && (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform1i(this.location, t6));
}, e5;
}(ga), ba = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = 0;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
this.current !== t6 && (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform1f(this.location, t6));
}, e5;
}(ga), wa = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = [0, 0];
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
t6[0] === this.current[0] && t6[1] === this.current[1] || (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform2f(this.location, t6[0], t6[1]));
}, e5;
}(ga), _a = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = [0, 0, 0];
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
t6[0] === this.current[0] && t6[1] === this.current[1] && t6[2] === this.current[2] || (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform3f(this.location, t6[0], t6[1], t6[2]));
}, e5;
}(ga), Aa = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = [0, 0, 0, 0];
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
t6[0] === this.current[0] && t6[1] === this.current[1] && t6[2] === this.current[2] && t6[3] === this.current[3] || (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform4f(this.location, t6[0], t6[1], t6[2], t6[3]));
}, e5;
}(ga), Sa = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = te2.transparent;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
t6.r === this.current.r && t6.g === this.current.g && t6.b === this.current.b && t6.a === this.current.a || (this.current = t6, this.gl.uniform4f(this.location, t6.r, t6.g, t6.b, t6.a));
}, e5;
}(ga), ka = new Float32Array(16), Ia = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.current = ka;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6[12] !== this.current[12] || t6[0] !== this.current[0]) {
return this.current = t6, void this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.location, false, t6);
for (var e6 = 1; e6 < 16; e6++) {
if (t6[e6] !== this.current[e6]) {
this.current = t6, this.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.location, false, t6);
}, e5;
function za(t5) {
return [ua(255 * t5.r, 255 * t5.g), ua(255 * t5.b, 255 * t5.a)];
var Ca = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.value = t5, this.uniformNames = e5.map(function(t6) {
return "u_" + t6;
}), this.type = r5;
Ca.prototype.setUniform = function(t5, e5, r5) {
}, Ca.prototype.getBinding = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return "color" === this.type ? new Sa(t5, e5) : new ba(t5, e5);
var Ea = function(t5, e5) {
this.uniformNames = e5.map(function(t6) {
return "u_" + t6;
}), this.patternFrom = null, this.patternTo = null, this.pixelRatioFrom = 1, this.pixelRatioTo = 1;
Ea.prototype.setConstantPatternPositions = function(t5, e5) {
this.pixelRatioFrom = e5.pixelRatio, this.pixelRatioTo = t5.pixelRatio, this.patternFrom = e5.tlbr, this.patternTo = t5.tlbr;
}, Ea.prototype.setUniform = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = "u_pattern_to" === n7 ? this.patternTo : "u_pattern_from" === n7 ? this.patternFrom : "u_pixel_ratio_to" === n7 ? this.pixelRatioTo : "u_pixel_ratio_from" === n7 ? this.pixelRatioFrom : null;
i5 && t5.set(i5);
}, Ea.prototype.getBinding = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return "u_pattern" === r5.substr(0, 9) ? new Aa(t5, e5) : new ba(t5, e5);
var Pa = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.expression = t5, this.type = r5, this.maxValue = 0, this.paintVertexAttributes = e5.map(function(t6) {
return { name: "a_" + t6, type: "Float32", components: "color" === r5 ? 2 : 1, offset: 0 };
}), this.paintVertexArray = new n7();
Pa.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this.paintVertexArray.length, o5 = this.expression.evaluate(new si2(0), e5, {}, n7, [], i5);
this.paintVertexArray.resize(t5), this._setPaintValue(a5, t5, o5);
}, Pa.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.expression.evaluate({ zoom: 0 }, r5, n7);
this._setPaintValue(t5, e5, i5);
}, Pa.prototype._setPaintValue = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if ("color" === this.type) {
for (var n7 = za(r5), i5 = t5; i5 < e5; i5++) {
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(i5, n7[0], n7[1]);
} else {
for (var a5 = t5; a5 < e5; a5++) {
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(a5, r5);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, Math.abs(r5));
}, Pa.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.paintVertexArray && this.paintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.buffer ? this.paintVertexBuffer.updateData(this.paintVertexArray) : this.paintVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.paintVertexArray, this.paintVertexAttributes, this.expression.isStateDependent));
}, Pa.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.destroy();
var Ma = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
this.expression = t5, this.uniformNames = e5.map(function(t6) {
return "u_" + t6 + "_t";
}), this.type = r5, this.useIntegerZoom = n7, this.zoom = i5, this.maxValue = 0, this.paintVertexAttributes = e5.map(function(t6) {
return { name: "a_" + t6, type: "Float32", components: "color" === r5 ? 4 : 2, offset: 0 };
}), this.paintVertexArray = new a5();
Ma.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this.expression.evaluate(new si2(this.zoom), e5, {}, n7, [], i5), o5 = this.expression.evaluate(new si2(this.zoom + 1), e5, {}, n7, [], i5), s6 = this.paintVertexArray.length;
this.paintVertexArray.resize(t5), this._setPaintValue(s6, t5, a5, o5);
}, Ma.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.expression.evaluate({ zoom: this.zoom }, r5, n7), a5 = this.expression.evaluate({ zoom: this.zoom + 1 }, r5, n7);
this._setPaintValue(t5, e5, i5, a5);
}, Ma.prototype._setPaintValue = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
if ("color" === this.type) {
for (var i5 = za(r5), a5 = za(n7), o5 = t5; o5 < e5; o5++) {
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(o5, i5[0], i5[1], a5[0], a5[1]);
} else {
for (var s6 = t5; s6 < e5; s6++) {
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(s6, r5, n7);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, Math.abs(r5), Math.abs(n7));
}, Ma.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.paintVertexArray && this.paintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.buffer ? this.paintVertexBuffer.updateData(this.paintVertexArray) : this.paintVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.paintVertexArray, this.paintVertexAttributes, this.expression.isStateDependent));
}, Ma.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.destroy();
}, Ma.prototype.setUniform = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.useIntegerZoom ? Math.floor(e5.zoom) : e5.zoom, n7 = p3(this.expression.interpolationFactor(r5, this.zoom, this.zoom + 1), 0, 1);
}, Ma.prototype.getBinding = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return new ba(t5, e5);
var Ba = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
this.expression = t5, this.type = e5, this.useIntegerZoom = r5, this.zoom = n7, this.layerId = a5, this.zoomInPaintVertexArray = new i5(), this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray = new i5();
Ba.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.length;
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.resize(t5), this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray.resize(t5), this._setPaintValues(n7, t5, e5.patterns && e5.patterns[this.layerId], r5);
}, Ba.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this._setPaintValues(t5, e5, r5.patterns && r5.patterns[this.layerId], i5);
}, Ba.prototype._setPaintValues = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
if (n7 && r5) {
var i5 = n7[r5.min], a5 = n7[r5.mid], o5 = n7[r5.max];
if (i5 && a5 && o5) {
for (var s6 = t5; s6 < e5; s6++) {
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.emplace(s6, a5.tl[0], a5.tl[1], a5.br[0], a5.br[1], i5.tl[0], i5.tl[1], i5.br[0], i5.br[1], a5.pixelRatio, i5.pixelRatio), this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray.emplace(s6, a5.tl[0], a5.tl[1], a5.br[0], a5.br[1], o5.tl[0], o5.tl[1], o5.br[0], o5.br[1], a5.pixelRatio, o5.pixelRatio);
}, Ba.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray && this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray && this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.zoomInPaintVertexArray, la.members, this.expression.isStateDependent), this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray, la.members, this.expression.isStateDependent));
}, Ba.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer && this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer && this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer.destroy();
var Ta = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.binders = {}, this._buffers = [];
var n7 = [];
for (var i5 in t5.paint._values) {
if (r5(i5)) {
var a5 = t5.paint.get(i5);
if (a5 instanceof yi2 && Tr(a5.property.specification)) {
var o5 = Fa(i5, t5.type), s6 = a5.value, u4 = a5.property.specification.type, l6 = a5.property.useIntegerZoom, p4 = a5.property.specification["property-type"], c4 = "cross-faded" === p4 || "cross-faded-data-driven" === p4;
if ("constant" === s6.kind) {
this.binders[i5] = c4 ? new Ea(s6.value, o5) : new Ca(s6.value, o5, u4), n7.push("/u_" + i5);
} else if ("source" === s6.kind || c4) {
var h6 = Da(i5, u4, "source");
this.binders[i5] = c4 ? new Ba(s6, u4, l6, e5, h6, t5.id) : new Pa(s6, o5, u4, h6), n7.push("/a_" + i5);
} else {
var f4 = Da(i5, u4, "composite");
this.binders[i5] = new Ma(s6, o5, u4, l6, e5, f4), n7.push("/z_" + i5);
this.cacheKey = n7.sort().join("");
Ta.prototype.getMaxValue = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.binders[t5];
return e5 instanceof Pa || e5 instanceof Ma ? e5.maxValue : 0;
}, Ta.prototype.populatePaintArrays = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
for (var a5 in this.binders) {
var o5 = this.binders[a5];
(o5 instanceof Pa || o5 instanceof Ma || o5 instanceof Ba) && o5.populatePaintArray(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5);
}, Ta.prototype.setConstantPatternPositions = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 in this.binders) {
var n7 = this.binders[r5];
n7 instanceof Ea && n7.setConstantPatternPositions(t5, e5);
}, Ta.prototype.updatePaintArrays = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = false;
for (var o5 in t5) {
for (var s6 = 0, u4 = e5.getPositions(o5); s6 < u4.length; s6 += 1) {
var l6 = u4[s6], p4 = r5.feature(l6.index);
for (var c4 in this.binders) {
var h6 = this.binders[c4];
if ((h6 instanceof Pa || h6 instanceof Ma || h6 instanceof Ba) && true === h6.expression.isStateDependent) {
var f4 = n7.paint.get(c4);
h6.expression = f4.value, h6.updatePaintArray(l6.start, l6.end, p4, t5[o5], i5), a5 = true;
return a5;
}, Ta.prototype.defines = function() {
var t5 = [];
for (var e5 in this.binders) {
var r5 = this.binders[e5];
(r5 instanceof Ca || r5 instanceof Ea) && t5.push.apply(t5, r5.uniformNames.map(function(t6) {
return "#define HAS_UNIFORM_" + t6;
return t5;
}, Ta.prototype.getBinderAttributes = function() {
var t5 = [];
for (var e5 in this.binders) {
var r5 = this.binders[e5];
if (r5 instanceof Pa || r5 instanceof Ma) {
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < r5.paintVertexAttributes.length; n7++) {
} else if (r5 instanceof Ba) {
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < la.members.length; i5++) {
return t5;
}, Ta.prototype.getBinderUniforms = function() {
var t5 = [];
for (var e5 in this.binders) {
var r5 = this.binders[e5];
if (r5 instanceof Ca || r5 instanceof Ea || r5 instanceof Ma) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = r5.uniformNames; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
return t5;
}, Ta.prototype.getPaintVertexBuffers = function() {
return this._buffers;
}, Ta.prototype.getUniforms = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = [];
for (var n7 in this.binders) {
var i5 = this.binders[n7];
if (i5 instanceof Ca || i5 instanceof Ea || i5 instanceof Ma) {
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = i5.uniformNames; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5];
if (e5[s6]) {
var u4 = i5.getBinding(t5, e5[s6], s6);
r5.push({ name: s6, property: n7, binding: u4 });
return r5;
}, Ta.prototype.setUniforms = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = 0, a5 = e5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5], s6 = o5.name, u4 = o5.property;
this.binders[u4].setUniform(o5.binding, n7, r5.get(u4), s6);
}, Ta.prototype.updatePaintBuffers = function(t5) {
for (var e5 in this._buffers = [], this.binders) {
var r5 = this.binders[e5];
if (t5 && r5 instanceof Ba) {
var n7 = 2 === t5.fromScale ? r5.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer : r5.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer;
n7 && this._buffers.push(n7);
} else {
(r5 instanceof Pa || r5 instanceof Ma) && r5.paintVertexBuffer && this._buffers.push(r5.paintVertexBuffer);
}, Ta.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
for (var e5 in this.binders) {
var r5 = this.binders[e5];
(r5 instanceof Pa || r5 instanceof Ma || r5 instanceof Ba) && r5.upload(t5);
}, Ta.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t5 in this.binders) {
var e5 = this.binders[t5];
(e5 instanceof Pa || e5 instanceof Ma || e5 instanceof Ba) && e5.destroy();
var Va = function(t5, e5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = function() {
return true;
}), this.programConfigurations = {};
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = t5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
this.programConfigurations[a5.id] = new Ta(a5, e5, r5);
this.needsUpload = false, this._featureMap = new ya(), this._bufferOffset = 0;
function Fa(t5, e5) {
return { "text-opacity": ["opacity"], "icon-opacity": ["opacity"], "text-color": ["fill_color"], "icon-color": ["fill_color"], "text-halo-color": ["halo_color"], "icon-halo-color": ["halo_color"], "text-halo-blur": ["halo_blur"], "icon-halo-blur": ["halo_blur"], "text-halo-width": ["halo_width"], "icon-halo-width": ["halo_width"], "line-gap-width": ["gapwidth"], "line-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"], "fill-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"], "fill-extrusion-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"] }[t5] || [t5.replace(e5 + "-", "").replace(/-/g, "_")];
function Da(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = { color: { source: Bi2, composite: Hi2 }, number: { source: Ki2, composite: Bi2 } }, i5 = function(t6) {
return { "line-pattern": { source: Ti2, composite: Ti2 }, "fill-pattern": { source: Ti2, composite: Ti2 }, "fill-extrusion-pattern": { source: Ti2, composite: Ti2 } }[t6];
return i5 && i5[r5] || n7[e5][r5];
Va.prototype.populatePaintArrays = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
for (var o5 in this.programConfigurations) {
this.programConfigurations[o5].populatePaintArrays(t5, e5, n7, i5, a5);
void 0 !== e5.id && this._featureMap.add(e5.id, r5, this._bufferOffset, t5), this._bufferOffset = t5, this.needsUpload = true;
}, Va.prototype.updatePaintArrays = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = 0, a5 = r5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
this.needsUpload = this.programConfigurations[o5.id].updatePaintArrays(t5, this._featureMap, e5, o5, n7) || this.needsUpload;
}, Va.prototype.get = function(t5) {
return this.programConfigurations[t5];
}, Va.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
if (this.needsUpload) {
for (var e5 in this.programConfigurations) {
this.needsUpload = false;
}, Va.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t5 in this.programConfigurations) {
}, On("ConstantBinder", Ca), On("CrossFadedConstantBinder", Ea), On("SourceExpressionBinder", Pa), On("CrossFadedCompositeBinder", Ba), On("CompositeExpressionBinder", Ma), On("ProgramConfiguration", Ta, { omit: ["_buffers"] }), On("ProgramConfigurationSet", Va);
var La = Math.pow(2, 14) - 1, Oa = -La - 1;
function Ra(t5) {
for (var e5 = 8192 / t5.extent, r5 = t5.loadGeometry(), n7 = 0; n7 < r5.length; n7++) {
for (var i5 = r5[n7], a5 = 0; a5 < i5.length; a5++) {
var o5 = i5[a5], s6 = Math.round(o5.x * e5), u4 = Math.round(o5.y * e5);
o5.x = p3(s6, Oa, La), o5.y = p3(u4, Oa, La), (s6 < o5.x || s6 > o5.x + 1 || u4 < o5.y || u4 > o5.y + 1) && A3("Geometry exceeds allowed extent, reduce your vector tile buffer size");
return r5;
function Ua(t5, e5) {
return { type: t5.type, id: t5.id, properties: t5.properties, geometry: e5 ? Ra(t5) : [] };
function ja(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
t5.emplaceBack(2 * e5 + (n7 + 1) / 2, 2 * r5 + (i5 + 1) / 2);
var qa = function(t5) {
this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.overscaling = t5.overscaling, this.layers = t5.layers, this.layerIds = this.layers.map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.index = t5.index, this.hasPattern = false, this.layoutVertexArray = new Ci2(), this.indexArray = new ji2(), this.segments = new sa(), this.programConfigurations = new Va(t5.layers, t5.zoom), this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter(function(t6) {
return t6.isStateDependent();
}).map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
function Na(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
if (Wa(e5, t5[r5])) {
return true;
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
if (Wa(t5, e5[n7])) {
return true;
return !!Xa(t5, e5);
function Ka(t5, e5, r5) {
return !!Wa(t5, e5) || !!Ha(e5, t5, r5);
function Ga(t5, e5) {
if (1 === t5.length) {
return $a(e5, t5[0]);
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < e5.length; r5++) {
for (var n7 = e5[r5], i5 = 0; i5 < n7.length; i5++) {
if (Wa(t5, n7[i5])) {
return true;
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < t5.length; a5++) {
if ($a(e5, t5[a5])) {
return true;
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < e5.length; o5++) {
if (Xa(t5, e5[o5])) {
return true;
return false;
function Za(t5, e5, r5) {
if (t5.length > 1) {
if (Xa(t5, e5)) {
return true;
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
if (Ha(e5[n7], t5, r5)) {
return true;
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
if (Ha(t5[i5], e5, r5)) {
return true;
return false;
function Xa(t5, e5) {
if (0 === t5.length || 0 === e5.length) {
return false;
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length - 1; r5++) {
for (var n7 = t5[r5], i5 = t5[r5 + 1], a5 = 0; a5 < e5.length - 1; a5++) {
if (Ja(n7, i5, e5[a5], e5[a5 + 1])) {
return true;
return false;
function Ja(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return S3(t5, r5, n7) !== S3(e5, r5, n7) && S3(t5, e5, r5) !== S3(t5, e5, n7);
function Ha(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = r5 * r5;
if (1 === e5.length) {
return t5.distSqr(e5[0]) < n7;
for (var i5 = 1; i5 < e5.length; i5++) {
if (Ya(t5, e5[i5 - 1], e5[i5]) < n7) {
return true;
return false;
function Ya(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5.distSqr(r5);
if (0 === n7) {
return t5.distSqr(e5);
var i5 = ((t5.x - e5.x) * (r5.x - e5.x) + (t5.y - e5.y) * (r5.y - e5.y)) / n7;
return t5.distSqr(i5 < 0 ? e5 : i5 > 1 ? r5 : r5.sub(e5)._mult(i5)._add(e5));
function $a(t5, e5) {
for (var r5, n7, i5, a5 = false, o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length; o5++) {
for (var s6 = 0, u4 = (r5 = t5[o5]).length - 1; s6 < r5.length; u4 = s6++) {
(n7 = r5[s6]).y > e5.y != (i5 = r5[u4]).y > e5.y && e5.x < (i5.x - n7.x) * (e5.y - n7.y) / (i5.y - n7.y) + n7.x && (a5 = !a5);
return a5;
function Wa(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = false, n7 = 0, i5 = t5.length - 1; n7 < t5.length; i5 = n7++) {
var a5 = t5[n7], o5 = t5[i5];
a5.y > e5.y != o5.y > e5.y && e5.x < (o5.x - a5.x) * (e5.y - a5.y) / (o5.y - a5.y) + a5.x && (r5 = !r5);
return r5;
function Qa(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = r5[0], i5 = r5[2];
if (t5.x < n7.x && e5.x < n7.x || t5.x > i5.x && e5.x > i5.x || t5.y < n7.y && e5.y < n7.y || t5.y > i5.y && e5.y > i5.y) {
return false;
var a5 = S3(t5, e5, r5[0]);
return a5 !== S3(t5, e5, r5[1]) || a5 !== S3(t5, e5, r5[2]) || a5 !== S3(t5, e5, r5[3]);
function to(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5.paint.get(t5).value;
return "constant" === n7.kind ? n7.value : r5.programConfigurations.get(e5.id).getMaxValue(t5);
function eo(t5) {
return Math.sqrt(t5[0] * t5[0] + t5[1] * t5[1]);
function ro(t5, e5, r5, n7, a5) {
if (!e5[0] && !e5[1]) {
return t5;
var o5 = i4.convert(e5)._mult(a5);
"viewport" === r5 && o5._rotate(-n7);
for (var s6 = [], u4 = 0; u4 < t5.length; u4++) {
return s6;
qa.prototype.populate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = this.layers[0], i5 = [], a5 = null;
"circle" === n7.type && (a5 = n7.layout.get("circle-sort-key"));
for (var o5 = 0, s6 = t5; o5 < s6.length; o5 += 1) {
var u4 = s6[o5], l6 = u4.feature, p4 = u4.id, c4 = u4.index, h6 = u4.sourceLayerIndex, f4 = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry, y4 = Ua(l6, f4);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new si2(this.zoom), y4, r5)) {
var d4 = a5 ? a5.evaluate(y4, {}, r5) : void 0, m4 = { id: p4, properties: l6.properties, type: l6.type, sourceLayerIndex: h6, index: c4, geometry: f4 ? y4.geometry : Ra(l6), patterns: {}, sortKey: d4 };
a5 && i5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
for (var v4 = 0, g4 = i5; v4 < g4.length; v4 += 1) {
var x4 = g4[v4], b4 = x4.geometry, w4 = x4.index, _3 = x4.sourceLayerIndex, A4 = t5[w4].feature;
this.addFeature(x4, b4, w4, r5), e5.featureIndex.insert(A4, b4, w4, _3, this.index);
}, qa.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.stateDependentLayers, r5);
}, qa.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length;
}, qa.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload;
}, qa.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, oa), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)), this.programConfigurations.upload(t5), this.uploaded = true;
}, qa.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.programConfigurations.destroy(), this.segments.destroy());
}, qa.prototype.addFeature = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = 0, a5 = e5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
for (var o5 = 0, s6 = a5[i5]; o5 < s6.length; o5 += 1) {
var u4 = s6[o5], l6 = u4.x, p4 = u4.y;
if (!(l6 < 0 || l6 >= 8192 || p4 < 0 || p4 >= 8192)) {
var c4 = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray, t5.sortKey), h6 = c4.vertexLength;
ja(this.layoutVertexArray, l6, p4, -1, -1), ja(this.layoutVertexArray, l6, p4, 1, -1), ja(this.layoutVertexArray, l6, p4, 1, 1), ja(this.layoutVertexArray, l6, p4, -1, 1), this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h6, h6 + 1, h6 + 2), this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h6, h6 + 3, h6 + 2), c4.vertexLength += 4, c4.primitiveLength += 2;
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t5, r5, {}, n7);
}, On("CircleBucket", qa, { omit: ["layers"] });
var no = new wi2({ "circle-sort-key": new vi2(Et2.layout_circle["circle-sort-key"]) }), io = { paint: new wi2({ "circle-radius": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-radius"]), "circle-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-color"]), "circle-blur": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-blur"]), "circle-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-opacity"]), "circle-translate": new mi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-translate"]), "circle-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-translate-anchor"]), "circle-pitch-scale": new mi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-pitch-scale"]), "circle-pitch-alignment": new mi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-pitch-alignment"]), "circle-stroke-width": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-stroke-width"]), "circle-stroke-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-stroke-color"]), "circle-stroke-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_circle["circle-stroke-opacity"]) }), layout: no }, ao = "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? Float32Array : Array;
function oo(t5) {
return t5[0] = 1, t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0, t5[4] = 0, t5[5] = 1, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0, t5[8] = 0, t5[9] = 0, t5[10] = 1, t5[11] = 0, t5[12] = 0, t5[13] = 0, t5[14] = 0, t5[15] = 1, t5;
function so(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5[0], i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2], o5 = e5[3], s6 = e5[4], u4 = e5[5], l6 = e5[6], p4 = e5[7], c4 = e5[8], h6 = e5[9], f4 = e5[10], y4 = e5[11], d4 = e5[12], m4 = e5[13], v4 = e5[14], g4 = e5[15], x4 = r5[0], b4 = r5[1], w4 = r5[2], _3 = r5[3];
return t5[0] = x4 * n7 + b4 * s6 + w4 * c4 + _3 * d4, t5[1] = x4 * i5 + b4 * u4 + w4 * h6 + _3 * m4, t5[2] = x4 * a5 + b4 * l6 + w4 * f4 + _3 * v4, t5[3] = x4 * o5 + b4 * p4 + w4 * y4 + _3 * g4, t5[4] = (x4 = r5[4]) * n7 + (b4 = r5[5]) * s6 + (w4 = r5[6]) * c4 + (_3 = r5[7]) * d4, t5[5] = x4 * i5 + b4 * u4 + w4 * h6 + _3 * m4, t5[6] = x4 * a5 + b4 * l6 + w4 * f4 + _3 * v4, t5[7] = x4 * o5 + b4 * p4 + w4 * y4 + _3 * g4, t5[8] = (x4 = r5[8]) * n7 + (b4 = r5[9]) * s6 + (w4 = r5[10]) * c4 + (_3 = r5[11]) * d4, t5[9] = x4 * i5 + b4 * u4 + w4 * h6 + _3 * m4, t5[10] = x4 * a5 + b4 * l6 + w4 * f4 + _3 * v4, t5[11] = x4 * o5 + b4 * p4 + w4 * y4 + _3 * g4, t5[12] = (x4 = r5[12]) * n7 + (b4 = r5[13]) * s6 + (w4 = r5[14]) * c4 + (_3 = r5[15]) * d4, t5[13] = x4 * i5 + b4 * u4 + w4 * h6 + _3 * m4, t5[14] = x4 * a5 + b4 * l6 + w4 * f4 + _3 * v4, t5[15] = x4 * o5 + b4 * p4 + w4 * y4 + _3 * g4, t5;
Math.hypot || (Math.hypot = function() {
for (var t5 = arguments, e5 = 0, r5 = arguments.length; r5--; ) {
e5 += t5[r5] * t5[r5];
return Math.sqrt(e5);
var uo, lo = so;
function po(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5[0], i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2], o5 = e5[3];
return t5[0] = r5[0] * n7 + r5[4] * i5 + r5[8] * a5 + r5[12] * o5, t5[1] = r5[1] * n7 + r5[5] * i5 + r5[9] * a5 + r5[13] * o5, t5[2] = r5[2] * n7 + r5[6] * i5 + r5[10] * a5 + r5[14] * o5, t5[3] = r5[3] * n7 + r5[7] * i5 + r5[11] * a5 + r5[15] * o5, t5;
uo = new ao(3), ao != Float32Array && (uo[0] = 0, uo[1] = 0, uo[2] = 0), function() {
var t5 = new ao(4);
ao != Float32Array && (t5[0] = 0, t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0);
var co = (function() {
var t5 = new ao(2);
ao != Float32Array && (t5[0] = 0, t5[1] = 0);
}(), function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, io);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new qa(t6);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function(t6) {
var e6 = t6;
return to("circle-radius", this, e6) + to("circle-stroke-width", this, e6) + eo(this.paint.get("circle-translate"));
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
for (var u4 = ro(t6, this.paint.get("circle-translate"), this.paint.get("circle-translate-anchor"), a5.angle, o5), l6 = this.paint.get("circle-radius").evaluate(e6, r5) + this.paint.get("circle-stroke-width").evaluate(e6, r5), p4 = "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment"), c4 = p4 ? u4 : function(t7, e7) {
return t7.map(function(t8) {
return ho(t8, e7);
}(u4, s6), h6 = p4 ? l6 * o5 : l6, f4 = 0, y4 = n7; f4 < y4.length; f4 += 1) {
for (var d4 = 0, m4 = y4[f4]; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
var v4 = m4[d4], g4 = p4 ? v4 : ho(v4, s6), x4 = h6, b4 = po([], [v4.x, v4.y, 0, 1], s6);
if ("viewport" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-scale") && "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment") ? x4 *= b4[3] / a5.cameraToCenterDistance : "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-scale") && "viewport" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment") && (x4 *= a5.cameraToCenterDistance / b4[3]), Ka(c4, g4, x4)) {
return true;
return false;
}, e5;
function ho(t5, e5) {
var r5 = po([], [t5.x, t5.y, 0, 1], e5);
return new i4(r5[0] / r5[3], r5[1] / r5[3]);
var fo = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
function yo(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = e5.width, a5 = e5.height;
if (n7) {
if (n7 instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) {
n7 = new Uint8Array(n7.buffer);
} else if (n7.length !== i5 * a5 * r5) {
throw new RangeError("mismatched image size");
} else {
n7 = new Uint8Array(i5 * a5 * r5);
return t5.width = i5, t5.height = a5, t5.data = n7, t5;
function mo(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5.width, i5 = e5.height;
if (n7 !== t5.width || i5 !== t5.height) {
var a5 = yo({}, { width: n7, height: i5 }, r5);
vo(t5, a5, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { width: Math.min(t5.width, n7), height: Math.min(t5.height, i5) }, r5), t5.width = n7, t5.height = i5, t5.data = a5.data;
function vo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
if (0 === i5.width || 0 === i5.height) {
return e5;
if (i5.width > t5.width || i5.height > t5.height || r5.x > t5.width - i5.width || r5.y > t5.height - i5.height) {
throw new RangeError("out of range source coordinates for image copy");
if (i5.width > e5.width || i5.height > e5.height || n7.x > e5.width - i5.width || n7.y > e5.height - i5.height) {
throw new RangeError("out of range destination coordinates for image copy");
for (var o5 = t5.data, s6 = e5.data, u4 = 0; u4 < i5.height; u4++) {
for (var l6 = ((r5.y + u4) * t5.width + r5.x) * a5, p4 = ((n7.y + u4) * e5.width + n7.x) * a5, c4 = 0; c4 < i5.width * a5; c4++) {
s6[p4 + c4] = o5[l6 + c4];
return e5;
On("HeatmapBucket", fo, { omit: ["layers"] });
var go = function(t5, e5) {
yo(this, t5, 1, e5);
go.prototype.resize = function(t5) {
mo(this, t5, 1);
}, go.prototype.clone = function() {
return new go({ width: this.width, height: this.height }, new Uint8Array(this.data));
}, go.copy = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
vo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, 1);
var xo = function(t5, e5) {
yo(this, t5, 4, e5);
xo.prototype.resize = function(t5) {
mo(this, t5, 4);
}, xo.prototype.replace = function(t5, e5) {
e5 ? this.data.set(t5) : this.data = t5 instanceof Uint8ClampedArray ? new Uint8Array(t5.buffer) : t5;
}, xo.prototype.clone = function() {
return new xo({ width: this.width, height: this.height }, new Uint8Array(this.data));
}, xo.copy = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
vo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, 4);
}, On("AlphaImage", go), On("RGBAImage", xo);
var bo = { paint: new wi2({ "heatmap-radius": new vi2(Et2.paint_heatmap["heatmap-radius"]), "heatmap-weight": new vi2(Et2.paint_heatmap["heatmap-weight"]), "heatmap-intensity": new mi2(Et2.paint_heatmap["heatmap-intensity"]), "heatmap-color": new bi2(Et2.paint_heatmap["heatmap-color"]), "heatmap-opacity": new mi2(Et2.paint_heatmap["heatmap-opacity"]) }) };
function wo(t5) {
var e5 = {}, r5 = t5.resolution || 256, n7 = t5.clips ? t5.clips.length : 1, i5 = t5.image || new xo({ width: r5, height: n7 }), a5 = function(r6, n8, a6) {
e5[t5.evaluationKey] = a6;
var o6 = t5.expression.evaluate(e5);
i5.data[r6 + n8 + 0] = Math.floor(255 * o6.r / o6.a), i5.data[r6 + n8 + 1] = Math.floor(255 * o6.g / o6.a), i5.data[r6 + n8 + 2] = Math.floor(255 * o6.b / o6.a), i5.data[r6 + n8 + 3] = Math.floor(255 * o6.a);
if (t5.clips) {
for (var o5 = 0, s6 = 0; o5 < n7; ++o5, s6 += 4 * r5) {
for (var u4 = 0, l6 = 0; u4 < r5; u4++, l6 += 4) {
var p4 = u4 / (r5 - 1), c4 = t5.clips[o5];
a5(s6, l6, c4.start * (1 - p4) + c4.end * p4);
} else {
for (var h6 = 0, f4 = 0; h6 < r5; h6++, f4 += 4) {
a5(0, f4, h6 / (r5 - 1));
return i5;
var _o = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, bo), this._updateColorRamp();
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new fo(t6);
}, e5.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t6) {
"heatmap-color" === t6 && this._updateColorRamp();
}, e5.prototype._updateColorRamp = function() {
this.colorRamp = wo({ expression: this._transitionablePaint._values["heatmap-color"].value.expression, evaluationKey: "heatmapDensity", image: this.colorRamp }), this.colorRampTexture = null;
}, e5.prototype.resize = function() {
this.heatmapFbo && (this.heatmapFbo.destroy(), this.heatmapFbo = null);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return 0;
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return 0 !== this.paint.get("heatmap-opacity") && "none" !== this.visibility;
}, e5;
}(_i2), Ao = { paint: new wi2({ "hillshade-illumination-direction": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-illumination-direction"]), "hillshade-illumination-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-illumination-anchor"]), "hillshade-exaggeration": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-exaggeration"]), "hillshade-shadow-color": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-shadow-color"]), "hillshade-highlight-color": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-highlight-color"]), "hillshade-accent-color": new mi2(Et2.paint_hillshade["hillshade-accent-color"]) }) }, So = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, Ao);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return 0 !== this.paint.get("hillshade-exaggeration") && "none" !== this.visibility;
}, e5;
}(_i2), ko = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos", components: 2, type: "Int16" }], 4).members, Io = Co, zo = Co;
function Co(t5, e5, r5) {
r5 = r5 || 2;
var n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4 = e5 && e5.length, c4 = p4 ? e5[0] * r5 : t5.length, h6 = Eo(t5, 0, c4, r5, true), f4 = [];
if (!h6 || h6.next === h6.prev) {
return f4;
if (p4 && (h6 = function(t6, e6, r6, n8) {
var i6, a6, o6, s7 = [];
for (i6 = 0, a6 = e6.length; i6 < a6; i6++) {
(o6 = Eo(t6, e6[i6] * n8, i6 < a6 - 1 ? e6[i6 + 1] * n8 : t6.length, n8, false)) === o6.next && (o6.steiner = true), s7.push(Uo(o6));
for (s7.sort(Do), i6 = 0; i6 < s7.length; i6++) {
Lo(s7[i6], r6), r6 = Po(r6, r6.next);
return r6;
}(t5, e5, h6, r5)), t5.length > 80 * r5) {
n7 = a5 = t5[0], i5 = o5 = t5[1];
for (var y4 = r5; y4 < c4; y4 += r5) {
(s6 = t5[y4]) < n7 && (n7 = s6), (u4 = t5[y4 + 1]) < i5 && (i5 = u4), s6 > a5 && (a5 = s6), u4 > o5 && (o5 = u4);
l6 = 0 !== (l6 = Math.max(a5 - n7, o5 - i5)) ? 1 / l6 : 0;
return Mo(h6, f4, r5, n7, i5, l6), f4;
function Eo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5, o5;
if (i5 === Qo(t5, e5, r5, n7) > 0) {
for (a5 = e5; a5 < r5; a5 += n7) {
o5 = Yo(a5, t5[a5], t5[a5 + 1], o5);
} else {
for (a5 = r5 - n7; a5 >= e5; a5 -= n7) {
o5 = Yo(a5, t5[a5], t5[a5 + 1], o5);
return o5 && Ko(o5, o5.next) && ($o(o5), o5 = o5.next), o5;
function Po(t5, e5) {
if (!t5) {
return t5;
e5 || (e5 = t5);
var r5, n7 = t5;
do {
if (r5 = false, n7.steiner || !Ko(n7, n7.next) && 0 !== No(n7.prev, n7, n7.next)) {
n7 = n7.next;
} else {
if ($o(n7), (n7 = e5 = n7.prev) === n7.next) {
r5 = true;
} while (r5 || n7 !== e5);
return e5;
function Mo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
if (t5) {
!o5 && a5 && function(t6, e6, r6, n8) {
var i6 = t6;
do {
null === i6.z && (i6.z = Ro(i6.x, i6.y, e6, r6, n8)), i6.prevZ = i6.prev, i6.nextZ = i6.next, i6 = i6.next;
} while (i6 !== t6);
i6.prevZ.nextZ = null, i6.prevZ = null, function(t7) {
var e7, r7, n9, i7, a6, o6, s7, u5, l7 = 1;
do {
for (r7 = t7, t7 = null, a6 = null, o6 = 0; r7; ) {
for (o6++, n9 = r7, s7 = 0, e7 = 0; e7 < l7 && (s7++, n9 = n9.nextZ); e7++) {
for (u5 = l7; s7 > 0 || u5 > 0 && n9; ) {
0 !== s7 && (0 === u5 || !n9 || r7.z <= n9.z) ? (i7 = r7, r7 = r7.nextZ, s7--) : (i7 = n9, n9 = n9.nextZ, u5--), a6 ? a6.nextZ = i7 : t7 = i7, i7.prevZ = a6, a6 = i7;
r7 = n9;
a6.nextZ = null, l7 *= 2;
} while (o6 > 1);
}(t5, n7, i5, a5);
for (var s6, u4, l6 = t5; t5.prev !== t5.next; ) {
if (s6 = t5.prev, u4 = t5.next, a5 ? To(t5, n7, i5, a5) : Bo(t5)) {
e5.push(s6.i / r5), e5.push(t5.i / r5), e5.push(u4.i / r5), $o(t5), t5 = u4.next, l6 = u4.next;
} else if ((t5 = u4) === l6) {
o5 ? 1 === o5 ? Mo(t5 = Vo(Po(t5), e5, r5), e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, 2) : 2 === o5 && Fo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) : Mo(Po(t5), e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, 1);
function Bo(t5) {
var e5 = t5.prev, r5 = t5, n7 = t5.next;
if (No(e5, r5, n7) >= 0) {
return false;
for (var i5 = t5.next.next; i5 !== t5.prev; ) {
if (jo(e5.x, e5.y, r5.x, r5.y, n7.x, n7.y, i5.x, i5.y) && No(i5.prev, i5, i5.next) >= 0) {
return false;
i5 = i5.next;
return true;
function To(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = t5.prev, a5 = t5, o5 = t5.next;
if (No(i5, a5, o5) >= 0) {
return false;
for (var s6 = i5.x > a5.x ? i5.x > o5.x ? i5.x : o5.x : a5.x > o5.x ? a5.x : o5.x, u4 = i5.y > a5.y ? i5.y > o5.y ? i5.y : o5.y : a5.y > o5.y ? a5.y : o5.y, l6 = Ro(i5.x < a5.x ? i5.x < o5.x ? i5.x : o5.x : a5.x < o5.x ? a5.x : o5.x, i5.y < a5.y ? i5.y < o5.y ? i5.y : o5.y : a5.y < o5.y ? a5.y : o5.y, e5, r5, n7), p4 = Ro(s6, u4, e5, r5, n7), c4 = t5.prevZ, h6 = t5.nextZ; c4 && c4.z >= l6 && h6 && h6.z <= p4; ) {
if (c4 !== t5.prev && c4 !== t5.next && jo(i5.x, i5.y, a5.x, a5.y, o5.x, o5.y, c4.x, c4.y) && No(c4.prev, c4, c4.next) >= 0) {
return false;
if (c4 = c4.prevZ, h6 !== t5.prev && h6 !== t5.next && jo(i5.x, i5.y, a5.x, a5.y, o5.x, o5.y, h6.x, h6.y) && No(h6.prev, h6, h6.next) >= 0) {
return false;
h6 = h6.nextZ;
for (; c4 && c4.z >= l6; ) {
if (c4 !== t5.prev && c4 !== t5.next && jo(i5.x, i5.y, a5.x, a5.y, o5.x, o5.y, c4.x, c4.y) && No(c4.prev, c4, c4.next) >= 0) {
return false;
c4 = c4.prevZ;
for (; h6 && h6.z <= p4; ) {
if (h6 !== t5.prev && h6 !== t5.next && jo(i5.x, i5.y, a5.x, a5.y, o5.x, o5.y, h6.x, h6.y) && No(h6.prev, h6, h6.next) >= 0) {
return false;
h6 = h6.nextZ;
return true;
function Vo(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = t5;
do {
var i5 = n7.prev, a5 = n7.next.next;
!Ko(i5, a5) && Go(i5, n7, n7.next, a5) && Jo(i5, a5) && Jo(a5, i5) && (e5.push(i5.i / r5), e5.push(n7.i / r5), e5.push(a5.i / r5), $o(n7), $o(n7.next), n7 = t5 = a5), n7 = n7.next;
} while (n7 !== t5);
return Po(n7);
function Fo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = t5;
do {
for (var s6 = o5.next.next; s6 !== o5.prev; ) {
if (o5.i !== s6.i && qo(o5, s6)) {
var u4 = Ho(o5, s6);
return o5 = Po(o5, o5.next), u4 = Po(u4, u4.next), Mo(o5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5), void Mo(u4, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5);
s6 = s6.next;
o5 = o5.next;
} while (o5 !== t5);
function Do(t5, e5) {
return t5.x - e5.x;
function Lo(t5, e5) {
if (e5 = function(t6, e6) {
var r6, n7 = e6, i5 = t6.x, a5 = t6.y, o5 = -1 / 0;
do {
if (a5 <= n7.y && a5 >= n7.next.y && n7.next.y !== n7.y) {
var s6 = n7.x + (a5 - n7.y) * (n7.next.x - n7.x) / (n7.next.y - n7.y);
if (s6 <= i5 && s6 > o5) {
if (o5 = s6, s6 === i5) {
if (a5 === n7.y) {
return n7;
if (a5 === n7.next.y) {
return n7.next;
r6 = n7.x < n7.next.x ? n7 : n7.next;
n7 = n7.next;
} while (n7 !== e6);
if (!r6) {
return null;
if (i5 === o5) {
return r6;
var u4, l6 = r6, p4 = r6.x, c4 = r6.y, h6 = 1 / 0;
n7 = r6;
do {
i5 >= n7.x && n7.x >= p4 && i5 !== n7.x && jo(a5 < c4 ? i5 : o5, a5, p4, c4, a5 < c4 ? o5 : i5, a5, n7.x, n7.y) && (u4 = Math.abs(a5 - n7.y) / (i5 - n7.x), Jo(n7, t6) && (u4 < h6 || u4 === h6 && (n7.x > r6.x || n7.x === r6.x && Oo(r6, n7))) && (r6 = n7, h6 = u4)), n7 = n7.next;
} while (n7 !== l6);
return r6;
}(t5, e5)) {
var r5 = Ho(e5, t5);
Po(e5, e5.next), Po(r5, r5.next);
function Oo(t5, e5) {
return No(t5.prev, t5, e5.prev) < 0 && No(e5.next, t5, t5.next) < 0;
function Ro(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
return (t5 = 1431655765 & ((t5 = 858993459 & ((t5 = 252645135 & ((t5 = 16711935 & ((t5 = 32767 * (t5 - r5) * i5) | t5 << 8)) | t5 << 4)) | t5 << 2)) | t5 << 1)) | (e5 = 1431655765 & ((e5 = 858993459 & ((e5 = 252645135 & ((e5 = 16711935 & ((e5 = 32767 * (e5 - n7) * i5) | e5 << 8)) | e5 << 4)) | e5 << 2)) | e5 << 1)) << 1;
function Uo(t5) {
var e5 = t5, r5 = t5;
do {
(e5.x < r5.x || e5.x === r5.x && e5.y < r5.y) && (r5 = e5), e5 = e5.next;
} while (e5 !== t5);
return r5;
function jo(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
return (i5 - o5) * (e5 - s6) - (t5 - o5) * (a5 - s6) >= 0 && (t5 - o5) * (n7 - s6) - (r5 - o5) * (e5 - s6) >= 0 && (r5 - o5) * (a5 - s6) - (i5 - o5) * (n7 - s6) >= 0;
function qo(t5, e5) {
return t5.next.i !== e5.i && t5.prev.i !== e5.i && !function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = t6;
do {
if (r5.i !== t6.i && r5.next.i !== t6.i && r5.i !== e6.i && r5.next.i !== e6.i && Go(r5, r5.next, t6, e6)) {
return true;
r5 = r5.next;
} while (r5 !== t6);
return false;
}(t5, e5) && (Jo(t5, e5) && Jo(e5, t5) && function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = t6, n7 = false, i5 = (t6.x + e6.x) / 2, a5 = (t6.y + e6.y) / 2;
do {
r5.y > a5 != r5.next.y > a5 && r5.next.y !== r5.y && i5 < (r5.next.x - r5.x) * (a5 - r5.y) / (r5.next.y - r5.y) + r5.x && (n7 = !n7), r5 = r5.next;
} while (r5 !== t6);
return n7;
}(t5, e5) && (No(t5.prev, t5, e5.prev) || No(t5, e5.prev, e5)) || Ko(t5, e5) && No(t5.prev, t5, t5.next) > 0 && No(e5.prev, e5, e5.next) > 0);
function No(t5, e5, r5) {
return (e5.y - t5.y) * (r5.x - e5.x) - (e5.x - t5.x) * (r5.y - e5.y);
function Ko(t5, e5) {
return t5.x === e5.x && t5.y === e5.y;
function Go(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = Xo(No(t5, e5, r5)), a5 = Xo(No(t5, e5, n7)), o5 = Xo(No(r5, n7, t5)), s6 = Xo(No(r5, n7, e5));
return i5 !== a5 && o5 !== s6 || !(0 !== i5 || !Zo(t5, r5, e5)) || !(0 !== a5 || !Zo(t5, n7, e5)) || !(0 !== o5 || !Zo(r5, t5, n7)) || !(0 !== s6 || !Zo(r5, e5, n7));
function Zo(t5, e5, r5) {
return e5.x <= Math.max(t5.x, r5.x) && e5.x >= Math.min(t5.x, r5.x) && e5.y <= Math.max(t5.y, r5.y) && e5.y >= Math.min(t5.y, r5.y);
function Xo(t5) {
return t5 > 0 ? 1 : t5 < 0 ? -1 : 0;
function Jo(t5, e5) {
return No(t5.prev, t5, t5.next) < 0 ? No(t5, e5, t5.next) >= 0 && No(t5, t5.prev, e5) >= 0 : No(t5, e5, t5.prev) < 0 || No(t5, t5.next, e5) < 0;
function Ho(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new Wo(t5.i, t5.x, t5.y), n7 = new Wo(e5.i, e5.x, e5.y), i5 = t5.next, a5 = e5.prev;
return t5.next = e5, e5.prev = t5, r5.next = i5, i5.prev = r5, n7.next = r5, r5.prev = n7, a5.next = n7, n7.prev = a5, n7;
function Yo(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = new Wo(t5, e5, r5);
return n7 ? (i5.next = n7.next, i5.prev = n7, n7.next.prev = i5, n7.next = i5) : (i5.prev = i5, i5.next = i5), i5;
function $o(t5) {
t5.next.prev = t5.prev, t5.prev.next = t5.next, t5.prevZ && (t5.prevZ.nextZ = t5.nextZ), t5.nextZ && (t5.nextZ.prevZ = t5.prevZ);
function Wo(t5, e5, r5) {
this.i = t5, this.x = e5, this.y = r5, this.prev = null, this.next = null, this.z = null, this.prevZ = null, this.nextZ = null, this.steiner = false;
function Qo(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = 0, a5 = e5, o5 = r5 - n7; a5 < r5; a5 += n7) {
i5 += (t5[o5] - t5[a5]) * (t5[a5 + 1] + t5[o5 + 1]), o5 = a5;
return i5;
function ts(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
!function t6(e6, r6, n8, i6, a5) {
for (; i6 > n8; ) {
if (i6 - n8 > 600) {
var o5 = i6 - n8 + 1, s6 = r6 - n8 + 1, u4 = Math.log(o5), l6 = 0.5 * Math.exp(2 * u4 / 3), p4 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(u4 * l6 * (o5 - l6) / o5) * (s6 - o5 / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
t6(e6, r6, Math.max(n8, Math.floor(r6 - s6 * l6 / o5 + p4)), Math.min(i6, Math.floor(r6 + (o5 - s6) * l6 / o5 + p4)), a5);
var c4 = e6[r6], h6 = n8, f4 = i6;
for (es(e6, n8, r6), a5(e6[i6], c4) > 0 && es(e6, n8, i6); h6 < f4; ) {
for (es(e6, h6, f4), h6++, f4--; a5(e6[h6], c4) < 0; ) {
for (; a5(e6[f4], c4) > 0; ) {
0 === a5(e6[n8], c4) ? es(e6, n8, f4) : es(e6, ++f4, i6), f4 <= r6 && (n8 = f4 + 1), r6 <= f4 && (i6 = f4 - 1);
}(t5, e5, r5 || 0, n7 || t5.length - 1, i5 || rs);
function es(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = t5[e5];
t5[e5] = t5[r5], t5[r5] = n7;
function rs(t5, e5) {
return t5 < e5 ? -1 : t5 > e5 ? 1 : 0;
function ns(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5.length;
if (r5 <= 1) {
return [t5];
for (var n7, i5, a5 = [], o5 = 0; o5 < r5; o5++) {
var s6 = k3(t5[o5]);
0 !== s6 && (t5[o5].area = Math.abs(s6), void 0 === i5 && (i5 = s6 < 0), i5 === s6 < 0 ? (n7 && a5.push(n7), n7 = [t5[o5]]) : n7.push(t5[o5]));
if (n7 && a5.push(n7), e5 > 1) {
for (var u4 = 0; u4 < a5.length; u4++) {
a5[u4].length <= e5 || (ts(a5[u4], e5, 1, a5[u4].length - 1, is), a5[u4] = a5[u4].slice(0, e5));
return a5;
function is(t5, e5) {
return e5.area - t5.area;
function as(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = r5.patternDependencies, i5 = false, a5 = 0, o5 = e5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5].paint.get(t5 + "-pattern");
s6.isConstant() || (i5 = true);
var u4 = s6.constantOr(null);
u4 && (i5 = true, n7[u4.to] = true, n7[u4.from] = true);
return i5;
function os(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
for (var a5 = i5.patternDependencies, o5 = 0, s6 = e5; o5 < s6.length; o5 += 1) {
var u4 = s6[o5], l6 = u4.paint.get(t5 + "-pattern").value;
if ("constant" !== l6.kind) {
var p4 = l6.evaluate({ zoom: n7 - 1 }, r5, {}, i5.availableImages), c4 = l6.evaluate({ zoom: n7 }, r5, {}, i5.availableImages), h6 = l6.evaluate({ zoom: n7 + 1 }, r5, {}, i5.availableImages);
c4 = c4 && c4.name ? c4.name : c4, h6 = h6 && h6.name ? h6.name : h6, a5[p4 = p4 && p4.name ? p4.name : p4] = true, a5[c4] = true, a5[h6] = true, r5.patterns[u4.id] = { min: p4, mid: c4, max: h6 };
return r5;
Co.deviation = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = e5 && e5.length, a5 = Math.abs(Qo(t5, 0, i5 ? e5[0] * r5 : t5.length, r5));
if (i5) {
for (var o5 = 0, s6 = e5.length; o5 < s6; o5++) {
a5 -= Math.abs(Qo(t5, e5[o5] * r5, o5 < s6 - 1 ? e5[o5 + 1] * r5 : t5.length, r5));
var u4 = 0;
for (o5 = 0; o5 < n7.length; o5 += 3) {
var l6 = n7[o5] * r5, p4 = n7[o5 + 1] * r5, c4 = n7[o5 + 2] * r5;
u4 += Math.abs((t5[l6] - t5[c4]) * (t5[p4 + 1] - t5[l6 + 1]) - (t5[l6] - t5[p4]) * (t5[c4 + 1] - t5[l6 + 1]));
return 0 === a5 && 0 === u4 ? 0 : Math.abs((u4 - a5) / a5);
}, Co.flatten = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = t5[0][0].length, r5 = { vertices: [], holes: [], dimensions: e5 }, n7 = 0, i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < t5[i5].length; a5++) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < e5; o5++) {
i5 > 0 && r5.holes.push(n7 += t5[i5 - 1].length);
return r5;
}, Io.default = zo;
var ss = function(t5) {
this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.overscaling = t5.overscaling, this.layers = t5.layers, this.layerIds = this.layers.map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.index = t5.index, this.hasPattern = false, this.patternFeatures = [], this.layoutVertexArray = new Ci2(), this.indexArray = new ji2(), this.indexArray2 = new Xi2(), this.programConfigurations = new Va(t5.layers, t5.zoom), this.segments = new sa(), this.segments2 = new sa(), this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter(function(t6) {
return t6.isStateDependent();
}).map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
ss.prototype.populate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.hasPattern = as("fill", this.layers, e5);
for (var n7 = this.layers[0].layout.get("fill-sort-key"), i5 = [], a5 = 0, o5 = t5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5], u4 = s6.feature, l6 = s6.id, p4 = s6.index, c4 = s6.sourceLayerIndex, h6 = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry, f4 = Ua(u4, h6);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new si2(this.zoom), f4, r5)) {
var y4 = n7 ? n7.evaluate(f4, {}, r5, e5.availableImages) : void 0, d4 = { id: l6, properties: u4.properties, type: u4.type, sourceLayerIndex: c4, index: p4, geometry: h6 ? f4.geometry : Ra(u4), patterns: {}, sortKey: y4 };
n7 && i5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
for (var m4 = 0, v4 = i5; m4 < v4.length; m4 += 1) {
var g4 = v4[m4], x4 = g4.geometry, b4 = g4.index, w4 = g4.sourceLayerIndex;
if (this.hasPattern) {
var _3 = os("fill", this.layers, g4, this.zoom, e5);
} else {
this.addFeature(g4, x4, b4, r5, {});
e5.featureIndex.insert(t5[b4].feature, x4, b4, w4, this.index);
}, ss.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.stateDependentLayers, r5);
}, ss.prototype.addFeatures = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = this.patternFeatures; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
this.addFeature(a5, a5.geometry, a5.index, e5, r5);
}, ss.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length;
}, ss.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload;
}, ss.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, ko), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray), this.indexBuffer2 = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray2)), this.programConfigurations.upload(t5), this.uploaded = true;
}, ss.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer2.destroy(), this.programConfigurations.destroy(), this.segments.destroy(), this.segments2.destroy());
}, ss.prototype.addFeature = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = ns(e5, 500); a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
for (var s6 = o5[a5], u4 = 0, l6 = 0, p4 = s6; l6 < p4.length; l6 += 1) {
u4 += p4[l6].length;
for (var c4 = this.segments.prepareSegment(u4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), h6 = c4.vertexLength, f4 = [], y4 = [], d4 = 0, m4 = s6; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
var v4 = m4[d4];
if (0 !== v4.length) {
v4 !== s6[0] && y4.push(f4.length / 2);
var g4 = this.segments2.prepareSegment(v4.length, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray2), x4 = g4.vertexLength;
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack(v4[0].x, v4[0].y), this.indexArray2.emplaceBack(x4 + v4.length - 1, x4), f4.push(v4[0].x), f4.push(v4[0].y);
for (var b4 = 1; b4 < v4.length; b4++) {
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack(v4[b4].x, v4[b4].y), this.indexArray2.emplaceBack(x4 + b4 - 1, x4 + b4), f4.push(v4[b4].x), f4.push(v4[b4].y);
g4.vertexLength += v4.length, g4.primitiveLength += v4.length;
for (var w4 = Io(f4, y4), _3 = 0; _3 < w4.length; _3 += 3) {
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h6 + w4[_3], h6 + w4[_3 + 1], h6 + w4[_3 + 2]);
c4.vertexLength += u4, c4.primitiveLength += w4.length / 3;
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t5, r5, i5, n7);
}, On("FillBucket", ss, { omit: ["layers", "patternFeatures"] });
var us = new wi2({ "fill-sort-key": new vi2(Et2.layout_fill["fill-sort-key"]) }), ls = { paint: new wi2({ "fill-antialias": new mi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-antialias"]), "fill-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-opacity"]), "fill-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-color"]), "fill-outline-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-outline-color"]), "fill-translate": new mi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-translate"]), "fill-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-translate-anchor"]), "fill-pattern": new gi2(Et2.paint_fill["fill-pattern"]) }), layout: us }, ps = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, ls);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.recalculate = function(e6, r5) {
t5.prototype.recalculate.call(this, e6, r5);
var n7 = this.paint._values["fill-outline-color"];
"constant" === n7.value.kind && void 0 === n7.value.value && (this.paint._values["fill-outline-color"] = this.paint._values["fill-color"]);
}, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new ss(t6);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return eo(this.paint.get("fill-translate"));
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
return Ga(ro(t6, this.paint.get("fill-translate"), this.paint.get("fill-translate-anchor"), a5.angle, o5), n7);
}, e5.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return true;
}, e5;
}(_i2), cs = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos", components: 2, type: "Int16" }, { name: "a_normal_ed", components: 4, type: "Int16" }], 4).members, hs = fs;
function fs(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.properties = {}, this.extent = r5, this.type = 0, this._pbf = t5, this._geometry = -1, this._keys = n7, this._values = i5, t5.readFields(ys, this, e5);
function ys(t5, e5, r5) {
1 == t5 ? e5.id = r5.readVarint() : 2 == t5 ? function(t6, e6) {
for (var r6 = t6.readVarint() + t6.pos; t6.pos < r6; ) {
var n7 = e6._keys[t6.readVarint()], i5 = e6._values[t6.readVarint()];
e6.properties[n7] = i5;
}(r5, e5) : 3 == t5 ? e5.type = r5.readVarint() : 4 == t5 && (e5._geometry = r5.pos);
function ds(t5) {
for (var e5, r5, n7 = 0, i5 = 0, a5 = t5.length, o5 = a5 - 1; i5 < a5; o5 = i5++) {
n7 += ((r5 = t5[o5]).x - (e5 = t5[i5]).x) * (e5.y + r5.y);
return n7;
fs.types = ["Unknown", "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"], fs.prototype.loadGeometry = function() {
var t5 = this._pbf;
t5.pos = this._geometry;
for (var e5, r5 = t5.readVarint() + t5.pos, n7 = 1, a5 = 0, o5 = 0, s6 = 0, u4 = []; t5.pos < r5; ) {
if (a5 <= 0) {
var l6 = t5.readVarint();
n7 = 7 & l6, a5 = l6 >> 3;
if (a5--, 1 === n7 || 2 === n7) {
o5 += t5.readSVarint(), s6 += t5.readSVarint(), 1 === n7 && (e5 && u4.push(e5), e5 = []), e5.push(new i4(o5, s6));
} else {
if (7 !== n7) {
throw new Error("unknown command " + n7);
e5 && e5.push(e5[0].clone());
return e5 && u4.push(e5), u4;
}, fs.prototype.bbox = function() {
var t5 = this._pbf;
t5.pos = this._geometry;
for (var e5 = t5.readVarint() + t5.pos, r5 = 1, n7 = 0, i5 = 0, a5 = 0, o5 = 1 / 0, s6 = -1 / 0, u4 = 1 / 0, l6 = -1 / 0; t5.pos < e5; ) {
if (n7 <= 0) {
var p4 = t5.readVarint();
r5 = 7 & p4, n7 = p4 >> 3;
if (n7--, 1 === r5 || 2 === r5) {
(i5 += t5.readSVarint()) < o5 && (o5 = i5), i5 > s6 && (s6 = i5), (a5 += t5.readSVarint()) < u4 && (u4 = a5), a5 > l6 && (l6 = a5);
} else if (7 !== r5) {
throw new Error("unknown command " + r5);
return [o5, u4, s6, l6];
}, fs.prototype.toGeoJSON = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7, i5, a5 = this.extent * Math.pow(2, r5), o5 = this.extent * t5, s6 = this.extent * e5, u4 = this.loadGeometry(), l6 = fs.types[this.type];
function p4(t6) {
for (var e6 = 0; e6 < t6.length; e6++) {
var r6 = t6[e6];
t6[e6] = [360 * (r6.x + o5) / a5 - 180, 360 / Math.PI * Math.atan(Math.exp((180 - 360 * (r6.y + s6) / a5) * Math.PI / 180)) - 90];
switch (this.type) {
case 1:
var c4 = [];
for (n7 = 0; n7 < u4.length; n7++) {
c4[n7] = u4[n7][0];
p4(u4 = c4);
case 2:
for (n7 = 0; n7 < u4.length; n7++) {
case 3:
for (u4 = function(t6) {
var e6 = t6.length;
if (e6 <= 1) {
return [t6];
for (var r6, n8, i6 = [], a6 = 0; a6 < e6; a6++) {
var o6 = ds(t6[a6]);
0 !== o6 && (void 0 === n8 && (n8 = o6 < 0), n8 === o6 < 0 ? (r6 && i6.push(r6), r6 = [t6[a6]]) : r6.push(t6[a6]));
return r6 && i6.push(r6), i6;
}(u4), n7 = 0; n7 < u4.length; n7++) {
for (i5 = 0; i5 < u4[n7].length; i5++) {
1 === u4.length ? u4 = u4[0] : l6 = "Multi" + l6;
var h6 = { type: "Feature", geometry: { type: l6, coordinates: u4 }, properties: this.properties };
return "id" in this && (h6.id = this.id), h6;
var ms = vs;
function vs(t5, e5) {
this.version = 1, this.name = null, this.extent = 4096, this.length = 0, this._pbf = t5, this._keys = [], this._values = [], this._features = [], t5.readFields(gs, this, e5), this.length = this._features.length;
function gs(t5, e5, r5) {
15 === t5 ? e5.version = r5.readVarint() : 1 === t5 ? e5.name = r5.readString() : 5 === t5 ? e5.extent = r5.readVarint() : 2 === t5 ? e5._features.push(r5.pos) : 3 === t5 ? e5._keys.push(r5.readString()) : 4 === t5 && e5._values.push(function(t6) {
for (var e6 = null, r6 = t6.readVarint() + t6.pos; t6.pos < r6; ) {
var n7 = t6.readVarint() >> 3;
e6 = 1 === n7 ? t6.readString() : 2 === n7 ? t6.readFloat() : 3 === n7 ? t6.readDouble() : 4 === n7 ? t6.readVarint64() : 5 === n7 ? t6.readVarint() : 6 === n7 ? t6.readSVarint() : 7 === n7 ? t6.readBoolean() : null;
return e6;
function xs(t5, e5, r5) {
if (3 === t5) {
var n7 = new ms(r5, r5.readVarint() + r5.pos);
n7.length && (e5[n7.name] = n7);
vs.prototype.feature = function(t5) {
if (t5 < 0 || t5 >= this._features.length) {
throw new Error("feature index out of bounds");
this._pbf.pos = this._features[t5];
var e5 = this._pbf.readVarint() + this._pbf.pos;
return new hs(this._pbf, e5, this.extent, this._keys, this._values);
var bs = { VectorTile: function(t5, e5) {
this.layers = t5.readFields(xs, {}, e5);
}, VectorTileFeature: hs, VectorTileLayer: ms }, ws = bs.VectorTileFeature.types, _s = Math.pow(2, 13);
function As(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
t5.emplaceBack(e5, r5, 2 * Math.floor(n7 * _s) + o5, i5 * _s * 2, a5 * _s * 2, Math.round(s6));
var Ss = function(t5) {
this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.overscaling = t5.overscaling, this.layers = t5.layers, this.layerIds = this.layers.map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.index = t5.index, this.hasPattern = false, this.layoutVertexArray = new Pi2(), this.indexArray = new ji2(), this.programConfigurations = new Va(t5.layers, t5.zoom), this.segments = new sa(), this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter(function(t6) {
return t6.isStateDependent();
}).map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
function ks(t5, e5) {
return t5.x === e5.x && (t5.x < 0 || t5.x > 8192) || t5.y === e5.y && (t5.y < 0 || t5.y > 8192);
Ss.prototype.populate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.features = [], this.hasPattern = as("fill-extrusion", this.layers, e5);
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = t5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7], o5 = a5.feature, s6 = a5.id, u4 = a5.index, l6 = a5.sourceLayerIndex, p4 = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry, c4 = Ua(o5, p4);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new si2(this.zoom), c4, r5)) {
var h6 = { id: s6, sourceLayerIndex: l6, index: u4, geometry: p4 ? c4.geometry : Ra(o5), properties: o5.properties, type: o5.type, patterns: {} };
this.hasPattern ? this.features.push(os("fill-extrusion", this.layers, h6, this.zoom, e5)) : this.addFeature(h6, h6.geometry, u4, r5, {}), e5.featureIndex.insert(o5, h6.geometry, u4, l6, this.index, true);
}, Ss.prototype.addFeatures = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = this.features; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
this.addFeature(a5, a5.geometry, a5.index, e5, r5);
}, Ss.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.stateDependentLayers, r5);
}, Ss.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length;
}, Ss.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload;
}, Ss.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, cs), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)), this.programConfigurations.upload(t5), this.uploaded = true;
}, Ss.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.programConfigurations.destroy(), this.segments.destroy());
}, Ss.prototype.addFeature = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = ns(e5, 500); a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
for (var s6 = o5[a5], u4 = 0, l6 = 0, p4 = s6; l6 < p4.length; l6 += 1) {
u4 += p4[l6].length;
for (var c4 = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), h6 = 0, f4 = s6; h6 < f4.length; h6 += 1) {
var y4 = f4[h6];
if (0 !== y4.length && !((B3 = y4).every(function(t6) {
return t6.x < 0;
}) || B3.every(function(t6) {
return t6.x > 8192;
}) || B3.every(function(t6) {
return t6.y < 0;
}) || B3.every(function(t6) {
return t6.y > 8192;
}))) {
for (var d4 = 0, m4 = 0; m4 < y4.length; m4++) {
var v4 = y4[m4];
if (m4 >= 1) {
var g4 = y4[m4 - 1];
if (!ks(v4, g4)) {
c4.vertexLength + 4 > sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && (c4 = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray));
var x4 = v4.sub(g4)._perp()._unit(), b4 = g4.dist(v4);
d4 + b4 > 32768 && (d4 = 0), As(this.layoutVertexArray, v4.x, v4.y, x4.x, x4.y, 0, 0, d4), As(this.layoutVertexArray, v4.x, v4.y, x4.x, x4.y, 0, 1, d4), As(this.layoutVertexArray, g4.x, g4.y, x4.x, x4.y, 0, 0, d4 += b4), As(this.layoutVertexArray, g4.x, g4.y, x4.x, x4.y, 0, 1, d4);
var w4 = c4.vertexLength;
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(w4, w4 + 2, w4 + 1), this.indexArray.emplaceBack(w4 + 1, w4 + 2, w4 + 3), c4.vertexLength += 4, c4.primitiveLength += 2;
if (c4.vertexLength + u4 > sa.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && (c4 = this.segments.prepareSegment(u4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray)), "Polygon" === ws[t5.type]) {
for (var _3 = [], A4 = [], S4 = c4.vertexLength, k4 = 0, I4 = s6; k4 < I4.length; k4 += 1) {
var z4 = I4[k4];
if (0 !== z4.length) {
z4 !== s6[0] && A4.push(_3.length / 2);
for (var C4 = 0; C4 < z4.length; C4++) {
var E3 = z4[C4];
As(this.layoutVertexArray, E3.x, E3.y, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0), _3.push(E3.x), _3.push(E3.y);
for (var P4 = Io(_3, A4), M4 = 0; M4 < P4.length; M4 += 3) {
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(S4 + P4[M4], S4 + P4[M4 + 2], S4 + P4[M4 + 1]);
c4.primitiveLength += P4.length / 3, c4.vertexLength += u4;
var B3;
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t5, r5, i5, n7);
}, On("FillExtrusionBucket", Ss, { omit: ["layers", "features"] });
var Is = { paint: new wi2({ "fill-extrusion-opacity": new mi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-opacity"]), "fill-extrusion-color": new vi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-color"]), "fill-extrusion-translate": new mi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-translate"]), "fill-extrusion-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"]), "fill-extrusion-pattern": new gi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-pattern"]), "fill-extrusion-height": new vi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-height"]), "fill-extrusion-base": new vi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-base"]), "fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient": new mi2(Et2["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient"]) }) }, zs = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, Is);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new Ss(t6);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return eo(this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate"));
}, e5.prototype.is3D = function() {
return true;
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, a5, o5, s6, u4) {
var l6 = ro(t6, this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate"), this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"), o5.angle, s6), p4 = this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-height").evaluate(e6, r5), c4 = this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-base").evaluate(e6, r5), h6 = function(t7, e7, r6, n8) {
for (var a6 = [], o6 = 0, s7 = t7; o6 < s7.length; o6 += 1) {
var u5 = s7[o6], l7 = [u5.x, u5.y, 0, 1];
po(l7, l7, e7), a6.push(new i4(l7[0] / l7[3], l7[1] / l7[3]));
return a6;
}(l6, u4), f4 = function(t7, e7, r6, n8) {
for (var a6 = [], o6 = [], s7 = n8[8] * e7, u5 = n8[9] * e7, l7 = n8[10] * e7, p5 = n8[11] * e7, c5 = n8[8] * r6, h7 = n8[9] * r6, f5 = n8[10] * r6, y4 = n8[11] * r6, d4 = 0, m4 = t7; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
for (var v4 = [], g4 = [], x4 = 0, b4 = m4[d4]; x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
var w4 = b4[x4], _3 = w4.x, A4 = w4.y, S4 = n8[0] * _3 + n8[4] * A4 + n8[12], k4 = n8[1] * _3 + n8[5] * A4 + n8[13], I4 = n8[2] * _3 + n8[6] * A4 + n8[14], z4 = n8[3] * _3 + n8[7] * A4 + n8[15], C4 = I4 + l7, E3 = z4 + p5, P4 = S4 + c5, M4 = k4 + h7, B3 = I4 + f5, T4 = z4 + y4, V3 = new i4((S4 + s7) / E3, (k4 + u5) / E3);
V3.z = C4 / E3, v4.push(V3);
var F3 = new i4(P4 / T4, M4 / T4);
F3.z = B3 / T4, g4.push(F3);
a6.push(v4), o6.push(g4);
return [a6, o6];
}(n7, c4, p4, u4);
return function(t7, e7, r6) {
var n8 = 1 / 0;
Ga(r6, e7) && (n8 = Es(r6, e7[0]));
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < e7.length; i5++) {
for (var a6 = e7[i5], o6 = t7[i5], s7 = 0; s7 < a6.length - 1; s7++) {
var u5 = a6[s7], l7 = [u5, a6[s7 + 1], o6[s7 + 1], o6[s7], u5];
Na(r6, l7) && (n8 = Math.min(n8, Es(r6, l7)));
return n8 !== 1 / 0 && n8;
}(f4[0], f4[1], h6);
}, e5;
function Cs(t5, e5) {
return t5.x * e5.x + t5.y * e5.y;
function Es(t5, e5) {
if (1 === t5.length) {
for (var r5, n7 = 0, i5 = e5[n7++]; !r5 || i5.equals(r5); ) {
if (!(r5 = e5[n7++])) {
return 1 / 0;
for (; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
var a5 = e5[n7], o5 = t5[0], s6 = r5.sub(i5), u4 = a5.sub(i5), l6 = o5.sub(i5), p4 = Cs(s6, s6), c4 = Cs(s6, u4), h6 = Cs(u4, u4), f4 = Cs(l6, s6), y4 = Cs(l6, u4), d4 = p4 * h6 - c4 * c4, m4 = (h6 * f4 - c4 * y4) / d4, v4 = (p4 * y4 - c4 * f4) / d4, g4 = i5.z * (1 - m4 - v4) + r5.z * m4 + a5.z * v4;
if (isFinite(g4)) {
return g4;
return 1 / 0;
for (var x4 = 1 / 0, b4 = 0, w4 = e5; b4 < w4.length; b4 += 1) {
x4 = Math.min(x4, w4[b4].z);
return x4;
var Ps = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos_normal", components: 2, type: "Int16" }, { name: "a_data", components: 4, type: "Uint8" }], 4).members, Ms = Ii2([{ name: "a_uv_x", components: 1, type: "Float32" }, { name: "a_split_index", components: 1, type: "Float32" }]).members, Bs = bs.VectorTileFeature.types, Ts = Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * 37.5), Vs = Math.pow(2, 14) / 0.5, Fs = function(t5) {
var e5 = this;
this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.overscaling = t5.overscaling, this.layers = t5.layers, this.layerIds = this.layers.map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.index = t5.index, this.hasPattern = false, this.patternFeatures = [], this.lineClipsArray = [], this.gradients = {}, this.layers.forEach(function(t6) {
e5.gradients[t6.id] = {};
}), this.layoutVertexArray = new Mi2(), this.layoutVertexArray2 = new Bi2(), this.indexArray = new ji2(), this.programConfigurations = new Va(t5.layers, t5.zoom), this.segments = new sa(), this.maxLineLength = 0, this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter(function(t6) {
return t6.isStateDependent();
}).map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
Fs.prototype.populate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.hasPattern = as("line", this.layers, e5);
for (var n7 = this.layers[0].layout.get("line-sort-key"), i5 = [], a5 = 0, o5 = t5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5], u4 = s6.feature, l6 = s6.id, p4 = s6.index, c4 = s6.sourceLayerIndex, h6 = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry, f4 = Ua(u4, h6);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new si2(this.zoom), f4, r5)) {
var y4 = n7 ? n7.evaluate(f4, {}, r5) : void 0, d4 = { id: l6, properties: u4.properties, type: u4.type, sourceLayerIndex: c4, index: p4, geometry: h6 ? f4.geometry : Ra(u4), patterns: {}, sortKey: y4 };
n7 && i5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
for (var m4 = 0, v4 = i5; m4 < v4.length; m4 += 1) {
var g4 = v4[m4], x4 = g4.geometry, b4 = g4.index, w4 = g4.sourceLayerIndex;
if (this.hasPattern) {
var _3 = os("line", this.layers, g4, this.zoom, e5);
} else {
this.addFeature(g4, x4, b4, r5, {});
e5.featureIndex.insert(t5[b4].feature, x4, b4, w4, this.index);
}, Fs.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.stateDependentLayers, r5);
}, Fs.prototype.addFeatures = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = this.patternFeatures; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
this.addFeature(a5, a5.geometry, a5.index, e5, r5);
}, Fs.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length;
}, Fs.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload;
}, Fs.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.uploaded || (0 !== this.layoutVertexArray2.length && (this.layoutVertexBuffer2 = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray2, Ms)), this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, Ps), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)), this.programConfigurations.upload(t5), this.uploaded = true;
}, Fs.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.programConfigurations.destroy(), this.segments.destroy());
}, Fs.prototype.lineFeatureClips = function(t5) {
if (t5.properties && t5.properties.hasOwnProperty("mapbox_clip_start") && t5.properties.hasOwnProperty("mapbox_clip_end")) {
return { start: +t5.properties.mapbox_clip_start, end: +t5.properties.mapbox_clip_end };
}, Fs.prototype.addFeature = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this.layers[0].layout, o5 = a5.get("line-join").evaluate(t5, {}), s6 = a5.get("line-cap"), u4 = a5.get("line-miter-limit"), l6 = a5.get("line-round-limit");
this.lineClips = this.lineFeatureClips(t5);
for (var p4 = 0, c4 = e5; p4 < c4.length; p4 += 1) {
this.addLine(c4[p4], t5, o5, s6, u4, l6);
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t5, r5, i5, n7);
}, Fs.prototype.addLine = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
if (this.distance = 0, this.scaledDistance = 0, this.totalDistance = 0, this.lineClips) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length - 1; o5++) {
this.totalDistance += t5[o5].dist(t5[o5 + 1]);
this.updateScaledDistance(), this.maxLineLength = Math.max(this.maxLineLength, this.totalDistance);
for (var s6 = "Polygon" === Bs[e5.type], u4 = t5.length; u4 >= 2 && t5[u4 - 1].equals(t5[u4 - 2]); ) {
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < u4 - 1 && t5[l6].equals(t5[l6 + 1]); ) {
if (!(u4 < (s6 ? 3 : 2))) {
"bevel" === r5 && (i5 = 1.05);
var p4, c4 = this.overscaling <= 16 ? 122880 / (512 * this.overscaling) : 0, h6 = this.segments.prepareSegment(10 * u4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), f4 = void 0, y4 = void 0, d4 = void 0, m4 = void 0;
this.e1 = this.e2 = -1, s6 && (m4 = t5[l6].sub(p4 = t5[u4 - 2])._unit()._perp());
for (var v4 = l6; v4 < u4; v4++) {
if (!(y4 = v4 === u4 - 1 ? s6 ? t5[l6 + 1] : void 0 : t5[v4 + 1]) || !t5[v4].equals(y4)) {
m4 && (d4 = m4), p4 && (f4 = p4), p4 = t5[v4], m4 = y4 ? y4.sub(p4)._unit()._perp() : d4;
var g4 = (d4 = d4 || m4).add(m4);
0 === g4.x && 0 === g4.y || g4._unit();
var x4 = d4.x * m4.x + d4.y * m4.y, b4 = g4.x * m4.x + g4.y * m4.y, w4 = 0 !== b4 ? 1 / b4 : 1 / 0, _3 = 2 * Math.sqrt(2 - 2 * b4), A4 = b4 < Ts && f4 && y4, S4 = d4.x * m4.y - d4.y * m4.x > 0;
if (A4 && v4 > l6) {
var k4 = p4.dist(f4);
if (k4 > 2 * c4) {
var I4 = p4.sub(p4.sub(f4)._mult(c4 / k4)._round());
this.updateDistance(f4, I4), this.addCurrentVertex(I4, d4, 0, 0, h6), f4 = I4;
var z4 = f4 && y4, C4 = z4 ? r5 : s6 ? "butt" : n7;
if (z4 && "round" === C4 && (w4 < a5 ? C4 = "miter" : w4 <= 2 && (C4 = "fakeround")), "miter" === C4 && w4 > i5 && (C4 = "bevel"), "bevel" === C4 && (w4 > 2 && (C4 = "flipbevel"), w4 < i5 && (C4 = "miter")), f4 && this.updateDistance(f4, p4), "miter" === C4) {
g4._mult(w4), this.addCurrentVertex(p4, g4, 0, 0, h6);
} else if ("flipbevel" === C4) {
if (w4 > 100) {
g4 = m4.mult(-1);
} else {
var E3 = w4 * d4.add(m4).mag() / d4.sub(m4).mag();
g4._perp()._mult(E3 * (S4 ? -1 : 1));
this.addCurrentVertex(p4, g4, 0, 0, h6), this.addCurrentVertex(p4, g4.mult(-1), 0, 0, h6);
} else if ("bevel" === C4 || "fakeround" === C4) {
var P4 = -Math.sqrt(w4 * w4 - 1), M4 = S4 ? P4 : 0, B3 = S4 ? 0 : P4;
if (f4 && this.addCurrentVertex(p4, d4, M4, B3, h6), "fakeround" === C4) {
for (var T4 = Math.round(180 * _3 / Math.PI / 20), V3 = 1; V3 < T4; V3++) {
var F3 = V3 / T4;
if (0.5 !== F3) {
var D4 = F3 - 0.5;
F3 += F3 * D4 * (F3 - 1) * ((1.0904 + x4 * (x4 * (3.55645 - 1.43519 * x4) - 3.2452)) * D4 * D4 + (0.848013 + x4 * (0.215638 * x4 - 1.06021)));
var L4 = m4.sub(d4)._mult(F3)._add(d4)._unit()._mult(S4 ? -1 : 1);
this.addHalfVertex(p4, L4.x, L4.y, false, S4, 0, h6);
y4 && this.addCurrentVertex(p4, m4, -M4, -B3, h6);
} else if ("butt" === C4) {
this.addCurrentVertex(p4, g4, 0, 0, h6);
} else if ("square" === C4) {
var O4 = f4 ? 1 : -1;
this.addCurrentVertex(p4, g4, O4, O4, h6);
} else {
"round" === C4 && (f4 && (this.addCurrentVertex(p4, d4, 0, 0, h6), this.addCurrentVertex(p4, d4, 1, 1, h6, true)), y4 && (this.addCurrentVertex(p4, m4, -1, -1, h6, true), this.addCurrentVertex(p4, m4, 0, 0, h6)));
if (A4 && v4 < u4 - 1) {
var R3 = p4.dist(y4);
if (R3 > 2 * c4) {
var U3 = p4.add(y4.sub(p4)._mult(c4 / R3)._round());
this.updateDistance(p4, U3), this.addCurrentVertex(U3, m4, 0, 0, h6), p4 = U3;
}, Fs.prototype.addCurrentVertex = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
void 0 === a5 && (a5 = false);
var o5 = e5.y * n7 - e5.x, s6 = -e5.y - e5.x * n7;
this.addHalfVertex(t5, e5.x + e5.y * r5, e5.y - e5.x * r5, a5, false, r5, i5), this.addHalfVertex(t5, o5, s6, a5, true, -n7, i5), this.distance > Vs / 2 && 0 === this.totalDistance && (this.distance = 0, this.addCurrentVertex(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5));
}, Fs.prototype.addHalfVertex = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
var s6 = 0.5 * (this.lineClips ? this.scaledDistance * (Vs - 1) : this.scaledDistance);
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack((t5.x << 1) + (n7 ? 1 : 0), (t5.y << 1) + (i5 ? 1 : 0), Math.round(63 * e5) + 128, Math.round(63 * r5) + 128, 1 + (0 === a5 ? 0 : a5 < 0 ? -1 : 1) | (63 & s6) << 2, s6 >> 6), this.lineClips && this.layoutVertexArray2.emplaceBack((this.scaledDistance - this.lineClips.start) / (this.lineClips.end - this.lineClips.start), this.lineClipsArray.length);
var u4 = o5.vertexLength++;
this.e1 >= 0 && this.e2 >= 0 && (this.indexArray.emplaceBack(this.e1, this.e2, u4), o5.primitiveLength++), i5 ? this.e2 = u4 : this.e1 = u4;
}, Fs.prototype.updateScaledDistance = function() {
this.scaledDistance = this.lineClips ? this.lineClips.start + (this.lineClips.end - this.lineClips.start) * this.distance / this.totalDistance : this.distance;
}, Fs.prototype.updateDistance = function(t5, e5) {
this.distance += t5.dist(e5), this.updateScaledDistance();
}, On("LineBucket", Fs, { omit: ["layers", "patternFeatures"] });
var Ds = new wi2({ "line-cap": new mi2(Et2.layout_line["line-cap"]), "line-join": new vi2(Et2.layout_line["line-join"]), "line-miter-limit": new mi2(Et2.layout_line["line-miter-limit"]), "line-round-limit": new mi2(Et2.layout_line["line-round-limit"]), "line-sort-key": new vi2(Et2.layout_line["line-sort-key"]) }), Ls = { paint: new wi2({ "line-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-opacity"]), "line-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-color"]), "line-translate": new mi2(Et2.paint_line["line-translate"]), "line-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_line["line-translate-anchor"]), "line-width": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-width"]), "line-gap-width": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-gap-width"]), "line-offset": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-offset"]), "line-blur": new vi2(Et2.paint_line["line-blur"]), "line-dasharray": new xi2(Et2.paint_line["line-dasharray"]), "line-pattern": new gi2(Et2.paint_line["line-pattern"]), "line-gradient": new bi2(Et2.paint_line["line-gradient"]) }), layout: Ds }, Os = new (function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(e6, r5) {
return r5 = new si2(Math.floor(r5.zoom), { now: r5.now, fadeDuration: r5.fadeDuration, zoomHistory: r5.zoomHistory, transition: r5.transition }), t5.prototype.possiblyEvaluate.call(this, e6, r5);
}, e5.prototype.evaluate = function(e6, r5, n7, i5) {
return r5 = h5({}, r5, { zoom: Math.floor(r5.zoom) }), t5.prototype.evaluate.call(this, e6, r5, n7, i5);
}, e5;
Os.useIntegerZoom = true;
var Rs = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, Ls), this.gradientVersion = 0;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t6) {
"line-gradient" === t6 && (this.stepInterpolant = this._transitionablePaint._values["line-gradient"].value.expression._styleExpression.expression instanceof Ne2, this.gradientVersion = (this.gradientVersion + 1) % s5);
}, e5.prototype.gradientExpression = function() {
return this._transitionablePaint._values["line-gradient"].value.expression;
}, e5.prototype.recalculate = function(e6, r5) {
t5.prototype.recalculate.call(this, e6, r5), this.paint._values["line-floorwidth"] = Os.possiblyEvaluate(this._transitioningPaint._values["line-width"].value, e6);
}, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new Fs(t6);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function(t6) {
var e6 = t6, r5 = Us(to("line-width", this, e6), to("line-gap-width", this, e6)), n7 = to("line-offset", this, e6);
return r5 / 2 + Math.abs(n7) + eo(this.paint.get("line-translate"));
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t6, e6, r5, n7, a5, o5, s6) {
var u4 = ro(t6, this.paint.get("line-translate"), this.paint.get("line-translate-anchor"), o5.angle, s6), l6 = s6 / 2 * Us(this.paint.get("line-width").evaluate(e6, r5), this.paint.get("line-gap-width").evaluate(e6, r5)), p4 = this.paint.get("line-offset").evaluate(e6, r5);
return p4 && (n7 = function(t7, e7) {
for (var r6 = [], n8 = new i4(0, 0), a6 = 0; a6 < t7.length; a6++) {
for (var o6 = t7[a6], s7 = [], u5 = 0; u5 < o6.length; u5++) {
var l7 = o6[u5], p5 = o6[u5 + 1], c4 = 0 === u5 ? n8 : l7.sub(o6[u5 - 1])._unit()._perp(), h6 = u5 === o6.length - 1 ? n8 : p5.sub(l7)._unit()._perp(), f4 = c4._add(h6)._unit();
f4._mult(1 / (f4.x * h6.x + f4.y * h6.y)), s7.push(f4._mult(e7)._add(l7));
return r6;
}(n7, p4 * s6)), function(t7, e7, r6) {
for (var n8 = 0; n8 < e7.length; n8++) {
var i5 = e7[n8];
if (t7.length >= 3) {
for (var a6 = 0; a6 < i5.length; a6++) {
if (Wa(t7, i5[a6])) {
return true;
if (Za(t7, i5, r6)) {
return true;
return false;
}(u4, n7, l6);
}, e5.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return true;
}, e5;
function Us(t5, e5) {
return e5 > 0 ? e5 + 2 * t5 : t5;
var js = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos_offset", components: 4, type: "Int16" }, { name: "a_data", components: 4, type: "Uint16" }, { name: "a_pixeloffset", components: 4, type: "Int16" }], 4), qs = Ii2([{ name: "a_projected_pos", components: 3, type: "Float32" }], 4), Ns = (Ii2([{ name: "a_fade_opacity", components: 1, type: "Uint32" }], 4), Ii2([{ name: "a_placed", components: 2, type: "Uint8" }, { name: "a_shift", components: 2, type: "Float32" }])), Ks = (Ii2([{ type: "Int16", name: "anchorPointX" }, { type: "Int16", name: "anchorPointY" }, { type: "Int16", name: "x1" }, { type: "Int16", name: "y1" }, { type: "Int16", name: "x2" }, { type: "Int16", name: "y2" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "featureIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "sourceLayerIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "bucketIndex" }]), Ii2([{ name: "a_pos", components: 2, type: "Int16" }, { name: "a_anchor_pos", components: 2, type: "Int16" }, { name: "a_extrude", components: 2, type: "Int16" }], 4)), Gs = Ii2([{ name: "a_pos", components: 2, type: "Float32" }, { name: "a_radius", components: 1, type: "Float32" }, { name: "a_flags", components: 2, type: "Int16" }], 4);
function Zs(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5.sections.forEach(function(t6) {
t6.text = function(t7, e6, r6) {
var n7 = e6.layout.get("text-transform").evaluate(r6, {});
return "uppercase" === n7 ? t7 = t7.toLocaleUpperCase() : "lowercase" === n7 && (t7 = t7.toLocaleLowerCase()), oi2.applyArabicShaping && (t7 = oi2.applyArabicShaping(t7)), t7;
}(t6.text, e5, r5);
}), t5;
Ii2([{ name: "triangle", components: 3, type: "Uint16" }]), Ii2([{ type: "Int16", name: "anchorX" }, { type: "Int16", name: "anchorY" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "glyphStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "numGlyphs" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "vertexStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "lineStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "lineLength" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "segment" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "lowerSize" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "upperSize" }, { type: "Float32", name: "lineOffsetX" }, { type: "Float32", name: "lineOffsetY" }, { type: "Uint8", name: "writingMode" }, { type: "Uint8", name: "placedOrientation" }, { type: "Uint8", name: "hidden" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "crossTileID" }, { type: "Int16", name: "associatedIconIndex" }]), Ii2([{ type: "Int16", name: "anchorX" }, { type: "Int16", name: "anchorY" }, { type: "Int16", name: "rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Int16", name: "centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Int16", name: "leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Int16", name: "verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Int16", name: "placedIconSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Int16", name: "verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "key" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "textBoxStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "textBoxEndIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "verticalTextBoxStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "verticalTextBoxEndIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "iconBoxStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "iconBoxEndIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "verticalIconBoxStartIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "verticalIconBoxEndIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "featureIndex" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "numHorizontalGlyphVertices" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "numVerticalGlyphVertices" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "numIconVertices" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "numVerticalIconVertices" }, { type: "Uint16", name: "useRuntimeCollisionCircles" }, { type: "Uint32", name: "crossTileID" }, { type: "Float32", name: "textBoxScale" }, { type: "Float32", components: 2, name: "textOffset" }, { type: "Float32", name: "collisionCircleDiameter" }]), Ii2([{ type: "Float32", name: "offsetX" }]), Ii2([{ type: "Int16", name: "x" }, { type: "Int16", name: "y" }, { type: "Int16", name: "tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor" }]);
var Xs = { "!": "\uFE15", "#": "\uFF03", $: "\uFF04", "%": "\uFF05", "&": "\uFF06", "(": "\uFE35", ")": "\uFE36", "*": "\uFF0A", "+": "\uFF0B", ",": "\uFE10", "-": "\uFE32", ".": "\u30FB", "/": "\uFF0F", ":": "\uFE13", ";": "\uFE14", "<": "\uFE3F", "=": "\uFF1D", ">": "\uFE40", "?": "\uFE16", "@": "\uFF20", "[": "\uFE47", "\\": "\uFF3C", "]": "\uFE48", "^": "\uFF3E", _: "\uFE33", "`": "\uFF40", "{": "\uFE37", "|": "\u2015", "}": "\uFE38", "~": "\uFF5E", "\xA2": "\uFFE0", "\xA3": "\uFFE1", "\xA5": "\uFFE5", "\xA6": "\uFFE4", "\xAC": "\uFFE2", "\xAF": "\uFFE3", "\u2013": "\uFE32", "\u2014": "\uFE31", "\u2018": "\uFE43", "\u2019": "\uFE44", "\u201C": "\uFE41", "\u201D": "\uFE42", "\u2026": "\uFE19", "\u2027": "\u30FB", "\u20A9": "\uFFE6", "\u3001": "\uFE11", "\u3002": "\uFE12", "\u3008": "\uFE3F", "\u3009": "\uFE40", "\u300A": "\uFE3D", "\u300B": "\uFE3E", "\u300C": "\uFE41", "\u300D": "\uFE42", "\u300E": "\uFE43", "\u300F": "\uFE44", "\u3010": "\uFE3B", "\u3011": "\uFE3C", "\u3014": "\uFE39", "\u3015": "\uFE3A", "\u3016": "\uFE17", "\u3017": "\uFE18", "\uFF01": "\uFE15", "\uFF08": "\uFE35", "\uFF09": "\uFE36", "\uFF0C": "\uFE10", "\uFF0D": "\uFE32", "\uFF0E": "\u30FB", "\uFF1A": "\uFE13", "\uFF1B": "\uFE14", "\uFF1C": "\uFE3F", "\uFF1E": "\uFE40", "\uFF1F": "\uFE16", "\uFF3B": "\uFE47", "\uFF3D": "\uFE48", "\uFF3F": "\uFE33", "\uFF5B": "\uFE37", "\uFF5C": "\u2015", "\uFF5D": "\uFE38", "\uFF5F": "\uFE35", "\uFF60": "\uFE36", "\uFF61": "\uFE12", "\uFF62": "\uFE41", "\uFF63": "\uFE42" }, Js = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5, o5, s6 = 8 * i5 - n7 - 1, u4 = (1 << s6) - 1, l6 = u4 >> 1, p4 = -7, c4 = r5 ? i5 - 1 : 0, h6 = r5 ? -1 : 1, f4 = t5[e5 + c4];
for (c4 += h6, a5 = f4 & (1 << -p4) - 1, f4 >>= -p4, p4 += s6; p4 > 0; a5 = 256 * a5 + t5[e5 + c4], c4 += h6, p4 -= 8) {
for (o5 = a5 & (1 << -p4) - 1, a5 >>= -p4, p4 += n7; p4 > 0; o5 = 256 * o5 + t5[e5 + c4], c4 += h6, p4 -= 8) {
if (0 === a5) {
a5 = 1 - l6;
} else {
if (a5 === u4) {
return o5 ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (f4 ? -1 : 1);
o5 += Math.pow(2, n7), a5 -= l6;
return (f4 ? -1 : 1) * o5 * Math.pow(2, a5 - n7);
}, Hs = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5, s6, u4, l6 = 8 * a5 - i5 - 1, p4 = (1 << l6) - 1, c4 = p4 >> 1, h6 = 23 === i5 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, f4 = n7 ? 0 : a5 - 1, y4 = n7 ? 1 : -1, d4 = e5 < 0 || 0 === e5 && 1 / e5 < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (e5 = Math.abs(e5), isNaN(e5) || e5 === 1 / 0 ? (s6 = isNaN(e5) ? 1 : 0, o5 = p4) : (o5 = Math.floor(Math.log(e5) / Math.LN2), e5 * (u4 = Math.pow(2, -o5)) < 1 && (o5--, u4 *= 2), (e5 += o5 + c4 >= 1 ? h6 / u4 : h6 * Math.pow(2, 1 - c4)) * u4 >= 2 && (o5++, u4 /= 2), o5 + c4 >= p4 ? (s6 = 0, o5 = p4) : o5 + c4 >= 1 ? (s6 = (e5 * u4 - 1) * Math.pow(2, i5), o5 += c4) : (s6 = e5 * Math.pow(2, c4 - 1) * Math.pow(2, i5), o5 = 0)); i5 >= 8; t5[r5 + f4] = 255 & s6, f4 += y4, s6 /= 256, i5 -= 8) {
for (o5 = o5 << i5 | s6, l6 += i5; l6 > 0; t5[r5 + f4] = 255 & o5, f4 += y4, o5 /= 256, l6 -= 8) {
t5[r5 + f4 - y4] |= 128 * d4;
}, Ys = $s;
function $s(t5) {
this.buf = ArrayBuffer.isView && ArrayBuffer.isView(t5) ? t5 : new Uint8Array(t5 || 0), this.pos = 0, this.type = 0, this.length = this.buf.length;
$s.Varint = 0, $s.Fixed64 = 1, $s.Bytes = 2, $s.Fixed32 = 5;
var Ws = "undefined" == typeof TextDecoder ? null : new TextDecoder("utf8");
function Qs(t5) {
return t5.type === $s.Bytes ? t5.readVarint() + t5.pos : t5.pos + 1;
function tu(t5, e5, r5) {
return r5 ? 4294967296 * e5 + (t5 >>> 0) : 4294967296 * (e5 >>> 0) + (t5 >>> 0);
function eu(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5 <= 16383 ? 1 : e5 <= 2097151 ? 2 : e5 <= 268435455 ? 3 : Math.floor(Math.log(e5) / (7 * Math.LN2));
for (var i5 = r5.pos - 1; i5 >= t5; i5--) {
r5.buf[i5 + n7] = r5.buf[i5];
function ru(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function nu(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function iu(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function au(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function ou(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function su(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function uu(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function lu(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function pu(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
function cu(t5, e5) {
return (t5[e5] | t5[e5 + 1] << 8 | t5[e5 + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * t5[e5 + 3];
function hu(t5, e5, r5) {
t5[r5] = e5, t5[r5 + 1] = e5 >>> 8, t5[r5 + 2] = e5 >>> 16, t5[r5 + 3] = e5 >>> 24;
function fu(t5, e5) {
return (t5[e5] | t5[e5 + 1] << 8 | t5[e5 + 2] << 16) + (t5[e5 + 3] << 24);
function yu(t5, e5, r5) {
1 === t5 && r5.readMessage(du, e5);
function du(t5, e5, r5) {
if (3 === t5) {
var n7 = r5.readMessage(mu, {}), i5 = n7.width, a5 = n7.height, o5 = n7.left, s6 = n7.top, u4 = n7.advance;
e5.push({ id: n7.id, bitmap: new go({ width: i5 + 6, height: a5 + 6 }, n7.bitmap), metrics: { width: i5, height: a5, left: o5, top: s6, advance: u4 } });
function mu(t5, e5, r5) {
1 === t5 ? e5.id = r5.readVarint() : 2 === t5 ? e5.bitmap = r5.readBytes() : 3 === t5 ? e5.width = r5.readVarint() : 4 === t5 ? e5.height = r5.readVarint() : 5 === t5 ? e5.left = r5.readSVarint() : 6 === t5 ? e5.top = r5.readSVarint() : 7 === t5 && (e5.advance = r5.readVarint());
function vu(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = 0, n7 = 0, i5 = t5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
var a5 = i5[n7];
e5 += a5.w * a5.h, r5 = Math.max(r5, a5.w);
t5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return e6.h - t6.h;
for (var o5 = [{ x: 0, y: 0, w: Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(e5 / 0.95)), r5), h: 1 / 0 }], s6 = 0, u4 = 0, l6 = 0, p4 = t5; l6 < p4.length; l6 += 1) {
for (var c4 = p4[l6], h6 = o5.length - 1; h6 >= 0; h6--) {
var f4 = o5[h6];
if (!(c4.w > f4.w || c4.h > f4.h)) {
if (c4.x = f4.x, c4.y = f4.y, u4 = Math.max(u4, c4.y + c4.h), s6 = Math.max(s6, c4.x + c4.w), c4.w === f4.w && c4.h === f4.h) {
var y4 = o5.pop();
h6 < o5.length && (o5[h6] = y4);
} else {
c4.h === f4.h ? (f4.x += c4.w, f4.w -= c4.w) : c4.w === f4.w ? (f4.y += c4.h, f4.h -= c4.h) : (o5.push({ x: f4.x + c4.w, y: f4.y, w: f4.w - c4.w, h: c4.h }), f4.y += c4.h, f4.h -= c4.h);
return { w: s6, h: u4, fill: e5 / (s6 * u4) || 0 };
$s.prototype = { destroy: function() {
this.buf = null;
}, readFields: function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (r5 = r5 || this.length; this.pos < r5; ) {
var n7 = this.readVarint(), i5 = n7 >> 3, a5 = this.pos;
this.type = 7 & n7, t5(i5, e5, this), this.pos === a5 && this.skip(n7);
return e5;
}, readMessage: function(t5, e5) {
return this.readFields(t5, e5, this.readVarint() + this.pos);
}, readFixed32: function() {
var t5 = cu(this.buf, this.pos);
return this.pos += 4, t5;
}, readSFixed32: function() {
var t5 = fu(this.buf, this.pos);
return this.pos += 4, t5;
}, readFixed64: function() {
var t5 = cu(this.buf, this.pos) + 4294967296 * cu(this.buf, this.pos + 4);
return this.pos += 8, t5;
}, readSFixed64: function() {
var t5 = cu(this.buf, this.pos) + 4294967296 * fu(this.buf, this.pos + 4);
return this.pos += 8, t5;
}, readFloat: function() {
var t5 = Js(this.buf, this.pos, true, 23, 4);
return this.pos += 4, t5;
}, readDouble: function() {
var t5 = Js(this.buf, this.pos, true, 52, 8);
return this.pos += 8, t5;
}, readVarint: function(t5) {
var e5, r5, n7 = this.buf;
return e5 = 127 & (r5 = n7[this.pos++]), r5 < 128 ? e5 : (e5 |= (127 & (r5 = n7[this.pos++])) << 7, r5 < 128 ? e5 : (e5 |= (127 & (r5 = n7[this.pos++])) << 14, r5 < 128 ? e5 : (e5 |= (127 & (r5 = n7[this.pos++])) << 21, r5 < 128 ? e5 : function(t6, e6, r6) {
var n8, i5, a5 = r6.buf;
if (n8 = (112 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) >> 4, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
if (n8 |= (127 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) << 3, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
if (n8 |= (127 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) << 10, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
if (n8 |= (127 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) << 17, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
if (n8 |= (127 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) << 24, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
if (n8 |= (1 & (i5 = a5[r6.pos++])) << 31, i5 < 128) {
return tu(t6, n8, e6);
throw new Error("Expected varint not more than 10 bytes");
}(e5 |= (15 & (r5 = n7[this.pos])) << 28, t5, this))));
}, readVarint64: function() {
return this.readVarint(true);
}, readSVarint: function() {
var t5 = this.readVarint();
return t5 % 2 == 1 ? (t5 + 1) / -2 : t5 / 2;
}, readBoolean: function() {
return Boolean(this.readVarint());
}, readString: function() {
var t5 = this.readVarint() + this.pos, e5 = this.pos;
return this.pos = t5, t5 - e5 >= 12 && Ws ? function(t6, e6, r5) {
return Ws.decode(t6.subarray(e6, r5));
}(this.buf, e5, t5) : function(t6, e6, r5) {
for (var n7 = "", i5 = e6; i5 < r5; ) {
var a5, o5, s6, u4 = t6[i5], l6 = null, p4 = u4 > 239 ? 4 : u4 > 223 ? 3 : u4 > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (i5 + p4 > r5) {
1 === p4 ? u4 < 128 && (l6 = u4) : 2 === p4 ? 128 == (192 & (a5 = t6[i5 + 1])) && (l6 = (31 & u4) << 6 | 63 & a5) <= 127 && (l6 = null) : 3 === p4 ? (o5 = t6[i5 + 2], 128 == (192 & (a5 = t6[i5 + 1])) && 128 == (192 & o5) && ((l6 = (15 & u4) << 12 | (63 & a5) << 6 | 63 & o5) <= 2047 || l6 >= 55296 && l6 <= 57343) && (l6 = null)) : 4 === p4 && (o5 = t6[i5 + 2], s6 = t6[i5 + 3], 128 == (192 & (a5 = t6[i5 + 1])) && 128 == (192 & o5) && 128 == (192 & s6) && ((l6 = (15 & u4) << 18 | (63 & a5) << 12 | (63 & o5) << 6 | 63 & s6) <= 65535 || l6 >= 1114112) && (l6 = null)), null === l6 ? (l6 = 65533, p4 = 1) : l6 > 65535 && (l6 -= 65536, n7 += String.fromCharCode(l6 >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), l6 = 56320 | 1023 & l6), n7 += String.fromCharCode(l6), i5 += p4;
return n7;
}(this.buf, e5, t5);
}, readBytes: function() {
var t5 = this.readVarint() + this.pos, e5 = this.buf.subarray(this.pos, t5);
return this.pos = t5, e5;
}, readPackedVarint: function(t5, e5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readVarint(e5));
var r5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < r5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedSVarint: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readSVarint());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedBoolean: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readBoolean());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedFloat: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readFloat());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedDouble: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readDouble());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedFixed32: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readFixed32());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedSFixed32: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readSFixed32());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedFixed64: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readFixed64());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, readPackedSFixed64: function(t5) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes) {
return t5.push(this.readSFixed64());
var e5 = Qs(this);
for (t5 = t5 || []; this.pos < e5; ) {
return t5;
}, skip: function(t5) {
var e5 = 7 & t5;
if (e5 === $s.Varint) {
for (; this.buf[this.pos++] > 127; ) {
} else if (e5 === $s.Bytes) {
this.pos = this.readVarint() + this.pos;
} else if (e5 === $s.Fixed32) {
this.pos += 4;
} else {
if (e5 !== $s.Fixed64) {
throw new Error("Unimplemented type: " + e5);
this.pos += 8;
}, writeTag: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeVarint(t5 << 3 | e5);
}, realloc: function(t5) {
for (var e5 = this.length || 16; e5 < this.pos + t5; ) {
e5 *= 2;
if (e5 !== this.length) {
var r5 = new Uint8Array(e5);
r5.set(this.buf), this.buf = r5, this.length = e5;
}, finish: function() {
return this.length = this.pos, this.pos = 0, this.buf.subarray(0, this.length);
}, writeFixed32: function(t5) {
this.realloc(4), hu(this.buf, t5, this.pos), this.pos += 4;
}, writeSFixed32: function(t5) {
this.realloc(4), hu(this.buf, t5, this.pos), this.pos += 4;
}, writeFixed64: function(t5) {
this.realloc(8), hu(this.buf, -1 & t5, this.pos), hu(this.buf, Math.floor(t5 * (1 / 4294967296)), this.pos + 4), this.pos += 8;
}, writeSFixed64: function(t5) {
this.realloc(8), hu(this.buf, -1 & t5, this.pos), hu(this.buf, Math.floor(t5 * (1 / 4294967296)), this.pos + 4), this.pos += 8;
}, writeVarint: function(t5) {
(t5 = +t5 || 0) > 268435455 || t5 < 0 ? function(t6, e5) {
var r5, n7;
if (t6 >= 0 ? (r5 = t6 % 4294967296 | 0, n7 = t6 / 4294967296 | 0) : (n7 = ~(-t6 / 4294967296), 4294967295 ^ (r5 = ~(-t6 % 4294967296)) ? r5 = r5 + 1 | 0 : (r5 = 0, n7 = n7 + 1 | 0)), t6 >= 18446744073709552e3 || t6 < -18446744073709552e3) {
throw new Error("Given varint doesn't fit into 10 bytes");
e5.realloc(10), function(t7, e6, r6) {
r6.buf[r6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | 128, t7 >>>= 7, r6.buf[r6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | 128, t7 >>>= 7, r6.buf[r6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | 128, t7 >>>= 7, r6.buf[r6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | 128, r6.buf[r6.pos] = 127 & (t7 >>>= 7);
}(r5, 0, e5), function(t7, e6) {
var r6 = (7 & t7) << 4;
e6.buf[e6.pos++] |= r6 | ((t7 >>>= 3) ? 128 : 0), t7 && (e6.buf[e6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | ((t7 >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0), t7 && (e6.buf[e6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | ((t7 >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0), t7 && (e6.buf[e6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | ((t7 >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0), t7 && (e6.buf[e6.pos++] = 127 & t7 | ((t7 >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0), t7 && (e6.buf[e6.pos++] = 127 & t7)))));
}(n7, e5);
}(t5, this) : (this.realloc(4), this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & t5 | (t5 > 127 ? 128 : 0), t5 <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & (t5 >>>= 7) | (t5 > 127 ? 128 : 0), t5 <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & (t5 >>>= 7) | (t5 > 127 ? 128 : 0), t5 <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = t5 >>> 7 & 127))));
}, writeSVarint: function(t5) {
this.writeVarint(t5 < 0 ? 2 * -t5 - 1 : 2 * t5);
}, writeBoolean: function(t5) {
}, writeString: function(t5) {
t5 = String(t5), this.realloc(4 * t5.length), this.pos++;
var e5 = this.pos;
this.pos = function(t6, e6, r6) {
for (var n7, i5, a5 = 0; a5 < e6.length; a5++) {
if ((n7 = e6.charCodeAt(a5)) > 55295 && n7 < 57344) {
if (!i5) {
n7 > 56319 || a5 + 1 === e6.length ? (t6[r6++] = 239, t6[r6++] = 191, t6[r6++] = 189) : i5 = n7;
if (n7 < 56320) {
t6[r6++] = 239, t6[r6++] = 191, t6[r6++] = 189, i5 = n7;
n7 = i5 - 55296 << 10 | n7 - 56320 | 65536, i5 = null;
} else {
i5 && (t6[r6++] = 239, t6[r6++] = 191, t6[r6++] = 189, i5 = null);
n7 < 128 ? t6[r6++] = n7 : (n7 < 2048 ? t6[r6++] = n7 >> 6 | 192 : (n7 < 65536 ? t6[r6++] = n7 >> 12 | 224 : (t6[r6++] = n7 >> 18 | 240, t6[r6++] = n7 >> 12 & 63 | 128), t6[r6++] = n7 >> 6 & 63 | 128), t6[r6++] = 63 & n7 | 128);
return r6;
}(this.buf, t5, this.pos);
var r5 = this.pos - e5;
r5 >= 128 && eu(e5, r5, this), this.pos = e5 - 1, this.writeVarint(r5), this.pos += r5;
}, writeFloat: function(t5) {
this.realloc(4), Hs(this.buf, t5, this.pos, true, 23, 4), this.pos += 4;
}, writeDouble: function(t5) {
this.realloc(8), Hs(this.buf, t5, this.pos, true, 52, 8), this.pos += 8;
}, writeBytes: function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.length;
this.writeVarint(e5), this.realloc(e5);
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < e5; r5++) {
this.buf[this.pos++] = t5[r5];
}, writeRawMessage: function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.pos;
t5(e5, this);
var n7 = this.pos - r5;
n7 >= 128 && eu(r5, n7, this), this.pos = r5 - 1, this.writeVarint(n7), this.pos += n7;
}, writeMessage: function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Bytes), this.writeRawMessage(e5, r5);
}, writePackedVarint: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, ru, e5);
}, writePackedSVarint: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, nu, e5);
}, writePackedBoolean: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, ou, e5);
}, writePackedFloat: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, iu, e5);
}, writePackedDouble: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, au, e5);
}, writePackedFixed32: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, su, e5);
}, writePackedSFixed32: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, uu, e5);
}, writePackedFixed64: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, lu, e5);
}, writePackedSFixed64: function(t5, e5) {
e5.length && this.writeMessage(t5, pu, e5);
}, writeBytesField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Bytes), this.writeBytes(e5);
}, writeFixed32Field: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed32), this.writeFixed32(e5);
}, writeSFixed32Field: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed32), this.writeSFixed32(e5);
}, writeFixed64Field: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed64), this.writeFixed64(e5);
}, writeSFixed64Field: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed64), this.writeSFixed64(e5);
}, writeVarintField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Varint), this.writeVarint(e5);
}, writeSVarintField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Varint), this.writeSVarint(e5);
}, writeStringField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Bytes), this.writeString(e5);
}, writeFloatField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed32), this.writeFloat(e5);
}, writeDoubleField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeTag(t5, $s.Fixed64), this.writeDouble(e5);
}, writeBooleanField: function(t5, e5) {
this.writeVarintField(t5, Boolean(e5));
} };
var gu = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5.pixelRatio, n7 = e5.version, i5 = e5.stretchX, a5 = e5.stretchY, o5 = e5.content;
this.paddedRect = t5, this.pixelRatio = r5, this.stretchX = i5, this.stretchY = a5, this.content = o5, this.version = n7;
}, xu = { tl: { configurable: true }, br: { configurable: true }, tlbr: { configurable: true }, displaySize: { configurable: true } };
xu.tl.get = function() {
return [this.paddedRect.x + 1, this.paddedRect.y + 1];
}, xu.br.get = function() {
return [this.paddedRect.x + this.paddedRect.w - 1, this.paddedRect.y + this.paddedRect.h - 1];
}, xu.tlbr.get = function() {
return this.tl.concat(this.br);
}, xu.displaySize.get = function() {
return [(this.paddedRect.w - 2) / this.pixelRatio, (this.paddedRect.h - 2) / this.pixelRatio];
}, Object.defineProperties(gu.prototype, xu);
var bu = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = {}, n7 = {};
this.haveRenderCallbacks = [];
var i5 = [];
this.addImages(t5, r5, i5), this.addImages(e5, n7, i5);
var a5 = vu(i5), o5 = new xo({ width: a5.w || 1, height: a5.h || 1 });
for (var s6 in t5) {
var u4 = t5[s6], l6 = r5[s6].paddedRect;
xo.copy(u4.data, o5, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: l6.x + 1, y: l6.y + 1 }, u4.data);
for (var p4 in e5) {
var c4 = e5[p4], h6 = n7[p4].paddedRect, f4 = h6.x + 1, y4 = h6.y + 1, d4 = c4.data.width, m4 = c4.data.height;
xo.copy(c4.data, o5, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: f4, y: y4 }, c4.data), xo.copy(c4.data, o5, { x: 0, y: m4 - 1 }, { x: f4, y: y4 - 1 }, { width: d4, height: 1 }), xo.copy(c4.data, o5, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: f4, y: y4 + m4 }, { width: d4, height: 1 }), xo.copy(c4.data, o5, { x: d4 - 1, y: 0 }, { x: f4 - 1, y: y4 }, { width: 1, height: m4 }), xo.copy(c4.data, o5, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: f4 + d4, y: y4 }, { width: 1, height: m4 });
this.image = o5, this.iconPositions = r5, this.patternPositions = n7;
bu.prototype.addImages = function(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 in t5) {
var i5 = t5[n7], a5 = { x: 0, y: 0, w: i5.data.width + 2, h: i5.data.height + 2 };
r5.push(a5), e5[n7] = new gu(a5, i5), i5.hasRenderCallback && this.haveRenderCallbacks.push(n7);
}, bu.prototype.patchUpdatedImages = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 in t5.dispatchRenderCallbacks(this.haveRenderCallbacks), t5.updatedImages) {
this.patchUpdatedImage(this.iconPositions[r5], t5.getImage(r5), e5), this.patchUpdatedImage(this.patternPositions[r5], t5.getImage(r5), e5);
}, bu.prototype.patchUpdatedImage = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (t5 && e5 && t5.version !== e5.version) {
t5.version = e5.version;
var n7 = t5.tl;
r5.update(e5.data, void 0, { x: n7[0], y: n7[1] });
}, On("ImagePosition", gu), On("ImageAtlas", bu);
var wu = { horizontal: 1, vertical: 2, horizontalOnly: 3 }, _u = function() {
this.scale = 1, this.fontStack = "", this.imageName = null;
_u.forText = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new _u();
return r5.scale = t5 || 1, r5.fontStack = e5, r5;
}, _u.forImage = function(t5) {
var e5 = new _u();
return e5.imageName = t5, e5;
var Au = function() {
this.text = "", this.sectionIndex = [], this.sections = [], this.imageSectionID = null;
function Su(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4) {
var m4, v4 = Au.fromFeature(t5, i5);
c4 === wu.vertical && v4.verticalizePunctuation();
var g4 = oi2.processBidirectionalText, x4 = oi2.processStyledBidirectionalText;
if (g4 && 1 === v4.sections.length) {
m4 = [];
for (var b4 = 0, w4 = g4(v4.toString(), Mu(v4, l6, a5, e5, n7, f4, y4)); b4 < w4.length; b4 += 1) {
var _3 = w4[b4], A4 = new Au();
A4.text = _3, A4.sections = v4.sections;
for (var S4 = 0; S4 < _3.length; S4++) {
} else if (x4) {
m4 = [];
for (var k4 = 0, I4 = x4(v4.text, v4.sectionIndex, Mu(v4, l6, a5, e5, n7, f4, y4)); k4 < I4.length; k4 += 1) {
var z4 = I4[k4], C4 = new Au();
C4.text = z4[0], C4.sectionIndex = z4[1], C4.sections = v4.sections, m4.push(C4);
} else {
m4 = function(t6, e6) {
for (var r6 = [], n8 = t6.text, i6 = 0, a6 = 0, o6 = e6; a6 < o6.length; a6 += 1) {
var s7 = o6[a6];
r6.push(t6.substring(i6, s7)), i6 = s7;
return i6 < n8.length && r6.push(t6.substring(i6, n8.length)), r6;
}(v4, Mu(v4, l6, a5, e5, n7, f4, y4));
var E3 = [], P4 = { positionedLines: E3, text: v4.toString(), top: p4[1], bottom: p4[1], left: p4[0], right: p4[0], writingMode: c4, iconsInText: false, verticalizable: false };
return function(t6, e6, r6, n8, i6, a6, o6, s7, u5, l7, p5, c5) {
for (var h7 = 0, f5 = -17, y5 = 0, d5 = 0, m5 = "right" === s7 ? 1 : "left" === s7 ? 0 : 0.5, v5 = 0, g5 = 0, x5 = i6; g5 < x5.length; g5 += 1) {
var b5 = x5[g5];
var w5 = b5.getMaxScale(), _4 = 24 * (w5 - 1), A5 = { positionedGlyphs: [], lineOffset: 0 };
t6.positionedLines[v5] = A5;
var S5 = A5.positionedGlyphs, k5 = 0;
if (b5.length()) {
for (var I5 = 0; I5 < b5.length(); I5++) {
var z5 = b5.getSection(I5), C5 = b5.getSectionIndex(I5), E4 = b5.getCharCode(I5), P5 = 0, M4 = null, B3 = null, T4 = null, V3 = 24, F3 = !(u5 === wu.horizontal || !p5 && !Xn(E4) || p5 && (ku[E4] || (K3 = E4, Gn.Arabic(K3) || Gn["Arabic Supplement"](K3) || Gn["Arabic Extended-A"](K3) || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-A"](K3) || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-B"](K3))));
if (z5.imageName) {
var D4 = n8[z5.imageName];
if (!D4) {
T4 = z5.imageName, t6.iconsInText = t6.iconsInText || true, B3 = D4.paddedRect;
var L4 = D4.displaySize;
z5.scale = 24 * z5.scale / c5, P5 = _4 + (24 - L4[1] * z5.scale), V3 = (M4 = { width: L4[0], height: L4[1], left: 1, top: -3, advance: F3 ? L4[1] : L4[0] }).advance;
var O4 = F3 ? L4[0] * z5.scale - 24 * w5 : L4[1] * z5.scale - 24 * w5;
O4 > 0 && O4 > k5 && (k5 = O4);
} else {
var R3 = r6[z5.fontStack], U3 = R3 && R3[E4];
if (U3 && U3.rect) {
B3 = U3.rect, M4 = U3.metrics;
} else {
var j4 = e6[z5.fontStack], q4 = j4 && j4[E4];
if (!q4) {
M4 = q4.metrics;
P5 = 24 * (w5 - z5.scale);
F3 ? (t6.verticalizable = true, S5.push({ glyph: E4, imageName: T4, x: h7, y: f5 + P5, vertical: F3, scale: z5.scale, fontStack: z5.fontStack, sectionIndex: C5, metrics: M4, rect: B3 }), h7 += V3 * z5.scale + l7) : (S5.push({ glyph: E4, imageName: T4, x: h7, y: f5 + P5, vertical: F3, scale: z5.scale, fontStack: z5.fontStack, sectionIndex: C5, metrics: M4, rect: B3 }), h7 += M4.advance * z5.scale + l7);
0 !== S5.length && (y5 = Math.max(h7 - l7, y5), Tu(S5, 0, S5.length - 1, m5, k5)), h7 = 0;
var N4 = a6 * w5 + k5;
A5.lineOffset = Math.max(k5, _4), f5 += N4, d5 = Math.max(N4, d5), ++v5;
} else {
f5 += a6, ++v5;
var K3, G3 = f5 - -17, Z3 = Bu(o6), X3 = Z3.horizontalAlign, J3 = Z3.verticalAlign;
(function(t7, e7, r7, n9, i7, a7, o7, s8, u6) {
var l8, p6 = (e7 - r7) * i7;
l8 = a7 !== o7 ? -s8 * n9 - -17 : (-n9 * u6 + 0.5) * o7;
for (var c6 = 0, h8 = t7; c6 < h8.length; c6 += 1) {
for (var f6 = 0, y6 = h8[c6].positionedGlyphs; f6 < y6.length; f6 += 1) {
var d6 = y6[f6];
d6.x += p6, d6.y += l8;
})(t6.positionedLines, m5, X3, J3, y5, d5, a6, G3, i6.length), t6.top += -J3 * G3, t6.bottom = t6.top + G3, t6.left += -X3 * y5, t6.right = t6.left + y5;
}(P4, e5, r5, n7, m4, o5, s6, u4, c4, l6, h6, d4), !function(t6) {
for (var e6 = 0, r6 = t6; e6 < r6.length; e6 += 1) {
if (0 !== r6[e6].positionedGlyphs.length) {
return false;
return true;
}(E3) && P4;
Au.fromFeature = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = new Au(), n7 = 0; n7 < t5.sections.length; n7++) {
var i5 = t5.sections[n7];
i5.image ? r5.addImageSection(i5) : r5.addTextSection(i5, e5);
return r5;
}, Au.prototype.length = function() {
return this.text.length;
}, Au.prototype.getSection = function(t5) {
return this.sections[this.sectionIndex[t5]];
}, Au.prototype.getSectionIndex = function(t5) {
return this.sectionIndex[t5];
}, Au.prototype.getCharCode = function(t5) {
return this.text.charCodeAt(t5);
}, Au.prototype.verticalizePunctuation = function() {
this.text = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = "", r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
var n7 = t5.charCodeAt(r5 + 1) || null, i5 = t5.charCodeAt(r5 - 1) || null;
e5 += n7 && Jn(n7) && !Xs[t5[r5 + 1]] || i5 && Jn(i5) && !Xs[t5[r5 - 1]] || !Xs[t5[r5]] ? t5[r5] : Xs[t5[r5]];
return e5;
}, Au.prototype.trim = function() {
for (var t5 = 0, e5 = 0; e5 < this.text.length && ku[this.text.charCodeAt(e5)]; e5++) {
for (var r5 = this.text.length, n7 = this.text.length - 1; n7 >= 0 && n7 >= t5 && ku[this.text.charCodeAt(n7)]; n7--) {
this.text = this.text.substring(t5, r5), this.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(t5, r5);
