= Deprecated Features

Roda 2.29.0 will be the last minor release of Roda 2.  Roda 3.0.0
will be released next month and will remove support for the following
deprecated features.  All of these features will have deprecation
warnings if used in Roda 2.29.0.

* The use of placeholders in string matchers is now deprecated.
  So code such as:

    r.get "users/:user_id" do |id|

  should be switched to using a class matcher such as String or

    r.get "users", Integer do |id|

  or a symbol matcher:

    r.get "users", :user_id do |id|

  If you really want to keep support for placeholders in string
  matchers, the support is available in the new
  placeholder_string_matchers plugin.

* The :format, :opt, and :optd default symbol matchers are now
  deprecated in the symbol_matchers plugin.  These matchers
  only made sense when placeholder string matchers are used,
  which will no longer be the default behavior in Roda 3. These
  methods can be defined manually if you are going to use the
  placeholder_string_matchers plugin and still want to use
  these symbol matchers:

    symbol_matcher(:format, /(?:\.(\w+))?/)
    symbol_matcher(:opt, /(?:\/([^\/]+))?/)
    symbol_matcher(:optd, /(?:\/(\d+))?/)

* Ignoring unsupported match block return values is now deprecated.
  Doing so can hide errors and make debugging more difficult.  If you
  get a deprecation warning related to this, just make sure the match
  block returns nil or false to specify the match block return value
  should be ignored.

* Treating unsupported matchers as always matching is now deprecated.
  Doing so can hide errors and make debugging more difficult. If you
  get a deprecation warning related to this, switch the matcher to
  true instead of an unsupported object.

* The render plugin's handling of plugin level locals and merging of
  template and layout locals is now deprecated.  Users of these
  features should switch to the new render_locals plugin.

* The view_options plugin's handling of per-branch view and layout
  locals is now deprecated.  Users of these feature should switch to
  the new branch_locals plugin.

* The render plugin's support for Erubis escaping is now deprecated.
  In Roda 3, the render plugin :escape option will use Erubi escaping.
  Switch to using :escape=>:erubi temporarily to avoid the deprecation

* Using the render plugin to render a template that is outside one of
  the allowed paths is now deprecated unless the :check_paths option
  has been set to false.  In Roda 3, the default behavior will change
  to checking that template files are in one of the allowed paths.

* The :ext option in the render plugin is now deprecated, users should
  switch to using the :engine option, which has always had priority.

* Using the :cache=>true option to the view/render method in the
  render plugin is now deprecated if the :cache=>nil/false option
  was given when loading the plugin.  In Roda 3, the default behavior
  will change so that the :cache=>nil/false plugin option still
  allows caching via the :cache=>true method option.  Users can use
  the :explicit_cache=>true render plugin option instead of the
  :cache=>nil render plugin option to work around the deprecation

* Attempting to use multi_route while routing with a namespace that
  hasn't yet been defined is now deprecated.  The previous behavior
  was to ignore undefined namespaces, but that is more likely to
  hide an error than be desired behavior.  In Roda 3, using an
  undefined namespace will raise an error.

* The streaming plugin's support for EventMachine is now deprecated,
  as is related support for Stream#callback.  The streaming plugin
  will be much simpler in Roda 3 by dropping this support.

* Calling content_for in the content_for plugin multiple times with
  the same argument is now deprecated unless the content_for
  plugin :append option is used to specify behavior.  The default
  behavior in Roda 3 will change to appending to the existing
  content instead of overwriting the existing content.

* The :host matcher in the header_matchers plugin is now deprecated
  when using a regexp value unless the :host_matcher_captures app
  option is used.  In Roda 3, the :host matcher will automatically
  yield any regexp captures to the match block.

* The :header matcher in the header_matchers plugin is now deprecated
  unless the :header_matcher_prefix app option is used.  In Roda 3,
  the :header matcher will always prefix the argument given with

* The websockets plugin is now deprecated.  It was one of the less
  commonly used plugins, and the tests for it were subject to race
  conditions and failed occassionally, and even when they worked
  they almost doubled the testing time.  Anyone wanting to use it
  should consider maintaining it as an external plugin.

* The per_thread_caching, static_path_info, and view_subdirs
  plugins are now deprecated.  static_path_info has been a no-op since
  Roda 3, view_subdirs is just an alias for view_options, and
  per_thread_caching doesn't change behavior and is unlikely to
  significantly increase performance.

* Additional internal constants are now deprecated. Deprecation
  warnings for accessing these constants will only be displayed on
  ruby 2.3+.

= Forward Compatibility

Roda 3.0.0 will also include some behavior changes which will not
have deprecation warnings:

* Ruby 1.8.7 support will be dropped.  Ruby 1.9.2 will be the new
  minimum supported version.

* Subclassing a Roda app that uses the render plugin will always
  use a copy of the superclass's template cache.

* The assets plugin will default to using subresource integrity
  using SHA256 for compiled assets, and using SHA256 instead of
  SHA1 for compiled asset hashes.

* Using an Roda app as middleware will now always use a subclass
  of the app for the middleware.

* public_send will be used instead of send internally unless it is
  expected that private methods will be called.

* The match methods added by the symbol_matchers and hash_matchers
  plugins will be private instead of public.

= New Features

* The render plugin now has the :layout_opts=>:views plugin option
  respect the :root app option.

* RodaPlugins::OPTS and RodaPlugins::EMPTY_ARRAY have been added.
  These are a frozen empty hash and a frozen empty array, and
  they are designed for use in plugins so that similar objects are
  not needed to be defined separately in each plugin.