require 'instrumental_tools/metric_script_executor' require 'instrumental_tools/system_inspector' require 'pidly' require 'yaml' class ServerController < Pidly::Control COMMANDS = [:start, :stop, :status, :restart, :clean, :kill, :foreground] attr_accessor :run_options, :pid attr_reader :current_api_key before_start do extra_info = if run_options[:daemon] "(#{run_options[:pid_location]}), log: #{run_options[:log_location]}" end puts "Starting daemon process: #{@pid} #{extra_info}" end start :foreground stop do puts "Attempting to kill daemon process: #{@pid}" end error do puts 'Error encountered' end def initialize(options={}) @run_options = options.delete(:run_options) || {} super(options) end def foreground run end def collector_address [run_options[:collector], run_options[:port]].compact.join(':') end def user_specified_api_key run_options[:api_key] end def config_file_api_key if config_file_available? config_contents = YAML.load([:config_file])) if config_contents.is_a?(Hash) config_contents['api_key'] end end rescue Exception => e puts "Error loading config file %s: %s" % [run_options[:config_file], e.message] nil end def configured_api_key (user_specified_api_key || config_file_api_key).to_s.strip end def build_agent(key, address, enabled) secure_protocol = address.split(':').last != '8000', collector: address, enabled: enabled, secure: secure_protocol) end def set_new_agent(key, address) key = key.to_s.strip @current_api_key = key @agent = build_agent(key, collector_address, key.size > 0) end def agent if key_has_changed? set_new_agent(configured_api_key, collector_address) end @agent end def report_interval run_options[:report_interval] end def hostname run_options[:hostname] end def script_location run_options[:script_location] end def script_executor @executor ||= end def next_run_at(at_moment = (at_moment - at_moment % report_interval) + report_interval end def time_to_sleep t = [next_run_at(t) - t, 0].max end def config_file_available? File.exists?(run_options[:config_file]) end def enabled? agent.enabled end def debug? !!run_options[:debug] end def enable_scripts? !!run_options[:enable_scripts] end def key_has_changed? current_api_key != configured_api_key end def run puts "instrument_server version #{Instrumental::Tools::VERSION} started at #{}" puts "Collecting stats under the hostname: #{hostname}" loop do sleep time_to_sleep if enabled? inspector = inspector.load_all count = 0 inspector.gauges.each do |stat, value| metric = [hostname, stat].join(".") agent.gauge(metric, value) if debug? puts [metric, value].join(":") end count += 1 end if enable_scripts? do |(stat, value, time)| metric = [hostname, stat].join(".") agent.gauge(metric, value, time) if debug? puts [metric, value].join(":") end count += 1 end end agent.flush agent.stop if debug? puts "Sent #{count} metrics" end end end end alias_method :clean, :clean! end