}, Au.prototype.substring = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new Au();
return r5.text = this.text.substring(t5, e5), r5.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(t5, e5), r5.sections = this.sections, r5;
}, Au.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.text;
}, Au.prototype.getMaxScale = function() {
var t5 = this;
return this.sectionIndex.reduce(function(e5, r5) {
return Math.max(e5, t5.sections[r5].scale);
}, 0);
}, Au.prototype.addTextSection = function(t5, e5) {
this.text += t5.text, this.sections.push(_u.forText(t5.scale, t5.fontStack || e5));
for (var r5 = this.sections.length - 1, n7 = 0; n7 < t5.text.length; ++n7) {
}, Au.prototype.addImageSection = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.image ? t5.image.name : "";
if (0 !== e5.length) {
var r5 = this.getNextImageSectionCharCode();
r5 ? (this.text += String.fromCharCode(r5), this.sections.push(_u.forImage(e5)), this.sectionIndex.push(this.sections.length - 1)) : A3("Reached maximum number of images 6401");
} else {
A3("Can't add FormattedSection with an empty image.");
}, Au.prototype.getNextImageSectionCharCode = function() {
return this.imageSectionID ? this.imageSectionID >= 63743 ? null : ++this.imageSectionID : (this.imageSectionID = 57344, this.imageSectionID);
var ku = { 9: true, 10: true, 11: true, 12: true, 13: true, 32: true }, Iu = {};
function zu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
if (e5.imageName) {
var o5 = n7[e5.imageName];
return o5 ? o5.displaySize[0] * e5.scale * 24 / a5 + i5 : 0;
var s6 = r5[e5.fontStack], u4 = s6 && s6[t5];
return u4 ? u4.metrics.advance * e5.scale + i5 : 0;
function Cu(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = Math.pow(t5 - e5, 2);
return n7 ? t5 < e5 ? i5 / 2 : 2 * i5 : i5 + Math.abs(r5) * r5;
function Eu(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = 0;
return 10 === t5 && (n7 -= 1e4), r5 && (n7 += 150), 40 !== t5 && 65288 !== t5 || (n7 += 50), 41 !== e5 && 65289 !== e5 || (n7 += 50), n7;
function Pu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
for (var o5 = null, s6 = Cu(e5, r5, i5, a5), u4 = 0, l6 = n7; u4 < l6.length; u4 += 1) {
var p4 = l6[u4], c4 = Cu(e5 - p4.x, r5, i5, a5) + p4.badness;
c4 <= s6 && (o5 = p4, s6 = c4);
return { index: t5, x: e5, priorBreak: o5, badness: s6 };
function Mu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
if ("point" !== a5) {
return [];
if (!t5) {
return [];
for (var s6, u4 = [], l6 = function(t6, e6, r6, n8, i6, a6) {
for (var o6 = 0, s7 = 0; s7 < t6.length(); s7++) {
var u5 = t6.getSection(s7);
o6 += zu(t6.getCharCode(s7), u5, n8, i6, e6, a6);
return o6 / Math.max(1, Math.ceil(o6 / r6));
}(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, o5), p4 = t5.text.indexOf("\u200B") >= 0, c4 = 0, h6 = 0; h6 < t5.length(); h6++) {
var f4 = t5.getSection(h6), y4 = t5.getCharCode(h6);
if (ku[y4] || (c4 += zu(y4, f4, n7, i5, e5, o5)), h6 < t5.length() - 1) {
var d4 = !((s6 = y4) < 11904 || !(Gn["Bopomofo Extended"](s6) || Gn.Bopomofo(s6) || Gn["CJK Compatibility Forms"](s6) || Gn["CJK Compatibility Ideographs"](s6) || Gn["CJK Compatibility"](s6) || Gn["CJK Radicals Supplement"](s6) || Gn["CJK Strokes"](s6) || Gn["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](s6) || Gn["CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A"](s6) || Gn["CJK Unified Ideographs"](s6) || Gn["Enclosed CJK Letters and Months"](s6) || Gn["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](s6) || Gn.Hiragana(s6) || Gn["Ideographic Description Characters"](s6) || Gn["Kangxi Radicals"](s6) || Gn["Katakana Phonetic Extensions"](s6) || Gn.Katakana(s6) || Gn["Vertical Forms"](s6) || Gn["Yi Radicals"](s6) || Gn["Yi Syllables"](s6)));
(Iu[y4] || d4 || f4.imageName) && u4.push(Pu(h6 + 1, c4, l6, u4, Eu(y4, t5.getCharCode(h6 + 1), d4 && p4), false));
return function t6(e6) {
return e6 ? t6(e6.priorBreak).concat(e6.index) : [];
}(Pu(t5.length(), c4, l6, u4, 0, true));
function Bu(t5) {
var e5 = 0.5, r5 = 0.5;
switch (t5) {
case "right":
case "top-right":
case "bottom-right":
e5 = 1;
case "left":
case "top-left":
case "bottom-left":
e5 = 0;
switch (t5) {
case "bottom":
case "bottom-right":
case "bottom-left":
r5 = 1;
case "top":
case "top-right":
case "top-left":
r5 = 0;
return { horizontalAlign: e5, verticalAlign: r5 };
function Tu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
if (n7 || i5) {
for (var a5 = t5[r5], o5 = (t5[r5].x + a5.metrics.advance * a5.scale) * n7, s6 = e5; s6 <= r5; s6++) {
t5[s6].x -= o5, t5[s6].y += i5;
function Vu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5, s6 = t5.image;
if (s6.content) {
var u4 = s6.content, l6 = s6.pixelRatio || 1;
o5 = [u4[0] / l6, u4[1] / l6, s6.displaySize[0] - u4[2] / l6, s6.displaySize[1] - u4[3] / l6];
var p4, c4, h6, f4, y4 = e5.left * a5, d4 = e5.right * a5;
"width" === r5 || "both" === r5 ? (f4 = i5[0] + y4 - n7[3], c4 = i5[0] + d4 + n7[1]) : c4 = (f4 = i5[0] + (y4 + d4 - s6.displaySize[0]) / 2) + s6.displaySize[0];
var m4 = e5.top * a5, v4 = e5.bottom * a5;
return "height" === r5 || "both" === r5 ? (p4 = i5[1] + m4 - n7[0], h6 = i5[1] + v4 + n7[2]) : h6 = (p4 = i5[1] + (m4 + v4 - s6.displaySize[1]) / 2) + s6.displaySize[1], { image: s6, top: p4, right: c4, bottom: h6, left: f4, collisionPadding: o5 };
Iu[10] = true, Iu[32] = true, Iu[38] = true, Iu[40] = true, Iu[41] = true, Iu[43] = true, Iu[45] = true, Iu[47] = true, Iu[173] = true, Iu[183] = true, Iu[8203] = true, Iu[8208] = true, Iu[8211] = true, Iu[8231] = true;
var Fu = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, r5, n7, i5) {
t5.call(this, e6, r5), this.angle = n7, void 0 !== i5 && (this.segment = i5);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.clone = function() {
return new e5(this.x, this.y, this.angle, this.segment);
}, e5;
function Du(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5.expression;
if ("constant" === r5.kind) {
return { kind: "constant", layoutSize: r5.evaluate(new si2(t5 + 1)) };
if ("source" === r5.kind) {
return { kind: "source" };
for (var n7 = r5.zoomStops, i5 = r5.interpolationType, a5 = 0; a5 < n7.length && n7[a5] <= t5; ) {
for (var o5 = a5 = Math.max(0, a5 - 1); o5 < n7.length && n7[o5] < t5 + 1; ) {
o5 = Math.min(n7.length - 1, o5);
var s6 = n7[a5], u4 = n7[o5];
return "composite" === r5.kind ? { kind: "composite", minZoom: s6, maxZoom: u4, interpolationType: i5 } : { kind: "camera", minZoom: s6, maxZoom: u4, minSize: r5.evaluate(new si2(s6)), maxSize: r5.evaluate(new si2(u4)), interpolationType: i5 };
function Lu(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5.uSize, i5 = r5.lowerSize;
return "source" === t5.kind ? i5 / 128 : "composite" === t5.kind ? Ke2(i5 / 128, r5.upperSize / 128, e5.uSizeT) : n7;
function Ou(t5, e5) {
var r5 = 0, n7 = 0;
if ("constant" === t5.kind) {
n7 = t5.layoutSize;
} else if ("source" !== t5.kind) {
var i5 = t5.interpolationType, a5 = i5 ? p3(ar.interpolationFactor(i5, e5, t5.minZoom, t5.maxZoom), 0, 1) : 0;
"camera" === t5.kind ? n7 = Ke2(t5.minSize, t5.maxSize, a5) : r5 = a5;
return { uSizeT: r5, uSize: n7 };
On("Anchor", Fu);
var Ru = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, getSizeData: Du, evaluateSizeForFeature: Lu, evaluateSizeForZoom: Ou, SIZE_PACK_FACTOR: 128 });
function Uu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
if (void 0 === e5.segment) {
return true;
for (var a5 = e5, o5 = e5.segment + 1, s6 = 0; s6 > -r5 / 2; ) {
if (--o5 < 0) {
return false;
s6 -= t5[o5].dist(a5), a5 = t5[o5];
s6 += t5[o5].dist(t5[o5 + 1]), o5++;
for (var u4 = [], l6 = 0; s6 < r5 / 2; ) {
var p4 = t5[o5], c4 = t5[o5 + 1];
if (!c4) {
return false;
var h6 = t5[o5 - 1].angleTo(p4) - p4.angleTo(c4);
for (h6 = Math.abs((h6 + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI), u4.push({ distance: s6, angleDelta: h6 }), l6 += h6; s6 - u4[0].distance > n7; ) {
l6 -= u4.shift().angleDelta;
if (l6 > i5) {
return false;
o5++, s6 += p4.dist(c4);
return true;
function ju(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length - 1; r5++) {
e5 += t5[r5].dist(t5[r5 + 1]);
return e5;
function qu(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5 ? 0.6 * e5 * r5 : 0;
function Nu(t5, e5) {
return Math.max(t5 ? t5.right - t5.left : 0, e5 ? e5.right - e5.left : 0);
function Ku(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
for (var o5 = qu(r5, i5, a5), s6 = Nu(r5, n7) * a5, u4 = 0, l6 = ju(t5) / 2, p4 = 0; p4 < t5.length - 1; p4++) {
var c4 = t5[p4], h6 = t5[p4 + 1], f4 = c4.dist(h6);
if (u4 + f4 > l6) {
var y4 = (l6 - u4) / f4, d4 = Ke2(c4.x, h6.x, y4), m4 = Ke2(c4.y, h6.y, y4), v4 = new Fu(d4, m4, h6.angleTo(c4), p4);
return v4._round(), !o5 || Uu(t5, v4, s6, o5, e5) ? v4 : void 0;
u4 += f4;
function Gu(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4) {
var l6 = qu(n7, a5, o5), p4 = Nu(n7, i5), c4 = p4 * o5, h6 = 0 === t5[0].x || t5[0].x === u4 || 0 === t5[0].y || t5[0].y === u4;
return e5 - c4 < e5 / 4 && (e5 = c4 + e5 / 4), function t6(e6, r6, n8, i6, a6, o6, s7, u5, l7) {
for (var p5 = o6 / 2, c5 = ju(e6), h7 = 0, f4 = r6 - n8, y4 = [], d4 = 0; d4 < e6.length - 1; d4++) {
for (var m4 = e6[d4], v4 = e6[d4 + 1], g4 = m4.dist(v4), x4 = v4.angleTo(m4); f4 + n8 < h7 + g4; ) {
var b4 = ((f4 += n8) - h7) / g4, w4 = Ke2(m4.x, v4.x, b4), _3 = Ke2(m4.y, v4.y, b4);
if (w4 >= 0 && w4 < l7 && _3 >= 0 && _3 < l7 && f4 - p5 >= 0 && f4 + p5 <= c5) {
var A4 = new Fu(w4, _3, x4, d4);
A4._round(), i6 && !Uu(e6, A4, o6, i6, a6) || y4.push(A4);
h7 += g4;
return u5 || y4.length || s7 || (y4 = t6(e6, h7 / 2, n8, i6, a6, o6, s7, true, l7)), y4;
}(t5, h6 ? e5 / 2 * s6 % e5 : (p4 / 2 + 2 * a5) * o5 * s6 % e5, e5, l6, r5, c4, h6, false, u4);
function Zu(t5, e5, r5, n7, a5) {
for (var o5 = [], s6 = 0; s6 < t5.length; s6++) {
for (var u4 = t5[s6], l6 = void 0, p4 = 0; p4 < u4.length - 1; p4++) {
var c4 = u4[p4], h6 = u4[p4 + 1];
c4.x < e5 && h6.x < e5 || (c4.x < e5 ? c4 = new i4(e5, c4.y + (e5 - c4.x) / (h6.x - c4.x) * (h6.y - c4.y))._round() : h6.x < e5 && (h6 = new i4(e5, c4.y + (e5 - c4.x) / (h6.x - c4.x) * (h6.y - c4.y))._round()), c4.y < r5 && h6.y < r5 || (c4.y < r5 ? c4 = new i4(c4.x + (r5 - c4.y) / (h6.y - c4.y) * (h6.x - c4.x), r5)._round() : h6.y < r5 && (h6 = new i4(c4.x + (r5 - c4.y) / (h6.y - c4.y) * (h6.x - c4.x), r5)._round()), c4.x >= n7 && h6.x >= n7 || (c4.x >= n7 ? c4 = new i4(n7, c4.y + (n7 - c4.x) / (h6.x - c4.x) * (h6.y - c4.y))._round() : h6.x >= n7 && (h6 = new i4(n7, c4.y + (n7 - c4.x) / (h6.x - c4.x) * (h6.y - c4.y))._round()), c4.y >= a5 && h6.y >= a5 || (c4.y >= a5 ? c4 = new i4(c4.x + (a5 - c4.y) / (h6.y - c4.y) * (h6.x - c4.x), a5)._round() : h6.y >= a5 && (h6 = new i4(c4.x + (a5 - c4.y) / (h6.y - c4.y) * (h6.x - c4.x), a5)._round()), l6 && c4.equals(l6[l6.length - 1]) || o5.push(l6 = [c4]), l6.push(h6)))));
return o5;
function Xu(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var a5 = [], o5 = t5.image, s6 = o5.pixelRatio, u4 = o5.paddedRect.w - 2, l6 = o5.paddedRect.h - 2, p4 = t5.right - t5.left, c4 = t5.bottom - t5.top, h6 = o5.stretchX || [[0, u4]], f4 = o5.stretchY || [[0, l6]], y4 = function(t6, e6) {
return t6 + e6[1] - e6[0];
}, d4 = h6.reduce(y4, 0), m4 = f4.reduce(y4, 0), v4 = u4 - d4, g4 = l6 - m4, x4 = 0, b4 = d4, w4 = 0, _3 = m4, A4 = 0, S4 = v4, k4 = 0, I4 = g4;
if (o5.content && n7) {
var z4 = o5.content;
x4 = Ju(h6, 0, z4[0]), w4 = Ju(f4, 0, z4[1]), b4 = Ju(h6, z4[0], z4[2]), _3 = Ju(f4, z4[1], z4[3]), A4 = z4[0] - x4, k4 = z4[1] - w4, S4 = z4[2] - z4[0] - b4, I4 = z4[3] - z4[1] - _3;
var C4 = function(n8, a6, u5, l7) {
var h7 = Yu(n8.stretch - x4, b4, p4, t5.left), f5 = $u(n8.fixed - A4, S4, n8.stretch, d4), y5 = Yu(a6.stretch - w4, _3, c4, t5.top), v5 = $u(a6.fixed - k4, I4, a6.stretch, m4), g5 = Yu(u5.stretch - x4, b4, p4, t5.left), z5 = $u(u5.fixed - A4, S4, u5.stretch, d4), C5 = Yu(l7.stretch - w4, _3, c4, t5.top), E4 = $u(l7.fixed - k4, I4, l7.stretch, m4), P5 = new i4(h7, y5), M5 = new i4(g5, y5), B4 = new i4(g5, C5), T5 = new i4(h7, C5), V4 = new i4(f5 / s6, v5 / s6), F3 = new i4(z5 / s6, E4 / s6), D4 = e5 * Math.PI / 180;
if (D4) {
var L4 = Math.sin(D4), O4 = Math.cos(D4), R3 = [O4, -L4, L4, O4];
P5._matMult(R3), M5._matMult(R3), T5._matMult(R3), B4._matMult(R3);
var U3 = n8.stretch + n8.fixed, j4 = a6.stretch + a6.fixed;
return { tl: P5, tr: M5, bl: T5, br: B4, tex: { x: o5.paddedRect.x + 1 + U3, y: o5.paddedRect.y + 1 + j4, w: u5.stretch + u5.fixed - U3, h: l7.stretch + l7.fixed - j4 }, writingMode: void 0, glyphOffset: [0, 0], sectionIndex: 0, pixelOffsetTL: V4, pixelOffsetBR: F3, minFontScaleX: S4 / s6 / p4, minFontScaleY: I4 / s6 / c4, isSDF: r5 };
if (n7 && (o5.stretchX || o5.stretchY)) {
for (var E3 = Hu(h6, v4, d4), P4 = Hu(f4, g4, m4), M4 = 0; M4 < E3.length - 1; M4++) {
for (var B3 = E3[M4], T4 = E3[M4 + 1], V3 = 0; V3 < P4.length - 1; V3++) {
a5.push(C4(B3, P4[V3], T4, P4[V3 + 1]));
} else {
a5.push(C4({ fixed: 0, stretch: -1 }, { fixed: 0, stretch: -1 }, { fixed: 0, stretch: u4 + 1 }, { fixed: 0, stretch: l6 + 1 }));
return a5;
function Ju(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = 0, a5 = t5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5];
n7 += Math.max(e5, Math.min(r5, o5[1])) - Math.max(e5, Math.min(r5, o5[0]));
return n7;
function Hu(t5, e5, r5) {
for (var n7 = [{ fixed: -1, stretch: 0 }], i5 = 0, a5 = t5; i5 < a5.length; i5 += 1) {
var o5 = a5[i5], s6 = o5[0], u4 = o5[1], l6 = n7[n7.length - 1];
n7.push({ fixed: s6 - l6.stretch, stretch: l6.stretch }), n7.push({ fixed: s6 - l6.stretch, stretch: l6.stretch + (u4 - s6) });
return n7.push({ fixed: e5 + 1, stretch: r5 }), n7;
function Yu(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return t5 / e5 * r5 + n7;
function $u(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
return t5 - e5 * r5 / n7;
var Wu = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4) {
if (this.boxStartIndex = t5.length, l6) {
var c4 = o5.top, h6 = o5.bottom, f4 = o5.collisionPadding;
f4 && (c4 -= f4[1], h6 += f4[3]);
var y4 = h6 - c4;
y4 > 0 && (y4 = Math.max(10, y4), this.circleDiameter = y4);
} else {
var d4 = o5.top * s6 - u4, m4 = o5.bottom * s6 + u4, v4 = o5.left * s6 - u4, g4 = o5.right * s6 + u4, x4 = o5.collisionPadding;
if (x4 && (v4 -= x4[0] * s6, d4 -= x4[1] * s6, g4 += x4[2] * s6, m4 += x4[3] * s6), p4) {
var b4 = new i4(v4, d4), w4 = new i4(g4, d4), _3 = new i4(v4, m4), A4 = new i4(g4, m4), S4 = p4 * Math.PI / 180;
b4._rotate(S4), w4._rotate(S4), _3._rotate(S4), A4._rotate(S4), v4 = Math.min(b4.x, w4.x, _3.x, A4.x), g4 = Math.max(b4.x, w4.x, _3.x, A4.x), d4 = Math.min(b4.y, w4.y, _3.y, A4.y), m4 = Math.max(b4.y, w4.y, _3.y, A4.y);
t5.emplaceBack(e5.x, e5.y, v4, d4, g4, m4, r5, n7, a5);
this.boxEndIndex = t5.length;
}, Qu = function(t5, e5) {
if (void 0 === t5 && (t5 = []), void 0 === e5 && (e5 = tl), this.data = t5, this.length = this.data.length, this.compare = e5, this.length > 0) {
for (var r5 = (this.length >> 1) - 1; r5 >= 0; r5--) {
function tl(t5, e5) {
return t5 < e5 ? -1 : t5 > e5 ? 1 : 0;
function el(t5, e5, r5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 1), void 0 === r5 && (r5 = false);
for (var n7 = 1 / 0, a5 = 1 / 0, o5 = -1 / 0, s6 = -1 / 0, u4 = t5[0], l6 = 0; l6 < u4.length; l6++) {
var p4 = u4[l6];
(!l6 || p4.x < n7) && (n7 = p4.x), (!l6 || p4.y < a5) && (a5 = p4.y), (!l6 || p4.x > o5) && (o5 = p4.x), (!l6 || p4.y > s6) && (s6 = p4.y);
var c4 = Math.min(o5 - n7, s6 - a5), h6 = c4 / 2, f4 = new Qu([], rl);
if (0 === c4) {
return new i4(n7, a5);
for (var y4 = n7; y4 < o5; y4 += c4) {
for (var d4 = a5; d4 < s6; d4 += c4) {
f4.push(new nl(y4 + h6, d4 + h6, h6, t5));
for (var m4 = function(t6) {
for (var e6 = 0, r6 = 0, n8 = 0, i5 = t6[0], a6 = 0, o6 = i5.length, s7 = o6 - 1; a6 < o6; s7 = a6++) {
var u5 = i5[a6], l7 = i5[s7], p5 = u5.x * l7.y - l7.x * u5.y;
r6 += (u5.x + l7.x) * p5, n8 += (u5.y + l7.y) * p5, e6 += 3 * p5;
return new nl(r6 / e6, n8 / e6, 0, t6);
}(t5), v4 = f4.length; f4.length; ) {
var g4 = f4.pop();
(g4.d > m4.d || !m4.d) && (m4 = g4, r5 && console.log("found best %d after %d probes", Math.round(1e4 * g4.d) / 1e4, v4)), g4.max - m4.d <= e5 || (f4.push(new nl(g4.p.x - (h6 = g4.h / 2), g4.p.y - h6, h6, t5)), f4.push(new nl(g4.p.x + h6, g4.p.y - h6, h6, t5)), f4.push(new nl(g4.p.x - h6, g4.p.y + h6, h6, t5)), f4.push(new nl(g4.p.x + h6, g4.p.y + h6, h6, t5)), v4 += 4);
return r5 && (console.log("num probes: " + v4), console.log("best distance: " + m4.d)), m4.p;
function rl(t5, e5) {
return e5.max - t5.max;
function nl(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.p = new i4(t5, e5), this.h = r5, this.d = function(t6, e6) {
for (var r6 = false, n8 = 1 / 0, i5 = 0; i5 < e6.length; i5++) {
for (var a5 = e6[i5], o5 = 0, s6 = a5.length, u4 = s6 - 1; o5 < s6; u4 = o5++) {
var l6 = a5[o5], p4 = a5[u4];
l6.y > t6.y != p4.y > t6.y && t6.x < (p4.x - l6.x) * (t6.y - l6.y) / (p4.y - l6.y) + l6.x && (r6 = !r6), n8 = Math.min(n8, Ya(t6, l6, p4));
return (r6 ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(n8);
}(this.p, n7), this.max = this.d + this.h * Math.SQRT2;
Qu.prototype.push = function(t5) {
this.data.push(t5), this.length++, this._up(this.length - 1);
}, Qu.prototype.pop = function() {
if (0 !== this.length) {
var t5 = this.data[0], e5 = this.data.pop();
return this.length--, this.length > 0 && (this.data[0] = e5, this._down(0)), t5;
}, Qu.prototype.peek = function() {
return this.data[0];
}, Qu.prototype._up = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = this.data, r5 = this.compare, n7 = e5[t5]; t5 > 0; ) {
var i5 = t5 - 1 >> 1, a5 = e5[i5];
if (r5(n7, a5) >= 0) {
e5[t5] = a5, t5 = i5;
e5[t5] = n7;
}, Qu.prototype._down = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = this.data, r5 = this.compare, n7 = this.length >> 1, i5 = e5[t5]; t5 < n7; ) {
var a5 = 1 + (t5 << 1), o5 = e5[a5], s6 = a5 + 1;
if (s6 < this.length && r5(e5[s6], o5) < 0 && (a5 = s6, o5 = e5[s6]), r5(o5, i5) >= 0) {
e5[t5] = o5, t5 = a5;
e5[t5] = i5;
var il = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
function al(t5, e5) {
return e5[1] !== il ? function(t6, e6, r5) {
var n7 = 0, i5 = 0;
switch (e6 = Math.abs(e6), r5 = Math.abs(r5), t6) {
case "top-right":
case "top-left":
case "top":
i5 = r5 - 7;
case "bottom-right":
case "bottom-left":
case "bottom":
i5 = 7 - r5;
switch (t6) {
case "top-right":
case "bottom-right":
case "right":
n7 = -e6;
case "top-left":
case "bottom-left":
case "left":
n7 = e6;
return [n7, i5];
}(t5, e5[0], e5[1]) : function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = 0, n7 = 0;
e6 < 0 && (e6 = 0);
var i5 = e6 / Math.sqrt(2);
switch (t6) {
case "top-right":
case "top-left":
n7 = i5 - 7;
case "bottom-right":
case "bottom-left":
n7 = 7 - i5;
case "bottom":
n7 = 7 - e6;
case "top":
n7 = e6 - 7;
switch (t6) {
case "top-right":
case "bottom-right":
r5 = -i5;
case "top-left":
case "bottom-left":
r5 = i5;
case "left":
r5 = e6;
case "right":
r5 = -e6;
return [r5, n7];
}(t5, e5[0]);
function ol(t5) {
switch (t5) {
case "right":
case "top-right":
case "bottom-right":
return "right";
case "left":
case "top-left":
case "bottom-left":
return "left";
return "center";
function sl(t5, e5, r5, n7, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4) {
var m4 = function(t6, e6, r6, n8, a6, o6, s7, u5) {
for (var l7 = n8.layout.get("text-rotate").evaluate(o6, {}) * Math.PI / 180, p5 = [], c5 = 0, h7 = e6.positionedLines; c5 < h7.length; c5 += 1) {
for (var f5 = h7[c5], y5 = 0, d5 = f5.positionedGlyphs; y5 < d5.length; y5 += 1) {
var m5 = d5[y5];
if (m5.rect) {
var v5 = m5.rect || {}, g5 = 4, x5 = true, b5 = 1, w4 = 0, _3 = (a6 || u5) && m5.vertical, A4 = m5.metrics.advance * m5.scale / 2;
if (u5 && e6.verticalizable && (w4 = f5.lineOffset / 2 - (m5.imageName ? -(24 - m5.metrics.width * m5.scale) / 2 : 24 * (m5.scale - 1))), m5.imageName) {
var S4 = s7[m5.imageName];
x5 = S4.sdf, g5 = 1 / (b5 = S4.pixelRatio);
var k4 = a6 ? [m5.x + A4, m5.y] : [0, 0], I4 = a6 ? [0, 0] : [m5.x + A4 + r6[0], m5.y + r6[1] - w4], z4 = [0, 0];
_3 && (z4 = I4, I4 = [0, 0]);
var C4 = (m5.metrics.left - g5) * m5.scale - A4 + I4[0], E3 = (-m5.metrics.top - g5) * m5.scale + I4[1], P4 = C4 + v5.w * m5.scale / b5, M4 = E3 + v5.h * m5.scale / b5, B3 = new i4(C4, E3), T4 = new i4(P4, E3), V3 = new i4(C4, M4), F3 = new i4(P4, M4);
if (_3) {
var D4 = new i4(-A4, A4 - -17), L4 = -Math.PI / 2, O4 = 12 - A4, R3 = new i4(22 - O4, -(m5.imageName ? O4 : 0)), U3 = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(i4, [null].concat(z4)))();
B3._rotateAround(L4, D4)._add(R3)._add(U3), T4._rotateAround(L4, D4)._add(R3)._add(U3), V3._rotateAround(L4, D4)._add(R3)._add(U3), F3._rotateAround(L4, D4)._add(R3)._add(U3);
if (l7) {
var j4 = Math.sin(l7), q4 = Math.cos(l7), N4 = [q4, -j4, j4, q4];
B3._matMult(N4), T4._matMult(N4), V3._matMult(N4), F3._matMult(N4);
var K3 = new i4(0, 0), G3 = new i4(0, 0);
p5.push({ tl: B3, tr: T4, bl: V3, br: F3, tex: v5, writingMode: e6.writingMode, glyphOffset: k4, sectionIndex: m5.sectionIndex, isSDF: x5, pixelOffsetTL: K3, pixelOffsetBR: G3, minFontScaleX: 0, minFontScaleY: 0 });
return p5;
}(0, r5, u4, a5, o5, s6, n7, t5.allowVerticalPlacement), v4 = t5.textSizeData, g4 = null;
"source" === v4.kind ? (g4 = [128 * a5.layout.get("text-size").evaluate(s6, {})])[0] > 32640 && A3(t5.layerIds[0] + ': Value for "text-size" is >= 255. Reduce your "text-size".') : "composite" === v4.kind && ((g4 = [128 * y4.compositeTextSizes[0].evaluate(s6, {}, d4), 128 * y4.compositeTextSizes[1].evaluate(s6, {}, d4)])[0] > 32640 || g4[1] > 32640) && A3(t5.layerIds[0] + ': Value for "text-size" is >= 255. Reduce your "text-size".'), t5.addSymbols(t5.text, m4, g4, u4, o5, s6, p4, e5, l6.lineStartIndex, l6.lineLength, f4, d4);
for (var x4 = 0, b4 = c4; x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
h6[b4[x4]] = t5.text.placedSymbolArray.length - 1;
return 4 * m4.length;
function ul(t5) {
for (var e5 in t5) {
return t5[e5];
return null;
function ll(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var i5 = t5.compareText;
if (e5 in i5) {
for (var a5 = i5[e5], o5 = a5.length - 1; o5 >= 0; o5--) {
if (n7.dist(a5[o5]) < r5) {
return true;
} else {
i5[e5] = [];
return i5[e5].push(n7), false;
var pl = bs.VectorTileFeature.types, cl = [{ name: "a_fade_opacity", components: 1, type: "Uint8", offset: 0 }];
function hl(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6) {
var f4 = s6 ? Math.min(32640, Math.round(s6[0])) : 0, y4 = s6 ? Math.min(32640, Math.round(s6[1])) : 0;
t5.emplaceBack(e5, r5, Math.round(32 * n7), Math.round(32 * i5), a5, o5, (f4 << 1) + (u4 ? 1 : 0), y4, 16 * l6, 16 * p4, 256 * c4, 256 * h6);
function fl(t5, e5, r5) {
t5.emplaceBack(e5.x, e5.y, r5), t5.emplaceBack(e5.x, e5.y, r5), t5.emplaceBack(e5.x, e5.y, r5), t5.emplaceBack(e5.x, e5.y, r5);
function yl(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = t5.sections; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
if ($n(r5[e5].text)) {
return true;
return false;
var dl = function(t5) {
this.layoutVertexArray = new Vi2(), this.indexArray = new ji2(), this.programConfigurations = t5, this.segments = new sa(), this.dynamicLayoutVertexArray = new Fi2(), this.opacityVertexArray = new Di2(), this.placedSymbolArray = new Qi2();
dl.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length && 0 === this.indexArray.length && 0 === this.dynamicLayoutVertexArray.length && 0 === this.opacityVertexArray.length;
}, dl.prototype.upload = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.isEmpty() || (r5 && (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, js.members), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray, e5), this.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.dynamicLayoutVertexArray, qs.members, true), this.opacityVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.opacityVertexArray, cl, true), this.opacityVertexBuffer.itemSize = 1), (r5 || n7) && this.programConfigurations.upload(t5));
}, dl.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.programConfigurations.destroy(), this.segments.destroy(), this.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.opacityVertexBuffer.destroy());
}, On("SymbolBuffers", dl);
var ml = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.layoutVertexArray = new t5(), this.layoutAttributes = e5, this.indexArray = new r5(), this.segments = new sa(), this.collisionVertexArray = new Ui2();
ml.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
this.layoutVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, this.layoutAttributes), this.indexBuffer = t5.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray), this.collisionVertexBuffer = t5.createVertexBuffer(this.collisionVertexArray, Ns.members, true);
}, ml.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(), this.indexBuffer.destroy(), this.segments.destroy(), this.collisionVertexBuffer.destroy());
}, On("CollisionBuffers", ml);
var vl = function(t5) {
this.collisionBoxArray = t5.collisionBoxArray, this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.overscaling = t5.overscaling, this.layers = t5.layers, this.layerIds = this.layers.map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.index = t5.index, this.pixelRatio = t5.pixelRatio, this.sourceLayerIndex = t5.sourceLayerIndex, this.hasPattern = false, this.hasRTLText = false, this.sortKeyRanges = [], this.collisionCircleArray = [], this.placementInvProjMatrix = oo([]), this.placementViewportMatrix = oo([]);
var e5 = this.layers[0]._unevaluatedLayout._values;
this.textSizeData = Du(this.zoom, e5["text-size"]), this.iconSizeData = Du(this.zoom, e5["icon-size"]);
var r5 = this.layers[0].layout, n7 = r5.get("symbol-sort-key"), i5 = r5.get("symbol-z-order");
this.canOverlap = r5.get("text-allow-overlap") || r5.get("icon-allow-overlap") || r5.get("text-ignore-placement") || r5.get("icon-ignore-placement"), this.sortFeaturesByKey = "viewport-y" !== i5 && void 0 !== n7.constantOr(1), this.sortFeaturesByY = ("viewport-y" === i5 || "auto" === i5 && !this.sortFeaturesByKey) && this.canOverlap, "point" === r5.get("symbol-placement") && (this.writingModes = r5.get("text-writing-mode").map(function(t6) {
return wu[t6];
})), this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter(function(t6) {
return t6.isStateDependent();
}).map(function(t6) {
return t6.id;
}), this.sourceID = t5.sourceID;
vl.prototype.createArrays = function() {
this.text = new dl(new Va(this.layers, this.zoom, function(t5) {
return /^text/.test(t5);
})), this.icon = new dl(new Va(this.layers, this.zoom, function(t5) {
return /^icon/.test(t5);
})), this.glyphOffsetArray = new ra(), this.lineVertexArray = new na(), this.symbolInstances = new ea();
}, vl.prototype.calculateGlyphDependencies = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < t5.length; a5++) {
if (e5[t5.charCodeAt(a5)] = true, (r5 || n7) && i5) {
var o5 = Xs[t5.charAt(a5)];
o5 && (e5[o5.charCodeAt(0)] = true);
}, vl.prototype.populate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = this.layers[0], i5 = n7.layout, a5 = i5.get("text-font"), o5 = i5.get("text-field"), s6 = i5.get("icon-image"), u4 = ("constant" !== o5.value.kind || o5.value.value instanceof ne2 && !o5.value.value.isEmpty() || o5.value.value.toString().length > 0) && ("constant" !== a5.value.kind || a5.value.value.length > 0), l6 = "constant" !== s6.value.kind || !!s6.value.value || Object.keys(s6.parameters).length > 0, p4 = i5.get("symbol-sort-key");
if (this.features = [], u4 || l6) {
for (var c4 = e5.iconDependencies, h6 = e5.glyphDependencies, f4 = e5.availableImages, y4 = new si2(this.zoom), d4 = 0, m4 = t5; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
var v4 = m4[d4], g4 = v4.feature, x4 = v4.id, b4 = v4.index, w4 = v4.sourceLayerIndex, _3 = n7._featureFilter.needGeometry, A4 = Ua(g4, _3);
if (n7._featureFilter.filter(y4, A4, r5)) {
_3 || (A4.geometry = Ra(g4));
var S4 = void 0;
if (u4) {
var k4 = n7.getValueAndResolveTokens("text-field", A4, r5, f4), I4 = ne2.factory(k4);
yl(I4) && (this.hasRTLText = true), (!this.hasRTLText || "unavailable" === ii2() || this.hasRTLText && oi2.isParsed()) && (S4 = Zs(I4, n7, A4));
var z4 = void 0;
if (l6) {
var C4 = n7.getValueAndResolveTokens("icon-image", A4, r5, f4);
z4 = C4 instanceof ie2 ? C4 : ie2.fromString(C4);
if (S4 || z4) {
var E3 = this.sortFeaturesByKey ? p4.evaluate(A4, {}, r5) : void 0;
if (this.features.push({ id: x4, text: S4, icon: z4, index: b4, sourceLayerIndex: w4, geometry: A4.geometry, properties: g4.properties, type: pl[g4.type], sortKey: E3 }), z4 && (c4[z4.name] = true), S4) {
var P4 = a5.evaluate(A4, {}, r5).join(","), M4 = "map" === i5.get("text-rotation-alignment") && "point" !== i5.get("symbol-placement");
this.allowVerticalPlacement = this.writingModes && this.writingModes.indexOf(wu.vertical) >= 0;
for (var B3 = 0, T4 = S4.sections; B3 < T4.length; B3 += 1) {
var V3 = T4[B3];
if (V3.image) {
c4[V3.image.name] = true;
} else {
var F3 = Zn(S4.toString()), D4 = V3.fontStack || P4, L4 = h6[D4] = h6[D4] || {};
this.calculateGlyphDependencies(V3.text, L4, M4, this.allowVerticalPlacement, F3);
"line" === i5.get("symbol-placement") && (this.features = function(t6) {
var e6 = {}, r6 = {}, n8 = [], i6 = 0;
function a6(e7) {
n8.push(t6[e7]), i6++;
function o6(t7, e7, i7) {
var a7 = r6[t7];
return delete r6[t7], r6[e7] = a7, n8[a7].geometry[0].pop(), n8[a7].geometry[0] = n8[a7].geometry[0].concat(i7[0]), a7;
function s7(t7, r7, i7) {
var a7 = e6[r7];
return delete e6[r7], e6[t7] = a7, n8[a7].geometry[0].shift(), n8[a7].geometry[0] = i7[0].concat(n8[a7].geometry[0]), a7;
function u5(t7, e7, r7) {
var n9 = r7 ? e7[0][e7[0].length - 1] : e7[0][0];
return t7 + ":" + n9.x + ":" + n9.y;
for (var l7 = 0; l7 < t6.length; l7++) {
var p5 = t6[l7], c5 = p5.geometry, h7 = p5.text ? p5.text.toString() : null;
if (h7) {
var f5 = u5(h7, c5), y5 = u5(h7, c5, true);
if (f5 in r6 && y5 in e6 && r6[f5] !== e6[y5]) {
var d5 = s7(f5, y5, c5), m5 = o6(f5, y5, n8[d5].geometry);
delete e6[f5], delete r6[y5], r6[u5(h7, n8[m5].geometry, true)] = m5, n8[d5].geometry = null;
} else {
f5 in r6 ? o6(f5, y5, c5) : y5 in e6 ? s7(f5, y5, c5) : (a6(l7), e6[f5] = i6 - 1, r6[y5] = i6 - 1);
} else {
return n8.filter(function(t7) {
return t7.geometry;
}(this.features)), this.sortFeaturesByKey && this.features.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
}, vl.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && (this.text.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.layers, r5), this.icon.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t5, e5, this.layers, r5));
}, vl.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.symbolInstances.length && !this.hasRTLText;
}, vl.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.text.programConfigurations.needsUpload || this.icon.programConfigurations.needsUpload;
}, vl.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
!this.uploaded && this.hasDebugData() && (this.textCollisionBox.upload(t5), this.iconCollisionBox.upload(t5)), this.text.upload(t5, this.sortFeaturesByY, !this.uploaded, this.text.programConfigurations.needsUpload), this.icon.upload(t5, this.sortFeaturesByY, !this.uploaded, this.icon.programConfigurations.needsUpload), this.uploaded = true;
}, vl.prototype.destroyDebugData = function() {
this.textCollisionBox.destroy(), this.iconCollisionBox.destroy();
}, vl.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.text.destroy(), this.icon.destroy(), this.hasDebugData() && this.destroyDebugData();
}, vl.prototype.addToLineVertexArray = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.lineVertexArray.length;
if (void 0 !== t5.segment) {
for (var n7 = t5.dist(e5[t5.segment + 1]), i5 = t5.dist(e5[t5.segment]), a5 = {}, o5 = t5.segment + 1; o5 < e5.length; o5++) {
a5[o5] = { x: e5[o5].x, y: e5[o5].y, tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor: n7 }, o5 < e5.length - 1 && (n7 += e5[o5 + 1].dist(e5[o5]));
for (var s6 = t5.segment || 0; s6 >= 0; s6--) {
a5[s6] = { x: e5[s6].x, y: e5[s6].y, tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor: i5 }, s6 > 0 && (i5 += e5[s6 - 1].dist(e5[s6]));
for (var u4 = 0; u4 < e5.length; u4++) {
var l6 = a5[u4];
this.lineVertexArray.emplaceBack(l6.x, l6.y, l6.tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor);
return { lineStartIndex: r5, lineLength: this.lineVertexArray.length - r5 };
}, vl.prototype.addSymbols = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4) {
for (var h6 = t5.indexArray, f4 = t5.layoutVertexArray, y4 = t5.segments.prepareSegment(4 * e5.length, f4, h6, this.canOverlap ? a5.sortKey : void 0), d4 = this.glyphOffsetArray.length, m4 = y4.vertexLength, v4 = this.allowVerticalPlacement && o5 === wu.vertical ? Math.PI / 2 : 0, g4 = a5.text && a5.text.sections, x4 = 0; x4 < e5.length; x4++) {
var b4 = e5[x4], w4 = b4.tl, _3 = b4.tr, A4 = b4.bl, S4 = b4.br, k4 = b4.tex, I4 = b4.pixelOffsetTL, z4 = b4.pixelOffsetBR, C4 = b4.minFontScaleX, E3 = b4.minFontScaleY, P4 = b4.glyphOffset, M4 = b4.isSDF, B3 = b4.sectionIndex, T4 = y4.vertexLength, V3 = P4[1];
hl(f4, s6.x, s6.y, w4.x, V3 + w4.y, k4.x, k4.y, r5, M4, I4.x, I4.y, C4, E3), hl(f4, s6.x, s6.y, _3.x, V3 + _3.y, k4.x + k4.w, k4.y, r5, M4, z4.x, I4.y, C4, E3), hl(f4, s6.x, s6.y, A4.x, V3 + A4.y, k4.x, k4.y + k4.h, r5, M4, I4.x, z4.y, C4, E3), hl(f4, s6.x, s6.y, S4.x, V3 + S4.y, k4.x + k4.w, k4.y + k4.h, r5, M4, z4.x, z4.y, C4, E3), fl(t5.dynamicLayoutVertexArray, s6, v4), h6.emplaceBack(T4, T4 + 1, T4 + 2), h6.emplaceBack(T4 + 1, T4 + 2, T4 + 3), y4.vertexLength += 4, y4.primitiveLength += 2, this.glyphOffsetArray.emplaceBack(P4[0]), x4 !== e5.length - 1 && B3 === e5[x4 + 1].sectionIndex || t5.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(f4.length, a5, a5.index, {}, c4, g4 && g4[B3]);
t5.placedSymbolArray.emplaceBack(s6.x, s6.y, d4, this.glyphOffsetArray.length - d4, m4, u4, l6, s6.segment, r5 ? r5[0] : 0, r5 ? r5[1] : 0, n7[0], n7[1], o5, 0, false, 0, p4);
}, vl.prototype._addCollisionDebugVertex = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
return e5.emplaceBack(0, 0), t5.emplaceBack(r5.x, r5.y, n7, i5, Math.round(a5.x), Math.round(a5.y));
}, vl.prototype.addCollisionDebugVertices = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, a5, o5, s6) {
var u4 = a5.segments.prepareSegment(4, a5.layoutVertexArray, a5.indexArray), l6 = u4.vertexLength, p4 = a5.layoutVertexArray, c4 = a5.collisionVertexArray, h6 = s6.anchorX, f4 = s6.anchorY;
this._addCollisionDebugVertex(p4, c4, o5, h6, f4, new i4(t5, e5)), this._addCollisionDebugVertex(p4, c4, o5, h6, f4, new i4(r5, e5)), this._addCollisionDebugVertex(p4, c4, o5, h6, f4, new i4(r5, n7)), this._addCollisionDebugVertex(p4, c4, o5, h6, f4, new i4(t5, n7)), u4.vertexLength += 4;
var y4 = a5.indexArray;
y4.emplaceBack(l6, l6 + 1), y4.emplaceBack(l6 + 1, l6 + 2), y4.emplaceBack(l6 + 2, l6 + 3), y4.emplaceBack(l6 + 3, l6), u4.primitiveLength += 4;
}, vl.prototype.addDebugCollisionBoxes = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
for (var i5 = t5; i5 < e5; i5++) {
var a5 = this.collisionBoxArray.get(i5);
this.addCollisionDebugVertices(a5.x1, a5.y1, a5.x2, a5.y2, n7 ? this.textCollisionBox : this.iconCollisionBox, a5.anchorPoint, r5);
}, vl.prototype.generateCollisionDebugBuffers = function() {
this.hasDebugData() && this.destroyDebugData(), this.textCollisionBox = new ml(Oi2, Ks.members, Xi2), this.iconCollisionBox = new ml(Oi2, Ks.members, Xi2);
for (var t5 = 0; t5 < this.symbolInstances.length; t5++) {
var e5 = this.symbolInstances.get(t5);
this.addDebugCollisionBoxes(e5.textBoxStartIndex, e5.textBoxEndIndex, e5, true), this.addDebugCollisionBoxes(e5.verticalTextBoxStartIndex, e5.verticalTextBoxEndIndex, e5, true), this.addDebugCollisionBoxes(e5.iconBoxStartIndex, e5.iconBoxEndIndex, e5, false), this.addDebugCollisionBoxes(e5.verticalIconBoxStartIndex, e5.verticalIconBoxEndIndex, e5, false);
}, vl.prototype._deserializeCollisionBoxesForSymbol = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4) {
for (var l6 = {}, p4 = e5; p4 < r5; p4++) {
var c4 = t5.get(p4);
l6.textBox = { x1: c4.x1, y1: c4.y1, x2: c4.x2, y2: c4.y2, anchorPointX: c4.anchorPointX, anchorPointY: c4.anchorPointY }, l6.textFeatureIndex = c4.featureIndex;
for (var h6 = n7; h6 < i5; h6++) {
var f4 = t5.get(h6);
l6.verticalTextBox = { x1: f4.x1, y1: f4.y1, x2: f4.x2, y2: f4.y2, anchorPointX: f4.anchorPointX, anchorPointY: f4.anchorPointY }, l6.verticalTextFeatureIndex = f4.featureIndex;
for (var y4 = a5; y4 < o5; y4++) {
var d4 = t5.get(y4);
l6.iconBox = { x1: d4.x1, y1: d4.y1, x2: d4.x2, y2: d4.y2, anchorPointX: d4.anchorPointX, anchorPointY: d4.anchorPointY }, l6.iconFeatureIndex = d4.featureIndex;
for (var m4 = s6; m4 < u4; m4++) {
var v4 = t5.get(m4);
l6.verticalIconBox = { x1: v4.x1, y1: v4.y1, x2: v4.x2, y2: v4.y2, anchorPointX: v4.anchorPointX, anchorPointY: v4.anchorPointY }, l6.verticalIconFeatureIndex = v4.featureIndex;
return l6;
}, vl.prototype.deserializeCollisionBoxes = function(t5) {
this.collisionArrays = [];
for (var e5 = 0; e5 < this.symbolInstances.length; e5++) {
var r5 = this.symbolInstances.get(e5);
this.collisionArrays.push(this._deserializeCollisionBoxesForSymbol(t5, r5.textBoxStartIndex, r5.textBoxEndIndex, r5.verticalTextBoxStartIndex, r5.verticalTextBoxEndIndex, r5.iconBoxStartIndex, r5.iconBoxEndIndex, r5.verticalIconBoxStartIndex, r5.verticalIconBoxEndIndex));
}, vl.prototype.hasTextData = function() {
return this.text.segments.get().length > 0;
}, vl.prototype.hasIconData = function() {
return this.icon.segments.get().length > 0;
}, vl.prototype.hasDebugData = function() {
return this.textCollisionBox && this.iconCollisionBox;
}, vl.prototype.hasTextCollisionBoxData = function() {
return this.hasDebugData() && this.textCollisionBox.segments.get().length > 0;
}, vl.prototype.hasIconCollisionBoxData = function() {
return this.hasDebugData() && this.iconCollisionBox.segments.get().length > 0;
}, vl.prototype.addIndicesForPlacedSymbol = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = t5.placedSymbolArray.get(e5), n7 = r5.vertexStartIndex + 4 * r5.numGlyphs, i5 = r5.vertexStartIndex; i5 < n7; i5 += 4) {
t5.indexArray.emplaceBack(i5, i5 + 1, i5 + 2), t5.indexArray.emplaceBack(i5 + 1, i5 + 2, i5 + 3);
}, vl.prototype.getSortedSymbolIndexes = function(t5) {
if (this.sortedAngle === t5 && void 0 !== this.symbolInstanceIndexes) {
return this.symbolInstanceIndexes;
for (var e5 = Math.sin(t5), r5 = Math.cos(t5), n7 = [], i5 = [], a5 = [], o5 = 0; o5 < this.symbolInstances.length; ++o5) {
var s6 = this.symbolInstances.get(o5);
n7.push(0 | Math.round(e5 * s6.anchorX + r5 * s6.anchorY)), i5.push(s6.featureIndex);
return a5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return n7[t6] - n7[e6] || i5[e6] - i5[t6];
}), a5;
}, vl.prototype.addToSortKeyRanges = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.sortKeyRanges[this.sortKeyRanges.length - 1];
r5 && r5.sortKey === e5 ? r5.symbolInstanceEnd = t5 + 1 : this.sortKeyRanges.push({ sortKey: e5, symbolInstanceStart: t5, symbolInstanceEnd: t5 + 1 });
}, vl.prototype.sortFeatures = function(t5) {
var e5 = this;
if (this.sortFeaturesByY && this.sortedAngle !== t5 && !(this.text.segments.get().length > 1 || this.icon.segments.get().length > 1)) {
this.symbolInstanceIndexes = this.getSortedSymbolIndexes(t5), this.sortedAngle = t5, this.text.indexArray.clear(), this.icon.indexArray.clear(), this.featureSortOrder = [];
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = this.symbolInstanceIndexes; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
var i5 = this.symbolInstances.get(n7[r5]);
this.featureSortOrder.push(i5.featureIndex), [i5.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, i5.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, i5.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex].forEach(function(t6, r6, n8) {
t6 >= 0 && n8.indexOf(t6) === r6 && e5.addIndicesForPlacedSymbol(e5.text, t6);
}), i5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex >= 0 && this.addIndicesForPlacedSymbol(this.text, i5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex), i5.placedIconSymbolIndex >= 0 && this.addIndicesForPlacedSymbol(this.icon, i5.placedIconSymbolIndex), i5.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex >= 0 && this.addIndicesForPlacedSymbol(this.icon, i5.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex);
this.text.indexBuffer && this.text.indexBuffer.updateData(this.text.indexArray), this.icon.indexBuffer && this.icon.indexBuffer.updateData(this.icon.indexArray);
}, On("SymbolBucket", vl, { omit: ["layers", "collisionBoxArray", "features", "compareText"] }), vl.MAX_GLYPHS = 65535, vl.addDynamicAttributes = fl;
var gl = new wi2({ "symbol-placement": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["symbol-placement"]), "symbol-spacing": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["symbol-spacing"]), "symbol-avoid-edges": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["symbol-avoid-edges"]), "symbol-sort-key": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["symbol-sort-key"]), "symbol-z-order": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["symbol-z-order"]), "icon-allow-overlap": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-allow-overlap"]), "icon-ignore-placement": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-ignore-placement"]), "icon-optional": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-optional"]), "icon-rotation-alignment": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-rotation-alignment"]), "icon-size": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-size"]), "icon-text-fit": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-text-fit"]), "icon-text-fit-padding": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-text-fit-padding"]), "icon-image": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-image"]), "icon-rotate": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-rotate"]), "icon-padding": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-padding"]), "icon-keep-upright": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-keep-upright"]), "icon-offset": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-offset"]), "icon-anchor": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-anchor"]), "icon-pitch-alignment": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["icon-pitch-alignment"]), "text-pitch-alignment": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-pitch-alignment"]), "text-rotation-alignment": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-rotation-alignment"]), "text-field": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-field"]), "text-font": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-font"]), "text-size": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-size"]), "text-max-width": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-max-width"]), "text-line-height": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-line-height"]), "text-letter-spacing": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-letter-spacing"]), "text-justify": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-justify"]), "text-radial-offset": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-radial-offset"]), "text-variable-anchor": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-variable-anchor"]), "text-anchor": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-anchor"]), "text-max-angle": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-max-angle"]), "text-writing-mode": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-writing-mode"]), "text-rotate": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-rotate"]), "text-padding": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-padding"]), "text-keep-upright": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-keep-upright"]), "text-transform": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-transform"]), "text-offset": new vi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-offset"]), "text-allow-overlap": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-allow-overlap"]), "text-ignore-placement": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-ignore-placement"]), "text-optional": new mi2(Et2.layout_symbol["text-optional"]) }), xl = { paint: new wi2({ "icon-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-opacity"]), "icon-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-color"]), "icon-halo-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-halo-color"]), "icon-halo-width": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-halo-width"]), "icon-halo-blur": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-halo-blur"]), "icon-translate": new mi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-translate"]), "icon-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_symbol["icon-translate-anchor"]), "text-opacity": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-opacity"]), "text-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-color"], { runtimeType: jt2, getOverride: function(t5) {
return t5.textColor;
}, hasOverride: function(t5) {
return !!t5.textColor;
} }), "text-halo-color": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-halo-color"]), "text-halo-width": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-halo-width"]), "text-halo-blur": new vi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-halo-blur"]), "text-translate": new mi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-translate"]), "text-translate-anchor": new mi2(Et2.paint_symbol["text-translate-anchor"]) }), layout: gl }, bl = function(t5) {
this.type = t5.property.overrides ? t5.property.overrides.runtimeType : Lt2, this.defaultValue = t5;
bl.prototype.evaluate = function(t5) {
if (t5.formattedSection) {
var e5 = this.defaultValue.property.overrides;
if (e5 && e5.hasOverride(t5.formattedSection)) {
return e5.getOverride(t5.formattedSection);
return t5.feature && t5.featureState ? this.defaultValue.evaluate(t5.feature, t5.featureState) : this.defaultValue.property.specification.default;
}, bl.prototype.eachChild = function(t5) {
this.defaultValue.isConstant() || t5(this.defaultValue.value._styleExpression.expression);
}, bl.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return false;
}, bl.prototype.serialize = function() {
return null;
}, On("FormatSectionOverride", bl, { omit: ["defaultValue"] });
var wl = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, xl);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.recalculate = function(e6, r5) {
if (t5.prototype.recalculate.call(this, e6, r5), "auto" === this.layout.get("icon-rotation-alignment") && (this.layout._values["icon-rotation-alignment"] = "point" !== this.layout.get("symbol-placement") ? "map" : "viewport"), "auto" === this.layout.get("text-rotation-alignment") && (this.layout._values["text-rotation-alignment"] = "point" !== this.layout.get("symbol-placement") ? "map" : "viewport"), "auto" === this.layout.get("text-pitch-alignment") && (this.layout._values["text-pitch-alignment"] = this.layout.get("text-rotation-alignment")), "auto" === this.layout.get("icon-pitch-alignment") && (this.layout._values["icon-pitch-alignment"] = this.layout.get("icon-rotation-alignment")), "point" === this.layout.get("symbol-placement")) {
var n7 = this.layout.get("text-writing-mode");
if (n7) {
for (var i5 = [], a5 = 0, o5 = n7; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5];
i5.indexOf(s6) < 0 && i5.push(s6);
this.layout._values["text-writing-mode"] = i5;
} else {
this.layout._values["text-writing-mode"] = ["horizontal"];
}, e5.prototype.getValueAndResolveTokens = function(t6, e6, r5, n7) {
var i5 = this.layout.get(t6).evaluate(e6, {}, r5, n7), a5 = this._unevaluatedLayout._values[t6];
return a5.isDataDriven() || Gr(a5.value) || !i5 ? i5 : function(t7, e7) {
return e7.replace(/{([^{}]+)}/g, function(e8, r6) {
return r6 in t7 ? String(t7[r6]) : "";
}(e6.properties, i5);
}, e5.prototype.createBucket = function(t6) {
return new vl(t6);
}, e5.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return 0;
}, e5.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype._setPaintOverrides = function() {
for (var t6 = 0, r5 = xl.paint.overridableProperties; t6 < r5.length; t6 += 1) {
var n7 = r5[t6];
if (e5.hasPaintOverride(this.layout, n7)) {
var i5, a5 = this.paint.get(n7), o5 = new bl(a5), s6 = new Kr(o5, a5.property.specification);
i5 = "constant" === a5.value.kind || "source" === a5.value.kind ? new Xr("source", s6) : new Jr("composite", s6, a5.value.zoomStops, a5.value._interpolationType), this.paint._values[n7] = new yi2(a5.property, i5, a5.parameters);
}, e5.prototype._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate = function(t6, r5, n7) {
return !(!this.layout || r5.isDataDriven() || n7.isDataDriven()) && e5.hasPaintOverride(this.layout, t6);
}, e5.hasPaintOverride = function(t6, e6) {
var r5 = t6.get("text-field"), n7 = xl.paint.properties[e6], i5 = false, a5 = function(t7) {
for (var e7 = 0, r6 = t7; e7 < r6.length; e7 += 1) {
if (n7.overrides && n7.overrides.hasOverride(r6[e7])) {
return void (i5 = true);
if ("constant" === r5.value.kind && r5.value.value instanceof ne2) {
} else if ("source" === r5.value.kind) {
var o5 = function(t7) {
i5 || (t7 instanceof le2 && se2(t7.value) === Gt2 ? a5(t7.value.sections) : t7 instanceof fe2 ? a5(t7.sections) : t7.eachChild(o5));
}, s6 = r5.value;
s6._styleExpression && o5(s6._styleExpression.expression);
return i5;
}, e5;
}(_i2), _l = { paint: new wi2({ "background-color": new mi2(Et2.paint_background["background-color"]), "background-pattern": new xi2(Et2.paint_background["background-pattern"]), "background-opacity": new mi2(Et2.paint_background["background-opacity"]) }) }, Al = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, _l);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
}(_i2), Sl = { paint: new wi2({ "raster-opacity": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-opacity"]), "raster-hue-rotate": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-hue-rotate"]), "raster-brightness-min": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-brightness-min"]), "raster-brightness-max": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-brightness-max"]), "raster-saturation": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-saturation"]), "raster-contrast": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-contrast"]), "raster-resampling": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-resampling"]), "raster-fade-duration": new mi2(Et2.paint_raster["raster-fade-duration"]) }) }, kl = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, Sl);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
}(_i2), Il = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6, {}), this.implementation = e6;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.is3D = function() {
return "3d" === this.implementation.renderingMode;
}, e5.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return void 0 !== this.implementation.prerender;
}, e5.prototype.recalculate = function() {
}, e5.prototype.updateTransitions = function() {
}, e5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
}, e5.prototype.serialize = function() {
}, e5.prototype.onAdd = function(t6) {
this.implementation.onAdd && this.implementation.onAdd(t6, t6.painter.context.gl);
}, e5.prototype.onRemove = function(t6) {
this.implementation.onRemove && this.implementation.onRemove(t6, t6.painter.context.gl);
}, e5;
}(_i2), zl = { circle: co, heatmap: _o, hillshade: So, fill: ps, "fill-extrusion": zs, line: Rs, symbol: wl, background: Al, raster: kl }, Cl = o4.HTMLImageElement, El = o4.HTMLCanvasElement, Pl = o4.HTMLVideoElement, Ml = o4.ImageData, Bl = o4.ImageBitmap, Tl = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
this.context = t5, this.format = r5, this.texture = t5.gl.createTexture(), this.update(e5, n7);
Tl.prototype.update = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = t5.width, i5 = t5.height, a5 = !(this.size && this.size[0] === n7 && this.size[1] === i5 || r5), o5 = this.context, s6 = o5.gl;
if (this.useMipmap = Boolean(e5 && e5.useMipmap), s6.bindTexture(s6.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), o5.pixelStoreUnpackFlipY.set(false), o5.pixelStoreUnpack.set(1), o5.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha.set(this.format === s6.RGBA && (!e5 || false !== e5.premultiply)), a5) {
this.size = [n7, i5], t5 instanceof Cl || t5 instanceof El || t5 instanceof Pl || t5 instanceof Ml || Bl && t5 instanceof Bl ? s6.texImage2D(s6.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.format, this.format, s6.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t5) : s6.texImage2D(s6.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.format, n7, i5, 0, this.format, s6.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t5.data);
} else {
var u4 = r5 || { x: 0, y: 0 }, l6 = u4.x, p4 = u4.y;
t5 instanceof Cl || t5 instanceof El || t5 instanceof Pl || t5 instanceof Ml || Bl && t5 instanceof Bl ? s6.texSubImage2D(s6.TEXTURE_2D, 0, l6, p4, s6.RGBA, s6.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t5) : s6.texSubImage2D(s6.TEXTURE_2D, 0, l6, p4, n7, i5, s6.RGBA, s6.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t5.data);
this.useMipmap && this.isSizePowerOfTwo() && s6.generateMipmap(s6.TEXTURE_2D);
}, Tl.prototype.bind = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = this.context.gl;
n7.bindTexture(n7.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), r5 !== n7.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST || this.isSizePowerOfTwo() || (r5 = n7.LINEAR), t5 !== this.filter && (n7.texParameteri(n7.TEXTURE_2D, n7.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, t5), n7.texParameteri(n7.TEXTURE_2D, n7.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, r5 || t5), this.filter = t5), e5 !== this.wrap && (n7.texParameteri(n7.TEXTURE_2D, n7.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, e5), n7.texParameteri(n7.TEXTURE_2D, n7.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, e5), this.wrap = e5);
}, Tl.prototype.isSizePowerOfTwo = function() {
return this.size[0] === this.size[1] && Math.log(this.size[0]) / Math.LN2 % 1 == 0;
}, Tl.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.context.gl.deleteTexture(this.texture), this.texture = null;
var Vl = function(t5) {
var e5 = this;
this._callback = t5, this._triggered = false, "undefined" != typeof MessageChannel && (this._channel = new MessageChannel(), this._channel.port2.onmessage = function() {
e5._triggered = false, e5._callback();
Vl.prototype.trigger = function() {
var t5 = this;
this._triggered || (this._triggered = true, this._channel ? this._channel.port1.postMessage(true) : setTimeout(function() {
t5._triggered = false, t5._callback();
}, 0));
}, Vl.prototype.remove = function() {
delete this._channel, this._callback = function() {
var Fl = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.target = t5, this.parent = e5, this.mapId = r5, this.callbacks = {}, this.tasks = {}, this.taskQueue = [], this.cancelCallbacks = {}, v3(["receive", "process"], this), this.invoker = new Vl(this.process), this.target.addEventListener("message", this.receive, false), this.globalScope = I3() ? t5 : o4;
function Dl(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 256 / Math.pow(2, r5);
return [t5 * n7 - 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 2, e5 * n7 - 2 * Math.PI * 6378137 / 2];
Fl.prototype.send = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5 = this;
void 0 === i5 && (i5 = false);
var o5 = Math.round(1e18 * Math.random()).toString(36).substring(0, 10);
r5 && (this.callbacks[o5] = r5);
var s6 = E2(this.globalScope) ? void 0 : [];
return this.target.postMessage({ id: o5, type: t5, hasCallback: !!r5, targetMapId: n7, mustQueue: i5, sourceMapId: this.mapId, data: qn(e5, s6) }, s6), { cancel: function() {
r5 && delete a5.callbacks[o5], a5.target.postMessage({ id: o5, type: "", targetMapId: n7, sourceMapId: a5.mapId });
} };
}, Fl.prototype.receive = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.data, r5 = e5.id;
if (r5 && (!e5.targetMapId || this.mapId === e5.targetMapId)) {
if ("" === e5.type) {
delete this.tasks[r5];
var n7 = this.cancelCallbacks[r5];
delete this.cancelCallbacks[r5], n7 && n7();
} else {
I3() || e5.mustQueue ? (this.tasks[r5] = e5, this.taskQueue.push(r5), this.invoker.trigger()) : this.processTask(r5, e5);
}, Fl.prototype.process = function() {
if (this.taskQueue.length) {
var t5 = this.taskQueue.shift(), e5 = this.tasks[t5];
delete this.tasks[t5], this.taskQueue.length && this.invoker.trigger(), e5 && this.processTask(t5, e5);
}, Fl.prototype.processTask = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this;
if ("" === e5.type) {
var n7 = this.callbacks[t5];
delete this.callbacks[t5], n7 && (e5.error ? n7(Nn2(e5.error)) : n7(null, Nn2(e5.data)));
} else {
var i5 = false, a5 = E2(this.globalScope) ? void 0 : [], o5 = e5.hasCallback ? function(e6, n8) {
i5 = true, delete r5.cancelCallbacks[t5], r5.target.postMessage({ id: t5, type: "", sourceMapId: r5.mapId, error: e6 ? qn(e6) : null, data: qn(n8, a5) }, a5);
} : function(t6) {
i5 = true;
}, s6 = null, u4 = Nn2(e5.data);
if (this.parent[e5.type]) {
s6 = this.parent[e5.type](e5.sourceMapId, u4, o5);
} else if (this.parent.getWorkerSource) {
var l6 = e5.type.split(".");
s6 = this.parent.getWorkerSource(e5.sourceMapId, l6[0], u4.source)[l6[1]](u4, o5);
} else {
o5(new Error("Could not find function " + e5.type));
!i5 && s6 && s6.cancel && (this.cancelCallbacks[t5] = s6.cancel);
}, Fl.prototype.remove = function() {
this.invoker.remove(), this.target.removeEventListener("message", this.receive, false);
var Ll = function(t5, e5) {
t5 && (e5 ? this.setSouthWest(t5).setNorthEast(e5) : 4 === t5.length ? this.setSouthWest([t5[0], t5[1]]).setNorthEast([t5[2], t5[3]]) : this.setSouthWest(t5[0]).setNorthEast(t5[1]));
Ll.prototype.setNorthEast = function(t5) {
return this._ne = t5 instanceof Ol ? new Ol(t5.lng, t5.lat) : Ol.convert(t5), this;
}, Ll.prototype.setSouthWest = function(t5) {
return this._sw = t5 instanceof Ol ? new Ol(t5.lng, t5.lat) : Ol.convert(t5), this;
}, Ll.prototype.extend = function(t5) {
var e5, r5, n7 = this._sw, i5 = this._ne;
if (t5 instanceof Ol) {
e5 = t5, r5 = t5;
} else {
if (!(t5 instanceof Ll)) {
return Array.isArray(t5) ? 4 === t5.length || t5.every(Array.isArray) ? this.extend(Ll.convert(t5)) : this.extend(Ol.convert(t5)) : this;
if (r5 = t5._ne, !(e5 = t5._sw) || !r5) {
return this;
return n7 || i5 ? (n7.lng = Math.min(e5.lng, n7.lng), n7.lat = Math.min(e5.lat, n7.lat), i5.lng = Math.max(r5.lng, i5.lng), i5.lat = Math.max(r5.lat, i5.lat)) : (this._sw = new Ol(e5.lng, e5.lat), this._ne = new Ol(r5.lng, r5.lat)), this;
}, Ll.prototype.getCenter = function() {
return new Ol((this._sw.lng + this._ne.lng) / 2, (this._sw.lat + this._ne.lat) / 2);
}, Ll.prototype.getSouthWest = function() {
return this._sw;
}, Ll.prototype.getNorthEast = function() {
return this._ne;
}, Ll.prototype.getNorthWest = function() {
return new Ol(this.getWest(), this.getNorth());
}, Ll.prototype.getSouthEast = function() {
return new Ol(this.getEast(), this.getSouth());
}, Ll.prototype.getWest = function() {
return this._sw.lng;
}, Ll.prototype.getSouth = function() {
return this._sw.lat;
}, Ll.prototype.getEast = function() {
return this._ne.lng;
}, Ll.prototype.getNorth = function() {
return this._ne.lat;
}, Ll.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [this._sw.toArray(), this._ne.toArray()];
}, Ll.prototype.toString = function() {
return "LngLatBounds(" + this._sw.toString() + ", " + this._ne.toString() + ")";
}, Ll.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return !(this._sw && this._ne);
}, Ll.prototype.contains = function(t5) {
var e5 = Ol.convert(t5), r5 = e5.lng, n7 = e5.lat, i5 = this._sw.lng <= r5 && r5 <= this._ne.lng;
return this._sw.lng > this._ne.lng && (i5 = this._sw.lng >= r5 && r5 >= this._ne.lng), this._sw.lat <= n7 && n7 <= this._ne.lat && i5;
}, Ll.convert = function(t5) {
return !t5 || t5 instanceof Ll ? t5 : new Ll(t5);
var Ol = function(t5, e5) {
if (isNaN(t5) || isNaN(e5)) {
throw new Error("Invalid LngLat object: (" + t5 + ", " + e5 + ")");
if (this.lng = +t5, this.lat = +e5, this.lat > 90 || this.lat < -90) {
throw new Error("Invalid LngLat latitude value: must be between -90 and 90");
Ol.prototype.wrap = function() {
return new Ol(c3(this.lng, -180, 180), this.lat);
}, Ol.prototype.toArray = function() {
return [this.lng, this.lat];
}, Ol.prototype.toString = function() {
return "LngLat(" + this.lng + ", " + this.lat + ")";
}, Ol.prototype.distanceTo = function(t5) {
var e5 = Math.PI / 180, r5 = this.lat * e5, n7 = t5.lat * e5, i5 = Math.sin(r5) * Math.sin(n7) + Math.cos(r5) * Math.cos(n7) * Math.cos((t5.lng - this.lng) * e5);
return 63710088e-1 * Math.acos(Math.min(i5, 1));
}, Ol.prototype.toBounds = function(t5) {
void 0 === t5 && (t5 = 0);
var e5 = 360 * t5 / 40075017, r5 = e5 / Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * this.lat);
return new Ll(new Ol(this.lng - r5, this.lat - e5), new Ol(this.lng + r5, this.lat + e5));
}, Ol.convert = function(t5) {
if (t5 instanceof Ol) {
return t5;
if (Array.isArray(t5) && (2 === t5.length || 3 === t5.length)) {
return new Ol(Number(t5[0]), Number(t5[1]));
if (!Array.isArray(t5) && "object" == typeof t5 && null !== t5) {
return new Ol(Number("lng" in t5 ? t5.lng : t5.lon), Number(t5.lat));
throw new Error("`LngLatLike` argument must be specified as a LngLat instance, an object {lng: , lat: }, an object {lon: , lat: }, or an array of [, ]");
var Rl = 2 * Math.PI * 63710088e-1;
function Ul(t5) {
return Rl * Math.cos(t5 * Math.PI / 180);
function jl(t5) {
return (180 + t5) / 360;
function ql(t5) {
return (180 - 180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + t5 * Math.PI / 360))) / 360;
function Nl(t5, e5) {
return t5 / Ul(e5);
function Kl(t5) {
return 360 / Math.PI * Math.atan(Math.exp((180 - 360 * t5) * Math.PI / 180)) - 90;
var Gl = function(t5, e5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = 0), this.x = +t5, this.y = +e5, this.z = +r5;
Gl.fromLngLat = function(t5, e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 0);
var r5 = Ol.convert(t5);
return new Gl(jl(r5.lng), ql(r5.lat), Nl(e5, r5.lat));
}, Gl.prototype.toLngLat = function() {
return new Ol(360 * this.x - 180, Kl(this.y));
}, Gl.prototype.toAltitude = function() {
return this.z * Ul(Kl(this.y));
}, Gl.prototype.meterInMercatorCoordinateUnits = function() {
return 1 / Rl * (t5 = Kl(this.y), 1 / Math.cos(t5 * Math.PI / 180));
var t5;
var Zl = function(t5, e5, r5) {
this.z = t5, this.x = e5, this.y = r5, this.key = Hl(0, t5, t5, e5, r5);
Zl.prototype.equals = function(t5) {
return this.z === t5.z && this.x === t5.x && this.y === t5.y;
}, Zl.prototype.url = function(t5, e5) {
var r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6 = (n7 = this.y, i5 = this.z, a5 = Dl(256 * (r5 = this.x), 256 * (n7 = Math.pow(2, i5) - n7 - 1), i5), o5 = Dl(256 * (r5 + 1), 256 * (n7 + 1), i5), a5[0] + "," + a5[1] + "," + o5[0] + "," + o5[1]), u4 = function(t6, e6, r6) {
for (var n8, i6 = "", a6 = t6; a6 > 0; a6--) {
i6 += (e6 & (n8 = 1 << a6 - 1) ? 1 : 0) + (r6 & n8 ? 2 : 0);
return i6;
}(this.z, this.x, this.y);
return t5[(this.x + this.y) % t5.length].replace("{prefix}", (this.x % 16).toString(16) + (this.y % 16).toString(16)).replace("{z}", String(this.z)).replace("{x}", String(this.x)).replace("{y}", String("tms" === e5 ? Math.pow(2, this.z) - this.y - 1 : this.y)).replace("{quadkey}", u4).replace("{bbox-epsg-3857}", s6);
}, Zl.prototype.getTilePoint = function(t5) {
var e5 = Math.pow(2, this.z);
return new i4(8192 * (t5.x * e5 - this.x), 8192 * (t5.y * e5 - this.y));
}, Zl.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.z + "/" + this.x + "/" + this.y;
var Xl = function(t5, e5) {
this.wrap = t5, this.canonical = e5, this.key = Hl(t5, e5.z, e5.z, e5.x, e5.y);
}, Jl = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.overscaledZ = t5, this.wrap = e5, this.canonical = new Zl(r5, +n7, +i5), this.key = Hl(e5, t5, r5, n7, i5);
function Hl(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
(t5 *= 2) < 0 && (t5 = -1 * t5 - 1);
var a5 = 1 << r5;
return (a5 * a5 * t5 + a5 * i5 + n7).toString(36) + r5.toString(36) + e5.toString(36);
Jl.prototype.equals = function(t5) {
return this.overscaledZ === t5.overscaledZ && this.wrap === t5.wrap && this.canonical.equals(t5.canonical);
}, Jl.prototype.scaledTo = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.canonical.z - t5;
return t5 > this.canonical.z ? new Jl(t5, this.wrap, this.canonical.z, this.canonical.x, this.canonical.y) : new Jl(t5, this.wrap, t5, this.canonical.x >> e5, this.canonical.y >> e5);
}, Jl.prototype.calculateScaledKey = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.canonical.z - t5;
return t5 > this.canonical.z ? Hl(this.wrap * +e5, t5, this.canonical.z, this.canonical.x, this.canonical.y) : Hl(this.wrap * +e5, t5, t5, this.canonical.x >> r5, this.canonical.y >> r5);
}, Jl.prototype.isChildOf = function(t5) {
if (t5.wrap !== this.wrap) {
return false;
var e5 = this.canonical.z - t5.canonical.z;
return 0 === t5.overscaledZ || t5.overscaledZ < this.overscaledZ && t5.canonical.x === this.canonical.x >> e5 && t5.canonical.y === this.canonical.y >> e5;
}, Jl.prototype.children = function(t5) {
if (this.overscaledZ >= t5) {
return [new Jl(this.overscaledZ + 1, this.wrap, this.canonical.z, this.canonical.x, this.canonical.y)];
var e5 = this.canonical.z + 1, r5 = 2 * this.canonical.x, n7 = 2 * this.canonical.y;
return [new Jl(e5, this.wrap, e5, r5, n7), new Jl(e5, this.wrap, e5, r5 + 1, n7), new Jl(e5, this.wrap, e5, r5, n7 + 1), new Jl(e5, this.wrap, e5, r5 + 1, n7 + 1)];
}, Jl.prototype.isLessThan = function(t5) {
return this.wrap < t5.wrap || !(this.wrap > t5.wrap) && (this.overscaledZ < t5.overscaledZ || !(this.overscaledZ > t5.overscaledZ) && (this.canonical.x < t5.canonical.x || !(this.canonical.x > t5.canonical.x) && this.canonical.y < t5.canonical.y));
}, Jl.prototype.wrapped = function() {
return new Jl(this.overscaledZ, 0, this.canonical.z, this.canonical.x, this.canonical.y);
}, Jl.prototype.unwrapTo = function(t5) {
return new Jl(this.overscaledZ, t5, this.canonical.z, this.canonical.x, this.canonical.y);
}, Jl.prototype.overscaleFactor = function() {
return Math.pow(2, this.overscaledZ - this.canonical.z);
}, Jl.prototype.toUnwrapped = function() {
return new Xl(this.wrap, this.canonical);
}, Jl.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.overscaledZ + "/" + this.canonical.x + "/" + this.canonical.y;
}, Jl.prototype.getTilePoint = function(t5) {
return this.canonical.getTilePoint(new Gl(t5.x - this.wrap, t5.y));
}, On("CanonicalTileID", Zl), On("OverscaledTileID", Jl, { omit: ["posMatrix"] });
var Yl = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (this.uid = t5, e5.height !== e5.width) {
throw new RangeError("DEM tiles must be square");
if (r5 && "mapbox" !== r5 && "terrarium" !== r5) {
return A3('"' + r5 + '" is not a valid encoding type. Valid types include "mapbox" and "terrarium".');
this.stride = e5.height;
var n7 = this.dim = e5.height - 2;
this.data = new Uint32Array(e5.data.buffer), this.encoding = r5 || "mapbox";
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < n7; i5++) {
this.data[this._idx(-1, i5)] = this.data[this._idx(0, i5)], this.data[this._idx(n7, i5)] = this.data[this._idx(n7 - 1, i5)], this.data[this._idx(i5, -1)] = this.data[this._idx(i5, 0)], this.data[this._idx(i5, n7)] = this.data[this._idx(i5, n7 - 1)];
this.data[this._idx(-1, -1)] = this.data[this._idx(0, 0)], this.data[this._idx(n7, -1)] = this.data[this._idx(n7 - 1, 0)], this.data[this._idx(-1, n7)] = this.data[this._idx(0, n7 - 1)], this.data[this._idx(n7, n7)] = this.data[this._idx(n7 - 1, n7 - 1)];
Yl.prototype.get = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = new Uint8Array(this.data.buffer), n7 = 4 * this._idx(t5, e5);
return ("terrarium" === this.encoding ? this._unpackTerrarium : this._unpackMapbox)(r5[n7], r5[n7 + 1], r5[n7 + 2]);
}, Yl.prototype.getUnpackVector = function() {
return "terrarium" === this.encoding ? [256, 1, 1 / 256, 32768] : [6553.6, 25.6, 0.1, 1e4];
}, Yl.prototype._idx = function(t5, e5) {
if (t5 < -1 || t5 >= this.dim + 1 || e5 < -1 || e5 >= this.dim + 1) {
throw new RangeError("out of range source coordinates for DEM data");
return (e5 + 1) * this.stride + (t5 + 1);
}, Yl.prototype._unpackMapbox = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return (256 * t5 * 256 + 256 * e5 + r5) / 10 - 1e4;
}, Yl.prototype._unpackTerrarium = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return 256 * t5 + e5 + r5 / 256 - 32768;
}, Yl.prototype.getPixels = function() {
return new xo({ width: this.stride, height: this.stride }, new Uint8Array(this.data.buffer));
}, Yl.prototype.backfillBorder = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (this.dim !== t5.dim) {
throw new Error("dem dimension mismatch");
var n7 = e5 * this.dim, i5 = e5 * this.dim + this.dim, a5 = r5 * this.dim, o5 = r5 * this.dim + this.dim;
switch (e5) {
case -1:
n7 = i5 - 1;
case 1:
i5 = n7 + 1;
switch (r5) {
case -1:
a5 = o5 - 1;
case 1:
o5 = a5 + 1;
for (var s6 = -e5 * this.dim, u4 = -r5 * this.dim, l6 = a5; l6 < o5; l6++) {
for (var p4 = n7; p4 < i5; p4++) {
this.data[this._idx(p4, l6)] = t5.data[this._idx(p4 + s6, l6 + u4)];
}, On("DEMData", Yl);
var $l = function(t5) {
this._stringToNumber = {}, this._numberToString = [];
for (var e5 = 0; e5 < t5.length; e5++) {
var r5 = t5[e5];
this._stringToNumber[r5] = e5, this._numberToString[e5] = r5;
$l.prototype.encode = function(t5) {
return this._stringToNumber[t5];
}, $l.prototype.decode = function(t5) {
return this._numberToString[t5];
var Wl = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
this.type = "Feature", this._vectorTileFeature = t5, t5._z = e5, t5._x = r5, t5._y = n7, this.properties = t5.properties, this.id = i5;
}, Ql = { geometry: { configurable: true } };
Ql.geometry.get = function() {
return void 0 === this._geometry && (this._geometry = this._vectorTileFeature.toGeoJSON(this._vectorTileFeature._x, this._vectorTileFeature._y, this._vectorTileFeature._z).geometry), this._geometry;
}, Ql.geometry.set = function(t5) {
this._geometry = t5;
}, Wl.prototype.toJSON = function() {
var t5 = { geometry: this.geometry };
for (var e5 in this) {
"_geometry" !== e5 && "_vectorTileFeature" !== e5 && (t5[e5] = this[e5]);
return t5;
}, Object.defineProperties(Wl.prototype, Ql);
var tp = function() {
this.state = {}, this.stateChanges = {}, this.deletedStates = {};
tp.prototype.updateState = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = String(e5);
if (this.stateChanges[t5] = this.stateChanges[t5] || {}, this.stateChanges[t5][n7] = this.stateChanges[t5][n7] || {}, h5(this.stateChanges[t5][n7], r5), null === this.deletedStates[t5]) {
for (var i5 in this.deletedStates[t5] = {}, this.state[t5]) {
i5 !== n7 && (this.deletedStates[t5][i5] = null);
} else if (this.deletedStates[t5] && null === this.deletedStates[t5][n7]) {
for (var a5 in this.deletedStates[t5][n7] = {}, this.state[t5][n7]) {
r5[a5] || (this.deletedStates[t5][n7][a5] = null);
} else {
for (var o5 in r5) {
this.deletedStates[t5] && this.deletedStates[t5][n7] && null === this.deletedStates[t5][n7][o5] && delete this.deletedStates[t5][n7][o5];
}, tp.prototype.removeFeatureState = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (null !== this.deletedStates[t5]) {
var n7 = String(e5);
if (this.deletedStates[t5] = this.deletedStates[t5] || {}, r5 && void 0 !== e5) {
null !== this.deletedStates[t5][n7] && (this.deletedStates[t5][n7] = this.deletedStates[t5][n7] || {}, this.deletedStates[t5][n7][r5] = null);
} else if (void 0 !== e5) {
if (this.stateChanges[t5] && this.stateChanges[t5][n7]) {
for (r5 in this.deletedStates[t5][n7] = {}, this.stateChanges[t5][n7]) {
this.deletedStates[t5][n7][r5] = null;
} else {
this.deletedStates[t5][n7] = null;
} else {
this.deletedStates[t5] = null;
}, tp.prototype.getState = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = String(e5), n7 = h5({}, (this.state[t5] || {})[r5], (this.stateChanges[t5] || {})[r5]);
if (null === this.deletedStates[t5]) {
return {};
if (this.deletedStates[t5]) {
var i5 = this.deletedStates[t5][e5];
if (null === i5) {
return {};
for (var a5 in i5) {
delete n7[a5];
return n7;
}, tp.prototype.initializeTileState = function(t5, e5) {
t5.setFeatureState(this.state, e5);
}, tp.prototype.coalesceChanges = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = {};
for (var n7 in this.stateChanges) {
this.state[n7] = this.state[n7] || {};
var i5 = {};
for (var a5 in this.stateChanges[n7]) {
this.state[n7][a5] || (this.state[n7][a5] = {}), h5(this.state[n7][a5], this.stateChanges[n7][a5]), i5[a5] = this.state[n7][a5];
r5[n7] = i5;
for (var o5 in this.deletedStates) {
this.state[o5] = this.state[o5] || {};
var s6 = {};
if (null === this.deletedStates[o5]) {
for (var u4 in this.state[o5]) {
s6[u4] = {}, this.state[o5][u4] = {};
} else {
for (var l6 in this.deletedStates[o5]) {
if (null === this.deletedStates[o5][l6]) {
this.state[o5][l6] = {};
} else {
for (var p4 = 0, c4 = Object.keys(this.deletedStates[o5][l6]); p4 < c4.length; p4 += 1) {
delete this.state[o5][l6][c4[p4]];
s6[l6] = this.state[o5][l6];
r5[o5] = r5[o5] || {}, h5(r5[o5], s6);
if (this.stateChanges = {}, this.deletedStates = {}, 0 !== Object.keys(r5).length) {
for (var f4 in t5) {
t5[f4].setFeatureState(r5, e5);
var ep = function(t5, e5) {
this.tileID = t5, this.x = t5.canonical.x, this.y = t5.canonical.y, this.z = t5.canonical.z, this.grid = new Tn2(8192, 16, 0), this.grid3D = new Tn2(8192, 16, 0), this.featureIndexArray = new aa(), this.promoteId = e5;
function rp(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
return x3(t5, function(t6, a5) {
var o5 = e5 instanceof di2 ? e5.get(a5) : null;
return o5 && o5.evaluate ? o5.evaluate(r5, n7, i5) : o5;
function np(t5) {
for (var e5 = 1 / 0, r5 = 1 / 0, n7 = -1 / 0, i5 = -1 / 0, a5 = 0, o5 = t5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = o5[a5];
e5 = Math.min(e5, s6.x), r5 = Math.min(r5, s6.y), n7 = Math.max(n7, s6.x), i5 = Math.max(i5, s6.y);
return { minX: e5, minY: r5, maxX: n7, maxY: i5 };
function ip(t5, e5) {
return e5 - t5;
ep.prototype.insert = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5) {
var o5 = this.featureIndexArray.length;
this.featureIndexArray.emplaceBack(r5, n7, i5);
for (var s6 = a5 ? this.grid3D : this.grid, u4 = 0; u4 < e5.length; u4++) {
for (var l6 = e5[u4], p4 = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0], c4 = 0; c4 < l6.length; c4++) {
var h6 = l6[c4];
p4[0] = Math.min(p4[0], h6.x), p4[1] = Math.min(p4[1], h6.y), p4[2] = Math.max(p4[2], h6.x), p4[3] = Math.max(p4[3], h6.y);
p4[0] < 8192 && p4[1] < 8192 && p4[2] >= 0 && p4[3] >= 0 && s6.insert(o5, p4[0], p4[1], p4[2], p4[3]);
}, ep.prototype.loadVTLayers = function() {
return this.vtLayers || (this.vtLayers = new bs.VectorTile(new Ys(this.rawTileData)).layers, this.sourceLayerCoder = new $l(this.vtLayers ? Object.keys(this.vtLayers).sort() : ["_geojsonTileLayer"])), this.vtLayers;
}, ep.prototype.query = function(t5, e5, r5, n7) {
var a5 = this;
for (var o5 = t5.params || {}, s6 = 8192 / t5.tileSize / t5.scale, u4 = on2(o5.filter), l6 = t5.queryGeometry, p4 = t5.queryPadding * s6, c4 = np(l6), h6 = this.grid.query(c4.minX - p4, c4.minY - p4, c4.maxX + p4, c4.maxY + p4), f4 = np(t5.cameraQueryGeometry), y4 = this.grid3D.query(f4.minX - p4, f4.minY - p4, f4.maxX + p4, f4.maxY + p4, function(e6, r6, n8, a6) {
return function(t6, e7, r7, n9, a7) {
for (var o6 = 0, s7 = t6; o6 < s7.length; o6 += 1) {
var u5 = s7[o6];
if (e7 <= u5.x && r7 <= u5.y && n9 >= u5.x && a7 >= u5.y) {
return true;
var l7 = [new i4(e7, r7), new i4(e7, a7), new i4(n9, a7), new i4(n9, r7)];
if (t6.length > 2) {
for (var p5 = 0, c5 = l7; p5 < c5.length; p5 += 1) {
if (Wa(t6, c5[p5])) {
return true;
for (var h7 = 0; h7 < t6.length - 1; h7++) {
if (Qa(t6[h7], t6[h7 + 1], l7)) {
return true;
return false;
}(t5.cameraQueryGeometry, e6 - p4, r6 - p4, n8 + p4, a6 + p4);
}), d4 = 0, m4 = y4; d4 < m4.length; d4 += 1) {
for (var v4, g4 = {}, x4 = function(i5) {
var p5 = h6[i5];
if (p5 !== v4) {
v4 = p5;
var c5 = a5.featureIndexArray.get(p5), f5 = null;
a5.loadMatchingFeature(g4, c5.bucketIndex, c5.sourceLayerIndex, c5.featureIndex, u4, o5.layers, o5.availableImages, e5, r5, n7, function(e6, r6, n8) {
return f5 || (f5 = Ra(e6)), r6.queryIntersectsFeature(l6, e6, n8, f5, a5.z, t5.transform, s6, t5.pixelPosMatrix);
}, b4 = 0; b4 < h6.length; b4++) {
return g4;
}, ep.prototype.loadMatchingFeature = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4) {
var c4 = this.bucketLayerIDs[e5];
if (!a5 || function(t6, e6) {
for (var r6 = 0; r6 < t6.length; r6++) {
if (e6.indexOf(t6[r6]) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
}(a5, c4)) {
var f4 = this.sourceLayerCoder.decode(r5), y4 = this.vtLayers[f4].feature(n7);
if (i5.needGeometry) {
var d4 = Ua(y4, true);
if (!i5.filter(new si2(this.tileID.overscaledZ), d4, this.tileID.canonical)) {
} else if (!i5.filter(new si2(this.tileID.overscaledZ), y4)) {
for (var m4 = this.getId(y4, f4), v4 = 0; v4 < c4.length; v4++) {
var g4 = c4[v4];
if (!(a5 && a5.indexOf(g4) < 0)) {
var x4 = s6[g4];
if (x4) {
var b4 = {};
void 0 !== m4 && l6 && (b4 = l6.getState(x4.sourceLayer || "_geojsonTileLayer", m4));
var w4 = h5({}, u4[g4]);
w4.paint = rp(w4.paint, x4.paint, y4, b4, o5), w4.layout = rp(w4.layout, x4.layout, y4, b4, o5);
var _3 = !p4 || p4(y4, x4, b4);
if (_3) {
var A4 = new Wl(y4, this.z, this.x, this.y, m4);
A4.layer = w4;
var S4 = t5[g4];
void 0 === S4 && (S4 = t5[g4] = []), S4.push({ featureIndex: n7, feature: A4, intersectionZ: _3 });
}, ep.prototype.lookupSymbolFeatures = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6) {
var u4 = {};
for (var l6 = on2(i5), p4 = 0, c4 = t5; p4 < c4.length; p4 += 1) {
this.loadMatchingFeature(u4, r5, n7, c4[p4], l6, a5, o5, s6, e5);
return u4;
}, ep.prototype.hasLayer = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = 0, r5 = this.bucketLayerIDs; e5 < r5.length; e5 += 1) {
for (var n7 = 0, i5 = r5[e5]; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
if (t5 === i5[n7]) {
return true;
return false;
}, ep.prototype.getId = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = t5.id;
return this.promoteId && "boolean" == typeof (r5 = t5.properties["string" == typeof this.promoteId ? this.promoteId : this.promoteId[e5]]) && (r5 = Number(r5)), r5;
}, On("FeatureIndex", ep, { omit: ["rawTileData", "sourceLayerCoder"] });
var ap = function(t5, e5) {
this.tileID = t5, this.uid = y3(), this.uses = 0, this.tileSize = e5, this.buckets = {}, this.expirationTime = null, this.queryPadding = 0, this.hasSymbolBuckets = false, this.hasRTLText = false, this.dependencies = {}, this.expiredRequestCount = 0, this.state = "loading";
ap.prototype.registerFadeDuration = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5 + this.timeAdded;
e5 < O3.now() || this.fadeEndTime && e5 < this.fadeEndTime || (this.fadeEndTime = e5);
}, ap.prototype.wasRequested = function() {
return "errored" === this.state || "loaded" === this.state || "reloading" === this.state;
}, ap.prototype.loadVectorData = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (this.hasData() && this.unloadVectorData(), this.state = "loaded", t5) {
for (var n7 in t5.featureIndex && (this.latestFeatureIndex = t5.featureIndex, t5.rawTileData ? (this.latestRawTileData = t5.rawTileData, this.latestFeatureIndex.rawTileData = t5.rawTileData) : this.latestRawTileData && (this.latestFeatureIndex.rawTileData = this.latestRawTileData)), this.collisionBoxArray = t5.collisionBoxArray, this.buckets = function(t6, e6) {
var r6 = {};
if (!e6) {
return r6;
for (var n8 = function() {
var t7 = a6[i6], n9 = t7.layerIds.map(function(t8) {
return e6.getLayer(t8);
if (0 !== n9.length) {
t7.layers = n9, t7.stateDependentLayerIds && (t7.stateDependentLayers = t7.stateDependentLayerIds.map(function(t8) {
return n9.filter(function(e7) {
return e7.id === t8;
for (var o6 = 0, s7 = n9; o6 < s7.length; o6 += 1) {
r6[s7[o6].id] = t7;
}, i6 = 0, a6 = t6; i6 < a6.length; i6 += 1) {
return r6;
}(t5.buckets, e5.style), this.hasSymbolBuckets = false, this.buckets) {
var i5 = this.buckets[n7];
if (i5 instanceof vl) {
if (this.hasSymbolBuckets = true, !r5) {
i5.justReloaded = true;
if (this.hasRTLText = false, this.hasSymbolBuckets) {
for (var a5 in this.buckets) {
var o5 = this.buckets[a5];
if (o5 instanceof vl && o5.hasRTLText) {
this.hasRTLText = true, oi2.isLoading() || oi2.isLoaded() || "deferred" !== ii2() || ai2();
for (var s6 in this.queryPadding = 0, this.buckets) {
var u4 = this.buckets[s6];
this.queryPadding = Math.max(this.queryPadding, e5.style.getLayer(s6).queryRadius(u4));
t5.imageAtlas && (this.imageAtlas = t5.imageAtlas), t5.glyphAtlasImage && (this.glyphAtlasImage = t5.glyphAtlasImage);
} else {
this.collisionBoxArray = new $i2();
}, ap.prototype.unloadVectorData = function() {
for (var t5 in this.buckets) {
this.buckets = {}, this.imageAtlasTexture && this.imageAtlasTexture.destroy(), this.imageAtlas && (this.imageAtlas = null), this.glyphAtlasTexture && this.glyphAtlasTexture.destroy(), this.latestFeatureIndex = null, this.state = "unloaded";
}, ap.prototype.getBucket = function(t5) {
return this.buckets[t5.id];
}, ap.prototype.upload = function(t5) {
for (var e5 in this.buckets) {
var r5 = this.buckets[e5];
r5.uploadPending() && r5.upload(t5);
var n7 = t5.gl;
this.imageAtlas && !this.imageAtlas.uploaded && (this.imageAtlasTexture = new Tl(t5, this.imageAtlas.image, n7.RGBA), this.imageAtlas.uploaded = true), this.glyphAtlasImage && (this.glyphAtlasTexture = new Tl(t5, this.glyphAtlasImage, n7.ALPHA), this.glyphAtlasImage = null);
}, ap.prototype.prepare = function(t5) {
this.imageAtlas && this.imageAtlas.patchUpdatedImages(t5, this.imageAtlasTexture);
}, ap.prototype.queryRenderedFeatures = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6) {
return this.latestFeatureIndex && this.latestFeatureIndex.rawTileData ? this.latestFeatureIndex.query({ queryGeometry: n7, cameraQueryGeometry: i5, scale: a5, tileSize: this.tileSize, pixelPosMatrix: l6, transform: s6, params: o5, queryPadding: this.queryPadding * u4 }, t5, e5, r5) : {};
}, ap.prototype.querySourceFeatures = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = this.latestFeatureIndex;
if (r5 && r5.rawTileData) {
var n7 = r5.loadVTLayers(), i5 = e5 ? e5.sourceLayer : "", a5 = n7._geojsonTileLayer || n7[i5];
if (a5) {
for (var o5 = on2(e5 && e5.filter), s6 = this.tileID.canonical, u4 = s6.z, l6 = s6.x, p4 = s6.y, c4 = { z: u4, x: l6, y: p4 }, h6 = 0; h6 < a5.length; h6++) {
var f4 = a5.feature(h6);
if (o5.needGeometry) {
var y4 = Ua(f4, true);
if (!o5.filter(new si2(this.tileID.overscaledZ), y4, this.tileID.canonical)) {
} else if (!o5.filter(new si2(this.tileID.overscaledZ), f4)) {
var d4 = r5.getId(f4, i5), m4 = new Wl(f4, u4, l6, p4, d4);
m4.tile = c4, t5.push(m4);
}, ap.prototype.hasData = function() {
return "loaded" === this.state || "reloading" === this.state || "expired" === this.state;
}, ap.prototype.patternsLoaded = function() {
return this.imageAtlas && !!Object.keys(this.imageAtlas.patternPositions).length;
}, ap.prototype.setExpiryData = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.expirationTime;
if (t5.cacheControl) {
var r5 = z3(t5.cacheControl);
r5["max-age"] && (this.expirationTime = Date.now() + 1e3 * r5["max-age"]);
} else {
t5.expires && (this.expirationTime = new Date(t5.expires).getTime());
if (this.expirationTime) {
var n7 = Date.now(), i5 = false;
if (this.expirationTime > n7) {
i5 = false;
} else if (e5) {
if (this.expirationTime < e5) {
i5 = true;
} else {
var a5 = this.expirationTime - e5;
a5 ? this.expirationTime = n7 + Math.max(a5, 3e4) : i5 = true;
} else {
i5 = true;
i5 ? (this.expiredRequestCount++, this.state = "expired") : this.expiredRequestCount = 0;
}, ap.prototype.getExpiryTimeout = function() {
if (this.expirationTime) {
return this.expiredRequestCount ? 1e3 * (1 << Math.min(this.expiredRequestCount - 1, 31)) : Math.min(this.expirationTime - new Date().getTime(), Math.pow(2, 31) - 1);
}, ap.prototype.setFeatureState = function(t5, e5) {
if (this.latestFeatureIndex && this.latestFeatureIndex.rawTileData && 0 !== Object.keys(t5).length) {
var r5 = this.latestFeatureIndex.loadVTLayers();
for (var n7 in this.buckets) {
if (e5.style.hasLayer(n7)) {
var i5 = this.buckets[n7], a5 = i5.layers[0].sourceLayer || "_geojsonTileLayer", o5 = r5[a5], s6 = t5[a5];
if (o5 && s6 && 0 !== Object.keys(s6).length) {
i5.update(s6, o5, this.imageAtlas && this.imageAtlas.patternPositions || {});
var u4 = e5 && e5.style && e5.style.getLayer(n7);
u4 && (this.queryPadding = Math.max(this.queryPadding, u4.queryRadius(i5)));
}, ap.prototype.holdingForFade = function() {
return void 0 !== this.symbolFadeHoldUntil;
}, ap.prototype.symbolFadeFinished = function() {
return !this.symbolFadeHoldUntil || this.symbolFadeHoldUntil < O3.now();
}, ap.prototype.clearFadeHold = function() {
this.symbolFadeHoldUntil = void 0;
}, ap.prototype.setHoldDuration = function(t5) {
this.symbolFadeHoldUntil = O3.now() + t5;
}, ap.prototype.setDependencies = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = {}, n7 = 0, i5 = e5; n7 < i5.length; n7 += 1) {
r5[i5[n7]] = true;
this.dependencies[t5] = r5;
}, ap.prototype.hasDependency = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = 0, n7 = t5; r5 < n7.length; r5 += 1) {
var i5 = this.dependencies[n7[r5]];
if (i5) {
for (var a5 = 0, o5 = e5; a5 < o5.length; a5 += 1) {
if (i5[o5[a5]]) {
return true;
return false;
var op = o4.performance, sp = function(t5) {
this._marks = { start: [t5.url, "start"].join("#"), end: [t5.url, "end"].join("#"), measure: t5.url.toString() }, op.mark(this._marks.start);
sp.prototype.finish = function() {
var t5 = op.getEntriesByName(this._marks.measure);
return 0 === t5.length && (op.measure(this._marks.measure, this._marks.start, this._marks.end), t5 = op.getEntriesByName(this._marks.measure), op.clearMarks(this._marks.start), op.clearMarks(this._marks.end), op.clearMeasures(this._marks.measure)), t5;
}, t4.Actor = Fl, t4.AlphaImage = go, t4.CanonicalTileID = Zl, t4.CollisionBoxArray = $i2, t4.Color = te2, t4.DEMData = Yl, t4.DataConstantProperty = mi2, t4.DictionaryCoder = $l, t4.EXTENT = 8192, t4.ErrorEvent = zt2, t4.EvaluationParameters = si2, t4.Event = It2, t4.Evented = Ct2, t4.FeatureIndex = ep, t4.FillBucket = ss, t4.FillExtrusionBucket = Ss, t4.ImageAtlas = bu, t4.ImagePosition = gu, t4.LineBucket = Fs, t4.LngLat = Ol, t4.LngLatBounds = Ll, t4.MercatorCoordinate = Gl, t4.ONE_EM = 24, t4.OverscaledTileID = Jl, t4.Point = i4, t4.Point$1 = i4, t4.Properties = wi2, t4.Protobuf = Ys, t4.RGBAImage = xo, t4.RequestManager = G2, t4.RequestPerformance = sp, t4.ResourceType = yt2, t4.SegmentVector = sa, t4.SourceFeatureState = tp, t4.StructArrayLayout1ui2 = Ji2, t4.StructArrayLayout2f1f2i16 = Ri2, t4.StructArrayLayout2i4 = Ci2, t4.StructArrayLayout3ui6 = ji2, t4.StructArrayLayout4i8 = Ei2, t4.SymbolBucket = vl, t4.Texture = Tl, t4.Tile = ap, t4.Transitionable = pi2, t4.Uniform1f = ba, t4.Uniform1i = xa, t4.Uniform2f = wa, t4.Uniform3f = _a, t4.Uniform4f = Aa, t4.UniformColor = Sa, t4.UniformMatrix4f = Ia, t4.UnwrappedTileID = Xl, t4.ValidationError = Pt2, t4.WritingMode = wu, t4.ZoomHistory = Kn, t4.add = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5[0] = e5[0] + r5[0], t5[1] = e5[1] + r5[1], t5[2] = e5[2] + r5[2], t5;
}, t4.addDynamicAttributes = fl, t4.asyncAll = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (!t5.length) {
return r5(null, []);
var n7 = t5.length, i5 = new Array(t5.length), a5 = null;
t5.forEach(function(t6, o5) {
e5(t6, function(t7, e6) {
t7 && (a5 = t7), i5[o5] = e6, 0 == --n7 && r5(a5, i5);
}, t4.bezier = u3, t4.bindAll = v3, t4.browser = O3, t4.cacheEntryPossiblyAdded = function(t5) {
++ht2 > ut2 && (t5.getActor().send("enforceCacheSizeLimit", st2), ht2 = 0);
}, t4.clamp = p3, t4.clearTileCache = function(t5) {
var e5 = o4.caches.delete("mapbox-tiles");
t5 && e5.catch(t5).then(function() {
return t5();
}, t4.clipLine = Zu, t4.clone = function(t5) {
var e5 = new ao(16);
return e5[0] = t5[0], e5[1] = t5[1], e5[2] = t5[2], e5[3] = t5[3], e5[4] = t5[4], e5[5] = t5[5], e5[6] = t5[6], e5[7] = t5[7], e5[8] = t5[8], e5[9] = t5[9], e5[10] = t5[10], e5[11] = t5[11], e5[12] = t5[12], e5[13] = t5[13], e5[14] = t5[14], e5[15] = t5[15], e5;
}, t4.clone$1 = w3, t4.clone$2 = function(t5) {
var e5 = new ao(3);
return e5[0] = t5[0], e5[1] = t5[1], e5[2] = t5[2], e5;
}, t4.collisionCircleLayout = Gs, t4.config = R2, t4.create = function() {
var t5 = new ao(16);
return ao != Float32Array && (t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0, t5[4] = 0, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0, t5[8] = 0, t5[9] = 0, t5[11] = 0, t5[12] = 0, t5[13] = 0, t5[14] = 0), t5[0] = 1, t5[5] = 1, t5[10] = 1, t5[15] = 1, t5;
}, t4.create$1 = function() {
var t5 = new ao(9);
return ao != Float32Array && (t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0, t5[5] = 0, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0), t5[0] = 1, t5[4] = 1, t5[8] = 1, t5;
}, t4.create$2 = function() {
var t5 = new ao(4);
return ao != Float32Array && (t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0), t5[0] = 1, t5[3] = 1, t5;
}, t4.createCommonjsModule = e4, t4.createExpression = Zr, t4.createLayout = Ii2, t4.createStyleLayer = function(t5) {
return "custom" === t5.type ? new Il(t5) : new zl[t5.type](t5);
}, t4.cross = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5[0], i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2], o5 = r5[0], s6 = r5[1], u4 = r5[2];
return t5[0] = i5 * u4 - a5 * s6, t5[1] = a5 * o5 - n7 * u4, t5[2] = n7 * s6 - i5 * o5, t5;
}, t4.deepEqual = function t5(e5, r5) {
if (Array.isArray(e5)) {
if (!Array.isArray(r5) || e5.length !== r5.length) {
return false;
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
if (!t5(e5[n7], r5[n7])) {
return false;
return true;
if ("object" == typeof e5 && null !== e5 && null !== r5) {
if ("object" != typeof r5) {
return false;
if (Object.keys(e5).length !== Object.keys(r5).length) {
return false;
for (var i5 in e5) {
if (!t5(e5[i5], r5[i5])) {
return false;
return true;
return e5 === r5;
}, t4.dot = function(t5, e5) {
return t5[0] * e5[0] + t5[1] * e5[1] + t5[2] * e5[2];
}, t4.dot$1 = function(t5, e5) {
return t5[0] * e5[0] + t5[1] * e5[1] + t5[2] * e5[2] + t5[3] * e5[3];
}, t4.ease = l5, t4.emitValidationErrors = Bn2, t4.endsWith = g3, t4.enforceCacheSizeLimit = function(t5) {
lt2(), tt2 && tt2.then(function(e5) {
e5.keys().then(function(r5) {
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < r5.length - t5; n7++) {
}, t4.evaluateSizeForFeature = Lu, t4.evaluateSizeForZoom = Ou, t4.evaluateVariableOffset = al, t4.evented = ni2, t4.extend = h5, t4.featureFilter = on2, t4.filterObject = b3, t4.fromRotation = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = Math.sin(e5), n7 = Math.cos(e5);
return t5[0] = n7, t5[1] = r5, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = -r5, t5[4] = n7, t5[5] = 0, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0, t5[8] = 1, t5;
}, t4.getAnchorAlignment = Bu, t4.getAnchorJustification = ol, t4.getArrayBuffer = bt2, t4.getImage = At2, t4.getJSON = function(t5, e5) {
return xt2(h5(t5, { type: "json" }), e5);
}, t4.getRTLTextPluginStatus = ii2, t4.getReferrer = mt2, t4.getVideo = function(t5, e5) {
var r5, n7, i5 = o4.document.createElement("video");
i5.muted = true, i5.onloadstart = function() {
e5(null, i5);
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < t5.length; a5++) {
var s6 = o4.document.createElement("source");
r5 = t5[a5], n7 = void 0, (n7 = o4.document.createElement("a")).href = r5, (n7.protocol !== o4.document.location.protocol || n7.host !== o4.document.location.host) && (i5.crossOrigin = "Anonymous"), s6.src = t5[a5], i5.appendChild(s6);
return { cancel: function() {
} };
}, t4.identity = oo, t4.invert = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = e5[2], a5 = e5[3], o5 = e5[4], s6 = e5[5], u4 = e5[6], l6 = e5[7], p4 = e5[8], c4 = e5[9], h6 = e5[10], f4 = e5[11], y4 = e5[12], d4 = e5[13], m4 = e5[14], v4 = e5[15], g4 = r5 * s6 - n7 * o5, x4 = r5 * u4 - i5 * o5, b4 = r5 * l6 - a5 * o5, w4 = n7 * u4 - i5 * s6, _3 = n7 * l6 - a5 * s6, A4 = i5 * l6 - a5 * u4, S4 = p4 * d4 - c4 * y4, k4 = p4 * m4 - h6 * y4, I4 = p4 * v4 - f4 * y4, z4 = c4 * m4 - h6 * d4, C4 = c4 * v4 - f4 * d4, E3 = h6 * v4 - f4 * m4, P4 = g4 * E3 - x4 * C4 + b4 * z4 + w4 * I4 - _3 * k4 + A4 * S4;
return P4 ? (t5[0] = (s6 * E3 - u4 * C4 + l6 * z4) * (P4 = 1 / P4), t5[1] = (i5 * C4 - n7 * E3 - a5 * z4) * P4, t5[2] = (d4 * A4 - m4 * _3 + v4 * w4) * P4, t5[3] = (h6 * _3 - c4 * A4 - f4 * w4) * P4, t5[4] = (u4 * I4 - o5 * E3 - l6 * k4) * P4, t5[5] = (r5 * E3 - i5 * I4 + a5 * k4) * P4, t5[6] = (m4 * b4 - y4 * A4 - v4 * x4) * P4, t5[7] = (p4 * A4 - h6 * b4 + f4 * x4) * P4, t5[8] = (o5 * C4 - s6 * I4 + l6 * S4) * P4, t5[9] = (n7 * I4 - r5 * C4 - a5 * S4) * P4, t5[10] = (y4 * _3 - d4 * b4 + v4 * g4) * P4, t5[11] = (c4 * b4 - p4 * _3 - f4 * g4) * P4, t5[12] = (s6 * k4 - o5 * z4 - u4 * S4) * P4, t5[13] = (r5 * z4 - n7 * k4 + i5 * S4) * P4, t5[14] = (d4 * x4 - y4 * w4 - m4 * g4) * P4, t5[15] = (p4 * w4 - c4 * x4 + h6 * g4) * P4, t5) : null;
}, t4.isChar = Gn, t4.isMapboxURL = Z2, t4.keysDifference = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = [];
for (var n7 in t5) {
n7 in e5 || r5.push(n7);
return r5;
}, t4.makeRequest = xt2, t4.mapObject = x3, t4.mercatorXfromLng = jl, t4.mercatorYfromLat = ql, t4.mercatorZfromAltitude = Nl, t4.mul = lo, t4.multiply = so, t4.mvt = bs, t4.nextPowerOfTwo = function(t5) {
return t5 <= 1 ? 1 : Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log(t5) / Math.LN2));
}, t4.normalize = function(t5, e5) {
var r5 = e5[0], n7 = e5[1], i5 = e5[2], a5 = r5 * r5 + n7 * n7 + i5 * i5;
return a5 > 0 && (a5 = 1 / Math.sqrt(a5)), t5[0] = e5[0] * a5, t5[1] = e5[1] * a5, t5[2] = e5[2] * a5, t5;
}, t4.number = Ke2, t4.offscreenCanvasSupported = ft2, t4.ortho = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
var s6 = 1 / (e5 - r5), u4 = 1 / (n7 - i5), l6 = 1 / (a5 - o5);
return t5[0] = -2 * s6, t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0, t5[4] = 0, t5[5] = -2 * u4, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0, t5[8] = 0, t5[9] = 0, t5[10] = 2 * l6, t5[11] = 0, t5[12] = (e5 + r5) * s6, t5[13] = (i5 + n7) * u4, t5[14] = (o5 + a5) * l6, t5[15] = 1, t5;
}, t4.parseGlyphPBF = function(t5) {
return new Ys(t5).readFields(yu, []);
}, t4.pbf = Ys, t4.performSymbolLayout = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5, a5, o5) {
t5.createArrays(), t5.tilePixelRatio = 8192 / (512 * t5.overscaling), t5.compareText = {}, t5.iconsNeedLinear = false;
var s6 = t5.layers[0].layout, u4 = t5.layers[0]._unevaluatedLayout._values, l6 = {};
if ("composite" === t5.textSizeData.kind) {
var p4 = t5.textSizeData, c4 = p4.maxZoom;
l6.compositeTextSizes = [u4["text-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(p4.minZoom), o5), u4["text-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(c4), o5)];
if ("composite" === t5.iconSizeData.kind) {
var h6 = t5.iconSizeData, f4 = h6.maxZoom;
l6.compositeIconSizes = [u4["icon-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(h6.minZoom), o5), u4["icon-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(f4), o5)];
l6.layoutTextSize = u4["text-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(t5.zoom + 1), o5), l6.layoutIconSize = u4["icon-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(t5.zoom + 1), o5), l6.textMaxSize = u4["text-size"].possiblyEvaluate(new si2(18));
for (var y4 = 24 * s6.get("text-line-height"), d4 = "map" === s6.get("text-rotation-alignment") && "point" !== s6.get("symbol-placement"), m4 = s6.get("text-keep-upright"), v4 = s6.get("text-size"), g4 = function() {
var a6 = b4[x4], u5 = s6.get("text-font").evaluate(a6, {}, o5).join(","), p5 = v4.evaluate(a6, {}, o5), c5 = l6.layoutTextSize.evaluate(a6, {}, o5), h7 = l6.layoutIconSize.evaluate(a6, {}, o5), f5 = { horizontal: {}, vertical: void 0 }, g5 = a6.text, w4 = [0, 0];
if (g5) {
var _3 = g5.toString(), S4 = 24 * s6.get("text-letter-spacing").evaluate(a6, {}, o5), k4 = function(t6) {
for (var e6 = 0, r6 = t6; e6 < r6.length; e6 += 1) {
if (n8 = r6[e6].charCodeAt(0), Gn.Arabic(n8) || Gn["Arabic Supplement"](n8) || Gn["Arabic Extended-A"](n8) || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-A"](n8) || Gn["Arabic Presentation Forms-B"](n8)) {
return false;
var n8;
return true;
}(_3) ? S4 : 0, I4 = s6.get("text-anchor").evaluate(a6, {}, o5), z4 = s6.get("text-variable-anchor");
if (!z4) {
var C4 = s6.get("text-radial-offset").evaluate(a6, {}, o5);
w4 = C4 ? al(I4, [24 * C4, il]) : s6.get("text-offset").evaluate(a6, {}, o5).map(function(t6) {
return 24 * t6;
var E3 = d4 ? "center" : s6.get("text-justify").evaluate(a6, {}, o5), P4 = s6.get("symbol-placement"), M4 = "point" === P4 ? 24 * s6.get("text-max-width").evaluate(a6, {}, o5) : 0, B3 = function() {
t5.allowVerticalPlacement && Zn(_3) && (f5.vertical = Su(g5, e5, r5, i5, u5, M4, y4, I4, "left", k4, w4, wu.vertical, true, P4, c5, p5));
if (!d4 && z4) {
for (var T4 = "auto" === E3 ? z4.map(function(t6) {
return ol(t6);
}) : [E3], V3 = false, F3 = 0; F3 < T4.length; F3++) {
var D4 = T4[F3];
if (!f5.horizontal[D4]) {
if (V3) {
f5.horizontal[D4] = f5.horizontal[0];
} else {
var L4 = Su(g5, e5, r5, i5, u5, M4, y4, "center", D4, k4, w4, wu.horizontal, false, P4, c5, p5);
L4 && (f5.horizontal[D4] = L4, V3 = 1 === L4.positionedLines.length);
} else {
"auto" === E3 && (E3 = ol(I4));
var O4 = Su(g5, e5, r5, i5, u5, M4, y4, I4, E3, k4, w4, wu.horizontal, false, P4, c5, p5);
O4 && (f5.horizontal[E3] = O4), B3(), Zn(_3) && d4 && m4 && (f5.vertical = Su(g5, e5, r5, i5, u5, M4, y4, I4, E3, k4, w4, wu.vertical, false, P4, c5, p5));
var R3 = void 0, U3 = false;
if (a6.icon && a6.icon.name) {
var j4 = n7[a6.icon.name];
j4 && (R3 = function(t6, e6, r6) {
var n8 = Bu(r6), i6 = e6[0] - t6.displaySize[0] * n8.horizontalAlign, a7 = e6[1] - t6.displaySize[1] * n8.verticalAlign;
return { image: t6, top: a7, bottom: a7 + t6.displaySize[1], left: i6, right: i6 + t6.displaySize[0] };
}(i5[a6.icon.name], s6.get("icon-offset").evaluate(a6, {}, o5), s6.get("icon-anchor").evaluate(a6, {}, o5)), U3 = j4.sdf, void 0 === t5.sdfIcons ? t5.sdfIcons = j4.sdf : t5.sdfIcons !== j4.sdf && A3("Style sheet warning: Cannot mix SDF and non-SDF icons in one buffer"), (j4.pixelRatio !== t5.pixelRatio || 0 !== s6.get("icon-rotate").constantOr(1)) && (t5.iconsNeedLinear = true));
var q4 = ul(f5.horizontal) || f5.vertical;
t5.iconsInText = !!q4 && q4.iconsInText, (q4 || R3) && function(t6, e6, r6, n8, i6, a7, o6, s7, u6, l7, p6) {
var c6 = a7.textMaxSize.evaluate(e6, {});
void 0 === c6 && (c6 = o6);
var h8, f6 = t6.layers[0].layout, y5 = f6.get("icon-offset").evaluate(e6, {}, p6), d5 = ul(r6.horizontal), m5 = o6 / 24, v5 = t6.tilePixelRatio * m5, g6 = t6.tilePixelRatio * c6 / 24, x5 = t6.tilePixelRatio * s7, b5 = t6.tilePixelRatio * f6.get("symbol-spacing"), w5 = f6.get("text-padding") * t6.tilePixelRatio, _4 = f6.get("icon-padding") * t6.tilePixelRatio, S5 = f6.get("text-max-angle") / 180 * Math.PI, k5 = "map" === f6.get("text-rotation-alignment") && "point" !== f6.get("symbol-placement"), I5 = "map" === f6.get("icon-rotation-alignment") && "point" !== f6.get("symbol-placement"), z5 = f6.get("symbol-placement"), C5 = b5 / 2, E4 = f6.get("icon-text-fit");
n8 && "none" !== E4 && (t6.allowVerticalPlacement && r6.vertical && (h8 = Vu(n8, r6.vertical, E4, f6.get("icon-text-fit-padding"), y5, m5)), d5 && (n8 = Vu(n8, d5, E4, f6.get("icon-text-fit-padding"), y5, m5)));
var P5 = function(s8, c7) {
c7.x < 0 || c7.x >= 8192 || c7.y < 0 || c7.y >= 8192 || function(t7, e7, r7, n9, i7, a8, o7, s9, u7, l8, p7, c8, h9, f7, y6, d6, m6, v6, g7, x6, b6, w6, _5, S6, k6) {
var I6, z6, C6, E5, P6, M6 = t7.addToLineVertexArray(e7, r7), B5 = 0, T6 = 0, V5 = 0, F5 = 0, D6 = -1, L6 = -1, O6 = {}, R5 = ha(""), U5 = 0, j6 = 0;
if (void 0 === s9._unevaluatedLayout.getValue("text-radial-offset") ? (U5 = (I6 = s9.layout.get("text-offset").evaluate(b6, {}, S6).map(function(t8) {
return 24 * t8;
}))[0], j6 = I6[1]) : (U5 = 24 * s9.layout.get("text-radial-offset").evaluate(b6, {}, S6), j6 = il), t7.allowVerticalPlacement && n9.vertical) {
var q6 = s9.layout.get("text-rotate").evaluate(b6, {}, S6) + 90;
E5 = new Wu(u7, e7, l8, p7, c8, n9.vertical, h9, f7, y6, q6), o7 && (P6 = new Wu(u7, e7, l8, p7, c8, o7, m6, v6, y6, q6));
if (i7) {
var N5 = s9.layout.get("icon-rotate").evaluate(b6, {}), K4 = "none" !== s9.layout.get("icon-text-fit"), G4 = Xu(i7, N5, _5, K4), Z4 = o7 ? Xu(o7, N5, _5, K4) : void 0;
C6 = new Wu(u7, e7, l8, p7, c8, i7, m6, v6, false, N5), B5 = 4 * G4.length;
var X4 = t7.iconSizeData, J4 = null;
"source" === X4.kind ? (J4 = [128 * s9.layout.get("icon-size").evaluate(b6, {})])[0] > 32640 && A3(t7.layerIds[0] + ': Value for "icon-size" is >= 255. Reduce your "icon-size".') : "composite" === X4.kind && ((J4 = [128 * w6.compositeIconSizes[0].evaluate(b6, {}, S6), 128 * w6.compositeIconSizes[1].evaluate(b6, {}, S6)])[0] > 32640 || J4[1] > 32640) && A3(t7.layerIds[0] + ': Value for "icon-size" is >= 255. Reduce your "icon-size".'), t7.addSymbols(t7.icon, G4, J4, x6, g7, b6, false, e7, M6.lineStartIndex, M6.lineLength, -1, S6), D6 = t7.icon.placedSymbolArray.length - 1, Z4 && (T6 = 4 * Z4.length, t7.addSymbols(t7.icon, Z4, J4, x6, g7, b6, wu.vertical, e7, M6.lineStartIndex, M6.lineLength, -1, S6), L6 = t7.icon.placedSymbolArray.length - 1);
for (var H5 in n9.horizontal) {
var Y4 = n9.horizontal[H5];
if (!z6) {
R5 = ha(Y4.text);
var $4 = s9.layout.get("text-rotate").evaluate(b6, {}, S6);
z6 = new Wu(u7, e7, l8, p7, c8, Y4, h9, f7, y6, $4);
var W4 = 1 === Y4.positionedLines.length;
if (V5 += sl(t7, e7, Y4, a8, s9, y6, b6, d6, M6, n9.vertical ? wu.horizontal : wu.horizontalOnly, W4 ? Object.keys(n9.horizontal) : [H5], O6, D6, w6, S6), W4) {
n9.vertical && (F5 += sl(t7, e7, n9.vertical, a8, s9, y6, b6, d6, M6, wu.vertical, ["vertical"], O6, L6, w6, S6));
var Q3 = z6 ? z6.boxStartIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, tt3 = z6 ? z6.boxEndIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, et3 = E5 ? E5.boxStartIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, rt3 = E5 ? E5.boxEndIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, nt3 = C6 ? C6.boxStartIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, it3 = C6 ? C6.boxEndIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, at3 = P6 ? P6.boxStartIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, ot3 = P6 ? P6.boxEndIndex : t7.collisionBoxArray.length, st3 = -1, ut3 = function(t8, e8) {
return t8 && t8.circleDiameter ? Math.max(t8.circleDiameter, e8) : e8;
st3 = ut3(z6, st3), st3 = ut3(E5, st3), st3 = ut3(C6, st3);
var lt3 = (st3 = ut3(P6, st3)) > -1 ? 1 : 0;
lt3 && (st3 *= k6 / 24), t7.glyphOffsetArray.length >= vl.MAX_GLYPHS && A3("Too many glyphs being rendered in a tile. See https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/2907"), void 0 !== b6.sortKey && t7.addToSortKeyRanges(t7.symbolInstances.length, b6.sortKey), t7.symbolInstances.emplaceBack(e7.x, e7.y, O6.right >= 0 ? O6.right : -1, O6.center >= 0 ? O6.center : -1, O6.left >= 0 ? O6.left : -1, O6.vertical || -1, D6, L6, R5, Q3, tt3, et3, rt3, nt3, it3, at3, ot3, l8, V5, F5, B5, T6, lt3, 0, h9, U5, j6, st3);
}(t6, c7, s8, r6, n8, i6, h8, t6.layers[0], t6.collisionBoxArray, e6.index, e6.sourceLayerIndex, t6.index, v5, w5, k5, u6, x5, _4, I5, y5, e6, a7, l7, p6, o6);
if ("line" === z5) {
for (var M5 = 0, B4 = Zu(e6.geometry, 0, 0, 8192, 8192); M5 < B4.length; M5 += 1) {
for (var T5 = B4[M5], V4 = 0, F4 = Gu(T5, b5, S5, r6.vertical || d5, n8, 24, g6, t6.overscaling, 8192); V4 < F4.length; V4 += 1) {
var D5 = F4[V4];
d5 && ll(t6, d5.text, C5, D5) || P5(T5, D5);
} else if ("line-center" === z5) {
for (var L5 = 0, O5 = e6.geometry; L5 < O5.length; L5 += 1) {
var R4 = O5[L5];
if (R4.length > 1) {
var U4 = Ku(R4, S5, r6.vertical || d5, n8, 24, g6);
U4 && P5(R4, U4);
} else if ("Polygon" === e6.type) {
for (var j5 = 0, q5 = ns(e6.geometry, 0); j5 < q5.length; j5 += 1) {
var N4 = q5[j5], K3 = el(N4, 16);
P5(N4[0], new Fu(K3.x, K3.y, 0));
} else if ("LineString" === e6.type) {
for (var G3 = 0, Z3 = e6.geometry; G3 < Z3.length; G3 += 1) {
var X3 = Z3[G3];
P5(X3, new Fu(X3[0].x, X3[0].y, 0));
} else if ("Point" === e6.type) {
for (var J3 = 0, H4 = e6.geometry; J3 < H4.length; J3 += 1) {
for (var Y3 = 0, $3 = H4[J3]; Y3 < $3.length; Y3 += 1) {
var W3 = $3[Y3];
P5([W3], new Fu(W3.x, W3.y, 0));
}(t5, a6, f5, R3, n7, l6, c5, h7, w4, U3, o5);
}, x4 = 0, b4 = t5.features; x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
a5 && t5.generateCollisionDebugBuffers();
}, t4.perspective = function(t5, e5, r5, n7, i5) {
var a5, o5 = 1 / Math.tan(e5 / 2);
return t5[0] = o5 / r5, t5[1] = 0, t5[2] = 0, t5[3] = 0, t5[4] = 0, t5[5] = o5, t5[6] = 0, t5[7] = 0, t5[8] = 0, t5[9] = 0, t5[11] = -1, t5[12] = 0, t5[13] = 0, t5[15] = 0, null != i5 && i5 !== 1 / 0 ? (t5[10] = (i5 + n7) * (a5 = 1 / (n7 - i5)), t5[14] = 2 * i5 * n7 * a5) : (t5[10] = -1, t5[14] = -2 * n7), t5;
}, t4.pick = function(t5, e5) {
for (var r5 = {}, n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
var i5 = e5[n7];
i5 in t5 && (r5[i5] = t5[i5]);
return r5;
}, t4.plugin = oi2, t4.polygonIntersectsPolygon = Na, t4.postMapLoadEvent = ot2, t4.postTurnstileEvent = it2, t4.potpack = vu, t4.refProperties = ["type", "source", "source-layer", "minzoom", "maxzoom", "filter", "layout"], t4.register = On, t4.registerForPluginStateChange = function(t5) {
return t5({ pluginStatus: Qn, pluginURL: ti2 }), ni2.on("pluginStateChange", t5), t5;
}, t4.renderColorRamp = wo, t4.rotate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5[0], i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2], o5 = e5[3], s6 = Math.sin(r5), u4 = Math.cos(r5);
return t5[0] = n7 * u4 + a5 * s6, t5[1] = i5 * u4 + o5 * s6, t5[2] = n7 * -s6 + a5 * u4, t5[3] = i5 * -s6 + o5 * u4, t5;
}, t4.rotateX = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = Math.sin(r5), i5 = Math.cos(r5), a5 = e5[4], o5 = e5[5], s6 = e5[6], u4 = e5[7], l6 = e5[8], p4 = e5[9], c4 = e5[10], h6 = e5[11];
return e5 !== t5 && (t5[0] = e5[0], t5[1] = e5[1], t5[2] = e5[2], t5[3] = e5[3], t5[12] = e5[12], t5[13] = e5[13], t5[14] = e5[14], t5[15] = e5[15]), t5[4] = a5 * i5 + l6 * n7, t5[5] = o5 * i5 + p4 * n7, t5[6] = s6 * i5 + c4 * n7, t5[7] = u4 * i5 + h6 * n7, t5[8] = l6 * i5 - a5 * n7, t5[9] = p4 * i5 - o5 * n7, t5[10] = c4 * i5 - s6 * n7, t5[11] = h6 * i5 - u4 * n7, t5;
}, t4.rotateZ = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = Math.sin(r5), i5 = Math.cos(r5), a5 = e5[0], o5 = e5[1], s6 = e5[2], u4 = e5[3], l6 = e5[4], p4 = e5[5], c4 = e5[6], h6 = e5[7];
return e5 !== t5 && (t5[8] = e5[8], t5[9] = e5[9], t5[10] = e5[10], t5[11] = e5[11], t5[12] = e5[12], t5[13] = e5[13], t5[14] = e5[14], t5[15] = e5[15]), t5[0] = a5 * i5 + l6 * n7, t5[1] = o5 * i5 + p4 * n7, t5[2] = s6 * i5 + c4 * n7, t5[3] = u4 * i5 + h6 * n7, t5[4] = l6 * i5 - a5 * n7, t5[5] = p4 * i5 - o5 * n7, t5[6] = c4 * i5 - s6 * n7, t5[7] = h6 * i5 - u4 * n7, t5;
}, t4.scale = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = r5[0], i5 = r5[1], a5 = r5[2];
return t5[0] = e5[0] * n7, t5[1] = e5[1] * n7, t5[2] = e5[2] * n7, t5[3] = e5[3] * n7, t5[4] = e5[4] * i5, t5[5] = e5[5] * i5, t5[6] = e5[6] * i5, t5[7] = e5[7] * i5, t5[8] = e5[8] * a5, t5[9] = e5[9] * a5, t5[10] = e5[10] * a5, t5[11] = e5[11] * a5, t5[12] = e5[12], t5[13] = e5[13], t5[14] = e5[14], t5[15] = e5[15], t5;
}, t4.scale$1 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5[0] = e5[0] * r5, t5[1] = e5[1] * r5, t5[2] = e5[2] * r5, t5[3] = e5[3] * r5, t5;
}, t4.scale$2 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5[0] = e5[0] * r5, t5[1] = e5[1] * r5, t5[2] = e5[2] * r5, t5;
}, t4.setCacheLimits = function(t5, e5) {
st2 = t5, ut2 = e5;
}, t4.setRTLTextPlugin = function(t5, e5, r5) {
if (void 0 === r5 && (r5 = false), "deferred" === Qn || "loading" === Qn || "loaded" === Qn) {
throw new Error("setRTLTextPlugin cannot be called multiple times.");
ti2 = O3.resolveURL(t5), Qn = "deferred", Wn = e5, ri2(), r5 || ai2();
}, t4.sphericalToCartesian = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5[0], r5 = t5[1], n7 = t5[2];
return r5 += 90, r5 *= Math.PI / 180, n7 *= Math.PI / 180, { x: e5 * Math.cos(r5) * Math.sin(n7), y: e5 * Math.sin(r5) * Math.sin(n7), z: e5 * Math.cos(n7) };
}, t4.sqrLen = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5[0], r5 = t5[1];
return e5 * e5 + r5 * r5;
}, t4.styleSpec = Et2, t4.sub = function(t5, e5, r5) {
return t5[0] = e5[0] - r5[0], t5[1] = e5[1] - r5[1], t5[2] = e5[2] - r5[2], t5;
}, t4.symbolSize = Ru, t4.transformMat3 = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7 = e5[0], i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2];
return t5[0] = n7 * r5[0] + i5 * r5[3] + a5 * r5[6], t5[1] = n7 * r5[1] + i5 * r5[4] + a5 * r5[7], t5[2] = n7 * r5[2] + i5 * r5[5] + a5 * r5[8], t5;
}, t4.transformMat4 = po, t4.translate = function(t5, e5, r5) {
var n7, i5, a5, o5, s6, u4, l6, p4, c4, h6, f4, y4, d4 = r5[0], m4 = r5[1], v4 = r5[2];
return e5 === t5 ? (t5[12] = e5[0] * d4 + e5[4] * m4 + e5[8] * v4 + e5[12], t5[13] = e5[1] * d4 + e5[5] * m4 + e5[9] * v4 + e5[13], t5[14] = e5[2] * d4 + e5[6] * m4 + e5[10] * v4 + e5[14], t5[15] = e5[3] * d4 + e5[7] * m4 + e5[11] * v4 + e5[15]) : (i5 = e5[1], a5 = e5[2], o5 = e5[3], s6 = e5[4], u4 = e5[5], l6 = e5[6], p4 = e5[7], c4 = e5[8], h6 = e5[9], f4 = e5[10], y4 = e5[11], t5[0] = n7 = e5[0], t5[1] = i5, t5[2] = a5, t5[3] = o5, t5[4] = s6, t5[5] = u4, t5[6] = l6, t5[7] = p4, t5[8] = c4, t5[9] = h6, t5[10] = f4, t5[11] = y4, t5[12] = n7 * d4 + s6 * m4 + c4 * v4 + e5[12], t5[13] = i5 * d4 + u4 * m4 + h6 * v4 + e5[13], t5[14] = a5 * d4 + l6 * m4 + f4 * v4 + e5[14], t5[15] = o5 * d4 + p4 * m4 + y4 * v4 + e5[15]), t5;
