#collections: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Site Settings # # - label: Site Configuration # name: j1_site_config # Used in routes, e.g., /admin/collections/blog # files: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # J1 Resource Settings # - label: J1 Resource Settings name: site_resource_settings file: packages/400_template_site/_cc_test_data/_data/j1_resources.yml fields: # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Description (used for J1 CC only) # - label: description name: description widget: object fields: - { label: title, name: title, widget: string, hint: General J1 Template settings to specify ALL resources used by a site or a layout } - { label: scope, name: scope, widget: string, hint: Scope the data is used } - { label: data file, name: location, widget: string, hint: Folder the configuration file is stored (relative to site root) } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global Settings # - label: user settings name: globals widget: object fields: - label: asset base path name: base_path widget: string hint: Base path for all J1 Template assets (e.g. images) - label: preferred location name: location widget: select options: [ local, remote ] default: local hint: For J1 template, resources can be loaded from LOCAL assets folders or from REMOTE using e.g. a CDN on the internet - label: extensions name: extensions widget: object hint: For CSS and JS resources, NO extention (.css|.js) are given. EXTENSIONS are calculated AUTOMATICALLY based on the MODE (development|production) detected for a BUILD. fields: - { label: css extention development, name: css_dev, widget: select, options: [ css, min.css ], default: css, hint: TBD } - { label: css extention production, name: css_prod, widget: select, options: [ css, min.css ], default: min.css, hint: TBD } - { label: js extention development, name: js_dev, widget: select, options: [ js, min.js ], default: js, hint: TBD } - { label: js extention production, name: js_prod, widget: select, options: [ js, min.js ], default: js.css, hint: TBD } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Resource properties # - label: Resource Settings name: resources widget: list fields: - label: resource name name: name widget: string hint: Arbitrary name of a resource - label: resource name: resource widget: object hint: Specifies all properties of a resource fields: - { label: enabled, name: enabled, widget: boolean, hint: Enables or Disables the module } - { label: id, name: id, widget: string, hint: Unique resource ID } - { label: comment, name: comment, widget: string, hint: TBD } - { label: region, name: region, widget: select, options: [ head, body-footer ], hint: TBD } - { label: layout, name: layout, widget: select, options: [ home, page, post, collection, blog_archive, app, raw, all ], default: page, multiple: true, hint: TBD } - { label: required, name: required, widget: select, options: [ always, ondemand ], hint: TBD } - { label: script load, name: script_load, widget: select, options: [ sync, async, defer ], hint: TBD } - { label: pass init data, name: pass_init_data, widget: boolean, hint: TBD } - label: data name: data widget: object fields: - { label: css files, name: css, widget: "list", field: {label: CSS resource file} } - { label: files, name: files, widget: "list", field: {label: General resource file} } - { label: js files, name: js, widget: "list", field: {label: JS resource file} } - { label: init functions, name: init_function, widget: "list", field: {label: JS initializer function} }