require File.expand_path('../../watirspec_helper', __FILE__) describe OperaWatir::Browser do # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#opera_action' do it 'executes the specified action' do browser.url = fixture('input_fields_value.html') window.find_by_id('one').click browser.opera_action('Select all') window.eval_js('one = document.getElementById("one");') window.eval_js('one.value.substr(one.selectionStart, one.selectionEnd - one.selectionStart)').should == 'foobar' end end # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#opera_action_list' do it 'returns a list of available Opera actions' do browser.url = 'about:blank' browser.opera_action_list.should include 'copy' browser.opera_action_list.should include 'paste' end end # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#key' do it 'presses the specified key' do browser.url = fixture('two_input_fields.html') window.find_by_name('one').click browser.key 'a' window.find_by_name('one').value.should == 'a' end end # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#key_down' do it 'holds down the specfied key' do browser.url = fixture('grid.html') browser.key_down 'Shift' # This invokes spatnav on desktop browsers browser.key 'Down' browser.key 'Down' browser.key_up 'Shift' window.execute_script("document.activeElement.text;").should == 'C2' end end # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#key_up' do it 'releases the specfied key' do browser.url = fixture('grid.html') browser.key_down 'Shift' # This invokes spatnav on desktop browsers browser.key 'Down' browser.key 'Down' browser.key_up 'Shift' browser.key 'Down' window.execute_script("document.activeElement.text;").should == 'C2' end end # Note: This method is deprecated, but still needs to be tested. describe '#type' do it 'types a string of characters' do browser.url = fixture('two_input_fields.html') window.find_by_name('one').click browser.type 'foobar' window.find_by_name('one').value.should == 'foobar' end end describe '#desktop?' do it 'returns true or false' do [true, false].should include browser.desktop? end end describe '#version' do it 'fetches the version number of the driver' do browser.version.should_not be_empty end end end