}, t4.triggerPluginCompletionEvent = ei2, t4.uniqueId = y3, t4.validateCustomStyleLayer = function(t5) {
var e5 = [], r5 = t5.id;
return void 0 === r5 && e5.push({ message: "layers." + r5 + ': missing required property "id"' }), void 0 === t5.render && e5.push({ message: "layers." + r5 + ': missing required method "render"' }), t5.renderingMode && "2d" !== t5.renderingMode && "3d" !== t5.renderingMode && e5.push({ message: "layers." + r5 + ': property "renderingMode" must be either "2d" or "3d"' }), e5;
}, t4.validateLight = En2, t4.validateStyle = Cn2, t4.values = function(t5) {
var e5 = [];
for (var r5 in t5) {
return e5;
}, t4.vectorTile = bs, t4.version = "1.13.3", t4.warnOnce = A3, t4.webpSupported = U2, t4.window = o4, t4.wrap = c3;
define2(["./shared"], function(e4) {
function t4(e5) {
var r5 = typeof e5;
if ("number" === r5 || "boolean" === r5 || "string" === r5 || null == e5) {
return JSON.stringify(e5);
if (Array.isArray(e5)) {
for (var i5 = "[", o5 = 0, n7 = e5; o5 < n7.length; o5 += 1) {
i5 += t4(n7[o5]) + ",";
return i5 + "]";
for (var a5 = Object.keys(e5).sort(), s6 = "{", l6 = 0; l6 < a5.length; l6++) {
s6 += JSON.stringify(a5[l6]) + ":" + t4(e5[a5[l6]]) + ",";
return s6 + "}";
function r4(r5) {
for (var i5 = "", o5 = 0, n7 = e4.refProperties; o5 < n7.length; o5 += 1) {
i5 += "/" + t4(r5[n7[o5]]);
return i5;
var i4 = function(e5) {
this.keyCache = {}, e5 && this.replace(e5);
i4.prototype.replace = function(e5) {
this._layerConfigs = {}, this._layers = {}, this.update(e5, []);
}, i4.prototype.update = function(t5, i5) {
for (var o5 = this, n7 = 0, a5 = t5; n7 < a5.length; n7 += 1) {
var s6 = a5[n7];
this._layerConfigs[s6.id] = s6;
var l6 = this._layers[s6.id] = e4.createStyleLayer(s6);
l6._featureFilter = e4.featureFilter(l6.filter), this.keyCache[s6.id] && delete this.keyCache[s6.id];
for (var u4 = 0, h6 = i5; u4 < h6.length; u4 += 1) {
var c4 = h6[u4];
delete this.keyCache[c4], delete this._layerConfigs[c4], delete this._layers[c4];
this.familiesBySource = {};
for (var p4 = 0, f4 = function(e5, t6) {
for (var i6 = {}, o6 = 0; o6 < e5.length; o6++) {
var n8 = t6 && t6[e5[o6].id] || r4(e5[o6]);
t6 && (t6[e5[o6].id] = n8);
var a6 = i6[n8];
a6 || (a6 = i6[n8] = []), a6.push(e5[o6]);
var s7 = [];
for (var l7 in i6) {
return s7;
}(e4.values(this._layerConfigs), this.keyCache); p4 < f4.length; p4 += 1) {
var d4 = f4[p4].map(function(e5) {
return o5._layers[e5.id];
}), g4 = d4[0];
if ("none" !== g4.visibility) {
var v4 = g4.source || "", m4 = this.familiesBySource[v4];
m4 || (m4 = this.familiesBySource[v4] = {});
var y4 = g4.sourceLayer || "_geojsonTileLayer", x4 = m4[y4];
x4 || (x4 = m4[y4] = []), x4.push(d4);
var o4 = function(t5) {
var r5 = {}, i5 = [];
for (var o5 in t5) {
var n7 = t5[o5], a5 = r5[o5] = {};
for (var s6 in n7) {
var l6 = n7[+s6];
if (l6 && 0 !== l6.bitmap.width && 0 !== l6.bitmap.height) {
var u4 = { x: 0, y: 0, w: l6.bitmap.width + 2, h: l6.bitmap.height + 2 };
i5.push(u4), a5[s6] = { rect: u4, metrics: l6.metrics };
var h6 = e4.potpack(i5), c4 = new e4.AlphaImage({ width: h6.w || 1, height: h6.h || 1 });
for (var p4 in t5) {
var f4 = t5[p4];
for (var d4 in f4) {
var g4 = f4[+d4];
if (g4 && 0 !== g4.bitmap.width && 0 !== g4.bitmap.height) {
var v4 = r5[p4][d4].rect;
e4.AlphaImage.copy(g4.bitmap, c4, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: v4.x + 1, y: v4.y + 1 }, g4.bitmap);
this.image = c4, this.positions = r5;
e4.register("GlyphAtlas", o4);
var n6 = function(t5) {
this.tileID = new e4.OverscaledTileID(t5.tileID.overscaledZ, t5.tileID.wrap, t5.tileID.canonical.z, t5.tileID.canonical.x, t5.tileID.canonical.y), this.uid = t5.uid, this.zoom = t5.zoom, this.pixelRatio = t5.pixelRatio, this.tileSize = t5.tileSize, this.source = t5.source, this.overscaling = this.tileID.overscaleFactor(), this.showCollisionBoxes = t5.showCollisionBoxes, this.collectResourceTiming = !!t5.collectResourceTiming, this.returnDependencies = !!t5.returnDependencies, this.promoteId = t5.promoteId;
function a4(t5, r5, i5) {
for (var o5 = new e4.EvaluationParameters(r5), n7 = 0, a5 = t5; n7 < a5.length; n7 += 1) {
a5[n7].recalculate(o5, i5);
function s5(t5, r5) {
var i5 = e4.getArrayBuffer(t5.request, function(t6, i6, o5, n7) {
t6 ? r5(t6) : i6 && r5(null, { vectorTile: new e4.vectorTile.VectorTile(new e4.pbf(i6)), rawData: i6, cacheControl: o5, expires: n7 });
return function() {
i5.cancel(), r5();
n6.prototype.parse = function(t5, r5, i5, n7, s6) {
var l6 = this;
this.status = "parsing", this.data = t5, this.collisionBoxArray = new e4.CollisionBoxArray();
var u4 = new e4.DictionaryCoder(Object.keys(t5.layers).sort()), h6 = new e4.FeatureIndex(this.tileID, this.promoteId);
h6.bucketLayerIDs = [];
var c4, p4, f4, d4, g4 = {}, v4 = { featureIndex: h6, iconDependencies: {}, patternDependencies: {}, glyphDependencies: {}, availableImages: i5 }, m4 = r5.familiesBySource[this.source];
for (var y4 in m4) {
var x4 = t5.layers[y4];
if (x4) {
1 === x4.version && e4.warnOnce('Vector tile source "' + this.source + '" layer "' + y4 + '" does not use vector tile spec v2 and therefore may have some rendering errors.');
for (var w4 = u4.encode(y4), S4 = [], I4 = 0; I4 < x4.length; I4++) {
var M4 = x4.feature(I4), b4 = h6.getId(M4, y4);
S4.push({ feature: M4, id: b4, index: I4, sourceLayerIndex: w4 });
for (var _3 = 0, k4 = m4[y4]; _3 < k4.length; _3 += 1) {
var P4 = k4[_3], T4 = P4[0];
T4.minzoom && this.zoom < Math.floor(T4.minzoom) || T4.maxzoom && this.zoom >= T4.maxzoom || "none" !== T4.visibility && (a4(P4, this.zoom, i5), (g4[T4.id] = T4.createBucket({ index: h6.bucketLayerIDs.length, layers: P4, zoom: this.zoom, pixelRatio: this.pixelRatio, overscaling: this.overscaling, collisionBoxArray: this.collisionBoxArray, sourceLayerIndex: w4, sourceID: this.source })).populate(S4, v4, this.tileID.canonical), h6.bucketLayerIDs.push(P4.map(function(e5) {
return e5.id;
var C4 = e4.mapObject(v4.glyphDependencies, function(e5) {
return Object.keys(e5).map(Number);
Object.keys(C4).length ? n7.send("getGlyphs", { uid: this.uid, stacks: C4 }, function(e5, t6) {
c4 || (c4 = e5, p4 = t6, z4.call(l6));
}) : p4 = {};
var D4 = Object.keys(v4.iconDependencies);
D4.length ? n7.send("getImages", { icons: D4, source: this.source, tileID: this.tileID, type: "icons" }, function(e5, t6) {
c4 || (c4 = e5, f4 = t6, z4.call(l6));
}) : f4 = {};
var L4 = Object.keys(v4.patternDependencies);
function z4() {
if (c4) {
return s6(c4);
if (p4 && f4 && d4) {
var t6 = new o4(p4), r6 = new e4.ImageAtlas(f4, d4);
for (var n8 in g4) {
var l7 = g4[n8];
l7 instanceof e4.SymbolBucket ? (a4(l7.layers, this.zoom, i5), e4.performSymbolLayout(l7, p4, t6.positions, f4, r6.iconPositions, this.showCollisionBoxes, this.tileID.canonical)) : l7.hasPattern && (l7 instanceof e4.LineBucket || l7 instanceof e4.FillBucket || l7 instanceof e4.FillExtrusionBucket) && (a4(l7.layers, this.zoom, i5), l7.addFeatures(v4, this.tileID.canonical, r6.patternPositions));
this.status = "done", s6(null, { buckets: e4.values(g4).filter(function(e5) {
return !e5.isEmpty();
}), featureIndex: h6, collisionBoxArray: this.collisionBoxArray, glyphAtlasImage: t6.image, imageAtlas: r6, glyphMap: this.returnDependencies ? p4 : null, iconMap: this.returnDependencies ? f4 : null, glyphPositions: this.returnDependencies ? t6.positions : null });
L4.length ? n7.send("getImages", { icons: L4, source: this.source, tileID: this.tileID, type: "patterns" }, function(e5, t6) {
c4 || (c4 = e5, d4 = t6, z4.call(l6));
}) : d4 = {}, z4.call(this);
var l5 = function(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
this.actor = e5, this.layerIndex = t5, this.availableImages = r5, this.loadVectorData = i5 || s5, this.loading = {}, this.loaded = {};
l5.prototype.loadTile = function(t5, r5) {
var i5 = this, o5 = t5.uid;
this.loading || (this.loading = {});
var a5 = !!(t5 && t5.request && t5.request.collectResourceTiming) && new e4.RequestPerformance(t5.request), s6 = this.loading[o5] = new n6(t5);
s6.abort = this.loadVectorData(t5, function(t6, n7) {
if (delete i5.loading[o5], t6 || !n7) {
return s6.status = "done", i5.loaded[o5] = s6, r5(t6);
var l6 = n7.rawData, u4 = {};
n7.expires && (u4.expires = n7.expires), n7.cacheControl && (u4.cacheControl = n7.cacheControl);
var h6 = {};
if (a5) {
var c4 = a5.finish();
c4 && (h6.resourceTiming = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(c4)));
s6.vectorTile = n7.vectorTile, s6.parse(n7.vectorTile, i5.layerIndex, i5.availableImages, i5.actor, function(t7, i6) {
if (t7 || !i6) {
return r5(t7);
r5(null, e4.extend({ rawTileData: l6.slice(0) }, i6, u4, h6));
}), i5.loaded = i5.loaded || {}, i5.loaded[o5] = s6;
}, l5.prototype.reloadTile = function(e5, t5) {
var r5 = this, i5 = this.loaded, o5 = e5.uid, n7 = this;
if (i5 && i5[o5]) {
var a5 = i5[o5];
a5.showCollisionBoxes = e5.showCollisionBoxes;
var s6 = function(e6, i6) {
var o6 = a5.reloadCallback;
o6 && (delete a5.reloadCallback, a5.parse(a5.vectorTile, n7.layerIndex, r5.availableImages, n7.actor, o6)), t5(e6, i6);
"parsing" === a5.status ? a5.reloadCallback = s6 : "done" === a5.status && (a5.vectorTile ? a5.parse(a5.vectorTile, this.layerIndex, this.availableImages, this.actor, s6) : s6());
}, l5.prototype.abortTile = function(e5, t5) {
var r5 = this.loading, i5 = e5.uid;
r5 && r5[i5] && r5[i5].abort && (r5[i5].abort(), delete r5[i5]), t5();
}, l5.prototype.removeTile = function(e5, t5) {
var r5 = this.loaded, i5 = e5.uid;
r5 && r5[i5] && delete r5[i5], t5();
var u3 = e4.window.ImageBitmap, h5 = function() {
this.loaded = {};
function c3(e5, t5) {
if (0 !== e5.length) {
p3(e5[0], t5);
for (var r5 = 1; r5 < e5.length; r5++) {
p3(e5[r5], !t5);
function p3(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 = 0, i5 = 0, o5 = 0, n7 = e5.length, a5 = n7 - 1; o5 < n7; a5 = o5++) {
var s6 = (e5[o5][0] - e5[a5][0]) * (e5[a5][1] + e5[o5][1]), l6 = r5 + s6;
i5 += Math.abs(r5) >= Math.abs(s6) ? r5 - l6 + s6 : s6 - l6 + r5, r5 = l6;
r5 + i5 >= 0 != !!t5 && e5.reverse();
h5.prototype.loadTile = function(t5, r5) {
var i5 = t5.uid, o5 = t5.encoding, n7 = t5.rawImageData, a5 = u3 && n7 instanceof u3 ? this.getImageData(n7) : n7, s6 = new e4.DEMData(i5, a5, o5);
this.loaded = this.loaded || {}, this.loaded[i5] = s6, r5(null, s6);
}, h5.prototype.getImageData = function(t5) {
this.offscreenCanvas && this.offscreenCanvasContext || (this.offscreenCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(t5.width, t5.height), this.offscreenCanvasContext = this.offscreenCanvas.getContext("2d")), this.offscreenCanvas.width = t5.width, this.offscreenCanvas.height = t5.height, this.offscreenCanvasContext.drawImage(t5, 0, 0, t5.width, t5.height);
var r5 = this.offscreenCanvasContext.getImageData(-1, -1, t5.width + 2, t5.height + 2);
return this.offscreenCanvasContext.clearRect(0, 0, this.offscreenCanvas.width, this.offscreenCanvas.height), new e4.RGBAImage({ width: r5.width, height: r5.height }, r5.data);
}, h5.prototype.removeTile = function(e5) {
var t5 = this.loaded, r5 = e5.uid;
t5 && t5[r5] && delete t5[r5];
var f3 = e4.vectorTile.VectorTileFeature.prototype.toGeoJSON, d3 = function(t5) {
this._feature = t5, this.extent = e4.EXTENT, this.type = t5.type, this.properties = t5.tags, "id" in t5 && !isNaN(t5.id) && (this.id = parseInt(t5.id, 10));
d3.prototype.loadGeometry = function() {
if (1 === this._feature.type) {
for (var t5 = [], r5 = 0, i5 = this._feature.geometry; r5 < i5.length; r5 += 1) {
var o5 = i5[r5];
t5.push([new e4.Point$1(o5[0], o5[1])]);
return t5;
for (var n7 = [], a5 = 0, s6 = this._feature.geometry; a5 < s6.length; a5 += 1) {
for (var l6 = [], u4 = 0, h6 = s6[a5]; u4 < h6.length; u4 += 1) {
var c4 = h6[u4];
l6.push(new e4.Point$1(c4[0], c4[1]));
return n7;
}, d3.prototype.toGeoJSON = function(e5, t5, r5) {
return f3.call(this, e5, t5, r5);
var g3 = function(t5) {
this.layers = { _geojsonTileLayer: this }, this.name = "_geojsonTileLayer", this.extent = e4.EXTENT, this.length = t5.length, this._features = t5;
g3.prototype.feature = function(e5) {
return new d3(this._features[e5]);
var v3 = e4.vectorTile.VectorTileFeature, m3 = y3;
function y3(e5, t5) {
this.options = t5 || {}, this.features = e5, this.length = e5.length;
function x3(e5, t5) {
this.id = "number" == typeof e5.id ? e5.id : void 0, this.type = e5.type, this.rawGeometry = 1 === e5.type ? [e5.geometry] : e5.geometry, this.properties = e5.tags, this.extent = t5 || 4096;
y3.prototype.feature = function(e5) {
return new x3(this.features[e5], this.options.extent);
}, x3.prototype.loadGeometry = function() {
var t5 = this.rawGeometry;
this.geometry = [];
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
for (var i5 = t5[r5], o5 = [], n7 = 0; n7 < i5.length; n7++) {
o5.push(new e4.Point$1(i5[n7][0], i5[n7][1]));
return this.geometry;
}, x3.prototype.bbox = function() {
this.geometry || this.loadGeometry();
for (var e5 = this.geometry, t5 = 1 / 0, r5 = -1 / 0, i5 = 1 / 0, o5 = -1 / 0, n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
for (var a5 = e5[n7], s6 = 0; s6 < a5.length; s6++) {
var l6 = a5[s6];
t5 = Math.min(t5, l6.x), r5 = Math.max(r5, l6.x), i5 = Math.min(i5, l6.y), o5 = Math.max(o5, l6.y);
return [t5, i5, r5, o5];
}, x3.prototype.toGeoJSON = v3.prototype.toGeoJSON;
var w3 = I3, S3 = m3;
function I3(t5) {
var r5 = new e4.pbf();
return function(e5, t6) {
for (var r6 in e5.layers) {
t6.writeMessage(3, M3, e5.layers[r6]);
}(t5, r5), r5.finish();
function M3(e5, t5) {
var r5;
t5.writeVarintField(15, e5.version || 1), t5.writeStringField(1, e5.name || ""), t5.writeVarintField(5, e5.extent || 4096);
var i5 = { keys: [], values: [], keycache: {}, valuecache: {} };
for (r5 = 0; r5 < e5.length; r5++) {
i5.feature = e5.feature(r5), t5.writeMessage(2, b3, i5);
var o5 = i5.keys;
for (r5 = 0; r5 < o5.length; r5++) {
t5.writeStringField(3, o5[r5]);
var n7 = i5.values;
for (r5 = 0; r5 < n7.length; r5++) {
t5.writeMessage(4, C3, n7[r5]);
function b3(e5, t5) {
var r5 = e5.feature;
void 0 !== r5.id && t5.writeVarintField(1, r5.id), t5.writeMessage(2, _2, e5), t5.writeVarintField(3, r5.type), t5.writeMessage(4, T3, r5);
function _2(e5, t5) {
var r5 = e5.feature, i5 = e5.keys, o5 = e5.values, n7 = e5.keycache, a5 = e5.valuecache;
for (var s6 in r5.properties) {
var l6 = n7[s6];
void 0 === l6 && (i5.push(s6), n7[s6] = l6 = i5.length - 1), t5.writeVarint(l6);
var u4 = r5.properties[s6], h6 = typeof u4;
"string" !== h6 && "boolean" !== h6 && "number" !== h6 && (u4 = JSON.stringify(u4));
var c4 = h6 + ":" + u4, p4 = a5[c4];
void 0 === p4 && (o5.push(u4), a5[c4] = p4 = o5.length - 1), t5.writeVarint(p4);
function k3(e5, t5) {
return (t5 << 3) + (7 & e5);
function P3(e5) {
return e5 << 1 ^ e5 >> 31;
function T3(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 = e5.loadGeometry(), i5 = e5.type, o5 = 0, n7 = 0, a5 = r5.length, s6 = 0; s6 < a5; s6++) {
var l6 = r5[s6], u4 = 1;
1 === i5 && (u4 = l6.length), t5.writeVarint(k3(1, u4));
for (var h6 = 3 === i5 ? l6.length - 1 : l6.length, c4 = 0; c4 < h6; c4++) {
1 === c4 && 1 !== i5 && t5.writeVarint(k3(2, h6 - 1));
var p4 = l6[c4].x - o5, f4 = l6[c4].y - n7;
t5.writeVarint(P3(p4)), t5.writeVarint(P3(f4)), o5 += p4, n7 += f4;
3 === i5 && t5.writeVarint(k3(7, 1));
function C3(e5, t5) {
var r5 = typeof e5;
"string" === r5 ? t5.writeStringField(1, e5) : "boolean" === r5 ? t5.writeBooleanField(7, e5) : "number" === r5 && (e5 % 1 != 0 ? t5.writeDoubleField(3, e5) : e5 < 0 ? t5.writeSVarintField(6, e5) : t5.writeVarintField(5, e5));
function D3(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
L3(e5, r5, i5), L3(t5, 2 * r5, 2 * i5), L3(t5, 2 * r5 + 1, 2 * i5 + 1);
function L3(e5, t5, r5) {
var i5 = e5[t5];
e5[t5] = e5[r5], e5[r5] = i5;
function z3(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
var o5 = e5 - r5, n7 = t5 - i5;
return o5 * o5 + n7 * n7;
w3.fromVectorTileJs = I3, w3.fromGeojsonVt = function(e5, t5) {
t5 = t5 || {};
var r5 = {};
for (var i5 in e5) {
r5[i5] = new m3(e5[i5].features, t5), r5[i5].name = i5, r5[i5].version = t5.version, r5[i5].extent = t5.extent;
return I3({ layers: r5 });
}, w3.GeoJSONWrapper = S3;
var O3 = function(e5) {
return e5[0];
}, E2 = function(e5) {
return e5[1];
}, F2 = function(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5) {
void 0 === t5 && (t5 = O3), void 0 === r5 && (r5 = E2), void 0 === i5 && (i5 = 64), void 0 === o5 && (o5 = Float64Array), this.nodeSize = i5, this.points = e5;
for (var n7 = e5.length < 65536 ? Uint16Array : Uint32Array, a5 = this.ids = new n7(e5.length), s6 = this.coords = new o5(2 * e5.length), l6 = 0; l6 < e5.length; l6++) {
a5[l6] = l6, s6[2 * l6] = t5(e5[l6]), s6[2 * l6 + 1] = r5(e5[l6]);
!function e6(t6, r6, i6, o6, n8, a6) {
if (!(n8 - o6 <= i6)) {
var s7 = o6 + n8 >> 1;
!function e7(t7, r7, i7, o7, n9, a7) {
for (; n9 > o7; ) {
if (n9 - o7 > 600) {
var s8 = n9 - o7 + 1, l7 = i7 - o7 + 1, u4 = Math.log(s8), h6 = 0.5 * Math.exp(2 * u4 / 3), c4 = 0.5 * Math.sqrt(u4 * h6 * (s8 - h6) / s8) * (l7 - s8 / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
e7(t7, r7, i7, Math.max(o7, Math.floor(i7 - l7 * h6 / s8 + c4)), Math.min(n9, Math.floor(i7 + (s8 - l7) * h6 / s8 + c4)), a7);
var p4 = r7[2 * i7 + a7], f4 = o7, d4 = n9;
for (D3(t7, r7, o7, i7), r7[2 * n9 + a7] > p4 && D3(t7, r7, o7, n9); f4 < d4; ) {
for (D3(t7, r7, f4, d4), f4++, d4--; r7[2 * f4 + a7] < p4; ) {
for (; r7[2 * d4 + a7] > p4; ) {
r7[2 * o7 + a7] === p4 ? D3(t7, r7, o7, d4) : D3(t7, r7, ++d4, n9), d4 <= i7 && (o7 = d4 + 1), i7 <= d4 && (n9 = d4 - 1);
}(t6, r6, s7, o6, n8, a6 % 2), e6(t6, r6, i6, o6, s7 - 1, a6 + 1), e6(t6, r6, i6, s7 + 1, n8, a6 + 1);
}(a5, s6, i5, 0, a5.length - 1, 0);
F2.prototype.range = function(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
return function(e6, t6, r6, i6, o5, n7, a5) {
for (var s6, l6, u4 = [0, e6.length - 1, 0], h6 = []; u4.length; ) {
var c4 = u4.pop(), p4 = u4.pop(), f4 = u4.pop();
if (p4 - f4 <= a5) {
for (var d4 = f4; d4 <= p4; d4++) {
l6 = t6[2 * d4 + 1], (s6 = t6[2 * d4]) >= r6 && s6 <= o5 && l6 >= i6 && l6 <= n7 && h6.push(e6[d4]);
} else {
var g4 = Math.floor((f4 + p4) / 2);
l6 = t6[2 * g4 + 1], (s6 = t6[2 * g4]) >= r6 && s6 <= o5 && l6 >= i6 && l6 <= n7 && h6.push(e6[g4]);
var v4 = (c4 + 1) % 2;
(0 === c4 ? r6 <= s6 : i6 <= l6) && (u4.push(f4), u4.push(g4 - 1), u4.push(v4)), (0 === c4 ? o5 >= s6 : n7 >= l6) && (u4.push(g4 + 1), u4.push(p4), u4.push(v4));
return h6;
}(this.ids, this.coords, e5, t5, r5, i5, this.nodeSize);
}, F2.prototype.within = function(e5, t5, r5) {
return function(e6, t6, r6, i5, o5, n7) {
for (var a5 = [0, e6.length - 1, 0], s6 = [], l6 = o5 * o5; a5.length; ) {
var u4 = a5.pop(), h6 = a5.pop(), c4 = a5.pop();
if (h6 - c4 <= n7) {
for (var p4 = c4; p4 <= h6; p4++) {
z3(t6[2 * p4], t6[2 * p4 + 1], r6, i5) <= l6 && s6.push(e6[p4]);
} else {
var f4 = Math.floor((c4 + h6) / 2), d4 = t6[2 * f4], g4 = t6[2 * f4 + 1];
z3(d4, g4, r6, i5) <= l6 && s6.push(e6[f4]);
var v4 = (u4 + 1) % 2;
(0 === u4 ? r6 - o5 <= d4 : i5 - o5 <= g4) && (a5.push(c4), a5.push(f4 - 1), a5.push(v4)), (0 === u4 ? r6 + o5 >= d4 : i5 + o5 >= g4) && (a5.push(f4 + 1), a5.push(h6), a5.push(v4));
return s6;
}(this.ids, this.coords, e5, t5, r5, this.nodeSize);
var N3 = { minZoom: 0, maxZoom: 16, minPoints: 2, radius: 40, extent: 512, nodeSize: 64, log: false, generateId: false, reduce: null, map: function(e5) {
return e5;
} }, J2 = function(e5) {
this.options = V2(Object.create(N3), e5), this.trees = new Array(this.options.maxZoom + 1);
function Z2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5) {
return { x: e5, y: t5, zoom: 1 / 0, id: r5, parentId: -1, numPoints: i5, properties: o5 };
function A3(e5, t5) {
var r5 = e5.geometry.coordinates, i5 = r5[1];
return { x: Y2(r5[0]), y: j3(i5), zoom: 1 / 0, index: t5, parentId: -1 };
function B2(e5) {
return { type: "Feature", id: e5.id, properties: G2(e5), geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [(i5 = e5.x, 360 * (i5 - 0.5)), (t5 = e5.y, r5 = (180 - 360 * t5) * Math.PI / 180, 360 * Math.atan(Math.exp(r5)) / Math.PI - 90)] } };
var t5, r5, i5;
function G2(e5) {
var t5 = e5.numPoints, r5 = t5 >= 1e4 ? Math.round(t5 / 1e3) + "k" : t5 >= 1e3 ? Math.round(t5 / 100) / 10 + "k" : t5;
return V2(V2({}, e5.properties), { cluster: true, cluster_id: e5.id, point_count: t5, point_count_abbreviated: r5 });
function Y2(e5) {
return e5 / 360 + 0.5;
function j3(e5) {
var t5 = Math.sin(e5 * Math.PI / 180), r5 = 0.5 - 0.25 * Math.log((1 + t5) / (1 - t5)) / Math.PI;
return r5 < 0 ? 0 : r5 > 1 ? 1 : r5;
function V2(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 in t5) {
e5[r5] = t5[r5];
return e5;
function X2(e5) {
return e5.x;
function W2(e5) {
return e5.y;
function R2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
var a5 = o5 - r5, s6 = n7 - i5;
if (0 !== a5 || 0 !== s6) {
var l6 = ((e5 - r5) * a5 + (t5 - i5) * s6) / (a5 * a5 + s6 * s6);
l6 > 1 ? (r5 = o5, i5 = n7) : l6 > 0 && (r5 += a5 * l6, i5 += s6 * l6);
return (a5 = e5 - r5) * a5 + (s6 = t5 - i5) * s6;
function q3(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
var o5 = { id: void 0 === e5 ? null : e5, type: t5, geometry: r5, tags: i5, minX: 1 / 0, minY: 1 / 0, maxX: -1 / 0, maxY: -1 / 0 };
return function(e6) {
var t6 = e6.geometry, r6 = e6.type;
if ("Point" === r6 || "MultiPoint" === r6 || "LineString" === r6) {
U2(e6, t6);
} else if ("Polygon" === r6 || "MultiLineString" === r6) {
for (var i6 = 0; i6 < t6.length; i6++) {
U2(e6, t6[i6]);
} else if ("MultiPolygon" === r6) {
for (i6 = 0; i6 < t6.length; i6++) {
for (var o6 = 0; o6 < t6[i6].length; o6++) {
U2(e6, t6[i6][o6]);
}(o5), o5;
function U2(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5 += 3) {
e5.minX = Math.min(e5.minX, t5[r5]), e5.minY = Math.min(e5.minY, t5[r5 + 1]), e5.maxX = Math.max(e5.maxX, t5[r5]), e5.maxY = Math.max(e5.maxY, t5[r5 + 1]);
function $2(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
if (t5.geometry) {
var o5 = t5.geometry.coordinates, n7 = t5.geometry.type, a5 = Math.pow(r5.tolerance / ((1 << r5.maxZoom) * r5.extent), 2), s6 = [], l6 = t5.id;
if (r5.promoteId ? l6 = t5.properties[r5.promoteId] : r5.generateId && (l6 = i5 || 0), "Point" === n7) {
H3(o5, s6);
} else if ("MultiPoint" === n7) {
for (var u4 = 0; u4 < o5.length; u4++) {
H3(o5[u4], s6);
} else if ("LineString" === n7) {
K2(o5, s6, a5, false);
} else if ("MultiLineString" === n7) {
if (r5.lineMetrics) {
for (u4 = 0; u4 < o5.length; u4++) {
K2(o5[u4], s6 = [], a5, false), e5.push(q3(l6, "LineString", s6, t5.properties));
Q2(o5, s6, a5, false);
} else if ("Polygon" === n7) {
Q2(o5, s6, a5, true);
} else {
if ("MultiPolygon" !== n7) {
if ("GeometryCollection" === n7) {
for (u4 = 0; u4 < t5.geometry.geometries.length; u4++) {
$2(e5, { id: l6, geometry: t5.geometry.geometries[u4], properties: t5.properties }, r5, i5);
throw new Error("Input data is not a valid GeoJSON object.");
for (u4 = 0; u4 < o5.length; u4++) {
var h6 = [];
Q2(o5[u4], h6, a5, true), s6.push(h6);
e5.push(q3(l6, n7, s6, t5.properties));
function H3(e5, t5) {
t5.push(ee2(e5[0])), t5.push(te2(e5[1])), t5.push(0);
function K2(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
for (var o5, n7, a5 = 0, s6 = 0; s6 < e5.length; s6++) {
var l6 = ee2(e5[s6][0]), u4 = te2(e5[s6][1]);
t5.push(l6), t5.push(u4), t5.push(0), s6 > 0 && (a5 += i5 ? (o5 * u4 - l6 * n7) / 2 : Math.sqrt(Math.pow(l6 - o5, 2) + Math.pow(u4 - n7, 2))), o5 = l6, n7 = u4;
var h6 = t5.length - 3;
t5[2] = 1, function e6(t6, r6, i6, o6) {
for (var n8, a6 = o6, s7 = i6 - r6 >> 1, l7 = i6 - r6, u5 = t6[r6], h7 = t6[r6 + 1], c4 = t6[i6], p4 = t6[i6 + 1], f4 = r6 + 3; f4 < i6; f4 += 3) {
var d4 = R2(t6[f4], t6[f4 + 1], u5, h7, c4, p4);
if (d4 > a6) {
n8 = f4, a6 = d4;
} else if (d4 === a6) {
var g4 = Math.abs(f4 - s7);
g4 < l7 && (n8 = f4, l7 = g4);
a6 > o6 && (n8 - r6 > 3 && e6(t6, r6, n8, o6), t6[n8 + 2] = a6, i6 - n8 > 3 && e6(t6, n8, i6, o6));
}(t5, 0, h6, r5), t5[h6 + 2] = 1, t5.size = Math.abs(a5), t5.start = 0, t5.end = t5.size;
function Q2(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < e5.length; o5++) {
var n7 = [];
K2(e5[o5], n7, r5, i5), t5.push(n7);
function ee2(e5) {
return e5 / 360 + 0.5;
function te2(e5) {
var t5 = Math.sin(e5 * Math.PI / 180), r5 = 0.5 - 0.25 * Math.log((1 + t5) / (1 - t5)) / Math.PI;
return r5 < 0 ? 0 : r5 > 1 ? 1 : r5;
function re2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7, a5, s6) {
if (i5 /= t5, n7 >= (r5 /= t5) && a5 < i5) {
return e5;
if (a5 < r5 || n7 >= i5) {
return null;
for (var l6 = [], u4 = 0; u4 < e5.length; u4++) {
var h6 = e5[u4], c4 = h6.geometry, p4 = h6.type, f4 = 0 === o5 ? h6.minX : h6.minY, d4 = 0 === o5 ? h6.maxX : h6.maxY;
if (f4 >= r5 && d4 < i5) {
} else if (!(d4 < r5 || f4 >= i5)) {
var g4 = [];
if ("Point" === p4 || "MultiPoint" === p4) {
ie2(c4, g4, r5, i5, o5);
} else if ("LineString" === p4) {
oe2(c4, g4, r5, i5, o5, false, s6.lineMetrics);
} else if ("MultiLineString" === p4) {
ae2(c4, g4, r5, i5, o5, false);
} else if ("Polygon" === p4) {
ae2(c4, g4, r5, i5, o5, true);
} else if ("MultiPolygon" === p4) {
for (var v4 = 0; v4 < c4.length; v4++) {
var m4 = [];
ae2(c4[v4], m4, r5, i5, o5, true), m4.length && g4.push(m4);
if (g4.length) {
if (s6.lineMetrics && "LineString" === p4) {
for (v4 = 0; v4 < g4.length; v4++) {
l6.push(q3(h6.id, p4, g4[v4], h6.tags));
"LineString" !== p4 && "MultiLineString" !== p4 || (1 === g4.length ? (p4 = "LineString", g4 = g4[0]) : p4 = "MultiLineString"), "Point" !== p4 && "MultiPoint" !== p4 || (p4 = 3 === g4.length ? "Point" : "MultiPoint"), l6.push(q3(h6.id, p4, g4, h6.tags));
return l6.length ? l6 : null;
function ie2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5) {
for (var n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7 += 3) {
var a5 = e5[n7 + o5];
a5 >= r5 && a5 <= i5 && (t5.push(e5[n7]), t5.push(e5[n7 + 1]), t5.push(e5[n7 + 2]));
function oe2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7, a5) {
for (var s6, l6, u4 = ne2(e5), h6 = 0 === o5 ? le2 : ue2, c4 = e5.start, p4 = 0; p4 < e5.length - 3; p4 += 3) {
var f4 = e5[p4], d4 = e5[p4 + 1], g4 = e5[p4 + 2], v4 = e5[p4 + 3], m4 = e5[p4 + 4], y4 = 0 === o5 ? f4 : d4, x4 = 0 === o5 ? v4 : m4, w4 = false;
a5 && (s6 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(f4 - v4, 2) + Math.pow(d4 - m4, 2))), y4 < r5 ? x4 > r5 && (l6 = h6(u4, f4, d4, v4, m4, r5), a5 && (u4.start = c4 + s6 * l6)) : y4 > i5 ? x4 < i5 && (l6 = h6(u4, f4, d4, v4, m4, i5), a5 && (u4.start = c4 + s6 * l6)) : se2(u4, f4, d4, g4), x4 < r5 && y4 >= r5 && (l6 = h6(u4, f4, d4, v4, m4, r5), w4 = true), x4 > i5 && y4 <= i5 && (l6 = h6(u4, f4, d4, v4, m4, i5), w4 = true), !n7 && w4 && (a5 && (u4.end = c4 + s6 * l6), t5.push(u4), u4 = ne2(e5)), a5 && (c4 += s6);
var S4 = e5.length - 3;
f4 = e5[S4], d4 = e5[S4 + 1], g4 = e5[S4 + 2], (y4 = 0 === o5 ? f4 : d4) >= r5 && y4 <= i5 && se2(u4, f4, d4, g4), S4 = u4.length - 3, n7 && S4 >= 3 && (u4[S4] !== u4[0] || u4[S4 + 1] !== u4[1]) && se2(u4, u4[0], u4[1], u4[2]), u4.length && t5.push(u4);
function ne2(e5) {
var t5 = [];
return t5.size = e5.size, t5.start = e5.start, t5.end = e5.end, t5;
function ae2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < e5.length; a5++) {
oe2(e5[a5], t5, r5, i5, o5, n7, false);
function se2(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
e5.push(t5), e5.push(r5), e5.push(i5);
function le2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
var a5 = (n7 - t5) / (i5 - t5);
return e5.push(n7), e5.push(r5 + (o5 - r5) * a5), e5.push(1), a5;
function ue2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
var a5 = (n7 - r5) / (o5 - r5);
return e5.push(t5 + (i5 - t5) * a5), e5.push(n7), e5.push(1), a5;
function he2(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < e5.length; i5++) {
var o5, n7 = e5[i5], a5 = n7.type;
if ("Point" === a5 || "MultiPoint" === a5 || "LineString" === a5) {
o5 = ce2(n7.geometry, t5);
} else if ("MultiLineString" === a5 || "Polygon" === a5) {
o5 = [];
for (var s6 = 0; s6 < n7.geometry.length; s6++) {
o5.push(ce2(n7.geometry[s6], t5));
} else if ("MultiPolygon" === a5) {
for (o5 = [], s6 = 0; s6 < n7.geometry.length; s6++) {
for (var l6 = [], u4 = 0; u4 < n7.geometry[s6].length; u4++) {
l6.push(ce2(n7.geometry[s6][u4], t5));
r5.push(q3(n7.id, a5, o5, n7.tags));
return r5;
function ce2(e5, t5) {
var r5 = [];
r5.size = e5.size, void 0 !== e5.start && (r5.start = e5.start, r5.end = e5.end);
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < e5.length; i5 += 3) {
r5.push(e5[i5] + t5, e5[i5 + 1], e5[i5 + 2]);
return r5;
function pe2(e5, t5) {
if (e5.transformed) {
return e5;
var r5, i5, o5, n7 = 1 << e5.z, a5 = e5.x, s6 = e5.y;
for (r5 = 0; r5 < e5.features.length; r5++) {
var l6 = e5.features[r5], u4 = l6.geometry, h6 = l6.type;
if (l6.geometry = [], 1 === h6) {
for (i5 = 0; i5 < u4.length; i5 += 2) {
l6.geometry.push(fe2(u4[i5], u4[i5 + 1], t5, n7, a5, s6));
} else {
for (i5 = 0; i5 < u4.length; i5++) {
var c4 = [];
for (o5 = 0; o5 < u4[i5].length; o5 += 2) {
c4.push(fe2(u4[i5][o5], u4[i5][o5 + 1], t5, n7, a5, s6));
return e5.transformed = true, e5;
function fe2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
return [Math.round(r5 * (e5 * i5 - o5)), Math.round(r5 * (t5 * i5 - n7))];
function de2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5) {
for (var n7 = t5 === o5.maxZoom ? 0 : o5.tolerance / ((1 << t5) * o5.extent), a5 = { features: [], numPoints: 0, numSimplified: 0, numFeatures: 0, source: null, x: r5, y: i5, z: t5, transformed: false, minX: 2, minY: 1, maxX: -1, maxY: 0 }, s6 = 0; s6 < e5.length; s6++) {
a5.numFeatures++, ge2(a5, e5[s6], n7, o5);
var l6 = e5[s6].minX, u4 = e5[s6].minY, h6 = e5[s6].maxX, c4 = e5[s6].maxY;
l6 < a5.minX && (a5.minX = l6), u4 < a5.minY && (a5.minY = u4), h6 > a5.maxX && (a5.maxX = h6), c4 > a5.maxY && (a5.maxY = c4);
return a5;
function ge2(e5, t5, r5, i5) {
var o5 = t5.geometry, n7 = t5.type, a5 = [];
if ("Point" === n7 || "MultiPoint" === n7) {
for (var s6 = 0; s6 < o5.length; s6 += 3) {
a5.push(o5[s6]), a5.push(o5[s6 + 1]), e5.numPoints++, e5.numSimplified++;
} else if ("LineString" === n7) {
ve2(a5, o5, e5, r5, false, false);
} else if ("MultiLineString" === n7 || "Polygon" === n7) {
for (s6 = 0; s6 < o5.length; s6++) {
ve2(a5, o5[s6], e5, r5, "Polygon" === n7, 0 === s6);
} else if ("MultiPolygon" === n7) {
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < o5.length; l6++) {
var u4 = o5[l6];
for (s6 = 0; s6 < u4.length; s6++) {
ve2(a5, u4[s6], e5, r5, true, 0 === s6);
if (a5.length) {
var h6 = t5.tags || null;
if ("LineString" === n7 && i5.lineMetrics) {
for (var c4 in h6 = {}, t5.tags) {
h6[c4] = t5.tags[c4];
h6.mapbox_clip_start = o5.start / o5.size, h6.mapbox_clip_end = o5.end / o5.size;
var p4 = { geometry: a5, type: "Polygon" === n7 || "MultiPolygon" === n7 ? 3 : "LineString" === n7 || "MultiLineString" === n7 ? 2 : 1, tags: h6 };
null !== t5.id && (p4.id = t5.id), e5.features.push(p4);
function ve2(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
var a5 = i5 * i5;
if (i5 > 0 && t5.size < (o5 ? a5 : i5)) {
r5.numPoints += t5.length / 3;
} else {
for (var s6 = [], l6 = 0; l6 < t5.length; l6 += 3) {
(0 === i5 || t5[l6 + 2] > a5) && (r5.numSimplified++, s6.push(t5[l6]), s6.push(t5[l6 + 1])), r5.numPoints++;
o5 && function(e6, t6) {
for (var r6 = 0, i6 = 0, o6 = e6.length, n8 = o6 - 2; i6 < o6; n8 = i6, i6 += 2) {
r6 += (e6[i6] - e6[n8]) * (e6[i6 + 1] + e6[n8 + 1]);
if (r6 > 0 === t6) {
for (i6 = 0, o6 = e6.length; i6 < o6 / 2; i6 += 2) {
var a6 = e6[i6], s7 = e6[i6 + 1];
e6[i6] = e6[o6 - 2 - i6], e6[i6 + 1] = e6[o6 - 1 - i6], e6[o6 - 2 - i6] = a6, e6[o6 - 1 - i6] = s7;
}(s6, n7), e5.push(s6);
function me2(e5, t5) {
var r5 = (t5 = this.options = function(e6, t6) {
for (var r6 in t6) {
e6[r6] = t6[r6];
return e6;
}(Object.create(this.options), t5)).debug;
if (r5 && console.time("preprocess data"), t5.maxZoom < 0 || t5.maxZoom > 24) {
throw new Error("maxZoom should be in the 0-24 range");
if (t5.promoteId && t5.generateId) {
throw new Error("promoteId and generateId cannot be used together.");
var i5 = function(e6, t6) {
var r6 = [];
if ("FeatureCollection" === e6.type) {
for (var i6 = 0; i6 < e6.features.length; i6++) {
$2(r6, e6.features[i6], t6, i6);
} else {
$2(r6, "Feature" === e6.type ? e6 : { geometry: e6 }, t6);
return r6;
}(e5, t5);
this.tiles = {}, this.tileCoords = [], r5 && (console.timeEnd("preprocess data"), console.log("index: maxZoom: %d, maxPoints: %d", t5.indexMaxZoom, t5.indexMaxPoints), console.time("generate tiles"), this.stats = {}, this.total = 0), (i5 = function(e6, t6) {
var r6 = t6.buffer / t6.extent, i6 = e6, o5 = re2(e6, 1, -1 - r6, r6, 0, -1, 2, t6), n7 = re2(e6, 1, 1 - r6, 2 + r6, 0, -1, 2, t6);
return (o5 || n7) && (i6 = re2(e6, 1, -r6, 1 + r6, 0, -1, 2, t6) || [], o5 && (i6 = he2(o5, 1).concat(i6)), n7 && (i6 = i6.concat(he2(n7, -1)))), i6;
}(i5, t5)).length && this.splitTile(i5, 0, 0, 0), r5 && (i5.length && console.log("features: %d, points: %d", this.tiles[0].numFeatures, this.tiles[0].numPoints), console.timeEnd("generate tiles"), console.log("tiles generated:", this.total, JSON.stringify(this.stats)));
function ye2(e5, t5, r5) {
return 32 * ((1 << e5) * r5 + t5) + e5;
function xe2(e5, t5) {
var r5 = e5.tileID.canonical;
if (!this._geoJSONIndex) {
return t5(null, null);
var i5 = this._geoJSONIndex.getTile(r5.z, r5.x, r5.y);
if (!i5) {
return t5(null, null);
var o5 = new g3(i5.features), n7 = w3(o5);
0 === n7.byteOffset && n7.byteLength === n7.buffer.byteLength || (n7 = new Uint8Array(n7)), t5(null, { vectorTile: o5, rawData: n7.buffer });
J2.prototype.load = function(e5) {
var t5 = this.options, r5 = t5.log, i5 = t5.minZoom, o5 = t5.maxZoom, n7 = t5.nodeSize;
r5 && console.time("total time");
var a5 = "prepare " + e5.length + " points";
r5 && console.time(a5), this.points = e5;
for (var s6 = [], l6 = 0; l6 < e5.length; l6++) {
e5[l6].geometry && s6.push(A3(e5[l6], l6));
this.trees[o5 + 1] = new F2(s6, X2, W2, n7, Float32Array), r5 && console.timeEnd(a5);
for (var u4 = o5; u4 >= i5; u4--) {
var h6 = +Date.now();
s6 = this._cluster(s6, u4), this.trees[u4] = new F2(s6, X2, W2, n7, Float32Array), r5 && console.log("z%d: %d clusters in %dms", u4, s6.length, +Date.now() - h6);
return r5 && console.timeEnd("total time"), this;
}, J2.prototype.getClusters = function(e5, t5) {
var r5 = ((e5[0] + 180) % 360 + 360) % 360 - 180, i5 = Math.max(-90, Math.min(90, e5[1])), o5 = 180 === e5[2] ? 180 : ((e5[2] + 180) % 360 + 360) % 360 - 180, n7 = Math.max(-90, Math.min(90, e5[3]));
if (e5[2] - e5[0] >= 360) {
r5 = -180, o5 = 180;
} else if (r5 > o5) {
var a5 = this.getClusters([r5, i5, 180, n7], t5), s6 = this.getClusters([-180, i5, o5, n7], t5);
return a5.concat(s6);
for (var l6 = this.trees[this._limitZoom(t5)], u4 = [], h6 = 0, c4 = l6.range(Y2(r5), j3(n7), Y2(o5), j3(i5)); h6 < c4.length; h6 += 1) {
var p4 = l6.points[c4[h6]];
u4.push(p4.numPoints ? B2(p4) : this.points[p4.index]);
return u4;
}, J2.prototype.getChildren = function(e5) {
var t5 = this._getOriginId(e5), r5 = this._getOriginZoom(e5), i5 = "No cluster with the specified id.", o5 = this.trees[r5];
if (!o5) {
throw new Error(i5);
var n7 = o5.points[t5];
if (!n7) {
throw new Error(i5);
for (var a5 = this.options.radius / (this.options.extent * Math.pow(2, r5 - 1)), s6 = [], l6 = 0, u4 = o5.within(n7.x, n7.y, a5); l6 < u4.length; l6 += 1) {
var h6 = o5.points[u4[l6]];
h6.parentId === e5 && s6.push(h6.numPoints ? B2(h6) : this.points[h6.index]);
if (0 === s6.length) {
throw new Error(i5);
return s6;
}, J2.prototype.getLeaves = function(e5, t5, r5) {
var i5 = [];
return this._appendLeaves(i5, e5, t5 = t5 || 10, r5 = r5 || 0, 0), i5;
}, J2.prototype.getTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
var i5 = this.trees[this._limitZoom(e5)], o5 = Math.pow(2, e5), n7 = this.options, a5 = n7.radius / n7.extent, s6 = (r5 - a5) / o5, l6 = (r5 + 1 + a5) / o5, u4 = { features: [] };
return this._addTileFeatures(i5.range((t5 - a5) / o5, s6, (t5 + 1 + a5) / o5, l6), i5.points, t5, r5, o5, u4), 0 === t5 && this._addTileFeatures(i5.range(1 - a5 / o5, s6, 1, l6), i5.points, o5, r5, o5, u4), t5 === o5 - 1 && this._addTileFeatures(i5.range(0, s6, a5 / o5, l6), i5.points, -1, r5, o5, u4), u4.features.length ? u4 : null;
}, J2.prototype.getClusterExpansionZoom = function(e5) {
for (var t5 = this._getOriginZoom(e5) - 1; t5 <= this.options.maxZoom; ) {
var r5 = this.getChildren(e5);
if (t5++, 1 !== r5.length) {
e5 = r5[0].properties.cluster_id;
return t5;
}, J2.prototype._appendLeaves = function(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5) {
for (var n7 = 0, a5 = this.getChildren(t5); n7 < a5.length; n7 += 1) {
var s6 = a5[n7], l6 = s6.properties;
if (l6 && l6.cluster ? o5 + l6.point_count <= i5 ? o5 += l6.point_count : o5 = this._appendLeaves(e5, l6.cluster_id, r5, i5, o5) : o5 < i5 ? o5++ : e5.push(s6), e5.length === r5) {
return o5;
}, J2.prototype._addTileFeatures = function(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7) {
for (var a5 = 0, s6 = e5; a5 < s6.length; a5 += 1) {
var l6 = t5[s6[a5]], u4 = l6.numPoints, h6 = { type: 1, geometry: [[Math.round(this.options.extent * (l6.x * o5 - r5)), Math.round(this.options.extent * (l6.y * o5 - i5))]], tags: u4 ? G2(l6) : this.points[l6.index].properties }, c4 = void 0;
u4 ? c4 = l6.id : this.options.generateId ? c4 = l6.index : this.points[l6.index].id && (c4 = this.points[l6.index].id), void 0 !== c4 && (h6.id = c4), n7.features.push(h6);
}, J2.prototype._limitZoom = function(e5) {
return Math.max(this.options.minZoom, Math.min(+e5, this.options.maxZoom + 1));
}, J2.prototype._cluster = function(e5, t5) {
for (var r5 = [], i5 = this.options, o5 = i5.reduce, n7 = i5.minPoints, a5 = i5.radius / (i5.extent * Math.pow(2, t5)), s6 = 0; s6 < e5.length; s6++) {
var l6 = e5[s6];
if (!(l6.zoom <= t5)) {
l6.zoom = t5;
for (var u4 = this.trees[t5 + 1], h6 = u4.within(l6.x, l6.y, a5), c4 = l6.numPoints || 1, p4 = c4, f4 = 0, d4 = h6; f4 < d4.length; f4 += 1) {
var g4 = u4.points[d4[f4]];
g4.zoom > t5 && (p4 += g4.numPoints || 1);
if (p4 >= n7) {
for (var v4 = l6.x * c4, m4 = l6.y * c4, y4 = o5 && c4 > 1 ? this._map(l6, true) : null, x4 = (s6 << 5) + (t5 + 1) + this.points.length, w4 = 0, S4 = h6; w4 < S4.length; w4 += 1) {
var I4 = u4.points[S4[w4]];
if (!(I4.zoom <= t5)) {
I4.zoom = t5;
var M4 = I4.numPoints || 1;
v4 += I4.x * M4, m4 += I4.y * M4, I4.parentId = x4, o5 && (y4 || (y4 = this._map(l6, true)), o5(y4, this._map(I4)));
l6.parentId = x4, r5.push(Z2(v4 / p4, m4 / p4, x4, p4, y4));
} else if (r5.push(l6), p4 > 1) {
for (var b4 = 0, _3 = h6; b4 < _3.length; b4 += 1) {
var k4 = u4.points[_3[b4]];
k4.zoom <= t5 || (k4.zoom = t5, r5.push(k4));
return r5;
}, J2.prototype._getOriginId = function(e5) {
return e5 - this.points.length >> 5;
}, J2.prototype._getOriginZoom = function(e5) {
return (e5 - this.points.length) % 32;
}, J2.prototype._map = function(e5, t5) {
if (e5.numPoints) {
return t5 ? V2({}, e5.properties) : e5.properties;
var r5 = this.points[e5.index].properties, i5 = this.options.map(r5);
return t5 && i5 === r5 ? V2({}, i5) : i5;
}, me2.prototype.options = { maxZoom: 14, indexMaxZoom: 5, indexMaxPoints: 1e5, tolerance: 3, extent: 4096, buffer: 64, lineMetrics: false, promoteId: null, generateId: false, debug: 0 }, me2.prototype.splitTile = function(e5, t5, r5, i5, o5, n7, a5) {
for (var s6 = [e5, t5, r5, i5], l6 = this.options, u4 = l6.debug; s6.length; ) {
i5 = s6.pop(), r5 = s6.pop(), t5 = s6.pop(), e5 = s6.pop();
var h6 = 1 << t5, c4 = ye2(t5, r5, i5), p4 = this.tiles[c4];
if (!p4 && (u4 > 1 && console.time("creation"), p4 = this.tiles[c4] = de2(e5, t5, r5, i5, l6), this.tileCoords.push({ z: t5, x: r5, y: i5 }), u4)) {
u4 > 1 && (console.log("tile z%d-%d-%d (features: %d, points: %d, simplified: %d)", t5, r5, i5, p4.numFeatures, p4.numPoints, p4.numSimplified), console.timeEnd("creation"));
var f4 = "z" + t5;
this.stats[f4] = (this.stats[f4] || 0) + 1, this.total++;
if (p4.source = e5, o5) {
if (t5 === l6.maxZoom || t5 === o5) {
var d4 = 1 << o5 - t5;
if (r5 !== Math.floor(n7 / d4) || i5 !== Math.floor(a5 / d4)) {
} else if (t5 === l6.indexMaxZoom || p4.numPoints <= l6.indexMaxPoints) {
if (p4.source = null, 0 !== e5.length) {
u4 > 1 && console.time("clipping");
var g4, v4, m4, y4, x4, w4, S4 = 0.5 * l6.buffer / l6.extent, I4 = 0.5 - S4, M4 = 0.5 + S4, b4 = 1 + S4;
g4 = v4 = m4 = y4 = null, x4 = re2(e5, h6, r5 - S4, r5 + M4, 0, p4.minX, p4.maxX, l6), w4 = re2(e5, h6, r5 + I4, r5 + b4, 0, p4.minX, p4.maxX, l6), e5 = null, x4 && (g4 = re2(x4, h6, i5 - S4, i5 + M4, 1, p4.minY, p4.maxY, l6), v4 = re2(x4, h6, i5 + I4, i5 + b4, 1, p4.minY, p4.maxY, l6), x4 = null), w4 && (m4 = re2(w4, h6, i5 - S4, i5 + M4, 1, p4.minY, p4.maxY, l6), y4 = re2(w4, h6, i5 + I4, i5 + b4, 1, p4.minY, p4.maxY, l6), w4 = null), u4 > 1 && console.timeEnd("clipping"), s6.push(g4 || [], t5 + 1, 2 * r5, 2 * i5), s6.push(v4 || [], t5 + 1, 2 * r5, 2 * i5 + 1), s6.push(m4 || [], t5 + 1, 2 * r5 + 1, 2 * i5), s6.push(y4 || [], t5 + 1, 2 * r5 + 1, 2 * i5 + 1);
}, me2.prototype.getTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
var i5 = this.options, o5 = i5.extent, n7 = i5.debug;
if (e5 < 0 || e5 > 24) {
return null;
var a5 = 1 << e5, s6 = ye2(e5, t5 = (t5 % a5 + a5) % a5, r5);
if (this.tiles[s6]) {
return pe2(this.tiles[s6], o5);
n7 > 1 && console.log("drilling down to z%d-%d-%d", e5, t5, r5);
for (var l6, u4 = e5, h6 = t5, c4 = r5; !l6 && u4 > 0; ) {
u4--, h6 = Math.floor(h6 / 2), c4 = Math.floor(c4 / 2), l6 = this.tiles[ye2(u4, h6, c4)];
return l6 && l6.source ? (n7 > 1 && console.log("found parent tile z%d-%d-%d", u4, h6, c4), n7 > 1 && console.time("drilling down"), this.splitTile(l6.source, u4, h6, c4, e5, t5, r5), n7 > 1 && console.timeEnd("drilling down"), this.tiles[s6] ? pe2(this.tiles[s6], o5) : null) : null;
var we2 = function(t5) {
function r5(e5, r6, i5, o5) {
t5.call(this, e5, r6, i5, xe2), o5 && (this.loadGeoJSON = o5);
return t5 && (r5.__proto__ = t5), (r5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = r5, r5.prototype.loadData = function(e5, t6) {
this._pendingCallback && this._pendingCallback(null, { abandoned: true }), this._pendingCallback = t6, this._pendingLoadDataParams = e5, this._state && "Idle" !== this._state ? this._state = "NeedsLoadData" : (this._state = "Coalescing", this._loadData());
}, r5.prototype._loadData = function() {
var t6 = this;
if (this._pendingCallback && this._pendingLoadDataParams) {
var r6 = this._pendingCallback, i5 = this._pendingLoadDataParams;
delete this._pendingCallback, delete this._pendingLoadDataParams;
var o5 = !!(i5 && i5.request && i5.request.collectResourceTiming) && new e4.RequestPerformance(i5.request);
this.loadGeoJSON(i5, function(n7, a5) {
if (n7 || !a5) {
return r6(n7);
if ("object" != typeof a5) {
return r6(new Error("Input data given to '" + i5.source + "' is not a valid GeoJSON object."));
!function e5(t7, r7) {
var i6, o6 = t7 && t7.type;
if ("FeatureCollection" === o6) {
for (i6 = 0; i6 < t7.features.length; i6++) {
e5(t7.features[i6], r7);
} else if ("GeometryCollection" === o6) {
for (i6 = 0; i6 < t7.geometries.length; i6++) {
e5(t7.geometries[i6], r7);
} else if ("Feature" === o6) {
e5(t7.geometry, r7);
} else if ("Polygon" === o6) {
c3(t7.coordinates, r7);
} else if ("MultiPolygon" === o6) {
for (i6 = 0; i6 < t7.coordinates.length; i6++) {
c3(t7.coordinates[i6], r7);
return t7;
}(a5, true);
try {
if (i5.filter) {
var s6 = e4.createExpression(i5.filter, { type: "boolean", "property-type": "data-driven", overridable: false, transition: false });
if ("error" === s6.result) {
throw new Error(s6.value.map(function(e5) {
return e5.key + ": " + e5.message;
}).join(", "));
var l6 = a5.features.filter(function(e5) {
return s6.value.evaluate({ zoom: 0 }, e5);
a5 = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: l6 };
t6._geoJSONIndex = i5.cluster ? new J2(function(t7) {
var r7 = t7.superclusterOptions, i6 = t7.clusterProperties;
if (!i6 || !r7) {
return r7;
for (var o6 = {}, n8 = {}, a6 = { accumulated: null, zoom: 0 }, s7 = { properties: null }, l7 = Object.keys(i6), u5 = 0, h7 = l7; u5 < h7.length; u5 += 1) {
var c4 = h7[u5], p4 = i6[c4], f4 = p4[0], d4 = e4.createExpression(p4[1]), g4 = e4.createExpression("string" == typeof f4 ? [f4, ["accumulated"], ["get", c4]] : f4);
o6[c4] = d4.value, n8[c4] = g4.value;
return r7.map = function(e5) {
s7.properties = e5;
for (var t8 = {}, r8 = 0, i7 = l7; r8 < i7.length; r8 += 1) {
var n9 = i7[r8];
t8[n9] = o6[n9].evaluate(a6, s7);
return t8;
}, r7.reduce = function(e5, t8) {
s7.properties = t8;
for (var r8 = 0, i7 = l7; r8 < i7.length; r8 += 1) {
var o7 = i7[r8];
a6.accumulated = e5[o7], e5[o7] = n8[o7].evaluate(a6, s7);
}, r7;
}(i5)).load(a5.features) : function(e5, t7) {
return new me2(e5, t7);
}(a5, i5.geojsonVtOptions);
} catch (n$1) {
return r6(n$1);
t6.loaded = {};
var u4 = {};
if (o5) {
var h6 = o5.finish();
h6 && (u4.resourceTiming = {}, u4.resourceTiming[i5.source] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(h6)));
r6(null, u4);
}, r5.prototype.coalesce = function() {
"Coalescing" === this._state ? this._state = "Idle" : "NeedsLoadData" === this._state && (this._state = "Coalescing", this._loadData());
}, r5.prototype.reloadTile = function(e5, r6) {
var i5 = this.loaded;
return i5 && i5[e5.uid] ? t5.prototype.reloadTile.call(this, e5, r6) : this.loadTile(e5, r6);
}, r5.prototype.loadGeoJSON = function(t6, r6) {
if (t6.request) {
e4.getJSON(t6.request, r6);
} else {
if ("string" != typeof t6.data) {
return r6(new Error("Input data given to '" + t6.source + "' is not a valid GeoJSON object."));
try {
return r6(null, JSON.parse(t6.data));
} catch (e$1) {
return r6(new Error("Input data given to '" + t6.source + "' is not a valid GeoJSON object."));
}, r5.prototype.removeSource = function(e5, t6) {
this._pendingCallback && this._pendingCallback(null, { abandoned: true }), t6();
}, r5.prototype.getClusterExpansionZoom = function(e5, t6) {
try {
t6(null, this._geoJSONIndex.getClusterExpansionZoom(e5.clusterId));
} catch (e$1) {
}, r5.prototype.getClusterChildren = function(e5, t6) {
try {
t6(null, this._geoJSONIndex.getChildren(e5.clusterId));
} catch (e$1) {
}, r5.prototype.getClusterLeaves = function(e5, t6) {
try {
t6(null, this._geoJSONIndex.getLeaves(e5.clusterId, e5.limit, e5.offset));
} catch (e$1) {
}, r5;
}(l5), Se2 = function(t5) {
var r5 = this;
this.self = t5, this.actor = new e4.Actor(t5, this), this.layerIndexes = {}, this.availableImages = {}, this.workerSourceTypes = { vector: l5, geojson: we2 }, this.workerSources = {}, this.demWorkerSources = {}, this.self.registerWorkerSource = function(e5, t6) {
if (r5.workerSourceTypes[e5]) {
throw new Error('Worker source with name "' + e5 + '" already registered.');
r5.workerSourceTypes[e5] = t6;
}, this.self.registerRTLTextPlugin = function(t6) {
if (e4.plugin.isParsed()) {
throw new Error("RTL text plugin already registered.");
e4.plugin.applyArabicShaping = t6.applyArabicShaping, e4.plugin.processBidirectionalText = t6.processBidirectionalText, e4.plugin.processStyledBidirectionalText = t6.processStyledBidirectionalText;
return Se2.prototype.setReferrer = function(e5, t5) {
this.referrer = t5;
}, Se2.prototype.setImages = function(e5, t5, r5) {
for (var i5 in this.availableImages[e5] = t5, this.workerSources[e5]) {
var o5 = this.workerSources[e5][i5];
for (var n7 in o5) {
o5[n7].availableImages = t5;
}, Se2.prototype.setLayers = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getLayerIndex(e5).replace(t5), r5();
}, Se2.prototype.updateLayers = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getLayerIndex(e5).update(t5.layers, t5.removedIds), r5();
}, Se2.prototype.loadTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getWorkerSource(e5, t5.type, t5.source).loadTile(t5, r5);
}, Se2.prototype.loadDEMTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getDEMWorkerSource(e5, t5.source).loadTile(t5, r5);
}, Se2.prototype.reloadTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getWorkerSource(e5, t5.type, t5.source).reloadTile(t5, r5);
}, Se2.prototype.abortTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getWorkerSource(e5, t5.type, t5.source).abortTile(t5, r5);
}, Se2.prototype.removeTile = function(e5, t5, r5) {
this.getWorkerSource(e5, t5.type, t5.source).removeTile(t5, r5);
}, Se2.prototype.removeDEMTile = function(e5, t5) {
this.getDEMWorkerSource(e5, t5.source).removeTile(t5);
}, Se2.prototype.removeSource = function(e5, t5, r5) {
if (this.workerSources[e5] && this.workerSources[e5][t5.type] && this.workerSources[e5][t5.type][t5.source]) {
var i5 = this.workerSources[e5][t5.type][t5.source];
delete this.workerSources[e5][t5.type][t5.source], void 0 !== i5.removeSource ? i5.removeSource(t5, r5) : r5();
}, Se2.prototype.loadWorkerSource = function(e5, t5, r5) {
try {
this.self.importScripts(t5.url), r5();
} catch (e$1) {
}, Se2.prototype.syncRTLPluginState = function(t5, r5, i5) {
try {
var o5 = e4.plugin.getPluginURL();
if (e4.plugin.isLoaded() && !e4.plugin.isParsed() && null != o5) {
var n7 = e4.plugin.isParsed();
i5(n7 ? void 0 : new Error("RTL Text Plugin failed to import scripts from " + o5), n7);
} catch (e$1) {
}, Se2.prototype.getAvailableImages = function(e5) {
var t5 = this.availableImages[e5];
return t5 || (t5 = []), t5;
}, Se2.prototype.getLayerIndex = function(e5) {
var t5 = this.layerIndexes[e5];
return t5 || (t5 = this.layerIndexes[e5] = new i4()), t5;
}, Se2.prototype.getWorkerSource = function(e5, t5, r5) {
var i5 = this;
return this.workerSources[e5] || (this.workerSources[e5] = {}), this.workerSources[e5][t5] || (this.workerSources[e5][t5] = {}), this.workerSources[e5][t5][r5] || (this.workerSources[e5][t5][r5] = new this.workerSourceTypes[t5]({ send: function(t6, r6, o5) {
i5.actor.send(t6, r6, o5, e5);
} }, this.getLayerIndex(e5), this.getAvailableImages(e5))), this.workerSources[e5][t5][r5];
}, Se2.prototype.getDEMWorkerSource = function(e5, t5) {
return this.demWorkerSources[e5] || (this.demWorkerSources[e5] = {}), this.demWorkerSources[e5][t5] || (this.demWorkerSources[e5][t5] = new h5()), this.demWorkerSources[e5][t5];
}, Se2.prototype.enforceCacheSizeLimit = function(t5, r5) {
}, "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && "undefined" != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope && (self.worker = new Se2(self)), Se2;
define2(["./shared"], function(t4) {
var e4 = t4.createCommonjsModule(function(t5) {
function e5(t6) {
return !i5(t6);
function i5(t6) {
return "undefined" == typeof window || "undefined" == typeof document ? "not a browser" : Array.prototype && Array.prototype.every && Array.prototype.filter && Array.prototype.forEach && Array.prototype.indexOf && Array.prototype.lastIndexOf && Array.prototype.map && Array.prototype.some && Array.prototype.reduce && Array.prototype.reduceRight && Array.isArray ? Function.prototype && Function.prototype.bind ? Object.keys && Object.create && Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getOwnPropertyNames && Object.isSealed && Object.isFrozen && Object.isExtensible && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.defineProperty && Object.defineProperties && Object.seal && Object.freeze && Object.preventExtensions ? "JSON" in window && "parse" in JSON && "stringify" in JSON ? function() {
if (!("Worker" in window && "Blob" in window && "URL" in window)) {
return false;
var t7, e6, i7 = new Blob([""], { type: "text/javascript" }), o6 = URL.createObjectURL(i7);
try {
e6 = new Worker(o6), t7 = true;
} catch (e$1) {
t7 = false;
return e6 && e6.terminate(), URL.revokeObjectURL(o6), t7;
}() ? "Uint8ClampedArray" in window ? ArrayBuffer.isView ? function() {
var t7 = document.createElement("canvas");
t7.width = t7.height = 1;
var e6 = t7.getContext("2d");
if (!e6) {
return false;
var i7 = e6.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);
return i7 && i7.width === t7.width;
}() ? (void 0 === o5[i6 = t6 && t6.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat] && (o5[i6] = function(t7) {
var i7 = function(t8) {
var i8 = document.createElement("canvas"), o7 = Object.create(e5.webGLContextAttributes);
return o7.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = t8, i8.probablySupportsContext ? i8.probablySupportsContext("webgl", o7) || i8.probablySupportsContext("experimental-webgl", o7) : i8.supportsContext ? i8.supportsContext("webgl", o7) || i8.supportsContext("experimental-webgl", o7) : i8.getContext("webgl", o7) || i8.getContext("experimental-webgl", o7);
if (!i7) {
return false;
var o6 = i7.createShader(i7.VERTEX_SHADER);
return !(!o6 || i7.isContextLost()) && (i7.shaderSource(o6, "void main() {}"), i7.compileShader(o6), true === i7.getShaderParameter(o6, i7.COMPILE_STATUS));
}(i6)), o5[i6] ? void 0 : "insufficient WebGL support") : "insufficient Canvas/getImageData support" : "insufficient ArrayBuffer support" : "insufficient Uint8ClampedArray support" : "insufficient worker support" : "insufficient JSON support" : "insufficient Object support" : "insufficient Function support" : "insufficent Array support";
var i6;
t5.exports ? t5.exports = e5 : window && (window.mapboxgl = window.mapboxgl || {}, window.mapboxgl.supported = e5, window.mapboxgl.notSupportedReason = i5);
var o5 = {};
e5.webGLContextAttributes = { antialias: false, alpha: true, stencil: true, depth: true };
}), i4 = { create: function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = t4.window.document.createElement(e5);
return void 0 !== i5 && (r5.className = i5), o5 && o5.appendChild(r5), r5;
}, createNS: function(e5, i5) {
return t4.window.document.createElementNS(e5, i5);
} }, o4 = t4.window.document && t4.window.document.documentElement.style;
function r4(t5) {
if (!o4) {
return t5[0];
for (var e5 = 0; e5 < t5.length; e5++) {
if (t5[e5] in o4) {
return t5[e5];
return t5[0];
var a4, n6 = r4(["userSelect", "MozUserSelect", "WebkitUserSelect", "msUserSelect"]);
i4.disableDrag = function() {
o4 && n6 && (a4 = o4[n6], o4[n6] = "none");
}, i4.enableDrag = function() {
o4 && n6 && (o4[n6] = a4);
var s5 = r4(["transform", "WebkitTransform"]);
i4.setTransform = function(t5, e5) {
t5.style[s5] = e5;
var l5 = false;
try {
var c3 = Object.defineProperty({}, "passive", { get: function() {
l5 = true;
} });
t4.window.addEventListener("test", c3, c3), t4.window.removeEventListener("test", c3, c3);
} catch (t$1) {
l5 = false;
i4.addEventListener = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), t5.addEventListener(e5, i5, "passive" in o5 && l5 ? o5 : o5.capture);
}, i4.removeEventListener = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), t5.removeEventListener(e5, i5, "passive" in o5 && l5 ? o5 : o5.capture);
var u3 = function(e5) {
e5.preventDefault(), e5.stopPropagation(), t4.window.removeEventListener("click", u3, true);
function h5(t5) {
var e5 = t5.userImage;
return !!(e5 && e5.render && e5.render()) && (t5.data.replace(new Uint8Array(e5.data.buffer)), true);
i4.suppressClick = function() {
t4.window.addEventListener("click", u3, true), t4.window.setTimeout(function() {
t4.window.removeEventListener("click", u3, true);
}, 0);
}, i4.mousePos = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = e5.getBoundingClientRect();
return new t4.Point(i5.clientX - o5.left - e5.clientLeft, i5.clientY - o5.top - e5.clientTop);
}, i4.touchPos = function(e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = e5.getBoundingClientRect(), r5 = [], a5 = 0; a5 < i5.length; a5++) {
r5.push(new t4.Point(i5[a5].clientX - o5.left - e5.clientLeft, i5[a5].clientY - o5.top - e5.clientTop));
return r5;
}, i4.mouseButton = function(e5) {
return void 0 !== t4.window.InstallTrigger && 2 === e5.button && e5.ctrlKey && t4.window.navigator.platform.toUpperCase().indexOf("MAC") >= 0 ? 0 : e5.button;
}, i4.remove = function(t5) {
t5.parentNode && t5.parentNode.removeChild(t5);
var p3 = function(e5) {
function i5() {
e5.call(this), this.images = {}, this.updatedImages = {}, this.callbackDispatchedThisFrame = {}, this.loaded = false, this.requestors = [], this.patterns = {}, this.atlasImage = new t4.RGBAImage({ width: 1, height: 1 }), this.dirty = true;
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.isLoaded = function() {
return this.loaded;
}, i5.prototype.setLoaded = function(t5) {
if (this.loaded !== t5 && (this.loaded = t5, t5)) {
for (var e6 = 0, i6 = this.requestors; e6 < i6.length; e6 += 1) {
var o5 = i6[e6];
this._notify(o5.ids, o5.callback);
this.requestors = [];
}, i5.prototype.getImage = function(t5) {
return this.images[t5];
}, i5.prototype.addImage = function(t5, e6) {
this._validate(t5, e6) && (this.images[t5] = e6);
}, i5.prototype._validate = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = true;
return this._validateStretch(i6.stretchX, i6.data && i6.data.width) || (this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Image "' + e6 + '" has invalid "stretchX" value'))), o5 = false), this._validateStretch(i6.stretchY, i6.data && i6.data.height) || (this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Image "' + e6 + '" has invalid "stretchY" value'))), o5 = false), this._validateContent(i6.content, i6) || (this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Image "' + e6 + '" has invalid "content" value'))), o5 = false), o5;
}, i5.prototype._validateStretch = function(t5, e6) {
if (!t5) {
return true;
for (var i6 = 0, o5 = 0, r5 = t5; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
var a5 = r5[o5];
if (a5[0] < i6 || a5[1] < a5[0] || e6 < a5[1]) {
return false;
i6 = a5[1];
return true;
}, i5.prototype._validateContent = function(t5, e6) {
return !(t5 && (4 !== t5.length || t5[0] < 0 || e6.data.width < t5[0] || t5[1] < 0 || e6.data.height < t5[1] || t5[2] < 0 || e6.data.width < t5[2] || t5[3] < 0 || e6.data.height < t5[3] || t5[2] < t5[0] || t5[3] < t5[1]));
}, i5.prototype.updateImage = function(t5, e6) {
e6.version = this.images[t5].version + 1, this.images[t5] = e6, this.updatedImages[t5] = true;
}, i5.prototype.removeImage = function(t5) {
var e6 = this.images[t5];
delete this.images[t5], delete this.patterns[t5], e6.userImage && e6.userImage.onRemove && e6.userImage.onRemove();
}, i5.prototype.listImages = function() {
return Object.keys(this.images);
}, i5.prototype.getImages = function(t5, e6) {
var i6 = true;
if (!this.isLoaded()) {
for (var o5 = 0, r5 = t5; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
this.images[r5[o5]] || (i6 = false);
this.isLoaded() || i6 ? this._notify(t5, e6) : this.requestors.push({ ids: t5, callback: e6 });
}, i5.prototype._notify = function(e6, i6) {
for (var o5 = {}, r5 = 0, a5 = e6; r5 < a5.length; r5 += 1) {
var n7 = a5[r5];
this.images[n7] || this.fire(new t4.Event("styleimagemissing", { id: n7 }));
var s6 = this.images[n7];
s6 ? o5[n7] = { data: s6.data.clone(), pixelRatio: s6.pixelRatio, sdf: s6.sdf, version: s6.version, stretchX: s6.stretchX, stretchY: s6.stretchY, content: s6.content, hasRenderCallback: Boolean(s6.userImage && s6.userImage.render) } : t4.warnOnce('Image "' + n7 + '" could not be loaded. Please make sure you have added the image with map.addImage() or a "sprite" property in your style. You can provide missing images by listening for the "styleimagemissing" map event.');
i6(null, o5);
}, i5.prototype.getPixelSize = function() {
var t5 = this.atlasImage;
return { width: t5.width, height: t5.height };
}, i5.prototype.getPattern = function(e6) {
var i6 = this.patterns[e6], o5 = this.getImage(e6);
if (!o5) {
return null;
if (i6 && i6.position.version === o5.version) {
return i6.position;
if (i6) {
i6.position.version = o5.version;
} else {
var r5 = { w: o5.data.width + 2, h: o5.data.height + 2, x: 0, y: 0 }, a5 = new t4.ImagePosition(r5, o5);
this.patterns[e6] = { bin: r5, position: a5 };
return this._updatePatternAtlas(), this.patterns[e6].position;
}, i5.prototype.bind = function(e6) {
var i6 = e6.gl;
this.atlasTexture ? this.dirty && (this.atlasTexture.update(this.atlasImage), this.dirty = false) : this.atlasTexture = new t4.Texture(e6, this.atlasImage, i6.RGBA), this.atlasTexture.bind(i6.LINEAR, i6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
}, i5.prototype._updatePatternAtlas = function() {
var e6 = [];
for (var i6 in this.patterns) {
var o5 = t4.potpack(e6), r5 = o5.w, a5 = o5.h, n7 = this.atlasImage;
for (var s6 in n7.resize({ width: r5 || 1, height: a5 || 1 }), this.patterns) {
var l6 = this.patterns[s6].bin, c4 = l6.x + 1, u4 = l6.y + 1, h6 = this.images[s6].data, p4 = h6.width, d4 = h6.height;
t4.RGBAImage.copy(h6, n7, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: c4, y: u4 }, { width: p4, height: d4 }), t4.RGBAImage.copy(h6, n7, { x: 0, y: d4 - 1 }, { x: c4, y: u4 - 1 }, { width: p4, height: 1 }), t4.RGBAImage.copy(h6, n7, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: c4, y: u4 + d4 }, { width: p4, height: 1 }), t4.RGBAImage.copy(h6, n7, { x: p4 - 1, y: 0 }, { x: c4 - 1, y: u4 }, { width: 1, height: d4 }), t4.RGBAImage.copy(h6, n7, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: c4 + p4, y: u4 }, { width: 1, height: d4 });
this.dirty = true;
}, i5.prototype.beginFrame = function() {
this.callbackDispatchedThisFrame = {};
}, i5.prototype.dispatchRenderCallbacks = function(t5) {
for (var e6 = 0, i6 = t5; e6 < i6.length; e6 += 1) {
var o5 = i6[e6];
if (!this.callbackDispatchedThisFrame[o5]) {
this.callbackDispatchedThisFrame[o5] = true;
var r5 = this.images[o5];
h5(r5) && this.updateImage(o5, r5);
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), d3 = m3, _2 = m3, f3 = 1e20;
function m3(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
this.fontSize = t5 || 24, this.buffer = void 0 === e5 ? 3 : e5, this.cutoff = o5 || 0.25, this.fontFamily = r5 || "sans-serif", this.fontWeight = a5 || "normal", this.radius = i5 || 8;
var n7 = this.size = this.fontSize + 2 * this.buffer;
this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this.canvas.width = this.canvas.height = n7, this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"), this.ctx.font = this.fontWeight + " " + this.fontSize + "px " + this.fontFamily, this.ctx.textBaseline = "middle", this.ctx.fillStyle = "black", this.gridOuter = new Float64Array(n7 * n7), this.gridInner = new Float64Array(n7 * n7), this.f = new Float64Array(n7), this.d = new Float64Array(n7), this.z = new Float64Array(n7 + 1), this.v = new Int16Array(n7), this.middle = Math.round(n7 / 2 * (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/") >= 0 ? 1.2 : 1));
function g3(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
for (var s6 = 0; s6 < e5; s6++) {
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < i5; l6++) {
o5[l6] = t5[l6 * e5 + s6];
for (v3(o5, r5, a5, n7, i5), l6 = 0; l6 < i5; l6++) {
t5[l6 * e5 + s6] = r5[l6];
for (l6 = 0; l6 < i5; l6++) {
for (s6 = 0; s6 < e5; s6++) {
o5[s6] = t5[l6 * e5 + s6];
for (v3(o5, r5, a5, n7, e5), s6 = 0; s6 < e5; s6++) {
t5[l6 * e5 + s6] = Math.sqrt(r5[s6]);
function v3(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
i5[0] = 0, o5[0] = -f3, o5[1] = +f3;
for (var a5 = 1, n7 = 0; a5 < r5; a5++) {
for (var s6 = (t5[a5] + a5 * a5 - (t5[i5[n7]] + i5[n7] * i5[n7])) / (2 * a5 - 2 * i5[n7]); s6 <= o5[n7]; ) {
n7--, s6 = (t5[a5] + a5 * a5 - (t5[i5[n7]] + i5[n7] * i5[n7])) / (2 * a5 - 2 * i5[n7]);
i5[++n7] = a5, o5[n7] = s6, o5[n7 + 1] = +f3;
for (a5 = 0, n7 = 0; a5 < r5; a5++) {
for (; o5[n7 + 1] < a5; ) {
e5[a5] = (a5 - i5[n7]) * (a5 - i5[n7]) + t5[i5[n7]];
m3.prototype.draw = function(t5) {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.size, this.size), this.ctx.fillText(t5, this.buffer, this.middle);
for (var e5 = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.size, this.size), i5 = new Uint8ClampedArray(this.size * this.size), o5 = 0; o5 < this.size * this.size; o5++) {
var r5 = e5.data[4 * o5 + 3] / 255;
this.gridOuter[o5] = 1 === r5 ? 0 : 0 === r5 ? f3 : Math.pow(Math.max(0, 0.5 - r5), 2), this.gridInner[o5] = 1 === r5 ? f3 : 0 === r5 ? 0 : Math.pow(Math.max(0, r5 - 0.5), 2);
for (g3(this.gridOuter, this.size, this.size, this.f, this.d, this.v, this.z), g3(this.gridInner, this.size, this.size, this.f, this.d, this.v, this.z), o5 = 0; o5 < this.size * this.size; o5++) {
i5[o5] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(255 - 255 * ((this.gridOuter[o5] - this.gridInner[o5]) / this.radius + this.cutoff))));
return i5;
}, d3.default = _2;
var y3 = function(t5, e5) {
this.requestManager = t5, this.localIdeographFontFamily = e5, this.entries = {};
y3.prototype.setURL = function(t5) {
this.url = t5;
}, y3.prototype.getGlyphs = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = this, r5 = [];
for (var a5 in e5) {
for (var n7 = 0, s6 = e5[a5]; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
r5.push({ stack: a5, id: s6[n7] });
t4.asyncAll(r5, function(t5, e6) {
var i6 = t5.stack, r6 = t5.id, a6 = o5.entries[i6];
a6 || (a6 = o5.entries[i6] = { glyphs: {}, requests: {}, ranges: {} });
var n8 = a6.glyphs[r6];
if (void 0 === n8) {
if (n8 = o5._tinySDF(a6, i6, r6)) {
return a6.glyphs[r6] = n8, void e6(null, { stack: i6, id: r6, glyph: n8 });
var s7 = Math.floor(r6 / 256);
if (256 * s7 > 65535) {
e6(new Error("glyphs > 65535 not supported"));
} else if (a6.ranges[s7]) {
e6(null, { stack: i6, id: r6, glyph: n8 });
} else {
var l6 = a6.requests[s7];
l6 || (l6 = a6.requests[s7] = [], y3.loadGlyphRange(i6, s7, o5.url, o5.requestManager, function(t6, e7) {
if (e7) {
for (var i7 in e7) {
o5._doesCharSupportLocalGlyph(+i7) || (a6.glyphs[+i7] = e7[+i7]);
a6.ranges[s7] = true;
for (var r7 = 0, n9 = l6; r7 < n9.length; r7 += 1) {
(0, n9[r7])(t6, e7);
delete a6.requests[s7];
})), l6.push(function(t6, o6) {
t6 ? e6(t6) : o6 && e6(null, { stack: i6, id: r6, glyph: o6[r6] || null });
} else {
e6(null, { stack: i6, id: r6, glyph: n8 });
}, function(t5, e6) {
if (t5) {
} else if (e6) {
for (var o6 = {}, r6 = 0, a6 = e6; r6 < a6.length; r6 += 1) {
var n8 = a6[r6], s7 = n8.stack, l6 = n8.id, c4 = n8.glyph;
(o6[s7] || (o6[s7] = {}))[l6] = c4 && { id: c4.id, bitmap: c4.bitmap.clone(), metrics: c4.metrics };
i5(null, o6);
}, y3.prototype._doesCharSupportLocalGlyph = function(e5) {
return !!this.localIdeographFontFamily && (t4.isChar["CJK Unified Ideographs"](e5) || t4.isChar["Hangul Syllables"](e5) || t4.isChar.Hiragana(e5) || t4.isChar.Katakana(e5));
}, y3.prototype._tinySDF = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = this.localIdeographFontFamily;
if (r5 && this._doesCharSupportLocalGlyph(o5)) {
var a5 = e5.tinySDF;
if (!a5) {
var n7 = "400";
/bold/i.test(i5) ? n7 = "900" : /medium/i.test(i5) ? n7 = "500" : /light/i.test(i5) && (n7 = "200"), a5 = e5.tinySDF = new y3.TinySDF(24, 3, 8, 0.25, r5, n7);
return { id: o5, bitmap: new t4.AlphaImage({ width: 30, height: 30 }, a5.draw(String.fromCharCode(o5))), metrics: { width: 24, height: 24, left: 0, top: -8, advance: 24 } };
}, y3.loadGlyphRange = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = 256 * i5, s6 = n7 + 255, l6 = r5.transformRequest(r5.normalizeGlyphsURL(o5).replace("{fontstack}", e5).replace("{range}", n7 + "-" + s6), t4.ResourceType.Glyphs);
t4.getArrayBuffer(l6, function(e6, i6) {
if (e6) {
} else if (i6) {
for (var o6 = {}, r6 = 0, n8 = t4.parseGlyphPBF(i6); r6 < n8.length; r6 += 1) {
var s7 = n8[r6];
o6[s7.id] = s7;
a5(null, o6);
}, y3.TinySDF = d3;
var x3 = function() {
this.specification = t4.styleSpec.light.position;
x3.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(e5, i5) {
return t4.sphericalToCartesian(e5.expression.evaluate(i5));
}, x3.prototype.interpolate = function(e5, i5, o5) {
return { x: t4.number(e5.x, i5.x, o5), y: t4.number(e5.y, i5.y, o5), z: t4.number(e5.z, i5.z, o5) };
var b3 = new t4.Properties({ anchor: new t4.DataConstantProperty(t4.styleSpec.light.anchor), position: new x3(), color: new t4.DataConstantProperty(t4.styleSpec.light.color), intensity: new t4.DataConstantProperty(t4.styleSpec.light.intensity) }), w3 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6) {
e5.call(this), this._transitionable = new t4.Transitionable(b3), this.setLight(i6), this._transitioning = this._transitionable.untransitioned();
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.getLight = function() {
return this._transitionable.serialize();
}, i5.prototype.setLight = function(e6, i6) {
if (void 0 === i6 && (i6 = {}), !this._validate(t4.validateLight, e6, i6)) {
for (var o5 in e6) {
var r5 = e6[o5];
t4.endsWith(o5, "-transition") ? this._transitionable.setTransition(o5.slice(0, -"-transition".length), r5) : this._transitionable.setValue(o5, r5);
}, i5.prototype.updateTransitions = function(t5) {
this._transitioning = this._transitionable.transitioned(t5, this._transitioning);
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return this._transitioning.hasTransition();
}, i5.prototype.recalculate = function(t5) {
this.properties = this._transitioning.possiblyEvaluate(t5);
}, i5.prototype._validate = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return (!o5 || false !== o5.validate) && t4.emitValidationErrors(this, e6.call(t4.validateStyle, t4.extend({ value: i6, style: { glyphs: true, sprite: true }, styleSpec: t4.styleSpec })));
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), T3 = function(t5, e5) {
this.width = t5, this.height = e5, this.nextRow = 0, this.data = new Uint8Array(this.width * this.height), this.dashEntry = {};
T3.prototype.getDash = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = t5.join(",") + String(e5);
return this.dashEntry[i5] || (this.dashEntry[i5] = this.addDash(t5, e5)), this.dashEntry[i5];
}, T3.prototype.getDashRanges = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = [], r5 = t5.length % 2 == 1 ? -t5[t5.length - 1] * i5 : 0, a5 = t5[0] * i5, n7 = true;
o5.push({ left: r5, right: a5, isDash: n7, zeroLength: 0 === t5[0] });
for (var s6 = t5[0], l6 = 1; l6 < t5.length; l6++) {
var c4 = t5[l6];
o5.push({ left: r5 = s6 * i5, right: a5 = (s6 += c4) * i5, isDash: n7 = !n7, zeroLength: 0 === c4 });
return o5;
}, T3.prototype.addRoundDash = function(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = e5 / 2, r5 = -i5; r5 <= i5; r5++) {
for (var a5 = this.width * (this.nextRow + i5 + r5), n7 = 0, s6 = t5[n7], l6 = 0; l6 < this.width; l6++) {
l6 / s6.right > 1 && (s6 = t5[++n7]);
var c4 = Math.abs(l6 - s6.left), u4 = Math.abs(l6 - s6.right), h6 = Math.min(c4, u4), p4 = void 0, d4 = r5 / i5 * (o5 + 1);
if (s6.isDash) {
var _3 = o5 - Math.abs(d4);
p4 = Math.sqrt(h6 * h6 + _3 * _3);
} else {
p4 = o5 - Math.sqrt(h6 * h6 + d4 * d4);
this.data[a5 + l6] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, p4 + 128));
}, T3.prototype.addRegularDash = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = t5.length - 1; e5 >= 0; --e5) {
var i5 = t5[e5], o5 = t5[e5 + 1];
i5.zeroLength ? t5.splice(e5, 1) : o5 && o5.isDash === i5.isDash && (o5.left = i5.left, t5.splice(e5, 1));
var r5 = t5[0], a5 = t5[t5.length - 1];
r5.isDash === a5.isDash && (r5.left = a5.left - this.width, a5.right = r5.right + this.width);
for (var n7 = this.width * this.nextRow, s6 = 0, l6 = t5[s6], c4 = 0; c4 < this.width; c4++) {
c4 / l6.right > 1 && (l6 = t5[++s6]);
var u4 = Math.abs(c4 - l6.left), h6 = Math.abs(c4 - l6.right), p4 = Math.min(u4, h6);
this.data[n7 + c4] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, (l6.isDash ? p4 : -p4) + 128));
}, T3.prototype.addDash = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = i5 ? 7 : 0, r5 = 2 * o5 + 1;
if (this.nextRow + r5 > this.height) {
return t4.warnOnce("LineAtlas out of space"), null;
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = 0; n7 < e5.length; n7++) {
a5 += e5[n7];
if (0 !== a5) {
var s6 = this.width / a5, l6 = this.getDashRanges(e5, this.width, s6);
i5 ? this.addRoundDash(l6, s6, o5) : this.addRegularDash(l6);
var c4 = { y: (this.nextRow + o5 + 0.5) / this.height, height: 2 * o5 / this.height, width: a5 };
return this.nextRow += r5, this.dirty = true, c4;
}, T3.prototype.bind = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.gl;
this.texture ? (e5.bindTexture(e5.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), this.dirty && (this.dirty = false, e5.texSubImage2D(e5.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, e5.ALPHA, e5.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.data))) : (this.texture = e5.createTexture(), e5.bindTexture(e5.TEXTURE_2D, this.texture), e5.texParameteri(e5.TEXTURE_2D, e5.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, e5.REPEAT), e5.texParameteri(e5.TEXTURE_2D, e5.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, e5.REPEAT), e5.texParameteri(e5.TEXTURE_2D, e5.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, e5.LINEAR), e5.texParameteri(e5.TEXTURE_2D, e5.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, e5.LINEAR), e5.texImage2D(e5.TEXTURE_2D, 0, e5.ALPHA, this.width, this.height, 0, e5.ALPHA, e5.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.data));
var E2 = function e5(i5, o5) {
this.workerPool = i5, this.actors = [], this.currentActor = 0, this.id = t4.uniqueId();
for (var r5 = this.workerPool.acquire(this.id), a5 = 0; a5 < r5.length; a5++) {
var n7 = new e5.Actor(r5[a5], o5, this.id);
n7.name = "Worker " + a5, this.actors.push(n7);
function I3(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = function(r6, a5) {
if (r6) {
return o5(r6);
if (a5) {
var n7 = t4.pick(t4.extend(a5, e5), ["tiles", "minzoom", "maxzoom", "attribution", "mapbox_logo", "bounds", "scheme", "tileSize", "encoding"]);
a5.vector_layers && (n7.vectorLayers = a5.vector_layers, n7.vectorLayerIds = n7.vectorLayers.map(function(t5) {
return t5.id;
})), n7.tiles = i5.canonicalizeTileset(n7, e5.url), o5(null, n7);
return e5.url ? t4.getJSON(i5.transformRequest(i5.normalizeSourceURL(e5.url), t4.ResourceType.Source), r5) : t4.browser.frame(function() {
return r5(null, e5);
E2.prototype.broadcast = function(e5, i5, o5) {
t4.asyncAll(this.actors, function(t5, o6) {
t5.send(e5, i5, o6);
}, o5 = o5 || function() {
}, E2.prototype.getActor = function() {
return this.currentActor = (this.currentActor + 1) % this.actors.length, this.actors[this.currentActor];
}, E2.prototype.remove = function() {
this.actors.forEach(function(t5) {
}), this.actors = [], this.workerPool.release(this.id);
}, E2.Actor = t4.Actor;
var P3 = function(e5, i5, o5) {
this.bounds = t4.LngLatBounds.convert(this.validateBounds(e5)), this.minzoom = i5 || 0, this.maxzoom = o5 || 24;
P3.prototype.validateBounds = function(t5) {
return Array.isArray(t5) && 4 === t5.length ? [Math.max(-180, t5[0]), Math.max(-90, t5[1]), Math.min(180, t5[2]), Math.min(90, t5[3])] : [-180, -90, 180, 90];
}, P3.prototype.contains = function(e5) {
var i5 = Math.pow(2, e5.z), o5 = Math.floor(t4.mercatorXfromLng(this.bounds.getWest()) * i5), r5 = Math.floor(t4.mercatorYfromLat(this.bounds.getNorth()) * i5), a5 = Math.ceil(t4.mercatorXfromLng(this.bounds.getEast()) * i5), n7 = Math.ceil(t4.mercatorYfromLat(this.bounds.getSouth()) * i5);
return e5.x >= o5 && e5.x < a5 && e5.y >= r5 && e5.y < n7;
var S3 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5, a5) {
if (e5.call(this), this.id = i6, this.dispatcher = r5, this.type = "vector", this.minzoom = 0, this.maxzoom = 22, this.scheme = "xyz", this.tileSize = 512, this.reparseOverscaled = true, this.isTileClipped = true, this._loaded = false, t4.extend(this, t4.pick(o5, ["url", "scheme", "tileSize", "promoteId"])), this._options = t4.extend({ type: "vector" }, o5), this._collectResourceTiming = o5.collectResourceTiming, 512 !== this.tileSize) {
throw new Error("vector tile sources must have a tileSize of 512");
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function() {
var e6 = this;
this._loaded = false, this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "source" })), this._tileJSONRequest = I3(this._options, this.map._requestManager, function(i6, o5) {
e6._tileJSONRequest = null, e6._loaded = true, i6 ? e6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(i6)) : o5 && (t4.extend(e6, o5), o5.bounds && (e6.tileBounds = new P3(o5.bounds, e6.minzoom, e6.maxzoom)), t4.postTurnstileEvent(o5.tiles, e6.map._requestManager._customAccessToken), t4.postMapLoadEvent(o5.tiles, e6.map._getMapId(), e6.map._requestManager._skuToken, e6.map._requestManager._customAccessToken), e6.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "metadata" })), e6.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "content" })));
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
return this._loaded;
}, i5.prototype.hasTile = function(t5) {
return !this.tileBounds || this.tileBounds.contains(t5.canonical);
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this.load();
}, i5.prototype.setSourceProperty = function(t5) {
this._tileJSONRequest && this._tileJSONRequest.cancel(), t5(), this.map.style.sourceCaches[this.id].clearTiles(), this.load();
}, i5.prototype.setTiles = function(t5) {
var e6 = this;
return this.setSourceProperty(function() {
e6._options.tiles = t5;
}), this;
}, i5.prototype.setUrl = function(t5) {
var e6 = this;
return this.setSourceProperty(function() {
e6.url = t5, e6._options.url = t5;
}), this;
}, i5.prototype.onRemove = function() {
this._tileJSONRequest && (this._tileJSONRequest.cancel(), this._tileJSONRequest = null);
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return t4.extend({}, this._options);
}, i5.prototype.loadTile = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this.map._requestManager.normalizeTileURL(e6.tileID.canonical.url(this.tiles, this.scheme)), r5 = { request: this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(o5, t4.ResourceType.Tile), uid: e6.uid, tileID: e6.tileID, zoom: e6.tileID.overscaledZ, tileSize: this.tileSize * e6.tileID.overscaleFactor(), type: this.type, source: this.id, pixelRatio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, showCollisionBoxes: this.map.showCollisionBoxes, promoteId: this.promoteId };
function a5(o6, r6) {
return delete e6.request, e6.aborted ? i6(null) : o6 && 404 !== o6.status ? i6(o6) : (r6 && r6.resourceTiming && (e6.resourceTiming = r6.resourceTiming), this.map._refreshExpiredTiles && r6 && e6.setExpiryData(r6), e6.loadVectorData(r6, this.map.painter), t4.cacheEntryPossiblyAdded(this.dispatcher), i6(null), void (e6.reloadCallback && (this.loadTile(e6, e6.reloadCallback), e6.reloadCallback = null)));
r5.request.collectResourceTiming = this._collectResourceTiming, e6.actor && "expired" !== e6.state ? "loading" === e6.state ? e6.reloadCallback = i6 : e6.request = e6.actor.send("reloadTile", r5, a5.bind(this)) : (e6.actor = this.dispatcher.getActor(), e6.request = e6.actor.send("loadTile", r5, a5.bind(this)));
}, i5.prototype.abortTile = function(t5) {
t5.request && (t5.request.cancel(), delete t5.request), t5.actor && t5.actor.send("abortTile", { uid: t5.uid, type: this.type, source: this.id }, void 0);
}, i5.prototype.unloadTile = function(t5) {
t5.unloadVectorData(), t5.actor && t5.actor.send("removeTile", { uid: t5.uid, type: this.type, source: this.id }, void 0);
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return false;
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), C3 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5, a5) {
e5.call(this), this.id = i6, this.dispatcher = r5, this.setEventedParent(a5), this.type = "raster", this.minzoom = 0, this.maxzoom = 22, this.roundZoom = true, this.scheme = "xyz", this.tileSize = 512, this._loaded = false, this._options = t4.extend({ type: "raster" }, o5), t4.extend(this, t4.pick(o5, ["url", "scheme", "tileSize"]));
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function() {
var e6 = this;
this._loaded = false, this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "source" })), this._tileJSONRequest = I3(this._options, this.map._requestManager, function(i6, o5) {
e6._tileJSONRequest = null, e6._loaded = true, i6 ? e6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(i6)) : o5 && (t4.extend(e6, o5), o5.bounds && (e6.tileBounds = new P3(o5.bounds, e6.minzoom, e6.maxzoom)), t4.postTurnstileEvent(o5.tiles), t4.postMapLoadEvent(o5.tiles, e6.map._getMapId(), e6.map._requestManager._skuToken), e6.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "metadata" })), e6.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "content" })));
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
return this._loaded;
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this.load();
}, i5.prototype.onRemove = function() {
this._tileJSONRequest && (this._tileJSONRequest.cancel(), this._tileJSONRequest = null);
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return t4.extend({}, this._options);
}, i5.prototype.hasTile = function(t5) {
return !this.tileBounds || this.tileBounds.contains(t5.canonical);
}, i5.prototype.loadTile = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this, r5 = this.map._requestManager.normalizeTileURL(e6.tileID.canonical.url(this.tiles, this.scheme), this.tileSize);
e6.request = t4.getImage(this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(r5, t4.ResourceType.Tile), function(r6, a5) {
if (delete e6.request, e6.aborted) {
e6.state = "unloaded", i6(null);
} else if (r6) {
e6.state = "errored", i6(r6);
} else if (a5) {
o5.map._refreshExpiredTiles && e6.setExpiryData(a5), delete a5.cacheControl, delete a5.expires;
var n7 = o5.map.painter.context, s6 = n7.gl;
e6.texture = o5.map.painter.getTileTexture(a5.width), e6.texture ? e6.texture.update(a5, { useMipmap: true }) : (e6.texture = new t4.Texture(n7, a5, s6.RGBA, { useMipmap: true }), e6.texture.bind(s6.LINEAR, s6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, s6.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST), n7.extTextureFilterAnisotropic && s6.texParameterf(s6.TEXTURE_2D, n7.extTextureFilterAnisotropic.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, n7.extTextureFilterAnisotropicMax)), e6.state = "loaded", t4.cacheEntryPossiblyAdded(o5.dispatcher), i6(null);
}, i5.prototype.abortTile = function(t5, e6) {
t5.request && (t5.request.cancel(), delete t5.request), e6();
}, i5.prototype.unloadTile = function(t5, e6) {
t5.texture && this.map.painter.saveTileTexture(t5.texture), e6();
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return false;
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), z3 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5, a5) {
e5.call(this, i6, o5, r5, a5), this.type = "raster-dem", this.maxzoom = 22, this._options = t4.extend({ type: "raster-dem" }, o5), this.encoding = o5.encoding || "mapbox";
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return { type: "raster-dem", url: this.url, tileSize: this.tileSize, tiles: this.tiles, bounds: this.bounds, encoding: this.encoding };
}, i5.prototype.loadTile = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this.map._requestManager.normalizeTileURL(e6.tileID.canonical.url(this.tiles, this.scheme), this.tileSize);
function r5(t5, o6) {
t5 && (e6.state = "errored", i6(t5)), o6 && (e6.dem = o6, e6.needsHillshadePrepare = true, e6.state = "loaded", i6(null));
e6.request = t4.getImage(this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(o5, t4.ResourceType.Tile), function(o6, a5) {
if (delete e6.request, e6.aborted) {
e6.state = "unloaded", i6(null);
} else if (o6) {
e6.state = "errored", i6(o6);
} else if (a5) {
this.map._refreshExpiredTiles && e6.setExpiryData(a5), delete a5.cacheControl, delete a5.expires;
var n7 = t4.window.ImageBitmap && a5 instanceof t4.window.ImageBitmap && t4.offscreenCanvasSupported() ? a5 : t4.browser.getImageData(a5, 1), s6 = { uid: e6.uid, coord: e6.tileID, source: this.id, rawImageData: n7, encoding: this.encoding };
e6.actor && "expired" !== e6.state || (e6.actor = this.dispatcher.getActor(), e6.actor.send("loadDEMTile", s6, r5.bind(this)));
}.bind(this)), e6.neighboringTiles = this._getNeighboringTiles(e6.tileID);
}, i5.prototype._getNeighboringTiles = function(e6) {
var i6 = e6.canonical, o5 = Math.pow(2, i6.z), r5 = (i6.x - 1 + o5) % o5, a5 = 0 === i6.x ? e6.wrap - 1 : e6.wrap, n7 = (i6.x + 1 + o5) % o5, s6 = i6.x + 1 === o5 ? e6.wrap + 1 : e6.wrap, l6 = {};
return l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, a5, i6.z, r5, i6.y).key] = { backfilled: false }, l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, s6, i6.z, n7, i6.y).key] = { backfilled: false }, i6.y > 0 && (l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, a5, i6.z, r5, i6.y - 1).key] = { backfilled: false }, l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, e6.wrap, i6.z, i6.x, i6.y - 1).key] = { backfilled: false }, l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, s6, i6.z, n7, i6.y - 1).key] = { backfilled: false }), i6.y + 1 < o5 && (l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, a5, i6.z, r5, i6.y + 1).key] = { backfilled: false }, l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, e6.wrap, i6.z, i6.x, i6.y + 1).key] = { backfilled: false }, l6[new t4.OverscaledTileID(e6.overscaledZ, s6, i6.z, n7, i6.y + 1).key] = { backfilled: false }), l6;
}, i5.prototype.unloadTile = function(t5) {
t5.demTexture && this.map.painter.saveTileTexture(t5.demTexture), t5.fbo && (t5.fbo.destroy(), delete t5.fbo), t5.dem && delete t5.dem, delete t5.neighboringTiles, t5.state = "unloaded", t5.actor && t5.actor.send("removeDEMTile", { uid: t5.uid, source: this.id });
}, i5;
}(C3), D3 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5, a5) {
e5.call(this), this.id = i6, this.type = "geojson", this.minzoom = 0, this.maxzoom = 18, this.tileSize = 512, this.isTileClipped = true, this.reparseOverscaled = true, this._removed = false, this._loaded = false, this.actor = r5.getActor(), this.setEventedParent(a5), this._data = o5.data, this._options = t4.extend({}, o5), this._collectResourceTiming = o5.collectResourceTiming, this._resourceTiming = [], void 0 !== o5.maxzoom && (this.maxzoom = o5.maxzoom), o5.type && (this.type = o5.type), o5.attribution && (this.attribution = o5.attribution), this.promoteId = o5.promoteId;
var n7 = t4.EXTENT / this.tileSize;
this.workerOptions = t4.extend({ source: this.id, cluster: o5.cluster || false, geojsonVtOptions: { buffer: (void 0 !== o5.buffer ? o5.buffer : 128) * n7, tolerance: (void 0 !== o5.tolerance ? o5.tolerance : 0.375) * n7, extent: t4.EXTENT, maxZoom: this.maxzoom, lineMetrics: o5.lineMetrics || false, generateId: o5.generateId || false }, superclusterOptions: { maxZoom: void 0 !== o5.clusterMaxZoom ? Math.min(o5.clusterMaxZoom, this.maxzoom - 1) : this.maxzoom - 1, minPoints: Math.max(2, o5.clusterMinPoints || 2), extent: t4.EXTENT, radius: (o5.clusterRadius || 50) * n7, log: false, generateId: o5.generateId || false }, clusterProperties: o5.clusterProperties, filter: o5.filter }, o5.workerOptions);
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function() {
var e6 = this;
this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "source" })), this._updateWorkerData(function(i6) {
if (i6) {
e6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(i6));
} else {
var o5 = { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "metadata" };
e6._collectResourceTiming && e6._resourceTiming && e6._resourceTiming.length > 0 && (o5.resourceTiming = e6._resourceTiming, e6._resourceTiming = []), e6.fire(new t4.Event("data", o5));
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this.load();
}, i5.prototype.setData = function(e6) {
var i6 = this;
return this._data = e6, this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "source" })), this._updateWorkerData(function(e7) {
if (e7) {
i6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(e7));
} else {
var o5 = { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "content" };
i6._collectResourceTiming && i6._resourceTiming && i6._resourceTiming.length > 0 && (o5.resourceTiming = i6._resourceTiming, i6._resourceTiming = []), i6.fire(new t4.Event("data", o5));
}), this;
}, i5.prototype.getClusterExpansionZoom = function(t5, e6) {
return this.actor.send("geojson.getClusterExpansionZoom", { clusterId: t5, source: this.id }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.getClusterChildren = function(t5, e6) {
return this.actor.send("geojson.getClusterChildren", { clusterId: t5, source: this.id }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.getClusterLeaves = function(t5, e6, i6, o5) {
return this.actor.send("geojson.getClusterLeaves", { source: this.id, clusterId: t5, limit: e6, offset: i6 }, o5), this;
}, i5.prototype._updateWorkerData = function(e6) {
var i6 = this;
this._loaded = false;
var o5 = t4.extend({}, this.workerOptions), r5 = this._data;
"string" == typeof r5 ? (o5.request = this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(t4.browser.resolveURL(r5), t4.ResourceType.Source), o5.request.collectResourceTiming = this._collectResourceTiming) : o5.data = JSON.stringify(r5), this.actor.send(this.type + ".loadData", o5, function(t5, r6) {
i6._removed || r6 && r6.abandoned || (i6._loaded = true, r6 && r6.resourceTiming && r6.resourceTiming[i6.id] && (i6._resourceTiming = r6.resourceTiming[i6.id].slice(0)), i6.actor.send(i6.type + ".coalesce", { source: o5.source }, null), e6(t5));
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
return this._loaded;
}, i5.prototype.loadTile = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this, r5 = e6.actor ? "reloadTile" : "loadTile";
e6.actor = this.actor, e6.request = this.actor.send(r5, { type: this.type, uid: e6.uid, tileID: e6.tileID, zoom: e6.tileID.overscaledZ, maxZoom: this.maxzoom, tileSize: this.tileSize, source: this.id, pixelRatio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, showCollisionBoxes: this.map.showCollisionBoxes, promoteId: this.promoteId }, function(t5, a5) {
return delete e6.request, e6.unloadVectorData(), e6.aborted ? i6(null) : t5 ? i6(t5) : (e6.loadVectorData(a5, o5.map.painter, "reloadTile" === r5), i6(null));
}, i5.prototype.abortTile = function(t5) {
t5.request && (t5.request.cancel(), delete t5.request), t5.aborted = true;
}, i5.prototype.unloadTile = function(t5) {
t5.unloadVectorData(), this.actor.send("removeTile", { uid: t5.uid, type: this.type, source: this.id });
}, i5.prototype.onRemove = function() {
this._removed = true, this.actor.send("removeSource", { type: this.type, source: this.id });
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return t4.extend({}, this._options, { type: this.type, data: this._data });
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return false;
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), A3 = t4.createLayout([{ name: "a_pos", type: "Int16", components: 2 }, { name: "a_texture_pos", type: "Int16", components: 2 }]), M3 = function(e5) {
function i5(t5, i6, o5, r5) {
e5.call(this), this.id = t5, this.dispatcher = o5, this.coordinates = i6.coordinates, this.type = "image", this.minzoom = 0, this.maxzoom = 22, this.tileSize = 512, this.tiles = {}, this._loaded = false, this.setEventedParent(r5), this.options = i6;
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this;
this._loaded = false, this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "source" })), this.url = this.options.url, t4.getImage(this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(this.url, t4.ResourceType.Image), function(r5, a5) {
o5._loaded = true, r5 ? o5.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(r5)) : a5 && (o5.image = a5, e6 && (o5.coordinates = e6), i6 && i6(), o5._finishLoading());
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
return this._loaded;
}, i5.prototype.updateImage = function(t5) {
var e6 = this;
return this.image && t5.url ? (this.options.url = t5.url, this.load(t5.coordinates, function() {
e6.texture = null;
}), this) : this;
}, i5.prototype._finishLoading = function() {
this.map && (this.setCoordinates(this.coordinates), this.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "metadata" })));
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this.load();
}, i5.prototype.setCoordinates = function(e6) {
var i6 = this;
this.coordinates = e6;
var o5 = e6.map(t4.MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat);
this.tileID = function(e7) {
for (var i7 = 1 / 0, o6 = 1 / 0, r6 = -1 / 0, a5 = -1 / 0, n7 = 0, s6 = e7; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
var l6 = s6[n7];
i7 = Math.min(i7, l6.x), o6 = Math.min(o6, l6.y), r6 = Math.max(r6, l6.x), a5 = Math.max(a5, l6.y);
var c4 = Math.max(r6 - i7, a5 - o6), u4 = Math.max(0, Math.floor(-Math.log(c4) / Math.LN2)), h6 = Math.pow(2, u4);
return new t4.CanonicalTileID(u4, Math.floor((i7 + r6) / 2 * h6), Math.floor((o6 + a5) / 2 * h6));
}(o5), this.minzoom = this.maxzoom = this.tileID.z;
var r5 = o5.map(function(t5) {
return i6.tileID.getTilePoint(t5)._round();
return this._boundsArray = new t4.StructArrayLayout4i8(), this._boundsArray.emplaceBack(r5[0].x, r5[0].y, 0, 0), this._boundsArray.emplaceBack(r5[1].x, r5[1].y, t4.EXTENT, 0), this._boundsArray.emplaceBack(r5[3].x, r5[3].y, 0, t4.EXTENT), this._boundsArray.emplaceBack(r5[2].x, r5[2].y, t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT), this.boundsBuffer && (this.boundsBuffer.destroy(), delete this.boundsBuffer), this.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", sourceDataType: "content" })), this;
}, i5.prototype.prepare = function() {
if (0 !== Object.keys(this.tiles).length && this.image) {
var e6 = this.map.painter.context, i6 = e6.gl;
for (var o5 in this.boundsBuffer || (this.boundsBuffer = e6.createVertexBuffer(this._boundsArray, A3.members)), this.boundsSegments || (this.boundsSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2)), this.texture || (this.texture = new t4.Texture(e6, this.image, i6.RGBA), this.texture.bind(i6.LINEAR, i6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)), this.tiles) {
var r5 = this.tiles[o5];
"loaded" !== r5.state && (r5.state = "loaded", r5.texture = this.texture);
}, i5.prototype.loadTile = function(t5, e6) {
this.tileID && this.tileID.equals(t5.tileID.canonical) ? (this.tiles[String(t5.tileID.wrap)] = t5, t5.buckets = {}, e6(null)) : (t5.state = "errored", e6(null));
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return { type: "image", url: this.options.url, coordinates: this.coordinates };
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return false;
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), L3 = function(e5) {
function i5(t5, i6, o5, r5) {
e5.call(this, t5, i6, o5, r5), this.roundZoom = true, this.type = "video", this.options = i6;
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function() {
var e6 = this;
this._loaded = false;
var i6 = this.options;
this.urls = [];
for (var o5 = 0, r5 = i6.urls; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
this.urls.push(this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(r5[o5], t4.ResourceType.Source).url);
t4.getVideo(this.urls, function(i7, o6) {
e6._loaded = true, i7 ? e6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(i7)) : o6 && (e6.video = o6, e6.video.loop = true, e6.video.setAttribute("playsinline", ""), e6.video.addEventListener("playing", function() {
}), e6.map && e6.video.play(), e6._finishLoading());
}, i5.prototype.pause = function() {
this.video && this.video.pause();
}, i5.prototype.play = function() {
this.video && this.video.play();
}, i5.prototype.seek = function(e6) {
if (this.video) {
var i6 = this.video.seekable;
e6 < i6.start(0) || e6 > i6.end(0) ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + this.id, null, "Playback for this video can be set only between the " + i6.start(0) + " and " + i6.end(0) + "-second mark."))) : this.video.currentTime = e6;
}, i5.prototype.getVideo = function() {
return this.video;
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map || (this.map = t5, this.load(), this.video && (this.video.play(), this.setCoordinates(this.coordinates)));
}, i5.prototype.prepare = function() {
if (!(0 === Object.keys(this.tiles).length || this.video.readyState < 2)) {
var e6 = this.map.painter.context, i6 = e6.gl;
for (var o5 in this.boundsBuffer || (this.boundsBuffer = e6.createVertexBuffer(this._boundsArray, A3.members)), this.boundsSegments || (this.boundsSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2)), this.texture ? this.video.paused || (this.texture.bind(i6.LINEAR, i6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), i6.texSubImage2D(i6.TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, i6.RGBA, i6.UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.video)) : (this.texture = new t4.Texture(e6, this.video, i6.RGBA), this.texture.bind(i6.LINEAR, i6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)), this.tiles) {
var r5 = this.tiles[o5];
"loaded" !== r5.state && (r5.state = "loaded", r5.texture = this.texture);
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return { type: "video", urls: this.urls, coordinates: this.coordinates };
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return this.video && !this.video.paused;
}, i5;
}(M3), R2 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5, a5) {
e5.call(this, i6, o5, r5, a5), o5.coordinates ? Array.isArray(o5.coordinates) && 4 === o5.coordinates.length && !o5.coordinates.some(function(t5) {
return !Array.isArray(t5) || 2 !== t5.length || t5.some(function(t6) {
return "number" != typeof t6;
}) || this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + i6, null, '"coordinates" property must be an array of 4 longitude/latitude array pairs'))) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + i6, null, 'missing required property "coordinates"'))), o5.animate && "boolean" != typeof o5.animate && this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + i6, null, 'optional "animate" property must be a boolean value'))), o5.canvas ? "string" == typeof o5.canvas || o5.canvas instanceof t4.window.HTMLCanvasElement || this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + i6, null, '"canvas" must be either a string representing the ID of the canvas element from which to read, or an HTMLCanvasElement instance'))) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new t4.ValidationError("sources." + i6, null, 'missing required property "canvas"'))), this.options = o5, this.animate = void 0 === o5.animate || o5.animate;
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.load = function() {
this._loaded = true, this.canvas || (this.canvas = this.options.canvas instanceof t4.window.HTMLCanvasElement ? this.options.canvas : t4.window.document.getElementById(this.options.canvas)), this.width = this.canvas.width, this.height = this.canvas.height, this._hasInvalidDimensions() ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Canvas dimensions cannot be less than or equal to zero."))) : (this.play = function() {
this._playing = true, this.map.triggerRepaint();
}, this.pause = function() {
this._playing && (this.prepare(), this._playing = false);
}, this._finishLoading());
}, i5.prototype.getCanvas = function() {
return this.canvas;
}, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this.load(), this.canvas && this.animate && this.play();
}, i5.prototype.onRemove = function() {
}, i5.prototype.prepare = function() {
var e6 = false;
if (this.canvas.width !== this.width && (this.width = this.canvas.width, e6 = true), this.canvas.height !== this.height && (this.height = this.canvas.height, e6 = true), !this._hasInvalidDimensions() && 0 !== Object.keys(this.tiles).length) {
var i6 = this.map.painter.context, o5 = i6.gl;
for (var r5 in this.boundsBuffer || (this.boundsBuffer = i6.createVertexBuffer(this._boundsArray, A3.members)), this.boundsSegments || (this.boundsSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2)), this.texture ? (e6 || this._playing) && this.texture.update(this.canvas, { premultiply: true }) : this.texture = new t4.Texture(i6, this.canvas, o5.RGBA, { premultiply: true }), this.tiles) {
var a5 = this.tiles[r5];
"loaded" !== a5.state && (a5.state = "loaded", a5.texture = this.texture);
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return { type: "canvas", coordinates: this.coordinates };
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return this._playing;
}, i5.prototype._hasInvalidDimensions = function() {
for (var t5 = 0, e6 = [this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height]; t5 < e6.length; t5 += 1) {
var i6 = e6[t5];
if (isNaN(i6) || i6 <= 0) {
return true;
return false;
}, i5;
}(M3), k3 = { vector: S3, raster: C3, "raster-dem": z3, geojson: D3, video: L3, image: M3, canvas: R2 };
function B2(e5, i5) {
var o5 = t4.identity([]);
return t4.translate(o5, o5, [1, 1, 0]), t4.scale(o5, o5, [0.5 * e5.width, 0.5 * e5.height, 1]), t4.multiply(o5, o5, e5.calculatePosMatrix(i5.toUnwrapped()));
function O3(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = function(t6, e6, i6) {
if (t6) {
for (var o6 = 0, r6 = t6; o6 < r6.length; o6 += 1) {
var a6 = e6[r6[o6]];
if (a6 && a6.source === i6 && "fill-extrusion" === a6.type) {
return true;
} else {
for (var n8 in e6) {
var s7 = e6[n8];
if (s7.source === i6 && "fill-extrusion" === s7.type) {
return true;
return false;
}(r5 && r5.layers, e5, t5.id), s6 = a5.maxPitchScaleFactor(), l6 = t5.tilesIn(o5, s6, n7);
for (var c4 = [], u4 = 0, h6 = l6; u4 < h6.length; u4 += 1) {
var p4 = h6[u4];
c4.push({ wrappedTileID: p4.tileID.wrapped().key, queryResults: p4.tile.queryRenderedFeatures(e5, i5, t5._state, p4.queryGeometry, p4.cameraQueryGeometry, p4.scale, r5, a5, s6, B2(t5.transform, p4.tileID)) });
var d4 = function(t6) {
for (var e6 = {}, i6 = {}, o6 = 0, r6 = t6; o6 < r6.length; o6 += 1) {
var a6 = r6[o6], n8 = a6.queryResults, s7 = a6.wrappedTileID, l7 = i6[s7] = i6[s7] || {};
for (var c5 in n8) {
for (var u5 = n8[c5], h7 = l7[c5] = l7[c5] || {}, p5 = e6[c5] = e6[c5] || [], d5 = 0, _4 = u5; d5 < _4.length; d5 += 1) {
var f4 = _4[d5];
h7[f4.featureIndex] || (h7[f4.featureIndex] = true, p5.push(f4));
return e6;
for (var _3 in d4) {
d4[_3].forEach(function(e6) {
var i6 = e6.feature, o6 = t5.getFeatureState(i6.layer["source-layer"], i6.id);
i6.source = i6.layer.source, i6.layer["source-layer"] && (i6.sourceLayer = i6.layer["source-layer"]), i6.state = o6;
return d4;
function F2(t5, e5) {
var i5 = t5.tileID, o5 = e5.tileID;
return i5.overscaledZ - o5.overscaledZ || i5.canonical.y - o5.canonical.y || i5.wrap - o5.wrap || i5.canonical.x - o5.canonical.x;
var U2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.max = t5, this.onRemove = e5, this.reset();
U2.prototype.reset = function() {
for (var t5 in this.data) {
for (var e5 = 0, i5 = this.data[t5]; e5 < i5.length; e5 += 1) {
var o5 = i5[e5];
o5.timeout && clearTimeout(o5.timeout), this.onRemove(o5.value);
return this.data = {}, this.order = [], this;
}, U2.prototype.add = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this, r5 = t5.wrapped().key;
void 0 === this.data[r5] && (this.data[r5] = []);
var a5 = { value: e5, timeout: void 0 };
if (void 0 !== i5 && (a5.timeout = setTimeout(function() {
o5.remove(t5, a5);
}, i5)), this.data[r5].push(a5), this.order.push(r5), this.order.length > this.max) {
var n7 = this._getAndRemoveByKey(this.order[0]);
n7 && this.onRemove(n7);
return this;
}, U2.prototype.has = function(t5) {
return t5.wrapped().key in this.data;
}, U2.prototype.getAndRemove = function(t5) {
return this.has(t5) ? this._getAndRemoveByKey(t5.wrapped().key) : null;
}, U2.prototype._getAndRemoveByKey = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.data[t5].shift();
return e5.timeout && clearTimeout(e5.timeout), 0 === this.data[t5].length && delete this.data[t5], this.order.splice(this.order.indexOf(t5), 1), e5.value;
}, U2.prototype.getByKey = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.data[t5];
return e5 ? e5[0].value : null;
}, U2.prototype.get = function(t5) {
return this.has(t5) ? this.data[t5.wrapped().key][0].value : null;
}, U2.prototype.remove = function(t5, e5) {
if (!this.has(t5)) {
return this;
var i5 = t5.wrapped().key, o5 = void 0 === e5 ? 0 : this.data[i5].indexOf(e5), r5 = this.data[i5][o5];
return this.data[i5].splice(o5, 1), r5.timeout && clearTimeout(r5.timeout), 0 === this.data[i5].length && delete this.data[i5], this.onRemove(r5.value), this.order.splice(this.order.indexOf(i5), 1), this;
}, U2.prototype.setMaxSize = function(t5) {
for (this.max = t5; this.order.length > this.max; ) {
var e5 = this._getAndRemoveByKey(this.order[0]);
e5 && this.onRemove(e5);
return this;
}, U2.prototype.filter = function(t5) {
var e5 = [];
for (var i5 in this.data) {
for (var o5 = 0, r5 = this.data[i5]; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
var a5 = r5[o5];
t5(a5.value) || e5.push(a5);
for (var n7 = 0, s6 = e5; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
var l6 = s6[n7];
this.remove(l6.value.tileID, l6);
var N3 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.context = t5;
var o5 = t5.gl;
this.buffer = o5.createBuffer(), this.dynamicDraw = Boolean(i5), this.context.unbindVAO(), t5.bindElementBuffer.set(this.buffer), o5.bufferData(o5.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, e5.arrayBuffer, this.dynamicDraw ? o5.DYNAMIC_DRAW : o5.STATIC_DRAW), this.dynamicDraw || delete e5.arrayBuffer;
N3.prototype.bind = function() {
}, N3.prototype.updateData = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.context.gl;
this.context.unbindVAO(), this.bind(), e5.bufferSubData(e5.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, t5.arrayBuffer);
}, N3.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.buffer && (this.context.gl.deleteBuffer(this.buffer), delete this.buffer);
var Z2 = { Int8: "BYTE", Uint8: "UNSIGNED_BYTE", Int16: "SHORT", Uint16: "UNSIGNED_SHORT", Int32: "INT", Uint32: "UNSIGNED_INT", Float32: "FLOAT" }, q3 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this.length = e5.length, this.attributes = i5, this.itemSize = e5.bytesPerElement, this.dynamicDraw = o5, this.context = t5;
var r5 = t5.gl;
this.buffer = r5.createBuffer(), t5.bindVertexBuffer.set(this.buffer), r5.bufferData(r5.ARRAY_BUFFER, e5.arrayBuffer, this.dynamicDraw ? r5.DYNAMIC_DRAW : r5.STATIC_DRAW), this.dynamicDraw || delete e5.arrayBuffer;
q3.prototype.bind = function() {
}, q3.prototype.updateData = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.context.gl;
this.bind(), e5.bufferSubData(e5.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, t5.arrayBuffer);
}, q3.prototype.enableAttributes = function(t5, e5) {
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < this.attributes.length; i5++) {
var o5 = e5.attributes[this.attributes[i5].name];
void 0 !== o5 && t5.enableVertexAttribArray(o5);
}, q3.prototype.setVertexAttribPointers = function(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < this.attributes.length; o5++) {
var r5 = this.attributes[o5], a5 = e5.attributes[r5.name];
void 0 !== a5 && t5.vertexAttribPointer(a5, r5.components, t5[Z2[r5.type]], false, this.itemSize, r5.offset + this.itemSize * (i5 || 0));
}, q3.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.buffer && (this.context.gl.deleteBuffer(this.buffer), delete this.buffer);
var j3 = function(t5) {
this.gl = t5.gl, this.default = this.getDefault(), this.current = this.default, this.dirty = false;
j3.prototype.get = function() {
return this.current;
}, j3.prototype.set = function(t5) {
}, j3.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.default;
}, j3.prototype.setDefault = function() {
var V2 = function(e5) {
function i5() {
e5.apply(this, arguments);
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return t4.Color.transparent;
}, i5.prototype.set = function(t5) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t5.r !== e6.r || t5.g !== e6.g || t5.b !== e6.b || t5.a !== e6.a || this.dirty) && (this.gl.clearColor(t5.r, t5.g, t5.b, t5.a), this.current = t5, this.dirty = false);
}, i5;
}(j3), G2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return 1;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.clearDepth(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), W2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return 0;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.clearStencil(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), X2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return [true, true, true, true];
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6[0] !== e6[0] || t6[1] !== e6[1] || t6[2] !== e6[2] || t6[3] !== e6[3] || this.dirty) && (this.gl.colorMask(t6[0], t6[1], t6[2], t6[3]), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), H3 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return true;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.depthMask(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), K2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return 255;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.stencilMask(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), Y2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return { func: this.gl.ALWAYS, ref: 0, mask: 255 };
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6.func !== e6.func || t6.ref !== e6.ref || t6.mask !== e6.mask || this.dirty) && (this.gl.stencilFunc(t6.func, t6.ref, t6.mask), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), J2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
var t6 = this.gl;
return [t6.KEEP, t6.KEEP, t6.KEEP];
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6[0] !== e6[0] || t6[1] !== e6[1] || t6[2] !== e6[2] || this.dirty) && (this.gl.stencilOp(t6[0], t6[1], t6[2]), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), Q2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
t6 ? e6.enable(e6.STENCIL_TEST) : e6.disable(e6.STENCIL_TEST), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), $2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return [0, 1];
