# This controller exposes a has_user_timed_out action which is invoked via Ajax on a JavaScript # timer and will cause the user to be redirected to the login page if their session has expired # due to a period of activity. The redirect happens because of a generic Ajax error handling # JavaScript - see ajax_errors.js - which causes the page to reload after any Ajax 401 error # thus causing a redirect to the login page in the usual Rails way (i.e. as if the user had tried # to refresh the page or attempt some action after devise had logged them out on the server). # # Inspired by this SO post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17791626 # module Renalware class SessionTimeoutController < BaseController prepend_before_action :skip_timeout, only: :has_user_timed_out skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: :has_user_timed_out # Note this action will NOT update the session activity (thus keeping the session alive) # because we invoke #skip_timeout at the beginning of the filter chain. # We could return the amount of time remaining before the session expires like so # time_left = Devise.timeout_in - (Time.now - user_session["last_request_at"]).round # and display this to the user if required. # rubocop :disable Naming/PredicateName def has_user_timed_out skip_authorization if referrer_is_a_devise_url? || !current_users_session_has_timed_out? head(:ok) else flash[:notice] = "Your session timed due to inactivity. Please log in again." head :unauthorized end end # rubocop :enable Naming/PredicateName # A user could invoke this action to keep their session alive, by for example # clicking on a "Keep my session active" button which makes an ajax call to this action. # Note this will keep the session alive because we have not invoked skip_timeout before # action, so, like all actions on all controllers, the user's last_request_at time stamp is # updated in their session cookie. def reset_user_clock head :ok end private def skip_timeout request.env["devise.skip_trackable"] = true end def current_users_session_has_timed_out? return true if user_session.blank? last_request_at = Time.zone.at(user_session["last_request_at"]) !current_user || current_user.timedout?(last_request_at) end # Returns a truthy value if we came from a devise URL like users/sign_in def referrer_is_a_devise_url? referrer = request.referer return if request.blank? regex_defining_devise_paths = %r{(#{new_user_session_path}|users\/password|users\/sign_up)} URI.parse(referrer).path =~ regex_defining_devise_paths end end end