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6[0] !== e6[0] || t6[1] !== e6[1] || this.dirty) && (this.gl.depthRange(t6[0], t6[1]), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), tt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
t6 ? e6.enable(e6.DEPTH_TEST) : e6.disable(e6.DEPTH_TEST), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), et2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.gl.LESS;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.depthFunc(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), it2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
t6 ? e6.enable(e6.BLEND) : e6.disable(e6.BLEND), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), ot2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
var t6 = this.gl;
return [t6.ONE, t6.ZERO];
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6[0] !== e6[0] || t6[1] !== e6[1] || this.dirty) && (this.gl.blendFunc(t6[0], t6[1]), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), rt2 = function(e5) {
function i5() {
e5.apply(this, arguments);
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return t4.Color.transparent;
}, i5.prototype.set = function(t5) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t5.r !== e6.r || t5.g !== e6.g || t5.b !== e6.b || t5.a !== e6.a || this.dirty) && (this.gl.blendColor(t5.r, t5.g, t5.b, t5.a), this.current = t5, this.dirty = false);
}, i5;
}(j3), at2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.gl.FUNC_ADD;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.blendEquation(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), nt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
t6 ? e6.enable(e6.CULL_FACE) : e6.disable(e6.CULL_FACE), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), st2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.gl.BACK;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.cullFace(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), lt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.gl.CCW;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.frontFace(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), ct2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.useProgram(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), ut2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return this.gl.TEXTURE0;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
(t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.gl.activeTexture(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), ht2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
var t6 = this.gl;
return [0, 0, t6.drawingBufferWidth, t6.drawingBufferHeight];
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.current;
(t6[0] !== e6[0] || t6[1] !== e6[1] || t6[2] !== e6[2] || t6[3] !== e6[3] || this.dirty) && (this.gl.viewport(t6[0], t6[1], t6[2], t6[3]), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), pt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.bindFramebuffer(e6.FRAMEBUFFER, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), dt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.bindRenderbuffer(e6.RENDERBUFFER, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), _t2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.bindTexture(e6.TEXTURE_2D, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), ft2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.bindBuffer(e6.ARRAY_BUFFER, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), mt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.bindBuffer(e6.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), gt2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6) {
t5.call(this, e6), this.vao = e6.extVertexArrayObject;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
this.vao && (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) && (this.vao.bindVertexArrayOES(t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false);
}, e5;
}(j3), vt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return 4;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.pixelStorei(e6.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), yt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.pixelStorei(e6.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), xt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return false;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.pixelStorei(e6.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(j3), bt2 = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, i5) {
t5.call(this, e6), this.context = e6, this.parent = i5;
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.getDefault = function() {
return null;
}, e5;
}(j3), wt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.setDirty = function() {
this.dirty = true;
}, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.framebufferTexture2D(e6.FRAMEBUFFER, e6.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, e6.TEXTURE_2D, t6, 0), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(bt2), Tt2 = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.set = function(t6) {
if (t6 !== this.current || this.dirty) {
var e6 = this.gl;
e6.framebufferRenderbuffer(e6.FRAMEBUFFER, e6.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, e6.RENDERBUFFER, t6), this.current = t6, this.dirty = false;
}, e5;
}(bt2), Et2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this.context = t5, this.width = e5, this.height = i5;
var r5 = this.framebuffer = t5.gl.createFramebuffer();
this.colorAttachment = new wt2(t5, r5), o5 && (this.depthAttachment = new Tt2(t5, r5));
Et2.prototype.destroy = function() {
var t5 = this.context.gl, e5 = this.colorAttachment.get();
if (e5 && t5.deleteTexture(e5), this.depthAttachment) {
var i5 = this.depthAttachment.get();
i5 && t5.deleteRenderbuffer(i5);
var It2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.func = t5, this.mask = e5, this.range = i5;
It2.ReadOnly = false, It2.ReadWrite = true, It2.disabled = new It2(519, It2.ReadOnly, [0, 1]);
var Pt2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
this.test = t5, this.ref = e5, this.mask = i5, this.fail = o5, this.depthFail = r5, this.pass = a5;
Pt2.disabled = new Pt2({ func: 519, mask: 0 }, 0, 0, 7680, 7680, 7680);
var St2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.blendFunction = t5, this.blendColor = e5, this.mask = i5;
St2.disabled = new St2(St2.Replace = [1, 0], t4.Color.transparent, [false, false, false, false]), St2.unblended = new St2(St2.Replace, t4.Color.transparent, [true, true, true, true]), St2.alphaBlended = new St2([1, 771], t4.Color.transparent, [true, true, true, true]);
var Ct2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.enable = t5, this.mode = e5, this.frontFace = i5;
Ct2.disabled = new Ct2(false, 1029, 2305), Ct2.backCCW = new Ct2(true, 1029, 2305);
var zt2 = function(t5) {
this.gl = t5, this.extVertexArrayObject = this.gl.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object"), this.clearColor = new V2(this), this.clearDepth = new G2(this), this.clearStencil = new W2(this), this.colorMask = new X2(this), this.depthMask = new H3(this), this.stencilMask = new K2(this), this.stencilFunc = new Y2(this), this.stencilOp = new J2(this), this.stencilTest = new Q2(this), this.depthRange = new $2(this), this.depthTest = new tt2(this), this.depthFunc = new et2(this), this.blend = new it2(this), this.blendFunc = new ot2(this), this.blendColor = new rt2(this), this.blendEquation = new at2(this), this.cullFace = new nt2(this), this.cullFaceSide = new st2(this), this.frontFace = new lt2(this), this.program = new ct2(this), this.activeTexture = new ut2(this), this.viewport = new ht2(this), this.bindFramebuffer = new pt2(this), this.bindRenderbuffer = new dt2(this), this.bindTexture = new _t2(this), this.bindVertexBuffer = new ft2(this), this.bindElementBuffer = new mt2(this), this.bindVertexArrayOES = this.extVertexArrayObject && new gt2(this), this.pixelStoreUnpack = new vt2(this), this.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha = new yt2(this), this.pixelStoreUnpackFlipY = new xt2(this), this.extTextureFilterAnisotropic = t5.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || t5.getExtension("MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || t5.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"), this.extTextureFilterAnisotropic && (this.extTextureFilterAnisotropicMax = t5.getParameter(this.extTextureFilterAnisotropic.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT)), this.extTextureHalfFloat = t5.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float"), this.extTextureHalfFloat && (t5.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float_linear"), this.extRenderToTextureHalfFloat = t5.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_half_float")), this.extTimerQuery = t5.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"), this.maxTextureSize = t5.getParameter(t5.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
zt2.prototype.setDefault = function() {
this.unbindVAO(), this.clearColor.setDefault(), this.clearDepth.setDefault(), this.clearStencil.setDefault(), this.colorMask.setDefault(), this.depthMask.setDefault(), this.stencilMask.setDefault(), this.stencilFunc.setDefault(), this.stencilOp.setDefault(), this.stencilTest.setDefault(), this.depthRange.setDefault(), this.depthTest.setDefault(), this.depthFunc.setDefault(), this.blend.setDefault(), this.blendFunc.setDefault(), this.blendColor.setDefault(), this.blendEquation.setDefault(), this.cullFace.setDefault(), this.cullFaceSide.setDefault(), this.frontFace.setDefault(), this.program.setDefault(), this.activeTexture.setDefault(), this.bindFramebuffer.setDefault(), this.pixelStoreUnpack.setDefault(), this.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha.setDefault(), this.pixelStoreUnpackFlipY.setDefault();
}, zt2.prototype.setDirty = function() {
this.clearColor.dirty = true, this.clearDepth.dirty = true, this.clearStencil.dirty = true, this.colorMask.dirty = true, this.depthMask.dirty = true, this.stencilMask.dirty = true, this.stencilFunc.dirty = true, this.stencilOp.dirty = true, this.stencilTest.dirty = true, this.depthRange.dirty = true, this.depthTest.dirty = true, this.depthFunc.dirty = true, this.blend.dirty = true, this.blendFunc.dirty = true, this.blendColor.dirty = true, this.blendEquation.dirty = true, this.cullFace.dirty = true, this.cullFaceSide.dirty = true, this.frontFace.dirty = true, this.program.dirty = true, this.activeTexture.dirty = true, this.viewport.dirty = true, this.bindFramebuffer.dirty = true, this.bindRenderbuffer.dirty = true, this.bindTexture.dirty = true, this.bindVertexBuffer.dirty = true, this.bindElementBuffer.dirty = true, this.extVertexArrayObject && (this.bindVertexArrayOES.dirty = true), this.pixelStoreUnpack.dirty = true, this.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha.dirty = true, this.pixelStoreUnpackFlipY.dirty = true;
}, zt2.prototype.createIndexBuffer = function(t5, e5) {
return new N3(this, t5, e5);
}, zt2.prototype.createVertexBuffer = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return new q3(this, t5, e5, i5);
}, zt2.prototype.createRenderbuffer = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this.gl, r5 = o5.createRenderbuffer();
return this.bindRenderbuffer.set(r5), o5.renderbufferStorage(o5.RENDERBUFFER, t5, e5, i5), this.bindRenderbuffer.set(null), r5;
}, zt2.prototype.createFramebuffer = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return new Et2(this, t5, e5, i5);
}, zt2.prototype.clear = function(t5) {
var e5 = t5.color, i5 = t5.depth, o5 = this.gl, r5 = 0;
e5 && (r5 |= o5.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, this.clearColor.set(e5), this.colorMask.set([true, true, true, true])), void 0 !== i5 && (r5 |= o5.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, this.depthRange.set([0, 1]), this.clearDepth.set(i5), this.depthMask.set(true)), o5.clear(r5);
}, zt2.prototype.setCullFace = function(t5) {
false === t5.enable ? this.cullFace.set(false) : (this.cullFace.set(true), this.cullFaceSide.set(t5.mode), this.frontFace.set(t5.frontFace));
}, zt2.prototype.setDepthMode = function(t5) {
t5.func !== this.gl.ALWAYS || t5.mask ? (this.depthTest.set(true), this.depthFunc.set(t5.func), this.depthMask.set(t5.mask), this.depthRange.set(t5.range)) : this.depthTest.set(false);
}, zt2.prototype.setStencilMode = function(t5) {
t5.test.func !== this.gl.ALWAYS || t5.mask ? (this.stencilTest.set(true), this.stencilMask.set(t5.mask), this.stencilOp.set([t5.fail, t5.depthFail, t5.pass]), this.stencilFunc.set({ func: t5.test.func, ref: t5.ref, mask: t5.test.mask })) : this.stencilTest.set(false);
}, zt2.prototype.setColorMode = function(e5) {
t4.deepEqual(e5.blendFunction, St2.Replace) ? this.blend.set(false) : (this.blend.set(true), this.blendFunc.set(e5.blendFunction), this.blendColor.set(e5.blendColor)), this.colorMask.set(e5.mask);
}, zt2.prototype.unbindVAO = function() {
this.extVertexArrayObject && this.bindVertexArrayOES.set(null);
var Dt2 = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5, r5) {
var a5 = this;
e5.call(this), this.id = i6, this.dispatcher = r5, this.on("data", function(t5) {
"source" === t5.dataType && "metadata" === t5.sourceDataType && (a5._sourceLoaded = true), a5._sourceLoaded && !a5._paused && "source" === t5.dataType && "content" === t5.sourceDataType && (a5.reload(), a5.transform && a5.update(a5.transform));
}), this.on("error", function() {
a5._sourceErrored = true;
}), this._source = function(e6, i7, o6, r6) {
var a6 = new k3[i7.type](e6, i7, o6, r6);
if (a6.id !== e6) {
throw new Error("Expected Source id to be " + e6 + " instead of " + a6.id);
return t4.bindAll(["load", "abort", "unload", "serialize", "prepare"], a6), a6;
}(i6, o5, r5, this), this._tiles = {}, this._cache = new U2(0, this._unloadTile.bind(this)), this._timers = {}, this._cacheTimers = {}, this._maxTileCacheSize = null, this._loadedParentTiles = {}, this._coveredTiles = {}, this._state = new t4.SourceFeatureState();
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this.map = t5, this._maxTileCacheSize = t5 ? t5._maxTileCacheSize : null, this._source && this._source.onAdd && this._source.onAdd(t5);
}, i5.prototype.onRemove = function(t5) {
this._source && this._source.onRemove && this._source.onRemove(t5);
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
if (this._sourceErrored) {
return true;
if (!this._sourceLoaded) {
return false;
if (!this._source.loaded()) {
return false;
for (var t5 in this._tiles) {
var e6 = this._tiles[t5];
if ("loaded" !== e6.state && "errored" !== e6.state) {
return false;
return true;
}, i5.prototype.getSource = function() {
return this._source;
}, i5.prototype.pause = function() {
this._paused = true;
}, i5.prototype.resume = function() {
if (this._paused) {
var t5 = this._shouldReloadOnResume;
this._paused = false, this._shouldReloadOnResume = false, t5 && this.reload(), this.transform && this.update(this.transform);
}, i5.prototype._loadTile = function(t5, e6) {
return this._source.loadTile(t5, e6);
}, i5.prototype._unloadTile = function(t5) {
if (this._source.unloadTile) {
return this._source.unloadTile(t5, function() {
}, i5.prototype._abortTile = function(t5) {
if (this._source.abortTile) {
return this._source.abortTile(t5, function() {
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return this._source.serialize();
}, i5.prototype.prepare = function(t5) {
for (var e6 in this._source.prepare && this._source.prepare(), this._state.coalesceChanges(this._tiles, this.map ? this.map.painter : null), this._tiles) {
var i6 = this._tiles[e6];
i6.upload(t5), i6.prepare(this.map.style.imageManager);
}, i5.prototype.getIds = function() {
return t4.values(this._tiles).map(function(t5) {
return t5.tileID;
}).sort(At2).map(function(t5) {
return t5.key;
}, i5.prototype.getRenderableIds = function(e6) {
var i6 = this, o5 = [];
for (var r5 in this._tiles) {
this._isIdRenderable(r5, e6) && o5.push(this._tiles[r5]);
return e6 ? o5.sort(function(e7, o6) {
var r6 = e7.tileID, a5 = o6.tileID, n7 = new t4.Point(r6.canonical.x, r6.canonical.y)._rotate(i6.transform.angle), s6 = new t4.Point(a5.canonical.x, a5.canonical.y)._rotate(i6.transform.angle);
return r6.overscaledZ - a5.overscaledZ || s6.y - n7.y || s6.x - n7.x;
}).map(function(t5) {
return t5.tileID.key;
}) : o5.map(function(t5) {
return t5.tileID;
}).sort(At2).map(function(t5) {
return t5.key;
}, i5.prototype.hasRenderableParent = function(t5) {
var e6 = this.findLoadedParent(t5, 0);
return !!e6 && this._isIdRenderable(e6.tileID.key);
}, i5.prototype._isIdRenderable = function(t5, e6) {
return this._tiles[t5] && this._tiles[t5].hasData() && !this._coveredTiles[t5] && (e6 || !this._tiles[t5].holdingForFade());
}, i5.prototype.reload = function() {
if (this._paused) {
this._shouldReloadOnResume = true;
} else {
for (var t5 in this._cache.reset(), this._tiles) {
"errored" !== this._tiles[t5].state && this._reloadTile(t5, "reloading");
}, i5.prototype._reloadTile = function(t5, e6) {
var i6 = this._tiles[t5];
i6 && ("loading" !== i6.state && (i6.state = e6), this._loadTile(i6, this._tileLoaded.bind(this, i6, t5, e6)));
}, i5.prototype._tileLoaded = function(e6, i6, o5, r5) {
if (r5) {
return e6.state = "errored", void (404 !== r5.status ? this._source.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(r5, { tile: e6 })) : this.update(this.transform));
e6.timeAdded = t4.browser.now(), "expired" === o5 && (e6.refreshedUponExpiration = true), this._setTileReloadTimer(i6, e6), "raster-dem" === this.getSource().type && e6.dem && this._backfillDEM(e6), this._state.initializeTileState(e6, this.map ? this.map.painter : null), this._source.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "source", tile: e6, coord: e6.tileID }));
}, i5.prototype._backfillDEM = function(t5) {
for (var e6 = this.getRenderableIds(), i6 = 0; i6 < e6.length; i6++) {
var o5 = e6[i6];
if (t5.neighboringTiles && t5.neighboringTiles[o5]) {
var r5 = this.getTileByID(o5);
a5(t5, r5), a5(r5, t5);
function a5(t6, e7) {
t6.needsHillshadePrepare = true;
var i7 = e7.tileID.canonical.x - t6.tileID.canonical.x, o6 = e7.tileID.canonical.y - t6.tileID.canonical.y, r6 = Math.pow(2, t6.tileID.canonical.z), a6 = e7.tileID.key;
0 === i7 && 0 === o6 || Math.abs(o6) > 1 || (Math.abs(i7) > 1 && (1 === Math.abs(i7 + r6) ? i7 += r6 : 1 === Math.abs(i7 - r6) && (i7 -= r6)), e7.dem && t6.dem && (t6.dem.backfillBorder(e7.dem, i7, o6), t6.neighboringTiles && t6.neighboringTiles[a6] && (t6.neighboringTiles[a6].backfilled = true)));
}, i5.prototype.getTile = function(t5) {
return this.getTileByID(t5.key);
}, i5.prototype.getTileByID = function(t5) {
return this._tiles[t5];
}, i5.prototype._retainLoadedChildren = function(t5, e6, i6, o5) {
for (var r5 in this._tiles) {
var a5 = this._tiles[r5];
if (!(o5[r5] || !a5.hasData() || a5.tileID.overscaledZ <= e6 || a5.tileID.overscaledZ > i6)) {
for (var n7 = a5.tileID; a5 && a5.tileID.overscaledZ > e6 + 1; ) {
var s6 = a5.tileID.scaledTo(a5.tileID.overscaledZ - 1);
(a5 = this._tiles[s6.key]) && a5.hasData() && (n7 = s6);
for (var l6 = n7; l6.overscaledZ > e6; ) {
if (t5[(l6 = l6.scaledTo(l6.overscaledZ - 1)).key]) {
o5[n7.key] = n7;
}, i5.prototype.findLoadedParent = function(t5, e6) {
if (t5.key in this._loadedParentTiles) {
var i6 = this._loadedParentTiles[t5.key];
return i6 && i6.tileID.overscaledZ >= e6 ? i6 : null;
for (var o5 = t5.overscaledZ - 1; o5 >= e6; o5--) {
var r5 = t5.scaledTo(o5), a5 = this._getLoadedTile(r5);
if (a5) {
return a5;
}, i5.prototype._getLoadedTile = function(t5) {
var e6 = this._tiles[t5.key];
return e6 && e6.hasData() ? e6 : this._cache.getByKey(t5.wrapped().key);
}, i5.prototype.updateCacheSize = function(t5) {
var e6 = Math.ceil(t5.width / this._source.tileSize) + 1, i6 = Math.ceil(t5.height / this._source.tileSize) + 1, o5 = Math.floor(e6 * i6 * 5), r5 = "number" == typeof this._maxTileCacheSize ? Math.min(this._maxTileCacheSize, o5) : o5;
}, i5.prototype.handleWrapJump = function(t5) {
var e6 = Math.round((t5 - (void 0 === this._prevLng ? t5 : this._prevLng)) / 360);
if (this._prevLng = t5, e6) {
var i6 = {};
for (var o5 in this._tiles) {
var r5 = this._tiles[o5];
r5.tileID = r5.tileID.unwrapTo(r5.tileID.wrap + e6), i6[r5.tileID.key] = r5;
for (var a5 in this._tiles = i6, this._timers) {
clearTimeout(this._timers[a5]), delete this._timers[a5];
for (var n7 in this._tiles) {
this._setTileReloadTimer(n7, this._tiles[n7]);
}, i5.prototype.update = function(e6) {
var o5 = this;
if (this.transform = e6, this._sourceLoaded && !this._paused) {
var r5;
this.updateCacheSize(e6), this.handleWrapJump(this.transform.center.lng), this._coveredTiles = {}, this.used ? this._source.tileID ? r5 = e6.getVisibleUnwrappedCoordinates(this._source.tileID).map(function(e7) {
return new t4.OverscaledTileID(e7.canonical.z, e7.wrap, e7.canonical.z, e7.canonical.x, e7.canonical.y);
}) : (r5 = e6.coveringTiles({ tileSize: this._source.tileSize, minzoom: this._source.minzoom, maxzoom: this._source.maxzoom, roundZoom: this._source.roundZoom, reparseOverscaled: this._source.reparseOverscaled }), this._source.hasTile && (r5 = r5.filter(function(t5) {
return o5._source.hasTile(t5);
}))) : r5 = [];
var a5 = e6.coveringZoomLevel(this._source), n7 = Math.max(a5 - i5.maxOverzooming, this._source.minzoom), s6 = Math.max(a5 + i5.maxUnderzooming, this._source.minzoom), l6 = this._updateRetainedTiles(r5, a5);
if (Mt2(this._source.type)) {
for (var c4 = {}, u4 = {}, h6 = 0, p4 = Object.keys(l6); h6 < p4.length; h6 += 1) {
var d4 = p4[h6], _3 = l6[d4], f4 = this._tiles[d4];
if (f4 && !(f4.fadeEndTime && f4.fadeEndTime <= t4.browser.now())) {
var m4 = this.findLoadedParent(_3, n7);
m4 && (this._addTile(m4.tileID), c4[m4.tileID.key] = m4.tileID), u4[d4] = _3;
for (var g4 in this._retainLoadedChildren(u4, a5, s6, l6), c4) {
l6[g4] || (this._coveredTiles[g4] = true, l6[g4] = c4[g4]);
for (var v4 in l6) {
for (var y4 = 0, x4 = t4.keysDifference(this._tiles, l6); y4 < x4.length; y4 += 1) {
var b4 = x4[y4], w4 = this._tiles[b4];
w4.hasSymbolBuckets && !w4.holdingForFade() ? w4.setHoldDuration(this.map._fadeDuration) : w4.hasSymbolBuckets && !w4.symbolFadeFinished() || this._removeTile(b4);
}, i5.prototype.releaseSymbolFadeTiles = function() {
for (var t5 in this._tiles) {
this._tiles[t5].holdingForFade() && this._removeTile(t5);
}, i5.prototype._updateRetainedTiles = function(t5, e6) {
for (var o5 = {}, r5 = {}, a5 = Math.max(e6 - i5.maxOverzooming, this._source.minzoom), n7 = Math.max(e6 + i5.maxUnderzooming, this._source.minzoom), s6 = {}, l6 = 0, c4 = t5; l6 < c4.length; l6 += 1) {
var u4 = c4[l6], h6 = this._addTile(u4);
o5[u4.key] = u4, h6.hasData() || e6 < this._source.maxzoom && (s6[u4.key] = u4);
this._retainLoadedChildren(s6, e6, n7, o5);
for (var p4 = 0, d4 = t5; p4 < d4.length; p4 += 1) {
var _3 = d4[p4], f4 = this._tiles[_3.key];
if (!f4.hasData()) {
if (e6 + 1 > this._source.maxzoom) {
var m4 = _3.children(this._source.maxzoom)[0], g4 = this.getTile(m4);
if (g4 && g4.hasData()) {
o5[m4.key] = m4;
} else {
var v4 = _3.children(this._source.maxzoom);
if (o5[v4[0].key] && o5[v4[1].key] && o5[v4[2].key] && o5[v4[3].key]) {
for (var y4 = f4.wasRequested(), x4 = _3.overscaledZ - 1; x4 >= a5; --x4) {
var b4 = _3.scaledTo(x4);
if (r5[b4.key]) {
if (r5[b4.key] = true, !(f4 = this.getTile(b4)) && y4 && (f4 = this._addTile(b4)), f4 && (o5[b4.key] = b4, y4 = f4.wasRequested(), f4.hasData())) {
return o5;
}, i5.prototype._updateLoadedParentTileCache = function() {
for (var t5 in this._loadedParentTiles = {}, this._tiles) {
for (var e6 = [], i6 = void 0, o5 = this._tiles[t5].tileID; o5.overscaledZ > 0; ) {
if (o5.key in this._loadedParentTiles) {
i6 = this._loadedParentTiles[o5.key];
var r5 = o5.scaledTo(o5.overscaledZ - 1);
if (i6 = this._getLoadedTile(r5)) {
o5 = r5;
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = e6; a5 < n7.length; a5 += 1) {
this._loadedParentTiles[n7[a5]] = i6;
}, i5.prototype._addTile = function(e6) {
var i6 = this._tiles[e6.key];
if (i6) {
return i6;
(i6 = this._cache.getAndRemove(e6)) && (this._setTileReloadTimer(e6.key, i6), i6.tileID = e6, this._state.initializeTileState(i6, this.map ? this.map.painter : null), this._cacheTimers[e6.key] && (clearTimeout(this._cacheTimers[e6.key]), delete this._cacheTimers[e6.key], this._setTileReloadTimer(e6.key, i6)));
var o5 = Boolean(i6);
return o5 || (i6 = new t4.Tile(e6, this._source.tileSize * e6.overscaleFactor()), this._loadTile(i6, this._tileLoaded.bind(this, i6, e6.key, i6.state))), i6 ? (i6.uses++, this._tiles[e6.key] = i6, o5 || this._source.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { tile: i6, coord: i6.tileID, dataType: "source" })), i6) : null;
}, i5.prototype._setTileReloadTimer = function(t5, e6) {
var i6 = this;
t5 in this._timers && (clearTimeout(this._timers[t5]), delete this._timers[t5]);
var o5 = e6.getExpiryTimeout();
o5 && (this._timers[t5] = setTimeout(function() {
i6._reloadTile(t5, "expired"), delete i6._timers[t5];
}, o5));
}, i5.prototype._removeTile = function(t5) {
var e6 = this._tiles[t5];
e6 && (e6.uses--, delete this._tiles[t5], this._timers[t5] && (clearTimeout(this._timers[t5]), delete this._timers[t5]), e6.uses > 0 || (e6.hasData() && "reloading" !== e6.state ? this._cache.add(e6.tileID, e6, e6.getExpiryTimeout()) : (e6.aborted = true, this._abortTile(e6), this._unloadTile(e6))));
}, i5.prototype.clearTiles = function() {
for (var t5 in this._shouldReloadOnResume = false, this._paused = false, this._tiles) {
}, i5.prototype.tilesIn = function(e6, i6, o5) {
var r5 = this, a5 = [], n7 = this.transform;
if (!n7) {
return a5;
for (var s6 = o5 ? n7.getCameraQueryGeometry(e6) : e6, l6 = e6.map(function(t5) {
return n7.pointCoordinate(t5);
}), c4 = s6.map(function(t5) {
return n7.pointCoordinate(t5);
}), u4 = this.getIds(), h6 = 1 / 0, p4 = 1 / 0, d4 = -1 / 0, _3 = -1 / 0, f4 = 0, m4 = c4; f4 < m4.length; f4 += 1) {
var g4 = m4[f4];
h6 = Math.min(h6, g4.x), p4 = Math.min(p4, g4.y), d4 = Math.max(d4, g4.x), _3 = Math.max(_3, g4.y);
for (var v4 = function(e7) {
var o6 = r5._tiles[u4[e7]];
if (!o6.holdingForFade()) {
var s7 = o6.tileID, f5 = Math.pow(2, n7.zoom - o6.tileID.overscaledZ), m5 = i6 * o6.queryPadding * t4.EXTENT / o6.tileSize / f5, g5 = [s7.getTilePoint(new t4.MercatorCoordinate(h6, p4)), s7.getTilePoint(new t4.MercatorCoordinate(d4, _3))];
if (g5[0].x - m5 < t4.EXTENT && g5[0].y - m5 < t4.EXTENT && g5[1].x + m5 >= 0 && g5[1].y + m5 >= 0) {
var v5 = l6.map(function(t5) {
return s7.getTilePoint(t5);
}), y5 = c4.map(function(t5) {
return s7.getTilePoint(t5);
a5.push({ tile: o6, tileID: s7, queryGeometry: v5, cameraQueryGeometry: y5, scale: f5 });
}, y4 = 0; y4 < u4.length; y4++) {
return a5;
}, i5.prototype.getVisibleCoordinates = function(t5) {
for (var e6 = this, i6 = this.getRenderableIds(t5).map(function(t6) {
return e6._tiles[t6].tileID;
}), o5 = 0, r5 = i6; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
var a5 = r5[o5];
a5.posMatrix = this.transform.calculatePosMatrix(a5.toUnwrapped());
return i6;
}, i5.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
if (this._source.hasTransition()) {
return true;
if (Mt2(this._source.type)) {
for (var e6 in this._tiles) {
var i6 = this._tiles[e6];
if (void 0 !== i6.fadeEndTime && i6.fadeEndTime >= t4.browser.now()) {
return true;
return false;
}, i5.prototype.setFeatureState = function(t5, e6, i6) {
this._state.updateState(t5 = t5 || "_geojsonTileLayer", e6, i6);
}, i5.prototype.removeFeatureState = function(t5, e6, i6) {
this._state.removeFeatureState(t5 = t5 || "_geojsonTileLayer", e6, i6);
}, i5.prototype.getFeatureState = function(t5, e6) {
return this._state.getState(t5 = t5 || "_geojsonTileLayer", e6);
}, i5.prototype.setDependencies = function(t5, e6, i6) {
var o5 = this._tiles[t5];
o5 && o5.setDependencies(e6, i6);
}, i5.prototype.reloadTilesForDependencies = function(t5, e6) {
for (var i6 in this._tiles) {
this._tiles[i6].hasDependency(t5, e6) && this._reloadTile(i6, "reloading");
this._cache.filter(function(i7) {
return !i7.hasDependency(t5, e6);
}, i5;
function At2(t5, e5) {
var i5 = Math.abs(2 * t5.wrap) - +(t5.wrap < 0), o5 = Math.abs(2 * e5.wrap) - +(e5.wrap < 0);
return t5.overscaledZ - e5.overscaledZ || o5 - i5 || e5.canonical.y - t5.canonical.y || e5.canonical.x - t5.canonical.x;
function Mt2(t5) {
return "raster" === t5 || "image" === t5 || "video" === t5;
function Lt2() {
return new t4.window.Worker(Kr.workerUrl);
Dt2.maxOverzooming = 10, Dt2.maxUnderzooming = 3;
var Rt2 = "mapboxgl_preloaded_worker_pool", kt2 = function() {
this.active = {};
kt2.prototype.acquire = function(t5) {
if (!this.workers) {
for (this.workers = []; this.workers.length < kt2.workerCount; ) {
this.workers.push(new Lt2());
return this.active[t5] = true, this.workers.slice();
}, kt2.prototype.release = function(t5) {
delete this.active[t5], 0 === this.numActive() && (this.workers.forEach(function(t6) {
}), this.workers = null);
}, kt2.prototype.isPreloaded = function() {
return !!this.active[Rt2];
}, kt2.prototype.numActive = function() {
return Object.keys(this.active).length;
var Bt2, Ot2 = Math.floor(t4.browser.hardwareConcurrency / 2);
function Ft2() {
return Bt2 || (Bt2 = new kt2()), Bt2;
function Ut2(e5, i5) {
var o5 = {};
for (var r5 in e5) {
"ref" !== r5 && (o5[r5] = e5[r5]);
return t4.refProperties.forEach(function(t5) {
t5 in i5 && (o5[t5] = i5[t5]);
}), o5;
function Nt2(t5) {
t5 = t5.slice();
for (var e5 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
e5[t5[i5].id] = t5[i5];
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length; o5++) {
"ref" in t5[o5] && (t5[o5] = Ut2(t5[o5], e5[t5[o5].ref]));
return t5;
kt2.workerCount = Math.max(Math.min(Ot2, 6), 1);
var Zt2 = { setStyle: "setStyle", addLayer: "addLayer", removeLayer: "removeLayer", setPaintProperty: "setPaintProperty", setLayoutProperty: "setLayoutProperty", setFilter: "setFilter", addSource: "addSource", removeSource: "removeSource", setGeoJSONSourceData: "setGeoJSONSourceData", setLayerZoomRange: "setLayerZoomRange", setLayerProperty: "setLayerProperty", setCenter: "setCenter", setZoom: "setZoom", setBearing: "setBearing", setPitch: "setPitch", setSprite: "setSprite", setGlyphs: "setGlyphs", setTransition: "setTransition", setLight: "setLight" };
function qt2(t5, e5, i5) {
i5.push({ command: Zt2.addSource, args: [t5, e5[t5]] });
function jt2(t5, e5, i5) {
e5.push({ command: Zt2.removeSource, args: [t5] }), i5[t5] = true;
function Vt2(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
jt2(t5, i5, o5), qt2(t5, e5, i5);
function Gt2(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5;
for (r5 in e5[o5]) {
if (e5[o5].hasOwnProperty(r5) && "data" !== r5 && !t4.deepEqual(e5[o5][r5], i5[o5][r5])) {
return false;
for (r5 in i5[o5]) {
if (i5[o5].hasOwnProperty(r5) && "data" !== r5 && !t4.deepEqual(e5[o5][r5], i5[o5][r5])) {
return false;
return true;
function Wt2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6;
for (s6 in i5 = i5 || {}, e5 = e5 || {}) {
e5.hasOwnProperty(s6) && (t4.deepEqual(e5[s6], i5[s6]) || o5.push({ command: n7, args: [r5, s6, i5[s6], a5] }));
for (s6 in i5) {
i5.hasOwnProperty(s6) && !e5.hasOwnProperty(s6) && (t4.deepEqual(e5[s6], i5[s6]) || o5.push({ command: n7, args: [r5, s6, i5[s6], a5] }));
function Xt2(t5) {
return t5.id;
function Ht2(t5, e5) {
return t5[e5.id] = e5, t5;
var Kt2 = function(t5, e5) {
this.reset(t5, e5);
Kt2.prototype.reset = function(t5, e5) {
this.points = t5 || [], this._distances = [0];
for (var i5 = 1; i5 < this.points.length; i5++) {
this._distances[i5] = this._distances[i5 - 1] + this.points[i5].dist(this.points[i5 - 1]);
this.length = this._distances[this._distances.length - 1], this.padding = Math.min(e5 || 0, 0.5 * this.length), this.paddedLength = this.length - 2 * this.padding;
}, Kt2.prototype.lerp = function(e5) {
if (1 === this.points.length) {
return this.points[0];
e5 = t4.clamp(e5, 0, 1);
for (var i5 = 1, o5 = this._distances[i5], r5 = e5 * this.paddedLength + this.padding; o5 < r5 && i5 < this._distances.length; ) {
o5 = this._distances[++i5];
var a5 = i5 - 1, n7 = this._distances[a5], s6 = o5 - n7, l6 = s6 > 0 ? (r5 - n7) / s6 : 0;
return this.points[a5].mult(1 - l6).add(this.points[i5].mult(l6));
var Yt2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this.boxCells = [], r5 = this.circleCells = [];
this.xCellCount = Math.ceil(t5 / i5), this.yCellCount = Math.ceil(e5 / i5);
for (var a5 = 0; a5 < this.xCellCount * this.yCellCount; a5++) {
o5.push([]), r5.push([]);
this.circleKeys = [], this.boxKeys = [], this.bboxes = [], this.circles = [], this.width = t5, this.height = e5, this.xScale = this.xCellCount / t5, this.yScale = this.yCellCount / e5, this.boxUid = 0, this.circleUid = 0;
function Jt2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = t4.create();
return i5 ? (t4.scale(n7, n7, [1 / a5, 1 / a5, 1]), o5 || t4.rotateZ(n7, n7, r5.angle)) : t4.multiply(n7, r5.labelPlaneMatrix, e5), n7;
function Qt2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
if (i5) {
var n7 = t4.clone(e5);
return t4.scale(n7, n7, [a5, a5, 1]), o5 || t4.rotateZ(n7, n7, -r5.angle), n7;
return r5.glCoordMatrix;
function $t2(e5, i5) {
var o5 = [e5.x, e5.y, 0, 1];
ue2(o5, o5, i5);
var r5 = o5[3];
return { point: new t4.Point(o5[0] / r5, o5[1] / r5), signedDistanceFromCamera: r5 };
function te2(t5, e5) {
return 0.5 + t5 / e5 * 0.5;
function ee2(t5, e5) {
var i5 = t5[0] / t5[3], o5 = t5[1] / t5[3];
return i5 >= -e5[0] && i5 <= e5[0] && o5 >= -e5[1] && o5 <= e5[1];
function ie2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6) {
var c4 = r5 ? e5.textSizeData : e5.iconSizeData, u4 = t4.evaluateSizeForZoom(c4, o5.transform.zoom), h6 = [256 / o5.width * 2 + 1, 256 / o5.height * 2 + 1], p4 = r5 ? e5.text.dynamicLayoutVertexArray : e5.icon.dynamicLayoutVertexArray;
for (var d4 = e5.lineVertexArray, _3 = r5 ? e5.text.placedSymbolArray : e5.icon.placedSymbolArray, f4 = o5.transform.width / o5.transform.height, m4 = false, g4 = 0; g4 < _3.length; g4++) {
var v4 = _3.get(g4);
if (v4.hidden || v4.writingMode === t4.WritingMode.vertical && !m4) {
ce2(v4.numGlyphs, p4);
} else {
m4 = false;
var y4 = [v4.anchorX, v4.anchorY, 0, 1];
if (t4.transformMat4(y4, y4, i5), ee2(y4, h6)) {
var x4 = te2(o5.transform.cameraToCenterDistance, y4[3]), b4 = t4.evaluateSizeForFeature(c4, u4, v4), w4 = s6 ? b4 / x4 : b4 * x4, T4 = new t4.Point(v4.anchorX, v4.anchorY), E3 = $t2(T4, a5).point, I4 = {}, P4 = ae2(v4, w4, false, l6, i5, a5, n7, e5.glyphOffsetArray, d4, p4, E3, T4, I4, f4);
m4 = P4.useVertical, (P4.notEnoughRoom || m4 || P4.needsFlipping && ae2(v4, w4, true, l6, i5, a5, n7, e5.glyphOffsetArray, d4, p4, E3, T4, I4, f4).notEnoughRoom) && ce2(v4.numGlyphs, p4);
} else {
ce2(v4.numGlyphs, p4);
r5 ? e5.text.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer.updateData(p4) : e5.icon.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer.updateData(p4);
function oe2(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4) {
var h6 = s6.glyphStartIndex + s6.numGlyphs, p4 = s6.lineStartIndex, d4 = s6.lineStartIndex + s6.lineLength, _3 = e5.getoffsetX(s6.glyphStartIndex), f4 = e5.getoffsetX(h6 - 1), m4 = se2(t5 * _3, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6.segment, p4, d4, l6, c4, u4);
if (!m4) {
return null;
var g4 = se2(t5 * f4, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6.segment, p4, d4, l6, c4, u4);
return g4 ? { first: m4, last: g4 } : null;
function re2(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return e5 === t4.WritingMode.horizontal && Math.abs(o5.y - i5.y) > Math.abs(o5.x - i5.x) * r5 ? { useVertical: true } : (e5 === t4.WritingMode.vertical ? i5.y < o5.y : i5.x > o5.x) ? { needsFlipping: true } : null;
function ae2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4, d4, _3) {
var f4, m4 = i5 / 24, g4 = e5.lineOffsetX * m4, v4 = e5.lineOffsetY * m4;
if (e5.numGlyphs > 1) {
var y4 = e5.glyphStartIndex + e5.numGlyphs, x4 = e5.lineStartIndex, b4 = e5.lineStartIndex + e5.lineLength, w4 = oe2(m4, l6, g4, v4, o5, h6, p4, e5, c4, n7, d4);
if (!w4) {
return { notEnoughRoom: true };
var T4 = $t2(w4.first.point, s6).point, E3 = $t2(w4.last.point, s6).point;
if (r5 && !o5) {
var I4 = re2(e5.writingMode, T4, E3, _3);
if (I4) {
return I4;
f4 = [w4.first];
for (var P4 = e5.glyphStartIndex + 1; P4 < y4 - 1; P4++) {
f4.push(se2(m4 * l6.getoffsetX(P4), g4, v4, o5, h6, p4, e5.segment, x4, b4, c4, n7, d4));
} else {
if (r5 && !o5) {
var S4 = $t2(p4, a5).point, C4 = e5.lineStartIndex + e5.segment + 1, z4 = new t4.Point(c4.getx(C4), c4.gety(C4)), D4 = $t2(z4, a5), A4 = D4.signedDistanceFromCamera > 0 ? D4.point : ne2(p4, z4, S4, 1, a5), M4 = re2(e5.writingMode, S4, A4, _3);
if (M4) {
return M4;
var L4 = se2(m4 * l6.getoffsetX(e5.glyphStartIndex), g4, v4, o5, h6, p4, e5.segment, e5.lineStartIndex, e5.lineStartIndex + e5.lineLength, c4, n7, d4);
if (!L4) {
return { notEnoughRoom: true };
f4 = [L4];
for (var R3 = 0, k4 = f4; R3 < k4.length; R3 += 1) {
var B3 = k4[R3];
t4.addDynamicAttributes(u4, B3.point, B3.angle);
return {};
function ne2(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = $t2(t5.add(t5.sub(e5)._unit()), r5).point, n7 = i5.sub(a5);
return i5.add(n7._mult(o5 / n7.mag()));
function se2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4) {
var d4 = r5 ? e5 - i5 : e5 + i5, _3 = d4 > 0 ? 1 : -1, f4 = 0;
r5 && (_3 *= -1, f4 = Math.PI), _3 < 0 && (f4 += Math.PI);
for (var m4 = _3 > 0 ? l6 + s6 : l6 + s6 + 1, g4 = a5, v4 = a5, y4 = 0, x4 = 0, b4 = Math.abs(d4), w4 = []; y4 + x4 <= b4; ) {
if ((m4 += _3) < l6 || m4 >= c4) {
return null;
if (v4 = g4, w4.push(g4), void 0 === (g4 = p4[m4])) {
var T4 = new t4.Point(u4.getx(m4), u4.gety(m4)), E3 = $t2(T4, h6);
if (E3.signedDistanceFromCamera > 0) {
g4 = p4[m4] = E3.point;
} else {
var I4 = m4 - _3;
g4 = ne2(0 === y4 ? n7 : new t4.Point(u4.getx(I4), u4.gety(I4)), T4, v4, b4 - y4 + 1, h6);
y4 += x4, x4 = v4.dist(g4);
var P4 = (b4 - y4) / x4, S4 = g4.sub(v4), C4 = S4.mult(P4)._add(v4);
C4._add(S4._unit()._perp()._mult(o5 * _3));
var z4 = f4 + Math.atan2(g4.y - v4.y, g4.x - v4.x);
return w4.push(C4), { point: C4, angle: z4, path: w4 };
Yt2.prototype.keysLength = function() {
return this.boxKeys.length + this.circleKeys.length;
}, Yt2.prototype.insert = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
this._forEachCell(e5, i5, o5, r5, this._insertBoxCell, this.boxUid++), this.boxKeys.push(t5), this.bboxes.push(e5), this.bboxes.push(i5), this.bboxes.push(o5), this.bboxes.push(r5);
}, Yt2.prototype.insertCircle = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this._forEachCell(e5 - o5, i5 - o5, e5 + o5, i5 + o5, this._insertCircleCell, this.circleUid++), this.circleKeys.push(t5), this.circles.push(e5), this.circles.push(i5), this.circles.push(o5);
}, Yt2.prototype._insertBoxCell = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
}, Yt2.prototype._insertCircleCell = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
}, Yt2.prototype._query = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
if (i5 < 0 || t5 > this.width || o5 < 0 || e5 > this.height) {
return !r5 && [];
var n7 = [];
if (t5 <= 0 && e5 <= 0 && this.width <= i5 && this.height <= o5) {
if (r5) {
return true;
for (var s6 = 0; s6 < this.boxKeys.length; s6++) {
n7.push({ key: this.boxKeys[s6], x1: this.bboxes[4 * s6], y1: this.bboxes[4 * s6 + 1], x2: this.bboxes[4 * s6 + 2], y2: this.bboxes[4 * s6 + 3] });
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < this.circleKeys.length; l6++) {
var c4 = this.circles[3 * l6], u4 = this.circles[3 * l6 + 1], h6 = this.circles[3 * l6 + 2];
n7.push({ key: this.circleKeys[l6], x1: c4 - h6, y1: u4 - h6, x2: c4 + h6, y2: u4 + h6 });
return a5 ? n7.filter(a5) : n7;
return this._forEachCell(t5, e5, i5, o5, this._queryCell, n7, { hitTest: r5, seenUids: { box: {}, circle: {} } }, a5), r5 ? n7.length > 0 : n7;
}, Yt2.prototype._queryCircle = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = t5 - i5, n7 = t5 + i5, s6 = e5 - i5, l6 = e5 + i5;
if (n7 < 0 || a5 > this.width || l6 < 0 || s6 > this.height) {
return !o5 && [];
var c4 = [];
return this._forEachCell(a5, s6, n7, l6, this._queryCellCircle, c4, { hitTest: o5, circle: { x: t5, y: e5, radius: i5 }, seenUids: { box: {}, circle: {} } }, r5), o5 ? c4.length > 0 : c4;
}, Yt2.prototype.query = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return this._query(t5, e5, i5, o5, false, r5);
}, Yt2.prototype.hitTest = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return this._query(t5, e5, i5, o5, true, r5);
}, Yt2.prototype.hitTestCircle = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
return this._queryCircle(t5, e5, i5, true, o5);
}, Yt2.prototype._queryCell = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
var l6 = n7.seenUids, c4 = this.boxCells[r5];
if (null !== c4) {
for (var u4 = this.bboxes, h6 = 0, p4 = c4; h6 < p4.length; h6 += 1) {
var d4 = p4[h6];
if (!l6.box[d4]) {
l6.box[d4] = true;
var _3 = 4 * d4;
if (t5 <= u4[_3 + 2] && e5 <= u4[_3 + 3] && i5 >= u4[_3 + 0] && o5 >= u4[_3 + 1] && (!s6 || s6(this.boxKeys[d4]))) {
if (n7.hitTest) {
return a5.push(true), true;
a5.push({ key: this.boxKeys[d4], x1: u4[_3], y1: u4[_3 + 1], x2: u4[_3 + 2], y2: u4[_3 + 3] });
var f4 = this.circleCells[r5];
if (null !== f4) {
for (var m4 = this.circles, g4 = 0, v4 = f4; g4 < v4.length; g4 += 1) {
var y4 = v4[g4];
if (!l6.circle[y4]) {
l6.circle[y4] = true;
var x4 = 3 * y4;
if (this._circleAndRectCollide(m4[x4], m4[x4 + 1], m4[x4 + 2], t5, e5, i5, o5) && (!s6 || s6(this.circleKeys[y4]))) {
if (n7.hitTest) {
return a5.push(true), true;
var b4 = m4[x4], w4 = m4[x4 + 1], T4 = m4[x4 + 2];
a5.push({ key: this.circleKeys[y4], x1: b4 - T4, y1: w4 - T4, x2: b4 + T4, y2: w4 + T4 });
}, Yt2.prototype._queryCellCircle = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
var l6 = n7.circle, c4 = n7.seenUids, u4 = this.boxCells[r5];
if (null !== u4) {
for (var h6 = this.bboxes, p4 = 0, d4 = u4; p4 < d4.length; p4 += 1) {
var _3 = d4[p4];
if (!c4.box[_3]) {
c4.box[_3] = true;
var f4 = 4 * _3;
if (this._circleAndRectCollide(l6.x, l6.y, l6.radius, h6[f4 + 0], h6[f4 + 1], h6[f4 + 2], h6[f4 + 3]) && (!s6 || s6(this.boxKeys[_3]))) {
return a5.push(true), true;
var m4 = this.circleCells[r5];
if (null !== m4) {
for (var g4 = this.circles, v4 = 0, y4 = m4; v4 < y4.length; v4 += 1) {
var x4 = y4[v4];
if (!c4.circle[x4]) {
c4.circle[x4] = true;
var b4 = 3 * x4;
if (this._circlesCollide(g4[b4], g4[b4 + 1], g4[b4 + 2], l6.x, l6.y, l6.radius) && (!s6 || s6(this.circleKeys[x4]))) {
return a5.push(true), true;
}, Yt2.prototype._forEachCell = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
for (var l6 = this._convertToXCellCoord(t5), c4 = this._convertToYCellCoord(e5), u4 = this._convertToXCellCoord(i5), h6 = this._convertToYCellCoord(o5), p4 = l6; p4 <= u4; p4++) {
for (var d4 = c4; d4 <= h6; d4++) {
if (r5.call(this, t5, e5, i5, o5, this.xCellCount * d4 + p4, a5, n7, s6)) {
}, Yt2.prototype._convertToXCellCoord = function(t5) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.xCellCount - 1, Math.floor(t5 * this.xScale)));
}, Yt2.prototype._convertToYCellCoord = function(t5) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.yCellCount - 1, Math.floor(t5 * this.yScale)));
}, Yt2.prototype._circlesCollide = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = o5 - t5, s6 = r5 - e5, l6 = i5 + a5;
return l6 * l6 > n7 * n7 + s6 * s6;
}, Yt2.prototype._circleAndRectCollide = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = (a5 - o5) / 2, l6 = Math.abs(t5 - (o5 + s6));
if (l6 > s6 + i5) {
return false;
var c4 = (n7 - r5) / 2, u4 = Math.abs(e5 - (r5 + c4));
if (u4 > c4 + i5) {
return false;
if (l6 <= s6 || u4 <= c4) {
return true;
var h6 = l6 - s6, p4 = u4 - c4;
return h6 * h6 + p4 * p4 <= i5 * i5;
var le2 = new Float32Array([-1 / 0, -1 / 0, 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0, 0]);
function ce2(t5, e5) {
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < t5; i5++) {
var o5 = e5.length;
e5.resize(o5 + 4), e5.float32.set(le2, 3 * o5);
function ue2(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = e5[0], r5 = e5[1];
return t5[0] = i5[0] * o5 + i5[4] * r5 + i5[12], t5[1] = i5[1] * o5 + i5[5] * r5 + i5[13], t5[3] = i5[3] * o5 + i5[7] * r5 + i5[15], t5;
var he2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = new Yt2(t5.width + 200, t5.height + 200, 25)), void 0 === i5 && (i5 = new Yt2(t5.width + 200, t5.height + 200, 25)), this.transform = t5, this.grid = e5, this.ignoredGrid = i5, this.pitchfactor = Math.cos(t5._pitch) * t5.cameraToCenterDistance, this.screenRightBoundary = t5.width + 100, this.screenBottomBoundary = t5.height + 100, this.gridRightBoundary = t5.width + 200, this.gridBottomBoundary = t5.height + 200;
function pe2(e5, i5, o5) {
return i5 * (t4.EXTENT / (e5.tileSize * Math.pow(2, o5 - e5.tileID.overscaledZ)));
he2.prototype.placeCollisionBox = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = this.projectAndGetPerspectiveRatio(o5, t5.anchorPointX, t5.anchorPointY), n7 = i5 * a5.perspectiveRatio, s6 = t5.x1 * n7 + a5.point.x, l6 = t5.y1 * n7 + a5.point.y, c4 = t5.x2 * n7 + a5.point.x, u4 = t5.y2 * n7 + a5.point.y;
return !this.isInsideGrid(s6, l6, c4, u4) || !e5 && this.grid.hitTest(s6, l6, c4, u4, r5) ? { box: [], offscreen: false } : { box: [s6, l6, c4, u4], offscreen: this.isOffscreen(s6, l6, c4, u4) };
}, he2.prototype.placeCollisionCircles = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4, d4) {
var _3 = [], f4 = new t4.Point(i5.anchorX, i5.anchorY), m4 = $t2(f4, n7), g4 = te2(this.transform.cameraToCenterDistance, m4.signedDistanceFromCamera), v4 = (u4 ? a5 / g4 : a5 * g4) / t4.ONE_EM, y4 = $t2(f4, s6).point, x4 = oe2(v4, r5, i5.lineOffsetX * v4, i5.lineOffsetY * v4, false, y4, f4, i5, o5, s6, {}), b4 = false, w4 = false, T4 = true;
if (x4) {
for (var E3 = 0.5 * p4 * g4 + d4, I4 = new t4.Point(-100, -100), P4 = new t4.Point(this.screenRightBoundary, this.screenBottomBoundary), S4 = new Kt2(), C4 = x4.first, z4 = x4.last, D4 = [], A4 = C4.path.length - 1; A4 >= 1; A4--) {
for (var M4 = 1; M4 < z4.path.length; M4++) {
var L4 = 2.5 * E3;
if (l6) {
var R3 = D4.map(function(t5) {
return $t2(t5, l6);
D4 = R3.some(function(t5) {
return t5.signedDistanceFromCamera <= 0;
}) ? [] : R3.map(function(t5) {
return t5.point;
var k4 = [];
if (D4.length > 0) {
for (var B3 = D4[0].clone(), O4 = D4[0].clone(), F3 = 1; F3 < D4.length; F3++) {
B3.x = Math.min(B3.x, D4[F3].x), B3.y = Math.min(B3.y, D4[F3].y), O4.x = Math.max(O4.x, D4[F3].x), O4.y = Math.max(O4.y, D4[F3].y);
k4 = B3.x >= I4.x && O4.x <= P4.x && B3.y >= I4.y && O4.y <= P4.y ? [D4] : O4.x < I4.x || B3.x > P4.x || O4.y < I4.y || B3.y > P4.y ? [] : t4.clipLine([D4], I4.x, I4.y, P4.x, P4.y);
for (var U3 = 0, N4 = k4; U3 < N4.length; U3 += 1) {
var Z3;
S4.reset(N4[U3], 0.25 * E3), Z3 = S4.length <= 0.5 * E3 ? 1 : Math.ceil(S4.paddedLength / L4) + 1;
for (var q4 = 0; q4 < Z3; q4++) {
var j4 = q4 / Math.max(Z3 - 1, 1), V3 = S4.lerp(j4), G3 = V3.x + 100, W3 = V3.y + 100;
_3.push(G3, W3, E3, 0);
var X3 = G3 - E3, H4 = W3 - E3, K3 = G3 + E3, Y3 = W3 + E3;
if (T4 = T4 && this.isOffscreen(X3, H4, K3, Y3), w4 = w4 || this.isInsideGrid(X3, H4, K3, Y3), !e5 && this.grid.hitTestCircle(G3, W3, E3, h6) && (b4 = true, !c4)) {
return { circles: [], offscreen: false, collisionDetected: b4 };
return { circles: !c4 && b4 || !w4 ? [] : _3, offscreen: T4, collisionDetected: b4 };
}, he2.prototype.queryRenderedSymbols = function(e5) {
if (0 === e5.length || 0 === this.grid.keysLength() && 0 === this.ignoredGrid.keysLength()) {
return {};
for (var i5 = [], o5 = 1 / 0, r5 = 1 / 0, a5 = -1 / 0, n7 = -1 / 0, s6 = 0, l6 = e5; s6 < l6.length; s6 += 1) {
var c4 = l6[s6], u4 = new t4.Point(c4.x + 100, c4.y + 100);
o5 = Math.min(o5, u4.x), r5 = Math.min(r5, u4.y), a5 = Math.max(a5, u4.x), n7 = Math.max(n7, u4.y), i5.push(u4);
for (var h6 = {}, p4 = {}, d4 = 0, _3 = this.grid.query(o5, r5, a5, n7).concat(this.ignoredGrid.query(o5, r5, a5, n7)); d4 < _3.length; d4 += 1) {
var f4 = _3[d4], m4 = f4.key;
if (void 0 === h6[m4.bucketInstanceId] && (h6[m4.bucketInstanceId] = {}), !h6[m4.bucketInstanceId][m4.featureIndex]) {
var g4 = [new t4.Point(f4.x1, f4.y1), new t4.Point(f4.x2, f4.y1), new t4.Point(f4.x2, f4.y2), new t4.Point(f4.x1, f4.y2)];
t4.polygonIntersectsPolygon(i5, g4) && (h6[m4.bucketInstanceId][m4.featureIndex] = true, void 0 === p4[m4.bucketInstanceId] && (p4[m4.bucketInstanceId] = []), p4[m4.bucketInstanceId].push(m4.featureIndex));
return p4;
}, he2.prototype.insertCollisionBox = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
(e5 ? this.ignoredGrid : this.grid).insert({ bucketInstanceId: i5, featureIndex: o5, collisionGroupID: r5 }, t5[0], t5[1], t5[2], t5[3]);
}, he2.prototype.insertCollisionCircles = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
for (var a5 = e5 ? this.ignoredGrid : this.grid, n7 = { bucketInstanceId: i5, featureIndex: o5, collisionGroupID: r5 }, s6 = 0; s6 < t5.length; s6 += 4) {
a5.insertCircle(n7, t5[s6], t5[s6 + 1], t5[s6 + 2]);
}, he2.prototype.projectAndGetPerspectiveRatio = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = [i5, o5, 0, 1];
return ue2(r5, r5, e5), { point: new t4.Point((r5[0] / r5[3] + 1) / 2 * this.transform.width + 100, (-r5[1] / r5[3] + 1) / 2 * this.transform.height + 100), perspectiveRatio: 0.5 + this.transform.cameraToCenterDistance / r5[3] * 0.5 };
}, he2.prototype.isOffscreen = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
return i5 < 100 || t5 >= this.screenRightBoundary || o5 < 100 || e5 > this.screenBottomBoundary;
}, he2.prototype.isInsideGrid = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
return i5 >= 0 && t5 < this.gridRightBoundary && o5 >= 0 && e5 < this.gridBottomBoundary;
}, he2.prototype.getViewportMatrix = function() {
var e5 = t4.identity([]);
return t4.translate(e5, e5, [-100, -100, 0]), e5;
var de2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this.opacity = t5 ? Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t5.opacity + (t5.placed ? e5 : -e5))) : o5 && i5 ? 1 : 0, this.placed = i5;
de2.prototype.isHidden = function() {
return 0 === this.opacity && !this.placed;
var _e2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
this.text = new de2(t5 ? t5.text : null, e5, i5, r5), this.icon = new de2(t5 ? t5.icon : null, e5, o5, r5);
_e2.prototype.isHidden = function() {
return this.text.isHidden() && this.icon.isHidden();
var fe2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.text = t5, this.icon = e5, this.skipFade = i5;
}, me2 = function() {
this.invProjMatrix = t4.create(), this.viewportMatrix = t4.create(), this.circles = [];
}, ge2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
this.bucketInstanceId = t5, this.featureIndex = e5, this.sourceLayerIndex = i5, this.bucketIndex = o5, this.tileID = r5;
}, ve2 = function(t5) {
this.crossSourceCollisions = t5, this.maxGroupID = 0, this.collisionGroups = {};
function ye2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = t4.getAnchorAlignment(e5), s6 = -(n7.horizontalAlign - 0.5) * i5, l6 = -(n7.verticalAlign - 0.5) * o5, c4 = t4.evaluateVariableOffset(e5, r5);
return new t4.Point(s6 + c4[0] * a5, l6 + c4[1] * a5);
function xe2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = e5.x1, l6 = e5.x2, c4 = e5.y1, u4 = e5.y2, h6 = e5.anchorPointX, p4 = e5.anchorPointY, d4 = new t4.Point(i5, o5);
return r5 && d4._rotate(a5 ? n7 : -n7), { x1: s6 + d4.x, y1: c4 + d4.y, x2: l6 + d4.x, y2: u4 + d4.y, anchorPointX: h6, anchorPointY: p4 };
ve2.prototype.get = function(t5) {
if (this.crossSourceCollisions) {
return { ID: 0, predicate: null };
if (!this.collisionGroups[t5]) {
var e5 = ++this.maxGroupID;
this.collisionGroups[t5] = { ID: e5, predicate: function(t6) {
return t6.collisionGroupID === e5;
} };
return this.collisionGroups[t5];
var be2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this.transform = t5.clone(), this.collisionIndex = new he2(this.transform), this.placements = {}, this.opacities = {}, this.variableOffsets = {}, this.stale = false, this.commitTime = 0, this.fadeDuration = e5, this.retainedQueryData = {}, this.collisionGroups = new ve2(i5), this.collisionCircleArrays = {}, this.prevPlacement = o5, o5 && (o5.prevPlacement = void 0), this.placedOrientations = {};
function we2(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
t5.emplaceBack(e5 ? 1 : 0, i5 ? 1 : 0, o5 || 0, r5 || 0), t5.emplaceBack(e5 ? 1 : 0, i5 ? 1 : 0, o5 || 0, r5 || 0), t5.emplaceBack(e5 ? 1 : 0, i5 ? 1 : 0, o5 || 0, r5 || 0), t5.emplaceBack(e5 ? 1 : 0, i5 ? 1 : 0, o5 || 0, r5 || 0);
be2.prototype.getBucketParts = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = o5.getBucket(i5), n7 = o5.latestFeatureIndex;
if (a5 && n7 && i5.id === a5.layerIds[0]) {
var s6 = o5.collisionBoxArray, l6 = a5.layers[0].layout, c4 = Math.pow(2, this.transform.zoom - o5.tileID.overscaledZ), u4 = o5.tileSize / t4.EXTENT, h6 = this.transform.calculatePosMatrix(o5.tileID.toUnwrapped()), p4 = "map" === l6.get("text-pitch-alignment"), d4 = "map" === l6.get("text-rotation-alignment"), _3 = pe2(o5, 1, this.transform.zoom), f4 = Jt2(h6, p4, d4, this.transform, _3), m4 = null;
if (p4) {
var g4 = Qt2(h6, p4, d4, this.transform, _3);
m4 = t4.multiply([], this.transform.labelPlaneMatrix, g4);
this.retainedQueryData[a5.bucketInstanceId] = new ge2(a5.bucketInstanceId, n7, a5.sourceLayerIndex, a5.index, o5.tileID);
var v4 = { bucket: a5, layout: l6, posMatrix: h6, textLabelPlaneMatrix: f4, labelToScreenMatrix: m4, scale: c4, textPixelRatio: u4, holdingForFade: o5.holdingForFade(), collisionBoxArray: s6, partiallyEvaluatedTextSize: t4.evaluateSizeForZoom(a5.textSizeData, this.transform.zoom), collisionGroup: this.collisionGroups.get(a5.sourceID) };
if (r5) {
for (var y4 = 0, x4 = a5.sortKeyRanges; y4 < x4.length; y4 += 1) {
var b4 = x4[y4];
e5.push({ sortKey: b4.sortKey, symbolInstanceStart: b4.symbolInstanceStart, symbolInstanceEnd: b4.symbolInstanceEnd, parameters: v4 });
} else {
e5.push({ symbolInstanceStart: 0, symbolInstanceEnd: a5.symbolInstances.length, parameters: v4 });
}, be2.prototype.attemptAnchorPlacement = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4, d4, _3) {
var f4, m4 = [h6.textOffset0, h6.textOffset1], g4 = ye2(t5, i5, o5, m4, r5), v4 = this.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(xe2(e5, g4.x, g4.y, a5, n7, this.transform.angle), u4, s6, l6, c4.predicate);
if (!_3 || 0 !== this.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(xe2(_3, g4.x, g4.y, a5, n7, this.transform.angle), u4, s6, l6, c4.predicate).box.length) {
return v4.box.length > 0 ? (this.prevPlacement && this.prevPlacement.variableOffsets[h6.crossTileID] && this.prevPlacement.placements[h6.crossTileID] && this.prevPlacement.placements[h6.crossTileID].text && (f4 = this.prevPlacement.variableOffsets[h6.crossTileID].anchor), this.variableOffsets[h6.crossTileID] = { textOffset: m4, width: i5, height: o5, anchor: t5, textBoxScale: r5, prevAnchor: f4 }, this.markUsedJustification(p4, t5, h6, d4), p4.allowVerticalPlacement && (this.markUsedOrientation(p4, d4, h6), this.placedOrientations[h6.crossTileID] = d4), { shift: g4, placedGlyphBoxes: v4 }) : void 0;
}, be2.prototype.placeLayerBucketPart = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = this, a5 = e5.parameters, n7 = a5.bucket, s6 = a5.layout, l6 = a5.posMatrix, c4 = a5.textLabelPlaneMatrix, u4 = a5.labelToScreenMatrix, h6 = a5.textPixelRatio, p4 = a5.holdingForFade, d4 = a5.collisionBoxArray, _3 = a5.partiallyEvaluatedTextSize, f4 = a5.collisionGroup, m4 = s6.get("text-optional"), g4 = s6.get("icon-optional"), v4 = s6.get("text-allow-overlap"), y4 = s6.get("icon-allow-overlap"), x4 = "map" === s6.get("text-rotation-alignment"), b4 = "map" === s6.get("text-pitch-alignment"), w4 = "none" !== s6.get("icon-text-fit"), T4 = "viewport-y" === s6.get("symbol-z-order"), E3 = v4 && (y4 || !n7.hasIconData() || g4), I4 = y4 && (v4 || !n7.hasTextData() || m4);
!n7.collisionArrays && d4 && n7.deserializeCollisionBoxes(d4);
var P4 = function(e6, a6) {
if (!i5[e6.crossTileID]) {
if (p4) {
r5.placements[e6.crossTileID] = new fe2(false, false, false);
} else {
var d5, T5 = false, P5 = false, S5 = true, C5 = null, z5 = { box: null, offscreen: null }, D5 = { box: null, offscreen: null }, A5 = null, M4 = null, L4 = 0, R3 = 0, k4 = 0;
a6.textFeatureIndex ? L4 = a6.textFeatureIndex : e6.useRuntimeCollisionCircles && (L4 = e6.featureIndex), a6.verticalTextFeatureIndex && (R3 = a6.verticalTextFeatureIndex);
var B3 = a6.textBox;
if (B3) {
var O4 = function(i6) {
var o6 = t4.WritingMode.horizontal;
if (n7.allowVerticalPlacement && !i6 && r5.prevPlacement) {
var a7 = r5.prevPlacement.placedOrientations[e6.crossTileID];
a7 && (r5.placedOrientations[e6.crossTileID] = a7, r5.markUsedOrientation(n7, o6 = a7, e6));
return o6;
}, F3 = function(i6, o6) {
if (n7.allowVerticalPlacement && e6.numVerticalGlyphVertices > 0 && a6.verticalTextBox) {
for (var r6 = 0, s7 = n7.writingModes; r6 < s7.length && (s7[r6] === t4.WritingMode.vertical ? (z5 = o6(), D5 = z5) : z5 = i6(), !(z5 && z5.box && z5.box.length)); r6 += 1) {
} else {
z5 = i6();
if (s6.get("text-variable-anchor")) {
var U3 = s6.get("text-variable-anchor");
if (r5.prevPlacement && r5.prevPlacement.variableOffsets[e6.crossTileID]) {
var N4 = r5.prevPlacement.variableOffsets[e6.crossTileID];
U3.indexOf(N4.anchor) > 0 && (U3 = U3.filter(function(t5) {
return t5 !== N4.anchor;
var Z3 = function(t5, i6, o6) {
for (var a7 = t5.x2 - t5.x1, s7 = t5.y2 - t5.y1, c5 = e6.textBoxScale, u5 = w4 && !y4 ? i6 : null, p5 = { box: [], offscreen: false }, d6 = v4 ? 2 * U3.length : U3.length, _4 = 0; _4 < d6; ++_4) {
var m5 = r5.attemptAnchorPlacement(U3[_4 % U3.length], t5, a7, s7, c5, x4, b4, h6, l6, f4, _4 >= U3.length, e6, n7, o6, u5);
if (m5 && (p5 = m5.placedGlyphBoxes) && p5.box && p5.box.length) {
T5 = true, C5 = m5.shift;
return p5;
F3(function() {
return Z3(B3, a6.iconBox, t4.WritingMode.horizontal);
}, function() {
var i6 = a6.verticalTextBox;
return n7.allowVerticalPlacement && !(z5 && z5.box && z5.box.length) && e6.numVerticalGlyphVertices > 0 && i6 ? Z3(i6, a6.verticalIconBox, t4.WritingMode.vertical) : { box: null, offscreen: null };
}), z5 && (T5 = z5.box, S5 = z5.offscreen);
var q4 = O4(z5 && z5.box);
if (!T5 && r5.prevPlacement) {
var j4 = r5.prevPlacement.variableOffsets[e6.crossTileID];
j4 && (r5.variableOffsets[e6.crossTileID] = j4, r5.markUsedJustification(n7, j4.anchor, e6, q4));
} else {
var V3 = function(t5, i6) {
var o6 = r5.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(t5, v4, h6, l6, f4.predicate);
return o6 && o6.box && o6.box.length && (r5.markUsedOrientation(n7, i6, e6), r5.placedOrientations[e6.crossTileID] = i6), o6;
F3(function() {
return V3(B3, t4.WritingMode.horizontal);
}, function() {
var i6 = a6.verticalTextBox;
return n7.allowVerticalPlacement && e6.numVerticalGlyphVertices > 0 && i6 ? V3(i6, t4.WritingMode.vertical) : { box: null, offscreen: null };
}), O4(z5 && z5.box && z5.box.length);
if (T5 = (d5 = z5) && d5.box && d5.box.length > 0, S5 = d5 && d5.offscreen, e6.useRuntimeCollisionCircles) {
var G3 = n7.text.placedSymbolArray.get(e6.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex), W3 = t4.evaluateSizeForFeature(n7.textSizeData, _3, G3), X3 = s6.get("text-padding");
A5 = r5.collisionIndex.placeCollisionCircles(v4, G3, n7.lineVertexArray, n7.glyphOffsetArray, W3, l6, c4, u4, o5, b4, f4.predicate, e6.collisionCircleDiameter, X3), T5 = v4 || A5.circles.length > 0 && !A5.collisionDetected, S5 = S5 && A5.offscreen;
if (a6.iconFeatureIndex && (k4 = a6.iconFeatureIndex), a6.iconBox) {
var H4 = function(t5) {
var e7 = w4 && C5 ? xe2(t5, C5.x, C5.y, x4, b4, r5.transform.angle) : t5;
return r5.collisionIndex.placeCollisionBox(e7, y4, h6, l6, f4.predicate);
P5 = D5 && D5.box && D5.box.length && a6.verticalIconBox ? (M4 = H4(a6.verticalIconBox)).box.length > 0 : (M4 = H4(a6.iconBox)).box.length > 0, S5 = S5 && M4.offscreen;
var K3 = m4 || 0 === e6.numHorizontalGlyphVertices && 0 === e6.numVerticalGlyphVertices, Y3 = g4 || 0 === e6.numIconVertices;
if (K3 || Y3 ? Y3 ? K3 || (P5 = P5 && T5) : T5 = P5 && T5 : P5 = T5 = P5 && T5, T5 && d5 && d5.box && r5.collisionIndex.insertCollisionBox(d5.box, s6.get("text-ignore-placement"), n7.bucketInstanceId, D5 && D5.box && R3 ? R3 : L4, f4.ID), P5 && M4 && r5.collisionIndex.insertCollisionBox(M4.box, s6.get("icon-ignore-placement"), n7.bucketInstanceId, k4, f4.ID), A5 && (T5 && r5.collisionIndex.insertCollisionCircles(A5.circles, s6.get("text-ignore-placement"), n7.bucketInstanceId, L4, f4.ID), o5)) {
var J3 = n7.bucketInstanceId, Q3 = r5.collisionCircleArrays[J3];
void 0 === Q3 && (Q3 = r5.collisionCircleArrays[J3] = new me2());
for (var $3 = 0; $3 < A5.circles.length; $3 += 4) {
Q3.circles.push(A5.circles[$3 + 0]), Q3.circles.push(A5.circles[$3 + 1]), Q3.circles.push(A5.circles[$3 + 2]), Q3.circles.push(A5.collisionDetected ? 1 : 0);
r5.placements[e6.crossTileID] = new fe2(T5 || E3, P5 || I4, S5 || n7.justReloaded), i5[e6.crossTileID] = true;
if (T4) {
for (var S4 = n7.getSortedSymbolIndexes(this.transform.angle), C4 = S4.length - 1; C4 >= 0; --C4) {
var z4 = S4[C4];
P4(n7.symbolInstances.get(z4), n7.collisionArrays[z4]);
} else {
for (var D4 = e5.symbolInstanceStart; D4 < e5.symbolInstanceEnd; D4++) {
P4(n7.symbolInstances.get(D4), n7.collisionArrays[D4]);
if (o5 && n7.bucketInstanceId in this.collisionCircleArrays) {
var A4 = this.collisionCircleArrays[n7.bucketInstanceId];
t4.invert(A4.invProjMatrix, l6), A4.viewportMatrix = this.collisionIndex.getViewportMatrix();
n7.justReloaded = false;
}, be2.prototype.markUsedJustification = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5;
a5 = r5 === t4.WritingMode.vertical ? o5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex : { left: o5.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, center: o5.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, right: o5.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex }[t4.getAnchorJustification(i5)];
for (var n7 = 0, s6 = [o5.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, o5.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, o5.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, o5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex]; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
var l6 = s6[n7];
l6 >= 0 && (e5.text.placedSymbolArray.get(l6).crossTileID = a5 >= 0 && l6 !== a5 ? 0 : o5.crossTileID);
}, be2.prototype.markUsedOrientation = function(e5, i5, o5) {
for (var r5 = i5 === t4.WritingMode.horizontal || i5 === t4.WritingMode.horizontalOnly ? i5 : 0, a5 = i5 === t4.WritingMode.vertical ? i5 : 0, n7 = 0, s6 = [o5.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, o5.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, o5.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex]; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
e5.text.placedSymbolArray.get(s6[n7]).placedOrientation = r5;
o5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex && (e5.text.placedSymbolArray.get(o5.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex).placedOrientation = a5);
}, be2.prototype.commit = function(t5) {
this.commitTime = t5, this.zoomAtLastRecencyCheck = this.transform.zoom;
var e5 = this.prevPlacement, i5 = false;
this.prevZoomAdjustment = e5 ? e5.zoomAdjustment(this.transform.zoom) : 0;
var o5 = e5 ? e5.symbolFadeChange(t5) : 1, r5 = e5 ? e5.opacities : {}, a5 = e5 ? e5.variableOffsets : {}, n7 = e5 ? e5.placedOrientations : {};
for (var s6 in this.placements) {
var l6 = this.placements[s6], c4 = r5[s6];
c4 ? (this.opacities[s6] = new _e2(c4, o5, l6.text, l6.icon), i5 = i5 || l6.text !== c4.text.placed || l6.icon !== c4.icon.placed) : (this.opacities[s6] = new _e2(null, o5, l6.text, l6.icon, l6.skipFade), i5 = i5 || l6.text || l6.icon);
for (var u4 in r5) {
var h6 = r5[u4];
if (!this.opacities[u4]) {
var p4 = new _e2(h6, o5, false, false);
p4.isHidden() || (this.opacities[u4] = p4, i5 = i5 || h6.text.placed || h6.icon.placed);
for (var d4 in a5) {
this.variableOffsets[d4] || !this.opacities[d4] || this.opacities[d4].isHidden() || (this.variableOffsets[d4] = a5[d4]);
for (var _3 in n7) {
this.placedOrientations[_3] || !this.opacities[_3] || this.opacities[_3].isHidden() || (this.placedOrientations[_3] = n7[_3]);
i5 ? this.lastPlacementChangeTime = t5 : "number" != typeof this.lastPlacementChangeTime && (this.lastPlacementChangeTime = e5 ? e5.lastPlacementChangeTime : t5);
}, be2.prototype.updateLayerOpacities = function(t5, e5) {
for (var i5 = {}, o5 = 0, r5 = e5; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
var a5 = r5[o5], n7 = a5.getBucket(t5);
n7 && a5.latestFeatureIndex && t5.id === n7.layerIds[0] && this.updateBucketOpacities(n7, i5, a5.collisionBoxArray);
}, be2.prototype.updateBucketOpacities = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = this;
e5.hasTextData() && e5.text.opacityVertexArray.clear(), e5.hasIconData() && e5.icon.opacityVertexArray.clear(), e5.hasIconCollisionBoxData() && e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray.clear(), e5.hasTextCollisionBoxData() && e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray.clear();
var a5 = e5.layers[0].layout, n7 = new _e2(null, 0, false, false, true), s6 = a5.get("text-allow-overlap"), l6 = a5.get("icon-allow-overlap"), c4 = a5.get("text-variable-anchor"), u4 = "map" === a5.get("text-rotation-alignment"), h6 = "map" === a5.get("text-pitch-alignment"), p4 = "none" !== a5.get("icon-text-fit"), d4 = new _e2(null, 0, s6 && (l6 || !e5.hasIconData() || a5.get("icon-optional")), l6 && (s6 || !e5.hasTextData() || a5.get("text-optional")), true);
!e5.collisionArrays && o5 && (e5.hasIconCollisionBoxData() || e5.hasTextCollisionBoxData()) && e5.deserializeCollisionBoxes(o5);
for (var _3 = function(t5, e6, i6) {
for (var o6 = 0; o6 < e6 / 4; o6++) {
}, f4 = function(o6) {
var a6 = e5.symbolInstances.get(o6), s7 = a6.numHorizontalGlyphVertices, l7 = a6.numVerticalGlyphVertices, f5 = a6.crossTileID, m5 = r5.opacities[f5];
i5[f5] ? m5 = n7 : m5 || (r5.opacities[f5] = m5 = d4), i5[f5] = true;
var g5 = a6.numIconVertices > 0, v4 = r5.placedOrientations[a6.crossTileID], y4 = v4 === t4.WritingMode.vertical, x4 = v4 === t4.WritingMode.horizontal || v4 === t4.WritingMode.horizontalOnly;
if (s7 > 0 || l7 > 0) {
var b4 = De2(m5.text);
_3(e5.text, s7, y4 ? Ae2 : b4), _3(e5.text, l7, x4 ? Ae2 : b4);
var w4 = m5.text.isHidden();
[a6.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, a6.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex, a6.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex].forEach(function(t5) {
t5 >= 0 && (e5.text.placedSymbolArray.get(t5).hidden = w4 || y4 ? 1 : 0);
}), a6.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex >= 0 && (e5.text.placedSymbolArray.get(a6.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex).hidden = w4 || x4 ? 1 : 0);
var T4 = r5.variableOffsets[a6.crossTileID];
T4 && r5.markUsedJustification(e5, T4.anchor, a6, v4);
var E3 = r5.placedOrientations[a6.crossTileID];
E3 && (r5.markUsedJustification(e5, "left", a6, E3), r5.markUsedOrientation(e5, E3, a6));
if (g5) {
var I4 = De2(m5.icon), P4 = !(p4 && a6.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex && y4);
a6.placedIconSymbolIndex >= 0 && (_3(e5.icon, a6.numIconVertices, P4 ? I4 : Ae2), e5.icon.placedSymbolArray.get(a6.placedIconSymbolIndex).hidden = m5.icon.isHidden()), a6.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex >= 0 && (_3(e5.icon, a6.numVerticalIconVertices, P4 ? Ae2 : I4), e5.icon.placedSymbolArray.get(a6.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex).hidden = m5.icon.isHidden());
if (e5.hasIconCollisionBoxData() || e5.hasTextCollisionBoxData()) {
var S4 = e5.collisionArrays[o6];
if (S4) {
var C4 = new t4.Point(0, 0);
if (S4.textBox || S4.verticalTextBox) {
var z4 = true;
if (c4) {
var D4 = r5.variableOffsets[f5];
D4 ? (C4 = ye2(D4.anchor, D4.width, D4.height, D4.textOffset, D4.textBoxScale), u4 && C4._rotate(h6 ? r5.transform.angle : -r5.transform.angle)) : z4 = false;
S4.textBox && we2(e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray, m5.text.placed, !z4 || y4, C4.x, C4.y), S4.verticalTextBox && we2(e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray, m5.text.placed, !z4 || x4, C4.x, C4.y);
var A4 = Boolean(!x4 && S4.verticalIconBox);
S4.iconBox && we2(e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray, m5.icon.placed, A4, p4 ? C4.x : 0, p4 ? C4.y : 0), S4.verticalIconBox && we2(e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray, m5.icon.placed, !A4, p4 ? C4.x : 0, p4 ? C4.y : 0);
}, m4 = 0; m4 < e5.symbolInstances.length; m4++) {
if (e5.sortFeatures(this.transform.angle), this.retainedQueryData[e5.bucketInstanceId] && (this.retainedQueryData[e5.bucketInstanceId].featureSortOrder = e5.featureSortOrder), e5.hasTextData() && e5.text.opacityVertexBuffer && e5.text.opacityVertexBuffer.updateData(e5.text.opacityVertexArray), e5.hasIconData() && e5.icon.opacityVertexBuffer && e5.icon.opacityVertexBuffer.updateData(e5.icon.opacityVertexArray), e5.hasIconCollisionBoxData() && e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexBuffer && e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexBuffer.updateData(e5.iconCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray), e5.hasTextCollisionBoxData() && e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexBuffer && e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexBuffer.updateData(e5.textCollisionBox.collisionVertexArray), e5.bucketInstanceId in this.collisionCircleArrays) {
var g4 = this.collisionCircleArrays[e5.bucketInstanceId];
e5.placementInvProjMatrix = g4.invProjMatrix, e5.placementViewportMatrix = g4.viewportMatrix, e5.collisionCircleArray = g4.circles, delete this.collisionCircleArrays[e5.bucketInstanceId];
}, be2.prototype.symbolFadeChange = function(t5) {
return 0 === this.fadeDuration ? 1 : (t5 - this.commitTime) / this.fadeDuration + this.prevZoomAdjustment;
}, be2.prototype.zoomAdjustment = function(t5) {
return Math.max(0, (this.transform.zoom - t5) / 1.5);
}, be2.prototype.hasTransitions = function(t5) {
return this.stale || t5 - this.lastPlacementChangeTime < this.fadeDuration;
}, be2.prototype.stillRecent = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = this.zoomAtLastRecencyCheck === e5 ? 1 - this.zoomAdjustment(e5) : 1;
return this.zoomAtLastRecencyCheck = e5, this.commitTime + this.fadeDuration * i5 > t5;
}, be2.prototype.setStale = function() {
this.stale = true;
var Te2 = Math.pow(2, 25), Ee2 = Math.pow(2, 24), Ie2 = Math.pow(2, 17), Pe2 = Math.pow(2, 16), Se2 = Math.pow(2, 9), Ce2 = Math.pow(2, 8), ze2 = Math.pow(2, 1);
function De2(t5) {
if (0 === t5.opacity && !t5.placed) {
return 0;
if (1 === t5.opacity && t5.placed) {
return 4294967295;
var e5 = t5.placed ? 1 : 0, i5 = Math.floor(127 * t5.opacity);
return i5 * Te2 + e5 * Ee2 + i5 * Ie2 + e5 * Pe2 + i5 * Se2 + e5 * Ce2 + i5 * ze2 + e5;
var Ae2 = 0, Me2 = function(t5) {
this._sortAcrossTiles = "viewport-y" !== t5.layout.get("symbol-z-order") && void 0 !== t5.layout.get("symbol-sort-key").constantOr(1), this._currentTileIndex = 0, this._currentPartIndex = 0, this._seenCrossTileIDs = {}, this._bucketParts = [];
Me2.prototype.continuePlacement = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
for (var a5 = this._bucketParts; this._currentTileIndex < t5.length; ) {
if (e5.getBucketParts(a5, o5, t5[this._currentTileIndex], this._sortAcrossTiles), this._currentTileIndex++, r5()) {
return true;
for (this._sortAcrossTiles && (this._sortAcrossTiles = false, a5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
})); this._currentPartIndex < a5.length; ) {
if (e5.placeLayerBucketPart(a5[this._currentPartIndex], this._seenCrossTileIDs, i5), this._currentPartIndex++, r5()) {
return true;
return false;
var Le2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
this.placement = new be2(t5, r5, a5, n7), this._currentPlacementIndex = e5.length - 1, this._forceFullPlacement = i5, this._showCollisionBoxes = o5, this._done = false;
Le2.prototype.isDone = function() {
return this._done;
}, Le2.prototype.continuePlacement = function(e5, i5, o5) {
for (var r5 = this, a5 = t4.browser.now(), n7 = function() {
var e6 = t4.browser.now() - a5;
return !r5._forceFullPlacement && e6 > 2;
}; this._currentPlacementIndex >= 0; ) {
var s6 = i5[e5[this._currentPlacementIndex]], l6 = this.placement.collisionIndex.transform.zoom;
if ("symbol" === s6.type && (!s6.minzoom || s6.minzoom <= l6) && (!s6.maxzoom || s6.maxzoom > l6)) {
if (this._inProgressLayer || (this._inProgressLayer = new Me2(s6)), this._inProgressLayer.continuePlacement(o5[s6.source], this.placement, this._showCollisionBoxes, s6, n7)) {
delete this._inProgressLayer;
this._done = true;
}, Le2.prototype.commit = function(t5) {
return this.placement.commit(t5), this.placement;
var Re2 = 512 / t4.EXTENT / 2, ke2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.tileID = t5, this.indexedSymbolInstances = {}, this.bucketInstanceId = i5;
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < e5.length; o5++) {
var r5 = e5.get(o5), a5 = r5.key;
this.indexedSymbolInstances[a5] || (this.indexedSymbolInstances[a5] = []), this.indexedSymbolInstances[a5].push({ crossTileID: r5.crossTileID, coord: this.getScaledCoordinates(r5, t5) });
ke2.prototype.getScaledCoordinates = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = Re2 / Math.pow(2, i5.canonical.z - this.tileID.canonical.z);
return { x: Math.floor((i5.canonical.x * t4.EXTENT + e5.anchorX) * o5), y: Math.floor((i5.canonical.y * t4.EXTENT + e5.anchorY) * o5) };
}, ke2.prototype.findMatches = function(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = this.tileID.canonical.z < e5.canonical.z ? 1 : Math.pow(2, this.tileID.canonical.z - e5.canonical.z), r5 = 0; r5 < t5.length; r5++) {
var a5 = t5.get(r5);
if (!a5.crossTileID) {
var n7 = this.indexedSymbolInstances[a5.key];
if (n7) {
for (var s6 = this.getScaledCoordinates(a5, e5), l6 = 0, c4 = n7; l6 < c4.length; l6 += 1) {
var u4 = c4[l6];
if (Math.abs(u4.coord.x - s6.x) <= o5 && Math.abs(u4.coord.y - s6.y) <= o5 && !i5[u4.crossTileID]) {
i5[u4.crossTileID] = true, a5.crossTileID = u4.crossTileID;
var Be2 = function() {
this.maxCrossTileID = 0;
Be2.prototype.generate = function() {
return ++this.maxCrossTileID;
var Oe2 = function() {
this.indexes = {}, this.usedCrossTileIDs = {}, this.lng = 0;
Oe2.prototype.handleWrapJump = function(t5) {
var e5 = Math.round((t5 - this.lng) / 360);
if (0 !== e5) {
for (var i5 in this.indexes) {
var o5 = this.indexes[i5], r5 = {};
for (var a5 in o5) {
var n7 = o5[a5];
n7.tileID = n7.tileID.unwrapTo(n7.tileID.wrap + e5), r5[n7.tileID.key] = n7;
this.indexes[i5] = r5;
this.lng = t5;
}, Oe2.prototype.addBucket = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ] && this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ][t5.key]) {
if (this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ][t5.key].bucketInstanceId === e5.bucketInstanceId) {
return false;
this.removeBucketCrossTileIDs(t5.overscaledZ, this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ][t5.key]);
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < e5.symbolInstances.length; o5++) {
e5.symbolInstances.get(o5).crossTileID = 0;
this.usedCrossTileIDs[t5.overscaledZ] || (this.usedCrossTileIDs[t5.overscaledZ] = {});
var r5 = this.usedCrossTileIDs[t5.overscaledZ];
for (var a5 in this.indexes) {
var n7 = this.indexes[a5];
if (Number(a5) > t5.overscaledZ) {
for (var s6 in n7) {
var l6 = n7[s6];
l6.tileID.isChildOf(t5) && l6.findMatches(e5.symbolInstances, t5, r5);
} else {
var c4 = n7[t5.scaledTo(Number(a5)).key];
c4 && c4.findMatches(e5.symbolInstances, t5, r5);
for (var u4 = 0; u4 < e5.symbolInstances.length; u4++) {
var h6 = e5.symbolInstances.get(u4);
h6.crossTileID || (h6.crossTileID = i5.generate(), r5[h6.crossTileID] = true);
return void 0 === this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ] && (this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ] = {}), this.indexes[t5.overscaledZ][t5.key] = new ke2(t5, e5.symbolInstances, e5.bucketInstanceId), true;
}, Oe2.prototype.removeBucketCrossTileIDs = function(t5, e5) {
for (var i5 in e5.indexedSymbolInstances) {
for (var o5 = 0, r5 = e5.indexedSymbolInstances[i5]; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
delete this.usedCrossTileIDs[t5][r5[o5].crossTileID];
}, Oe2.prototype.removeStaleBuckets = function(t5) {
var e5 = false;
for (var i5 in this.indexes) {
var o5 = this.indexes[i5];
for (var r5 in o5) {
t5[o5[r5].bucketInstanceId] || (this.removeBucketCrossTileIDs(i5, o5[r5]), delete o5[r5], e5 = true);
return e5;
var Fe2 = function() {
this.layerIndexes = {}, this.crossTileIDs = new Be2(), this.maxBucketInstanceId = 0, this.bucketsInCurrentPlacement = {};
Fe2.prototype.addLayer = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this.layerIndexes[t5.id];
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = this.layerIndexes[t5.id] = new Oe2());
var r5 = false, a5 = {};
for (var n7 = 0, s6 = e5; n7 < s6.length; n7 += 1) {
var l6 = s6[n7], c4 = l6.getBucket(t5);
c4 && t5.id === c4.layerIds[0] && (c4.bucketInstanceId || (c4.bucketInstanceId = ++this.maxBucketInstanceId), o5.addBucket(l6.tileID, c4, this.crossTileIDs) && (r5 = true), a5[c4.bucketInstanceId] = true);
return o5.removeStaleBuckets(a5) && (r5 = true), r5;
}, Fe2.prototype.pruneUnusedLayers = function(t5) {
var e5 = {};
for (var i5 in t5.forEach(function(t6) {
e5[t6] = true;
}), this.layerIndexes) {
e5[i5] || delete this.layerIndexes[i5];
var Ue2 = function(e5, i5) {
return t4.emitValidationErrors(e5, i5 && i5.filter(function(t5) {
return "source.canvas" !== t5.identifier;
}, Ne2 = t4.pick(Zt2, ["addLayer", "removeLayer", "setPaintProperty", "setLayoutProperty", "setFilter", "addSource", "removeSource", "setLayerZoomRange", "setLight", "setTransition", "setGeoJSONSourceData"]), Ze2 = t4.pick(Zt2, ["setCenter", "setZoom", "setBearing", "setPitch"]), qe2 = function() {
var e5 = {}, i5 = t4.styleSpec.$version;
for (var o5 in t4.styleSpec.$root) {
var r5, a5 = t4.styleSpec.$root[o5];
if (a5.required) {
null != (r5 = "version" === o5 ? i5 : "array" === a5.type ? [] : {}) && (e5[o5] = r5);
return e5;
}(), je2 = function(e5) {
function i5(o5, r5) {
var a5 = this;
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), e5.call(this), this.map = o5, this.dispatcher = new E2(Ft2(), this), this.imageManager = new p3(), this.imageManager.setEventedParent(this), this.glyphManager = new y3(o5._requestManager, r5.localIdeographFontFamily), this.lineAtlas = new T3(256, 512), this.crossTileSymbolIndex = new Fe2(), this._layers = {}, this._serializedLayers = {}, this._order = [], this.sourceCaches = {}, this.zoomHistory = new t4.ZoomHistory(), this._loaded = false, this._availableImages = [], this._resetUpdates(), this.dispatcher.broadcast("setReferrer", t4.getReferrer());
var n7 = this;
this._rtlTextPluginCallback = i5.registerForPluginStateChange(function(e6) {
n7.dispatcher.broadcast("syncRTLPluginState", { pluginStatus: e6.pluginStatus, pluginURL: e6.pluginURL }, function(e7, i6) {
if (t4.triggerPluginCompletionEvent(e7), i6 && i6.every(function(t5) {
return t5;
})) {
for (var o6 in n7.sourceCaches) {
}), this.on("data", function(t5) {
if ("source" === t5.dataType && "metadata" === t5.sourceDataType) {
var e6 = a5.sourceCaches[t5.sourceId];
if (e6) {
var i6 = e6.getSource();
if (i6 && i6.vectorLayerIds) {
for (var o6 in a5._layers) {
var r6 = a5._layers[o6];
r6.source === i6.id && a5._validateLayer(r6);
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.loadURL = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this;
void 0 === i6 && (i6 = {}), this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "style" }));
var r5 = "boolean" == typeof i6.validate ? i6.validate : !t4.isMapboxURL(e6);
e6 = this.map._requestManager.normalizeStyleURL(e6, i6.accessToken);
var a5 = this.map._requestManager.transformRequest(e6, t4.ResourceType.Style);
this._request = t4.getJSON(a5, function(e7, i7) {
o5._request = null, e7 ? o5.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(e7)) : i7 && o5._load(i7, r5);
}, i5.prototype.loadJSON = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this;
void 0 === i6 && (i6 = {}), this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "style" })), this._request = t4.browser.frame(function() {
o5._request = null, o5._load(e6, false !== i6.validate);
}, i5.prototype.loadEmpty = function() {
this.fire(new t4.Event("dataloading", { dataType: "style" })), this._load(qe2, false);
}, i5.prototype._load = function(e6, i6) {
if (!i6 || !Ue2(this, t4.validateStyle(e6))) {
for (var o5 in this._loaded = true, this.stylesheet = e6, e6.sources) {
this.addSource(o5, e6.sources[o5], { validate: false });
e6.sprite ? this._loadSprite(e6.sprite) : this.imageManager.setLoaded(true), this.glyphManager.setURL(e6.glyphs);
var r5 = Nt2(this.stylesheet.layers);
this._order = r5.map(function(t5) {
return t5.id;
}), this._layers = {}, this._serializedLayers = {};
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = r5; a5 < n7.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = n7[a5];
(s6 = t4.createStyleLayer(s6)).setEventedParent(this, { layer: { id: s6.id } }), this._layers[s6.id] = s6, this._serializedLayers[s6.id] = s6.serialize();
this.dispatcher.broadcast("setLayers", this._serializeLayers(this._order)), this.light = new w3(this.stylesheet.light), this.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "style" })), this.fire(new t4.Event("style.load"));
}, i5.prototype._loadSprite = function(e6) {
var i6 = this;
this._spriteRequest = function(e7, i7, o5) {
var r5, a5, n7, s6 = t4.browser.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? "@2x" : "", l6 = t4.getJSON(i7.transformRequest(i7.normalizeSpriteURL(e7, s6, ".json"), t4.ResourceType.SpriteJSON), function(t5, e8) {
l6 = null, n7 || (n7 = t5, r5 = e8, u4());
}), c4 = t4.getImage(i7.transformRequest(i7.normalizeSpriteURL(e7, s6, ".png"), t4.ResourceType.SpriteImage), function(t5, e8) {
c4 = null, n7 || (n7 = t5, a5 = e8, u4());
function u4() {
if (n7) {
} else if (r5 && a5) {
var e8 = t4.browser.getImageData(a5), i8 = {};
for (var s7 in r5) {
var l7 = r5[s7], c5 = l7.width, u5 = l7.height, h6 = l7.x, p4 = l7.y, d4 = l7.sdf, _3 = l7.pixelRatio, f4 = l7.stretchX, m4 = l7.stretchY, g4 = l7.content, v4 = new t4.RGBAImage({ width: c5, height: u5 });
t4.RGBAImage.copy(e8, v4, { x: h6, y: p4 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { width: c5, height: u5 }), i8[s7] = { data: v4, pixelRatio: _3, sdf: d4, stretchX: f4, stretchY: m4, content: g4 };
o5(null, i8);
return { cancel: function() {
l6 && (l6.cancel(), l6 = null), c4 && (c4.cancel(), c4 = null);
} };
}(e6, this.map._requestManager, function(e7, o5) {
if (i6._spriteRequest = null, e7) {
i6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(e7));
} else if (o5) {
for (var r5 in o5) {
i6.imageManager.addImage(r5, o5[r5]);
i6.imageManager.setLoaded(true), i6._availableImages = i6.imageManager.listImages(), i6.dispatcher.broadcast("setImages", i6._availableImages), i6.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "style" }));
}, i5.prototype._validateLayer = function(e6) {
var i6 = this.sourceCaches[e6.source];
if (i6) {
var o5 = e6.sourceLayer;
if (o5) {
var r5 = i6.getSource();
("geojson" === r5.type || r5.vectorLayerIds && -1 === r5.vectorLayerIds.indexOf(o5)) && this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Source layer "' + o5 + '" does not exist on source "' + r5.id + '" as specified by style layer "' + e6.id + '"')));
}, i5.prototype.loaded = function() {
if (!this._loaded) {
return false;
if (Object.keys(this._updatedSources).length) {
return false;
for (var t5 in this.sourceCaches) {
if (!this.sourceCaches[t5].loaded()) {
return false;
return !!this.imageManager.isLoaded();
}, i5.prototype._serializeLayers = function(t5) {
for (var e6 = [], i6 = 0, o5 = t5; i6 < o5.length; i6 += 1) {
var r5 = this._layers[o5[i6]];
"custom" !== r5.type && e6.push(r5.serialize());
return e6;
}, i5.prototype.hasTransitions = function() {
if (this.light && this.light.hasTransition()) {
return true;
for (var t5 in this.sourceCaches) {
if (this.sourceCaches[t5].hasTransition()) {
return true;
for (var e6 in this._layers) {
if (this._layers[e6].hasTransition()) {
return true;
return false;
}, i5.prototype._checkLoaded = function() {
if (!this._loaded) {
throw new Error("Style is not done loading");
}, i5.prototype.update = function(e6) {
if (this._loaded) {
var i6 = this._changed;
if (this._changed) {
var o5 = Object.keys(this._updatedLayers), r5 = Object.keys(this._removedLayers);
for (var a5 in (o5.length || r5.length) && this._updateWorkerLayers(o5, r5), this._updatedSources) {
var n7 = this._updatedSources[a5];
"reload" === n7 ? this._reloadSource(a5) : "clear" === n7 && this._clearSource(a5);
for (var s6 in this._updateTilesForChangedImages(), this._updatedPaintProps) {
this.light.updateTransitions(e6), this._resetUpdates();
var l6 = {};
for (var c4 in this.sourceCaches) {
var u4 = this.sourceCaches[c4];
l6[c4] = u4.used, u4.used = false;
for (var h6 = 0, p4 = this._order; h6 < p4.length; h6 += 1) {
var d4 = this._layers[p4[h6]];
d4.recalculate(e6, this._availableImages), !d4.isHidden(e6.zoom) && d4.source && (this.sourceCaches[d4.source].used = true);
for (var _3 in l6) {
var f4 = this.sourceCaches[_3];
l6[_3] !== f4.used && f4.fire(new t4.Event("data", { sourceDataType: "visibility", dataType: "source", sourceId: _3 }));
this.light.recalculate(e6), this.z = e6.zoom, i6 && this.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "style" }));
}, i5.prototype._updateTilesForChangedImages = function() {
var t5 = Object.keys(this._changedImages);
if (t5.length) {
for (var e6 in this.sourceCaches) {
this.sourceCaches[e6].reloadTilesForDependencies(["icons", "patterns"], t5);
this._changedImages = {};
}, i5.prototype._updateWorkerLayers = function(t5, e6) {
this.dispatcher.broadcast("updateLayers", { layers: this._serializeLayers(t5), removedIds: e6 });
}, i5.prototype._resetUpdates = function() {
this._changed = false, this._updatedLayers = {}, this._removedLayers = {}, this._updatedSources = {}, this._updatedPaintProps = {}, this._changedImages = {};
}, i5.prototype.setState = function(e6) {
var i6 = this;
if (this._checkLoaded(), Ue2(this, t4.validateStyle(e6))) {
return false;
(e6 = t4.clone$1(e6)).layers = Nt2(e6.layers);
var o5 = function(e7, i7) {
if (!e7) {
return [{ command: Zt2.setStyle, args: [i7] }];
var o6 = [];
try {
if (!t4.deepEqual(e7.version, i7.version)) {
return [{ command: Zt2.setStyle, args: [i7] }];
t4.deepEqual(e7.center, i7.center) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setCenter, args: [i7.center] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.zoom, i7.zoom) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setZoom, args: [i7.zoom] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.bearing, i7.bearing) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setBearing, args: [i7.bearing] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.pitch, i7.pitch) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setPitch, args: [i7.pitch] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.sprite, i7.sprite) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setSprite, args: [i7.sprite] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.glyphs, i7.glyphs) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setGlyphs, args: [i7.glyphs] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.transition, i7.transition) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setTransition, args: [i7.transition] }), t4.deepEqual(e7.light, i7.light) || o6.push({ command: Zt2.setLight, args: [i7.light] });
var r6 = {}, a5 = [];
!function(e8, i8, o7, r7) {
var a6;
for (a6 in i8 = i8 || {}, e8 = e8 || {}) {
e8.hasOwnProperty(a6) && (i8.hasOwnProperty(a6) || jt2(a6, o7, r7));
for (a6 in i8) {
i8.hasOwnProperty(a6) && (e8.hasOwnProperty(a6) ? t4.deepEqual(e8[a6], i8[a6]) || ("geojson" === e8[a6].type && "geojson" === i8[a6].type && Gt2(e8, i8, a6) ? o7.push({ command: Zt2.setGeoJSONSourceData, args: [a6, i8[a6].data] }) : Vt2(a6, i8, o7, r7)) : qt2(a6, i8, o7));
}(e7.sources, i7.sources, a5, r6);
var n7 = [];
e7.layers && e7.layers.forEach(function(t5) {
r6[t5.source] ? o6.push({ command: Zt2.removeLayer, args: [t5.id] }) : n7.push(t5);
}), o6 = o6.concat(a5), function(e8, i8, o7) {
i8 = i8 || [];
var r7, a6, n8, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6 = (e8 = e8 || []).map(Xt2), p4 = i8.map(Xt2), d4 = e8.reduce(Ht2, {}), _3 = i8.reduce(Ht2, {}), f4 = h6.slice(), m4 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
for (r7 = 0, a6 = 0; r7 < h6.length; r7++) {
_3.hasOwnProperty(n8 = h6[r7]) ? a6++ : (o7.push({ command: Zt2.removeLayer, args: [n8] }), f4.splice(f4.indexOf(n8, a6), 1));
for (r7 = 0, a6 = 0; r7 < p4.length; r7++) {
f4[f4.length - 1 - r7] !== (n8 = p4[p4.length - 1 - r7]) && (d4.hasOwnProperty(n8) ? (o7.push({ command: Zt2.removeLayer, args: [n8] }), f4.splice(f4.lastIndexOf(n8, f4.length - a6), 1)) : a6++, o7.push({ command: Zt2.addLayer, args: [_3[n8], c4 = f4[f4.length - r7]] }), f4.splice(f4.length - r7, 0, n8), m4[n8] = true);
for (r7 = 0; r7 < p4.length; r7++) {
if (s6 = d4[n8 = p4[r7]], l6 = _3[n8], !m4[n8] && !t4.deepEqual(s6, l6)) {
if (t4.deepEqual(s6.source, l6.source) && t4.deepEqual(s6["source-layer"], l6["source-layer"]) && t4.deepEqual(s6.type, l6.type)) {
for (u4 in Wt2(s6.layout, l6.layout, o7, n8, null, Zt2.setLayoutProperty), Wt2(s6.paint, l6.paint, o7, n8, null, Zt2.setPaintProperty), t4.deepEqual(s6.filter, l6.filter) || o7.push({ command: Zt2.setFilter, args: [n8, l6.filter] }), t4.deepEqual(s6.minzoom, l6.minzoom) && t4.deepEqual(s6.maxzoom, l6.maxzoom) || o7.push({ command: Zt2.setLayerZoomRange, args: [n8, l6.minzoom, l6.maxzoom] }), s6) {
s6.hasOwnProperty(u4) && "layout" !== u4 && "paint" !== u4 && "filter" !== u4 && "metadata" !== u4 && "minzoom" !== u4 && "maxzoom" !== u4 && (0 === u4.indexOf("paint.") ? Wt2(s6[u4], l6[u4], o7, n8, u4.slice(6), Zt2.setPaintProperty) : t4.deepEqual(s6[u4], l6[u4]) || o7.push({ command: Zt2.setLayerProperty, args: [n8, u4, l6[u4]] }));
for (u4 in l6) {
l6.hasOwnProperty(u4) && !s6.hasOwnProperty(u4) && "layout" !== u4 && "paint" !== u4 && "filter" !== u4 && "metadata" !== u4 && "minzoom" !== u4 && "maxzoom" !== u4 && (0 === u4.indexOf("paint.") ? Wt2(s6[u4], l6[u4], o7, n8, u4.slice(6), Zt2.setPaintProperty) : t4.deepEqual(s6[u4], l6[u4]) || o7.push({ command: Zt2.setLayerProperty, args: [n8, u4, l6[u4]] }));
} else {
o7.push({ command: Zt2.removeLayer, args: [n8] }), c4 = f4[f4.lastIndexOf(n8) + 1], o7.push({ command: Zt2.addLayer, args: [l6, c4] });
}(n7, i7.layers, o6);
} catch (t$1) {
console.warn("Unable to compute style diff:", t$1), o6 = [{ command: Zt2.setStyle, args: [i7] }];
return o6;
}(this.serialize(), e6).filter(function(t5) {
return !(t5.command in Ze2);
if (0 === o5.length) {
return false;
var r5 = o5.filter(function(t5) {
return !(t5.command in Ne2);
if (r5.length > 0) {
throw new Error("Unimplemented: " + r5.map(function(t5) {
return t5.command;
}).join(", ") + ".");
return o5.forEach(function(t5) {
"setTransition" !== t5.command && i6[t5.command].apply(i6, t5.args);
}), this.stylesheet = e6, true;
}, i5.prototype.addImage = function(e6, i6) {
if (this.getImage(e6)) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("An image with this name already exists.")));
this.imageManager.addImage(e6, i6), this._afterImageUpdated(e6);
}, i5.prototype.updateImage = function(t5, e6) {
this.imageManager.updateImage(t5, e6);
}, i5.prototype.getImage = function(t5) {
return this.imageManager.getImage(t5);
}, i5.prototype.removeImage = function(e6) {
if (!this.getImage(e6)) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("No image with this name exists.")));
this.imageManager.removeImage(e6), this._afterImageUpdated(e6);
}, i5.prototype._afterImageUpdated = function(e6) {
this._availableImages = this.imageManager.listImages(), this._changedImages[e6] = true, this._changed = true, this.dispatcher.broadcast("setImages", this._availableImages), this.fire(new t4.Event("data", { dataType: "style" }));
}, i5.prototype.listImages = function() {
return this._checkLoaded(), this.imageManager.listImages();
}, i5.prototype.addSource = function(e6, i6, o5) {
var r5 = this;
if (void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), this._checkLoaded(), void 0 !== this.sourceCaches[e6]) {
throw new Error("There is already a source with this ID");
if (!i6.type) {
throw new Error("The type property must be defined, but only the following properties were given: " + Object.keys(i6).join(", ") + ".");
if (!(["vector", "raster", "geojson", "video", "image"].indexOf(i6.type) >= 0 && this._validate(t4.validateStyle.source, "sources." + e6, i6, null, o5))) {
this.map && this.map._collectResourceTiming && (i6.collectResourceTiming = true);
var a5 = this.sourceCaches[e6] = new Dt2(e6, i6, this.dispatcher);
a5.style = this, a5.setEventedParent(this, function() {
return { isSourceLoaded: r5.loaded(), source: a5.serialize(), sourceId: e6 };
}), a5.onAdd(this.map), this._changed = true;
}, i5.prototype.removeSource = function(e6) {
if (this._checkLoaded(), void 0 === this.sourceCaches[e6]) {
throw new Error("There is no source with this ID");
for (var i6 in this._layers) {
if (this._layers[i6].source === e6) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Source "' + e6 + '" cannot be removed while layer "' + i6 + '" is using it.')));
var o5 = this.sourceCaches[e6];
delete this.sourceCaches[e6], delete this._updatedSources[e6], o5.fire(new t4.Event("data", { sourceDataType: "metadata", dataType: "source", sourceId: e6 })), o5.setEventedParent(null), o5.clearTiles(), o5.onRemove && o5.onRemove(this.map), this._changed = true;
}, i5.prototype.setGeoJSONSourceData = function(t5, e6) {
this._checkLoaded(), this.sourceCaches[t5].getSource().setData(e6), this._changed = true;
}, i5.prototype.getSource = function(t5) {
return this.sourceCaches[t5] && this.sourceCaches[t5].getSource();
}, i5.prototype.addLayer = function(e6, i6, o5) {
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), this._checkLoaded();
var r5 = e6.id;
if (this.getLayer(r5)) {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Layer with id "' + r5 + '" already exists on this map')));
} else {
var a5;
if ("custom" === e6.type) {
if (Ue2(this, t4.validateCustomStyleLayer(e6))) {
a5 = t4.createStyleLayer(e6);
} else {
if ("object" == typeof e6.source && (this.addSource(r5, e6.source), e6 = t4.clone$1(e6), e6 = t4.extend(e6, { source: r5 })), this._validate(t4.validateStyle.layer, "layers." + r5, e6, { arrayIndex: -1 }, o5)) {
a5 = t4.createStyleLayer(e6), this._validateLayer(a5), a5.setEventedParent(this, { layer: { id: r5 } }), this._serializedLayers[a5.id] = a5.serialize();
var n7 = i6 ? this._order.indexOf(i6) : this._order.length;
if (i6 && -1 === n7) {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Layer with id "' + i6 + '" does not exist on this map.')));
} else {
if (this._order.splice(n7, 0, r5), this._layerOrderChanged = true, this._layers[r5] = a5, this._removedLayers[r5] && a5.source && "custom" !== a5.type) {
var s6 = this._removedLayers[r5];
delete this._removedLayers[r5], s6.type !== a5.type ? this._updatedSources[a5.source] = "clear" : (this._updatedSources[a5.source] = "reload", this.sourceCaches[a5.source].pause());
this._updateLayer(a5), a5.onAdd && a5.onAdd(this.map);
}, i5.prototype.moveLayer = function(e6, i6) {
if (this._checkLoaded(), this._changed = true, this._layers[e6]) {
if (e6 !== i6) {
var o5 = this._order.indexOf(e6);
this._order.splice(o5, 1);
var r5 = i6 ? this._order.indexOf(i6) : this._order.length;
i6 && -1 === r5 ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error('Layer with id "' + i6 + '" does not exist on this map.'))) : (this._order.splice(r5, 0, e6), this._layerOrderChanged = true);
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be moved.")));
}, i5.prototype.removeLayer = function(e6) {
var i6 = this._layers[e6];
if (i6) {
var o5 = this._order.indexOf(e6);
this._order.splice(o5, 1), this._layerOrderChanged = true, this._changed = true, this._removedLayers[e6] = i6, delete this._layers[e6], delete this._serializedLayers[e6], delete this._updatedLayers[e6], delete this._updatedPaintProps[e6], i6.onRemove && i6.onRemove(this.map);
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be removed.")));
}, i5.prototype.getLayer = function(t5) {
return this._layers[t5];
}, i5.prototype.hasLayer = function(t5) {
return t5 in this._layers;
}, i5.prototype.setLayerZoomRange = function(e6, i6, o5) {
var r5 = this.getLayer(e6);
r5 ? r5.minzoom === i6 && r5.maxzoom === o5 || (null != i6 && (r5.minzoom = i6), null != o5 && (r5.maxzoom = o5), this._updateLayer(r5)) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot have zoom extent.")));
}, i5.prototype.setFilter = function(e6, i6, o5) {
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), this._checkLoaded();
var r5 = this.getLayer(e6);
if (r5) {
if (!t4.deepEqual(r5.filter, i6)) {
return null == i6 ? (r5.filter = void 0, void this._updateLayer(r5)) : void (this._validate(t4.validateStyle.filter, "layers." + r5.id + ".filter", i6, null, o5) || (r5.filter = t4.clone$1(i6), this._updateLayer(r5)));
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be filtered.")));
}, i5.prototype.getFilter = function(e6) {
return t4.clone$1(this.getLayer(e6).filter);
}, i5.prototype.setLayoutProperty = function(e6, i6, o5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), this._checkLoaded();
var a5 = this.getLayer(e6);
a5 ? t4.deepEqual(a5.getLayoutProperty(i6), o5) || (a5.setLayoutProperty(i6, o5, r5), this._updateLayer(a5)) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be styled.")));
}, i5.prototype.getLayoutProperty = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this.getLayer(e6);
if (o5) {
return o5.getLayoutProperty(i6);
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style.")));
}, i5.prototype.setPaintProperty = function(e6, i6, o5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = {}), this._checkLoaded();
var a5 = this.getLayer(e6);
a5 ? t4.deepEqual(a5.getPaintProperty(i6), o5) || (a5.setPaintProperty(i6, o5, r5) && this._updateLayer(a5), this._changed = true, this._updatedPaintProps[e6] = true) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + e6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be styled.")));
}, i5.prototype.getPaintProperty = function(t5, e6) {
return this.getLayer(t5).getPaintProperty(e6);
}, i5.prototype.setFeatureState = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = e6.source, r5 = e6.sourceLayer, a5 = this.sourceCaches[o5];
if (void 0 !== a5) {
var n7 = a5.getSource().type;
"geojson" === n7 && r5 ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("GeoJSON sources cannot have a sourceLayer parameter."))) : "vector" !== n7 || r5 ? (void 0 === e6.id && this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The feature id parameter must be provided."))), a5.setFeatureState(r5, e6.id, i6)) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The sourceLayer parameter must be provided for vector source types.")));
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The source '" + o5 + "' does not exist in the map's style.")));
}, i5.prototype.removeFeatureState = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = e6.source, r5 = this.sourceCaches[o5];
if (void 0 !== r5) {
var a5 = r5.getSource().type, n7 = "vector" === a5 ? e6.sourceLayer : void 0;
"vector" !== a5 || n7 ? i6 && "string" != typeof e6.id && "number" != typeof e6.id ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("A feature id is required to remove its specific state property."))) : r5.removeFeatureState(n7, e6.id, i6) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The sourceLayer parameter must be provided for vector source types.")));
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The source '" + o5 + "' does not exist in the map's style.")));
}, i5.prototype.getFeatureState = function(e6) {
var i6 = e6.source, o5 = e6.sourceLayer, r5 = this.sourceCaches[i6];
if (void 0 !== r5) {
if ("vector" !== r5.getSource().type || o5) {
return void 0 === e6.id && this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The feature id parameter must be provided."))), r5.getFeatureState(o5, e6.id);
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The sourceLayer parameter must be provided for vector source types.")));
} else {
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The source '" + i6 + "' does not exist in the map's style.")));
}, i5.prototype.getTransition = function() {
return t4.extend({ duration: 300, delay: 0 }, this.stylesheet && this.stylesheet.transition);
}, i5.prototype.serialize = function() {
return t4.filterObject({ version: this.stylesheet.version, name: this.stylesheet.name, metadata: this.stylesheet.metadata, light: this.stylesheet.light, center: this.stylesheet.center, zoom: this.stylesheet.zoom, bearing: this.stylesheet.bearing, pitch: this.stylesheet.pitch, sprite: this.stylesheet.sprite, glyphs: this.stylesheet.glyphs, transition: this.stylesheet.transition, sources: t4.mapObject(this.sourceCaches, function(t5) {
return t5.serialize();
}), layers: this._serializeLayers(this._order) }, function(t5) {
return void 0 !== t5;
}, i5.prototype._updateLayer = function(t5) {
this._updatedLayers[t5.id] = true, t5.source && !this._updatedSources[t5.source] && "raster" !== this.sourceCaches[t5.source].getSource().type && (this._updatedSources[t5.source] = "reload", this.sourceCaches[t5.source].pause()), this._changed = true;
}, i5.prototype._flattenAndSortRenderedFeatures = function(t5) {
for (var e6 = this, i6 = function(t6) {
return "fill-extrusion" === e6._layers[t6].type;
}, o5 = {}, r5 = [], a5 = this._order.length - 1; a5 >= 0; a5--) {
var n7 = this._order[a5];
if (i6(n7)) {
o5[n7] = a5;
for (var s6 = 0, l6 = t5; s6 < l6.length; s6 += 1) {
var c4 = l6[s6][n7];
if (c4) {
for (var u4 = 0, h6 = c4; u4 < h6.length; u4 += 1) {
r5.sort(function(t6, e7) {
return e7.intersectionZ - t6.intersectionZ;
for (var p4 = [], d4 = this._order.length - 1; d4 >= 0; d4--) {
var _3 = this._order[d4];
if (i6(_3)) {
for (var f4 = r5.length - 1; f4 >= 0; f4--) {
var m4 = r5[f4].feature;
if (o5[m4.layer.id] < d4) {
p4.push(m4), r5.pop();
} else {
for (var g4 = 0, v4 = t5; g4 < v4.length; g4 += 1) {
var y4 = v4[g4][_3];
if (y4) {
for (var x4 = 0, b4 = y4; x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
return p4;
}, i5.prototype.queryRenderedFeatures = function(e6, i6, o5) {
i6 && i6.filter && this._validate(t4.validateStyle.filter, "queryRenderedFeatures.filter", i6.filter, null, i6);
var r5 = {};
if (i6 && i6.layers) {
if (!Array.isArray(i6.layers)) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("parameters.layers must be an Array."))), [];
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = i6.layers; a5 < n7.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = n7[a5], l6 = this._layers[s6];
if (!l6) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The layer '" + s6 + "' does not exist in the map's style and cannot be queried for features."))), [];
r5[l6.source] = true;
var c4 = [];
for (var u4 in i6.availableImages = this._availableImages, this.sourceCaches) {
i6.layers && !r5[u4] || c4.push(O3(this.sourceCaches[u4], this._layers, this._serializedLayers, e6, i6, o5));
return this.placement && c4.push(function(t5, e7, i7, o6, r6, a6, n8) {
for (var s7 = {}, l7 = a6.queryRenderedSymbols(o6), c5 = [], u5 = 0, h6 = Object.keys(l7).map(Number); u5 < h6.length; u5 += 1) {
for (var p4 = function() {
var i8 = _3[d4], o7 = i8.featureIndex.lookupSymbolFeatures(l7[i8.bucketInstanceId], e7, i8.bucketIndex, i8.sourceLayerIndex, r6.filter, r6.layers, r6.availableImages, t5);
for (var a7 in o7) {
var n9 = s7[a7] = s7[a7] || [], c6 = o7[a7];
c6.sort(function(t6, e8) {
var o8 = i8.featureSortOrder;
if (o8) {
var r7 = o8.indexOf(t6.featureIndex);
return o8.indexOf(e8.featureIndex) - r7;
return e8.featureIndex - t6.featureIndex;
for (var u6 = 0, h7 = c6; u6 < h7.length; u6 += 1) {
}, d4 = 0, _3 = c5; d4 < _3.length; d4 += 1) {
var f4 = function(e8) {
s7[e8].forEach(function(o7) {
var r7 = o7.feature, a7 = i7[t5[e8].source].getFeatureState(r7.layer["source-layer"], r7.id);
r7.source = r7.layer.source, r7.layer["source-layer"] && (r7.sourceLayer = r7.layer["source-layer"]), r7.state = a7;
for (var m4 in s7) {
return s7;
}(this._layers, this._serializedLayers, this.sourceCaches, e6, i6, this.placement.collisionIndex, this.placement.retainedQueryData)), this._flattenAndSortRenderedFeatures(c4);
}, i5.prototype.querySourceFeatures = function(e6, i6) {
i6 && i6.filter && this._validate(t4.validateStyle.filter, "querySourceFeatures.filter", i6.filter, null, i6);
var o5 = this.sourceCaches[e6];
return o5 ? function(t5, e7) {
for (var i7 = t5.getRenderableIds().map(function(e8) {
return t5.getTileByID(e8);
}), o6 = [], r5 = {}, a5 = 0; a5 < i7.length; a5++) {
var n7 = i7[a5], s6 = n7.tileID.canonical.key;
r5[s6] || (r5[s6] = true, n7.querySourceFeatures(o6, e7));
return o6;
}(o5, i6) : [];
}, i5.prototype.addSourceType = function(t5, e6, o5) {
return i5.getSourceType(t5) ? o5(new Error('A source type called "' + t5 + '" already exists.')) : (i5.setSourceType(t5, e6), e6.workerSourceURL ? void this.dispatcher.broadcast("loadWorkerSource", { name: t5, url: e6.workerSourceURL }, o5) : o5(null, null));
}, i5.prototype.getLight = function() {
return this.light.getLight();
}, i5.prototype.setLight = function(e6, i6) {
void 0 === i6 && (i6 = {}), this._checkLoaded();
var o5 = this.light.getLight(), r5 = false;
for (var a5 in e6) {
if (!t4.deepEqual(e6[a5], o5[a5])) {
r5 = true;
if (r5) {
var n7 = { now: t4.browser.now(), transition: t4.extend({ duration: 300, delay: 0 }, this.stylesheet.transition) };
this.light.setLight(e6, i6), this.light.updateTransitions(n7);
}, i5.prototype._validate = function(e6, i6, o5, r5, a5) {
return void 0 === a5 && (a5 = {}), (!a5 || false !== a5.validate) && Ue2(this, e6.call(t4.validateStyle, t4.extend({ key: i6, style: this.serialize(), value: o5, styleSpec: t4.styleSpec }, r5)));
}, i5.prototype._remove = function() {
for (var e6 in this._request && (this._request.cancel(), this._request = null), this._spriteRequest && (this._spriteRequest.cancel(), this._spriteRequest = null), t4.evented.off("pluginStateChange", this._rtlTextPluginCallback), this._layers) {
for (var i6 in this.sourceCaches) {
this.sourceCaches[i6].clearTiles(), this.sourceCaches[i6].setEventedParent(null);
this.imageManager.setEventedParent(null), this.setEventedParent(null), this.dispatcher.remove();
}, i5.prototype._clearSource = function(t5) {
}, i5.prototype._reloadSource = function(t5) {
this.sourceCaches[t5].resume(), this.sourceCaches[t5].reload();
}, i5.prototype._updateSources = function(t5) {
for (var e6 in this.sourceCaches) {
}, i5.prototype._generateCollisionBoxes = function() {
for (var t5 in this.sourceCaches) {
}, i5.prototype._updatePlacement = function(e6, i6, o5, r5, a5) {
void 0 === a5 && (a5 = false);
for (var n7 = false, s6 = false, l6 = {}, c4 = 0, u4 = this._order; c4 < u4.length; c4 += 1) {
var h6 = this._layers[u4[c4]];
if ("symbol" === h6.type) {
if (!l6[h6.source]) {
var p4 = this.sourceCaches[h6.source];
l6[h6.source] = p4.getRenderableIds(true).map(function(t5) {
return p4.getTileByID(t5);
}).sort(function(t5, e7) {
return e7.tileID.overscaledZ - t5.tileID.overscaledZ || (t5.tileID.isLessThan(e7.tileID) ? -1 : 1);
var d4 = this.crossTileSymbolIndex.addLayer(h6, l6[h6.source], e6.center.lng);
n7 = n7 || d4;
if (this.crossTileSymbolIndex.pruneUnusedLayers(this._order), ((a5 = a5 || this._layerOrderChanged || 0 === o5) || !this.pauseablePlacement || this.pauseablePlacement.isDone() && !this.placement.stillRecent(t4.browser.now(), e6.zoom)) && (this.pauseablePlacement = new Le2(e6, this._order, a5, i6, o5, r5, this.placement), this._layerOrderChanged = false), this.pauseablePlacement.isDone() ? this.placement.setStale() : (this.pauseablePlacement.continuePlacement(this._order, this._layers, l6), this.pauseablePlacement.isDone() && (this.placement = this.pauseablePlacement.commit(t4.browser.now()), s6 = true), n7 && this.pauseablePlacement.placement.setStale()), s6 || n7) {
for (var _3 = 0, f4 = this._order; _3 < f4.length; _3 += 1) {
var m4 = this._layers[f4[_3]];
"symbol" === m4.type && this.placement.updateLayerOpacities(m4, l6[m4.source]);
return !this.pauseablePlacement.isDone() || this.placement.hasTransitions(t4.browser.now());
}, i5.prototype._releaseSymbolFadeTiles = function() {
for (var t5 in this.sourceCaches) {
}, i5.prototype.getImages = function(t5, e6, i6) {
this.imageManager.getImages(e6.icons, i6), this._updateTilesForChangedImages();
var o5 = this.sourceCaches[e6.source];
o5 && o5.setDependencies(e6.tileID.key, e6.type, e6.icons);
}, i5.prototype.getGlyphs = function(t5, e6, i6) {
this.glyphManager.getGlyphs(e6.stacks, i6);
}, i5.prototype.getResource = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return t4.makeRequest(i6, o5);
}, i5;
je2.getSourceType = function(t5) {
return k3[t5];
}, je2.setSourceType = function(t5, e5) {
k3[t5] = e5;
}, je2.registerForPluginStateChange = t4.registerForPluginStateChange;
var Ve2 = t4.createLayout([{ name: "a_pos", type: "Int16", components: 2 }]), Ge2 = gi2("#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision mediump float;\n#else\n#if !defined(lowp)\n#define lowp\n#endif\n#if !defined(mediump)\n#define mediump\n#endif\n#if !defined(highp)\n#define highp\n#endif\n#endif", "#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#else\n#if !defined(lowp)\n#define lowp\n#endif\n#if !defined(mediump)\n#define mediump\n#endif\n#if !defined(highp)\n#define highp\n#endif\n#endif\nvec2 unpack_float(const float packedValue) {int packedIntValue=int(packedValue);int v0=packedIntValue/256;return vec2(v0,packedIntValue-v0*256);}vec2 unpack_opacity(const float packedOpacity) {int intOpacity=int(packedOpacity)/2;return vec2(float(intOpacity)/127.0,mod(packedOpacity,2.0));}vec4 decode_color(const vec2 encodedColor) {return vec4(unpack_float(encodedColor[0])/255.0,unpack_float(encodedColor[1])/255.0\n);}float unpack_mix_vec2(const vec2 packedValue,const float t) {return mix(packedValue[0],packedValue[1],t);}vec4 unpack_mix_color(const vec4 packedColors,const float t) {vec4 minColor=decode_color(vec2(packedColors[0],packedColors[1]));vec4 maxColor=decode_color(vec2(packedColors[2],packedColors[3]));return mix(minColor,maxColor,t);}vec2 get_pattern_pos(const vec2 pixel_coord_upper,const vec2 pixel_coord_lower,const vec2 pattern_size,const float tile_units_to_pixels,const vec2 pos) {vec2 offset=mod(mod(mod(pixel_coord_upper,pattern_size)*256.0,pattern_size)*256.0+pixel_coord_lower,pattern_size);return (tile_units_to_pixels*pos+offset)/pattern_size;}"), We2 = gi2("uniform vec4 u_color;uniform float u_opacity;void main() {gl_FragColor=u_color*u_opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;uniform mat4 u_matrix;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);}"), Xe2 = gi2("uniform vec2 u_pattern_tl_a;uniform vec2 u_pattern_br_a;uniform vec2 u_pattern_tl_b;uniform vec2 u_pattern_br_b;uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform float u_mix;uniform float u_opacity;uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;void main() {vec2 imagecoord=mod(v_pos_a,1.0);vec2 pos=mix(u_pattern_tl_a/u_texsize,u_pattern_br_a/u_texsize,imagecoord);vec4 color1=texture2D(u_image,pos);vec2 imagecoord_b=mod(v_pos_b,1.0);vec2 pos2=mix(u_pattern_tl_b/u_texsize,u_pattern_br_b/u_texsize,imagecoord_b);vec4 color2=texture2D(u_image,pos2);gl_FragColor=mix(color1,color2,u_mix)*u_opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_pattern_size_a;uniform vec2 u_pattern_size_b;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_upper;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_lower;uniform float u_scale_a;uniform float u_scale_b;uniform float u_tile_units_to_pixels;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);v_pos_a=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,u_scale_a*u_pattern_size_a,u_tile_units_to_pixels,a_pos);v_pos_b=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,u_scale_b*u_pattern_size_b,u_tile_units_to_pixels,a_pos);}"), He2 = gi2("varying vec3 v_data;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float radius\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 stroke_color\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float stroke_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float stroke_opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float radius\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 stroke_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float stroke_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float stroke_opacity\nvec2 extrude=v_data.xy;float extrude_length=length(extrude);lowp float antialiasblur=v_data.z;float antialiased_blur=-max(blur,antialiasblur);float opacity_t=smoothstep(0.0,antialiased_blur,extrude_length-1.0);float color_t=stroke_width < 0.01 ? 0.0 : smoothstep(antialiased_blur,0.0,extrude_length-radius/(radius+stroke_width));gl_FragColor=opacity_t*mix(color*opacity,stroke_color*stroke_opacity,color_t);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform bool u_scale_with_map;uniform bool u_pitch_with_map;uniform vec2 u_extrude_scale;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform highp float u_camera_to_center_distance;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec3 v_data;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float radius\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 stroke_color\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float stroke_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float stroke_opacity\nvoid main(void) {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float radius\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 stroke_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float stroke_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float stroke_opacity\nvec2 extrude=vec2(mod(a_pos,2.0)*2.0-1.0);vec2 circle_center=floor(a_pos*0.5);if (u_pitch_with_map) {vec2 corner_position=circle_center;if (u_scale_with_map) {corner_position+=extrude*(radius+stroke_width)*u_extrude_scale;} else {vec4 projected_center=u_matrix*vec4(circle_center,0,1);corner_position+=extrude*(radius+stroke_width)*u_extrude_scale*(projected_center.w/u_camera_to_center_distance);}gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(corner_position,0,1);} else {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(circle_center,0,1);if (u_scale_with_map) {gl_Position.xy+=extrude*(radius+stroke_width)*u_extrude_scale*u_camera_to_center_distance;} else {gl_Position.xy+=extrude*(radius+stroke_width)*u_extrude_scale*gl_Position.w;}}lowp float antialiasblur=1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio/(radius+stroke_width);v_data=vec3(extrude.x,extrude.y,antialiasblur);}"), Ke2 = gi2("void main() {gl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;uniform mat4 u_matrix;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);}"), Ye2 = gi2("uniform highp float u_intensity;varying vec2 v_extrude;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp float weight\n#define GAUSS_COEF 0.3989422804014327\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp float weight\nfloat d=-0.5*3.0*3.0*dot(v_extrude,v_extrude);float val=weight*u_intensity*GAUSS_COEF*exp(d);gl_FragColor=vec4(val,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform float u_extrude_scale;uniform float u_opacity;uniform float u_intensity;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_extrude;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp float weight\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float radius\nconst highp float ZERO=1.0/255.0/16.0;\n#define GAUSS_COEF 0.3989422804014327\nvoid main(void) {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp float weight\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float radius\nvec2 unscaled_extrude=vec2(mod(a_pos,2.0)*2.0-1.0);float S=sqrt(-2.0*log(ZERO/weight/u_intensity/GAUSS_COEF))/3.0;v_extrude=S*unscaled_extrude;vec2 extrude=v_extrude*radius*u_extrude_scale;vec4 pos=vec4(floor(a_pos*0.5)+extrude,0,1);gl_Position=u_matrix*pos;}"), Je2 = gi2("uniform sampler2D u_image;uniform sampler2D u_color_ramp;uniform float u_opacity;varying vec2 v_pos;void main() {float t=texture2D(u_image,v_pos).r;vec4 color=texture2D(u_color_ramp,vec2(t,0.5));gl_FragColor=color*u_opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(0.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_world;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_pos;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos*u_world,0,1);v_pos.x=a_pos.x;v_pos.y=1.0-a_pos.y;}"), Qe2 = gi2("varying float v_placed;varying float v_notUsed;void main() {float alpha=0.5;gl_FragColor=vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)*alpha;if (v_placed > 0.5) {gl_FragColor=vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.5)*alpha;}if (v_notUsed > 0.5) {gl_FragColor*=.1;}}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec2 a_anchor_pos;attribute vec2 a_extrude;attribute vec2 a_placed;attribute vec2 a_shift;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_extrude_scale;uniform float u_camera_to_center_distance;varying float v_placed;varying float v_notUsed;void main() {vec4 projectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_anchor_pos,0,1);highp float camera_to_anchor_distance=projectedPoint.w;highp float collision_perspective_ratio=clamp(0.5+0.5*(u_camera_to_center_distance/camera_to_anchor_distance),0.0,4.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0.0,1.0);gl_Position.xy+=(a_extrude+a_shift)*u_extrude_scale*gl_Position.w*collision_perspective_ratio;v_placed=a_placed.x;v_notUsed=a_placed.y;}"), $e2 = gi2("varying float v_radius;varying vec2 v_extrude;varying float v_perspective_ratio;varying float v_collision;void main() {float alpha=0.5*min(v_perspective_ratio,1.0);float stroke_radius=0.9*max(v_perspective_ratio,1.0);float distance_to_center=length(v_extrude);float distance_to_edge=abs(distance_to_center-v_radius);float opacity_t=smoothstep(-stroke_radius,0.0,-distance_to_edge);vec4 color=mix(vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.5),vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0),v_collision);gl_FragColor=color*alpha*opacity_t;}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute float a_radius;attribute vec2 a_flags;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mat4 u_inv_matrix;uniform vec2 u_viewport_size;uniform float u_camera_to_center_distance;varying float v_radius;varying vec2 v_extrude;varying float v_perspective_ratio;varying float v_collision;vec3 toTilePosition(vec2 screenPos) {vec4 rayStart=u_inv_matrix*vec4(screenPos,-1.0,1.0);vec4 rayEnd =u_inv_matrix*vec4(screenPos, 1.0,1.0);rayStart.xyz/=rayStart.w;rayEnd.xyz /=rayEnd.w;highp float t=(0.0-rayStart.z)/(rayEnd.z-rayStart.z);return mix(rayStart.xyz,rayEnd.xyz,t);}void main() {vec2 quadCenterPos=a_pos;float radius=a_radius;float collision=a_flags.x;float vertexIdx=a_flags.y;vec2 quadVertexOffset=vec2(mix(-1.0,1.0,float(vertexIdx >=2.0)),mix(-1.0,1.0,float(vertexIdx >=1.0 && vertexIdx <=2.0)));vec2 quadVertexExtent=quadVertexOffset*radius;vec3 tilePos=toTilePosition(quadCenterPos);vec4 clipPos=u_matrix*vec4(tilePos,1.0);highp float camera_to_anchor_distance=clipPos.w;highp float collision_perspective_ratio=clamp(0.5+0.5*(u_camera_to_center_distance/camera_to_anchor_distance),0.0,4.0);float padding_factor=1.2;v_radius=radius;v_extrude=quadVertexExtent*padding_factor;v_perspective_ratio=collision_perspective_ratio;v_collision=collision;gl_Position=vec4(clipPos.xyz/clipPos.w,1.0)+vec4(quadVertexExtent*padding_factor/u_viewport_size*2.0,0.0,0.0);}"), ti2 = gi2("uniform highp vec4 u_color;uniform sampler2D u_overlay;varying vec2 v_uv;void main() {vec4 overlay_color=texture2D(u_overlay,v_uv);gl_FragColor=mix(u_color,overlay_color,overlay_color.a);}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_uv;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform float u_overlay_scale;void main() {v_uv=a_pos/8192.0;gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos*u_overlay_scale,0,1);}"), ei2 = gi2("#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\ngl_FragColor=color*opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;uniform mat4 u_matrix;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\ngl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);}"), ii2 = gi2("varying vec2 v_pos;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 outline_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 outline_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nfloat dist=length(v_pos-gl_FragCoord.xy);float alpha=1.0-smoothstep(0.0,1.0,dist);gl_FragColor=outline_color*(alpha*opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "attribute vec2 a_pos;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_world;varying vec2 v_pos;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 outline_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 outline_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\ngl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);v_pos=(gl_Position.xy/gl_Position.w+1.0)/2.0*u_world;}"), oi2 = gi2("uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform sampler2D u_image;uniform float u_fade;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;varying vec2 v_pos;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;vec2 imagecoord=mod(v_pos_a,1.0);vec2 pos=mix(pattern_tl_a/u_texsize,pattern_br_a/u_texsize,imagecoord);vec4 color1=texture2D(u_image,pos);vec2 imagecoord_b=mod(v_pos_b,1.0);vec2 pos2=mix(pattern_tl_b/u_texsize,pattern_br_b/u_texsize,imagecoord_b);vec4 color2=texture2D(u_image,pos2);float dist=length(v_pos-gl_FragCoord.xy);float alpha=1.0-smoothstep(0.0,1.0,dist);gl_FragColor=mix(color1,color2,u_fade)*alpha*opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_world;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_upper;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_lower;uniform vec3 u_scale;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;varying vec2 v_pos;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;float tileRatio=u_scale.x;float fromScale=u_scale.y;float toScale=u_scale.z;gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);vec2 display_size_a=(pattern_br_a-pattern_tl_a)/pixel_ratio_from;vec2 display_size_b=(pattern_br_b-pattern_tl_b)/pixel_ratio_to;v_pos_a=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,fromScale*display_size_a,tileRatio,a_pos);v_pos_b=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,toScale*display_size_b,tileRatio,a_pos);v_pos=(gl_Position.xy/gl_Position.w+1.0)/2.0*u_world;}"), ri2 = gi2("uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform float u_fade;uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;vec2 imagecoord=mod(v_pos_a,1.0);vec2 pos=mix(pattern_tl_a/u_texsize,pattern_br_a/u_texsize,imagecoord);vec4 color1=texture2D(u_image,pos);vec2 imagecoord_b=mod(v_pos_b,1.0);vec2 pos2=mix(pattern_tl_b/u_texsize,pattern_br_b/u_texsize,imagecoord_b);vec4 color2=texture2D(u_image,pos2);gl_FragColor=mix(color1,color2,u_fade)*opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_upper;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_lower;uniform vec3 u_scale;attribute vec2 a_pos;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;float tileZoomRatio=u_scale.x;float fromScale=u_scale.y;float toScale=u_scale.z;vec2 display_size_a=(pattern_br_a-pattern_tl_a)/pixel_ratio_from;vec2 display_size_b=(pattern_br_b-pattern_tl_b)/pixel_ratio_to;gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);v_pos_a=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,fromScale*display_size_a,tileZoomRatio,a_pos);v_pos_b=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,toScale*display_size_b,tileZoomRatio,a_pos);}"), ai2 = gi2("varying vec4 v_color;void main() {gl_FragColor=v_color;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec3 u_lightcolor;uniform lowp vec3 u_lightpos;uniform lowp float u_lightintensity;uniform float u_vertical_gradient;uniform lowp float u_opacity;attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec4 a_normal_ed;varying vec4 v_color;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp float base\n#pragma mapbox: define highp float height\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp float base\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp float height\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\nvec3 normal=a_normal_ed.xyz;base=max(0.0,base);height=max(0.0,height);float t=mod(normal.x,2.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,t > 0.0 ? height : base,1);float colorvalue=color.r*0.2126+color.g*0.7152+color.b*0.0722;v_color=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);vec4 ambientlight=vec4(0.03,0.03,0.03,1.0);color+=ambientlight;float directional=clamp(dot(normal/16384.0,u_lightpos),0.0,1.0);directional=mix((1.0-u_lightintensity),max((1.0-colorvalue+u_lightintensity),1.0),directional);if (normal.y !=0.0) {directional*=((1.0-u_vertical_gradient)+(u_vertical_gradient*clamp((t+base)*pow(height/150.0,0.5),mix(0.7,0.98,1.0-u_lightintensity),1.0)));}v_color.r+=clamp(color.r*directional*u_lightcolor.r,mix(0.0,0.3,1.0-u_lightcolor.r),1.0);v_color.g+=clamp(color.g*directional*u_lightcolor.g,mix(0.0,0.3,1.0-u_lightcolor.g),1.0);v_color.b+=clamp(color.b*directional*u_lightcolor.b,mix(0.0,0.3,1.0-u_lightcolor.b),1.0);v_color*=u_opacity;}"), ni2 = gi2("uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform float u_fade;uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;varying vec4 v_lighting;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float base\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float height\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float base\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float height\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;vec2 imagecoord=mod(v_pos_a,1.0);vec2 pos=mix(pattern_tl_a/u_texsize,pattern_br_a/u_texsize,imagecoord);vec4 color1=texture2D(u_image,pos);vec2 imagecoord_b=mod(v_pos_b,1.0);vec2 pos2=mix(pattern_tl_b/u_texsize,pattern_br_b/u_texsize,imagecoord_b);vec4 color2=texture2D(u_image,pos2);vec4 mixedColor=mix(color1,color2,u_fade);gl_FragColor=mixedColor*v_lighting;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_upper;uniform vec2 u_pixel_coord_lower;uniform float u_height_factor;uniform vec3 u_scale;uniform float u_vertical_gradient;uniform lowp float u_opacity;uniform vec3 u_lightcolor;uniform lowp vec3 u_lightpos;uniform lowp float u_lightintensity;attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec4 a_normal_ed;varying vec2 v_pos_a;varying vec2 v_pos_b;varying vec4 v_lighting;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float base\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float height\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float base\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float height\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;float tileRatio=u_scale.x;float fromScale=u_scale.y;float toScale=u_scale.z;vec3 normal=a_normal_ed.xyz;float edgedistance=a_normal_ed.w;vec2 display_size_a=(pattern_br_a-pattern_tl_a)/pixel_ratio_from;vec2 display_size_b=(pattern_br_b-pattern_tl_b)/pixel_ratio_to;base=max(0.0,base);height=max(0.0,height);float t=mod(normal.x,2.0);float z=t > 0.0 ? height : base;gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,z,1);vec2 pos=normal.x==1.0 && normal.y==0.0 && normal.z==16384.0\n? a_pos\n: vec2(edgedistance,z*u_height_factor);v_pos_a=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,fromScale*display_size_a,tileRatio,pos);v_pos_b=get_pattern_pos(u_pixel_coord_upper,u_pixel_coord_lower,toScale*display_size_b,tileRatio,pos);v_lighting=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);float directional=clamp(dot(normal/16383.0,u_lightpos),0.0,1.0);directional=mix((1.0-u_lightintensity),max((0.5+u_lightintensity),1.0),directional);if (normal.y !=0.0) {directional*=((1.0-u_vertical_gradient)+(u_vertical_gradient*clamp((t+base)*pow(height/150.0,0.5),mix(0.7,0.98,1.0-u_lightintensity),1.0)));}v_lighting.rgb+=clamp(directional*u_lightcolor,mix(vec3(0.0),vec3(0.3),1.0-u_lightcolor),vec3(1.0));v_lighting*=u_opacity;}"), si2 = gi2("#ifdef GL_ES\nprecision highp float;\n#endif\nuniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_pos;uniform vec2 u_dimension;uniform float u_zoom;uniform vec4 u_unpack;float getElevation(vec2 coord,float bias) {vec4 data=texture2D(u_image,coord)*255.0;data.a=-1.0;return dot(data,u_unpack)/4.0;}void main() {vec2 epsilon=1.0/u_dimension;float a=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(-epsilon.x,-epsilon.y),0.0);float b=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(0,-epsilon.y),0.0);float c=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(epsilon.x,-epsilon.y),0.0);float d=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(-epsilon.x,0),0.0);float e=getElevation(v_pos,0.0);float f=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(epsilon.x,0),0.0);float g=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(-epsilon.x,epsilon.y),0.0);float h=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(0,epsilon.y),0.0);float i=getElevation(v_pos+vec2(epsilon.x,epsilon.y),0.0);float exaggerationFactor=u_zoom < 2.0 ? 0.4 : u_zoom < 4.5 ? 0.35 : 0.3;float exaggeration=u_zoom < 15.0 ? (u_zoom-15.0)*exaggerationFactor : 0.0;vec2 deriv=vec2((c+f+f+i)-(a+d+d+g),(g+h+h+i)-(a+b+b+c))/pow(2.0,exaggeration+(19.2562-u_zoom));gl_FragColor=clamp(vec4(deriv.x/2.0+0.5,deriv.y/2.0+0.5,1.0,1.0),0.0,1.0);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_dimension;attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec2 a_texture_pos;varying vec2 v_pos;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);highp vec2 epsilon=1.0/u_dimension;float scale=(u_dimension.x-2.0)/u_dimension.x;v_pos=(a_texture_pos/8192.0)*scale+epsilon;}"), li2 = gi2("uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_pos;uniform vec2 u_latrange;uniform vec2 u_light;uniform vec4 u_shadow;uniform vec4 u_highlight;uniform vec4 u_accent;\n#define PI 3.141592653589793\nvoid main() {vec4 pixel=texture2D(u_image,v_pos);vec2 deriv=((pixel.rg*2.0)-1.0);float scaleFactor=cos(radians((u_latrange[0]-u_latrange[1])*(1.0-v_pos.y)+u_latrange[1]));float slope=atan(1.25*length(deriv)/scaleFactor);float aspect=deriv.x !=0.0 ? atan(deriv.y,-deriv.x) : PI/2.0*(deriv.y > 0.0 ? 1.0 :-1.0);float intensity=u_light.x;float azimuth=u_light.y+PI;float base=1.875-intensity*1.75;float maxValue=0.5*PI;float scaledSlope=intensity !=0.5 ? ((pow(base,slope)-1.0)/(pow(base,maxValue)-1.0))*maxValue : slope;float accent=cos(scaledSlope);vec4 accent_color=(1.0-accent)*u_accent*clamp(intensity*2.0,0.0,1.0);float shade=abs(mod((aspect+azimuth)/PI+0.5,2.0)-1.0);vec4 shade_color=mix(u_shadow,u_highlight,shade)*sin(scaledSlope)*clamp(intensity*2.0,0.0,1.0);gl_FragColor=accent_color*(1.0-shade_color.a)+shade_color;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec2 a_texture_pos;varying vec2 v_pos;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);v_pos=a_texture_pos/8192.0;}"), ci2 = gi2("uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;varying vec2 v_width2;varying vec2 v_normal;varying float v_gamma_scale;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nfloat dist=length(v_normal)*v_width2.s;float blur2=(blur+1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio)*v_gamma_scale;float alpha=clamp(min(dist-(v_width2.t-blur2),v_width2.s-dist)/blur2,0.0,1.0);gl_FragColor=color*(alpha*opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "\n#define scale 0.015873016\nattribute vec2 a_pos_normal;attribute vec4 a_data;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mediump float u_ratio;uniform vec2 u_units_to_pixels;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying float v_gamma_scale;varying highp float v_linesofar;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float width\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float width\nfloat ANTIALIASING=1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio/2.0;vec2 a_extrude=a_data.xy-128.0;float a_direction=mod(a_data.z,4.0)-1.0;v_linesofar=(floor(a_data.z/4.0)+a_data.w*64.0)*2.0;vec2 pos=floor(a_pos_normal*0.5);mediump vec2 normal=a_pos_normal-2.0*pos;normal.y=normal.y*2.0-1.0;v_normal=normal;gapwidth=gapwidth/2.0;float halfwidth=width/2.0;offset=-1.0*offset;float inset=gapwidth+(gapwidth > 0.0 ? ANTIALIASING : 0.0);float outset=gapwidth+halfwidth*(gapwidth > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 1.0)+(halfwidth==0.0 ? 0.0 : ANTIALIASING);mediump vec2 dist=outset*a_extrude*scale;mediump float u=0.5*a_direction;mediump float t=1.0-abs(u);mediump vec2 offset2=offset*a_extrude*scale*normal.y*mat2(t,-u,u,t);vec4 projected_extrude=u_matrix*vec4(dist/u_ratio,0.0,0.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(pos+offset2/u_ratio,0.0,1.0)+projected_extrude;float extrude_length_without_perspective=length(dist);float extrude_length_with_perspective=length(projected_extrude.xy/gl_Position.w*u_units_to_pixels);v_gamma_scale=extrude_length_without_perspective/extrude_length_with_perspective;v_width2=vec2(outset,inset);}"), ui2 = gi2("uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_width2;varying vec2 v_normal;varying float v_gamma_scale;varying highp vec2 v_uv;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nfloat dist=length(v_normal)*v_width2.s;float blur2=(blur+1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio)*v_gamma_scale;float alpha=clamp(min(dist-(v_width2.t-blur2),v_width2.s-dist)/blur2,0.0,1.0);vec4 color=texture2D(u_image,v_uv);gl_FragColor=color*(alpha*opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "\n#define scale 0.015873016\nattribute vec2 a_pos_normal;attribute vec4 a_data;attribute float a_uv_x;attribute float a_split_index;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mediump float u_ratio;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform vec2 u_units_to_pixels;uniform float u_image_height;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying float v_gamma_scale;varying highp vec2 v_uv;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float width\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float width\nfloat ANTIALIASING=1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio/2.0;vec2 a_extrude=a_data.xy-128.0;float a_direction=mod(a_data.z,4.0)-1.0;highp float texel_height=1.0/u_image_height;highp float half_texel_height=0.5*texel_height;v_uv=vec2(a_uv_x,a_split_index*texel_height-half_texel_height);vec2 pos=floor(a_pos_normal*0.5);mediump vec2 normal=a_pos_normal-2.0*pos;normal.y=normal.y*2.0-1.0;v_normal=normal;gapwidth=gapwidth/2.0;float halfwidth=width/2.0;offset=-1.0*offset;float inset=gapwidth+(gapwidth > 0.0 ? ANTIALIASING : 0.0);float outset=gapwidth+halfwidth*(gapwidth > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 1.0)+(halfwidth==0.0 ? 0.0 : ANTIALIASING);mediump vec2 dist=outset*a_extrude*scale;mediump float u=0.5*a_direction;mediump float t=1.0-abs(u);mediump vec2 offset2=offset*a_extrude*scale*normal.y*mat2(t,-u,u,t);vec4 projected_extrude=u_matrix*vec4(dist/u_ratio,0.0,0.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(pos+offset2/u_ratio,0.0,1.0)+projected_extrude;float extrude_length_without_perspective=length(dist);float extrude_length_with_perspective=length(projected_extrude.xy/gl_Position.w*u_units_to_pixels);v_gamma_scale=extrude_length_without_perspective/extrude_length_with_perspective;v_width2=vec2(outset,inset);}"), hi2 = gi2("uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform float u_fade;uniform mediump vec3 u_scale;uniform sampler2D u_image;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying float v_linesofar;varying float v_gamma_scale;varying float v_width;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nvec2 pattern_tl_a=pattern_from.xy;vec2 pattern_br_a=pattern_from.zw;vec2 pattern_tl_b=pattern_to.xy;vec2 pattern_br_b=pattern_to.zw;float tileZoomRatio=u_scale.x;float fromScale=u_scale.y;float toScale=u_scale.z;vec2 display_size_a=(pattern_br_a-pattern_tl_a)/pixel_ratio_from;vec2 display_size_b=(pattern_br_b-pattern_tl_b)/pixel_ratio_to;vec2 pattern_size_a=vec2(display_size_a.x*fromScale/tileZoomRatio,display_size_a.y);vec2 pattern_size_b=vec2(display_size_b.x*toScale/tileZoomRatio,display_size_b.y);float aspect_a=display_size_a.y/v_width;float aspect_b=display_size_b.y/v_width;float dist=length(v_normal)*v_width2.s;float blur2=(blur+1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio)*v_gamma_scale;float alpha=clamp(min(dist-(v_width2.t-blur2),v_width2.s-dist)/blur2,0.0,1.0);float x_a=mod(v_linesofar/pattern_size_a.x*aspect_a,1.0);float x_b=mod(v_linesofar/pattern_size_b.x*aspect_b,1.0);float y=0.5*v_normal.y+0.5;vec2 texel_size=1.0/u_texsize;vec2 pos_a=mix(pattern_tl_a*texel_size-texel_size,pattern_br_a*texel_size+texel_size,vec2(x_a,y));vec2 pos_b=mix(pattern_tl_b*texel_size-texel_size,pattern_br_b*texel_size+texel_size,vec2(x_b,y));vec4 color=mix(texture2D(u_image,pos_a),texture2D(u_image,pos_b),u_fade);gl_FragColor=color*alpha*opacity;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "\n#define scale 0.015873016\n#define LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE 2.0\nattribute vec2 a_pos_normal;attribute vec4 a_data;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_units_to_pixels;uniform mediump float u_ratio;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying float v_linesofar;varying float v_gamma_scale;varying float v_width;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float floorwidth\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float floorwidth\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump vec4 pattern_to\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_from\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float pixel_ratio_to\nfloat ANTIALIASING=1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio/2.0;vec2 a_extrude=a_data.xy-128.0;float a_direction=mod(a_data.z,4.0)-1.0;float a_linesofar=(floor(a_data.z/4.0)+a_data.w*64.0)*LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE;vec2 pos=floor(a_pos_normal*0.5);mediump vec2 normal=a_pos_normal-2.0*pos;normal.y=normal.y*2.0-1.0;v_normal=normal;gapwidth=gapwidth/2.0;float halfwidth=width/2.0;offset=-1.0*offset;float inset=gapwidth+(gapwidth > 0.0 ? ANTIALIASING : 0.0);float outset=gapwidth+halfwidth*(gapwidth > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 1.0)+(halfwidth==0.0 ? 0.0 : ANTIALIASING);mediump vec2 dist=outset*a_extrude*scale;mediump float u=0.5*a_direction;mediump float t=1.0-abs(u);mediump vec2 offset2=offset*a_extrude*scale*normal.y*mat2(t,-u,u,t);vec4 projected_extrude=u_matrix*vec4(dist/u_ratio,0.0,0.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(pos+offset2/u_ratio,0.0,1.0)+projected_extrude;float extrude_length_without_perspective=length(dist);float extrude_length_with_perspective=length(projected_extrude.xy/gl_Position.w*u_units_to_pixels);v_gamma_scale=extrude_length_without_perspective/extrude_length_with_perspective;v_linesofar=a_linesofar;v_width2=vec2(outset,inset);v_width=floorwidth;}"), pi2 = gi2("uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform sampler2D u_image;uniform float u_sdfgamma;uniform float u_mix;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying vec2 v_tex_a;varying vec2 v_tex_b;varying float v_gamma_scale;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float floorwidth\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float floorwidth\nfloat dist=length(v_normal)*v_width2.s;float blur2=(blur+1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio)*v_gamma_scale;float alpha=clamp(min(dist-(v_width2.t-blur2),v_width2.s-dist)/blur2,0.0,1.0);float sdfdist_a=texture2D(u_image,v_tex_a).a;float sdfdist_b=texture2D(u_image,v_tex_b).a;float sdfdist=mix(sdfdist_a,sdfdist_b,u_mix);alpha*=smoothstep(0.5-u_sdfgamma/floorwidth,0.5+u_sdfgamma/floorwidth,sdfdist);gl_FragColor=color*(alpha*opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "\n#define scale 0.015873016\n#define LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE 2.0\nattribute vec2 a_pos_normal;attribute vec4 a_data;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mediump float u_ratio;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform vec2 u_patternscale_a;uniform float u_tex_y_a;uniform vec2 u_patternscale_b;uniform float u_tex_y_b;uniform vec2 u_units_to_pixels;varying vec2 v_normal;varying vec2 v_width2;varying vec2 v_tex_a;varying vec2 v_tex_b;varying float v_gamma_scale;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: define mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float floorwidth\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float blur\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float gapwidth\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float offset\n#pragma mapbox: initialize mediump float width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float floorwidth\nfloat ANTIALIASING=1.0/u_device_pixel_ratio/2.0;vec2 a_extrude=a_data.xy-128.0;float a_direction=mod(a_data.z,4.0)-1.0;float a_linesofar=(floor(a_data.z/4.0)+a_data.w*64.0)*LINE_DISTANCE_SCALE;vec2 pos=floor(a_pos_normal*0.5);mediump vec2 normal=a_pos_normal-2.0*pos;normal.y=normal.y*2.0-1.0;v_normal=normal;gapwidth=gapwidth/2.0;float halfwidth=width/2.0;offset=-1.0*offset;float inset=gapwidth+(gapwidth > 0.0 ? ANTIALIASING : 0.0);float outset=gapwidth+halfwidth*(gapwidth > 0.0 ? 2.0 : 1.0)+(halfwidth==0.0 ? 0.0 : ANTIALIASING);mediump vec2 dist=outset*a_extrude*scale;mediump float u=0.5*a_direction;mediump float t=1.0-abs(u);mediump vec2 offset2=offset*a_extrude*scale*normal.y*mat2(t,-u,u,t);vec4 projected_extrude=u_matrix*vec4(dist/u_ratio,0.0,0.0);gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(pos+offset2/u_ratio,0.0,1.0)+projected_extrude;float extrude_length_without_perspective=length(dist);float extrude_length_with_perspective=length(projected_extrude.xy/gl_Position.w*u_units_to_pixels);v_gamma_scale=extrude_length_without_perspective/extrude_length_with_perspective;v_tex_a=vec2(a_linesofar*u_patternscale_a.x/floorwidth,normal.y*u_patternscale_a.y+u_tex_y_a);v_tex_b=vec2(a_linesofar*u_patternscale_b.x/floorwidth,normal.y*u_patternscale_b.y+u_tex_y_b);v_width2=vec2(outset,inset);}"), di2 = gi2("uniform float u_fade_t;uniform float u_opacity;uniform sampler2D u_image0;uniform sampler2D u_image1;varying vec2 v_pos0;varying vec2 v_pos1;uniform float u_brightness_low;uniform float u_brightness_high;uniform float u_saturation_factor;uniform float u_contrast_factor;uniform vec3 u_spin_weights;void main() {vec4 color0=texture2D(u_image0,v_pos0);vec4 color1=texture2D(u_image1,v_pos1);if (color0.a > 0.0) {color0.rgb=color0.rgb/color0.a;}if (color1.a > 0.0) {color1.rgb=color1.rgb/color1.a;}vec4 color=mix(color0,color1,u_fade_t);color.a*=u_opacity;vec3 rgb=color.rgb;rgb=vec3(dot(rgb,u_spin_weights.xyz),dot(rgb,u_spin_weights.zxy),dot(rgb,u_spin_weights.yzx));float average=(color.r+color.g+color.b)/3.0;rgb+=(average-rgb)*u_saturation_factor;rgb=(rgb-0.5)*u_contrast_factor+0.5;vec3 u_high_vec=vec3(u_brightness_low,u_brightness_low,u_brightness_low);vec3 u_low_vec=vec3(u_brightness_high,u_brightness_high,u_brightness_high);gl_FragColor=vec4(mix(u_high_vec,u_low_vec,rgb)*color.a,color.a);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform vec2 u_tl_parent;uniform float u_scale_parent;uniform float u_buffer_scale;attribute vec2 a_pos;attribute vec2 a_texture_pos;varying vec2 v_pos0;varying vec2 v_pos1;void main() {gl_Position=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);v_pos0=(((a_texture_pos/8192.0)-0.5)/u_buffer_scale )+0.5;v_pos1=(v_pos0*u_scale_parent)+u_tl_parent;}"), _i2 = gi2("uniform sampler2D u_texture;varying vec2 v_tex;varying float v_fade_opacity;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nlowp float alpha=opacity*v_fade_opacity;gl_FragColor=texture2D(u_texture,v_tex)*alpha;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "const float PI=3.141592653589793;attribute vec4 a_pos_offset;attribute vec4 a_data;attribute vec4 a_pixeloffset;attribute vec3 a_projected_pos;attribute float a_fade_opacity;uniform bool u_is_size_zoom_constant;uniform bool u_is_size_feature_constant;uniform highp float u_size_t;uniform highp float u_size;uniform highp float u_camera_to_center_distance;uniform highp float u_pitch;uniform bool u_rotate_symbol;uniform highp float u_aspect_ratio;uniform float u_fade_change;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mat4 u_label_plane_matrix;uniform mat4 u_coord_matrix;uniform bool u_is_text;uniform bool u_pitch_with_map;uniform vec2 u_texsize;varying vec2 v_tex;varying float v_fade_opacity;\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\nvec2 a_pos=a_pos_offset.xy;vec2 a_offset=a_pos_offset.zw;vec2 a_tex=a_data.xy;vec2 a_size=a_data.zw;float a_size_min=floor(a_size[0]*0.5);vec2 a_pxoffset=a_pixeloffset.xy;vec2 a_minFontScale=a_pixeloffset.zw/256.0;highp float segment_angle=-a_projected_pos[2];float size;if (!u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=mix(a_size_min,a_size[1],u_size_t)/128.0;} else if (u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=a_size_min/128.0;} else {size=u_size;}vec4 projectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);highp float camera_to_anchor_distance=projectedPoint.w;highp float distance_ratio=u_pitch_with_map ?\ncamera_to_anchor_distance/u_camera_to_center_distance :\nu_camera_to_center_distance/camera_to_anchor_distance;highp float perspective_ratio=clamp(0.5+0.5*distance_ratio,0.0,4.0);size*=perspective_ratio;float fontScale=u_is_text ? size/24.0 : size;highp float symbol_rotation=0.0;if (u_rotate_symbol) {vec4 offsetProjectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos+vec2(1,0),0,1);vec2 a=projectedPoint.xy/projectedPoint.w;vec2 b=offsetProjectedPoint.xy/offsetProjectedPoint.w;symbol_rotation=atan((b.y-a.y)/u_aspect_ratio,b.x-a.x);}highp float angle_sin=sin(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);highp float angle_cos=cos(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);mat2 rotation_matrix=mat2(angle_cos,-1.0*angle_sin,angle_sin,angle_cos);vec4 projected_pos=u_label_plane_matrix*vec4(a_projected_pos.xy,0.0,1.0);gl_Position=u_coord_matrix*vec4(projected_pos.xy/projected_pos.w+rotation_matrix*(a_offset/32.0*max(a_minFontScale,fontScale)+a_pxoffset/16.0),0.0,1.0);v_tex=a_tex/u_texsize;vec2 fade_opacity=unpack_opacity(a_fade_opacity);float fade_change=fade_opacity[1] > 0.5 ? u_fade_change :-u_fade_change;v_fade_opacity=max(0.0,min(1.0,fade_opacity[0]+fade_change));}"), fi2 = gi2("#define SDF_PX 8.0\nuniform bool u_is_halo;uniform sampler2D u_texture;uniform highp float u_gamma_scale;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;uniform bool u_is_text;varying vec2 v_data0;varying vec3 v_data1;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_blur\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_blur\nfloat EDGE_GAMMA=0.105/u_device_pixel_ratio;vec2 tex=v_data0.xy;float gamma_scale=v_data1.x;float size=v_data1.y;float fade_opacity=v_data1[2];float fontScale=u_is_text ? size/24.0 : size;lowp vec4 color=fill_color;highp float gamma=EDGE_GAMMA/(fontScale*u_gamma_scale);lowp float buff=(256.0-64.0)/256.0;if (u_is_halo) {color=halo_color;gamma=(halo_blur*1.19/SDF_PX+EDGE_GAMMA)/(fontScale*u_gamma_scale);buff=(6.0-halo_width/fontScale)/SDF_PX;}lowp float dist=texture2D(u_texture,tex).a;highp float gamma_scaled=gamma*gamma_scale;highp float alpha=smoothstep(buff-gamma_scaled,buff+gamma_scaled,dist);gl_FragColor=color*(alpha*opacity*fade_opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "const float PI=3.141592653589793;attribute vec4 a_pos_offset;attribute vec4 a_data;attribute vec4 a_pixeloffset;attribute vec3 a_projected_pos;attribute float a_fade_opacity;uniform bool u_is_size_zoom_constant;uniform bool u_is_size_feature_constant;uniform highp float u_size_t;uniform highp float u_size;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mat4 u_label_plane_matrix;uniform mat4 u_coord_matrix;uniform bool u_is_text;uniform bool u_pitch_with_map;uniform highp float u_pitch;uniform bool u_rotate_symbol;uniform highp float u_aspect_ratio;uniform highp float u_camera_to_center_distance;uniform float u_fade_change;uniform vec2 u_texsize;varying vec2 v_data0;varying vec3 v_data1;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_blur\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_blur\nvec2 a_pos=a_pos_offset.xy;vec2 a_offset=a_pos_offset.zw;vec2 a_tex=a_data.xy;vec2 a_size=a_data.zw;float a_size_min=floor(a_size[0]*0.5);vec2 a_pxoffset=a_pixeloffset.xy;highp float segment_angle=-a_projected_pos[2];float size;if (!u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=mix(a_size_min,a_size[1],u_size_t)/128.0;} else if (u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=a_size_min/128.0;} else {size=u_size;}vec4 projectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);highp float camera_to_anchor_distance=projectedPoint.w;highp float distance_ratio=u_pitch_with_map ?\ncamera_to_anchor_distance/u_camera_to_center_distance :\nu_camera_to_center_distance/camera_to_anchor_distance;highp float perspective_ratio=clamp(0.5+0.5*distance_ratio,0.0,4.0);size*=perspective_ratio;float fontScale=u_is_text ? size/24.0 : size;highp float symbol_rotation=0.0;if (u_rotate_symbol) {vec4 offsetProjectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos+vec2(1,0),0,1);vec2 a=projectedPoint.xy/projectedPoint.w;vec2 b=offsetProjectedPoint.xy/offsetProjectedPoint.w;symbol_rotation=atan((b.y-a.y)/u_aspect_ratio,b.x-a.x);}highp float angle_sin=sin(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);highp float angle_cos=cos(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);mat2 rotation_matrix=mat2(angle_cos,-1.0*angle_sin,angle_sin,angle_cos);vec4 projected_pos=u_label_plane_matrix*vec4(a_projected_pos.xy,0.0,1.0);gl_Position=u_coord_matrix*vec4(projected_pos.xy/projected_pos.w+rotation_matrix*(a_offset/32.0*fontScale+a_pxoffset),0.0,1.0);float gamma_scale=gl_Position.w;vec2 fade_opacity=unpack_opacity(a_fade_opacity);float fade_change=fade_opacity[1] > 0.5 ? u_fade_change :-u_fade_change;float interpolated_fade_opacity=max(0.0,min(1.0,fade_opacity[0]+fade_change));v_data0=a_tex/u_texsize;v_data1=vec3(gamma_scale,size,interpolated_fade_opacity);}"), mi2 = gi2("#define SDF_PX 8.0\n#define SDF 1.0\n#define ICON 0.0\nuniform bool u_is_halo;uniform sampler2D u_texture;uniform sampler2D u_texture_icon;uniform highp float u_gamma_scale;uniform lowp float u_device_pixel_ratio;varying vec4 v_data0;varying vec4 v_data1;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_blur\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_blur\nfloat fade_opacity=v_data1[2];if (v_data1.w==ICON) {vec2 tex_icon=v_data0.zw;lowp float alpha=opacity*fade_opacity;gl_FragColor=texture2D(u_texture_icon,tex_icon)*alpha;\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\nreturn;}vec2 tex=v_data0.xy;float EDGE_GAMMA=0.105/u_device_pixel_ratio;float gamma_scale=v_data1.x;float size=v_data1.y;float fontScale=size/24.0;lowp vec4 color=fill_color;highp float gamma=EDGE_GAMMA/(fontScale*u_gamma_scale);lowp float buff=(256.0-64.0)/256.0;if (u_is_halo) {color=halo_color;gamma=(halo_blur*1.19/SDF_PX+EDGE_GAMMA)/(fontScale*u_gamma_scale);buff=(6.0-halo_width/fontScale)/SDF_PX;}lowp float dist=texture2D(u_texture,tex).a;highp float gamma_scaled=gamma*gamma_scale;highp float alpha=smoothstep(buff-gamma_scaled,buff+gamma_scaled,dist);gl_FragColor=color*(alpha*opacity*fade_opacity);\n#ifdef OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR\ngl_FragColor=vec4(1.0);\n#endif\n}", "const float PI=3.141592653589793;attribute vec4 a_pos_offset;attribute vec4 a_data;attribute vec3 a_projected_pos;attribute float a_fade_opacity;uniform bool u_is_size_zoom_constant;uniform bool u_is_size_feature_constant;uniform highp float u_size_t;uniform highp float u_size;uniform mat4 u_matrix;uniform mat4 u_label_plane_matrix;uniform mat4 u_coord_matrix;uniform bool u_is_text;uniform bool u_pitch_with_map;uniform highp float u_pitch;uniform bool u_rotate_symbol;uniform highp float u_aspect_ratio;uniform highp float u_camera_to_center_distance;uniform float u_fade_change;uniform vec2 u_texsize;uniform vec2 u_texsize_icon;varying vec4 v_data0;varying vec4 v_data1;\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: define highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: define lowp float halo_blur\nvoid main() {\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 fill_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize highp vec4 halo_color\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float opacity\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_width\n#pragma mapbox: initialize lowp float halo_blur\nvec2 a_pos=a_pos_offset.xy;vec2 a_offset=a_pos_offset.zw;vec2 a_tex=a_data.xy;vec2 a_size=a_data.zw;float a_size_min=floor(a_size[0]*0.5);float is_sdf=a_size[0]-2.0*a_size_min;highp float segment_angle=-a_projected_pos[2];float size;if (!u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=mix(a_size_min,a_size[1],u_size_t)/128.0;} else if (u_is_size_zoom_constant && !u_is_size_feature_constant) {size=a_size_min/128.0;} else {size=u_size;}vec4 projectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos,0,1);highp float camera_to_anchor_distance=projectedPoint.w;highp float distance_ratio=u_pitch_with_map ?\ncamera_to_anchor_distance/u_camera_to_center_distance :\nu_camera_to_center_distance/camera_to_anchor_distance;highp float perspective_ratio=clamp(0.5+0.5*distance_ratio,0.0,4.0);size*=perspective_ratio;float fontScale=size/24.0;highp float symbol_rotation=0.0;if (u_rotate_symbol) {vec4 offsetProjectedPoint=u_matrix*vec4(a_pos+vec2(1,0),0,1);vec2 a=projectedPoint.xy/projectedPoint.w;vec2 b=offsetProjectedPoint.xy/offsetProjectedPoint.w;symbol_rotation=atan((b.y-a.y)/u_aspect_ratio,b.x-a.x);}highp float angle_sin=sin(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);highp float angle_cos=cos(segment_angle+symbol_rotation);mat2 rotation_matrix=mat2(angle_cos,-1.0*angle_sin,angle_sin,angle_cos);vec4 projected_pos=u_label_plane_matrix*vec4(a_projected_pos.xy,0.0,1.0);gl_Position=u_coord_matrix*vec4(projected_pos.xy/projected_pos.w+rotation_matrix*(a_offset/32.0*fontScale),0.0,1.0);float gamma_scale=gl_Position.w;vec2 fade_opacity=unpack_opacity(a_fade_opacity);float fade_change=fade_opacity[1] > 0.5 ? u_fade_change :-u_fade_change;float interpolated_fade_opacity=max(0.0,min(1.0,fade_opacity[0]+fade_change));v_data0.xy=a_tex/u_texsize;v_data0.zw=a_tex/u_texsize_icon;v_data1=vec4(gamma_scale,size,interpolated_fade_opacity,is_sdf);}");
function gi2(t5, e5) {
var i5 = /#pragma mapbox: ([\w]+) ([\w]+) ([\w]+) ([\w]+)/g, o5 = e5.match(/attribute ([\w]+) ([\w]+)/g), r5 = t5.match(/uniform ([\w]+) ([\w]+)([\s]*)([\w]*)/g), a5 = e5.match(/uniform ([\w]+) ([\w]+)([\s]*)([\w]*)/g), n7 = a5 ? a5.concat(r5) : r5, s6 = {};
return { fragmentSource: t5 = t5.replace(i5, function(t6, e6, i6, o6, r6) {
return s6[r6] = true, "define" === e6 ? "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\nvarying " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + ";\n#else\nuniform " + i6 + " " + o6 + " u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "\n#ifdef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n";
}), vertexSource: e5 = e5.replace(i5, function(t6, e6, i6, o6, r6) {
var a6 = "float" === o6 ? "vec2" : "vec4", n8 = r6.match(/color/) ? "color" : a6;
return s6[r6] ? "define" === e6 ? "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\nuniform lowp float u_" + r6 + "_t;\nattribute " + i6 + " " + a6 + " a_" + r6 + ";\nvarying " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + ";\n#else\nuniform " + i6 + " " + o6 + " u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "vec4" === n8 ? "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\n " + r6 + " = a_" + r6 + ";\n#else\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\n " + r6 + " = unpack_mix_" + n8 + "(a_" + r6 + ", u_" + r6 + "_t);\n#else\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "define" === e6 ? "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\nuniform lowp float u_" + r6 + "_t;\nattribute " + i6 + " " + a6 + " a_" + r6 + ";\n#else\nuniform " + i6 + " " + o6 + " u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "vec4" === n8 ? "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = a_" + r6 + ";\n#else\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n" : "\n#ifndef HAS_UNIFORM_u_" + r6 + "\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = unpack_mix_" + n8 + "(a_" + r6 + ", u_" + r6 + "_t);\n#else\n " + i6 + " " + o6 + " " + r6 + " = u_" + r6 + ";\n#endif\n";
}), staticAttributes: o5, staticUniforms: n7 };
var vi2 = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, prelude: Ge2, background: We2, backgroundPattern: Xe2, circle: He2, clippingMask: Ke2, heatmap: Ye2, heatmapTexture: Je2, collisionBox: Qe2, collisionCircle: $e2, debug: ti2, fill: ei2, fillOutline: ii2, fillOutlinePattern: oi2, fillPattern: ri2, fillExtrusion: ai2, fillExtrusionPattern: ni2, hillshadePrepare: si2, hillshade: li2, line: ci2, lineGradient: ui2, linePattern: hi2, lineSDF: pi2, raster: di2, symbolIcon: _i2, symbolSDF: fi2, symbolTextAndIcon: mi2 }), yi2 = function() {
this.boundProgram = null, this.boundLayoutVertexBuffer = null, this.boundPaintVertexBuffers = [], this.boundIndexBuffer = null, this.boundVertexOffset = null, this.boundDynamicVertexBuffer = null, this.vao = null;
function xi2(t5) {
for (var e5 = [], i5 = 0; i5 < t5.length; i5++) {
if (null !== t5[i5]) {
var o5 = t5[i5].split(" ");
return e5;
yi2.prototype.bind = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
this.context = t5;
for (var l6 = this.boundPaintVertexBuffers.length !== o5.length, c4 = 0; !l6 && c4 < o5.length; c4++) {
this.boundPaintVertexBuffers[c4] !== o5[c4] && (l6 = true);
t5.extVertexArrayObject && this.vao && this.boundProgram === e5 && this.boundLayoutVertexBuffer === i5 && !l6 && this.boundIndexBuffer === r5 && this.boundVertexOffset === a5 && this.boundDynamicVertexBuffer === n7 && this.boundDynamicVertexBuffer2 === s6 ? (t5.bindVertexArrayOES.set(this.vao), n7 && n7.bind(), r5 && r5.dynamicDraw && r5.bind(), s6 && s6.bind()) : this.freshBind(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6);
}, yi2.prototype.freshBind = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6, l6 = t5.numAttributes, c4 = this.context, u4 = c4.gl;
if (c4.extVertexArrayObject) {
this.vao && this.destroy(), this.vao = c4.extVertexArrayObject.createVertexArrayOES(), c4.bindVertexArrayOES.set(this.vao), s6 = 0, this.boundProgram = t5, this.boundLayoutVertexBuffer = e5, this.boundPaintVertexBuffers = i5, this.boundIndexBuffer = o5, this.boundVertexOffset = r5, this.boundDynamicVertexBuffer = a5, this.boundDynamicVertexBuffer2 = n7;
} else {
s6 = c4.currentNumAttributes || 0;
for (var h6 = l6; h6 < s6; h6++) {
e5.enableAttributes(u4, t5);
for (var p4 = 0, d4 = i5; p4 < d4.length; p4 += 1) {
d4[p4].enableAttributes(u4, t5);
a5 && a5.enableAttributes(u4, t5), n7 && n7.enableAttributes(u4, t5), e5.bind(), e5.setVertexAttribPointers(u4, t5, r5);
for (var _3 = 0, f4 = i5; _3 < f4.length; _3 += 1) {
var m4 = f4[_3];
m4.bind(), m4.setVertexAttribPointers(u4, t5, r5);
a5 && (a5.bind(), a5.setVertexAttribPointers(u4, t5, r5)), o5 && o5.bind(), n7 && (n7.bind(), n7.setVertexAttribPointers(u4, t5, r5)), c4.currentNumAttributes = l6;
}, yi2.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.vao && (this.context.extVertexArrayObject.deleteVertexArrayOES(this.vao), this.vao = null);
var bi2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = t5.gl;
this.program = n7.createProgram();
for (var s6 = xi2(i5.staticAttributes), l6 = o5 ? o5.getBinderAttributes() : [], c4 = s6.concat(l6), u4 = i5.staticUniforms ? xi2(i5.staticUniforms) : [], h6 = o5 ? o5.getBinderUniforms() : [], p4 = [], d4 = 0, _3 = u4.concat(h6); d4 < _3.length; d4 += 1) {
var f4 = _3[d4];
p4.indexOf(f4) < 0 && p4.push(f4);
var m4 = o5 ? o5.defines() : [];
a5 && m4.push("#define OVERDRAW_INSPECTOR;");
var g4 = m4.concat(Ge2.fragmentSource, i5.fragmentSource).join("\n"), v4 = m4.concat(Ge2.vertexSource, i5.vertexSource).join("\n"), y4 = n7.createShader(n7.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if (n7.isContextLost()) {
this.failedToCreate = true;
} else {
n7.shaderSource(y4, g4), n7.compileShader(y4), n7.attachShader(this.program, y4);
var x4 = n7.createShader(n7.VERTEX_SHADER);
if (n7.isContextLost()) {
this.failedToCreate = true;
} else {
n7.shaderSource(x4, v4), n7.compileShader(x4), n7.attachShader(this.program, x4), this.attributes = {};
var b4 = {};
this.numAttributes = c4.length;
for (var w4 = 0; w4 < this.numAttributes; w4++) {
c4[w4] && (n7.bindAttribLocation(this.program, w4, c4[w4]), this.attributes[c4[w4]] = w4);
n7.linkProgram(this.program), n7.deleteShader(x4), n7.deleteShader(y4);
for (var T4 = 0; T4 < p4.length; T4++) {
var E3 = p4[T4];
if (E3 && !b4[E3]) {
var I4 = n7.getUniformLocation(this.program, E3);
I4 && (b4[E3] = I4);
this.fixedUniforms = r5(t5, b4), this.binderUniforms = o5 ? o5.getUniforms(t5, b4) : [];
function wi2(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = 1 / pe2(i5, 1, e5.transform.tileZoom), r5 = Math.pow(2, i5.tileID.overscaledZ), a5 = i5.tileSize * Math.pow(2, e5.transform.tileZoom) / r5, n7 = a5 * (i5.tileID.canonical.x + i5.tileID.wrap * r5), s6 = a5 * i5.tileID.canonical.y;
return { u_image: 0, u_texsize: i5.imageAtlasTexture.size, u_scale: [o5, t5.fromScale, t5.toScale], u_fade: t5.t, u_pixel_coord_upper: [n7 >> 16, s6 >> 16], u_pixel_coord_lower: [65535 & n7, 65535 & s6] };
bi2.prototype.draw = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4, d4, _3, f4) {
var m4, g4 = t5.gl;
if (!this.failedToCreate) {
for (var v4 in t5.program.set(this.program), t5.setDepthMode(i5), t5.setStencilMode(o5), t5.setColorMode(r5), t5.setCullFace(a5), this.fixedUniforms) {
d4 && d4.setUniforms(t5, this.binderUniforms, h6, { zoom: p4 });
for (var y4 = (m4 = {}, m4[g4.LINES] = 2, m4[g4.TRIANGLES] = 3, m4[g4.LINE_STRIP] = 1, m4)[e5], x4 = 0, b4 = u4.get(); x4 < b4.length; x4 += 1) {
var w4 = b4[x4], T4 = w4.vaos || (w4.vaos = {});
(T4[s6] || (T4[s6] = new yi2())).bind(t5, this, l6, d4 ? d4.getPaintVertexBuffers() : [], c4, w4.vertexOffset, _3, f4), g4.drawElements(e5, w4.primitiveLength * y4, g4.UNSIGNED_SHORT, w4.primitiveOffset * y4 * 2);
var Ti2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = i5.style.light, n7 = a5.properties.get("position"), s6 = [n7.x, n7.y, n7.z], l6 = t4.create$1();
"viewport" === a5.properties.get("anchor") && t4.fromRotation(l6, -i5.transform.angle), t4.transformMat3(s6, s6, l6);
var c4 = a5.properties.get("color");
return { u_matrix: e5, u_lightpos: s6, u_lightintensity: a5.properties.get("intensity"), u_lightcolor: [c4.r, c4.g, c4.b], u_vertical_gradient: +o5, u_opacity: r5 };
}, Ei2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
return t4.extend(Ti2(e5, i5, o5, r5), wi2(n7, i5, s6), { u_height_factor: -Math.pow(2, a5.overscaledZ) / s6.tileSize / 8 });
}, Ii2 = function(t5) {
return { u_matrix: t5 };
}, Pi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return t4.extend(Ii2(e5), wi2(o5, i5, r5));
}, Si2 = function(t5, e5) {
return { u_matrix: t5, u_world: e5 };
}, Ci2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
return t4.extend(Pi2(e5, i5, o5, r5), { u_world: a5 });
}, zi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5, n7, s6 = e5.transform;
if ("map" === r5.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment")) {
var l6 = pe2(o5, 1, s6.zoom);
a5 = true, n7 = [l6, l6];
} else {
a5 = false, n7 = s6.pixelsToGLUnits;
return { u_camera_to_center_distance: s6.cameraToCenterDistance, u_scale_with_map: +("map" === r5.paint.get("circle-pitch-scale")), u_matrix: e5.translatePosMatrix(i5.posMatrix, o5, r5.paint.get("circle-translate"), r5.paint.get("circle-translate-anchor")), u_pitch_with_map: +a5, u_device_pixel_ratio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, u_extrude_scale: n7 };
}, Di2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = pe2(i5, 1, e5.zoom), r5 = Math.pow(2, e5.zoom - i5.tileID.overscaledZ), a5 = i5.tileID.overscaleFactor();
return { u_matrix: t5, u_camera_to_center_distance: e5.cameraToCenterDistance, u_pixels_to_tile_units: o5, u_extrude_scale: [e5.pixelsToGLUnits[0] / (o5 * r5), e5.pixelsToGLUnits[1] / (o5 * r5)], u_overscale_factor: a5 };
}, Ai2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: t5, u_inv_matrix: e5, u_camera_to_center_distance: i5.cameraToCenterDistance, u_viewport_size: [i5.width, i5.height] };
}, Mi2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return void 0 === i5 && (i5 = 1), { u_matrix: t5, u_color: e5, u_overlay: 0, u_overlay_scale: i5 };
}, Li2 = function(t5) {
return { u_matrix: t5 };
}, Ri2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
return { u_matrix: t5, u_extrude_scale: pe2(e5, 1, i5), u_intensity: o5 };
}, ki2 = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = e5.transform;
return { u_matrix: Ni2(e5, i5, o5), u_ratio: 1 / pe2(i5, 1, r5.zoom), u_device_pixel_ratio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, u_units_to_pixels: [1 / r5.pixelsToGLUnits[0], 1 / r5.pixelsToGLUnits[1]] };
}, Bi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return t4.extend(ki2(e5, i5, o5), { u_image: 0, u_image_height: r5 });
}, Oi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = e5.transform, n7 = Ui2(i5, a5);
return { u_matrix: Ni2(e5, i5, o5), u_texsize: i5.imageAtlasTexture.size, u_ratio: 1 / pe2(i5, 1, a5.zoom), u_device_pixel_ratio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, u_image: 0, u_scale: [n7, r5.fromScale, r5.toScale], u_fade: r5.t, u_units_to_pixels: [1 / a5.pixelsToGLUnits[0], 1 / a5.pixelsToGLUnits[1]] };
}, Fi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = e5.lineAtlas, s6 = Ui2(i5, e5.transform), l6 = "round" === o5.layout.get("line-cap"), c4 = n7.getDash(r5.from, l6), u4 = n7.getDash(r5.to, l6), h6 = c4.width * a5.fromScale, p4 = u4.width * a5.toScale;
return t4.extend(ki2(e5, i5, o5), { u_patternscale_a: [s6 / h6, -c4.height / 2], u_patternscale_b: [s6 / p4, -u4.height / 2], u_sdfgamma: n7.width / (256 * Math.min(h6, p4) * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio) / 2, u_image: 0, u_tex_y_a: c4.y, u_tex_y_b: u4.y, u_mix: a5.t });
function Ui2(t5, e5) {
return 1 / pe2(t5, 1, e5.tileZoom);
function Ni2(t5, e5, i5) {
return t5.translatePosMatrix(e5.tileID.posMatrix, e5, i5.paint.get("line-translate"), i5.paint.get("line-translate-anchor"));
var Zi2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5) {
return { u_matrix: t5, u_tl_parent: e5, u_scale_parent: i5, u_buffer_scale: 1, u_fade_t: o5.mix, u_opacity: o5.opacity * r5.paint.get("raster-opacity"), u_image0: 0, u_image1: 1, u_brightness_low: r5.paint.get("raster-brightness-min"), u_brightness_high: r5.paint.get("raster-brightness-max"), u_saturation_factor: (n7 = r5.paint.get("raster-saturation"), n7 > 0 ? 1 - 1 / (1.001 - n7) : -n7), u_contrast_factor: (a5 = r5.paint.get("raster-contrast"), a5 > 0 ? 1 / (1 - a5) : 1 + a5), u_spin_weights: qi2(r5.paint.get("raster-hue-rotate")) };
var a5, n7;
function qi2(t5) {
t5 *= Math.PI / 180;
var e5 = Math.sin(t5), i5 = Math.cos(t5);
return [(2 * i5 + 1) / 3, (-Math.sqrt(3) * e5 - i5 + 1) / 3, (Math.sqrt(3) * e5 - i5 + 1) / 3];
var ji2, Vi2 = function(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4) {
var u4 = r5.transform;
return { u_is_size_zoom_constant: +("constant" === t5 || "source" === t5), u_is_size_feature_constant: +("constant" === t5 || "camera" === t5), u_size_t: e5 ? e5.uSizeT : 0, u_size: e5 ? e5.uSize : 0, u_camera_to_center_distance: u4.cameraToCenterDistance, u_pitch: u4.pitch / 360 * 2 * Math.PI, u_rotate_symbol: +i5, u_aspect_ratio: u4.width / u4.height, u_fade_change: r5.options.fadeDuration ? r5.symbolFadeChange : 1, u_matrix: a5, u_label_plane_matrix: n7, u_coord_matrix: s6, u_is_text: +l6, u_pitch_with_map: +o5, u_texsize: c4, u_texture: 0 };
}, Gi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6) {
var p4 = a5.transform;
return t4.extend(Vi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4), { u_gamma_scale: r5 ? Math.cos(p4._pitch) * p4.cameraToCenterDistance : 1, u_device_pixel_ratio: t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, u_is_halo: +h6 });
}, Wi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4) {
return t4.extend(Gi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, true, c4, true), { u_texsize_icon: u4, u_texture_icon: 1 });
}, Xi2 = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: t5, u_opacity: e5, u_color: i5 };
}, Hi2 = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
return t4.extend(function(t5, e6, i6, o6) {
var r6 = i6.imageManager.getPattern(t5.from.toString()), a6 = i6.imageManager.getPattern(t5.to.toString()), n8 = i6.imageManager.getPixelSize(), s6 = n8.width, l6 = n8.height, c4 = Math.pow(2, o6.tileID.overscaledZ), u4 = o6.tileSize * Math.pow(2, i6.transform.tileZoom) / c4, h6 = u4 * (o6.tileID.canonical.x + o6.tileID.wrap * c4), p4 = u4 * o6.tileID.canonical.y;
return { u_image: 0, u_pattern_tl_a: r6.tl, u_pattern_br_a: r6.br, u_pattern_tl_b: a6.tl, u_pattern_br_b: a6.br, u_texsize: [s6, l6], u_mix: e6.t, u_pattern_size_a: r6.displaySize, u_pattern_size_b: a6.displaySize, u_scale_a: e6.fromScale, u_scale_b: e6.toScale, u_tile_units_to_pixels: 1 / pe2(o6, 1, i6.transform.tileZoom), u_pixel_coord_upper: [h6 >> 16, p4 >> 16], u_pixel_coord_lower: [65535 & h6, 65535 & p4] };
}(r5, n7, o5, a5), { u_matrix: e5, u_opacity: i5 });
}, Ki2 = { fillExtrusion: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_lightpos: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_lightpos), u_lightintensity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_lightintensity), u_lightcolor: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_lightcolor), u_vertical_gradient: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_vertical_gradient), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity) };
}, fillExtrusionPattern: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_lightpos: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_lightpos), u_lightintensity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_lightintensity), u_lightcolor: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_lightcolor), u_vertical_gradient: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_vertical_gradient), u_height_factor: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_height_factor), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_pixel_coord_upper: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_upper), u_pixel_coord_lower: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_lower), u_scale: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_scale), u_fade: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity) };
}, fill: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix) };
}, fillPattern: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_pixel_coord_upper: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_upper), u_pixel_coord_lower: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_lower), u_scale: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_scale), u_fade: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade) };
}, fillOutline: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_world: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_world) };
}, fillOutlinePattern: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_world: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_world), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_pixel_coord_upper: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_upper), u_pixel_coord_lower: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_lower), u_scale: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_scale), u_fade: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade) };
}, circle: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_scale_with_map: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_scale_with_map), u_pitch_with_map: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_pitch_with_map), u_extrude_scale: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_extrude_scale), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix) };
}, collisionBox: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_pixels_to_tile_units: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_pixels_to_tile_units), u_extrude_scale: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_extrude_scale), u_overscale_factor: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_overscale_factor) };
}, collisionCircle: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_inv_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_inv_matrix), u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_viewport_size: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_viewport_size) };
}, debug: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_color: new t4.UniformColor(e5, i5.u_color), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_overlay: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_overlay), u_overlay_scale: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_overlay_scale) };
}, clippingMask: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix) };
}, heatmap: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_extrude_scale: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_extrude_scale), u_intensity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_intensity), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix) };
}, heatmapTexture: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_world: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_world), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_color_ramp: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_color_ramp), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity) };
}, hillshade: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_latrange: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_latrange), u_light: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_light), u_shadow: new t4.UniformColor(e5, i5.u_shadow), u_highlight: new t4.UniformColor(e5, i5.u_highlight), u_accent: new t4.UniformColor(e5, i5.u_accent) };
}, hillshadePrepare: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_dimension: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_dimension), u_zoom: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_zoom), u_unpack: new t4.Uniform4f(e5, i5.u_unpack) };
}, line: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_ratio), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_units_to_pixels: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_units_to_pixels) };
}, lineGradient: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_ratio), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_units_to_pixels: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_units_to_pixels), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_image_height: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_image_height) };
}, linePattern: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_ratio), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_units_to_pixels: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_units_to_pixels), u_scale: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_scale), u_fade: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade) };
}, lineSDF: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_ratio), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_units_to_pixels: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_units_to_pixels), u_patternscale_a: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_patternscale_a), u_patternscale_b: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_patternscale_b), u_sdfgamma: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_sdfgamma), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_tex_y_a: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_tex_y_a), u_tex_y_b: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_tex_y_b), u_mix: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_mix) };
}, raster: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_tl_parent: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_tl_parent), u_scale_parent: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_scale_parent), u_buffer_scale: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_buffer_scale), u_fade_t: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade_t), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity), u_image0: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image0), u_image1: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image1), u_brightness_low: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_brightness_low), u_brightness_high: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_brightness_high), u_saturation_factor: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_saturation_factor), u_contrast_factor: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_contrast_factor), u_spin_weights: new t4.Uniform3f(e5, i5.u_spin_weights) };
}, symbolIcon: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_is_size_zoom_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_zoom_constant), u_is_size_feature_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_feature_constant), u_size_t: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size_t), u_size: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size), u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_pitch: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_pitch), u_rotate_symbol: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_rotate_symbol), u_aspect_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_aspect_ratio), u_fade_change: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade_change), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_label_plane_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_label_plane_matrix), u_coord_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_coord_matrix), u_is_text: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_text), u_pitch_with_map: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_pitch_with_map), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_texture: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_texture) };
}, symbolSDF: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_is_size_zoom_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_zoom_constant), u_is_size_feature_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_feature_constant), u_size_t: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size_t), u_size: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size), u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_pitch: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_pitch), u_rotate_symbol: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_rotate_symbol), u_aspect_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_aspect_ratio), u_fade_change: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade_change), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_label_plane_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_label_plane_matrix), u_coord_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_coord_matrix), u_is_text: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_text), u_pitch_with_map: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_pitch_with_map), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_texture: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_texture), u_gamma_scale: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_gamma_scale), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_is_halo: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_halo) };
}, symbolTextAndIcon: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_is_size_zoom_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_zoom_constant), u_is_size_feature_constant: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_size_feature_constant), u_size_t: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size_t), u_size: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_size), u_camera_to_center_distance: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_camera_to_center_distance), u_pitch: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_pitch), u_rotate_symbol: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_rotate_symbol), u_aspect_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_aspect_ratio), u_fade_change: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_fade_change), u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_label_plane_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_label_plane_matrix), u_coord_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_coord_matrix), u_is_text: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_text), u_pitch_with_map: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_pitch_with_map), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_texsize_icon: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize_icon), u_texture: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_texture), u_texture_icon: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_texture_icon), u_gamma_scale: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_gamma_scale), u_device_pixel_ratio: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_device_pixel_ratio), u_is_halo: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_is_halo) };
}, background: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity), u_color: new t4.UniformColor(e5, i5.u_color) };
}, backgroundPattern: function(e5, i5) {
return { u_matrix: new t4.UniformMatrix4f(e5, i5.u_matrix), u_opacity: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_opacity), u_image: new t4.Uniform1i(e5, i5.u_image), u_pattern_tl_a: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_tl_a), u_pattern_br_a: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_br_a), u_pattern_tl_b: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_tl_b), u_pattern_br_b: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_br_b), u_texsize: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_texsize), u_mix: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_mix), u_pattern_size_a: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_size_a), u_pattern_size_b: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pattern_size_b), u_scale_a: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_scale_a), u_scale_b: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_scale_b), u_pixel_coord_upper: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_upper), u_pixel_coord_lower: new t4.Uniform2f(e5, i5.u_pixel_coord_lower), u_tile_units_to_pixels: new t4.Uniform1f(e5, i5.u_tile_units_to_pixels) };
} };
function Yi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6) {
for (var l6 = e5.context, c4 = l6.gl, u4 = e5.useProgram("collisionBox"), h6 = [], p4 = 0, d4 = 0, _3 = 0; _3 < r5.length; _3++) {
var f4 = r5[_3], m4 = i5.getTile(f4), g4 = m4.getBucket(o5);
if (g4) {
var v4 = f4.posMatrix;
0 === a5[0] && 0 === a5[1] || (v4 = e5.translatePosMatrix(f4.posMatrix, m4, a5, n7));
var y4 = s6 ? g4.textCollisionBox : g4.iconCollisionBox, x4 = g4.collisionCircleArray;
if (x4.length > 0) {
var b4 = t4.create(), w4 = v4;
t4.mul(b4, g4.placementInvProjMatrix, e5.transform.glCoordMatrix), t4.mul(b4, b4, g4.placementViewportMatrix), h6.push({ circleArray: x4, circleOffset: d4, transform: w4, invTransform: b4 }), d4 = p4 += x4.length / 4;
y4 && u4.draw(l6, c4.LINES, It2.disabled, Pt2.disabled, e5.colorModeForRenderPass(), Ct2.disabled, Di2(v4, e5.transform, m4), o5.id, y4.layoutVertexBuffer, y4.indexBuffer, y4.segments, null, e5.transform.zoom, null, null, y4.collisionVertexBuffer);
if (s6 && h6.length) {
var T4 = e5.useProgram("collisionCircle"), E3 = new t4.StructArrayLayout2f1f2i16();
E3.resize(4 * p4), E3._trim();
for (var I4 = 0, P4 = 0, S4 = h6; P4 < S4.length; P4 += 1) {
for (var C4 = S4[P4], z4 = 0; z4 < C4.circleArray.length / 4; z4++) {
var D4 = 4 * z4, A4 = C4.circleArray[D4 + 0], M4 = C4.circleArray[D4 + 1], L4 = C4.circleArray[D4 + 2], R3 = C4.circleArray[D4 + 3];
E3.emplace(I4++, A4, M4, L4, R3, 0), E3.emplace(I4++, A4, M4, L4, R3, 1), E3.emplace(I4++, A4, M4, L4, R3, 2), E3.emplace(I4++, A4, M4, L4, R3, 3);
(!ji2 || ji2.length < 2 * p4) && (ji2 = function(e6) {
var i6 = 2 * e6, o6 = new t4.StructArrayLayout3ui6();
o6.resize(i6), o6._trim();
for (var r6 = 0; r6 < i6; r6++) {
var a6 = 6 * r6;
o6.uint16[a6 + 0] = 4 * r6 + 0, o6.uint16[a6 + 1] = 4 * r6 + 1, o6.uint16[a6 + 2] = 4 * r6 + 2, o6.uint16[a6 + 3] = 4 * r6 + 2, o6.uint16[a6 + 4] = 4 * r6 + 3, o6.uint16[a6 + 5] = 4 * r6 + 0;
return o6;
for (var k4 = l6.createIndexBuffer(ji2, true), B3 = l6.createVertexBuffer(E3, t4.collisionCircleLayout.members, true), O4 = 0, F3 = h6; O4 < F3.length; O4 += 1) {
var U3 = F3[O4], N4 = Ai2(U3.transform, U3.invTransform, e5.transform);
T4.draw(l6, c4.TRIANGLES, It2.disabled, Pt2.disabled, e5.colorModeForRenderPass(), Ct2.disabled, N4, o5.id, B3, k4, t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 2 * U3.circleOffset, U3.circleArray.length, U3.circleArray.length / 2), null, e5.transform.zoom, null, null, null);
B3.destroy(), k4.destroy();
var Ji2 = t4.identity(new Float32Array(16));
function Qi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = t4.getAnchorAlignment(e5), l6 = -(s6.horizontalAlign - 0.5) * i5, c4 = -(s6.verticalAlign - 0.5) * o5, u4 = t4.evaluateVariableOffset(e5, r5);
return new t4.Point((l6 / a5 + u4[0]) * n7, (c4 / a5 + u4[1]) * n7);
function $i2(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6) {
var p4 = e5.text.placedSymbolArray, d4 = e5.text.dynamicLayoutVertexArray, _3 = e5.icon.dynamicLayoutVertexArray, f4 = {};
for (var m4 = 0; m4 < p4.length; m4++) {
var g4 = p4.get(m4), v4 = g4.hidden || !g4.crossTileID || e5.allowVerticalPlacement && !g4.placedOrientation ? null : r5[g4.crossTileID];
if (v4) {
var y4 = new t4.Point(g4.anchorX, g4.anchorY), x4 = $t2(y4, o5 ? l6 : s6), b4 = te2(n7.cameraToCenterDistance, x4.signedDistanceFromCamera), w4 = a5.evaluateSizeForFeature(e5.textSizeData, u4, g4) * b4 / t4.ONE_EM;
o5 && (w4 *= e5.tilePixelRatio / c4);
for (var T4 = Qi2(v4.anchor, v4.width, v4.height, v4.textOffset, v4.textBoxScale, w4), E3 = o5 ? $t2(y4.add(T4), s6).point : x4.point.add(i5 ? T4.rotate(-n7.angle) : T4), I4 = e5.allowVerticalPlacement && g4.placedOrientation === t4.WritingMode.vertical ? Math.PI / 2 : 0, P4 = 0; P4 < g4.numGlyphs; P4++) {
t4.addDynamicAttributes(d4, E3, I4);
h6 && g4.associatedIconIndex >= 0 && (f4[g4.associatedIconIndex] = { shiftedAnchor: E3, angle: I4 });
} else {
ce2(g4.numGlyphs, d4);
if (h6) {
for (var S4 = e5.icon.placedSymbolArray, C4 = 0; C4 < S4.length; C4++) {
var z4 = S4.get(C4);
if (z4.hidden) {
ce2(z4.numGlyphs, _3);
} else {
var D4 = f4[C4];
if (D4) {
for (var A4 = 0; A4 < z4.numGlyphs; A4++) {
t4.addDynamicAttributes(_3, D4.shiftedAnchor, D4.angle);
} else {
ce2(z4.numGlyphs, _3);
function to(t5, e5, i5) {
return i5.iconsInText && e5 ? "symbolTextAndIcon" : t5 ? "symbolSDF" : "symbolIcon";
function eo(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4) {
for (var d4 = e5.context, _3 = d4.gl, f4 = e5.transform, m4 = "map" === l6, g4 = "map" === c4, v4 = m4 && "point" !== o5.layout.get("symbol-placement"), y4 = m4 && !g4 && !v4, x4 = void 0 !== o5.layout.get("symbol-sort-key").constantOr(1), b4 = false, w4 = e5.depthModeForSublayer(0, It2.ReadOnly), T4 = o5.layout.get("text-variable-anchor"), E3 = [], I4 = 0, P4 = r5; I4 < P4.length; I4 += 1) {
var S4 = P4[I4], C4 = i5.getTile(S4), z4 = C4.getBucket(o5);
if (z4) {
var D4 = a5 ? z4.text : z4.icon;
if (D4 && D4.segments.get().length) {
var A4 = D4.programConfigurations.get(o5.id), M4 = a5 || z4.sdfIcons, L4 = a5 ? z4.textSizeData : z4.iconSizeData, R3 = g4 || 0 !== f4.pitch, k4 = e5.useProgram(to(M4, a5, z4), A4), B3 = t4.evaluateSizeForZoom(L4, f4.zoom), O4 = void 0, F3 = [0, 0], U3 = void 0, N4 = void 0, Z3 = null, q4 = void 0;
if (a5) {
U3 = C4.glyphAtlasTexture, N4 = _3.LINEAR, O4 = C4.glyphAtlasTexture.size, z4.iconsInText && (F3 = C4.imageAtlasTexture.size, Z3 = C4.imageAtlasTexture, q4 = R3 || e5.options.rotating || e5.options.zooming || "composite" === L4.kind || "camera" === L4.kind ? _3.LINEAR : _3.NEAREST);
} else {
var j4 = 1 !== o5.layout.get("icon-size").constantOr(0) || z4.iconsNeedLinear;
U3 = C4.imageAtlasTexture, N4 = M4 || e5.options.rotating || e5.options.zooming || j4 || R3 ? _3.LINEAR : _3.NEAREST, O4 = C4.imageAtlasTexture.size;
var V3 = pe2(C4, 1, e5.transform.zoom), G3 = Jt2(S4.posMatrix, g4, m4, e5.transform, V3), W3 = Qt2(S4.posMatrix, g4, m4, e5.transform, V3), X3 = T4 && z4.hasTextData(), H4 = "none" !== o5.layout.get("icon-text-fit") && X3 && z4.hasIconData();
v4 && ie2(z4, S4.posMatrix, e5, a5, G3, W3, g4, u4);
var K3 = e5.translatePosMatrix(S4.posMatrix, C4, n7, s6), Y3 = v4 || a5 && T4 || H4 ? Ji2 : G3, J3 = e5.translatePosMatrix(W3, C4, n7, s6, true), Q3 = M4 && 0 !== o5.paint.get(a5 ? "text-halo-width" : "icon-halo-width").constantOr(1), $3 = { program: k4, buffers: D4, uniformValues: M4 ? z4.iconsInText ? Wi2(L4.kind, B3, y4, g4, e5, K3, Y3, J3, O4, F3) : Gi2(L4.kind, B3, y4, g4, e5, K3, Y3, J3, a5, O4, true) : Vi2(L4.kind, B3, y4, g4, e5, K3, Y3, J3, a5, O4), atlasTexture: U3, atlasTextureIcon: Z3, atlasInterpolation: N4, atlasInterpolationIcon: q4, isSDF: M4, hasHalo: Q3 };
if (x4 && z4.canOverlap) {
b4 = true;
for (var tt3 = 0, et3 = D4.segments.get(); tt3 < et3.length; tt3 += 1) {
var it3 = et3[tt3];
E3.push({ segments: new t4.SegmentVector([it3]), sortKey: it3.sortKey, state: $3 });
} else {
E3.push({ segments: D4.segments, sortKey: 0, state: $3 });
b4 && E3.sort(function(t5, e6) {
return t5.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
for (var ot3 = 0, rt3 = E3; ot3 < rt3.length; ot3 += 1) {
var at3 = rt3[ot3], nt3 = at3.state;
if (d4.activeTexture.set(_3.TEXTURE0), nt3.atlasTexture.bind(nt3.atlasInterpolation, _3.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), nt3.atlasTextureIcon && (d4.activeTexture.set(_3.TEXTURE1), nt3.atlasTextureIcon && nt3.atlasTextureIcon.bind(nt3.atlasInterpolationIcon, _3.CLAMP_TO_EDGE)), nt3.isSDF) {
var st3 = nt3.uniformValues;
nt3.hasHalo && (st3.u_is_halo = 1, io(nt3.buffers, at3.segments, o5, e5, nt3.program, w4, h6, p4, st3)), st3.u_is_halo = 0;
io(nt3.buffers, at3.segments, o5, e5, nt3.program, w4, h6, p4, nt3.uniformValues);
function io(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7, s6, l6) {
var c4 = o5.context;
r5.draw(c4, c4.gl.TRIANGLES, a5, n7, s6, Ct2.disabled, l6, i5.id, t5.layoutVertexBuffer, t5.indexBuffer, e5, i5.paint, o5.transform.zoom, t5.programConfigurations.get(i5.id), t5.dynamicLayoutVertexBuffer, t5.opacityVertexBuffer);
function oo(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6, l6, c4, u4, h6, p4 = t5.context.gl, d4 = i5.paint.get("fill-pattern"), _3 = d4 && d4.constantOr(1), f4 = i5.getCrossfadeParameters();
n7 ? (l6 = _3 && !i5.getPaintProperty("fill-outline-color") ? "fillOutlinePattern" : "fillOutline", s6 = p4.LINES) : (l6 = _3 ? "fillPattern" : "fill", s6 = p4.TRIANGLES);
for (var m4 = 0, g4 = o5; m4 < g4.length; m4 += 1) {
var v4 = g4[m4], y4 = e5.getTile(v4);
if (!_3 || y4.patternsLoaded()) {
var x4 = y4.getBucket(i5);
if (x4) {
var b4 = x4.programConfigurations.get(i5.id), w4 = t5.useProgram(l6, b4);
_3 && (t5.context.activeTexture.set(p4.TEXTURE0), y4.imageAtlasTexture.bind(p4.LINEAR, p4.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), b4.updatePaintBuffers(f4));
var T4 = d4.constantOr(null);
if (T4 && y4.imageAtlas) {
var E3 = y4.imageAtlas, I4 = E3.patternPositions[T4.to.toString()], P4 = E3.patternPositions[T4.from.toString()];
I4 && P4 && b4.setConstantPatternPositions(I4, P4);
var S4 = t5.translatePosMatrix(v4.posMatrix, y4, i5.paint.get("fill-translate"), i5.paint.get("fill-translate-anchor"));
if (n7) {
u4 = x4.indexBuffer2, h6 = x4.segments2;
var C4 = [p4.drawingBufferWidth, p4.drawingBufferHeight];
c4 = "fillOutlinePattern" === l6 && _3 ? Ci2(S4, t5, f4, y4, C4) : Si2(S4, C4);
} else {
u4 = x4.indexBuffer, h6 = x4.segments, c4 = _3 ? Pi2(S4, t5, f4, y4) : Ii2(S4);
w4.draw(t5.context, s6, r5, t5.stencilModeForClipping(v4), a5, Ct2.disabled, c4, i5.id, x4.layoutVertexBuffer, u4, h6, i5.paint, t5.transform.zoom, b4);
function ro(t5, e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
for (var s6 = t5.context, l6 = s6.gl, c4 = i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-pattern"), u4 = c4.constantOr(1), h6 = i5.getCrossfadeParameters(), p4 = i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-opacity"), d4 = 0, _3 = o5; d4 < _3.length; d4 += 1) {
var f4 = _3[d4], m4 = e5.getTile(f4), g4 = m4.getBucket(i5);
if (g4) {
var v4 = g4.programConfigurations.get(i5.id), y4 = t5.useProgram(u4 ? "fillExtrusionPattern" : "fillExtrusion", v4);
u4 && (t5.context.activeTexture.set(l6.TEXTURE0), m4.imageAtlasTexture.bind(l6.LINEAR, l6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), v4.updatePaintBuffers(h6));
var x4 = c4.constantOr(null);
if (x4 && m4.imageAtlas) {
var b4 = m4.imageAtlas, w4 = b4.patternPositions[x4.to.toString()], T4 = b4.patternPositions[x4.from.toString()];
w4 && T4 && v4.setConstantPatternPositions(w4, T4);
var E3 = t5.translatePosMatrix(f4.posMatrix, m4, i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate"), i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate-anchor")), I4 = i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient"), P4 = u4 ? Ei2(E3, t5, I4, p4, f4, h6, m4) : Ti2(E3, t5, I4, p4);
y4.draw(s6, s6.gl.TRIANGLES, r5, a5, n7, Ct2.backCCW, P4, i5.id, g4.layoutVertexBuffer, g4.indexBuffer, g4.segments, i5.paint, t5.transform.zoom, v4);
function ao(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = e5.context, l6 = s6.gl, c4 = i5.fbo;
if (c4) {
var u4 = e5.useProgram("hillshade");
s6.activeTexture.set(l6.TEXTURE0), l6.bindTexture(l6.TEXTURE_2D, c4.colorAttachment.get());
var h6 = function(e6, i6, o6) {
var r6 = o6.paint.get("hillshade-shadow-color"), a6 = o6.paint.get("hillshade-highlight-color"), n8 = o6.paint.get("hillshade-accent-color"), s7 = o6.paint.get("hillshade-illumination-direction") * (Math.PI / 180);
"viewport" === o6.paint.get("hillshade-illumination-anchor") && (s7 -= e6.transform.angle);
var l7, c5, u5, h7 = !e6.options.moving;
return { u_matrix: e6.transform.calculatePosMatrix(i6.tileID.toUnwrapped(), h7), u_image: 0, u_latrange: (l7 = i6.tileID, c5 = Math.pow(2, l7.canonical.z), u5 = l7.canonical.y, [new t4.MercatorCoordinate(0, u5 / c5).toLngLat().lat, new t4.MercatorCoordinate(0, (u5 + 1) / c5).toLngLat().lat]), u_light: [o6.paint.get("hillshade-exaggeration"), s7], u_shadow: r6, u_highlight: a6, u_accent: n8 };
}(e5, i5, o5);
u4.draw(s6, l6.TRIANGLES, r5, a5, n7, Ct2.disabled, h6, o5.id, e5.rasterBoundsBuffer, e5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, e5.rasterBoundsSegments);
function no(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = e5.context, l6 = s6.gl, c4 = i5.dem;
if (c4 && c4.data) {
var u4 = c4.dim, h6 = c4.stride, p4 = c4.getPixels();
if (s6.activeTexture.set(l6.TEXTURE1), s6.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha.set(false), i5.demTexture = i5.demTexture || e5.getTileTexture(h6), i5.demTexture) {
var d4 = i5.demTexture;
d4.update(p4, { premultiply: false }), d4.bind(l6.NEAREST, l6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
} else {
i5.demTexture = new t4.Texture(s6, p4, l6.RGBA, { premultiply: false }), i5.demTexture.bind(l6.NEAREST, l6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
var _3 = i5.fbo;
if (!_3) {
var f4 = new t4.Texture(s6, { width: u4, height: u4, data: null }, l6.RGBA);
f4.bind(l6.LINEAR, l6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), (_3 = i5.fbo = s6.createFramebuffer(u4, u4, true)).colorAttachment.set(f4.texture);
s6.bindFramebuffer.set(_3.framebuffer), s6.viewport.set([0, 0, u4, u4]), e5.useProgram("hillshadePrepare").draw(s6, l6.TRIANGLES, r5, a5, n7, Ct2.disabled, function(e6, i6) {
var o6 = i6.stride, r6 = t4.create();
return t4.ortho(r6, 0, t4.EXTENT, -t4.EXTENT, 0, 0, 1), t4.translate(r6, r6, [0, -t4.EXTENT, 0]), { u_matrix: r6, u_image: 1, u_dimension: [o6, o6], u_zoom: e6.overscaledZ, u_unpack: i6.getUnpackVector() };
}(i5.tileID, c4), o5.id, e5.rasterBoundsBuffer, e5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, e5.rasterBoundsSegments), i5.needsHillshadePrepare = false;
function so(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
var n7 = r5.paint.get("raster-fade-duration");
if (n7 > 0) {
var s6 = t4.browser.now(), l6 = (s6 - e5.timeAdded) / n7, c4 = i5 ? (s6 - i5.timeAdded) / n7 : -1, u4 = o5.getSource(), h6 = a5.coveringZoomLevel({ tileSize: u4.tileSize, roundZoom: u4.roundZoom }), p4 = !i5 || Math.abs(i5.tileID.overscaledZ - h6) > Math.abs(e5.tileID.overscaledZ - h6), d4 = p4 && e5.refreshedUponExpiration ? 1 : t4.clamp(p4 ? l6 : 1 - c4, 0, 1);
return e5.refreshedUponExpiration && l6 >= 1 && (e5.refreshedUponExpiration = false), i5 ? { opacity: 1, mix: 1 - d4 } : { opacity: d4, mix: 0 };
return { opacity: 1, mix: 0 };
var lo = new t4.Color(1, 0, 0, 1), co = new t4.Color(0, 1, 0, 1), uo = new t4.Color(0, 0, 1, 1), ho = new t4.Color(1, 0, 1, 1), po = new t4.Color(0, 1, 1, 1);
function _o(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
mo(t5, 0, e5 + i5 / 2, t5.transform.width, i5, o5);
function fo(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
mo(t5, e5 - i5 / 2, 0, i5, t5.transform.height, o5);
function mo(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5, n7) {
var s6 = e5.context, l6 = s6.gl;
l6.enable(l6.SCISSOR_TEST), l6.scissor(i5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, o5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, r5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, a5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio), s6.clear({ color: n7 }), l6.disable(l6.SCISSOR_TEST);
function go(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = e5.context, a5 = r5.gl, n7 = o5.posMatrix, s6 = e5.useProgram("debug"), l6 = It2.disabled, c4 = Pt2.disabled, u4 = e5.colorModeForRenderPass();
r5.activeTexture.set(a5.TEXTURE0), e5.emptyTexture.bind(a5.LINEAR, a5.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), s6.draw(r5, a5.LINE_STRIP, l6, c4, u4, Ct2.disabled, Mi2(n7, t4.Color.red), "$debug", e5.debugBuffer, e5.tileBorderIndexBuffer, e5.debugSegments);
var h6 = i5.getTileByID(o5.key).latestRawTileData, p4 = Math.floor((h6 && h6.byteLength || 0) / 1024), d4 = i5.getTile(o5).tileSize, _3 = 512 / Math.min(d4, 512) * (o5.overscaledZ / e5.transform.zoom) * 0.5, f4 = o5.canonical.toString();
o5.overscaledZ !== o5.canonical.z && (f4 += " => " + o5.overscaledZ), function(t5, e6) {
var i6 = t5.debugOverlayCanvas, o6 = t5.context.gl, r6 = t5.debugOverlayCanvas.getContext("2d");
r6.clearRect(0, 0, i6.width, i6.height), r6.shadowColor = "white", r6.shadowBlur = 2, r6.lineWidth = 1.5, r6.strokeStyle = "white", r6.textBaseline = "top", r6.font = "bold 36px Open Sans, sans-serif", r6.fillText(e6, 5, 5), r6.strokeText(e6, 5, 5), t5.debugOverlayTexture.update(i6), t5.debugOverlayTexture.bind(o6.LINEAR, o6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
}(e5, f4 + " " + p4 + "kb"), s6.draw(r5, a5.TRIANGLES, l6, c4, St2.alphaBlended, Ct2.disabled, Mi2(n7, t4.Color.transparent, _3), "$debug", e5.debugBuffer, e5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, e5.debugSegments);
var vo = { symbol: function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
if ("translucent" === e5.renderPass) {
var n7 = Pt2.disabled, s6 = e5.colorModeForRenderPass();
o5.layout.get("text-variable-anchor") && function(e6, i6, o6, r6, a6, n8, s7) {
for (var l6 = i6.transform, c4 = "map" === a6, u4 = "map" === n8, h6 = 0, p4 = e6; h6 < p4.length; h6 += 1) {
var d4 = p4[h6], _3 = r6.getTile(d4), f4 = _3.getBucket(o6);
if (f4 && f4.text && f4.text.segments.get().length) {
var m4 = t4.evaluateSizeForZoom(f4.textSizeData, l6.zoom), g4 = pe2(_3, 1, i6.transform.zoom), v4 = Jt2(d4.posMatrix, u4, c4, i6.transform, g4), y4 = "none" !== o6.layout.get("icon-text-fit") && f4.hasIconData();
if (m4) {
var x4 = Math.pow(2, l6.zoom - _3.tileID.overscaledZ);
$i2(f4, c4, u4, s7, t4.symbolSize, l6, v4, d4.posMatrix, x4, m4, y4);
}(r5, e5, o5, i5, o5.layout.get("text-rotation-alignment"), o5.layout.get("text-pitch-alignment"), a5), 0 !== o5.paint.get("icon-opacity").constantOr(1) && eo(e5, i5, o5, r5, false, o5.paint.get("icon-translate"), o5.paint.get("icon-translate-anchor"), o5.layout.get("icon-rotation-alignment"), o5.layout.get("icon-pitch-alignment"), o5.layout.get("icon-keep-upright"), n7, s6), 0 !== o5.paint.get("text-opacity").constantOr(1) && eo(e5, i5, o5, r5, true, o5.paint.get("text-translate"), o5.paint.get("text-translate-anchor"), o5.layout.get("text-rotation-alignment"), o5.layout.get("text-pitch-alignment"), o5.layout.get("text-keep-upright"), n7, s6), i5.map.showCollisionBoxes && (Yi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, o5.paint.get("text-translate"), o5.paint.get("text-translate-anchor"), true), Yi2(e5, i5, o5, r5, o5.paint.get("icon-translate"), o5.paint.get("icon-translate-anchor"), false));
}, circle: function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
if ("translucent" === e5.renderPass) {
var a5 = o5.paint.get("circle-opacity"), n7 = o5.paint.get("circle-stroke-width"), s6 = o5.paint.get("circle-stroke-opacity"), l6 = void 0 !== o5.layout.get("circle-sort-key").constantOr(1);
if (0 !== a5.constantOr(1) || 0 !== n7.constantOr(1) && 0 !== s6.constantOr(1)) {
for (var c4 = e5.context, u4 = c4.gl, h6 = e5.depthModeForSublayer(0, It2.ReadOnly), p4 = Pt2.disabled, d4 = e5.colorModeForRenderPass(), _3 = [], f4 = 0; f4 < r5.length; f4++) {
var m4 = r5[f4], g4 = i5.getTile(m4), v4 = g4.getBucket(o5);
if (v4) {
var y4 = v4.programConfigurations.get(o5.id), x4 = { programConfiguration: y4, program: e5.useProgram("circle", y4), layoutVertexBuffer: v4.layoutVertexBuffer, indexBuffer: v4.indexBuffer, uniformValues: zi2(e5, m4, g4, o5) };
if (l6) {
for (var b4 = 0, w4 = v4.segments.get(); b4 < w4.length; b4 += 1) {
var T4 = w4[b4];
_3.push({ segments: new t4.SegmentVector([T4]), sortKey: T4.sortKey, state: x4 });
} else {
_3.push({ segments: v4.segments, sortKey: 0, state: x4 });
l6 && _3.sort(function(t5, e6) {
return t5.sortKey - e6.sortKey;
for (var E3 = 0, I4 = _3; E3 < I4.length; E3 += 1) {
var P4 = I4[E3], S4 = P4.state;
S4.program.draw(c4, u4.TRIANGLES, h6, p4, d4, Ct2.disabled, S4.uniformValues, o5.id, S4.layoutVertexBuffer, S4.indexBuffer, P4.segments, o5.paint, e5.transform.zoom, S4.programConfiguration);
}, heatmap: function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
if (0 !== o5.paint.get("heatmap-opacity")) {
if ("offscreen" === e5.renderPass) {
var a5 = e5.context, n7 = a5.gl, s6 = Pt2.disabled, l6 = new St2([n7.ONE, n7.ONE], t4.Color.transparent, [true, true, true, true]);
!function(t5, e6, i6) {
var o6 = t5.gl;
t5.activeTexture.set(o6.TEXTURE1), t5.viewport.set([0, 0, e6.width / 4, e6.height / 4]);
var r6 = i6.heatmapFbo;
if (r6) {
o6.bindTexture(o6.TEXTURE_2D, r6.colorAttachment.get()), t5.bindFramebuffer.set(r6.framebuffer);
} else {
var a6 = o6.createTexture();
o6.bindTexture(o6.TEXTURE_2D, a6), o6.texParameteri(o6.TEXTURE_2D, o6.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, o6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), o6.texParameteri(o6.TEXTURE_2D, o6.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, o6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), o6.texParameteri(o6.TEXTURE_2D, o6.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, o6.LINEAR), o6.texParameteri(o6.TEXTURE_2D, o6.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, o6.LINEAR), r6 = i6.heatmapFbo = t5.createFramebuffer(e6.width / 4, e6.height / 4, false), function(t6, e7, i7, o7) {
var r7 = t6.gl;
r7.texImage2D(r7.TEXTURE_2D, 0, r7.RGBA, e7.width / 4, e7.height / 4, 0, r7.RGBA, t6.extRenderToTextureHalfFloat ? t6.extTextureHalfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES : r7.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null), o7.colorAttachment.set(i7);
}(t5, e6, a6, r6);
}(a5, e5, o5), a5.clear({ color: t4.Color.transparent });
for (var c4 = 0; c4 < r5.length; c4++) {
var u4 = r5[c4];
if (!i5.hasRenderableParent(u4)) {
var h6 = i5.getTile(u4), p4 = h6.getBucket(o5);
if (p4) {
var d4 = p4.programConfigurations.get(o5.id);
e5.useProgram("heatmap", d4).draw(a5, n7.TRIANGLES, It2.disabled, s6, l6, Ct2.disabled, Ri2(u4.posMatrix, h6, e5.transform.zoom, o5.paint.get("heatmap-intensity")), o5.id, p4.layoutVertexBuffer, p4.indexBuffer, p4.segments, o5.paint, e5.transform.zoom, d4);
a5.viewport.set([0, 0, e5.width, e5.height]);
} else {
"translucent" === e5.renderPass && (e5.context.setColorMode(e5.colorModeForRenderPass()), function(e6, i6) {
var o6 = e6.context, r6 = o6.gl, a6 = i6.heatmapFbo;
if (a6) {
o6.activeTexture.set(r6.TEXTURE0), r6.bindTexture(r6.TEXTURE_2D, a6.colorAttachment.get()), o6.activeTexture.set(r6.TEXTURE1);
var n8 = i6.colorRampTexture;
n8 || (n8 = i6.colorRampTexture = new t4.Texture(o6, i6.colorRamp, r6.RGBA)), n8.bind(r6.LINEAR, r6.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), e6.useProgram("heatmapTexture").draw(o6, r6.TRIANGLES, It2.disabled, Pt2.disabled, e6.colorModeForRenderPass(), Ct2.disabled, function(e7, i7, o7, r7) {
var a7 = t4.create();
t4.ortho(a7, 0, e7.width, e7.height, 0, 0, 1);
var n9 = e7.context.gl;
return { u_matrix: a7, u_world: [n9.drawingBufferWidth, n9.drawingBufferHeight], u_image: 0, u_color_ramp: 1, u_opacity: i7.paint.get("heatmap-opacity") };
}(e6, i6), i6.id, e6.viewportBuffer, e6.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, e6.viewportSegments, i6.paint, e6.transform.zoom);
}(e5, o5));
}, line: function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
if ("translucent" === e5.renderPass) {
var a5 = o5.paint.get("line-opacity"), n7 = o5.paint.get("line-width");
if (0 !== a5.constantOr(1) && 0 !== n7.constantOr(1)) {
for (var s6 = e5.depthModeForSublayer(0, It2.ReadOnly), l6 = e5.colorModeForRenderPass(), c4 = o5.paint.get("line-dasharray"), u4 = o5.paint.get("line-pattern"), h6 = u4.constantOr(1), p4 = o5.paint.get("line-gradient"), d4 = o5.getCrossfadeParameters(), _3 = h6 ? "linePattern" : c4 ? "lineSDF" : p4 ? "lineGradient" : "line", f4 = e5.context, m4 = f4.gl, g4 = true, v4 = 0, y4 = r5; v4 < y4.length; v4 += 1) {
var x4 = y4[v4], b4 = i5.getTile(x4);
if (!h6 || b4.patternsLoaded()) {
var w4 = b4.getBucket(o5);
if (w4) {
var T4 = w4.programConfigurations.get(o5.id), E3 = e5.context.program.get(), I4 = e5.useProgram(_3, T4), P4 = g4 || I4.program !== E3, S4 = u4.constantOr(null);
if (S4 && b4.imageAtlas) {
var C4 = b4.imageAtlas, z4 = C4.patternPositions[S4.to.toString()], D4 = C4.patternPositions[S4.from.toString()];
z4 && D4 && T4.setConstantPatternPositions(z4, D4);
var A4 = h6 ? Oi2(e5, b4, o5, d4) : c4 ? Fi2(e5, b4, o5, c4, d4) : p4 ? Bi2(e5, b4, o5, w4.lineClipsArray.length) : ki2(e5, b4, o5);
if (h6) {
f4.activeTexture.set(m4.TEXTURE0), b4.imageAtlasTexture.bind(m4.LINEAR, m4.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), T4.updatePaintBuffers(d4);
} else if (c4 && (P4 || e5.lineAtlas.dirty)) {
f4.activeTexture.set(m4.TEXTURE0), e5.lineAtlas.bind(f4);
} else if (p4) {
var M4 = w4.gradients[o5.id], L4 = M4.texture;
if (o5.gradientVersion !== M4.version) {
var R3 = 256;
if (o5.stepInterpolant) {
var k4 = i5.getSource().maxzoom, B3 = x4.canonical.z === k4 ? Math.ceil(1 << e5.transform.maxZoom - x4.canonical.z) : 1;
R3 = t4.clamp(t4.nextPowerOfTwo(w4.maxLineLength / t4.EXTENT * 1024 * B3), 256, f4.maxTextureSize);
M4.gradient = t4.renderColorRamp({ expression: o5.gradientExpression(), evaluationKey: "lineProgress", resolution: R3, image: M4.gradient || void 0, clips: w4.lineClipsArray }), M4.texture ? M4.texture.update(M4.gradient) : M4.texture = new t4.Texture(f4, M4.gradient, m4.RGBA), M4.version = o5.gradientVersion, L4 = M4.texture;
f4.activeTexture.set(m4.TEXTURE0), L4.bind(o5.stepInterpolant ? m4.NEAREST : m4.LINEAR, m4.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
I4.draw(f4, m4.TRIANGLES, s6, e5.stencilModeForClipping(x4), l6, Ct2.disabled, A4, o5.id, w4.layoutVertexBuffer, w4.indexBuffer, w4.segments, o5.paint, e5.transform.zoom, T4, w4.layoutVertexBuffer2), g4 = false;
}, fill: function(e5, i5, o5, r5) {
var a5 = o5.paint.get("fill-color"), n7 = o5.paint.get("fill-opacity");
if (0 !== n7.constantOr(1)) {
var s6 = e5.colorModeForRenderPass(), l6 = o5.paint.get("fill-pattern"), c4 = e5.opaquePassEnabledForLayer() && !l6.constantOr(1) && 1 === a5.constantOr(t4.Color.transparent).a && 1 === n7.constantOr(0) ? "opaque" : "translucent";
if (e5.renderPass === c4) {
var u4 = e5.depthModeForSublayer(1, "opaque" === e5.renderPass ? It2.ReadWrite : It2.ReadOnly);
oo(e5, i5, o5, r5, u4, s6, false);
if ("translucent" === e5.renderPass && o5.paint.get("fill-antialias")) {
var h6 = e5.depthModeForSublayer(o5.getPaintProperty("fill-outline-color") ? 2 : 0, It2.ReadOnly);
oo(e5, i5, o5, r5, h6, s6, true);
}, "fill-extrusion": function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-opacity");
if (0 !== r5 && "translucent" === t5.renderPass) {
var a5 = new It2(t5.context.gl.LEQUAL, It2.ReadWrite, t5.depthRangeFor3D);
if (1 !== r5 || i5.paint.get("fill-extrusion-pattern").constantOr(1)) {
ro(t5, e5, i5, o5, a5, Pt2.disabled, St2.disabled), ro(t5, e5, i5, o5, a5, t5.stencilModeFor3D(), t5.colorModeForRenderPass());
} else {
var n7 = t5.colorModeForRenderPass();
ro(t5, e5, i5, o5, a5, Pt2.disabled, n7);
}, hillshade: function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
if ("offscreen" === t5.renderPass || "translucent" === t5.renderPass) {
for (var r5 = t5.context, a5 = t5.depthModeForSublayer(0, It2.ReadOnly), n7 = t5.colorModeForRenderPass(), s6 = "translucent" === t5.renderPass ? t5.stencilConfigForOverlap(o5) : [{}, o5], l6 = s6[0], c4 = 0, u4 = s6[1]; c4 < u4.length; c4 += 1) {
var h6 = u4[c4], p4 = e5.getTile(h6);
p4.needsHillshadePrepare && "offscreen" === t5.renderPass ? no(t5, p4, i5, a5, Pt2.disabled, n7) : "translucent" === t5.renderPass && ao(t5, p4, i5, a5, l6[h6.overscaledZ], n7);
r5.viewport.set([0, 0, t5.width, t5.height]);
}, raster: function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
if ("translucent" === t5.renderPass && 0 !== i5.paint.get("raster-opacity") && o5.length) {
for (var r5 = t5.context, a5 = r5.gl, n7 = e5.getSource(), s6 = t5.useProgram("raster"), l6 = t5.colorModeForRenderPass(), c4 = n7 instanceof M3 ? [{}, o5] : t5.stencilConfigForOverlap(o5), u4 = c4[0], h6 = c4[1], p4 = h6[h6.length - 1].overscaledZ, d4 = !t5.options.moving, _3 = 0, f4 = h6; _3 < f4.length; _3 += 1) {
var m4 = f4[_3], g4 = t5.depthModeForSublayer(m4.overscaledZ - p4, 1 === i5.paint.get("raster-opacity") ? It2.ReadWrite : It2.ReadOnly, a5.LESS), v4 = e5.getTile(m4), y4 = t5.transform.calculatePosMatrix(m4.toUnwrapped(), d4);
var x4 = e5.findLoadedParent(m4, 0), b4 = so(v4, x4, e5, i5, t5.transform), w4 = void 0, T4 = void 0, E3 = "nearest" === i5.paint.get("raster-resampling") ? a5.NEAREST : a5.LINEAR;
r5.activeTexture.set(a5.TEXTURE0), v4.texture.bind(E3, a5.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, a5.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST), r5.activeTexture.set(a5.TEXTURE1), x4 ? (x4.texture.bind(E3, a5.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, a5.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST), w4 = Math.pow(2, x4.tileID.overscaledZ - v4.tileID.overscaledZ), T4 = [v4.tileID.canonical.x * w4 % 1, v4.tileID.canonical.y * w4 % 1]) : v4.texture.bind(E3, a5.CLAMP_TO_EDGE, a5.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST);
var I4 = Zi2(y4, T4 || [0, 0], w4 || 1, b4, i5);
n7 instanceof M3 ? s6.draw(r5, a5.TRIANGLES, g4, Pt2.disabled, l6, Ct2.disabled, I4, i5.id, n7.boundsBuffer, t5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, n7.boundsSegments) : s6.draw(r5, a5.TRIANGLES, g4, u4[m4.overscaledZ], l6, Ct2.disabled, I4, i5.id, t5.rasterBoundsBuffer, t5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, t5.rasterBoundsSegments);
}, background: function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = i5.paint.get("background-color"), r5 = i5.paint.get("background-opacity");
if (0 !== r5) {
var a5 = t5.context, n7 = a5.gl, s6 = t5.transform, l6 = s6.tileSize, c4 = i5.paint.get("background-pattern");
if (!t5.isPatternMissing(c4)) {
var u4 = !c4 && 1 === o5.a && 1 === r5 && t5.opaquePassEnabledForLayer() ? "opaque" : "translucent";
if (t5.renderPass === u4) {
var h6 = Pt2.disabled, p4 = t5.depthModeForSublayer(0, "opaque" === u4 ? It2.ReadWrite : It2.ReadOnly), d4 = t5.colorModeForRenderPass(), _3 = t5.useProgram(c4 ? "backgroundPattern" : "background"), f4 = s6.coveringTiles({ tileSize: l6 });
c4 && (a5.activeTexture.set(n7.TEXTURE0), t5.imageManager.bind(t5.context));
for (var m4 = i5.getCrossfadeParameters(), g4 = 0, v4 = f4; g4 < v4.length; g4 += 1) {
var y4 = v4[g4], x4 = t5.transform.calculatePosMatrix(y4.toUnwrapped()), b4 = c4 ? Hi2(x4, r5, t5, c4, { tileID: y4, tileSize: l6 }, m4) : Xi2(x4, r5, o5);
_3.draw(a5, n7.TRIANGLES, p4, h6, d4, Ct2.disabled, b4, i5.id, t5.tileExtentBuffer, t5.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, t5.tileExtentSegments);
}, debug: function(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < i5.length; o5++) {
go(t5, e5, i5[o5]);
}, custom: function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = t5.context, r5 = i5.implementation;
if ("offscreen" === t5.renderPass) {
var a5 = r5.prerender;
a5 && (t5.setCustomLayerDefaults(), o5.setColorMode(t5.colorModeForRenderPass()), a5.call(r5, o5.gl, t5.transform.customLayerMatrix()), o5.setDirty(), t5.setBaseState());
} else if ("translucent" === t5.renderPass) {
t5.setCustomLayerDefaults(), o5.setColorMode(t5.colorModeForRenderPass()), o5.setStencilMode(Pt2.disabled);
var n7 = "3d" === r5.renderingMode ? new It2(t5.context.gl.LEQUAL, It2.ReadWrite, t5.depthRangeFor3D) : t5.depthModeForSublayer(0, It2.ReadOnly);
o5.setDepthMode(n7), r5.render(o5.gl, t5.transform.customLayerMatrix()), o5.setDirty(), t5.setBaseState(), o5.bindFramebuffer.set(null);
} }, yo = function(t5, e5) {
this.context = new zt2(t5), this.transform = e5, this._tileTextures = {}, this.setup(), this.numSublayers = Dt2.maxUnderzooming + Dt2.maxOverzooming + 1, this.depthEpsilon = 1 / Math.pow(2, 16), this.crossTileSymbolIndex = new Fe2(), this.gpuTimers = {};
yo.prototype.resize = function(e5, i5) {
if (this.width = e5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, this.height = i5 * t4.browser.devicePixelRatio, this.context.viewport.set([0, 0, this.width, this.height]), this.style) {
for (var o5 = 0, r5 = this.style._order; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
}, yo.prototype.setup = function() {
var e5 = this.context, i5 = new t4.StructArrayLayout2i4();
i5.emplaceBack(0, 0), i5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, 0), i5.emplaceBack(0, t4.EXTENT), i5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT), this.tileExtentBuffer = e5.createVertexBuffer(i5, Ve2.members), this.tileExtentSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2);
var o5 = new t4.StructArrayLayout2i4();
o5.emplaceBack(0, 0), o5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, 0), o5.emplaceBack(0, t4.EXTENT), o5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT), this.debugBuffer = e5.createVertexBuffer(o5, Ve2.members), this.debugSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 5);
var r5 = new t4.StructArrayLayout4i8();
r5.emplaceBack(0, 0, 0, 0), r5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, 0, t4.EXTENT, 0), r5.emplaceBack(0, t4.EXTENT, 0, t4.EXTENT), r5.emplaceBack(t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT, t4.EXTENT), this.rasterBoundsBuffer = e5.createVertexBuffer(r5, A3.members), this.rasterBoundsSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2);
var a5 = new t4.StructArrayLayout2i4();
a5.emplaceBack(0, 0), a5.emplaceBack(1, 0), a5.emplaceBack(0, 1), a5.emplaceBack(1, 1), this.viewportBuffer = e5.createVertexBuffer(a5, Ve2.members), this.viewportSegments = t4.SegmentVector.simpleSegment(0, 0, 4, 2);
var n7 = new t4.StructArrayLayout1ui2();
n7.emplaceBack(0), n7.emplaceBack(1), n7.emplaceBack(3), n7.emplaceBack(2), n7.emplaceBack(0), this.tileBorderIndexBuffer = e5.createIndexBuffer(n7);
var s6 = new t4.StructArrayLayout3ui6();
s6.emplaceBack(0, 1, 2), s6.emplaceBack(2, 1, 3), this.quadTriangleIndexBuffer = e5.createIndexBuffer(s6), this.emptyTexture = new t4.Texture(e5, { width: 1, height: 1, data: new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0]) }, e5.gl.RGBA);
var l6 = this.context.gl;
this.stencilClearMode = new Pt2({ func: l6.ALWAYS, mask: 0 }, 0, 255, l6.ZERO, l6.ZERO, l6.ZERO);
}, yo.prototype.clearStencil = function() {
var e5 = this.context, i5 = e5.gl;
this.nextStencilID = 1, this.currentStencilSource = void 0;
var o5 = t4.create();
t4.ortho(o5, 0, this.width, this.height, 0, 0, 1), t4.scale(o5, o5, [i5.drawingBufferWidth, i5.drawingBufferHeight, 0]), this.useProgram("clippingMask").draw(e5, i5.TRIANGLES, It2.disabled, this.stencilClearMode, St2.disabled, Ct2.disabled, Li2(o5), "$clipping", this.viewportBuffer, this.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, this.viewportSegments);
}, yo.prototype._renderTileClippingMasks = function(t5, e5) {
if (this.currentStencilSource !== t5.source && t5.isTileClipped() && e5 && e5.length) {
this.currentStencilSource = t5.source;
var i5 = this.context, o5 = i5.gl;
this.nextStencilID + e5.length > 256 && this.clearStencil(), i5.setColorMode(St2.disabled), i5.setDepthMode(It2.disabled);
var r5 = this.useProgram("clippingMask");
this._tileClippingMaskIDs = {};
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = e5; a5 < n7.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = n7[a5], l6 = this._tileClippingMaskIDs[s6.key] = this.nextStencilID++;
r5.draw(i5, o5.TRIANGLES, It2.disabled, new Pt2({ func: o5.ALWAYS, mask: 0 }, l6, 255, o5.KEEP, o5.KEEP, o5.REPLACE), St2.disabled, Ct2.disabled, Li2(s6.posMatrix), "$clipping", this.tileExtentBuffer, this.quadTriangleIndexBuffer, this.tileExtentSegments);
}, yo.prototype.stencilModeFor3D = function() {
this.currentStencilSource = void 0, this.nextStencilID + 1 > 256 && this.clearStencil();
var t5 = this.nextStencilID++, e5 = this.context.gl;
return new Pt2({ func: e5.NOTEQUAL, mask: 255 }, t5, 255, e5.KEEP, e5.KEEP, e5.REPLACE);
}, yo.prototype.stencilModeForClipping = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.context.gl;
return new Pt2({ func: e5.EQUAL, mask: 255 }, this._tileClippingMaskIDs[t5.key], 0, e5.KEEP, e5.KEEP, e5.REPLACE);
}, yo.prototype.stencilConfigForOverlap = function(t5) {
var e5, i5 = this.context.gl, o5 = t5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return e6.overscaledZ - t6.overscaledZ;
}), r5 = o5[o5.length - 1].overscaledZ, a5 = o5[0].overscaledZ - r5 + 1;
if (a5 > 1) {
this.currentStencilSource = void 0, this.nextStencilID + a5 > 256 && this.clearStencil();
for (var n7 = {}, s6 = 0; s6 < a5; s6++) {
n7[s6 + r5] = new Pt2({ func: i5.GEQUAL, mask: 255 }, s6 + this.nextStencilID, 255, i5.KEEP, i5.KEEP, i5.REPLACE);
return this.nextStencilID += a5, [n7, o5];
return [(e5 = {}, e5[r5] = Pt2.disabled, e5), o5];
}, yo.prototype.colorModeForRenderPass = function() {
var e5 = this.context.gl;
return this._showOverdrawInspector ? new St2([e5.CONSTANT_COLOR, e5.ONE], new t4.Color(1 / 8, 1 / 8, 1 / 8, 0), [true, true, true, true]) : "opaque" === this.renderPass ? St2.unblended : St2.alphaBlended;
}, yo.prototype.depthModeForSublayer = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (!this.opaquePassEnabledForLayer()) {
return It2.disabled;
var o5 = 1 - ((1 + this.currentLayer) * this.numSublayers + t5) * this.depthEpsilon;
return new It2(i5 || this.context.gl.LEQUAL, e5, [o5, o5]);
}, yo.prototype.opaquePassEnabledForLayer = function() {
return this.currentLayer < this.opaquePassCutoff;
}, yo.prototype.render = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = this;
this.style = e5, this.options = i5, this.lineAtlas = e5.lineAtlas, this.imageManager = e5.imageManager, this.glyphManager = e5.glyphManager, this.symbolFadeChange = e5.placement.symbolFadeChange(t4.browser.now()), this.imageManager.beginFrame();
var r5 = this.style._order, a5 = this.style.sourceCaches;
for (var n7 in a5) {
var s6 = a5[n7];
s6.used && s6.prepare(this.context);
var l6, c4, u4 = {}, h6 = {}, p4 = {};
for (var d4 in a5) {
var _3 = a5[d4];
u4[d4] = _3.getVisibleCoordinates(), h6[d4] = u4[d4].slice().reverse(), p4[d4] = _3.getVisibleCoordinates(true).reverse();
this.opaquePassCutoff = 1 / 0;
for (var f4 = 0; f4 < r5.length; f4++) {
if (this.style._layers[r5[f4]].is3D()) {
this.opaquePassCutoff = f4;
this.renderPass = "offscreen";
for (var m4 = 0, g4 = r5; m4 < g4.length; m4 += 1) {
var v4 = this.style._layers[g4[m4]];
if (v4.hasOffscreenPass() && !v4.isHidden(this.transform.zoom)) {
var y4 = h6[v4.source];
("custom" === v4.type || y4.length) && this.renderLayer(this, a5[v4.source], v4, y4);
for (this.context.bindFramebuffer.set(null), this.context.clear({ color: i5.showOverdrawInspector ? t4.Color.black : t4.Color.transparent, depth: 1 }), this.clearStencil(), this._showOverdrawInspector = i5.showOverdrawInspector, this.depthRangeFor3D = [0, 1 - (e5._order.length + 2) * this.numSublayers * this.depthEpsilon], this.renderPass = "opaque", this.currentLayer = r5.length - 1; this.currentLayer >= 0; this.currentLayer--) {
var x4 = this.style._layers[r5[this.currentLayer]], b4 = a5[x4.source], w4 = u4[x4.source];
this._renderTileClippingMasks(x4, w4), this.renderLayer(this, b4, x4, w4);
for (this.renderPass = "translucent", this.currentLayer = 0; this.currentLayer < r5.length; this.currentLayer++) {
var T4 = this.style._layers[r5[this.currentLayer]], E3 = a5[T4.source], I4 = ("symbol" === T4.type ? p4 : h6)[T4.source];
this._renderTileClippingMasks(T4, u4[T4.source]), this.renderLayer(this, E3, T4, I4);
this.options.showTileBoundaries && (t4.values(this.style._layers).forEach(function(t5) {
t5.source && !t5.isHidden(o5.transform.zoom) && (t5.source !== (c4 && c4.id) && (c4 = o5.style.sourceCaches[t5.source]), (!l6 || l6.getSource().maxzoom < c4.getSource().maxzoom) && (l6 = c4));
}), l6 && vo.debug(this, l6, l6.getVisibleCoordinates())), this.options.showPadding && function(t5) {
var e6 = t5.transform.padding;
_o(t5, t5.transform.height - (e6.top || 0), 3, lo), _o(t5, e6.bottom || 0, 3, co), fo(t5, e6.left || 0, 3, uo), fo(t5, t5.transform.width - (e6.right || 0), 3, ho);
var i6 = t5.transform.centerPoint;
!function(t6, e7, i7, o6) {
mo(t6, e7 - 1, i7 - 10, 2, 20, o6), mo(t6, e7 - 10, i7 - 1, 20, 2, o6);
}(t5, i6.x, t5.transform.height - i6.y, po);
}(this), this.context.setDefault();
}, yo.prototype.renderLayer = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
i5.isHidden(this.transform.zoom) || ("background" === i5.type || "custom" === i5.type || o5.length) && (this.id = i5.id, this.gpuTimingStart(i5), vo[i5.type](t5, e5, i5, o5, this.style.placement.variableOffsets), this.gpuTimingEnd());
}, yo.prototype.gpuTimingStart = function(t5) {
if (this.options.gpuTiming) {
var e5 = this.context.extTimerQuery, i5 = this.gpuTimers[t5.id];
i5 || (i5 = this.gpuTimers[t5.id] = { calls: 0, cpuTime: 0, query: e5.createQueryEXT() }), i5.calls++, e5.beginQueryEXT(e5.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, i5.query);
}, yo.prototype.gpuTimingEnd = function() {
if (this.options.gpuTiming) {
var t5 = this.context.extTimerQuery;
}, yo.prototype.collectGpuTimers = function() {
var t5 = this.gpuTimers;
return this.gpuTimers = {}, t5;
}, yo.prototype.queryGpuTimers = function(t5) {
var e5 = {};
for (var i5 in t5) {
var o5 = t5[i5], r5 = this.context.extTimerQuery, a5 = r5.getQueryObjectEXT(o5.query, r5.QUERY_RESULT_EXT) / 1e6;
r5.deleteQueryEXT(o5.query), e5[i5] = a5;
return e5;
}, yo.prototype.translatePosMatrix = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
if (!o5[0] && !o5[1]) {
return e5;
var n7 = a5 ? "map" === r5 ? this.transform.angle : 0 : "viewport" === r5 ? -this.transform.angle : 0;
if (n7) {
var s6 = Math.sin(n7), l6 = Math.cos(n7);
o5 = [o5[0] * l6 - o5[1] * s6, o5[0] * s6 + o5[1] * l6];
var c4 = [a5 ? o5[0] : pe2(i5, o5[0], this.transform.zoom), a5 ? o5[1] : pe2(i5, o5[1], this.transform.zoom), 0], u4 = new Float32Array(16);
return t4.translate(u4, e5, c4), u4;
}, yo.prototype.saveTileTexture = function(t5) {
var e5 = this._tileTextures[t5.size[0]];
e5 ? e5.push(t5) : this._tileTextures[t5.size[0]] = [t5];
}, yo.prototype.getTileTexture = function(t5) {
var e5 = this._tileTextures[t5];
return e5 && e5.length > 0 ? e5.pop() : null;
}, yo.prototype.isPatternMissing = function(t5) {
if (!t5) {
return false;
if (!t5.from || !t5.to) {
return true;
var e5 = this.imageManager.getPattern(t5.from.toString()), i5 = this.imageManager.getPattern(t5.to.toString());
return !e5 || !i5;
}, yo.prototype.useProgram = function(t5, e5) {
this.cache = this.cache || {};
var i5 = "" + t5 + (e5 ? e5.cacheKey : "") + (this._showOverdrawInspector ? "/overdraw" : "");
return this.cache[i5] || (this.cache[i5] = new bi2(this.context, t5, vi2[t5], e5, Ki2[t5], this._showOverdrawInspector)), this.cache[i5];
}, yo.prototype.setCustomLayerDefaults = function() {
this.context.unbindVAO(), this.context.cullFace.setDefault(), this.context.activeTexture.setDefault(), this.context.pixelStoreUnpack.setDefault(), this.context.pixelStoreUnpackPremultiplyAlpha.setDefault(), this.context.pixelStoreUnpackFlipY.setDefault();
}, yo.prototype.setBaseState = function() {
var t5 = this.context.gl;
this.context.cullFace.set(false), this.context.viewport.set([0, 0, this.width, this.height]), this.context.blendEquation.set(t5.FUNC_ADD);
}, yo.prototype.initDebugOverlayCanvas = function() {
null == this.debugOverlayCanvas && (this.debugOverlayCanvas = t4.window.document.createElement("canvas"), this.debugOverlayCanvas.width = 512, this.debugOverlayCanvas.height = 512, this.debugOverlayTexture = new t4.Texture(this.context, this.debugOverlayCanvas, this.context.gl.RGBA));
}, yo.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.emptyTexture.destroy(), this.debugOverlayTexture && this.debugOverlayTexture.destroy();
var xo = function(t5, e5) {
this.points = t5, this.planes = e5;
xo.fromInvProjectionMatrix = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = Math.pow(2, o5), a5 = [[-1, 1, -1, 1], [1, 1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1, 1], [-1, -1, -1, 1], [-1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, -1, 1, 1], [-1, -1, 1, 1]].map(function(i6) {
return t4.transformMat4([], i6, e5);
}).map(function(e6) {
return t4.scale$1([], e6, 1 / e6[3] / i5 * r5);
}), n7 = [[0, 1, 2], [6, 5, 4], [0, 3, 7], [2, 1, 5], [3, 2, 6], [0, 4, 5]].map(function(e6) {
var i6 = t4.sub([], a5[e6[0]], a5[e6[1]]), o6 = t4.sub([], a5[e6[2]], a5[e6[1]]), r6 = t4.normalize([], t4.cross([], i6, o6)), n8 = -t4.dot(r6, a5[e6[1]]);
return r6.concat(n8);
return new xo(a5, n7);
var bo = function(e5, i5) {
this.min = e5, this.max = i5, this.center = t4.scale$2([], t4.add([], this.min, this.max), 0.5);
bo.prototype.quadrant = function(e5) {
for (var i5 = [e5 % 2 == 0, e5 < 2], o5 = t4.clone$2(this.min), r5 = t4.clone$2(this.max), a5 = 0; a5 < i5.length; a5++) {
o5[a5] = i5[a5] ? this.min[a5] : this.center[a5], r5[a5] = i5[a5] ? this.center[a5] : this.max[a5];
return r5[2] = this.max[2], new bo(o5, r5);
}, bo.prototype.distanceX = function(t5) {
return Math.max(Math.min(this.max[0], t5[0]), this.min[0]) - t5[0];
}, bo.prototype.distanceY = function(t5) {
return Math.max(Math.min(this.max[1], t5[1]), this.min[1]) - t5[1];
}, bo.prototype.intersects = function(e5) {
for (var i5 = [[this.min[0], this.min[1], 0, 1], [this.max[0], this.min[1], 0, 1], [this.max[0], this.max[1], 0, 1], [this.min[0], this.max[1], 0, 1]], o5 = true, r5 = 0; r5 < e5.planes.length; r5++) {
for (var a5 = e5.planes[r5], n7 = 0, s6 = 0; s6 < i5.length; s6++) {
n7 += t4.dot$1(a5, i5[s6]) >= 0;
if (0 === n7) {
return 0;
n7 !== i5.length && (o5 = false);
if (o5) {
return 2;
for (var l6 = 0; l6 < 3; l6++) {
for (var c4 = Number.MAX_VALUE, u4 = -Number.MAX_VALUE, h6 = 0; h6 < e5.points.length; h6++) {
var p4 = e5.points[h6][l6] - this.min[l6];
c4 = Math.min(c4, p4), u4 = Math.max(u4, p4);
if (u4 < 0 || c4 > this.max[l6] - this.min[l6]) {
return 0;
return 1;
var wo = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
if (void 0 === t5 && (t5 = 0), void 0 === e5 && (e5 = 0), void 0 === i5 && (i5 = 0), void 0 === o5 && (o5 = 0), isNaN(t5) || t5 < 0 || isNaN(e5) || e5 < 0 || isNaN(i5) || i5 < 0 || isNaN(o5) || o5 < 0) {
throw new Error("Invalid value for edge-insets, top, bottom, left and right must all be numbers");
this.top = t5, this.bottom = e5, this.left = i5, this.right = o5;
wo.prototype.interpolate = function(e5, i5, o5) {
return null != i5.top && null != e5.top && (this.top = t4.number(e5.top, i5.top, o5)), null != i5.bottom && null != e5.bottom && (this.bottom = t4.number(e5.bottom, i5.bottom, o5)), null != i5.left && null != e5.left && (this.left = t4.number(e5.left, i5.left, o5)), null != i5.right && null != e5.right && (this.right = t4.number(e5.right, i5.right, o5)), this;
}, wo.prototype.getCenter = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = t4.clamp((this.left + e5 - this.right) / 2, 0, e5), r5 = t4.clamp((this.top + i5 - this.bottom) / 2, 0, i5);
return new t4.Point(o5, r5);
}, wo.prototype.equals = function(t5) {
return this.top === t5.top && this.bottom === t5.bottom && this.left === t5.left && this.right === t5.right;
}, wo.prototype.clone = function() {
return new wo(this.top, this.bottom, this.left, this.right);
}, wo.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return { top: this.top, bottom: this.bottom, left: this.left, right: this.right };
var To = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
this.tileSize = 512, this.maxValidLatitude = 85.051129, this._renderWorldCopies = void 0 === a5 || a5, this._minZoom = e5 || 0, this._maxZoom = i5 || 22, this._minPitch = null == o5 ? 0 : o5, this._maxPitch = null == r5 ? 60 : r5, this.setMaxBounds(), this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this._center = new t4.LngLat(0, 0), this.zoom = 0, this.angle = 0, this._fov = 0.6435011087932844, this._pitch = 0, this._unmodified = true, this._edgeInsets = new wo(), this._posMatrixCache = {}, this._alignedPosMatrixCache = {};
}, Eo = { minZoom: { configurable: true }, maxZoom: { configurable: true }, minPitch: { configurable: true }, maxPitch: { configurable: true }, renderWorldCopies: { configurable: true }, worldSize: { configurable: true }, centerOffset: { configurable: true }, size: { configurable: true }, bearing: { configurable: true }, pitch: { configurable: true }, fov: { configurable: true }, zoom: { configurable: true }, center: { configurable: true }, padding: { configurable: true }, centerPoint: { configurable: true }, unmodified: { configurable: true }, point: { configurable: true } };
To.prototype.clone = function() {
var t5 = new To(this._minZoom, this._maxZoom, this._minPitch, this.maxPitch, this._renderWorldCopies);
return t5.tileSize = this.tileSize, t5.latRange = this.latRange, t5.width = this.width, t5.height = this.height, t5._center = this._center, t5.zoom = this.zoom, t5.angle = this.angle, t5._fov = this._fov, t5._pitch = this._pitch, t5._unmodified = this._unmodified, t5._edgeInsets = this._edgeInsets.clone(), t5._calcMatrices(), t5;
}, Eo.minZoom.get = function() {
return this._minZoom;
}, Eo.minZoom.set = function(t5) {
this._minZoom !== t5 && (this._minZoom = t5, this.zoom = Math.max(this.zoom, t5));
}, Eo.maxZoom.get = function() {
return this._maxZoom;
}, Eo.maxZoom.set = function(t5) {
this._maxZoom !== t5 && (this._maxZoom = t5, this.zoom = Math.min(this.zoom, t5));
}, Eo.minPitch.get = function() {
return this._minPitch;
}, Eo.minPitch.set = function(t5) {
this._minPitch !== t5 && (this._minPitch = t5, this.pitch = Math.max(this.pitch, t5));
}, Eo.maxPitch.get = function() {
return this._maxPitch;
}, Eo.maxPitch.set = function(t5) {
this._maxPitch !== t5 && (this._maxPitch = t5, this.pitch = Math.min(this.pitch, t5));
}, Eo.renderWorldCopies.get = function() {
return this._renderWorldCopies;
}, Eo.renderWorldCopies.set = function(t5) {
void 0 === t5 ? t5 = true : null === t5 && (t5 = false), this._renderWorldCopies = t5;
}, Eo.worldSize.get = function() {
return this.tileSize * this.scale;
}, Eo.centerOffset.get = function() {
return this.centerPoint._sub(this.size._div(2));
}, Eo.size.get = function() {
return new t4.Point(this.width, this.height);
}, Eo.bearing.get = function() {
return -this.angle / Math.PI * 180;
}, Eo.bearing.set = function(e5) {
var i5 = -t4.wrap(e5, -180, 180) * Math.PI / 180;
this.angle !== i5 && (this._unmodified = false, this.angle = i5, this._calcMatrices(), this.rotationMatrix = t4.create$2(), t4.rotate(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, this.angle));
}, Eo.pitch.get = function() {
return this._pitch / Math.PI * 180;
}, Eo.pitch.set = function(e5) {
var i5 = t4.clamp(e5, this.minPitch, this.maxPitch) / 180 * Math.PI;
this._pitch !== i5 && (this._unmodified = false, this._pitch = i5, this._calcMatrices());
}, Eo.fov.get = function() {
return this._fov / Math.PI * 180;
}, Eo.fov.set = function(t5) {
t5 = Math.max(0.01, Math.min(60, t5)), this._fov !== t5 && (this._unmodified = false, this._fov = t5 / 180 * Math.PI, this._calcMatrices());
}, Eo.zoom.get = function() {
return this._zoom;
}, Eo.zoom.set = function(t5) {
var e5 = Math.min(Math.max(t5, this.minZoom), this.maxZoom);
this._zoom !== e5 && (this._unmodified = false, this._zoom = e5, this.scale = this.zoomScale(e5), this.tileZoom = Math.floor(e5), this.zoomFraction = e5 - this.tileZoom, this._constrain(), this._calcMatrices());
}, Eo.center.get = function() {
return this._center;
}, Eo.center.set = function(t5) {
t5.lat === this._center.lat && t5.lng === this._center.lng || (this._unmodified = false, this._center = t5, this._constrain(), this._calcMatrices());
}, Eo.padding.get = function() {
return this._edgeInsets.toJSON();
}, Eo.padding.set = function(t5) {
this._edgeInsets.equals(t5) || (this._unmodified = false, this._edgeInsets.interpolate(this._edgeInsets, t5, 1), this._calcMatrices());
}, Eo.centerPoint.get = function() {
return this._edgeInsets.getCenter(this.width, this.height);
}, To.prototype.isPaddingEqual = function(t5) {
return this._edgeInsets.equals(t5);
}, To.prototype.interpolatePadding = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._unmodified = false, this._edgeInsets.interpolate(t5, e5, i5), this._constrain(), this._calcMatrices();
}, To.prototype.coveringZoomLevel = function(t5) {
var e5 = (t5.roundZoom ? Math.round : Math.floor)(this.zoom + this.scaleZoom(this.tileSize / t5.tileSize));
return Math.max(0, e5);
}, To.prototype.getVisibleUnwrappedCoordinates = function(e5) {
var i5 = [new t4.UnwrappedTileID(0, e5)];
if (this._renderWorldCopies) {
for (var o5 = this.pointCoordinate(new t4.Point(0, 0)), r5 = this.pointCoordinate(new t4.Point(this.width, 0)), a5 = this.pointCoordinate(new t4.Point(this.width, this.height)), n7 = this.pointCoordinate(new t4.Point(0, this.height)), s6 = Math.floor(Math.min(o5.x, r5.x, a5.x, n7.x)), l6 = Math.floor(Math.max(o5.x, r5.x, a5.x, n7.x)), c4 = s6 - 1; c4 <= l6 + 1; c4++) {
0 !== c4 && i5.push(new t4.UnwrappedTileID(c4, e5));
return i5;
}, To.prototype.coveringTiles = function(e5) {
var i5 = this.coveringZoomLevel(e5), o5 = i5;
if (void 0 !== e5.minzoom && i5 < e5.minzoom) {
return [];
void 0 !== e5.maxzoom && i5 > e5.maxzoom && (i5 = e5.maxzoom);
var r5 = t4.MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat(this.center), a5 = Math.pow(2, i5), n7 = [a5 * r5.x, a5 * r5.y, 0], s6 = xo.fromInvProjectionMatrix(this.invProjMatrix, this.worldSize, i5), l6 = e5.minzoom || 0;
this.pitch <= 60 && this._edgeInsets.top < 0.1 && (l6 = i5);
var c4 = function(t5) {
return { aabb: new bo([t5 * a5, 0, 0], [(t5 + 1) * a5, a5, 0]), zoom: 0, x: 0, y: 0, wrap: t5, fullyVisible: false };
}, u4 = [], h6 = [], p4 = i5, d4 = e5.reparseOverscaled ? o5 : i5;
if (this._renderWorldCopies) {
for (var _3 = 1; _3 <= 3; _3++) {
u4.push(c4(-_3)), u4.push(c4(_3));
for (u4.push(c4(0)); u4.length > 0; ) {
var f4 = u4.pop(), m4 = f4.x, g4 = f4.y, v4 = f4.fullyVisible;
if (!v4) {
var y4 = f4.aabb.intersects(s6);
if (0 === y4) {
v4 = 2 === y4;
var x4 = f4.aabb.distanceX(n7), b4 = f4.aabb.distanceY(n7), w4 = Math.max(Math.abs(x4), Math.abs(b4));
if (f4.zoom === p4 || w4 > 3 + (1 << p4 - f4.zoom) - 2 && f4.zoom >= l6) {
h6.push({ tileID: new t4.OverscaledTileID(f4.zoom === p4 ? d4 : f4.zoom, f4.wrap, f4.zoom, m4, g4), distanceSq: t4.sqrLen([n7[0] - 0.5 - m4, n7[1] - 0.5 - g4]) });
} else {
for (var T4 = 0; T4 < 4; T4++) {
var E3 = (m4 << 1) + T4 % 2, I4 = (g4 << 1) + (T4 >> 1);
u4.push({ aabb: f4.aabb.quadrant(T4), zoom: f4.zoom + 1, x: E3, y: I4, wrap: f4.wrap, fullyVisible: v4 });
return h6.sort(function(t5, e6) {
return t5.distanceSq - e6.distanceSq;
}).map(function(t5) {
return t5.tileID;
}, To.prototype.resize = function(t5, e5) {
this.width = t5, this.height = e5, this.pixelsToGLUnits = [2 / t5, -2 / e5], this._constrain(), this._calcMatrices();
}, Eo.unmodified.get = function() {
return this._unmodified;
}, To.prototype.zoomScale = function(t5) {
return Math.pow(2, t5);
}, To.prototype.scaleZoom = function(t5) {
return Math.log(t5) / Math.LN2;
}, To.prototype.project = function(e5) {
var i5 = t4.clamp(e5.lat, -this.maxValidLatitude, this.maxValidLatitude);
return new t4.Point(t4.mercatorXfromLng(e5.lng) * this.worldSize, t4.mercatorYfromLat(i5) * this.worldSize);
}, To.prototype.unproject = function(e5) {
return new t4.MercatorCoordinate(e5.x / this.worldSize, e5.y / this.worldSize).toLngLat();
}, Eo.point.get = function() {
return this.project(this.center);
}, To.prototype.setLocationAtPoint = function(e5, i5) {
var o5 = this.pointCoordinate(i5), r5 = this.pointCoordinate(this.centerPoint), a5 = this.locationCoordinate(e5), n7 = new t4.MercatorCoordinate(a5.x - (o5.x - r5.x), a5.y - (o5.y - r5.y));
this.center = this.coordinateLocation(n7), this._renderWorldCopies && (this.center = this.center.wrap());
}, To.prototype.locationPoint = function(t5) {
return this.coordinatePoint(this.locationCoordinate(t5));
}, To.prototype.pointLocation = function(t5) {
return this.coordinateLocation(this.pointCoordinate(t5));
}, To.prototype.locationCoordinate = function(e5) {
return t4.MercatorCoordinate.fromLngLat(e5);
}, To.prototype.coordinateLocation = function(t5) {
return t5.toLngLat();
}, To.prototype.pointCoordinate = function(e5) {
var i5 = [e5.x, e5.y, 0, 1], o5 = [e5.x, e5.y, 1, 1];
t4.transformMat4(i5, i5, this.pixelMatrixInverse), t4.transformMat4(o5, o5, this.pixelMatrixInverse);
var r5 = i5[3], a5 = o5[3], n7 = i5[1] / r5, s6 = o5[1] / a5, l6 = i5[2] / r5, c4 = o5[2] / a5, u4 = l6 === c4 ? 0 : (0 - l6) / (c4 - l6);
return new t4.MercatorCoordinate(t4.number(i5[0] / r5, o5[0] / a5, u4) / this.worldSize, t4.number(n7, s6, u4) / this.worldSize);
}, To.prototype.coordinatePoint = function(e5) {
var i5 = [e5.x * this.worldSize, e5.y * this.worldSize, 0, 1];
return t4.transformMat4(i5, i5, this.pixelMatrix), new t4.Point(i5[0] / i5[3], i5[1] / i5[3]);
}, To.prototype.getBounds = function() {
return new t4.LngLatBounds().extend(this.pointLocation(new t4.Point(0, 0))).extend(this.pointLocation(new t4.Point(this.width, 0))).extend(this.pointLocation(new t4.Point(this.width, this.height))).extend(this.pointLocation(new t4.Point(0, this.height)));
}, To.prototype.getMaxBounds = function() {
return this.latRange && 2 === this.latRange.length && this.lngRange && 2 === this.lngRange.length ? new t4.LngLatBounds([this.lngRange[0], this.latRange[0]], [this.lngRange[1], this.latRange[1]]) : null;
}, To.prototype.setMaxBounds = function(t5) {
t5 ? (this.lngRange = [t5.getWest(), t5.getEast()], this.latRange = [t5.getSouth(), t5.getNorth()], this._constrain()) : (this.lngRange = null, this.latRange = [-this.maxValidLatitude, this.maxValidLatitude]);
}, To.prototype.calculatePosMatrix = function(e5, i5) {
void 0 === i5 && (i5 = false);
var o5 = e5.key, r5 = i5 ? this._alignedPosMatrixCache : this._posMatrixCache;
if (r5[o5]) {
return r5[o5];
var a5 = e5.canonical, n7 = this.worldSize / this.zoomScale(a5.z), s6 = a5.x + Math.pow(2, a5.z) * e5.wrap, l6 = t4.identity(new Float64Array(16));
return t4.translate(l6, l6, [s6 * n7, a5.y * n7, 0]), t4.scale(l6, l6, [n7 / t4.EXTENT, n7 / t4.EXTENT, 1]), t4.multiply(l6, i5 ? this.alignedProjMatrix : this.projMatrix, l6), r5[o5] = new Float32Array(l6), r5[o5];
}, To.prototype.customLayerMatrix = function() {
return this.mercatorMatrix.slice();
}, To.prototype._constrain = function() {
if (this.center && this.width && this.height && !this._constraining) {
this._constraining = true;
var e5, i5, o5, r5, a5 = -90, n7 = 90, s6 = -180, l6 = 180, c4 = this.size, u4 = this._unmodified;
if (this.latRange) {
var h6 = this.latRange;
a5 = t4.mercatorYfromLat(h6[1]) * this.worldSize, e5 = (n7 = t4.mercatorYfromLat(h6[0]) * this.worldSize) - a5 < c4.y ? c4.y / (n7 - a5) : 0;
if (this.lngRange) {
var p4 = this.lngRange;
s6 = t4.mercatorXfromLng(p4[0]) * this.worldSize, i5 = (l6 = t4.mercatorXfromLng(p4[1]) * this.worldSize) - s6 < c4.x ? c4.x / (l6 - s6) : 0;
var d4 = this.point, _3 = Math.max(i5 || 0, e5 || 0);
if (_3) {
return this.center = this.unproject(new t4.Point(i5 ? (l6 + s6) / 2 : d4.x, e5 ? (n7 + a5) / 2 : d4.y)), this.zoom += this.scaleZoom(_3), this._unmodified = u4, void (this._constraining = false);
if (this.latRange) {
var f4 = d4.y, m4 = c4.y / 2;
f4 - m4 < a5 && (r5 = a5 + m4), f4 + m4 > n7 && (r5 = n7 - m4);
if (this.lngRange) {
var g4 = d4.x, v4 = c4.x / 2;
g4 - v4 < s6 && (o5 = s6 + v4), g4 + v4 > l6 && (o5 = l6 - v4);
void 0 === o5 && void 0 === r5 || (this.center = this.unproject(new t4.Point(void 0 !== o5 ? o5 : d4.x, void 0 !== r5 ? r5 : d4.y))), this._unmodified = u4, this._constraining = false;
}, To.prototype._calcMatrices = function() {
if (this.height) {
var e5 = this.centerOffset;
this.cameraToCenterDistance = 0.5 / Math.tan(this._fov / 2) * this.height;
var i5 = Math.PI / 2 + this._pitch, o5 = this._fov * (0.5 + e5.y / this.height), r5 = Math.sin(o5) * this.cameraToCenterDistance / Math.sin(t4.clamp(Math.PI - i5 - o5, 0.01, Math.PI - 0.01)), a5 = this.point, n7 = a5.x, s6 = a5.y, l6 = 1.01 * (Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 - this._pitch) * r5 + this.cameraToCenterDistance), c4 = this.height / 50, u4 = new Float64Array(16);
t4.perspective(u4, this._fov, this.width / this.height, c4, l6), u4[8] = 2 * -e5.x / this.width, u4[9] = 2 * e5.y / this.height, t4.scale(u4, u4, [1, -1, 1]), t4.translate(u4, u4, [0, 0, -this.cameraToCenterDistance]), t4.rotateX(u4, u4, this._pitch), t4.rotateZ(u4, u4, this.angle), t4.translate(u4, u4, [-n7, -s6, 0]), this.mercatorMatrix = t4.scale([], u4, [this.worldSize, this.worldSize, this.worldSize]), t4.scale(u4, u4, [1, 1, t4.mercatorZfromAltitude(1, this.center.lat) * this.worldSize, 1]), this.projMatrix = u4, this.invProjMatrix = t4.invert([], this.projMatrix);
var h6 = this.width % 2 / 2, p4 = this.height % 2 / 2, d4 = Math.cos(this.angle), _3 = Math.sin(this.angle), f4 = n7 - Math.round(n7) + d4 * h6 + _3 * p4, m4 = s6 - Math.round(s6) + d4 * p4 + _3 * h6, g4 = new Float64Array(u4);
if (t4.translate(g4, g4, [f4 > 0.5 ? f4 - 1 : f4, m4 > 0.5 ? m4 - 1 : m4, 0]), this.alignedProjMatrix = g4, u4 = t4.create(), t4.scale(u4, u4, [this.width / 2, -this.height / 2, 1]), t4.translate(u4, u4, [1, -1, 0]), this.labelPlaneMatrix = u4, u4 = t4.create(), t4.scale(u4, u4, [1, -1, 1]), t4.translate(u4, u4, [-1, -1, 0]), t4.scale(u4, u4, [2 / this.width, 2 / this.height, 1]), this.glCoordMatrix = u4, this.pixelMatrix = t4.multiply(new Float64Array(16), this.labelPlaneMatrix, this.projMatrix), !(u4 = t4.invert(new Float64Array(16), this.pixelMatrix))) {
throw new Error("failed to invert matrix");
this.pixelMatrixInverse = u4, this._posMatrixCache = {}, this._alignedPosMatrixCache = {};
}, To.prototype.maxPitchScaleFactor = function() {
if (!this.pixelMatrixInverse) {
return 1;
var e5 = this.pointCoordinate(new t4.Point(0, 0)), i5 = [e5.x * this.worldSize, e5.y * this.worldSize, 0, 1];
return t4.transformMat4(i5, i5, this.pixelMatrix)[3] / this.cameraToCenterDistance;
}, To.prototype.getCameraPoint = function() {
var e5 = Math.tan(this._pitch) * (this.cameraToCenterDistance || 1);
return this.centerPoint.add(new t4.Point(0, e5));
}, To.prototype.getCameraQueryGeometry = function(e5) {
var i5 = this.getCameraPoint();
if (1 === e5.length) {
return [e5[0], i5];
for (var o5 = i5.x, r5 = i5.y, a5 = i5.x, n7 = i5.y, s6 = 0, l6 = e5; s6 < l6.length; s6 += 1) {
var c4 = l6[s6];
o5 = Math.min(o5, c4.x), r5 = Math.min(r5, c4.y), a5 = Math.max(a5, c4.x), n7 = Math.max(n7, c4.y);
return [new t4.Point(o5, r5), new t4.Point(a5, r5), new t4.Point(a5, n7), new t4.Point(o5, n7), new t4.Point(o5, r5)];
}, Object.defineProperties(To.prototype, Eo);
var Io = function(e5) {
var i5, o5, r5, a5;
this._hashName = e5 && encodeURIComponent(e5), t4.bindAll(["_getCurrentHash", "_onHashChange", "_updateHash"], this), this._updateHash = (i5 = this._updateHashUnthrottled.bind(this), o5 = false, r5 = null, a5 = function() {
r5 = null, o5 && (i5(), r5 = setTimeout(a5, 300), o5 = false);
}, function() {
return o5 = true, r5 || a5(), r5;
Io.prototype.addTo = function(e5) {
return this._map = e5, t4.window.addEventListener("hashchange", this._onHashChange, false), this._map.on("moveend", this._updateHash), this;
}, Io.prototype.remove = function() {
return t4.window.removeEventListener("hashchange", this._onHashChange, false), this._map.off("moveend", this._updateHash), clearTimeout(this._updateHash()), delete this._map, this;
}, Io.prototype.getHashString = function(e5) {
var i5 = this._map.getCenter(), o5 = Math.round(100 * this._map.getZoom()) / 100, r5 = Math.ceil((o5 * Math.LN2 + Math.log(512 / 360 / 0.5)) / Math.LN10), a5 = Math.pow(10, r5), n7 = Math.round(i5.lng * a5) / a5, s6 = Math.round(i5.lat * a5) / a5, l6 = this._map.getBearing(), c4 = this._map.getPitch(), u4 = "";
if (u4 += e5 ? "/" + n7 + "/" + s6 + "/" + o5 : o5 + "/" + s6 + "/" + n7, (l6 || c4) && (u4 += "/" + Math.round(10 * l6) / 10), c4 && (u4 += "/" + Math.round(c4)), this._hashName) {
var h6 = this._hashName, p4 = false, d4 = t4.window.location.hash.slice(1).split("&").map(function(t5) {
var e6 = t5.split("=")[0];
return e6 === h6 ? (p4 = true, e6 + "=" + u4) : t5;
}).filter(function(t5) {
return t5;
return p4 || d4.push(h6 + "=" + u4), "#" + d4.join("&");
return "#" + u4;
}, Io.prototype._getCurrentHash = function() {
var e5, i5 = this, o5 = t4.window.location.hash.replace("#", "");
return this._hashName ? (o5.split("&").map(function(t5) {
return t5.split("=");
}).forEach(function(t5) {
t5[0] === i5._hashName && (e5 = t5);
}), (e5 && e5[1] || "").split("/")) : o5.split("/");
}, Io.prototype._onHashChange = function() {
var t5 = this._getCurrentHash();
if (t5.length >= 3 && !t5.some(function(t6) {
return isNaN(t6);
})) {
var e5 = this._map.dragRotate.isEnabled() && this._map.touchZoomRotate.isEnabled() ? +(t5[3] || 0) : this._map.getBearing();
return this._map.jumpTo({ center: [+t5[2], +t5[1]], zoom: +t5[0], bearing: e5, pitch: +(t5[4] || 0) }), true;
return false;
}, Io.prototype._updateHashUnthrottled = function() {
var e5 = t4.window.location.href.replace(/(#.+)?$/, this.getHashString());
try {
t4.window.history.replaceState(t4.window.history.state, null, e5);
} catch (t$1) {
var Po = { linearity: 0.3, easing: t4.bezier(0, 0, 0.3, 1) }, So = t4.extend({ deceleration: 2500, maxSpeed: 1400 }, Po), Co = t4.extend({ deceleration: 20, maxSpeed: 1400 }, Po), zo = t4.extend({ deceleration: 1e3, maxSpeed: 360 }, Po), Do = t4.extend({ deceleration: 1e3, maxSpeed: 90 }, Po), Ao = function(t5) {
this._map = t5, this.clear();
function Mo(t5, e5) {
(!t5.duration || t5.duration < e5.duration) && (t5.duration = e5.duration, t5.easing = e5.easing);
function Lo(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = o5.maxSpeed, a5 = o5.linearity, n7 = o5.deceleration, s6 = t4.clamp(e5 * a5 / (i5 / 1e3), -r5, r5), l6 = Math.abs(s6) / (n7 * a5);
return { easing: o5.easing, duration: 1e3 * l6, amount: s6 * (l6 / 2) };
Ao.prototype.clear = function() {
this._inertiaBuffer = [];
}, Ao.prototype.record = function(e5) {
this._drainInertiaBuffer(), this._inertiaBuffer.push({ time: t4.browser.now(), settings: e5 });
}, Ao.prototype._drainInertiaBuffer = function() {
for (var e5 = this._inertiaBuffer, i5 = t4.browser.now(); e5.length > 0 && i5 - e5[0].time > 160; ) {
}, Ao.prototype._onMoveEnd = function(e5) {
if (this._drainInertiaBuffer(), !(this._inertiaBuffer.length < 2)) {
for (var i5 = { zoom: 0, bearing: 0, pitch: 0, pan: new t4.Point(0, 0), pinchAround: void 0, around: void 0 }, o5 = 0, r5 = this._inertiaBuffer; o5 < r5.length; o5 += 1) {
var a5 = r5[o5].settings;
i5.zoom += a5.zoomDelta || 0, i5.bearing += a5.bearingDelta || 0, i5.pitch += a5.pitchDelta || 0, a5.panDelta && i5.pan._add(a5.panDelta), a5.around && (i5.around = a5.around), a5.pinchAround && (i5.pinchAround = a5.pinchAround);
var n7 = this._inertiaBuffer[this._inertiaBuffer.length - 1].time - this._inertiaBuffer[0].time, s6 = {};
if (i5.pan.mag()) {
var l6 = Lo(i5.pan.mag(), n7, t4.extend({}, So, e5 || {}));
s6.offset = i5.pan.mult(l6.amount / i5.pan.mag()), s6.center = this._map.transform.center, Mo(s6, l6);
if (i5.zoom) {
var c4 = Lo(i5.zoom, n7, Co);
s6.zoom = this._map.transform.zoom + c4.amount, Mo(s6, c4);
if (i5.bearing) {
var u4 = Lo(i5.bearing, n7, zo);
s6.bearing = this._map.transform.bearing + t4.clamp(u4.amount, -179, 179), Mo(s6, u4);
if (i5.pitch) {
var h6 = Lo(i5.pitch, n7, Do);
s6.pitch = this._map.transform.pitch + h6.amount, Mo(s6, h6);
if (s6.zoom || s6.bearing) {
var p4 = void 0 === i5.pinchAround ? i5.around : i5.pinchAround;
s6.around = p4 ? this._map.unproject(p4) : this._map.getCenter();
return this.clear(), t4.extend(s6, { noMoveStart: true });
var Ro = function(e5) {
function o5(o6, r6, a5, n7) {
void 0 === n7 && (n7 = {});
var s6 = i4.mousePos(r6.getCanvasContainer(), a5), l6 = r6.unproject(s6);
e5.call(this, o6, t4.extend({ point: s6, lngLat: l6, originalEvent: a5 }, n7)), this._defaultPrevented = false, this.target = r6;
e5 && (o5.__proto__ = e5), (o5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = o5;
var r5 = { defaultPrevented: { configurable: true } };
return o5.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
this._defaultPrevented = true;
}, r5.defaultPrevented.get = function() {
return this._defaultPrevented;
}, Object.defineProperties(o5.prototype, r5), o5;
}(t4.Event), ko = function(e5) {
function o5(o6, r6, a5) {
var n7 = "touchend" === o6 ? a5.changedTouches : a5.touches, s6 = i4.touchPos(r6.getCanvasContainer(), n7), l6 = s6.map(function(t5) {
return r6.unproject(t5);
}), c4 = s6.reduce(function(t5, e6, i5, o7) {
return t5.add(e6.div(o7.length));
}, new t4.Point(0, 0)), u4 = r6.unproject(c4);
e5.call(this, o6, { points: s6, point: c4, lngLats: l6, lngLat: u4, originalEvent: a5 }), this._defaultPrevented = false;
e5 && (o5.__proto__ = e5), (o5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = o5;
var r5 = { defaultPrevented: { configurable: true } };
return o5.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
this._defaultPrevented = true;
}, r5.defaultPrevented.get = function() {
return this._defaultPrevented;
}, Object.defineProperties(o5.prototype, r5), o5;
}(t4.Event), Bo = function(t5) {
function e5(e6, i6, o5) {
t5.call(this, e6, { originalEvent: o5 }), this._defaultPrevented = false;
t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5;
var i5 = { defaultPrevented: { configurable: true } };
return e5.prototype.preventDefault = function() {
this._defaultPrevented = true;
}, i5.defaultPrevented.get = function() {
return this._defaultPrevented;
}, Object.defineProperties(e5.prototype, i5), e5;
}(t4.Event), Oo = function(t5, e5) {
this._map = t5, this._clickTolerance = e5.clickTolerance;
Oo.prototype.reset = function() {
delete this._mousedownPos;
}, Oo.prototype.wheel = function(t5) {
return this._firePreventable(new Bo(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.mousedown = function(t5, e5) {
return this._mousedownPos = e5, this._firePreventable(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.mouseup = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.click = function(t5, e5) {
this._mousedownPos && this._mousedownPos.dist(e5) >= this._clickTolerance || this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.dblclick = function(t5) {
return this._firePreventable(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.mouseover = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.mouseout = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.touchstart = function(t5) {
return this._firePreventable(new ko(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.touchmove = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new ko(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.touchend = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new ko(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype.touchcancel = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new ko(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Oo.prototype._firePreventable = function(t5) {
if (this._map.fire(t5), t5.defaultPrevented) {
return {};
}, Oo.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return true;
}, Oo.prototype.isActive = function() {
return false;
}, Oo.prototype.enable = function() {
}, Oo.prototype.disable = function() {
var Fo = function(t5) {
this._map = t5;
Fo.prototype.reset = function() {
this._delayContextMenu = false, delete this._contextMenuEvent;
}, Fo.prototype.mousemove = function(t5) {
this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5));
}, Fo.prototype.mousedown = function() {
this._delayContextMenu = true;
}, Fo.prototype.mouseup = function() {
this._delayContextMenu = false, this._contextMenuEvent && (this._map.fire(new Ro("contextmenu", this._map, this._contextMenuEvent)), delete this._contextMenuEvent);
}, Fo.prototype.contextmenu = function(t5) {
this._delayContextMenu ? this._contextMenuEvent = t5 : this._map.fire(new Ro(t5.type, this._map, t5)), this._map.listens("contextmenu") && t5.preventDefault();
}, Fo.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return true;
}, Fo.prototype.isActive = function() {
return false;
}, Fo.prototype.enable = function() {
}, Fo.prototype.disable = function() {
var Uo = function(t5, e5) {
this._map = t5, this._el = t5.getCanvasContainer(), this._container = t5.getContainer(), this._clickTolerance = e5.clickTolerance || 1;
function No(t5, e5) {
for (var i5 = {}, o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length; o5++) {
i5[t5[o5].identifier] = e5[o5];
return i5;
Uo.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return !!this._enabled;
}, Uo.prototype.isActive = function() {
return !!this._active;
}, Uo.prototype.enable = function() {
this.isEnabled() || (this._enabled = true);
}, Uo.prototype.disable = function() {
this.isEnabled() && (this._enabled = false);
}, Uo.prototype.mousedown = function(t5, e5) {
this.isEnabled() && t5.shiftKey && 0 === t5.button && (i4.disableDrag(), this._startPos = this._lastPos = e5, this._active = true);
}, Uo.prototype.mousemoveWindow = function(t5, e5) {
if (this._active) {
var o5 = e5;
if (!(this._lastPos.equals(o5) || !this._box && o5.dist(this._startPos) < this._clickTolerance)) {
var r5 = this._startPos;
this._lastPos = o5, this._box || (this._box = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-boxzoom", this._container), this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-crosshair"), this._fireEvent("boxzoomstart", t5));
var a5 = Math.min(r5.x, o5.x), n7 = Math.max(r5.x, o5.x), s6 = Math.min(r5.y, o5.y), l6 = Math.max(r5.y, o5.y);
i4.setTransform(this._box, "translate(" + a5 + "px," + s6 + "px)"), this._box.style.width = n7 - a5 + "px", this._box.style.height = l6 - s6 + "px";
}, Uo.prototype.mouseupWindow = function(e5, o5) {
var r5 = this;
if (this._active && 0 === e5.button) {
var a5 = this._startPos, n7 = o5;
if (this.reset(), i4.suppressClick(), a5.x !== n7.x || a5.y !== n7.y) {
return this._map.fire(new t4.Event("boxzoomend", { originalEvent: e5 })), { cameraAnimation: function(t5) {
return t5.fitScreenCoordinates(a5, n7, r5._map.getBearing(), { linear: true });
} };
this._fireEvent("boxzoomcancel", e5);
}, Uo.prototype.keydown = function(t5) {
this._active && 27 === t5.keyCode && (this.reset(), this._fireEvent("boxzoomcancel", t5));
}, Uo.prototype.blur = function() {
}, Uo.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-crosshair"), this._box && (i4.remove(this._box), this._box = null), i4.enableDrag(), delete this._startPos, delete this._lastPos;
}, Uo.prototype._fireEvent = function(e5, i5) {
return this._map.fire(new t4.Event(e5, { originalEvent: i5 }));
var Zo = function(t5) {
this.reset(), this.numTouches = t5.numTouches;
Zo.prototype.reset = function() {
delete this.centroid, delete this.startTime, delete this.touches, this.aborted = false;
}, Zo.prototype.touchstart = function(e5, i5, o5) {
(this.centroid || o5.length > this.numTouches) && (this.aborted = true), this.aborted || (void 0 === this.startTime && (this.startTime = e5.timeStamp), o5.length === this.numTouches && (this.centroid = function(e6) {
for (var i6 = new t4.Point(0, 0), o6 = 0, r5 = e6; o6 < r5.length; o6 += 1) {
return i6.div(e6.length);
}(i5), this.touches = No(o5, i5)));
}, Zo.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (!this.aborted && this.centroid) {
var o5 = No(i5, e5);
for (var r5 in this.touches) {
var a5 = o5[r5];
(!a5 || a5.dist(this.touches[r5]) > 30) && (this.aborted = true);
}, Zo.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if ((!this.centroid || t5.timeStamp - this.startTime > 500) && (this.aborted = true), 0 === i5.length) {
var o5 = !this.aborted && this.centroid;
if (this.reset(), o5) {
return o5;
var qo = function(t5) {
this.singleTap = new Zo(t5), this.numTaps = t5.numTaps, this.reset();
qo.prototype.reset = function() {
this.lastTime = 1 / 0, delete this.lastTap, this.count = 0, this.singleTap.reset();
}, qo.prototype.touchstart = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.singleTap.touchstart(t5, e5, i5);
}, qo.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this.singleTap.touchmove(t5, e5, i5);
}, qo.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this.singleTap.touchend(t5, e5, i5);
if (o5) {
var r5 = t5.timeStamp - this.lastTime < 500, a5 = !this.lastTap || this.lastTap.dist(o5) < 30;
if (r5 && a5 || this.reset(), this.count++, this.lastTime = t5.timeStamp, this.lastTap = o5, this.count === this.numTaps) {
return this.reset(), o5;
var jo = function() {
this._zoomIn = new qo({ numTouches: 1, numTaps: 2 }), this._zoomOut = new qo({ numTouches: 2, numTaps: 1 }), this.reset();
jo.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, this._zoomIn.reset(), this._zoomOut.reset();
}, jo.prototype.touchstart = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._zoomIn.touchstart(t5, e5, i5), this._zoomOut.touchstart(t5, e5, i5);
}, jo.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._zoomIn.touchmove(t5, e5, i5), this._zoomOut.touchmove(t5, e5, i5);
}, jo.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this, r5 = this._zoomIn.touchend(t5, e5, i5), a5 = this._zoomOut.touchend(t5, e5, i5);
return r5 ? (this._active = true, t5.preventDefault(), setTimeout(function() {
return o5.reset();
}, 0), { cameraAnimation: function(e6) {
return e6.easeTo({ duration: 300, zoom: e6.getZoom() + 1, around: e6.unproject(r5) }, { originalEvent: t5 });
} }) : a5 ? (this._active = true, t5.preventDefault(), setTimeout(function() {
return o5.reset();
}, 0), { cameraAnimation: function(e6) {
return e6.easeTo({ duration: 300, zoom: e6.getZoom() - 1, around: e6.unproject(a5) }, { originalEvent: t5 });
} }) : void 0;
}, jo.prototype.touchcancel = function() {
}, jo.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, jo.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, jo.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, jo.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var Vo = { 0: 1, 2: 2 }, Go = function(t5) {
this.reset(), this._clickTolerance = t5.clickTolerance || 1;
Go.prototype.blur = function() {
}, Go.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, this._moved = false, delete this._lastPoint, delete this._eventButton;
}, Go.prototype._correctButton = function(t5, e5) {
return false;
}, Go.prototype._move = function(t5, e5) {
return {};
}, Go.prototype.mousedown = function(t5, e5) {
if (!this._lastPoint) {
var o5 = i4.mouseButton(t5);
this._correctButton(t5, o5) && (this._lastPoint = e5, this._eventButton = o5);
}, Go.prototype.mousemoveWindow = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = this._lastPoint;
if (i5) {
if (t5.preventDefault(), function(t6, e6) {
var i6 = Vo[e6];
return void 0 === t6.buttons || (t6.buttons & i6) !== i6;
}(t5, this._eventButton)) {
} else if (this._moved || !(e5.dist(i5) < this._clickTolerance)) {
return this._moved = true, this._lastPoint = e5, this._move(i5, e5);
}, Go.prototype.mouseupWindow = function(t5) {
this._lastPoint && i4.mouseButton(t5) === this._eventButton && (this._moved && i4.suppressClick(), this.reset());
}, Go.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, Go.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, Go.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, Go.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var Wo = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.mousedown = function(e6, i5) {
t5.prototype.mousedown.call(this, e6, i5), this._lastPoint && (this._active = true);
}, e5.prototype._correctButton = function(t6, e6) {
return 0 === e6 && !t6.ctrlKey;
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6) {
return { around: e6, panDelta: e6.sub(t6) };
}, e5;
}(Go), Xo = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._correctButton = function(t6, e6) {
return 0 === e6 && t6.ctrlKey || 2 === e6;
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6) {
var i5 = 0.8 * (e6.x - t6.x);
if (i5) {
return this._active = true, { bearingDelta: i5 };
}, e5.prototype.contextmenu = function(t6) {
}, e5;
}(Go), Ho = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype._correctButton = function(t6, e6) {
return 0 === e6 && t6.ctrlKey || 2 === e6;
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6) {
var i5 = -0.5 * (e6.y - t6.y);
if (i5) {
return this._active = true, { pitchDelta: i5 };
}, e5.prototype.contextmenu = function(t6) {
}, e5;
}(Go), Ko = function(t5) {
this._minTouches = 1, this._clickTolerance = t5.clickTolerance || 1, this.reset();
Ko.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, this._touches = {}, this._sum = new t4.Point(0, 0);
}, Ko.prototype.touchstart = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return this._calculateTransform(t5, e5, i5);
}, Ko.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (this._active && !(i5.length < this._minTouches)) {
return t5.preventDefault(), this._calculateTransform(t5, e5, i5);
}, Ko.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._calculateTransform(t5, e5, i5), this._active && i5.length < this._minTouches && this.reset();
}, Ko.prototype.touchcancel = function() {
}, Ko.prototype._calculateTransform = function(e5, i5, o5) {
o5.length > 0 && (this._active = true);
var r5 = No(o5, i5), a5 = new t4.Point(0, 0), n7 = new t4.Point(0, 0), s6 = 0;
for (var l6 in r5) {
var c4 = r5[l6], u4 = this._touches[l6];
u4 && (a5._add(c4), n7._add(c4.sub(u4)), s6++, r5[l6] = c4);
if (this._touches = r5, !(s6 < this._minTouches) && n7.mag()) {
var h6 = n7.div(s6);
if (this._sum._add(h6), !(this._sum.mag() < this._clickTolerance)) {
return { around: a5.div(s6), panDelta: h6 };
}, Ko.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, Ko.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, Ko.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, Ko.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var Yo = function() {
function Jo(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 = 0; o5 < t5.length; o5++) {
if (t5[o5].identifier === i5) {
return e5[o5];
function Qo(t5, e5) {
return Math.log(t5 / e5) / Math.LN2;
Yo.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, delete this._firstTwoTouches;
}, Yo.prototype._start = function(t5) {
}, Yo.prototype._move = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return {};
}, Yo.prototype.touchstart = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._firstTwoTouches || i5.length < 2 || (this._firstTwoTouches = [i5[0].identifier, i5[1].identifier], this._start([e5[0], e5[1]]));
}, Yo.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (this._firstTwoTouches) {
var o5 = this._firstTwoTouches, r5 = o5[1], a5 = Jo(i5, e5, o5[0]), n7 = Jo(i5, e5, r5);
if (a5 && n7) {
var s6 = this._aroundCenter ? null : a5.add(n7).div(2);
return this._move([a5, n7], s6, t5);
}, Yo.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, o5) {
if (this._firstTwoTouches) {
var r5 = this._firstTwoTouches, a5 = r5[1], n7 = Jo(o5, e5, r5[0]), s6 = Jo(o5, e5, a5);
n7 && s6 || (this._active && i4.suppressClick(), this.reset());
}, Yo.prototype.touchcancel = function() {
}, Yo.prototype.enable = function(t5) {
this._enabled = true, this._aroundCenter = !!t5 && "center" === t5.around;
}, Yo.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, Yo.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, Yo.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var $o = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.reset = function() {
t5.prototype.reset.call(this), delete this._distance, delete this._startDistance;
}, e5.prototype._start = function(t6) {
this._startDistance = this._distance = t6[0].dist(t6[1]);
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6) {
var i5 = this._distance;
if (this._distance = t6[0].dist(t6[1]), this._active || !(Math.abs(Qo(this._distance, this._startDistance)) < 0.1)) {
return this._active = true, { zoomDelta: Qo(this._distance, i5), pinchAround: e6 };
}, e5;
function tr(t5, e5) {
return 180 * t5.angleWith(e5) / Math.PI;
var er = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.reset = function() {
t5.prototype.reset.call(this), delete this._minDiameter, delete this._startVector, delete this._vector;
}, e5.prototype._start = function(t6) {
this._startVector = this._vector = t6[0].sub(t6[1]), this._minDiameter = t6[0].dist(t6[1]);
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6) {
var i5 = this._vector;
if (this._vector = t6[0].sub(t6[1]), this._active || !this._isBelowThreshold(this._vector)) {
return this._active = true, { bearingDelta: tr(this._vector, i5), pinchAround: e6 };
}, e5.prototype._isBelowThreshold = function(t6) {
this._minDiameter = Math.min(this._minDiameter, t6.mag());
var e6 = 25 / (Math.PI * this._minDiameter) * 360, i5 = tr(t6, this._startVector);
return Math.abs(i5) < e6;
}, e5;
function ir(t5) {
return Math.abs(t5.y) > Math.abs(t5.x);
var or = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5.prototype.reset = function() {
t5.prototype.reset.call(this), this._valid = void 0, delete this._firstMove, delete this._lastPoints;
}, e5.prototype._start = function(t6) {
this._lastPoints = t6, ir(t6[0].sub(t6[1])) && (this._valid = false);
}, e5.prototype._move = function(t6, e6, i5) {
var o5 = t6[0].sub(this._lastPoints[0]), r5 = t6[1].sub(this._lastPoints[1]);
if (this._valid = this.gestureBeginsVertically(o5, r5, i5.timeStamp), this._valid) {
return this._lastPoints = t6, this._active = true, { pitchDelta: (o5.y + r5.y) / 2 * -0.5 };
}, e5.prototype.gestureBeginsVertically = function(t6, e6, i5) {
if (void 0 !== this._valid) {
return this._valid;
var o5 = t6.mag() >= 2, r5 = e6.mag() >= 2;
if (o5 || r5) {
if (!o5 || !r5) {
return void 0 === this._firstMove && (this._firstMove = i5), i5 - this._firstMove < 100 && void 0;
var a5 = t6.y > 0 == e6.y > 0;
return ir(t6) && ir(e6) && a5;
}, e5;
}(Yo), rr = { panStep: 100, bearingStep: 15, pitchStep: 10 }, ar = function() {
var t5 = rr;
this._panStep = t5.panStep, this._bearingStep = t5.bearingStep, this._pitchStep = t5.pitchStep, this._rotationDisabled = false;
function nr(t5) {
return t5 * (2 - t5);
ar.prototype.blur = function() {
}, ar.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false;
}, ar.prototype.keydown = function(t5) {
var e5 = this;
if (!(t5.altKey || t5.ctrlKey || t5.metaKey)) {
var i5 = 0, o5 = 0, r5 = 0, a5 = 0, n7 = 0;
switch (t5.keyCode) {
case 61:
case 107:
case 171:
case 187:
i5 = 1;
case 189:
case 109:
case 173:
i5 = -1;
case 37:
t5.shiftKey ? o5 = -1 : (t5.preventDefault(), a5 = -1);
case 39:
t5.shiftKey ? o5 = 1 : (t5.preventDefault(), a5 = 1);
case 38:
t5.shiftKey ? r5 = 1 : (t5.preventDefault(), n7 = -1);
case 40:
t5.shiftKey ? r5 = -1 : (t5.preventDefault(), n7 = 1);
return this._rotationDisabled && (o5 = 0, r5 = 0), { cameraAnimation: function(s6) {
var l6 = s6.getZoom();
s6.easeTo({ duration: 300, easeId: "keyboardHandler", easing: nr, zoom: i5 ? Math.round(l6) + i5 * (t5.shiftKey ? 2 : 1) : l6, bearing: s6.getBearing() + o5 * e5._bearingStep, pitch: s6.getPitch() + r5 * e5._pitchStep, offset: [-a5 * e5._panStep, -n7 * e5._panStep], center: s6.getCenter() }, { originalEvent: t5 });
} };
}, ar.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, ar.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, ar.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, ar.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
}, ar.prototype.disableRotation = function() {
this._rotationDisabled = true;
}, ar.prototype.enableRotation = function() {
this._rotationDisabled = false;
var sr = function(e5, i5) {
this._map = e5, this._el = e5.getCanvasContainer(), this._handler = i5, this._delta = 0, this._defaultZoomRate = 0.01, this._wheelZoomRate = 1 / 450, t4.bindAll(["_onTimeout"], this);
sr.prototype.setZoomRate = function(t5) {
this._defaultZoomRate = t5;
}, sr.prototype.setWheelZoomRate = function(t5) {
this._wheelZoomRate = t5;
}, sr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return !!this._enabled;
}, sr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return !!this._active || void 0 !== this._finishTimeout;
}, sr.prototype.isZooming = function() {
return !!this._zooming;
}, sr.prototype.enable = function(t5) {
this.isEnabled() || (this._enabled = true, this._aroundCenter = t5 && "center" === t5.around);
}, sr.prototype.disable = function() {
this.isEnabled() && (this._enabled = false);
}, sr.prototype.wheel = function(e5) {
if (this.isEnabled()) {
var i5 = e5.deltaMode === t4.window.WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE ? 40 * e5.deltaY : e5.deltaY, o5 = t4.browser.now(), r5 = o5 - (this._lastWheelEventTime || 0);
this._lastWheelEventTime = o5, 0 !== i5 && i5 % 4.000244140625 == 0 ? this._type = "wheel" : 0 !== i5 && Math.abs(i5) < 4 ? this._type = "trackpad" : r5 > 400 ? (this._type = null, this._lastValue = i5, this._timeout = setTimeout(this._onTimeout, 40, e5)) : this._type || (this._type = Math.abs(r5 * i5) < 200 ? "trackpad" : "wheel", this._timeout && (clearTimeout(this._timeout), this._timeout = null, i5 += this._lastValue)), e5.shiftKey && i5 && (i5 /= 4), this._type && (this._lastWheelEvent = e5, this._delta -= i5, this._active || this._start(e5)), e5.preventDefault();
}, sr.prototype._onTimeout = function(t5) {
this._type = "wheel", this._delta -= this._lastValue, this._active || this._start(t5);
}, sr.prototype._start = function(e5) {
if (this._delta) {
this._frameId && (this._frameId = null), this._active = true, this.isZooming() || (this._zooming = true), this._finishTimeout && (clearTimeout(this._finishTimeout), delete this._finishTimeout);
var o5 = i4.mousePos(this._el, e5);
this._around = t4.LngLat.convert(this._aroundCenter ? this._map.getCenter() : this._map.unproject(o5)), this._aroundPoint = this._map.transform.locationPoint(this._around), this._frameId || (this._frameId = true, this._handler._triggerRenderFrame());
}, sr.prototype.renderFrame = function() {
var e5 = this;
if (this._frameId && (this._frameId = null, this.isActive())) {
var i5 = this._map.transform;
if (0 !== this._delta) {
var o5 = "wheel" === this._type && Math.abs(this._delta) > 4.000244140625 ? this._wheelZoomRate : this._defaultZoomRate, r5 = 2 / (1 + Math.exp(-Math.abs(this._delta * o5)));
this._delta < 0 && 0 !== r5 && (r5 = 1 / r5);
var a5 = "number" == typeof this._targetZoom ? i5.zoomScale(this._targetZoom) : i5.scale;
this._targetZoom = Math.min(i5.maxZoom, Math.max(i5.minZoom, i5.scaleZoom(a5 * r5))), "wheel" === this._type && (this._startZoom = i5.zoom, this._easing = this._smoothOutEasing(200)), this._delta = 0;
var n7, s6 = "number" == typeof this._targetZoom ? this._targetZoom : i5.zoom, l6 = this._startZoom, c4 = this._easing, u4 = false;
if ("wheel" === this._type && l6 && c4) {
var h6 = Math.min((t4.browser.now() - this._lastWheelEventTime) / 200, 1), p4 = c4(h6);
n7 = t4.number(l6, s6, p4), h6 < 1 ? this._frameId || (this._frameId = true) : u4 = true;
} else {
n7 = s6, u4 = true;
return this._active = true, u4 && (this._active = false, this._finishTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
e5._zooming = false, e5._handler._triggerRenderFrame(), delete e5._targetZoom, delete e5._finishTimeout;
}, 200)), { noInertia: true, needsRenderFrame: !u4, zoomDelta: n7 - i5.zoom, around: this._aroundPoint, originalEvent: this._lastWheelEvent };
}, sr.prototype._smoothOutEasing = function(e5) {
var i5 = t4.ease;
if (this._prevEase) {
var o5 = this._prevEase, r5 = (t4.browser.now() - o5.start) / o5.duration, a5 = o5.easing(r5 + 0.01) - o5.easing(r5), n7 = 0.27 / Math.sqrt(a5 * a5 + 1e-4) * 0.01, s6 = Math.sqrt(0.0729 - n7 * n7);
i5 = t4.bezier(n7, s6, 0.25, 1);
return this._prevEase = { start: t4.browser.now(), duration: e5, easing: i5 }, i5;
}, sr.prototype.blur = function() {
}, sr.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false;
var lr = function(t5, e5) {
this._clickZoom = t5, this._tapZoom = e5;
lr.prototype.enable = function() {
this._clickZoom.enable(), this._tapZoom.enable();
}, lr.prototype.disable = function() {
this._clickZoom.disable(), this._tapZoom.disable();
}, lr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._clickZoom.isEnabled() && this._tapZoom.isEnabled();
}, lr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._clickZoom.isActive() || this._tapZoom.isActive();
var cr = function() {
cr.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false;
}, cr.prototype.blur = function() {
}, cr.prototype.dblclick = function(t5, e5) {
return t5.preventDefault(), { cameraAnimation: function(i5) {
i5.easeTo({ duration: 300, zoom: i5.getZoom() + (t5.shiftKey ? -1 : 1), around: i5.unproject(e5) }, { originalEvent: t5 });
} };
}, cr.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, cr.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, cr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, cr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var ur = function() {
this._tap = new qo({ numTouches: 1, numTaps: 1 }), this.reset();
ur.prototype.reset = function() {
this._active = false, delete this._swipePoint, delete this._swipeTouch, delete this._tapTime, this._tap.reset();
}, ur.prototype.touchstart = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._swipePoint || (this._tapTime && t5.timeStamp - this._tapTime > 500 && this.reset(), this._tapTime ? i5.length > 0 && (this._swipePoint = e5[0], this._swipeTouch = i5[0].identifier) : this._tap.touchstart(t5, e5, i5));
}, ur.prototype.touchmove = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (this._tapTime) {
if (this._swipePoint) {
if (i5[0].identifier !== this._swipeTouch) {
var o5 = e5[0], r5 = o5.y - this._swipePoint.y;
return this._swipePoint = o5, t5.preventDefault(), this._active = true, { zoomDelta: r5 / 128 };
} else {
this._tap.touchmove(t5, e5, i5);
}, ur.prototype.touchend = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._tapTime ? this._swipePoint && 0 === i5.length && this.reset() : this._tap.touchend(t5, e5, i5) && (this._tapTime = t5.timeStamp);
}, ur.prototype.touchcancel = function() {
}, ur.prototype.enable = function() {
this._enabled = true;
}, ur.prototype.disable = function() {
this._enabled = false, this.reset();
}, ur.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._enabled;
}, ur.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._active;
var hr = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._el = t5, this._mousePan = e5, this._touchPan = i5;
hr.prototype.enable = function(t5) {
this._inertiaOptions = t5 || {}, this._mousePan.enable(), this._touchPan.enable(), this._el.classList.add("mapboxgl-touch-drag-pan");
}, hr.prototype.disable = function() {
this._mousePan.disable(), this._touchPan.disable(), this._el.classList.remove("mapboxgl-touch-drag-pan");
}, hr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._mousePan.isEnabled() && this._touchPan.isEnabled();
}, hr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._mousePan.isActive() || this._touchPan.isActive();
var pr = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._pitchWithRotate = t5.pitchWithRotate, this._mouseRotate = e5, this._mousePitch = i5;
pr.prototype.enable = function() {
this._mouseRotate.enable(), this._pitchWithRotate && this._mousePitch.enable();
}, pr.prototype.disable = function() {
this._mouseRotate.disable(), this._mousePitch.disable();
}, pr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._mouseRotate.isEnabled() && (!this._pitchWithRotate || this._mousePitch.isEnabled());
}, pr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._mouseRotate.isActive() || this._mousePitch.isActive();
var dr = function(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
this._el = t5, this._touchZoom = e5, this._touchRotate = i5, this._tapDragZoom = o5, this._rotationDisabled = false, this._enabled = true;
dr.prototype.enable = function(t5) {
this._touchZoom.enable(t5), this._rotationDisabled || this._touchRotate.enable(t5), this._tapDragZoom.enable(), this._el.classList.add("mapboxgl-touch-zoom-rotate");
}, dr.prototype.disable = function() {
this._touchZoom.disable(), this._touchRotate.disable(), this._tapDragZoom.disable(), this._el.classList.remove("mapboxgl-touch-zoom-rotate");
}, dr.prototype.isEnabled = function() {
return this._touchZoom.isEnabled() && (this._rotationDisabled || this._touchRotate.isEnabled()) && this._tapDragZoom.isEnabled();
}, dr.prototype.isActive = function() {
return this._touchZoom.isActive() || this._touchRotate.isActive() || this._tapDragZoom.isActive();
}, dr.prototype.disableRotation = function() {
this._rotationDisabled = true, this._touchRotate.disable();
}, dr.prototype.enableRotation = function() {
this._rotationDisabled = false, this._touchZoom.isEnabled() && this._touchRotate.enable();
var _r = function(t5) {
return t5.zoom || t5.drag || t5.pitch || t5.rotate;
}, fr = function(t5) {
function e5() {
t5.apply(this, arguments);
return t5 && (e5.__proto__ = t5), (e5.prototype = Object.create(t5 && t5.prototype)).constructor = e5, e5;
function mr(t5) {
return t5.panDelta && t5.panDelta.mag() || t5.zoomDelta || t5.bearingDelta || t5.pitchDelta;
var gr = function(e5, o5) {
this._map = e5, this._el = this._map.getCanvasContainer(), this._handlers = [], this._handlersById = {}, this._changes = [], this._inertia = new Ao(e5), this._bearingSnap = o5.bearingSnap, this._previousActiveHandlers = {}, this._eventsInProgress = {}, this._addDefaultHandlers(o5), t4.bindAll(["handleEvent", "handleWindowEvent"], this);
var r5 = this._el;
this._listeners = [[r5, "touchstart", { passive: true }], [r5, "touchmove", { passive: false }], [r5, "touchend", void 0], [r5, "touchcancel", void 0], [r5, "mousedown", void 0], [r5, "mousemove", void 0], [r5, "mouseup", void 0], [t4.window.document, "mousemove", { capture: true }], [t4.window.document, "mouseup", void 0], [r5, "mouseover", void 0], [r5, "mouseout", void 0], [r5, "dblclick", void 0], [r5, "click", void 0], [r5, "keydown", { capture: false }], [r5, "keyup", void 0], [r5, "wheel", { passive: false }], [r5, "contextmenu", void 0], [t4.window, "blur", void 0]];
for (var a5 = 0, n7 = this._listeners; a5 < n7.length; a5 += 1) {
var s6 = n7[a5], l6 = s6[0];
i4.addEventListener(l6, s6[1], l6 === t4.window.document ? this.handleWindowEvent : this.handleEvent, s6[2]);
gr.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var e5 = 0, o5 = this._listeners; e5 < o5.length; e5 += 1) {
var r5 = o5[e5], a5 = r5[0];
i4.removeEventListener(a5, r5[1], a5 === t4.window.document ? this.handleWindowEvent : this.handleEvent, r5[2]);
}, gr.prototype._addDefaultHandlers = function(t5) {
var e5 = this._map, i5 = e5.getCanvasContainer();
this._add("mapEvent", new Oo(e5, t5));
var o5 = e5.boxZoom = new Uo(e5, t5);
this._add("boxZoom", o5);
var r5 = new jo(), a5 = new cr();
e5.doubleClickZoom = new lr(a5, r5), this._add("tapZoom", r5), this._add("clickZoom", a5);
var n7 = new ur();
this._add("tapDragZoom", n7);
var s6 = e5.touchPitch = new or();
this._add("touchPitch", s6);
var l6 = new Xo(t5), c4 = new Ho(t5);
e5.dragRotate = new pr(t5, l6, c4), this._add("mouseRotate", l6, ["mousePitch"]), this._add("mousePitch", c4, ["mouseRotate"]);
var u4 = new Wo(t5), h6 = new Ko(t5);
e5.dragPan = new hr(i5, u4, h6), this._add("mousePan", u4), this._add("touchPan", h6, ["touchZoom", "touchRotate"]);
var p4 = new er(), d4 = new $o();
e5.touchZoomRotate = new dr(i5, d4, p4, n7), this._add("touchRotate", p4, ["touchPan", "touchZoom"]), this._add("touchZoom", d4, ["touchPan", "touchRotate"]);
var _3 = e5.scrollZoom = new sr(e5, this);
this._add("scrollZoom", _3, ["mousePan"]);
var f4 = e5.keyboard = new ar();
this._add("keyboard", f4), this._add("blockableMapEvent", new Fo(e5));
for (var m4 = 0, g4 = ["boxZoom", "doubleClickZoom", "tapDragZoom", "touchPitch", "dragRotate", "dragPan", "touchZoomRotate", "scrollZoom", "keyboard"]; m4 < g4.length; m4 += 1) {
var v4 = g4[m4];
t5.interactive && t5[v4] && e5[v4].enable(t5[v4]);
}, gr.prototype._add = function(t5, e5, i5) {
this._handlers.push({ handlerName: t5, handler: e5, allowed: i5 }), this._handlersById[t5] = e5;
}, gr.prototype.stop = function(t5) {
if (!this._updatingCamera) {
for (var e5 = 0, i5 = this._handlers; e5 < i5.length; e5 += 1) {
this._inertia.clear(), this._fireEvents({}, {}, t5), this._changes = [];
}, gr.prototype.isActive = function() {
for (var t5 = 0, e5 = this._handlers; t5 < e5.length; t5 += 1) {
if (e5[t5].handler.isActive()) {
return true;
return false;
}, gr.prototype.isZooming = function() {
return !!this._eventsInProgress.zoom || this._map.scrollZoom.isZooming();
}, gr.prototype.isRotating = function() {
return !!this._eventsInProgress.rotate;
}, gr.prototype.isMoving = function() {
return Boolean(_r(this._eventsInProgress)) || this.isZooming();
}, gr.prototype._blockedByActive = function(t5, e5, i5) {
for (var o5 in t5) {
if (o5 !== i5 && (!e5 || e5.indexOf(o5) < 0)) {
return true;
return false;
}, gr.prototype.handleWindowEvent = function(t5) {
this.handleEvent(t5, t5.type + "Window");
}, gr.prototype._getMapTouches = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = [], i5 = 0, o5 = t5; i5 < o5.length; i5 += 1) {
var r5 = o5[i5];
this._el.contains(r5.target) && e5.push(r5);
return e5;
}, gr.prototype.handleEvent = function(t5, e5) {
this._updatingCamera = true;
for (var o5 = "renderFrame" === t5.type ? void 0 : t5, r5 = { needsRenderFrame: false }, a5 = {}, n7 = {}, s6 = t5.touches ? this._getMapTouches(t5.touches) : void 0, l6 = s6 ? i4.touchPos(this._el, s6) : i4.mousePos(this._el, t5), c4 = 0, u4 = this._handlers; c4 < u4.length; c4 += 1) {
var h6 = u4[c4], p4 = h6.handlerName, d4 = h6.handler, _3 = h6.allowed;
if (d4.isEnabled()) {
var f4 = void 0;
this._blockedByActive(n7, _3, p4) ? d4.reset() : d4[e5 || t5.type] && (f4 = d4[e5 || t5.type](t5, l6, s6), this.mergeHandlerResult(r5, a5, f4, p4, o5), f4 && f4.needsRenderFrame && this._triggerRenderFrame()), (f4 || d4.isActive()) && (n7[p4] = d4);
var m4 = {};
for (var g4 in this._previousActiveHandlers) {
n7[g4] || (m4[g4] = o5);
this._previousActiveHandlers = n7, (Object.keys(m4).length || mr(r5)) && (this._changes.push([r5, a5, m4]), this._triggerRenderFrame()), (Object.keys(n7).length || mr(r5)) && this._map._stop(true), this._updatingCamera = false;
var v4 = r5.cameraAnimation;
v4 && (this._inertia.clear(), this._fireEvents({}, {}, true), this._changes = [], v4(this._map));
}, gr.prototype.mergeHandlerResult = function(e5, i5, o5, r5, a5) {
if (o5) {
t4.extend(e5, o5);
var n7 = { handlerName: r5, originalEvent: o5.originalEvent || a5 };
void 0 !== o5.zoomDelta && (i5.zoom = n7), void 0 !== o5.panDelta && (i5.drag = n7), void 0 !== o5.pitchDelta && (i5.pitch = n7), void 0 !== o5.bearingDelta && (i5.rotate = n7);
}, gr.prototype._applyChanges = function() {
for (var e5 = {}, i5 = {}, o5 = {}, r5 = 0, a5 = this._changes; r5 < a5.length; r5 += 1) {
var n7 = a5[r5], s6 = n7[0], l6 = n7[1], c4 = n7[2];
s6.panDelta && (e5.panDelta = (e5.panDelta || new t4.Point(0, 0))._add(s6.panDelta)), s6.zoomDelta && (e5.zoomDelta = (e5.zoomDelta || 0) + s6.zoomDelta), s6.bearingDelta && (e5.bearingDelta = (e5.bearingDelta || 0) + s6.bearingDelta), s6.pitchDelta && (e5.pitchDelta = (e5.pitchDelta || 0) + s6.pitchDelta), void 0 !== s6.around && (e5.around = s6.around), void 0 !== s6.pinchAround && (e5.pinchAround = s6.pinchAround), s6.noInertia && (e5.noInertia = s6.noInertia), t4.extend(i5, l6), t4.extend(o5, c4);
this._updateMapTransform(e5, i5, o5), this._changes = [];
}, gr.prototype._updateMapTransform = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = this._map, r5 = o5.transform;
if (!mr(t5)) {
return this._fireEvents(e5, i5, true);
var a5 = t5.panDelta, n7 = t5.zoomDelta, s6 = t5.bearingDelta, l6 = t5.pitchDelta, c4 = t5.around, u4 = t5.pinchAround;
void 0 !== u4 && (c4 = u4), o5._stop(true), c4 = c4 || o5.transform.centerPoint;
var h6 = r5.pointLocation(a5 ? c4.sub(a5) : c4);
s6 && (r5.bearing += s6), l6 && (r5.pitch += l6), n7 && (r5.zoom += n7), r5.setLocationAtPoint(h6, c4), this._map._update(), t5.noInertia || this._inertia.record(t5), this._fireEvents(e5, i5, true);
}, gr.prototype._fireEvents = function(e5, i5, o5) {
var r5 = this, a5 = _r(this._eventsInProgress), n7 = _r(e5), s6 = {};
for (var l6 in e5) {
this._eventsInProgress[l6] || (s6[l6 + "start"] = e5[l6].originalEvent), this._eventsInProgress[l6] = e5[l6];
for (var c4 in !a5 && n7 && this._fireEvent("movestart", n7.originalEvent), s6) {
this._fireEvent(c4, s6[c4]);
for (var u4 in n7 && this._fireEvent("move", n7.originalEvent), e5) {
this._fireEvent(u4, e5[u4].originalEvent);
var h6, p4 = {};
for (var d4 in this._eventsInProgress) {
var _3 = this._eventsInProgress[d4], f4 = _3.handlerName, m4 = _3.originalEvent;
this._handlersById[f4].isActive() || (delete this._eventsInProgress[d4], p4[d4 + "end"] = h6 = i5[f4] || m4);
for (var g4 in p4) {
this._fireEvent(g4, p4[g4]);
var v4 = _r(this._eventsInProgress);
if (o5 && (a5 || n7) && !v4) {
this._updatingCamera = true;
var y4 = this._inertia._onMoveEnd(this._map.dragPan._inertiaOptions), x4 = function(t5) {
return 0 !== t5 && -r5._bearingSnap < t5 && t5 < r5._bearingSnap;
y4 ? (x4(y4.bearing || this._map.getBearing()) && (y4.bearing = 0), this._map.easeTo(y4, { originalEvent: h6 })) : (this._map.fire(new t4.Event("moveend", { originalEvent: h6 })), x4(this._map.getBearing()) && this._map.resetNorth()), this._updatingCamera = false;
}, gr.prototype._fireEvent = function(e5, i5) {
this._map.fire(new t4.Event(e5, i5 ? { originalEvent: i5 } : {}));
}, gr.prototype._requestFrame = function() {
var t5 = this;
return this._map.triggerRepaint(), this._map._renderTaskQueue.add(function(e5) {
delete t5._frameId, t5.handleEvent(new fr("renderFrame", { timeStamp: e5 })), t5._applyChanges();
}, gr.prototype._triggerRenderFrame = function() {
void 0 === this._frameId && (this._frameId = this._requestFrame());
var vr = function(e5) {
function i5(i6, o5) {
e5.call(this), this._moving = false, this._zooming = false, this.transform = i6, this._bearingSnap = o5.bearingSnap, t4.bindAll(["_renderFrameCallback"], this);
return e5 && (i5.__proto__ = e5), (i5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = i5, i5.prototype.getCenter = function() {
return new t4.LngLat(this.transform.center.lng, this.transform.center.lat);
}, i5.prototype.setCenter = function(t5, e6) {
return this.jumpTo({ center: t5 }, e6);
}, i5.prototype.panBy = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return e6 = t4.Point.convert(e6).mult(-1), this.panTo(this.transform.center, t4.extend({ offset: e6 }, i6), o5);
}, i5.prototype.panTo = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return this.easeTo(t4.extend({ center: e6 }, i6), o5);
}, i5.prototype.getZoom = function() {
return this.transform.zoom;
}, i5.prototype.setZoom = function(t5, e6) {
return this.jumpTo({ zoom: t5 }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.zoomTo = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return this.easeTo(t4.extend({ zoom: e6 }, i6), o5);
}, i5.prototype.zoomIn = function(t5, e6) {
return this.zoomTo(this.getZoom() + 1, t5, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.zoomOut = function(t5, e6) {
return this.zoomTo(this.getZoom() - 1, t5, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.getBearing = function() {
return this.transform.bearing;
}, i5.prototype.setBearing = function(t5, e6) {
return this.jumpTo({ bearing: t5 }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.getPadding = function() {
return this.transform.padding;
}, i5.prototype.setPadding = function(t5, e6) {
return this.jumpTo({ padding: t5 }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.rotateTo = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return this.easeTo(t4.extend({ bearing: e6 }, i6), o5);
}, i5.prototype.resetNorth = function(e6, i6) {
return this.rotateTo(0, t4.extend({ duration: 1e3 }, e6), i6), this;
}, i5.prototype.resetNorthPitch = function(e6, i6) {
return this.easeTo(t4.extend({ bearing: 0, pitch: 0, duration: 1e3 }, e6), i6), this;
}, i5.prototype.snapToNorth = function(t5, e6) {
return Math.abs(this.getBearing()) < this._bearingSnap ? this.resetNorth(t5, e6) : this;
}, i5.prototype.getPitch = function() {
return this.transform.pitch;
}, i5.prototype.setPitch = function(t5, e6) {
return this.jumpTo({ pitch: t5 }, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.cameraForBounds = function(e6, i6) {
e6 = t4.LngLatBounds.convert(e6);
var o5 = i6 && i6.bearing || 0;
return this._cameraForBoxAndBearing(e6.getNorthWest(), e6.getSouthEast(), o5, i6);
}, i5.prototype._cameraForBoxAndBearing = function(e6, i6, o5, r5) {
var a5 = { top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, left: 0 };
if ("number" == typeof (r5 = t4.extend({ padding: a5, offset: [0, 0], maxZoom: this.transform.maxZoom }, r5)).padding) {
var n7 = r5.padding;
r5.padding = { top: n7, bottom: n7, right: n7, left: n7 };
r5.padding = t4.extend(a5, r5.padding);
var s6 = this.transform, l6 = s6.padding, c4 = s6.project(t4.LngLat.convert(e6)), u4 = s6.project(t4.LngLat.convert(i6)), h6 = c4.rotate(-o5 * Math.PI / 180), p4 = u4.rotate(-o5 * Math.PI / 180), d4 = new t4.Point(Math.max(h6.x, p4.x), Math.max(h6.y, p4.y)), _3 = new t4.Point(Math.min(h6.x, p4.x), Math.min(h6.y, p4.y)), f4 = d4.sub(_3), m4 = (s6.width - (l6.left + l6.right + r5.padding.left + r5.padding.right)) / f4.x, g4 = (s6.height - (l6.top + l6.bottom + r5.padding.top + r5.padding.bottom)) / f4.y;
if (!(g4 < 0 || m4 < 0)) {
var v4 = Math.min(s6.scaleZoom(s6.scale * Math.min(m4, g4)), r5.maxZoom), y4 = "number" == typeof r5.offset.x ? new t4.Point(r5.offset.x, r5.offset.y) : t4.Point.convert(r5.offset), x4 = new t4.Point((r5.padding.left - r5.padding.right) / 2, (r5.padding.top - r5.padding.bottom) / 2).rotate(o5 * Math.PI / 180), b4 = y4.add(x4).mult(s6.scale / s6.zoomScale(v4));
return { center: s6.unproject(c4.add(u4).div(2).sub(b4)), zoom: v4, bearing: o5 };
t4.warnOnce("Map cannot fit within canvas with the given bounds, padding, and/or offset.");
}, i5.prototype.fitBounds = function(t5, e6, i6) {
return this._fitInternal(this.cameraForBounds(t5, e6), e6, i6);
}, i5.prototype.fitScreenCoordinates = function(e6, i6, o5, r5, a5) {
return this._fitInternal(this._cameraForBoxAndBearing(this.transform.pointLocation(t4.Point.convert(e6)), this.transform.pointLocation(t4.Point.convert(i6)), o5, r5), r5, a5);
}, i5.prototype._fitInternal = function(e6, i6, o5) {
return e6 ? (delete (i6 = t4.extend(e6, i6)).padding, i6.linear ? this.easeTo(i6, o5) : this.flyTo(i6, o5)) : this;
}, i5.prototype.jumpTo = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this.transform, r5 = false, a5 = false, n7 = false;
return "zoom" in e6 && o5.zoom !== +e6.zoom && (r5 = true, o5.zoom = +e6.zoom), void 0 !== e6.center && (o5.center = t4.LngLat.convert(e6.center)), "bearing" in e6 && o5.bearing !== +e6.bearing && (a5 = true, o5.bearing = +e6.bearing), "pitch" in e6 && o5.pitch !== +e6.pitch && (n7 = true, o5.pitch = +e6.pitch), null == e6.padding || o5.isPaddingEqual(e6.padding) || (o5.padding = e6.padding), this.fire(new t4.Event("movestart", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("move", i6)), r5 && this.fire(new t4.Event("zoomstart", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("zoom", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("zoomend", i6)), a5 && this.fire(new t4.Event("rotatestart", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("rotate", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("rotateend", i6)), n7 && this.fire(new t4.Event("pitchstart", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("pitch", i6)).fire(new t4.Event("pitchend", i6)), this.fire(new t4.Event("moveend", i6));
}, i5.prototype.easeTo = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this;
this._stop(false, e6.easeId), (false === (e6 = t4.extend({ offset: [0, 0], duration: 500, easing: t4.ease }, e6)).animate || !e6.essential && t4.browser.prefersReducedMotion) && (e6.duration = 0);
var r5 = this.transform, a5 = this.getZoom(), n7 = this.getBearing(), s6 = this.getPitch(), l6 = this.getPadding(), c4 = "zoom" in e6 ? +e6.zoom : a5, u4 = "bearing" in e6 ? this._normalizeBearing(e6.bearing, n7) : n7, h6 = "pitch" in e6 ? +e6.pitch : s6, p4 = "padding" in e6 ? e6.padding : r5.padding, d4 = t4.Point.convert(e6.offset), _3 = r5.centerPoint.add(d4), f4 = r5.pointLocation(_3), m4 = t4.LngLat.convert(e6.center || f4);
var g4, v4, y4 = r5.project(f4), x4 = r5.project(m4).sub(y4), b4 = r5.zoomScale(c4 - a5);
e6.around && (g4 = t4.LngLat.convert(e6.around), v4 = r5.locationPoint(g4));
var w4 = { moving: this._moving, zooming: this._zooming, rotating: this._rotating, pitching: this._pitching };
return this._zooming = this._zooming || c4 !== a5, this._rotating = this._rotating || n7 !== u4, this._pitching = this._pitching || h6 !== s6, this._padding = !r5.isPaddingEqual(p4), this._easeId = e6.easeId, this._prepareEase(i6, e6.noMoveStart, w4), this._ease(function(e7) {
if (o5._zooming && (r5.zoom = t4.number(a5, c4, e7)), o5._rotating && (r5.bearing = t4.number(n7, u4, e7)), o5._pitching && (r5.pitch = t4.number(s6, h6, e7)), o5._padding && (r5.interpolatePadding(l6, p4, e7), _3 = r5.centerPoint.add(d4)), g4) {
r5.setLocationAtPoint(g4, v4);
} else {
var f5 = r5.zoomScale(r5.zoom - a5), m5 = c4 > a5 ? Math.min(2, b4) : Math.max(0.5, b4), w5 = Math.pow(m5, 1 - e7), T4 = r5.unproject(y4.add(x4.mult(e7 * w5)).mult(f5));
r5.setLocationAtPoint(r5.renderWorldCopies ? T4.wrap() : T4, _3);
}, function(t5) {
o5._afterEase(i6, t5);
}, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype._prepareEase = function(e6, i6, o5) {
void 0 === o5 && (o5 = {}), this._moving = true, i6 || o5.moving || this.fire(new t4.Event("movestart", e6)), this._zooming && !o5.zooming && this.fire(new t4.Event("zoomstart", e6)), this._rotating && !o5.rotating && this.fire(new t4.Event("rotatestart", e6)), this._pitching && !o5.pitching && this.fire(new t4.Event("pitchstart", e6));
}, i5.prototype._fireMoveEvents = function(e6) {
this.fire(new t4.Event("move", e6)), this._zooming && this.fire(new t4.Event("zoom", e6)), this._rotating && this.fire(new t4.Event("rotate", e6)), this._pitching && this.fire(new t4.Event("pitch", e6));
}, i5.prototype._afterEase = function(e6, i6) {
if (!this._easeId || !i6 || this._easeId !== i6) {
delete this._easeId;
var o5 = this._zooming, r5 = this._rotating, a5 = this._pitching;
this._moving = false, this._zooming = false, this._rotating = false, this._pitching = false, this._padding = false, o5 && this.fire(new t4.Event("zoomend", e6)), r5 && this.fire(new t4.Event("rotateend", e6)), a5 && this.fire(new t4.Event("pitchend", e6)), this.fire(new t4.Event("moveend", e6));
}, i5.prototype.flyTo = function(e6, i6) {
var o5 = this;
if (!e6.essential && t4.browser.prefersReducedMotion) {
var r5 = t4.pick(e6, ["center", "zoom", "bearing", "pitch", "around"]);
return this.jumpTo(r5, i6);
this.stop(), e6 = t4.extend({ offset: [0, 0], speed: 1.2, curve: 1.42, easing: t4.ease }, e6);
var a5 = this.transform, n7 = this.getZoom(), s6 = this.getBearing(), l6 = this.getPitch(), c4 = this.getPadding(), u4 = "zoom" in e6 ? t4.clamp(+e6.zoom, a5.minZoom, a5.maxZoom) : n7, h6 = "bearing" in e6 ? this._normalizeBearing(e6.bearing, s6) : s6, p4 = "pitch" in e6 ? +e6.pitch : l6, d4 = "padding" in e6 ? e6.padding : a5.padding, _3 = a5.zoomScale(u4 - n7), f4 = t4.Point.convert(e6.offset), m4 = a5.centerPoint.add(f4), g4 = a5.pointLocation(m4), v4 = t4.LngLat.convert(e6.center || g4);
var y4 = a5.project(g4), x4 = a5.project(v4).sub(y4), b4 = e6.curve, w4 = Math.max(a5.width, a5.height), T4 = w4 / _3, E3 = x4.mag();
if ("minZoom" in e6) {
var I4 = t4.clamp(Math.min(e6.minZoom, n7, u4), a5.minZoom, a5.maxZoom), P4 = w4 / a5.zoomScale(I4 - n7);
b4 = Math.sqrt(P4 / E3 * 2);
var S4 = b4 * b4;
function C4(t5) {
var e7 = (T4 * T4 - w4 * w4 + (t5 ? -1 : 1) * S4 * S4 * E3 * E3) / (2 * (t5 ? T4 : w4) * S4 * E3);
return Math.log(Math.sqrt(e7 * e7 + 1) - e7);
function z4(t5) {
return (Math.exp(t5) - Math.exp(-t5)) / 2;
function D4(t5) {
return (Math.exp(t5) + Math.exp(-t5)) / 2;
var A4 = C4(0), M4 = function(t5) {
return D4(A4) / D4(A4 + b4 * t5);
}, L4 = function(t5) {
return w4 * ((D4(A4) * (z4(e7 = A4 + b4 * t5) / D4(e7)) - z4(A4)) / S4) / E3;
var e7;
}, R3 = (C4(1) - A4) / b4;
if (Math.abs(E3) < 1e-6 || !isFinite(R3)) {
if (Math.abs(w4 - T4) < 1e-6) {
return this.easeTo(e6, i6);
var k4 = T4 < w4 ? -1 : 1;
R3 = Math.abs(Math.log(T4 / w4)) / b4, L4 = function() {
return 0;
}, M4 = function(t5) {
return Math.exp(k4 * b4 * t5);
return e6.duration = "duration" in e6 ? +e6.duration : 1e3 * R3 / ("screenSpeed" in e6 ? +e6.screenSpeed / b4 : +e6.speed), e6.maxDuration && e6.duration > e6.maxDuration && (e6.duration = 0), this._zooming = true, this._rotating = s6 !== h6, this._pitching = p4 !== l6, this._padding = !a5.isPaddingEqual(d4), this._prepareEase(i6, false), this._ease(function(e7) {
var r6 = e7 * R3, _4 = 1 / M4(r6);
a5.zoom = 1 === e7 ? u4 : n7 + a5.scaleZoom(_4), o5._rotating && (a5.bearing = t4.number(s6, h6, e7)), o5._pitching && (a5.pitch = t4.number(l6, p4, e7)), o5._padding && (a5.interpolatePadding(c4, d4, e7), m4 = a5.centerPoint.add(f4));
var g5 = 1 === e7 ? v4 : a5.unproject(y4.add(x4.mult(L4(r6))).mult(_4));
a5.setLocationAtPoint(a5.renderWorldCopies ? g5.wrap() : g5, m4), o5._fireMoveEvents(i6);
}, function() {
return o5._afterEase(i6);
}, e6), this;
}, i5.prototype.isEasing = function() {
return !!this._easeFrameId;
}, i5.prototype.stop = function() {
return this._stop();
}, i5.prototype._stop = function(t5, e6) {
if (this._easeFrameId && (this._cancelRenderFrame(this._easeFrameId), delete this._easeFrameId, delete this._onEaseFrame), this._onEaseEnd) {
var i6 = this._onEaseEnd;
delete this._onEaseEnd, i6.call(this, e6);
if (!t5) {
var o5 = this.handlers;
o5 && o5.stop(false);
return this;
}, i5.prototype._ease = function(e6, i6, o5) {
false === o5.animate || 0 === o5.duration ? (e6(1), i6()) : (this._easeStart = t4.browser.now(), this._easeOptions = o5, this._onEaseFrame = e6, this._onEaseEnd = i6, this._easeFrameId = this._requestRenderFrame(this._renderFrameCallback));
}, i5.prototype._renderFrameCallback = function() {
var e6 = Math.min((t4.browser.now() - this._easeStart) / this._easeOptions.duration, 1);
this._onEaseFrame(this._easeOptions.easing(e6)), e6 < 1 ? this._easeFrameId = this._requestRenderFrame(this._renderFrameCallback) : this.stop();
}, i5.prototype._normalizeBearing = function(e6, i6) {
e6 = t4.wrap(e6, -180, 180);
var o5 = Math.abs(e6 - i6);
return Math.abs(e6 - 360 - i6) < o5 && (e6 -= 360), Math.abs(e6 + 360 - i6) < o5 && (e6 += 360), e6;
}, i5.prototype._normalizeCenter = function(t5) {
var e6 = this.transform;
if (e6.renderWorldCopies && !e6.lngRange) {
var i6 = t5.lng - e6.center.lng;
t5.lng += i6 > 180 ? -360 : i6 < -180 ? 360 : 0;
}, i5;
}(t4.Evented), yr = function(e5) {
void 0 === e5 && (e5 = {}), this.options = e5, t4.bindAll(["_toggleAttribution", "_updateEditLink", "_updateData", "_updateCompact"], this);
yr.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() {
return "bottom-right";
}, yr.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
var e5 = this.options && this.options.compact;
return this._map = t5, this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib"), this._compactButton = i4.create("button", "mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib-button", this._container), this._compactButton.addEventListener("click", this._toggleAttribution), this._setElementTitle(this._compactButton, "ToggleAttribution"), this._innerContainer = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl-attrib-inner", this._container), this._innerContainer.setAttribute("role", "list"), e5 && this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-compact"), this._updateAttributions(), this._updateEditLink(), this._map.on("styledata", this._updateData), this._map.on("sourcedata", this._updateData), this._map.on("moveend", this._updateEditLink), void 0 === e5 && (this._map.on("resize", this._updateCompact), this._updateCompact()), this._container;
}, yr.prototype.onRemove = function() {
i4.remove(this._container), this._map.off("styledata", this._updateData), this._map.off("sourcedata", this._updateData), this._map.off("moveend", this._updateEditLink), this._map.off("resize", this._updateCompact), this._map = void 0, this._attribHTML = void 0;
}, yr.prototype._setElementTitle = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = this._map._getUIString("AttributionControl." + e5);
t5.title = i5, t5.setAttribute("aria-label", i5);
}, yr.prototype._toggleAttribution = function() {
this._container.classList.contains("mapboxgl-compact-show") ? (this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-compact-show"), this._compactButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false")) : (this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-compact-show"), this._compactButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true"));
}, yr.prototype._updateEditLink = function() {
var e5 = this._editLink;
e5 || (e5 = this._editLink = this._container.querySelector(".mapbox-improve-map"));
var i5 = [{ key: "owner", value: this.styleOwner }, { key: "id", value: this.styleId }, { key: "access_token", value: this._map._requestManager._customAccessToken || t4.config.ACCESS_TOKEN }];
if (e5) {
var o5 = i5.reduce(function(t5, e6, o6) {
return e6.value && (t5 += e6.key + "=" + e6.value + (o6 < i5.length - 1 ? "&" : "")), t5;
}, "?");
e5.href = t4.config.FEEDBACK_URL + "/" + o5 + (this._map._hash ? this._map._hash.getHashString(true) : ""), e5.rel = "noopener nofollow", this._setElementTitle(e5, "MapFeedback");
}, yr.prototype._updateData = function(t5) {
!t5 || "metadata" !== t5.sourceDataType && "visibility" !== t5.sourceDataType && "style" !== t5.dataType || (this._updateAttributions(), this._updateEditLink());
}, yr.prototype._updateAttributions = function() {
if (this._map.style) {
var t5 = [];
if (this.options.customAttribution && (Array.isArray(this.options.customAttribution) ? t5 = t5.concat(this.options.customAttribution.map(function(t6) {
return "string" != typeof t6 ? "" : t6;
})) : "string" == typeof this.options.customAttribution && t5.push(this.options.customAttribution)), this._map.style.stylesheet) {
var e5 = this._map.style.stylesheet;
this.styleOwner = e5.owner, this.styleId = e5.id;
var i5 = this._map.style.sourceCaches;
for (var o5 in i5) {
var r5 = i5[o5];
if (r5.used) {
var a5 = r5.getSource();
a5.attribution && t5.indexOf(a5.attribution) < 0 && t5.push(a5.attribution);
t5.sort(function(t6, e6) {
return t6.length - e6.length;
var n7 = (t5 = t5.filter(function(e6, i6) {
for (var o6 = i6 + 1; o6 < t5.length; o6++) {
if (t5[o6].indexOf(e6) >= 0) {
return false;
return true;
})).join(" | ");
n7 !== this._attribHTML && (this._attribHTML = n7, t5.length ? (this._innerContainer.innerHTML = n7, this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-attrib-empty")) : this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-attrib-empty"), this._editLink = null);
}, yr.prototype._updateCompact = function() {
this._map.getCanvasContainer().offsetWidth <= 640 ? this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-compact") : this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-compact", "mapboxgl-compact-show");
var xr = function() {
t4.bindAll(["_updateLogo"], this), t4.bindAll(["_updateCompact"], this);
xr.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
this._map = t5, this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl");
var e5 = i4.create("a", "mapboxgl-ctrl-logo");
return e5.target = "_blank", e5.rel = "noopener nofollow", e5.href = "https://www.mapbox.com/", e5.setAttribute("aria-label", this._map._getUIString("LogoControl.Title")), e5.setAttribute("rel", "noopener nofollow"), this._container.appendChild(e5), this._container.style.display = "none", this._map.on("sourcedata", this._updateLogo), this._updateLogo(), this._map.on("resize", this._updateCompact), this._updateCompact(), this._container;
}, xr.prototype.onRemove = function() {
i4.remove(this._container), this._map.off("sourcedata", this._updateLogo), this._map.off("resize", this._updateCompact);
}, xr.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() {
return "bottom-left";
}, xr.prototype._updateLogo = function(t5) {
t5 && "metadata" !== t5.sourceDataType || (this._container.style.display = this._logoRequired() ? "block" : "none");
}, xr.prototype._logoRequired = function() {
if (this._map.style) {
var t5 = this._map.style.sourceCaches;
for (var e5 in t5) {
if (t5[e5].getSource().mapbox_logo) {
return true;
return false;
}, xr.prototype._updateCompact = function() {
var t5 = this._container.children;
if (t5.length) {
var e5 = t5[0];
this._map.getCanvasContainer().offsetWidth < 250 ? e5.classList.add("mapboxgl-compact") : e5.classList.remove("mapboxgl-compact");
var br = function() {
this._queue = [], this._id = 0, this._cleared = false, this._currentlyRunning = false;
br.prototype.add = function(t5) {
var e5 = ++this._id;
return this._queue.push({ callback: t5, id: e5, cancelled: false }), e5;
}, br.prototype.remove = function(t5) {
for (var e5 = this._currentlyRunning, i5 = 0, o5 = e5 ? this._queue.concat(e5) : this._queue; i5 < o5.length; i5 += 1) {
var r5 = o5[i5];
if (r5.id === t5) {
return void (r5.cancelled = true);
}, br.prototype.run = function(t5) {
void 0 === t5 && (t5 = 0);
var e5 = this._currentlyRunning = this._queue;
this._queue = [];
for (var i5 = 0, o5 = e5; i5 < o5.length; i5 += 1) {
var r5 = o5[i5];
if (!r5.cancelled && (r5.callback(t5), this._cleared)) {
this._cleared = false, this._currentlyRunning = false;
}, br.prototype.clear = function() {
this._currentlyRunning && (this._cleared = true), this._queue = [];
var wr = { "AttributionControl.ToggleAttribution": "Toggle attribution", "AttributionControl.MapFeedback": "Map feedback", "FullscreenControl.Enter": "Enter fullscreen", "FullscreenControl.Exit": "Exit fullscreen", "GeolocateControl.FindMyLocation": "Find my location", "GeolocateControl.LocationNotAvailable": "Location not available", "LogoControl.Title": "Mapbox logo", "NavigationControl.ResetBearing": "Reset bearing to north", "NavigationControl.ZoomIn": "Zoom in", "NavigationControl.ZoomOut": "Zoom out", "ScaleControl.Feet": "ft", "ScaleControl.Meters": "m", "ScaleControl.Kilometers": "km", "ScaleControl.Miles": "mi", "ScaleControl.NauticalMiles": "nm" }, Tr = t4.window.HTMLImageElement, Er = t4.window.HTMLElement, Ir = t4.window.ImageBitmap, Pr = { center: [0, 0], zoom: 0, bearing: 0, pitch: 0, minZoom: -2, maxZoom: 22, minPitch: 0, maxPitch: 60, interactive: true, scrollZoom: true, boxZoom: true, dragRotate: true, dragPan: true, keyboard: true, doubleClickZoom: true, touchZoomRotate: true, touchPitch: true, bearingSnap: 7, clickTolerance: 3, pitchWithRotate: true, hash: false, attributionControl: true, failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false, preserveDrawingBuffer: false, trackResize: true, renderWorldCopies: true, refreshExpiredTiles: true, maxTileCacheSize: null, localIdeographFontFamily: "sans-serif", transformRequest: null, accessToken: null, fadeDuration: 300, crossSourceCollisions: true }, Sr = function(o5) {
function r5(e5) {
var i5 = this;
if (null != (e5 = t4.extend({}, Pr, e5)).minZoom && null != e5.maxZoom && e5.minZoom > e5.maxZoom) {
throw new Error("maxZoom must be greater than or equal to minZoom");
if (null != e5.minPitch && null != e5.maxPitch && e5.minPitch > e5.maxPitch) {
throw new Error("maxPitch must be greater than or equal to minPitch");
if (null != e5.minPitch && e5.minPitch < 0) {
throw new Error("minPitch must be greater than or equal to 0");
if (null != e5.maxPitch && e5.maxPitch > 60) {
throw new Error("maxPitch must be less than or equal to 60");
var r6 = new To(e5.minZoom, e5.maxZoom, e5.minPitch, e5.maxPitch, e5.renderWorldCopies);
if (o5.call(this, r6, e5), this._interactive = e5.interactive, this._maxTileCacheSize = e5.maxTileCacheSize, this._failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat = e5.failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat, this._preserveDrawingBuffer = e5.preserveDrawingBuffer, this._antialias = e5.antialias, this._trackResize = e5.trackResize, this._bearingSnap = e5.bearingSnap, this._refreshExpiredTiles = e5.refreshExpiredTiles, this._fadeDuration = e5.fadeDuration, this._crossSourceCollisions = e5.crossSourceCollisions, this._crossFadingFactor = 1, this._collectResourceTiming = e5.collectResourceTiming, this._renderTaskQueue = new br(), this._controls = [], this._mapId = t4.uniqueId(), this._locale = t4.extend({}, wr, e5.locale), this._clickTolerance = e5.clickTolerance, this._requestManager = new t4.RequestManager(e5.transformRequest, e5.accessToken), "string" == typeof e5.container) {
if (this._container = t4.window.document.getElementById(e5.container), !this._container) {
throw new Error("Container '" + e5.container + "' not found.");
} else {
if (!(e5.container instanceof Er)) {
throw new Error("Invalid type: 'container' must be a String or HTMLElement.");
this._container = e5.container;
if (e5.maxBounds && this.setMaxBounds(e5.maxBounds), t4.bindAll(["_onWindowOnline", "_onWindowResize", "_onMapScroll", "_contextLost", "_contextRestored"], this), this._setupContainer(), this._setupPainter(), void 0 === this.painter) {
throw new Error("Failed to initialize WebGL.");
this.on("move", function() {
return i5._update(false);
}), this.on("moveend", function() {
return i5._update(false);
}), this.on("zoom", function() {
return i5._update(true);
}), void 0 !== t4.window && (t4.window.addEventListener("online", this._onWindowOnline, false), t4.window.addEventListener("resize", this._onWindowResize, false), t4.window.addEventListener("orientationchange", this._onWindowResize, false)), this.handlers = new gr(this, e5), this._hash = e5.hash && new Io("string" == typeof e5.hash && e5.hash || void 0).addTo(this), this._hash && this._hash._onHashChange() || (this.jumpTo({ center: e5.center, zoom: e5.zoom, bearing: e5.bearing, pitch: e5.pitch }), e5.bounds && (this.resize(), this.fitBounds(e5.bounds, t4.extend({}, e5.fitBoundsOptions, { duration: 0 })))), this.resize(), this._localIdeographFontFamily = e5.localIdeographFontFamily, e5.style && this.setStyle(e5.style, { localIdeographFontFamily: e5.localIdeographFontFamily }), e5.attributionControl && this.addControl(new yr({ customAttribution: e5.customAttribution })), this.addControl(new xr(), e5.logoPosition), this.on("style.load", function() {
i5.transform.unmodified && i5.jumpTo(i5.style.stylesheet);
}), this.on("data", function(e6) {
i5._update("style" === e6.dataType), i5.fire(new t4.Event(e6.dataType + "data", e6));
}), this.on("dataloading", function(e6) {
i5.fire(new t4.Event(e6.dataType + "dataloading", e6));
o5 && (r5.__proto__ = o5), (r5.prototype = Object.create(o5 && o5.prototype)).constructor = r5;
var a5 = { showTileBoundaries: { configurable: true }, showPadding: { configurable: true }, showCollisionBoxes: { configurable: true }, showOverdrawInspector: { configurable: true }, repaint: { configurable: true }, vertices: { configurable: true }, version: { configurable: true } };
return r5.prototype._getMapId = function() {
return this._mapId;
}, r5.prototype.addControl = function(e5, i5) {
if (void 0 === i5 && (i5 = e5.getDefaultPosition ? e5.getDefaultPosition() : "top-right"), !e5 || !e5.onAdd) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Invalid argument to map.addControl(). Argument must be a control with onAdd and onRemove methods.")));
var o6 = e5.onAdd(this);
var r6 = this._controlPositions[i5];
return -1 !== i5.indexOf("bottom") ? r6.insertBefore(o6, r6.firstChild) : r6.appendChild(o6), this;
}, r5.prototype.removeControl = function(e5) {
if (!e5 || !e5.onRemove) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Invalid argument to map.removeControl(). Argument must be a control with onAdd and onRemove methods.")));
var i5 = this._controls.indexOf(e5);
return i5 > -1 && this._controls.splice(i5, 1), e5.onRemove(this), this;
}, r5.prototype.hasControl = function(t5) {
return this._controls.indexOf(t5) > -1;
}, r5.prototype.resize = function(e5) {
var i5 = this._containerDimensions(), o6 = i5[0], r6 = i5[1];
if (o6 === this.transform.width && r6 === this.transform.height) {
return this;
this._resizeCanvas(o6, r6), this.transform.resize(o6, r6), this.painter.resize(o6, r6);
var a6 = !this._moving;
return a6 && this.fire(new t4.Event("movestart", e5)).fire(new t4.Event("move", e5)), this.fire(new t4.Event("resize", e5)), a6 && this.fire(new t4.Event("moveend", e5)), this;
}, r5.prototype.getBounds = function() {
return this.transform.getBounds();
}, r5.prototype.getMaxBounds = function() {
return this.transform.getMaxBounds();
}, r5.prototype.setMaxBounds = function(e5) {
return this.transform.setMaxBounds(t4.LngLatBounds.convert(e5)), this._update();
}, r5.prototype.setMinZoom = function(t5) {
if ((t5 = null == t5 ? -2 : t5) >= -2 && t5 <= this.transform.maxZoom) {
return this.transform.minZoom = t5, this._update(), this.getZoom() < t5 && this.setZoom(t5), this;
throw new Error("minZoom must be between -2 and the current maxZoom, inclusive");
}, r5.prototype.getMinZoom = function() {
return this.transform.minZoom;
}, r5.prototype.setMaxZoom = function(t5) {
if ((t5 = null == t5 ? 22 : t5) >= this.transform.minZoom) {
return this.transform.maxZoom = t5, this._update(), this.getZoom() > t5 && this.setZoom(t5), this;
throw new Error("maxZoom must be greater than the current minZoom");
}, r5.prototype.getMaxZoom = function() {
return this.transform.maxZoom;
}, r5.prototype.setMinPitch = function(t5) {
if ((t5 = null == t5 ? 0 : t5) < 0) {
throw new Error("minPitch must be greater than or equal to 0");
if (t5 >= 0 && t5 <= this.transform.maxPitch) {
return this.transform.minPitch = t5, this._update(), this.getPitch() < t5 && this.setPitch(t5), this;
throw new Error("minPitch must be between 0 and the current maxPitch, inclusive");
}, r5.prototype.getMinPitch = function() {
return this.transform.minPitch;
}, r5.prototype.setMaxPitch = function(t5) {
if ((t5 = null == t5 ? 60 : t5) > 60) {
throw new Error("maxPitch must be less than or equal to 60");
if (t5 >= this.transform.minPitch) {
return this.transform.maxPitch = t5, this._update(), this.getPitch() > t5 && this.setPitch(t5), this;
throw new Error("maxPitch must be greater than the current minPitch");
}, r5.prototype.getMaxPitch = function() {
return this.transform.maxPitch;
}, r5.prototype.getRenderWorldCopies = function() {
return this.transform.renderWorldCopies;
}, r5.prototype.setRenderWorldCopies = function(t5) {
return this.transform.renderWorldCopies = t5, this._update();
}, r5.prototype.project = function(e5) {
return this.transform.locationPoint(t4.LngLat.convert(e5));
}, r5.prototype.unproject = function(e5) {
return this.transform.pointLocation(t4.Point.convert(e5));
}, r5.prototype.isMoving = function() {
return this._moving || this.handlers.isMoving();
}, r5.prototype.isZooming = function() {
return this._zooming || this.handlers.isZooming();
}, r5.prototype.isRotating = function() {
return this._rotating || this.handlers.isRotating();
}, r5.prototype._createDelegatedListener = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var o6, r6 = this;
if ("mouseenter" === t5 || "mouseover" === t5) {
var a6 = false;
return { layer: e5, listener: i5, delegates: { mousemove: function(o7) {
var n8 = r6.getLayer(e5) ? r6.queryRenderedFeatures(o7.point, { layers: [e5] }) : [];
n8.length ? a6 || (a6 = true, i5.call(r6, new Ro(t5, r6, o7.originalEvent, { features: n8 }))) : a6 = false;
}, mouseout: function() {
a6 = false;
} } };
if ("mouseleave" === t5 || "mouseout" === t5) {
var n7 = false;
return { layer: e5, listener: i5, delegates: { mousemove: function(o7) {
(r6.getLayer(e5) ? r6.queryRenderedFeatures(o7.point, { layers: [e5] }) : []).length ? n7 = true : n7 && (n7 = false, i5.call(r6, new Ro(t5, r6, o7.originalEvent)));
}, mouseout: function(e6) {
n7 && (n7 = false, i5.call(r6, new Ro(t5, r6, e6.originalEvent)));
} } };
return { layer: e5, listener: i5, delegates: (o6 = {}, o6[t5] = function(t6) {
var o7 = r6.getLayer(e5) ? r6.queryRenderedFeatures(t6.point, { layers: [e5] }) : [];
o7.length && (t6.features = o7, i5.call(r6, t6), delete t6.features);
}, o6) };
}, r5.prototype.on = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (void 0 === i5) {
return o5.prototype.on.call(this, t5, e5);
var r6 = this._createDelegatedListener(t5, e5, i5);
for (var a6 in this._delegatedListeners = this._delegatedListeners || {}, this._delegatedListeners[t5] = this._delegatedListeners[t5] || [], this._delegatedListeners[t5].push(r6), r6.delegates) {
this.on(a6, r6.delegates[a6]);
return this;
}, r5.prototype.once = function(t5, e5, i5) {
if (void 0 === i5) {
return o5.prototype.once.call(this, t5, e5);
var r6 = this._createDelegatedListener(t5, e5, i5);
for (var a6 in r6.delegates) {
this.once(a6, r6.delegates[a6]);
return this;
}, r5.prototype.off = function(t5, e5, i5) {
var r6 = this;
return void 0 === i5 ? o5.prototype.off.call(this, t5, e5) : (this._delegatedListeners && this._delegatedListeners[t5] && function(o6) {
for (var a6 = o6[t5], n7 = 0; n7 < a6.length; n7++) {
var s6 = a6[n7];
if (s6.layer === e5 && s6.listener === i5) {
for (var l6 in s6.delegates) {
r6.off(l6, s6.delegates[l6]);
return a6.splice(n7, 1), r6;
}(this._delegatedListeners), this);
}, r5.prototype.queryRenderedFeatures = function(e5, i5) {
if (!this.style) {
return [];
var o6;
if (void 0 !== i5 || void 0 === e5 || e5 instanceof t4.Point || Array.isArray(e5) || (i5 = e5, e5 = void 0), i5 = i5 || {}, (e5 = e5 || [[0, 0], [this.transform.width, this.transform.height]]) instanceof t4.Point || "number" == typeof e5[0]) {
o6 = [t4.Point.convert(e5)];
} else {
var r6 = t4.Point.convert(e5[0]), a6 = t4.Point.convert(e5[1]);
o6 = [r6, new t4.Point(a6.x, r6.y), a6, new t4.Point(r6.x, a6.y), r6];
return this.style.queryRenderedFeatures(o6, i5, this.transform);
}, r5.prototype.querySourceFeatures = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.querySourceFeatures(t5, e5);
}, r5.prototype.setStyle = function(e5, i5) {
return false !== (i5 = t4.extend({}, { localIdeographFontFamily: this._localIdeographFontFamily }, i5)).diff && i5.localIdeographFontFamily === this._localIdeographFontFamily && this.style && e5 ? (this._diffStyle(e5, i5), this) : (this._localIdeographFontFamily = i5.localIdeographFontFamily, this._updateStyle(e5, i5));
}, r5.prototype._getUIString = function(t5) {
var e5 = this._locale[t5];
if (null == e5) {
throw new Error("Missing UI string '" + t5 + "'");
return e5;
}, r5.prototype._updateStyle = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style && (this.style.setEventedParent(null), this.style._remove()), t5 ? (this.style = new je2(this, e5 || {}), this.style.setEventedParent(this, { style: this.style }), "string" == typeof t5 ? this.style.loadURL(t5) : this.style.loadJSON(t5), this) : (delete this.style, this);
}, r5.prototype._lazyInitEmptyStyle = function() {
this.style || (this.style = new je2(this, {}), this.style.setEventedParent(this, { style: this.style }), this.style.loadEmpty());
}, r5.prototype._diffStyle = function(e5, i5) {
var o6 = this;
if ("string" == typeof e5) {
var r6 = this._requestManager.normalizeStyleURL(e5), a6 = this._requestManager.transformRequest(r6, t4.ResourceType.Style);
t4.getJSON(a6, function(e6, r7) {
e6 ? o6.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(e6)) : r7 && o6._updateDiff(r7, i5);
} else {
"object" == typeof e5 && this._updateDiff(e5, i5);
}, r5.prototype._updateDiff = function(e5, i5) {
try {
this.style.setState(e5) && this._update(true);
} catch (o6) {
t4.warnOnce("Unable to perform style diff: " + (o6.message || o6.error || o6) + ". Rebuilding the style from scratch."), this._updateStyle(e5, i5);
}, r5.prototype.getStyle = function() {
if (this.style) {
return this.style.serialize();
}, r5.prototype.isStyleLoaded = function() {
return this.style ? this.style.loaded() : t4.warnOnce("There is no style added to the map.");
}, r5.prototype.addSource = function(t5, e5) {
return this._lazyInitEmptyStyle(), this.style.addSource(t5, e5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.isSourceLoaded = function(e5) {
var i5 = this.style && this.style.sourceCaches[e5];
if (void 0 !== i5) {
return i5.loaded();
this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("There is no source with ID '" + e5 + "'")));
}, r5.prototype.areTilesLoaded = function() {
var t5 = this.style && this.style.sourceCaches;
for (var e5 in t5) {
var i5 = t5[e5]._tiles;
for (var o6 in i5) {
var r6 = i5[o6];
if ("loaded" !== r6.state && "errored" !== r6.state) {
return false;
return true;
}, r5.prototype.addSourceType = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return this._lazyInitEmptyStyle(), this.style.addSourceType(t5, e5, i5);
}, r5.prototype.removeSource = function(t5) {
return this.style.removeSource(t5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getSource = function(t5) {
return this.style.getSource(t5);
}, r5.prototype.addImage = function(e5, i5, o6) {
void 0 === o6 && (o6 = {});
var r6 = o6.pixelRatio;
void 0 === r6 && (r6 = 1);
var a6 = o6.sdf;
void 0 === a6 && (a6 = false);
var n7 = o6.stretchX, s6 = o6.stretchY, l6 = o6.content;
if (this._lazyInitEmptyStyle(), i5 instanceof Tr || Ir && i5 instanceof Ir) {
var c4 = t4.browser.getImageData(i5);
this.style.addImage(e5, { data: new t4.RGBAImage({ width: c4.width, height: c4.height }, c4.data), pixelRatio: r6, stretchX: n7, stretchY: s6, content: l6, sdf: a6, version: 0 });
} else {
if (void 0 === i5.width || void 0 === i5.height) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Invalid arguments to map.addImage(). The second argument must be an `HTMLImageElement`, `ImageData`, `ImageBitmap`, or object with `width`, `height`, and `data` properties with the same format as `ImageData`")));
var u4 = i5;
this.style.addImage(e5, { data: new t4.RGBAImage({ width: i5.width, height: i5.height }, new Uint8Array(i5.data)), pixelRatio: r6, stretchX: n7, stretchY: s6, content: l6, sdf: a6, version: 0, userImage: u4 }), u4.onAdd && u4.onAdd(this, e5);
}, r5.prototype.updateImage = function(e5, i5) {
var o6 = this.style.getImage(e5);
if (!o6) {
return this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The map has no image with that id. If you are adding a new image use `map.addImage(...)` instead.")));
var r6 = i5 instanceof Tr || Ir && i5 instanceof Ir ? t4.browser.getImageData(i5) : i5, a6 = r6.width, n7 = r6.height, s6 = r6.data;
return void 0 === a6 || void 0 === n7 ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Invalid arguments to map.updateImage(). The second argument must be an `HTMLImageElement`, `ImageData`, `ImageBitmap`, or object with `width`, `height`, and `data` properties with the same format as `ImageData`"))) : a6 !== o6.data.width || n7 !== o6.data.height ? this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("The width and height of the updated image must be that same as the previous version of the image"))) : (o6.data.replace(s6, !(i5 instanceof Tr || Ir && i5 instanceof Ir)), void this.style.updateImage(e5, o6));
}, r5.prototype.hasImage = function(e5) {
return e5 ? !!this.style.getImage(e5) : (this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Missing required image id"))), false);
}, r5.prototype.removeImage = function(t5) {
}, r5.prototype.loadImage = function(e5, i5) {
t4.getImage(this._requestManager.transformRequest(e5, t4.ResourceType.Image), i5);
}, r5.prototype.listImages = function() {
return this.style.listImages();
}, r5.prototype.addLayer = function(t5, e5) {
return this._lazyInitEmptyStyle(), this.style.addLayer(t5, e5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.moveLayer = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.moveLayer(t5, e5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.removeLayer = function(t5) {
return this.style.removeLayer(t5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getLayer = function(t5) {
return this.style.getLayer(t5);
}, r5.prototype.setLayerZoomRange = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return this.style.setLayerZoomRange(t5, e5, i5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.setFilter = function(t5, e5, i5) {
return void 0 === i5 && (i5 = {}), this.style.setFilter(t5, e5, i5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getFilter = function(t5) {
return this.style.getFilter(t5);
}, r5.prototype.setPaintProperty = function(t5, e5, i5, o6) {
return void 0 === o6 && (o6 = {}), this.style.setPaintProperty(t5, e5, i5, o6), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getPaintProperty = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.getPaintProperty(t5, e5);
}, r5.prototype.setLayoutProperty = function(t5, e5, i5, o6) {
return void 0 === o6 && (o6 = {}), this.style.setLayoutProperty(t5, e5, i5, o6), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getLayoutProperty = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.getLayoutProperty(t5, e5);
}, r5.prototype.setLight = function(t5, e5) {
return void 0 === e5 && (e5 = {}), this._lazyInitEmptyStyle(), this.style.setLight(t5, e5), this._update(true);
}, r5.prototype.getLight = function() {
return this.style.getLight();
}, r5.prototype.setFeatureState = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.setFeatureState(t5, e5), this._update();
}, r5.prototype.removeFeatureState = function(t5, e5) {
return this.style.removeFeatureState(t5, e5), this._update();
}, r5.prototype.getFeatureState = function(t5) {
return this.style.getFeatureState(t5);
}, r5.prototype.getContainer = function() {
return this._container;
}, r5.prototype.getCanvasContainer = function() {
return this._canvasContainer;
}, r5.prototype.getCanvas = function() {
return this._canvas;
}, r5.prototype._containerDimensions = function() {
var t5 = 0, e5 = 0;
return this._container && (t5 = this._container.clientWidth || 400, e5 = this._container.clientHeight || 300), [t5, e5];
}, r5.prototype._detectMissingCSS = function() {
"rgb(250, 128, 114)" !== t4.window.getComputedStyle(this._missingCSSCanary).getPropertyValue("background-color") && t4.warnOnce("This page appears to be missing CSS declarations for Mapbox GL JS, which may cause the map to display incorrectly. Please ensure your page includes mapbox-gl.css, as described in https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/.");
}, r5.prototype._setupContainer = function() {
var t5 = this._container;
t5.classList.add("mapboxgl-map"), (this._missingCSSCanary = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-canary", t5)).style.visibility = "hidden", this._detectMissingCSS();
var e5 = this._canvasContainer = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-canvas-container", t5);
this._interactive && e5.classList.add("mapboxgl-interactive"), this._canvas = i4.create("canvas", "mapboxgl-canvas", e5), this._canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", this._contextLost, false), this._canvas.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this._contextRestored, false), this._canvas.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), this._canvas.setAttribute("aria-label", "Map"), this._canvas.setAttribute("role", "region");
var o6 = this._containerDimensions();
this._resizeCanvas(o6[0], o6[1]);
var r6 = this._controlContainer = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-control-container", t5), a6 = this._controlPositions = {};
["top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"].forEach(function(t6) {
a6[t6] = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl-" + t6, r6);
}), this._container.addEventListener("scroll", this._onMapScroll, false);
}, r5.prototype._resizeCanvas = function(e5, i5) {
var o6 = t4.browser.devicePixelRatio || 1;
this._canvas.width = o6 * e5, this._canvas.height = o6 * i5, this._canvas.style.width = e5 + "px", this._canvas.style.height = i5 + "px";
}, r5.prototype._setupPainter = function() {
var i5 = t4.extend({}, e4.webGLContextAttributes, { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: this._failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat, preserveDrawingBuffer: this._preserveDrawingBuffer, antialias: this._antialias || false }), o6 = this._canvas.getContext("webgl", i5) || this._canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl", i5);
o6 ? (this.painter = new yo(o6, this.transform), t4.webpSupported.testSupport(o6)) : this.fire(new t4.ErrorEvent(new Error("Failed to initialize WebGL")));
}, r5.prototype._contextLost = function(e5) {
e5.preventDefault(), this._frame && (this._frame.cancel(), this._frame = null), this.fire(new t4.Event("webglcontextlost", { originalEvent: e5 }));
}, r5.prototype._contextRestored = function(e5) {
this._setupPainter(), this.resize(), this._update(), this.fire(new t4.Event("webglcontextrestored", { originalEvent: e5 }));
}, r5.prototype._onMapScroll = function(t5) {
if (t5.target === this._container) {
return this._container.scrollTop = 0, this._container.scrollLeft = 0, false;
}, r5.prototype.loaded = function() {
return !this._styleDirty && !this._sourcesDirty && !!this.style && this.style.loaded();
}, r5.prototype._update = function(t5) {
return this.style ? (this._styleDirty = this._styleDirty || t5, this._sourcesDirty = true, this.triggerRepaint(), this) : this;
}, r5.prototype._requestRenderFrame = function(t5) {
return this._update(), this._renderTaskQueue.add(t5);
}, r5.prototype._cancelRenderFrame = function(t5) {
}, r5.prototype._render = function(e5) {
var i5, o6 = this, r6 = 0, a6 = this.painter.context.extTimerQuery;
if (this.listens("gpu-timing-frame") && (i5 = a6.createQueryEXT(), a6.beginQueryEXT(a6.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, i5), r6 = t4.browser.now()), this.painter.context.setDirty(), this.painter.setBaseState(), this._renderTaskQueue.run(e5), !this._removed) {
var n7 = false;
if (this.style && this._styleDirty) {
this._styleDirty = false;
var s6 = this.transform.zoom, l6 = t4.browser.now();
this.style.zoomHistory.update(s6, l6);
var c4 = new t4.EvaluationParameters(s6, { now: l6, fadeDuration: this._fadeDuration, zoomHistory: this.style.zoomHistory, transition: this.style.getTransition() }), u4 = c4.crossFadingFactor();
1 === u4 && u4 === this._crossFadingFactor || (n7 = true, this._crossFadingFactor = u4), this.style.update(c4);
if (this.style && this._sourcesDirty && (this._sourcesDirty = false, this.style._updateSources(this.transform)), this._placementDirty = this.style && this.style._updatePlacement(this.painter.transform, this.showCollisionBoxes, this._fadeDuration, this._crossSourceCollisions), this.painter.render(this.style, { showTileBoundaries: this.showTileBoundaries, showOverdrawInspector: this._showOverdrawInspector, rotating: this.isRotating(), zooming: this.isZooming(), moving: this.isMoving(), fadeDuration: this._fadeDuration, showPadding: this.showPadding, gpuTiming: !!this.listens("gpu-timing-layer") }), this.fire(new t4.Event("render")), this.loaded() && !this._loaded && (this._loaded = true, this.fire(new t4.Event("load"))), this.style && (this.style.hasTransitions() || n7) && (this._styleDirty = true), this.style && !this._placementDirty && this.style._releaseSymbolFadeTiles(), this.listens("gpu-timing-frame")) {
var h6 = t4.browser.now() - r6;
a6.endQueryEXT(a6.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, i5), setTimeout(function() {
var e6 = a6.getQueryObjectEXT(i5, a6.QUERY_RESULT_EXT) / 1e6;
a6.deleteQueryEXT(i5), o6.fire(new t4.Event("gpu-timing-frame", { cpuTime: h6, gpuTime: e6 }));
}, 50);
if (this.listens("gpu-timing-layer")) {
var p4 = this.painter.collectGpuTimers();
setTimeout(function() {
var e6 = o6.painter.queryGpuTimers(p4);
o6.fire(new t4.Event("gpu-timing-layer", { layerTimes: e6 }));
}, 50);
var d4 = this._sourcesDirty || this._styleDirty || this._placementDirty;
return d4 || this._repaint ? this.triggerRepaint() : !this.isMoving() && this.loaded() && this.fire(new t4.Event("idle")), !this._loaded || this._fullyLoaded || d4 || (this._fullyLoaded = true), this;
}, r5.prototype.remove = function() {
this._hash && this._hash.remove();
for (var e5 = 0, i5 = this._controls; e5 < i5.length; e5 += 1) {
this._controls = [], this._frame && (this._frame.cancel(), this._frame = null), this._renderTaskQueue.clear(), this.painter.destroy(), this.handlers.destroy(), delete this.handlers, this.setStyle(null), void 0 !== t4.window && (t4.window.removeEventListener("resize", this._onWindowResize, false), t4.window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", this._onWindowResize, false), t4.window.removeEventListener("online", this._onWindowOnline, false));
var o6 = this.painter.context.gl.getExtension("WEBGL_lose_context");
o6 && o6.loseContext(), Cr(this._canvasContainer), Cr(this._controlContainer), Cr(this._missingCSSCanary), this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-map"), this._removed = true, this.fire(new t4.Event("remove"));
}, r5.prototype.triggerRepaint = function() {
var e5 = this;
this.style && !this._frame && (this._frame = t4.browser.frame(function(t5) {
e5._frame = null, e5._render(t5);
}, r5.prototype._onWindowOnline = function() {
}, r5.prototype._onWindowResize = function(t5) {
this._trackResize && this.resize({ originalEvent: t5 })._update();
}, a5.showTileBoundaries.get = function() {
return !!this._showTileBoundaries;
}, a5.showTileBoundaries.set = function(t5) {
this._showTileBoundaries !== t5 && (this._showTileBoundaries = t5, this._update());
}, a5.showPadding.get = function() {
return !!this._showPadding;
}, a5.showPadding.set = function(t5) {
this._showPadding !== t5 && (this._showPadding = t5, this._update());
}, a5.showCollisionBoxes.get = function() {
return !!this._showCollisionBoxes;
}, a5.showCollisionBoxes.set = function(t5) {
this._showCollisionBoxes !== t5 && (this._showCollisionBoxes = t5, t5 ? this.style._generateCollisionBoxes() : this._update());
}, a5.showOverdrawInspector.get = function() {
return !!this._showOverdrawInspector;
}, a5.showOverdrawInspector.set = function(t5) {
this._showOverdrawInspector !== t5 && (this._showOverdrawInspector = t5, this._update());
}, a5.repaint.get = function() {
return !!this._repaint;
}, a5.repaint.set = function(t5) {
this._repaint !== t5 && (this._repaint = t5, this.triggerRepaint());
}, a5.vertices.get = function() {
return !!this._vertices;
}, a5.vertices.set = function(t5) {
this._vertices = t5, this._update();
}, r5.prototype._setCacheLimits = function(e5, i5) {
t4.setCacheLimits(e5, i5);
}, a5.version.get = function() {
return t4.version;
}, Object.defineProperties(r5.prototype, a5), r5;
function Cr(t5) {
t5.parentNode && t5.parentNode.removeChild(t5);
var zr = { showCompass: true, showZoom: true, visualizePitch: false }, Dr = function(e5) {
var o5 = this;
this.options = t4.extend({}, zr, e5), this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group"), this._container.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(t5) {
return t5.preventDefault();
}), this.options.showZoom && (t4.bindAll(["_setButtonTitle", "_updateZoomButtons"], this), this._zoomInButton = this._createButton("mapboxgl-ctrl-zoom-in", function(t5) {
return o5._map.zoomIn({}, { originalEvent: t5 });
}), i4.create("span", "mapboxgl-ctrl-icon", this._zoomInButton).setAttribute("aria-hidden", true), this._zoomOutButton = this._createButton("mapboxgl-ctrl-zoom-out", function(t5) {
return o5._map.zoomOut({}, { originalEvent: t5 });
}), i4.create("span", "mapboxgl-ctrl-icon", this._zoomOutButton).setAttribute("aria-hidden", true)), this.options.showCompass && (t4.bindAll(["_rotateCompassArrow"], this), this._compass = this._createButton("mapboxgl-ctrl-compass", function(t5) {
o5.options.visualizePitch ? o5._map.resetNorthPitch({}, { originalEvent: t5 }) : o5._map.resetNorth({}, { originalEvent: t5 });
}), this._compassIcon = i4.create("span", "mapboxgl-ctrl-icon", this._compass), this._compassIcon.setAttribute("aria-hidden", true));
Dr.prototype._updateZoomButtons = function() {
var t5 = this._map.getZoom(), e5 = t5 === this._map.getMaxZoom(), i5 = t5 === this._map.getMinZoom();
this._zoomInButton.disabled = e5, this._zoomOutButton.disabled = i5, this._zoomInButton.setAttribute("aria-disabled", e5.toString()), this._zoomOutButton.setAttribute("aria-disabled", i5.toString());
}, Dr.prototype._rotateCompassArrow = function() {
var t5 = this.options.visualizePitch ? "scale(" + 1 / Math.pow(Math.cos(this._map.transform.pitch * (Math.PI / 180)), 0.5) + ") rotateX(" + this._map.transform.pitch + "deg) rotateZ(" + this._map.transform.angle * (180 / Math.PI) + "deg)" : "rotate(" + this._map.transform.angle * (180 / Math.PI) + "deg)";
this._compassIcon.style.transform = t5;
}, Dr.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
return this._map = t5, this.options.showZoom && (this._setButtonTitle(this._zoomInButton, "ZoomIn"), this._setButtonTitle(this._zoomOutButton, "ZoomOut"), this._map.on("zoom", this._updateZoomButtons), this._updateZoomButtons()), this.options.showCompass && (this._setButtonTitle(this._compass, "ResetBearing"), this.options.visualizePitch && this._map.on("pitch", this._rotateCompassArrow), this._map.on("rotate", this._rotateCompassArrow), this._rotateCompassArrow(), this._handler = new Ar(this._map, this._compass, this.options.visualizePitch)), this._container;
}, Dr.prototype.onRemove = function() {
i4.remove(this._container), this.options.showZoom && this._map.off("zoom", this._updateZoomButtons), this.options.showCompass && (this.options.visualizePitch && this._map.off("pitch", this._rotateCompassArrow), this._map.off("rotate", this._rotateCompassArrow), this._handler.off(), delete this._handler), delete this._map;
}, Dr.prototype._createButton = function(t5, e5) {
var o5 = i4.create("button", t5, this._container);
return o5.type = "button", o5.addEventListener("click", e5), o5;
}, Dr.prototype._setButtonTitle = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = this._map._getUIString("NavigationControl." + e5);
t5.title = i5, t5.setAttribute("aria-label", i5);
var Ar = function(e5, o5, r5) {
void 0 === r5 && (r5 = false), this._clickTolerance = 10, this.element = o5, this.mouseRotate = new Xo({ clickTolerance: e5.dragRotate._mouseRotate._clickTolerance }), this.map = e5, r5 && (this.mousePitch = new Ho({ clickTolerance: e5.dragRotate._mousePitch._clickTolerance })), t4.bindAll(["mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseup", "touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "reset"], this), i4.addEventListener(o5, "mousedown", this.mousedown), i4.addEventListener(o5, "touchstart", this.touchstart, { passive: false }), i4.addEventListener(o5, "touchmove", this.touchmove), i4.addEventListener(o5, "touchend", this.touchend), i4.addEventListener(o5, "touchcancel", this.reset);
function Mr(e5, i5, o5) {
if (e5 = new t4.LngLat(e5.lng, e5.lat), i5) {
var r5 = new t4.LngLat(e5.lng - 360, e5.lat), a5 = new t4.LngLat(e5.lng + 360, e5.lat), n7 = o5.locationPoint(e5).distSqr(i5);
o5.locationPoint(r5).distSqr(i5) < n7 ? e5 = r5 : o5.locationPoint(a5).distSqr(i5) < n7 && (e5 = a5);
for (; Math.abs(e5.lng - o5.center.lng) > 180; ) {
var s6 = o5.locationPoint(e5);
if (s6.x >= 0 && s6.y >= 0 && s6.x <= o5.width && s6.y <= o5.height) {
e5.lng > o5.center.lng ? e5.lng -= 360 : e5.lng += 360;
return e5;
Ar.prototype.down = function(t5, e5) {
this.mouseRotate.mousedown(t5, e5), this.mousePitch && this.mousePitch.mousedown(t5, e5), i4.disableDrag();
}, Ar.prototype.move = function(t5, e5) {
var i5 = this.map, o5 = this.mouseRotate.mousemoveWindow(t5, e5);
if (o5 && o5.bearingDelta && i5.setBearing(i5.getBearing() + o5.bearingDelta), this.mousePitch) {
var r5 = this.mousePitch.mousemoveWindow(t5, e5);
r5 && r5.pitchDelta && i5.setPitch(i5.getPitch() + r5.pitchDelta);
}, Ar.prototype.off = function() {
var t5 = this.element;
i4.removeEventListener(t5, "mousedown", this.mousedown), i4.removeEventListener(t5, "touchstart", this.touchstart, { passive: false }), i4.removeEventListener(t5, "touchmove", this.touchmove), i4.removeEventListener(t5, "touchend", this.touchend), i4.removeEventListener(t5, "touchcancel", this.reset), this.offTemp();
}, Ar.prototype.offTemp = function() {
i4.enableDrag(), i4.removeEventListener(t4.window, "mousemove", this.mousemove), i4.removeEventListener(t4.window, "mouseup", this.mouseup);
}, Ar.prototype.mousedown = function(e5) {
this.down(t4.extend({}, e5, { ctrlKey: true, preventDefault: function() {
return e5.preventDefault();
} }), i4.mousePos(this.element, e5)), i4.addEventListener(t4.window, "mousemove", this.mousemove), i4.addEventListener(t4.window, "mouseup", this.mouseup);
}, Ar.prototype.mousemove = function(t5) {
this.move(t5, i4.mousePos(this.element, t5));
}, Ar.prototype.mouseup = function(t5) {
this.mouseRotate.mouseupWindow(t5), this.mousePitch && this.mousePitch.mouseupWindow(t5), this.offTemp();
}, Ar.prototype.touchstart = function(t5) {
1 !== t5.targetTouches.length ? this.reset() : (this._startPos = this._lastPos = i4.touchPos(this.element, t5.targetTouches)[0], this.down({ type: "mousedown", button: 0, ctrlKey: true, preventDefault: function() {
return t5.preventDefault();
} }, this._startPos));
}, Ar.prototype.touchmove = function(t5) {
1 !== t5.targetTouches.length ? this.reset() : (this._lastPos = i4.touchPos(this.element, t5.targetTouches)[0], this.move({ preventDefault: function() {
return t5.preventDefault();
} }, this._lastPos));
}, Ar.prototype.touchend = function(t5) {
0 === t5.targetTouches.length && this._startPos && this._lastPos && this._startPos.dist(this._lastPos) < this._clickTolerance && this.element.click(), this.reset();
}, Ar.prototype.reset = function() {
this.mouseRotate.reset(), this.mousePitch && this.mousePitch.reset(), delete this._startPos, delete this._lastPos, this.offTemp();
var Lr = { center: "translate(-50%,-50%)", top: "translate(-50%,0)", "top-left": "translate(0,0)", "top-right": "translate(-100%,0)", bottom: "translate(-50%,-100%)", "bottom-left": "translate(0,-100%)", "bottom-right": "translate(-100%,-100%)", left: "translate(0,-50%)", right: "translate(-100%,-50%)" };
function Rr(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = t5.classList;
for (var r5 in Lr) {
o5.remove("mapboxgl-" + i5 + "-anchor-" + r5);
o5.add("mapboxgl-" + i5 + "-anchor-" + e5);
var kr, Br = function(e5) {
function o5(o6, r5) {
if (e5.call(this), (o6 instanceof t4.window.HTMLElement || r5) && (o6 = t4.extend({ element: o6 }, r5)), t4.bindAll(["_update", "_onMove", "_onUp", "_addDragHandler", "_onMapClick", "_onKeyPress"], this), this._anchor = o6 && o6.anchor || "center", this._color = o6 && o6.color || "#3FB1CE", this._scale = o6 && o6.scale || 1, this._draggable = o6 && o6.draggable || false, this._clickTolerance = o6 && o6.clickTolerance || 0, this._isDragging = false, this._state = "inactive", this._rotation = o6 && o6.rotation || 0, this._rotationAlignment = o6 && o6.rotationAlignment || "auto", this._pitchAlignment = o6 && o6.pitchAlignment && "auto" !== o6.pitchAlignment ? o6.pitchAlignment : this._rotationAlignment, o6 && o6.element) {
this._element = o6.element, this._offset = t4.Point.convert(o6 && o6.offset || [0, 0]);
} else {
this._defaultMarker = true, this._element = i4.create("div"), this._element.setAttribute("aria-label", "Map marker");
var a5 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
a5.setAttributeNS(null, "display", "block"), a5.setAttributeNS(null, "height", "41px"), a5.setAttributeNS(null, "width", "27px"), a5.setAttributeNS(null, "viewBox", "0 0 27 41");
var n7 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
n7.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke", "none"), n7.setAttributeNS(null, "stroke-width", "1"), n7.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "none"), n7.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-rule", "evenodd");
var s6 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
s6.setAttributeNS(null, "fill-rule", "nonzero");
var l6 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
l6.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(3.0, 29.0)"), l6.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#000000");
for (var c4 = 0, u4 = [{ rx: "10.5", ry: "5.25002273" }, { rx: "10.5", ry: "5.25002273" }, { rx: "9.5", ry: "4.77275007" }, { rx: "8.5", ry: "4.29549936" }, { rx: "7.5", ry: "3.81822308" }, { rx: "6.5", ry: "3.34094679" }, { rx: "5.5", ry: "2.86367051" }, { rx: "4.5", ry: "2.38636864" }]; c4 < u4.length; c4 += 1) {
var h6 = u4[c4], p4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "ellipse");
p4.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", "0.04"), p4.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", "10.5"), p4.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", "5.80029008"), p4.setAttributeNS(null, "rx", h6.rx), p4.setAttributeNS(null, "ry", h6.ry), l6.appendChild(p4);
var d4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
d4.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", this._color);
var _3 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
_3.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M27,13.5 C27,19.074644 20.250001,27.000002 14.75,34.500002 C14.016665,35.500004 12.983335,35.500004 12.25,34.500002 C6.7499993,27.000002 0,19.222562 0,13.5 C0,6.0441559 6.0441559,0 13.5,0 C20.955844,0 27,6.0441559 27,13.5 Z"), d4.appendChild(_3);
var f4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
f4.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", "0.25"), f4.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#000000");
var m4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "path");
m4.setAttributeNS(null, "d", "M13.5,0 C6.0441559,0 0,6.0441559 0,13.5 C0,19.222562 6.7499993,27 12.25,34.5 C13,35.522727 14.016664,35.500004 14.75,34.5 C20.250001,27 27,19.074644 27,13.5 C27,6.0441559 20.955844,0 13.5,0 Z M13.5,1 C20.415404,1 26,6.584596 26,13.5 C26,15.898657 24.495584,19.181431 22.220703,22.738281 C19.945823,26.295132 16.705119,30.142167 13.943359,33.908203 C13.743445,34.180814 13.612715,34.322738 13.5,34.441406 C13.387285,34.322738 13.256555,34.180814 13.056641,33.908203 C10.284481,30.127985 7.4148684,26.314159 5.015625,22.773438 C2.6163816,19.232715 1,15.953538 1,13.5 C1,6.584596 6.584596,1 13.5,1 Z"), f4.appendChild(m4);
var g4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
g4.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(6.0, 7.0)"), g4.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#FFFFFF");
var v4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
v4.setAttributeNS(null, "transform", "translate(8.0, 8.0)");
var y4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle");
y4.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#000000"), y4.setAttributeNS(null, "opacity", "0.25"), y4.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", "5.5"), y4.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", "5.5"), y4.setAttributeNS(null, "r", "5.4999962");
var x4 = i4.createNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle");
x4.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "#FFFFFF"), x4.setAttributeNS(null, "cx", "5.5"), x4.setAttributeNS(null, "cy", "5.5"), x4.setAttributeNS(null, "r", "5.4999962"), v4.appendChild(y4), v4.appendChild(x4), s6.appendChild(l6), s6.appendChild(d4), s6.appendChild(f4), s6.appendChild(g4), s6.appendChild(v4), a5.appendChild(s6), a5.setAttributeNS(null, "height", 41 * this._scale + "px"), a5.setAttributeNS(null, "width", 27 * this._scale + "px"), this._element.appendChild(a5), this._offset = t4.Point.convert(o6 && o6.offset || [0, -14]);
this._element.classList.add("mapboxgl-marker"), this._element.addEventListener("dragstart", function(t5) {
}), this._element.addEventListener("mousedown", function(t5) {
}), Rr(this._element, this._anchor, "marker"), this._popup = null;
return e5 && (o5.__proto__ = e5), (o5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = o5, o5.prototype.addTo = function(t5) {
return this.remove(), this._map = t5, t5.getCanvasContainer().appendChild(this._element), t5.on("move", this._update), t5.on("moveend", this._update), this.setDraggable(this._draggable), this._update(), this._map.on("click", this._onMapClick), this;
}, o5.prototype.remove = function() {
return this._map && (this._map.off("click", this._onMapClick), this._map.off("move", this._update), this._map.off("moveend", this._update), this._map.off("mousedown", this._addDragHandler), this._map.off("touchstart", this._addDragHandler), this._map.off("mouseup", this._onUp), this._map.off("touchend", this._onUp), this._map.off("mousemove", this._onMove), this._map.off("touchmove", this._onMove), delete this._map), i4.remove(this._element), this._popup && this._popup.remove(), this;
}, o5.prototype.getLngLat = function() {
return this._lngLat;
}, o5.prototype.setLngLat = function(e6) {
return this._lngLat = t4.LngLat.convert(e6), this._pos = null, this._popup && this._popup.setLngLat(this._lngLat), this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.getElement = function() {
return this._element;
}, o5.prototype.setPopup = function(t5) {
if (this._popup && (this._popup.remove(), this._popup = null, this._element.removeEventListener("keypress", this._onKeyPress), this._originalTabIndex || this._element.removeAttribute("tabindex")), t5) {
if (!("offset" in t5.options)) {
var e6 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(13.5, 2) / 2);
t5.options.offset = this._defaultMarker ? { top: [0, 0], "top-left": [0, 0], "top-right": [0, 0], bottom: [0, -38.1], "bottom-left": [e6, -1 * (24.6 + e6)], "bottom-right": [-e6, -1 * (24.6 + e6)], left: [13.5, -24.6], right: [-13.5, -24.6] } : this._offset;
this._popup = t5, this._lngLat && this._popup.setLngLat(this._lngLat), this._originalTabIndex = this._element.getAttribute("tabindex"), this._originalTabIndex || this._element.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), this._element.addEventListener("keypress", this._onKeyPress);
return this;
}, o5.prototype._onKeyPress = function(t5) {
var e6 = t5.code, i5 = t5.charCode || t5.keyCode;
"Space" !== e6 && "Enter" !== e6 && 32 !== i5 && 13 !== i5 || this.togglePopup();
}, o5.prototype._onMapClick = function(t5) {
var e6 = t5.originalEvent.target, i5 = this._element;
this._popup && (e6 === i5 || i5.contains(e6)) && this.togglePopup();
}, o5.prototype.getPopup = function() {
return this._popup;
}, o5.prototype.togglePopup = function() {
var t5 = this._popup;
return t5 ? (t5.isOpen() ? t5.remove() : t5.addTo(this._map), this) : this;
}, o5.prototype._update = function(t5) {
if (this._map) {
this._map.transform.renderWorldCopies && (this._lngLat = Mr(this._lngLat, this._pos, this._map.transform)), this._pos = this._map.project(this._lngLat)._add(this._offset);
var e6 = "";
"viewport" === this._rotationAlignment || "auto" === this._rotationAlignment ? e6 = "rotateZ(" + this._rotation + "deg)" : "map" === this._rotationAlignment && (e6 = "rotateZ(" + (this._rotation - this._map.getBearing()) + "deg)");
var o6 = "";
"viewport" === this._pitchAlignment || "auto" === this._pitchAlignment ? o6 = "rotateX(0deg)" : "map" === this._pitchAlignment && (o6 = "rotateX(" + this._map.getPitch() + "deg)"), t5 && "moveend" !== t5.type || (this._pos = this._pos.round()), i4.setTransform(this._element, Lr[this._anchor] + " translate(" + this._pos.x + "px, " + this._pos.y + "px) " + o6 + " " + e6);
}, o5.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return this._offset;
}, o5.prototype.setOffset = function(e6) {
return this._offset = t4.Point.convert(e6), this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype._onMove = function(e6) {
if (!this._isDragging) {
var i5 = this._clickTolerance || this._map._clickTolerance;
this._isDragging = e6.point.dist(this._pointerdownPos) >= i5;
this._isDragging && (this._pos = e6.point.sub(this._positionDelta), this._lngLat = this._map.unproject(this._pos), this.setLngLat(this._lngLat), this._element.style.pointerEvents = "none", "pending" === this._state && (this._state = "active", this.fire(new t4.Event("dragstart"))), this.fire(new t4.Event("drag")));
}, o5.prototype._onUp = function() {
this._element.style.pointerEvents = "auto", this._positionDelta = null, this._pointerdownPos = null, this._isDragging = false, this._map.off("mousemove", this._onMove), this._map.off("touchmove", this._onMove), "active" === this._state && this.fire(new t4.Event("dragend")), this._state = "inactive";
}, o5.prototype._addDragHandler = function(t5) {
this._element.contains(t5.originalEvent.target) && (t5.preventDefault(), this._positionDelta = t5.point.sub(this._pos).add(this._offset), this._pointerdownPos = t5.point, this._state = "pending", this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMove), this._map.on("touchmove", this._onMove), this._map.once("mouseup", this._onUp), this._map.once("touchend", this._onUp));
}, o5.prototype.setDraggable = function(t5) {
return this._draggable = !!t5, this._map && (t5 ? (this._map.on("mousedown", this._addDragHandler), this._map.on("touchstart", this._addDragHandler)) : (this._map.off("mousedown", this._addDragHandler), this._map.off("touchstart", this._addDragHandler))), this;
}, o5.prototype.isDraggable = function() {
return this._draggable;
}, o5.prototype.setRotation = function(t5) {
return this._rotation = t5 || 0, this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.getRotation = function() {
return this._rotation;
}, o5.prototype.setRotationAlignment = function(t5) {
return this._rotationAlignment = t5 || "auto", this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.getRotationAlignment = function() {
return this._rotationAlignment;
}, o5.prototype.setPitchAlignment = function(t5) {
return this._pitchAlignment = t5 && "auto" !== t5 ? t5 : this._rotationAlignment, this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.getPitchAlignment = function() {
return this._pitchAlignment;
}, o5;
}(t4.Evented), Or = { positionOptions: { enableHighAccuracy: false, maximumAge: 0, timeout: 6e3 }, fitBoundsOptions: { maxZoom: 15 }, trackUserLocation: false, showAccuracyCircle: true, showUserLocation: true }, Fr = 0, Ur = false, Nr = function(e5) {
function o5(i5) {
e5.call(this), this.options = t4.extend({}, Or, i5), t4.bindAll(["_onSuccess", "_onError", "_onZoom", "_finish", "_setupUI", "_updateCamera", "_updateMarker"], this);
return e5 && (o5.__proto__ = e5), (o5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = o5, o5.prototype.onAdd = function(e6) {
var o6;
return this._map = e6, this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group"), o6 = this._setupUI, void 0 !== kr ? o6(kr) : void 0 !== t4.window.navigator.permissions ? t4.window.navigator.permissions.query({ name: "geolocation" }).then(function(t5) {
o6(kr = "denied" !== t5.state);
}) : o6(kr = !!t4.window.navigator.geolocation), this._container;
}, o5.prototype.onRemove = function() {
void 0 !== this._geolocationWatchID && (t4.window.navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this._geolocationWatchID), this._geolocationWatchID = void 0), this.options.showUserLocation && this._userLocationDotMarker && this._userLocationDotMarker.remove(), this.options.showAccuracyCircle && this._accuracyCircleMarker && this._accuracyCircleMarker.remove(), i4.remove(this._container), this._map.off("zoom", this._onZoom), this._map = void 0, Fr = 0, Ur = false;
}, o5.prototype._isOutOfMapMaxBounds = function(t5) {
var e6 = this._map.getMaxBounds(), i5 = t5.coords;
return e6 && (i5.longitude < e6.getWest() || i5.longitude > e6.getEast() || i5.latitude < e6.getSouth() || i5.latitude > e6.getNorth());
}, o5.prototype._setErrorState = function() {
switch (this._watchState) {
this._watchState = "ACTIVE_ERROR", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error");
this._watchState = "ACTIVE_ERROR", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting");
this._watchState = "BACKGROUND_ERROR", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting");
}, o5.prototype._onSuccess = function(e6) {
if (this._map) {
if (this._isOutOfMapMaxBounds(e6)) {
return this._setErrorState(), this.fire(new t4.Event("outofmaxbounds", e6)), this._updateMarker(), void this._finish();
if (this.options.trackUserLocation) {
switch (this._lastKnownPosition = e6, this._watchState) {
this._watchState = "ACTIVE_LOCK", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active");
this._watchState = "BACKGROUND", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background");
this.options.showUserLocation && "OFF" !== this._watchState && this._updateMarker(e6), this.options.trackUserLocation && "ACTIVE_LOCK" !== this._watchState || this._updateCamera(e6), this.options.showUserLocation && this._dotElement.classList.remove("mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale"), this.fire(new t4.Event("geolocate", e6)), this._finish();
}, o5.prototype._updateCamera = function(e6) {
var i5 = new t4.LngLat(e6.coords.longitude, e6.coords.latitude), o6 = e6.coords.accuracy, r5 = this._map.getBearing(), a5 = t4.extend({ bearing: r5 }, this.options.fitBoundsOptions);
this._map.fitBounds(i5.toBounds(o6), a5, { geolocateSource: true });
}, o5.prototype._updateMarker = function(e6) {
if (e6) {
var i5 = new t4.LngLat(e6.coords.longitude, e6.coords.latitude);
this._accuracyCircleMarker.setLngLat(i5).addTo(this._map), this._userLocationDotMarker.setLngLat(i5).addTo(this._map), this._accuracy = e6.coords.accuracy, this.options.showUserLocation && this.options.showAccuracyCircle && this._updateCircleRadius();
} else {
this._userLocationDotMarker.remove(), this._accuracyCircleMarker.remove();
}, o5.prototype._updateCircleRadius = function() {
var t5 = this._map._container.clientHeight / 2, e6 = this._map.unproject([0, t5]), i5 = this._map.unproject([1, t5]), o6 = e6.distanceTo(i5), r5 = Math.ceil(2 * this._accuracy / o6);
this._circleElement.style.width = r5 + "px", this._circleElement.style.height = r5 + "px";
}, o5.prototype._onZoom = function() {
this.options.showUserLocation && this.options.showAccuracyCircle && this._updateCircleRadius();
}, o5.prototype._onError = function(e6) {
if (this._map) {
if (this.options.trackUserLocation) {
if (1 === e6.code) {
this._watchState = "OFF", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background-error"), this._geolocateButton.disabled = true;
var i5 = this._map._getUIString("GeolocateControl.LocationNotAvailable");
this._geolocateButton.title = i5, this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-label", i5), void 0 !== this._geolocationWatchID && this._clearWatch();
} else {
if (3 === e6.code && Ur) {
"OFF" !== this._watchState && this.options.showUserLocation && this._dotElement.classList.add("mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale"), this.fire(new t4.Event("error", e6)), this._finish();
}, o5.prototype._finish = function() {
this._timeoutId && clearTimeout(this._timeoutId), this._timeoutId = void 0;
}, o5.prototype._setupUI = function(e6) {
var o6 = this;
if (this._container.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(t5) {
return t5.preventDefault();
}), this._geolocateButton = i4.create("button", "mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate", this._container), i4.create("span", "mapboxgl-ctrl-icon", this._geolocateButton).setAttribute("aria-hidden", true), this._geolocateButton.type = "button", false === e6) {
t4.warnOnce("Geolocation support is not available so the GeolocateControl will be disabled.");
var r5 = this._map._getUIString("GeolocateControl.LocationNotAvailable");
this._geolocateButton.disabled = true, this._geolocateButton.title = r5, this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-label", r5);
} else {
var a5 = this._map._getUIString("GeolocateControl.FindMyLocation");
this._geolocateButton.title = a5, this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-label", a5);
this.options.trackUserLocation && (this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false"), this._watchState = "OFF"), this.options.showUserLocation && (this._dotElement = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-user-location-dot"), this._userLocationDotMarker = new Br(this._dotElement), this._circleElement = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-user-location-accuracy-circle"), this._accuracyCircleMarker = new Br({ element: this._circleElement, pitchAlignment: "map" }), this.options.trackUserLocation && (this._watchState = "OFF"), this._map.on("zoom", this._onZoom)), this._geolocateButton.addEventListener("click", this.trigger.bind(this)), this._setup = true, this.options.trackUserLocation && this._map.on("movestart", function(e7) {
e7.geolocateSource || "ACTIVE_LOCK" !== o6._watchState || e7.originalEvent && "resize" === e7.originalEvent.type || (o6._watchState = "BACKGROUND", o6._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background"), o6._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active"), o6.fire(new t4.Event("trackuserlocationend")));
}, o5.prototype.trigger = function() {
if (!this._setup) {
return t4.warnOnce("Geolocate control triggered before added to a map"), false;
if (this.options.trackUserLocation) {
switch (this._watchState) {
case "OFF":
this._watchState = "WAITING_ACTIVE", this.fire(new t4.Event("trackuserlocationstart"));
Fr--, Ur = false, this._watchState = "OFF", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background"), this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background-error"), this.fire(new t4.Event("trackuserlocationend"));
this._watchState = "ACTIVE_LOCK", this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background"), this._lastKnownPosition && this._updateCamera(this._lastKnownPosition), this.fire(new t4.Event("trackuserlocationstart"));
switch (this._watchState) {
this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active");
this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-active-error");
this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-background-error");
if ("OFF" === this._watchState && void 0 !== this._geolocationWatchID) {
} else if (void 0 === this._geolocationWatchID) {
var e6;
this._geolocateButton.classList.add("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true"), ++Fr > 1 ? (e6 = { maximumAge: 6e5, timeout: 0 }, Ur = true) : (e6 = this.options.positionOptions, Ur = false), this._geolocationWatchID = t4.window.navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(this._onSuccess, this._onError, e6);
} else {
t4.window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(this._onSuccess, this._onError, this.options.positionOptions), this._timeoutId = setTimeout(this._finish, 1e4);
return true;
}, o5.prototype._clearWatch = function() {
t4.window.navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this._geolocationWatchID), this._geolocationWatchID = void 0, this._geolocateButton.classList.remove("mapboxgl-ctrl-geolocate-waiting"), this._geolocateButton.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false"), this.options.showUserLocation && this._updateMarker(null);
}, o5;
}(t4.Evented), Zr = { maxWidth: 100, unit: "metric" }, qr = function(e5) {
this.options = t4.extend({}, Zr, e5), t4.bindAll(["_onMove", "setUnit"], this);
function jr(t5, e5, i5) {
var o5 = i5 && i5.maxWidth || 100, r5 = t5._container.clientHeight / 2, a5 = t5.unproject([0, r5]), n7 = t5.unproject([o5, r5]), s6 = a5.distanceTo(n7);
if (i5 && "imperial" === i5.unit) {
var l6 = 3.2808 * s6;
l6 > 5280 ? Vr(e5, o5, l6 / 5280, t5._getUIString("ScaleControl.Miles")) : Vr(e5, o5, l6, t5._getUIString("ScaleControl.Feet"));
} else {
i5 && "nautical" === i5.unit ? Vr(e5, o5, s6 / 1852, t5._getUIString("ScaleControl.NauticalMiles")) : s6 >= 1e3 ? Vr(e5, o5, s6 / 1e3, t5._getUIString("ScaleControl.Kilometers")) : Vr(e5, o5, s6, t5._getUIString("ScaleControl.Meters"));
function Vr(t5, e5, i5, o5) {
var r5, a5, n7, s6 = (r5 = i5, (a5 = Math.pow(10, ("" + Math.floor(r5)).length - 1)) * (n7 = (n7 = r5 / a5) >= 10 ? 10 : n7 >= 5 ? 5 : n7 >= 3 ? 3 : n7 >= 2 ? 2 : n7 >= 1 ? 1 : function(t6) {
var e6 = Math.pow(10, Math.ceil(-Math.log(t6) / Math.LN10));
return Math.round(t6 * e6) / e6;
t5.style.width = e5 * (s6 / i5) + "px", t5.innerHTML = s6 + " " + o5;
qr.prototype.getDefaultPosition = function() {
return "bottom-left";
}, qr.prototype._onMove = function() {
jr(this._map, this._container, this.options);
}, qr.prototype.onAdd = function(t5) {
return this._map = t5, this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-scale", t5.getContainer()), this._map.on("move", this._onMove), this._onMove(), this._container;
}, qr.prototype.onRemove = function() {
i4.remove(this._container), this._map.off("move", this._onMove), this._map = void 0;
}, qr.prototype.setUnit = function(t5) {
this.options.unit = t5, jr(this._map, this._container, this.options);
var Gr = function(e5) {
this._fullscreen = false, e5 && e5.container && (e5.container instanceof t4.window.HTMLElement ? this._container = e5.container : t4.warnOnce("Full screen control 'container' must be a DOM element.")), t4.bindAll(["_onClickFullscreen", "_changeIcon"], this), "onfullscreenchange" in t4.window.document ? this._fullscreenchange = "fullscreenchange" : "onmozfullscreenchange" in t4.window.document ? this._fullscreenchange = "mozfullscreenchange" : "onwebkitfullscreenchange" in t4.window.document ? this._fullscreenchange = "webkitfullscreenchange" : "onmsfullscreenchange" in t4.window.document && (this._fullscreenchange = "MSFullscreenChange");
Gr.prototype.onAdd = function(e5) {
return this._map = e5, this._container || (this._container = this._map.getContainer()), this._controlContainer = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group"), this._checkFullscreenSupport() ? this._setupUI() : (this._controlContainer.style.display = "none", t4.warnOnce("This device does not support fullscreen mode.")), this._controlContainer;
}, Gr.prototype.onRemove = function() {
i4.remove(this._controlContainer), this._map = null, t4.window.document.removeEventListener(this._fullscreenchange, this._changeIcon);
}, Gr.prototype._checkFullscreenSupport = function() {
return !!(t4.window.document.fullscreenEnabled || t4.window.document.mozFullScreenEnabled || t4.window.document.msFullscreenEnabled || t4.window.document.webkitFullscreenEnabled);
}, Gr.prototype._setupUI = function() {
var e5 = this._fullscreenButton = i4.create("button", "mapboxgl-ctrl-fullscreen", this._controlContainer);
i4.create("span", "mapboxgl-ctrl-icon", e5).setAttribute("aria-hidden", true), e5.type = "button", this._updateTitle(), this._fullscreenButton.addEventListener("click", this._onClickFullscreen), t4.window.document.addEventListener(this._fullscreenchange, this._changeIcon);
}, Gr.prototype._updateTitle = function() {
var t5 = this._getTitle();
this._fullscreenButton.setAttribute("aria-label", t5), this._fullscreenButton.title = t5;
}, Gr.prototype._getTitle = function() {
return this._map._getUIString(this._isFullscreen() ? "FullscreenControl.Exit" : "FullscreenControl.Enter");
}, Gr.prototype._isFullscreen = function() {
return this._fullscreen;
}, Gr.prototype._changeIcon = function() {
(t4.window.document.fullscreenElement || t4.window.document.mozFullScreenElement || t4.window.document.webkitFullscreenElement || t4.window.document.msFullscreenElement) === this._container !== this._fullscreen && (this._fullscreen = !this._fullscreen, this._fullscreenButton.classList.toggle("mapboxgl-ctrl-shrink"), this._fullscreenButton.classList.toggle("mapboxgl-ctrl-fullscreen"), this._updateTitle());
}, Gr.prototype._onClickFullscreen = function() {
this._isFullscreen() ? t4.window.document.exitFullscreen ? t4.window.document.exitFullscreen() : t4.window.document.mozCancelFullScreen ? t4.window.document.mozCancelFullScreen() : t4.window.document.msExitFullscreen ? t4.window.document.msExitFullscreen() : t4.window.document.webkitCancelFullScreen && t4.window.document.webkitCancelFullScreen() : this._container.requestFullscreen ? this._container.requestFullscreen() : this._container.mozRequestFullScreen ? this._container.mozRequestFullScreen() : this._container.msRequestFullscreen ? this._container.msRequestFullscreen() : this._container.webkitRequestFullscreen && this._container.webkitRequestFullscreen();
var Wr = { closeButton: true, closeOnClick: true, focusAfterOpen: true, className: "", maxWidth: "240px" }, Xr = ["a[href]", "[tabindex]:not([tabindex='-1'])", "[contenteditable]:not([contenteditable='false'])", "button:not([disabled])", "input:not([disabled])", "select:not([disabled])", "textarea:not([disabled])"].join(", "), Hr = function(e5) {
function o5(i5) {
e5.call(this), this.options = t4.extend(Object.create(Wr), i5), t4.bindAll(["_update", "_onClose", "remove", "_onMouseMove", "_onMouseUp", "_onDrag"], this);
return e5 && (o5.__proto__ = e5), (o5.prototype = Object.create(e5 && e5.prototype)).constructor = o5, o5.prototype.addTo = function(e6) {
return this._map && this.remove(), this._map = e6, this.options.closeOnClick && this._map.on("click", this._onClose), this.options.closeOnMove && this._map.on("move", this._onClose), this._map.on("remove", this.remove), this._update(), this._focusFirstElement(), this._trackPointer ? (this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), this._map.on("mouseup", this._onMouseUp), this._container && this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-popup-track-pointer"), this._map._canvasContainer.classList.add("mapboxgl-track-pointer")) : this._map.on("move", this._update), this.fire(new t4.Event("open")), this;
}, o5.prototype.isOpen = function() {
return !!this._map;
}, o5.prototype.remove = function() {
return this._content && i4.remove(this._content), this._container && (i4.remove(this._container), delete this._container), this._map && (this._map.off("move", this._update), this._map.off("move", this._onClose), this._map.off("click", this._onClose), this._map.off("remove", this.remove), this._map.off("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), this._map.off("mouseup", this._onMouseUp), this._map.off("drag", this._onDrag), delete this._map), this.fire(new t4.Event("close")), this;
}, o5.prototype.getLngLat = function() {
return this._lngLat;
}, o5.prototype.setLngLat = function(e6) {
return this._lngLat = t4.LngLat.convert(e6), this._pos = null, this._trackPointer = false, this._update(), this._map && (this._map.on("move", this._update), this._map.off("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), this._container && this._container.classList.remove("mapboxgl-popup-track-pointer"), this._map._canvasContainer.classList.remove("mapboxgl-track-pointer")), this;
}, o5.prototype.trackPointer = function() {
return this._trackPointer = true, this._pos = null, this._update(), this._map && (this._map.off("move", this._update), this._map.on("mousemove", this._onMouseMove), this._map.on("drag", this._onDrag), this._container && this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-popup-track-pointer"), this._map._canvasContainer.classList.add("mapboxgl-track-pointer")), this;
}, o5.prototype.getElement = function() {
return this._container;
}, o5.prototype.setText = function(e6) {
return this.setDOMContent(t4.window.document.createTextNode(e6));
}, o5.prototype.setHTML = function(e6) {
var i5, o6 = t4.window.document.createDocumentFragment(), r5 = t4.window.document.createElement("body");
for (r5.innerHTML = e6; i5 = r5.firstChild; ) {
return this.setDOMContent(o6);
}, o5.prototype.getMaxWidth = function() {
return this._container && this._container.style.maxWidth;
}, o5.prototype.setMaxWidth = function(t5) {
return this.options.maxWidth = t5, this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.setDOMContent = function(t5) {
if (this._content) {
for (; this._content.hasChildNodes(); ) {
this._content.firstChild && this._content.removeChild(this._content.firstChild);
} else {
this._content = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-popup-content", this._container);
return this._content.appendChild(t5), this._createCloseButton(), this._update(), this._focusFirstElement(), this;
}, o5.prototype.addClassName = function(t5) {
this._container && this._container.classList.add(t5);
}, o5.prototype.removeClassName = function(t5) {
this._container && this._container.classList.remove(t5);
}, o5.prototype.setOffset = function(t5) {
return this.options.offset = t5, this._update(), this;
}, o5.prototype.toggleClassName = function(t5) {
if (this._container) {
return this._container.classList.toggle(t5);
}, o5.prototype._createCloseButton = function() {
this.options.closeButton && (this._closeButton = i4.create("button", "mapboxgl-popup-close-button", this._content), this._closeButton.type = "button", this._closeButton.setAttribute("aria-label", "Close popup"), this._closeButton.innerHTML = "×", this._closeButton.addEventListener("click", this._onClose));
}, o5.prototype._onMouseUp = function(t5) {
}, o5.prototype._onMouseMove = function(t5) {
}, o5.prototype._onDrag = function(t5) {
}, o5.prototype._update = function(e6) {
var o6 = this;
if (this._map && (this._lngLat || this._trackPointer) && this._content && (this._container || (this._container = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-popup", this._map.getContainer()), this._tip = i4.create("div", "mapboxgl-popup-tip", this._container), this._container.appendChild(this._content), this.options.className && this.options.className.split(" ").forEach(function(t5) {
return o6._container.classList.add(t5);
}), this._trackPointer && this._container.classList.add("mapboxgl-popup-track-pointer")), this.options.maxWidth && this._container.style.maxWidth !== this.options.maxWidth && (this._container.style.maxWidth = this.options.maxWidth), this._map.transform.renderWorldCopies && !this._trackPointer && (this._lngLat = Mr(this._lngLat, this._pos, this._map.transform)), !this._trackPointer || e6)) {
var r5 = this._pos = this._trackPointer && e6 ? e6 : this._map.project(this._lngLat), a5 = this.options.anchor, n7 = function e7(i5) {
if (i5) {
if ("number" == typeof i5) {
var o7 = Math.round(Math.sqrt(0.5 * Math.pow(i5, 2)));
return { center: new t4.Point(0, 0), top: new t4.Point(0, i5), "top-left": new t4.Point(o7, o7), "top-right": new t4.Point(-o7, o7), bottom: new t4.Point(0, -i5), "bottom-left": new t4.Point(o7, -o7), "bottom-right": new t4.Point(-o7, -o7), left: new t4.Point(i5, 0), right: new t4.Point(-i5, 0) };
if (i5 instanceof t4.Point || Array.isArray(i5)) {
var r6 = t4.Point.convert(i5);
return { center: r6, top: r6, "top-left": r6, "top-right": r6, bottom: r6, "bottom-left": r6, "bottom-right": r6, left: r6, right: r6 };
return { center: t4.Point.convert(i5.center || [0, 0]), top: t4.Point.convert(i5.top || [0, 0]), "top-left": t4.Point.convert(i5["top-left"] || [0, 0]), "top-right": t4.Point.convert(i5["top-right"] || [0, 0]), bottom: t4.Point.convert(i5.bottom || [0, 0]), "bottom-left": t4.Point.convert(i5["bottom-left"] || [0, 0]), "bottom-right": t4.Point.convert(i5["bottom-right"] || [0, 0]), left: t4.Point.convert(i5.left || [0, 0]), right: t4.Point.convert(i5.right || [0, 0]) };
return e7(new t4.Point(0, 0));
if (!a5) {
var s6, l6 = this._container.offsetWidth, c4 = this._container.offsetHeight;
s6 = r5.y + n7.bottom.y < c4 ? ["top"] : r5.y > this._map.transform.height - c4 ? ["bottom"] : [], r5.x < l6 / 2 ? s6.push("left") : r5.x > this._map.transform.width - l6 / 2 && s6.push("right"), a5 = 0 === s6.length ? "bottom" : s6.join("-");
var u4 = r5.add(n7[a5]).round();
i4.setTransform(this._container, Lr[a5] + " translate(" + u4.x + "px," + u4.y + "px)"), Rr(this._container, a5, "popup");
}, o5.prototype._focusFirstElement = function() {
if (this.options.focusAfterOpen && this._container) {
var t5 = this._container.querySelector(Xr);
t5 && t5.focus();
}, o5.prototype._onClose = function() {
}, o5;
}(t4.Evented), Kr = { version: t4.version, supported: e4, setRTLTextPlugin: t4.setRTLTextPlugin, getRTLTextPluginStatus: t4.getRTLTextPluginStatus, Map: Sr, NavigationControl: Dr, GeolocateControl: Nr, AttributionControl: yr, ScaleControl: qr, FullscreenControl: Gr, Popup: Hr, Marker: Br, Style: je2, LngLat: t4.LngLat, LngLatBounds: t4.LngLatBounds, Point: t4.Point, MercatorCoordinate: t4.MercatorCoordinate, Evented: t4.Evented, config: t4.config, prewarm: function() {
}, clearPrewarmedResources: function() {
var t5 = Bt2;
t5 && (t5.isPreloaded() && 1 === t5.numActive() ? (t5.release(Rt2), Bt2 = null) : console.warn("Could not clear WebWorkers since there are active Map instances that still reference it. The pre-warmed WebWorker pool can only be cleared when all map instances have been removed with map.remove()"));
}, get accessToken() {
return t4.config.ACCESS_TOKEN;
}, set accessToken(e5) {
t4.config.ACCESS_TOKEN = e5;
}, get baseApiUrl() {
return t4.config.API_URL;
}, set baseApiUrl(e5) {
t4.config.API_URL = e5;
}, get workerCount() {
return kt2.workerCount;
}, set workerCount(t5) {
kt2.workerCount = t5;
}, get maxParallelImageRequests() {
}, set maxParallelImageRequests(e5) {
}, clearStorage: function(e5) {
}, workerUrl: "" };
return Kr;
return mapboxgl2;
var mapboxgl = mapboxGlExports;
function getElement(element) {
if (typeof element === "string") {
var elementId = element;
element = document.getElementById(element);
if (!element) {
throw new Error("No element with id " + elementId);
return element;
function validateColor(color2) {
if (!/^#([0-9a-f]{3}){1,2}$/i.test(color2) && !/^[a-z]+$/i.test(color2)) {
throw new Error("Invalid color");
function createMarkerImage(library, color2) {
var height = 41;
var width = 27;
var scale = 2;
var svg = new library.Marker()._element.querySelector("svg");
svg.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
svg.setAttribute("height", height);
svg.setAttribute("width", width);
svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height);
svg.querySelector("*[fill='#3FB1CE']").setAttribute("fill", color2);
var circles = svg.querySelectorAll("circle");
var circle = circles[circles.length - 1];
if (circles.length == 1) {
var c3 = circle.cloneNode();
c3.setAttribute("fill", "#000000");
c3.setAttribute("opacity", 0.25);
circle.parentNode.insertBefore(c3, circle);
circle.setAttribute("r", 4.5);
var image = new Image(width * scale, height * scale);
image.src = "data:image/svg+xml;utf8," + encodeURIComponent(svg.outerHTML);
return image;
var maps = {};
var BaseMap = function BaseMap2(element, data, options, mapType) {
var this$1$1 = this;
if (!Mapkick.library && typeof window !== "undefined") {
Mapkick.library = window.mapboxgl || window.maplibregl || null;
var library = Mapkick.library;
if (!library) {
throw new Error("No mapping library found");
var map3;
var trails = {};
var groupedData = {};
var timestamps = [];
var timeIndex = 0;
element = getElement(element);
if (element.id) {
maps[element.id] = this;
function getJSON(element2, url, success) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url, true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
} else {
showError(element2, xhr.statusText);
function onMapLoad(callback2) {
if (map3.loaded()) {
} else {
map3.on("load", callback2);
function toTimestamp(ts) {
if (typeof ts === "number") {
return ts;
} else {
return new Date(ts).getTime() / 1e3;
function generateReplayMap(element2, data2, options2) {
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data2.length; i4++) {
var row = data2[i4];
var ts = toTimestamp(row.time);
if (ts) {
if (!groupedData[ts]) {
groupedData[ts] = [];
for (var i$1 in groupedData) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(groupedData, i$1)) {
generateMap(element2, groupedData[timestamps[timeIndex]], options2);
onMapLoad(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
nextFrame2(element2, options2);
}, 100);
function nextFrame2(element2, options2) {
updateMap(element2, groupedData[timestamps[timeIndex]], options2);
if (timeIndex < timestamps.length - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
nextFrame2(element2, options2);
}, 100);
function showError(element2, message) {
element2.textContent = message;
function errorCatcher(element2, data2, options2, callback2) {
try {
callback2(element2, data2, options2);
} catch (err) {
showError(element2, err.message);
throw err;
function fetchData(element2, data2, options2, callback2) {
if (typeof data2 === "string") {
getJSON(element2, data2, function(newData) {
errorCatcher(element2, newData, options2, callback2);
} else if (typeof data2 === "function") {
data2(function(newData) {
errorCatcher(element2, newData, options2, callback2);
}, function(message) {
showError(element2, message);
} else {
errorCatcher(element2, data2, options2, callback2);
function updateMap(element2, data2, options2) {
onLayersReady(function() {
if (options2.trail) {
recordTrails(data2, options2.trail);
map3.getSource("objects").setData(generateGeoJSON(data2, options2));
var markerIds = new window.Map();
function generateGeoJSON(data2, options2) {
var geojson = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: []
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data2.length; i4++) {
var row = data2[i4];
var properties = Object.assign({}, row);
var geometry = void 0;
if (mapType === "point") {
if (!properties.icon) {
properties.icon = options2.defaultIcon || "mapkick";
properties.mapkickIconSize = properties.icon === "mapkick" ? 0.5 : 1;
properties.mapkickIconAnchor = properties.icon === "mapkick" ? "bottom" : "center";
properties.mapkickIconOffset = properties.icon === "mapkick" ? [0, 10] : [0, 0];
if (properties.icon === "mapkick") {
var color2 = properties.color || markerOptions.color || "#f84d4d";
var markerId = markerIds.get(color2);
if (markerId === void 0) {
markerId = markerIds.size;
markerIds.set(color2, markerId);
properties.icon = "mapkick-" + markerId;
var coordinates = rowCoordinates(row);
if (!coordinates[1]) {
throw new Error("missing latitude (index: " + i4 + ")");
if (!coordinates[0]) {
throw new Error("missing longitude (index: " + i4 + ")");
geometry = {
type: "Point",
} else {
geometry = row.geometry;
if (!geometry) {
throw new Error("missing geometry (index: " + i4 + ")");
delete properties.geometry;
properties.mapkickColor = properties.color || markerOptions.color || "#0090ff";
type: "Feature",
id: i4,
return geojson;
function rowCoordinates(row) {
return [row.longitude || row.lng || row.lon, row.latitude || row.lat];
function getTrailId(row) {
return row.id;
function recordTrails(data2, trailOptions) {
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data2.length; i4++) {
var row = data2[i4];
var trailId = getTrailId(row);
if (!trails[trailId]) {
trails[trailId] = [];
if (trailOptions && trailOptions.len && trails[trailId].length > trailOptions.len) {
function generateTrailsGeoJSON(data2) {
var geojson = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: []
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data2.length; i4++) {
var row = data2[i4];
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: "LineString",
coordinates: trails[getTrailId(row)]
return geojson;
function generateLabelGeoJSON(data2) {
var geojson = {
type: "FeatureCollection",
features: []
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < data2.features.length; i4++) {
var feature = data2.features[i4];
var coordinates = void 0;
var bounds2 = new library.LngLatBounds();
extendBounds(bounds2, feature.geometry);
if (!bounds2.isEmpty()) {
var center = bounds2.getCenter();
coordinates = [center.lng, center.lat];
if (coordinates) {
type: "Feature",
id: i4,
geometry: {
type: "Point",
properties: feature.properties
return geojson;
function layerBeforeFill(map4) {
var layers = map4.getStyle().layers;
var beforeId;
for (var i4 = layers.length - 1; i4 >= 0; i4--) {
var layer = layers[i4];
if (!(layer.metadata && layer.metadata["mapbox:featureComponent"] === "place-labels")) {
beforeId = layer.id;
return beforeId;
function addLayer(name, geojson) {
var centersById = {};
map3.addSource(name, {
type: "geojson",
data: geojson
if (mapType === "point") {
id: name + "-text",
source: name,
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"text-field": "{label}",
"text-size": 11,
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, 1]
paint: {
"text-halo-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
"text-halo-width": 1
id: name,
source: name,
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"icon-image": "{icon}-15",
"icon-allow-overlap": true,
"icon-size": { type: "identity", property: "mapkickIconSize" },
"icon-anchor": { type: "identity", property: "mapkickIconAnchor" },
"icon-offset": { type: "identity", property: "mapkickIconOffset" }
} else {
var beforeId = layerBeforeFill(map3);
var outlineId = name + "-outline";
id: outlineId,
source: name,
type: "line",
paint: {
"line-color": { type: "identity", property: "mapkickColor" },
"line-opacity": 0.7,
"line-width": 1
}, beforeId);
id: name,
source: name,
type: "fill",
paint: {
"fill-color": { type: "identity", property: "mapkickColor" },
"fill-opacity": 0.3
}, outlineId);
var labelName = name + "-text";
var labelData = generateLabelGeoJSON(geojson);
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < labelData.features.length; i4++) {
var feature = labelData.features[i4];
centersById[feature.id] = feature.geometry.coordinates;
map3.addSource(labelName, {
type: "geojson",
data: labelData
id: name + "-text",
source: labelName,
type: "symbol",
layout: {
"text-field": "{label}",
"text-size": 11
paint: {
"text-halo-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
"text-halo-width": 1
var hover = !("hover" in tooltipOptions) || tooltipOptions.hover;
var popupOptions = {
closeButton: false,
closeOnClick: false
if (!hover) {
popupOptions.anchor = "bottom";
var popup = new library.Popup(popupOptions);
var panMap = function(map4, popup2) {
var style = window.getComputedStyle(popup2.getElement());
var matrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly(style.transform);
var padding = 5;
var extra = 5;
var top2 = matrix.m42;
var left2 = matrix.m41;
if (top2 < padding || left2 < padding) {
map4.panBy([Math.min(left2 - padding - extra, 0), Math.min(top2 - padding - extra, 0)]);
var showPopup = function(e4) {
var feature2 = selectedFeature(e4);
var tooltip = feature2.properties.tooltip;
if (!tooltip) {
if (mapType === "point" && feature2.properties.icon.startsWith("mapkick-")) {
popup.options.offset = {
"top": [0, 14],
"top-left": [0, 14],
"top-right": [0, 14],
"bottom": [0, -44],
"bottom-left": [0, -44],
"bottom-right": [0, -44],
"left": [14, 0],
"right": [-14, 0]
} else {
popup.options.offset = 14;
var coordinates;
if (mapType === "point") {
coordinates = feature2.geometry.coordinates;
} else {
coordinates = centersById[feature2.id];
if (tooltipOptions.html) {
} else {
if (popup._container.offsetWidth % 2 !== 0) {
popup._container.style.width = popup._container.offsetWidth + 1 + "px";
if (mapType !== "area") {
panMap(map3, popup);
var getLatitude = function(feature2) {
return feature2.geometry.coordinates[1];
var selectedFeature = function(e4) {
var features = e4.features;
var selected = features[0];
for (var i5 = 1; i5 < features.length; i5++) {
var feature2 = features[i5];
if (getLatitude(feature2) < getLatitude(selected)) {
selected = feature2;
return selected;
if (!hover) {
var currentPoint = null;
map3.on("click", name, function(e4) {
var point = selectedFeature(e4).id;
if (point !== currentPoint) {
currentPoint = point;
e4.mapkickPopupOpened = true;
map3.on("click", function(e4) {
if (!e4.mapkickPopupOpened) {
currentPoint = null;
map3.on("mouseenter", name, function(e4) {
var tooltip = selectedFeature(e4).properties.tooltip;
if (tooltip) {
map3.getCanvas().style.cursor = "pointer";
if (hover) {
map3.on("mouseleave", name, function() {
map3.getCanvas().style.cursor = "";
if (hover) {
function extendBounds(bounds2, geometry) {
if (geometry.type === "Point") {
} else if (geometry.type === "Polygon") {
var coordinates = geometry.coordinates[0];
for (var j3 = 0; j3 < coordinates.length; j3++) {
} else if (geometry.type === "MultiPolygon") {
var coordinates$1 = geometry.coordinates;
for (var j$1 = 0; j$1 < coordinates$1.length; j$1++) {
var polygon = coordinates$1[j$1][0];
for (var k3 = 0; k3 < polygon.length; k3++) {
var generateMap = function(element2, data2, options2) {
var geojson = generateGeoJSON(data2, options2);
options2 = options2 || {};
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < geojson.features.length; i4++) {
extendBounds(bounds, geojson.features[i4].geometry);
element2.textContent = "";
var style = options2.style;
if (!style) {
var isMapLibre = !("accessToken" in library) || /^1\.1[45]/.test(library.version);
if (isMapLibre) {
throw new Error("style required for MapLibre");
} else {
style = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12";
var zoom = options2.zoom;
var center = options2.center;
if (!center) {
if (!bounds.isEmpty()) {
center = bounds.getCenter();
} else {
center = [0, 0];
if (!zoom) {
zoom = 1;
if (!zoom) {
zoom = 15;
var mapOptions = {
container: element2,
dragRotate: false,
touchZoomRotate: false,
if (!options2.style) {
mapOptions.projection = "mercator";
if (options2.accessToken) {
mapOptions.accessToken = options2.accessToken;
if (options2.library) {
Object.assign(mapOptions, options2.library);
map3 = new library.Map(mapOptions);
if (options2.controls) {
map3.addControl(new library.NavigationControl({ showCompass: false }));
if (!options2.zoom) {
if (!map3.style.stylesheet) {
map3.style.stylesheet = {};
if (!bounds.isEmpty() && map3.getZoom() === zoom) {
map3.fitBounds(bounds, { padding: 40, animate: false, maxZoom: 15 });
this$1$1.map = map3;
onMapLoad(function() {
if (options2.trail) {
map3.addSource("trails", {
type: "geojson",
data: generateTrailsGeoJSON([])
id: "trails",
source: "trails",
type: "line",
layout: {
"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
paint: {
"line-color": "#888",
"line-width": 2
var outstanding = markerIds.size;
function checkReady() {
if (outstanding !== 0) {
addLayer("objects", geojson);
layersReady = true;
var cb;
while (cb = layersReadyQueue.shift()) {
markerIds.forEach(function(id, color2) {
var image = createMarkerImage(library, color2);
image.addEventListener("load", function() {
map3.addImage("mapkick-" + id + "-15", image);
var layersReady = false;
var layersReadyQueue = [];
function onLayersReady(callback2) {
if (layersReady) {
} else {
options = options || {};
options = Object.assign({}, Mapkick.options, options);
var tooltipOptions = options.tooltips || {};
var markerOptions = options.markers || {};
var bounds = new library.LngLatBounds();
if (options.replay) {
fetchData(element, data, options, generateReplayMap);
} else {
fetchData(element, data, options, generateMap);
if (options.refresh) {
this.intervalId = setInterval(function() {
fetchData(element, data, options, updateMap);
}, options.refresh * 1e3);
BaseMap.prototype.getMapObject = function getMapObject() {
return this.map;
BaseMap.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
if (this.map) {
this.map = null;
BaseMap.prototype.stopRefresh = function stopRefresh() {
if (this.intervalId) {
this.intervalId = null;
var Map2 = /* @__PURE__ */ function(BaseMap2) {
function Map3(element, data, options) {
BaseMap2.call(this, element, data, options, "point");
if (BaseMap2)
Map3.__proto__ = BaseMap2;
Map3.prototype = Object.create(BaseMap2 && BaseMap2.prototype);
Map3.prototype.constructor = Map3;
return Map3;
var AreaMap = /* @__PURE__ */ function(BaseMap2) {
function AreaMap2(element, data, options) {
BaseMap2.call(this, element, data, options, "area");
if (BaseMap2)
AreaMap2.__proto__ = BaseMap2;
AreaMap2.prototype = Object.create(BaseMap2 && BaseMap2.prototype);
AreaMap2.prototype.constructor = AreaMap2;
return AreaMap2;
var Mapkick = {
Map: Map2,
options: {},
library: null
Mapkick.use = function(library) {
Mapkick.library = library;
if (typeof window !== "undefined" && !window.Mapkick) {
window.Mapkick = Mapkick;
setTimeout(function() {
window.dispatchEvent(new Event("mapkick:load"));
}, 0);
return Mapkick;
// node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js
var require_runtime = __commonJS({
"node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js"(exports2, module2) {
var runtime = function(exports3) {
"use strict";
var Op = Object.prototype;
var hasOwn = Op.hasOwnProperty;
var defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function(obj, key, desc) {
obj[key] = desc.value;
var undefined2;
var $Symbol = typeof Symbol === "function" ? Symbol : {};
var iteratorSymbol = $Symbol.iterator || "@@iterator";
var asyncIteratorSymbol = $Symbol.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator";
var toStringTagSymbol = $Symbol.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag";
function define2(obj, key, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
writable: true
return obj[key];
try {
define2({}, "");
} catch (err) {
define2 = function(obj, key, value) {
return obj[key] = value;
function wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList) {
var protoGenerator = outerFn && outerFn.prototype instanceof Generator ? outerFn : Generator;
var generator = Object.create(protoGenerator.prototype);
var context = new Context2(tryLocsList || []);
defineProperty(generator, "_invoke", { value: makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self2, context) });
return generator;
exports3.wrap = wrap;
function tryCatch(fn3, obj, arg) {
try {
return { type: "normal", arg: fn3.call(obj, arg) };
} catch (err) {
return { type: "throw", arg: err };
var GenStateSuspendedStart = "suspendedStart";
var GenStateSuspendedYield = "suspendedYield";
var GenStateExecuting = "executing";
var GenStateCompleted = "completed";
var ContinueSentinel = {};
function Generator() {
function GeneratorFunction() {
function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {
var IteratorPrototype = {};
define2(IteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var NativeIteratorPrototype = getProto && getProto(getProto(values([])));
if (NativeIteratorPrototype && NativeIteratorPrototype !== Op && hasOwn.call(NativeIteratorPrototype, iteratorSymbol)) {
IteratorPrototype = NativeIteratorPrototype;
var Gp = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(IteratorPrototype);
GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
defineProperty(Gp, "constructor", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: true });
{ value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: true }
GeneratorFunction.displayName = define2(
function defineIteratorMethods(prototype) {
["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(method) {
define2(prototype, method, function(arg) {
return this._invoke(method, arg);
exports3.isGeneratorFunction = function(genFun) {
var ctor = typeof genFun === "function" && genFun.constructor;
return ctor ? ctor === GeneratorFunction || (ctor.displayName || ctor.name) === "GeneratorFunction" : false;
exports3.mark = function(genFun) {
if (Object.setPrototypeOf) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(genFun, GeneratorFunctionPrototype);
} else {
genFun.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype;
define2(genFun, toStringTagSymbol, "GeneratorFunction");
genFun.prototype = Object.create(Gp);
return genFun;
exports3.awrap = function(arg) {
return { __await: arg };
function AsyncIterator(generator, PromiseImpl) {
function invoke2(method, arg, resolve3, reject) {
var record = tryCatch(generator[method], generator, arg);
if (record.type === "throw") {
} else {
var result = record.arg;
var value = result.value;
if (value && typeof value === "object" && hasOwn.call(value, "__await")) {
return PromiseImpl.resolve(value.__await).then(function(value2) {
invoke2("next", value2, resolve3, reject);
}, function(err) {
invoke2("throw", err, resolve3, reject);
return PromiseImpl.resolve(value).then(function(unwrapped) {
result.value = unwrapped;
}, function(error2) {
return invoke2("throw", error2, resolve3, reject);
var previousPromise;
function enqueue(method, arg) {
function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() {
return new PromiseImpl(function(resolve3, reject) {
invoke2(method, arg, resolve3, reject);
return previousPromise = previousPromise ? previousPromise.then(
) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg();
defineProperty(this, "_invoke", { value: enqueue });
define2(AsyncIterator.prototype, asyncIteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
exports3.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator;
exports3.async = function(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList, PromiseImpl) {
if (PromiseImpl === void 0)
PromiseImpl = Promise;
var iter = new AsyncIterator(
wrap(innerFn, outerFn, self2, tryLocsList),
return exports3.isGeneratorFunction(outerFn) ? iter : iter.next().then(function(result) {
return result.done ? result.value : iter.next();
function makeInvokeMethod(innerFn, self2, context) {
var state = GenStateSuspendedStart;
return function invoke2(method, arg) {
if (state === GenStateExecuting) {
throw new Error("Generator is already running");
if (state === GenStateCompleted) {
if (method === "throw") {
throw arg;
return doneResult();
context.method = method;
context.arg = arg;
while (true) {
var delegate = context.delegate;
if (delegate) {
var delegateResult = maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (delegateResult) {
if (delegateResult === ContinueSentinel)
return delegateResult;
if (context.method === "next") {
context.sent = context._sent = context.arg;
} else if (context.method === "throw") {
if (state === GenStateSuspendedStart) {
state = GenStateCompleted;
throw context.arg;
} else if (context.method === "return") {
context.abrupt("return", context.arg);
state = GenStateExecuting;
var record = tryCatch(innerFn, self2, context);
if (record.type === "normal") {
state = context.done ? GenStateCompleted : GenStateSuspendedYield;
if (record.arg === ContinueSentinel) {
return {
value: record.arg,
done: context.done
} else if (record.type === "throw") {
state = GenStateCompleted;
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = record.arg;
function maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context) {
var methodName = context.method;
var method = delegate.iterator[methodName];
if (method === undefined2) {
context.delegate = null;
if (methodName === "throw" && delegate.iterator["return"]) {
context.method = "return";
context.arg = undefined2;
maybeInvokeDelegate(delegate, context);
if (context.method === "throw") {
return ContinueSentinel;
if (methodName !== "return") {
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = new TypeError(
"The iterator does not provide a '" + methodName + "' method"
return ContinueSentinel;
var record = tryCatch(method, delegate.iterator, context.arg);
if (record.type === "throw") {
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = record.arg;
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
var info = record.arg;
if (!info) {
context.method = "throw";
context.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object");
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
if (info.done) {
context[delegate.resultName] = info.value;
context.next = delegate.nextLoc;
if (context.method !== "return") {
context.method = "next";
context.arg = undefined2;
} else {
return info;
context.delegate = null;
return ContinueSentinel;
define2(Gp, toStringTagSymbol, "Generator");
define2(Gp, iteratorSymbol, function() {
return this;
define2(Gp, "toString", function() {
return "[object Generator]";
function pushTryEntry(locs) {
var entry = { tryLoc: locs[0] };
if (1 in locs) {
entry.catchLoc = locs[1];
if (2 in locs) {
entry.finallyLoc = locs[2];
entry.afterLoc = locs[3];
function resetTryEntry(entry) {
var record = entry.completion || {};
record.type = "normal";
delete record.arg;
entry.completion = record;
function Context2(tryLocsList) {
this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }];
tryLocsList.forEach(pushTryEntry, this);
exports3.keys = function(val) {
var object = Object(val);
var keys = [];
for (var key in object) {
return function next() {
while (keys.length) {
var key2 = keys.pop();
if (key2 in object) {
next.value = key2;
next.done = false;
return next;
next.done = true;
return next;
function values(iterable) {
if (iterable) {
var iteratorMethod = iterable[iteratorSymbol];
if (iteratorMethod) {
return iteratorMethod.call(iterable);
if (typeof iterable.next === "function") {
return iterable;
if (!isNaN(iterable.length)) {
var i4 = -1, next = function next2() {
while (++i4 < iterable.length) {
if (hasOwn.call(iterable, i4)) {
next2.value = iterable[i4];
next2.done = false;
return next2;
next2.value = undefined2;
next2.done = true;
return next2;
return next.next = next;
return { next: doneResult };
exports3.values = values;
function doneResult() {
return { value: undefined2, done: true };
Context2.prototype = {
constructor: Context2,
reset: function(skipTempReset) {
this.prev = 0;
this.next = 0;
this.sent = this._sent = undefined2;
this.done = false;
this.delegate = null;
this.method = "next";
this.arg = undefined2;
if (!skipTempReset) {
for (var name in this) {
if (name.charAt(0) === "t" && hasOwn.call(this, name) && !isNaN(+name.slice(1))) {
this[name] = undefined2;
stop: function() {
this.done = true;
var rootEntry = this.tryEntries[0];
var rootRecord = rootEntry.completion;
if (rootRecord.type === "throw") {
throw rootRecord.arg;
return this.rval;
dispatchException: function(exception) {
if (this.done) {
throw exception;
var context = this;
function handle(loc, caught) {
record.type = "throw";
record.arg = exception;
context.next = loc;
if (caught) {
context.method = "next";
context.arg = undefined2;
return !!caught;
for (var i4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i4];
var record = entry.completion;
if (entry.tryLoc === "root") {
return handle("end");
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev) {
var hasCatch = hasOwn.call(entry, "catchLoc");
var hasFinally = hasOwn.call(entry, "finallyLoc");
if (hasCatch && hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
} else if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else if (hasCatch) {
if (this.prev < entry.catchLoc) {
return handle(entry.catchLoc, true);
} else if (hasFinally) {
if (this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
return handle(entry.finallyLoc);
} else {
throw new Error("try statement without catch or finally");
abrupt: function(type, arg) {
for (var i4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i4];
if (entry.tryLoc <= this.prev && hasOwn.call(entry, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < entry.finallyLoc) {
var finallyEntry = entry;
if (finallyEntry && (type === "break" || type === "continue") && finallyEntry.tryLoc <= arg && arg <= finallyEntry.finallyLoc) {
finallyEntry = null;
var record = finallyEntry ? finallyEntry.completion : {};
record.type = type;
record.arg = arg;
if (finallyEntry) {
this.method = "next";
this.next = finallyEntry.finallyLoc;
return ContinueSentinel;
return this.complete(record);
complete: function(record, afterLoc) {
if (record.type === "throw") {
throw record.arg;
if (record.type === "break" || record.type === "continue") {
this.next = record.arg;
} else if (record.type === "return") {
this.rval = this.arg = record.arg;
this.method = "return";
this.next = "end";
} else if (record.type === "normal" && afterLoc) {
this.next = afterLoc;
return ContinueSentinel;
finish: function(finallyLoc) {
for (var i4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i4];
if (entry.finallyLoc === finallyLoc) {
this.complete(entry.completion, entry.afterLoc);
return ContinueSentinel;
"catch": function(tryLoc) {
for (var i4 = this.tryEntries.length - 1; i4 >= 0; --i4) {
var entry = this.tryEntries[i4];
if (entry.tryLoc === tryLoc) {
var record = entry.completion;
if (record.type === "throw") {
var thrown = record.arg;
return thrown;
throw new Error("illegal catch attempt");
delegateYield: function(iterable, resultName, nextLoc) {
this.delegate = {
iterator: values(iterable),
if (this.method === "next") {
this.arg = undefined2;
return ContinueSentinel;
return exports3;
typeof module2 === "object" ? module2.exports : {}
try {
regeneratorRuntime = runtime;
} catch (accidentalStrictMode) {
if (typeof globalThis === "object") {
globalThis.regeneratorRuntime = runtime;
} else {
Function("r", "regeneratorRuntime = r")(runtime);
// node_modules/@rails/activestorage/app/assets/javascripts/activestorage.js
var require_activestorage = __commonJS({
"node_modules/@rails/activestorage/app/assets/javascripts/activestorage.js"(exports2, module2) {
(function(global2, factory) {
typeof exports2 === "object" && typeof module2 !== "undefined" ? factory(exports2) : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(["exports"], factory) : factory(global2.ActiveStorage = {});
})(exports2, function(exports3) {
"use strict";
function createCommonjsModule(fn3, module3) {
return module3 = {
exports: {}
}, fn3(module3, module3.exports), module3.exports;
var sparkMd5 = createCommonjsModule(function(module3, exports4) {
(function(factory) {
module3.exports = factory();
})(function(undefined2) {
var hex_chr = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"];
function md5cycle(x3, k3) {
var a4 = x3[0], b3 = x3[1], c3 = x3[2], d3 = x3[3];
a4 += (b3 & c3 | ~b3 & d3) + k3[0] - 680876936 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 7 | a4 >>> 25) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & b3 | ~a4 & c3) + k3[1] - 389564586 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 12 | d3 >>> 20) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & a4 | ~d3 & b3) + k3[2] + 606105819 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 17 | c3 >>> 15) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & d3 | ~c3 & a4) + k3[3] - 1044525330 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 22 | b3 >>> 10) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & c3 | ~b3 & d3) + k3[4] - 176418897 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 7 | a4 >>> 25) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & b3 | ~a4 & c3) + k3[5] + 1200080426 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 12 | d3 >>> 20) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & a4 | ~d3 & b3) + k3[6] - 1473231341 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 17 | c3 >>> 15) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & d3 | ~c3 & a4) + k3[7] - 45705983 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 22 | b3 >>> 10) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & c3 | ~b3 & d3) + k3[8] + 1770035416 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 7 | a4 >>> 25) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & b3 | ~a4 & c3) + k3[9] - 1958414417 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 12 | d3 >>> 20) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & a4 | ~d3 & b3) + k3[10] - 42063 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 17 | c3 >>> 15) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & d3 | ~c3 & a4) + k3[11] - 1990404162 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 22 | b3 >>> 10) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & c3 | ~b3 & d3) + k3[12] + 1804603682 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 7 | a4 >>> 25) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & b3 | ~a4 & c3) + k3[13] - 40341101 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 12 | d3 >>> 20) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & a4 | ~d3 & b3) + k3[14] - 1502002290 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 17 | c3 >>> 15) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & d3 | ~c3 & a4) + k3[15] + 1236535329 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 22 | b3 >>> 10) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & d3 | c3 & ~d3) + k3[1] - 165796510 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 5 | a4 >>> 27) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & c3 | b3 & ~c3) + k3[6] - 1069501632 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 9 | d3 >>> 23) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & b3 | a4 & ~b3) + k3[11] + 643717713 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 14 | c3 >>> 18) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & a4 | d3 & ~a4) + k3[0] - 373897302 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 20 | b3 >>> 12) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & d3 | c3 & ~d3) + k3[5] - 701558691 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 5 | a4 >>> 27) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & c3 | b3 & ~c3) + k3[10] + 38016083 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 9 | d3 >>> 23) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & b3 | a4 & ~b3) + k3[15] - 660478335 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 14 | c3 >>> 18) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & a4 | d3 & ~a4) + k3[4] - 405537848 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 20 | b3 >>> 12) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & d3 | c3 & ~d3) + k3[9] + 568446438 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 5 | a4 >>> 27) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & c3 | b3 & ~c3) + k3[14] - 1019803690 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 9 | d3 >>> 23) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & b3 | a4 & ~b3) + k3[3] - 187363961 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 14 | c3 >>> 18) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & a4 | d3 & ~a4) + k3[8] + 1163531501 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 20 | b3 >>> 12) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 & d3 | c3 & ~d3) + k3[13] - 1444681467 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 5 | a4 >>> 27) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 & c3 | b3 & ~c3) + k3[2] - 51403784 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 9 | d3 >>> 23) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 & b3 | a4 & ~b3) + k3[7] + 1735328473 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 14 | c3 >>> 18) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 & a4 | d3 & ~a4) + k3[12] - 1926607734 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 20 | b3 >>> 12) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 ^ c3 ^ d3) + k3[5] - 378558 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 4 | a4 >>> 28) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 ^ b3 ^ c3) + k3[8] - 2022574463 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 11 | d3 >>> 21) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 ^ a4 ^ b3) + k3[11] + 1839030562 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 16 | c3 >>> 16) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 ^ d3 ^ a4) + k3[14] - 35309556 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 23 | b3 >>> 9) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 ^ c3 ^ d3) + k3[1] - 1530992060 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 4 | a4 >>> 28) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 ^ b3 ^ c3) + k3[4] + 1272893353 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 11 | d3 >>> 21) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 ^ a4 ^ b3) + k3[7] - 155497632 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 16 | c3 >>> 16) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 ^ d3 ^ a4) + k3[10] - 1094730640 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 23 | b3 >>> 9) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 ^ c3 ^ d3) + k3[13] + 681279174 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 4 | a4 >>> 28) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 ^ b3 ^ c3) + k3[0] - 358537222 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 11 | d3 >>> 21) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 ^ a4 ^ b3) + k3[3] - 722521979 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 16 | c3 >>> 16) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 ^ d3 ^ a4) + k3[6] + 76029189 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 23 | b3 >>> 9) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (b3 ^ c3 ^ d3) + k3[9] - 640364487 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 4 | a4 >>> 28) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (a4 ^ b3 ^ c3) + k3[12] - 421815835 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 11 | d3 >>> 21) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (d3 ^ a4 ^ b3) + k3[15] + 530742520 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 16 | c3 >>> 16) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (c3 ^ d3 ^ a4) + k3[2] - 995338651 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 23 | b3 >>> 9) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (c3 ^ (b3 | ~d3)) + k3[0] - 198630844 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 6 | a4 >>> 26) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (b3 ^ (a4 | ~c3)) + k3[7] + 1126891415 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 10 | d3 >>> 22) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (a4 ^ (d3 | ~b3)) + k3[14] - 1416354905 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 15 | c3 >>> 17) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (d3 ^ (c3 | ~a4)) + k3[5] - 57434055 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 21 | b3 >>> 11) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (c3 ^ (b3 | ~d3)) + k3[12] + 1700485571 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 6 | a4 >>> 26) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (b3 ^ (a4 | ~c3)) + k3[3] - 1894986606 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 10 | d3 >>> 22) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (a4 ^ (d3 | ~b3)) + k3[10] - 1051523 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 15 | c3 >>> 17) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (d3 ^ (c3 | ~a4)) + k3[1] - 2054922799 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 21 | b3 >>> 11) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (c3 ^ (b3 | ~d3)) + k3[8] + 1873313359 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 6 | a4 >>> 26) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (b3 ^ (a4 | ~c3)) + k3[15] - 30611744 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 10 | d3 >>> 22) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (a4 ^ (d3 | ~b3)) + k3[6] - 1560198380 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 15 | c3 >>> 17) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (d3 ^ (c3 | ~a4)) + k3[13] + 1309151649 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 21 | b3 >>> 11) + c3 | 0;
a4 += (c3 ^ (b3 | ~d3)) + k3[4] - 145523070 | 0;
a4 = (a4 << 6 | a4 >>> 26) + b3 | 0;
d3 += (b3 ^ (a4 | ~c3)) + k3[11] - 1120210379 | 0;
d3 = (d3 << 10 | d3 >>> 22) + a4 | 0;
c3 += (a4 ^ (d3 | ~b3)) + k3[2] + 718787259 | 0;
c3 = (c3 << 15 | c3 >>> 17) + d3 | 0;
b3 += (d3 ^ (c3 | ~a4)) + k3[9] - 343485551 | 0;
b3 = (b3 << 21 | b3 >>> 11) + c3 | 0;
x3[0] = a4 + x3[0] | 0;
x3[1] = b3 + x3[1] | 0;
x3[2] = c3 + x3[2] | 0;
x3[3] = d3 + x3[3] | 0;
function md5blk(s5) {
var md5blks = [], i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4 += 4) {
md5blks[i4 >> 2] = s5.charCodeAt(i4) + (s5.charCodeAt(i4 + 1) << 8) + (s5.charCodeAt(i4 + 2) << 16) + (s5.charCodeAt(i4 + 3) << 24);
return md5blks;
function md5blk_array(a4) {
var md5blks = [], i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 64; i4 += 4) {
md5blks[i4 >> 2] = a4[i4] + (a4[i4 + 1] << 8) + (a4[i4 + 2] << 16) + (a4[i4 + 3] << 24);
return md5blks;
function md51(s5) {
var n6 = s5.length, state = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878], i4, length, tail, tmp, lo, hi2;
for (i4 = 64; i4 <= n6; i4 += 64) {
md5cycle(state, md5blk(s5.substring(i4 - 64, i4)));
s5 = s5.substring(i4 - 64);
length = s5.length;
tail = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4 >> 2] |= s5.charCodeAt(i4) << (i4 % 4 << 3);
tail[i4 >> 2] |= 128 << (i4 % 4 << 3);
if (i4 > 55) {
md5cycle(state, tail);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4] = 0;
tmp = n6 * 8;
tmp = tmp.toString(16).match(/(.*?)(.{0,8})$/);
lo = parseInt(tmp[2], 16);
hi2 = parseInt(tmp[1], 16) || 0;
tail[14] = lo;
tail[15] = hi2;
md5cycle(state, tail);
return state;
function md51_array(a4) {
var n6 = a4.length, state = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878], i4, length, tail, tmp, lo, hi2;
for (i4 = 64; i4 <= n6; i4 += 64) {
md5cycle(state, md5blk_array(a4.subarray(i4 - 64, i4)));
a4 = i4 - 64 < n6 ? a4.subarray(i4 - 64) : new Uint8Array(0);
length = a4.length;
tail = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4 >> 2] |= a4[i4] << (i4 % 4 << 3);
tail[i4 >> 2] |= 128 << (i4 % 4 << 3);
if (i4 > 55) {
md5cycle(state, tail);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4] = 0;
tmp = n6 * 8;
tmp = tmp.toString(16).match(/(.*?)(.{0,8})$/);
lo = parseInt(tmp[2], 16);
hi2 = parseInt(tmp[1], 16) || 0;
tail[14] = lo;
tail[15] = hi2;
md5cycle(state, tail);
return state;
function rhex(n6) {
var s5 = "", j3;
for (j3 = 0; j3 < 4; j3 += 1) {
s5 += hex_chr[n6 >> j3 * 8 + 4 & 15] + hex_chr[n6 >> j3 * 8 & 15];
return s5;
function hex2(x3) {
var i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < x3.length; i4 += 1) {
x3[i4] = rhex(x3[i4]);
return x3.join("");
if (hex2(md51("hello")) !== "5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592")
if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== "undefined" && !ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice) {
(function() {
function clamp(val, length) {
val = val | 0 || 0;
if (val < 0) {
return Math.max(val + length, 0);
return Math.min(val, length);
ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice = function(from, to) {
var length = this.byteLength, begin = clamp(from, length), end2 = length, num, target, targetArray, sourceArray;
if (to !== undefined2) {
end2 = clamp(to, length);
if (begin > end2) {
return new ArrayBuffer(0);
num = end2 - begin;
target = new ArrayBuffer(num);
targetArray = new Uint8Array(target);
sourceArray = new Uint8Array(this, begin, num);
return target;
function toUtf8(str) {
if (/[\u0080-\uFFFF]/.test(str)) {
str = unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
return str;
function utf8Str2ArrayBuffer(str, returnUInt8Array) {
var length = str.length, buff = new ArrayBuffer(length), arr = new Uint8Array(buff), i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) {
arr[i4] = str.charCodeAt(i4);
return returnUInt8Array ? arr : buff;
function arrayBuffer2Utf8Str(buff) {
return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buff));
function concatenateArrayBuffers(first2, second, returnUInt8Array) {
var result = new Uint8Array(first2.byteLength + second.byteLength);
result.set(new Uint8Array(first2));
result.set(new Uint8Array(second), first2.byteLength);
return returnUInt8Array ? result : result.buffer;
function hexToBinaryString(hex3) {
var bytes = [], length = hex3.length, x3;
for (x3 = 0; x3 < length - 1; x3 += 2) {
bytes.push(parseInt(hex3.substr(x3, 2), 16));
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes);
function SparkMD5() {
SparkMD5.prototype.append = function(str) {
return this;
SparkMD5.prototype.appendBinary = function(contents) {
this._buff += contents;
this._length += contents.length;
var length = this._buff.length, i4;
for (i4 = 64; i4 <= length; i4 += 64) {
md5cycle(this._hash, md5blk(this._buff.substring(i4 - 64, i4)));
this._buff = this._buff.substring(i4 - 64);
return this;
SparkMD5.prototype.end = function(raw) {
var buff = this._buff, length = buff.length, i4, tail = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ret;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4 >> 2] |= buff.charCodeAt(i4) << (i4 % 4 << 3);
this._finish(tail, length);
ret = hex2(this._hash);
if (raw) {
ret = hexToBinaryString(ret);
return ret;
SparkMD5.prototype.reset = function() {
this._buff = "";
this._length = 0;
this._hash = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878];
return this;
SparkMD5.prototype.getState = function() {
return {
buff: this._buff,
length: this._length,
hash: this._hash
SparkMD5.prototype.setState = function(state) {
this._buff = state.buff;
this._length = state.length;
this._hash = state.hash;
return this;
SparkMD5.prototype.destroy = function() {
delete this._hash;
delete this._buff;
delete this._length;
SparkMD5.prototype._finish = function(tail, length) {
var i4 = length, tmp, lo, hi2;
tail[i4 >> 2] |= 128 << (i4 % 4 << 3);
if (i4 > 55) {
md5cycle(this._hash, tail);
for (i4 = 0; i4 < 16; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4] = 0;
tmp = this._length * 8;
tmp = tmp.toString(16).match(/(.*?)(.{0,8})$/);
lo = parseInt(tmp[2], 16);
hi2 = parseInt(tmp[1], 16) || 0;
tail[14] = lo;
tail[15] = hi2;
md5cycle(this._hash, tail);
SparkMD5.hash = function(str, raw) {
return SparkMD5.hashBinary(toUtf8(str), raw);
SparkMD5.hashBinary = function(content, raw) {
var hash3 = md51(content), ret = hex2(hash3);
return raw ? hexToBinaryString(ret) : ret;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer = function() {
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.append = function(arr) {
var buff = concatenateArrayBuffers(this._buff.buffer, arr, true), length = buff.length, i4;
this._length += arr.byteLength;
for (i4 = 64; i4 <= length; i4 += 64) {
md5cycle(this._hash, md5blk_array(buff.subarray(i4 - 64, i4)));
this._buff = i4 - 64 < length ? new Uint8Array(buff.buffer.slice(i4 - 64)) : new Uint8Array(0);
return this;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.end = function(raw) {
var buff = this._buff, length = buff.length, tail = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], i4, ret;
for (i4 = 0; i4 < length; i4 += 1) {
tail[i4 >> 2] |= buff[i4] << (i4 % 4 << 3);
this._finish(tail, length);
ret = hex2(this._hash);
if (raw) {
ret = hexToBinaryString(ret);
return ret;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.reset = function() {
this._buff = new Uint8Array(0);
this._length = 0;
this._hash = [1732584193, -271733879, -1732584194, 271733878];
return this;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.getState = function() {
var state = SparkMD5.prototype.getState.call(this);
state.buff = arrayBuffer2Utf8Str(state.buff);
return state;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.setState = function(state) {
state.buff = utf8Str2ArrayBuffer(state.buff, true);
return SparkMD5.prototype.setState.call(this, state);
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype.destroy = SparkMD5.prototype.destroy;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.prototype._finish = SparkMD5.prototype._finish;
SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.hash = function(arr, raw) {
var hash3 = md51_array(new Uint8Array(arr)), ret = hex2(hash3);
return raw ? hexToBinaryString(ret) : ret;
return SparkMD5;
var classCallCheck = function(instance, Constructor) {
if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
var createClass = function() {
function defineProperties(target, props) {
for (var i4 = 0; i4 < props.length; i4++) {
var descriptor = props[i4];
descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
descriptor.configurable = true;
if ("value" in descriptor)
descriptor.writable = true;
Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
return function(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
if (protoProps)
defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
if (staticProps)
defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
return Constructor;
var fileSlice = File.prototype.slice || File.prototype.mozSlice || File.prototype.webkitSlice;
var FileChecksum = function() {
createClass(FileChecksum2, null, [{
key: "create",
value: function create(file, callback2) {
var instance = new FileChecksum2(file);
function FileChecksum2(file) {
classCallCheck(this, FileChecksum2);
this.file = file;
this.chunkSize = 2097152;
this.chunkCount = Math.ceil(this.file.size / this.chunkSize);
this.chunkIndex = 0;
createClass(FileChecksum2, [{
key: "create",
value: function create(callback2) {
var _this = this;
this.callback = callback2;
this.md5Buffer = new sparkMd5.ArrayBuffer();
this.fileReader = new FileReader();
this.fileReader.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
return _this.fileReaderDidLoad(event);
this.fileReader.addEventListener("error", function(event) {
return _this.fileReaderDidError(event);
}, {
key: "fileReaderDidLoad",
value: function fileReaderDidLoad(event) {
if (!this.readNextChunk()) {
var binaryDigest = this.md5Buffer.end(true);
var base64digest = btoa(binaryDigest);
this.callback(null, base64digest);
}, {
key: "fileReaderDidError",
value: function fileReaderDidError(event) {
this.callback("Error reading " + this.file.name);
}, {
key: "readNextChunk",
value: function readNextChunk() {
if (this.chunkIndex < this.chunkCount || this.chunkIndex == 0 && this.chunkCount == 0) {
var start4 = this.chunkIndex * this.chunkSize;
var end2 = Math.min(start4 + this.chunkSize, this.file.size);
var bytes = fileSlice.call(this.file, start4, end2);
return true;
} else {
return false;
return FileChecksum2;
function getMetaValue(name) {
var element = findElement(document.head, 'meta[name="' + name + '"]');
if (element) {
return element.getAttribute("content");
function findElements(root, selector) {
if (typeof root == "string") {
selector = root;
root = document;
var elements2 = root.querySelectorAll(selector);
return toArray$1(elements2);
function findElement(root, selector) {
if (typeof root == "string") {
selector = root;
root = document;
return root.querySelector(selector);
function dispatchEvent2(element, type) {
var eventInit = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {};
var disabled = element.disabled;
var bubbles = eventInit.bubbles, cancelable2 = eventInit.cancelable, detail = eventInit.detail;
var event = document.createEvent("Event");
event.initEvent(type, bubbles || true, cancelable2 || true);
event.detail = detail || {};
try {
element.disabled = false;
} finally {
element.disabled = disabled;
return event;
function toArray$1(value) {
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return value;
} else if (Array.from) {
return Array.from(value);
} else {
return [].slice.call(value);
var BlobRecord = function() {
function BlobRecord2(file, checksum, url) {
var _this = this;
classCallCheck(this, BlobRecord2);
this.file = file;
this.attributes = {
filename: file.name,
content_type: file.type || "application/octet-stream",
byte_size: file.size,
this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.xhr.open("POST", url, true);
this.xhr.responseType = "json";
this.xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
this.xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
this.xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");
var csrfToken = getMetaValue("csrf-token");
if (csrfToken != void 0) {
this.xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", csrfToken);
this.xhr.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
return _this.requestDidLoad(event);
this.xhr.addEventListener("error", function(event) {
return _this.requestDidError(event);
createClass(BlobRecord2, [{
key: "create",
value: function create(callback2) {
this.callback = callback2;
blob: this.attributes
}, {
key: "requestDidLoad",
value: function requestDidLoad(event) {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
var response = this.response;
var direct_upload = response.direct_upload;
delete response.direct_upload;
this.attributes = response;
this.directUploadData = direct_upload;
this.callback(null, this.toJSON());
} else {
}, {
key: "requestDidError",
value: function requestDidError(event) {
this.callback('Error creating Blob for "' + this.file.name + '". Status: ' + this.status);
}, {
key: "toJSON",
value: function toJSON() {
var result = {};
for (var key in this.attributes) {
result[key] = this.attributes[key];
return result;
}, {
key: "status",
get: function get$$1() {
return this.xhr.status;
}, {
key: "response",
get: function get$$1() {
var _xhr = this.xhr, responseType = _xhr.responseType, response = _xhr.response;
if (responseType == "json") {
return response;
} else {
return JSON.parse(response);
return BlobRecord2;
var BlobUpload = function() {
function BlobUpload2(blob) {
var _this = this;
classCallCheck(this, BlobUpload2);
this.blob = blob;
this.file = blob.file;
var _blob$directUploadDat = blob.directUploadData, url = _blob$directUploadDat.url, headers = _blob$directUploadDat.headers;
this.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
this.xhr.open("PUT", url, true);
this.xhr.responseType = "text";
for (var key in headers) {
this.xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
this.xhr.addEventListener("load", function(event) {
return _this.requestDidLoad(event);
this.xhr.addEventListener("error", function(event) {
return _this.requestDidError(event);
createClass(BlobUpload2, [{
key: "create",
value: function create(callback2) {
this.callback = callback2;
}, {
key: "requestDidLoad",
value: function requestDidLoad(event) {
var _xhr = this.xhr, status = _xhr.status, response = _xhr.response;
if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {
this.callback(null, response);
} else {
}, {
key: "requestDidError",
value: function requestDidError(event) {
this.callback('Error storing "' + this.file.name + '". Status: ' + this.xhr.status);
return BlobUpload2;
var id = 0;
var DirectUpload = function() {
function DirectUpload2(file, url, delegate) {
classCallCheck(this, DirectUpload2);
this.id = ++id;
this.file = file;
this.url = url;
this.delegate = delegate;
createClass(DirectUpload2, [{
key: "create",
value: function create(callback2) {
var _this = this;
FileChecksum.create(this.file, function(error2, checksum) {
if (error2) {
var blob = new BlobRecord(_this.file, checksum, _this.url);
notify(_this.delegate, "directUploadWillCreateBlobWithXHR", blob.xhr);
blob.create(function(error3) {
if (error3) {
} else {
var upload = new BlobUpload(blob);
notify(_this.delegate, "directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR", upload.xhr);
upload.create(function(error4) {
if (error4) {
} else {
callback2(null, blob.toJSON());
return DirectUpload2;
function notify(object, methodName) {
if (object && typeof object[methodName] == "function") {
for (var _len = arguments.length, messages = Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {
messages[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];
return object[methodName].apply(object, messages);
var DirectUploadController = function() {
function DirectUploadController2(input, file) {
classCallCheck(this, DirectUploadController2);
this.input = input;
this.file = file;
this.directUpload = new DirectUpload(this.file, this.url, this);
createClass(DirectUploadController2, [{
key: "start",
value: function start4(callback2) {
var _this = this;
var hiddenInput = document.createElement("input");
hiddenInput.type = "hidden";
hiddenInput.name = this.input.name;
this.input.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", hiddenInput);
this.directUpload.create(function(error2, attributes) {
if (error2) {
} else {
hiddenInput.value = attributes.signed_id;
}, {
key: "uploadRequestDidProgress",
value: function uploadRequestDidProgress(event) {
var progress = event.loaded / event.total * 100;
if (progress) {
this.dispatch("progress", {
}, {
key: "dispatch",
value: function dispatch3(name) {
var detail = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
detail.file = this.file;
detail.id = this.directUpload.id;
return dispatchEvent2(this.input, "direct-upload:" + name, {
}, {
key: "dispatchError",
value: function dispatchError(error2) {
var event = this.dispatch("error", {
error: error2
if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
}, {
key: "directUploadWillCreateBlobWithXHR",
value: function directUploadWillCreateBlobWithXHR(xhr) {
this.dispatch("before-blob-request", {
}, {
key: "directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR",
value: function directUploadWillStoreFileWithXHR(xhr) {
var _this2 = this;
this.dispatch("before-storage-request", {
xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(event) {
return _this2.uploadRequestDidProgress(event);
}, {
key: "url",
get: function get$$1() {
return this.input.getAttribute("data-direct-upload-url");
return DirectUploadController2;
var inputSelector = "input[type=file][data-direct-upload-url]:not([disabled])";
var DirectUploadsController = function() {
function DirectUploadsController2(form) {
classCallCheck(this, DirectUploadsController2);
this.form = form;
this.inputs = findElements(form, inputSelector).filter(function(input) {
return input.files.length;
createClass(DirectUploadsController2, [{
key: "start",
value: function start4(callback2) {
var _this = this;
var controllers2 = this.createDirectUploadControllers();
var startNextController = function startNextController2() {
var controller = controllers2.shift();
if (controller) {
controller.start(function(error2) {
if (error2) {
} else {
} else {
}, {
key: "createDirectUploadControllers",
value: function createDirectUploadControllers() {
var controllers2 = [];
this.inputs.forEach(function(input) {
toArray$1(input.files).forEach(function(file) {
var controller = new DirectUploadController(input, file);
return controllers2;
}, {
key: "dispatch",
value: function dispatch3(name) {
var detail = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {};
return dispatchEvent2(this.form, "direct-uploads:" + name, {
return DirectUploadsController2;
var processingAttribute = "data-direct-uploads-processing";
var submitButtonsByForm = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
var started = false;
function start3() {
if (!started) {
started = true;
document.addEventListener("click", didClick, true);
document.addEventListener("submit", didSubmitForm);
document.addEventListener("ajax:before", didSubmitRemoteElement);
function didClick(event) {
var target = event.target;
if ((target.tagName == "INPUT" || target.tagName == "BUTTON") && target.type == "submit" && target.form) {
submitButtonsByForm.set(target.form, target);
function didSubmitForm(event) {
function didSubmitRemoteElement(event) {
if (event.target.tagName == "FORM") {
function handleFormSubmissionEvent(event) {
var form = event.target;
if (form.hasAttribute(processingAttribute)) {
var controller = new DirectUploadsController(form);
var inputs = controller.inputs;
if (inputs.length) {
form.setAttribute(processingAttribute, "");
controller.start(function(error2) {
if (error2) {
} else {
function submitForm(form) {
var button = submitButtonsByForm.get(form) || findElement(form, "input[type=submit], button[type=submit]");
if (button) {
var _button = button, disabled = _button.disabled;
button.disabled = false;
button.disabled = disabled;
} else {
button = document.createElement("input");
button.type = "submit";
button.style.display = "none";
function disable(input) {
input.disabled = true;
function enable(input) {
input.disabled = false;
function autostart() {
if (window.ActiveStorage) {
setTimeout(autostart, 1);
exports3.start = start3;
exports3.DirectUpload = DirectUpload;
Object.defineProperty(exports3, "__esModule", {
value: true
// node_modules/mousetrap/mousetrap.js
var require_mousetrap = __commonJS({
"node_modules/mousetrap/mousetrap.js"(exports2, module2) {
(function(window2, document2, undefined2) {
if (!window2) {
var _MAP = {
8: "backspace",
9: "tab",
13: "enter",
16: "shift",
17: "ctrl",
18: "alt",
20: "capslock",
27: "esc",
32: "space",
33: "pageup",
34: "pagedown",
35: "end",
36: "home",
37: "left",
38: "up",
39: "right",
40: "down",
45: "ins",
46: "del",
91: "meta",
93: "meta",
224: "meta"
var _KEYCODE_MAP = {
106: "*",
107: "+",
109: "-",
110: ".",
111: "/",
186: ";",
187: "=",
188: ",",
189: "-",
190: ".",
191: "/",
192: "`",
219: "[",
220: "\\",
221: "]",
222: "'"
var _SHIFT_MAP = {
"~": "`",
"!": "1",
"@": "2",
"#": "3",
"$": "4",
"%": "5",
"^": "6",
"&": "7",
"*": "8",
"(": "9",
")": "0",
"_": "-",
"+": "=",
":": ";",
'"': "'",
"<": ",",
">": ".",
"?": "/",
"|": "\\"
"option": "alt",
"command": "meta",
"return": "enter",
"escape": "esc",
"plus": "+",
"mod": /Mac|iPod|iPhone|iPad/.test(navigator.platform) ? "meta" : "ctrl"
for (var i4 = 1; i4 < 20; ++i4) {
_MAP[111 + i4] = "f" + i4;
for (i4 = 0; i4 <= 9; ++i4) {
_MAP[i4 + 96] = i4.toString();
function _addEvent(object, type, callback2) {
if (object.addEventListener) {
object.addEventListener(type, callback2, false);
object.attachEvent("on" + type, callback2);
function _characterFromEvent(e4) {
if (e4.type == "keypress") {
var character = String.fromCharCode(e4.which);
if (!e4.shiftKey) {
character = character.toLowerCase();
return character;
if (_MAP[e4.which]) {
return _MAP[e4.which];
if (_KEYCODE_MAP[e4.which]) {
return _KEYCODE_MAP[e4.which];
return String.fromCharCode(e4.which).toLowerCase();
function _modifiersMatch(modifiers1, modifiers2) {
return modifiers1.sort().join(",") === modifiers2.sort().join(",");
function _eventModifiers(e4) {
var modifiers = [];
if (e4.shiftKey) {
if (e4.altKey) {
if (e4.ctrlKey) {
if (e4.metaKey) {
return modifiers;
function _preventDefault(e4) {
if (e4.preventDefault) {
e4.returnValue = false;
function _stopPropagation(e4) {
if (e4.stopPropagation) {
e4.cancelBubble = true;
function _isModifier(key) {
return key == "shift" || key == "ctrl" || key == "alt" || key == "meta";
function _getReverseMap() {
if (!_REVERSE_MAP) {
for (var key in _MAP) {
if (key > 95 && key < 112) {
if (_MAP.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_REVERSE_MAP[_MAP[key]] = key;
return _REVERSE_MAP;
function _pickBestAction(key, modifiers, action) {
if (!action) {
action = _getReverseMap()[key] ? "keydown" : "keypress";
if (action == "keypress" && modifiers.length) {
action = "keydown";
return action;
function _keysFromString(combination) {
if (combination === "+") {
return ["+"];
combination = combination.replace(/\+{2}/g, "+plus");
return combination.split("+");
function _getKeyInfo(combination, action) {
var keys;
var key;
var i5;
var modifiers = [];
keys = _keysFromString(combination);
for (i5 = 0; i5 < keys.length; ++i5) {
key = keys[i5];
if (_SPECIAL_ALIASES[key]) {
key = _SPECIAL_ALIASES[key];
if (action && action != "keypress" && _SHIFT_MAP[key]) {
key = _SHIFT_MAP[key];
if (_isModifier(key)) {
action = _pickBestAction(key, modifiers, action);
return {
function _belongsTo(element, ancestor) {
if (element === null || element === document2) {
return false;
if (element === ancestor) {
return true;
return _belongsTo(element.parentNode, ancestor);
function Mousetrap2(targetElement) {
var self2 = this;
targetElement = targetElement || document2;
if (!(self2 instanceof Mousetrap2)) {
return new Mousetrap2(targetElement);
self2.target = targetElement;
self2._callbacks = {};
self2._directMap = {};
var _sequenceLevels = {};
var _resetTimer;
var _ignoreNextKeyup = false;
var _ignoreNextKeypress = false;
var _nextExpectedAction = false;
function _resetSequences(doNotReset) {
doNotReset = doNotReset || {};
var activeSequences = false, key;
for (key in _sequenceLevels) {
if (doNotReset[key]) {
activeSequences = true;
_sequenceLevels[key] = 0;
if (!activeSequences) {
_nextExpectedAction = false;
function _getMatches(character, modifiers, e4, sequenceName, combination, level) {
var i5;
var callback2;
var matches = [];
var action = e4.type;
if (!self2._callbacks[character]) {
return [];
if (action == "keyup" && _isModifier(character)) {
modifiers = [character];
for (i5 = 0; i5 < self2._callbacks[character].length; ++i5) {
callback2 = self2._callbacks[character][i5];
if (!sequenceName && callback2.seq && _sequenceLevels[callback2.seq] != callback2.level) {
if (action != callback2.action) {
if (action == "keypress" && !e4.metaKey && !e4.ctrlKey || _modifiersMatch(modifiers, callback2.modifiers)) {
var deleteCombo = !sequenceName && callback2.combo == combination;
var deleteSequence = sequenceName && callback2.seq == sequenceName && callback2.level == level;
if (deleteCombo || deleteSequence) {
self2._callbacks[character].splice(i5, 1);
return matches;
function _fireCallback(callback2, e4, combo, sequence) {
if (self2.stopCallback(e4, e4.target || e4.srcElement, combo, sequence)) {
if (callback2(e4, combo) === false) {
self2._handleKey = function(character, modifiers, e4) {
var callbacks = _getMatches(character, modifiers, e4);
var i5;
var doNotReset = {};
var maxLevel = 0;
var processedSequenceCallback = false;
for (i5 = 0; i5 < callbacks.length; ++i5) {
if (callbacks[i5].seq) {
maxLevel = Math.max(maxLevel, callbacks[i5].level);
for (i5 = 0; i5 < callbacks.length; ++i5) {
if (callbacks[i5].seq) {
if (callbacks[i5].level != maxLevel) {
processedSequenceCallback = true;
doNotReset[callbacks[i5].seq] = 1;
_fireCallback(callbacks[i5].callback, e4, callbacks[i5].combo, callbacks[i5].seq);
if (!processedSequenceCallback) {
_fireCallback(callbacks[i5].callback, e4, callbacks[i5].combo);
var ignoreThisKeypress = e4.type == "keypress" && _ignoreNextKeypress;
if (e4.type == _nextExpectedAction && !_isModifier(character) && !ignoreThisKeypress) {
_ignoreNextKeypress = processedSequenceCallback && e4.type == "keydown";
function _handleKeyEvent(e4) {
if (typeof e4.which !== "number") {
e4.which = e4.keyCode;
var character = _characterFromEvent(e4);
if (!character) {
if (e4.type == "keyup" && _ignoreNextKeyup === character) {
_ignoreNextKeyup = false;
self2.handleKey(character, _eventModifiers(e4), e4);
function _resetSequenceTimer() {
_resetTimer = setTimeout(_resetSequences, 1e3);
function _bindSequence(combo, keys, callback2, action) {
_sequenceLevels[combo] = 0;
function _increaseSequence(nextAction) {
return function() {
_nextExpectedAction = nextAction;
function _callbackAndReset(e4) {
_fireCallback(callback2, e4, combo);
if (action !== "keyup") {
_ignoreNextKeyup = _characterFromEvent(e4);
setTimeout(_resetSequences, 10);
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < keys.length; ++i5) {
var isFinal = i5 + 1 === keys.length;
var wrappedCallback = isFinal ? _callbackAndReset : _increaseSequence(action || _getKeyInfo(keys[i5 + 1]).action);
_bindSingle(keys[i5], wrappedCallback, action, combo, i5);
function _bindSingle(combination, callback2, action, sequenceName, level) {
self2._directMap[combination + ":" + action] = callback2;
combination = combination.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
var sequence = combination.split(" ");
var info;
if (sequence.length > 1) {
_bindSequence(combination, sequence, callback2, action);
info = _getKeyInfo(combination, action);
self2._callbacks[info.key] = self2._callbacks[info.key] || [];
_getMatches(info.key, info.modifiers, { type: info.action }, sequenceName, combination, level);
self2._callbacks[info.key][sequenceName ? "unshift" : "push"]({
callback: callback2,
modifiers: info.modifiers,
action: info.action,
seq: sequenceName,
combo: combination
self2._bindMultiple = function(combinations, callback2, action) {
for (var i5 = 0; i5 < combinations.length; ++i5) {
_bindSingle(combinations[i5], callback2, action);
_addEvent(targetElement, "keypress", _handleKeyEvent);
_addEvent(targetElement, "keydown", _handleKeyEvent);
_addEvent(targetElement, "keyup", _handleKeyEvent);
Mousetrap2.prototype.bind = function(keys, callback2, action) {
var self2 = this;
keys = keys instanceof Array ? keys : [keys];
self2._bindMultiple.call(self2, keys, callback2, action);
return self2;
Mousetrap2.prototype.unbind = function(keys, action) {
var self2 = this;
return self2.bind.call(self2, keys, function() {
}, action);
Mousetrap2.prototype.trigger = function(keys, action) {
var self2 = this;
if (self2._directMap[keys + ":" + action]) {
self2._directMap[keys + ":" + action]({}, keys);
return self2;
Mousetrap2.prototype.reset = function() {
var self2 = this;
self2._callbacks = {};
self2._directMap = {};
return self2;
Mousetrap2.prototype.stopCallback = function(e4, element) {
var self2 = this;
if ((" " + element.className + " ").indexOf(" mousetrap ") > -1) {
return false;
if (_belongsTo(element, self2.target)) {
return false;
if ("composedPath" in e4 && typeof e4.composedPath === "function") {
var initialEventTarget = e4.composedPath()[0];
if (initialEventTarget !== e4.target) {
element = initialEventTarget;
return element.tagName == "INPUT" || element.tagName == "SELECT" || element.tagName == "TEXTAREA" || element.isContentEditable;
Mousetrap2.prototype.handleKey = function() {
var self2 = this;
return self2._handleKey.apply(self2, arguments);
Mousetrap2.addKeycodes = function(object) {
for (var key in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
_MAP[key] = object[key];
_REVERSE_MAP = null;
Mousetrap2.init = function() {
var documentMousetrap = Mousetrap2(document2);
for (var method in documentMousetrap) {
if (method.charAt(0) !== "_") {
Mousetrap2[method] = function(method2) {
return function() {
return documentMousetrap[method2].apply(documentMousetrap, arguments);
window2.Mousetrap = Mousetrap2;
if (typeof module2 !== "undefined" && module2.exports) {
module2.exports = Mousetrap2;
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define(function() {
return Mousetrap2;
})(typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : null, typeof window !== "undefined" ? document : null);
// node_modules/@hotwired/turbo/dist/turbo.es2017-esm.js
var turbo_es2017_esm_exports = {};
__export(turbo_es2017_esm_exports, {
FrameElement: () => FrameElement,
FrameLoadingStyle: () => FrameLoadingStyle,
FrameRenderer: () => FrameRenderer,
PageRenderer: () => PageRenderer,
PageSnapshot: () => PageSnapshot,
StreamActions: () => StreamActions,
StreamElement: () => StreamElement,
StreamSourceElement: () => StreamSourceElement,
cache: () => cache,
clearCache: () => clearCache,
connectStreamSource: () => connectStreamSource,
disconnectStreamSource: () => disconnectStreamSource,
navigator: () => navigator$1,
registerAdapter: () => registerAdapter,
renderStreamMessage: () => renderStreamMessage,
session: () => session,
setConfirmMethod: () => setConfirmMethod,
setFormMode: () => setFormMode,
setProgressBarDelay: () => setProgressBarDelay,
start: () => start,
visit: () => visit
function findSubmitterFromClickTarget(target) {
const element = target instanceof Element ? target : target instanceof Node ? target.parentElement : null;
const candidate = element ? element.closest("input, button") : null;
return (candidate === null || candidate === void 0 ? void 0 : candidate.type) == "submit" ? candidate : null;
function clickCaptured(event) {
const submitter = findSubmitterFromClickTarget(event.target);
if (submitter && submitter.form) {
submittersByForm.set(submitter.form, submitter);
function frameLoadingStyleFromString(style) {
switch (style.toLowerCase()) {
case "lazy":
return FrameLoadingStyle.lazy;
return FrameLoadingStyle.eager;
function expandURL(locatable) {
return new URL(locatable.toString(), document.baseURI);
function getAnchor(url) {
let anchorMatch;
if (url.hash) {
return url.hash.slice(1);
} else if (anchorMatch = url.href.match(/#(.*)$/)) {
return anchorMatch[1];
function getAction(form, submitter) {
const action = (submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("formaction")) || form.getAttribute("action") || form.action;
return expandURL(action);
function getExtension(url) {
return (getLastPathComponent(url).match(/\.[^.]*$/) || [])[0] || "";
function isHTML(url) {
return !!getExtension(url).match(/^(?:|\.(?:htm|html|xhtml|php))$/);
function isPrefixedBy(baseURL, url) {
const prefix = getPrefix(url);
return baseURL.href === expandURL(prefix).href || baseURL.href.startsWith(prefix);
function locationIsVisitable(location2, rootLocation) {
return isPrefixedBy(location2, rootLocation) && isHTML(location2);
function getRequestURL(url) {
const anchor = getAnchor(url);
return anchor != null ? url.href.slice(0, -(anchor.length + 1)) : url.href;
function toCacheKey(url) {
return getRequestURL(url);
function urlsAreEqual(left2, right2) {
return expandURL(left2).href == expandURL(right2).href;
function getPathComponents(url) {
return url.pathname.split("/").slice(1);
function getLastPathComponent(url) {
return getPathComponents(url).slice(-1)[0];
function getPrefix(url) {
return addTrailingSlash(url.origin + url.pathname);
function addTrailingSlash(value) {
return value.endsWith("/") ? value : value + "/";
function activateScriptElement(element) {
if (element.getAttribute("data-turbo-eval") == "false") {
return element;
} else {
const createdScriptElement = document.createElement("script");
const cspNonce = getMetaContent("csp-nonce");
if (cspNonce) {
createdScriptElement.nonce = cspNonce;
createdScriptElement.textContent = element.textContent;
createdScriptElement.async = false;
copyElementAttributes(createdScriptElement, element);
return createdScriptElement;
function copyElementAttributes(destinationElement, sourceElement) {
for (const { name, value } of sourceElement.attributes) {
destinationElement.setAttribute(name, value);
function createDocumentFragment(html) {
const template = document.createElement("template");
template.innerHTML = html;
return template.content;
function dispatch(eventName, { target, cancelable: cancelable2, detail } = {}) {
const event = new CustomEvent(eventName, {
cancelable: cancelable2,
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
if (target && target.isConnected) {
} else {
return event;
function nextAnimationFrame() {
return new Promise((resolve3) => requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve3()));
function nextEventLoopTick() {
return new Promise((resolve3) => setTimeout(() => resolve3(), 0));
function nextMicrotask() {
return Promise.resolve();
function parseHTMLDocument(html = "") {
return new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
function unindent(strings, ...values) {
const lines = interpolate2(strings, values).replace(/^\n/, "").split("\n");
const match3 = lines[0].match(/^\s+/);
const indent = match3 ? match3[0].length : 0;
return lines.map((line) => line.slice(indent)).join("\n");
function interpolate2(strings, values) {
return strings.reduce((result, string, i4) => {
const value = values[i4] == void 0 ? "" : values[i4];
return result + string + value;
}, "");
function uuid() {
return Array.from({ length: 36 }).map((_2, i4) => {
if (i4 == 8 || i4 == 13 || i4 == 18 || i4 == 23) {
return "-";
} else if (i4 == 14) {
return "4";
} else if (i4 == 19) {
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 8).toString(16);
} else {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 15).toString(16);
function getAttribute(attributeName, ...elements2) {
for (const value of elements2.map((element) => element === null || element === void 0 ? void 0 : element.getAttribute(attributeName))) {
if (typeof value == "string")
return value;
return null;
function hasAttribute(attributeName, ...elements2) {
return elements2.some((element) => element && element.hasAttribute(attributeName));
function markAsBusy(...elements2) {
for (const element of elements2) {
if (element.localName == "turbo-frame") {
element.setAttribute("busy", "");
element.setAttribute("aria-busy", "true");
function clearBusyState(...elements2) {
for (const element of elements2) {
if (element.localName == "turbo-frame") {
function waitForLoad(element, timeoutInMilliseconds = 2e3) {
return new Promise((resolve3) => {
const onComplete = () => {
element.removeEventListener("error", onComplete);
element.removeEventListener("load", onComplete);
element.addEventListener("load", onComplete, { once: true });
element.addEventListener("error", onComplete, { once: true });
setTimeout(resolve3, timeoutInMilliseconds);
function getHistoryMethodForAction(action) {
switch (action) {
case "replace":
return history.replaceState;
case "advance":
case "restore":
return history.pushState;
function isAction(action) {
return action == "advance" || action == "replace" || action == "restore";
function getVisitAction(...elements2) {
const action = getAttribute("data-turbo-action", ...elements2);
return isAction(action) ? action : null;
function getMetaElement(name) {
return document.querySelector(`meta[name="${name}"]`);
function getMetaContent(name) {
const element = getMetaElement(name);
return element && element.content;
function setMetaContent(name, content) {
let element = getMetaElement(name);
if (!element) {
element = document.createElement("meta");
element.setAttribute("name", name);
element.setAttribute("content", content);
return element;
function findClosestRecursively(element, selector) {
var _a;
if (element instanceof Element) {
return element.closest(selector) || findClosestRecursively(element.assignedSlot || ((_a = element.getRootNode()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.host), selector);
function fetchMethodFromString(method) {
switch (method.toLowerCase()) {
case "get":
return FetchMethod.get;
case "post":
return FetchMethod.post;
case "put":
return FetchMethod.put;
case "patch":
return FetchMethod.patch;
case "delete":
return FetchMethod.delete;
function importStreamElements(fragment) {
for (const element of fragment.querySelectorAll("turbo-stream")) {
const streamElement = document.importNode(element, true);
for (const inertScriptElement of streamElement.templateElement.content.querySelectorAll("script")) {
return fragment;
function formEnctypeFromString(encoding) {
switch (encoding.toLowerCase()) {
case FormEnctype.multipart:
return FormEnctype.multipart;
case FormEnctype.plain:
return FormEnctype.plain;
return FormEnctype.urlEncoded;
function buildFormData(formElement, submitter) {
const formData = new FormData(formElement);
const name = submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("name");
const value = submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("value");
if (name) {
formData.append(name, value || "");
return formData;
function getCookieValue(cookieName) {
if (cookieName != null) {
const cookies = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [];
const cookie = cookies.find((cookie2) => cookie2.startsWith(cookieName));
if (cookie) {
const value = cookie.split("=").slice(1).join("=");
return value ? decodeURIComponent(value) : void 0;
function responseSucceededWithoutRedirect(response) {
return response.statusCode == 200 && !response.redirected;
function mergeFormDataEntries(url, entries) {
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
for (const [name, value] of entries) {
if (value instanceof File)
searchParams.append(name, value);
url.search = searchParams.toString();
return url;
function getPermanentElementById(node, id) {
return node.querySelector(`#${id}[data-turbo-permanent]`);
function queryPermanentElementsAll(node) {
return node.querySelectorAll("[id][data-turbo-permanent]");
function submissionDoesNotDismissDialog(form, submitter) {
const method = (submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("formmethod")) || form.getAttribute("method");
return method != "dialog";
function submissionDoesNotTargetIFrame(form, submitter) {
if ((submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.hasAttribute("formtarget")) || form.hasAttribute("target")) {
const target = (submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("formtarget")) || form.target;
for (const element of document.getElementsByName(target)) {
if (element instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
function doesNotTargetIFrame(anchor) {
if (anchor.hasAttribute("target")) {
for (const element of document.getElementsByName(anchor.target)) {
if (element instanceof HTMLIFrameElement)
return false;
return true;
} else {
return true;
function createPlaceholderForPermanentElement(permanentElement) {
const element = document.createElement("meta");
element.setAttribute("name", "turbo-permanent-placeholder");
element.setAttribute("content", permanentElement.id);
return element;
function elementIsFocusable(element) {
return element && typeof element.focus == "function";
function readScrollLogicalPosition(value, defaultValue) {
if (value == "end" || value == "start" || value == "center" || value == "nearest") {
return value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
function readScrollBehavior(value, defaultValue) {
if (value == "auto" || value == "smooth") {
return value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
function elementType(element) {
if (elementIsScript(element)) {
return "script";
} else if (elementIsStylesheet(element)) {
return "stylesheet";
function elementIsTracked(element) {
return element.getAttribute("data-turbo-track") == "reload";
function elementIsScript(element) {
const tagName = element.localName;
return tagName == "script";
function elementIsNoscript(element) {
const tagName = element.localName;
return tagName == "noscript";
function elementIsStylesheet(element) {
const tagName = element.localName;
return tagName == "style" || tagName == "link" && element.getAttribute("rel") == "stylesheet";
function elementIsMetaElementWithName(element, name) {
const tagName = element.localName;
return tagName == "meta" && element.getAttribute("name") == name;
function elementWithoutNonce(element) {
if (element.hasAttribute("nonce")) {
element.setAttribute("nonce", "");
return element;
function isSuccessful(statusCode) {
return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300;
function getPermanentElementMapForFragment(fragment) {
const permanentElementsInDocument = queryPermanentElementsAll(document.documentElement);
const permanentElementMap = {};
for (const permanentElementInDocument of permanentElementsInDocument) {
const { id } = permanentElementInDocument;
for (const streamElement of fragment.querySelectorAll("turbo-stream")) {
const elementInStream = getPermanentElementById(streamElement.templateElement.content, id);
if (elementInStream) {
permanentElementMap[id] = [permanentElementInDocument, elementInStream];
return permanentElementMap;
function fetchResponseFromEvent(event) {
var _a;
const fetchResponse = (_a = event.detail) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fetchResponse;
if (fetchResponse instanceof FetchResponse) {
return fetchResponse;
function fetchResponseIsStream(response) {
var _a;
const contentType = (_a = response.contentType) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "";
return contentType.startsWith(StreamMessage.contentType);
function extendURLWithDeprecatedProperties(url) {
Object.defineProperties(url, deprecatedLocationPropertyDescriptors);
function start() {
function registerAdapter(adapter) {
function visit(location2, options) {
session.visit(location2, options);
function connectStreamSource(source) {
function disconnectStreamSource(source) {
function renderStreamMessage(message) {
function clearCache() {
console.warn("Please replace `Turbo.clearCache()` with `Turbo.cache.clear()`. The top-level function is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Turbo.`");
function setProgressBarDelay(delay) {
function setConfirmMethod(confirmMethod) {
FormSubmission.confirmMethod = confirmMethod;
function setFormMode(mode) {
function getFrameElementById(id) {
if (id != null) {
const element = document.getElementById(id);
if (element instanceof FrameElement) {
return element;
function activateElement(element, currentURL) {
if (element) {
const src = element.getAttribute("src");
if (src != null && currentURL != null && urlsAreEqual(src, currentURL)) {
throw new Error(`Matching element has a source URL which references itself`);
if (element.ownerDocument !== document) {
element = document.importNode(element, true);
if (element instanceof FrameElement) {
return element;
var submittersByForm, FrameLoadingStyle, FrameElement, FetchResponse, FetchMethod, FetchRequest, AppearanceObserver, StreamMessage, FormSubmissionState, FormEnctype, FormSubmission, Snapshot, FormSubmitObserver, View, FrameView, LinkInterceptor, LinkClickObserver, FormLinkClickObserver, Bardo, Renderer, FrameRenderer, ProgressBar, HeadSnapshot, PageSnapshot, TimingMetric, VisitState, defaultOptions, SystemStatusCode, Visit, BrowserAdapter, CacheObserver, FrameRedirector, History, Navigator, PageStage, PageObserver, ScrollObserver, StreamMessageRenderer, StreamObserver, ErrorRenderer, PageRenderer, SnapshotCache, PageView, Preloader, Session, deprecatedLocationPropertyDescriptors, Cache, StreamActions, session, cache, navigator$1, Turbo, TurboFrameMissingError, FrameController, StreamElement, StreamSourceElement;
var init_turbo_es2017_esm = __esm({
"node_modules/@hotwired/turbo/dist/turbo.es2017-esm.js"() {
(function() {
if (window.Reflect === void 0 || window.customElements === void 0 || window.customElements.polyfillWrapFlushCallback) {
const BuiltInHTMLElement = HTMLElement;
const wrapperForTheName = {
HTMLElement: function HTMLElement2() {
return Reflect.construct(BuiltInHTMLElement, [], this.constructor);
window.HTMLElement = wrapperForTheName["HTMLElement"];
HTMLElement.prototype = BuiltInHTMLElement.prototype;
HTMLElement.prototype.constructor = HTMLElement;
Object.setPrototypeOf(HTMLElement, BuiltInHTMLElement);
(function(prototype) {
if (typeof prototype.requestSubmit == "function")
prototype.requestSubmit = function(submitter) {
if (submitter) {
validateSubmitter(submitter, this);
} else {
submitter = document.createElement("input");
submitter.type = "submit";
submitter.hidden = true;
function validateSubmitter(submitter, form) {
submitter instanceof HTMLElement || raise(TypeError, "parameter 1 is not of type 'HTMLElement'");
submitter.type == "submit" || raise(TypeError, "The specified element is not a submit button");
submitter.form == form || raise(DOMException, "The specified element is not owned by this form element", "NotFoundError");
function raise(errorConstructor, message, name) {
throw new errorConstructor("Failed to execute 'requestSubmit' on 'HTMLFormElement': " + message + ".", name);
submittersByForm = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap();
(function() {
if ("submitter" in Event.prototype)
let prototype = window.Event.prototype;
if ("SubmitEvent" in window && /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor)) {
prototype = window.SubmitEvent.prototype;
} else if ("SubmitEvent" in window) {
addEventListener("click", clickCaptured, true);
Object.defineProperty(prototype, "submitter", {
get() {
if (this.type == "submit" && this.target instanceof HTMLFormElement) {
return submittersByForm.get(this.target);
(function(FrameLoadingStyle2) {
FrameLoadingStyle2["eager"] = "eager";
FrameLoadingStyle2["lazy"] = "lazy";
})(FrameLoadingStyle || (FrameLoadingStyle = {}));
FrameElement = class extends HTMLElement {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ["disabled", "complete", "loading", "src"];
constructor() {
this.loaded = Promise.resolve();
this.delegate = new FrameElement.delegateConstructor(this);
connectedCallback() {
disconnectedCallback() {
reload() {
return this.delegate.sourceURLReloaded();
attributeChangedCallback(name) {
if (name == "loading") {
} else if (name == "complete") {
} else if (name == "src") {
} else {
get src() {
return this.getAttribute("src");
set src(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute("src", value);
} else {
get loading() {
return frameLoadingStyleFromString(this.getAttribute("loading") || "");
set loading(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute("loading", value);
} else {
get disabled() {
return this.hasAttribute("disabled");
set disabled(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute("disabled", "");
} else {
get autoscroll() {
return this.hasAttribute("autoscroll");
set autoscroll(value) {
if (value) {
this.setAttribute("autoscroll", "");
} else {
get complete() {
return !this.delegate.isLoading;
get isActive() {
return this.ownerDocument === document && !this.isPreview;
get isPreview() {
var _a, _b;
return (_b = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.documentElement) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.hasAttribute("data-turbo-preview");
FetchResponse = class {
constructor(response) {
this.response = response;
get succeeded() {
return this.response.ok;
get failed() {
return !this.succeeded;
get clientError() {
return this.statusCode >= 400 && this.statusCode <= 499;
get serverError() {
return this.statusCode >= 500 && this.statusCode <= 599;
get redirected() {
return this.response.redirected;
get location() {
return expandURL(this.response.url);
get isHTML() {
return this.contentType && this.contentType.match(/^(?:text\/([^\s;,]+\b)?html|application\/xhtml\+xml)\b/);
get statusCode() {
return this.response.status;
get contentType() {
return this.header("Content-Type");
get responseText() {
return this.response.clone().text();
get responseHTML() {
if (this.isHTML) {
return this.response.clone().text();
} else {
return Promise.resolve(void 0);
header(name) {
return this.response.headers.get(name);
(function(FetchMethod2) {
FetchMethod2[FetchMethod2["get"] = 0] = "get";
FetchMethod2[FetchMethod2["post"] = 1] = "post";
FetchMethod2[FetchMethod2["put"] = 2] = "put";
FetchMethod2[FetchMethod2["patch"] = 3] = "patch";
FetchMethod2[FetchMethod2["delete"] = 4] = "delete";
})(FetchMethod || (FetchMethod = {}));
FetchRequest = class {
constructor(delegate, method, location2, body = new URLSearchParams(), target = null) {
this.abortController = new AbortController();
this.resolveRequestPromise = (_value) => {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.method = method;
this.headers = this.defaultHeaders;
this.body = body;
this.url = location2;
this.target = target;
get location() {
return this.url;
get params() {
return this.url.searchParams;
get entries() {
return this.body ? Array.from(this.body.entries()) : [];
cancel() {
async perform() {
const { fetchOptions } = this;
await this.allowRequestToBeIntercepted(fetchOptions);
try {
const response = await fetch(this.url.href, fetchOptions);
return await this.receive(response);
} catch (error2) {
if (error2.name !== "AbortError") {
if (this.willDelegateErrorHandling(error2)) {
this.delegate.requestErrored(this, error2);
throw error2;
} finally {
async receive(response) {
const fetchResponse = new FetchResponse(response);
const event = dispatch("turbo:before-fetch-response", {
cancelable: true,
detail: { fetchResponse },
target: this.target
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
this.delegate.requestPreventedHandlingResponse(this, fetchResponse);
} else if (fetchResponse.succeeded) {
this.delegate.requestSucceededWithResponse(this, fetchResponse);
} else {
this.delegate.requestFailedWithResponse(this, fetchResponse);
return fetchResponse;
get fetchOptions() {
var _a;
return {
method: FetchMethod[this.method].toUpperCase(),
credentials: "same-origin",
headers: this.headers,
redirect: "follow",
body: this.isSafe ? null : this.body,
signal: this.abortSignal,
referrer: (_a = this.delegate.referrer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.href
get defaultHeaders() {
return {
Accept: "text/html, application/xhtml+xml"
get isSafe() {
return this.method === FetchMethod.get;
get abortSignal() {
return this.abortController.signal;
acceptResponseType(mimeType) {
this.headers["Accept"] = [mimeType, this.headers["Accept"]].join(", ");
async allowRequestToBeIntercepted(fetchOptions) {
const requestInterception = new Promise((resolve3) => this.resolveRequestPromise = resolve3);
const event = dispatch("turbo:before-fetch-request", {
cancelable: true,
detail: {
url: this.url,
resume: this.resolveRequestPromise
target: this.target
if (event.defaultPrevented)
await requestInterception;
willDelegateErrorHandling(error2) {
const event = dispatch("turbo:fetch-request-error", {
target: this.target,
cancelable: true,
detail: { request: this, error: error2 }
return !event.defaultPrevented;
AppearanceObserver = class {
constructor(delegate, element) {
this.started = false;
this.intersect = (entries) => {
const lastEntry = entries.slice(-1)[0];
if (lastEntry === null || lastEntry === void 0 ? void 0 : lastEntry.isIntersecting) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.element = element;
this.intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(this.intersect);
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.started = true;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.started = false;
StreamMessage = class {
static wrap(message) {
if (typeof message == "string") {
return new this(createDocumentFragment(message));
} else {
return message;
constructor(fragment) {
this.fragment = importStreamElements(fragment);
StreamMessage.contentType = "text/vnd.turbo-stream.html";
(function(FormSubmissionState2) {
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["initialized"] = 0] = "initialized";
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["requesting"] = 1] = "requesting";
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["waiting"] = 2] = "waiting";
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["receiving"] = 3] = "receiving";
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["stopping"] = 4] = "stopping";
FormSubmissionState2[FormSubmissionState2["stopped"] = 5] = "stopped";
})(FormSubmissionState || (FormSubmissionState = {}));
(function(FormEnctype2) {
FormEnctype2["urlEncoded"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
FormEnctype2["multipart"] = "multipart/form-data";
FormEnctype2["plain"] = "text/plain";
})(FormEnctype || (FormEnctype = {}));
FormSubmission = class {
static confirmMethod(message, _element, _submitter) {
return Promise.resolve(confirm(message));
constructor(delegate, formElement, submitter, mustRedirect = false) {
this.state = FormSubmissionState.initialized;
this.delegate = delegate;
this.formElement = formElement;
this.submitter = submitter;
this.formData = buildFormData(formElement, submitter);
this.location = expandURL(this.action);
if (this.method == FetchMethod.get) {
mergeFormDataEntries(this.location, [...this.body.entries()]);
this.fetchRequest = new FetchRequest(this, this.method, this.location, this.body, this.formElement);
this.mustRedirect = mustRedirect;
get method() {
var _a;
const method = ((_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("formmethod")) || this.formElement.getAttribute("method") || "";
return fetchMethodFromString(method.toLowerCase()) || FetchMethod.get;
get action() {
var _a;
const formElementAction = typeof this.formElement.action === "string" ? this.formElement.action : null;
if ((_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hasAttribute("formaction")) {
return this.submitter.getAttribute("formaction") || "";
} else {
return this.formElement.getAttribute("action") || formElementAction || "";
get body() {
if (this.enctype == FormEnctype.urlEncoded || this.method == FetchMethod.get) {
return new URLSearchParams(this.stringFormData);
} else {
return this.formData;
get enctype() {
var _a;
return formEnctypeFromString(((_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("formenctype")) || this.formElement.enctype);
get isSafe() {
return this.fetchRequest.isSafe;
get stringFormData() {
return [...this.formData].reduce((entries, [name, value]) => {
return entries.concat(typeof value == "string" ? [[name, value]] : []);
}, []);
async start() {
const { initialized, requesting } = FormSubmissionState;
const confirmationMessage = getAttribute("data-turbo-confirm", this.submitter, this.formElement);
if (typeof confirmationMessage === "string") {
const answer = await FormSubmission.confirmMethod(confirmationMessage, this.formElement, this.submitter);
if (!answer) {
if (this.state == initialized) {
this.state = requesting;
return this.fetchRequest.perform();
stop() {
const { stopping, stopped } = FormSubmissionState;
if (this.state != stopping && this.state != stopped) {
this.state = stopping;
return true;
prepareRequest(request) {
if (!request.isSafe) {
const token = getCookieValue(getMetaContent("csrf-param")) || getMetaContent("csrf-token");
if (token) {
request.headers["X-CSRF-Token"] = token;
if (this.requestAcceptsTurboStreamResponse(request)) {
requestStarted(_request) {
var _a;
this.state = FormSubmissionState.waiting;
(_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setAttribute("disabled", "");
dispatch("turbo:submit-start", {
target: this.formElement,
detail: { formSubmission: this }
requestPreventedHandlingResponse(request, response) {
this.result = { success: response.succeeded, fetchResponse: response };
requestSucceededWithResponse(request, response) {
if (response.clientError || response.serverError) {
this.delegate.formSubmissionFailedWithResponse(this, response);
} else if (this.requestMustRedirect(request) && responseSucceededWithoutRedirect(response)) {
const error2 = new Error("Form responses must redirect to another location");
this.delegate.formSubmissionErrored(this, error2);
} else {
this.state = FormSubmissionState.receiving;
this.result = { success: true, fetchResponse: response };
this.delegate.formSubmissionSucceededWithResponse(this, response);
requestFailedWithResponse(request, response) {
this.result = { success: false, fetchResponse: response };
this.delegate.formSubmissionFailedWithResponse(this, response);
requestErrored(request, error2) {
this.result = { success: false, error: error2 };
this.delegate.formSubmissionErrored(this, error2);
requestFinished(_request) {
var _a;
this.state = FormSubmissionState.stopped;
(_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.removeAttribute("disabled");
dispatch("turbo:submit-end", {
target: this.formElement,
detail: Object.assign({ formSubmission: this }, this.result)
setSubmitsWith() {
if (!this.submitter || !this.submitsWith)
if (this.submitter.matches("button")) {
this.originalSubmitText = this.submitter.innerHTML;
this.submitter.innerHTML = this.submitsWith;
} else if (this.submitter.matches("input")) {
const input = this.submitter;
this.originalSubmitText = input.value;
input.value = this.submitsWith;
resetSubmitterText() {
if (!this.submitter || !this.originalSubmitText)
if (this.submitter.matches("button")) {
this.submitter.innerHTML = this.originalSubmitText;
} else if (this.submitter.matches("input")) {
const input = this.submitter;
input.value = this.originalSubmitText;
requestMustRedirect(request) {
return !request.isSafe && this.mustRedirect;
requestAcceptsTurboStreamResponse(request) {
return !request.isSafe || hasAttribute("data-turbo-stream", this.submitter, this.formElement);
get submitsWith() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.submitter) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getAttribute("data-turbo-submits-with");
Snapshot = class {
constructor(element) {
this.element = element;
get activeElement() {
return this.element.ownerDocument.activeElement;
get children() {
return [...this.element.children];
hasAnchor(anchor) {
return this.getElementForAnchor(anchor) != null;
getElementForAnchor(anchor) {
return anchor ? this.element.querySelector(`[id='${anchor}'], a[name='${anchor}']`) : null;
get isConnected() {
return this.element.isConnected;
get firstAutofocusableElement() {
const inertDisabledOrHidden = "[inert], :disabled, [hidden], details:not([open]), dialog:not([open])";
for (const element of this.element.querySelectorAll("[autofocus]")) {
if (element.closest(inertDisabledOrHidden) == null)
return element;
return null;
get permanentElements() {
return queryPermanentElementsAll(this.element);
getPermanentElementById(id) {
return getPermanentElementById(this.element, id);
getPermanentElementMapForSnapshot(snapshot) {
const permanentElementMap = {};
for (const currentPermanentElement of this.permanentElements) {
const { id } = currentPermanentElement;
const newPermanentElement = snapshot.getPermanentElementById(id);
if (newPermanentElement) {
permanentElementMap[id] = [currentPermanentElement, newPermanentElement];
return permanentElementMap;
FormSubmitObserver = class {
constructor(delegate, eventTarget) {
this.started = false;
this.submitCaptured = () => {
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener("submit", this.submitBubbled, false);
this.eventTarget.addEventListener("submit", this.submitBubbled, false);
this.submitBubbled = (event) => {
if (!event.defaultPrevented) {
const form = event.target instanceof HTMLFormElement ? event.target : void 0;
const submitter = event.submitter || void 0;
if (form && submissionDoesNotDismissDialog(form, submitter) && submissionDoesNotTargetIFrame(form, submitter) && this.delegate.willSubmitForm(form, submitter)) {
this.delegate.formSubmitted(form, submitter);
this.delegate = delegate;
this.eventTarget = eventTarget;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.eventTarget.addEventListener("submit", this.submitCaptured, true);
this.started = true;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener("submit", this.submitCaptured, true);
this.started = false;
View = class {
constructor(delegate, element) {
this.resolveRenderPromise = (_value) => {
this.resolveInterceptionPromise = (_value) => {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.element = element;
scrollToAnchor(anchor) {
const element = this.snapshot.getElementForAnchor(anchor);
if (element) {
} else {
this.scrollToPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 });
scrollToAnchorFromLocation(location2) {
scrollToElement(element) {
focusElement(element) {
if (element instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (element.hasAttribute("tabindex")) {
} else {
element.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1");
scrollToPosition({ x: x3, y: y3 }) {
this.scrollRoot.scrollTo(x3, y3);
scrollToTop() {
this.scrollToPosition({ x: 0, y: 0 });
get scrollRoot() {
return window;
async render(renderer) {
const { isPreview, shouldRender, newSnapshot: snapshot } = renderer;
if (shouldRender) {
try {
this.renderPromise = new Promise((resolve3) => this.resolveRenderPromise = resolve3);
this.renderer = renderer;
await this.prepareToRenderSnapshot(renderer);
const renderInterception = new Promise((resolve3) => this.resolveInterceptionPromise = resolve3);
const options = { resume: this.resolveInterceptionPromise, render: this.renderer.renderElement };
const immediateRender = this.delegate.allowsImmediateRender(snapshot, options);
if (!immediateRender)
await renderInterception;
await this.renderSnapshot(renderer);
this.delegate.viewRenderedSnapshot(snapshot, isPreview);
} finally {
delete this.renderer;
this.resolveRenderPromise(void 0);
delete this.renderPromise;
} else {
invalidate(reason) {
async prepareToRenderSnapshot(renderer) {
await renderer.prepareToRender();
markAsPreview(isPreview) {
if (isPreview) {
this.element.setAttribute("data-turbo-preview", "");
} else {
async renderSnapshot(renderer) {
await renderer.render();
finishRenderingSnapshot(renderer) {
FrameView = class extends View {
missing() {
this.element.innerHTML = `Content missing`;
get snapshot() {
return new Snapshot(this.element);
LinkInterceptor = class {
constructor(delegate, element) {
this.clickBubbled = (event) => {
if (this.respondsToEventTarget(event.target)) {
this.clickEvent = event;
} else {
delete this.clickEvent;
this.linkClicked = (event) => {
if (this.clickEvent && this.respondsToEventTarget(event.target) && event.target instanceof Element) {
if (this.delegate.shouldInterceptLinkClick(event.target, event.detail.url, event.detail.originalEvent)) {
this.delegate.linkClickIntercepted(event.target, event.detail.url, event.detail.originalEvent);
delete this.clickEvent;
this.willVisit = (_event) => {
delete this.clickEvent;
this.delegate = delegate;
this.element = element;
start() {
this.element.addEventListener("click", this.clickBubbled);
document.addEventListener("turbo:click", this.linkClicked);
document.addEventListener("turbo:before-visit", this.willVisit);
stop() {
this.element.removeEventListener("click", this.clickBubbled);
document.removeEventListener("turbo:click", this.linkClicked);
document.removeEventListener("turbo:before-visit", this.willVisit);
respondsToEventTarget(target) {
const element = target instanceof Element ? target : target instanceof Node ? target.parentElement : null;
return element && element.closest("turbo-frame, html") == this.element;
LinkClickObserver = class {
constructor(delegate, eventTarget) {
this.started = false;
this.clickCaptured = () => {
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener("click", this.clickBubbled, false);
this.eventTarget.addEventListener("click", this.clickBubbled, false);
this.clickBubbled = (event) => {
if (event instanceof MouseEvent && this.clickEventIsSignificant(event)) {
const target = event.composedPath && event.composedPath()[0] || event.target;
const link = this.findLinkFromClickTarget(target);
if (link && doesNotTargetIFrame(link)) {
const location2 = this.getLocationForLink(link);
if (this.delegate.willFollowLinkToLocation(link, location2, event)) {
this.delegate.followedLinkToLocation(link, location2);
this.delegate = delegate;
this.eventTarget = eventTarget;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.eventTarget.addEventListener("click", this.clickCaptured, true);
this.started = true;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.eventTarget.removeEventListener("click", this.clickCaptured, true);
this.started = false;
clickEventIsSignificant(event) {
return !(event.target && event.target.isContentEditable || event.defaultPrevented || event.which > 1 || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey);
findLinkFromClickTarget(target) {
return findClosestRecursively(target, "a[href]:not([target^=_]):not([download])");
getLocationForLink(link) {
return expandURL(link.getAttribute("href") || "");
FormLinkClickObserver = class {
constructor(delegate, element) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.linkInterceptor = new LinkClickObserver(this, element);
start() {
stop() {
willFollowLinkToLocation(link, location2, originalEvent) {
return this.delegate.willSubmitFormLinkToLocation(link, location2, originalEvent) && link.hasAttribute("data-turbo-method");
followedLinkToLocation(link, location2) {
const form = document.createElement("form");
const type = "hidden";
for (const [name, value] of location2.searchParams) {
form.append(Object.assign(document.createElement("input"), { type, name, value }));
const action = Object.assign(location2, { search: "" });
form.setAttribute("data-turbo", "true");
form.setAttribute("action", action.href);
form.setAttribute("hidden", "");
const method = link.getAttribute("data-turbo-method");
if (method)
form.setAttribute("method", method);
const turboFrame = link.getAttribute("data-turbo-frame");
if (turboFrame)
form.setAttribute("data-turbo-frame", turboFrame);
const turboAction = getVisitAction(link);
if (turboAction)
form.setAttribute("data-turbo-action", turboAction);
const turboConfirm = link.getAttribute("data-turbo-confirm");
if (turboConfirm)
form.setAttribute("data-turbo-confirm", turboConfirm);
const turboStream = link.hasAttribute("data-turbo-stream");
if (turboStream)
form.setAttribute("data-turbo-stream", "");
this.delegate.submittedFormLinkToLocation(link, location2, form);
form.addEventListener("turbo:submit-end", () => form.remove(), { once: true });
requestAnimationFrame(() => form.requestSubmit());
Bardo = class {
static async preservingPermanentElements(delegate, permanentElementMap, callback2) {
const bardo = new this(delegate, permanentElementMap);
await callback2();
constructor(delegate, permanentElementMap) {
this.delegate = delegate;
this.permanentElementMap = permanentElementMap;
enter() {
for (const id in this.permanentElementMap) {
const [currentPermanentElement, newPermanentElement] = this.permanentElementMap[id];
this.delegate.enteringBardo(currentPermanentElement, newPermanentElement);
leave() {
for (const id in this.permanentElementMap) {
const [currentPermanentElement] = this.permanentElementMap[id];
replaceNewPermanentElementWithPlaceholder(permanentElement) {
const placeholder = createPlaceholderForPermanentElement(permanentElement);
replaceCurrentPermanentElementWithClone(permanentElement) {
const clone4 = permanentElement.cloneNode(true);
replacePlaceholderWithPermanentElement(permanentElement) {
const placeholder = this.getPlaceholderById(permanentElement.id);
placeholder === null || placeholder === void 0 ? void 0 : placeholder.replaceWith(permanentElement);
getPlaceholderById(id) {
return this.placeholders.find((element) => element.content == id);
get placeholders() {
return [...document.querySelectorAll("meta[name=turbo-permanent-placeholder][content]")];
Renderer = class {
constructor(currentSnapshot, newSnapshot, renderElement, isPreview, willRender = true) {
this.activeElement = null;
this.currentSnapshot = currentSnapshot;
this.newSnapshot = newSnapshot;
this.isPreview = isPreview;
this.willRender = willRender;
this.renderElement = renderElement;
this.promise = new Promise((resolve3, reject) => this.resolvingFunctions = { resolve: resolve3, reject });
get shouldRender() {
return true;
get reloadReason() {
prepareToRender() {
finishRendering() {
if (this.resolvingFunctions) {
delete this.resolvingFunctions;
async preservingPermanentElements(callback2) {
await Bardo.preservingPermanentElements(this, this.permanentElementMap, callback2);
focusFirstAutofocusableElement() {
const element = this.connectedSnapshot.firstAutofocusableElement;
if (elementIsFocusable(element)) {
enteringBardo(currentPermanentElement) {
if (this.activeElement)
if (currentPermanentElement.contains(this.currentSnapshot.activeElement)) {
this.activeElement = this.currentSnapshot.activeElement;
leavingBardo(currentPermanentElement) {
if (currentPermanentElement.contains(this.activeElement) && this.activeElement instanceof HTMLElement) {
this.activeElement = null;
get connectedSnapshot() {
return this.newSnapshot.isConnected ? this.newSnapshot : this.currentSnapshot;
get currentElement() {
return this.currentSnapshot.element;
get newElement() {
return this.newSnapshot.element;
get permanentElementMap() {
return this.currentSnapshot.getPermanentElementMapForSnapshot(this.newSnapshot);
FrameRenderer = class extends Renderer {
static renderElement(currentElement, newElement) {
var _a;
const destinationRange = document.createRange();
const frameElement = newElement;
const sourceRange = (_a = frameElement.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.createRange();
if (sourceRange) {
constructor(delegate, currentSnapshot, newSnapshot, renderElement, isPreview, willRender = true) {
super(currentSnapshot, newSnapshot, renderElement, isPreview, willRender);
this.delegate = delegate;
get shouldRender() {
return true;
async render() {
await nextAnimationFrame();
this.preservingPermanentElements(() => {
await nextAnimationFrame();
await nextAnimationFrame();
loadFrameElement() {
this.delegate.willRenderFrame(this.currentElement, this.newElement);
this.renderElement(this.currentElement, this.newElement);
scrollFrameIntoView() {
if (this.currentElement.autoscroll || this.newElement.autoscroll) {
const element = this.currentElement.firstElementChild;
const block = readScrollLogicalPosition(this.currentElement.getAttribute("data-autoscroll-block"), "end");
const behavior = readScrollBehavior(this.currentElement.getAttribute("data-autoscroll-behavior"), "auto");
if (element) {
element.scrollIntoView({ block, behavior });
return true;
return false;
activateScriptElements() {
for (const inertScriptElement of this.newScriptElements) {
const activatedScriptElement = activateScriptElement(inertScriptElement);
get newScriptElements() {
return this.currentElement.querySelectorAll("script");
ProgressBar = class {
static get defaultCSS() {
return unindent`
.turbo-progress-bar {
position: fixed;
display: block;
top: 0;
left: 0;
height: 3px;
background: #0076ff;
z-index: 2147483647;
width ${ProgressBar.animationDuration}ms ease-out,
opacity ${ProgressBar.animationDuration / 2}ms ${ProgressBar.animationDuration / 2}ms ease-in;
transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
constructor() {
this.hiding = false;
this.value = 0;
this.visible = false;
this.trickle = () => {
this.setValue(this.value + Math.random() / 100);
this.stylesheetElement = this.createStylesheetElement();
this.progressElement = this.createProgressElement();
show() {
if (!this.visible) {
this.visible = true;
hide() {
if (this.visible && !this.hiding) {
this.hiding = true;
this.fadeProgressElement(() => {
this.visible = false;
this.hiding = false;
setValue(value) {
this.value = value;
installStylesheetElement() {
document.head.insertBefore(this.stylesheetElement, document.head.firstChild);
installProgressElement() {
this.progressElement.style.width = "0";
this.progressElement.style.opacity = "1";
document.documentElement.insertBefore(this.progressElement, document.body);
fadeProgressElement(callback2) {
this.progressElement.style.opacity = "0";
setTimeout(callback2, ProgressBar.animationDuration * 1.5);
uninstallProgressElement() {
if (this.progressElement.parentNode) {
startTrickling() {
if (!this.trickleInterval) {
this.trickleInterval = window.setInterval(this.trickle, ProgressBar.animationDuration);
stopTrickling() {
delete this.trickleInterval;
refresh() {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
this.progressElement.style.width = `${10 + this.value * 90}%`;
createStylesheetElement() {
const element = document.createElement("style");
element.type = "text/css";
element.textContent = ProgressBar.defaultCSS;
if (this.cspNonce) {
element.nonce = this.cspNonce;
return element;
createProgressElement() {
const element = document.createElement("div");
element.className = "turbo-progress-bar";
return element;
get cspNonce() {
return getMetaContent("csp-nonce");
ProgressBar.animationDuration = 300;
HeadSnapshot = class extends Snapshot {
constructor() {
this.detailsByOuterHTML = this.children.filter((element) => !elementIsNoscript(element)).map((element) => elementWithoutNonce(element)).reduce((result, element) => {
const { outerHTML } = element;
const details = outerHTML in result ? result[outerHTML] : {
type: elementType(element),
tracked: elementIsTracked(element),
elements: []
return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, result), { [outerHTML]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, details), { elements: [...details.elements, element] }) });
}, {});
get trackedElementSignature() {
return Object.keys(this.detailsByOuterHTML).filter((outerHTML) => this.detailsByOuterHTML[outerHTML].tracked).join("");
getScriptElementsNotInSnapshot(snapshot) {
return this.getElementsMatchingTypeNotInSnapshot("script", snapshot);
getStylesheetElementsNotInSnapshot(snapshot) {
return this.getElementsMatchingTypeNotInSnapshot("stylesheet", snapshot);
getElementsMatchingTypeNotInSnapshot(matchedType, snapshot) {
return Object.keys(this.detailsByOuterHTML).filter((outerHTML) => !(outerHTML in snapshot.detailsByOuterHTML)).map((outerHTML) => this.detailsByOuterHTML[outerHTML]).filter(({ type }) => type == matchedType).map(({ elements: [element] }) => element);
get provisionalElements() {
return Object.keys(this.detailsByOuterHTML).reduce((result, outerHTML) => {
const { type, tracked, elements: elements2 } = this.detailsByOuterHTML[outerHTML];
if (type == null && !tracked) {
return [...result, ...elements2];
} else if (elements2.length > 1) {
return [...result, ...elements2.slice(1)];
} else {
return result;
}, []);
getMetaValue(name) {
const element = this.findMetaElementByName(name);
return element ? element.getAttribute("content") : null;
findMetaElementByName(name) {
return Object.keys(this.detailsByOuterHTML).reduce((result, outerHTML) => {
const { elements: [element] } = this.detailsByOuterHTML[outerHTML];
return elementIsMetaElementWithName(element, name) ? element : result;
}, void 0);
PageSnapshot = class extends Snapshot {
static fromHTMLString(html = "") {
return this.fromDocument(parseHTMLDocument(html));
static fromElement(element) {
return this.fromDocument(element.ownerDocument);
static fromDocument({ head, body }) {
return new this(body, new HeadSnapshot(head));
constructor(element, headSnapshot) {
this.headSnapshot = headSnapshot;
clone() {
const clonedElement = this.element.cloneNode(true);
const selectElements = this.element.querySelectorAll("select");
const clonedSelectElements = clonedElement.querySelectorAll("select");
for (const [index2, source] of selectElements.entries()) {
const clone4 = clonedSelectElements[index2];
for (const option of clone4.selectedOptions)
option.selected = false;
for (const option of source.selectedOptions)
clone4.options[option.index].selected = true;
for (const clonedPasswordInput of clonedElement.querySelectorAll('input[type="password"]')) {
clonedPasswordInput.value = "";
return new PageSnapshot(clonedElement, this.headSnapshot);
get headElement() {
return this.headSnapshot.element;
get rootLocation() {
var _a;
const root = (_a = this.getSetting("root")) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "/";
return expandURL(root);
get cacheControlValue() {
return this.getSetting("cache-control");
get isPreviewable() {
return this.cacheControlValue != "no-preview";
get isCacheable() {
return this.cacheControlValue != "no-cache";
get isVisitable() {
return this.getSetting("visit-control") != "reload";
getSetting(name) {
return this.headSnapshot.getMetaValue(`turbo-${name}`);
(function(TimingMetric2) {
TimingMetric2["visitStart"] = "visitStart";
TimingMetric2["requestStart"] = "requestStart";
TimingMetric2["requestEnd"] = "requestEnd";
TimingMetric2["visitEnd"] = "visitEnd";
})(TimingMetric || (TimingMetric = {}));
(function(VisitState2) {
VisitState2["initialized"] = "initialized";
VisitState2["started"] = "started";
VisitState2["canceled"] = "canceled";
VisitState2["failed"] = "failed";
VisitState2["completed"] = "completed";
})(VisitState || (VisitState = {}));
defaultOptions = {
action: "advance",
historyChanged: false,
visitCachedSnapshot: () => {
willRender: true,
updateHistory: true,
shouldCacheSnapshot: true,
acceptsStreamResponse: false
(function(SystemStatusCode2) {
SystemStatusCode2[SystemStatusCode2["networkFailure"] = 0] = "networkFailure";
SystemStatusCode2[SystemStatusCode2["timeoutFailure"] = -1] = "timeoutFailure";
SystemStatusCode2[SystemStatusCode2["contentTypeMismatch"] = -2] = "contentTypeMismatch";
})(SystemStatusCode || (SystemStatusCode = {}));
Visit = class {
constructor(delegate, location2, restorationIdentifier, options = {}) {
this.identifier = uuid();
this.timingMetrics = {};
this.followedRedirect = false;
this.historyChanged = false;
this.scrolled = false;
this.shouldCacheSnapshot = true;
this.acceptsStreamResponse = false;
this.snapshotCached = false;
this.state = VisitState.initialized;
this.delegate = delegate;
this.location = location2;
this.restorationIdentifier = restorationIdentifier || uuid();
const { action, historyChanged, referrer, snapshot, snapshotHTML, response, visitCachedSnapshot, willRender, updateHistory, shouldCacheSnapshot, acceptsStreamResponse } = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions), options);
this.action = action;
this.historyChanged = historyChanged;
this.referrer = referrer;
this.snapshot = snapshot;
this.snapshotHTML = snapshotHTML;
this.response = response;
this.isSamePage = this.delegate.locationWithActionIsSamePage(this.location, this.action);
this.visitCachedSnapshot = visitCachedSnapshot;
this.willRender = willRender;
this.updateHistory = updateHistory;
this.scrolled = !willRender;
this.shouldCacheSnapshot = shouldCacheSnapshot;
this.acceptsStreamResponse = acceptsStreamResponse;
get adapter() {
return this.delegate.adapter;
get view() {
return this.delegate.view;
get history() {
return this.delegate.history;
get restorationData() {
return this.history.getRestorationDataForIdentifier(this.restorationIdentifier);
get silent() {
return this.isSamePage;
start() {
if (this.state == VisitState.initialized) {
this.state = VisitState.started;
cancel() {
if (this.state == VisitState.started) {
if (this.request) {
this.state = VisitState.canceled;
complete() {
if (this.state == VisitState.started) {
this.state = VisitState.completed;
if (!this.followedRedirect) {
fail() {
if (this.state == VisitState.started) {
this.state = VisitState.failed;
changeHistory() {
var _a;
if (!this.historyChanged && this.updateHistory) {
const actionForHistory = this.location.href === ((_a = this.referrer) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.href) ? "replace" : this.action;
const method = getHistoryMethodForAction(actionForHistory);
this.history.update(method, this.location, this.restorationIdentifier);
this.historyChanged = true;
issueRequest() {
if (this.hasPreloadedResponse()) {
} else if (this.shouldIssueRequest() && !this.request) {
this.request = new FetchRequest(this, FetchMethod.get, this.location);
simulateRequest() {
if (this.response) {
startRequest() {
recordResponse(response = this.response) {
this.response = response;
if (response) {
const { statusCode } = response;
if (isSuccessful(statusCode)) {
} else {
this.adapter.visitRequestFailedWithStatusCode(this, statusCode);
finishRequest() {
loadResponse() {
if (this.response) {
const { statusCode, responseHTML } = this.response;
this.render(async () => {
if (this.shouldCacheSnapshot)
if (this.view.renderPromise)
await this.view.renderPromise;
if (isSuccessful(statusCode) && responseHTML != null) {
await this.view.renderPage(PageSnapshot.fromHTMLString(responseHTML), false, this.willRender, this);
} else {
await this.view.renderError(PageSnapshot.fromHTMLString(responseHTML), this);
getCachedSnapshot() {
const snapshot = this.view.getCachedSnapshotForLocation(this.location) || this.getPreloadedSnapshot();
if (snapshot && (!getAnchor(this.location) || snapshot.hasAnchor(getAnchor(this.location)))) {
if (this.action == "restore" || snapshot.isPreviewable) {
return snapshot;
getPreloadedSnapshot() {
if (this.snapshotHTML) {
return PageSnapshot.fromHTMLString(this.snapshotHTML);
hasCachedSnapshot() {
return this.getCachedSnapshot() != null;
loadCachedSnapshot() {
const snapshot = this.getCachedSnapshot();
if (snapshot) {
const isPreview = this.shouldIssueRequest();
this.render(async () => {
if (this.isSamePage) {
} else {
if (this.view.renderPromise)
await this.view.renderPromise;
await this.view.renderPage(snapshot, isPreview, this.willRender, this);
if (!isPreview) {
followRedirect() {
var _a;
if (this.redirectedToLocation && !this.followedRedirect && ((_a = this.response) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.redirected)) {
this.adapter.visitProposedToLocation(this.redirectedToLocation, {
action: "replace",
response: this.response,
shouldCacheSnapshot: false,
willRender: false
this.followedRedirect = true;
goToSamePageAnchor() {
if (this.isSamePage) {
this.render(async () => {
prepareRequest(request) {
if (this.acceptsStreamResponse) {
requestStarted() {
requestPreventedHandlingResponse(_request, _response) {
async requestSucceededWithResponse(request, response) {
const responseHTML = await response.responseHTML;
const { redirected, statusCode } = response;
if (responseHTML == void 0) {
statusCode: SystemStatusCode.contentTypeMismatch,
} else {
this.redirectedToLocation = response.redirected ? response.location : void 0;
this.recordResponse({ statusCode, responseHTML, redirected });
async requestFailedWithResponse(request, response) {
const responseHTML = await response.responseHTML;
const { redirected, statusCode } = response;
if (responseHTML == void 0) {
statusCode: SystemStatusCode.contentTypeMismatch,
} else {
this.recordResponse({ statusCode, responseHTML, redirected });
requestErrored(_request, _error) {
statusCode: SystemStatusCode.networkFailure,
redirected: false
requestFinished() {
performScroll() {
if (!this.scrolled && !this.view.forceReloaded) {
if (this.action == "restore") {
this.scrollToRestoredPosition() || this.scrollToAnchor() || this.view.scrollToTop();
} else {
this.scrollToAnchor() || this.view.scrollToTop();
if (this.isSamePage) {
this.delegate.visitScrolledToSamePageLocation(this.view.lastRenderedLocation, this.location);
this.scrolled = true;
scrollToRestoredPosition() {
const { scrollPosition } = this.restorationData;
if (scrollPosition) {
return true;
scrollToAnchor() {
const anchor = getAnchor(this.location);
if (anchor != null) {
return true;
recordTimingMetric(metric) {
this.timingMetrics[metric] = new Date().getTime();
getTimingMetrics() {
return Object.assign({}, this.timingMetrics);
getHistoryMethodForAction(action) {
switch (action) {
case "replace":
return history.replaceState;
case "advance":
case "restore":
return history.pushState;
hasPreloadedResponse() {
return typeof this.response == "object";
shouldIssueRequest() {
if (this.isSamePage) {
return false;
} else if (this.action == "restore") {
return !this.hasCachedSnapshot();
} else {
return this.willRender;
cacheSnapshot() {
if (!this.snapshotCached) {
this.view.cacheSnapshot(this.snapshot).then((snapshot) => snapshot && this.visitCachedSnapshot(snapshot));
this.snapshotCached = true;
async render(callback2) {
await new Promise((resolve3) => {
this.frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => resolve3());
await callback2();
delete this.frame;
cancelRender() {
if (this.frame) {
delete this.frame;
BrowserAdapter = class {
constructor(session2) {
this.progressBar = new ProgressBar();
this.showProgressBar = () => {
this.session = session2;
visitProposedToLocation(location2, options) {
this.navigator.startVisit(location2, (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.restorationIdentifier) || uuid(), options);
visitStarted(visit2) {
this.location = visit2.location;
visitRequestStarted(visit2) {
if (visit2.hasCachedSnapshot() || visit2.action != "restore") {
} else {
visitRequestCompleted(visit2) {
visitRequestFailedWithStatusCode(visit2, statusCode) {
switch (statusCode) {
case SystemStatusCode.networkFailure:
case SystemStatusCode.timeoutFailure:
case SystemStatusCode.contentTypeMismatch:
return this.reload({
reason: "request_failed",
context: {
return visit2.loadResponse();
visitRequestFinished(_visit) {
visitCompleted(_visit) {
pageInvalidated(reason) {
visitFailed(_visit) {
visitRendered(_visit) {
formSubmissionStarted(_formSubmission) {
formSubmissionFinished(_formSubmission) {
showVisitProgressBarAfterDelay() {
this.visitProgressBarTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.showProgressBar, this.session.progressBarDelay);
hideVisitProgressBar() {
if (this.visitProgressBarTimeout != null) {
delete this.visitProgressBarTimeout;
showFormProgressBarAfterDelay() {
if (this.formProgressBarTimeout == null) {
this.formProgressBarTimeout = window.setTimeout(this.showProgressBar, this.session.progressBarDelay);
hideFormProgressBar() {
if (this.formProgressBarTimeout != null) {
delete this.formProgressBarTimeout;
reload(reason) {
var _a;
dispatch("turbo:reload", { detail: reason });
window.location.href = ((_a = this.location) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toString()) || window.location.href;
get navigator() {
return this.session.navigator;
CacheObserver = class {
constructor() {
this.selector = "[data-turbo-temporary]";
this.deprecatedSelector = "[data-turbo-cache=false]";
this.started = false;
this.removeTemporaryElements = (_event) => {
for (const element of this.temporaryElements) {
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.started = true;
addEventListener("turbo:before-cache", this.removeTemporaryElements, false);
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.started = false;
removeEventListener("turbo:before-cache", this.removeTemporaryElements, false);
get temporaryElements() {
return [...document.querySelectorAll(this.selector), ...this.temporaryElementsWithDeprecation];
get temporaryElementsWithDeprecation() {
const elements2 = document.querySelectorAll(this.deprecatedSelector);
if (elements2.length) {
console.warn(`The ${this.deprecatedSelector} selector is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ${this.selector} instead.`);
return [...elements2];
FrameRedirector = class {
constructor(session2, element) {
this.session = session2;
this.element = element;
this.linkInterceptor = new LinkInterceptor(this, element);
this.formSubmitObserver = new FormSubmitObserver(this, element);
start() {
stop() {
shouldInterceptLinkClick(element, _location, _event) {
return this.shouldRedirect(element);
linkClickIntercepted(element, url, event) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(element);
if (frame) {
frame.delegate.linkClickIntercepted(element, url, event);
willSubmitForm(element, submitter) {
return element.closest("turbo-frame") == null && this.shouldSubmit(element, submitter) && this.shouldRedirect(element, submitter);
formSubmitted(element, submitter) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(element, submitter);
if (frame) {
frame.delegate.formSubmitted(element, submitter);
shouldSubmit(form, submitter) {
var _a;
const action = getAction(form, submitter);
const meta = this.element.ownerDocument.querySelector(`meta[name="turbo-root"]`);
const rootLocation = expandURL((_a = meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.content) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "/");
return this.shouldRedirect(form, submitter) && locationIsVisitable(action, rootLocation);
shouldRedirect(element, submitter) {
const isNavigatable = element instanceof HTMLFormElement ? this.session.submissionIsNavigatable(element, submitter) : this.session.elementIsNavigatable(element);
if (isNavigatable) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(element, submitter);
return frame ? frame != element.closest("turbo-frame") : false;
} else {
return false;
findFrameElement(element, submitter) {
const id = (submitter === null || submitter === void 0 ? void 0 : submitter.getAttribute("data-turbo-frame")) || element.getAttribute("data-turbo-frame");
if (id && id != "_top") {
const frame = this.element.querySelector(`#${id}:not([disabled])`);
if (frame instanceof FrameElement) {
return frame;
History = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.restorationIdentifier = uuid();
this.restorationData = {};
this.started = false;
this.pageLoaded = false;
this.onPopState = (event) => {
if (this.shouldHandlePopState()) {
const { turbo } = event.state || {};
if (turbo) {
this.location = new URL(window.location.href);
const { restorationIdentifier } = turbo;
this.restorationIdentifier = restorationIdentifier;
this.delegate.historyPoppedToLocationWithRestorationIdentifier(this.location, restorationIdentifier);
this.onPageLoad = async (_event) => {
await nextMicrotask();
this.pageLoaded = true;
this.delegate = delegate;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
addEventListener("popstate", this.onPopState, false);
addEventListener("load", this.onPageLoad, false);
this.started = true;
this.replace(new URL(window.location.href));
stop() {
if (this.started) {
removeEventListener("popstate", this.onPopState, false);
removeEventListener("load", this.onPageLoad, false);
this.started = false;
push(location2, restorationIdentifier) {
this.update(history.pushState, location2, restorationIdentifier);
replace(location2, restorationIdentifier) {
this.update(history.replaceState, location2, restorationIdentifier);
update(method, location2, restorationIdentifier = uuid()) {
const state = { turbo: { restorationIdentifier } };
method.call(history, state, "", location2.href);
this.location = location2;
this.restorationIdentifier = restorationIdentifier;
getRestorationDataForIdentifier(restorationIdentifier) {
return this.restorationData[restorationIdentifier] || {};
updateRestorationData(additionalData) {
const { restorationIdentifier } = this;
const restorationData = this.restorationData[restorationIdentifier];
this.restorationData[restorationIdentifier] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, restorationData), additionalData);
assumeControlOfScrollRestoration() {
var _a;
if (!this.previousScrollRestoration) {
this.previousScrollRestoration = (_a = history.scrollRestoration) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "auto";
history.scrollRestoration = "manual";
relinquishControlOfScrollRestoration() {
if (this.previousScrollRestoration) {
history.scrollRestoration = this.previousScrollRestoration;
delete this.previousScrollRestoration;
shouldHandlePopState() {
return this.pageIsLoaded();
pageIsLoaded() {
return this.pageLoaded || document.readyState == "complete";
Navigator = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
proposeVisit(location2, options = {}) {
if (this.delegate.allowsVisitingLocationWithAction(location2, options.action)) {
if (locationIsVisitable(location2, this.view.snapshot.rootLocation)) {
this.delegate.visitProposedToLocation(location2, options);
} else {
window.location.href = location2.toString();
startVisit(locatable, restorationIdentifier, options = {}) {
this.currentVisit = new Visit(this, expandURL(locatable), restorationIdentifier, Object.assign({ referrer: this.location }, options));
submitForm(form, submitter) {
this.formSubmission = new FormSubmission(this, form, submitter, true);
stop() {
if (this.formSubmission) {
delete this.formSubmission;
if (this.currentVisit) {
delete this.currentVisit;
get adapter() {
return this.delegate.adapter;
get view() {
return this.delegate.view;
get history() {
return this.delegate.history;
formSubmissionStarted(formSubmission) {
if (typeof this.adapter.formSubmissionStarted === "function") {
async formSubmissionSucceededWithResponse(formSubmission, fetchResponse) {
if (formSubmission == this.formSubmission) {
const responseHTML = await fetchResponse.responseHTML;
if (responseHTML) {
const shouldCacheSnapshot = formSubmission.isSafe;
if (!shouldCacheSnapshot) {
const { statusCode, redirected } = fetchResponse;
const action = this.getActionForFormSubmission(formSubmission);
const visitOptions = {
response: { statusCode, responseHTML, redirected }
this.proposeVisit(fetchResponse.location, visitOptions);
async formSubmissionFailedWithResponse(formSubmission, fetchResponse) {
const responseHTML = await fetchResponse.responseHTML;
if (responseHTML) {
const snapshot = PageSnapshot.fromHTMLString(responseHTML);
if (fetchResponse.serverError) {
await this.view.renderError(snapshot, this.currentVisit);
} else {
await this.view.renderPage(snapshot, false, true, this.currentVisit);
formSubmissionErrored(formSubmission, error2) {
formSubmissionFinished(formSubmission) {
if (typeof this.adapter.formSubmissionFinished === "function") {
visitStarted(visit2) {
visitCompleted(visit2) {
locationWithActionIsSamePage(location2, action) {
const anchor = getAnchor(location2);
const currentAnchor = getAnchor(this.view.lastRenderedLocation);
const isRestorationToTop = action === "restore" && typeof anchor === "undefined";
return action !== "replace" && getRequestURL(location2) === getRequestURL(this.view.lastRenderedLocation) && (isRestorationToTop || anchor != null && anchor !== currentAnchor);
visitScrolledToSamePageLocation(oldURL, newURL) {
this.delegate.visitScrolledToSamePageLocation(oldURL, newURL);
get location() {
return this.history.location;
get restorationIdentifier() {
return this.history.restorationIdentifier;
getActionForFormSubmission({ submitter, formElement }) {
return getVisitAction(submitter, formElement) || "advance";
(function(PageStage2) {
PageStage2[PageStage2["initial"] = 0] = "initial";
PageStage2[PageStage2["loading"] = 1] = "loading";
PageStage2[PageStage2["interactive"] = 2] = "interactive";
PageStage2[PageStage2["complete"] = 3] = "complete";
})(PageStage || (PageStage = {}));
PageObserver = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.stage = PageStage.initial;
this.started = false;
this.interpretReadyState = () => {
const { readyState } = this;
if (readyState == "interactive") {
} else if (readyState == "complete") {
this.pageWillUnload = () => {
this.delegate = delegate;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
if (this.stage == PageStage.initial) {
this.stage = PageStage.loading;
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", this.interpretReadyState, false);
addEventListener("pagehide", this.pageWillUnload, false);
this.started = true;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", this.interpretReadyState, false);
removeEventListener("pagehide", this.pageWillUnload, false);
this.started = false;
pageIsInteractive() {
if (this.stage == PageStage.loading) {
this.stage = PageStage.interactive;
pageIsComplete() {
if (this.stage == PageStage.interactive) {
this.stage = PageStage.complete;
get readyState() {
return document.readyState;
ScrollObserver = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.started = false;
this.onScroll = () => {
this.updatePosition({ x: window.pageXOffset, y: window.pageYOffset });
this.delegate = delegate;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
addEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, false);
this.started = true;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
removeEventListener("scroll", this.onScroll, false);
this.started = false;
updatePosition(position) {
StreamMessageRenderer = class {
render({ fragment }) {
Bardo.preservingPermanentElements(this, getPermanentElementMapForFragment(fragment), () => document.documentElement.appendChild(fragment));
enteringBardo(currentPermanentElement, newPermanentElement) {
leavingBardo() {
StreamObserver = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.sources = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.started = false;
this.inspectFetchResponse = (event) => {
const response = fetchResponseFromEvent(event);
if (response && fetchResponseIsStream(response)) {
this.receiveMessageEvent = (event) => {
if (this.started && typeof event.data == "string") {
this.delegate = delegate;
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.started = true;
addEventListener("turbo:before-fetch-response", this.inspectFetchResponse, false);
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.started = false;
removeEventListener("turbo:before-fetch-response", this.inspectFetchResponse, false);
connectStreamSource(source) {
if (!this.streamSourceIsConnected(source)) {
source.addEventListener("message", this.receiveMessageEvent, false);
disconnectStreamSource(source) {
if (this.streamSourceIsConnected(source)) {
source.removeEventListener("message", this.receiveMessageEvent, false);
streamSourceIsConnected(source) {
return this.sources.has(source);
async receiveMessageResponse(response) {
const html = await response.responseHTML;
if (html) {
receiveMessageHTML(html) {
ErrorRenderer = class extends Renderer {
static renderElement(currentElement, newElement) {
const { documentElement, body } = document;
documentElement.replaceChild(newElement, body);
async render() {
replaceHeadAndBody() {
const { documentElement, head } = document;
documentElement.replaceChild(this.newHead, head);
this.renderElement(this.currentElement, this.newElement);
activateScriptElements() {
for (const replaceableElement of this.scriptElements) {
const parentNode = replaceableElement.parentNode;
if (parentNode) {
const element = activateScriptElement(replaceableElement);
parentNode.replaceChild(element, replaceableElement);
get newHead() {
return this.newSnapshot.headSnapshot.element;
get scriptElements() {
return document.documentElement.querySelectorAll("script");
PageRenderer = class extends Renderer {
static renderElement(currentElement, newElement) {
if (document.body && newElement instanceof HTMLBodyElement) {
} else {
get shouldRender() {
return this.newSnapshot.isVisitable && this.trackedElementsAreIdentical;
get reloadReason() {
if (!this.newSnapshot.isVisitable) {
return {
reason: "turbo_visit_control_is_reload"
if (!this.trackedElementsAreIdentical) {
return {
reason: "tracked_element_mismatch"
async prepareToRender() {
await this.mergeHead();
async render() {
if (this.willRender) {
await this.replaceBody();
finishRendering() {
if (!this.isPreview) {
get currentHeadSnapshot() {
return this.currentSnapshot.headSnapshot;
get newHeadSnapshot() {
return this.newSnapshot.headSnapshot;
get newElement() {
return this.newSnapshot.element;
async mergeHead() {
const mergedHeadElements = this.mergeProvisionalElements();
const newStylesheetElements = this.copyNewHeadStylesheetElements();
await mergedHeadElements;
await newStylesheetElements;
async replaceBody() {
await this.preservingPermanentElements(async () => {
await this.assignNewBody();
get trackedElementsAreIdentical() {
return this.currentHeadSnapshot.trackedElementSignature == this.newHeadSnapshot.trackedElementSignature;
async copyNewHeadStylesheetElements() {
const loadingElements = [];
for (const element of this.newHeadStylesheetElements) {
await Promise.all(loadingElements);
copyNewHeadScriptElements() {
for (const element of this.newHeadScriptElements) {
async mergeProvisionalElements() {
const newHeadElements = [...this.newHeadProvisionalElements];
for (const element of this.currentHeadProvisionalElements) {
if (!this.isCurrentElementInElementList(element, newHeadElements)) {
for (const element of newHeadElements) {
isCurrentElementInElementList(element, elementList) {
for (const [index2, newElement] of elementList.entries()) {
if (element.tagName == "TITLE") {
if (newElement.tagName != "TITLE") {
if (element.innerHTML == newElement.innerHTML) {
elementList.splice(index2, 1);
return true;
if (newElement.isEqualNode(element)) {
elementList.splice(index2, 1);
return true;
return false;
removeCurrentHeadProvisionalElements() {
for (const element of this.currentHeadProvisionalElements) {
copyNewHeadProvisionalElements() {
for (const element of this.newHeadProvisionalElements) {
activateNewBody() {
activateNewBodyScriptElements() {
for (const inertScriptElement of this.newBodyScriptElements) {
const activatedScriptElement = activateScriptElement(inertScriptElement);
async assignNewBody() {
await this.renderElement(this.currentElement, this.newElement);
get newHeadStylesheetElements() {
return this.newHeadSnapshot.getStylesheetElementsNotInSnapshot(this.currentHeadSnapshot);
get newHeadScriptElements() {
return this.newHeadSnapshot.getScriptElementsNotInSnapshot(this.currentHeadSnapshot);
get currentHeadProvisionalElements() {
return this.currentHeadSnapshot.provisionalElements;
get newHeadProvisionalElements() {
return this.newHeadSnapshot.provisionalElements;
get newBodyScriptElements() {
return this.newElement.querySelectorAll("script");
SnapshotCache = class {
constructor(size) {
this.keys = [];
this.snapshots = {};
this.size = size;
has(location2) {
return toCacheKey(location2) in this.snapshots;
get(location2) {
if (this.has(location2)) {
const snapshot = this.read(location2);
return snapshot;
put(location2, snapshot) {
this.write(location2, snapshot);
return snapshot;
clear() {
this.snapshots = {};
read(location2) {
return this.snapshots[toCacheKey(location2)];
write(location2, snapshot) {
this.snapshots[toCacheKey(location2)] = snapshot;
touch(location2) {
const key = toCacheKey(location2);
const index2 = this.keys.indexOf(key);
if (index2 > -1)
this.keys.splice(index2, 1);
trim() {
for (const key of this.keys.splice(this.size)) {
delete this.snapshots[key];
PageView = class extends View {
constructor() {
this.snapshotCache = new SnapshotCache(10);
this.lastRenderedLocation = new URL(location.href);
this.forceReloaded = false;
renderPage(snapshot, isPreview = false, willRender = true, visit2) {
const renderer = new PageRenderer(this.snapshot, snapshot, PageRenderer.renderElement, isPreview, willRender);
if (!renderer.shouldRender) {
this.forceReloaded = true;
} else {
visit2 === null || visit2 === void 0 ? void 0 : visit2.changeHistory();
return this.render(renderer);
renderError(snapshot, visit2) {
visit2 === null || visit2 === void 0 ? void 0 : visit2.changeHistory();
const renderer = new ErrorRenderer(this.snapshot, snapshot, ErrorRenderer.renderElement, false);
return this.render(renderer);
clearSnapshotCache() {
async cacheSnapshot(snapshot = this.snapshot) {
if (snapshot.isCacheable) {
const { lastRenderedLocation: location2 } = this;
await nextEventLoopTick();
const cachedSnapshot = snapshot.clone();
this.snapshotCache.put(location2, cachedSnapshot);
return cachedSnapshot;
getCachedSnapshotForLocation(location2) {
return this.snapshotCache.get(location2);
get snapshot() {
return PageSnapshot.fromElement(this.element);
Preloader = class {
constructor(delegate) {
this.selector = "a[data-turbo-preload]";
this.delegate = delegate;
get snapshotCache() {
return this.delegate.navigator.view.snapshotCache;
start() {
if (document.readyState === "loading") {
return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
} else {
preloadOnLoadLinksForView(element) {
for (const link of element.querySelectorAll(this.selector)) {
async preloadURL(link) {
const location2 = new URL(link.href);
if (this.snapshotCache.has(location2)) {
try {
const response = await fetch(location2.toString(), { headers: { "VND.PREFETCH": "true", Accept: "text/html" } });
const responseText = await response.text();
const snapshot = PageSnapshot.fromHTMLString(responseText);
this.snapshotCache.put(location2, snapshot);
} catch (_2) {
Session = class {
constructor() {
this.navigator = new Navigator(this);
this.history = new History(this);
this.preloader = new Preloader(this);
this.view = new PageView(this, document.documentElement);
this.adapter = new BrowserAdapter(this);
this.pageObserver = new PageObserver(this);
this.cacheObserver = new CacheObserver();
this.linkClickObserver = new LinkClickObserver(this, window);
this.formSubmitObserver = new FormSubmitObserver(this, document);
this.scrollObserver = new ScrollObserver(this);
this.streamObserver = new StreamObserver(this);
this.formLinkClickObserver = new FormLinkClickObserver(this, document.documentElement);
this.frameRedirector = new FrameRedirector(this, document.documentElement);
this.streamMessageRenderer = new StreamMessageRenderer();
this.drive = true;
this.enabled = true;
this.progressBarDelay = 500;
this.started = false;
this.formMode = "on";
start() {
if (!this.started) {
this.started = true;
this.enabled = true;
disable() {
this.enabled = false;
stop() {
if (this.started) {
this.started = false;
registerAdapter(adapter) {
this.adapter = adapter;
visit(location2, options = {}) {
const frameElement = options.frame ? document.getElementById(options.frame) : null;
if (frameElement instanceof FrameElement) {
frameElement.src = location2.toString();
} else {
this.navigator.proposeVisit(expandURL(location2), options);
connectStreamSource(source) {
disconnectStreamSource(source) {
renderStreamMessage(message) {
clearCache() {
setProgressBarDelay(delay) {
this.progressBarDelay = delay;
setFormMode(mode) {
this.formMode = mode;
get location() {
return this.history.location;
get restorationIdentifier() {
return this.history.restorationIdentifier;
historyPoppedToLocationWithRestorationIdentifier(location2, restorationIdentifier) {
if (this.enabled) {
this.navigator.startVisit(location2, restorationIdentifier, {
action: "restore",
historyChanged: true
} else {
reason: "turbo_disabled"
scrollPositionChanged(position) {
this.history.updateRestorationData({ scrollPosition: position });
willSubmitFormLinkToLocation(link, location2) {
return this.elementIsNavigatable(link) && locationIsVisitable(location2, this.snapshot.rootLocation);
submittedFormLinkToLocation() {
willFollowLinkToLocation(link, location2, event) {
return this.elementIsNavigatable(link) && locationIsVisitable(location2, this.snapshot.rootLocation) && this.applicationAllowsFollowingLinkToLocation(link, location2, event);
followedLinkToLocation(link, location2) {
const action = this.getActionForLink(link);
const acceptsStreamResponse = link.hasAttribute("data-turbo-stream");
this.visit(location2.href, { action, acceptsStreamResponse });
allowsVisitingLocationWithAction(location2, action) {
return this.locationWithActionIsSamePage(location2, action) || this.applicationAllowsVisitingLocation(location2);
visitProposedToLocation(location2, options) {
this.adapter.visitProposedToLocation(location2, options);
visitStarted(visit2) {
if (!visit2.acceptsStreamResponse) {
if (!visit2.silent) {
this.notifyApplicationAfterVisitingLocation(visit2.location, visit2.action);
visitCompleted(visit2) {
locationWithActionIsSamePage(location2, action) {
return this.navigator.locationWithActionIsSamePage(location2, action);
visitScrolledToSamePageLocation(oldURL, newURL) {
this.notifyApplicationAfterVisitingSamePageLocation(oldURL, newURL);
willSubmitForm(form, submitter) {
const action = getAction(form, submitter);
return this.submissionIsNavigatable(form, submitter) && locationIsVisitable(expandURL(action), this.snapshot.rootLocation);
formSubmitted(form, submitter) {
this.navigator.submitForm(form, submitter);
pageBecameInteractive() {
this.view.lastRenderedLocation = this.location;
pageLoaded() {
pageWillUnload() {
receivedMessageFromStream(message) {
viewWillCacheSnapshot() {
var _a;
if (!((_a = this.navigator.currentVisit) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.silent)) {
allowsImmediateRender({ element }, options) {
const event = this.notifyApplicationBeforeRender(element, options);
const { defaultPrevented, detail: { render: render2 } } = event;
if (this.view.renderer && render2) {
this.view.renderer.renderElement = render2;
return !defaultPrevented;
viewRenderedSnapshot(_snapshot, _isPreview) {
this.view.lastRenderedLocation = this.history.location;
preloadOnLoadLinksForView(element) {
viewInvalidated(reason) {
frameLoaded(frame) {
frameRendered(fetchResponse, frame) {
this.notifyApplicationAfterFrameRender(fetchResponse, frame);
applicationAllowsFollowingLinkToLocation(link, location2, ev) {
const event = this.notifyApplicationAfterClickingLinkToLocation(link, location2, ev);
return !event.defaultPrevented;
applicationAllowsVisitingLocation(location2) {
const event = this.notifyApplicationBeforeVisitingLocation(location2);
return !event.defaultPrevented;
notifyApplicationAfterClickingLinkToLocation(link, location2, event) {
return dispatch("turbo:click", {
target: link,
detail: { url: location2.href, originalEvent: event },
cancelable: true
notifyApplicationBeforeVisitingLocation(location2) {
return dispatch("turbo:before-visit", {
detail: { url: location2.href },
cancelable: true
notifyApplicationAfterVisitingLocation(location2, action) {
return dispatch("turbo:visit", { detail: { url: location2.href, action } });
notifyApplicationBeforeCachingSnapshot() {
return dispatch("turbo:before-cache");
notifyApplicationBeforeRender(newBody, options) {
return dispatch("turbo:before-render", {
detail: Object.assign({ newBody }, options),
cancelable: true
notifyApplicationAfterRender() {
return dispatch("turbo:render");
notifyApplicationAfterPageLoad(timing = {}) {
return dispatch("turbo:load", {
detail: { url: this.location.href, timing }
notifyApplicationAfterVisitingSamePageLocation(oldURL, newURL) {
dispatchEvent(new HashChangeEvent("hashchange", {
oldURL: oldURL.toString(),
newURL: newURL.toString()
notifyApplicationAfterFrameLoad(frame) {
return dispatch("turbo:frame-load", { target: frame });
notifyApplicationAfterFrameRender(fetchResponse, frame) {
return dispatch("turbo:frame-render", {
detail: { fetchResponse },
target: frame,
cancelable: true
submissionIsNavigatable(form, submitter) {
if (this.formMode == "off") {
return false;
} else {
const submitterIsNavigatable = submitter ? this.elementIsNavigatable(submitter) : true;
if (this.formMode == "optin") {
return submitterIsNavigatable && form.closest('[data-turbo="true"]') != null;
} else {
return submitterIsNavigatable && this.elementIsNavigatable(form);
elementIsNavigatable(element) {
const container = findClosestRecursively(element, "[data-turbo]");
const withinFrame = findClosestRecursively(element, "turbo-frame");
if (this.drive || withinFrame) {
if (container) {
return container.getAttribute("data-turbo") != "false";
} else {
return true;
} else {
if (container) {
return container.getAttribute("data-turbo") == "true";
} else {
return false;
getActionForLink(link) {
return getVisitAction(link) || "advance";
get snapshot() {
return this.view.snapshot;
deprecatedLocationPropertyDescriptors = {
absoluteURL: {
get() {
return this.toString();
Cache = class {
constructor(session2) {
this.session = session2;
clear() {
resetCacheControl() {
exemptPageFromCache() {
exemptPageFromPreview() {
setCacheControl(value) {
setMetaContent("turbo-cache-control", value);
StreamActions = {
after() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => {
var _a;
return (_a = e4.parentElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertBefore(this.templateContent, e4.nextSibling);
append() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => e4.append(this.templateContent));
before() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => {
var _a;
return (_a = e4.parentElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.insertBefore(this.templateContent, e4);
prepend() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => e4.prepend(this.templateContent));
remove() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => e4.remove());
replace() {
this.targetElements.forEach((e4) => e4.replaceWith(this.templateContent));
update() {
this.targetElements.forEach((targetElement) => {
targetElement.innerHTML = "";
session = new Session();
cache = new Cache(session);
({ navigator: navigator$1 } = session);
Turbo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
navigator: navigator$1,
TurboFrameMissingError = class extends Error {
FrameController = class {
constructor(element) {
this.fetchResponseLoaded = (_fetchResponse) => {
this.currentFetchRequest = null;
this.resolveVisitPromise = () => {
this.connected = false;
this.hasBeenLoaded = false;
this.ignoredAttributes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();
this.action = null;
this.visitCachedSnapshot = ({ element: element2 }) => {
const frame = element2.querySelector("#" + this.element.id);
if (frame && this.previousFrameElement) {
delete this.previousFrameElement;
this.element = element;
this.view = new FrameView(this, this.element);
this.appearanceObserver = new AppearanceObserver(this, this.element);
this.formLinkClickObserver = new FormLinkClickObserver(this, this.element);
this.linkInterceptor = new LinkInterceptor(this, this.element);
this.restorationIdentifier = uuid();
this.formSubmitObserver = new FormSubmitObserver(this, this.element);
connect() {
if (!this.connected) {
this.connected = true;
if (this.loadingStyle == FrameLoadingStyle.lazy) {
} else {
disconnect() {
if (this.connected) {
this.connected = false;
disabledChanged() {
if (this.loadingStyle == FrameLoadingStyle.eager) {
sourceURLChanged() {
if (this.isIgnoringChangesTo("src"))
if (this.element.isConnected) {
this.complete = false;
if (this.loadingStyle == FrameLoadingStyle.eager || this.hasBeenLoaded) {
sourceURLReloaded() {
const { src } = this.element;
this.ignoringChangesToAttribute("complete", () => {
this.element.src = null;
this.element.src = src;
return this.element.loaded;
completeChanged() {
if (this.isIgnoringChangesTo("complete"))
loadingStyleChanged() {
if (this.loadingStyle == FrameLoadingStyle.lazy) {
} else {
async loadSourceURL() {
if (this.enabled && this.isActive && !this.complete && this.sourceURL) {
this.element.loaded = this.visit(expandURL(this.sourceURL));
await this.element.loaded;
this.hasBeenLoaded = true;
async loadResponse(fetchResponse) {
if (fetchResponse.redirected || fetchResponse.succeeded && fetchResponse.isHTML) {
this.sourceURL = fetchResponse.response.url;
try {
const html = await fetchResponse.responseHTML;
if (html) {
const document2 = parseHTMLDocument(html);
const pageSnapshot = PageSnapshot.fromDocument(document2);
if (pageSnapshot.isVisitable) {
await this.loadFrameResponse(fetchResponse, document2);
} else {
await this.handleUnvisitableFrameResponse(fetchResponse);
} finally {
this.fetchResponseLoaded = () => {
elementAppearedInViewport(element) {
this.proposeVisitIfNavigatedWithAction(element, element);
willSubmitFormLinkToLocation(link) {
return this.shouldInterceptNavigation(link);
submittedFormLinkToLocation(link, _location, form) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(link);
if (frame)
form.setAttribute("data-turbo-frame", frame.id);
shouldInterceptLinkClick(element, _location, _event) {
return this.shouldInterceptNavigation(element);
linkClickIntercepted(element, location2) {
this.navigateFrame(element, location2);
willSubmitForm(element, submitter) {
return element.closest("turbo-frame") == this.element && this.shouldInterceptNavigation(element, submitter);
formSubmitted(element, submitter) {
if (this.formSubmission) {
this.formSubmission = new FormSubmission(this, element, submitter);
const { fetchRequest } = this.formSubmission;
prepareRequest(request) {
var _a;
request.headers["Turbo-Frame"] = this.id;
if ((_a = this.currentNavigationElement) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.hasAttribute("data-turbo-stream")) {
requestStarted(_request) {
requestPreventedHandlingResponse(_request, _response) {
async requestSucceededWithResponse(request, response) {
await this.loadResponse(response);
async requestFailedWithResponse(request, response) {
await this.loadResponse(response);
requestErrored(request, error2) {
requestFinished(_request) {
formSubmissionStarted({ formElement }) {
markAsBusy(formElement, this.findFrameElement(formElement));
formSubmissionSucceededWithResponse(formSubmission, response) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(formSubmission.formElement, formSubmission.submitter);
frame.delegate.proposeVisitIfNavigatedWithAction(frame, formSubmission.formElement, formSubmission.submitter);
if (!formSubmission.isSafe) {
formSubmissionFailedWithResponse(formSubmission, fetchResponse) {
formSubmissionErrored(formSubmission, error2) {
formSubmissionFinished({ formElement }) {
clearBusyState(formElement, this.findFrameElement(formElement));
allowsImmediateRender({ element: newFrame }, options) {
const event = dispatch("turbo:before-frame-render", {
target: this.element,
detail: Object.assign({ newFrame }, options),
cancelable: true
const { defaultPrevented, detail: { render: render2 } } = event;
if (this.view.renderer && render2) {
this.view.renderer.renderElement = render2;
return !defaultPrevented;
viewRenderedSnapshot(_snapshot, _isPreview) {
preloadOnLoadLinksForView(element) {
viewInvalidated() {
willRenderFrame(currentElement, _newElement) {
this.previousFrameElement = currentElement.cloneNode(true);
async loadFrameResponse(fetchResponse, document2) {
const newFrameElement = await this.extractForeignFrameElement(document2.body);
if (newFrameElement) {
const snapshot = new Snapshot(newFrameElement);
const renderer = new FrameRenderer(this, this.view.snapshot, snapshot, FrameRenderer.renderElement, false, false);
if (this.view.renderPromise)
await this.view.renderPromise;
await this.view.render(renderer);
this.complete = true;
session.frameRendered(fetchResponse, this.element);
} else if (this.willHandleFrameMissingFromResponse(fetchResponse)) {
async visit(url) {
var _a;
const request = new FetchRequest(this, FetchMethod.get, url, new URLSearchParams(), this.element);
(_a = this.currentFetchRequest) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.cancel();
this.currentFetchRequest = request;
return new Promise((resolve3) => {
this.resolveVisitPromise = () => {
this.resolveVisitPromise = () => {
this.currentFetchRequest = null;
navigateFrame(element, url, submitter) {
const frame = this.findFrameElement(element, submitter);
frame.delegate.proposeVisitIfNavigatedWithAction(frame, element, submitter);
this.withCurrentNavigationElement(element, () => {
frame.src = url;
proposeVisitIfNavigatedWithAction(frame, element, submitter) {
this.action = getVisitAction(submitter, element, frame);
if (this.action) {
const pageSnapshot = PageSnapshot.fromElement(frame).clone();
const { visitCachedSnapshot } = frame.delegate;
frame.delegate.fetchResponseLoaded = (fetchResponse) => {
if (frame.src) {
const { statusCode, redirected } = fetchResponse;
const responseHTML = frame.ownerDocument.documentElement.outerHTML;
const response = { statusCode, redirected, responseHTML };
const options = {
willRender: false,
updateHistory: false,
restorationIdentifier: this.restorationIdentifier,
snapshot: pageSnapshot
if (this.action)
options.action = this.action;
session.visit(frame.src, options);
changeHistory() {
if (this.action) {
const method = getHistoryMethodForAction(this.action);
session.history.update(method, expandURL(this.element.src || ""), this.restorationIdentifier);
async handleUnvisitableFrameResponse(fetchResponse) {
console.warn(`The response (${fetchResponse.statusCode}) from is performing a full page visit due to turbo-visit-control.`);
await this.visitResponse(fetchResponse.response);
willHandleFrameMissingFromResponse(fetchResponse) {
this.element.setAttribute("complete", "");
const response = fetchResponse.response;
const visit2 = async (url, options = {}) => {
if (url instanceof Response) {
} else {
session.visit(url, options);
const event = dispatch("turbo:frame-missing", {
target: this.element,
detail: { response, visit: visit2 },
cancelable: true
return !event.defaultPrevented;
handleFrameMissingFromResponse(fetchResponse) {
throwFrameMissingError(fetchResponse) {
const message = `The response (${fetchResponse.statusCode}) did not contain the expected and will be ignored. To perform a full page visit instead, set turbo-visit-control to reload.`;
throw new TurboFrameMissingError(message);
async visitResponse(response) {
const wrapped = new FetchResponse(response);
const responseHTML = await wrapped.responseHTML;
const { location: location2, redirected, statusCode } = wrapped;
return session.visit(location2, { response: { redirected, statusCode, responseHTML } });
findFrameElement(element, submitter) {
var _a;
const id = getAttribute("data-turbo-frame", submitter, element) || this.element.getAttribute("target");
return (_a = getFrameElementById(id)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.element;
async extractForeignFrameElement(container) {
let element;
const id = CSS.escape(this.id);
try {
element = activateElement(container.querySelector(`turbo-frame#${id}`), this.sourceURL);
if (element) {
return element;
element = activateElement(container.querySelector(`turbo-frame[src][recurse~=${id}]`), this.sourceURL);
if (element) {
await element.loaded;
return await this.extractForeignFrameElement(element);
} catch (error2) {
return new FrameElement();
return null;
formActionIsVisitable(form, submitter) {
const action = getAction(form, submitter);
return locationIsVisitable(expandURL(action), this.rootLocation);
shouldInterceptNavigation(element, submitter) {
const id = getAttribute("data-turbo-frame", submitter, element) || this.element.getAttribute("target");
if (element instanceof HTMLFormElement && !this.formActionIsVisitable(element, submitter)) {
return false;
if (!this.enabled || id == "_top") {
return false;
if (id) {
const frameElement = getFrameElementById(id);
if (frameElement) {
return !frameElement.disabled;
if (!session.elementIsNavigatable(element)) {
return false;
if (submitter && !session.elementIsNavigatable(submitter)) {
return false;
return true;
get id() {
return this.element.id;
get enabled() {
return !this.element.disabled;
get sourceURL() {
if (this.element.src) {
return this.element.src;
set sourceURL(sourceURL) {
this.ignoringChangesToAttribute("src", () => {
this.element.src = sourceURL !== null && sourceURL !== void 0 ? sourceURL : null;
get loadingStyle() {
return this.element.loading;
get isLoading() {
return this.formSubmission !== void 0 || this.resolveVisitPromise() !== void 0;
get complete() {
return this.element.hasAttribute("complete");
set complete(value) {
this.ignoringChangesToAttribute("complete", () => {
if (value) {
this.element.setAttribute("complete", "");
} else {
get isActive() {
return this.element.isActive && this.connected;
get rootLocation() {
var _a;
const meta = this.element.ownerDocument.querySelector(`meta[name="turbo-root"]`);
const root = (_a = meta === null || meta === void 0 ? void 0 : meta.content) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "/";
return expandURL(root);
isIgnoringChangesTo(attributeName) {
return this.ignoredAttributes.has(attributeName);
ignoringChangesToAttribute(attributeName, callback2) {
withCurrentNavigationElement(element, callback2) {
this.currentNavigationElement = element;
delete this.currentNavigationElement;
StreamElement = class extends HTMLElement {
static async renderElement(newElement) {
await newElement.performAction();
async connectedCallback() {
try {
await this.render();
} catch (error2) {
} finally {
async render() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.renderPromise) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.renderPromise = (async () => {
const event = this.beforeRenderEvent;
if (this.dispatchEvent(event)) {
await nextAnimationFrame();
await event.detail.render(this);
disconnect() {
try {
} catch (_a) {
removeDuplicateTargetChildren() {
this.duplicateChildren.forEach((c3) => c3.remove());
get duplicateChildren() {
var _a;
const existingChildren = this.targetElements.flatMap((e4) => [...e4.children]).filter((c3) => !!c3.id);
const newChildrenIds = [...((_a = this.templateContent) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.children) || []].filter((c3) => !!c3.id).map((c3) => c3.id);
return existingChildren.filter((c3) => newChildrenIds.includes(c3.id));
get performAction() {
if (this.action) {
const actionFunction = StreamActions[this.action];
if (actionFunction) {
return actionFunction;
this.raise("unknown action");
this.raise("action attribute is missing");
get targetElements() {
if (this.target) {
return this.targetElementsById;
} else if (this.targets) {
return this.targetElementsByQuery;
} else {
this.raise("target or targets attribute is missing");
get templateContent() {
return this.templateElement.content.cloneNode(true);
get templateElement() {
if (this.firstElementChild === null) {
const template = this.ownerDocument.createElement("template");
return template;
} else if (this.firstElementChild instanceof HTMLTemplateElement) {
return this.firstElementChild;
this.raise("first child element must be a element");
get action() {
return this.getAttribute("action");
get target() {
return this.getAttribute("target");
get targets() {
return this.getAttribute("targets");
raise(message) {
throw new Error(`${this.description}: ${message}`);
get description() {
var _a, _b;
return (_b = ((_a = this.outerHTML.match(/<[^>]+>/)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : [])[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "";
get beforeRenderEvent() {
return new CustomEvent("turbo:before-stream-render", {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: { newStream: this, render: StreamElement.renderElement }
get targetElementsById() {
var _a;
const element = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getElementById(this.target);
if (element !== null) {
return [element];
} else {
return [];
get targetElementsByQuery() {
var _a;
const elements2 = (_a = this.ownerDocument) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.querySelectorAll(this.targets);
if (elements2.length !== 0) {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(elements2);
} else {
return [];
StreamSourceElement = class extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
this.streamSource = null;
connectedCallback() {
this.streamSource = this.src.match(/^ws{1,2}:/) ? new WebSocket(this.src) : new EventSource(this.src);
disconnectedCallback() {
if (this.streamSource) {
get src() {
return this.getAttribute("src") || "";
FrameElement.delegateConstructor = FrameController;
if (customElements.get("turbo-frame") === void 0) {
customElements.define("turbo-frame", FrameElement);
if (customElements.get("turbo-stream") === void 0) {
customElements.define("turbo-stream", StreamElement);
if (customElements.get("turbo-stream-source") === void 0) {
customElements.define("turbo-stream-source", StreamSourceElement);
(() => {
let element = document.currentScript;
if (!element)
if (element.hasAttribute("data-turbo-suppress-warning"))
element = element.parentElement;
while (element) {
if (element == document.body) {
return console.warn(unindent`
You are loading Turbo from a